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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. This is becoming ridiculous ... replies that have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual thoughts others have shared? Cogency is simply not afoot here.
  2. I suppose it's all relative: I've been sexually active for decades, but what has certainly increased is a thirst for ever-deeper depravities. Years ago, I didn't love to eat loads out of Holes anywhere near as much as I do now. I didn't love an audience as much as I do now. Sure, I'll still do 1-1's at home, but much prefer weekends at the fuckjoints. I like other men to watch me rut/Breed, watch them get hard, take out their Cocks, start jacking, waiting for their turn. I like when other guys start sucking Cocks, rutting in each other, waiting their turns. It's like I've become fairly good at acting out onlookers fantasies, thus enabling, enticing other guys to join in the bacchanal. Inhibitions may be appropriate in some situations, but I can't think of any just now .... tomorrow's Friday - finally. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  3. That ^ may be somewhat accurate, and it may not, depending on the tightness of the Hole. Most of us know what a toilet "plunger" is, which depends on suction to deal with less-than-pleasant situations. Since that dependability is not available in circumstances like these, the "suction" function should be replaced with displacing certain substances with water under mild pressure, which is then easily dismissed. There may be other variables in play (physiology, etc) - but it's worth being sure, rather than "just enough". Nothing is more off-putting than discovering - midway into the fuck - than evidence that an incomplete prep job failed to achieve the intended result. Shallow prepping may not be appropriate 🙄
  4. Per the above two replies: I understand so well. As far as I've figured it out, the "reward" for posting/replying - i.e. taking part in the discourse - is we're allowed more "reactions". I have no idea if there's some kind of sliding scale as to what type of posts get x percentage of rewards, but the more you take part, the more you're able to use the responses doo-dad. I think I've spent too much time in the responses clink ("you cannot post any more responses today").... but, it's not my site, either. It encourages us to actually write something, rather than just click the little doo-dads. So, thanks for joining up, and jump into the conversations.
  5. You're right, of course. The medical profession is based on rendering needed medical care to anyone, without regard to extraneous issues, and not on cultural preconceptions. Consigning women to the dark ages of the past is an ethical, moral, and certainly intellectual disgrace. Here in the US, there are States that will continue to offer comprehensive medical services to women, thank Whatever. Girls are often raised to believe they are subject to the <polite cough> "leadership" of their husbands, including sex on demand, thanks to demented, archaic religious teaching. When the inevitable occurs, the husband then blames the wife for becoming preggers, out of a sense of entitlement, also instilled since childhood. Yes, that sense of blunt ownership has begun to fade in some areas, but it still thrives in others. Once women gained the right to have a determinative say in what happens to their own bodies, the now-old men who depended on acceptance of their God-Given right to dominate women to function, find themselves desperately trying to stem the tide of history - like - oh, say - Mr. Thomas and his fellow 17th Century era "intelligentsia". As always, most men tend to think with their Cocks, and blame the consequences on something - anything - other than themselves.
  6. Thanks, Close2myBro. No wonder that commentary stirred up (yet another) hornet's nest. Her loose language doesn't really help, other than maybe fire up the base. Still, I've liked her through the years, shooting from the lip. Still, she has definitely "walked-the-walk", along with so many others. As far as I'm concerned, the more citizens that get fired up to VOTE in their primaries and the General in November, the better. In the M.W. vein though, I've voted at two polling places here, and both were staffed mostly by elderly Af/Am ladies. There have been reports in the media that a lot of them are afraid of the hatemongers running amok these days, and have quit their jobs working the polling places. So, I went downtown to the Registrar's office and volunteered to work on primary & election day. They were delighted to accept my offer, and I am awaiting notification of where the training will take place. While I am experienced in local political work, it wasn't here in FL, so I know the various minutia of the rules will be a bit different. I know I can do it, and I encourage any/all of our members to do the same. Remember: the mischief-makers know they're in the wrong, no matter how much bluster they put up. It's not that tough to stand up to blathering idiots.
  7. I know that I 'lose track' of certain threads sometimes - and I completely missed the Maxine Waters whatever-it-was. Does anyone have a link to her latest kerfuffle? Or better, a summary of what she said/did? Thanks (in advance).
  8. When weighed against similar situations throughout recorded history, well ........... the outlook is not bright. To my mind, the zenith of Washington's power and influence was reached during the Johnson Administration and began to decline at that point. The failure in SE Asia, Kent State, young folks questioning the validity of the Administration's actions (which had not happened in any substantial numbers prior), the Kennedy murders, etc etc etc. I'm really glad I'm not a kid anymore. Close2MyBro may very well be spot-on.
  9. All I know is, no one knows everything, and everyone needs to keep learning new ways of thinking, new points of view. It's empowering to know that no one knows everything, and thus, everything is always up for reflection and new potential answers. If we stop doubting, we only get encrusted with old notions. Learning new perspectives is healthy, uplifting, even exciting sometimes. I write on a political blog, and find new perspectives all the time. Each deserves consideration, some are bs, but some are well thought out. Getting stuck in some intellectual rut only diminishes us. Cheers !!!
  10. I think this ^ statement gets to the crux of the issue. To less secure-minded folks, the world seems to be careening out of control: Russia on the march, financial instabilities, commodity scarceness, unreliable trade agreements, governments struggling to stem the tide, often seemingly unable to deal with important issues, on and on. This has been increasingly clear for several years now, and only becoming more obvious. More emotionally secure folks are concerned, but not losing their ability to keep the unsettled in it's proper perspective. There is hope that people of good will can right the ship in more self-confident men and women. When an era of disruption of what's been the norm seems imminent, insecure folks tend to lash out at anything around them, without considering the negative value of their actions. Without a firm belief-system (I mean, personal - not institutional) of hope, enlightenment to hang on to, some folks simply succumb to a sense of ennui - which is when the real despots can take advantage and create genuine havoc. But there's always hope too.
  11. Of course this is true. What is also true, is that we vary widely in the manner we enjoy sex. Some men love X, some men love Y, and some men love the entire alphabet. Yes, we have much in common, and we have a wide pool of ways to express out sexuality too. There are men who are deeply in love with another man, and have mind-blowing sex with their loved one. There are men who love their One and Only, and never find outside sex appealing. There are men who find polyamory thrilling, and men that don't. There are men that find that "connection" with only one, and men that find it in a pile of rutting men. Who's to say one is better (or less confused?) than the other? Certainly not me. There's room for everyone, and men that see things differently deserve just as much value, to have their lives upheld, and enjoy acceptance from all of us. While it may be true that some guys write "can you top this" stuff on this site and there's room for that here on BZ. The point is, do what makes you happiest, and share that with everyone else. If some guy reads something he doesn't care for - well, no one is forcing him to read it in the first place. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  12. Welllllll ..... there is, of course, the question of skill involved in this question. It did serve to recall a semi-regular years ago who, somehow - was able to relax his throat to the point that there was no muscular resistance, only the flesh, which gave way fairly easily. That was fun. Then, there's the issue of the teeth. If the bottom has a particularly wide "bite", it might be ok. If not, as the old saying goes - sticks and stones may break my bones, but teeth will definitely break my enthusiasm ...... or something like that.
  13. Your point is well taken. As to the others (Protestant - i.e. Luther derived), the method of teaching racism was less overt, and thus more insidious. "They" (meaning P.O.C.) simply weren't mentioned. The R.C's were heavily denigrated in the most overt fashion (after all - they worship statues - which I was quite literally taught as a little kid in Sunday School), they don't have to be sorry for their sins, because they only have to pay money and count beads, and then they can go do whatever it was all over again. This, when we were taught that every single little thing we ever, ever did wrong was written down in some impossibly enormous book in the sky, and we would have to answer for every single entry under our individual name. I clearly remember someone asking something in Sunday School - can't recall just what - about the people on the other side of the river dividing the city I grew up in - and the answer came that "they stay over there, we stay over here on our side". This shit was literally taught to little kids. So, generations upon generations of mostly Northern-European-derived Americans were inculcated with the notion that "the other" simply was not relevant to "our" lives. We wind up therefore, with Caucasians today who can actually say shit like "I didn't own any slaves - it's not my fault". And this was in the second-largest metro area outside of Chicago. With this kind of nurturing of kids, it's hardly a wonder that we find ourselves where we are these days.
  14. There are some verrrry tasty Holes around BZ ..... so when's the BZ Convention scheduled for ???
  15. As you are so very well aware, we are of one mind about this. It's one thing to go hit the backrooms/fuckjoints, and occasionally share something akin to The Connection you describe so beautifully. It's a whole 'nother kettle of fish to be fortunate enough to live it on a daily basis. It's apples vs oranges - tartare vs canned tuna - mating vs fucking. I'd gladly give every damn thing I own to see that mischievious little smile one more time ....
  16. I would suggest that what is obvious is not the comprehensiveness of my reading, but rather your lack of it.
  17. If I may offer a suggestion? It may prove more productive to simply mention that your sweet, brown, foreskinned dick belongs to someone else, who enjoys your sweeter-still beautiful ass being rawfucked and pumped full of Sperm. It may not be totally true, but it may very well get you more BreedCock up what is surely a most-deserving and delicious Hole.
  18. Ok. That clears that up. I'm guessing that it's some sort of "fashion" statement in your neck of the woods. by bottoms that are unsure of how to "present". In my experience, gear like chastity devices are mostly used to focus the bottom's attention - for instance, away from one thing in favor of another, and principally within the context of a Bd/Sm scene - which would never take place in a bath house or fuckjoint. The purposes of each are diametrically opposed. So, to answer the original question, no. I would maybe give the guy wearing a chastity device a sidelong glance as I passed by, and that's about it. I would consider it a statement of (perhaps unwittingly) confusion by the bottom and steer clear. Thanks for the explanation.
  19. I've read a number of his books/letters, and he's magnificent. Also, Bonhoeffer's writings, in the same vein. If we don't learn from those who faced similar (for those to, far worse) challenges, how can we avoid making the same mistakes?
  20. I'm unclear about the question: Chastity device placed on the bottom's Cock? Or a belt w/dildo, thus blocking access to his Hole ........ I've seen (even used occasionally) both - but only in "scenes" at home. I can't think of ever seeing something like this in the fuckjoints ..... If a Dad places some "instrument of focus" on his boy, and then whores him out, great - but that would hardly imply chasteness - it would demand the opposite.
  21. You're 100% correct. There is. There are certain "faith-traditions" in the US that not only excuse, but actually support White Privilege, which is at the root of the national debacle taking place. These are not the "mainline" denominations, such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc. These are smallish, loosely confederated denominations, and mostly in the South. These cultural organizations-cum-churches have tacitly as well as actively supported institutionalized racism since before there even was a USA. Thus, the roots of racism are deeply imbedded in the stolen land of this country, and I wonder if they will ever die. Racism has been so carefully tended, taught overtly and covertly in this country, I doubt it will ever die. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try as hard as we can. As you might imagine, I reserve my deepest disdain for Romanism, but the others are hardly blameless. You're also correct in blaming the cultural divisions on various sources of information. I think it's human nature to seek out others of our own mindset, and the online sewers of disinformation have only exacerbated the problem. I too am guilty, in that I never watch the Fox channel (unless there's a good game being broadcast). I have never used any of the so-called services like facebook, tweaker, instagram, all the rest. Frankly, I just don't have time to waste on it, and I saw it for what it was years ago. These "social media" sites are nothing more than funnels, aiming people into their own little corrals of shallow sloganeering, in my humble opinion. Rather, I subscribe to publications (print or electronic) that I know have no political axe to grind, and present issues in a balanced way. Thanks for your interesting responses.
  22. The fact that these pinch-faced creatures on the SCOTUS had to reach that far back into history to find hateful enough legislative hooks to hang their white sheets and hoods on is the result of this Nation failing to address the hellish issue of enslaving an entire race of human beings, fighting a terrible civil war over that depravity, and then failing to put in place institutions to ameliorate that grave error. The chickens are finally - after over 400 years - coming home to roost, and the price of supporting the filth of White Privilege will be very steep indeed. Perhaps too steep to be paid-in-full .... and we're the ones who must choose decency over depravity now.
  23. Of course it should. In any civilized society that should always be the case. Unfortunately, there are a substantial number of citizens in the US that have never been taught to think for themselves: they've been taught to fall in line behind someone who declares them self to be The Leader. It is the complete surrender of their humanity, their intelligence, their self-worth, and their value to society. When a group of people jettison their humanity, in favor of being in some cult, well .... the result was clearly demonstrated a bit to your East 100 years ago. You're 100% correct: it should. But when good-faith negotiation evaporates, so do the institutions that bind the people together into one nation.
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