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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. It’s a difficult issue on many levels. Excluding gay trans men entirely does seem unfair, but at the same time I think that all groups, including cis gender gay men, have a right to carve out and police their own spaces as they see fit. Would it be possible to compromise and offer trans-friendly weeks at various points throughout the season at campgrounds such as these? That’s the route that some UK saunas seem to be taking, and although it won’t satisfy the most extreme “SJW’s” (new term for me: thanks @MuscledHorse!), it seems like a sensible workaround.
  2. Haha- wise move, mate! You’ll be torn to pieces and maybe even ‘cancelled’ if you deviate one iota from the accepted political line on this 🤣
  3. Before Prep became available for free on the NHS, I used to purchase it directly from an online pharmacy called unitedpharmacies-uk.md. I think they’re based in Hong Kong, but the Prep itself is manufactured in India. They were reliable and not too expensive (about $40-50 for 30 tablets), and the product they sent was not only tested and deemed ‘kosher’ by the sexual health centre I use here in London, but actually recommended by them at a time when Prep was not universally available here. A prescription was not required. I don’t know if US regulations prevent the importation of such medication for personal use, or if they make a prescription mandatory. But the same online pharmacy does have a presence in the US, just a slightly different web address: unitedpharmacies.md The product isn’t described as ‘Prep’: you have to search for ‘Tenvir-EM’ There are many other similar online pharmacies. Ideally, though, if you’re planning to take Prep on a long-term basis, you should have a kidney function test beforehand to make sure your body can cope with it, and then further tests at regular intervals to monitor any changes.
  4. Awww- @AirmaxUK, I was only kidding about being jealous and finding it unfair- I’m happy to wait my turn at the bottom of Cohort 9!
  5. No vaccine is ever going to be perfect, but we should be careful not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. In my country hundreds of people are dying of COVID every day: it is not a theoretical or potential harm, it is very much a live one, that is causing massive damage to society in many different ways every single day. How much more damage would be done if we waited another 10 or even 5 years for the perfect vaccine? Anything that can ameliorate the situation NOW is a good thing.
  6. I think the contact tracing aspect of STI screening is the hardest part- for the most part, the infections themselves are fairly easy to deal with. That’s why in normal times I prefer to limit my sexual activities to other ‘players’, guys like me who use cruising grounds and sex clubs. At least these guys (should) know the score, and look after their own sexual health. I always feel bad if I unconsciously infect a guy off Grindr who maybe only plays occasionally. I’d rather avoid the situation by avoiding guys like that entirely.
  7. Yeah, but it makes the rest of us who are still waiting feel like real second-class citizens 😩 So jealous of you guys- it’s not fair!
  8. Yes, it is! He’s my all time favourite top: superbly built, good-looking and hung, he fucks rough and hard, but is somehow tender and attentive towards his bottoms at the same time... I love the way he sometimes nibbles their ears or kisses them on the neck, and he always tells them when he’s about to cum... he’s the perfect alpha male, and all tops should watch and learn!
  9. Yes, I can vouch for that too. I reckon there were a number of nights this last summer when there were easily 300-400 guys there. I haven’t been recently, and am quite surprised to hear how many guys are still heading there in the depths of winter- makes me think this coming summer is going to be another one to remember, given it looks unlikely that the sex clubs will be allowed to open any time soon. I’d definitely like to meet up with @Rawnegholeand @RawPlugthere when the weather warms up a bit- I just hope there’s enough spunk left to go round!
  10. I’m afraid we might have to fight hard post-COVID for sex-on-premises venues. If the powers that be try to shut us down completely by refusing to issue licences for such premises, we may have to start taking direct action. I suggest that at the next Pride March (whenever that’s “allowed”), we start having sex openly on the street to make the point that there’s nowhere else for us to do it.
  11. Yes, I remember applying for a mortgage in the 90’s, and although I can’t remember exactly how it was worded, there was a question on the application form that basically asked if you were gay. I didn’t want to lie, and asked my (very sympathetic) mortgage advisor what I should do. She said that if I answered truthfully, it would be rejected, and my credit rating would bomb, but that if I decided to withdraw the application at that point, my credit rating would also bomb: Catch 22. The only options left were to lie, or just ‘fail to complete’ the application... I chose the latter- a typically British solution, taking maximum advantage of a ‘grey area’. The things we put up with back then... hard to believe now in 2021! Mind you, it was only a couple of decades before that when you couldn’t apply for a mortgage at all if you were a woman! When people moan about the state of the world today, it’s things like that that remind me that we have made progress, and that for millions of people, things are better now than they have ever been.
  12. Funnily enough, I’m just in the process of setting one up myself...
  13. Ha- I wouldn’t say that things are going ‘well’ in the UK (in fact we’ve just recorded our highest daily death toll since the pandemic started)... but the vaccine programme is well underway, and that is cause for some optimism.
  14. Yes, it is hard. During the summer, I did take advantage of the ‘lull’ and started hooking up with guys again. I had some memorable times at Hampstead Heath, which almost made up for the fact that most sex clubs and venues remained closed. But when cases started rising again with the new variant, I decided to close up shop again. All I can say is that the vaccine programme seems to be going quite well, so far at least- and if things remain on track, we should be over the worst by the spring. Even if it takes a while longer for venues to open up again, I expect I shall feel comfortable enough to start meeting guys once I’ve had the vaccine, or even sooner if infection rates drop back down to the levels they were last summer, and the health service is no longer struggling to cope. That’s assuming we don’t get any more nasty mutations, of course...
  15. Disease and illness are part of the human condition. That’s one lesson this pandemic has taught us only too well. You can wrap yourself in cotton wool and try to protect yourself from all harm, but is that really living? Engaging in winter sports involves a high risk of serious injury, but millions choose to do it anyway. Contact sports such as boxing, football or rugby involve additional risks such as head injury and brain damage, but millions choose to pursue such activities regardless. Having lots of unprotected sex increases your risk of contracting STD’s, but millions balance that risk against the pleasure and fulfillment they receive from it, and choose the lifestyle of a cumdump. Life and living involve risk: finding a level of risk you are comfortable with is something each individual has to grapple with as they proceed through life.
  16. Even this topic has been discussed before 🤣
  17. I would agree with @ballerva. Bring your own bulb douche, at least- they’re small, light and easy to pack, so why wouldn’t you? That said, I found the bars and clubs in GC surprisingly well equipped with douching facilities, surprising because I come from the UK where such facilities are virtually non-existent. I’m used to carrying my bulb douche with me when I go to sex clubs in the UK, but in GC this is unnecessary. Reds and Zoo both had an excellent set-up, Bunker less so. As for the hotels, I only stayed in one, so it’s hard to say...
  18. @Dexus, I know that nothing I say will convince you that turning 40 is no big deal- but is really isn’t! However, like all of us, you will only understand that with hindsight- such is life! Didn’t you feel the same about turning 30? And how do you feel about that now? I think many of us feel a sense of resentment towards the pandemic, that it is robbing us of opportunities to fuck at a key time in our lives- we’ve already lost a year, and may well lose the best part of another. But the truth is, there is no ideal time to lose those years: it’s just as frustrating for the eighteen year old who is losing his teenage years as it is for us older cumdumps, who have a nagging sense that time is running out... But I guess that, on an individual level, if we get through this and all we’ve lost is some great opportunities to fuck, then we should count ourselves lucky.
  19. I’m new to Twitter, and haven’t started posting. What is “Twitter Jail” and how do you end up there?? I’ve noticed a couple of guys on here mention it... I’m scared!
  20. It’s really quite nice, @NLbear! But yes, it seems to fly under the radar a bit- lots of guys who visit GC a lot have never heard of it, maybe because it’s a bit out of the way. It’s near the golf course, sort of half way between the Yumbo and the lighthouse, about 25 minute walk from both. When I was booking accommodation, I didn’t know what I was doing as I’d never been before, and I had no idea about the local ‘geography’. That’s the only reason I might choose a different hotel- I think next time I’d rather be closer to the Yumbo. But as far as hotels go, I loved it- great rooms, great facilities, great café. A real oasis of calm in an otherwise very hectic holiday. I think I got a cheap deal, though- its regular rates looks kind of pricey. [think before following links] https://mowhotels.com/en/gay-hotel-in-maspalomas/
  21. Oh, and the poppers thing- although I was able to get poppers in GC, it was difficult because they cannot legally be sold there. There seemed to be only place I could get them, and it involved going into a shop that sold perfume and asking for Chanel No. 5. I think next time I’ll take them with me- though I can never remember whether you have to put them in hold luggage or hand luggage...
  22. There are quite a lot of men only hotels (sometimes referred to as ‘resorts’) in Playa del Inglès and Maspalomas. I stayed in one called “Seven” that styled itself as a spa and wellness centre, but really it’s just hotel. A nice one, though, and I’d stay there again. Yes, totally gay, but there wasn’t any overtly sexual activity around the pool or anything. Sure, you could hook up with other guests if you wanted to, and if you looked on Grindr, there were several guys from the hotel on it too- but quite a few are couples just holidaying together, and probably only about 25-30 guests staying at any one time. Maybe it’s a different story at some of the larger hotels, such as Axel Beach. But as I said elsewhere, the overall impression I got in GC is that guys use their hotels primarily for rest and relaxation, and party elsewhere, although of course some guys will entertain guests in their rooms, particularly during the day when the bars and clubs are shut. I’ve only been there once, however, and I’m sure other guys on here can give you a more informed answer.
  23. Interesting question- I’m wondering if it depends on how easy it is to access gay sex in other ways. For example, is the reason that New York is so good for hotel sex because there are very few if any gay venues where you can just show up and have sex, eg: cruise bars, saunas, etc? Basically, private meets are your only option... Conversely, in locations with a large number of such venues, hotel sex is less popular because guys have so many other options... Sydney, for example? Certainly my last pre-COVID visit to Gran Canaria seemed to prove this last point- very little hotel sex, because guys were out and about busy fucking elsewhere.
  24. In clubs and real-life situations, I’ve found that so far, at least, age has made little difference. I keep myself in as good a shape as possible, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised how many young guys are actually attracted to older guys and seek them out. Strangely enough, though, I‘ve also noticed that although I get plenty of attention from 20-somethings, I have less success with guys in their 30s and 40s. I guess for them, I’m just not hitting the right ‘Daddy’ buttons. Or perhaps for some of them, I’m just too close in age for comfort: they see what they are about to become in just a few years time, and run for the hills! One thing is for sure, though: camera phones and web-cams are no friends to the over 40’s. They seem to pick up and emphasize every wrinkle, every age spot, every flaw- as well as adding at least one extra chin to the subject’s face. It’s bad enough trying to take and select a good profile pic, but this latest craze for verifying your pics with a quick video call is a nightmare: after being instantly blocked on more than one occasion, I refuse to engage with it now.
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