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Everything posted by FFun2BB

  1. I sooooooo agree with #Rosebud69 .... and often said to FFistees that really it is them and their bodies who are in charge ... and most important when you have a TRUSTED FFister WHO KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING .. and goes with the flow of your body - listens to your body language... Often I stopped a session while the FFistee begged for more but the body itself would shut down .... decades I FFisted others and still love doing it BBut nowadays I also want to train my ass to become a gaping, blooming FFlower ... even with the right FFister to prolapse... I have daily toys to train my ass for depth and width ,.,.. personally I use long toys ... and use a Fucking machine (=BLISS) rather than plugs, as I am petrified that the plug suddenly slides in .. and no-one near by to help .... it happened to me once and I never want to have this nightmare happening again ...
  2. #Detchiller what a great start of what can turn into an amazing story .... keep writing and PLEASE finish the story - as so many here fail to finish a story and leave us hanging with cock in hand 🙂 Keep writing !!!!!
  3. #asncumbucket ...WOW what a story.... keep it cummmmmmming ... FFuck ... so HOT ... and all the others here will agree with me ... . so KEEP WRITING ... Your fans are waiting !!!
  4. #Voyeeur94 GREAT START .......but don't let us hang too long to get into action ... I bet everybody here agrees with me ...
  5. #Slipitupme ...THANK YOU for not only having written one of the hottest stories here but also for keep adding to it - YOU ARE ONE THE CHAMPIONS WE LOVE HERE ... who start a great story and keep adding and make us "boil over" with each chapter!!!! BRAVO!!!!
  6. #LutonBottom we didn't like it - WE LOVE IT .... TELL US MORE .... tell us how it continued.... as surely the nameless man with the hollow, evil, controlling look participated too ...TELL US ALL - WE WANT TO KNOW ....
  7. #Shadowcub - WOW what a story ... it has to be brought to the front again ... I hope all others enjoy it as much as I do/did....
  8. #Aslan63 - what an amazing story .... I hope you will continue the journey of this delicious and lucky cummmmmmslut..... surely I am not the only one who loves your story ....
  9. #GuestBowingout your story deserves to be brought forward again ... shame you didn't finish it .... you owe us - your fans - MORE .... I am sure all the others agree with me !!!
  10. #Hungnreadytofuck - WHAT AN AMAZING STORY ...keep it up and cummmming ... ... and I bet I speak for all reading it ... WE ARE CUMMM IN GALLONS - wishing we were on the receiving end and could give in to this delicious use and abuse ...
  11. #MackyJay THANK YOU for finishing this story ... a story which started so well - then was left unfinished, as so many stories here are .... YOU DID A GREAT JOB .... well done!!!
  12. #Oracle1100 - GREAT STORY ....
  14. #Loveitraw MARVELLOUS STORY..... and so well written and put together ... all of us who remember those wonderful times in sleazy filthy public toilets can relate to your story.... How many nights have I spent in those sleazy , stinking places, in the darkness of filth - loving every minute of it and all those anonymous men and their loads ... non refused - how happy one left when the daylight broke ...dripping with cummmmmmm and reeking of all those men one had satisfied.... I miss those old filthy toilets !!!! Please continue this story ... our hero will be back and needs more adventures...
  15. #evilcoyote THANK YOU for not only an AMAZING STORY .. but also for finishing it ... following it through and to keep us all hard and cummmmmming ... FINALLY an author of quality who starts a great story with a great story line and an ending ... THANK YOU !!! I am sure that all will agree with me that we all will follow you and cannot wait to see what cummmms next from you !!!!
  16. SHAME that rawrawraw76 never finished the story and it stops on page 7 BUT I THOUGHT IT IS SUCH A HOT STORY - IT SHOULD CUMMM BACK INTO CIRCULATION - WOULD'T YOU ALL AGREE ?!!!
  17. #newboy1689 BRILLIANT STORY .... and Thank you for keep writing and not starting great and stop in middle of a faBBulous story.... I decided this story needs to be brought forward - so others can enjoy it too !!!
  18. Hello #jimmy01420 ... if the author started to fulfil your dream/wish and brought the girlfriend into the story , the story would be shifted into the "Straight section" ... 🙂 therefore lets leave it gay ... nothing worst than stories which start great , ending up somewhere else ....and you sitting with your cock in your hand unsatisfied ...lol
  19. #vagabond .... this might be your first story BUT KEEP GOING as you started so well ... and described the momenT so perfectly ... how our hero feels - how his body reacts - what he feels... and the wish for more and total destruction ... Please continue .... you have all our attention and WE ALL WANT YOU CONTINUE... don't let us down!!!
  20. WE ALL ARE WAITING WITH RYAN!!! #HUNGREADYTIFUCK ..... your Story is the BEST in a Long time and has us all begging for MORE!!!!
  21. #degenerateraver ...MARVELLOUS STORY - THANK YOU FOR SHARING IT WITH US... and how right you are with your statement ....
  22. #MackyJay...YOU ARE A GENIUS ...and this is one of the BBest. stories here
  23. #BiGeekySlut ....you are so right... we needed some new smut up....and you started BRILLIANT!!!! Keep writing!!!! ...great start and we want to learn where all this is leading to.... I hope all others simply enjoy this story too without starting to fight over trivial matters.... LET US ENJOY THE FACT THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY TAKES THE TIME TO BE CREATIVE AND FEED US WITH DELIGHTS!!! It would be such a shame if this story ended here...
  24. I love men who others call "TROLL" ... they truly know how to enjoy themselves and are happy to share what they have...
  25. #cgreg2033. ....WHAT A BRILLIANT STORY YOU GIVE US... as others already pointed. out. ....with each chapter you. write.... we are lured more and more into this delicious story...
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