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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Yes, you should go- it will be busy, and I’m planning to make the most of it... the clubs re-open next week and that’s bound to have an effect on numbers from here on out. Here are two what3words locations you might find useful: The dark room: prime.fetch.loads The fuck tree: stump.vibes.rich Moat action seems to take place in and around the dark room these days. Enjoy!
  2. A typically snarky reply from you, @BootmanLA! No, it’s not rocket science, and no, it’s not even that bothersome. To be honest, though, I find a guiding hand often makes the situation even worse. As a bottom who’s never topped a guy in his life, I was just curious about how easy/difficult it is to locate the hole- that’s all.
  3. Tops- do you always find the hole right away, or is there sometimes some fumbling involved? I suppose I’m thinking more of dark room settings than one-to-ones... I was in cum dump mode last night, bent over a tree on Hampstead Heath, and was surprised how many guys seem to have difficulty finding my hole first time (and to be clear, at this point in my career, I’m not that tight!). Admittedly, it was very dark, so guys had to go on feel more than anything else. I suspect it might have something to do with levels of stiffness- it’s definitely more of a problem towards the end of the night, when hardness levels seem to wane... Any suggestions on what a bottom can do to make it easier?
  4. Just seen in their website that the Vault is planning to re-open on June 21st. Not sure that will happen, but it’s good to know they are still alive.
  5. Yeah, I think our Australian cousins call it a “suckitorium” - I’ve never seen one anywhere else in the UK.
  6. It’s been many years since I went to Pleasuredrome (was never a huge fan), so it’s possible they’d already changed the layout before the pandemic. The way I remember it is that you’d walk through the set of ‘walk through’ showers, and the corridor leading to the dark room (or ‘alcove’) and the cinema room(?) would be straight ahead of you, but if you turned right, there was another long narrow room with a ramp and a set of about 5 gloryholes in a row...
  7. Great update @Littlebill77! Couple of questions: is the dark room still there (and if so, is it open at the moment), and what about the gloryhole ramp/wall?
  8. I would also just add that you shouldn’t expect too much from your first visit- if you’ve never been to a sauna before, you’ll probably find it a strange and not entirely comfortable experience first time round, as it will be unlike anywhere you’ve ever been before. You may well find that you’re not ready to have sex at all, and that’s fine- you’re not under any obligation to. But stick with it and after a few visits you’ll soon get the hang of the place and see how it works, and be ready to dive right in. The Vault is different- it’s a cruise bar, which is basically a bar like any other gay bar, except guys wander around and have sex with each other, either in open ‘public’ areas or (if there are any available) semi-private spaces such as the gloryhole cubicles. Sometimes they have particular a dress code depending on the day/time like naked night or underwear night: you’ll have to check their website when they’re up and running again. It’s unlike anywhere else in London, and definitely worth a visit!
  9. Locker Room and Covent Garden Spa already open and Pleasuredrome reopens tomorrow- just Vault139 to go!
  10. Yeah- in it’s heyday, Chariots used to have six branches spread across London. I’m not sure what happened- it’s like they just lost heart and gave up. Other saunas such as Sweatbox and Pleasuredrome have invested a lot of money in upgrading their facilities: Chariots never did after their Shoreditch branch closed. As far as the Union is concerned, Hardon has it listed as the venue for their upcoming events, so I presume it’s in no imminent danger of closing... but you can never be sure.
  11. The vibe is very similar to their main events- same guys wearing the same gear, just not as many. Still feels crowded though, as the venue is much more compact. As a play space, the Bunker Bar is pretty decent, though I understand they’ve altered it to some extent during the pandemic. I just hope they’ve increased/upgraded the toilet facilities: my main gripe about the place is that two cubicles is totally inadequate for a sex party with over 100 guys in attendance. Don’t plan on being able to ‘freshen up’ easily if you’re a bottom: clean out well beforehand and take a couple of Imodium.
  12. I bought a ticket for the early July HardOn event at the Bunker bar in Hoxton- but I’m not very hopeful it will actually take place...
  13. Yes, some seem to think they can comply with and enforce current social distancing rules, whereas others realize this is a fantasy and seem to prefer to wait till the lifting of all such rules in June (variants permitting!)...
  14. “Hell hath no fury like a bottom scorned”
  15. I suspect that unless they experience any symptoms, most cumdumps will leave an interval of at least 3 months between tests, rather than getting tested after every visit to a sauna/sex club- I know I do. After all, you can only pick up gonno once in those 3 months, right? Obviously that means there is a high likelihood that for some of that period you will be infected with something, but the kind of guys that fuck you bare in a bathhouse should be aware of that risk. As long as you and everyone else who frequents those locations takes responsibility for their own sexual health and gets tested/treated every 3 months, any long-term harm to yourself or others should be minimized. That’s why when I am in cumdump mode (which is most of the time these days), I tend to steer clear of the apps. Unless you’re explicit about your sexual habits, guys off Grindr, etc, won’t be aware of the risk they are taking. These days, I’d rather stick to hooking up with other ‘players’, who know what they’re getting into and make the effort to look out for themselves.
  16. It doesn’t seem very effective at preventing gonnorhea- or do you find that it is?
  17. There’s still a lot of mistrust about Prep in some far-flung corners of the gay ‘community’, just like there’s a lot of mistrust about the current COVID vaccines. Some people just have a hard time understanding the concept of risk.
  18. I’ve only been ‘open for business’ for a couple of weeks or so, but it’s been pretty good so far. I set up a dedicated profile on Grindr, and have had quite a few hits from those ‘blank’ profiles that I usually ignore: clearly straight guys or closet cases just looking for head. That’s been hot. On the downside, I’ve also had a lot of hits from other suckers, wanting to ‘help out’ or even masquerading as tops and then wanting to flip when they get here. I find that behaviour extremely annoying: build your own fucking gloryhole! Another thing I’m trying to get my head round is that once guys find you, they expect you to be open whenever they want it, and can get a bit huffy if you’re not. Although part of me loves the idea of being a total cumdump permanently on call, I do actually have a life and sometimes need to (and want to) leave the house. Believe it or not, there are also times when I am at home but simply can’t be bothered. And once lockdown is fully lifted I’m far more likely to want to get my kicks at sex clubs and cruise bars again. So yeah, it’s been a useful experiment, and I’ll certainly take it forward, but it’s not going to be a lifestyle changer for me.
  19. The only one of those excuses that is reasonable is the fourth one. As a bottom, if you put up an ad saying you’re open to all loads, you can almost guarantee that you’ll get no responses at all for several hours, and then suddenly get two or three all at once, all wanting to use you at the same time. It’s a tricky situation to handle: some guys love the idea of another guy there at the same time, but others don’t, and there may be other constraints at play that mean it’s hard to host two or more guys at once (eg: if you’re in the middle of a good fuck with one guy, are you going to break that off, put on some clothes and go downstairs to answer the door, etc?). So I think it is reasonable to ask if you can put it off till later, annoying though that may be.
  20. It’s been a varied year for me. During times of high infection such as last spring and earlier this winter, I stopped meeting guys pretty much completely, except for one or two known regulars. But during lulls in the pandemic, such as last summer, I went back to my old whoring ways with a vengeance. With all the usual venues closed, I had to adapt my behaviour to some extent. I had never had much interest in outdoor cruising, but with little else on offer, I started visiting Hampstead Heath and loved it. I’m definitely a convert and will continue to go even if/when the London clubs and saunas re-open. With the winter weather less conducive to such activity, I’ve been forced to adapt again, and recently built a gloryhole at home to increase my load intake. It’s been fun and I’m enjoying it, but it’s no replacement for either the Heath or the sex venues that are still closed. Although I hope things will go back to the way they were pre-pandemic, one way or another I will get my loads even if they don’t. This last year has taught me to be more flexible and more creative in the ways I go about finding them.
  21. Private gloryhole here about 20 minutes drive from Stansted 😉
  22. I don’t like talk of high standards and low standards. I used to be extremely picky, to the point where I basically wouldn’t let anyone fuck me at all- I could always find some reason why they didn’t come up to ‘my standard’. I’ve since come to recognize that as a failing on my part, not theirs. All men are worthy of respect and consideration as potential sex partners, if for no other reason than that they are men. That’s not to say that I don’t ever reject men if I’m not attracted to them. But increasingly I try to put myself in a position where I’m not faced with that choice. Head down, arse up on a fuck bench works well: it frees me from having to accept or refuse, and allows me to fulfill my role as a cumdump available for use by all men.
  23. So just to be clear @chipygmalion80, you’re saying that you would defend the right of the campground owners to exclude trans, even though you find that approach distasteful on a personal level, and so would avoid supporting it financially?
  24. It’s just occurred to me that the campground in question probably doesn’t promote itself as ‘gay men only’, but just ‘men only’. Perhaps someone can clarify? Either way, if gender is being disallowed as a bar to entry (for reasons that it cannot be distinguished from race as a criterion for discrimination), then the campground in question would have to be open its door to women, and if sexual orientation is similarly disallowed, then straight men would inevitably follow, and we’re back to it being just another campground. One thing I presume we’re all in agreement on is that the owners would at least be able to discriminate against minors? So they could operate it as an ‘adults only’ campground, if nothing else.
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