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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. There is an ancillary comment, not worth creating a new thread over, but ..... When there are only a couple of slings at a fuckjoint (worse, only one), and the same bottom is lying in it for an hour without much happening, it's considered good manners to get up from the sling and give other bottoms a chance. I've actually heard guys ask the "long-term-tenant" guy if they could give other guys the opportunity, and the bottom snarls at the questioner !!! That's really poor form ....
  2. I'm no convinced there is no recourse to these emotions. While powerful, the conditioned stuff can - with effort, probably years worth - be expunged in favor of a more inclusive, reasonable and productive "self-conditioning". While it's relatively easy to reject the silly garbage* O.R. has drummed into us to enhance it's control over us, I will grant that it's more difficult to reach deeper levels of understanding, but it's hardly impossible. When we recognize that we are - in a sense - "victims" of the dominant culture, inculcated with "crowd control" mechanisms, it's easier to recognize them in ourselves, and root them out. We simply don't have to accept bullshit. We are able to re-orient our thinking, our mindset, and become better men. *oh - say - cannibalism, virgin birth, walking on water, resurrection - none of which serves the Original Message. To the rest of the reply, I fully understand that it's not the exact words, but how they're delivered that counts. For example, if I say to some guy "you're a filthy, nasty cumdump" with an angry or judgmental tone, it's totally inappropriate of me. However, if I have my Cock up some hot Hole, and softly say those words, purring into his ear, I could just as well be saying "you're a filthy, nasty cumdump and I love you all the more for it". It's completely possible to make Love to a man and his Lust without ever seeing his face, knowing his name, or his political views, or whether he ate one egg or two that morning. We're in absolute agreement yet again .....
  3. No. In the fuckjoints, I don't ask, and I can't say I remember ever being asked. I simply assume that every Hole there I rut in might be positive for hiv, or any number of other bugs. Having taken all the shots available, PReP, I have weighed the risks against my Lusts, and the Lusts won (with all the precautions taken). I know what might happen, and I know how stopping sex altogether would impact me, my life. Every guy gets to choose how to regulate his behavior, and hopefully every guy that chooses a lot of sex does so having taken every available precaution. Maybe I'll wind up in some nursing home somewhere - maybe I'll get run down by a speeding car too. In any case, I'll have a smile on my mug, reflecting on how I've lived my life, and that's the best I can do.
  4. You really "get it", don'tcha ... and explain it beautifully. It's all about the connection - not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional, but the whole ball of wax.
  5. The following is the important part of an email from All Out, the Ukrainian GLBT+ relief agency focused on saving GLBT+ lives, helping with resettlement, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, treating the sick, help with whatever they need. Please try to make a donation, whatever you can afford to help your brothers and sisters in desperate need. The address to offer help is: All Out.org. Every little bit helps. As the war in Ukraine is raging and thousands flee the country every day, All Out has been able to provide emergency funds for groups supporting LGBT+ people in Ukraine, Poland, and Romania – thanks to donations from All Out members like you. Last week, we visited two of the groups in Poland and we decided to share the journal notes from our trip exclusively with you: Having seen first hand the life-saving impact All Out's support is already having in Poland, we can't thank you enough for your recent donation. Tragically, the war continues relentlessly. We are determined to continue to get funds both to LGBT+ people inside Ukraine and to heroes like Mateusz, Miłosz and Paweł who are supporting refugees once they leave the country. For us to plan a Ukraine response that has long-term impact, we rely on our Equality Champions – a wonderful group of All Out members who make a regular monthly gift.
  6. I'd guess differently, in that SW is in the very beating heart of Boystown ... tons of guys live there. More likely they're stopping by for a "workout" in the gym (if it's still there ...)
  7. Generous to a fault .... but I'm not surprised. I only wish you'd be a bit more protective of yourself, your needs. I know your satisfaction derives from pleasing the other guy, but repeated disappointments is going above and beyond. You're waaaaay more valuable than that kind of sufferation. 😉
  8. Listening, boys? I think a very talented and dedicated-to-his-craft young man has some good advice for a few of you .... Thanks for sharing, 120DaysofSodom.
  9. LOL .... you're soooo right !!! Those guys remind me of going to the dentist, and you hear the dread words: "open wiii-iiide". I'm no dentist - I don't want to count their damn fillings, and I'm only interested in a single cavity located elsewhere on his body, with no silver amalgam jammed into it. Some guys open their mouths so wide their head almost disappears. It's like everything else related to sex; learn your craft. The rest of your words are spot on too.
  10. Thanks, fskn, for all your thoroughly professional advice. I'm sure you've helped a lot of us with your input. We appreciate it.
  11. Just don't spend all your time waiting on the other side of the gh .... there will be action all over the place, and your talents will be needed in other places too !!! 😁
  12. Since I'm in the "response clink" again, this is my "upvote"
  13. Actually, I had no idea the state of the public education system in Germany had fallen so far so fast. That observation taken, it will take a few more dullards expressing vacancy in their intellectual abilities to convince me.
  14. HAHAHAHA ...... did you know that the "secret" has been discovered? Rather than incur more debt within the hair-coloring industry, the former con-artist-in-chief eats a huge bag of cheetos every morning for breakfast (before the truckloads of Big Macs), and when he's finished, puts the empty bag with all that orange residue over his head, shaking and shaking his vacant,, self-absorbed noggin inside the empty bag. This is how he achieves that indescribably hellish shade of orange not only on that ridiculous pompadour, but on his disgusting excuse of a fat, sagging jowl-infested excuse of a face too. Cheap, easy, and he gets to add even more fat to that gigantic, Big-Mac stuffed ass he squats on. Fortunately though, when he lost his re-election scam, and before the Biden's moved in, all the reinforcing contrivances installed on the crappers in the White House were removed, Of course, melanomia's personal crapper didn't need all that reinforcement, despite the extra weight of those injection-bloated tits. And a very good morning to you too !!!
  15. That's just one of a lot of websites that have great Breeding vids. Try googling this: "raw bareback group breeding orgy" ...... many websites will pop up to choose from ....
  16. Considering every thing else the hotel management "allows" (or, at least looks the other way), sure - go for it. Does it fold up enough so you could carry it in relatively easily? The front desk folks will be up to their eyeballs in stunned wonderment, but if you need to, you can sneak it in a little later. Sounds like fun !!! If any hotel employee questions you, just say it's for a display in the Mart, smile, and keep walking. I don't think you'd need a little green piece of paper in your pocket, but - it's Chicago ......
  17. This would get MY vote ..... ruby slippers slipping, cassocks flying, fancy dresses torn to shreds .... the imagery is just delicious .... And, it wouldn't surprise me one little bit if - assuming the above choice - the videos returned to the place of their origin.
  18. Thanks, poztwinksrhot, for sharing your thoughts. I have been stewing on this for a day or so now, and I'm no closer to an answer than when I started, Read up on Asperger, picked around on Google, and found nothing satisfactory. I'm assuming EW was not referencing a culturally-learned dialect or manner of speaking. We all know so-called "queenie" types of usage, and that's great if the guy talking like that thinks it's right for him. Everyone picks up their local dialect, patterns of usage as little kids, but it seems EW was referencing something far deeper than merely dialects. I happen to think highly of ErosWired's intellectual capacity, and his superb communication skills. There must be something he experiences that most of us don't; otherwise he wouldn't have alluded to it in the first place. He mentions "filters" that most of us have, but he doesn't. Perhaps that's where the answer lies. I'm still exploring, and if there's an answer out there, I'll find it. I'm one of those guys that sinks my teeth in when I want to know something, and I shake it like a dog shakes a toy until I figure at least some shred of an answer out. It's just too fascinating a possibility not to explore it.
  19. Actually, I think there are two different types of "kissing". One is Lust-driven - merely one more way to connect with the guy sexually. The other is "real" kissing - an emotional exchange, a physical way to say something important, without needing to even speak. I'll kiss a guy who's just sucked off a Cock next to me - in fact, that's exactly how I met my life-partner - but that's nothing more than a Lust-kiss. That first time though, it was more of a Lust-driven kiss, since I'd never so much as laid eyes on him before. But it takes a lot "connection" more for me to "Love-kiss" a guy. Haven't done that in a long time.
  20. Thank you for the question, NatureBoy. Germany is an ancient, (if only relatively recently officially) nation, somewhere around the same age (of nationhood) as the US. However, there is a marked difference between our countries. As the various principalities became united into one nation in the 19th Century, there were basically similar people, similar beliefs, values, cultural associations that became united under Prussian (Bismarck) leadership. Thus, your nation was born of a collection of similar, like-minded people. Here in the US, that is hardly the case. The North American Continent was invaded by Caucasians, mostly from Europe. From before our revolution against the British, the "colonies" were founded on a grave error, namely the foul institution of enslaving other human beings for the purpose of pecuniary gain. The result has been - from the very beginning - a belief in many Americans that Caucasians are better in every way than any other racial group of human beings. This belief in the depravity of "White Privilege" was displayed only yesterday on television coverage of a nominee to our Supreme Court. The performances of a few Senators in the hearing, just yesterday, is a shame to anyone holding one shred of decency in their hearts and minds. Yet, this depravity has soaked into the very dirt beneath our feet. It led to the wholesale slaughter of the indigenous people who had lived on the Continent for millennia. It led to the importation of human beings for the purpose of enslaving a race of people who didn't appear Caucasian, so as to easily keep them separate from pale people. Since our system of government is a two-party system, unlike many other nations with numerous political parties, there has always been a struggle for power in the US between the Liberals and Conservatives, as in elsewhere in the world. Unlike other nations, however, this translates to a smaller group of citizens rabidly attempting to hold on to their perceived, God-Given power, defined as "conservatives", but consumed by the filth of White Privilege, and another, larger, more fractious, more diverse group of citizens demanding their rights and privileges, and - to this day - not receiving Justice. Thus, the battle to make the United States of America more just, more inclusive, allowing anyone and everyone to reach their potential, regardless of race, national origin, not merely a dream, but an actual fact. Our "Great Seal" of the nation in inscribed "E Pluribus Unum" - meaning "out of many, one" What was left off the words are "for Caucasian People". Our Pledge of Allegiance ends with the phrase "with Liberty and Justice for All" - but the words left out of the pledge are "for Caucasian People". I could go on, but hopefully you understand the fatal flaw of the U.S. Founded upon the depravity of White Privilege, which may well be the rock upon which our Nation founders. While your Nation was founded upon the rock of mutually agreed values, ours was not. Racism, Caucasian/White Privilege has been the sand upon which our foundation was built, and may well be the cause of our decline into mediocrity. While we do have technology, industrial power, military power, all of that, we do not have Justice in our nation. The battle you refer to is still ongoing, the struggle for Justice for all Americans is still ongoing, and frankly, I don't know how it will end. The former president, hardly intelligent, but surely clever, pried up the rocks under which the racists had been living and let loose the tiger of simmering, ancient hatreds; he merely exploited for his own flawed ends that which has been the case for centuries in these Dis-United States. Thank you for the question; I hope I managed to offer you some small measure of understanding the problem.
  21. This would be a "former" peeve, and since I no longer use apps to find BreedHoles, the peeve is no longer an issue. Most of the above-mentioned, but my pettest-of-peeves is when I distinctly mentioned (via profiles, texts, emails, phone calls, whatever) that I don't like fucking men that aren't "present" - i.e. flying high on some damn cloud, and they show up high as kites anyway. I want to be aware of the other guy's bodily reactions, be able to "read" his body for any signs of distress, and his eyes (or more precisely, the pupils) are the principal access point, as well as pulse, some other tell-tales. When they would show up "high", they didn't get past the front door. The past number of years I simply hit the fuckjoints, where I am not responsible for other's drug addictions. I know nothing of them, other than their Holes need Cocks, which need I am happy to provide. Only guys I know are invited to come over to fuck.
  22. As regards timbre, most folks can tell the difference between the sound-quality - or difference in timbre - of a clarinet vs. an oboe. Both instruments get their "voice" via a vibrating reed, which is carved differently for each. In the case of the potential of some certain quality in the vocal apparatus of a gay man, as opposed to a straight man, there must be more to it. Or, by extension, the receptive organ, in that the production of sound vehicle isn't the operative thing, the receptive vehicle is? Having an Autistic nephew, I may know a tiny bit more than some about Autism, merely because it is, in a sense, "closer" to me than some other facets of humans. That said, I know very little, and need to explore a lot more. My nephew isn't particularly musically inclined, whatever - if anything - that might mean. I need to do some in-depth exploration of Asperger Syndrome, and look for any correlation. I find the very notion of the special gift you describe astounding, and my curiosity has received a sound* kick in the ass. Thanks again for the most interesting reply. *apologies - couldn't resist ......
  23. How very, very interesting. I happen to be able to whistle A 440 on demand. I can play any song I know in any key on a piano. I'm able to "listen" to any work I know, from Mozart to Ma Rainey, "in my head" at any time I please. Having perfect pitch is more of a curse than a gift, however. Every single flaw (pitch-wise)* is instantly evident, in recordings - particularly at concerts - in commercials on tv**, on and on. Robt Shaw used to tell us that he couldn't wait to die, get to Heaven, and hear the angels sing a simple triad on C M in absolutely perfect pitch. Yet, it never dawned on me that gay men might possess some quality in their voice that could be recognized by other gay men. Would it be related to some kind of overtones? I would guess not. Would it be related to Autism, and only Autistic men can discern it? On a pipe organ, the "tongue" in the pipe can be "voiced" with amazing precision to reproduce the various voices in an orchestra. E.M. Skinner was a master at voicing, and there aren't many organs left bearing his magnificent voicing. Might your ability be related to the origin of vocal sounds in the throat? Perhaps there's some particular construct within the ear, allowing you this special gift? Do you have any materials that might explore this? Thanks for the fascinating reply. This is one of the big reasons I enjoy BZ so much. 😉 *not interpretational errors, which are a completely different issue, only pitch-related. **Currently, there's an ad running on tv with that old recording of the pop song "Every beat of my heart...", and the singer never does make the leap up to the third ("I know - I know"). It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. I grab the remote and fast-forward through it.
  24. From the Top's perspective, one clue there's still some water up past the "sigmoid" (never knew the real name until tsg's reply) the Hole can seem "dry" to an exploratory finger or tongue. It's sometimes a clue that the effort isn't quite accomplished yet ......
  25. yuk ..... the mental imagery ^ summons forth is downright hideous, and a direct insult to monkeys belonging to organ grinders.
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