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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. This was my problem as well. Being Caucasian, blond, slim, all the triggers were in place through no fault of my own. I grew up in a large city where every guy looked just like me, and I looked like every other guy. My HS graduation class of 864 kids, included exactly 1 (one) Jewish kid, and 0 (zero) Black or Brown kids. None. Imagine what that does to a guy. Imagine the cesspool of racism I had to a) figure out, b) try to overcome, and c) deal with. Faced with odds like that, it's hardly a wonder that so many seem to be interested in only reflections of themselves, and thus depriving themselves of the richness and magnificent variety within our special community. It was so deeply ingrained, that folks of one Nordic Country denigrated folks of the other Nordic country just over the mountains !!! Gotta have someone to hate, huh? It's not that I won't - I'll fuck guys that look like me. But given my druthers, I'll take the spice and variety any day.
  2. Always good to have a laugh, huh? BTW !!! So there's this bridge I happen to own, over towards Brooklyn .... not expensive, in case you're interested ..... 🤣
  3. I've been tossed in the "no responses" clink again, so this is my "upvote"
  4. The way I read your reply, you have nothing whatsoever to consider seeking absolution for. You haven't lied to anyone - or misled anyone. You have merely celebrated your inborn Lust for raw Cock along with many, many other like-minded men. That's only to be celebrated - upheld - reinforced and supported. It's up to each guy to consider the risks, and figure out what his behavior will be. Some arrive at the answer that the love of wanton sex is paramount, and behave accordingly. Some will take every precaution there is to take, and fuck with wonderful abandon. Some will try to get a closed relationship, settling for at least some of the loaf. Every guy decides for himself, after considering every potential outcome. You don't know how you became positive, and thus it is irrelevant. You don't know if you unknowingly passed it to to others, since you didn't know you may have been infected. It's up to each guy to weigh the risks and decide how far he'll go for himself. I get tested monthly, and while I don't know how long it takes, once infected with hiv, to pass it on to others, if I pick up that bug on the 1st of the month, and get tested on the 30th, maybe I might fuck it up some guy's gut on the 29th. Point: each guy has to weigh the risks against the magnetism of the pleasures, and decide for himself how to balance the two. I find no fault whatsoever with your actions.
  5. Nope, you're hardly the only one. There have been certain topics I've started to reply to on BZ, and then thought the better of it for the same reason. I don't want to encourage guys to indulge in destructive behavior - sexual or any other - either in-the-flesh or over the ether (in the literary sense, not the chemistry sense). Since almost all of my sexual activity occurs in backrooms, fuckjoints, I seldom run into chatterboxes. If/when it does happen though (blabbery from hiv chasers) my stock answer is "sorry, I can't help you, bud" .... and either walk away or turn my back to the guy. If asked my status before I fuck, I answer, and truthfully. I have taken every precaution available, but I know that nothing is foolproof, and risk is involved. Being fairly able, I do like to verbalize the actual fuck, if it makes the Hole hotter, or other guys standing close by hot to Breed the Hole too, but that's merely Breed talk, as opposed to hiv talk. I'm sorry to know all that has taken place in your life: it can happen to any of us, and at any time. Per the original post though - I think most of this fantasy bullshit is enabled by something Al Gore invented a few years ago - namely, the internet. It's too easy to imagine bullshit, and then peddle it on the internet while trying to get it up for a quick jerk. A lot of guys on the cruise sites seem to enjoy a game of "Can-U-Top-THIS?" .... look what a filthy cumwhore I've become .... and none of it's worth a piss in a windstorm. Fortunately (and by design), I live in an area that has far more then enough guys taking loads, and my sympathies to the guys that don't. This is why I don't post in that thread about the last load you gave: a lot of guys can't get to places like I frequent - it's seems a bit unkind to go on about what I do, when apparently so many don't even have the option, and thus resort to Fantasy Island of the Ether. Hope today's a good one for you, bud .....
  6. Unless I'm mistaken, "addiction" involves some habit-forming substance, foreign to our bodies, and thus cheating is a "learned" behavior, not an actual addiction. Apparently in this instance, the act of cheating releases endorphins or whatever in this guy's brain that make him feel so good he craves more of it. Thus, he assumes that his behavior is an addiction, when in reality, it's a learned behavior that makes him feel so good - similar to a chemically-induced "high". I'm trying to understand what he's getting at, He's either unhappy with his partner, or he's unhappy with his behavior towards his partner. I don't see how .......... is relevant to either issue. Rebuilding moral values is one issue, resorting to whatever "mainstream, traditional, moral" means to you, and adding monogamy to the mix is another. Many, if not most of us maintain personal moral values that run in direct contrast to "mainstream, traditional, morality". I would take issue with this statement. What you dislikes are the choices you make. Of course you have control over your behavior - we all have control over our behavior, except in the case of actual, extra-bodily chemical addiction. There are countless rehab facilities world-wide to assist those addicted to chemicals that want to quit using. There are countless "counseling" services world-wide to help folks with emotional-type problems. I wonder why that is ..... As to the "books, spiritual or daily" routines, sure there are. Tons of them. Personally, I would advise against any associated with Organized Religion, since that is the source of so many of society's problems in the first place. I've never done yoga or similar, but I do know that many find it helpful. Finally, I would also encourage you to find a professional, educated in the techniques of allowing you to learn your own truth, accept yourself for who you are, and celebrate that self. Best of luck, bud.
  7. First, get on PReP, and get the shots against the various bugs that will come your way sooner or later. Then, put on your shirt, shuck your pants and start taking as much raw Cock up your gut as you can. Just make sure to be as honest with her as she wants you to be. Tell her what she wants to know, and no more; she probably doesn't want to know any more. Good luck, bud
  8. Just 2 ?????? Should I be embarrassed of my liiiiittle tiiiiiiny bit longer list ???
  9. Thanks, ellentonboy, for having the balls to pry up the lid on this thorny issue. I started to reply, but it turned into a screed, so I'm limiting it to just this: We are all One. We are all Equal. Despite the cultural/religious bullshit shoved down our throats, we are all on the road to more fully overcoming racism, other, lesser repressions drummed into us as little kids. We are one thick, rich, lovely, wonderful barebacking stew, and every one of us is an ingredient that tastes magnificently good. Each of us thrives as part of the Greater We. Each of us withers somewhat, when we deprive ourselves of the richness of our lives because of a taught, learned, nonsensical hatred. Embrace each other - support each other - of all stripes and colors and descriptions. Make love each other. Fuck each other. Breed each other over and over and over again. We're just too special to allow ancient garbage to infect our beautiful, magnificently sexually perverse lives. It's ONLY about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  10. Not one little bit weird. There are a number of components to a hot Breeding, one of which is the verbal communication. I tend to think that bottoms that say nothing are usually still repressed by some measure of culturally-induced guilt at taking Cocks up their gut. They're doing what they have to - must do - but aren't as deeply joyful while doing it as guys that fuck with abandon - loving every Cock, every load, every moment. The verbal quotient is merely another layer of frosting on the cake(s). Just make sure it's honest; phony Breedblab can kill the thrill very, very quickly. This goes for Tops too, if perhaps not quite to the same degree. There's nothing wrong at all with a verbal Top telling a bottom what a hot Hole he's got, how good it feels, etc. Reinforcing either guy's Lusts verbally only makes it a hotter fuck for both guys.
  11. Of course not .... I think it would be waaaaay cool if I've fucked one or ten of you guys .... As to the "chit-chat" thing - I don't define whispering Breedshit in a bottom's ear while I fuck him as chit-chat. Or, for that matter, quietly telling a Top fucking next to me how hot his Cock looks rutting in that Hole. If the communication helps make the whole scene hotter for guys, by adding the vocal component, then I wouldn't call that chit-chat. I'd call it a part of the group Breeding scene. I don't normally have what you'd call a "potty-mouth", but .....
  12. Probably the attitude. Every Hole offers the prospect of new adventure, new thrills, new potential to connect with bareback men. I suppose my willingness to do whatever it takes to deliver a hot raw fuck (within my absolute limits, of course, of which there aren't many). You never know how deeply dedicated a guy is until you offer him your own depths of sexual adventure.
  13. Wouldn't have to force me .... absolutely love that connection to both Cock and Hole at the same time .....
  14. Probably .... but I don't ask questions when the fucksweat is on my brow either .....
  15. Beats me .... I've never experienced this ...
  16. I think we're at our most human when we're celebrating our Lusts with our fellow Breeders, whether T or b.
  17. Well-reasoned and beautifully put, chargedodger. You always remind me of one of my favorite cars ... w/440 ...
  18. Well, this has been "go back to school" day for me. I'm just so surprised how .... well .... it might be unseemly to go further .... no point in that. Thanks for the reply.
  19. Ok. I've lived my entire life in either the largest or second-largest (metro area) city in Illinois. Then, Fort Lauderdale. The flavor of the replies is that many of you guys are afraid of getting arrested for talking to an under-age guy, family members figuring out how to "track" a phone, all kinds of stuff. Not having experienced that kind of milieu wherever I've lived, I will confess it didn't occur how heavily that might weigh on a guy's mind. I will say that I've met what we could call "beginners" for lunch, supper any number of times for an assessment, and apparently I've had it easier than some, living in major metro areas. Every time a novice who thought he was interested in the Leather Ethic contacted me, I met him in a public place for an initial conversation. Same for online tricks. It's never occurred to me in the bars, backrooms to even wonder whether the guy was underage. This is just one of the reasons I value BZ so much. I've learned so much about how other guys live their sexual lives, what concerns they have, or don't. I feel grateful to even have the opportunity to learn about some of these issues. I "get" why so many guys have poured cold water on the "meet for lunch" suggestion, so consider it withdrawn. Thanks, all you guys ......
  20. Am I understanding you? In that darkroom, any guy would only fuck one bottom, and then leave the darkroom? Maybe come back later for a second go, and maybe not? Only one Hole at any given visit to the darkroom?
  21. I couldn't have put it more succinctly. How on earth that guy that pushed you against a wall or something to eat his load out of your ass is the very definition of selfish arrogance. I've never come even close to that kind of behavior .....
  22. This has crossed my mind too, mostly in the heat of the moment, and usually if there's some overt ink on his body. While I know I shoot in some poz Holes, when they're bluntly advertising their status, I do find it hot - as in "cumdump" hot. Still, I don't like being dishonest, so occasionally I've just replied with something like "keep taking loads off raw Cocks, bud - one of them will fuck you full again" .... Just don't want to lie, I guess.
  23. Well then, here's your first: I did as in the photo above. It still measures a shade over 6.25", which would equal about 15.something centimeters. Then, I watched some porn, and did it again. It still measures a shade over 7, which would make it around 17.somethng centimeters. My question is, why measure a soft Cock? No one can even fuck with a soft Cock. No Hole can be Bred with a soft Cock. Whether measured in centimeters or inches, a soft Cock can't do any guy any good. What am I missing in this exercise?
  24. It was in junior high - not sure what age. Was grinding against the mattress in bed one night, and that first, magical, point-of-no-return arrived, I thought I was going to piss in the bed and get my ass kicked but good the next day. But, it wasn't piss - I had no idea what it was .... went to sleep with my belly on the puddle .... lol .... dumb kid .....
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