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evilqueerpig last won the day on January 7 2024

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About evilqueerpig

  • Birthday 08/26/1959

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    Conyers, GA
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
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    SLUT with few limits
  • Looking For
    NASTY/PIGGY/KINKY men and boiz...1 on 1...3ways....groups...fullblown tops move to the front of the line

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  1. Looking for your poz loads today 

  2. RIP Eliot.  I’m sad.  I always enjoyed out chats.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. partying.hard


      During the summer.  I found a brief obit on line.

    3. ellentonboy


      I am really sad to read that.  RIP, he was one of the first forum members to reach out to me, always friendly and not afraid to share his life experiences with fellow members.



      OH no, I am so sorry to hear!

  3. Thanks for the support and inspiration you have given us. You have pleased our Lord S atan with your life. 😈☣️

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ScorpionFF


      I wish this were not true. I always liked to see him lurking about BZ and enjoyed his input. Rest in Peace dear Eliot. 🧡

    3. SlampaBay


      I may be new to this thread but I've long been a serious fan of his work, which at various times made me cum, laugh, cry, cringe but always think. And care.

      My heart goes out to all of you so knew him best and miss him most.


    4. PozTalkAuthor


      don't worry... It sound strange but it almost seems a memory wall

  4. you know I love you... just to tell you this. Wherever you are. ☣️ 😘

  5. hey my friend, everything OK? Love you

  6. Spring...when a young man's fancy turns to cock and cum
  7. You learn to take the bitter with the better
  8. How soon will it turn to shag thy neighbour?
  9. Hope this isn't a 1 off.
  10. The OP seems to have left the site but I think this thread should keep going. For some, piss is considered a submissive thing, but it's not set in stone. I got into piss by accident. It was NYC Pride and I spent the night with a HOT Latino. The next morning, I got up first and being a proper pig, I thought I'd wake my guy up with a blowjob. Scooting down on the bed, I took his cock in my mouth. His bladder opened a split second before his eyes and I tasted his bitter morning piss, FUCK, it tasted good! Awake and aware, he tried to pull out, but I sealed my mouth around his cock, only releasing it after swallowing every last drop. "I never done that before, but after the initial shock, it felt good to piss in your mouth!" "Actually, it was my first time drinking piss, but I FUCKIN LOVE IT!" Long story short, he fed me twice more before I left and on my way home, I bought my first yellow hanky. That first experience made me have a preference for strong piss and I soon discovered that I can give as good as I get.
  11. Why am I on the wrong side of the pond?

  12. Ev's butt muscles responded to each spurt of Wilhelm's/Will's deathstick spewing AIDS jizz deep within him. "Wilhelm, my hot AIDS stud, I'm all yours! I give myself to you willingly, eagerly and if it's okay with you, lovingly!" "It's more than okay with me. Nearing the end of my time, it's wonderful having a man who loves me and a man I love." Will declared. "How could I not love you? You're sweet, kind, sexy! All that and an ass that's tight, hot and wet!" Smiling wide, Ev said, "Men have always complimented me on my tight ass and it's been a source of pride, but never more than tonight knowing it shall absorb every drop of your super AIDS sperm. This is my destiny. YOU are my destiny!" Will stroked Ev's face, "Your destiny! Fuck you have a way with words! Not to mention having a way with your ass! I think I'm good for one last fuck. Let's rock back and forth, so we're equals." "Good idea!" Ev exclaimed, pulling will close to him. They were chest to chest and he could feel Will's heart beating. Back and forth, back and forth, they rocked. Kissing passionately, they were as one. Ev had never known such bliss. All too soon, Will reached his climax, the most intense and powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced. "I'm spent!" He whisper shouted. Feeling his own rare anal orgasm, Ev announced, "I'm filled! Gently, he rose from Wilhelm's/Will's still rock hard cock. Repositioning himself, he licked that magnificent cock clean, savoring his own ass juices. He fondled those BULL BALLS, now emptied. Basking in the afterglow, he lay at Will's side stroking his face. "I had no idea what to expect, but this was fucking amazing, fucking being the operative word! Thank you, my Wilhelm! From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my hole! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I think we both need to get dressed." Hopping off the bed, Ev picked up Will's gown and tied it on him, the front tenting from the chemical induced hardon. Next, he dressed himself. "Ev, I'm the one who should be thanking you!" Will said. "They say you never forget your first! Well, you gave me a memorable last, three to be specific! Please, don't go, I feel like my time is nearly up and I don't want to be alone. In the closet, there's a duffel bag. Bring it to me." Ev did as told. Opening the duffel bag, he retrieved the Wilhelm magazine. "Yes, it makes me seem vain, but if anyone did visit, at least I had proof that I was virile before I was viral." He reached for a pen on the bedside table as he thumbed through the pages. Writing something, he put the magazine back in the duffel bag. I need you to promise not to look at this until you're home. Greg is calling me. Kiss me goodbye." Bending over, Ev gave Will a passionate kiss. "Goodbye my Wilhelm," He said, pulling back. Will closed his eyes and went peacefully. Lack of blood flow caused his magnificent cock to soften. Picking up the duffel bag, he walked back to the front desk. "Lenny, he's gone and he went peacefully. The trip home took ten minutes. Once inside, he opened the duffel bag. He found the magazine opened to that page where Will had written, "To my dearest Ev, ALL that I have is yours. With all my love, your Wilhelm." The end
  13. pre-poz....fuckin hot!

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