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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Good responses above. That said, it sounds like your heart is in the right place, in that you want to treat him with decency, respect. After all - every one of us was 16 once. How about this: invite the guy to have lunch - someplace an appreciable distance from where either of you live - for the purposes of a chorus or two of "Getting to know you". Specify that. No fucking after this meeting. Introductory only, sharing thoughts, needs, etc. If he bites, you'll have your first clue as to his authenticity. Even prospective fuck-buds need to have some idea of who the other guy is, and this innocuous meet-for-lunch would be an acceptable situation for both of you to become a bit acquainted. I don't think you need this, but - be sure to treat him with respect and understanding, whether you want to fuck or not. If warranted, discuss limits, taboos, all of that if you want to - but don't fuck after this first meeting. Give it a little time - for yourself and for him. Good luck !!
  2. which qualities are supported by institutional forces - ages old - that professes the opposite. How do these queens in the long dresses and ruby slippers manage to look themselves in a mirror .......
  3. I met my life-partner in a very similar circumstance, at the baths. Both of us were busy being who and what we were/are - "masks off", as it were - and we had 30 wonderful years together. While it's not all that likely, it can and does happen !!
  4. I think that it's the responsibility (duty?) of men that fuck other men to educate themselves on different techniques of using their Cocks. Just as bottom's have responsibilities (have a well-prepped Hole to offer, etc.), Tops need to either educate themselves (questionable) or seek information from other, more accomplished Tops they know and respect. Not being into physiology all that much, I've always called that "thing" in a Hole the boy's "fuckbutton". I know how to give it a slow massage, hammer it, whatever seems to turn the boy's Lusts on the most. Tops that don't know how to send the Hole into euphoria with their Cocks haven't learned their craft. Merely rutting in a Hole is fine, but there are other, more intense techniques that should be used too. That will create a higher level of connection for both T and b. All of us need to learn our craft, by which we're all better barebackers.
  5. My apologies, everyone. It has just been brought to my attention that I inadvertently made a most unfortunate choice of modifiers in the above post. I intended to describe the size of potentially useful devices in achieving the desired result. It never entered my mind that it could be construed at applying to infants, and for that I most sincerely apologize. The very notion that some of you may have received is beyond my comprehension, and any linkage (via poor word-choice, however unintended) to messing with a human baby is - in my mind - the very definition of inhuman filth. Again, my apologies.
  6. Interesting topic. For the purposes of keeping a Cock in the throat for longer than a thrust takes, it's possible to "condition" the throat by starting with smaller things - fingers, small, soft objects, maybe a "baby-dildo" (if such a thing exists) [Moderator's Note: He means a small dildo not one designed to look like a literal baby], nothing too big at first, and very gradually increasing the size and duration. It works best if both guys enjoy the process, and it will most likely take a few months. Of importance to this method, is the repetitive aspect, best practiced at least daily. Transferring the impulse to gag from wherever impulses live in the brain, to conscious "will" is difficult, but it can be effective. It really depends on how much the Cocksucker wants to make it happen. It doesn't always work though. The Cocksucker has to be really dedicated - or determined - to make it work.
  7. I'm with you, TotalTop ..... the very notion ..... yuk ..... han var en Skoning ......
  8. "... Was he attempting to shift the blame and deflect in an effort to hide his involvement, or does he believe that he had been misled by BLM and Antifa, and was operating as some sort of brainwashed rioter? Either way, it truly does not get any more insane than this ..." It's not up to me to judge either .... but then, I haven't been summoned to sit on a Grand Jury either. I hope these jerkoffs get tossed in the clink, and forced to fuck the butch, female dyke guards,
  9. Nothing "turned me into" a bare Pig ... I was born this way, I've always been this way (except for a few years when hiv appeared, when I stopped altogether), and continue to be a bare Pig. Other than childhood - when I had no idea of what sex even was - I've always fucked raw.
  10. I remember Chip & Dale too .... but my favorite was Sky King, racing around the countryside in that '59 Buick Estate Wagon - chasing down bad guys in the Songbird !!! As to "fashion", I've never paid attention to it. Since I don't see colors all that well, that may be part of it. I remember when I was a kid, my mother would lay out clothes that "matched" in colors. She said that the girls would laugh at me if the colors "clashed" - and I couldn't care less if the colors clashed and the cuntlets laughed. All I care is that I'm legally "dressed", and not caught when I'm not ....
  11. And .... rutting in Holes while watching other men next to me rutting in Holes .... sucking the Sperm off their Cocks when they Breed the Hole - swapping Holes with other BreedCocks - eating out Holes full of other Cock's loads .... sharing the Seed ... pumping more .... I just love this life .....
  12. You and me both, bud .... sounds like we have a LOT in common !!!
  13. I try not to allow my Cock to get too pushy during the week, when there are other things besides trying to satisfy him to take care of. Not that I simply won't fuck during the week, I just try to inhibit that part of who I am. That said, Fri and Sat nights belong to him, and he gets to go out and play in as many Holes as he pleases. So, to the question: yeah, when it's time to Breed, I tend to block out extraneous stuff, and allow myself to sink into the pool of sweet, compelling rutting, fucking, Breeding without carrying any other thing around in my head. I do make the carnivorous Pig inside my mind to wait it's turn, but when it's time, I turn him loose and become focused on rutting in Holes, Breeding Holes, the whole sweet, perverse ball of wax.
  14. This is why I restrict myself (mostly) to 2 nights per week in the fuckjoints. There are other responsibilities, other interests, other things I want to do with my life besides fuck. I don't like losing control of myself, and the best way I've found is to simply restrict myself to that schedule. Of course, there are those occasional irresistible mating events, special circumstances, but not all that many. I handle other responsibilities similarly. Business stuff mostly on Mondays, etc, etc. The added benefit is, on Friday and Saturday nights, I can free my mind of extraneous stuff, and just let my Lusts take over. Plunge into the Pigpens and celebrate my Lusts with my fellow Pigs. I realized that this type of compartmentalizing isn't for every guy, but it works well for me. Thus, on Friday and Saturday nights ..... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm - and nothing else.
  15. Well you sweet Pig ... and I mean that in the best possible sense !!!
  16. Well, we gotta wear something ...... jeans and a T-shirt aren't a "costume" - they keep us outta the clink ......
  17. Thanks so much, AlwaysOpen. You're entirely correct in pointing to Oakland Park as a most viable place for gay men to live. I know there are many, since my best buddy lives there. As to the hurricane issue, the first one I actually lived through here in FL was Irma, which went up the center of the FL peninsula, and didn't hit Ft.L. directly. That, however, was plenty scary enough. I'd experienced tornados back in Illinois, but the widespread impact of Irma was a shocker. While it's true that we haven't suffered a direct impact for a number of years, one day we will. Storm season is upon us right now, and everyone with a head on their shoulders is preparing now. I certainly am. Another issue you mention is finding "reliable" contractors. Or "honest" ones. Or "able" ones. The ratio of con-artists to actual service-providers here is exponentially higher for conmen than back North. In other words, there is no panacea, there is only the sure bet that we'll have the pleasure of giving our snowblowers, shovels, bags of salt to our friends and neighbors when we leave. Winters will no longer be 4 months long, with cold, dark, inhospitable weather.
  18. Thanks for the informative post. I think that most guys that love to eat wet Hole either "know" or at least "sense" that this is a dangerous (however delightful) practice. The "sniff-test" isn't even close to indicating the level of safety, or lack thereof, but it's at least something. The only real way to protect ones self is to either not do it, or get tested very regularly for the bugs that will inevitably come. Testing often = treatment earlier than later.
  19. Perfectly said, BBArchangel. It magnifies the Man inside the man. It holds us to a Higher Standard than jeans & a t-shirt. It's an outward manifestation of love and respect for others. I've lived a far better life as a Leatherman than I otherwise would have.
  20. re: Wanamakers ... I wonder if that enormous Barton is still there? As a kid, I was in a touring boy-choir, and we stopped there once to sing a non-sectarian gig. That organ was partially unavailable (I think it had some 400 ranks? - just gargantuan), and some was being serviced, but it was still overpowering. As I recall, there was a 64 foot bourdon that was so huge, you didn't really "hear" it, you only "felt" it's lower notes inside your chest.
  21. I was in the dark backroom of the Eagle fucking a guy, as was my habit since I'd figured it all out. As I was fucking the guy, I felt a hand on my ass - said over my shoulder "sorry, bud - can't help you with that", which was my usual answer to a guy feeling my ass up. But, the guy continued for some reason. As discussed in more depth in a previous post, at some point it was like an Epiphany: I had been conditioned into closing off half - 50% - of the opportunity to "connect" with the greater community of rawmen, since I considered myself exclusively Top. After a few moments of soaking up this realization, all the while rutting in the Hole I'd been fucking, I did reach around and felt the guy's Cock behind me. It wasn't all that thick or long, pretty "normal". The dawning of realization became all the more intense, and - while I'd only had the Cock of my life-partner in my ass before (and it was much larger than was even remotely comfortable), I'd never felt a Cock shoot Sperm up my gut. But the Epiphany - the Awakening to the possibilities of that "connection" allowed me to say "take it" to the guy behind me. I never did care for Cock up my ass - still don't - but in that moment I felt so "connected" to every other Cock, every other Hole, every other sexually adventurous gay man, I allowed it. It didn't feel good - but the overwhelming sense of connection was magnificent. Uplifting. Empowering. Enabling. All kinds of awesome feelings - sensations. I never did see the guy who first pumped Sperm up my gut. I knew he was wearing gear, I was able to see the Boots, felt the Leather. But when he did, I shot my load so hard into the guy I was fucking, I thought my toenails were shooting up the Hole too. I very seldom take a Cock up my gut, but I know I can - and I know how beautifully that can magnify the majestic connection to Everything. I don't particularly care for the mechanicals required to get fucked, and I don't particularly care for the process of it. I need to really feel closeness, sense of sharing, a sense of Brotherhood in a Universe of men being with men on the deepest levels to allow it, but - I know how intensely magical taking another man's Cock/Sperm into my gut can be. So, I do know how changing positions can bring new awareness.
  22. Becoming a cumdump is more of a "calling" than anything else. If you genuinely feel that your purpose is to service as many Cocks with your BreedHole as you possibly can, and make it at least your principal avocation (if not career), of course you should answer your calling. That said, you should also take every precaution to preserve your health. You already know that there are multiple vaccinations against a number of std's, and you should avail yourself of those now, before you embark on your journey. To answer the direct question above, yes, it will work at preventing hiv infection in the large majority of cases. However, it is not a "get out of jail free" card, and you may become infected at some point - mostly depending on whether you actually do what real cumdumps do. What is certain though, is you will become infected with other std's, and it's entirely possible with hiv as well at some point. PReP is an efficient tool, but it is not a guarantee. There are other, far more medically-informed men on this site. Take some time to sift through their answers to similar questions, and ask for detailed information, which I know they will gladly offer. There are many similar questions - over the space of several years - that have been thoroughly discussed. That said ... Good luck.
  23. First, let's make the definitions clear: 1. A "straight" man means a guy who is completely oriented sexually to women, and not to other men. 2. A "bisexual" man is a guy who can be oriented mostly to one gender, but willing to have sex with the other. The percentage can vary, of course - i.e. 80% straight & 20% gay, 50/50, 80% gay & 20% straight - and still a bisexual man. 3. A "gay" or, in ancient clinical-ese, homosexual man means a guy who is completely sexually oriented to men. I guess this will remain a mystery to me. Why a straight man would even think of a gay man when he's jacking out a load doesn't make sense to me. A straight man would be thinking about loose women; tarts, tits and twats ... not gay men. If you're describing men that are part straight, part gay, then that would be a bisexual man, not a straight man, right? When a male participates in sexual activity with both genders - regardless of percentages - then that man is bisexual. There are infinitely more female prostitutes than there are male cumdumps - why would an actual "straight man" even consider a sexual encounter with a gay man .... I just don't understand this. If descriptive terms like "masculine", "butch", "effeminate" "sissy" are employed, those would be perhaps descriptive of one of the 3 above, but not be definitive. Uber-butch men can adore dick up their guts. Effeminate men can love hammer-fucking/Breeding another man, and be great at it. Descriptive, but not definitive. It seems to me that if a gay man thinks he's having sex with a straight man, he's actually having sex with a bi-sexual man, who may be married / relationshipped to a woman, and merely exercising whatever percentage of "gay" he possesses.
  24. Briefly, clearly, succinctly, and bluntly clear. They're not straight, they're merely emotionally stunted.
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