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Everything posted by FunCheerSlut

  1. If I won the LOTTERY I would retire from my "real" job and become a full time whore. I cannot imagine anything more fun than taking loads and sucking dick all the time.
  2. Hey guys! I have never been much of a "popper" user - but I know many guys use and enjoy them. Does anyone know the long-term (e.g. health) implications of their use? I am concerned by the lack of regulation and the "grey" area identified above regarding consistency of formula, etc. Are there long term side-effects? What are they are? Are they pretty standard or are they as varied as the use of chemicals and formulas? I have tried using them, but I was always turned off by the bad breath one had after a few "hits". Any feedback or resources to review would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  3. I have pictures of my naturally blonde hole in my album...My Black Skirts. Check it out and let me know what you think.
  4. Well said!! I prefer to bottom and I too want to thank all of those tops who enjoy getting my hole sloppy and wet before they slide in. When I top, eating an ass is a guaranteed way to get my cock rock hard to penetrate. I think we are hard-wired to get the hole we are preparing to use lubed up with what nature gave us. It is also awesome to be on the receiving end.
  5. Most all of my fantasies revolve around being whored out. I am very interested, please direct message me.
  6. Who could say no to that? LOL
  7. Great question. It has some hard truths associated with it. 1. If you truly want companionship and/or a relationship AND to achieve your cumdump goals; then you must find a like minded life-partner. It cannot work any other way. Whatever form this takes: a) someone who actively gets off on how much you get used, or b) someone who also shares the same desire to get used. 2. Everything else is a compromise. 3. Be alone. It's the only way to truly be a cumdump without the judgment of a partner who doesn't share your interest or desire (point #1 above), and will never understand. As for the gray area or "middle ground" this is point number two. Many people who are of good-will and enjoy their partner for reasons beyond sexual compatibility--find a way to talk as openly as possible about it and to make something that is agreeable to both work...but let's be honest - in this scenario it is a compromise and you will not get half as much cock as you wish you could and at the end of the day. A true cum-dump should go with option #1 or #3. I am trying to find some middle ground personally. I am looking for a once in a while scenario where an "organizer" would help make it worth my while when I do finally get to deviate from my routine and be the fun cheer slut I always want to be. I would love to travel for a long weekend and spend a day or two getting whored out and used - away from the relationship that doesn't find that reasonable. That is how I hope to be able to balance the demands of a relationship (under scenario / point #2) and still get to be a team-fucked slut with cum oozing horny holes that just cannot get enough cock sliding in to unload that nutt. Once the borders reopen I am sincerely interested in making myself available for any group of guys wherever you may be who want to make use of this slut and leave my horned up holes dripping with all of your jizz and oozing cum.
  8. What a treat! Super erotic. Thanks for sharing. I am admittedly jealous. I have yet to get my horny blonde holes used by so many cocks at "one-time" that my talented holes are left sloppy and oozing cum. This is definitely on my to-do list! If any organizers would like to direct message me I would love to chat. As a newbie, my privileges are restricted. The gear-cheer isn't obligatory just fun.
  9. Mediterranean Men probably need their own topic too! All these men with their olive and brown skin and sexy masculine chiseled features turn me on. I could go on and on and on, but my fellow BZoners have successfully done that for me. Please add me to the list who would likely never refuse any middle eastern or Mediterranean man or men who wanted to use my sweet blonde sexy talented holes.
  10. As a newbie, I am curious if there is a thread or topic somewhere I have not yet stumbled upon which explains or attempts to explain "why" people seem to WANT these STIs or "bugs"? Honestly, I don't get it. There is nothing fun nor sexy about any of these. Anyway, I was naively hoping that if all of us wanted to avoid them it would actually help reduce their prevalence. Wishful thinking I guess...sounds like not only are people NOT actively avoiding them, but they are perpetuating the spread of them and that I seriously do not understand. So, any topic I should read to gain some additional insight?
  11. Who is confused by this? I agree with everyone else - it is more than implied. The cum-recepticle is either the condom or me...but it cannot be both. I also agree that worst case scenario if a guy insists on a condom then you are forced to take the guys full condom and transfer the cum to where it should have been all along. I have had to do this once or twice, but prefer the direct injection method.
  12. 100% - I second this. I am lucky to be blonde so my hair is not abrasive, rough, scratchy, or otherwise and most guys (even those who ask me to shave it) end up loving it (when I do not shave) once they finish.
  13. Hi guys! I did not make a formal tally of responses to this topic - but if I had to render a guess based on observation: 85-90% of responses were from bottoms or versatile bottoms (present company included) Maybe 10-15% were from a top or two... I am trying to figure out how or where to find the "Tops"? Where are they? My guess is that there is no shortage of bottoms and they can get off whenever they want to - so perhaps there is less incentive for them to be on these types of sites and actively seeking this type of thing. Personally, if I were to put myself in the "Tops" shoes... Unless you desire or "need" a dummy-hole to use - a gang bang isn't the same for a Top as it the bottom. Even if I did prefer a cummy-hole to fuck; I would not need to fuck it immediately after the other guy pulls out. I could be equally satisfied with a 1x1 scenario and using a bottom and getting on with my day. Etc. I guess my point is that perhaps all us bottoms are, for lack of a better term, "barking up the wrong tree" or "preaching to the choir" as the Tops do not need to advertise the same way we do. I almost wish there was an inverse cumdump directory to help us find Tops willing to donate a load to a needy bottom, hahaha. Good luck guys! If you find yourself in my neck of the woods - please hit me up!!
  14. This is excellent and sage advice. The more I delve into BZ the more I appreciate it as a resource to find answers to questions to help me make better informed decisions. I find myself in this situation. I follow much of the advice outlined above. It also means I do not get fucked nearly as often as I would want or like, but that is the trade-off I suppose. I make my horned up, talented holes available whenever I can reasonably get away with it... I am looking forward to being able to travel again - hopefully soon. It was one of the few opportunities I had to stick my ass out for a hard horny cock.
  15. This is a great topic, I am surprised by the lack of responses. It seems that most bottoms - based on their fantasies anyway - crave or desire a gang bang of some type. This would seem to imply that a bottom cannot be satiated with a mere one or two cocks; and reading through other similar posts we could assume that even five to ten cocks would not be enough to extinguish or quench this desire (by many here) to get used. I know I am insatiable. I never get enough. Does anyone know if this has ever been studied? I would love to know what it is about us "bottoms" that makes this so. I know I am insatiable because I could have just had a great fuck - a satisfying fuck - a fun fuck...but I still want more. I want another cock, I want more cum in my ass. I truly do not understand these desires. What it feels like is that I was born to bottom. That I was put on this earth as a gay-man with some very talented cock-pits to service my fellow man in need. So, personally I find it difficult to refuse a guy who wants to use me. If I won the lottery and did not have to work or hold down any type of "normal" life style I would probably end up in the head-space alluded to above where I would be in full-time service mode. It does not help when I get compliments either - because it is like a weird form of positive reinforcement that not only do I enjoy hard cocks - I am told I am extremely good at getting them off. Anyway, what is an insatiable slutty bottom to do?
  16. Another fascinating topic. The number of us who desire a gang bang of various sizes and flavours is impressive. I would have to add myself to the list of sluts who would love to get used by a group of guys. I have already written about some of my fetish related fantasies. I have always wanted a team of guys to find me in their locker-room and use me to get off before the big game. My other current fantasy would be for my "husband" to whore me out. I don't enjoy cruising the apps necessarily and I am not picky as long as the guy can get a hardon and wants to bury his load in my ass. My "husband" is a night-owl and up all night which adds to my fantasy. In fact, my ideal scenario would be for my "husband" to cruise the apps and find a nice cock he would like to suck on for a bit, and once he's gotten the guy good and hard he says, "Hey, would you like to go fuck my sleeping boyfriend? He sleeps naked and just loves it when a guy climbs on top of him and grinds his hardon into his horny ass. He will probably beg you to nutt inside him too." I mean, how hot would that be. If my "husband" was in the mood to suck a lot of dick that would also be good for my flesh-light of an asshole that enjoys nothing more than the souvenir of a good fuck buried balls deep in my hungry ass.
  17. Wow! Great profile picture. I love visiting your beautiful country, and hope to be able to again soon.

  18. Well said!! I do not mind if the fuck is only 2 minutes if that is all the time the top needed to achieve his best possible orgasm. I appreciate having the nutt as a bit of a souvenir of that guy.
  19. Thanks for the feedback!! I have to admit that when I do not wear the wig, or bra or whatever that the costume feels "incomplete". I appreciate the encouragement to do what feels right. I guess I am curious if there is any interest or demand out there for fucking a guy in a cheerleading skirt? Anyone? LOL Perhaps I also need to accept that it is a niche thing and not for everyone, despite how much it arouses me personally.
  20. Thanks for sharing! This story turns me on, also part of me wishes I had a Keith. Any temporary Keith out there wanna whore me out? (p.s. cheer gear optional)
  21. The thought of getting used on camera as an amateur cumdump turns me on. I want to star-in and direct my own personal porn for you guys. If there are any tops who would like to film themselves nutting in my sweet blond hole, please contact me. I would enjoy having you film a POV type scene for starters...it would be fun!!
  22. Fantastic! Great topic - love it. You guys are the best. Really great insights to be found here. I have been wondering a lot about these things myself. Thanks!!
  23. You have no idea how long I have been trying to find this answer. I have had this question forever. Thank you @rawTOP for such an excellent resource and concise explanation. Yet this still doesn't deter us - so is it really that dangerous? Has treatment evolved to provide any type of quality of life into old age? Have we learned enough recently to develop a vaccine for any or all future strains of HIV? Will we be getting a vaccine for that one-day? So many questions...sorry.
  24. Hi everyone! Great topic, I like it a lot (but I am too new as a member to get to like things yet - wink). I would add the following: I enjoyed my hook-ups in San Sebastien very much!! There were lots of fun places along the way and some unexpected surprises. Spain India Canada USA Cruise ships I get the feeling anywhere where there are horny men. I wish I was more adventurous to proposition guys like some of you seem to find easy to do. On another note. I just so happen to live in a major tourist destination. For those of you who are planning a visit to see the sights in my "back yard" should please let me know when you will be in town. I would love to entertain anyone who would like to use my horned up, talented holes. I can be wearing my cheerleader costume or not depending on what you're into. I just love getting mounted and used by a horny tourist who is looking for a reliable sex hole to bury his hard cock into and grind his nutt out. Safe travels!!
  25. Great question! I struggle with this one. Most would probably consider me an extrovert but for some reason I consider myself an introvert. I am too shy or nervous or scared or something to truly put myself out there. I have never been to a bath-house or a sex party or anything like that. So what is the barometer we use to measure this by? I guess to consider myself an extrovert I would be willing to go to a bath house and hop on a bench or into a sling...the idea turns me on, but I cannot seem to muster up the courage to go through with it. I do want to get team fucked though so I love the idea of a coach having a house party where the local cheer slut is getting everyone off. I like to perform but I also prefer doing it more in a small group setting. The idea of a bachelor party turns me on a lot. Wink
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