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Everything posted by Filthpig69

  1. Fuck, that's sad 😥 Such a cute guy, and taken way too soon I know that scene as well, it's pretty fuckin hot
  2. Where can I find this bar? 😉
  3. Best to see your doctor, but.... Any noticeable skin irritations? Rashes? Sores? Bumps? Especially near/around the Glans or Meatus? Could potentially be Thrush or Herpes. Are you experiencing any discharge? Like a sticky pus? Could potentially be Gonorrhea, Chlamydia or a UTI. Any and all of the conditions I have mentioned are treatable. Pain, especially burning sensations, should be taken as an indication something is definitely not right. Please see your doctor.
  4. I've never discriminated on race. Being a Kiwi, it just comes naturally to accept all sorts of cultures and peoples imo. I am attracted to certain shapes and that sort of thing, like facial structures etc. (I hate how mechanical that sounds, lol). It's just when I see someone I like, I go with the flow. Simple. Attitude matters a million times more than appearance, just like how actions are more important than words.
  5. Great story so far @collaredboy More please.... (on knees, mouth wide open)
  6. Other than the usual group/orgy, young & old, bareback, breeding, amateur, cottaging/public/cruising, cam, raw, poz, German, Russian, British, piss, scat and occasionally sissy, crossdresser or trans.... I have a real love of "vintage" porn. Especially late 70s, early 80s pre-condom stuff. It feels just a tad more honest and fun than modern porn. (Surely Wah pedal sales have decreased since we ditched the funky soundtracks, too... 😉)
  7. I also like when a guy cums on my face I'll either wipe it off with my fingers and lick them clean, or rub it in like moisturizer. A proper whore's moisturizer.
  8. That's such a beautiful story @drscorpio
  9. I don't pre-lube before leaving the house, because I usually travel via a bus or train to the city, and the journey can take a while, but usually lube up with a finger or two, smearing a little bit around inside me when I get there. I'm usually good to go from there, cause all things going to plan, I should just keep getting more and more progressively "lubricated" up there. With a little help from my friends. 😉
  10. Depends on mood, setting, partner, type of play/role play involved, drug use etc etc Love Jocks, and other types of underwear Hoods or blindfolds can be fun too But generally, I would actually prefer to be nude 24/7, regardless of in a sexual situation or not I love being naked (unless it's seriously cold or something)
  11. Don't fight it or feel guilty about your gay fantasies. Come on to the out and proud gay kid in High School. Suck as much cock as you can. (As an Adult I regret not having sexual experiences with other boys during my teenage years... didn't start playing with guys until my mid 20s)
  12. 14. I had been wanking for a couple of years and having dry orgasms for a little while, not fully understanding why I wasn't producing semen, as I have an older brother who showed me what cum was when I was younger, and most of my peers in high school were talking about it. I was super excited when I came the first time, and started producing bigger loads after a while, at age 15 I told a straight friend about my pride in producing a large volume, and he didn't get it, like he didn't see the appeal. I always have liked shooting lots and feeling myself covered in cum.
  13. Usually Industrial sets a good mood for me, stuff like Revolting Cocks, Lords of Acid, Nine Inch Nails, Genitorturers, Fetish 69, Lard, etc I hear ya on dirty hip hop though
  14. I agree with 10 out of 10. I live in Auckland, New Zealand
  15. I love a nice musky, masculine smelling set of armpits It's like poppers for me... if not even better I like my own scent, and some guys especially have amazing ones I also love a nice hairy butt. Not necessarily when it's ott, like a carpet (lol), but a nice fine layer of pubes around the arsehole turns me on. On a side note, smooth is ok, not gonna judge others if that's their thing, but... it's not my preference
  16. Trying to give an honest answer, but it's more of a guess than anything, based on being an active bottom for roughly 10 years approx, as before that I was more oral driven and occasionally top... I chose 100-499. Could be more than 499, but definitely not less than 100. Lots of days and nights have been spent either cottaging, cruising parks, visiting ABS's, saunas or cruise lounges, or scouring dating websites and hookup apps for fun I regret nothing. Except it could have been more, but then... yeah. Appreciate all I have had and will have yet to cum
  17. Usually the sort of thing I've come across in fwb situations, because you get a chance to discuss fetishes and can find people (occasionally) who are into the same things Fun when you can find play partners into it I think most people self consciously prepare and make themselves as cleansed/smelling as clean as possible in most one off hookups or sauna visits, myself included.... although I'll get much filthier if asked
  18. Sure! I think we all have some degree of morbid curiosity, and there's plenty of fascinating ones... Willy Pickton, Jeffery Dahmer, Harold Shipman, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Ed Gein.... the list goes on
  19. @BBBottomNZ Looks like the website is down until further notice I don't know (as I wasn't the organiser) if there will be more Definitely attend some Jacks and Jocks sessions Lateshift, they're usually good
  20. It's rare that I go a day without polishing my morning wood, haha Sometimes skip a day or two, sometimes deliberately abstain to let some natural build up of horniness But, most of the time, I cum at least once a day
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