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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I don't think I've ever heard of that either .... but it does imply a guy that's only interested in himself, what he thinks he wants.
  2. ^ demonstrates one of the most important signs of maturity in a fellow Breeder. Every Hole in a darkroom - ass up - Hole well fucked - accepting any Cock - any load, is, in and of itself, worthy of "connecting" with. Race, ethnicity, financial status, relationship status, cultural identity, are all totally irrelevant. The entire point of fucking in darkrooms is that we are ALL equals in a darkroom. Men, exchanging sexual Lusts, are what matters, and precious little else. I would point out that there are some men that either aren't aware or don't care about the required "prep work" before hitting the backrooms, and those are the only Holes I avoid. That said, every man has biological necessities, and preparing one's Hole is an important part of exercising our sexual Lusts. That's my only "limit" when I Breed Holes. I don't happen to like getting fucked, but I still make sure I'm available, in the off-chance that there's a really special "connection" to another man that wants it, because I know that he wants that special "connection" too. Actually, 99 out of 100 times, that process is for naught, but on the rare occasions when it proves important, I'm at least prepared for something "special" to take place. It took me years and years to understand the connection that's available through the concept of reciprocity: it's not all about what I want, it's all about sharing. While every raw Hole taking loads is special, that "special connection" doesn't always take place, but the celebration of mutual Lusts being fulfilled, over and over and over again, is. My own particular preference is for plenty of hairy men - HoleHair - probably because I possess very little. I suppose it's the "opposites attract" thing, but I've loved fucking hairless Holes, skinny ones, sometimes fat ones, regardless of other extraneous factors. In a different thread, I described fucking a neighbor in a bar that I don't like at all, and it was a great fuck. In the darkrooms, Hole needing Cock is Hole needing Cock, and rutting in each one is what sating the BreedLust is all about. And that's more than enough.
  3. Obviously - and I would add one more disappointment: Poorly, narrowly educated. More, if Dense Pence fathered a son who turned out to be gay, I think the kid would have been disowned and (if still a minor), put up for adoption. So did I, but I started smelling the weasel in the woodwork a bit earlier. The notion of celebrating such magical nonsense as cannibalism, the antiquated (by millennia) of "virgin birth", the notion that an unbaptized baby that dies automatically goes to some artifice called hell, all the bs purposefully designed to keep an uneducated populace under the thumb of those enriching themselves at the expense of others just pissed my ass off royally. And, I am proud to say I told off a nasty old busybody who sharpened her filthy tongue in a pencil sharpener every morning in very blunt language, and within the hearing of many at church. Thank whatever that you made it out, and realized your truth, and are following who you were born to be.
  4. I won't go into it yet again, but ... your sense of altruism is simply magnificent. The homeless deserve all the help they can get, regardless of whether - in the more fortunate folks estimation - they "deserve" their circumstances or not. When we celebrate the vast wealth that allows some folks to own their own rocket ships, own the largest "yacht" on earth, and then turn our backs on the far less fortunate, there's something wrong with our values. Here in Ft.L., there are tons of homeless people at major intersections, begging for spare change. Who would do that unless they were desperate to just survive another night? I have yet to attain even shouting distance of this respondent's level of caring for everyone, regardless of circumstances. but that doesn't mean I don't do what I can whenever I can. All of us need to do that.
  5. Welllllll ... I've never been to Calgary, so I can't offer anything germane about the opportunities there. However, if and when you're ready to really jump into the pile of rutting men, I can offer that Ft. Lauderdale will accommodate your depravities, no matter how deeply and deliciously they develop !!! Did I mention how much I enjoy alliteration .... I don't know exactly where your "let's see how much more fucked up and slutty you can get" button is located, but there are more then enough men around here that can and will surely find it. Cheers !!!
  6. Well said. It takes a while for a kid to mature into a hot fuck. There are things like technique to learn, and how to get a Hole to sweat for Sperm. We're born gay, but we're not born with the experience that only years of Breeding Hole brings. It takes some time, and a lot of action to develop really good talents. Yeah, the kids can be attractive - maybe remind us of ourselves in our youth, but I'll take experienced guys every time.
  7. Well .... here in Florida, this pie-faced fool of a Governor has begun a campaign to bar the teaching of any gay-related subject matter in public schools. The slogan is "Don't Say Gay", as if merely verbalizing the word can turn kids gay. I'm sorry to know the bars w/those thrilling darkrooms are fading away, but at least you don't have the person running your Province mounting campaigns to marginalize boys & girls born gay !!!
  8. Thanks for the response. I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here, in that I don't know what a "Fraternity X bro vibe" is. As to the self-confidence thing, I will admit that - for better or worse - I cannot recall having been accused of lacking that particular quality. One of the points I was trying to make is, in a situation when Tops are invited to use a cumdump, there are no strangers ... there will only be men that are interested in fucking a hot, wet Hole. Thus, those in attendance are anything but strangers. We may not have ever met before, but we're all of a kind, and there for the purpose of giving the cumdump what he needs, and having fun while doing it with other Cocks. A hotel room is probably not the most productive venue for offering that service, but some guys like that setting, so that's fine too. It would be more productive to offer the service in some overtly sexual location, like a bathhouse, their own place, a friend's place, where interaction with the public can be avoided altogether. Never having lived in a rural area, I can understand how taking a room at some h/motel could be more efficient, but the above response from the hotel employee (thanks, cumtaker77) should be reassuring. I also understand that a lot of guys simply don't live near enough to fuckjoints like guys in major metro areas. What I don't understand however, is once the event takes place, the men involved feel somehow detached from each other. What does make sense (to me, anyway) is either joining in the group-scene, or helping to create it. That's what a goup-breeding should be about ... men doing what they need to do, together. Thanks again for your reply.
  9. <<<sigh>>> tossed in the "reaction" clink ... again .....
  10. Go ahead - go on and on .... Dullness = no interest Mediocrity = perhaps momentary interest, mostly in the fuckjoints where intellect counts for very little Intelligence = interest, focus, pleasure .... and he's paying attention too ... he's shameless, but so is the guy he's attached to ...
  11. For instance, the mental imagery of my Cock actually imbedded in the bottom's brain .... quite literally, the proverbial "mind-fuck". It seldom happens in a group scene, but usually later - individually - with a guy I fucked in a group scene. It's like metaphorically consuming the bottom's mind, heart, soul - and offering mine to him. It's so gratifying to read replies from guys that understand ... 😉
  12. You don't understand the dynamics of group breeding very well, rock-cock-jock. It's hardly "cheerleading" - it's helping create the sense of comradery among the Tops, which leads only to a hotter, better, more licentious scene for all the men involved, whether Top or bottom. The poster asked directly about communications regarding "walking into anonymous pump & dump rooms", and he received some recommendations. A group Breeding scene is not at all "tailor made" for one Top, it's created for multiple Tops and/or bottoms, each giving the others what they need, and taking from others what they need. It's much more a celebration of who and what we are, co-mingling our Lusts, enabling mutual satisfaction for every guy. Nothing self-centered about it; the whole thing is "other-centered".
  13. ^ and self-centered ... If there's one thing I dislike about a bottom, it's trying to be a "pushy" bottom. Especially in the darkrooms/backrooms/fuckjoints.
  14. Very interesting issues raised here - I always learn something new, or more about something I already somewhat knew. Thanks, rock-cock-jock & ErosWired.
  15. There is very little light in my favorite darkroom - the only light-source are two fairly narrow entrances on each end of the darkroom, lighted by what little light emanates from a fairly dark hallway leading to the darkroom. Imagine a fairly small, but long and narrow room, with a fuckbench built between the doors. There's room for 5 or 6 Holes to line up on the fuckbench at a time, with enough room for others to be almost completely hidden in other corners of the darkroom. You'd have to literally feel your way through from one end to the other, and explore the non-benched side in Breed-Braille. I like to start at one doorway, and rut in each Hole until I get to the other doorway - then explore the really dark part of the room, just for the fun of it. One has to move slowly, since there are usually guys kneeling, sucking Cocks, or torso's bent over taking loads in the darkness. Given that I very much enjoy eating pre-loaded Holes, I generally give them a "taste-test" before deciding. When I really do need to Breed though, I usually go back to whichever Hole I liked best and pump it up that one. Then, I cruise around the rest of the joint - there are a number of area for specific sexual deviancy - and often I hit the darkroom again to repeat my pattern - and occasionally there's something special about one of the bottoms to "connect" us besides the physical one. Those occurances are really special. For me, these cumdumps are exemplary men - offering up their Holes to any and every Cock/load because it's what they are driven to do - must do. They bring nothing but dedication to their Lusts to the darkroom, and - as far as I'm concerned - nothing but honor and admiration to themselves. In the darkrooms particularly ........... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  16. ^ is well explained. I would add one more, if you can do it: from the above, "The worst thing Tops can do is stand apart at a distance ...." This is very true. Don't hang around the periphery, wade right in. Hesitancy will be interpreted negatively. Walk up to another Top already Breeding a Hole, stand close to him and murmur encouraging "Breedchat" like "yeah, great Cock, bud" or "yeah, fuck that Hole harder" or "I'm gonna use your load for lube", etc etc etc. Be bold, but not pushy. Encourage the guys that are fucking at the moment, and you'll get a hotter Hole hungry for more Seed when it's your turn, and a smile from the Cocks preceding yours. And when it is your turn, if other Cocks do the same for you, offer them a go ... every guy will have more fun. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  17. I hope for you guy's sake that it can happen. Here, we've lost entire neighborhoods to gentrification, with one particularly seedy bar: The Cubby Hole is gone now, and with it many lovely memories. It was on Federal Highway, across from Holiday park - convenient to drive to and park on the quiet next street - a small neighborhood sleaze joint. We could go there, have a sandwich or whatever for lunch, then go around the end of the bar for "dessert". There were also some tables/chairs; a typical little neighborhood bar. The john was small, and all it took was one bottom to get up and head to the head and other guys would jump up to get in line as quickly as possible. There wasn't room in there for more than 5, maybe 6 guys - the bottom could get 4 or 5 loads in 15 minutes. Now, it's an area filled with mid-rise apartment buildings, complete with young m/f couples pushing their baby buggies around the blocks, obligatory Labrador Retriever in tow. And for what? In a few decades, the whole damn place will be washed away from rising ocean levels !!! For some time now, there are streets over in Miami that flood just from the tides every day. It's (not) All About Cock/Hole/Sperm at the Cubby Hole anymore 😭
  18. It's chilly, all-day rain today, so my best fuckbuddy's coming over in a little while ... after the fuck, watch the game. This year, I like both teams - all I care is that's it's some good old smashmouth football, and not a blowout. 'Course, I'm glad we'll get our balls drained too ... just hope he brings a wet Hole this time ....
  19. You and I are on the same page, tallslenderguy. Yes, there is the purely physical (and usually Lust-driven) act, which is a necessary act we are compelled to indulge in. I also believe that there is a deeper, even more satisfying level of exchange beyond merely Breeding. I have experienced it a number of times, and it's real for me. That kind of "mating" is always so very special when it occurs !!
  20. Actually, some of us enjoy - even pursue - a long, hot, intimate Breeding, whether we've fucked you a hundred times or never (knowingly) before. It's the experience of rutting in a raw Hole - the potential for a little bit more than shoot the load and move on to the next one. Even in the darkrooms, if I'm rutting in a bottom that starts pushing me to Breed, it's not very enticing. Sometimes, there's more to us than just a load-source. While for me, the goal is to get my Cock in a number of wet Holes, and finally pump it up one or two, that's my preference, and it's just as valid as a bottom not caring about anything more than a load-tally.
  21. 1). Then they're searching for some kind of hook to hang their "identity" hat on, They are not gay - just shallow pretenders. 2). Drugs will do all kinds of things to the mind, so it's foolish to take anything a user says seriously. 3). How on Earth you arrived at that possibility is beyond me. As have most of us. Almost all, I would guess. It's the behavior that I find compelling. A backroom full of rutting men is for me, what a #fix# must be like to a drug addict. I'm wondering how you figure your percentages though ....
  22. This ^ is how I understand this issue too. Consider having sex like a piano keyboard: most works are performed in the mid-range tessatura. Maybe some very high-pitched keys used, maybe some very low keys used, but most of the body of the piece being performed lies in the middle 2 or 3 octaves. This doesn't imply (obviously) that a score played beautifully in the middle range of octaves can't - merely by the fact that the extremities of the keyboard are absent - be beautifully conceived and performed. All it means is that the beauty of the work lies in a more commonly used range. So it is with having sex with many men. The best hottest most thrilling trilling heights may not be there, nor the lowest, most deeply, resonating within our chest, almost felt - not heard, pitches are played. Not every piece of music is Bachian in genius, Mozartian in uttermost grace, vs some of the current "artists" that lack these attributes. Point: There is a Universe of sexual activity, from the mundane to the magnificent. Anytime one hears a new recording, goes to a concert, stageplay, whatever, there is always that chance that the experience will be stunning - spectacular. Of course, the opposite may be the case as well. Anyone hitting the tubs, gh's, backrooms, fuckjoints can and most likely will experience the same. But indulging in the behavior - whether "high-minded" or base - is the key to whether or not we find thrilling, highly memorable experiences or less-than memorable ones. If we don't follow our instincts to share sex with multitudes of men, we definitely won't experience that "Bach" waiting in the next booth, or that "Mozart" with his Hole in the air right next to us. It's the behavior, not the actual results, that counts most.
  23. briefbuoy: I don't know when you were last there, but it's a bit different than it was; a lot more criminal activity now. Blue Chairs is (or was) a great gay resort on the beach, and I very much hope you get a chance to go to Mauricio's restaurant (you'll have to take a cab - it's rather far away), but it was a fantastic restaurant. Those Hispanic boys are hotttttt !!! I'd enjoy reading your "reviews" when you get back. 😈
  24. Thanks, fskn, for that clear and valuable information: I'm sure all of us appreciate it.
  25. (I mean the ones I got out in Karow ...)
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