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About Poyzin

  • Birthday 06/16/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    CLT NC
  • Interests
    Everything sick twisted perverted and sexually deviant.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Dedicated nasty sexual predator and very up front on any immoral or sexual behavior I’m into.. just ask.!!love being the open and honest about my addiction and professed dedicated masculine attitude to show how much I adore and worship men of color and their desires for satisfaction.!I liken my other inside to being a BB Poz top to cumdumpster young white boys.
  • Porn Experience
    Nothing professional
  • Looking For
    Look for men of color top and bottom who need a guy like me that they can’t shock or embarrass themselves for wanton desires generally kept on the DL

More Info

  • BarebackRT Profile Name
  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

Contact Methods

  • Skype User Name
    Poyzin 1468

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Insider (7/14)

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  1. Have never been to Slammers but the Inn Leather is the fuckin bomb... you should have a great time there
  2. Hot profile pic👿💧🍆

  3. I will gladly take loads either way. Always show the guy his load in my mouth before I swallow. Always have a butt plug for the guy (s) to insert so the load (s) don’t leak out. Either way I’m a SLUT UT
  4. I stand corrected then, thanks
  5. Slammed with my meth connection at about 5:00 PM tonight, I drained his poz Nubian balls of his cum about an hour later. We slam and fuck often . See the attached pic of his. Junk.
  6. I generally do NOT abstain from having unsafe bareback fucking or any oral sex inclusive of fist fucking / ass eating ( one of my most favorite sexual perversions). I maintain a relatively short list of meth addicts and raw sex partners who each know each other. They routinely email and text each other and have other similar low life scum bag cum dumpsters like myself that they get with. Therefore me being the Public Service Announcement to inform the 5 guys who use me is just absurd. I’ve had syph so much I have to use Antibiotics mechanical infusion for 10 day sessions. Post Script Memo: STI/STD Historical fact. Chicago Mobster Al Capone died of Syphilis while in Custody with the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
  7. I have never wasted a drop of cum, mine or anybody else’s
  8. Or is it an oxymoron? Hmmm ?…

  9. Absolutely a 101% yes, affirmative, go for it, …….
  10. I will be slamming with my connection at approximately 10:30 PM Eastern time tonight, Tuesday 24 August 2021. Shortly thereafter I will orally worship his HIV + and Meth slamming erect black dick. He will mount me within a relatively short period of time and proceed to fuck me bareback and deposit his filthy meth addict ball snot up in my guts. Then a brief ATM function is done by me, he lights a blunt, has a Newport and leaves. This will be the 4th such event in the last 7’days.
  11. I know this establishment well in Raleigh, it’s a sex and drug haven for degenerates like me…..well like us !,,,
  12. I have a past history of attending 5 Southern Decadence events. Each the more perverted, deviant and meth infused than the one before. It would not surprise me if the event is less boisterous due to the COVID pandemic. As for the potential reduction of hours and or closing of local establishment’s and purveyors , it is in my most humble opinion that they will make every effort and due diligence to remain open and cash in on the guys that are attending as we have a much greater disposable income than other visitors.
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