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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Not to derail the topic, but last three times I was at SD CumUnion and there is this guy there who will stay hour grunting and hollering like he’s about to cum, never does, and ends up leaving. Hilarious but annoying.
  2. No diss to the OP or any comments on here, just my observations: I contact a lot of 50 year old guys online, with 50/50 response rate. As much as I see complaining, you are STILL holding out for those unicorns. Let’s just just keep it real. Alot of gays are still stuck up and snobby, but as 50+ comes, less and less care. As age goes up, others tolerance for your attitude and games goes down. That semi cute guy who was 20 when you were 40 and you thought you were too hot for is no longer interested, and your mad about it. Do you want to fuck him now? No, but you just want the psychological benefit of knowing you can still get attention.
  3. I actually see the opposite at times. A lot young people want to fuck, they just aren’t into the group thing as much. It’s the “older” (35+) are the ones who are acting uptight about sex. They are the ones still thinking they are 20, sitting around waiting for another 20 year old. I can’t count how many times at the local cruising spot or sauna I seen middle age guys sitting around holding out for that perfect 25 year old jock, when it’s dozens of regular guys ready and willing to fuck. Or show up at a local motel for a Cumdump only to say “sorry I’m saving it for later.” Then they’ll scurry off in their little mini coopers, mad, bitter but pretending like they have action somewhere else. When u had all the chance to fuck right there. I mean if you want to hold out for a specific type of guy fine, but that’s basically the same thing guys are accusing younger folks of doing. They are just choosing to move into together and buy a dog and have a relationship in between sexual exploits.
  4. I really was trying to be PC, and I’ve never been to those cities, but the fact I think those can be viable alternatives to San Francisco is sad. The last cumunion party I went to was before covid and was 80% vouyers and 10% guys saving it for later (I mean ur at freaking CumUnion!!). Gultch was even sadder. And the bars were half women. Best luck like someone said is a private party like BBRT.
  5. Yup. Maybe guys will get offline and start fucking again without a million questions.
  6. I was at this house “sex party” that was turning out to be a bust, but there was this hot middle eastern man there with a bit of a pot belly (which I don’t mind). He was in the corner by himself, I guess the other guys were intimidated, uninterested or waiting for their perfect 10. He kept staring at me jacking off until he asked me in very broken English “you like to fuck me?” After this last 18 months of covid, it was a no brainer. We went to another room, no talk of condoms. I fucked him bareback doggy about 5-10 minutes until he asked me to stop. When I did, I noticed this dude shot hands free one of the largest, biggest loads I’ve ever seen. The hosts bedspread was def done for the night. He never made a sound. He thanked me and left. I don’t know how a guys could dim so much without jacking off. I like to think he was the stereotypical, under appreciated, sexually repressed middle eastern husband. His wife’s loss was my gain.
  7. I agree with this. But what do you think if it’s recorded in a public place?
  8. Damn that’s wild. I know cruising is illegal, but we are basically wasting money on busting gays in restroom? And then to go to a trial…ridiculous….
  9. Women use sex as a weapon. Since many men are no longer interested in marriage, some women think limiting access to sexual outlets will force men to conform to their ridiculous idea of a “modern marriage” we’re women control everything, and men just settle for any monthly pussy the woman is willing to give out until she decides it’s time to cash out. Like someone said, it’s wack-a-mole, but they will keep trying.
  10. 1. A guy leaving shit on my sheets, and my dick, then sending me a snarky message later about not performing. 2. Driving 30 miles to hook up with a supposedly hairy otter only to find out he shaved his ass only, but everything else was hairy. It was distracting and confusing. He eventually ushered me out due to a lack of chemistry lol Long Story Alert: 3. We have a guy our city let’s just call him “Dru.” Let’s just say Dru is a rather hefty man, which I have no problem with, but he is pushy, and has an overinflated opinion of himself (that is only allowed in a city like mine). First real anon hotel “party” I attended was this Cumdump with a hot ass hosting at a hotel. I went, and Dru was there. No problem, fooled around a bit, hoping Dru would nut and bounce since he was there first. Of course he didn’t, so told the Cumdump I’d be back later and he obliged. When I cam back four hours later, Dru was still there, only now he had ordered McDonalds, was spread out on the bed, and the room smelled of feet and other smells (not the hot ones). The Cumdump gave me this “help me” look. I was Disgusted, but too intrigued at where this was going. Turns out Dru had taken over room and invited this hot guy over (to someone else’s hotel room) for a little worship role play. I had to see this. The hot guy showed up, the look on his face was same as the Cumdump, tho he politely played with Dru for about five minutes. I decided I couldn’t take it anymore, and with Dru’s hostile takeover of this poor cumdumps event, I knew I wasnt going to enjoy breeding any ass that night. Apparently, few else had either. I left same time as hottie, and politely declined his invite to hook up. No lie took me a month to get over that trauma. A few more, but I honestly have to say for the most part, they’ve been good (at least for me!!)
  11. I would agree with you, but I’ve seen so many of these Dudes clutching their pearls online or in bars only to see them late nights, in the shadows waiting to get their turn at the latest seedy motel Cumdump, not a condom to be found.
  12. Great point here. A lot of folks 30-35 plus seen guys, even close family and friends literally die in weeks from something we couldn’t wrap our heads around fast enough. It was drilled in our heads for decades “use a condom or die.” For many, There is no amount of reading, knowledge, experience, or education that is going to undo that trauma and hardwiring. However, I think for younger folks, they are just being stereotypical (excuse my language) snooty fags. Sorry….
  13. I know people that are on Prep and use condoms. I started prep with the full intent on using condoms until I was ready. I don’t think their is anything wrong with taking an extra precaution. Not everyone takes Prep to start BB. And I also know some guys are full of BS. They’ll put that on a profile to “safe face” for friends, their open relationships and other fuck buddies, but will BB if they deem you worthy.
  14. I believe so yes. Just my opinion, gay society has become a lot less piggy and moving to align itself more with straight society and it’s values. This is the compromise of seeking acceptance. This includes many men being less educated, willfully ignorant and more judgmental of activities or situations straight society may not understand or approve off. As if they are separating themselves for other gay men to appear more civilized to straight society. “Yes I’m gay but I would never…..” Straight society still connects disease with gay bb sex, and many gays will to just to go along with it. This is all a fruitless attempt to get society to “accept” them, when truth is most either accept it or wont no matter civilized they deem behavior is. No judgment here because I do the same at times. Just giving you an explanation.
  15. Yeah, I had quite a few videos I purchased from there before the NBA fan days. Shame they will disappear in the night
  16. I can’t speak in anything too long ago, but there is still some fun to be had in SF, it’s just not like before. Like the rest of gay society, the club/bar scene has a few more women than you’d like, too many guys are eternally holding out for “ something better,” younger people are trying to emulate straight relationships and their aren’t as many cruising spots or bookstores as before. But if you plan ahead, and reset expectations, their is still lots of sex to be had. Just the sheer number of gay guys in the area will ensure action. But the honest truth is it’s not what it was even 10 years ago: it’s not just the tech folks, it’s the gay guys too.
  17. Oh, and have you ever noticed that most and gay guys who cheat will only cheat with someone who is single? I don’t have the numbers on this but on my experience it’s 75%. Why is that?
  18. Can we see you getting fucked with these loads in your ass on Onlyfans?
  19. Saved me a post. Exactly what I would have said word for word. Either you have the trophy boyfriend, condo on the upper west side and the sexless relationship, or you enjoy all the benefits of gay life. Most can’t have it all.
  20. I think all that sounds good if we are living in a world where people were just politely “scroll” or ignore if they are not interested. Part of the problem is that some of these preferences are not part of some and conscious bias. Many are very calculated and I’d say about half the guys it’s not just about the actual preference, it’s about letting everyone know you have a preference. For example: 1. I’ve been message before out of the blue and called “monkey faggot,” among other things 2.Guys messaging other guys chastising them for BB, on a BB site and for not being HIV negative 3. Asking for pics just to shame the guy 4. Messaging X type when your profile states “no X type” 5. Starting a convo with a guy, with the full intention of letting him know he’s not your type. All this stuff happens. Folks like this are very aware of what they are doing. To a lot of these guys, it’s about ego gratification, and not being able to discreetly troll or cast down the men they don’t like takes away their power. That’s why I like an upfront approach. I state right up front in my profile names what your a getting. (BTW, I had fun with quite a few rednecks/southerners in my time. It’s those “liberal” SF/WeHo/Midtown types who tend to be more biased…just saying….)
  21. No, I’m not into the whole gumbo pot “some like black, some like short, some like twinks we all have preferences! Racism, preferences it’s all the same!” Guys who won’t fuck twinks or red heads won’t attack or not hire twinks or redheads. But guys who don’t fuck black guys WONT hire blacks guys. Thats another reason I say if you have a preference, put it out there. Don’t be ashamed or waste folks time.
  22. Funny this post came back up. I had the most amazing sexy older Armenian/Arab looking left the driver today. Beautiful hairy legs arms and nice feet. Smelled of faint cigar, air freshener and cheap cologne. Shorts went up past mid thigh. I was staring and boned the whole time If I was younger I maybe would have tried to seduce him. But all I could come up with was a week “your car is clean.” Sad. Maybe it’s just the whole quarantine thing and I’m super horny and my imagination has gotten the best of me haha
  23. Between the constant hypergemy, guys pretending they “don’t fuck on the first date,” trolling for attention, body obsession, pulling out, sexless relationships, I swear ever year, dealing with men, hooking up and sex has become more and more like dealing with women…..
  24. 90% of the time, when we talk about preference (which is different from racism) it’s white guys just preferring to be with white guys. And that’s okay! And I won’t speak with any other race, but I really wish alot of black men would stop literally begging these preferences white guys for attention or even worse a pity fuck. If he doesn’t want you, move on. Sure, they’ll call you bitter (even tho they don’t want you but I digress) but at least you’ll spend your time looking for guys who want to fuck.
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