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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. If ^ doesn't tell you all you need to know, I wonder what will ....... wake up ....... "chat" on the cruise sites isn't worth the time it takes to tell about it.
  2. VERY please to know that ... I'd heard from friends that it was getting dicey these last couple of years, and I'm glad you had a great time.
  3. Hey there, BB-Beard Of course the covid situation has impacted everyone in the world - and particularly men like us. We've been so physically close to other men for most of our lives, it's been a sexual disaster too (for us barebackers). But you're not too late at all ..... maybe you're not 20 years old anymore, or even 40 - but your mind is still on having sex, and there's no reason at all you shouldn't have as much as you want/need. I'm a few years younger than you, but not all that many, and I still get all the Hole I need. You can get all the Cock you need too, Our life is populated with men of every conceivable "type", and other men that want what we've got. So get on that bike and go find some more, bud ... they're waiting for you.
  4. Ever since PReP, I haven't really given it much thought, but you've got a point. While not only do I not ask, frankly, I just assume the Holes I fuck are positive, since I've already taken what steps there are to take. If the Holes I fuck are positive, then that bridge has been crossed already, and they have little to hold back their natural need to take a lot of Sperm up their Holes. It would follow that their sexual inhibitions have been jettisoned in favor of an "edgier" attitude - which I find attractive. It may also follow that their lack of inhibitions (or at least minimizing them) would encourage their most lewd, enticing behavior, which would certainly get them a gut-full every time.
  5. any realtor in Wilton Manors will be either gay or gay-attentive. Many of the realtors in Ft. L. will be gay or gay attentive. They're business persons first, and they know where the dough is. I'd be stunned if any one of them looked down their nose at you for being gay. You may (or may not) want to soft-pedal the commitment to raw sex, at least for the first chat .... there are a handful of straight men and women in the real estate business around here. I actually know one !!! Good luck !!
  6. May I add: circus barker, draft dodger, petty thief, conman, inveterate cheat, habitual liar, extortionist, sociopath, vanity beyond comprehension, utterly tasteless in his choice of sexual toys, choices in gold-colored radiator paint, just to expand the repertoire a little bit. I particularly like a moniker given him by our favorite Bootman: "Herr Furor" - so perfectly apt in every (of several) connotations ... the creature is beneath contempt in every possible way.
  7. I fucked a neighbor between to a couple of trucks parked on my street ... described in more detail in an earlier post ...
  8. Update, Muscledadbod : I have a realtor I work with, who understands my goals, etc. He brought over some documents the other day, and we chatted for a bit. He thinks the real estate bubble is within a few months of bursting, and reports that the instantaneous "listing a property/selling a property" bubble is fading quickly. He has sold a number of homes for clients, who were happily surprised at what they could sell their homes for, and "rent for a few months" before buying something else. A lot of these folks who figured they'd cash in, and find another place easily a few months later are winding up very disappointed. My point is, you should definitely have representation in the place you want to move to, before you jump. It's still dicey in the neighborhoods I described above. Oh - another update. That old abandoned gas station on the next corner South of RamRod is being redeveloped into an upscale ethnic (S. American, if I recall?) restaurant; this according to neighborhood "have you heard?" guys. There are what passes for modern Klieg lights covering the whole area where guys used to fuck, new fences, etc. I'm still waiting for the used furniture store to be converted to a fuckjoint ... the second floor could be made into a first class PigPen .... small enough to encourage intimacy, large enough to accommodate dozens of Breeders ...
  9. Thanks, BootmanLA, for that information. I remember when all those other "world" this, that, the next thing started popping up on the site, but - being fairly single-minded - I didn't so much sniffing around the rubber / skinhead guys. I did, however, get maneuvered into going to the Int. Mr. Rubber event in Chicago, but a sweet boy I was porking at the time. I remember one of the suppliers begging me (along with the boy) to try on a rubber shirt. I got no more than my arm into it before I knew it wasn't for me. Couldn't get if off fast enough. BUT !!! I did notice, under a folding table, with some other stuff being stored there, a pair of Cavallo's in very nice condition that I picked off for 35 bucks !!! Later (or maybe earlier - can't remember) at another booth selling rubber gear, there were a pair of Wesco's standing in the corner, which I bought for the charming young man that conned me into going to the IMrR mart in the first place. Who would take off a fine pair of Boots and just let them go like that? Takes all kinds, I guess ....
  10. Whew .... we had to wait until the very end for it !!! The mark of a first-class wordsmith, I suppose ....
  11. I beg your pardon. Last phrase first: No, this has not been the case for many decades. It has been the case with one of the traditional political parties for a handful of years - but the root cause has indeed been institutionalized in the US since before it's founding. I agree that "lobbying" has been out of control for some long time now, and the ones who could restrict it are the same ones pocketing the dough. I know that one political party is more egregious than the other, but both participate. So, how about the voting citizenry demand term limits for elected officials? That would be a start, at least. I'm assuming you meant "grifting", and while it's regrettable, it's hardly the greatest problem we're facing as citizens. Yes, there is indeed one political party infused with characters our of a comedic tragi-drama. I am not claiming that there are no idiots in the other of the two parties; I am, however, claiming that of the two, the liberal party has markedly fewer deadbeats, fools, craven lusters after power, and - wait for it - inveterate racists. Which depravity was so richly demonstrated merely a few short hours ago this very day, by the conservative party members in Congress. I would encourage you to educate yourself in a bit more depth before asking us to read such nonsense. Thank you.
  12. That may be closer to the truth. Dictators are seldom very bright men (or women - gotta be inclusive, right?). What they lack in mental capacity they make up for with making others fear them. While Royal Families often suffer from what we would call "inbreeding" - for example, the House of Yamato has occupied the Chrysanthemum Throne for over a thousand years now, so it's likely the gene-pool is a little bit depleted. The dictator of Russia does not possess that excuse: he's nothing more than a cunning, clever, but rather dull manipulator who managed to grab power. ( sound familiar?) It's that talent for instilling fear, without the necessary intelligence backing it up that is so dangerous. I do think, however, that if he contemplates using either nuclear or biological weapons, his lackeys would prevent it - knowing full well that their nation would be totally destroyed if he does. Not that the West should rely on that supposition, of course not.
  13. On that point, we are in complete agreement. There are surely others that hold some measure of power, within their own spheres of government or social structures. It would be akin to when nobles ruled the various principalities of Europe: A king, who held absolute power, and then his family, who held some power in designated arenas of national concern. But only one holds absolute power, and in Russia today, that is Putin, which he retains through fear of retribution towards those who, under him, wield some power, and at his pleasure only. Thanks for the clarification: I didn't know that. I assume that the present nation of Ukraine would be included in the area, but what other areas there would be - added to the current nation - comprising "the" Ukraine?
  14. ReCon started out as World Leather Men years ago. Yes, there is substantial European membership, since there is still a base of men who experience that need for the stability, membership in a special group, and hold the Leather Ethic in high regard. Even today, I am still in contact with friends in the US and Europe I made via ReCon many years ago. Now, that site too has branched out into a number of areas, but it's roots are in the Leather Community, In the event you'd like to know more, you may ask, and I will respond.
  15. I would suspect that there will be flakes trying to get into the "approved" section regardless, and you'll wind up with complaints about this, that, and every other thing if you depend on recommendations from trusted members. Stuff like 1) "beginner" says "I tried to hook up with T.M. so & so, but he wouldn't blah blah blah. Then, the reverse: "Trusted member" reports that "beginner" so and so was evasive in his intentions, unprepared it his mindset, unreliable, blah blah blah. Building a reliable network of T.M.'s would be a fantastic idea - but they might get tired of putting up with the wannabee's. The business model is First Class, and my mutze is off to you for coming up with it. I just don't know how you'd deal with all the disappointed wannabee's. The situation would be even more deplorable for men hearing the call to the LeatherLife. Since Leathersex is all about Control, both self and other-generated, and not all about wanton Breeding, including that component might be an even bigger headache, since there would definitely need to be a "filter" of some sort. There are guys running around this burg that have not one iota of a clue what the LeatherLife is about, yet think they know it all. You surely don't want to get mixed up in that potential mess. It's to the point that I'm gradually selling a lot of my scene-gear. I got so tired of it that I just quit using any of those apps, after trying almost every one of them out. Fortunately, I live in Fort Breedingdale, where everything is so easy to get it's surprising the City doesn't tax us "per load" around here. Hope the mayor isn't reading this ... and he may very well be ...
  16. How would making war upon the Ukraine disrupt Russia's capacity to produce oil / natural gas, and thus disrupt the focus on renewable energy sources? The chances that the Ukrainian forces could not only defeat the Russian invasion, but then proceed to invade Russia (and thus impact negatively Russia's production capacity) seems most unlikely. I don't see a connection between Putin's thirst to "restore" the glories of Peter the Great's "Mother Russia" and disrupting the sources of renewable energy in the future. If anything, Russia's adventurism in Eastern Europe will only encourage the development of renewable energy sources at an even faster pace. This would help the planet begin recovering from our dependency on oil, fossil fuels all the sooner, rather than inhibit development of these new, renewable sources of energy. I'm no expert on topography in that region of the world, but I would imagine that the possibilities of wind and solar development would be gigantic. I believe that this ^ fact is more a function of Putin's self aggrandizement than any long-term plan. His goals are narrowly focused, and diminishing NATO, the EU, other Western Alliances (including - even centered on - the most powerful nation of those) is merely an effort to weaken the West to better enable him to expand the fevered dream of restoring Greater Russia. Being an opportunist, Putin merely seized upon what was for him, a happy event in the divided US. Mr. Trump, hardy intelligent, but somewhat clever, was merely a lump of putty in Putin's hands, as the dictator of Russia sought to weaken the Western Alliances. Thanks for the interesting post.
  17. I think that the guys that realized their "calling" from the very first Cock they took, and proceeded to fulfill that calling from day one are the luckiest, in that they managed to avoid soaking up the cultural bullshit in the first place. It's those guys that allowed themselves to feel shame, thanks to cultural pressures, religious strictures, but had the courage to fight back against those insidious, hateful, destructive contrivances that I particularly admire. These are the men that deserve the highest honor, since they fought the good fight, and managed to win. All cumdumps are worthy of respect merely for accepting their nature, but the guys that had to fight back, work hard to become "whole" men are the ones I especially admire. Thanks for sharing your estimable viewpoints, Brother !!!
  18. Having just re-read the original post, I notice that it's apparently intended only for bottoms - which would mostly exclude me. The final selection - #6 - is labeled "take all loads", so my apologies for even answering this questionnaire, since my replies were from a Top's perspective. Must have needed a cup of coffee at the time ....😴
  19. LOL .... well, if I'm the devil, it's news to me !!! I'm just a shucky-darn city boy that loves to fuck guys. Oddly, despite going with the John Lennon look many years ago, (and briefly I might add), no barber who cut my hair ever mentioned seeing those numerals hidden in my scalp either (where, according to the religious tradition I was born into) those numerals were to be found. I'd not heard of the "forehead" display. But - I wonder ..... would a tattoo be acceptable ??? You make me smile .....
  20. ??? I know I can be dense sometimes .... but ... why would I look at my forehead in a mirror .... I don't get it ....
  21. If asked, I will answer, and honestly. However, I don't ask, since I know I've fucked plenty of poz Holes already, and will continue to until the day dawns when I can't.
  22. Before hiv, everyone fucked raw - so, 6. During hiv, quit fucking altogether for a couple of years. Dark days. When medical treatments became available, back to 6. During initial covid outbreak, and up until February past, only 1 fuckbuddy, at 6. Since February '22, back to 6. I have taken every precaution available, and feel that there's nothing more I can to do protect myself and others. Therefore, I will not give up my natural, in-born needs or desires. SIX
  23. This part doesn't make sense. There are "slaves", and there are "submissive subs". There's a difference - a big one. The writer seems to conflate "slavery" and "an ordinary fuck session with a side-dish of some SM play. But the one doesn't equate with the other at all. Using a "safe word" is a requirement for serious B/d S/m play, but hardly needed for a submissive sub. No responsible Leatherman would do a scene of either ilk without a negotiation prior to the event. "slaves" are considered, within the Leather Ethic at least, to be the personal property of their Master. If this creation-cum-profile is intended for some online cruise sites (it appears so), then it's doubly nuts. One of our more substantial and respected members was kind enough to answer a question for me a while back - a term I'd never heard (maybe because I don't use the online stuff anymore). I think the creator of the above profile had a bit of "fap fap fap" in his fingers, typing away at his creation. And thanks again .....
  24. My friend - your command of the English language is better than some folks that were born here, grew up here, and flunked out of school here. Thanks for the excellent reply - well done.
  25. I'm assuming, BBVB, you're asking about Ramrod? It's busy every night. Things get started in the mid afternoon, and only get better as the night wears on. Parking is a bitch though, to the point that a lot of people living in the neighborhood have towing services to keep the cruisers away from their yards. Better off taking an uber, or just walking if you're staying/live nearby. That said, if you still need even more, there's Slammer, and they'll stay open until the last pair of balls is drained. But you alluded to this being your first time you'll be taking a lot of Cocks / loads up your gut ... maybe you could get a good start on your new career at RR, and add the Slammer experience a bit further down the garden path ... In any case, Good Luck, bud It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
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