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    Bottoming, cocksucking, dildos, butt plugs, rimming, ws (love to drink it and be pissed on), barebacking
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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    I had always fantasized about men, but was ashamed and afraid of being gay. After my marriage ended in 2017 I finally started to accept it. I have a bit of an obsession with risky sex and though I started out using condoms I am on PrEP now but fantasize about becoming POZ. It may remain just a fantasy, but I love hearing other experiences and learning about the POZ community.

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  1. I've never really had a lot of close friends and I've only come out recently, but the only ones who know I bareback are my doctors, my ex wife and one really good female friend. The others I just never really get into and sexual details with.
  2. There are so many things I love about the baths. Most of them have been mentioned by others in some way, shape or form, but I'll provide my list anyway: Being seen by others as exactly who I am. This might sound odd for many of you, but as someone who spent the first 30 years of his life in deep denial and self hatred about his homosexuality, it is completely freeing for me to be seen naked at the baths, sucking cock or getting fucked. Even though I have gone many times now it is still a very personally liberating feeling for me just walking into the building. I'm really not picky so it is an easy way for me to get multiple loads on those nights where that is what I want more than anything else. Just being around other like minded men. This probably could have been combined with #1 but I just love being at the baths with other men. I don't think I've ever gone to the baths and not gotten fucked at least once, but there are days when I spend way more time just hanging out in the hot tub or by the pool than actively cruising for cock/playing and I love that. Just the environment is wonderful. Memories. Although I had gone to the baths a couple times before and played safe, my first raw fuck was at the baths... and my second... and my third I've had tons of positive experiences there and will always think highly of baths in general.
  3. I’ve always had a bit of an issue staying clean. I’m sure it’s biology, but no matter what I eat or how much fiber I take there’s always a little extra waiting in my hole. Most tops haven’t minded all that much, but sometimes it’s been an issue. I try to enema once every few weeks, and the works out well for that night, but I’m never quite regular for the next week or so. Does anyone else have any constipation issues in the days following a deep cleaning? Or is that a special problem just for me?
  4. I’d be totally surprised if any bottoms on this site are opposed at A2M. Chalk me up as another slut who fucking loves it.
  5. I was going to start a new thread but glad I did a quick search instead. I’ve never worn a chastity cage, but I have been thinking about it more often recently. I guess what mostly spurred it was another board here where someone asked how to let men know you’re a bottom at the baths and a surprisingly large amount of guys mentioned that wear a cage is the best advertisement of that. I’d never really thought about it that way, but I’ve also not seen that many clocks locked up at the baths either. To me, chastity always seemed more like a sissy/femdom/cuckold thing for guys who wanted to feel feminine or humiliated. While I certainly like the humiliation, I never really feel fem, not do I have a desire to. My desires about pleasing men all come from the feeling of wanting to be a faggot. I’m not a woman, I’m a man who loves nothing more than sucking cock, getting fucked and making men cum. That all being said, to me my cock is worthless and I think having a cage on to ensure it is taken out of the equation is a pretty hot idea. I think I’m still on the fence about it, but I’m going to buy a cage and at least try it out.
  6. My first time was in a seedy motel a few miles from my house. It was only a year and a half ago with a guy I had met of adam4adam. I was too scared to go to his house and didn’t want him to know where I lived so I got a room at had him meet me there. It was my first time doing anything with a man. I sucked him and he fucked me, with a condom. It was an intense and incredible experience.
  7. Absolutely nothing makes me harder than being on my knees sucking cock. I can, and have, Suck multiple cocks at a glory hole for hours and it is heaven for me. That being said, nothing makes me feel hotter, sexier, and sluttier than a good hard fucking and breeding. I just feel more special and proud of myself when a man cums in my ass than when he cums in my mouth. It’s just an entirely different feeling of personal satisfaction receiving the load anally rather than orally.
  8. For me waterspouts was something I would do alone at first. I’m always nice at home and I’d hold it until I just couldn’t any longer and I’d grab a jock or a pair of bikini briefs and I’d go in my backyard and just let go. Soaking myself and feeling it run down my legs and then jack off. Or I’d keep a glass next to me and when I couldn’t hold it anymore I’d fill it and drink it down repeating the process all night while edging. My first experience with another man was at a bathhouse probably 6 months ago. I was literally walking through the halls on my way to the bathroom and met a top who took me to his room. I figured I could handle a quick fuck before pissing, but midway through the session his friend or boyfriend or whatever joined us. They were both taking their time with me and I told them more than once I had to stop and piss, but they kept going. I was getting fucked on my back and I just couldn’t hold it anymore and started pissing on myself. I felt so humiliated, but they didn’t stop and soon both had deposited a load in me. Neither of them said one fucking word about it and that just made me feel even more degraded and dirty. Soon after that I started looking for tops into ws and finally drank another man’s piss got pissed on. I love it so much though I’ve only done it a few times now. I’m obsessed with cooks and love all things related to them, including piss. Someday I hope to act as a urinal for multiple men and drink as much as they can give me.
  9. I’m the same way. For most of my life I was in huge denial about being gay and was even married. I had tremendous difficulty getting and then maintaining an erection with women. Really the only thing that would constantly get me hard was rimming my ex wife’s ass (she never once offered to return the favor) but then once I did get hard I either came too fast or would start to go limp again. Nothing makes me harder than sucking cock (I love getting fucked and can cum from a good hard fuck, but usually I’m only semi hard at best). The guys I meet online know I’m only a bottom, but at the baths, if a guy goes for my cock, I’ve gotten quite used to telling guys that I’m just not into topping and really am just there for their pleasure. Most guys are cool with it, some need a couple more reminders, and a few have even walked away, but I just try to be honest and up front about it. It probably helps that I’m just average in length, though I’m thicker than most.
  10. I haven’t done much piss play with others, but when I have done it I’ve swallowed. I’ve been doing more and more solo though. I’ll piss myself while I’m in the backyard or fill up a glass and drink it as I jack off.
  11. The fantasy of HIV is extremely strong for me too, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the reality of it. I’ve been in therapy for quite some time now and a large topic of conversation over the past few months has been about this. My therapist is very sex positive and non judgmental. She was instrumental in my starting PrEP before I began barebacking. She maintains that it is my choice if I want to go off it, but is always quick to reiterate the, very real, negative aspects of contracting HIV. I may have a job that provides me with excellent insurance now, but who’s to say I’ll still have this job in 10 years. Circumstances change for everyone. The sex I’m having now is amazing, and I’m always wanting to push my boundaries and go further. Probably because I spent years in the closet and hating myself for being gay. When I told her I was visiting this site she felt it was good that I found somewhere to openly talk with others who shared what she calls my “HIV fetish,” but was adamant to impress upon me that this is in essence a fantasy site and I should treat it as such. I hope that you make the right decision for you. For me that is currently to stay on PrEP despite my urges to chase, but we all only have limited time on this earth and have to decide what we really want or need to be happy.
  12. Thank you. I've been back to Flex quite a few times and I am loving my "new lifestyle." I haven't really done much outside of Flex but i have a profile on BBRTS and have met a couple guys from there and really enjoyed myself. Maybe eventually I'll start venturing out to bookstores or mensrooms.
  13. I got divorced last year, had only been with 3 women and always bare. My first time with a man was earlier this year and my first time bare was a month ago. Always as a bottom, so far always at the baths and I’m on PrEP.
  14. I really hate to say it, because it makes me feel like an idiot, but it never even occurred to me to put face pics as the private ones. It seems so backwards.
  15. The other night I made a profile on barebackrt and was adding pictures, all of them were kind of glamor selfies of my ass. I thought about adding a face pic, but as I’m really not out to anyone in my everyday life I decided against it. I know that it shouldn’t matter because anyone on that site obviously has the same interests as me, but I still didn’t feel comfortable posting one yet. I was just wondering if you guys have face pics online? If so are you openly out to the world? Also, what do you think when you see a profile with no face pics? Do you care or are you less inclined to meet up with them?
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