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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I have given a lot of thought to this question over the last couple of weeks, especially as I do “door open” hotel hosting. I’ve never had any trouble, but I’m always aware of the potential, however slight. I keep wondering what I would actually do if confronted by a real, determined rapist. I am not defenseless, but if I were somehow overpowered I think I would probably simply submit as usual, as though it were a regular fuck. After all, what would be the point of all the rapey-ness? He could fuck me anyway; that’s what I’m there for. Of course, if he threatened to kill me with knife/gun/strangulation that might be a different matter - I wouldn’t be at my best performance during the fuck for fear of actually getting offed afterward, and from the distraction of pulling out my “insurance” from its handy hiding place. I guess it would depend on his intent and his method, but I can’t deny that nonconsent has had a place at the core of my arousal from the beginnings of my sexual awakening...
  2. Well really, you are exceptional in so many ways, it’s absurd to apply a question of age to you in any context.
  3. I have never lied about my age. I’m 52, will be 53 in December, and won’t be getting any younger as time goes on, so there it is. I keep waiting for age to start dousing the fire of the libido, but no such luck yet, so on we go. I list an upper preference of 65, just because I try not to actively seek out men old enough to be my dad, but I don’t turn any older man away. I list a lower age of 26, and that age goes up every year because I don’t really like the idea of being fucked by guys young enough to be my kid - and I have been known to turn away kids under 21, just because they’re way too immature... but they’re not really Men at that point... I can’t be bothered with worrying about whether someone is going to reject me for my age. My playtime is too limited. That’s why I just throw it all out there, shameless and slutty, like I’m up for grabs in a street market (which, of course, I am) and let whoever wants me take me. Age never seems to get in my way...
  4. I suffered for a long time with the problem of the disconnect between what religion taught me about sex and what my body was telling me about sex. This is how I have reconciled the question: 1. I decided that the Christian God I believe in is not cruel. 2. I decided that God did not make an error in constructing the human body. Therefore, any impulse for sexual expression must be not only natural, but intentional, and God would not be so cruel as to build into us so powerful a drive if responding to it were evil. This would make no sense. Generally speaking, the sum total of Christian teaching is to do all things that you do out of love and care toward others, doing harm to none - that is, a life of ethical and considerate action. Sex that is ethical, considerate of the other, and does harm to none should therefore not be inconsistent with a principled life. Lastly, God is merciful, understanding, and kind. Should I have misunderstood His intent regarding any of this, I hope that I will be forgiven, because I really am trying to do the best I can given the very insistent libido with which I was constructed.
  5. If you love her at all, be kind. If you are any sort of decent person, be kind. My wife and I divorced in as amicable way as we possibly could, and it was still heart-demolishing. The fact that you are gay, that she can’t meet your sexual needs, that you are cheating on your marriage to get them met (you are), that you can’t stand sex with her - none of these things is her fault. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your marriage doesn’t end with her carrying a burden of guilt for decisions you made, and her life thrown in the blender. You want to divorce so you can take cock with reckless abandon? You feel no shame? If that’s your sole motivation, you sound like a poor excuse for a human being. If you’re going to break your vows and divorce, do it first for the reason you stated, to let her find happiness. You may be a faggot, but you can also be a man.
  6. I don’t know... It seems to me that there is an ethos here that is genuine to an extent that it becomes difficult to troll. Anyone who doesn’t indulge in the bareback lifestyle doesn’t “get” this place or its members well enough to be subversive. We tend to call bullshit out when we see it. Even the “true” stories that are plainly fictional don’t fool many.
  7. ^ This, although the original result would be fascinating. Plus, since Ancestry might then send you info about members with close DNA matches who might be related, if there was a guy you really, really enjoyed being fucked by has a cousin...
  8. There are a few. Some might say they sound more like fantasy than bucket-list, and I would agree if my sexual life hadn’t already been filled with events just as extreme and unlikely - 1. Fickstutemarkt with a red hood - which I would do in a heartbeat if I could afford it 2. A group of half a dozen Alpha Tops putting my hole through a rigorous stress-test to find out where my actual limits really are (a dozen would be better, but that would be asking a lot) 3. Same, but with large, hung Men of Color, which would be a different kind of test (a dozen would be better, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing) 4. A dedicated, determined, intentional double-penetration fuck all the way to orgasm for both Tops (a guy can dream) 5. One more *really* good gangbang of 30 or more. I know I should be grateful for my past experience, and I am, but to serve so many at once is the brass ring. 6. Finding a Man who would enjoy whoring me out regularly, just for his own twisted amusement, or even more, at my expense. Or for that matter, even a Dom who wanted to power-fuck me on the regular, and share me with his friends. Is that so crazy? Offers for any of the above eagerly entertained. Msg this profile. 🙂
  9. It would never occur to me not to clean the cock that just fucked me, and I expect to. But I’ve been surprised lately at the number of Tops who unload in me and then make a beeline for the bathroom before I can even get turned around. It’s as though they haven’t been trained in the correct use of a cumdump. You more seasoned Tops out there should be mentoring to make sure these important customs are carried on!
  10. I’m no Adonis, so I’ve had to rely on something other than outward glamour to get Tops to select me out of their many choices. I’ve discovered that “sexy” has a lot to do with your attitude, display of confidence, and willingness to just stick it all out there. No Top would ever accuse me of being a “passive” bottom - except maybe those few who fuck me into a conquered, quivering mass - because I always make sure I give sport worthy of the effort put into breeding me. It’s all about learning to read the Top’s need and desire, and the commitment to fulfilling those without thinking first about your own need or desire. I hope, at least, that that attitude makes me an attractive choice for the Tops I hope to serve - an outward, genuine attitude that it teally is about them (as it should be) and not me. It seems to work so far...
  11. That still doesn’t tell me what to do with this parrot... 🦜
  12. Oh, great. Who decided right meant bottom? I’ve got two rings in my left earlobe that I’ve had for over 15 years, and nothing on the right! But what if you’re a left-handed bottom? I’m ambidextrous... if I had a ring in both ears, would that signal that I’m bi, or that I’m a pirate? Or do you have to also have a parrot for that, and if so, on which shoulder? Is there a parrot code so that I would know what color parrot I needed to have to signal that I’m offering pirate booty? This signalling crap gets complicated fast. Maybe we should just develop sounds like birdcalls and be done with...
  13. @Hijinx33 above gives different information about Fort Knox - he days there aren’t any restrictive days. Well, I won’t try it again. I had regulars from Louisville hitting me up wanting ass and I could have done very well if I’d gone on and done my service where it was needed. Lesson learned.
  14. 3:30 am. Absolutely nothing. I’ve never been -anywhere- that absolutely no one needed to unload in a free and waiting ass. I’ll bet I would have had better luck at the Vatican than here in proximity to Fort Knox on a Saturday night. Likely going to pack it up early and head home. My advice to fellow barebackers - avoid the place like a plague zone.
  15. UPDATE: I’m ass-up in a hotel room close to Fort Knox tonight (Saturday), it’s closing on midnight, and I’ve had ads on BBRTS, A4A, Growlr, and Grindr for three hours, and... Nada. Bupkiss. No significant interest whatsoever other than a couple of Grindr pic collectors. I did get hits from some Tops who have taken me before in Louisville and want to rail me again, but I’m out of reach. I’m hoping this is just a case of having to wait until bars close, because if not, this excursion to service military Tops is looking to be a complete disaster.
  16. I’m sorry, but as a piece of persuasional rhetoric, the above is laughable (or as folks around here might say, “That dog won’t hunt”). You hold up Robert Byrd (and of course the Clintons because they’re devils in human form, right?) on the grounds of an association with the KKK, but the man you are “hell yes” going to vote for is the hero, rallying-point, and general shit-stirrer whipping up white supremacist hate all over the country. Many of his supporters are card-carrying members of the KKK. If you support what he’s doing, you might as well have one too. A Democrat’s free-trade agreement cost American jobs? This president dispensed with NAFTA (and its replacement has not yet been ratified, so we’ve got bupkiss), yanked us out of the TPP, and got us into a massive pissing contest with China. Result? American farmers, metalworkers, and countless small businesses are taking the hit, and every American consumer is about to start shelling out more cash to meet the tariffs. Trump is a Republican, let’s not lose sight of that. It’s absolutely breathtaking that you would have the brass to cite the Japanese internment camps and the gathering of brown people into “projects” as a condemnation of the Democrats when your “hell yes” president has spent the last three years detaining people of color at the southern border into what nonpartisan inspectors have termed “concentration camps”, some of which are composed entirely of children cruelly separated from their parents. Oh, and did I mention that the fucker signed FOSTA/SESTA into law and now we can’t get laid on Craigslist? And you support that? Do something about the immediate evil being perpetrated by your own faction before launching into tirades about the opposition, if you want to gain some credibility.
  17. Everyone, ignore the “Swedish” troll. The poll that started this topic makes it pretty clear: the Orange Oaf in the Oval Office does not have the barebacker vote - not by a long shot. But really, that’s unsurprising when you think about it - how many of us cumdumps would let the man come within ten feet of us with intent? I - even I, who will give up my ass to any man, would never let that man fuck me. I feel soiled inside and out just thinking of it. 🤮
  18. Loves the military? He couldn’t be bothered to serve in it when called to do so because of imaginary “bone spurs” and he just robbed the military of $3.6 Billion (yes, with a “B”) intended for needed defense projects at home and abroad in order to build his useless wall on the southern border to deal with his Trumped-up national emergency. Loves first responders? His answer to disaster relief is to throw paper towels at people like he’s shooting basketballs. He loves claiming credit for the work of first responders, but as for stepping up to aid those stricken by calamity - he’s a disaster. Loves the police? Our way of life? We’re a nation of laws, justice, custom, and honor. Trump flouts the law, has plainly obstructed justice, defies the customs that make our society work, and has demonstrated his utter and complete lack of honor with his daily brazen and unmistakable displays of hypocrisy and lying. Loves our country? Rubbish. Trump loves Trump. He would make himself the first King of the United States if he could - never doubt it. Love it? He doesn’t even understand it. To love America is to embrace its wild diversity so much that you would sacrifice to preserve it. That is what American patriots do. Trump has never sacrificed anything for the common good, never given of himself, and through word and deed proven that he can’t stand the diversity that is the hallmark of the nation. Loves this country? Donald Trump hates America at its best. When Trump hugs the Flag it makes me want to vomit. Insincerity comes off him in waves. He does it purely for show, not because the Flag holds any reverence for him. One does not honor the Flag by hugging it. If one is in service, one salutes the Flag. If civilian, one places one’s hand over the heart and removes the hat. Even in protest, the loyal citizen takes a knee. Trump’s hugs demean the Flag and are both an outrage and an impropriety. But of course, he has no shame. The man is a liar, an imbecile, a narcissist, a criminal, and utterly unfit for the office. Yet because he’s a loudmouth who will. Not. Shut. Up. and doesn’t give a shit about real problems, he manages to hoodwink millions of people who don’t want to use their brains to think. He seems to have hoodwinked you. Of course, that assumes that you actually are a Swede and aren’t just a paid Russian troll come here to try to manipulate American politics (again) for the 2020 election. If a Russian troll, иди трахни себя.
  19. One young Top not long ago, while he was rutting me, said, “It’s like fucking a cloud!”
  20. This seems to vary from individual to individual - some men (a minority in my experience) don’t seem to suffer loss of erection from at least judicious popper use, while most men will start to lose it after three or four sniffs. And once it’s gone, it’s not coming back until the effect wears off. The cause apparently has to do with poppers relaxing the smooth muscle tissue in the body, which includes the part that retains blood in the cock to maintain an erection. For this reason, I always encourage Tops to lay off poppers if they’re planning to fuck, because no amount of head is going to bring that back to life once it’s poppered limp. If you want to use them to make yourself stay limp, the only thing you can do is try it and see if you’re one of the majority who goes limp. Your mileage may vary.
  21. Ooh! Or a Prussian pickelhaube with that pointed spike coming out the top! That would have possibilities... 🙂
  22. I have to say, even after the hundreds of times I’ve been bred, I’ve never been fucked by a man wearing a motorcycle helmet. Or indeed, any kind of helmet.
  23. I despise all politicians equally, and since I’ll let any man fuck me, political stance is basically immaterial. However - A few years ago I ended up with a stalker who did something non-consensual to me shortly after letting me know he had dug up personal information on me and my family. I did my own digging and found out he was an active figure in the state party infrastructure for the GOP. So if I knew I were going to be fucked by a Republican I would just have to grit my teeth and put up with it... but he would still breed me.
  24. Part of the reason I offer my ass in service to any man and turn none away is to meet the needs of men who might for reason of age, appearance, disability, etc. find it difficult to obtain sexual gratification any other way. Sexual expression is listed among the basic human needs, and I find it tragic that so many men must suffer the lack of even the feel of another person’s skin on theirs, let alone an act of intimacy. I can always tell when a man has been starved for physical contact because their touch is always so hesitant, and you can feel the gratitude coming through the palms of their hands. If giving such a man my body for an hour and enriching his life makes me a whore, then I’m proud to be a whore, and I don’t intend to stop.
  25. 34. A personal best. I’ve also been fucked by 24 and 23 in a 24-hour period on other occasions.
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