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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I wouldn't call it "cold" at all. I think his behavior - as described - is close to abuse. It would seem that the term "boyfriend" is hardly valid at all anymore. You're not risking much at all with the "boyfriend", and embracing who and what you are, what you need to do to be the man you were born to be. Call U-Haul quick - somebody's relocating fairly soon. In the meantime, just call him a "roommate".
  2. Not yet. I think you'd need to provide a little more information about yourself, in order to receive more focused replies. You haven't said whether or not you're already taking loads. If you haven't yet, then of course the notion "turns you on". The implication is you haven't, but it's not clearly stated. Are you drawn to more experienced men? Are you in any kind of relationship? That would also be important. Talk it over with a friend/buddy you respect. Grindr? That is, in and of itself a negative. He typed this, he will type that. An online hookup is maybe ok when you've got your "sea-legs", but it sounds like you have yet to get your toe in the water. However. I would strongly suggest - since you haven't even met the guy - that you set up a lunch or coffee or drinks or whatever - with the specification that it will be a "getting acquainted" meeting only. Take the man's measure in person. Ask him questions. Try to get some insight into what kind of man he is. Be respectful, but make sure to stand your ground too. And for heaven's sake - take the appropriate medical measures to protect yourself first - regardless of who's Cock Breeds you. I have mentored numerous young men in a related, but markedly different area of gay guys pursuing their calling, and every single time I would buy the guy some lunch, in a public space (for his comfort, not mine), and discuss his motivations, his desires, his commitment, etc etc etc. Especially in the case of a "newbie", it's important. If the man you're in contact with refuses, you'll have your answer, and bluntly stated. With what you've supplied, I would encourage you to find some guy(s) in your area to talk to, face-to-face, and give the online stuff the respect it deserves (meaning, none). Please continue your journey - just do it safely. Thanks for your post.
  3. In my experience, "cheating", i.e. having indiscriminate sex with men other than your partner, is best accomplished with one's life-partner/lover/husband. When two men who love each other first and foremost, go cruising for fresh sex partners together, it follows that each guy loves having sex with many men, knows and take pleasure, even pride in watching or participating in his loved-one exercising his Lusts. When that depth of trust is developed, it can easily extend to each lover knowing and endorsing the other half going out on his own for sex. Or, each partner going out to different fuckjoints for a night of whoring. And the next morning, each one sharing the details, and wind up with the lovers making some really hotttt Breeding. This has to do with exorcising one's jealousies, one's inclination to "possess" his loved one, in favor of celebrating the wholeness of his partner. Attempting to control one's loved one only accomplishes the limiting of that relationship. Celebrating, endorsing, participating in your loved one's Lusts, and he celebrating yours only deepens the love, sharing, richness of the loving relationship. This may be difficult to understand, particularly to those who are infected with cultural bullshit, and almost certainly the strictures of our ancient enemy, O.R.* When we learn to free ourselves of those anchors, dragging us down, making us feel ashamed of ourselves and our Lusts, limiting our joy, freedom, wholeness, we find ourselves to be lesser men than we deserve to be. However, when we're free of those false constraints, which only serve other's ends, we allow ourselves to revel in our Lusts, share them with our loved one, and thrill to the honesty we share with our loved one. If we define "cheating" as taking/getting something we shouldn't have, but we're compelled by our very inborn nature to take, we're not defining cheating for what it is. Sharing our Lusts with as many of our Lust-driven peers as possible is turned into a guilt-mechanism by cultural pressures. We simply don't need to accept this dishonesty. The strictures behind the term "cheating" are unnatural for us, they are attempting to control us for the assumed benefit of institutions that stand to gain power by repressing us. Love conquers all. Love includes every aspect of ourselves. Love celebrates all. Love accepts all aspects of our Loved-One, and ours are accepted by him. When we're fortunate enough to find Love, and all that entails, thank Whatever for that wonderful gift. And then, both of you go fuck Holes together, take loads together, and every possible variation thereof. This may fall upon deaf ... (well, blind eyes), but there are loving, enduring, life-long, relationships like this out there. At least keep an open mind. Genuine Love really does conquer all. *Organized Religion
  4. Well, as far as I know, there are remedies for that. So if we consider that issue taken care of, I don't see anything that complex holding you back. Be the man you need/want to be.
  5. When ReCon was WorldLeatherMen, it was pretty good. The men weren't what you'd call plentiful in many areas, but on the whole, they were real, actual Leathermen. I met guys on there that I later physically met at events like IML, etc., and a few I'm still in contact with today. One of them is coming to visit next month, if he gets is act together. The other sites mentioned just got to be too tiresome to put up with, but then I've always lived in a city where sex - regardless of any particular sub-culture - wasn't tough to get.
  6. Since you mention that these are a group of friends / fellow Breeders and/or Load takers, there's already been a level of camaraderie established between the friends in the group. I would imagine that they're celebrating one of their own shamelessly taking raw Cock in that bar, and enthusiastically supporting your Lusts. If it really bothers you to the point that their cheering (or drawing attention to you getting Bred?) diminishes the thrill of publicly taking loads, then rather than just put up with it, I would quietly mention it to one or two of the more gregarious guys in your group, and let them pass the word. Maybe suggest they group around you while you're taking loads, and quietly tell you how hot you look with raw Cock up your Hole. Or, you could try that scenario when some of them are taking loads. They give a little, you give a little, and that might turn the trick, so to speak. In any case, please don't deny your fuckbuddies the opportunities of celebrating the group Lusts - that would be a sorrow.
  7. re: Commando in 501's One obvious and potentially important note: When the situation arises wherein Breeding in silence might be important, you can yank down the buttons in total silence. Yes, you can also slooowwlly ease down a zipper in silence, but the effect of a quick yank and presto - there's your hard Cock ready to Breed is hot - especially when you're ripping off a quickie on the sly.
  8. ... and it's all so unnecessary. I've done a bit of mentoring (beginner leatherboys, mostly), and there have been a handful that we so imbued with the O.R. garbage, reinforced by the cultural garbage, I just couldn't "break through" - had to return them to their Daddy/Master without having made much progress. That always hurt me more then it did them.
  9. You can still blush ??? Wow - I'm impressed !!! I forgot how to do that years ago !!!
  10. That's for sure .... who cares what race the Cock is ... I finally took the time to figure out how to "unfollow" a thread ... just about to do it again ....
  11. Martini's are great - so are boilermakers - so is a cold beer on a hot day - but that doesn't mean they should be mixed together ...... I'm with BBArchangel on this one.
  12. Well, there are occasions when we can only pay so much attention to our <polite cough> fingers ..... expecially* when something else is hollering for attention !!! 😇 *yup
  13. Thanks, viking8x6 and a6uldeve84u, for taking on the task of keeping us in line. It probably will be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I know you guys will do a fine job of it.
  14. Of course, ethically it's perhaps "better" that a responsible Cock fucked and bred your neighbor's "cheating ass". I wonder though, if there wasn't a liiiiittle tiiiiiiny bit of your own Lust in the mix as well. For my part, I probably wouldn't have thought about the "ethicality" (is that even a real word?), I would have just fucked it at my earliest opportunity. Ethics are great, but Lust is what drives us to feel up the bottom-half of a devoted, "officially monogamous" couple up the street. It's reason enough. I hope you do it again soon, if you haven't already ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  15. You and I are in the same damn church singing the same damn song .... the more Cocks that have pumped their Seed up the Hole the better. Looks better, tastes better, takes loads better, A fisted Hole is great, but a cumdump's Hole - full of loads off other Cocks - is the BEST ... Several pages ago some guy posted he'd been to Ft.L., and almost every Top he encountered wanted to know how many loads were up his gut; which is only one hint that he's been to a burg that takes Breeding Hole seriously.
  16. Of course. I didn't make the qpq = "if I do this, I want you to do that" thing. Makes perfect sense now. Maybe I was just out too late ..... thanks.
  17. fskn's spot on. Both can be a lot of fun, especially for an uncut Cock. If I'm after a particularly tight Hole, I pull the foreskin forward and bunch it against the Hole, whereupon at least some of the foreskin precedes my Cock. But then, I love rimming, eating a Hole before Breeding it, so it'll already be mouth-lubed. I happen to be on the thick side, so that's always in the back of my mind too. A tight Hole can present challenges that are a pleasure to overcome, and a loose, wet one is a whole palette of pleasure. That said, fskn and I are of one mind about the thrill of rutting in a Hole full of Sperm off other Cocks. It truly IS one of the reasons to be ALIVE !!!
  18. Interesting topic - thanks, Ieatcumholes. I'm assuming when you ate that guy's Hole you and he had been messing around a bit already? So his mind was already in "taking the load" mode? Did it taste any different than most other Holes? If so, how? I've had that experience, but I almost always eat the Hole anyway, and as long as there's nothing deleterious, I've always just put it down to some guys just taste differently. I wonder if there's actually some construct within the Hole that can emit a lube-like substance? Is there a doctor in the house ???
  19. Agreed. Far more potential in the fuckjoints. By the way ..... any of the Pack come out yet ???
  20. Fortunately, the moderators are very careful not to turn BZ into yet another "cruise" site. That is very much appreciated. There are plenty of other sites to cruise on, but this one is here for exchange of thoughts, perceptions, perhaps advice, Which is why I enjoy BZ in the first place, to the point that I visit quite a bit. There are ways to contact one another, which I did not quite understand at first, but now I do, and I fully endorse the business model. Sure, it's cool if a guy reads posts, becomes familiar (over the ether) with other guys with whom he shares an understanding, and at some point they increase their appreciation of each other sexually. After all - we're sexual libertines, so it's natural that some guys would want to Breed some other guys. Be patient, add your thoughts, comments to various threads, take part in the discourse, and all of a sudden you'll be able to message those guys privately. There is only one requirement, however - all the rest of us want to know how hottttt it was !!! (that was having a little fun, if anyone doesn't realize it ...)
  21. Can you expand on that phrase a bit? I know what it means, but in what sense are you using that particular phrase .......
  22. Yup. And, they'll most likely not even broach the subject of condoms unless you do. If one does however, tell him how you feel about condoms honestly. If that Cock gets away, there are plenty more right behind him.
  23. I tend to approach the issue from a different perspective, in that I consider any guy needing Sperm pumped up his Hole as a potential Breeding partner. It's when some negative factor becomes apparent that I move on to the next guy. Those would be particularly effeminate guys, particularly heavy guys, incomplete "prepping", or an attitude that's off-putting. I know a lot of guys like fem boys - it's just that I'm not one of them; they remind me of rg's, which I definitely avoid. I know a lot of guys like heavy guys, but I want to get all the way into the Hole without fighting endless plates of alfredo to get there. And, sometimes guys just reflect an attitude that I don't gravitate to. That said, I don't criticize or judge other guys, I just say something innocuous if addressed, and move on.
  24. Exactly. The masks are lying in the trash can, where they belong. I met mine at the tubs, and we had 30 years of doing a lot of sexually exciting stuff together (or, sometimes separately). When the "real" guy is there, in-the-flesh, doing what he must, it's the perfect venue for honesty between the two.
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