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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. duh .... I meant ON ... not off .... "turned on by". Apologies .....
  2. Sounds a lot like the good old days before hiv came along. Gold Coast/Eagle, Redoubt, Meat Market - some magnificent Leather bars where that kind of action took place every weekend .... happy memories !!! 😈
  3. So far the replies deal with cruising on the apps, but there's something else to be wary of. When you meet up (in the flesh), check for irregular eye-movements, pupil enlargement, more sweating that would be normal in that weather. These can be warning signs the guy isn't "all there", i.e. flying off in some damn cloud - which may appeal to you, but is also a sign of irresponsibility, lack of focus, or worse. Best to just excuse yourself (or them), and try again. He who lives to step away, lives to take loads another day ..... or something like that.
  4. Of course !!!!! Don't waste another moment !!!!
  5. Oh sure .... physically, you mean? Just how I like em .... black hair, shiny black eyes, medium frame, nice ass ... but the attitude was just too off-putting. But the "you'd be sooooo lucky if I let you fuck me" bullshit attitude never appeals to me.
  6. I don't think the actual size is all that important. It's the connection with the guy that overrides any size issues. I'm not all that good at it, and I almost certainly couldn't suck off a really big Cock like most of you guys could. To my mind, a really big Cock counts most when it's just fucked a Hole, and I'm next in line.
  7. Yeah, things can get messy, particularly in the old "shag-carpeting" days. Man's Country used to have a long, very narrow, enclosed, unlighted corridor downstairs - aptly named Pig Alley. The shag carpeting back there was so full of dried Sperm/lube/lord knows what else, it was crunchy under foot. That said, no one complained that I ever heard about ... it was BreedHeaven back there .....
  8. re: Mcv69's reply: When are we allowed to click the "upvote" more than once? I'd give him a dozen if we are ....
  9. I think that men who are Absolute Total Tops could benefit from taking a Cock up their Holes once in a while, if merely to educate their own Cocks on giving the best possible fuck to the bottoms they Breed in thenceforth. I'll bet you a burger that there are some A.T.T.'s out there that don't even know where a bottom's fuckbutton actually is - worse, don't care.
  10. In Chicago, the Lawson YMCA on Chicago Ave between Clark & Dearborn was (and if it's still there, may still be) legendary !!!
  11. Amen to that. But, after a while it becomes easy to smell a wannabe, and send them packing. The successes are almost always worth the time/effort.
  12. Nope. I know a lot of guys are turned off by somewhat effeminate bottoms ... I'm just not one of them. That kid thought waaaaay more of himself than I did.
  13. Well said. It reminds me of a few years ago, when a new "Leather" bar opened up out on Oakland Park Blvd. Went out there with a couple of buddies, and found the sling hanging upside down !!! Twisted, fabric hanger-straps instead of chain, that looked like they were laid out in the rain for a few years. The joint was almost empty, and while I stood there arranging the fixtures properly, an employee had the balls to ask me what I was doing, in an accusatory way, and I told him fairly bluntly that his equipment was substandard, pointed out the reasons why. One bit of gear that should be under where the Top stands is a ribbed, rubber mat to collect any lube/load that the Hole can't retain, and still provide a slip-free surface to stand on. Thanks for this important addition to the conversation.
  14. Yes, probably, but without either doing the prep work themselves, or getting a buddy do it for them. There's such a thing as the "Madison Avenue" routine, which is shorthand for all the posting (in advance) on websites, culling out the flakes, confirming with the genuine guys, making the reservations, taking care of all the details in advance, on and on. Very few times, principally when there were specifications advertised that were not fulfilled. Maybe half a dozen times. But word gets around quickly who knows how to put together a whoring-out event, and who doesn't. Just like in many aspects of life, preparation is what makes something worth the while. Merely posting some event out in the ether won't guarantee worthwhile outcomes.
  15. 100% agreed. Slutting is something most of us need. Making promises we don't intend to keep is something we don't need.
  16. ^ was a reply to the tall, slender, intelligent boy's reply. Since I'm in the "responses" clink again, this will have to do ......
  17. Good morning .... You've done an admirable job of presenting "the other side" of the issue - not as part of the problem - but an authoritative voice experienced with the other side of the coin. You also understand the perspective of a patient's loved-one, that is duly authorized to make required decisions, and feel empathy for that person in distress. How indeed, do we "humanize" the Medical Machinery of the Health-care system? You know a lot more than I ever will about the problem, and I hope some progress can be made. I'm not that bad at composition, so if there's some recipient that might need to hear from me - as a concerned citizen - I'll gladly write a clear, polite, and unmistakable letter.
  18. Yes, sometimes we do get the patient "back", but that's not the crux of the issue. "Back", but with what ability to continue some measure of quality in the rest of their lives? "Back", just to lie in a facility somewhere? If those decisions aren't made, then carved in stone, chances are just as good as not that their "quality" of life will be substantially diminished. Who gets to decide? The physician? The family? The lover/husband/life-partner? WE get to define what happens to us, in our persons, and in certain circumstances, if we take the important steps in advance.
  19. Thanks for this response, BootmanLA !!! I am always saddened to hear about arrangements that never were made. Understand, everyone - this is a stressful situation when it comes, and it's so easy to be prepared, rather than have to roll with the punches. Even when every eventuality is prepared for in advance, it's no "guarantee" that the documents will be read unless the person in duress has an advocate present to insist - or demand - that the documents are available and read by any potential attending physician. I've never understood why so many people are so afraid of making their plans / arrangements well in advance of the likely time they'll be needed. Why risk just allowing events to overtake you - or a loved one - by not being proactive in making your wishes binding, cast-in-concrete, ready when they're needed? It's so easy to plan ahead for what will inevitably happen to every single one of us. We're only here temporarily, regardless of how long we live. 1. If you don't have one already, find a law firm specializing in "contract law", and then retain them. 2. Meet with one or more of the attorney's at that firm, and they will help you make decisions, enshrine those decisions in legally binding documents, and (in some cases) stand with you if necessary. 3. Give copies of these wishes to your internist, a hospital you're likely to be taken to in an emergency, and a couple of friends or relatives you trust. Even if you live alone, one or more of these people will be in a position to advocate for your wishes, even if you're not. 4. You can always make updates, as the years go by, to meet different circumstances. Since I'm not a lawyer, and since I live alone, I've done all of these things, to make sure my departure is as reflective of my wishes as I possibly can. Once we're (literally) done for, it doesn't matter all that much, but until we're actually outta here, it can matter a helluva lot. Even if you're only middle-aged, it's a good idea to at least have a will drawn up while there's no question of "intellectual ability" able to be questioned by asshole relatives left out of your will. Or, you may want to make it really crystal clear to any asshole relatives, by leaving them one single dollar. $1.00 That proves that you were of sound mind, didn't "forget" them, blah blah blah. And, it will make you smile every time you have to interact with them, imagining their reactions when they find out the bitter truth !!! Bring proactive is good. Being an ostrich (head-in-the-sand) is not.
  20. It's a very simple structure - wolmanized 12' 4x4 posts, buried 3', and a connecting 4x4 frame around the top of the posts. It didn't require any extensive "plans". Then, just drilling the holes for the eye-bolts, stained it against weathering. Not a big deal at all to build it ....
  21. First, CONGRATS on regaining your health, and what sounds like a prognosis full of hope for a long, productive life. It sounds like you were able to make the right decisions, given the correct information. Your relative also had a far longer life than he might have - your family must possess very strong genes - and he too lived a long life, with the ability to choose how and when he left this plane of existance. How very, very fortunate for him, and the rest of his loved ones. Most fortunate of all, it seems as though the medical people were caring and compassionate of their patients first and foremost, and worried about other, ancillary issues secondly. I'm very glad you experienced these medical folks that put humanity first, and understood how crucial that is to the patient and the survivors. Thanks for the reply.
  22. Yep, I have 3, actually. One is the older, heavier-gauge steel tubing "portable" sling & stand. One is in the playroom here, suspended from the ceiling, and the other is for outside, where a fuckbuddy and I built an outdoor wooden frame for a sling. I'd usually use the outside one for whoring out a Hole, so I wouldn't have to think about where guys were in my house. Occasionally I'd host larger events, and only invite guys I'd met, interacted with somewhat before, and then have the house open too. Of course, I never left the outside sling (all three are of fine-grade Leather) in place after the event - but I did buy one of these nylon-web, strapped "tailgate" contraptions for a small pickup truck, just for the visual impact. When the yard crews, other outside service providers were back there, they would a) nervously joke amongst themselves, or b) pretend they didn't see it, and once, a little queen on the tree-trimming crew actually laid back in it (fully clothed), and I chose option b. I seldom invited strangers into the playroom. The portable sling & stand was bought some years ago when I was still a snowbird - 6 mos in FL, 6 back North. It's really heavy (comes with it's own thick canvas bag) and currently resting comfortably in the garage. They're great for allowing the bottom to understand clearly - without anything being said at all - that he was going to get seriously fucked. I never did any kind of B/d or S/m scene without a prior negotiation, and in a public place. Slings are great, in that they can be adjusted quickly and easily to accommodate any type of "build", and can be controlled easily by the Top. They're great - and I hope you get the most out of yours. Cheers !!!
  23. and thank YOU, T-Girl-Cumdumpster, for the kind words.
  24. I've been wondering about this question for a while now ... I don't think I really care how the delivery is made: only that is does get made. While sucking Cocks off isn't my chief thrill, I have nothing against it either, and occasionally suck off a couple of Cocks at my favorite fuckjoint / in a darkroom, wherever. For me, it's the fun of connecting with that Cock, connecting with all the other Holes (or mouths) it's Bred, and widening the connection to those men too. When my fb Chris comes over, or I go over to his place, I invariably suck him off, eat his Sperm out of a Hole, and consume his essence one way or another, for the same reason. Some Cocks are simply beautiful, like works-of-art, hard and drooling pre-cum, the very embodiment of Lust and wantonness, and I like sharing in that. I guess, to answer the question, I'd most like a Cock to shoot either just inside my mouth, or farther back. I can't remember the last time some guy jacked his Cock off and shot on my face ... seems like a wasted opportunity.
  25. Thanks, guys, for the various viewpoints expressed. It's a difficult subject, and at least we can offer each other differing viewpoints.
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