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Jessyboy last won the day on February 6 2020

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About Jessyboy

  • Birthday 09/01/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Still exploring
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Move to NYC at 16 to escape like my brother did to live in a place where being Gay is OK.
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    To get fucked and get my hole wrecked

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  1. In Chicago for IML and spent the day at the Steam Works having fun. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mjkuhl


      Love Steamworks, but was lucky enough to have a Hellfire member host me at that club.

    3. Samak76


      Best Steamworks ever. 

    4. mikeinjersey


      So  how was it?   Some said not great.  

  2. Merry Christmas!

    1. Jessyboy


      Thank You and you also have Merry Christmas 

  3. Fukn hot profile bro

  4. I went to IML with my brother & his BF and had a good time. This year was much different than last year. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlindRawFucker1


      Did you give anyone a gift?

    3. Jessyboy


      Maybe I did not sure. 

    4. knockmeup


      Anything from you is totally a gift!

  5. Hi I’m back and will be posting some. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessyboy


      We might go down to Pig Week for a few days. 

    3. alwaysready


      have fun. you still on prep

    4. Jessyboy


      Yes on PrEP 

  6. How is retirement working out for you?

  7. I had a big scare a few months ago as I was not on PrEP at the time. I’m back on PrEP for now.
  8. Well about 150 showed up and left a mess.
  9. GBU groups having a get together in the Ramble should be 100s
  10. I know this 19 year old twink from the Ramble and he just called me to tell me he tested HIV Poz. His parents threw his older brother when he told them he was POZ and he is scared they will do the same and he might be On the street. 

    1. PupLucca


      If they do toss him out have him contact me.  I have room at my house and will make sure he gets proper medical attention. 

    2. studl1
  11. Yes every night as the best time is at sun down
  12. What Bottoms needs for causing the Ramble Have clean hole,No perfume, Paper towels to cleanup, Butt plug if have taken loads or you might be leaking cum and everyone on the subway will see or you might leave a mess on the subway seat, Lube and condoms if you use them. Tops Bring condoms if you use them, Lube, No perfume, paper towels to cleanup and a hard dick, For both A bag for your garbage as we don't to leave signs of what is going on.
  13. Hey want to chat?

  14. WTF People on the Squirt site are complaining about people sucking & fucking raw. Then PLEASE DON'T   GO 

    1. akula


      Gotta clutch them pearls!!

  15. The One Problem With taking Loads On the way home, I can’t sit as I want to show the wet spot of cum leaking out on the backside of my pants. I get some look as they blow me a kiss or say they wish it were them. 

    1. skinster


      That's good level of shameless. Cheers

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