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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. When cultural upheavals occur, and they always do throughout history, the group who feels most threatened wants to blame some group (other than themselves, natch), and looks for the most easily-blamed group. We happen to fit that bill, as history has taught. There's nothing new under the sun - again.
  2. now THAT'S real dedication !!! That said, I'm not at all surprised. We're of a like mind regarding The Connection. I know I have what's apparently called a "high metabolism", but I start to get surly when any of the 3 meals is an hour late. I even insist on the first appt of the day when I have to get a blood test*, and have something to eat waiting in the car as soon as it's over. Not "breakfast", just something to ward off road rage !! *not being medically trained, I have heard that eating before a blood test only affects the levels of cholesterol in the blood in test results. Since I know I am a healthy eater, I tend not to give a rat's ass about the cholesterol other than once a year. It's been low for decades.
  3. Two peas in a pod .... and "tongue-braille" is my favorite way to "feel" a Hole up (but, always preceded by the requisite "sniff-test"). Some guys like poppers, but a well-prepped and well-Seeded Hole beats poppers any day (or night, for that matter ...)
  4. The way I interpreted the question is, as it applies to the last time we were at some fuckjoint where there were plenty of Holes to rut/Breed in. The answer to that question (in my case) would be greater, since I don't Breed in every Hole I rut in. At this point in my life, I'm usually good for 3 loads in a night, but more than that is unlikely. I do, however, rut in more Holes than that, whenever I hit the fuckjoints; that could easily be a dozen. While pumping my Sperm up a Hole is, by definition, a deeper and more intense experience, eating, rutting in numerous Holes is always a big part of a night spent in the fuckjoints. Interesting poll, NWUSHorny - thanks !! Some of us need a little time to respond - and yes, it does. Apparently, even over the ether we can recognize and honor our fellow Pigs 👿
  5. There's nothing wrong with being idealistic, but a bit of 'realistic' added into the mix may be productive. Signing up for a scheduled appearance seems a bit too "mechanical", and removes the thrill of the hunt. I don't think a lot of Tops concern themselves with whether or not they'll get off - they enjoy prowling for Holes - "the hunt" is an integral part of cruising, not just clearing their balls. One remedy that comes to mind is to get a Top-buddy to whore your Hole out. That changes the dynamic to a "Breedbro-to-Breedbro" construct, but you still get fucked full. Top-to-Top negotiations are quite reliable, in that each guy wants to uphold the reputation he's earned. In any case, good luck; I hope you get fucked so full your ass slides off the next chair you try to sit on !!!
  6. I think there's a hot-Holed piggie sniffin 'round ......
  7. Wellllll ...... maybe one of these nights ..... never know, right?
  8. Well, usually it's at that special moment before I actually start to shoot, but it's already too late to call the load back. More fun than just "I'm gonna cum ..."
  9. It's seldom expressed in words - more in grunts, groans of pleasure - guttural, involuntary sounds of pure Lust. It doesn't hurt that others can hear it too ... Sometimes if I'm lying on the Hole's back, rutting and about to Breed, I'll whisper in his ear "now it's time to make you one of my boys ...", and that almost always elicits the right reply.
  10. I'll be waiting to read the replies; I find your experiences with Big Pharma infuriating as well, and yours are far more complex than mine. While we're waiting though ....... This is a crystalline example of what the practice of medicine has turned into, and continues apace. People are simply not like General Motors, Ford, Chrysler - in that when the alternator goes south, simply take it out, plug in another, bill the hell outta whoever will pay, and presto - over and done with. Business models are universal in most industries, but the way I see it, Health Care is different. Alternators don't have minds, souls, cares and fears. People can and often do. When your former pcp said he's changing "business models", that was an insult of the first magnitude. And then some kid calls with that? Like you hadn't managed to figure out which way the shit was flowing? I'm sure you managed better than I would have to keep a civil tongue in your head. And then proceeds to sluff off the blame for this behavior on what everyone else is doing? Shallow as a saucer. Did you ask the kid how much the Corporation would pay in kickbacks? I haven't been forced into that situation as of yet, but it won't surprise me when it happens. Best of luck !!
  11. So do I. He's older, very close to retirement, and Dr. Methuselah is about to be retired from association with me sooner than he thinks. I'm not one to worship at the High Holy Doctor's Shrine. I ask questions and expect answers. I mean, 'supported by research' answers, not 'well, I've been doing this for many years, and I think X instead of Y'. My kid sister is coming for a visit next month, and that's great. As soon as that's over though*, I'll be turning my attention to finding another internist. I couldn't agree more, that the level of care has suffered in favor of the level of Corporate Grasping. I'm not sure how to counter that widening gap, other than to go talk to them, get a feel for who they really 'service' and make my best guess. I am healthy, thanks. I can't even remember when I last had so much as a cold, never came down with covid (knocking), have taken all the precautions, and proceeding with caution. Of course, I've picked up breeding-bugs regularly, but they get treated quickly and that's just the price of doing business. As to all the bug chasing commentary on here, I can't help but wonder how many actually have that kind of devotion to their Lusts, or the courage to actually live The Life. Popularity on a website is one thing; living one's best life is another. I hope you're healthy too, and thanks for the well wishes. *she and I have always been close, she's always been completely supportive, but I don't think she knows quite how gay I actually am. I've been hammering at getting the slingroom taken down, put away, getting other things ready, blah blah blah.
  12. I waited to read some of the responses before doing so too. As to the pain, yes, it does hurt for a little while, but not that badly. The biggest chore is q-tipping while it heals. I had 5 done, and the airports were always fun. Some years later I had to have a surgery, they all had to come out, and by the time I was outta there everything had started to grow shut again. So, while I enjoyed the steel very much, and the reactions they engendered, I just put piercings in the "been there done that" drawer. But, there are a couple of magnificent scars - one that only truly talented tongues can discern !!!
  13. Mine wanted me to come quarterly, but I told him it would be monthly for testing. The way I see it, the quicker some bug can be detected and treated, the better. When I explained my thought process, he objected, I insisted, and that was that.
  14. I may be wrong, but I think that we earn more responses if we reply to other posts more, or create our own. From a business perspective, that would encourage users to actually use the site - participate - not merely agree/disagree/etc (and, of course, click on some of the advertiser's ads). Clicks-through do count towards keeping the site healthy (and free to users).
  15. Listen to ellentonboy, all you other guys. He knows whereof he types ......
  16. No, of course not. The whole point is that the loads came from anonymous Cocks, indicating that the bottom is a cumdump, which also indicates that he loves raw Cock up his gut, which is my kind of bottom !!!
  17. There are a thousand wonderful things about Chicago. The cultural life is world-class: CSO, dance, theatre (Chgo has better theatre troupes out in the neighborhoods than Ft. L. ever dreamed of), Art Institute, on and on and on. Yes, it's flat. In winter, the freezing cold wind starts in Canada, and winds up blowing right up your ass. And we do get Nor'east'r's off the lake. Politically, it's a safe haven for Progressives. I happen to be on the slim side, and while FL gets these hurricanes once in a while*, Old Man Winter arrives in Chicago every year, and lasts for 4 months - every single year. Since you're in the NW, maybe that's ok with you. For me, the long, cold, dark days always got to be a bit much, and I was planning to move South for years before it happened (enabled by a number of other issues being resolved). There's every reason to try Chicago for a year or two, and then decide. It's about a 1200 mile drive, easily done in two days to get to Ft.L.. Lots of guys do it in one, when there are multiple drivers. Or, an easy flight, and the Ft. L. airport is just south of downtown, not way out west like O'Hare. Maybe rent a place up in the 49th or 48th Ward for a couple of years; quiet neighborhoods, close to the gay nightlife, but not right in the middle of it. Or, the 44th if you like being right in the middle. *The last one to impact Ft. L. was Irma in 2017, with a glancing blow to Ft.L. as it moved up the peninsula. (I know what this must read like - so - no, I'm not being paid to push Chicago - I just loved living there). btw - lots of people think the wind off the lake is why Chgo is called the Windy City: False !!! In the early days of the city, it was a "wild-west" boomtown kind of place, and so many entrepreneurs were bragging up the opportunities in Chicago, all the bragging was considered "being windy". And thus, it's the braggadocio of earlier generations, not Lake Michigan, that gave Chicago it's nickname.
  18. I would observe that no one, single guy can pretend to speak for everyone else. There are guys that like every characteristic listed above, and guys that like only certain ones. Same applies to disliking them. No one single guy speaks for the entire Community. Every guy can only speak for himself: whether that's enlightened, inclusive or dark and self-centered, it is only one voice amongst the spectacular, widely-varying, and complex points of view. So by all means, continue to "bother". There are plenty of guys out there prowling for you, and guys just like you.
  19. I'm not unfamiliar with this kind of situation. The "vibe" isn't right - no guys are making pigs of themselves. If you can identify another pig that's wondering when the fun will start too, maybe approach him and say something like "wanna help me get this mess sorted out? Let's stir this pot and get things cranked up" Sometimes, it takes a couple of guys to turn the key and presto - the engine roars to life. Or, just announce something like "who's here to fuck/get fucked?" Sometimes it's surprising how little it can take to give that last liiiiittle tiiiiiiny push to get everyone over the edge. It happened more in Chicago than Ft. L., as I recall. If nothing works, I just ditch and try another joint. Sometimes, we can make things happen, sometimes we can't.
  20. As long as it's understood that this is not a heavily "choreographed" event, with scheduled events, etc. It's mostly a week of orgies at different fuckjoints, hotels, guest houses, etc. Always a good chance to Breed in a lot of Fresh Hole from gawd-alone-knows-where. My first thought when I read your post was GC as well; lots of His Majesties stalwart, dedicated and horny subjects !!!
  21. Good Lord ..... I didn't realize all the issues and problems and on and on regarding our "back door". Maybe I'll just get the whole asshole removed - lock, stock and barrel - and be done with it !!! One of those doctors can figure out how to install some phoney doo-dad so I can still - well - nevermind .......
  22. Thanks for the comment. At least I know it's not just me being critical !!!
  23. No need to feel horrified; accidents can happen. Your gut just fooled you the first time, and it happens sometimes. The point is though, you did your job, offered your Hole to a Cock, and subsequently realized your Hole had a little surprise waiting. Every Top has had that happen, and it's no problem at all. It just happens sometimes. So we fix the problem, and go back to sharing a hottttt fuck !!!
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