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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. I've never experienced a long term result from pumping. The BathMate is a nice pump as you start by filling it with warm water. Makes for a more comfortable pump.
  2. I just got my third month labs today. My VL has dropped to 830 from an opening roll of 7200. Even my initial viral load was modest, It appears I am on track to elite controller for HIV. April labs are sure to be interesting. Sad though for those hoping I might change their life.
  3. @Jaygusher your story telling doesn't disappoint. Well done my friend.
  4. Exactly. And we need this moderation to survive as a site. There are a lot of people who would shut us down, even though all they have to do is ignore us; they won't. Backroom is protective, and the wrong post outside of it harms us.
  5. Seems like next step is what James does WRT "Movie night". How many others of us are there?
  6. @Jaygusher Great start to your consistently fine story telling. Looking for this one to continue....
  7. @BlindRawFucker1 You're not alone. I've messed up myself a couple times.
  8. @Jaygusher for sure. His stellar writing got me hooked. @BootmanLA For his thoughtful posts
  9. I am neither D or R myself. I am locally elected in a village which by charter is non partisan (I suspect Teddy Roosevelt trial influenced that when we incorporated in 1915). I also am a local election inspector (one of the folks who check records, id, and hand out ballots to qualified voters). When we have just local elections less than 10% turn out to vote, even though local is what most impact individuals on a day to day basis. I would love to see the tides change and people read info local candidates write and vote local.
  10. National is having too big an influence IMO on local. Here in Wisconsin the will of the local people is being sidestepped with deep gerrymandering influence by non locals.
  11. @Nude I do my best to get my information from credible news sources. For this holiday season I really hope the R group gets their shit together. The Orange Clown dominates the noise and that is socially damaging. Glad to see the other candidates starting to push back for themselves instead of OC.
  12. I am a "slow progressor" at least. A couple more blood draws and that might be updated to "elite controller". For certain my HIV infection is not moving along very fast at all (grateful for that).
  13. Indeed there is nothing wrong with BBC or BWC. (I imagine we could add BHC, BCC, BPC etc). Or we can stop paying attention the skin color and enjoy the entire fellow human. I'm in agreement with @NWUSHorny. This said, for reasons I've never understood humans have done this throughout recorded history.
  14. I've been known to block on Grindr when someone proves themselves illiterate
  15. No, I was referring to NON Party people whose behavior gets conflated to the Democratic party. Not limiting but for example terminating people for a accusation (not a conviction); or wanting to limit what we can or cannot say.
  16. To be honest beyond our awareness Johnson and Jr Johnson monitor each others porn behavior, that didn't say they weren't viewing it; just their dad/son pact to monitor each others usage. As head-up as Mr. Johnson seems to be, he probably does know what a burner phone is, and it would not shock me if we learned he has one or more... I truly hope the R party stops it devolution into advocating dictatorship as the only way to go. But so far it seems they are hell bent to accomplish that. We know from prior experience that R's will do their best to block whomever Grandpa Joe selects for SCOTUS I listened carefully to Halley/Sununu interviews yesterday. They did a fairly skillful job of riding the ridge. I am hopeful albeit not optimistic they will prevail and begin to swing the R towards centerline. While not necessarily the D party, social liberals are doing their own damage to society which hopefully will not make it into D party platforms. While, for example, I am not in favor of abortion as a method of birth control, I strongly advocate for Our bodies, our choice regardless of whether or not we have a penis or a vagina.
  17. Besides, why give HER doxPrep when you're the one who would do that if you wanted to keep her safer? If your ethics let you stealth doxyPrep with your wife, it begs the question what else are you stealthing her with?
  18. I've had large cocks never feel painful, and small ones hurt like hell. Seems to be more the talent of the guy than his dick on the pain/pleasure front.
  19. I am part of a similar group here in Wisconsin.
  20. Honest I would wait a month, then go for a viral load test as suggested.
  21. Wisconsin has abundant good water. I wouldn't want to be homeless here, but otherwise it's a good place to live.
  22. Being newly poz and not yet on meds (not opposed, just more financial hurdles so just a timing issue more than anything); I just can't bring myself to not be candid with any sexmates. Sure, if all I am doing is blowing them, the risk is virtually nill. But I haven't even done that. I am certainly being hit on by chasers though.
  23. Man I agree @Heir2012. @Jaygusher has a talent for story telling. Whether he continues this or starts a new one, I really like his writing and hope to see more.
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