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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Disease and illness are part of the human condition. That’s one lesson this pandemic has taught us only too well. You can wrap yourself in cotton wool and try to protect yourself from all harm, but is that really living? Engaging in winter sports involves a high risk of serious injury, but millions choose to do it anyway. Contact sports such as boxing, football or rugby involve additional risks such as head injury and brain damage, but millions choose to pursue such activities regardless. Having lots of unprotected sex increases your risk of contracting STD’s, but millions balance that risk against the pleasure and fulfillment they receive from it, and choose the lifestyle of a cumdump. Life and living involve risk: finding a level of risk you are comfortable with is something each individual has to grapple with as they proceed through life.
  2. Even this topic has been discussed before 🤣
  3. I would agree with @ballerva. Bring your own bulb douche, at least- they’re small, light and easy to pack, so why wouldn’t you? That said, I found the bars and clubs in GC surprisingly well equipped with douching facilities, surprising because I come from the UK where such facilities are virtually non-existent. I’m used to carrying my bulb douche with me when I go to sex clubs in the UK, but in GC this is unnecessary. Reds and Zoo both had an excellent set-up, Bunker less so. As for the hotels, I only stayed in one, so it’s hard to say...
  4. @Dexus, I know that nothing I say will convince you that turning 40 is no big deal- but is really isn’t! However, like all of us, you will only understand that with hindsight- such is life! Didn’t you feel the same about turning 30? And how do you feel about that now? I think many of us feel a sense of resentment towards the pandemic, that it is robbing us of opportunities to fuck at a key time in our lives- we’ve already lost a year, and may well lose the best part of another. But the truth is, there is no ideal time to lose those years: it’s just as frustrating for the eighteen year old who is losing his teenage years as it is for us older cumdumps, who have a nagging sense that time is running out... But I guess that, on an individual level, if we get through this and all we’ve lost is some great opportunities to fuck, then we should count ourselves lucky.
  5. I’m new to Twitter, and haven’t started posting. What is “Twitter Jail” and how do you end up there?? I’ve noticed a couple of guys on here mention it... I’m scared!
  6. It’s really quite nice, @NLbear! But yes, it seems to fly under the radar a bit- lots of guys who visit GC a lot have never heard of it, maybe because it’s a bit out of the way. It’s near the golf course, sort of half way between the Yumbo and the lighthouse, about 25 minute walk from both. When I was booking accommodation, I didn’t know what I was doing as I’d never been before, and I had no idea about the local ‘geography’. That’s the only reason I might choose a different hotel- I think next time I’d rather be closer to the Yumbo. But as far as hotels go, I loved it- great rooms, great facilities, great café. A real oasis of calm in an otherwise very hectic holiday. I think I got a cheap deal, though- its regular rates looks kind of pricey. [think before following links] https://mowhotels.com/en/gay-hotel-in-maspalomas/
  7. Oh, and the poppers thing- although I was able to get poppers in GC, it was difficult because they cannot legally be sold there. There seemed to be only place I could get them, and it involved going into a shop that sold perfume and asking for Chanel No. 5. I think next time I’ll take them with me- though I can never remember whether you have to put them in hold luggage or hand luggage...
  8. There are quite a lot of men only hotels (sometimes referred to as ‘resorts’) in Playa del Inglès and Maspalomas. I stayed in one called “Seven” that styled itself as a spa and wellness centre, but really it’s just hotel. A nice one, though, and I’d stay there again. Yes, totally gay, but there wasn’t any overtly sexual activity around the pool or anything. Sure, you could hook up with other guests if you wanted to, and if you looked on Grindr, there were several guys from the hotel on it too- but quite a few are couples just holidaying together, and probably only about 25-30 guests staying at any one time. Maybe it’s a different story at some of the larger hotels, such as Axel Beach. But as I said elsewhere, the overall impression I got in GC is that guys use their hotels primarily for rest and relaxation, and party elsewhere, although of course some guys will entertain guests in their rooms, particularly during the day when the bars and clubs are shut. I’ve only been there once, however, and I’m sure other guys on here can give you a more informed answer.
  9. Interesting question- I’m wondering if it depends on how easy it is to access gay sex in other ways. For example, is the reason that New York is so good for hotel sex because there are very few if any gay venues where you can just show up and have sex, eg: cruise bars, saunas, etc? Basically, private meets are your only option... Conversely, in locations with a large number of such venues, hotel sex is less popular because guys have so many other options... Sydney, for example? Certainly my last pre-COVID visit to Gran Canaria seemed to prove this last point- very little hotel sex, because guys were out and about busy fucking elsewhere.
  10. In clubs and real-life situations, I’ve found that so far, at least, age has made little difference. I keep myself in as good a shape as possible, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised how many young guys are actually attracted to older guys and seek them out. Strangely enough, though, I‘ve also noticed that although I get plenty of attention from 20-somethings, I have less success with guys in their 30s and 40s. I guess for them, I’m just not hitting the right ‘Daddy’ buttons. Or perhaps for some of them, I’m just too close in age for comfort: they see what they are about to become in just a few years time, and run for the hills! One thing is for sure, though: camera phones and web-cams are no friends to the over 40’s. They seem to pick up and emphasize every wrinkle, every age spot, every flaw- as well as adding at least one extra chin to the subject’s face. It’s bad enough trying to take and select a good profile pic, but this latest craze for verifying your pics with a quick video call is a nightmare: after being instantly blocked on more than one occasion, I refuse to engage with it now.
  11. I managed to squeak my trip in last February, just before the whole world turned to shit- so it wasn’t an issue. I loved it, but won’t book another trip until all the bars and clubs are fully back in action- if you take away the sex, then I think there are other places I’d rather go to for just sun, sea and sangria.
  12. You may well catch an STD, and probably will at some point. It’s part of the process of becoming a PrEP whore. It’s not as big a deal as you think it is, as long as you are prepared. Presumably, alongside PrEP, you have scheduled a programme of regular STI screening, say, once every 3 months? If that’s the case, anything you pick up will be dealt with before it becomes a problem.
  13. Doggy is best when with a sub-par top I’m not all that attracted to, but missionary is best when I’m lucky enough to land a real stud. There’s nothing like staring at a muscular hunk’s powerful shoulders and heaving chest as he pounds your hole, or watching a handsome man’s facial expressions as he approaches his climax, and then seeing his Adam’s apple and the underside of a stubbly, angular jaw when he throws back his head in ecstasy as he cums inside you.
  14. Unless I’m missing something, I can’t see the point of vaccination cards in the first place. Until it’s proven that the vaccination means you can’t catch and spread the virus, then you remain just as much a risk to others, whether you are vaccinated or not. You could still be carrying the virus if you get on a plane or walk into a crowded bar, so why bother with a “proof of vaccine” card scheme at all? The only person the vaccine is protecting is you.
  15. I’m definitely planning to get the vaccination as soon as I’m able to. With questions still unanswered about whether you can still catch and spread the virus once vaccinated, the way I see it is that the vaccine(s) essentially put you in the position of a 20-year-old: you yourself will be safe from getting seriously ill, but you will still have to be careful about how you interact with vulnerable people in society until all those people have been vaccinated too. But as I’m fairly low on the priority list, I should imagine that most of those people will have already been done before I get it anyway. For a while, this may create some fairly unusual situations, eg: my parents (once vaccinated) will have to be careful about transmitting the virus to me (still unvaccinated). It’ll be almost a reverse of the current situation. So, masks and social distancing for everyone for a while, but hopefully, once all those at risk groups have been done, we can start living normally again. As for those who choose not to get vaccinated, that’s fine. But choices have consequences, and they cannot expect society to remain in a permanent state of lockdown to protect them when there is an alternative available. They will need to take measures to protect themselves as best they can. And as for those who can’t take the vaccine for medical reasons- well, that really does suck. But again, we cannot remain in lockdown forever. Eventually a degree of herd immunity will be reached through natural means, and if nothing else, widespread uptake of the vaccine should help speed that process up. But until that point, they will just have to be shielded and take extra precautions to guard themselves against infection, in the same way that immuno-suppressed individuals have been doing for years.
  16. This ain’t really the place to meet to meet them. Don’t worry- as soon as you get here and fire up Grindr, etc, they will be forming a queue!
  17. So what you’re saying is that systems/institutions/societies and (going back to the OP) communities can be racist, but on an individual basis people are just prejudiced? I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but just trying to nail down your definition of this very emotive term.
  18. I have to agree with a lot of what @chasejake666has just posted: those who think that racism is just a white problem clearly haven’t lived in a society where white people aren’t the dominant ethnic group wielding power. I can’t speak for Japan, as I’ve never been there, but I have lived in China, and the racism against ALL groups who are not Han Chinese is overt and at times brutal. Claiming that racism is something only white people ‘own’ is dangerous, as it absolves other dominant ethnic groups in other parts of the world of any responsibility for how they treat minority groups in their own society.
  19. Mainstream culture in the UK (and elsewhere, I suspect) likes to think that the younger you are, the more liberal, tolerant and free-thinking you are. Prejudice and bigotry are supposed to belong to the nasty, older generations: young people are nice, and wouldn’t the world be a much better place if it was run by them? I’ve never really shared this view. I remember the school playground only too well, with it’s rampant homophobia and bullying of all kinds. And from what I hear, it’s not too different today. Remember Lord of the Flies? Children have to be taught to be nice, and young people need a civilized society to iron out their prejudices. It doesn’t surprise me at all that the under 25’s display more homophobic attitudes than their elders. Like compassion, tolerance comes with age and life-experience, or at least it should in any society worth living in.
  20. Yes- guys like you should be scared, VERY SCARED... coz guy like me eat you for breakfast!
  21. One thing this site has taught me is that there’s someone for everyone, and age isn’t necessarily a determining factor when it comes to how much sex you’re getting. Mainstream gay culture will have you believe that getting sex isn’t that easy unless you’re a twink bottom aged 18-23, or a hung muscular top aged 25-32. Real life just isn’t like that. I’m a bottom approaching my half century, and get more sex now than I ever did in my 20’s and 30’s (or at least I did, till COVID showed up).
  22. If you’re profile is correct, you’re 21. You have enough money to live some kind of life without working. You have supportive family members. You are in an incredibly fortunate position that most others can only dream of. You need (and are in a position) to take a break, and I mean a proper one- not two weeks or a month, but a year, or two, or maybe even three. You worry that this will leave a gap in your work history, but honestly, up to the age of 24 or 25, this really shouldn’t be a problem in the long-term, and I’m talking from the perspective of someone with half a century of life experience behind them. You also need to put some distance between yourself and your family unit: it’s time to fly the nest. Travel is the obvious answer, and I know this isn’t the easiest of times, but there are still parts of the world where the pandemic looks to be largely under control, such as south-east Asia. Living life as a full-time cumdump doesn’t necessarily need to be the primary focus of such a journey, though it may well be a large part of it. Use the opportunity to work out what it is you really want to do with your life: it’s quite likely that your desire to devote yourself to full-time cumdumpery is in fact just a symptom of a general dissatisfaction with your current situation, and may fade to some extent if your allow space for other interests to come to the fore. Sure, you’ll probably always be a slut (and there’s nothing wrong with that), but it maybe that you’ll find other things in your life that mean you won’t want to be JUST a slut. No-one can tell you what to do: it’s your life, and it’s not about pleasing your mother, her BF, or some prospective employer five years down the line, worried about some two-year gap in your work record. Better to make this journey of self-discovery now, than having a full-blown midlife crisis in ten or twenty years time. Life is for living- get out there and live it!
  23. I don’t live in London, but if I did, I think I’d choose somewhere with easy access to the Victoria Line, which seems to me to be the city’s ‘gay superhighway’... Vauxhall at one end, Oxford Circus for access to Sweatbox and SoHo, Warren Street for the Vault, Kings X for Central Station... it’s also very fast and efficient- what more could you ask for?
  24. It’s the sanctimonious tone of the post that puts me off, the whole “You are welcome” thing... That alone is enough to ensure I would never want to meet this guy. I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I’m tired at being preached and shouted at by people sitting astride their moral high horses these days, in every aspect of life.
  25. The trouble is, @Littlebill77, it’s not in big pharma’s interest to fund research like this (given that doxycycline is generic and cheap as chips), and governments are hardly likely to put it at the top of their list of priorities, especially these days! Looks like it’s up to us to do our own ‘research’...
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