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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. As Mae West observed, you’re as young as the man you feel…
  2. I wasn’t able to attend this year but I hear that many friends were, ahem, very busy at Manchester Pride this weekend, which is good to know.
  3. You couldn't give us a few more specific directions to that nature reserve, by any chance, Andy? For research purposes only, obvs.
  4. "What's the matter with kids today?" was probably first said by Adam and Eve when Cain murdered Abel (think I have that the right way round as I'm only on nodding terms with the bible), has been said by every generation since and will be the universal lament long after we're all dead. And for the record, this 50-something is finding guys in their 20s and 30s are - for the most part - pretty great.
  5. Welcome. Manchester (mostly) here.
  6. Don’t apologise for your rant. On other sites I specifically state that anyone using the word “clean” in relation to their status need not bother contacting me because we won’t get on.
  7. I was wondering that, too. I’m not back for another week or so and, like you, had no luck on the website.
  8. There’s a good reason my ex bought a small villa in Turkey 🇹🇷 * * Actually, why is he my ex?
  9. Most guys will go in raw given the chance.
  10. I'll resist all the gags (!) about pizza topping... Except, of course, I just haven't...
  11. This is not quite the same situation but fairly recently I contacted a guy on Fabguys who said he was looking for bareback. We exchanged a couple of messages and I told him my status. He shot back with “I don’t fuck with poz guys - UD or not - ever!” It was so stark and brutal and my first instinct was to tell him to fuck off and block. Instead, I politely replied that if he only plays bareback, he may shag someone not as upfront as I am - if he hasn’t already done do - and may possibly have reason to reconsider his attitude in the future. And then I blocked.
  12. “Fuck buddies” - we’re looking for a third, or more.
  13. “Variable” is probably the right word. At least in Manchester.
  14. For a while last year during the first lockdown, I actually found it quite good - at least in Manchester. But in recent months it’s become dire. A succession of time wasters and picture gatherers.
  15. That’s true. I did a recce in daylight before my first nocturnal visit.
  16. Ah, the lovely Mark Drakeford. That list of "essential" items of his was very arbitary. Didn't he unleash the Covid Stasi on the Welsh trains, as well? That said, I got stopped by the police a couple of times at Euston Station while travelling during the pandemic but as I was allowed to travel for work I was okay.
  17. Being half-Welsh this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I well recall being taken by my parents to visit my Nain and Taid (that's Grandma and Grandpa to the rest of us) in North Wales on a Sunday and everything was closed. And I do mean absolutely everything. It was like stepping into an episode of The Handmaid's Tale.
  18. I have experience of CumUnion events in Manchester and Sheffield - and the two could not have been more different. Let's be honest, Manchester is a very gay. There's a reason Queer As Folk (the original British TV version, not the US remake) was set around Manchester's Canal Street: we're randy, filthy sods here - and long may it continue. But for some reason, CumUnion never caught on in Manchester. I believe it was tried twice (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone) but failed both times. It had nothing to do with the guy who ran it - I met him and he was a great guy who deserved more support. But I think the problem was two-fold. Firstly, the venue did not lend itself to CumUnion. It was in a sauna which was largely very bright and had relatively few darkrooms and very little space for more public play. Also, while the venue seemed happy to take the cash, I got the impression (that might just be me) that they rather disapproved of a planned bareback event and were rather - shall we say? - distant with attendees. The other problem was that the parties were just a ten minute walk from the notorious Basement Sauna. Anyone who knows Manchester will know that it really should be called ther Bareback Sauna - I'm not sure there's been a rubber used there since circa 1996 (slight exaggeration, perhaps, but you get my drift). As the sauna was open 24/7 - and hopefully will be again after all restrictions are liften here on the 19th July - there was little incentive to attend an event no differnt from what was on tap permanently in the city centre. The Sheffield events could not have been more differernt. The venue - a sauna outside the city centre - was perfect. Dark, just the right amount of sleaze. The staff really welcomed everyone and the hours meant that it could go on virtually all night. There was no attitude and all ages, shapes etc could attend without judgement. If you wanted to go off into a dark booth with someone, you could. If you wanted group action, it was there. So popular were they that they started holding them every two weeks. I hope that resumes.
  19. It’s an odd one. I do like to see a face and am not reticent about showing mine. However, I have never not engaged with a profile just because there is no photo. There are 1001 reasons why a guy might not have a face picture and it’s not for me to prejudge or second guess why. And one of my hottest ever encounters was just before lockdown last year when I was messaged at 2am by a faceless Grindr message from a couple who were just a 10 walk away. I took a chance and went. I met a fantastic black and white couple who were both bb tops…it turned out to be amazing.
  20. Never carry a weapon? What about Tom Baker in The Seeds of Doom…? Sorry to nitpick and I’m only teasing 😂 Although, I loved how violent Baker’s Doctor was in that story.
  21. Just noticed this post of mine and it’s indicative of how things changed so quickly - at least here. I ended up being fully vaccinated in April.
  22. Jon Pertwee, no question. Tennant a close second.
  23. The Basement in Manchester is reopening soon “providing government advice and restrictions remain as stated”, but caution some restrictions might apply. They add that they anticipate all restrictions to be relaxed “early July”.
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