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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. One of the cruise apps (BBRT, maybe?) had this function to find out what the distance was between cities .... oh - for instance, Syracuse and Minneapolis ... just sayin ......... 😈
  2. ^ Exactly ... from the Top's perspective too. Love pre-loaded Hole .... love fucking in other Cock's Sperm ... eating it, Breeding it ... .... this is man-to-man sex at it's very best ....
  3. It appears you're right, GingerdaddyG ..... my apologies.
  4. Yes, accidents happen, and what you describe is the last thing from an accident. Calling it "bad manners" is almost flattering the guy. It's thoughtless, self-centered, and shameful, particularly his apparent indifference. Sorry you had that experience.
  5. Well, I'll try it that way .... I might be forgiven for thinking it had to be hard when measured?
  6. No, the third guy was adjacent to me and the first guy. Imagine a triangle .....
  7. You're right, of course. Darkroom action can mean whatever it means to a guy, particularly guys just coming to grips with "real" group sex. Reality can be a disappointment I suppose, if a "newbie" gets the impression that every Cock is going to focus only on him. Fortunately though, group sex focuses on every guy in the darkness - Top, bottom, every guy. If we consider that fact that most Tops want to rut in many bottoms, and many bottoms want to be rutted in by many Cocks, the actual Breeding becomes a parallel goal, along side each guy experiencing many Cocks or Holes. At least it might help keep the peace .....
  8. One easy solution might be one of those "belly bags" that bicyclists use on long rides. Small, but big enough to hold the necessaries. But I like the RealCute's idea best ..... arm or leg depending on your needs. Also, the stretchable armband is a great idea - you can flag your particular needs at the same time.
  9. Of course ..... there's a huge difference when it's part of the connection with another man, as opposed to your own hand. Not remotely similar.
  10. I'm outta doo-dad's - again ..... so this is my "upvote". Racism is surely one of the most odious hatreds infecting Humanity.
  11. LOL ..... some women can be downright mean when they feel rejected. Once, in a board meeting, I was told by this recent, female appointee that if I didn't do X, she'd (make sure you're sitting down .... I don't want you to fall over laughing ...) bring a paternity suit against me !!!!! The room erupted in laughter at the brazen stupidity of that ridiculous excuse of a human being. Well, I stood up, stared that bitch down, and said a number of things, ending with "Do it then: just do it on your way out - you're fired"
  12. I'm not saying it's impossible ..... but I've never felt any "connection" to a piece of gear, or heard of anyone that has. I know you're far more developed than to even consider it anything more than humorous.
  13. Making oral love to a beautiful Hole - while sexually thrilling - isn't the same thing as making love to the man's entire being. One can make love to the Hole, and not know (or even see) the owner of the Hole. And when that Hole has just pleasured, connected with another Cock, the thrill is magnified exponentially.
  14. If any guy is foolish enough to challenge you in the "Sperm Wars", he'll find that the Standard has already been set. What's the spread from the bookies on this contest? I know where I'm laying my dough down .......
  15. One of my buddies back in Chgo mentioned that Jackhammer (and The Hole - located in the basement) have been closed for "renovations" for some months. I'll ask him for an update .... it was a great resource for years. Touche (next door) is still going strong, at least .....
  16. Not with a hatpin - that's for damn sure !!! I don't have any hatpins, and I don't know where to buy one if I were so inclined. Maybe I can borrow one of yours ..... I didn't go into the other negative behavior, because that would be extraneous to the purpose of the post. Suffice to say while I was gently declining the unwanted advances, I missed out on one I did want to fuck. Sure, I could have just pushed the guy down to the floor, but that's not the kind of behavior I want to project or indulge in. I'd rather try to set an example, than indulge in aggressive behavior. The whole point of the post was to remind guys to be considerate of each other in general, and particularly in places where we fuck.
  17. OK .... I'll accept that. I have no experience in living where everyone knows everyone else's business, but I did specify "an appreciable distance from either guy's home for that reason. As always, thanks for your input.
  18. My favorite supplier for years (other than VK-79 for military gear)
  19. Last weekend, it happened yet again. In the fuckjoint, one guy tried to affect everyone else's pleasures. Thus, this reminder of Darkroom Etiquette. So, without going in to all of it, suffice to say I practiced my usual routine. Start at one end, rut to the other. Several minutes enjoying each Hole, receiving pleasure and giving it in return. However. That wasn't quite enough for one guy. I'm sure that 99 % of you guys are generous in sharing yourselves, and, in the fuckjoints/darkrooms, demonstrate generosity, not selfishness. This is for the 1% that still needs to learn the lesson. After 5,6 minutes of fucking the first guy, I stepped over to the next guy, but was interrupted by the first guy - he actually grabbed my Cock and tried to back up on it. He engaged in other negative behavior, but no reason for a recitation. To me, this is rather selfish behavior, and a bit off-putting. Certainly not appropriate in a darkroom (or anywhere else, for that matter). Selfish behavior is never attractive, and rather off-putting in a darkroom. We're all there for the same reason - to fuck any Hole we like, to take any Cock we like, to suck off any Cock we like, to Breed in any Hole we like. Bottoms, encourage and support the guy taking loads next to you. Tops, rut in every Hole you can, and give the guy a pat on the ass when you move on to the next one. Let's encourage each other as we sink into our Lusts. Let's avoid selfishness. Let's be considerate of every other guy, and concentrate on making every guy in the place comfortable practicing his Lusts with every other guy. Thanks for reading this.
  20. Only one, and you're done? Surely you don't mean that ..........
  21. "Intimacy" is akin to what I describe as a "connection", which term I use to avoid using the term intimacy. To me, the term intimacy can carry almost any definition the user wants it to carry, and that's dangerous to men like me. While "intimacy" can - and sometimes should - be shared between partners, lovers, life-partners, whatever - when it happens between "tricks" it can be a special moment to be treasured. That said, don't expect it to happen often, particularly if you love the backroom, fuckjoint action. It's not like that very special moment of "connection" I've gone on and on about, but it can be rewarding for a while too.
  22. It doesn't appear that any of the respondents have anything against a meeting taking place, in a public place, perhaps for a meal, for the purpose of evaluating each other, and with the stipulation that no sex will happen unless there is a second meeting - i.e. a "hook-up" at a later date. Anyone ????
  23. Update: I did go over to RR last Saturday night for a beer around 9 pm, and it was rather quiet. No sex at all that I could see. Only a couple of guys lurking in the dark by the pool table (which, of course, is covered up now so guys can fuck on it). Didn't stay for for more than that one beer since Slammer was my destination - and ...... got over there about 9:45 - and almost didn't get a parking place !!! So, get to Slammer earlier than you think you need to, or take an uber if you're hitting Slammer later than much after 10. btw - they're peddling shirts and caps with big, bright 321 logos, so we can all advertise our delicious, special perversions to everyone - all day, every day !!!
  24. I would think that it's the Cock that should be grateful and happy for the opportunity to mate with a boy of your level - of your understanding - of your quality. I would only add that sure - ropes are fun - but so's a Ferrari. Genuine connection is more valuable than either. Thanks ....
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