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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Agreed. I do have one regular fb, and that's great - but compared to the fuckjoints, wellllll .......
  2. That's the key - allowing them to know in no uncertain terms that their attentions are inappropriate. Usually, those are the insecure guys, and they'll run when they recognize authority.
  3. Thanks, TheSRQDude. I don't think so either, but compared to where we were 10, 20 years ago, we are far more in numbers, in commitment, and much further down the road towards Justice. I happen to believe that the utterly blatant display of anti-human behavior by that detestable cop in Minneapolis, the murderer of Mr. Floyd, brought into focus to the entire country (and beyond) just how despicable Caucasian repression of non-Caucasians has been since the founding of this Nation. I see the alluded to "foundation" as it exists today, an entitlement artifice to keep Caucasians in Power. As the nation recoiled in horror at the Floyd murder, thousands and tens of thousands of Caucasian Americans began to understand, even if only slightly. So, I agree that we - as a Nation - have not achieved the plateau of understanding required to force change upon our Government, but we're closer than we've ever been. It's a constructive, fruitful and pleasurable thing to reflect each evening on what we did, or could have done that day to advance the cause of Liberty and JUSTICE for All. It's taken 4 centuries of racial repressions to get to where we are. It will take a while to sweep up this mess and toss it into the dustbin of history. Once we've expelled that shit out of our own national asses, we can widen our message to other places in the world (which has been bluntly pointed out in an earlier reply). It will take generations to accomplish this, and as we build upon the efforts of previous generations, future ones will build on ours. There is no religion, no organization, no government more powerful than like-minded citizens working together to make this a More Perfect Union. Or, put in the reverse, a Less Racist Union.
  4. I usually avoid eye contact the first time and say something like "not now, maybe a little later ..." If that doesn't work right away, stare the offender in the eye and say something like "get the fuck away from me, I'm busy now", in your most commanding voice. Say it loudly, firmly, and keep eye-contact until the offender breaks eye-contact. That's always worked for me.
  5. raw bareback group breeding orgy ..... google doesn't like it, but they're not paying me, either ....
  6. I neither wrote or implied there is. What I wrote was, there is nothing Progressive about the perception. While I agree with your ideas of the universality of racism, I do not agree that with long, hard work, it cannot be rectified. You may call me a Bleeding Heart Liberal if you'd like, but you may not call me a supporter of slavery - past, present, or future. The Ukrainian society may well be as infected with anti-Black racism, but that does not equate to Nazism. Our country is deeply infected with racism too. What we do to root it out is what counts. I too am dismayed to see this anti-Black racism in the Ukraine, as well as around the corner here in FL, and under every other rock in the world. How about we work together to that end?
  7. I agree. I suppose it depends on how one defines "to think" Probably the most prevalent notion in my mind is stuff like "I love fucking Hole" - "fucking Hole again is so hot" - "I've actually fucked thousands of Holes, and I love doing it" - "this one's a) really hot for the load" - "this one's a bit too squirmy" - "when I shoot I'm gonna suck this Hole dry" - "that Hole next to me looks hot with a that raw Cock rutting in it" - "this Hole is fine, but I want that one too" ...... all kinds of filthy shit filters in and out. But, I'm a dirrrrrty dude, and I like it that way.
  8. Actually, this is similar, in effect, to glory holes. Darkrooms prevent, or seriously limit our sight, which forces us to depend on touch, feel, sounds, sensations. A glory hole focuses every sensory ability on one, and only one thing. But darkrooms, while limiting our sensory abilities, allows them to function in a reduced capacity, while still focusing on the Cock/Hole. Interesting correlation I'd never really thought about before.
  9. I figured out a while ago that you're one of the special ones - you "get" the connection, the bonding, the depth of sharing that's available when we're sufficiently attuned. Thanks for a lovely post.
  10. Of course he was - and good for you for telling him so. Well done.
  11. The problem with that perspective, in my opinion, is that there is nothing Progressive in that mindset. There is only an entirely justified, natural, disgust at what has been, with no hope of altering that history in favor of changing hearts and minds. Given that the US, founded upon the depravity of White Privilege, and cursed to this very day with the results, how are we to progress to a more Perfect Union here, let alone in other parts of the bitterly racist world, if we don't try? Being Caucasian, I cannot possibly pretend to imagine what the experiences of Af/Am citizens have suffered. But that doesn't mean I cannot do what I can to change the system. I've seen the examples on the media coverage of the treatment of non-Caucasians in the Ukraine, and there's substantial work to be done there, as well as around the world. Some how, this page in human history must be turned. I'd rather go down fighting to improve everyone's lot than turn my back and do nothing.
  12. Well said. I use an md who's knowledge about gay men's sexual proclivities are not only from an excellent medical school, but also from his own proclivities. I seldom hit the tubs, but any number of times when I do, I see him there, taking loads with the best of them. And no, I haven't.
  13. Yeah, I've noticed extra required steps recently on Google too. There's a "warning" about explicit stuff I have to dismiss, other things. When I bought this computer, Google was already on it, so that's what I use. Are there other "search engines" that might not be so prudish as Google? Or, maybe more inclusive of disgustingly delicious content? Recommendations, anyone?
  14. All guys really need to become a whore, cumdump, Breeding addict, whatever, is to give themselves permission to become what they need to become. Shuck off all the garbage society stacks up on our shoulders, and become who and what we were born to become. Not all that easy, but - it's a goal that can be reached.
  15. Only home-made stuff ... I usually answer the phone, but none of the porn houses have ever been on the other end of the line !!
  16. I know !!!! And it really pisses me off. At my favorite fuckjoint, I usually rut in every one of the Holes on the long bench - and it's happened to me several times that the next guy gets impatient, tries to grab my cock in his neighbor's Hole and drag me over to his. That is not only the very definition of selfishness, it's downright rude. Wait your fukkin turn !!!
  17. Same position as I offered for Breeding somewhere else .... (abbreviated) Head turned to one side or the other against the plane surface, shoulders flat, knees spread as far as is comfortable, back arched, presenting the Hole in it's most attractive and inviting position - for both purposes - eating and Breeding.
  18. That was a fairly interesting link. In the case of current events, it appears to still ring true. All reports I see on media reports lately, is that citizens of Russia are denying the truth (as peddled by their President and his henchmen), even when offered proof by their own family members, suffering atrocities - committed in the name of the Russian People - in the Ukraine. Obviously, I regret that is the case, but - our regret does not translate into fact. If the terribly misguided Russians that follow their President's falsehoods are the eventual victims of his rapacious land-grab(s), then so be it. There are thousands and thousands of Russian citizens that know the truth, and are demonstrating at this moment in the streets against the acts their government is perpetrating. And still, a substantial percentage of Russian citizens fail to pull the fetid wool from their eyes. If the majority of the Russian citizenry depose their own Government, instead of the Ukrainian one, great. But until that happens, I have no sympathy for the Russians that support their Government's actions. In the same vein, I have no sympathy for the American citizens that support the overthrow of our own Democracy. Remember: at the end of WWII, there were still citizens of Germany that disbelieved the crimes against humanity committed in their names. Even when the war ended, and German citizens were forced to walk through the death-camps, some thought that outrage was committed by non-Germans. The siren-call of hatred towards "the other" has been, is, and unfortunately probably always will be the curse of Humanity. It's up to those other citizens - of any nation - to reject that depravity, and work towards a better, more enlightened human race.
  19. And you would be completely correct. Back in the dark days of rampant hiv, the gh joints were extraordinarily active, in that it was thought that fucking a throat was "safer" then fucking Hole. Some bottoms became expert at pulling the old switcheroo, but when it came down to getting the Cock in the Hole, it became clear to the Top what was about to happen. Usually, I would just give a couple of quiet little knocks on the partition, signaling that I wouldn't fuck him, and find another cubicle with a Cocksucker on the other side. After all, I hadn't seen anything of the guy - just a pair of lips. It was a frightening time, and fucking raw seemed like the invitation-direct to an early illness and death.
  20. Reading these replies, I can't recall ever even seeing a bagged Cock in the darkrooms. The whole point of the "darkness" is to offer up your Hole to any/every Cock without any restrictions - and for Cocks to rut raw in any Hole they happen to find handy. Most fuckjoints offer other areas where less thrilling sexual perversions are celebrated, but the darkrooms are there for the explicit reason of offering a place for no-holds (or Holes)-barred. The darker the better. The best cruising in a darkroom is done in Braille - or "Mouth-Braille" better sitll. All a guy really does need to do is be careful moving around, since there are unseen legs on the floor, other obstacles potentially in one's way. The only "etiquette" involved is for the Holes to be fully prepped. And when one isn't, it's fully within the rules for that one guy to be sent to the showers to finish the job, and not force his carelessness on the rest of the guys intent on sating their Lusts.
  21. This summary is 100% in sync with mine. Brief, clear, and completely on point. Thanks, occumhungry.
  22. HOLE. If a gentler term seems appropriate, then ass. I never use the other two.
  23. One quick point: Czechoslovakia was indeed "handed over" by Chamberlain - he of the "Peace in our Time" embarrassment. Yes, I do realize that monkeys are a source of sustenance in certain parts of the world. What I didn't realize, is that it formed one thing, and mutated into hiv. Thanks for the clarity.
  24. You, young man, know how to Service a Top to perfection. but - does anyone actually eat monkeys ??? How would their blood get into meat destined for human consumption ......
  25. When are you opening the Academy? I think you've forgotten more about servicing Cocks than some guys ever knew or will. I also think you could easily stimulate the minds of aspiring, wanna-be cumdumps to be all they can be, guide their minds and sexual lusts to the greater good. I can hardly wait to read the syllabus (but copywrite it first ..... 😁)
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