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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. If I had one, I'd probably like that position more !!!
  2. I take no issue whatsoever with your "rant", rock-cock-jock. That said, it seems that humanity has - since we crawled out of the caves - felt some urge to seek some sort of Spirituality content to our existence. It is that urge/need/whatever that Organized Religion has taken advantage of, for it's own institutional advantage. Thus, we need to take care not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", as the old saying goes. Spirituality is a quality that cannot be taken away from humanity, it has merely been thoroughly and deeply co-opted by peddlers of magic, the supernatural, ineffectual rituals, on and on. Having been raised in the kind of religiosity you describe, but also blessed with an inquiring mind and perhaps some small measure of intelligence, an independent streak up my spine, I to have rejected these antiquated notions in favor of a personal quest for spirituality. There have been numerous "great teachers" on the issue of gaining a measure of Spirituality throughout human history, and what they have in common, is that all of us are equally imbued with intrinsic worth. We all have choices to make about how we want to live our lives, and what kind of values we choose to include or exclude. Today, reading works of depth, writers of honest inquiry, non-traditional (but equally valid, or even more-so) texts, books, articles will help guide us on our Spiritual Journey. Thus, you and I are of one mind in rejecting the bs peddled by O.R., and the thing we can't forget is that there are other ways to Connect with Spirituality. All we need to do is open our minds, and our Spiritual understanding will increase throughout our lives.
  3. Thanks, but not necessary. Sometimes these threads take on a life of their own, and diverge into other thought-trains. I'm as guilty of that as any guy, I suppose. Your thoughts are always welcome and appreciated by all of us.
  4. I'd have to agree. I think every man should fuck whatever he's drawn to fuck. For me, that disqualifies "straight" men, because I love men who love raw Cock, are willing and able to say so without equivocation, and in any situation that presents itself. In the darkrooms, who gives a rats ass whether the Hole bent over taking loads off any/every Cock calls himself "straight"? His mouth would be full of something other than injurious self-deception anyway.
  5. The only change in my tastes, since I've been at this for a number of years, is I'm not terribly interested in "beginners". There is often too much "baggage" when a guy is just beginning to figure out who and what he is, what he needs, so I go more for the men who have resolved all of that, and just love raw Cocks pumping loads up their guts. It's a process many of us must go through, I realize that, but I've done my share of teaching guys how to release, then revel in their sexual Lusts. In the darkrooms, they've gone through all of that already, and come out the other side ready, willing and able. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  6. That is about the silliest, judgmental, most ill-informed thing I've read on this site. It reflects a breathtaking ignorance of the Universal Message, as promulgated by a great humanistic teacher. I invite you to consider some of the work of E. Bruce Brooks, available from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. an empirical and exhaustively researched series of publications under the group-titled scholarly efforts entitled Studies in Early Christianity. You may also find some of the Apocrypha illuminating* regarding historical alterations of the Message suffered by the above-alluded-to great teacher. If you are capable of opening your mind, learning facts vs. historical fictions, you can experience intellectual growth, depth, breadth, and enhance, rather than diminish, your assumed "knowledge". *certainly not all - some are clearly historical (dating from the 3rd century, and clearly politically inspired), as the Romans co-opted the Original Message in the effort to broaden their empire via the Roman Catholic Church as well as force-of-arms. I wish you well.
  7. <<<filthy grin>>> and I'll usually fuck a hot Hole in whatever position I happen to find him in ... the above are just my favorites ,,,,
  8. I agree that in many circumstances there is a bit of necessary "checking things out" to see how ready the bottom is. Obviously, if he's been taking loads for hours, no need to bother with that, but if you're his first Cock of the night, consider his level of comfort too. I know some guys just walk up to a Hole and ram it home, but - that seems a bit too much to expect without any prior discussion. The bottom's experience counts too. I prefer natural "lube" to commercial products, that being either my saliva or loads off previous Cocks. If neither of those seem to be the case, at least wet your finger before the exploration. Yes, possibly, probably, and no. I don't see anything odd about being attracted to shorter men than you. We all have our preferences, of course - and that (as stated) wouldn't qualify as a "fetish" in my book (unless your attraction would be to minors that haven't grown up yet). My own preference is to mouth-lube a Hole, preferably pre-loaded - which I suppose would definitely qualify as a fetish. It looks like I'm replying to tallslenderguy's response - when I was trying to respond to Sharp-edge's question. Highlighted the wrong area, I guess. My apologies.
  9. ooops .... fingers got dizzy ..... conCAVE .....
  10. One a plane surface; bed, table, etc : 1. cheek (face) flat against the surface. 2. shoulders flat against the surface. 3. back arched, (convex) however much belly/chest available against the surface. 4. knees spread as wide as possible, thus presenting the Hole, and only the Hole, in the most bluntly enticing position. In a sling: 1. torso placed with the Hole hanging over the edge of the sling. Sling height most likely would need adjustment to a higher level than the head. 2. leg/wrist cuffs attached to the chains adjacent to the bottom's head (i.e. not the suspension chains near his legs, or closest to me). ankle cuffs clipped to the same suspension chains at the bottom's head area. Discomfort to the bottom should be taken into consideration, so as to achieve the best possible Breeding for the bottom as well. 3. spreader-bar holding the knees as far apart as comfortable, thus presenting the Hole as in #4 above. A mask or blindfold may prove useful. The above should be secondary to the bodily restrictions of the bottom - his level of comfort must be respected, obviously.
  11. Yet again, I learn something new here on BZ; many thanks, ErosWired.
  12. It has been painfully clear that the subject of Civics has not been taught for some long time now in public schools. Neither has the practice of Critical Thinking (in places it ever was taught in public schools). The chickens have apparently come home to roost now, given certain replies above. To those two who have replied, it's never too late to advance your mental skills. It's never too late to learn to open your mind or heart to facts, and what they mean. It's always too late to voice unsubstantiated, vague criticisms without providing any supporting facts. Mere generalities, spewed with anger, are never reflective of an inquiring, balanced mind. I would ask therefore, faggotsub & TwinkChaserSlut, that you provide some measure of empirical support for your statements, assuming you'd like to be taken seriously. Thank you.
  13. and I should mention that - believe it or not - there are some guys that have never use one of those codes, but are, none-the-less, able to read ...... 😉 Now. The inevitably dull question: Are regular people (I mean non-corporate entities) able to actually "compose" one of those QR's? As in, say - a text message? Or was that you being silly ............
  14. .... that someone on BZ could set up some kind of website or some way we could help our own in the Ukraine? Is there any sort of GLBTQBB (am I forgetting anyone?) Organization there we could donate to? Since we'd gladly fuck our Ukrainian brothers (yeees, ok - ok - sisters too) we could at least help them with whatever else they need. Even if Kyiv falls, there will still be larger cities where we might be able to lend some support. Even knowing there are others like themselves that care would be at least something .... I've already done the usual aid organizations - but one specifically for those in our own community would be really cool. I don't know how - or even if - it could be done, but I'll bet that every single one of you guys knows more than me about how it could be done. If this belongs in the Politics Dept., my apologies.
  15. I like "service entrance", since it references your dedication to your Calling.
  16. My friend, you must be the most generous-of-heart man Earth. "Unrepentant traitor" is far too kind. The misshapen mistake-of-nature you refer to, hardly possessing any intelligence, yet crafty as any common circus barker, con man, thief, grifter ever to walk this earth, may well wind up in the White House again. If the citizens of these Dis-United States don't vote en masse in a few months for decency, honesty, integrity - all of which the depraved would-be despot possesses none, our Democracy may well sink into the quicksand of history. Every single citizen possessing some measure of humanity must register and vote against such a calamity. Even if only for personal, selfish reasons, since once these hatemongers dole out their horrors to those who appear differently from themselves, they will come for us too. If I believed in such things, I would imagine that there are the infamous 3 sixes burned into that filthy, foul scalp - hidden under that ridiculous, cheato*-colored pompadour. *intentional
  17. That's the crucial component - each guy supports, approves of, helps bring to pass what defines a cumdump, and it makes the other guy's Cock hard pimping out his partner. Each guy accepts and supports the other's sexual needs.
  18. Fin som snuss !!!!! (now how archaic was THAT ???) 😉
  19. Can we be more specific about the meaning of that term? What, exactly, is the definition of "date", "dating", as used today within our subculture? I would offer that "a date" implies an exploratory get-together, with the intent to discover mutual qualities about the other. It may or may not lead to more "dates", with the objective of figuring out what kind of partner the other guy might be. For men like us, obviously somebody would Breed somebody, but that's merely the sexual quotient (which, for some reason we tend to satisfy first) ....😈 Does a "date" today mean what "trick" used to mean a couple of decades ago? Does it still imply the possibility of something "more"?
  20. This is a day we should send our thoughts Eastward, to our brothers (ok, sisters too) in the Ukraine. Whatever your beliefs on a wide range of issues, there are men in terrible danger, men who are indeed our "brothers", men we cannot spare. We need all of us to be safe, secure, and alive. No doubt there are Russian soldiers too, pressed into their armed forces who will be lost. They too are important. Today, and in the coming weeks, ALL lives matter.
  21. As usual, well said, ErosWired. It gets tiring to put up with these Gen-"nothing but me" creatures, but what else are we going to do? The way I see it, all I can do is maintain my standards, and avoid interacting in any serious way with these kids so eager to demonstrate their supposed, assumed aura of superiority. I might point out that BZ is the only "social media" website I participate in these days, since there are some men on here that actually do think about the greater "we".
  22. LOL ... I think I still have an old Polaroid shoved in some box somewhere ... Thanks for the words of encouragement. I always had secretaries to deal with all of the electronic stuff. And if none of them could, one of the editors was a computer-whiz, so I'd get him to do it, so I avoided the "ground floor" of how all this stuff works, but we live with the decisions we've made. I do feel a bit - oh - ashamed, I guess - for not being proactive in learning all about this stuff years ago, my only excuse is I was really too busy with other things to take the time, and I didn't really care how it all worked. Weak as water, huh? Per the question though, yes, and yes I did. He was from India, dark hair, brilliant smile, lovely Hole, but it took him a while (I'm on the thick side). Of course, when something deleterious happens with the computer, I just so happen to have his personal number, so I call him first. Unfortunately though, he's not really a Pig in the same sense I am, but at least he takes raw Cock/Sperm up his gut. There have been others from the same company that haven't given off the slightest hint, so I didn't either. I think he sniffed around on my computer and saw some stuff when I wasn't looking (plus, the slingroom door is right next to the bathroom door, so it's entirely possible he glanced in there at some point if he had to take a leak). In any case, his demeanor changed from thoroughly professional to thoroughly interested in fairly short order. When the Universe presents us with that kind of gift, who am I to turn it down ??? 🐷
  23. One more thing: there is NO State income tax here. Oddly, there is also no emissions testing for your car.
  24. Well, BreedingandSeeding ... a lot of excellent advise from a number of perspectives. I know Ft. Lauderdale is well-known for it's wanton sex, and the real estate prices here have leveled off, but are still high. There are, however, smaller burbs in the area, and maybe a 20 minute drive from "Ground Zero" of the gay life here*. Just south of the airport is Dania Beach, Hollywood, a few others, and while I don't know all that much about them, it might be worth your while to take a sniff. East So. Florida is a megalopolis now, like your area, in that there is no open land. You cross a street and you're in another town. Broward County is the largest and most "blue" in FL. Yes, we get these storms called hurricanes occasionally, but the come, do their damage, and go. Winter comes every year, last for 4 months at least. But other than that, if you like warm weather and hot sex, it's something you might want to consider. One other consideration: With the Russians on the march, the markets have crashed, the Fed is raising rates as quickly as they can (I expect a couple more this year), inflation, and at some point the real estate market will crater. Most folks around here are up to their eyeballs in debt**, and that won't be sustainable for much longer. I don't know how much time you have to choose where to relocate to, but if you do have a little time, take it. When the shit hits the fan, things will change quickly, and that will be the time to pounce. Congrats on the new job, and wherever you go, best wishes !!! *I don't know how much importance you put on the availability of a lot of raw sex, but it you actually wanted it every night, you could get it easily. **it's very different here - everything is about showing off - big house, lots of expensive phony furnishings, fast expensive cars - all kinds of Un-Northern characteristics. If you're culturally inclined, don't move here; there's almost nothing worth the name in that sphere.
  25. I'm with you, DarkroomTaker. I've kept myself from saying much on this thread, since it seems a bit lacking in substance. Of course we should all do what we need to do, provided we do it with care and grace. I don't "fetishize" any straight man, pseudo or otherwise. Producing offspring is some sort of proof of anything? Any of the late-night comedians on tv could shred that notion with scalpel-like precision, and we'd be laughing our asses off. I have my own fetishes, and if some father of many offspring has his Hole up in a darkroom, I couldn't possibly care less. If his Hole is full of loads off other Cocks, he's on my radar, and - in that moment - regardless of anything/everything else - he's as queer for my Cock as I am for his Hole. I can accept that online ads for "straight" men, written by guys that mean "masculine" men. Dull is as dull does. But in the end (!), what counts is the behavior. If some self-proclaimed straight man wants to fuck other men, then so what? Let him proclaim his Martian Citizenship for all I care. It's the behavior that counts, and precious little else.
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