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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. So, last Saturday I decided to walk over to the Ramrod - best cruise bar in town - for a beer before heading over to Slammer, my favorite fuckjoint. Got to RR around 9, it was already jammed. There's the main bar in front, to the left of that is the pool table area, now covered with plywood, since guys fuck on it - around it. Then, there's the bootblack's station opposite one of the johns (open - no walls or doors), and finally in back you get to the Patio bar, an open-air area. There's a corridor off the patio bar that leads around a corner, past another john, and back to the front bar. That corner - on the SE corner of the building - is the traditional fuck/suck area. A relatively narrow corridor, with benches built into one side. I hadn't intended to sit back there and have my beer, but the front bar was full, the patio bar was full, and I guess I was lucky to find even that one spot to sit back in Pig Alley. Sat down next to a good-lookin kid, who's boyfriend was sitting on his other side. Guys passing by, cruising everyone, blah blah blah. So a guy stood against the wall, opposite the boyfriend, cruising him. The guy sitting next to me wasn't all that happy about it, but I didn't find out about that until later. After a few minutes, the boyfriend and the guy cruising him took off their shirts. Nice-looking kid, black hair, nice body, nice bulge next to me was not at all impressed when his bf took out his Cock and the guy cruising the bf started sucking it. Shortly after that, cruiser and bf got up and walked away, leaving the guy I was sitting next to alone. I'd noticed that he was eyeing my Cock, so I just asked him if that was his bf who'd just gone off to fuck the cruiser. Kid said yeah, and he knew his bf was going to Breed the cruiser, but was pissed off that the bf didn't allow him (the kid) to take raw Cock. Raw is apparently fine for the bf, but not the kid. Saw my opening right then. So I started talking to the kid about how unfair it was that he wasn't allowed to take loads, but his bf could rawfuck any guy he wanted. Kid said yeah, it was unfair, eyeing my now granite-hard Cock in my jeans. There were other guys sucking Cock in that hallway, a few taking it up the gut. I mentioned that I was heading over to Slammer in a little while to Breed Holes at some point. So I just asked the kid if he disliked taking raw Cock, and he looked at me and said "are you crazy?" Put my arm around his shoulder, and started in on how unfair his bf was, denying him the pleasure of taking loads in the bar, watching other guys in front of us sucking Cocks, fucking, all of that. He said he wanted to take as many loads as he could - but that before they went out to the bars, his bf always Bred his Hole, and thinks that should be enough for him. By this time, the kid’s Cock was about to rip through his shorts. I just said stuff like "how unfair - you deserve the same as every other guy here, blah blah blah, and he felt up my Cock in my jeans - asked me if I'd fuck him (duh), and I said of course, but I want to eat your Hole - taste your bf's load - slurp up your Hole a bit. The kid was eyeing other guys Breeding within a foot or two of us, and when he stood up and pulled his khaki’s down, a very nice Cock sprang up, hard. So I did what I told him I would do - got up, turned him around facing the wall, bent him over and ate that beautiful Hole full of thick black hair. After eating his Hole, (bf might be an asshole, but his load tasted good in the kid’s Hole) stood up so he could suck my Cock in front of the other guys sucking Cocks, Breeding. That was ok, but not what I wanted, so stood him up and turned him around again, gently pushed him over the bench, bent over his back and quietly said "you want my load up your gut, don't you .... and you want all these other guys to watch, don't you .... The kid said he did - said “yes Sir” - so I started to fuck him. His Hole was great - actually, he was a great fuck - and in a few minutes I bend over his back and whispered a question in his ear. Something like "you want more raw Cocks, don't you - there are guys on each side of you waiting their turn - you want them too, don't you ..." The kid sort of groaned - and answered that yeah, he did want them. I just said something like "then you should have them" ... pulled out and stepped aside. In a matter of 15 minutes that sweet boy took 4 loads. So, I got on my knees and ate that Hole again, and it tasted just perfect full of Sperm off other Cocks. I hadn't shot my load yet, and asked the kid how long he was going to wait for his bf to get back. The kid just answered "fuck him". He asked why I hadn't cum up his Hole, and I reminded him I was headed over to Slammer to Breed, but asked if he really wanted my load - to which he said something like "yeah, I want your load in my ass real bad ..." Not a grammarian, but this wasn't in grammar school either. This was at least 30, more like 45 minutes after I'd first sat down next to him. SO !!! I said that since I live only a few minutes walk from here, how about I fuck/breed you in my sling? That kid's eyes opened so wide I thought his eyeballs would drop out, and he just nodded. I don't think he'd ever been slingfucked before. Well, we both pulled our pants up, and as we left that area, a number of other guys caught my eye, seemingly wanting to be invited too. But, one step at a time. So we went back to my place, and had a fantastic night of it. The poor kid had been mind-fucked into keeping his Hole closed to every raw Cock but his bf's, while the bf rawfucked any guy he wanted to. Turns out his name is Javier, and he wants to come back next weekend. He didn't mention where they lived, but I think it's some distance away. So, I didn't get to Slammer last Saturday night - but it was a very worthy trade-off. This is why I don't post on that "last load" thread. I get raw Hole easily - any guy around here can - and it's a bit unseemly to go into stuff like this all the time when so many other guys have to wait weeks or months for something like this. Of course, this is one of the main reasons I chose Ft.L. when I decided to relocate. I had fb's who'd been here a number of times, always full of great stuff to report when they got back from here. Haven't had any reason to regret moving here at all.
  2. Well, thanks .... if I could still blush, I'd at least try .... but it's years too late at this point. Still, you understand how magnetic, how irresistible the urge is, so crucial to our well-being fresh Hole is; how important it is to Breed often. I'd go taggin Holes with you any time ....
  3. I don't care all that much if it's phoney - I just wish they weren't all kids. Seldom bother with that site ......
  4. I agree with both of these replies. I don't think of my sexual needs as an addiction, I think of them as an important part of my life, but only a part. I think of addiction as something that controls us, and I simply refuse to be controlled by any "thing". I control myself, and take care to satisfy all the facets of my life. I think that if we surrender our lives to X - whatever that is - we can lose control of our lives, and I don't want that for myself. Sure - by midweek I'm half-hard most of the time, and very much ready to feed my sexual Lusts again. But Breeding Holes is not an addiction; it's merely a choice. I choose to use my Cock on every Hole I run across at specific times; i.e. weekends. I never miss an appointment because I couldn't help myself having sex instead. To the Bible waving hatemongers, I suggest those folks learn to love themselves, instead of hating others. I pour nothing but scorn upon those poor folks who discard their humanity in favor of some silly, pie-in-the-sky contrivance. These are pitiful creatures, who have been fooled into believing in hatred of "the other", rather than the Message of the one they say they follow. Merely humanoids to be pitied from afar. It reminds me (as a Northerner for most of my life) of a nest of baby robins. The mother flies away, eats worms, partially digests them, then flies back to the nest to find half a dozen tiny heads, mouths wide open, squawking for the mother to puke some of the worm crud down their throats. When one of the baby robins doesn't holler loud enough, it gets skipped, and eventually dies. Congregants in a church remind me of that every single time I encountered the sad sight.
  5. First year of undergrad - maybe second month? The frat-bro that brought me out sucked me off one night in the auditorium where this huge old Moeller lived, and then kissed me .... first time I'd tasted Sperm. Then he gently guided my head down to his Cock, and I started to suck it. Laughably, what went thorough my head was "it doesn't really taste like anything ..." I don't know what I thought it would taste like - any other bit of skin, I suppose - nothing. But when he shot, I instantly knew I wanted sex with men .....
  6. Well, it's even worse .... the fuckjoint has showers, some with the appropriate nozzles .... he wouldn't have even had to go back to his car.
  7. For me, this is the entire point: spreading my Seed to as many men as I possibly can. The thrill never diminishes, the chance to "connect" with a fellow barebacker, just doesn't fade. If I weren't as - oh - self-controlled? - I would almost surely be in the fuckjoints a lot more than I allow. That said, I can attest that there's something about one's loved one. The scent (these are called pheromones, right?), the magnetism of a loved-one's body is irresistible. That was true in my case, for 30 years. Even just driving home from some appointment (or, for that matter, a quickie at some t-room), my Cock would get half-hard knowing he'd be there.
  8. One thing I almost always do it take a quick "sniff-test" - even in the darkrooms. It's not 100% infallible, but it's a fairly good indicator. A few weeks ago, some guy (don't know which one it was, I was several Holes away) must have just let go, and the room cleared out in an eyeblink. Very poor form on that guy's part; totally self-centered.
  9. If there's anything hotter than sidling up to a wet Hole full of Sperm off previous Cocks, I don't know what that might be.
  10. There's one more than came to mind after last night - and it's not particularly any guy's "fault". When a guy's butt cheeks are so fat, his Hole is several inches behind the cheeks, it's not as much fun. I like to get my entire Cock in the Hole - to the Cockroot. That's how I can deliver the best fuck possible. Merely rutting between the cheeks, and barely getting my Cock into the Hole isn't anywhere near getting all the way in. I happen not to be swinging a PornCock, but it's not that small either. Rutting between the cheeks just doesn't cut it for me.
  11. This is the entire point, there reason darkrooms even exist: Every other sensory input is either absent, or vague at best. No interfering, extraneous sounds; only the grunts, groans of primal Breeding. That connection between raw, rutting men is, simultaneously, both the lowest and highest common denominator of men sharing their deepest, most demanding needs. It's sharing, over and over and over again, ourselves, our Lusts, with each other - giving what the other guy needs, taking what we need from him - nothing more, nothing less. There's just nothing else like it.
  12. If you go to their website (info@321slammer.com), I bet you can get the info you need for direct shipment. It's a bit of a tighter ship with these new owners (I don't think painting the doors to all the cubicles orange was necessary !!!). But, they did install showers, so there's that. Otherwise, pretty much the same place it always was - which is fine by me.
  13. Last night at Slammer .... no idea who's Hole it was though .... never do, for that matter ...
  14. Per that thread about have any guys fucked other BZ guys, I reckon chances are really good ... since I got there virtually every weekend as well ..... maybe, huh KOKO ?
  15. We'll be waiting to hear how fantastic it was ..... <<<filthy grin>>> after you take the precautions, of course. In the darkrooms ..... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  16. The etiquette is really simple: Go with the flow. If guys are quietly communicating, great. If there's silence, great. If you want some verbal quotient added, do it quietly and see if it's appreciated. What's definitely not ok, is being pushy if you're a bottom. If you're a Top, try to get your Cock in as many of the Holes as you can - share it with the guys that need it. When a guy Breeds in your Hole, thank him for his load. If you're a bottom, and there's some contrivance like a table, bench where you can offer your Hole to any Cock, get on it. If not, get on your knees, ready to suck any Cock hard, and then get up and bend over. Hopefully it'll be dark enough that everything can be done in Braille. Bottoms will be in some submissive position - on their knees, or bent over offering their Hole to any Cock. Tops will be hard, ready to rut in every available Hole. Some <polite cough> like to tap every available Hole, and then go back and pump it up their favorite one. And for heavens sake - get on PReP first. There are also vacces for other bugs that will come your way occasionally. Get them. Good luck, bud !!
  17. Does Wesco even offer lace-up Boots? None of mine are ....
  18. How about THIS ??? We get our fantastic Owner to pick a date, time, place, and we get some film company of very questionable scruples, and film all of us doing what we do best. There could be a voice-over, explaining the various techniques in the most lewd-possible terms, pointing out specific attributes of the participants (also in the most perverted terms, of course), counting the loads (or, just use the magic markers, like in the old porn vids). Obviously, we'd have to pony up some dough for the expenses, and the price could be padded a bit to help those with fewer pecuniary options. Some of us that live in more heavily queer areas could go door-to-door - maybe 4,5 to a group, and peddle tickets (depending on who answers the knock on the door, obviously). And, we wouldn't be allowed to take a BreedBreak until we'd sold X number of tickets !!! I guess it's "Friday Afternoon Horniness" coming up with all this ... All you guys have a pervectly filthy weekend of it !!! It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  19. So you were lying on your back ..... you've got an upward turn in your Cock ..... and the bottom was riding you - and almost certainly facing you ..... right ? What does this tell us about where we aim our Cocks, guys ... It's not all about how much you have to use - it's all about how you use what you have. And ........... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  20. When did New Orleans house open? Haven't been for a number of years now, but Island House was always fun .... plenty of raw Hole needing loads ....
  21. Cool !!! But, we better ditch the gear-head stuff before we get tossed in the BZ clink !!! I know there are tons of gay guys that love cars (secondarily, of course), mostly 70's, 80's Caddy/Lincoln/Imperial "floats", but we can't fuck them in the tailpipe .......
  22. I understand all too well. I still get that kind garbage occasionally, but not from anyone that knows much about me. I've come far enough that guys I know (platonically) also know my views on the depravity of racism, white privilege, all of it. For better or worse, I am not particularly shy about my views, I guess. Oddly, when I moved to Ft.L., out walking the dog I would see p.o.c. walking on the street, and before I could say good morning or whatever, they would look down at the pavement. Someone pointed out to me that Af/Am folks were actually taught not to look Caucasian in the eye, as that could be interpreted negatively. Absolutely stunning. So, to overtly reject that, I started purposely saying good morning/hi fairly loudly. Now, if these same folks see me first, they call out "good morning" before I even see them. How're ya doing - smiling instead of looking at the pavement. That's all it took. It's so easy to be a decent human being, and so tough to be an asshole sometimes. Yet, some of us are determined to live down to the expectations.
  23. There IS no such thing as too much off-roading .... maybe not in a Land Rover though !!! Fond memories of a '73 Jeep with a 352, 4wd, and h.d. suspension ...
  24. Clicking on "bareback" porn, and the rubbers turn up anyway .... Bylines specifying bareback, and the rubbers turn up anyway ... But, there's lots of hottttt raw Breeding to watch, as long as we don't watch too much, and get our butts out the door and go DO it !!!!
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