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  1. Hey man sorry to hear you're worrying yourself so bad about this. First thing I'm going to say is you are worrying about something unknown right now. You aren't sure of your status and you need to get tested before putting anymore stress on yourself about this. You may very well be negative and if you are, all of this worrying is over nothing. You mentioned you would be deported if you were found to have HIV. May I ask what country you live in? Reason I am curious is because as an avid traveler (who is positive), I have read up a lot about where I can travel to and where I may run into a problem. Thankfully most of the countries in the world allow HIV+ travelers in and the countries that do not are countries I probably wouldn't or couldn't have gone to anyway (like I'm gonna go vacation in Iraq...). To my knowledge, there are 31 countries in the world (mostly in the Middle East and Asia) that deport foreigners or bar entry to HIV+ travelers. But I have never heard of a country deporting its own citizens if they are discovered to have HIV. In fact, that would make no sense at all for a government to implement that because it would drive fear so deep into people about getting tested that nobody would do it, nobody would get treated and then it would spread like wildfire. So I'm just curious about where you are from and what source you got that information from. On my next point, I can say that becoming poz (should you walk down that road), is not the end of the world. I thought it was 7 months ago when I found out, but I've come a long way in realizing my life is far from over. HIV nothing worth killing yourself over, I've even been down that path. Sure the stigma sucks, but the meds are great and will only get better. Also, we very possibly, even probably, will see a cure in our lifetime. So that's just some food for thought IN CASE that's the road you go down. Hope all works out. Relax and take a deep breath. Everything will be fine regardless of what happens.
    3 points
  2. Max pulled over and parked his 1992 dodge spirit, killing the engine but hesitating to open the door. As if glued to the driver’s seat, he silently debated whether to stay or go home, while gripping the wheel and biting his lower lip. Staring out his windshield, he was surprised to see what looked like a normal brick office building, with no obvious markings or signs on the business to show what it was. He double checked the address in the text message from his dealer, Tony, just to be sure, before holding his breath, grabbing his duffle bag and hoping out of the car. The heavy wood door creaked ominously when Max pulled it open and stepped inside the warm alcove. He shivered, glad to be out of the cold February night, but still uncertain about what he was getting into. Realizing the door to the rest of the club was locked, he stepped up to a plexi-glass window and rang the small bell, which prompted a very tall, muscular, bearded guy in his 30’s to appear from a door on the other side of the glass. The hunky clerk, “Jax” according to the name tag pinned to his tight t-shirt, made Max worry even more about what he was getting himself into. “What’s up bro?” Jax’s voice crackled through the small speaker next to the window. “I need to see your ID and cash and do you want a locker or room?” “Um, I’m ‘Max Rider,’” Max said, eliciting a blank look from the clerk. “I think you’re expecting me.” Again, the man looked miffed, and max began to worry that maybe this was a joke or perhaps the massive man was expecting someone more cocky. Here he’d been freaking out over whether or not he could strip for guys, it never crossed his mind that they might not like him. Standing straight up to his full 5’11” height, yet still at least 6 inches short of the other man, Max flashed a fake smile and tried to sound like he wasn’t a nervous school kid. “I’m the entertainment for Dave’s party.” “Oh! You’re here for the strip and jerk show!” Jax eyed Max as far down as the window would allow. “You are definitely hotter than the last dude they hired. Go ahead and come in and I’ll introduce you to Dave and take you to where you can set up.” Jax buzzed Max through the door and into the heart of the bath house. Motioning for the boy to follow, Jax strode nonchalantly down a maze of small dark hallways, filled with numbered doors, past half a dozen men wearing nothing but towels or less. Max would have run for it if he thought there was any chance he’d find the exit. Instead he kept his eyes on Jax’s broad shoulders in front of him as they descended a staircase into the pitch black basement. “This is your room for the night,” Jax unlocked a black door with the number 25 on it, revealing a small bedroom-type set-up with a twin bed, footlocker, flat-screen tv playing gay porn, and mirrors on two of the walls from floor to ceiling. “hang here for a second and I’ll let Dave know you’re here.” Max stood awkwardly in the center of the small room while he waited for Jax to come back, and he wished he’d had the forethought to hit his pipe before he came inside. “Dave just got here a little while ago and is still setting up, but you can get changed while we wait,” Jax reappeared, holding a couple towels, some Gatorades and some body-oil.”…unless you are wearing that for the show.” Max looked down at his hoodie, jeans and ratty sneaks, wishing he could get away with wearing them instead of what filled his duffle. Tony let him borrow some costumey outfits on his way here, and he dreaded the thought of a bunch of queers getting their rocks off watching him in them. He started to sweat when he realized they were paying to see a lot more than that. Noticing how pale the teen looked, Jax got him a gatorade and asked how he got the gig. “I dunno man, it just fell in my lap I guess,” Max sat on the bed and chugged from the bottle as he recalled how he ended up there. “I was hanging with my de-, um my bud, and I owed him some green but I am broke cause of school and my transmission busting and shit. I have been dancing at a club downtown on ladies night and the tips are awesome, so I told him he could have his cash next week but he said he could set me up to do a private gig for twice what I get at the club. I figured he meant a bachelorette party or some shit like that. I never would have agreed if I knew it was for a bunch of dude, but I am too broke to say no.” ”I feel ya dude,” Jax closed the door and sat on the other end of the bed, smiling at the sight of the kid downing the drink laced with ghb. “Why do you think I work here on weekends, on top of my 9 to 5 job? This gig allows me some spare change for recreational purposes. Otherwise I’d be a fucking nun, staying in nights and never getting any pussy.” “That sucks bro,” Max was relaxing noticeably, from both the g and the conversation. Hearing Jax mention pussy made his more at ease, not understanding that Jax wasn’t referring to girls. Assuming his new friend was straight like him, Max stood up, kicked off his shoes, and tossed off his hoodie revealing just how low his jeans were sagging. There were 3 or more inches from the top of the pants up to the white waist band of his calvin klein boxer-briefs, which sat just below a sleeveless t-shirt showing off his buff arms. Jax oogled the teen beefcake as he began searching the duffle for something to wear. “I can’t imagine being stuck here with a bunch of pervy homos trying to mack on your ass all the time. I could barely convince myself to do this one night!” “It’s not so bad Max” Jax tried to contain himself as the kid pulled out various skimpy costumes and a couple pairs of thongs and jocks. “The money is good and tax free, plus I occasionally make a little extra by letting a dude blow me or jerk me off. I bet you could double your take if you tried it.” “I ain’t a fag,” Max stopped sorting the gear from his bag and gave Jax a very serious look. Jax almost burst out laughing at the sight of the young man denouncing gays while standing in a gay bath house, laying out tear away clothing, wearing only his sleeveless tee, boxer-briefs, and sagging jeans. “If you wanna do some gay shit, that’s your business, but I’m only here cause Tony will kill me if I don’t come back with what I owe him.” “That’s cool, just telling you what some of the guys might offer,” Jax replied, defusing the tension by picking up a shiny green g-string and twirling it around his finger. “Especially when you swish around in this pretty pair of panties.” “Fuck that shit,” Max said, joining the laughter. “I might have to get naked for these queens but I’m not doing a drag show first. I better hide all the girly shit from Dave when he tells me which one I should wear.” As Max returned the green g-string and some equally frilly gear to the duffle, he accidentally knocked a small cloth bag out, which spilled open on the bed. “You know you’re not supposed to bring that in here, right?” Jax picked up the pipe and bag of crystals that had escaped from the cloth sack and gave his best fake-mad stare. “Shit man, that’s not mine, it must have been in with the outfits!” Max went ghostly white and stammered excuses before Jax finally laughed and handed them back to the terrified teen. “I’m just fucking with ya Max.” Jax slapped him on the back and ruffled his hair, but Max stayed stiff and silent. “I told you I work here to pay for recreation, which is my discreet way of saying I enjoy partying sometimes too. Just make sure to keep that someplace outta sight and only smoke in here or another private room, cause not everyone is as understanding as I am.” You got it Jax. I’ll be super sneaky I swear man.” Max promised while the color returned to his cheeks. He went to put the pipe back in its bag, but stopped short. “You sure it is cool if I smoke in here? I could really use a pick me up before I meet this Dave guy.” “If you are down, I’d love to match bowls real quick.” Jax reached into his back pocket and pulled out his own pipe, and the two men quickly loaded two large bowls. Simultaneously, Max and Jax lit their lighters and melted the tina in their pipes, sucking in smoke and blowing out huge clouds. Jax insisted Max try his supply, so they took turns on each pipe, and before long, each man was high as a kite. “That’s good shit,” Max complimented his smoking-partner’s stash while they packed away the paraphernalia. “But now I’m fucking sweaty as fuck. Wish I could shower before I get into one of these get-ups.” Jax explained that was no problem as long as Max understood that he’d have to undress here, and take his towel with him to the communal showers, which caused Max to hesitate. Jax assured him he wouldn’t get raped, and told him where the least used showers were, but Max wouldn’t go until Jax gave in and allowed Max to bend the rules and where his boxer briefs. With that, Max stripped off his shirt, revealing his firm pecs, tight abs, and smooth skin except for a fine blonde treasure trail. The jeans were next, and Jax was happy to see his muscular thighs and calves were also covered in blonde hair. Tossing the towel over his shoulder and sliding the room key onto his wrist with the convenient elastic band, the teen stud followed Jax to the showers before the clerk left him to retrieve more Gatorade and check that the other employees were holding down the fort while he played tour guide to the hired meat. Taking the shower in the furthest corner from the entrance allowed Max some privacy from guys walking by, but he did end up sharing the shower with another guest before he had a chance to finish. Carefully turned into the corner, Max tried not to show any interest in his shower-mate, but couldn’t help sneak a glance at the short buff latino’s uncut meat. Max was a big talker when it came to sex but he’d only been with three girls and never actually seen a dick other than his own and his two best friends when they used to go skinny dipping. Even during his years on various sports teams, Max always had separate showers and private changing stalls in his school locker rooms. The temptation proved too great once the man closed his eyes to soap his face, and Max took a good long look at the foreign entity between the other man’s legs. His face went scarlet when he looked up from the thick dark cock and caught the smile on the face of its owner. Rinsing off faster than anyone ever before him, Max was dashing out of the showers in under a minute, trying not to fall as he dripped water all the way back to his room. “You could have dried off there you know.” Jax was waiting at the door to the room with more drinks and a tv remote so he could change the porn to the only straight option they played. “Sorry bro,” Max let them in and focused on drying off, not noticing Jax, facing the tv, but using the mirrors to check out the boy’s silhouetted dick and ass through the wet, transparent undies. He feigned trouble with the remote to cover his glances as the damp calvins dropped to the concrete floor, giving Jax an eye full of Max’s soft 4 inch cut dick, small blonde pube patch, and lowhanging naturally smooth balls. Max turned and bent down over the duffle to pull out some clean underwear, exposing his round, firm butt covered in the lightest dusting of peach fuzz, which made Jax stiffen in his sweat shorts. Luckily he was wearing his best jock, so he knew he could keep it under wraps unless he reached his full 8 ½ inches, which might have happened if Max hadn’t broken the trance by sliding a pair of black briefs over his naughty bits. The two guys proceeded to smoke another bowl as Max downed a second Gatorade laced with g, while a big-breasted brunette took on five guys on the tv screen. Jax was considering slipping a larger dose into the drink and raping the boy then and there, when a knock interrupted his fantasizing. Max asked who it was, and Dave responded “the guy with your money,” causing Max to jump up and let him in. With the amount he was being paid, Max expected a fat troll. Instead a 6’ tall handsome, muscular but not too defined, fuzzy Italian man with black hair in his forties walked in, causing Max to wonder why such a normal, even attractive, man would want to pay a guy to strip and jerk off for him. Jax left the two of them to finalize the plans for the performance, heading off down the hall and into a room marked ‘employees only.’ “Wow, Tony wasn’t exaggerating,” Dave said as he unashamedly walked a circle around Max and scoped out every inch of what he was buying. “It is almost too bad you have to get dressed before the show, because those briefs are getting me hard. Oh well. Speaking of which, what did you bring to wear?” “I laid out a bunch of the stuff Tony leant me,” Max volunteered. His manner was much more relaxed now, with no shame about showing Dave what he had. Dave knew this was probably due to the ghb and tina he’d instructed Jax to give the boy, but Max just figured he was comfy with Dave because he was a masculine, average joe-type. He pointed out uniforms for a cop, fireman and boy scout, as well as some mix-and-match gear which could be used to make him look like a construction worker or leather-enthusiast. Dave was unimpressed with most of it, so he dumped out the duffle bag on the bed, mixing the costumes with Max’s stuff. “Holy shit boy,” dave exclaimed as he pulled a wrestling singlet, pads and jockstrap out of the pile. “Why were you hiding this?” “That’s not a costume, that’s my wrestling uniform for school. I forgot it was in the bag when I grabbed it to take to Tony’s.” Max said, oblivious to the idea that someone might be interested in seeing his buff, tight body wrapped in skin tight green and black spandex. “That’s the one! Just wear one of Tony’s jockstraps instead of your usual one. No one will be able to see your cock through an athletic cup.” Dave handed Max the singlet, helmet, pads, shoes, jock and an envelope with half of his payment for the evening. “You have thirty minutes to get your cock fluffed, get dressed and meet me at the stairs to head up to the tv room where you’ll be performing. Once you get on stage you can do up to a fifteen minute strip show, but no less than ten. Then you’ll be groping jerking and fingering for the rest of the 30 minutes. If you can oil yourself up as you strip that would be great, or you can let one of the audience do it for you. You will get the rest of the money once you have shot your load. There will be a few guys who would toss you a few extra hundreds if you shoot in their mouth, on their face or chest or let them touch you when you jizz. You need any Viagra or a cock ring or anything to help keep your cock up?” “Um, I don’t think so.” Max began to worry again. No one had warned him about the restrictions, and it wasn’t even a possibility until that second that he might not be able to get it up. “Maybe I’ll take the Viagra, just in case.” “Good idea,” Dave chuckled and pulled his towel off. Underneath was the tiniest pair of blue athletic shorts with white piping, known to man. Reaching into the pocket, he pulled out a little blue pill, a leather cock ring with silver snaps, and a bottle of lube. “Take this now, then go do a quick enema to make sure your asshole is clean. There is plastic tubing and water spigots in the stalls by the showers. Then come back here, get your dick hard, and put on the cock ring. Once it is on, your dick will get soft but not smaller. Then hop in that singlet and I’ll see you by the stairs.” Max didn’t have time to ask why he needed the enema before Dave was out the door, but he often administered one before a match to get down a weight class, so he knew what to do. Popping the pill and sliding his briefs back on, he made his way back to the shower area and spotted the stalls. There were a lot more guys around the bath house now than when he arrived, but Max was on a mission, so he didn’t stop to wonder about it. After he was sure he was clean inside and out, he headed back to the room, squirted a generous amount of lube onto both palms and plopped down on the mattress to get his dick up. The video had progressed to a scene where a petite asian girl was being gang banged by 8 hung white and black men, with dicks in every hole, and sometimes two in a single hole. Max’s cock went from flaccid to fully erect in no time, achieving its full 7 and a half inch glory. As the asian slut begged for more cock in her ass and pussy, curiosity got the best of Max, and his right middle finger slid slowly into his virgin crack, teasing his asshole as it had on the rare night when he felt particularly horny. The last time it happened, Max was jerking off at home after a party where his girlfriend had spent the whole night grinding against his cock through his khakis. He’d had a few too many by the end of the evening, and there in his bed he couldn’t quite get hard enough to cum. One teasing finger slowly penetrated his sphincter that night in the dark. It was joined shortly by a second finger, thrusting just deep enough to hit his prostate and blast a huge load all over his chin, neck and chest. Every time he’d played down there he vowed never again, and every time he went a little further. As he remembered the euphoric feeling of the last orgasm, his lubed finger punctured the tight hole, eliciting a drop of pre-cum out of his pisshole. The clock next to the tv caught his eye causing him to pull the finger out since he only had five minutes until he had to be on stage. Carefully gathering his hard dick and big balls in one hand, he snapped on the cock ring and quickly admired how big it made his dick look in the mirror. All his practice getting into uniform after weigh-ins payed off as he shimmied into a black jock strap with a white, semi-transparent pouch, followed by his singlet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, and helmet. He almost forgot the lube and oil, but slid them into his elbow pad before grabbing the key and towel and dashing to the stairs. “Right on time.” Dave said, now wearing only a leather cock ring, leather vest and boots. They began up the stairs, as the sound of excited men’s chatter grew louder. “The gang’s all here. I know Tony told you ten to twelve guys, but once I sent out the link with your body pics from the club downtown, we had some added interest. I’ll throw in an extra $500, cool? “Yeah man, whatever.” Max felt like he was floating, rushing and calm all at once, just like before a wrestling match, only better. The crowd noise sounded just like the fans during a meet, tricking his brain and making him forget to hold his towel in front of the obscene bulge in his singlet. “Just tell me where to go and I’m ready.” “I can tell,” Dave said as they turned a corner and stopped in front of a curtain. He reached out and rubbed Max’s muscles just like his coach at school before a match, with a few added strokes along the outline of his cock. “Once you hear your name announced, pull the curtain, hop up on the platform and get going. Do some poses, maybe a wrestling stance or two, then show us what you can do. You’ll get better tips if you go out into the audience a little, but don’t stay out there. They’ll never let you go. ” Dave stepped into the room beyond the curtain, and Max was left alone in the hallway. One last thought of running came to mind, but then a voice came over the speaker and asked the crowd to give it up for wrestling champ Max Rider. The cheer that went up was gigantic, and Max forgot all about running. Rushing through the curtain, he took two long strides and jumped up onto the stage. Max was caught off guard by the fact that it ran the length of the entire room, about 30 feet, but was only 4 feet deep. The wall behind him was mirrored head to toe, with six huge flat screen suspended above, all showing Max from a different angle. The music blasted as the crowd began hooting and hollering. The spotlight in the corner effectively left max blind, but he was sure there had to be at least 40 guys there just based on the shadows and voices he could make out. Ignoring his anxiety, he began by flexing his arms, chest, legs and butt. Once he’d gotten some significant applause, he got down into a wrestling pose and did a take down on the pole located at the far end of the stage. Hearing the guys whistle and clap seemed to make Max excited, in all senses of the word. His cock was about ¾ hard the entire time and working its way to full steam. After tossing in some tumbling and a handstand transforming into walking on his hands, he was running out of moves. Looking up at the tv over his head, Max was relieved to see they had a timer in the corner for how long he’d been up there, which just hit 7 minutes as he watched. “Enough stalling stud! Take it off!” came from the gallery. Do or die time. Max started by peeling away the shoulder straps of his singlet, followed by the helmet and elbow pads. He kept the knee pads on and did a running slide on them to the opposite side of the stage. The next five minutes were some of the most terrifying and thrilling of Max’s life. Once he got the singlet to his waist, he grabbed the oil and hopped into the front row and asked who wanted to oil his chest. The winner was a 20-something thin guy who had a gigantic dick and kept trying to get Max to touch it as he oiled his chest. Another audience member got excited and hoped up and did his shoulders and back, leading to a third guy reaching out, grabbing the singlet, and taking it down to Max’s ankles in one foul swoop. This was too much, so max hopped back on the stage and finished his legs himself. Somewhere in his mind he knew he wasn’t totally in control, and it was only reinforced when Dave climbed up next to him and insisted he be the one to oil up Max’s ass, and max didn’t argue. “Bend over and grab your ankles,” Dave ordered. Max did as he was told and felt as two large, rough Italian hands spread the oil up the back of his thighs, over his cheeks and into his ass crack. He tried to stand up, but Dave pushed him back to a bent position, then spread his ass and oiled the crack for at least a minute, teasing and pressing against the hole. His finger might have gone in if Max hadn’t regained his senses and pulled Dave’s leg out, getting him in a wrestling hold. The audience loved it, and apparently so did Max’s cock, as it was stone hard and dripping. “I’ll give you an extra hundred if you let me peel the jock off with my teeth,” Dave whispered so only Max could hear it. Max released Dave from the hold and stood up, nodding yes. Dave took his sweet time, running his scruffy cheek and lips over the jock before biting the waist band, and slowly dragging it down over the thick pink boy dick. Once the cock head cleared the elastic, it sprang up, flinging a string of precum into the audience. Somehow the teen wrestler with the pulsing pink dick, wearing only knee pads, wrestling shoes and a cock ring got the entire crowd to shut up. Max closed his eyes and began to rub his hands over his chest and abs. Once they were good and oily, he slowly reached down and began to work his dick and balls. As he got closer to cumming, the noise got louder. By the time his half hour was ending, he was still not quite there. A thought came to him and he jumped on it before he realized what he was doing. He turned around, dropped to his knees and spread his legs as far as he could, leaning his face against the mirror. Reaching back he slid one finger down the crack of his ass, circled the hole twice, then rammed it all the way in. He had only seconds until his load would come charging out, but with no other options, he simply threw his shoulders back until they hit the stage, with his head hanging off into the audience. Two strokes of his dick and one thrust of his finger and the explosion began, shooting over his body and into the first row of men. Groans and cheers surrounded him, many of his audience shooting their own load without Max ever knowing it. The next few minutes remain a haze in his memory, but Dave was proud to see the embarrassed straight boy lose himself in the moment, get up, wag his cock at the audience, collect his wrestling gear, and take a bow before rushing off to hide in his room. Back in the basement, Max was spinning faster than a tilt-a-whirl, half of his body tweaking from the tina, and half unable to move from the ghb. He answered a knock at the door to find a very happy Dave. “Fantastic show Max,” He pulled him into a hug, not caring about the sweat, oil, and cum all over Max’s chest. “Here’s the rest of the money plus a generous tip. You were the best I’ve ever seen! Any chance you’d consider doing more stuff for a lot more money?” “No way dude!” Max pulled away and grabbed his towel to cover his nudity and shame. “I can’t believe I did that stuff! I’m gonna shower, get dressed and go home.” “That’s fine. Too bad you can’t stick around though because a buddy of mine wanted to give you a t-shirt of tina as his tip. Room 30 if you change your mind.” Dave knew a new druggie when he saw one, and Tony told him how Max had gone from one purchase every few months to twice a week. He’d specifically given him more than he could possibly afford, knowing he’d be desperate for more and all too willing to exchange his virtue for some cash and crystal. “I…I’ll think about it man.” Max pushed Dave out of the room and disappeared to the showers, washing as fast as his ghb-ed brain could manage. Most of the men in the club were still upstairs so he managed to get clean and back to his room with only two guys making a grab for his cock and ass. When the door shut behind him, he whipped out his pipe and was horrified to see he had smoked most of his stash with Jax before the show. He took a couple big hits and decided to stop by Dave’s room just for the tina. He slid on his briefs and jeans, but couldn’t find his shirt. Knocking at the door, he could hear multiple voices talking in hushed tones. When it opened, Dave, Jax and another tall muscular man were inside, all stripped down to their underwear, including Jax, who had finished his shift. Dave, now in a leather jock with a tear away pouch, introduced Max to Sam, the third guy, who bore a striking resemblance to a wwe wrestler that Max couldn’t quite place. He was built buff and broad like Jax and Dave, but was smooth and had a small belly. Max thought the belly looked good on him, hot even, before remembering why he was there. “Of course Max, I have it right here.” Sam reached under a pillow on the be near him, which made Max notice that this room was much bigger than his, containing a weight bench, some sort of chair suspended from the ceiling and a queen size bed. “Wanna join us for a bowl?” “I guess.” Max was handed the clear glass pipe, but Sam lit the torch and cooked the bowl, forcing him to take a huge hit. He coughed and sputtered and Jax appeared next to him, guiding him to take a seat on the bed between he and Dave, who handed him a bottle of Gatorade to help with the choking. The liquid tasted a little funny, Max’s thought, but downed the entire bottle in a few minutes, while the pipe continued to make the rounds. At first Max was involved in the conversation, but soon found it hard to concentrate. Before he knew what was happening, he was agreeing to let Dave take some photos of him for some extra cash. Jax and Sam helped him to his feet and encouraged him to take off his jeans. He argued for a minute, but must have lost as Sam was sliding them down his legs. Jax had some sort of lightbulb moment and disappeared as Dave and Sam told Max where to sit or stand and what to do. Jax returned with some of the jocks and costume pieces from Max’s room, and helped Max to change into some of them for different shots. Max could hear a voice in his mind telling him this was gay and to run away from these fags, but it was so quiet and the guys were so commanding that Max couldn’t help but give in after every time he argued with them. Once they had shots of him in a bunch of different undies, Dave made a snide comment about how sad it was to see a young guy who couldn’t get it up.Max looked down to his crotch and realized he was soft. Embarrassed, he insisted he could get hard, he just needed a few minutes to jerk off with the porno. “Okay stud, here’s some lube and the tv is right over the bed there.” Dave directed Max’s drugged form to the bed and peeled away the last pair of undies, leaving him nude. “Take your time and get hard while I get some shots of Jax on the weights.” Watching the porn and laying down brought Max back some, allowing him to focus on working his pink dick and balls. In a few minutes he was almost fully hard, but couldn’t seem to get that last little push to full mast. Checking to make sure the other guys weren’t watching, he snuck his finger between his legs and poked at his hole. He worked it in to the second knuckle before he was interrupted. “Looks like Straight Max likes it up the ass,” Sam had turned around and was pointing out Max’s finger play to the others. “Nah man, I just don’t feel right,” Max interjected in his defense. “It’s like I am drunk or something.” “Oh damn, you must have gotten the Gatorade with the ghb be in it,” Jax postulated, knowing full well he had been feeding it to Max all night. The last bottle contained enough that Max was finally letting go, allowing for the next step in Dave’s plan. Max seemed worried but they assured him he’d be fine. “No wonder you need a little fingering to get it up man,” Sam sympathized. “but it’ll work faster if you do a little booty bump to get your ass warmed up.” “What’s that?” Max asked as Dave took a large crystal from the bag and placed it on the end of his lubed finger. “It’s just like smoking a bowl, but it will help get you horny.” Dave said, as Sam pulled Max’s legs open. “I’m gonna put it in this time cause you don’t know how and you might mess it up.” “Wait man, I don’t---UHHHN.” Max groaned as Dave replaced Max’s small finger with two of his thick meaty digits. Max tried to pull away, but Sam held him fast as Dave pushed the big rock as deep into his virgin ass as he could. With his free hand, Dave began stroking Max’s cock, ignoring Max’s feeble pleas for him to stop. A burning sensation deep in Max’s hole made him moan, which Jax decided to mute by taking off the white briefs he was wearing and shoving them in Max’s mouth. Much to his own disgust, the booty bump did the trick and Max was hard as a rock in minutes, leaking copious amounts of seminal fluid and suddenly hungry for another finger in his hole. Dave could see the fight fading out of Max’s eyes, and began working his fingers back and forth. The crystal had dissolved entirely by that point, and Max was primed for the cherry-popping. Jax pulled the briefs from max’s mouth and, as expected, he only moaned. The three men shared a look and a smile between them, acknowledging the rape they were about to commit. Sam released Max’s legs and moved to the end of the bed, where he set up a camera. Jax reached up to the head of the bed under a pillow and pulled out poppers, a butt plug, a huge bottle of lube, some adjustable cock rings and a cock pump. Dave stayed put, working Max’s hole, but releasing his cock to Jax who lubed it up and slid it into the cock pump. While their teen victim’s cock was pumped bigger than ever, Dave reached back and pulled at the snaps on the pouch containing his cock. Max could just barely see over the end of the bed when he raised his head, and began to squirm again once he saw the 9 inch uncut monster Dave was lubing up. “Don’t worry about that Max,” Dave leaned in and whispered to the stoned boy. “Sam’s got at least two inches on me. That’s why I am going before him.” Max jerked his head to where Sam was filming the action, and sure enough, stroking his 11” cut monster dick. The head alone was enough to split Max down the center, let alone the thick, veiny shaft. Max wanted desperately to push them off and make a run for it, but instead he got a shotgun hit of tina from Jax’s goateed mouth, followed by his first man-on-man kiss. His mind was screaming “disgusting,” but his body leaned into it and kissed back. “Fuck yeah, he’s ready.” Jax told Dave, who was coating his dick with tina-laced lube. Afraid for his life, Max tried with all his might to over-power the urge in his loins telling him to do it. It might have worked, except Dave simultaneously pulled his fingers from Max’s ass. “Don’t!” Max moaned, reaching out to try and stop Dave from depriving his hungry hole of something to fill it. “Put it back.” “Damn, this boy IS ready.” Sam said, laughing and moving in closer to get a good shot of Dave pulling Max to the end of the bed and putting Max’s legs up against his shoulders. “Give it to him Davey-boy.” “Don’t worry Maxwell, I’ve got something your ass will like even more.” Dave promised while working back his foreskin, pressing the head to the virgin hole, and leaning in. “FUCK!” Max screamed. His body shot back to almost total control, but Jax was prepared, holding Max down as one, two, three, six inches sank into his no-longer-virgin cunt. The men knew every boy’s first fuck was hard, and they were prepared to make sure this deflowering happened whether Max wanted it or not. “Take it out man! Jesus! Get off me you fucking faggot!” “You’ll regret that bitch,” Dave growled like an animal and started thrusting in and out, faster and deeper with each stroke. Within five strokes he was balls deep. Within fifteen strokes, he was up to a steady rhythm. By the 25th stroke, he was pounding Max like the whore he was meant to be. ‘No’s and cries for help were replaced with sobs, which turned to grunts, eventually becoming moans and whimpers, until Max was able to form words again. “Yeah. Fuck. That. Hole. Dave.” Max urged his rapist on. He felt guilt, shame and disgust at the core of his being. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized he was asking a man to fuck him like some two dollar prostitute. He also felt the most satisfying, complete physical sensation he’d ever known, like a constant orgasm, coming directly from where Dave’s cock head bottomed out in Max’s butt. “That’s right Max, you’re mine now. You’re nothing but a bottom bitch cumdump from now on. You’ll try to fight it after you leave tonight, but I guarantee you’ll be back in a week or two, pretending you haven’t spent every day dreaming about having me breed you again. Maybe you’ll even get a girlfriend to play house with, but she’ll just be keeping you busy until you have a man shooting inside you again.” Dave was now up on the bed, fucking Max so hard that his shoulders where next to his ears. Jax had to remove the cock pump because it was hitting Max in the face everytime Dave buried his dick balls deep in Max’s boyhole. “Open your eyes and look at me Maxwell. Good, now tell me you want me to cum in your ass. DO IT!” “Cum…Cum in my…” Max wanted it but admitting it out loud would take away the last straw of dignity he had. “Say it or I pull out right now and you’ll never have a dick inside you ever again,” Dave stopped his pounding and rammed his cock as deep as he could and held perfectly still waiting for an answer. Max was silent until Dave began to withdraw his massive meat, motivating Max to make the rightchoice. “Cum in my ass sir, please! I need you to cum in my ass right now!” Max screamed, reaching up to grab Dave’s hips and pull him back into the hole. “You asked for it.” Dave resumed pounding, kicking it up to top speed for the longest minute of Max’s life, a minute that Max wanted to continue forever. “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK. HERE I CUUUUUUMMMM!” Dave forced his dick a fraction of an inch deeper than the deepest he’d gone and flooded Max with two weeks of tina-filled cum. He tried to count how many pumps of sperm he unloaded in the sweet boy hole, but lost could around 18, which was somewhere near the middle. Once the last drip had worked its way out of his piss slit, he slowly retreated until only the head of his considerable cock remained lodged just inside Max.”Come take my place quick Jax.” Jax did as requested, hoping off the bed and sidling up as close as possible. Max moaned when Dave’s angry read cock head finally popped out, but settled down an instant later with Jax continuing where Dave left off. Dissatisfied with the position he was fucking his new toy, Jax thrust his muscular arms under Max’s shoulders and pulled his body up off the bed, fucking as they walked over to the weight bench, which was set on an incline. Once there, Jax spun Max’s legs until the boy was face down with his head downhill from his hole. Max lost track of time as he gave in to the bliss he felt with every thrust. He didn’t even object as Sam stuffed his mouth full of the giant dick that would eventually destroy his spermy, sloppy butt. “Here cums load number two. Take it Max!” Jax 8 ½ inches swelled and throbbed as he added another pint of baby batter to the straight cum receptacle he had schemed, drugged and abused. Jax knew at the moment of his orgasm that he had done the right thing. Max asked for more when Jax slid out with an audible pop, and then he remembered who was next in line. Dave was now working the camera as Jax jimmied the butt plug into max, and then helped him up and walked him over to the suspended chair the men called a “sling.” With Sam on his right and Jax on his left, they hoisted him into the leather contraption, and secured his arms and legs, before unplugging his ass. He was about to ask why they did that when Sam inserted 2/3rds of his massive meat into the boy in one thrust. Max screamed and passed out for a few minutes. When he awoke, Sam was all the way in, and Max was getting shotgun hits of tina from Jax and Dave. Max never did get used to the length and girth of the horse cock rearranging his organs, but he did beg for every inch of it when Sam got ready to shoot. There was no one left to fill Max after he received the third load, or so he thought. “Sam and I are headed to the shower, but we’re leaving the door open and Jax will be running the camera.” Dave told Max while force feeding him more ghb. “Sam stuffed another rock up your dirty hole, and it should kick in just in time for the news to spread that our straight stripper boy is open for loading. I expect you to have at least two more loads by the time I get back.” Max struggled against his bonds and begged for them not to do it as the g kicked in. They did it anyway.
    2 points
  3. EPILOGUE I broke up with Jake as soon as he returned. I didn’t tell him why, and didn’t confront him about the investigator he had hired. It was enough that I was embarking on this path for myself, I didn’t need to make things any messier with him than was necessary. I hoped we could remain friends. I got sick a few weeks later, and was never as happy to nurse a flu as I was with that one. A week after that, I was cruising online and saw a photo on a profile that looked familiar. As I clicked on it, I knew I recognized the tattoos and the body of the man in the picture - it was the PI! I looked at his profile, and saw that he was really into fantasy and role play, loved detailed scenes. I hadn't taken him for that type of guy. I chatted him up. Me: Hey. Those tats are familiar - saw them between my legs a few weeks ago. Just now getting over that nasty flu. Him: Sweet, buddy. How’s the boyfriend? Me: Oh, I broke it off with him. I knew I needed something else. I didn’t tell him about our encounter, or even that I knew he had hired you. Him: Oh good thinking, because he would have been very confused. My: Confused? Why? Him: Because he has no idea who I am. He never hired me. I just saw you online at all the same sites I like to go to. I'm a bit of a hacker, you see, and I knew what you needed more than you knew yourself. So I made it happen. I fulfilled every one of your fantasies, Joey. END
    2 points
  4. I usually just bite my tongue when i see a post like this but I couldn't tonight. I have to state that I think suicide is selfish and cowardly act, but it is often due to mental health issues and for some reason people have a fear of getting help. DONT BE AFRAID TO SEEK MENTAL HEALTH care people. Anyway here is what I have to say: HIV is not a death sentence so if you mean that by not wanting to continue that you would want to commit suicide I would encourage you to talk to someone at a suicide hotline or something. Because you can live with HIV and have a good fulfilling life and continue to have sex, and some would say better sex. So why would you want to end things? It sure won't do any good to those you leave behind like your family. You might think it is the way out but depending on your religious views you really don't know what things will be like one you end your life. At least staying alive and getting a test to confirm whether you have HIV or not then will give you two roads to go down one is if your poz one if not. You have a clear idea or will what you willl encounter on either one of those roads. But if you kill yourself do you really know what is gonna happen. I can guarantee you that the friends and family you leave behind will be devastated and some even angry at you for taking your life. I hope that maybe you meant no longer wanting to continue barebacking but somehow I think you were referring to living.
    2 points
  5. “Joey, I know there’s another site you have been visiting more and more lately. I know what’s in your heart right now. And I want to show you something.” He lifted up his tshirt. Fuck, how had I still not noticed he was wearing a shirt? That cock was doing so much for me I didn’t realize it was still on. As he pulled the hem of his shirt higher, some ink emerged on his stomach. As he raised it slowly, I started to make it out. The familiar biohazard tattoo was revealed before my eyes on the sexiest man I’d ever seen, and his bare cock was buried deep in my ass. My hole involuntarily twitched and I felt him throb inside me. He continued to raise his shirt, revealing a scorpion tattoo on his right pec. He must have seen the flash of fear in my eyes, even while I was unable to take my eyes off the ink on his incredible body. “Tell me what you want, Joey.” I didn't think, I simply reacted. I reached down and placed my hand on his stomach. I traced the outline of the biohazard tattoo. I caressed it, my dick leaked on my belly as I studied its form, and recognized the consequences of what I was about to do. I looked over at the mirror, and saw myself with my legs spread, a beefy hunk between them, fucking me in the bed I share with my lover. I looked in my own eyes, and I recognized the hunger, the need. I knew there was no fighting it. I didn’t want to fight it. In that moment, I knew. I knew it was who I was. Who I am. “I want you to breed me. I want you to fuck my ass with your bare dick until you shoot your toxic load into my guts. I hope my ass is so wrecked from what you’ve done to me so far that your disease immediately seeps into my system and converts me. I want you to POZ me. PLEASE POZ ME!!” And with that, he pulled almost all the way out and then thrust back in violently, making me scream with pain and pleasure. I was grabbing at his ass, pulling him as deeply into me as I could, so insane with lust. My hand never left his belly, as I stroked and gave his tattoo the special place in this moment that it deserved. I touched it, stroked it, brought my fingers to my lips and kissed them before placing them back on his tattoo. My fetish. My fantasy. Now my reality. I wanted nothing more than to feel him shoot his cum inside me so deep, for it to invade every cell in my body. I wanted him to be in me, forever. He pounded and grunted and fucked me like I’ve never been fucked before, until he told me he was ready to shoot. “Please. PLEASE! Shoot it in me. Give me your cum. Give me your disease! I want you to infect me! I want you to change me, to impact the rest of my life.” I squeezed my hole for all it was worth, desperately needing to milk his death seed, to feel the transfer of the bug from his body to mine. And with that, I felt a warmth spread inside me, deeper than it ever had with Jake. Physically deeper, yes. But also a knowledge that something had fundamentally changed for me. I had finally realized the fantasy I had held for so long. And in that moment, it was clear to me that I was a new man, one who could finally follow his dreams and be honest about his true nature. The man unloading ropes and ropes of toxic seed into my bowels was altering my life forever. And I loved him for it. I would never be the same.
    2 points
  6. The strange man had been following me for blocks. I first noticed him when I came out of the coffee shop - I always notice a good looking guy on the street, and this one was right up my alley. Mid-40s, solid muscular build, scruffy facial hair. Nothing like my boyfriend, who is in his late 20s, smooth and athletic. Very hot, but very different from the man on the street. I saw him look away when I made eye contact with him, and didn’t think much of it as I turned and walked down the street. It was only when I came out of the convenience store a few minutes later and saw him a few doors down, pretending to be reading the paper, that I thought something was up. I kept walking, my gym bag slung over my shoulder, trying to shake the thought that he was actually following me. It’s not that it’s so unusual for men to notice me on the street - I’m good looking, 32, 6’1 180, with a very good body. So maybe this guy really was cruising me, only he’s a bit more shy than your average gawker. I was kind of excited by the prospect of being stalked like this, but I had plans for the gym, so I walked on. I glanced back several times, and saw he was still there - I was sure he was following me now, and I wanted to find out his intentions. I turned a corner and sped along half a block and ducked into an alley. I allowed enough time for him to get close, and then emerged from my hiding spot, practically running into him in the process. “What are you doing, man? Are you following me?” “I’m sorry, Joey. I didn’t want you to find out this way.” “What did you say? How do you know my name?” “Its complicated, Joey. Maybe we should go someplace and chat.” “No, dude. What the fuck? Tell me how you know my name.” “Well, OK. Your boyfriend asked me to find out what you’ve been up to. It seems some of your activities lately have made him suspicious that you may be cheating on him. So he hired me, a Private Investigator, to find out the truth. Now would you like to go someplace and chat?” I nodded, and we found a quiet coffee shop where we could speak privately. *** “So Joey, it seems you got a little careless with your computer, and your boyfriend found some things that made him wonder. What he saw wasn’t conclusive, but he said it fit with a pattern of behavior lately, you being a bit less connected, a bit distracted, maybe not quite as attentive sexually. All that by itself wasn’t enough, but when he saw that you had been browsing craigslist m4m ads when you left it up on your browser, it got him wondering. And he loves you so much, he didn’t want you to be mad if it just turned out to be his own insecurities creating this worst-case scenario, so he hired me to help him find out. And I’ve been doing some research on you for a few weeks now.” “But I never…” “I know, Joey. I know. What I’ve found out is that you have an active fantasy life. You like to browse personal ads, even place some yourself. You like to chat with other guys online, even interacting on the phone and on cam with some. But based on what I’ve observed while I’ve been watching you, I believe you when you assert that you have never cheated.” “Oh, good. So you can just tell him that and we can move on?” “Well Joey, it’s not quite that simple. I promised him I would tell him what I found out about what you’ve been doing. And I think we both know he wouldn’t be very happy to find out about the things you’ve been doing, even if it’s only online. Isn’t that right?” I blushed, and looked away. I know he would be devastated to find out about the things I’ve been fantasizing about, and the fact that I was doing it with random guys online. I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach, thinking that this could be the end of my relationship. “So Joey, here’s what I would propose. I think there’s a way we could both get what we wanted from this, and you and your boyfriend could continue on as you have been.” “Really?? How?” “Well Joey, I’ve become quite familiar with your fantasy life lately. And I have to say, I think it would be hot to make it a reality.” “Wait, what?” “You heard me. I think that you’ve been holding back on your desire to act on your fantasies, and the only way to save your relationship and have me tell your boyfriend that you’re not cheating on him, is to actually cheat. With me.”
    1 point
  7. Well, it was time to visit Grandpa. That was until I discovered all these hot bareback sex sites on the 'net and found that while it made me sick, it also made me hard. I started reading all the stories I could find and would go on icq and chatrooms and get off on the heady world of barebacking. After months of this, it dawned on me that I really wanted to do it. I wanted to be pozzed, even if I was only 18. And better yet, I didn't have to look very hard to find a guy to poz me, it could be a family affair. Yeah, you guessed it. I want my Grandpa to do the honors and breed my teenage ass. So, one Saturday I caught the bus out to the hospice, which was located just over the City line, and was run by Jerry, a very nice man, and his partner, Trevor, both of whom were in their twenties. Jerry and Trevor oversaw the hospice and on this occasion there were about twenty men staying there, all of whom had AIDS. I had been here several times before, but generally had found the place depressing, perhaps because I had never taken the time to appreciate the finer beauty of the disease. Instead, on earlier trips I had focused on the smell of death which pervaded the hospice, and, to be honest, I found it difficult to watch my Grandpa waste away. He had been a vital and fit man who lived life to the fullest, but at this point his very body was rotting from within, his muscles had wasted, although he still looked fairly good, I suppose, as his body was still lean and tight. I also distinctly remember my grandfather generally seemed happy, even if he was dying. Upon arriving I chatted with Jerry, and he remarked how happy he was to see me again, and continued saying my grandfather often spoke of eagerly of my visits, telling all his friends that I was a fine and good-looking young man. I blushed at hearing his description, only to have Jerry look me up and down and confirm the truth of my grandfather's compliment. I looked at him, and wondered if I should read a message in Jerry's remark, but Jerry simply smiled and mentioned it had been awhile since there was someone really fit and healthy in the hospice, and in the course of his remarks, casually let it slip that both he and Trevor were also infected. I looked at him somewhat incredulous, but couldn't deny to myself that my dick was bulging in my shorts at the very thought. Jerry offered me a chair and chatted for several minutes, mentioning he had been pozzed several years earlier, and that he was one of those men who hated condoms and so one night he simply decided to stop using them. The rest, as they say, was history. I asked about Trevor, and Jerry said he had, in all likelihood, infected Trevor. Encouraged by his openness, I asked all sorts of questions, thinking to myself that I felt almost as if my cock was about to shoot. It was all too much. Jerry told me that infecting Trevor hadn't hurt their relationship, as Trevor wanted to convert, taking the view that as he was young and sexually active, it was only a matter of time before he became infected anyway, so it made sense to be converted by someone he loved? I remarked that Trevor's view made sense. After a few minutes Jerry commented that I seem very interested in raw sex. I responded "Yeah, I'm into it, well, I wanna be into it. I've been reading a lot of stories off the 'net and chatting to poz guys around the world." Jerry asked how I would summarize my thoughts, and I replied "Well, it freaks me out, but I can't stop thinking about it and my best jack-off fantasies are thinking about some guy fucking me raw and infecting me." Jerry smiled, and remarked "I can see you're into it, if only 'cause you're rock hard." I blushed when I realized my excitement had resulted in a full hard-on that was tenting my shorts. I look over at Jerry and he laughed as I was bright red, but he told me there was no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed, as it was a natural reaction. He went on, remarking that hot bareback sex was hot, and that when I was ready I'd make the right decision. I considered telling him the reason for my visit, but decided to hold off, as I was worried about how he might react. Then after some more conversation, in which he told me some stories involving his hottest bareback encounters, he suggested I must be anxious to see my Grandpa. I replied that I was, and with that he led me to my Grandfather's room. It was time to visit Grandpa. "Grandpa?" Standing at his door, I knocked and waited for a few seconds, but didn't hear a reply, so I cautiously opened the door and peered in. Empty. Grandpa wasn't there, but I decided to wait his room for him. I made myself comfortable on his bed and, looking around, I saw his night table was littered with bottles of poppers and some porn magazines. The magazines all had a common thread: youngish guys being fucked raw by older men, some of whom were old enough to be my grandfather. I flipped through the pages and felt my cock bulging again, so I picked-up the poppers, unscrewed the lid and took several deep sniffs, thinking to myself, 'Oh fuck, this is good stuff'. The sensation was overwhelming and, as I felt my heartbeat quicken, I also felt the rush overcome me and I felt the need for cock as I salivated while looking at the photos. It was too much. I needed to beat my cock, so I pulled off my shorts and sat there on my Grandpa's bed, jacking my cock while taking repeated sniffs from the brown bottles, sampling each different brand. Rush. Jungle juice. Pig sweat. Mmmmm! I spat on my fingers and work some saliva into my hole, jacking my cock vigorously. It felt great and I longed to be one of those young guys in the fuckrags taking cock from an older man cock into my ass and throat. I wanted to be a whore for men. I got up on the bed and bent over, working a finger into my ass. In so doing, I accidentally dropped the bottle of poppers and in reaching down to pick it up, I noticed a crusty looking vibrator gleaming under the bed. Perfect! Seeing that Grandpa wasn't available, his vibrator would be the next best thing. I took a few more hits from the poppers and greedily wrapped my lips around the crusty vibrator, coating it with my spit. Then, lapping the foul tasting juices off it, I took it down my throat. getting it nice and sticky with my teenage spit. I then take another sniff from the poppers and after sucking on the vibrator a bit more work it slowly into my hole, feeling it push at my virgin ass and thrust inside my cherry. God it felt good. I thrust the vibrator slowly into my hole and moaned as I felt my ass twitching in response to the penetration and longing to feel a real cock in my ass. God, I still can't believe what I did. Here I was, on my Grandpa's bed and fucking myself with his vibrator. But as my ass slowly opened up and adjusted to the vibrator, I stopped thinking where I was, or with what I was fucking myself. I needed to be fucked. So I thrust the vibrator in harder, took a few deep huffs from the bottle of poppers, and fucked myself even harder. And then it happened. I felt my balls tense-up and my ass sucked in the vibrator a little bit more, my balls drew up and my body spasmed as I sprayed my cum on the bed sheets. My load sprayed out of my cock which was twitching wildly, shooting load after load of seed over the bed sheets, drenching a poz man's bed with my neg load. After cleaning up a little and pulling my shorts back on, I looked around the room further and came across a photo album which was filled with hundreds of photos, some of which showed my Grandpa as a young man of my age, and even more surprisingly, it included photos of my Grandpa at close to his current age, having sex with guys of all ages. I flipped through the album, and examined each photo carefully, noticing that some of the photos had a caption, including remarks like 'Bred this one' and 'Didn't want it, but changed his mind with a dose of X'. My god! The album was a virtual treasure trove of some of my Grandpa's sexual exploits. After settling back on the bed I flipped through the pages and felt myself getting hard again. Looking at the photos of one young guy being fucked, I couldn't help but feel the need to beat off and dream about how hot it was to look at photographs of my Grandpa fucking his poz cock into the boy, making the guy his poz bitch. Man. Talk about a trip. And then it dawned on me: my Grandpa was a breeder! My god. The realization was enough to make me wanna shoot, but I somehow held off and keep looking at the photos while my dick leaked precum over my stomach. As I sat there looking at the photos I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and further it almost seemed as if the room was crashing in on me. I wanted to be bred at a hospice filled with men with full-blown AIDS. Seeing the numerous fuck rags and bottles of poppers in my Grandpa's room. And just where is Grandpa? Shouldn't he be here? I assumed Jerry had understood my Grandfather was in his room, but obviously he must have been mistaken. Just then I saw the door slowly open. "Grandpa!" "Adam? God, boy, it's good to see you!" We hugged and I felt a bit embarrassed that I was still hard and hoped he didn't notice. "Its great to have you here boy. I've missed you." And with that he noticed the open photo album on the bed and commented "Ah, I see you've discovered some of my secrets." "Yeah. I didn't mean to pry. It was just that once I started looking at the photographs I couldn't help seeing more." "No need for explanations, boy. Judging from that nice cock that I see you're packing, it's obvious you enjoyed what you saw." Fuck. He noticed. I stood there blushing and imagining the bright shade of crimson I was turning, but Grandpa just laughed and hugged me again and patted my crotch. Then he invited me to sit on the bed and we had a long man to man talk. Since he knew I was aware of at least some of his 'secrets', my Grandfather was quite free in his remarks, and there was no ice between us. I told him of my reasons behind wanting to visit and he expressed some surprise that I wanted him to breed me. He wasn't shocked that I want to be bred, no, he understood that all too well. He knew what a fucking turn on it was to take poz cum - as well as to give it. I asked him what it was like for him to shoot his poz cum into all the guys whose photographs I had seen in the photo album, and he replied "It was fantastic. Shooting poz cum into a neg body is an amazing turn-on, knowing that once his raw cock was inside the guy's ass, that it would be up to him as to whether he filled the guy's hole with poz seed, admitting "Sure, some guys didn't want it, but that just made me even more determined to give it to them." I smiled and asked how he became a breeder, and Grandpa replied "It was a natural extension of taking and giving loads. Many years ago, when I was neg, I would go out to baths when Grandma was home baking or off shopping with friends, and while I loved your Grandma, Adam, it wasn't enough. Sometimes a man needs more than a woman can provide. And so it was with me and your grandmother. I loved her deeply but found the sex I was getting at the baths was much better than anything she was providing back home." When I asked him when he sero-coverted, Grandpa gave a hearty laugh and slapped me on the back, remarking "My, you sure are well-educated, aren't you?" adding "Honestly, I don't know when I converted - I fucked around with many, many men, so it could have been virtually anyone." I then gulped and asked him if it made fucking Grandma difficult, knowing he was out fucking unsafely with other men and then doing her. He just smiled back at me and answered "Not at all, Adam," giving me a sleazy leer. I was shocked, and in my mind, begin questioning the circumstances that led to my Grandma's death. She was sick rather suddenly and was sick for a long time before she died. My god. Did my Grandpa breed my Grandma? I slumped back against the wall and looked at my grandfather in a whole new light. Grandpa noticed the shocked expression on my face, and asked "You alright, Adam?" "Yes," I replied, adding "It's just that I can't help wondering if you infected Grandma." Grandpa laughed and replied "Maybe I did, but she's dead now, and besides, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, Adam." He then laughed and I couldn't help but, in some way, admire his confidence: infecting and bugging up others and not giving a shit what happened. Just looking out for himself. Grandpa then looked at me affectionately and complemented me, saying how wholesome I look, and adding that it had been a long time since he had seen such a hot, healthy boy in the hospice. I asked him how life was in the hospice, and he answered it was really good, that sometimes the guys had bareback orgies and occasionally a boy will come into the hospice, the grandson of one of the other men who stay here, and that he will suck off several men, as other men fuck his neg ass and poz him up. Grandpa mentioned that even Jerry and Trevor occasionally got in on the action. I replied "That's pretty hot shit, Grandpa, and I love bareback" and with that our conversation moved onto my experiences. I told Grandpa that, for many years, I had had fantasies of men barebacking my neg raw ass, but only after seeing some of the bareback sites on the 'net was I was finally able to express verbally what I wanted, that when I saw the pictures and stories on the 'net part of me would feel sick, but I would also feel a sexual flush: I'd sweat, retch and feel nauseous, but my cock would be bulging in my jocks and straining for a marathon jack-off session. Seeing he was turned-on by the thought, I continued, saying that sometimes during class I would excuse myself 'cause I found myself looking at my hairy teacher in mathematics, and found myself thinking about him creaming in my young hole. Fucking me up and dominating my body. Afterwards I'd walk around the campus and see some of the other students and think how hot it would be to take all their loads, and I'd start jacking, thinking about some older men with HIV, fucking their poz cocks into my hole and changing my status, pumping their seed deep into my body and converting me whether or not I wanted it. Grandpa replied my fantasies were hot, but he pushed me for specific experiences I had had. I returned his gaze, and blushed, saying that when it came to actual encounters with guys, my experiences were few, and that beyond sucking a few cocks, and having had a few guys come on my face and chest, that I hadn't any stories to offer. Grandpa laughed, saying "That's nonsense. Looking at you, it's clear you have many things to offer, and all you need is a guide, an instructor, if you will. Someone to coach you about sex." I returned his gaze and asked "Will you help me, Grandpa?" Again he laughed, replying "Of course, Adam, I'll help you, boy!" and with that he gave me a rather wicked leer, adding "And now it is time for your training to begin, Adam, so follow me out to the patio. There are a few people I want you to meet." Grandpa led out to the back were a group of older men were sunning themselves. Some wore jocks, while others were fully nude. I noticed one man smiling broadly at me. He was a black man who appeared to be in his 40s. While I couldn't help but stare at his emaciated body, I also couldn't help but stare at the bulging nine inch black snake hanging between his legs. It was massive and I could already feel my ass twitching. Following my gaze, Grandpa quietly remarked "That's Frank" and introduced me to the group. Although apparently some of the residents of the hospice had gone out on a day trip with Trevor, over a dozen men were present on the patio. All were very friendly, and all but one was old enough to be my father or... grandfather. The youngish guy was in his 20's, and I eventually learned he had the supervirus strain, and had been infected when he was 17. After he continued fucking around for a number of years, he found he was getting sicker by the day and hence, he was admitted to the hospice. I looked over the young guy and although wasting, he still had a prettyboy look about himself, even if his face and body were obviously being ravaged by the virus. He commented that if I wanted it, he could help me out, and his strain would help me get over being so nervous about HIV. I just smiled and replied, "Thanks, but no thanks." As we chatted, I noticed Frank looking on appreciatively as he slid his fingers over his enormously long and thick black cock, which had a glob of pre-cum oozing from the head. He smiled and winked at me. I quickly turn away, embarrassed by his blatant invitation. Grandpa looked on, laughed and suggested I make myself comfortable, adding that he needed to go out briefly, but that he'd be back soon. With that Grandpa asked his friends to look after me, and he left the patio. With Grandpa's departure, I felt a bit edgy, but the men were all very nice and accommodating. If fact, several of them were clearly sizing me up, and Frank continued stroking his ever-growing black cock while he looked intently at me. I couldn't take my eyes off of Frank, and not surprisingly kept imagining the different ways I might enjoy his cock. It was just so big and fat. I wanted to kneel there and tongue the fucking pre-cum off it, running my tongue up and down the gooey shaft and lapping at his balls and letting him push me around. Being a black man's toy. The idea appealed to me enormously, particularly given that I had had limited to so few actual encounters with men, and then, never an interracial encounter. And I knew Frank wanted to play with me: I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to fuck his big cock into me and give me his poz cum. Fuck, I bet he had pozzed hundreds, maybe thousands, in his lifetime. Given the appeal of big cock, he'd have no shortage of guys wanting to swing on it. These thoughts ran through my head and naturally I was horny, so I asked where the toilet was, and upon learning it's location, I took leave of the guys. I needed some relief fast: I needed both to piss and beat off. Hurrying to the toilet, I entered the stall and shut the door. Inside I found some fuckrags on the floor, as well as a half-empty bottle of poppers. I took a few deep hits of the poppers and enjoyed the sensation. Of course I had read about them off the 'net but prior to this visit to Grandpa's hospice, I had never tried them, as it had occurred to me the use of poppers is one of the reasons bareback sex is so rampant: guys get all fucked up on substances, lose their inhibitions and do what they really want. But then who gives a shit about analyzing this fuck when the hit takes hold and you get that rush and euphoric sensation coursing through your body? I sat on the toilet, stroking my cock, as I looked through the magazines, taking an occasional additional hit from the little brown bottle. Fuck I was so horny, and wished Grandpa was with me right then and there. I knew I could really use some cock. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I didn't reply, but continued beating off, but then there was another knock. "Occupied" I answered, adding "I'll just be a few minutes," but then the door opened and standing in the doorway was Frank, his cock hanging out, swaying back and forth, pre-cum drooling from the tip. "Oh, I think you'll be in here for some time, Adam" and with that he pushed himself into the toilet. I stared back dumbly at Frank and tried to gauge his smile. I told him I was a bit embarrassed, that I was just sitting there minding my own business, but Frank answered he was having none of that, that he could clearly see what I had been doing, that is, I had been beating my cock while looking to fuckrags, even as I was loaded up on poppers! I replied it wasn't a crime, but undeterred, Frank answered he wasn't accusing me, suggesting that I could use some company. I answered I didn't think that was such a good idea and he gave me an ultimatum: "Tell me that while you're high on poppers, boy!" I retorted I didn't have to do anything, but he replied that if I didn't comply with his orders, he would simply rape my ass and take what he wanted. I looked back at him and knew he meant business, so I did what he said. I unscrewed the lid of the brown bottle and took a deep sniff. "Ahhh that's it kid, take some deep snorts, you know you want to." I took three hits under each nostril and tried to remain steady on my feet as I looked back at Frank, but couldn't think of anything relevant to say. I just looked at him and felt saliva forming on my lips and tongue and realized I was beginning to drool. Frank just looked at me and instructed me to sit on the seat and to feed on his cock. I obeyed. Everything seemed to be moving simultaneously both quickly and slowly, that it wasn't really happening, that I wasn't sitting on a toilet seat and being stripped by a black man at an AIDS hospice and sucking his poz cock, sucking it for all I was worth, running my tongue and lips up and down his pole, and letting him fuck the head of his cock down my throat. God, the sensation was overwhelming. It was better than anything I'd read off the 'net, if only 'cause I wasn't imagining the experience, I was living it: I was having sex with a poz man! *** Frank continued fucking his cock in and out of my stretched mouth. My lips felt like they splitting open at the corners as I struggled to deep-throat the fucker. It went on steadily for some time till Frank announced he was going to fuck his entire nine inch cock down my throat, and he suggested I tell him when I was ready. I was psyched for the challenge but realized I needed more help, so I unscrewed the poppers again and took several sniffs under each nostril and then looked up and him and he asked me "Ready, boy?" I looked back at him and nodded, but he hit me in the face, grabbed a fist full of my hair and tells me to ordered me to tell him when I was fucking ready, not merely to just fucking nod! "I'm ready, Sir!" I grab the cock and put my mouth on it but Frank tells me to wait. That he wants to feed his Poz cock to me. So I sit on the seat beating my cock while looking up at him and he tells me to just put my lips on the end of it and to tell him when i'm ready. I feel a bit uncertain so sniff more poppers to help me loosen up and put my lips on the end of his cock as ordered and say with a mumbled voice "i'm ready" and wait for Frank to start. He simply looks back at me and states "you're a fucking hot pussyboy adam... and soon, you're going to be even hotter" i wonder what he means for a second or two and as the realization hits (along with the popper-induced effect) Frank begins thrusting his fat Poz black cock through my lips and struggle as it quickly fills my throat and i began gagging. "Loosen your throat boy. Pretend you're swallowing some water" i take his advice and slowly feel my throat relaxing to the ever-probing cock in my throat and am soon deep throating it like a pro. Sucking Poz cock like I have been doing it all my life. The sensations are incredible. I greedily thrust my lips back and forth on his Poz cock eager for his seed and soon have my lips, tongue and the rest of my face covered in pre-cum and saliva. Frank just smiles and continues fucking my face. ... after what seems an eternity, Frank tells me i'm ready and tells me to bend over. I don't object. I want cock in my ass now. I feel Frank kneeling behind me and pressing his tongue into my quivering hole and greasing me up with his spit. Feeling his tongue work its way over my hole and into my ass its too much and I feel like i'm gonna cum, but Frank sensing this, tells me to stop beating my cock and to just fuck my ass on his face and I do so. Fucking my neg boy asshole on his AIDS ridden gaunt-laden face. Wondering if he has sores on his tongue and is fucking them into my body? Frank stands back up and tells me to take a good snort of poppers as he's gonna fuck my hole good and I comply. Resistance is futile! And then it happens; I feel Frank pushing his Poz cock up into my ass and realize i'am now like one of the boys that that guy zach writes about on the net. The realization is overwhelming and I feel my cock stiffen further as i feel my ass swallowing up the long black cock thrusting ever upward into me. God I don't know what to think? Just a few days ago I was a normal teen sitting at home reading stories off the net and now here i'am living my own story and being fucked by a Poz cock – at an AIDS hospice. Talk about living fast! But somehow none of that really registers or matters to me now. All that matters is that Poz cock thrusting away in my ass and giving my body to Frank and as I feel him wrap his arms around me and pull me backward, I hear him say to me that he's gonna Poz me up. And just then as i hear the words I start to struggle. I don't want this man's load. I want my Grandpa's!!! He was the whole reason I came to the hospice in the first place. But now i'm a mess of confusion. God I don't know what to think. Does any of it really matter in the end? Do I care who Pozzes my neg hole? I just don't know... As I feel Frank thrusting his big black cock in me, a cock full of AIDS cum, i think of Grandpa and can't help but wish he was here right now fucking me. That was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice – to get bred by my Grandpa. Still, as I feel Frank rutting away in my hole and filling it with his splooge and getting ready to seed me I can't help deny that this feels fucking fantastic. I'm no longer just jacking my cock thinking about some guy pummeling my hole with his AIDS cock, its really happening! And it's so much better than anything than I could have imagined. Feeling my ass take his entire cock and feeling it thrust away inside my neg body. Knowing that he has the power to Poz me if he so decides. That is a very heady feeling. Knowing that my health lies in his hands. That at any moment he can make a life-altering decision for me and that which fucks me, could ultimately kill me. Make me die. Change me from a healthy neg teen into a diseased Pozzed-up cumwhore. "Oh fuck... " i feel Frank's cock thrust in deeper and as it does so, it slides against my prostate and my body is racked with pleasures, the likes I have never known. "Oh god... " I begin thrusting back harder on Frank's cock as I take another hit of poppers and tell him to fucking tear my hole up and shoot his Poz cum into me. I want it so bad. I've never wanted anything so bad... Frank slams his Poz cock in and out of my ass and tells me he's gonna charge my hole. Really fucking give it to me. That i'm just a pussyboy asking for it and with that I feel his cock get hotter in my ass. Maybe it was the poppers, maybe it was the sheer pleasure I was feeling, but I could have sworn that his cock felt hot in my ass just then. And then it happens. Frank's balls draw up and he tells me he is about to cum and then I feel like a loaded gun is going off inside my neg ass and i feel all warm inside and can feel his Poz cum shooting inside my body. Drenching my insides and coating my asswalls with his diseased load. "Oh fuck... " Frank holds onto me and slams his cock back and forth as more cum sprays out of his piss-slit into me. It's never-ending and my hole feels like its taken a bucket full of Poz cum deep inside. I just stand there gasping at the sheer pleasure. Defeated, and wanting more. And then I think of Grandpa. I had thought he would be the first man to fuck his Poz cock into me. But he wasn't. It was this slimy diseased black fucker Frank and his thick gooey AIDS-laden cock. A black man tearing up a white boy's ass. He was the one. God... Frank squeezes the last of his AIDS cum into my neg ass and slowly slides his thick cock out of my ass; telling me that I was a hot fuck and that any time I want some more of that, to just come to his room. I don't reply. In fact, I feel like nothing is really registering. I realize that i'm in shock. I then hear the door close behind Frank and knowing i'am alone, crumple to the floor. It then all finally hits. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Been fucked. Raped. I didn't even ask for it. And yet, I didn't really put up much of a struggle did i? The poppers clouded my judgment and now I have a Poz load saturating my insides like all those boys zach writes about. But this is real. It's not some story i've read on the net. This is my life and its really happening. So I just sit there on the toilet for several minutes collecting my thoughts and then, standing up, notice the pain in my ass. God, its hurts. Frank's cock was so big. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my first time would be that brutal and would be with someone like him. But it was, and now I have to deal with it. I grab some toilet paper and wipe my ass; noticing the sheets of paper are coated with cum and streaked with blood. Shit. My hole is torn. Still, it doesn't really matter I guess. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Poz cum. Does it really matter if there is blood? I suppose not. As I stand there wiping my crack, I decide this is all too much to deal with and after pulling back on my clothes, go back to my Grandpa's room and lie on the bed thinking about what just happened. Maybe all of this is my fault? After all, I was attracted to Frank. Hell, when I saw him out on the patio stroking that big black cock of his, I was spellbound. I'd never seen something so enticing in person before... and that's why I needed to beat off in the toilet so bad. So, why am I upset? I should be happy! Frank obviously liked me as well. That's why he pushed his way into the toilet and fucked my mouth and ass. Made me his. I guess the real problem is that i'm having trouble coping with the fact i've just taken Poz cum and my mind is trying to sort through everything i'am feeling. It's all rushing at me and little of it is making sense. But then, maybe it's not meant to? Maybe this is that primal desire zach writes about so much. Giving into what your body really craves, regardless of what your mind might be telling you. God, I wish he was here so I could talk about the encounter with him. Tell him what i'm experiencing and thinking. I'm sure he'd understand and have some comforting words to say to me. But i'm alone. And there's nobody to talk to. Not even my Grandpa. So I sit here alone thinking about what just happened and as I do, something strange happens. My cock, which has been oozing pre-cum all over my shaft and balls, gets hard again. Obviously, my body likes what happened, even if my mind is still playing catch up. And then it dawns on me. I just had a black man fuck his Poz cock deep in my ass and shoot his diseased cum in me. Fuck. Why the hell am I upset? This was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice in the first place. To get Pozzed. Okay, so my Grandpa wasn't the one who fucked me but then who cares! I have Poz cum in my ass. That's all that really matters. As I think about Frank fucking his big cock into me, I strip down and bending over, work a finger into the cum oozing from my ass and wipe the slime over my full lips, licking the cum off it. It tastes so good. Poz cum. And then it dawns on me, I want some more. More Poz cum in my ass and almost involuntarily I pull my asslips apart and moan. I think about Frank fucking his big cock into my ass again and take a deep sniff of poppers, making sure to get the fumes under each nostril and inhaling several times. "Oh fuck... " i'm so lost in desire that I don't notice the door opening and before I can react, hear my Grandpa's voice. "Adam? What are you doing boy... ?" "Oh my god! Grandpa!" I quickly right myself and Grandpa just stands there watching as I pull my shorts back on. I make up some excuse about being horny but he's having done of that. He tells me he saw cum oozing from my ass. "I've seeded enough holes in my lifetime Adam to know when someone has been fucked. And you my boy, have been fucked!" Grandpa looks back down at me inquisitively but demanding and so I tell him. I tell him how Frank fucked his Poz cock into me and how much it hurt but how much I loved it at the same time. Grandpa, at first, wants to go have a ‘word' to Frank but I tell him no; that would only create a scene, and besides I enjoyed it. Grandpa puts his arm around me and pulls me close. "But Frank's Poz Adam. You realize what that means don't you?" I tell him yes, I do. But that it doesn't bother me. Deciding the moment is finally right, I tell my Grandpa that the only thing I regret about the encounter is that he wasn't the first. I look back at my grandfather and ask him "will you fuck me now?" And he stares back full of lust, and tells me yes. "Drop those shorts boy and assume the position. Its time for Grandpa to fuck you boy" yep u guessed it. "That's it Adam. Spread your ass cheeks for me" i pulled my asscheeks as far apart as possible and bent right down on the bed. My ass high in the air behind me. I felt Grandpa's fingers prying at my hole and him pushing two of them in me and then lapping at the juices on them as he pulled them out. "Mmmm. Frank always does cum a lot" I heard him moan in pleasure before he did something most unexpected... "Grandpa? Wha? What are you doing? Ahhhhh. Oh god... " my Grandpa had buried his face in my hole and was licking out my ass. Sucking around my hole and licking and sucking on Frank's load which was still oozing out of my hole like some bubbly foam. It felt so good. I'd never been rimmed in my life before and never expected my Grandpa would be my first. It felt wonderful. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life eating out his young grandson's ass and working his diseased sore ridden tongue back and forth in the young boy. He loved the taste of cum and though he was a bit mad that Frank had fucked the boy, he had definitely done a good job. Ripping his grandson's ass right up and fucking it with his AIDS load. Grandpa was hoping he would have been the first but he knew when he had left and saw the hungry look in Frank's eyes, that it would have only been a matter of time before Frank pounced and lunged his lethal cock in the boy. And besides, as Grandpa knew only too well, good-looking boys like his grandson Adam were meant to be fucked. That's all that mattered. They should be fucked hard ... and often. And Adam would be fucked a lot in his lifetime. Just looking over his grandson's beautiful body that much was obvious. Grandpa was a randy AIDS fucker and loved eating out the young hole before him but he wanted to do more than just eat the ass. He wanted to fuck it and fuck it hard. He may not have been the first but he wanted his grandson to remember this experience. Given the 1000's that would no doubt follow, that would not be an easy task to be sure, but he was damned if he would give it his best. And besides, Grandpa had fucked many boys like just his grandson in his lifetime. It was one of the reasons he had been so active and notoriously active in fucking young boys up. He had often fantasized about his grandson as Adam visited him over the years and lost count of the loads he had blown in the shower or down the toilet while thinking about ripping those tight blue jeans down and fucking his grandson in the ass. Fucking him with his AIDS cock and making the boy a cumdrenched teenage fuckslut. That's why the revelation from Adam that he had wanted to be fucked by him and Pozzed had been such a wonderful surprise. So Grandpa got some lube from a drawer, and coated his large slimy cock which was sticking out from his groin like an obscene weapon of mass destruction, and pushed it hard into the boy and told Adam that he was gonna fuck his hole up good and proper. Really fuck him hard. He heard Adam cry out and knew it was hurting the boy, especially after the pounding Frank had given him, but he didn't relent. He lunged at the hole and fucked his big cock back and forth in his grandson's ass and told Adam to take several hits of poppers to lesson the pain. "It'll let you take more without hurting you. The pain will turn into pleasure" Adam knew he was right. He was surprised at how effective these fucking little bottles of fucklust were. They were able to be absorbed into the body and make even the most painful experiences pleasurable. They gave rise to the body's natural fucklust and enabled the person to erode their inhibitions. And they felt so good... Adam took several hits from the bottle under each nostril and waited a few seconds for the effect to take hit. Three, two, one... Bingo. "Fuck me Grandpa. Fuck me! Yesssssss... Tear my hole up! Fuck me with your big cock. I want it so bad... " Adam gripped the bedsheets and thrust back at his Grandpa like a diseased whore in a brothel. Which he was in many ways. Getting assfucked by these AIDS ridden fuckers. He wanted all of them. As he fucked his ass back onto the big AIDS cock in his hole, that was tearing up inside his young body, he thought about all the other men in the hospice and how much he wanted them all to fuck his ass. To fuck him with their diseased cocks and fucking spooge all of his holes with their AIDS cum. He wanted it all. It felt so good having my Grandpa's cock finally in my ass. I loved each thrust as I felt the old man fuck his cock deeper into my hole. Every inch of his lethal cock was embedded in my ass and I moaned and snorted poppers like the young whore I was. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life. He loved how tight Adam's asshole was. Even Frank's big cock tearing it up and spooging it full of cum hadn't loosened it much. Grandpa liked tight holes. Problem was that good looking boys often lost that as they got fucked repeatedly. Sure enough, Adam, would be just like them. Grandpa knew as much. Adam would be like those boys he had fucked at the clubs and parks over the years with a hole that hung permanently open from repeated fucking but then that was the life of a good looking boy – to get fucked and be of service to anyone that wanted to use them. The sooner Adam learnt that, the better off he would be. Adam thrust his ass back on to his grandfather's cock and moaned as Grandpa gripped his waist and sunk all of his inches deep into his young grandson's hole; savoring every moment. Especially as he had jacked thinking of doing something like this so many times over the years. Now it was a reality. Grandpa fucked the boy in many different positions; he had his grandson lay down on the bed, fucked him doggie-style and got the boy to bend over while standing up. But for the climax he wanted to see his grandson's eyes so he fucked him legs up as his sweaty young grandson lay back on the bed and threw his legs apart and over his grandfather's shoulders. "Oooooohhhhhhh" Adam moaned. "Don't stop cause i'm halfway there Grandpa. This feels ahhhh, sooooooooooo goooooddddd" Grandpa thrust his big cock back and forth in the hole and loved how Frank's Poz load stuck to his cock as he thrust it along the abused asslips. He looked down with a lust he hadn't felt in some time and told Adam how much he loved him and how hot his hole was. Adam just grinned and said to fuck him harder and thrust his ass back onto the cock, embedding it all in his torn ass. That's when it happened. Grandpa felt his balls draw up and as Adam arched his head back Grandpa unloaded in his grandson's willing ass. Drenching it with another load of AIDS cum. He felt his cock spasm wildly and cum shoot out of the tip; saturating his grandson's cum-filled hole. It felt so good. Adam meanwhile was jacking like crazy and wanted to cum badly. He really wanted to shoot his fucking load over his stomach but Grandpa sensing the boy's urgency told him to hold off doing that. That he had a better idea where to shoot the load and bent over for the boy. "Fuck me boy. Fuck your Grandpa" Adam lost in lust didn't even think about it. He just used some of the cum dripping out of his ass, lubed his stiff teenage cock and lunged towards his Grandpa's hairy asshole and fucked his neg cock into the AIDS body. It was a feeling unlike any other. He was now a top fucking an AIDS man. It was incredible. Grandpa moaned as he felt Adam fucking his cock into his hairy ass and knew it wouldn't take long for the boy to cum but he wanted the load to go somewhere where it would become part of him. Adam felt his balls draw up and with a strangled cry, yelled out and unloaded his neg cum into his Grandpa's ass. It was a cum unlike any other. It was the best fuck of his life. Fucking with his Grandpa had been an awesome experience and as the two lay there together sweating and panting, he knew it was only the beginning. That they would share many other incredible adventures together. A new life had been formed.
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  8. Recently it seemed every patient has having a hernia repair. The men come out in scrotal support which is just a flimsy jock strap. As the latest guy woke up from the anesthesia he wanted to see the dressing so I pulled up his gown and showed him, making sure to run my hands around his abdomen and around his crotch asking if it was tender or hurt. Later he asked if I could remove the support because it was near his dressing and was bothering him. After removing it he laid back spread his legs and relaxed. I stepped away to get him something to drink and when I returned he had kicked off the covers his hands were under his gown slowly moving. I teased him saying "It looks like you have your hands full." He just grinned and continued jacking. Anesthesia and pain medication make people relax and do all kinds of things. As I leaned over to check his dressing, his free hand brushed over my cock. He did it a few times and then he saw I was not going to object, he took a firmer hold of my cock, which was still in my scrub pants, so I reached down, unzipped and pulled my cock out. We jacked each other for a minute or so, and then he slid down a bit, leaned over, and took my cock into his mouth. After a few minutes he looked up at me and whispered, “My boyfriend would love to get his hands on this!” I bent over and licked the head of his cock and sucked him all the way down. He relaxed his legs and my fingers searched out his hole. I slowly wet a finger and pushed it inside him. I found his prostate and worked it as I sucked him. Within a short amount of time he shot a nice load in my mouth. Later as he was getting ready for discharge, his boyfriend was helping him get dressed in the bathroom. I knocked, asking if they needed any help. Upon opening the door, I found my patient was sucking his boyfriend's cock. I smiled and they motioned me in. I stood behind the boyfriend and rubbed his ass while he reach back to massage my cock through my scrub pants. The patient looked at me and said "Fuck him." I got on my knees and rimmed his ass then stood up and sunk my cock into his boyfriend's hole. Knowing we did not have much time, I could only give him a quick, hard pump and dump, fucking my load into his ass. When I was finished he pulled off, turned around, and sucked my cock clean. I bent to kiss the patient who had a load of his boyfriend's cum in his mouth which he shared with me. The whole thing did not take long, but fuck was it hot. I have gotten together with them a few more times for longer sessions but none comes close to fucking at work.
    1 point
  9. Had two interesting patients recently, one was 76 and the other was 22 and they were both poz. The younger guy woke up hurting and after some pain medication he calmed down but decided he needed to be naked and uncovered—not that I was complaining. For his procedure they had to shave his stomach and into his pubic area and he kept rubbing himself saying how smooth it was and how great it felt. He said his cock looked so much bigger without the hair. I watched as he rubbed, pulled, and caressed his body. It was hot. The medication made him chatty and I asked about him being poz and he told me he loved to fuck and knew he was going to get it eventually so he searched it out. Told me he would take any cock and load and that he liked to fuck too. As he was talking I rubbed his leg and worked my way down between them and up to his balls and then down to his hole and eased my finger into him. He just spread his legs and reached over for my cock. He asked if I would ever fuck a poz guy and I said of course. As I added another finger to stretch his hole I bent over and licked the drop of precum at the head of his cock. He grabbed my head and pushed it down on his cock and shot a huge load of that poz cum in me. I pulled off and he apologized but said that was just what he needed and he fell asleep. Later when he woke up he acted as if it never happened and was sent on his way. The 76 year old was a nice man who had a minor procedure and very flirty. As I looked at his dressing I saw his cock which was long and hanging between his legs. As I felt his abdomen we kept talking and even after I was finished I kept my hands there right above his cock. He reached down grabbing his cock and said this thing has gotten me into all kinds of trouble but no one wants anything to do with it anymore. He said being old was bad enough but you add poz to it and no one wanted him anymore. I rubbed his cock and said they are foolish. I squeezed and pulled his cock softly and he said it had been so long since anyone touched him like that. I kept at it as we talked and he got harder though it took some work. He had a really big head and I rubbed around it saying I bet that really stretched some hole and he just laughed and said you have no idea. He said you don’t have to do that and I said I want to that I liked feeling him in my hand and would love to feel him in my mouth. He said I won’t tell if you won’t and I leaned over and licked that huge head and worked that cock into my mouth and throat. His hands found their way to my head and he slowly guided my mouth. He pulled me off and stroked for me saying he was getting close I whispered in his ear that I wanted that load and he said are you sure and I just went back to sucking him and soon he shot in my mouth. Afterward he was nice and kept saying how grateful he was for taking such good care of him. Two patients, two loads of poz cum. One older one younger but both very hot.
    1 point
  10. Recently it seemed every patient has having a hernia repair. The men come out in scrotal support which is just a flimsy jock strap. As the latest guy woke up from the anesthesia he wanted to see the dressing so I pulled up his gown and showed him making sure to run my hands around his abdomen and around his crotch asking if it was tender or hurt. Later he asked if I could remove the support because it was near his dressing and was bothering him. After removing it he laid back spread his legs and relaxed. I stepped away to get him something to drink and when I returned he had kicked off the covers his hands were under his gown slowly moving. I teased him saying it looks like he has his hands full and he just grinned and continued jacking. Anesthesia and pain medication make people relax and do all kinds of things. As I leaned over to check his dressing his free hand brushed over my cock. He did it a few times and then we he saw I was not going to stop him he took a firmer hold of my cock in my scrub pants. I reached down unzipped and pulled my cock out. We were jacking each other and he slid down a bit and leaned over sliding my cock into his mouth. After a few minutes he looked up at me and whispered, “my boyfriend would love to get his hands on that”. I bent over and licked the head of his cock and sucked him. He relaxed his legs and my fingers searched out his hole. I slowly wet a finger and pushed it inside him. I found his prostate and worked it as I sucked him and it was not long before he shot a nice load in my mouth. Later as he was getting ready for discharge his bf was helping him get dressed in the bathroom. I knocked and asked if they needed any help and when I stuck my head in the patient was sucking his boyfriends cock. I smiled and they motioned me in. I stood behind the bf and rubbed his ass while he reach back to massage my cock in my scrub pants. The patient looked at me and said fuck him. I got on my knees and rimmed his ass then stood up and sunk my cock into his bf’s hole. Knowing we did not have much time it was nothing but a quick hard pump and dump. I fucked my load into him and when I was finished he pulled off, turned around, and sucked my cock clean. I bent to kiss the patient who had a load of his bf’s cum in his mouth that he shared with me. The whole thing did not take long but fuck was it hot. I have gotten together with them a few more times for longer sessions but none comes close to fucking at work.
    1 point
  11. I had two interesting patients recently, one of whom was 76 and the other 22. Both were both poz. The younger guy woke up hurting and after some pain medication he calmed down but decided he needed to be naked and uncovered - not that I was complaining. For his procedure they had had to shave his stomach and into his pubic area and he kept rubbing himself saying how smooth it was and how great it felt. He also remarked he thought his cock looked so much bigger without the hair. I watched as he rubbed, pulled, and caressed his body. It was hot. The medication made him chatty and I asked about him being poz and he told me he loved to fuck and knew he was going to get it eventually so he searched it out, adding that he would take any cock and load and that he also liked to fuck. As he was talking I rubbed his leg and worked my way down between them and up to his balls and then down to his hole and eased my finger into him. He just spread his legs and reached over for my cock. He asked if I would ever fuck a poz guy. "Of course," I replied. Then I added another finger to stretch his hole, and without hesitation bent over and licked the drop of precum at the head of his cock. He grabbed my head and pushed it down on his cock and shot a huge load of that poz cum into my mouth. I pulled off and he apologized, adding that he had really needed to cum, and with that he fell asleep. Later when he woke up he acted as if it never happened and was released from the hospital The 76 year old was a nice man who had a minor procedure and very flirty. As I looked at his dressing I saw his cock which was long and hanging between his legs. As I felt his abdomen we kept talking and even after I was finished I kept my hands there right above his cock. He reached down grabbing his cock and said "This thing has gotten me into all kinds of trouble but no one wants anything to do with it anymore," adding that being old was bad enough but being poz meant no one wanted to play with him anymore. I rubbed his cock and said "Men can be such fools." And, as I softly squeezed and stroked his cock, he quietly remarked "It's been so long since anyone has touched me like that." I kept at it as we talked and he got harder though it took some work. He had a really big head and I rubbed around it saying "I bet you really stretched some hole." "You have no idea" he remarked with a laugh, adding "You don’t have to do that." I replied "I like feeling your cock in my hand and would love to feel you in my mouth." "I won’t tell if you won’t" he responded, so I leaned over and licked that huge head and worked that cock into my mouth and throat. His hands found their way to my head and he slowly guided my mouth. He pulled me off and stroked for me murmuring "I'm getting close." I whispered "I want your load." "Are you sure?" I just went back to sucking him and soon he shot into my mouth. Afterward he was nice and kept saying how grateful he was for taking such good care of him. Two patients, two loads of poz cum. One older one younger but both very hot.
    1 point
  12. excellent and hot
    1 point
  13. I've had many guys on BBRT contact me and when I check their profile it says they are Neg. Since my preference is to play with other Poz Tops, I politely decline the Neg guys. Many times, the Neg guy then replies that he is actually Poz and gives me an excuse, like he didn't change his profile status after he became Poz. Lately, I've had Neg Tops tell me they are on PrEP so they are comfortable BBing a poz bottom. While you shouldn't trust a complete stranger 100%, I've also met a lot of great guys through BBRT and other sites. Always ask questions if you're not sure about something. If I ask a guy questions and I feel he is being evasive, I move on. There are plenty of guys out there to have fun with. And if I agree to meet someone, it doesn't mean I have to be his bottom if he or I don't feel comfortable or have chemistry.
    1 point
  14. Even though he's definitely an evil queer pig, this guy is so fucking polite that he deserves everything he can get. Thanks for the great story!
    1 point
  15. hot .. please make them slam meth now .. nasty drug running through veins of all five men n the pig.
    1 point
  16. You provide excellent followup care.
    1 point
  17. bred this guy off grinder i been after... 25 tight body.. athletic little slut.... had two loads in him.... finally our schedules clicked and i went and used his amazing ass and blew a huge nut up him... pulled out... and left... didnt even clean off.... when i walked in i ate his hole a bit, i spread his cheeks and cum oozed out.... it tasted so good!!!! my dick is hard and leeky again thinking about it! hes neg on prep..... loves to take loads.. hoping to breed him at the bookstore!
    1 point
  18. yesterday wanted to fuck badly. so I posted an announcement on a dating site. a huge muscled guy replied and after exchanging some pics I invited him to my place. when he arrived I discovered that he was older than 35 like he had mentioned previously. he was 47, but still perfectly shaped buffalo. pure muscles. he is a married bodybuilder and a fitness trainer. it was so amazing to be in his strong hands. he fucked me gently and then came all over my butthole. you can check my latest uploaded pictures to see the result
    1 point
  19. I'm making sure he's feeling incredible.. However... I'm not about being used. I'm not just a hole to get someone off with. I want pleasure as well. I'm just as much of a human being as he is. I deserve to feel pleasure also. That said, I derive pleasure from pleasing the top. So..... If I make him feel good, the chances are I'm going to feel good. Oh... And I want his load. Take as long as you want.. Just leave me with your load in me.
    1 point
  20. Win the lottery and do a road trip across the US and then Europe. Taking loads in a different city every night.
    1 point
  21. Be my guest....I love that!
    1 point
  22. love the story.. cant wait for all five men to slam n breed the pig ..!!
    1 point
  23. Well it starts up there at the top of the thread and then ends for now at to be continued...
    1 point
  24. My head was spinning. So much was happening, so fast. I discovered this gorgeous guy following me, and admit to considering how hot it would be to fuck him. But that happens all the time, and I just add it to my fantasy bank. But then he tells me he’s actually a PI and has been following me, and he knows all about the stuff I thought was so secret? And he could ruin my relationship with the man I love and have been with for over 5 years. World crashing down around me, and now he’s flipping it again and saying if I actually live out my fantasy with a hot stud like him, I can also save my relationship? “It’s really not much of a choice, is it Joey? Why don’t we go back to your place?” I looked him up and down one more time. I hadn’t realized just how hot he was when I first saw him. He really fills out his jeans, and looks like he’s packing a huge bulge. He must be 6’3 and weigh 220. Nice and beefy. My cock jumped at the thought of being with him, and I realized that going along with this was my only chance of keeping my boyfriend. So I picked up my gym bag and said, “Let’s go.” My boyfriend was away for the weekend, which he must have known. When we got to my place, as soon as my gym bag hit the floor, he pinned me against the wall and brought his face close to mine. He looked in my eyes and said, “Kiss me, Joey. Kiss your first new mouth in 5 years.” And I did. I brought my lips to his, parted them, and shoved my tongue in his throat. I had wanted to do this for so long, to connect with a new man, and here was my opportunity. I wasn’t going to waste it. I felt his hand on the back of my head, holding me close, and then I felt pressure on it, guiding me down to his neck. I slurped on his scruffy neck and then kissed down over his chest and abs through his shirt as he kept pushing me down, down. I finally reached his bulge, and felt his huge cock throbbing through his jeans against my cheek. “You feel that, Joey? That’s my desire for you. That’s the hard cock of another man, a cock that needs attention.” I undid his fly and hauled out his enormous dong. It had to be 9 inches, far bigger than my boyfriend’s 6.5. My eyes bugged out, no doubt, but my mouth watered at the sight. He said, “Go ahead. Taste your first new cock in 5 years.” I touched my tongue to the head, and quickly lost myself in the sensation of doing what I had been fantasizing about for months. I squeezed his shaft, tugged on his balls, tasted his sweet precum. I gave the best blowjob I’d given since the early days of my relationship. I wanted to swallow him whole. I went down as far as I could until I started choking, and then I felt his hand push me farther. I’d never deep throated anything that big, but in that moment I pushed past my limits and found my lips and nose nuzzled in his bush, his cock oozing into my throat. When I pulled off, his dick was coated in mucous, and my eyes were streaming tears. I was a mess, but I had just swallowed the biggest cock ever, and I knew I wanted more. And so did he. He helped me stand and said, “Take me to your bedroom, Joey.” I grabbed his hand as he stepped out of his jeans, grabbed them, and I led him down the hall to the room that Jake and I share. I hesitated only briefly before opening the door and leading him in. We both took in the surroundings - so familiar and home to me, and so clearly a room full of memories and a shared life that he was witnessing. He saw the pictures on our walls and dressers and bedside tables, the souvenirs from our travels, and he saw the bed that we sleep in together every night. Somehow he knew just where to go, and he walked to my boyfriend’s side of the bed and laid down. I stripped out of my clothes, giving him a little show as he lay where my boyfriend lays, stroking his cock as he watched me get naked. As I approached the bed, he pointed to his jeans on the floor and told me to grab what’s in the front pocket. I fumbled a bit to find it, and then pulled out a condom.My heart sank a little, but knowing this was the right choice given what I was doing, I smiled and brought it to him, “Joey, I’m going to fuck you right here in your bed. I’m going to lay where your boyfriend lays, and you’re going to sit on my dick, you’re going to take another man’s cock inside you right here. I know it’s what you’ve wanted, what you’ve dreamt of every time you and Jake have sex. I’ve read your online postings, I know the scenario you have played out a thousand times, and we’re going to do it for real. Here. Now.” With that, he grabbed the rubber and tore it open, deftly sliding it onto his throbbing cock. I straddled him and stroked him, feeling how hard and ready he was to penetrate me. As I felt his head find my hole, I looked over at the full length mirror next to the bed - the mirror in which I had watched my boyfriend and I have sex so many times - and I saw myself poised to be fucked. And I saw him, this hunk of a man laying in my boyfriend’s spot, preparing to fulfill my every fantasy. So gorgeous, so new, awakening synapses in my body I’d forgotten could fire - the excitement of the first time all over again. I bore down as I turned to look at him. I saw the lust in his eyes, as he no doubt saw in mine. I watched his expression as his head pushed into me, popping inside my tight hole. It had been years since I’d had anything close to this big inside me - I never had, actually, but Jake’s is so much smaller. It hurt, but I took my time, breathing, running my hands over his chest through his shirt - I was so focused on his cock I’d forgotten to help him get completely naked. I concentrated on opening myself to him, on the way it felt to allow a new man into my hole. I tried not to think about how many times I had done this very thing with Jake, in this very spot. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but at the same time I knew it was what I wanted, what I needed in that moment. And this man was just about as perfect for the job as anyone I'd ever fantasized about. He understood my need, it felt like he truly knew me, maybe even better than I knew myself. I continued to take him deeper, feeling more full inside than I ever had before. Physically, he was hitting places that had never been touched before, and there was an added element of fulfillment too - finally giving in to the desires I had held so close for so long. Before long, I could feel his bush against my ass and I knew one final push and he would be balls deep. I smiled down at him, and I pushed down against his enormous cock and felt his final inch enter me. I had done it - I had taken the biggest cock I'd ever attempted to take. And it felt amazing. Then he started to fuck me. And oh, was he a good fuck. I had thought the sex with Jake was connected, bonding, emotional. But there was something about what I was doing that took things to a very different place, somewhere I wasn't sure I was ready to go. But he took me there with his thrusts. I'd never felt like I needed a cock inside me the way I felt like I needed his. When he would pull out, all I wanted was to feel it inside me deep again. And that's when he said, "Joey.. I gained access to more of your online life than what Jake knows about. It's my job to investigate and discover truths. And I know from your tumblr account about some of the other things that you fantasize about."
    1 point
  25. 5. I laid back and with my legs still in the air, slid a finger into my loose cum-slick hole. The thought of two more guys coming into fuck me had my hole twitching. My cock was still hard, but I honestly could have cared less the finger in my hole was giving me more pleasure then my cock had ever given me. “Ryan’s brother yeah,” I heard Tommy say. “You’re kidding,” one said. “Seriously, I just fucked him,” Tommy said, “Go see for yourself, I told him to stay there and wait for you two.” Eager to please my next two tops I slid another finger inside my hole and started to work at myself harder, eliciting a little moan from myself. The door opened and Liam stood shirtless in the pants he had had on last night. “Fuck, Ryan didn’t tell us his stepbrother was a cumdump.” “He wasn’t,” said Tommy coming up leading Liam’s also shirtless boyfriend Ross, still naked and a little hard, “Simon pumped a load into him last night when he was drunk. Flipped a switch inside his hole, and triggered his cum lust. You wanna get fucked again?” “Hell yes, lets go boys,” I pulled my cheeks apart showing off my cum dripping from my hole. “Think you can handle two cocks noob?” Ross asked in a thick Scottish accent. “Won’t know unless we try,” Liam added. The two Scots looked at each other and at the same time undid their pants, neither one of them was wearing underwear. If I didn’t know better I would have thought that they were brothers, both tall and dark haired with pale skin. Their broad chests both thickly haired, their abs insanely defined with broad treasure trails leading to dense pubes and thick swinging cocks. “On all fours at the bottom of the bed,” Liam demanded, his bossiness turned me on even more. I flipped onto my hands and knees and got at the bottom of the bed as the boyfriends lay down next to each other in front of me. “Well, put that pretty mouth to work and get us hard.” “Well you seem to be in good hands, have dun boys,” Tommy said and left the room, leaving the door open. I dove onto Liam’s uncut cock, swallowing as much as I could of the quickly hardening shaft as I jerked off Ross. Liam put his hands on the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. It didn’t take long for Liam to get hard in my mouth, and Ross’s cock steadily fattening as I furiously pumped his cock. “Ride my cock while you give Ross a chance at that great mouth,” Liam said pushing me off. Liam slid down so that I could squat over his cock and bend over to suck Ross’s cock still. He and I groaned together as his dick slipped into my hole. He was not as thick as Tommy but he was longer and he pressed against that second hole I had felt Ryan knocking against. “Fuck you’re hole is even hotter the Tommy’s when it’s full of cum,” Liam said as I swallowed Ross to the base his thick pubes against my face. I rode Liam’s cock as he fucked up into me, still sucking Ross’s cock. Ross’s cock kept growing in my mouth and soon was far to long for me to keep the entire thing inside my mouth. “Think you can handle two cocks in that hole of yours?” Ross said running his hands along my back to where Liam’s cock was slipping in and out of my hole. I sat up, dropping myself all the way down on Liam’s cock, he suddenly burst past that second sphincter I had been feeling before and I gasped as I said, “Try it and lets find out.” “Lean forward then,” Liam said, and pulled me close to him, my sweaty chest pressed to his. Ross jumped up and got behind me, quickly pressing his cock against my already filled hole. For a long moment it felt like he would never be able to work his cock inside of me, then for another long second felt like I was being torn in two, and then at last Ross’s cock slid in next to Liam’s till his cock sank past my second sphincter. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” I kept repeating trying to get used to the feeling of both of them inside of me. “Shit you got tight fast,” Liam laughed a little breathing quickly. Ross was the first to start moving, slowly rocking his cock in and out of my hole rubbing against Liam’s cock as he did. I had thought that one cock in my hole was an astounding feeling but the two boyfriends pumping in and out of me at different speeds was a whole new experience. “He’s busy with Liam and Ross,” I head Tommy say in the other room, “But you can fuck me. I haven’t gotten a load from you in forever Ryan.” “Then bend the fuck over,” my stepbrother answered. A few minutes later the hard breathing and desperate grunts from Liam, Ross and I were joined by Tommy’s whimpers and Ryan’s moans. “Does the sound of your stepbrother breeding that hot twink’s hole turn you on,” Ross whispered in my ear. “Yes.” “How do those two big cocks feel in your hole?” “Amazing?” “Yeah?” “God yes.” “Then get ready for a real pounding.” Liam grabbed my hips and pulled me forward giving himself more leverage as Ross started to pull his cock out completely and slam it back into in one quick rough movement. I was practically screaming with pleasure now, begging them to use my hole, to wreck me, to shoot their loads into me. They fucked me harder and harder, both of them quickly becoming covered in sweat. “Oh fuck I’m going to cum,” Liam groaned, “You want my POZ load added to that messy hole?” “Shoot your load in me,” I begged. “Breed his hole, babe, lube up my cock,” Ross said goading Liam on. Liam grunted, and thrust deep into me, his cock head, along with Ross’s well past my second hole firing his load deep into my guts all over his boyfriends cock. This was too much for Ross who after a few more pumps bottomed out in my hole and launched his load in next to Liam’s. My body shook with the force of their loads and I felt my own cock begin to throb as I came without touching myself at all. Ross slowly pulled out of me and Liam’s now flaccid cock flopped out with it. I rolled off of Ross and as the pair left the room kissing felt myself passing out completely over whelmed with what had happened over the past twelve hours. It was several hours later that I woke up and rolled out of my bed. Cum dripped out of my swollen, gaping hole as I pulled my briefs up and stood to crack my back. It’s funny, I thought as I felt the backside of my briefs become damp with sperm, three weeks ago I never would have thought to let a man cum inside me, and now, I couldn’t get enough. I slid my hand down the backside of my briefs and felt my wet hole. The sounds of the others came through the closed door clearly; there were still plenty of me out there. I can go just a few more rounds, I thought, and kicked off my slightly damp underwear. In the main room I found Tommy bent over the couch with Liam’s cock deep in his furry twink hole, Ross was riding Ryan’s cock, and just as I stepped out the front door opened and Simon walked back in with a broad smile. “So from what I’ve been hearing all day you’ve turned into quite the cumdump,” he called over to me. “Ready for another, make sure it takes?” He grabbed his cock through his track pants and I nodded. This is where I end the story. If someone else wants to take over Justin’s journey from here feel free.
    1 point
  26. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=vCP0V-G492-#.U_w1JHkcTIU Blindfolded, Tied Down, & Bred - A Triple Breeding 3 hot hung buds of mine breeding me blindfolded and strapped down legs wide. They all came deep in my ass, just the way I like it. If you like the video please rate, comment, favorite and feature! Thanks!
    1 point
  27. I agree with the Sling lizard comment and the "Standers". Last time I was at Slammers in FTL there were 3 or 4 bottoms taking the fuck bench in the small dark room. The place was packed but all the tops already had checked out the tired ole pieces that were ass up all night. By the time I got a chance to squeeze in the middle, the room was full of tops who were not fucking. No one could get behind me to fuck. It was annoying as hell. The three of us bottoms looked like we were on our knees praying for cock. Finally I did something I have never done. I raised up and said in my most authoritative voice "Step up or step aside, I didn't come here to pray". It worked. I mean I emptied the room. lol. I decided after that that maybe I was too tired, or whatever and better go home.
    1 point
  28. i was fucked by a homeless guy once, in a park where i had met some random guy from craigslist who wanted to pound my hole in public, it was night time & i was so caught up in enjoying the dick i was riding i didnt notice to guy walk up on us. he asked if wanted to take another dick & the guy fucking me then told him my cunt was all his after he finished. a few minutes later he was busting his nut inside me & as soon as he pulled out of my hole the homeless guy shoved his bare dick inside me, he smelled pretty bad but i was so turned on by the situation i just let him fuck my ass too. he ended up only lasted a few minutes but he was jackhammering into my cunt hard & fast & combined with how much of a slut i felt like, i ended up cumming myself from just his dick pounding my ass... always wanted to do it again ever since, the sheer sluttiness of letting a homeless man breed my ass turns me on so much...
    1 point
  29. Just got back from a porno shop a couple miles down the street, spent two hours in a booth, naked with my ass back up to a glory hole and the booth door open so other men could come in & fuck my face. I ended up taking 7 loads in my cunt & swallowing 5 more (although two came from the same guy) before I left. Most of the men who used me were older daddies, but I slurped on a hot younger guys dick half way through, he looked like he was still in high school but I wasn't gonna complain lol. My hole is still sloppy & cummy, been keeping a plug in me so I can occasionally pull it out tonight & get a taste of anon cum until it's gone. :-P
    1 point
  30. I posted a couple of weeks ago on here that Id reacted to my drugs and was off them before going on new ones. My viral load has soared and I am very infectious. I seem to have become a bug chaser's magnet. Bred five guys in two weeks so far. I'll go on drugs again soon so giving it away while I'm toxic. first guy in London - 28, wanted to meet at the Vault. told me what hed be wearing...I followed him ...he asked me to wait and then come behind him into lock up. He was naked. He directed my finger to his arse...it was wet, and slightly red when I took my finger away "I used a toothbrush" he said "to give me abrasions" Anyway I fucked him loud and hard and after a break fucked him again. He was well into it. Litle fucker has texted me to say he has flu. Seems quick but maybe I gifted him! Last Wednesday - seeded a guy 23 on Hampstead Heath over the fuck tree, naked, spit for lube, pounded him hard and rough and two other guys got off watching and listening to him begging for my poz load. He got my load, two other guys (one of whom must have been poz given all the breeding talk that went on) and when I came back an hour later he was still there so I gave another load to him. He then told me a guy had fucked him raw who'd kept saying "you're safe, aren't you" So this young guy was letting someone fuck him while his arse was full of poz spunk This Monday - seeded a guy in the toilets in Clapham Common, he got off on toxic poz talk. fucked him and spunked a four day load up his arse. Texted me beforehand to say he wanted bugged up. Yesterday, Scratchwood cruising area - fucked a guy in his 30s whod emailed me on bbrt after seeing my post here. Wanted the bug for ages. As usual with this site, a few timewasters but some surprisingly genuine guys And Ive had two guys recharge me...one on Friday night over the fuck tree at hamsptead heath, very loudly, and another in the vault in London this afternoon. Fuck, best fortnight of the year
    1 point
  31. Sub- I was there in November- and the preferred ( by me at least) clothing was a track suit- the pants and jacket were enough to cover me on the street and keep me moderately warm from my hotel room to the bars a block away. And then, once in the bar, I could coat check my pants and jacket-- and more importantly get OUT of them easily while leaning on the wall stripping off. Down to a jock and boots, and a wrist wallet- I was prime meat and easy to take. Mutchmanns yielded 11 loads in my ass the 1st night , LAB the next night was naked night ( Thurs) and a total fucking blast! Reitzbar HAs a lot of naked or near naked play- and again, the easier to undress the better-- you don't want to be careening around the entry trying to free a leg from your pants and crashing into the counter or other guys there. Now that it is summer and hot- hell, easy off shorts and a t shirt should be fine. Barer is better
    1 point
  32. Friday night was very good. I was expecting to be a cumslut and I was. The plan was to enjoy one last night and head home to my place but I ended up fucked, loaded with cum and piss, fisted, drunk and passed out in the bathtub. I'm not sure how I ended up sleeping in the tub but that's where I woke up at 5am on Saturday morning. Max (my fb) had promised a good night and didn't disappoint, he brought a couple of his friends round from work who are big guys. The start of the night was the three of us in the living room with me being used for fun. I had a cock in my mouth, one in my ass and one in my hand. As the night went on I took two cocks in my ass and was used and abused by the three guys. When Max invited some more round after one of his friends left I hit the poppers, there was beer, JD, vodka and wine and then my ass being used for cum, piss and fists. I remember a big chubby guy pounding my hole from behind, he kept spanking my ass and calling me a dirty cunt, he unloaded in my well used ass and then started to finger me while the others were watching. He was the first guy to fist me and with a few loads inside, he managed to get his hand in quite easily. The other guys were getting quite loud and rowdy at that point, the beer alcohol had kicked in and from that point on there were no limits. I felt god awful on Saturday from alcohol and my ass was really sore but I was really happy how my week had turned out. Sometimes you just need to cut loose and after a slow week for me I needed breeding. I find myself getting moody when I don't have sex so I needed it badly and Max has been pestering for ages to let him use me as his slave. Now I need to catch up on work, sleep and let my ass stop throbbing.
    1 point
  33. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=EOdeW-G845-#.U7-WjKjignI persian dick fucks ass I love this top http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=2xTZ1-G385-#.U7-XnKjignI Breeding a Hungry Hole in Field Boy Wanted Daddy's Load he gets off on the cigarette great pussy ass More from the same top http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=u6KpJ-G884-#.U7-YFajignI Fucking a Ginger in The woods Was cruising found a Ginger wanted a load and great fuck the sun was setting and got in the way a bit but you get the point :-) http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=4wFRH-G584-#.U7-Z3qjignI Fucking and breeding my Asian buddy He's an occasional regular when he's in Chicago, and just can't get enough of my cock, always tight and hungry! I shoot my load in him in this video and you can see it at the end. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=jEQzx-G333-#.U7-aOqjignI cum in 19ys teen boy I'm sure this has been posted many times, still a classic http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=NcReE_G727_#.U7-am6jignI top guy breeding my hole. Fucks me till he's ready to shoot, shoots on and in my hole, shows the cum for the camera and pushes it up inside of me. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=DcIPw-G220-#.U7-bDqjignI This latino I met online. We started off right and did it raw! This was our last time together. I used a tripod this time as having him hold the cam for the last video didn't work so well. Once again he unloaded up inside me so you can't see the cum but this is still one HOT vid. He came so much I could actually feel the warm spurts of cum filling my hole inside.
    1 point
  34. I saw this thread a few weeks ago and it appealed to me as I also want to increase my ejaculate volume. I'm a bit sceptical about pills but decided to try and see wheter I get any results. I've been taking 1 x 15mg high strength zinc supplement together with 1 x 500 mg l-arginine daily for 14 days now. My cum has definitely got "thicker" (allot less watery) and I've managed to recover to cum more often e.g. I shot four loads earlier today and am still horny. It would be interesting to know whether anyone else has done the same, and what the results were. J
    1 point
  35. I have recently tried zinc. Have heard that mentioned many times. Not sure if it is doing anything for me yet. Shot a really big load last night but had been edging for 3 hours
    1 point
  36. Post an ad that reads- VGL MWM DDF Looking for Safe Only Neg for Neg NSA and Anon (then spell out ) NO BAREBACK! NO PNP! that should get you Fucked Raw-Stealthed-Dosed-and Date Raped quicker than a hooker at an Amway convention
    1 point
  37. Ted led me up the path to the campgrounds, stopping at the self-service kiosk, checking for overnight check ins. There were two check-ins so ted noted down which camp sites they signed up for and the check in names. We proceeded to the cantina and Ted gave me a list of the items to pull from the shelves, then showed me what needed cleaning and restocking, then went to begin preparing the morning breakfast for the campers purchases. As the aroma of sausage and eggs and breakfast burritos filled the cantina a few campers wandered in to stock up on supplies, toiletries and buy breakfast. I went about restocking the selves from the inventory that had come in the previous day, dusting the shelves and mopping the floor. All the while the revelations of the morning weighed on my mind, could it be my brother infected me with the bug, did he know or suspect he had it, did I want him and his infection, my cock began to harden thinking about him fucking me again. I thought about not only did he fuck me but he fucked my best friend, my life heartthrob, my brother from another mother, he spewed his toxic seed into both of us. I both wanted to make mad passionate love to him and beat the crap out of him for putting us at risk. As the morning wore on we closed down the diner part of the cantina, prepping pre made sandwiches to sell at noon and dinner take outs ready to be put on the BBQ’s in the evening. I went through most of the morning with a hard on, and a few of the campers didn’t help as they came through the cantina in little more than basketball or running shorts, their junk swinging barely concealed beneath the flimsy fabric, their chest heaving of manliness and sexuality. Lunch time came, Stuart and John took over the cantina while Ted and I went to join Todd and the guys for lunch, Dad tossed us some sandwiches and chips, he then sat on the end of the table “Ok guys, when we get back onboard tonight Stuart will address all of you, in the meantime, You all have a decision to make, I have some contacts and I Knew this was a possibility, given Stuarts wild streak, John had me come prepared, I have a 100 day supply for each of you if you choose to take it, of PreP” We all ate our lunch in silence for the most part, being in close proximity of Dave had me hard throughout lunch, as we were finishing up our lunch Dave nudged me tilted his head towards the men’s toilets/showers and excused himself to go use the bathroom. I followed him saying I needed release too, as soon as I got in the restroom I notice Dave was not at the urinals or in a stall, I walked around to the backside and found him naked stroking his hard cock, I immediately dropped my shorts and stripped off my tee shirt and went to my knees in front of him, taking his rod into my mouth and throat. He let me suck his cock just enough to get it slick with saliva before pulling me up and spinning me around, and slide his cock into my ass, it hurt like hell being impaled so quickly, although once in Dave was able to use the cream inside to lubricate my hole enough so each of us could enjoy the fuck “Ever since I heard the news this morning I wanted to give you some of my last negative seed, not sure if I want to take the prep dad is offering, seems like a lot of bother to have freedom” Dave pounded my hole and soon released his cum into my battered rectum, I enjoyed the ride and pondered the words, feeling him pulsate against my prostate delivering his spunk soon had my seed shooting on the tiled floor, my ass milking the last drops of semen from Dave’s still hard cock, he pulled me up to him and turned my head so he could plant a wet sloppy kiss on me ” that’s all we have time for now, we’ll talk later” With that he pulled on his shorts and tee shirt and ran back to the others. I turned around to grab my shorts and tee and suddenly heard applause. I turn around to find a camper who witnessed most of the fucking, Dave must have run right past him, he stood a couple inches taller than me and had sandy blonde hair and a muscular build which was accented by his tank top and low slung cargo shorts “You camping nearby? Would love some of that action” He then noticed my tee shirt and the camp insignia “Oh you guys work here, shit well I hope we can see each other during my stay” He turned and left out of embarrassment, I exited the bath house and returned to the picnic table to join Dave and my brothers. With John and Stuart taking the cantinas afternoon shift, Ted and I went to the camp office to pick up the site checklist and do verification rounds of the campsites, the first two sites were vacant although I found recently spent condoms near one of the picnic table, I being the kinky bastard I picked them up and tied them off for use later on Dave. The campsites were almost all identical just enough room for a couple tents, each had a water spigot in one corner and a power pole in the opposite with a smart meter on each pole. They had a small fire pit and a picnic table, many had room for a small camper or RV to hook up adjacent to them, as we went down the checklist on each site we noted which ones needed sprucing up and which ones were available. . Our third campsite was occupied and soon found out it was my tall blonde guy that was there with his friend, I also noticed that most of the campers were male with a few females hanging around the fringes in opposite corners of the campgrounds. I soon discovered that of the 38 campsite 12 were currently occupied, 8 with what I was deeming gay groups and 4 with lesbian couples. I noticed Ted was also handing out invitations to the weekend’s parties on the houseboat. He explained that we could only invite 11 people at a time onto the vessel to keep within marine occupancy limits, I asked when he invited the blonde guy and he said that they, the blonde and his companion would be boarding on Fridays festivities, this being Wednesday I only had two days to wait to see if the promising buldge in his shorts would ring true. We finished our rounds just before 4 and headed back to the offices which were on the backside of the cantina. Dave and the others were waiting on us and we loaded up supplies from the camp store to take down to the floating palace as we had named her. I grabbed a couple boxes and headed down to the dock with Dave at my side. Dad, Todd, was the last to arrive and cast us off as ted steered the vessel back to our private cove to be moored for the night. As the house made it across the lake I cut up some potatoes that Chris had boiled off earlier in the day and added salad dressing and cut hard boiled eggs to make a great big bowl of Potato salad while Dave went up and took over grilling duties for the evening.. By the time we reached the mooring Dinner was ready and we all dished up a plate and sat around the fire pit. Stuart gobbled down his meal of polish sausage, Baked Beans and Potato salad then stood before us “Ok guys, I know this mornings news was a shock to some, and sort of expected by others of you” He glanced over at Todd and John “Well, I guess I owe you all an explanation. First off let me say last night’s confession by our fathers was somewhat of a surprise to me but then again I Knew from the time of Joan’s death that they were in a long distance relationship. Ted knew too but we kept it quiet for our dads sake till they could break the news to you, I however did not know of the swapping that been going on and although I find it hot that I now have all these hot brothers, I know they have managed to keep us all valiant till our 18th birthdays preaching celibacy. Well I’d like to thank my Brother who broke my cherry on the night of my 18th birthday two years ago, I didn’t know you were my brother then but I think I’d have it no other way. Thank you Ted, who by the way has been the first to fuck all of us brothers now that I think about it.” We all laughed at Stuarts little quip “well as you all know I was accepted to UC Berkeley on a academic/athletic scholarship and as many of you know I sought out the Gayest –straight fraternity I could find and have been living in the fraternity house since my freshmen year started, four quarters ago, my pledge brother, Alan has been my roommate and part time lover for the past two years and for those of you who have not met him, he’ll be coming up with some of my frat bro’s this weekend. Well Alan makes me look like a saint in the sex department, he gets into some really slutty moods and goes hog wild. We had sex throughout our freshman year and pledge period with many of our brothers, but always with condoms and playing safe. Well that all changed this last fall when Alan who was feeling horny convinced me and several of our frat bros to go to a CumUnion party at the Steamworks back in September. Now I had barebacked with Alan in private before, but this was the first time we had had sex, bareback sex in public, the dozen or so of us who went let our hair down and had mad orgies in front of everyone who wanted to watch. Well I lost track of Alan when one of my Bro’s was pounding my hole while I was sucking some guy’s dick while someone was sucking mine underneath me. Well long story short Alan became a major cumdump that night and took massive anon loads into his hole he estimated 30 to 40 loads before I caught up with him again and I added my load to his already overflowing manpussy. Well Alan got sick around Halloween and we thought it was just the flu.” Stuart took a drink from his beer and continued “well Alan didn’t tell me but he went to the health center and got tested and treated for a couple of STI’s and also withheld that he was now POZ, although from what I gathered he confided in Dad that his status had changed and that he wanted to Knock me up so we would be bonded, He told Todd He really loved me and wanted to share every Part of himself with me. Well throughout the rest of the quarter Alan managed to go from bottom pig to dominate top whenever I would let him. I guess he succeed in knocking me up over Christmas since I got the fuck flu around Easter, I was in denial for the last two months as I wanted to believe he wouldn’t do that to me, but at the same time I love him for wanting to share his gift with me.” Stuart began to sob and Dad and john hugged him and Ted planted a big kiss on him as well “I’m so sorry Tom and Dave, I don’t know what possessed me to put you guys at risk and hope you weigh your choices, my choice is to go unmediated as long as I can, I have a strong T cell count and although my viral load is high It is dropping on it’s own as my body tries to fight off this infection, I know it’s a losing battle but I will cross that bridge when I come to it” Stuart sat down and continued to sob as Dave went over to him and Whispered to him “Thank you big bro for the most precious gift you could ever give me… the freedom to fuck whoever, however I can” While we were fixing dinner Dave and I talked about the consequences of the previous night’s sexual debauchery and what it meant for us, we decided that Stuart had given himself to us and we had in turn become bonded in a gift which was now shared between us. I walked over to my older brother ad took his hand and lead him to the hot tub and stripped him bare as Dave removed his and my clothes we all climbed into the tub We took our turns mounting his enraged hardened cock sliding our boycunt’s on his shaft. Taking turns playing who’s going to get the cream, as he shot his load deep inside me, in ground my ass into his crotch. After I dismounted Dave slid down his pole and attempted to milk another load from Starts balls. It didn’t take long before he shot his second load of the night into Dave. As we both leaned in and kissed our older brother we whispered into his ear in stereo “Let’s make sure this takes” and began teasing him to fuck us more
    1 point
  38. Thank you. Guys do seem to notice my ass. I'm a fortunate bottom.
    1 point
  39. yup imagine that... real life bb... in a room, at a private party, filmed on a phone... spur of the moment stuff... as most guys do it. amazing what you can do in real life isnt it when you don't have the lights, HD cameras and perfect models of the studios!
    1 point
  40. Yup being poz is not all it's cracked up to be. Remembering to take meds on time every day is a real bitch. Keeping a look out for any opportunistic infections. Another bitch is having to disclose my status every time then deal with a potential freak out and being made feel less than dirt. Seeing the look of horror on dentists faces alone should make you bug chasers think again. To guys wanting to convert, I say fuckin stop and think again. Understand the full repercussions of the decision to go poz. It's not to be snifed at.
    1 point
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