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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, of course I do. The way I look at it though, is very similar to yours. We should be grateful we even get there, to that depth of consciousness / connection, if only occasionally, when so many guys don't even realize there's a there there. How was that for an awkwardism ? 🥰
  2. I experienced the same thing. Had to fill out all the same pages full of the same questions, again. But, small price to pay, I guess.
  3. No. I drink coffee all day long - strong and black - and I wouldn't waste it on that for anything.
  4. Stay. Share the gangfuck with him. If other guys think it's weird, tell them that you and your bf love the gang-fuck scene - make the 3rd feel comfortable and welcome. Tell him what a hot Cock he's got, and how much your bf would love to feel it rutting in his Hole. Your Cock will get hard too at some point, in response to your bf's whoring. Tell the new guy you need to eat his Sperm out of your bf's Hole too ... tell yourself that what's important is enabling your bf's Lusts, and get what you may or may not like out of the equation. And smile. Good luck to both of you, bud ....
  5. Generally, yes. They're held at a tubs here in Ft. L., which is a bit off the beaten (gay) track, and there's another tubs that's probably the nicest one I've been to in the US. That said, the hosting tubs is a bit seedy, a bit run down, which aura only adds fuel to the Breeding Fires. That said, almost any CumUnion orgy is well worth it.
  6. ar du en Svensk? I'm wondering if I've just discovered a brother I never knew about !!!
  7. I have to say I'm totally impressed with the depth of your connection with this man, and his skill at manipulating your consciousness. I'm sorry you and he aren't close (geographically) anymore.
  8. Excellent advice above ^, NorfolkUK. I second the motion, but only you get to actually vote on the issue. As to the posted question, it feels so good because it's tangible proof (loads already up the Hole), that the bottom is a sexual pig, completely committed to his Lusts. Some pig-bottoms don't really like admitting to 1) themselves, and 2) others, via their actions, that they've accepted their inborn nature to the point they can embrace being a cumdump. It's that sense of acceptance that you're tapping into, as well as the spermy Hole. There are tons of guys who do what they must, without taking pride in who and what they are, what their very nature drives them to do. But, with time most of them will get there. Enabling a burgeoning cumdump is one of the acts that you, as a raw Top, can take pride in for the rest of your life.
  9. As in H'wood CA ? If that's the case, and you can't find a guy to fuck, either you're stone blind, or there's a weasel in the woodwork around here .....
  10. Same .... which is just another way of saying, we gotta vote these crazies out in November.
  11. This one is difficult for me, since there are two other senses I depend on: hearing and taste. Stepping into a darkroom (where, oddly, one comes somewhat close to our OP's situation), the sounds of rutting men does for me what poppers do for other guys. Just the sounds of grunting, groaning with pleasure, the sloppish sounds of full, wet Holes being fucked, the barely audible murmurings of men in heat sating their Lusts is fantastic. I happen to be aurally focused anyway, and the hearing is acute all the time. The close quarters of a darkroom only intensify the thrill, and listening to all the sounds of men rutting is just wonderful. I also happen to enjoy eating Hole - particularly if it's been fucked full by previous Cocks. Eating Hole is like introducing myself to the Hole - it's a warm, welcoming, beckoning, hungry - almost communicating it's needs, it's Lusts, and offering me a taste of how beautifully it does it's job. That extends, of course, to the entire guy, but his Hole is where it all emanates from. I love putting my mouth on Holes, tonguing them, licking, tongue-fucking them, conjoining with them. So, hearing and taste; both are very important to me.
  12. ^This. Why on earth else would a guy go to the tubs? That's the function the tubs fulfill: places where guys either fuck Hole or get fucked. For the first time, the thousandth time, or any other time? Of course I fucked the first time I went to the tubs - that's what the tubs are there for.
  13. All I knew about twitter was that the disgrace that formerly occupied the White House used it. Now. I have also heard rumors for some years now of the above alluded to human filth - when he was in Russia - being secretly videotaped at some Russian orgy with Russian Piss Whores squatting above his pin-head. Of course, I wondered if one or two missed their aim, and that's how he gets that color into his hair. But the entire mental image was just too much, and I never even used twatter once. Some of my friends back in Chicago send me stuff on What's Up occasionally, but I've never joined that one either. I noticed on an above reply that some guy from AVille (I lived there too, years ago) had used it. One thing I don't quite understand is, why bother with apps where you're tracked, when there's so much raw porn online if you want it .......
  14. Years ago, lots of guys would check into Mans Country and stay the whole weekend. I do recall that guys would eat little pieces of scotch tape that had something called "window pane" stuck on. As I recall, it was a form of lsd, and the whole thing was called "going tripping". Not my thing, and I never did that. There were Musical acts brought in from the coasts as well as local acts in the Music Hall. There was a snack bar downstairs, certainly not a restaurant, but one could get by if you didn't bring a sandwich or something. When the tubs over in boystown first opened, it wasn't called Steamworks - and I can't remember what the original name was, but guys who lived over there would check in for the weekends too. They didn't have shows / entertainment over there, and I don't remember if they had a snackbar, but - they had a lot of guys fucking each other. Our favorite was definitely MC, we lived about a 10 minute walk away, so that was our whorehouse-of-choice.
  15. Here in Ft. Lauderdale, apparently we're considered a "ground zero" location. I got my second shot weeks ago (with an appointment - I don't think there are any "walk-in-get-the-shot" arrangements quite yet. But, I stopped hunting for it once I got the initial shot (and appt for second shot) too. The backrooms / fuckjoints are wide open again now.
  16. Ditto !!! We all wish you well as your life's journey unfolds.
  17. Hasn't happened to me. Closest to it was at the orgies before covid, when I was keeping a cumdump. There wasn't that kind of structure to the swapping though. Just guys fucking other guys, and occasionally some guy would let others know they were fucking his boy. That was always fun. Not a formal "swap" though, but I'd have done it in an eyeblink.
  18. Not being possessed of a "PornCock", I haven't bumped up against the bend all that often. Still, I remember the first time, it felt like to me like something I had to push aside, or move out of the way. I don't "know" this, but through the years I think some bottoms take so much Cock that the angle softens somewhat - like the Hole is rearranging itself to take a Cock more invitingly. It feels good to bump up against the right angle, but it just doesn't happen all that much with a 7"er.
  19. Of course. I remember as a kid hearing one of the more infamous quotes attributed to Jesus: "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father but through me". What an astounding construct from the last of the synoptic gospels. Nothing like it appears in any of the earlier* gospels, whether synoptic or not. What a blunt cudgel with which to hammer others into submission. There is no chance that this is an actual quote from the man, and every chance that it's a later insertion. No scholar of the texts denies this, and I mean any actual scholar. There are plenty of noisy trumpets blaring away, those who own and operate the ancient enemy Organized Religion, usually men, but not always, admonishing us in stentorian tones that it's either do what they say, or it's the toaster oven when we ditch. No one has the right to intimidate others into believing horseshit. No one has the right to out-shout their neighbors beliefs, denigrating their neighbors beliefs. Part of being human is being aware that we don't have all the answers, and we're simply not entitled to force ours upon others, either literally or via cultural pressure. The argument against women's rights to control their own bodies is so thinly veiled, it's virtually transparent. It's nothing more substantial than a fart in a windstorm, which storm I sincerely hope is coming in November. *earlier, by around 50 years, and thus closer to the life and actual sayings of the man. For more, read some of the Apocryphal texts - of Thomas, for instance, which texts also contains fragments of the yet-undiscovered "Q" document.
  20. Would you please go into the issue a bit more deeply? There are a lot of folks that need to understand. Thanks.
  21. Of course not. Wearing steel is an announcement of who and what you are: Confident enough to display your individuality, and devoted enough to your sexual needs to display them to any discerning eye. I have always enjoyed staring down someone who attempted to look askance at mine.
  22. You're right, of course. There are tons of men who, for one reason or another, take comfort in the "hearth & home" construct, and want that. This is particularly true for men that, as boys, experienced a troubled home - maybe with his parents separating or divorcing - and he subconsciously wants to avoid that mess with his own family life. My own dad suffered a broken home as a kid, and later I saw clearly how much he valued the security of his homelife. I think my dad would have slugged anyone who suggested he "step out" and fuck some tart. I don't think he gave a rats ass about all the religious shit he pretended to endorse, because it afforded him the security of a life he missed out on as a kid. Alternatively, he was in the navy .... so maybe he had his share of loose snatch at that time. He never spoke about those days.
  23. That's an interesting observation, and cries out for another layer to this religious "freedom for some, required for all" theme. The "early US settlers" were vastly outnumbered in the land they were in process of invading / killing off the indigenous. Forcing their magical, fevered notions of religiosity upon said indigenous enabled the new conquerors to engender hatred to the "infidels", and also promoted the crop of babies, sorely needed for the further conquest of the invaded land. It's always been, and remains to this day, about Power, and nothing else.
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