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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Any guy that doesn't must be subsisting on a diet of communion wafers ....
  2. Excellent advice to get on PReP from numerous respondents. I concur 100%.
  3. 501's. Helps keep the laundry pile down. Summers, just the regular shorts. I like guys to look at my Cock, while they pretend not to.
  4. Well done. Added to the official lexicon !!
  5. I too regret to read about this inexcusable behavior, particularly in the fetish-wear shops. Here in the US, it's not difficult to watch the fetishization of what "attractive" is (or supposed to be), if one happens to own a tv and watch it occasionally. The loooong series of commercials in between segments of the actual program are filled with nothing but "pretty products", and are repeated constantly. Every conceivable kind of beauty creme, tooth-whitening product, represented by painfully skinny women, smiling, showing off for the camera, with rather little reason, the men with puffed and blown dry hair, wide self-satisfied smiles, peddling every kind of beauty product imaginable. Talentless actresses/actors peddling worthless products, all in the hopes of peddling what someone somewhere has declared miraculous. There's even one homely bitch lately who has invented a special deodorant specifically for assholes !!! I mean real ones - where last night's dinner exits from. Of course it's supposed to work from head to toe too. Regrettably, it seems people will buy almost anything if they think it might allow them into the prized "Beautiful People" crowd. It appears that bad manners has been one of the US's chief exports.
  6. Not in my book !!! Sounds fantastic ... and please keep us apprised ...
  7. Thanks so much, Baretop4ever, for that tremendously explanative reply !!! I have no plans to travel there, but I feel as though I have a fairly complete sense of what's what after reading your suggestions. We appreciate it.
  8. Looks like lots of guys find kissing a really important part of fucking/Breeding. I weigh in on the "mix-machs" scale as follows: if it's all that important to the bottom, I'll include it in a scene. Not so much for me, but to invest in kissing to make the bottom enjoy it more, and thus I enjoy it more. But the only way I find it exiting is if the bottom has just sucked off a Cock or three.
  9. Darlexx (oops) is what sleepsacks are made of. The sub is restrained inside the gear, and cannot get out. I used to allow a bit of an "eye-rest", so they could absorb the full panoply of sensations, but always watched carefully. Some guys don't react well to being completely immobilized, and the Dom must let them out at once if that happens.
  10. Agreed; please do. Mail-order delivery is available, so are the testing kits. All you'd need is a buddy who can accept the deliveries for you.
  11. I'll be heading over there later on tonight. Even drove by to make sure their parking lots aren't still flooded. Slammer, baby !!!
  12. I may well be wrong, but my understanding is that the eyes (and maybe the area around them) is what is most identifiable. The more that's covered of course, the less chance, and a full hood may prove uncomfortable. I've never investigated, but maybe one of Darlex wouldn't be too hot (temperature-wise, I mean 😉)
  13. Actually, I heard they met with an unfortunate fate some millennia ago, but we can rebuild them !!!! We all know what Sodomize means, so to Gomorrah-ize a hard Cock must mean something even more lovely .... kudos to the guy that can come up with the most delicious, depraved description of Gomorrah-izing ....
  14. I too miss fskn ... I hope he's well, and doing what he does best !!!
  15. little did I know when writing the above that we were in for a record-breaking rain event. One of my neighbors has a rain gauge - over 17 inches of rain in one day. The streets are still full of standing water, over 24 hours later. So, thanks to the guys that inquired about the situation.
  16. Sounds like we need to plan a sea-faring voyage to all these wonderful places ... BZ'ers on the High Seas, sailing together from one sexual Nirvana to the next ..... 💦
  17. So am I. I can hardly imagine a more caring man to bare his (sexual) soul to.
  18. This is an interesting observation, and spot-on in my opinion. At it's core is whether a guy has the self-control to regulate his Lusts (as well as every other aspect of his life), or doesn't. I've managed to keep wanton sex (well, pretty much) to a schedule of Friday and Saturday nights. By restricting myself to a couple of nights a week, I keep balance with other aspects of my life, and that pleases me. Yeeesss, occasionally I wander over to RR for a little extra on off-nights, but those are anything but regular. I think it has more to do with a stubborn streak up my spine, in that I tend to be the "in control" type, and regardless of the activity, I just don't bend my self-appointed rules. I would add that, if I feel that some other person/activity/entity is trying to push me a bit too far, it doesn't end well, but it does end quickly. While I realize that there's definitely a physical characteristic to "addiction" (usually chemical in nature), I'm fortunate that I don't own any of those, and I have utmost empathy for others that are dealing with that. It wasn't always the case, but the aforementioned "broomstick up my ass" determination not to allow what I want to avoid into my life has been a good thing for me. At one time I used to drink (Thorne's), and not just a little bit. But, got over that, and now I'll only have an occasional beer (which I don't particularly like). The point is, "addiction" to whatever is treatable, either on one's own, or via outside help. I think it's a fine line separating physical and emotional "addiction", but if I'm completely wrong, I'm sure I'll hear other's truths in short order.
  19. and don't forget to leave the door at least cracked open, if not wide open. The windows are large, guys milling around all the various pathways .... "window-shopping", and the slings are conveniently hung in full view of the windows. There are also plenty of nooks and crannies along the paths to fuck in too. But, they've taken down the sling that used to be at the far end of the entrance-sidewalk ☹️ Still, it's a lot of fun. A bit out-of-the-way, but well worth visiting often. Local guys go down there for a "day-pass" (weather permitting - it's raining like crazy here today, and I'm expecting Noah to sail down my street in his ark any moment now ... ). It's a lot of fun; fucking for an audience always is.
  20. I don't think so; all the fuckjoints have certain rules to gain entrance. If some guys sneak disallowed phones/whatever into the club, there are all kinds of things wrong with that. I've seen it happen occasionally at Slammer - where phones are explicitly disallowed. Once several years ago in the darkroom, some guy took a photo, some other guy grabbed it, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. Fight ensued, employees rushed in and most of the other witnesses explained who did what - and that guy got thrown out, sans his broken phone. I wouldn't mind at ALL if someone took pics of me Breeding in the darkroom, and I'd expect to get a copy too. But, it's against the list of rules you sign (every visit), so it's either obey the rules or find some other place to fuck.
  21. There's a little doo-dad somewhere on BZ that will take care of this kind of thing .... it disallows reading obnoxious merde .... I know it's here somewhere .....
  22. First, congrats on learning to be the man you were born to be. Some guys may judge you (or me, for offering the congrats), but they're not lined up waiting for their turn in your Hole either. As I see it, self-realization is one of the most important facets of living a productive life. I'm not familiar with the sexual underground of your city, but one thing that may enhance, deepen your Lusts is to take loads with as many other men able to watch as possible. The more you show off your depravities to other men, the more they'll want to be a part of it. For some Tops, dedicated cumdumps in action are like iron-filings drawn to a magnet. You're the only one who has to live in your own skin, and whatever fulfills your Lusts the most is the operative issue. By all means, take advantage of every possible protection of your health, and then jump onto the pile of Breeding men with both feet.
  23. No worries - I think every guy on BZ knows your position re: responsibility, health-care, etc. We all made that correction for you the moment we read the sentence. 😉
  24. The operative word here ^ is "stories". We readers/responders have zero notion of which are stories and which aren't, but thanks to our ability to mentally filter probabilities against probable truths, we can get a fairly valid idea of which are smoke and which are fire. I know there are some genuine, truthful topics/responses, and I highly suspect there's a lot of feeding the imaginary fires stoked by some of the "stories". The point is, take all the time you need to do some serious self-reflection. When you feel that you've accomplished that task - whether it takes hours or years - then do what you realize you must. You'll find no judgements here; and you are your own master. Only you control your life.
  25. First, thanks for the incisive response. This is the principal reason I tend to avoid "bringing out" a new guy. It's happened a few times, and unbeknownst to me at the time. I would much rather avoid being "the first", in favor of allowing the bottom to come to terms with his Lusts, and then help him expand and deepen his cravings once he's comfortable in his own skin. I have no problem helping a newbie figure things out - after all, I went through the whole mess at one time - but without the actual sexual act taking place. To me, it's well worth it to wait to be the 100th, rather than the 1st.
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