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Everything posted by mattg

  1. Does anyone remember the porn stud Tom Shannon? Expert cocksman, spunk gobbler and cock sucker with a dirty mouth and killer smile. Is he still about does anyone know?
  2. This is amazing , shot my seed everywhere
  3. I got crabs cottaging when I was 14. Then syph was my first
  4. Tony Bishop Drew Sebastian Drew Dixon Ray Dalton. But mostly it's all about Tony Bishop for me.
  5. Loved this
  6. Hopefully Dan will become a pimp
  7. Fucking hell that was hot
  8. Your stories are always awesome, how many have you written

    1. edcox


      Hello Sir you sound like the perfect man I’d love to serve. Add me on telegram please if you’re looking to rape a cumwhore - gapc17 

  9. Fucking hell, all your stories are incredible
  10. One of the best stories here
  11. I was 12, in a public toilet about 5 miles from my house. I'd cycled there because people had talked about the perverts that hung around there and I don't know why but I knew that's where I belonged. It was a guy I guess in his 40's with salt and pepper buzz cut and to this day and to this day a salt and pepper buzz cut gets me up like a flagpole. The only words he spoke were "swallow it" . I fell in love instantly and kept going back to find him but never did. I did quickly get a reputation as not fussy and for some reason one bloke gave me cigarettes as a payment / thank you. I took them word spread and I was quite a heavy smoker by 13,
  12. Wow man, hot as fuck
  13. Cum dripping down my cock right now
  14. Always cock
  15. Man that was hot my cock is dribbling
  16. It's always cock I started in a cottage and all I heard through the gloryhole was sucking my cock. Anything else sounds fucking weird
  17. I started cottaging when I was 12 and the first guy who's cum I swallowed had a salt and pepper buzz cut. I fell instantly in love and went back to look for him incessantly. Now salt and pepper buzz cuts get me hard as a fucking rock
  18. Absolutely, father son fun time gets me fucking hard, would love to join in a session
  19. Crabs from a guy in the local cottage, then syphilis and hep b before I was 21
  20. I willingly started sucking cocks at a public toilet at 12. Took my first cock up my arse a couple of months later
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