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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Ditch the cultural/religious bullshit sooner, and get down to business quicker.
  2. THANK YOU, ErosWired. This is among the most common of misconceptions about B/d S/m . While there is a place for experiencing physical distress, it is by no means a requirement, and anyone who says so doesn't have a firm grasp on the Leather Ethic. Undesired pain should never be administered - it can be useful in focusing the sub's mind, when and if it's been thoroughly explained, why it might be useful, and thoroughly negotiated. There are other techniques that are more effective in aligning a subs mind with the goal, and often more effective. It's not all about whips and chains - it's all about the mental connection, enhanced by the emotional connection. Every man starts at some level, and wherever he is, it must be respected first, then built and expanded upon.
  3. Depending on when you need to relocate, and depending on how much you love wanton sex, Ft. L. would be a consideration - in a number of months. The recent (and outrageous) rise in real estate prices is probably (this according to several realtors I know) within a few months of descending, having reach their zenith recently. Whatever kind of sex you love most, it's here, and in abundance.
  4. You let the guy next to you lick it off your face, unless you want to wear it home .....
  5. You really "get it" .... That's one of the best descriptions of why we Breed each other I've read ...
  6. I think this is a great way to put words to the ineffable question. Fucking raw is still fucking, but it can be so much more, and with whoever you happen to run into in a bar, backroom, whatever. Raw is natural, no barriers, nothing phony, just men connecting with that which unites them in a very strong bond. We need not know each other, we don't even have to see each other. We mate with our brothers - over and over and over again, without needing more that that magical, very Spiritual connection - we affirm each other's self-hood, we uphold, validate each other's deepest nature. We share that crucial part of ourselves with each other, giving what the other guy needs, taking what we need from him. Wanton Breeding is the definition of Freedom. If that's not Spirituality made manifest, it's close enough for me.
  7. That happens every so often in Chicago, generally in the boystown area. The general m.o. is, some guy that doesn't know what he's getting into, hits one of the Leatherbars and gets picked up by a disturbed wanna-be Leatherman (who, never-the-less, knows enough to impress the newbie), and winds up dead. It's a sorrow when a man hates himself so much, but lacks the backbone to seek professional help, that he commits acts like this. Still, it happens, and usually the authorities try to look the other way.
  8. Possibly, but not in an irretrievable way. I would lay this feeling at the feet of the man that "conditioned" you so magnificently. While I do know a little bit about Autism (a nephew), I surely don't know enough to comment on how that may or may not affect your perceptions of how others perceive you. Whatever that answer is, clearly nothing has mitigated your intelligence in any way at all.
  9. Used to - quit maybe 20, 25 years ago .... To the question though, no - smokers breath doesn't bother me. Not allowed in my home - they have to go out to the back yard if they want to smoke.
  10. With you 100%, Ieatcumholes !!!!!!! A hairy guy, taking loads is about as hottttttt as it gets. If there's any cuisine more "haute" than eating a hairy Hole fucked full of Sperm by other Cocks, I certainly don't know what it might be. Two peas in a pod, buddy !!!
  11. It's entirely likely. Most accomplished Leathermen also recognize that a new crop of Dom's need to be brought along, just as when they first began their Journey years ago. There must be publications specifically aimed at Leathermen in your area. That might be a good place to look. And never forget that your local Leather bar is always a good place to ask for advise. I very much hope you find what you're looking for. We need you, and other younger men like you.
  12. Some of the above responses are just plain laughable ... profiles wanting to cuddle, and nothing else? But it raises a question in my mind: are there so many raw guys living in so many out-of-the-way places, that they simply cannot get real, regular, raw sex, and thus feel they must depend on the cruise sites? It sounds like these cruise sites are getting even worse than a few years ago when I finally gave up on them. I admire rawTOP for a number of things: 1. putting this existing BZ site together - extensive as it is. 2. Considering adding a "hook-up" function to BZ, so as to cut out as much of the phony bullshit on the other sites. That would be a tremendous undertaking, but often altruism is a very real part of men who realize how real the need is for genuine connection between us.
  13. The following from All Out, the World-Wide GLBT+ Agency specifically helping Ukrainian Gays get to safety: there is a video with several of the leadership describing exactly what they're doing and where, but I couldn't figure out how to get it on here. There is a way to see it though ... it was sent to everyone who coughed up a little dough. Just sayin ... Can you send them a few bucks? AllOut.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The All Out movement has brought me to tears. Thanks to your generosity, we've transferred over $100,000 in donations from All Out members directly to groups supporting LGBT+ Ukrainian refugees and activists. And there's $150,000 more (and counting) in donations to give out! I just returned from visiting one of those groups in Romania, while my colleagues were doing the same in Poland. Everywhere I looked, you could tell that war was near. But the spirit of your support was alive. I wanted to show you just what an incredible impact your donations are having. Check out this video report from our visit to shelters supporting Ukrainian refugees. Donations from members like you have had an incredible impact so far, helping to pay for shelter, transportation, legal counseling, translators, psychological support, and many other urgent needs for Ukrainian refugees. Thank you! But as you read this, thousands of LGBT+ people, rainbow families, and human rights activists are still in danger. Some are fleeing from Russian troops, others are arriving in foreign countries, without any resources. We have a historic responsibility to continue to come together. We’re working nonstop with partners on the ground to continue to get as much support as possible to them. Can you take the next step in supporting this work by becoming an Equality Champion with a monthly donation of $10 today? Your monthly gift will enable us to continue to jump into action to support our grassroots partners when LGBT+ lives are at stake. Stay tuned for more on how the All Out movement is continuing to provide urgent support and resources to Ukrainian refugees. Thanks for going All Out, Matt Executive Director (he/him)
  14. Actually, I don't particularly care for conventional "lube" .... much prefer the bottom suck off some other Cock, then switch to mine ... a mouthful of Sperm is always the hottest - I might even kiss him - and it goes without saying a Hole full of loads off other Cocks is ideal.
  15. and .... I'm outta doo-dads again, so this will have to do .... 😘
  16. What a great post. I have a question: When a man fucks you, Breeds you, you can feel his Sperm shooting out of his Cock inside your Hole, of course. And if he needs to piss shortly after that, still inside you, Cock still hard, the piss will also shoot out in spurts (controlled by him), which you can also feel - spurt by spurt. Would it be fair to say that with each "type" of fluid exchange, you "feel" equally "Bred" emotionally? Equally inseminated? I would imagine that it does - despite the difference in the actual discharge. While taking a man's Sperm is rather more intense, more connecting, taking his piss would offer the same type of connection, if not quite as deeply. It would seem to me that taking a man's Sperm inside you would be even more deeply felt than taking the piss - Sperm offering an even deeper connection than piss? On the other hand, taking a man's piss is a lot easier to do in semi-public places*, but would imply a very close, existing and continuing connection. That would offer the thrill of displaying not only your lust, but your "connection" to the man as well - the very definition of realized, magnificent and lovely "connection" I tend to lose track of posts, in that sometimes I can't find them again. I'm sorry that's the case with this one .... *for instance, in the john at a gay bar - or merely sitting at the bar in a Leatherbar ...
  17. Might I point out that getting your Hole fucked full is HIS job - not yours ...
  18. wellllll ..... it did last through the mid-60's .... of course, I was an infant at the time .... 😁
  19. I really have a tough time understanding why some guys seem to think that everyone is completely honest about their status in the fuckjoints, on the apps, in the parks, alleys, wherever guys meet up to Breed. A Top may not even know - even if he's tested monthly for std's. For some guys, there is a higher ethic than their hard Cock. For many guys, there isn't. This is just the way it is. Ergo, we should simply assume that all raw Cock may be infections in some way, and lay our plans upon that basis. This is entirely reasonable, since no guy runs to the doctors office for testing after every single load he takes or gives. Even if so inclined, a Top couldn't be absolutely sure unless he hadn't fucked anything since his last blood test. Guys should simply assume that every Cock might infect them with something or other, and make their decisions based in that reality. When we make the decision to live our lives "on the edge", so-to-speak, let's not drag Ozzie and Harriet along with us to the fuckjoints. As for the cruising apps, even entertaining the notion that some clown on the other end of a phone is worthy of trust is so disingenuous it's laughable. Lets just get our heads out of the clouds (!) and make our decisions based on what we actually know .... not on what we merely wish were true.
  20. That - your first statement in this thread - should give you your answer. I agree with almost everything said by the other respondents, and am adding my 2 cents worth. By all means, discuss the upcoming plans with the long-term partner you love so much. Since you and he have had a (somewhat?) open relationship in the past, why not at least include him in the decision, rather than simply exclude him altogether? If you're afraid he might become hurt or angry, and you value your "very LTR" enough, you have your answer. Maybe be, however - even if he's no longer interested in the Lust-driven sexual behavior he once was - he would very much encourage you to go take those loads. We don't have enough information to opine on these fine points in your "very LTR", other than in generalities. You do. I would always vote for being honest first, and, depending on the reaction, make the decision you're wrestling with. In the end though, only you can determine which is the bigger betrayal.
  21. Hmmmmmm .... I've tried to peddle that bridge before too .... maybe I wasn't asking enough ???
  22. I think AmAndy is pretty much spot on. Some guys just feel good trying to make another guy feel good - even in some country he'll never visit. I guess it depends on the definition of "hit up"? Merely offering a compliment to some guy doesn't necessarily mean you're cruising him - unless there's more conversation alluding to a hookup that will never take place. But merely sharing a few kind words with someone hurts no one - and may make some guy's day. Where's the harm?
  23. Currently there is a warning about meningitis spreading throughout the gay community in Ft. L., W.M., O.P., and neighboring areas. This has been reported by local tv stations. Meningitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. A bacterial or viral infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord usually causes the swelling. However, injuries, cancer, certain drugs, and other types of infections also can cause meningitis. (copied from the googler). Common bacteria or viruses that can cause meningitis can spread through coughing, sneezing, kissing, or sharing eating utensils, a toothbrush or a cigarette. These steps can help prevent meningitis: Wash your hands. Careful hand-washing helps prevent the spread of germs. (copied from the same). With the increasingly widespread raw Breeding in the bars, fuckjoints around here now, just a "heads-up" to all my friends (and potential friends) in the area. We're particularly vulnerable to this illness if we have other std's, This is for informational purposes only - not any kind of recommendation. And no, I'm not gonna either. A little more careful though, maybe .....
  24. Read and learn, boys ..... There's a very talented practitioner of the seductive arts afoot .... <<<grinnnnn>>>
  25. I understand how you might get that sense, but Dom Tops are just like everyone else, in the sense that they must learn their craft, just as everyone else must. Plus, it's necessary to learn some of the acts in depth, so as to be able to a) recognize, b) deliver, and c) wrap up a B/d or S/m scene successfully for the sub. Thus, before any in-depth "scene" takes place, the sub should do what he can to inform himself before any scene takes place. There are many skilled Leathermen around, talented and experienced in their craft. There are also a number of men who have all the right impulses at heart, but have not gained the experience to deliver a first-class scene to the sub. Fucking is probably the very last thing to take place in an authentic B/d S/m scene, so inform yourself as much as possible before you agree to participate in a scene. Read books on the subject; there are many out there. Talk to other Leathermen about what you're feeling. Recon can be a valuable place to start your investigation. Good Luck !!
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