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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. When Liddy Dole took over running that agency, I crossed it off my "regular" list. Only when there are large-scale disasters that call for large-scale and immediate responses do I get in touch with them anymore.
  2. I agree completely, if the fuck is to take place in my home. That said, I almost never invite "fresh" Hole into my home; much prefer to hit the backrooms/fuckjoints and get the sweat off my brow. I need to have a really good idea of who the guy actually is before I let him come over, and even that can be tenuous.
  3. That's for sure !!! When my life-partner of 30 years was in his final days, fortunately he had me to run interference on his behalf. We had talked any number of times about the issue of doing everything possible, as opposed to letting go, and codified all the legal directives decades earlier. Yet, when it came down to it, I had to holler at some doctor who came running into his room when all the horns started honking, and first tell her to read the charts on the door. She paid not one instant's-worth of attention, so I hollered at her - in her face - to read what's in the charts hanging on the door. This doctor froze momentarily, jerked her head towards the door, and one of her little minions ran over there and got the clipboard holding all the documentation. All she said was "he will be passing shortly - these are your last moments together" - turned on her heel and stalked out. If I hadn't been there (sleeping in a lazy-boy in the middle of the night), he would have been forced to linger even longer. As far as I'm concerned, they can shove their Hippocratic Oath waaaaay up their asses.
  4. While this post appeared about 2 years ago, it is even more urgently apropos today. Our freedoms are not "free". They must be nurtured, cared for, just as our Democracy must. Attend gay-rights rallies. Attend demonstrations. Attend Pride events. Make your voices heard at the voting booth, particularly on Primary Day. Some of remember the days when we had to tuck "bail money" into our boot every time we went to a gay bar. The usual, same old police raid on the Stonewall Inn, over 50 years ago, which ushered in the Gay Rights Movement, was first resisted by - guess who - the Drag Queens. They were the first to throw stuff in their pocketbooks like bottles of fingernail stuff, hairbrushes, lord only knows what else, at the cops, and chased them up Christopher St. All the rights/freedoms some of us take for granted today, weren't around 50 years ago. Don't simply assume that the rights we hold today can't be taken away tomorrow. They can be taken away, and will be if the old repressions - cultural, racial, sexual - are reinstated. It's up to all decent-minded citizens to turn back the tide of hatreds welling up these past few years. Get involved. Take a stand. Join us.
  5. First, loads off previous Cocks. Second, plenty of saliva. Third, "pre-cum", aka Cock-drool.
  6. When, in the places men cruise/fuck, some guy displays political clothing, regalia, of some persuasion or another, then it is that guy who has included his mental capacities into the "mating dance". Most of us don't do that, since we're interested in matters of the flesh, not matters of the mind. Given the numbers, years, I am certain that I have fucked many men whom I would disagree with on other matters. The point is, we're not fucking each other's political perceptions, we're fucking their Holes. It's only when others purposefully display their political persuasions, un-invited to do so - and thus intentionally force that view into the "Breeding-Equation", that we ourselves are also faced with decisions irrelevant to fucking the guy. Most of us - including you, given your obvious intelligence - have "standards" in all manner of aspects in our lives. Those non-related-to-sex standards are to be left at home, not carried with us to the fuckjoints. They are irrelevant to sexual interaction. When political views (or any other, for that matter) are forced upon us (as in the original post), any man with a brain will react one way or another. It is wholly inappropriate to introduce extraneous issues into sating our Lusts, since any man of any political view can be burning hot or repellently cold. That quotient exists in the mind, alongside other perceptions such as political ones, and should stay there when the owner of that mind is cruising for sex. Thank you.
  7. I agree. It's as though in some guys minds, there's nothing else to a man of color but his Cock/Hole. And that's the real tragedy - if we don't want to be objectified, the we should know better than to do it to others.
  8. Well, I don't know about other parts of the country, but around here, there isn't any accepted/not accepted etiquette, other than the usual base-line. Prepped Hole, all of that. I think you should do/behave in whatever way makes you feel best - At Cumunion, (3rd Sat of the month) guys just wander around, stop for some action, continue to make the circuit, jump into a pile, peel off to one of the rooms, whatever. All that's really needed is to project confidence in yourself, your Lust, your commitment to your calling. Don't feel embarrassed to let your inner Pig shine. Men like me need men like you.
  9. While not a deal-breaker, I much prefer HAIRY to smooth, and the more the merrier. It looks better, it feels better, it tastes better. I suppose we all like that which we aren't.
  10. From what I've read in your reports, I think this man is heavily conflicted about a number of issues, and whether you can help or harm is - as I understand your reports - an open question. One thing I doubt though, is you're the first guy he's ever fantasized about, or felt an attraction to. You may well be the first that he's found so attractive that he's actually devoting some intellectual/emotional attention to his own issues. That said, only he can actually do that. Perhaps you can help in some way, but when it comes down to brass tacks, it's only he himself that can make potentially life-altering decisions. Maybe you should consider backing off a bit - maintaining non-personal contact - i.e. texts, whatever, and when he asks you why you seem to be backing off, tell him in as kind a way as you're able. We still haven't heard how you deal with your own current relationship regarding "outside" sex, and that would impact him, however indirectly. You've referred a number of times to this man's professional accomplishments, his apparent financial stability, etc. These seem to be ancillary to your main focus, as I understand it. It would be helpful if you took some time and outlined what your goals are regarding this man. I mean, list them. Write them down. 1st goal, 2nd goal, 3rd, etc. Discard all the projections onto him, and concentrate only on your goals. This would be most helpful. Best wishes ...
  11. Nothing is better than Sperm off previous Cocks already soaking the Hole. If there aren't any yet, then spit is next-best. Obviously, some guy has to be first-of-the-night to Breed the Hole. I'd just prefer it isn't me, but if it is, so be it.
  12. Thanks for the tips, skinster. I did so the drive-down to KW once, and that was more than enough. Another time, caught a tiny "commuter" plane, where you climb up this little ladder in the tail of the plane to find a seat. Turned out that when it was time to take off, the pilot pulled aside that dirty rag pretending to be a divider between the cabin and the cockpit, looked around, and made a fat lady change seats, since she wasn't sitting directly over the wings. That was the last time I did that !!! Once they built that big hotel at the end of Duval St, things started to go down hill in my mind, but I did have a lot of diiiiiiirty fun whenever we went.
  13. Congrats, bud !!! We'll all be waiting for you in a couple of months !!! And don't forget that the Cumunion parties are held at Clubhouse II over on Oakland Park Blvd once a month.
  14. Beautifully put. Of all the sexual Lusts that exist to be enjoyed, this - and permutations of it - are some of my very best memories of my life-partner. It drove me absolutely nuts with Lust watching him suck off Cocks, take loads up that beautiful ass ... I was so damn proud of him - such a sweet, beautiful man - and I miss him every day. Sometimes in the backrooms I pretend he's there with me - think to myself "hey, babe - how about that hot Cock? You'd love it up your sweet Hole" - all kinds of fun stuff. I know he would have loved this site.
  15. None. All it consisted of was sneaking out of the H.S. gym through an unused door, standing around talking about which girls put out, which girls we'd fucked, blah blah blah, smoking cigarettes, pretending we were all sooooo cool, so worldly. At that time, only fucked girls (wellllll, I didn't know any better .... gimme a break ....). Too full of the O.R*. garbage, cultural bs, and just learning to question / challenge those disgustments. I didn't have sex with another guy until I went away to school, and then it was off to the races .... *Organized Religion
  16. In the places I go, I haven't even seen a condom in ages ... R.i.L.
  17. Thanks so much for the reply, Leather69 Turns out that there just may be an extenuating situation that would set off the alarms, other than just the CockSteel. I had no idea of that possiblity. Given that these incidents happened years ago, it may well be the cause. Many thanks !!!
  18. ??? Do you mean there's some other way to fuck ??? 😈
  19. It's not easy to explain, but there are occasions when I'll allow a guy to fuck me. The prerequisites though, are what I call a serious "connection" to the man, which happens rather scarcely. I don't like getting fucked, but if the guy really wants to, and the ineffable "connection" is there, well .... ok, and don't dawdle. I can't imagine any guy wanting to Breed in my ass anyway - there are millions of far-better asses out there than mine. It's entirely dependent on the "connection".
  20. Friday & Saturday nights are a good bet .... just slurpin ...errrr ... I mean just sayin ...
  21. Your thoughts are well put, and deserve the poster's serious consideration. What was perhaps overlooked, is substituting the term "concern" for the word "fault". Of course the poster is concerned about the family issue - who wouldn't be? But it's not his fault that the professor is apparently drawn to him. As previously mentioned, serious introspection is in order here, on a range of issues. It's not any man's "fault" if some other men is drawn to him, only subsequent actions (by either party) can be faulted. I agree that there are a number of perils attached to this young man's dilemma, but I don't feel I'm in a position to judge his decisions. That's for him to sift through, and he's been encouraged to do that. The poster is not able to decide for the professor, only the professor can do that. After experiencing 30+ years of a truly wonderful, loving relationship with another man, I know how transformative it can be in anyone's life. The only encouragement this poster has received, is to consider his actions very carefully. The replies have reflected information that was subsequently added by the poster, which can alter what he gets in return from us. None of us knows his situation more deeply than what information he has provided, and the contrivance of devils / angel on his shoulders is unfortunate. Never the less, thanks for your excellent input. It's always appreciated.
  22. So this begs another question: are the private messages available to the bots? Or are they actually private ..... who (or what), other than the moderators, can access them?
  23. How did you guys get away with it? Did you cover the steel with something non-ferrous while catching your plane?
  24. This reminds me of one of my buddies from a few years ago. He was the "baby" of the family, with 4 older sisters. Time and time and time again, he'd get a new bf, and then turn into one of his sisters !!! I had met 3 of these sisters, and it was painfully obvious that he learned how to be in a relationship from watching his sisters deal with their various boyfriends. Nine out of ten gay men will put up with that crap for about one minute !!! I tried to explain it - help him - but every damn time he reverted to acting like the 5th youngest sister.
  25. Ok. New rule. No more of this "it's my fault" that he might cheat on his wife. That's not your issue, it's his. Since you have a bf whom you're apparently not cheating on, and since you wouldn't like being cheated on, only you can answer if it's too much to ask that the man "make room for you". It seems the closeness you and he have developed (lots of texts, meeting up for lunch, spending time together) is not sufficient for either of you. Therefore, what will be sufficient? Either "cheating" is ok, or it isn't* - across the board - and only according to how you choose to live your life. Your first sentence above is important. You don't want him to feel badly, you don't want to feel badly, and that's understandable. I think figuring out exactly, precisely what you mean by "make room" for you needs some thoughtful reflection. Above, you ask "why am I doing this ...". Answer yourself, and be truthful with yourself. Take your time to figure it out. What does "make some time for me" really mean? How will it impact your current relationship? There's an old saying I've found helpful in many different areas of concern: If X is true, then why is it true. One last thing: If you think there is corruption in your country, quadruple that when you consider corruption in other countries. But that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish, as the old saying goes. Best wishes .... *I know some men find the act of "cheating" enticing, exciting, and almost a fetish. It's not for anyone to judge anyone else on their sexual proclivities, and if the notion is a sexual thrill for you, then it just is; accept that part of you and move forward.
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