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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, thanks .... if I could still blush, I'd at least try .... way too late for that though. We'll see what happens a little later. Oh - once a month Ramrod has the PigDance - which is tomorrow night, and a pervectly filthy event. Maybe a waltz or 10? The fun thing is, one never knows exactly how productive a night in the fleshpots will be. Damn exciting, huh?
  2. I haven't lived in Chgo for a number of years now, so I'm a bit outta the loop. Ask some of the Chicago guys - they'll know about the "private" carryings on ....
  3. YES !! YES !! A THOUAND TIMES YES !!!! A well fucked Hole, full of Sperm off previous Cocks is surely one of the reasons to be alive and kicking. What could make a Hole more enticing than knowing it has been servicing Cock after Cock after Cock ?? Cumdumps are almost deities in my book; I hold them in very high esteem. Rutting in some Hole, and watching the Hole next to him taking loads is almost enough to make me Breed in the one I'm in. Licking, sucking, eating a well-fucked Hole is absolutely magnificent. What a lovey thread to reply to on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON !!! See you all in the fleshpots a little later then ..... <filthy horny grinnnnnn>
  4. I don't think the concept of "place" is quite so cast in concrete for us gay men - particularly of our persuasions within that group. While most of us are inclined to either Dominance or submission, the dynamic is more fluid than just that. There are many ways to Dominate, just as there are many ways to serve. Sure, we have natural tendencies to one or the other, but those are not static as some might think. A man like ^ may indeed enjoy assuming the role of dominator, even punisher. Assuming some other guy "craves" it, is not casting that bottom into a concrete role, it is merely doing so in the moment. As part of the mating process, that one time. Personally, I would wonder if a Top that behaves this way doesn't have other issues he needs to resolve. However, while my innate nature is to "lead", as opposed to "follow", I am very capable of allowing myself to assume - within the context of a "connection" in more depth than merely the physical act of mating - the sexually submissive role. It all depends on the circumstances of that particular mental/emotional/depth of sexual exchange. I don't particularly care for it physically, but I can perform when the occasion asks me to. It's more fluid than cast in concrete. " I think that the "standing" in relation to other men encompasses a lot more than merely sexual position. Attitude, demeanor, self-confidence, all of those and more are merely components of who we are, and in what measure. In the event that some guy in the backrooms says "I'm gonna fuck you" to me, I instinctually think to myself "is that quite, quite so ...". It happens so rarely I can't even remember when it last happened. That said, I occasionally see a fb, and - despite the fact that I can't possibly imagine any man thinking my ass is attractive - I know that he and I have established that required "connection", and am pleased to reinforce it by taking his Cock up my ribey ass (plus, it's not all that big). So, for me, it's more fluid, and depends on the circumstances. "the lower he stands in relation to other men" is not a concept that I recognize. I've mentioned in previous exchanges that I place cumdumps very highly on the ladder of esteem. A man who embraces that calling has dedicated himself to a life of service first, which inclination cannot be denigrated. Some men may denigrate the way in which he serves, but no one can look down on those who dedicate their lives to service (of any kind, for that matter). It takes tremendous fortitude, which many men lack - particularly self-centered T/D's struggling with other character issues. It's fluid, nothing in cast in concrete. Any ranking of Tops/Doms/Alphas depends wholly upon this statement. For that matter, if society in general is about ranking men, it applies as well. Some of these men, particularly within our little corner of the Universe, posses these attributes, and often because they've learned how to live a decent life. I would define "decency" as being honest, treating others with the inherent dignity each human being deserves, and hold himself to certain self-defined standards. Within our little corner, it's also most encouraging when these men take the trouble to learn how to fuck, i.e. the skills needed to make every sexual mating pleasurable to not merely himself, but the sub as well. Raw Mating is always, always, always to be considered an exchange, not a one-way street. It is a joyful, enriching exchange, and can be repeated many times in one night, with many men. It can also be completed singly, as with one's lover. A man with a stunted personality however, is far less likely to have developed the skills necessary for your listed attributes. I would consider the "level of promiscuity" differently. That level would correlate to how the T/D/A developed in his pride, dignity, standards and skills. The more a man has accomplished these attributes, the more he understands that they must be shared with as many of his peers as he can. While all of his sexual partners may not even comprehend the reasons they got a first-class Breeding, they most likely will know they have. But, it's fluid, dependent on the bottom's ability to comprehend, and the Top's ability to deliver. No man has ever experienced only the magical, ethereal connection every time he Breeds. I hope this helps in some small way. Thanks for another excellent topic.
  5. According to the original poster's bullet points, no - I reckon I'm not a faggot. I just fuck them.
  6. I remember that one, somewhat vaguely; I'll find it and re-watch. I am not familiar with Coffy, so I'll try to find that one too. Thanks for the suggestion. We don't know each other, and probably never will - but there are some .... well .... "issues" that are -to me - so offensive that I avoid even conceptualization. I don't avoid overt action in the effort to counter certain issues (marches, demonstrations, membership in liberal/progressive organizations, all of that), probably because I am not in a face-to-face situation with the perpetrators of said issues. When confronted face-to-face with what I consider truly hellish ideas/behaviors, I'm afraid of what may come out of my mouth, and thus I avoid those situations. This discussion, for me, is a challenging one - which is why I enjoy these conversations-of-depth so much. This thread seems to be nibbling around the edges of one of those behaviors, if I'm understanding what lies under a very thin veneer of exchange of thoughts. So, I'll watch both of those films again, with a more acute eye, and hope to find a deeper understanding. Thanks for the reply.
  7. Note to self: Bring stick of butter next time I host. Land 'O Lakes unsalted, please ....... <filthy grin>
  8. RIGHT ON !!! If the mess-of-a-man in question is convicted, I hope they put him in Epstein's former cell. That one seems to be a bit more - oh - would efficient be the right word?
  9. Thanks, BootmanLA. I'm the last one to judge what others do (unless harming others is involved), and consensual whatever is fine with me. I think sometimes there's more out there that I don't know than stuff I do.
  10. I seldom go on Sundays, but they're open 7pm to 2am on Sundays.
  11. The battle lines are now being drawn, over an age-old struggle. The forces of repression are running rampant through the US now, and we must be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. A certain so-called Justice of the SCOTUS is attacking women's reproductive rights via a very strict "originalist" interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, justifying his repressive views with the argument that since women's reproductive rights are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, these long-held rights laid out in Roe vs Wade, and guaranteed for 50 years now, are, in fact, unconstitutional, and thus to be thrown out. This miserable wretch is attacking the basis upon which RvW rests, namely privacy rights, upon which rests our right to gay marriage also rests, as well as a number of other rights. While this outrage is scurrilous enough on it's face, it is merely a harbinger of more attacks on our freedoms to come. No one believes for one instant that - if successful - the hatemongers will stop with repealing women's rights. Already the reputable major media are remarking about how the forces of repression will be coming for gay marriage (which, of course, is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution or it's amendments), and men who do what we do are sure to follow. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv. So if I have made an error in the descriptive text above, my apologies. What I am, however, is politically active, I've seen a lot, and this is the time to take a stand. Get registered. Vote. Vote these hatemongers out of office. Every election - from the most local to the highest offices in the land - are absolutely crucial now. Take action. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Write to your representatives in Washington. Join organizations that support progressive causes. And, do not fail to VOTE.
  12. A suggestion: There are a lot of us who enjoy eating a Hole before we Breed it, and mouth plenty of saliva up there in place of commercial lube. I know a stick of butter would be even tastier, but we tend not to carry those around with us. So, mention it to your Tops. They won't mind - they want to give you what you need, and get what they need from you. Have a tube of whatever lube you like with you, and simply ask them to use that instead. Easy, right ???
  13. I can't say I understand this. I'm not exactly clear what in entailed in "race-play", but the mind does wander. If it's anything like what it might be, I simply cannot imagine taking part in it. I fuck all kinds of guys (well, not big on the obese ones, pun intended), but I can't think of an instance when the subject of race even entered what little - if any - conversation. The question of Dominance vs submission only applies to the "whose-gonna-fuck-who" thing, and hardly requires verbal interaction. I'm usually not that bad at reading between the lines .... but this one has me stumped. Anyone ???
  14. Same here .... I posted (for once) about the only reason I didn't get there last Saturday night though. It'd be fun to Breed with another (known) BZ'er ....
  15. You're really polite and polished, aren'tcha .....
  16. In my opinion, hands are best used to enhance the physical sensation of the mouth/tongue on the Cock. Hanging on to the legs is ok, gentle. slow touching elsewhere is ok, i.e. stroking the balls, chest. If we wanted to fuck a hand, we'd just stay home and violate one of our own .....
  17. Some suggestions: 1. As above, sizing is crucial. Go to an auto parts store (they can be a panacea for "dual-use" items), and buy a few "0-rings" of different sizes. Often you can buy an assortment of sizes for chump change. Try several of them on (singly, I mean) to find the best fit, and then measure the inside diameter of the one you like best, to determine what size you find most comfortable. 2. Cockrings are usually sold by the inside diameter. Buy what you like best from any Leather-goods supplier online, specifying inside diameter. One of my favorite suppliers is Gear Essentials, which feature fine-quality stainless cockrings which can be engraved with any number of designs. However, any reputable supplier - Mr. S., for instance - will have a selection in stock. If the above isn't working for you, at least take a tape measure and find the appropriate circumference, and then measure that to determine the inside diameter. Good luck !!
  18. Since you're already familiar with SoFL, I would suggest one of the 3 or 4 largest metro areas in the country, and on a holiday weekend. Otherwise, Amsterdam or Berlin, also on a holiday weekend (in that country), when more Breeders are likely to be active. I would also agree with EW, in that the numerical count isn't as important as the thrill of slutting in a new location. Good luck, and have a great birthday !!!
  19. I don't get it either. Looking at it from a different perspective, PReP enables cumdumps, and the Tops that use them, to live a longer, healthier life taking / giving more loads then they otherwise might. Refusing to take easily obtainable and appropriate steps seems a bit nihilistic .... why even bother wasting good food feeding themselves?
  20. I agree it has either damaged me or at least formed my sexual identity. I was naïve didn't know I had homosexual tendencies. he was 37, dad's friend one day came over when I was alone and took what he needed. lasted till I was 23 I'm so sorry this happened to both of you. Is there some way you can manage to forgive these men? I don't mean in-person, meeting them or anything like that. What I mean is reflecting on how poorly they behaved, how it affected you, and come to terms with it? That might help assuage the harm somewhat, if you can shuck off the burden these men shackled you with. Counseling can help, but maybe you could start that process yourselves, and at least mitigate the negative feelings? We need both of you - each of us is of value to the greater barebacking community, and in the fullness, richness of your humanity.
  21. Isn't there one already? I noticed that some guys have figured out how to post photos of themselves by creating a "gallery" (above, 4th from the right). I don't now how to do it, but some guys have figured it out .....
  22. Of course. I have before*, and would again. Since I've taken every precaution available, and considered, weighed the potential future outcomes vs the benefits I'm already experiencing, I wouldn't seriously consider any other potential relationship. *kept a positive cumdump Breedboy for about 3 years, which relationship ended not because of anything "status" related, but entirely because of addiction to drugs, and the resulting behavior. It was the behavior that was negative, not his sero-status.
  23. LOL ..... that's an outrage on two different fronts: First, wasting a load on a metal pipe, and not pumping it up another guy's Hole - and - not realizing that the way to make love to a car is to take it out, break the speed limit and let him (the car) be King of the Road for a while. A 440 w/thermo-quads leaps to mind .......
  24. Dullness is hardly ever an attractive component of a person's character, which continues to be the case in this moment. How disinteresting. A television drama is the basis for this regrettable post? btw - it's SUBJECTIVE - something called an "adjective" when used as you attempted. It can also be a noun, depending on usage. This word can also be used in the context of philosophy, but let's not even consider that in this case. I wonder if anyone was listening .... To the allusion to fraternities, et al: I have been a member of these organizations, initially social (as you alluded to) and then professional, for many years. While there were a number of gay guys in the social (undergrad level) fraternity I belonged to, I recall not one mention ever of any kind of group sex, let alone the crime of rape. In the event you have attended some institution of higher learning, and experienced a fraternity-sponsored rape, you might have some basis upon which to rest your spurious claim of "The same situation, different perspective" Yes, there's a website called Fraternity X - which you're likely familiar with, containing totally fantasy-based productions, virtually devoid of what are called "production values" in that particular industry. Rape is a crime, not only against the violated person, but against humanity itself.
  25. Some of us absolutely LOVE it .... but, I guess we all like what we don't have ourselves.
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