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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I went for vers. A hot guy, whichever way he goes. And, almost as regrettably talented at dancing as I am !!!
  2. Size isn't the crucial component, skill is that component of a hot fuck. If a guy has a 10 incher he doesn't know how to use, then so what if it's 10 inches or 5? Conversely, if a guy has a 5 incher that he uses skillfully, to it's very best advantage, then he's delivered a hotter fuck than the horse that doesn't know how to use what he's got in the first place. The mark of a truly dedicated Breeder is in the skills he's learned.
  3. Similar experience for me. We met at the tubs, had just over 30 wonderful years together. Usually went out cruising together, but sometimes we went to different fuckjoints. Often had small groups over, or went to group-fuck events. We were both pigs, but he passed a number of years ago, and I miss him every damn day. Very happy for you, EuRawBottom, that you found the right man to share your life with. It's a gift from the Universe to find the right man we can be completely honest and open with, and go do it all with him.
  4. ^ He's correct. No consent = no nookie. Period.
  5. Ditto for Ft. Lauderdale. I have requests for appts in at a number of service providers ... but my phone has yet to ring. Monday I'll be calling them all again anyway .... squeaky wheel, and all that ...
  6. Ahhhh .... Grindr, then. That app is also one of the reasons why crossing several streets in the area are almost begging to be run down. Guys actually drive around, staring at their phones in the wee hours. There are relatively minor crashes all the time. One day, someone is going to invent some doo-dad that pedestrians can push a button on, and fry the Grindr guy's phone. Thanks for the info.
  7. Is being "tapped" some kind of electronic communication on one of the apps? In my (admittedly) outdated lexicon of the apps, I remember "oinks", but "tapped" always meant you got fucked - as in "so and so tapped my ass really well". If getting "tapped" is similar to the old "oinks", then it surprises me not one bit that you get those messages. You're one of the very special ones, and have my complete admiration for answering your calling. Precious few have that same courage. Thanks for all the important and interesting discourse too; I know all of us appreciate your excellent contributions, even if some neglect to mention it.
  8. Thank you for the interesting response. Agreed. American citizens did indeed make that decision, and it led to murmurs of session. And also with much respect, particularly since your forebears suffered through the tragedy: There was indeed, as there always is, was, and every shall be, an "us" and a "them", which is based in economic advantage vs perceived economic disadvantage, accompanied by some cultural contrivance (often religious) to divert the attention of the masses. The Romans marched and conquered because they could. The British sailed the seas sweeping aside all opposition because they could. The Germans (and their allies in the Far East) marched and conquered because they could, possessing superior industrial (i.e. killing-power) development. At the time, it turned out that the US was the sleeping giant of industrialization, which is an economic advantage if ever there were one. Is there a nation that ever existed throughout history that hasn't exerted the will of it's powerful because it could?. The "us" vs "them" is always lurking in the shadows. Choose any ancient text chronicling domination of one economic group against another - or any modern text of the same purpose - and it boils down to who's got control and who doesn't. I would hazard that in this country, there has always been - since before there even was a Nation - an "us" and a "them", defined by economic status. When the North found it necessary to mobilize, the concept of using enslavement of another race of people was far easier to rouse the citizens of the North than to stick to the truth. It's so much easier to rouse hatred of "the other" by stand-in's, as opposed to the truth. Thank you again for your most interesting and beautifully-expressed response. Never-the-less ......
  9. Most interesting conversation. Actually, I didn't go out last weekend, and I won't be this weekend either. I want the damn monkey vaccination before I resume the usual weekend m.o. Have requests for an appt in at as many places that are taking reservations (or, at least those I know about). So, dry weekend ahead. I should clean out the garage anyway, dammittall ...... still have hurricane-preparedness shit to shovel too, doubledammitall ..... damn monkeys in Africa ...... but, this too shall pass (at some point, tripledammitall 😬😒☹️😠💢
  10. There was also a car by that name, made in Toledo from the late '20's to early '30's. A sporty little car, and well regarded in it's day. It got gobbled up by the conglomerate that later became American Motors.
  11. Allow me to disagree: That conflict was essentially an economic one. The agrarian-based economy of the Southern States found itself in a stand-off with the industrialized North. While the economic power of the South - based, of course, on the utter depravity of enslaving other human beings for the economic benefit of the Plantocracy - began to fade, and the Northern States became increasingly Industrialized and more and more powerful, an inevitable reckoning would have to come. This was increasingly apparent from around the mid-to-late1840's, simmering ever hotter, until the conflagration finally erupted. The filth of enslaving other human beings, and basing the plantocracy on that fact, only provided the hook upon which to begin the secessionist movement. It is interesting to note that human behavior doesn't sink deeply into the pit of hellish behavior until one group has the chance to unseat another more powerful group. That instinct, I suppose, is the common curse of humankind, since it occurs constantly throughout human history. It's easy to appear genteel when we're squatting on top of the heap; less-so when we begin to slip off the apex. So, no. Slavery was not the principal issue. Fading economic power on one side, and burgeoning economic power on the other was the cause. Some historians believe that the South never had a ghost of a chance, considering the weight of the economic engine of the North. Even outstanding military talent couldn't win it for the South; the Shenandoah Campaign lasted from the beginning of that war to the very end of it. The sheer crushing industrial might of the North is what won, and in doing so, brought an end to the outrage of American slavery.
  12. ^ I love it. I wonder if the Canadians would like it all that much though ..... Surely the present nation of Canada wouldn't care to have such a long, exposed border with Jesusland. And, we already know how much they (don't) know about building a long border wall ...... One modification does occur though. I think USoC should keep Alaska. That way we can watch Putin's collapse from the roofs of our houses. But poor old Illinois should really be a part of CreepyLand. It's only the City of Chicago that's the real bastion of Democratic power; the rest of the state has been reddish for a long time. It's only the vestiges of the old machine that keep the State Government blue. And imagine the saliva running out of Jesusland's mouths, when they realize that California alone possesses an economy far larger than the rest of their entire country. But, jealousy has always been one of their hallmarks.
  13. Not at all .... just one of them. It usually does take some guy to crank things up in a backroom, but it doesn't take all that much. Just the first domino in the row to fall, and the rest happens of it's own accord. I'm not afraid to stir the pot, if it needs stirring, but it doesn't take too much to turn some guys standing around cruising each other into some guys having sex with each other.
  14. Really ..... which particular corner of the current USA did you have in mind to waste on them? I'd rather the hatemongers get re-programmed, and eventually resume the national life with the rest of us. Once Cheeto-head is either in the clink or dead, the air in the reactionaries balloon will gradually dissipate, and with proper reforms, we can move forward again.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, the more onlookers the better - since onlookers turn into participants, once they see other men sucking off Cocks - taking loads - right in front of them. It's only natural they'd want to get in on the action.
  16. These idiots would make it illegal to take a shit on Sundays ... just so "Whoever" doesn't have to smell it on "his" day.
  17. To the "jar" effect: While I fully appreciate and understand ErosWired's limited experience (fortunately for the rest of us), one way around that is to angle your Cock as it ruts. Bend your knees and thrust up, then on tip-toes, thrust down. Side-to-side can work too. That way, you'll get more skin-to-skin sensations, and you'll hit the bottom's fuckbutton harder half the time.
  18. If that's true, and I have no reason to doubt it, the reason is probably because guys figure that "the worst possible" has already happened, they're still alive via the state of "medical arts and sciences", and there's simply no reason not to take every load, rut in every Hole anymore. That may or may not be phallacious*, it may be foolish, it may be this or it may be that. But what it also may be is enabling. The thing is, we can do all of that primal sex with all the protections available too, and increase our chances of living a longer, healthier life of doing all those deliciously lustful things. Sure, other bugs will surely come a-calling. They can be treated, and it's onwards and upwards. *on purpose
  19. I agree, he does, that that's rather weak water compared to Cheeto-Head's attitudes. I think the reason that some Dems/Progressives in the US are a bit down on Biden, is that he spent 30 years in a Senate that wasn't divided so bitterly along party lines. Biden strongly believes in the Senate as it used to be, and still thinks things possible years ago are still possible in the radicalized Senate of today. I also think that the latest kick-in-the-balls by Mr. Manchin of WV, the man who has soaked up 1.5 years of Biden's Presidency with his soft-spoken murmurings about "let's try and see what we can do" - but then slamming the door shut on even the most modest progressive causes over and over and over again, has finally torn the blinders of history off Biden's eyes. Remember, he became Vice President in 2008, and thus away from the Senate for 14 years, during which time Mr. McConnell of KY has been writhing, snake-like, through the Congressional weeds, plotting and planning his "conservative takeover", so recently foisted upon the US. Finally, President Biden is making noises about actions taken by Executive Order, which bypasses Congress. So, maybe he can start forcing some sorely-needed things through now that the truth has made itself so clear. On another note, we send our very best wishes to President Biden for an early and complete recovery from his covid diagnoses. We, of all folks, should never wish illness on others (however difficult that may be regarding the trumpet of that ridiculous orange pompadour).
  20. I think it's true that gay men deepen and refine their Lusts as they age. What used to be fantastic sex 20 years ago is still ok, but more like a transmission stuck in 1st gear. Once hiv became treatable, i.e. guys could survive it, I noticed a more finely-honed sense of abandon in the fuckjoints. Sort of like 'we made it through, we're still alive, so let's fuck like there's no tomorrow' kind of mindset. Prior to that, there weren't anywhere near as many men acting out truly wanton behavior on such a broad scale as before hiv. Add to that the inclination to seek ever-deeper depravities to bring the same thrill we used to achieve through less demonstrative acts, and those of us of a certain age find ourselves drawn more and more to bluntly, overtly, sexual practices. Thirty years ago, if I ran into myself today in some fuckjoint, I'd think "what a dirrrrrty Pig that guy is", and move on. Sucking off a couple of Cocks in the steamroom just doesn't carry the same thrill it did years ago. Fucking one guy, or maybe two just doesn't ring the bell like it used to. But I'm happy with who and what I've become. I don't mind if some guy sees me in action, and thinks to himself, geez - what a filthy dirty perverted pig that guy is. I kinda like it. It only encourages guys that share my Lusts, and discourages the more vanilla guys I don't want to waste time with anyway. This hasn't happened, but if some more vanilla guy (particularly a little younger) actually asked me why I do what I do, I'd be happy to buy him some lunch somewhere and explain it in every sodden detail. I like who and what I've matured into.
  21. That can be the case. When I run into that, I encourage the appropriate efforts be made by the bottom (generally I avoid younger guys, so I don't encounter this all that often). If I can't make it happen, I simply apologize and move on.
  22. While it's sometimes challenging to remain polite, if I can, you can too. Here's the list of House members who voted, and how they voted on the protection of marriage bill, which passed the House. If your Representative failed to vote yes, sent them emails, send them texts, and express your complete and total dissatisfaction with their vote. Mine have already heard from me via electronic means several times, but the actual written letters - which I blush to say are my particularly delightful specialty - won't arrive at their offices for a couple of days. There is a way to politely suggest they go perform a physically impossible sexual act upon themselves. [think before following links] https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022373 As always, be careful of cutting/copying, all of that. If you're not confident, merely type the preceding into your search engine. And, VOTE !!!!!
  23. Most likely, and that puts each of them on the record - which will be used against them in the upcoming elections.
  24. First aversion, as so well stated by Barebacksletje above: condoms in porn billed as raw. Second, and more disappointing than an aversion: Tops who only use half their Cock as they rut. For Whatever's sake - use your entire Cock - that's what it's there for. Learn your craft, porn starlets.
  25. 50/50 - mostly in name only. Mr. Manchen has bent over so far for Big Coal money, I doubt he can take a shit in the morning. I don't think a pencil would fit up his greed-encrusted rrrrrrrrrasshole !!!!! He's no Democrat - he's a MyMoneyFirstCrat. I very much hope Biden prevents that pipeline from going through WV.
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