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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. No, I didn't. The only answer could be that most of the participants in that poll were so full of O.R. bullshit, they only dared to try out an infinitesimal number of sex-partners. Even when I was in high school I fucked more girls that that ....
  2. 100%, PigBoyDallas !!! What could be more masculine than bending over for another man's hard Cock ??? Some guys think its' 'submissive', and it can be. Some guys think it's 'feminine', and it can be. Some guys think with their assholes too - and that's ok. There's room for every guy, especially the guys that have outgrown the cultural bs drummed into us from childhood. Agreed. I'll fuck an inked guy over non-inked any day. To me, it means pretty much the same, and I kinda like guys that walk down the street showing off who and what they are - it reflects Pride in himself, and his self-fulfillment. It also announces to one and all his disinterest in cultural garbage.
  3. Actually, I have come to understand that love and extra, "outside" sex are not mutually exclusive. When two (or more) men accustomed to a lot of sex with many partners learn to love each other, the first block of stone in the foundation of that budding "relationship" is that they're both (or all) sexual Pigs, confident and accepting of their Lusts, and the following blocks of stone (i.e. building a relationship) must be built in full recognition and acceptance of that first block of stone in the foundation. Any thing else would be building a relationship upon a foundation of sand, which is the definition of "unstable". Men who simply love sex with countless other men are just not going to give that up for just one guy(s). The affection, love they feel for each other must be inclusive of their Lusts, and each must love and revel in the other's wanton Breeding urges. The very word love encompasses all the characteristics of the other - or it's something other than love. We don't want to to change who and what we are - we want to be our honest selves within a relationship - and build upon that wholeness of sharing each other's need to give/take Sperm off as many Cock/Holes as they need or want. More than ok !!! With THAT tongue, I'd eat wet Holes and felch them back and forth with you any day !!! To the rest, I've worked all my life, and whether or not I have a couple of nickels to show for it isn't the point: I'd expect some kind of sharing not only of Lusts, but living expenses as well. No one praises the Lord for free anymore - and the clerics never have. Well, we do diverge on this one. It's from experience on my part that I won't accept habitual drug use. I've just seen too many guys lives ruined or even ended via suicide. I would have no limits in a relationship re: outside sex - I would encourage it. That said, I draw the line at the junk that alters one's mind. I simply wouldn't trust a guy that's addicted to mind-altering drugs. Smoking a joint is one thing - but the rest is a non-starter for me. Yeah, nothing lasts forever, but to me, that doesn't mean we shouldn't accept a loving relationship when the opportunity presents itself. To me, honesty is the key - even if the definition of that "honesty" would be enshrined in the foundation of the relationship as not disclosing every Cock, every load, every single time. The crux of the issue is, each guy in the relationship knows the other is a sexual Pig, and that means each of them will eat, sleep, walk, talk, go to work, come home, have a beer, get a haircut, go to the store, the whole panoply of our lives, and take/give loads as their Lusts dictate. Together, separately, each guy loving the other in Freedom from judgements, control, accepting of each other's carnal requirements.
  4. Great cruising ground bites the dust .... On the next corner south of RR there's an old abandoned gas station, which had an 8' cement-block wall surrounding much of the northern end of the property. The other day, there was a crew over there with sledgehammers, beating down the wall facing NE 4th. The wall on the northern edge is still there, but relatively useless. They painted the old gas station building. It was a great place for numbers of men to get inside the walls and fuck, but no more. Looks like someone actually bought the dump, and is planning on opening some kind of business there. On the bright side, maybe it'll be some kind of filthy fuck joint .....
  5. See? I just thanked Blackrobe for posting this, but the "response" doo-dad isn't there (at least on my screen). The lower right corner has nothing - the little circle with the white heart isn't there..... but then, I'm hardly the most compu-literate guy around either.
  6. Mine works .... but oddly, when I reply to a post, there's no little doo-dad to choose a reaction. Sometimes, guys apparently can, however - since there's one of the reaction doo-dads next time I sign on ... but, this site is waaaay better than the online cruise sites, so I'm not complaining - just don't know why it's happening.
  7. Thanks, ejaculaTe ... The IML busses, if they still offer them) are part of the IML event. They go only to the various bars, certain other specified locations around the N side, from the hosting hotel. They run on a schedule, so IML'ers can get to a bar, tubs, fuckclub, stay a while, and catch a return IML bus back. Of course, the City bus lines run 24/7 (with some reductions in frequency on weekends, the wee hours, but they still run consistently. One more thing I remember: Given that the weather can turn chilly - even at the end of May - attendees should bring at least one pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, jacket, whatever. I remember several times seeing boys with nothing but skimpy shorts and a "cruise" t-shirt freezing their balls off. It is called the Windy City, but not for the reason you might expect. While the lake breeze can get downright chilly, in the early years of Chicago's development as a major city, entrepreneurs starting businesses were full of braggadocio about Chicago - and "bragging" was called being "windy" many decades ago. Thus, while there is plenty of actual wind off the lake, at one time it meant "too much bragging about the business opportunities" in Chicago. And, with that, History Class dismissed.
  8. oh - one more thing - Try to get a nap in before the day is over. The stairwells/hallways used to be breathtakingly depraved in the wee hours. Better than walking the halls looking for open doors.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...... very imaginatively put !!! Oh geez ... no coffee? My mother's left tit was black coffee - we were raised on it, and I drink it black, at least a pot a day. Give up coffee? I dunno if that's in the cards for me ... I do eat a very healthy diet, mostly because I like almost every food, and it's easy to avoid deep fried (might as well keep this subject going) shit, all the unhealthy garbage being peddled these days. And, that shower-nozzle is still attached to the shower, so any guy over here can use it when needed.
  10. Hey, WelshBBCigarFuck ... Wales isn't that far from Berlin ... "Folsom in Berlin" is off the charts - I think it's somewhat associated with "Ostern-in-Berlin" (a larger, general audience type event to boost tourism) - since it takes place around Easter, but I'm not sure about that. However, Schonberg turns into one big neighborhood of Leathermen - literally thousands - and it'll blow your mind - at least it did mine a number of times !!! I know it was held last year - hope it will this year too. Good luck, bud !!!
  11. If men fucking men were a culturally accepted practice, and there were classes in school on how to do it properly, there would be a LOT more Tops conscious of what bottoms have to do. In these classes, the Tops would have to experience the same thing for - oh - say a week. THAT would help every guy appreciate what every other guy needs to do, and rather quickly.
  12. When you're walking through the Leather Mart, there should be tables set up here and there, in somewhat out-of-the-way areas with one-sheets, palm cards, etc notifying everyone of the different parties being held by attendees. You don't have to sign up or anything like that - just show up and jump in. Try to get to visit the Leather Archives up in Rogers Park. The busses used to stop there - I don't know if they still do though. It may sound a bit mundane, but for Leathermen, it's an amazing connection to our history. I hope every single one of you has a wonderful time, and gets back home completely wrung out, and with a big, fat smile on your collective mugs !!! At IML, it's all about the LeatherLife, and that includes Cock/Hole/Sperm and soooo much more.
  13. Well, I don't think some Tops take the time to appreciate what bottoms like you go through, just so you're available to confidently take Cocks. Maybe that's why you're "slender", in that the food you eat gets "excused" before your body can fully digest it !!! That said, I'd much rather Breed with a slender guy than an overeater. On a slim guy, there's just more solid stuff lto grab onto and ride !!!
  14. Really cool how varied our tastes develop, huh? Plenty of what we love most for every guy to enjoy !!! So when's the BZ Convention scheduled for ???
  15. It's not uncommon for a Top who's blessed with Impressive Equipment to never have to learn his craft. ALL Tops need to learn to use their Cocks to the bottom's pleasure as well as their own, since that delivers the best experience for both guys. It seems that when a "large" Top hauls it out, the bottoms flock to the Big Meat, which allows the Top to never get around to learning how to use what he has. Big Cocks are like musical instruments - the more you practice, noting things you could do better - and practicing to make the performance better - the more the Top honors and celebrates what nature gave him. It's not just about having a big Cock - it's all about learning to use it to both the Top's and bottom's best Breeding experience.
  16. Agreed. For me, nothing is hotter than a hairy Hole, full of Sperm off previous Cocks, and pointed at my tongue. A shaved Hole is definitely fuckable, but - it could be so much better if whatever hair that grows there is still awaiting use. And when the hair fans up and out over the small of the back .... GRRRRRRRRRRR !!!
  17. Yep, this is definitely an issue with a number of potential "answers". Thanks, Rickindc. There are simply no uniform answers, either. Some men like it au naturel, most don't. I suppose it's just a by-product (!) of needing a duel-use Hole. What I find most important though, is that the bottom made the effort. If there's a little something that managed to evade the cleansing, the guy who tried can't be blamed. All that's needed is a gentle remark that there may be a little visit to the john in order, and every time that's happened (I mean here in my home), the bottom is embarrassed, rushes off to the john, apologies, on and on. I just act blase - reassuring - and when things are taken care of, back to it. Sometimes, shit happens (just couldn't resist that one). In the darkrooms, I always do a "sniff-test" before doing anything else, and even that isn't always successful. It does, however, make clear which bottom gives a shit - literally - and which ones don't. I've told Holes lined up on the fuckbench at Slammer to hit the head and come back when they're ready - one careless guy can stink up the whole room, clearing it out qick. I get that there are sudden opportunities, and we should take them gratefully. That said, I think a bit of communication would be the best way to handle it. If the Top is concerned about the issue, he can ask if the bottom is "prepared, and likewise the bottom can ask for a raincheck. No harm in that at all. To the "Old Guard" reference by Always Open, thanks for the distinction. That institution has faded away substantially for the last number of years, but at one time it was a very real and not un-rare thing. The submissive (not "bottom") would be thoroughly instructed well before the "Leather Scene" was to take place, and in all aspects of what would and what would not take place. That's called the "negotiation", and every act would be discussed, limits agreed upon well in advance. There was no such thing as an unplanned, unnegotiated scene. Always Open is correct to point out that the cleansing ritual was both assumed and addressed by all parties during the negotiation. I would only suggest that a bottom out cruising unprepared, casually mention that he wasn't expecting such a pleasant potential, and let the Top know that ..... well ..... let's trade phone numbers if it'll be a problem.
  18. Well said. But the question would be, why would we feel anything but joy, fulfillment, excitement when we're doing what we were born to do? I love being watched when I Breed Holes - why wouldn't I? Answer: Because we've been conditioned over many generations to abhor what we are. Culprit? Organized Religion, particularly of the Roman kind, the roughest edges of which were ground off and called Protestantism. I know it's because of the area I've chosen to life in that I can get away with it, but I like guys looking at my Cock in the stores, on the streets, wherever and whenever. Some of them may well know it a bit more intimately - and I like that too. Why wouldn't I? It's my nature to Breed as many Holes as I can, and I embrace that. So of course I love fucking for an audience. None of us should feel ashamed by public* display of our sexual Lusts. *"public", meaning places like backrooms/bars/fuckclubs/cruise areas - and not at all where little kids, whatever might be around.
  19. 1. I did, months ago. You and I are cut from the same damn cloth. 2. That is exactly what I had in a relationship for about 3 years. I met him off BBRT, he came over right away, and had just taken some loads (he told me so). As outlined in some previous thread, sexually we were a perfect match. I told him often to get online and get some Cock over to Breed his Hole. He'd been taking loads in this area for several years, and the only new guy involved was me. That man made my Cock hard just looking at him; we went to the orgies together, hosted smallish (4,5 men) groups, hit Slammer together, we did it all. And we enjoyed each other's company. Sexually, it was ideal. When I had some other commitment, I would send him out for loads, and enjoy his Spermed Hole later. You are the last thing from wrong. It's entirely correct to ask those two very simple and easily fulfilled requirements. Any Cockwhore loves to be validated, supported, encouraged in his Lusts. Your situations ended for different reasons than mine, however. What finally ended my "fantasy" was the fact that he became more and more addicted to drugs, and the resulting dishonesty, attempts at craftiness, deceit, on and on. As he sank lower into that life (which came on relatively quickly - a matter of 6,8 months) I began to realize that while I offered him complete sexual fulfillment as well as my friendship, he became more and more resentful of anything I asked. Then he lost his job, lost interest in anything other than taking loads. I had seen this happen before to friends (a couple of very good friends back in Chicago), acquaintances, and I already knew how destructive addiction to fuckdrugs is. So, I gave him the gate. While I adore cumdumps, I will not support a drug-addicted one financially. While some may think of me as a Daddy, there is no prefix spelled s-u-g-a-r available. So, yes. There can definitely be a great relationship with a cumdump, and your parameters (at least as mentioned) are entirely generous and appropriate. More, I hope, now that you've run through the three "Universal" attempts, you can expect to find the right cumdump for you. That said, you may want to add a 3rd requirement to the original 2 .... No Drugs Tolerated.
  20. Well said. I don't think anyone can simply "turn" gay. There must be some inborn inclination (perhaps completely subsumed by O.R* or cultural pressures) there in the first place, which can (and should) be brought forth into consciousness. They say that time heals all wounds, and I think it's true that the passage of time can at least lessen them. I don't believe there's a switch somewhere in our minds that can be simply flipped to "turn on" being gay. Even when heavily inculcated with the old enemy O.R. or cultural restrictions, the truth will eventually emerge in most cases. Some, tragically, are not able to burst through the bubble of repression however, and that it truly abominable. *Organized Religion
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHA .... there are more of them that do than you may think !!!
  22. 'Nuff said. Tons of men who were born gay have been tormented by the Organized Religion crap. What's more important though, is you made it through the fire - you survived that ordeal. And, the world is a better place for it. Kudos !!!
  23. Thanks so much for taking the precautions before taking the loads shooting your way soon. Guys like me need guys like you. Congrats.
  24. Nope. The only difference is, a darkroom is usually located in a private facility with no cops prowling around (unless, of course, they're sexual pigs too) 😁
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