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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I can' help but wonder how you reconcile these two phrases, one directly following the other ...
  2. Please don't, TripA84. Mere curiosity about what the "big deal" is cannot possibly be a good reason to mess with it. And, please stick with the PReP. There ae plenty of guys on here that sit down, write all kinds of stuff about how great it is to be positive, and that's most probably because they tossed their health concerns out the window after reading about fevered daydreams, hearing it from other guys who have tossed their well-being out the window, and literally invited serious health concerns into their lives. It's your decision, of course, but a lot of us are hoping you protect yourself to the fullest extent possible, and still exercise your Lusts to the greatest extent you need to. You still have years of hot sex ahead of you without the deadly potentials. Whatever other issues you're wrestling with, you don't need to invite serious health-issues to sort them out. Please don't. 🥺
  3. I'm sorry to know you're so disappointed with the site. Why not just stop visiting? Throwing road-apples doesn't help anything.
  4. A,B,C,D & E. I also get down there and do a "sniff" test. BUT. The skin of Holes is very tender, which means I clip my fingernails, and then use those little, flat, sandpaper things women use to remove any possible sharp edges. If Top is going to "finger" a Hole - i.e. stick his finger(s) up inside the Hole, then he has the responsibility to make sure he's not going to injure the bottom. Far easier to simply get down there and stick your tongue up the Hole, and add that particular thrill to the whole experience. bottoms aren't the only ones that must do some "prep-work" before hitting the fuckjoints.
  5. There's something I don't quite grasp, reading through this thread. While there's a ton of cultural/O.R. repression going on - and always has - there is also a substantial amount of sexual freedom finding acceptance (perhaps not in the present "today", with the R's coming after us, but on the whole). If this is merely another facet of the rise of "conservative" behavior, then sure - I get that. What I don't though, is why men who know themselves well enough to know they enjoy m2m sex and go have it, get married to women in the first place. All the mess that goes along with traditional m2w marriage is so easily avoided these days. What is the point of a gay man (or, at least a man that enjoys both straight and gay sex) bothering to get into a m2w marriage that will almost certainly bring issues at some point. I well understand that some of us older men didn't feel we had a choice decades ago. It was marry a woman or exist on the fringes of society, and I understand how that (plus the pressures of the ancient enemy (Organized Religion) could manipulate gay men into a relationship with a woman. Years ago, that pressure was almost unbearable. From the responses above, I gather that some of you guys believe that there are more and more married (m2w) men who also seek out gay sex. With the freedoms we've gained these past - oh - 20 years, why would men as described above even put themselves through all of that? Why not just say NO - I'll live my life the way I choose, thankyouverymuch?
  6. Welcome, new guys !! A quick reminder: if you haven't already, take advantage of all the preventative inoculations, get on PReP, and then you'll be as prepared as you can possibly be. Then, jump into the maelstrom of Breeding men with a big fat grin. We'll be waiting for ya !!
  7. Really .... I suppose that makes sense ecologically, in that less land is devoted to huge cemeteries, but then in major cities they always need more open, natural areas. I agree completely. Revenge only adds fuel to the fires of hatred, and nothing positive can ever be accomplished. Forgiveness is far more effective, whether the perpetrator deserves it or not. It's how we heal and move on. Well said.
  8. You can do all of ^ and more without getting "spun" (assumedly past tense of 'spin"?) I know; I do it every weekend.
  9. There's another, if ancillary issue involved here. From a Top's perspective, natural lube is the only way to go. Commercial lubes just don't taste anywhere near as as good as natural (spit, loads) do. There's one brand (not sure what it is, but I can tell the bottom used it on the initial "sniff-test"), and I'll say something acceptable, get up and move on. Whether natural (spit or Sperm), it's the Top's job to make sure the Hole is opened up well enough so there's no pain for the bottom. Bottoms don't "owe" it to Tops to just take it if the Top doesn't know enough to lube up the Hole (or at least, get his tongue in there and find out) before he shoves it in.
  10. Simply because it's the honest thing to do (if you're asked). If you're not asked, then the issue is moot. But I'm betting you already know that.
  11. I'm so very sorry to know about this loss you've suffered, Gingerguy. Loss like this is probably the most terrible to bear - suddenly the loved-one is simply gone, leaving us with a hole in our hearts. Of course you're wondering "where he is". The simple answer is, none of us know. Some of the more attuned folks believe that there's something after this life, but no one really knows what's next. religious traditions have been promising that they know where we go, and I don't believe they know anything more than the next guy. Most folks sense that this isn't the end - the journey continues in some way, I don't think there's anything wrong with talking to him at all. I lost my life-partner years ago, and I still talk to him, laugh with him, pretend he's around, as if he actually were. There's plenty of time to visit the grave. Remember that the only thing there, however, is the body he used to walk around in, and his essence/spirit/whatever is free of that body now. The physical place where what he doesn't need anymore isn't all that important - but keeping him close in your mind is. Even if you could take revenge on whoever did this, it sounds to me like you already know that won't bring him back, and retribution is for smaller minds than yours. Just try to celebrate his life, the time you had together, and take strength from his memory. It won't happen right away, but at some point it will - if you allow it. Best wishes ....
  12. Neh-ver. I get plenty of exercise, I eat healthy, and I don't care if I'm not "built" ... I get my share of Hole, and that's what matters to me.
  13. Yes, some guys do say that. Other guys say get on PReP, get tested frequently, get all the vaccines for the various bugs you can, and get your ass into the pigpen with the rest of us happy barebackers. Protect your health first, then get your ass busy 😉
  14. To the title of this thread, no. Sexual orientation is, to my understanding, part of our make-up. Whether we have blonde hair or black would be another example. Blue eyes or green. Prone to be skinny or fat. Physical characteristics. AGREED !!! Sexuality is, to my mind, something that's inborn, just as build, hair color, eye color, is something (a real gift, imho) we're born with.
  15. So this presents an interesting possibility: While I'm sure same-gender attraction has been around since we came out of the caves, could it be that there are - percentage wise - more same-gender orientation guy around, because the earth is overpopulated, and it's the cosmos' response to that fact? Nah - it's probably just because there are so many millions of straights that our numbers are increasing in proportion to the general population ... or, maybe not so many guys afraid to be who they are these days.
  16. So I checked - CumUnion is tomorrow night, and there are 56 signed up. Not the best number ever, but it'll do - but then, Slammer is so much closer - that place will be packed. It's been cool weather here, which tamps down the Lust for outdoor Breeding, but warmer today, and tomorrow we're supposed to be back to the low-mid 80's.
  17. Those days are long gone, but I still get plenty of Hole ... it amazes me ....
  18. Welcome, RBMI & DoNotPullOut1973 !! We're glad you're here, and look forward to hearing more from each of you. Cheers !!
  19. Not a deal breaker for me, unless they think they can smoke in the house. Now THAT'S a deal breaker .....
  20. You, my friend, belong here with us in FORT BREEDINGDALE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Nope. Never worked at one - only helped meet the payroll ...
  22. Maybe, but it's surely a question of the Top opening the Hole properly too. If a thick-Cocked Top just walks up and tries to ram it home, well, that's on the Top, not the bottom.
  23. Never-the-less .... the science of acoustics informs us differently. Thanks, as always, for your excellent input.
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