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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I enjoyed a very similar set-up a few years ago. There was nothing but encouragement on my part for the boy to get his Hole fucked full at any time. I set up Breeding events just so I could enjoy watching him, and be a part of it too*. I wonder how many times we'd be somewhere - a bar, walking down WMD, some store, anywhere - and we'd run into some guy that had Bred him at some point, the boy would introduce us, and I'd get big fat smiles from the guy, compliments, all of that, and it turned my Cock to granite every damn time. To me, the definition of a "cumdump" includes taking a load off any Cock(s), at any time, at any "safe" location, without hesitancy or a second thought. These men are my ideal of commitment to their calling. These men make me nuts - and in a fantastic way. *Point: All the pleasure, and NO one got "cheated" on. All the hedonism, all the thrills, all the Pride I took in watching him servicing as many Cocks as possible, and no one was injured in any way.
  2. Thanks, rock-cock-jock, for the reply. I may have been unclear about something: I don't think setting up a whoring to take place at the baths is such a good idea, unless you have some rather deep pockets to go along with it. I failed to specify (my apologies) that I was suggesting either some private home or a sleazy hotel/motel. Back in Chicago, Ridge Ave was the main road into the city from the NW, before Eisenhower brought forth the Interstate System. Thus, there are miles of formerly thriving, now fairly decrepit motels (read cheap), motor-lodges along Ridge Ave, the most infamous of which is the Heart 'O Chicago. It's almost at the intersection of Ridge & Clark - very convenient to Crisco Heights, Boystown, A-Ville, all the "right" neighborhoods. That said, I surely never hosted a whoring at Mans Country (now gone, sadly, and only a few blocks from H'OC), or any other tubs. There's no reason any bathhouse would allow that kind of set-up, since it would compete directly with their own business model, unless they were very well paid to allow it. There would be all kinds of legalisms to be satisfied, way too much bother. Again, my apologies - never having attended a whoring at a tubs, it didn't cross my mind to even mention it. Also, I would suppose the advertising would have to be on one of the cruise sites. Regarding compensation, (no question there would be a decent amount of effort to make it work properly) maybe you could get "payment-in-kind" 😈 !!! I'm thinking Cock or Hole (I see you're verse....) to sate your own depravities, and payable X number of times for X number of months (and go ahead - be generous with yourself). If you're in any decent sized city, there will be "run-down" areas of town with some old hotels/motels, that would be glad for the business. Or, at a private home. Those are the two least bothersome options, all things considered. Good Luck - I love the entrepreneurial spirit !!!
  3. Not being personal, but yes - a lot of you do. Go ahead - you're allowed - you can say none, and I won't blame you. You're still one of the sweetest boys on BZ. Iconoclasty is cool. But you try. You do your best, in the worst circumstances. You're caught up in it, and trying to do what little you can to focus on the patient's well-being in a holistic way. Why don't you become Surgeon General of the US ??? Nah - that's a bad idea - why sacrifice someone actually caring for the whole patient to the will of Big Medicine. They'd swallow you whole - bones and all.
  4. Neither have I, unless it's solely to help those who have a decent chance of recovery. When, however, someone has zero chance of recovery, and only a marginal chance to "exist" a little while longer (if it can even be called "existing"), I have nothing but complete disgust with those in the medical field who are so afraid of violating their Hippocratic Oath, or more coarsely, a lawsuit, that they refuse to allow someone to pass with some measure of dignity. If the patient had signed documents years before, clearly expressing their disinclination to be "forced" to endure, would you still be uncomfortable allowing your patient some measure of dignity? I suspect not. Our internist of decades, became a friend, actually made me pull the plug out of the wall - he was afraid to do it - we gave his kid a job for chrissake - and he was still unable to do the decent thing. All these years later I am still so disgusted about what happened, and how much worse it would have been had I not been sleeping in the room too (the moment came shortly after midnight). I have close, intense and bitter experience with this, despite all the dnr's, documents drawn up by lawyers, and it didn't matter one bit. Fortunately, I was present at the critical moment, and intimidated the medical personnel that came running when the horns started honking. At least, he had me to run interference for him at the end. For myself, I have had every possible legal document made, filed, cc'd to counsel, everything there is to do. I just hope it works when it's my turn.
  5. I see that as stating the most important topic. Worse, it's not just your opinion, it's far to commonplace among insecure Tops that haven't found their "place" in The Life yet. The T/b dynamic can be absolutely magical, when each guy is attuned to the potential. I don't know for sure, but I would suspect there are more cumdumps that understand this, and on a deeper level, than a lot of Tops do. You're among the very fortunate, in that you're just entering the "gonna do it" phase, already understanding the basic needs, abilities, desires, potentials available to men who fuck raw. If I wore one, I'd tip my hat to you.
  6. LOL ..... no ..... but I do like the suggestion. I was thinking of these loops of beads one of my buddies' grandmother used to carry around, rubbing each one, muttering about who knows what ..... she was deeply into the RC silly business, carried talismans with her to "protect" her against some unseen enemy (?) ... but I DO like your suggestion a lot better !!! Per the further above, I suspect the same .... licenses are for driving, flying airplanes*, hunting, fishing, stuff like that ... right? *which I flunked because I couldn't see the damned colors on the wingtips, landing strips well enough ...😠
  7. I suggest 3 "our father's", 5 "holy schemoley's", and 20 "mercy-fucks" ... oh - and don't count those beads 50 times, wear them to an orgy.
  8. The question was, "what does the gay community think of cumdumps?" I don't care what the "gay community" thinks of cumdumps. I only care that there are men who offer up their raw Holes in every conceivable situation, every possible place, any time we need them. These men - "cumdumps" - are hero's in my book. They need to take raw Cocks, they need to have Sperm pumped up their Holes, perhaps even more than we Tops need to fill them. They feel a duty to accommodate our Cocks "on demand". They thrill to our Lusts, having their own Lusts sated by our raw Cocks pumping loads up their guts. They deserve medals - the DSC comes to mind, with one minor substitution. Where would we Tops be without cumdumps ???
  9. That's pretty much s.o.p. for whoring - I think he means hosting/being hosted in a private home or space? I'm also assuming the advertising will take place on the cruise apps. If that's the case, I used to post something like "Whoring out "your screen name", no loads refused, etc, setting out the limits (i.e. no physical abuse, no drugs, no fat guys, no skinny guys, no this, no that, whatever), and then state what you're particularly interested in; i.e. sucking Cocks off, taking loads up your Hole, whatever else interests you. Make sure it's in the most salacious language possible. The prospective Cocks will need someone (other than you) to respond to, so get that done in advance. The crucial part: make sure a guy you trust does the actual hosting - regardless of where the event takes place. You'll be busy, and not in any position to be watching out for misbehavior from any of the guys in attendance. Essentially, you'll be handing over your personal well-being to the friend hosting you. A couple of "hosts" would be ideal, one to let the Cocks in, tell them where to put their clothes (hand out bags, have a sharpie so they can name their clothes-bags), offer a bottle of water, whatever - and another guy to be watching over you, making sure nothing untoward happens to you. The more well-planned, the more successful it will be - and word does tend to get around when there are well-planned orgies, whorings, etc. When all goes well, you can invite one or two bottom-buddies to whore themselves along with you at your next event, and then you're on your way to fame and the respect you deserve. Good luck !!
  10. Any place men gather to share sex. Fuckjoints, backrooms, bars, forest preserves, t-rooms, rest stops, parks, alleys, anyplace where actual human men, horny for raw Cock/raw Hole cruise each other, and then Breed. In the flesh. Actual horny men needing to rut in each others Holes, suck each other's Cocks, ... not avatars, not cutsie screen names, not any bullshit-laden profiles, not phonies, not crazies out there in the ether. Never again. They're not real, they're figments of their inhibited imagination, and they're most likely high as kites on christ-alone knows what shit. Go to where the *real* action is, and be the men you were born to be.
  11. The way I see it, if a Top tries to hypnotize a bottom without the bottom's consent, that top isn't a real man. He's a phony "man", pretending to be "real". There is simply no excuse - ever - to attempt that kind of manipulation without consent. That said, hypnosis - when discussed/agreed upon in advance - does have the possibility of each guy (T or b) overcome inhibitions, usually culturally based. When a guy who hears the siren call of wanton sex with many men, craves it, yet can't bring himself to actually perform these sexual acts, hypnosis can help get rid of the inhibitions. So can a patient mentor. But no amount of hypnosis can get someone to do something they are diametrically, constitutionally opposed to. A totally straight man cannot be made to fuck a gay guy, or a gay guy a woman by mere hypnosis. Through what's called "conditioning", maybe, but that's highly questionable too, in my book. Any gay guy that sincerely wants - desires - craves becoming a wanton barebacker, but cannot overcome cultural/religious bullshit on his own can easily be mentored out of his inhibitions, have his Lusts reinforced and expanded by a decent mentor. No need to involve hypnosis.
  12. This is exactly what happened to the Weimar Republic's currency - it literally took a wheelbarrow-full of currency to buy one loaf of bread. When that happens in Russia, there will be millions that are hungry, which harbinger is fraught with tremendous danger. So what's the answer ....... even more death and destruction?
  13. Well, yeah, I get to ask neighbors, friends to recommend decent service-providers, then make the appts, then try to counter their initial outrageous quote, and hope they do at least most of what they're being paid to do. But, no one tells me what to do or how to do it, so there's that ....
  14. <<<sigh>>> Nope. The kid bolted. Can't fuck all of 'em every time, I guess. He did a good job though ....
  15. so you replied "what do you know about bathhouses, bud?"
  16. A Cockring, if anything. Otherwise, just free-balling.
  17. Not quite yet .... but I think it'll be real soon .... So I took the dog out a little while ago, got back home and there was a knock on the door. Pretty kid - sweats with his Cock flopping around in there - both arms full of tats - looked me right in the eye and asked if I had just been walking my dog. Odd, huh? So I said yeah, I was, and he said "I thought so - you have a beautiful smile". Well, that may or may not be, but I can say he does. Hot ass, dreads, slight build, and he was looking for work power-washing driveways, pavers, etc. He very clearly cruised my Cock, looked me in the eye while he told me about himself. All of 21, he and his bf started this little power-washing service, Sooooooo ..... my driveway is dirty, isn't it - but not as dirty as my mind, I reckon .... so unless he bolts after getting paid, I'm gonna fuck that bubble Hole full, give him a sloppy kiss and then go stomp some more dirt on my nice, clean driveway .... We'll see .....
  18. I've found that the longer I go without Hole the more concentrated the need for Hole becomes, even when I have other requirements that preclude any fuckjoint-time. I'm generally a happy guy, try to reflect a sunny disposition, all of that, but when the sweat is upon the brow, I can get surly real fast. And, I do think fskn's comment is right-on. When I fuck Hole, I like other men to watch, get hard to Breed the Hole too. When I've gone hungry for too long whatever outside stimuli there are fade a bit. Whether it's tied to the "fight or flight" instinct, I don't know - but the "Breed regardless of who, what, where, when" instinct carries a lot more weight than anything else.
  19. Oh .... well, thanks piglooking4pigs .... I appreciate it. Can't help but wonder what the point of that would be though. Why would someone create a false identity in the first place? What would be the point of that? If it's common enough to have a term invented for the practice, things have come to a sorry state in (gay) social media. Thanks again.
  20. This may sound dumb to a lot of you guys, but - what does "catfish" have to do with anything ........ what does that word mean in the context of what we do?
  21. Since I'm out of doo-dads again, this is my "upvote" to your reply, chargedodger. I completely agree. Russia should pay the price of rebuilding the Ukraine, since Russia destroyed every building they could throughout the country. Earlier today, the talking heads on tv were going on about Pukin might agree to pull back to the seaports, if Ukraine negotiates them away in some contrivance to gain a ceasefire. I would much rather that somebody sneak a submarine into Black Sea and sink the Russian ships, the Ukrainian land-forces regroup to form a pincer movement to trap the Russians, and practice the ancient art of extortion against Putin. One destroyed city rebuilt at Russian expense for each brigade of their soldiers returned to Russia (dead or alive). One of these days, the Russian people will become aware of the truth, and then the reign of terror will be over - permanently. I'm trying here to draw a distinction between the misled, lied-to Russian citizenry and their "elected" leader. Remember: it was Stalin, when asked by someone about elections in Russia, who laughed and said "it doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes." Sounds like current events in this neck of the world, huh?
  22. That's the kind of crap that was drummed into me as a little kid. Layering guilt upon us, with the inevitable impeding Judgement, and doing it to little kids, is the real outrage. I'm so glad you outgrew that nonsense, and became the man you were born to become. Now. You may add the rest of the quote, since, given half the chance, I'd do it myself.
  23. What chargedoger said. All aid short of nukes. Given Putin's position currently, he might be crazy as a loon, but others around him know that if he tries anything on the wmd scale, Russia would be reduced to a smoldering, irradiating cinder for a thousand years, and would take the appropriate action to prevent that.
  24. There's a substantial difference in admiring a raw Hole and wanting to rut in it, and viewing a "destroyed" Hole and wanting to rut in it. I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't want to "destroy" a Hole; a raw Hole needing raw Cock is a beautiful thing to behold - I want to service it - pump my Sperm up it - eat it out - not "wreck" it. I want to celebrate it. Share it. I want it so full of Sperm off other Cocks the loads are oozing out. I happen to love cumdumps just the way they are naturally. As the old saying goes: you can't help the first glance, but you can damn well avoid a second one.
  25. Other than the reference to Autism, I'm with you, studpony. Frankly, I don't understand why gay guys would even want to have sex with a straight guy, for the reasons you list as well as many others. I say, keep it where it's appreciated and needed.
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