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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm sorry to read that you were so disappointed. That said: having spent many afternoons down there, I can't remember a time when there were only "10% of the guys were under 65". Yes, there are some "seniors", and plenty of younger guys. Some guys value "experience", some don't. One of these days you'll be a senior too, and your lusts won't dry up once you are. Given that I.L. is built a business-model of catering to "day-pass" traffic (there are guys that drive up from Miami, other smaller towns outside of Ft. L. for example), I wouldn't expect spacious, luxurious rooms. Also, I've never experienced anything less than a clean (if spare) room. There's a sling in every room, a clean john/shower, and everything is neat and tidy. Nothing is extravagant, but there are more than enough gay guesthouses around town (particularly W.M.) that are downright extravagant, and priced accordingly. As far as I know, we're still not able to fuck plaster statues. Inn Leather* is an great source of enjoyment to lots of guys, and it's far enough away from downtown that it'll survive our mayor's thirst tearing down so many older places instead of renovation, preservation. *which may have had some relationship with what Leathermen call The Leather Scene/Life at some point years ago. Admittedly t's hardly that now (unless someone equates a sling in every room with living The LeatherLife.
  2. Nothing wrong with a 350 at all - I sill have a Chev pickup with a 350 in it. Frankly, the earth never did need cars with huge displacement engines poisoning the planet, but .... that said .... for some of us that had them (and 440 cid engines from Chrysler Corp), hot, hungry cummy Holes craving more loads aren't the only thing that turned some Cocks into granite (temporarily, of course) 🤩
  3. Thanks for that update, twinkcumdumpSF. It's been years since I was last there, and it was nothing but depressing. So, we'll take your updated word for it.
  4. Does it have a 455?
  5. Are those actual colors? I know what amber is, but "puce" ??? Waaaaaaay too close to puke .....
  6. This may be a dumb idea, but here goes: 1. Start with a fuckbuddy - or maybe two. Plan a smallish "group" event, and each "member" (you, and the other 1 or 2) invite one more guy. Assuming that works ..... 2. ... you'll have 5 or 6 guys in the group. Then, have another fuck-event with the same 5/6 guys - which will allow each guy to get to know the others a little better. Add another fuckevent, and ask each guy to get 1 new guy. The more dedicated a guy is, the more he'll get new guys. 3. Take it easy on the numbers -and don't give this group a name - yet. Keep it small at first, and let word of sex .... I mean ... word of mouth do a little bit of the work. It could be split off into several separate "groups", yet in communication with each other. By this time, there may be a need for a "board" or handful of leaders. Keep it focused on the group-sex, and don't be shy about telling your friend/fuckbuds about it. 4. Solicit new ideas from within the group, and thus widen the appeal for new guys. And above all, toss any shred of judgementalism in the garbage. Might as well try it, right? Finally, keep it smallish until some natural (and proven) leaders surface. It might be months, maybe a year. I think this model could work almost anywhere.
  7. and that's the rub: the more "advanced" the country is, the more "enlightened" it's Government is in providing what most deem "necessary" healthcare services. There is no "free lunch" - or free healthcare - or free childcare - or free anything - for very long. So if one wants a more "socialist" Government, then get your ass out in the streets and start demonstrating for one. Join organizations reflecting your views. Sitting in our chairs complaining accomplishes nothing. When formerly "advanced" nations (or soon to be "formerly") regress, seem to turn inwards, blame others for their troubles, become far too eager to point the finger at scapegoats, refuse to educate their children properly, on and on, they wind up losing any claim to leadership in the world. The citizens begin to wonder why their nation is no longer held in esteem, and look for reasons to point to. A mindset of "it's the other guy's fault" takes hold, and the vortex of disunity sucks in all those who don't understand what's happening or why. When potential answers come, they are disputed over the tiniest of details, often with rancorous exchanges. The resultant "blame the other guy" never works well. If we're too busy with the minutia of casting blame on X personage, Y policy, we miss the larger picture. It's eeeeasy to sit and bitch, but never productive. There's something every person can actually "do". To the OP, when we get what we pay for, most folks are satisfied. When that's no longer the case, we tend to look around for some other guy to blame. Look instead for something to do. Take part. Write letters. Join orgs in your area that suit your viewpoint. When formerly "advanced" nations (or soon to be "formerly") regress, seem to turn inwards, blame others for their troubles, become far too eager to point the finger at scapegoats, refuse to educate their children properly, on and on, they wind up losing any claim to leadership in the world. The citizens begin to wonder why their nation is no longer held in esteem, and look for reasons to point to. A mindset of "it's the other guy's fault" takes hold, and the vortex of disunity sucks in all those who don't understand what's happening or why. When potential answers come, they are disputed over the tiniest of details, often with rancorous exchanges. The resultant "blame the other guy" never works well. If we're too busy with the minutia of casting blame on X personage, Y policy, we miss the larger picture. It's eeeeasy to sit and bitch, but never productive. There's something every person can actually "do". To the OP, when we get what we pay for, most folks are satisfied. When that's no longer the case, we tend to look around for some other guy to blame. Look instead for something to do. Take part. Write letters. Join orgs in your area that suit your viewpoint.
  8. Well, thanks ... the political mess has been heating up around here (thank Whatever). Had around 500 at this week's demonstration - not bad for the 3rd week (after all - this is Florida ....) Of course - and it seems to apply across the board - MtoM, MtoF, FtoF,* whatever. And, we all fuck one way or another - but what I'm wondering about is the idea that men (or males) are trying to negate the sperm of previous men** (this obviously applies to straights) via a fuck subsequent to the load off the previous cock. Once a cock - any cock - has pumped a hole full of sperm, it's already too late to attempt to "negate" the load off the previous Cock. *via a dildo or similar **whether gay, straight, bi, or some other amalgamation, there's no way that I can think of to get rid of previous loads other than a thorough douche (or feast 😉). And even then it may already be "too late". Those frisky little swimmers can do the deed before we even pull out, (depending on the degree of propulsion, of course). Interesting thought - I suppose it would definitely help evacuate the Hole of previous loads, assuming the Cock pulled entirely out, was wiped off, etc etc ... But, so would a hungry tongue searching out the remains of previous loads. As far as I know however, the little swimmers can get to where they're headed fairly quickly, and there are waaaay more than enough of them to do the job. This whole subject is something I've never heard of before, but it's an interesting subplot to the OP.
  9. I've never lived in a place (after leaving the town I grew up in) where there was a dearth of men who fucked each other. I did use the apps for a while, but it was always easier to just get in the car, drive a little, and hit the fuckjoints. And, I met a handful of guys on the apps that became good buddies, both fuckbuds and guys who I became actual friends with as well as fuckbuds. I guess I've always liked living close to the action - and was able to do that to this day. Reading about all the disappointments that seem to go hand-in-glove with using the apps is a sorrow - and I wish all of us could live in places where we could fuck each other without any hindrances. I suppose that would also be called Heaven.
  10. This is an interesting (potentially) issue. It's nothing I'd known of prior, and I'm not sure I buy into very much of this thought-train. While it's entirely possible that in truly ancient times, males felt some kind of competition (between themselves) to supplant other males sperm with their own, and thus propagate their own individual characteristics via this "replacement" theory, it's hard to imagine that mind-set lingering on for very long. The notion that (every? almost every?) male wants his own dna propagated, to the exclusion of other males I hadn't heard of until reading that reference material. I rather doubt that any man's individual urge to procreate goes much farther than his lusts do. Of course, making "love" to his "loved one" is fully sanctioned by society, and for good reason. Once that goal is accomplished, why would that "instinct" carry on much farther? I wonder if there's much "instinct" at all involved in the "displacement theory" material. Men have the instinct to procreate, of course, but to the extent that men instinctually want 'their" own dna to continue, as opposed to procreation as a by-product of their instinctual pressure to fuck is where I'm missing the premise. I think "the penis" is - for the vast majority of males - an instrument of pleasure, and making love to a loved one, which also doubles as handy piss-tool. More, I don't think most men give a hoot who else has fucked the woman (as long as it's not their own property ... er.... I mean "wife" other men have fucked).
  11. Amen to that !!! Three for starters, anyway ...
  12. 👅 nuff said
  13. And, I'm sure he's grateful for YOU, whether he verbalizes it or not. I'm guessing that your kindness, your support, your lack of any hint of judgementalism has allowed him to delve more deeply into his own psyche, and discover more about himself that he ever dared prior to meeting you. For some guys, their true sexual identity has been buried so deep for so long, they're unable to consciously face facts about themselves - and I know you know what I mean. It's entirely possible you "saved" a good man from emotional oblivion, based on the cultural hatreds we all experience. Some of us find it easier to reject , some of us don't. There's a phrase from an old camp song entitled "Let the Lower Lights be Burning", winding up with the phrase "you may rescue, you may save". I don't buy any of the metaphysical bullshit at all - but I do buy the notion that we can help other folks, and not even know we're doing it.
  14. I have a "cardinal" rule .... I always take a 'sniff-test' first - before anything else. A poorly/un-prepped Hole turns me off instantly. To the OP though, if all I smell is Sperm off previous Cocks, I start feasting before anything else. These are the unseen men I have the opportunity to "connect" with - and that's a huge turn-on for me.
  15. There's some kind of issue afoot, and you don't seem to know what it is. What that issue happens to be is ancillary to the problem however. 1. It's unfair of your other half to simply halt sex - whether alone together or with other guys included. 2. Since you and he used to have sex with each other and other guys, I doubt the problem lies with merely having 'outside' sex. There's something else afoot in the relationship, and he can't (or won't) share whatever it is with you. That's a deeper problem, and we have no idea what that might be, but you definitely need to get him to confide in you. I doubt it's a "sex" thing - sounds more like withholding sex is a punishment for something else. From what you've offered, it does seem unfair to be treated like this. 3. If you're absolutely certain he's not having sex / had sex for around 6 months, I'd suggest a counselor of some sort, that's trained to sniff out the root cause of issues like this. It's something that needs to be dealt with, and I'm sending you my best wishes to get it figured out - one way or another.
  16. We had a "playroom-cum-dungeon" in the basement back in Chicago .... there were baseboard heaters to keep warm in the winter, a sling, all the toys on one wall, hung on an aluminum "grid"-type doo-dad. I took most of it with me to FL when I moved - and that's all in one of the bedrooms now. There's a deadbolt lock on that door though, just in case a nosy "wannabe" starts wandering around ..... Normally, the door just stands wide open.
  17. Congrats, bud .... you've "made it".
  18. As far as I know, there are precious few *real* Leatherbars left. There's only one that I know of here in Ft. L., that being the local Eagle. Ramrod was a great Leatherbar at one time, but those days are long gone. I wonder what I'm going to do with all that gear .......
  19. I've mentioned any number of times that Broward County (FL) is the most reliably Democratic county in a very red State. Just got back from another demonstration (the second at this location) at a Tesla dealership on Federal Highway (US 1), which is a 4-lane racetrack of busy commercial "big-box" stores, retail spaces. Local Liberals started meeting on one of the busier streets here in Ft. Lauderdale just last Saturday for a "demonstration"-type event. Last time, there were around 100 (some folks walked along counting). This afternoon, (the second Saturday of the event) there were over 300, and the television cameras were there. Most had simple, hand-made signs, with varying degrees of. A steady stream of cars slowed down, drivers honking their horns in support, the cops were there to make sure no one went in the street (and thus staring death in the face). It took so little - I made a couple of insulting signs denigrating those who so richly deserve it. A buddy and I spent a couple of hours over there, much camaraderie in the crowd, everyone having a great time of it. Everyone had some kind of sign (there were a handful with Ukrainian flags), and everyone had a great time of it. Point: This is fucking FLORIDA - ruby red as can be - with precious little Liberal percentage of the population. And there were 300-some folks who made little signs, stood for a couple of hours, geniality all around, offering compliments to others, booing drivers of the Musk-mobiles, enjoying the hell out of it. So, by all means continue to complain, offer thoughts, analysis, all of that here on BZ and every other venue you can think of. But just that won't be enough. In short, DO SOMETHING.
  20. Well, thanks for that possibility, Thoron. You mean processed sugar, right? Natural sugars (fruits, etc) would also apply?
  21. Really .... I hadn't heard that. Is there some website or study you can recommend? As far as I've always thought, Land 'O Lakes UNsalted was the perfect compliment to previous loads.
  22. Well, they've had a sip of the cool-aid, and not much more can be expected of them. On the other hand, President of Ukraine, Mr. Zelenskyy, sat down with His Faded Orangeness, and that other bearded blunder, for a discussion about their valuable dirt and our guarantees of assistance as the little-boy-to-the-north's war drags (literally) on and on and on. We, the citizens of the US, were completely disgraced by the performance of our elected leadership - both President and Vice President, as both of them insulted the President of Ukraine over and over and over again. This time, Macron wasn't there to gently touch Orangie's arm (to get him to shut his hole) and explain quietly what the actual situation was. It was a truly embarrassing demonstration of grade-school-class bullying put on by our President & Veep.
  23. For me it was November, and pretty much the same story, Pharmacist where I go asks regularly about a number of boosters, and I always get them. They've never bothered me at all, so why not take a professional's advice?
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