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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Yeah, but please wait until this covid mess is over. The cruise ships are being denied port access - again. Under different circumstances though, the gay cruises are floating fuckjoints.
  2. Las Vegas: There was a large business convention held there I attended for years. While there were dinners, etc with business associates, we snuck off one night to sample the seamier side of town, and found not a lot. That was at least 15 years ago, and I'm hopeful things have gotten much better. Miami: Yes, there's quite a bit of action, but I also know that lots of guys in Miami drive up "Die 95"*to Ft. Lauderdale. In the evenings, it's not that long a drive, but during the days it's a nightmare. New Orleans is absolutely magical. You can exhaust your Lusts any/every night of the week, the blues bars are the best (musically, I mean), and all you have to do is walk down the street to get cruised. Restaurants are first class, with dessert wandering the streets all night long. Have a GREAT trip, wherever you decide to go !!! *so named because of the absolutely worst drivers on the face of the earth. Crashes constantly, fatalities regularly, most folks will do almost anything to avoid using I-95.
  3. Actually, I think that any sexual perversions performed with the benefit of an audience makes the event all the hotter ... the participants get even deeper into their Lusts - and those watching either get in line or start in on the guy next to them ... Presto - ORGY !!! What's better than that !!!
  4. LOL ... Keillor indeed !!! I used to make glogg years ago when we had large Holiday parties - made it with all the usuals, plus aqavit - until one queen had waaaay too much and threw it all up on the hall carpet (this was wtw - not easy to replace). From then on, it was just mulled port. For my part, I much preferred whiskey - but those days are done, and I'm glad of it.
  5. May whoever / whatever you pray to grant it !!!
  6. I agree with everything you mentioned, except the above. If that is so, and I do not accept that it is, I rather think it's for the same situations listed before adding this final statement to your post.
  7. (and I had NO idea Mt. Ararat was in Kentucky !!!)
  8. I consider that phrase - "our kind"- to be a cultural one, not defined by racial, economic, social-standing, or other standards, and rooted in what I would call "tribalism". It is a phrase I learned early on in childhood, meaning "our values", our cultural heritage. Gay men merely adopted that phrase for use within our own community, to reference those of us who are gay, and identify with their "gayness". For instance, people of my cultural heritage eat an outrage called lutfisk on Christmas Eve, which I will not even describe lest you toss up your dinner. It's something "our kind" just do. I think it's more an innocuous phrase used by many different people to identify their "tribe", and usually within their own tribe.
  9. 100% Agreed To the last sentence, well - if that's your experience, then I'm glad it is. For some of us, we either simply refuse take part in the extended familial bs anymore, or just break ties completely. For clarity: one of my uncles was a cleric, now 3 of my 4 male cousins have returned to the judgemental trough, peddling the same old shit. I opted out years ago.
  10. Really - how can you be so sure that we're all like you describe? First, not all Tops collapse in their needs after the first load leaves their balls. If that's your personal experience, I'm sorry to know that. Second, not all Tops are completely self-centered. Some of us actually do try to include the bottom as a "partner" in the event, even when serially rutting in the darkrooms, since that effort usually delivers a better experience for both guys. I'd be interested to know how you've come to such assumptions, since I don't accept the lumping together of all Tops in one bag of perceptions. Everyone is who and what they are - and we're not a bunch of automatons.
  11. I remember many years worth of Holiday nights when the bars, backrooms, fuckjoints were crammed full of guys that had spent the day with family, putting up with Uncle Asshole, Aunt Bitch, Cousin Cunt, on and on. Holiday nights are still full of guys anxious to put all of that behind them, and get into some serious Breeding. This year, I just hope they're at least trying to be more careful. Around here, the new variant is everywhere ...
  12. Too young, maybe .... I've been wondering about that too. So I read through a lot of the posts, and realized that perhaps typing in a certain "forbidden" word (aka Lucifer, I gather?) would alter that word and what would appear would be the name of that ridiculous choice of running mate John McCain made, and a vain attempt to garner women voters. That was the woman who thought it would impress potential voters to tell how she could see Russia from the roof of her house. She should have stayed there. The choice of Sarah Palin as Veep candidate went a long way to sinking his hopes of winning the Presidency. As far as I'm concerned, the connection between (the unmentionable one) and Ms. Palin is far too slim; there is not one ounce of wile or wit to that utterly dull, vacant woman. I think that some computer geek somewhere, hired to "filter" certain words and substitute other words, got a big fat laugh out of it. If I failed to figure this out properly, someone please let me know.
  13. ... which is ... that "connection" I've been going on about. Fortunately, when I pump my Sperm up a cummy Hole, my Cock seldom goes soft. For me, the thrill is getting into as many cumdumps as possible, so I just continue to do my thing. I can't think of any time when I went back to the Hole I've already seeded (that particular time)*, and bred him twice. Too many is still not enough ... but when I am exhausted - the Lust sated for the night (i.e. Mister Cock says 'take me home, you Pig - I'm done for tonight'), I pack it in, put him away in the jeans with a big fat smile, and do so. *in a darkroom, often there's no way to tell until you're already in him ... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  14. Well, if the Top doesn't mouth-lube your hole enough, shame on him. Give him the opportunity, and if he doesn't, hand him some lube. A hairy hole is "feasting" material, and should be richly spit-lubed by Breeding-time.
  15. In the context of your reply above, ErosWired, (i.e. sexual contact only), I would add that there is a relevant possible 2nd context as well - that being a Leather/Bd/Sm scene. By definition, that would imply a very clear statement of who's in charge, and the requisite pre-scene negotiation would unalterably set in concrete what will happen, what will not, what may happen, and every other aspect of the scene*. Since any "scene" is built around Domination / submission, the - oh - opportunity - for any other kind of "bonding" would arise after the scene, i.e. in the "after" discussion (particularly with the less experienced). The following is implicit, but may have bearing on understanding this reply: Following the scene, there is often some sort of post-scene relaxation of the roles, allowing the sub to express himself, share what he liked and why, what he questions and why, etc etc, on a (perhaps slightly) more equal basis. It's this particular portion of time spent with the sub that offers insight to the Dom, in the event he may want a repeat scene. Sometimes an exchange repeated over time develops into the Dom "claiming" the sub - taking on sub to be his own boy. *unless the safeword is used by the sub - obviously.
  16. Actually, in the macro-sense of O.R., you're completely right. I was thinking of the currently dominating Organized Religions, which - in the case of Christianity - began in earnest with Constantine "accepting" that belief-system on his deathbed. Once Rome took control, it was off to the races. You're completely correct that there are Orders that are devoted to "good works", observing the original message. When the whole issue is boiled down to the nuts and bolts, it seems that what's valid is only that individual acceptance of the belief-system, and the resulting search for truth. Thanks for the clarification.
  17. Born in Sweden, grew up in the Midwest, moved to FL 12 years ago. As to the rest of your text, it reads like you were drunk, high, or both. Thanks for your discourse on the initial contact questions. Have a great life.
  18. Well you sweet PIG !!! You and I would be pervect darkroom buddies ... between the two of us, we could turn any backroom into a first-class den of iniquity !!!
  19. ??? A belt? Underwear? Do you mean there are guys that wear underwear when they go cruising for loads ??? I can see wearing a belt (wallet-chain, keys, etc), but undies ??? <<<filthy grin>>>
  20. which association is based not in spirituality, but in historical outrages perpetrated by Organized Religion since the 3rd century, CE.
  21. There may be a crucial difference at play here. Many - maybe most cumdumps are merely self-centered in their behavior, which engenders all kinds of blather undeserving of attention. There are very few cumdumps however, who are "others-focused", and devote themselves to the service they render not out of selfishness, but rather out of a sense of a calling, a duty to honor, a facet of themselves to commit their lives to the sexual service of others, not merely themselves. These few are men who derive their satisfaction no only out of a good fuck, but out of the fact that they are providing a necessary service to others. Not self-focused, "others"- focused. Self-centered folks tend to only be impressed by input reinforcing their self centeredness. Thus, genuine, heartfelt and worthy advice falls on deaf, if not dead ears (or, in this case, eyes). Others-centered folks tend to derive their satisfaction out of acts of selflessness, and sometimes receiving a first-class fucking to boot. Please don't let the former prevent the latter from benefitting from your experience, your thoughtfulness, you sense of giving, altruism, and intelligence. If you'd like, hammer me instead - I have broad shoulders - I can take it - and the notion of denying all the rest of us because of some foolish, defiantly ignorant cretinous (I see spellcheck doesn't like that word, but I do) dullards would be a sorrow for the entire community. Fortunately or un, this site is for every guy, regardless of capacity. For some of us, or even a few, there is a fairly cerebral, ephemeral aspect to a "brotherhood", in that when we "mate" with others like us, we are - in an almost spiritual way - "connecting" to the Universal Union. That may sound crazy to most guys - but it's a real thing for me. I absolutely adore cumdumps, love the mating not only with the hole, but with all the Cocks that have bred it before me. When I put my mouth to Holes full of loads, that sense of connection is real for me. In that (admittedly abstract) sense, I actually do feel "a part" of the Universal Lust that I honor and serve. And where would I, and men like me, be without dedicated cumdumps? In the fuckjoints, even the most self-centered cumdump probably couldn't utter any foolisness (for obvious reasons), and in those places no one opens their mouths to talk much (fortunately). In the fuckjoints, it doesn't matter how dull a man is. Here on BZ, since we're not actually mating in-flagrante - with each other, there's room for thoughtful exchange of ideas. Some notions are rejected, some are taken with the good faith they're written with. Save for some sense of the greater "we", there is hardly enough "connection" while self-centered rutting to be defined as a "brotherhood" of positive men. That part falls quickly under the weight of intellectual scrutiny. To be fair, I suppose defining terms falls to the user, and in that regard I write only my own thoughts. There is not one letter's worth of flattery involved in these thoughts, only what I observe, consider and find to be true.
  22. Maybe a couple times a year ... but, that's the price we have to pay for being the men we were born to be. I seldom get fucked though - maybe that mitigates in some small way. There should be more instances, given that I hit the fuckjoint virtually every Fri & Sat night, and I rut in every Hole in the darkroom at least once. This is why I don't wait for 3 months to go by between check-up's - I go monthly. I figure that the earlier they're caught, the quicker I'll be back to my normal weekend depravities. That said, the omicron variant is running absolutely rampant here. While I'm fully vacced/boosted, I'm wondering if I should at least try to limit the Fri/Sat night romp. When covid first came along, I managed to limit it to just one night or the other - but the bloom faded off the rose of fucking my fist real fast. The last thing I want to do is curtail my Lusts - but ... haven't decided yet. NY'S Eve at Slammer is bat-shit crazy ....
  23. I met my life-partner at the tubs. It was in the locker room, when I was getting some change to buy something at the snack bar - he was just leaving, had put on his shirt and was doing the buttons from the bottom up. Some pocket-change slipped out of my hand, and as I was picking it up off the floor, I noticed him about 7, 8 feet away. Big, beautiful smile, I smiled back, and his buttoning the shirt hit reverse - started unbuttoning the shirt again. Long story short, we spent a couple of hours together, sucked Cocks together, fucked Holes together, kissed loads to each other, and there was no doubt in either of our minds that we were pervectly meshed. So the concept of "cheating" just never applied. Each of us knew, from the moment we met in that locker room at Mans Country, that there would be plenty of "outside" action. After moving in together, often we picked up something to play with together. We never hid the fact that each of us went hunting on his own, and when we picked up fresh meat, I loved watching him suck off other Cocks, Breed Holes, take other Cocks up his sweet ass - and he loved watching me do the same. Often he would go to one fuckjoint and I'd go to another, and we'd trade stories when we both got home. Often when we went out to the bars together, between the two of us we could pretty much pick up whatever we wanted. That was the modus operandi for just over 30 years ... but he passed almost 15 years ago now, and I miss my sweet, beautiful PigLover every day. Still, I'm the luckiest guy I know.
  24. Love the "happy-trail" .... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!
  25. Two other observations: The above advice is great - and depending on what you're cruising for (fucking or getting fucked), wear some pants (shorts/jeans/whatever) that can show off your cock or hide it by adjusting the prominence through your pocket. Hike the pants up to show off your ass or pull the pants a little lower if you're cruising to Breed. You should be able to do either of these "adjustments" without making it obvious, particularly if you see anything potentially deleterious. But, there are gay cops too - and they can be absolutely delicious. Show a hint of interest, but wait for positive hints sent your way before you hit your knees. Try not to look like you're at a funeral; scared, defensive, head downcast, etc. Instead (and practice in front of a mirror if you need to), chin up, a hint of mischief in your vague smile, but nothing too overt. Project confidence in your Lusts. Happy hunting !!!
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