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    Cum cum cum
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    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. Here's my story about the Meat Market!
  2. Super excited! My fourth porn scene has been released.

    1. leatherpunk16


      It's always exciting when that happens!

    2. evilalex
  3. I just found out that they published my fourth scene too! Versa fucking with Jordan. Super hot. [think before following links] https://www.crunchboy.com/en/videos/detail/35893-jordan-fucked-bareback-in-berlin-by-charlie-sanders xxx Charlie
  4. Thanks guys! Really appreciate your kind comments! Can't wait to get fucked on camera again.
  5. I sometimes get hateful messages from anonymous accounts, asking me how many STD's I have. When i respond with "Zero, i just got checked" the anonymous accounts is quite and I receive immediately a message from a profile WITH a picture asking me to fuck me. LOL
  6. Thanks so much! Yeah i love being used on camera! Never enough dicks fucks holes or cum! xxx Charlie
  7. Thank YOU! xxx Charlie
  8. Hi guys, Three of my scenes which i did for Crunchboy have been released! Super excited and was really nice to record ! I'm the bottom in these pics All my scenes are here: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.crunchboy.com/en/modeles/detail/35243-charlie-sanders Let me know what you think. Hope you guys enjoy it! xxx Charlie
  9. Amazing story! Super happy for you. Wouldn't mind working together with you collecting loads and fixing cocks for each other.
  10. I am a cumdump too and at private parties I tell tops that I love eating ass as much as being fucked for hours. often guys just dump me in the middle of the room or in front of a couch and while one guy bangs my hole, the other sits in front of me on the couch and I either suck his dick or eat his hole. I only like to eat smooth holes, so that's my only request.
  11. Please follow me guys xx Charlie
  12. Tell us more, sexy cumdump!
  13. yeah i would love to spend a few days in that sketchy sex house!
  14. amazing ass you got! 

  15. Cockoo's nest has a free fuck basement. There is also the Web. depending on the day you're going to amsterdam i would check out Dirty Dicks/Eagle (next to each other) and Club Church. If there's nothing for you liking go the NZ Sauna.
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