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  1. Are talking actual inches or internet inches?
    3 points
  2. A couple of weeks ago, someone asked in the HIV Fetish forum if anyone had ever been approached with a line about joining The Club. I told my story there. As I thought about it, I decided to expand it into a story. I hope you like it. This is the first time I have written one. Back in the mid 1990s, I had been playing safe-only for a long time. I had taken bare cock from a couple of boyfriends and one really long-term fuck buddy, but I had never taken a stranger's cock bare. Even so, I wanted more cum in me badly. Those little tastes of bare cock just made me crave more. I was in my early 30s, and I started going to the video arcade at the adult bookstore. One day I was stroking to an older bareback porno in the ABS. I had my shirt pulled up so I could play with my nips, and I had my shorts down around my ankles. The city had made them take the doors off the booths and replace them with curtains which made it really easy to slip into a booth without the guy inside noticing. I head a voice say "hey." I looked up and saw a hot guy watching me stroke. I smiled appreciatively at the young, fit brown-haired stud. "You a bottom?" he asked. I stammered out some non-committal response, but my face was red and hot with embarrassment. "That's what I thought," he said. He stepped closer and began pinching my nips. What little resistance I might have had went out the door with that. He fished a hard 7 inches out of his pants. He let me suck it while he worked my nups. "Let me fuck you." I was turned on but a little scared about sex in a public place. "Um, I don't have any condoms," I said trying to be good. "Neither do I. I never use them." This surprised me. "Don't you worry about HIV?" He smiled reassuringly. "I belong to a special Club. Guys in this Club never have to worry about catching it because we only have sex with each other and special new guys we recruit like you. I know I won't catch it from you. Right?" "Oh no. I am negative for sure." I was intrigued and incredibly turned on at this point. "I would love to join. What do I have to do?" He smiled and said, "You have to let me fuck you now. Then I will go tell all the other members who are here, and they will come fuck you, too. I know I have seen several here already today. You just wait here and take their cocks and their cum. When enough club members have fucked you, you will get the formal invitation." That sounded too good to be true. Without much more consideration, I went for it. He knelt and lifted my legs spreading them apart. He gave me a quick rimming to loosen me up. Then he slid his spit-slick cock inside me. I groaned a little but did my best to take it well. I really wanted to be in this Club that would keep me safe always. I could tell he was really excited, too, but he did his best to make sure I enjoyed the fuck. In just a few minutes, he groaned and shot his load inside me. "That's a great start man. You just sit tight, and I will send the next guy from The Club in." Then he kissed me and left. I thanked him profusely. After just a few minutes, another man entered my booth. I couldn't believe my luck. I knew this hot daddy from around town. He was a short, muscular redhead who was rumored to have a huge cock. "I hear you are ready to join, " he said. "Yes, sir. Please fuck me, " I said as a leaned back on the seat and spread my legs. "He told me you were full of spunk, so we aren't wasting time on the preliminaries, " he said as he dropped his pants. A thick 9 inches of uncut meat popped up when he did. He pushed right into me with no lube not even spit. Even with my hole sloppy I felt his huge piece stretching and tearing into me. I took it gladly remembering how I had beat off fantasizing about this guy before. He fucked me long and hard. He shifted his angle to stretch me out and rub hard against my prostate. "This needs to hurt a bit, but I want you to enjoy it, too. Every day can be like this one once you join." I moned my agreement. Eventually he finished off in my hole, too. It felt like a huge load. "That's a fine piece of ass. You keep at it like this, and you will be in The Club in no time." I replied, "That's what I want." He pulled up his shorts and left. Over the course of the next few hours, seven more guys fucked and bred me. They weren't all as hot as the first two guys. One of them had a really small cock, and a couple of them looked a little sickly. But they were all eager to get me into the club. They each fucked me hard and bred me. I hoped I was doing a good job. I did my best to milk a load from each guy, and I thanked them for their help. Finally, the first guy came back in the booth. "Man, you did an excellent job tonight. I think you are well on your way to joining, but you have to take loads from more Clubmembers to be sure." I was disappointed. "When can I take more? What if you aren't here the next time I come in?" He smiled. "Well, you are about to get one more from me. Here's what you are going to do next time. Tell any guy who wants to fuck you that you are trying to join The Club. He will know what to do, and he will spread the word around. That way all the guys in The Club who are there that night will fuck you." That sounded good to me. He dropped his pants and slid back inside my puffy, used hole running with cum. As he pumped my ass he said, "I am so proud of how far you have come in one night. You were so shy the first time I came in here. I am going to give you my number. But I don't want you to call me until you have taken at least 50 loads from Club members. Will you promise?" I smiled and nodded. He pounded hard into me until he shot another load inside me. The next time I went to the ABS, I didn't see the guy who told me about The Club, but he was totally right. When I would tell any guy who was about to fuck me that I was looking to join The Club, he always knew just what I wanted. He would unload inside me and then tell all the other Club members there that night what I wanted. After just a few visits, I made it to 50 Clubmember loads. I still hadn't seen my buddy started me on my quest to join. I decided to call the number he gave me. When the local HIV hotline answered, I suddenly understood what Club I had been trying to join. But the hot guy who recruited me told the truth about one thing; after I got my "membership certificate" from the health clinic, I never had to worry about catching the bug again.
    2 points
  3. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
    2 points
  4. It started innocently enough. The security guard where I work was driving me out to my car since I get out off in the middle of the night and safety in our parking lot tends to be an issue at that time. Generally it was a short drive, only giving us time for very short conversations, usually involving the weather or the phase that the moon appeared to be in. I had always thought he was a hot guy, probably an ex-cop. He was late 40’s, 5’11” and had the remnants of a guy that had done a lot of lifting in the gym in his 20’s. One night, however, I had ended up parking in a far lot due to some construction in the lot I normally parked in. Once we had exhausted the weather, the conversation turned to our personal lives where he ended up discovering that I was gay. I’m out at work and don’t generally hide the fact that I’m gay from people and didn’t think anything about our conversation until the next night. He picked me up as normal and instead of talking about the weather he started right in on me being gay, not derogatory, but more inquisitive. This continued every night for the next two weeks, then one night I hopped into the security pickup with him and caught my thin scrubs on the latch of the pickup, ripping out the side seam and exposing my right ass cheek. I got in and while he drove me to my car I examined how mangled my scrubs were and while doing so he took notice that I was wearing a thong. This must have excited him, because by the time we had reached my car his pants were stretched tight against his erection. He rubbed he dick through his pants, trying to reposition it so I wouldn’t notice. Seeing his dick get hard made my dick get hard and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. “I hear you gay guys are good at sucking cock.” “Well, I guess most of us probably are. Guess you’d have to let me suck yours and make your own opinion.” That’s all it took and he had his pants unzipped and his cock at full mast. I went down in his cock, which wasn’t easy considering how thick it was. It easily rivaled a beer can in girth. As I sucked him through the fly in his uniform, he put his hands inside the ripped seam in my scrubs and rubbed my ass. Occasionally he’d pull the thong to one side and touch my hole. While I was sucking him I extracted his enormous long balls from his pants and pulled on them slightly. Apparently none of the women he’d ever been with had pulled this maneuver and in no time he was flooding my mouth with cum. Once he started to go soft he pushed me aside, tucked his junk back in his tighty whities, zipped up and told me he had to get going to do his security checks. I was fine with being used for his pleasure. For the next couple of weeks I kept parking in the far lot where there was less chance of anyone seeing us and every night he would give me a hot load. As he got more comfortable with the fact that he liked being serviced by a guy he got more daring with my ass. At first he’d just rub the cheeks, maybe tap my hole a little, but then it got bolder and started licking his fingers and inserting them in my ass. One night after giving me another huge creamy load he said that the next time he saw me he wanted me to bring some lube with me and make sure my ass was clean. As instructed, the next time I worked I made sure my ass was clean and brought along a sample size of lube. As usual, we drove to my car and I blew him, but this time he inserted an entire finger, then another, then another, until he had three of his fat fingers going in and out of my hole. Just as he was about to cum I clenched my ass and held around his fingers. This really turned him on and he shot the biggest load in my mouth to date. Once he had started to go soft in my mouth he, took his fingers out of my ass and wiped the lube on my shirt. “Tomorrow night, in addition to the instructions you had for tonight, make sure you call me and I’ll walk you out.” Again, I did as instructed and called him when I was ready to leave. He met me by the elevators and when we got he pressed the button for the basement. As the elevator descended the erections in both our pants grew. We got out of the elevator and he led me through a bunch of different doors until we got to a deserted area of the basement. He took out his bundle of keys and unlocked a door to an empty janitor’s closet that had a big wash sink and a drain in the floor. “Take off all your clothes.” I took off everything, but when he saw that I had opted to wear a jockstrap for the evening he stopped me from taking it off, saying “Get over in the corner by that drain.” I went over and stood in the corner and he put his hand on my shoulder forcing me to a squatting position. He then took out his big hard cock. “Open your mouth faggot.” I opened my mouth just in time for him to release a golden stream of piss into it. Much to his surprise I closed my mouth around his cock and didn’t spill a drop. Just to show his dominance he took his cock out and squirted my face with the last bit of piss left in him. “Get up, get the lube and lean over the sink.” I retrieved it and leaned over the stained basin. With his teeth, he tore open the little packet, squirted the majority of its contents all over his cock and then what little was left he rubbed around on my asshole. He then line up his thick cock with my ass and, without saying a word, shoved the entire length into my ass. I let out a little whimper as his big balls swung into me. He grabbed my face and turned it towards him. “Shut the fuck up and don’t make another sound.” Once he was sure I would make any more noise he started to assault my asshole in a way that made me think that he had been thinking about doing this to me for some time now. It only lasted for about five minutes, but after he had cum in me and started to go soft, he pulled his dick out leaving my hole gaping. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get my hole to close. Using my hair, he pulled my mouth onto his cock and instructed me to clean it off. Once that was done he pulled out two zip ties from his belt. One he put around the plumbing behind the faucet and the other he put around my wrist and looped the two together, effectively tying me to the sink. “The last guy will cut you loose when he’s done with you.” With that he zipped up and left me in the room alone in the dark. I could hear the key in the door locking me in. It was a few minutes later when a set of keys jingled outside and the light was turned back on by a very hot janitor I had fantasized about for months. He was mid-40’s, 6’4” and spoke with a heavy Slavic accent. He stuck a finger in his mouth and then in my ass to see how loose the security guard had left me. He played with my ass for a few minutes while he rubbed the engorged cock in his brown uniform pants. He didn’t say anything, just a few “mmmm’s”. Suddenly he unzipped his pants, pulled his underwear to one side and let his cock spring forth from his pants. It wasn’t quite as thick as the guard’s, but it was easily four inches longer and uncut. Without saying anything, he spit on my hole and spit on his cock, then he started full-on fucking me. There was no getting used to it, no pause, just in and out like he was using a jack-off toy. He kept up his pace for 15 minutes or so until he grunted and I could feel streams of cum being released inside me. He then yanked his cock out of my ass and came up to the sink. He instructed me to open my mouth and proceeded to piss in my mouth and all over my face. When he was done, he went over, picked up my undershirt and wiped his cock off. Then I was left alone again in the dark, hearing the familiar sounds of a key locking me in. After a few minutes another janitor came in. This one was in his 50’s, 6’2”, skinny with a full beard and mustache. He was yawning and he entered the room. He immediately had a finger in my ass. “Nice.” He yawned again. “Sorry, end of my shift. Had to come in and get a piece of this after hearing how good you were.” He took a pair of snips from his back pocket and released me from the zip tie. “I’ve had a rough night; think I’ll let you do all the work.” With that said he undid his pants, pushed them down to his ankles and lay down on the floor. “Come on; work this load out of my balls.” I knelt down between his legs and started sucking his big uncut cock and was pleasantly surprised to find a PA hidden under the foreskin. Only thing I love more than foreskin is a PA with it. As soon as I had his fat cock hard I squatted over it and rode him and hard as I could, squeezing my insides over the balls on his PA. It didn’t take long before I was cumming in my jockstrap without ever having touched my cock. The clenching from my orgasm resulted in him letting loose inside me. I sat there for a minute, relishing the cock in me. Finally he got up and let me clean his cock for him. When we were done he told me I was free to go. I got dressed and found my way out of the basement and back to my car. When I got home I was still so horny from what had happened I squeezed some of the cum out of my ass and jacked off thinking about the three men that had unloaded in me.
    2 points
  5. Nothing is better than making love with a man that you feel some connection with. This kind of sex can go on for hours for me. I get into the whole anonymous scene and all it's built-in limitations, partly because it is easier to come by. That passionate and mutually pleasurable type of sex is not, unfortunately the kind of thing one finds online. I will say that I get plenty of pleasure from getting fucked no matter what the scene, so I can do the role playing thing and I'm fine. I love having a man inside me. Period.
    2 points
  6. I love pits. They need to be hairy. Clean or funky. I just love pits.
    2 points
  7. I've noticed what you say, it's something cultural, it's not like that in many parts of the world. Sex in the USA is full of fetishes and fantasies; it usually involves some garment like a jockstrap, or some role playing like dad-son or master-slave. I really dislike the "I'm a bottom and my only purpose in life is to pleasure tops" or the "I'm a top and I only want your tongue in my dick and that warm ass". We are humans with feelings and needs, such mechanical way of thinking is not natural, it is learned. It's something I have had to get used to. I feel such life-long attitudes are not normal, maybe deep inside there's some trauma behind them. I am more passionate, sex for me is about pleasing myself and my bottom or vice versa. I like no garments, no role playing.
    2 points
  8. Chapter I. My boy and I were planning on day-tripping out to Fire Island. We had our swim suits, towels, and a picnic lunch, all ready for spending some quiet time on the beach. It was a gorgeous day, and as we lounged, we enjoyed checking out the hot guys, some of whom were sunbathing naked. As my boy frolicked in the surf, I slather myself in sunscreen and fell asleep. When I woke up, some time had passed, and there was no sign of my boy anywhere. I entertained myself with my book for a while and then figured I would ring his cell phone to see when he was coming back. Of course, he had left his phone in the carry bag which was next to me on our towel, so I had no way of reaching him. As the afternoon moved into early evening, I became increasingly concerned, as the hour was approaching for the last ferry back to the main land. Just as I was about to pick up everything and see if he was somewhere in town, he reappeared walking down the beach with a super cute 20-something, who was wearing a tiny speedo and, I noticed, filling it out very well. They were carrying on like they were best of friends. My boy casually introduced me to Blake. Apparently, they had gone to school with each other and fallen out of touch. I got the feeling that they might have fooled around when they knew each other, and it crossed my mind that they may have fooled around while I was asleep on the beach. Blake had his arm wrapped around my boy's back and it seemed like his fingers were slipping into my boy’s board shorts. "We're about to miss the last ferry," I commented, only to learn Blake had invited us to crash at his beach house for the night. The house had five bedrooms, and only four of them were taken for the weekend, "...not that there will be a lot of sleeping going on tonight..." Blake muttered. "Why not? Thanks," I accepted, and with that the three of us we headed to the house, where, upon arriving, my boy and I were introduced to Blake's much older, much heavier, much hairier boyfriend, Tom, who, like the three of us, was wearing shorts, but unlike the three of us, Tom was also wearing a polo shirt. Even so, I could easily see his hairy chest, pot belly, and firm nipples poking out of the shirt as it stretched across his broad chest. Blake broke-out a bottle of vodka, and between the four of us, it went down very rapidly. Tom and Blake were sitting on either side of my boy on the sofa, and I was in the only chair in the living room. I could swear that they were getting closer and closer to my boy, until their legs were all touching, then crossing over each other. Tom put his hand on my boy’s thigh and when my boy didn’t complain, he slowly inched it up to my boy’s crotch until he was cupping my boy’s balls. Rather than feeling uncomfortable, I found myself turned-on, as was apparently also my boy. At least it sure looked like he was getting hard. Neither of us had fooled around outside of our relationship in a long time, and neither of us were particularly interested in heavyset hairy guys, but we didn’t stop what was clearly happening. Blake leaned in close to my boy and Tom used his free hand to steer my boy’s face into Blake’s. The two kissed gently, then harder and harder until they were full on making out. Blake’s sizeable cock worked its way out of the waistband of his speedo and my boy wrapped his hand around it. Blake steered his head to Tom, and Tom dove into my boy like a man possessed. I felt like a third wheel, but didn’t know how or if I should participate. My boy seemed to be enjoying himself, and they were only making out, and maybe a light jerkoff, so I didn’t stop anything from happening. Blake looked over at me and gave me a ‘come hither’ glance. I stood up, my raging hard-on fighting to be free of my swimsuit. ‘You guys wanna fuck,’ he asked rather directly. My boy moaned approval as he continued to suck Tom’s face. Blake had me come over to him and he forced me to kneel in front of him on the floor. My boy saw that I was about to be forced to go down on Blake and he murmured, "Fuck yeah. Suck his cock! It tastes so good!" It was then that I knew they must have fooled around earlier in the day because he had only kissed Blake up to that point. Blake grabbed the back of my head and forced his thick eight inches deep into my throat. I surprised myself by not gagging. I let him fuck my mouth, as his dick oozing sweet and salty precum into my throat. My face buried in Blake’s crotch, I couldn’t see what my boy and Tom were doing, but I sensed them moving around on the couch. When Blake let me come up for air, I saw that my boy was sitting on Tom’s lap. Tom’s dick was out of his shorts and my boy’s shorts were gone. I saw my boy’s ass crack shiny with Tom’s precum and he was squirming around trying to get that dick to ‘accidentally’ enter him. I was okay with us fooling around, but I didn’t know these guys and was wary of fucking at all, especially fucking raw! After a few minutes of watching my boy try to get fucked by a bear he had just met, Blake reached over and grabbed his boyfriend’s cock, suggesting "Let’s help them out, shall we?" he said as he grinned at me. Blake took my hands and guided them to my boy’s ass. "Spread those cheeks wide so he can get some of what Tom’s gifting." I did as I was told, mesmerized by the bare sex show playing out only inches from my face. Blake guided Tom’s thick stubby drooling cock into my boy’s hole, and I did nothing to stop it. I helped force my boy’s cheeks wide to make Tom’s access easier. My boy grunted as he lowered himself onto Tom’s wet dick. No lube, not even spit, just Tom’s precum. And it popped right in, deeper and deeper. After he raised and lowered himself a few times, I saw Tom’s cock covered in white juice. It dawned on me that my boy had been fucked while I was asleep. Blake, or someone, had bred him and seeded his ass. Blake held my head down and told me to lick Tom’s cock. When my boy raised up, I flicked my tongue across Tom’s dick and could distinctly taste cum mixed with my boy’s ass juice. Blake re-positioned himself behind me, and I knew he was going to fuck me. He worked his dripping cock, still wet from having deep-throating me, and eased it along my ass crack. He held one hand on my head, forcing me to lick Tom, with his other hand on my ass. He roughly entered me with three fingers. I winced at what must have been his fingernails. I worried that he was cutting me open back there, and then groaned with pain as he thrust his thick cock balls deep into my gut. The sensation changed as he held himself inside of me. I felt so full. Blake used both hands to hold my hips and pile drive my pussy, which allowed me to look up. My boy was craning his neck around to watch his friend breed me. Tom grunted "I’m getting close. Wanna knock these boys up together? Wanna fill them with our special seed?" "FUCK YEAH!" Blake shouted as he picked up his pace. Tom exclaimed "Fuck, I’m cumming! Filling your ass with my POZ cum! This is what you wanted, right?" "YES, YES, YES," was all my boy could muster. Blake jackhammered into me and then held himself deep in me. He just grunted. I couldn’t feel it, but I knew he was cumming inside me, and I was almost certain that he too was POZ. The thought alone was enough to make me cum, hard, without even touching my dick. I sprayed all over the front of the sofa and the floor. Blake forced my head down to lick up my own cum, saying "Share that with your boy. Don’t swallow. It might be the last NEG load he gets tonight!" As I was licking up my cum, we heard a series of hoots and hollers from the porch. I guess the rest of the house guests had arrived, and found us as sweaty mess, both me and my boy leaking toxic cum from our holes. Tom’s stubby cock was still firmly planted in my boy’s hole and I had a mouthful of cum. Blake forced my boy’s head back and I snowballed my seed into his mouth. He loved it. The guys, four couples broke into applause at the scene they had walked in on. The guys were generic Chelsea muscle beauties, each and every one of them. They had names like Colt, Steve, Brad, Chet, Brett, and Cliff. I would describe them individually, but they all blended together into one mass of tanned taught muscle and six plump packages straining to escape their trunks. I wanted to ask my boy to fill in the blanks for me. I wanted to know if, while I was asleep on the beach, he really had talked about taking POZ seed from these guys, but, I wasn’t going to get a chance. Tom and Blake introduced us to our housemates and showed us our room. They told us to freshen up so we could get ready for a party, but Tom was careful to tell us not to clean out our assholes, advising "You boys keep that seed simmering inside you. It’ll take some time to seep in, and you’ll want to be cum-lubed in case your holes see more action tonight." Turns out that that night was going to be a big blow out celebration on the beach, and I knew it was going to be a long hard night. To be continued…
    1 point
  9. An HIV criminalization expert says there's more to understand beyond social media outcry http://www.frontiersla.com/News/Context/Story.aspx?ID=2215390
    1 point
  10. I see a lot of guys, both tops and bottoms, posting how the bottom is only to be used. Only to concentrate on pleasing the top. Never to come during sex... I know for some, this is role play. But I think for others, they always feel this way. My question is this: Is there ever a time when you want to "make love"? And by making love, I mean pleasure for both. Or do you have the mindset that bottoms are purely to be used and only the top should feel pleasure? Role play is one thing.. But I don't think... No... I know I couldn't live that way every time I had sex. I know I'm wired differently than a lot on here... But I just can't imagine not feeling affection during sex at least every once in a while. Hope this makes sense.. I just see have noticed a lot of posts pertaining to this and they made me curious.
    1 point
  11. I agree---pits can be better than poppers. I often get a guy in the sling and restrain his arms above his head. Then I can tongue and chew on his pits for a long time. The more hair the better. No deodorant. Start fresh from the shower and let me make them reek from the exertion of our fucking. I also tend to piss on the pit and lick them clean...always sharing the taste on my tongue with the man of the moment...
    1 point
  12. I'm a total pit pig, I love them hairy, ripe and smelly just like mine are
    1 point
  13. Wednesday night. I had a little too much to drink and ended up at the baths. It was kind of quiet. I played around with a couple guys, got fucked by a huge dicked skinny guy who I'd swapped loads with before. Then I fucked a younger guy who I'd been wanting to fuck for a long time. Unfortunately he made me wear a condom. So by four o'clock I hadn't cum or been loaded. I went to my room and took a nap. I awakened around seven and did a loop, the place was empty so I went to the steamroom to relax and jerk my cock. A while later an employee came through to check on things. A short, slender beaded, cruddy guy. He stopped in front of me and said, "Nice cock..", then reached out and stroked it. After a minute or two he got down on his knees and started sucking. A few mintes more and he stood up with his cock sticking out of his fly. It was smaller, about five inches, but with a disproportionately large know at the top. I pulled my knees back to my chest. He pushed in, that huge knob felt fantastic as it popped into my hole. He pumped for a couple of mintes the groaned as he loaded my hole. Just in time. Someone came into the steamroom as he was putting his cock back in his pants. He leaned over and said if I met in room ___ in fifteen minutes he'd give me another load. I think the second load was bigger. A half hour later I waled home with cum oozing out of my hole and down my legs.
    1 point
  14. I can do both. If I am in a public sex venue--it's likely to be more about fucking. A lot of fucking. But I have been known to stop my whoring and settle down with the "right" man in that type of venue and play with him the rest of the night because somehow we connected. If a guy is in my playroom, it's more likely about exploring the connection. I can't imagine the two/three hour sessions I do without it. I love repeats with men for building on that growth. There are men who need to be treated as objects. Fine. I can do that, too. And some, I would guess, who do it as a defense from having been hurt in the past...
    1 point
  15. I am married and love getting on all 4's and taking hot loads!
    1 point
  16. I think there is a correlation between people who watch bareback porn and those who practise it. But I think it's the other way around from what you propose. I think those with an interest in bareback sex would seek out porn to match their interest. Same with any fetish. Maybe there are some that are influenced, but for the most part I would say the type of porn people watch reflect what interests they already have. However I cant be sure, as I know my first experience learning about a lot of different sexual interests was through pornography when I was a kid.
    1 point
  17. That's a perfectly reasonable theory. What baffles me is tops – especially total tops – who put prominent ass shots in their profile, that's just false advertising,
    1 point
  18. I can't understand it either, unless it's becos they find it easier to take a selfie of their cock. but to my mind posting a pic of your cock does indicate that u hope to use it
    1 point
  19. I disagree. People watch porn relevant to their interests. Most people who watch bareback porn are usually already barebackers themselves.
    1 point
  20. saving a load up all week, breeding bttms and strangers with my dirty loads,.,,
    1 point
  21. I still remember this scene like it was yesterday.. Going back at least 12 - 13 years.. Downtown Philly.. Famous adult theater.. Sleezy was an understatement back then. Really miss those days at times.. It was late, Thursday night I think.. I know I had a few drinks up in me and just discovered the joys of poppers.. I was by no means a virgin, having my boy cherry taken at the wee age of 11, but still new the adult underworld scene.. Ive been in this place before and had great sucks and fucks, but tonight would be a first.. Yes, I was drunk and horny.. It was pretty dark in there as usual. I walked around for a few.. Sucked a dick here and there, but, really wanted to get fucked real quick before jumping in the subway to head home.. There was two theater's. One large theater with a dark room in the back and the other was a smaller theater with hidden spots behind the screen and a dark, small bathroom in the back.. After watching a white guy get sucked off by two black guys, I could hold out no longer.. I walked into the big theater and noticed, towards the front, there was a nice looking black guy, third seat in, slowing jerking a nice dick.. There were about 4 guys standing close watching him and the movie on the screen. Being the young slut I was, and never scared to be watched, I walked on down and took the last seat to feel things out.. This guy had a nice, hard dick, pre cum was starting to leak out the top.. He gave me the sign and I leaned over and took the entire thing in my throat. His pre cum was nice and tasty.. While feasting on his dick, I didn't find it weird when his hands started to feel my ass.. I didn't think anything of it when his hand went down my pants and started to feel my hole.. I started to get a little nervous when I felt another pair on hands feeling over my ass, then pulling my pants down, but all that went out the window when I felt the tongue snaking up my tight hole.. Who ever was eating my hole was doing a great job, making me suck the dick in my mouth better and better.. Being a young cum slut, raw fucking was never an issue, even back then, so when I felt a raw dick being pushed into my hole, I just relaxed and let it happen. I figured, I'd take this fuck, eat this dudes nutt, bust my own nutt and bounce on out... And that was the plan.. Until.. The first guys came and and I noticed, the dude I was sucking was increasing his grip on my head/shoulder.. That's when I felt the 2nd dick slide into my cummy hole.. Like a jack rabbit, this dude pumped fast and hard.. Came in less than 3 minutes.. Pulled out and as I tried to lift myself, that's when 3 things happened.. An open bottle of poppers was shoved under my nose.. I felt another pair of hands holding me down.. A 3rd dick slammed up my went hole and this fucker was massive.. I cried out some, but on one really heard.. After I hit the poppers, another dick was slammed in my throat to hold the sounds so all one could hear was that sounded like me moaning.. I had to choice.. Spit roasted in an adult theater, pants just down around my ankles.. Didn't help, I was rock hard.. The new dick in my mouth came fast and hard and swallowed it all.. Didn't really have a choice as he nutted deep in my throat.. As Im swallowing his load, the new dick was slamming hard and fast up my ass, damn near breaking the seat I was leaned over.. Another dick is shoved in my throat and just cums... I swallow hard a fast. That sent the guy fucking me over the edge as he slammed in hard and shot a massive load up my tender hole. The original sucker moved my head over his still hard dick and makes me finish him off, as I felt another dick slam into my ass and just cum.. Then another, just slammed into my ass and just came.. When the third dick, (number 6 of the night) slide me and came, dude I was sucking shot a massive load right down my throat.. Damn near chocked on it, but got it all down.. At this times, I was finally let up as dude I was sucking was done and wanted to get up and leave.. I looked around and noticed, things were pretty empty down where I was.. As I attempt to stand and pull my my pants, I feel a hand on my ass.. This little latin guy whispered in my ear if he could suck my hole out.. I took him to a more private corner, bent forward and unloaded all the nutt up my hole in his mouth and he loved it.. He licked and sucked my hole nice and clean and I was kind enough to reward him with my load, right down his wanting mouth..
    1 point
  22. The biggest i have felt & had is 9inches & that was ages ago, like really 10+ years. I think it's total bullshit when you hear about guys with 12+ inches & think someone is seriously wacking off to internet porn, I think thats why photoshop is so used, keep dreaming. all being said it's a nice idea but go & find that really big dick in reality.
    1 point
  23. Married men make great fuck buddies. Just don't get attached. Sometimes it is hard since they tend to be repeaters. I'm seeing a new one next week. Handsome latin man with an amazing 9" uncut cock. He said he wants me to be his side bitch. Classy, huh? Everything I know tells me to stay away from him, but that beautiful cock is all I can think about.
    1 point
  24. i love getting blindfolded and taking load after load in the public sling at steamworks
    1 point
  25. The other night, the bf loaded me up before bed. That next morning I got a really good fuck from a well-hung top from Jack'd. I jerked off and busted a nutt while he fucked me the first time. He ended up cumming in me twice. I swapped head with an older, repeat client later that afternoon, but we were both wearing condoms when he came in my mouth. If you're in Boston and want to get or receive creampie, my kik is graycl0uds
    1 point
  26. This is me. Exactly. I don't like to feel used and I don't want to use. I want that connecction. And I want the bottom to feel just as much pleasure as I do when I'm fucking or I want to feel as much pleasure as the top does when being fucked.. And if there is that connection, then I can gaurantee that both of us will be feeling a hell of a lot of pleausre.
    1 point
  27. I prefer a connection. I can have emotionless sex, but it's much better when both of us are into it. Isn't that part of the whole deal? To feel part of another person? For me, it's important for the bottom to be pleased. If his being pleased is me fucking him balls to the bone, cool. But I don't just want him there thinking that all that matters is that I get off.
    1 point
  28. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=BJu2Z-G393-#.VC6fLOcm1wk Gangbang italiana. Doppia penetrazione a turno e pompini 20 maiali mi scopano con doppia penetrazione a turno. Altri me li pompo fino a farli venire. Gangbang Italian. Double penetration in turn and blowjobs 20 pigs I fuck with double penetration in turn. Other pompo me them until they come.
    1 point
  29. I can be submissive but I don't like to go so far that I am only servicing my needs are not even cared about, to me that is giving up too much control and I don't get off that much on being submissive. So I prefer to have it where we each are in charge of pleasuring the other and making sure that we both are enjoying things and in the end we both get off.
    1 point
  30. I agree. I love being fucked/used etc...but being fucked feels fucking fantastic! I love being fucked because it feels great and I usually can come from being fucked...yes it's great to bring pleasure to a top but I guess i'm more selfish than that. I get fucked for my own pleasure.
    1 point
  31. A jockstrap is hard to beat, I think. It just screams cumdump bottom to me.
    1 point
  32. Met up with a regular FB yesterday in a club, soon enough i was in the sling getting pounded hard, He gave me 2 thick loads, later we moved over to a fuck bed where he gave me another load, when i was leaving the club i could feel the cum running down my leg, So it must have been pretty big loads.
    1 point
  33. One of my best friends keep getting into the pants of married men all the time. Just a couple of months ago he even got himself involved with a married man on his vacation in Greece. The married guy's wife and little child was in their hotel room, having no idea what her husband was doing, while the husband had sex with my friend. This married guy even called him after they came back to Norway, to meet up again. I just don't know how he does it. He does it all the time. I'm feeling a little jealous here, lol.
    1 point
  34. Guess I don't fit in that box.. I like a man in control, but I also want him to want me to enjoy it as well... Submissive? I can be... THAT submissive.... I'll make sure the door doesn't hit my ass on the way out.
    1 point
  35. For the said T.I.M interview Here it is: http://www.treasureislandblog.com/features/i-am/i-am-blue-bailey/
    1 point
  36. At this point, the biggest thing a bottom could do to increase my pleasure is let me whore him out in a bathhouse or gang-bang situation... slip a blindfold on him, stick his ass in the air, and let any dick in the place go up his ass while I orchestrate the scene and feed him poppers to keep him going. Really into taking away all control from a man and turning him into a cum whore existing only for my (and other men's) pleasure. Want to apply? Hit me up via message.
    1 point
  37. ParTying makes us lose whatever inhibitions we have. Personally, the only cocks and asses I'm concerned with when I'm tweaked are those of the men I'm with, so xxx piggy bareback films aren't necessary. I've started a post about one of my own wild adventures.
    1 point
  38. Not a fan of bath houses but definitely love fucking bare in public, especially at the local cruise bar when I'm leaning on the bar among the crowd drinking beer and then the top just starts fucking away at my hole. Shocked the crowd when a friend fucked me like that a couple of weeks ago hehe. Haven't done it like that with tops taking turns - but that definitely sounds way hot. *quickly adds to his cumbucketlist*
    1 point
  39. I was in Louisville last week. It was a cloudy overcast day, and I posted my ad on Craigslist. Within about half an hour I received a response from a construction worker who asked how long I was free. I responded I was free most of the day. He said he would try to slip away. Then it started to rain, and he e-mailed, asking if 'they' could they come over right now. I replied THEY? He replied saying two of his buddies saw my advertisement and were horny. Of course, I said sure. He then let me know none of them had condoms, and he asked if that was okay with me. I replied sure, they could all bareback me. The three guys soon arrived and all three were just fine: one was about 40, and the other two were in their early twenties, all were married and just liked to fuck an ass. In no time I was sucking one of the younger guys while the older guy fucked my ass, and soon enough the guy in my ass groaned and blew his load in me. No sooner had he pulled out than one of the younger guys slid in. He also came, and the third guy took his place, and, as the rain had stopped and they had to get back to work he hurried along and shot his load. Then the three of them went back to the job site. Lucky me for the rain.
    1 point
  40. Agreed! Love showing off and getting more cocks involved. Recently being exhibitionist at the bathhouse helped get double penetrated twice and swapped between a few tops gang-bang style, so, I can't complain haha
    1 point
  41. totally love being fucked & bred in front of others to watch & join in
    1 point
  42. No condoms at CumUnion, it's rude.
    1 point
  43. I don't know, I've never been fucked with a condom.
    1 point
  44. Let's see: I'd be at a bathhouse watching guys bareback fuck. I'd watch them in the steam room, then another couple on a fuck bench...while I'd be watching I'd notice an older, hot man watching me and stroking his boner. It would be about 8.5 inches, tapered head and shaft that got thicker at the base. And it would have a slight upward curve. He'd have an average body with some hair, and be about six feet in height. Each time I'd see him, he'd be watching me and not the guys fucking. When I noticed this I'd get nervous and quit stroking my dick under my towel. I'd look-up again and he'd be gone. I'd start stroking myself again and watch the Top inject the bottom with his sperm. The whole time I wouldn't touch or be with anyone else. Just watch from a distance and stroke my dripping dick. This third time I walked down a hallway to the end and came-up to the sling room. I stopped at the corner of the wall going from the hall into the room. It was dark there and no one could see me - it was perfect. There is this young stud in the sling, legs up the chain and strapped in place. He was rubbing his dick while the top was on his knees licking and tongue fucking that hot bottom. The top was stroking his cock with warm oil. I could see clearly the oil bottle so I knew they weren't going to be using a rubber. The site of this and the idea of some bare fucking got me really turned on. I started stroking my leaking boner under my towel. Soon there after the top stood-up and started rubbing his bare, oiled dick head over the moaning bottom's wet hole. "Can I just slip the head in a bit? I want to feel how good your hole is." "Okay." The bottom answered. With that the top pushed his head in and danced it around in that bottom's hot hole. Without another word, his whole dick slid into the bottom all the way to his balls. "OH FUCK YEAH! That feels good," the bottom mutters. "I knew you'd like it," the top replies, adding "I'm going to fuck you good, then give you my hot load in your cunt. You want that do you, boy?" "Yes Sir," the boy answered. Oh my God! My dick is so hard and it's dripping a full stream of pre-cum down my shaft. I soooo wish I was that bottom boy. And, before I could complete that thought, I hear it whispered in my ear. You think I would have jumped from being startled...but the voice was so sexy...and right, I just stood there, totally turned-on and excited. Without notice, I feel a tongue licking the back of my ear and down my neck. I stopped breathing. "I know you're standing here wishing you were in that sling. Here! Feel this." His hand grabbed my right wrist and pulled it back. I feel it contact a firm, solid cock. My hand wraps around it and I know in a moment it's the man that's been watching me. FUCK! I start to shake and panic. "SHHHH...just be calm, I know what you want, and I want to give it to you." He's now pulling me tightly into him. I'm pressed against his warm, bare chest. I feel his fur. My hand is still wrapped around that amazing cock. He whispers to me to slowly stroke it. I'm thinking to myself, "I'm not suppose to be with anyone here. I shouldn't be doing this." But I can't stop. His dick feels so damn good. Plus it is my favorite type and shape. I then feel his left arm wrap around me. "I want to make you feel better than you ever have. I want to really fuck you like you've never been fucked. Will you let me do that?" "I shouldn't," I tell him. "I'm suppose to just stay alone, not be with anyone." I say. "Who says?" he replies. "No one...I mean, me. I know it's best if I don't get involved with anyone." "Well, too late now. You've got me too hot and hard, I can't just walk-away. Besides, you know what you want, and I know what you want. Now tell me boy, what is it you REALLY want?" "I can't say," I mumble. "Yes you can, and will say. But first, let me give you a bit of something to make it easier." With that he drops my towel to the floor. "Bend over a bit. I have something you'll enjoy. I just want to feel your hole with my finger." I'm reluctant, so he pushes me a bit. I bend over upon which he instructs "Now, spread your cheeks for me." For some reason, I obey. I feel an oily finger push into my hole. He pushes it rather fast and deep. I pull away a bit because it stings a little. I think it's because my ring is so tight. He rubs his finger around a bit and it burns a bit. As I pull away his finger slips out as he comments "You have a hot, tight little pussy there boy. When were you last fucked?" "I don't remember, it's been a while." "Well, I think you're really going to like this fuck. Have you got a room?" It just so happens that I do. I always get one so I can go and jerk-off in private after I've seen all I can take. Without waiting for an answer, he pushes me down the hall urging "Let's go." I lead him to the room where, once inside, my ass starts taking over. All of a sudden all I want is to be fucked...actually fucked, not just pretend. The hot guy looks me in the eyes asking "Starting to feel really horny aren't you? You ready for some real cock?" I can't answer but I was thinking to myself 'Fuck YES! I want HIS cock, but I'm not suppose to'. "Come-on boy. Get one your knees, on the bed and show me that pussy. That hot, tight pussy. I want to fuck you." Without thinking I get on my knees - I so want to be fucked. I want this man's dick so bad I can't think of anything else. He puts some oil over his head and shaft and starts rubbing that amazing head over my hole. FUCK! I want him in there, and as if reading my mind he casually remarks "I'm going to push my dick head in you." "You got a rubber on?" I ask. "What to you think?" he asks. With that his head is in my hole. "FUCK MAN! You gotta put on a rubber!" "That's not what you want now is it?" He's fucking right. I want his bare cock. I want him to fuck me like men are suppose to fuck. I want his seed, I gotta have his cum in me. He hands me the little brown bottle ordering "Take a good sniff." I do and I'm soon flying high. Without thinking anymore, my ass takes over. I push back and am met by his forward thrust. We both heave and simultaneously exclaim "Fuck yeah!" as his shaft goes deep into my hole. It hits some resistance. "You feel that boy? You feel what's stopping me?" "Yeah, kinda. What is it?" "It's your second ring. Ever been fucked past your second ring?" "Don't think so, sir. Didn't even know I had one." "Oh, you do. But I guess your a virgin there. Guess I get to take that cherry. It's even more tight than your first one. Hit some poppers and let me know when they kick in." I take a BIG hit on each side, hold it as long as I can - then let it out and start flying. "Oh fuck, here I go, I'm zooming man." Before I know it, he shoves. His dick head is the perfect shape and he pops past my second ring without pain. Involuntarily I exclaim "OH MAN! That's fuckin' awesome. I love the feeling." "Yeah, it's pretty damn good at my end too." "You're so fucking hot and tight I don't don't know how much longer I can hold-off." "Don't man. I so fucking stoned and horny...I need your load in me. Shoot it man, inject me with that juice you know I need." I can't fucking help myself anymore. I'm bareback fucking and I need this man's sperm. "Oh you fucking hot bitch! I'm going to fucking seed you deep. I'm going to give you a load where no man has ever left one before." "Fuck yeah man, seed my cunt deep. Own it, make it yours. You've known all along what I wanted - what I needed." With that he dives deep; holds it; and I can feel his dick surge and pump. He's fucking shooting his hot seed in me. I'm in fucking heaven! I'm feeling every moment. He's jabbing my cunt and spitting his seed as he grunts "OH FUCK YOU, you hot bitch. I knew you'd be a hot fuck." He's now slowly pumping my ass as I stroke my dick, within seconds announcing "Oh fuck man, keep pumping me. I'm gonna cum. Oh fuck yeah, here it cums, Daddy! Fuck the cum out of your boy! Fuck your cum deeper in me." With this my dick blasts my pent-up load all over the bed and shortly we fall to the mattress, Daddy resting on my back. "Fucking amazing, boy. But then I knew your pussy would drain my balls." "I never thought I'd do something like that. I'm glad I did. You were the best fuck I ever had. Thanks!" Will something like this ever happen. NO - not really. But, the thought gets me off often.
    1 point
  45. I agree with atlfukbud and ChaserBoysRHot. I think those who bareback are those who want to bareback because they like it not because they've seen it on a DVD. It's far more complex than some reaction to what they are seeing on a porn video. If they are playing DVDs of straight sex I'm not likely to warm to the idea of fucking a woman bare or wrapped than I am now. If they're being showing DVDs in a bar that feature bareback sex then those who want to do it will perhaps feel it's perhaps not frowned up to do it if there are other guys who feel encouraged to do it there too, but the majority of safe sex guys will tut and go on rubbering up. Bareback sex is always more prevalent in darkrooms where identity is hidden so I think it's bound up with avoiding any disapproval - something the study may have done by virtue of telling them its ok to fuck bareback after watching the porn so long as they tell the researcher. To answer your question, I am no more likely to fuck bareback after having seen a DVD of raw fucking than I would before. I thought there already were warnings on DVD cases and on the lead in to the content, are there not? I personally am happy for that to continue with perhaps more up to date and relevant messages. However, the majority of people watch porn on tube sites or pay sites these days so it would not be seen by the majority of guys out there who do need to be educated about the actual risks so they can make informed decisions.
    1 point
  46. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=qGGaq-G190-#.U524PSiGd76 The first time I drank from a urinal was when I was cruising the restrooms at GWU... I usually would strip naked there and suck guys off, but this time, the guy wanted to fuck me so I went to the urinal and leaned against the wall... next thing I knew he was shoving my head into the urinal and fucking me bareback (I only fucked safe back then - within a year I got into bugchasing, being converted, and becoming a tinawhore here's a vid of me drinking from a toilet... I had some stranger I met online post it onto his xtube profile (so I can never take it down) http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=qGGaq-G190-#.U524PSiGd76
    1 point
  47. CHAPTER 3 – JACE THE WHORE I love watching Brian plow a neg hole. He likes to get a boy on all fours, back arched—the position of total surrender. He grabs a giant handful of the boy’s musclebutt in each hand. Then, after impaling that poor unsuspecting bitch on his fat poz dick, he pulls back to expose the length of his shaft, throwing the full weight of his body into another deep thrust, his stomach and balls smacking hard against the boy’s wide-open hole. More often than not, a full thrust of Brian’s raw dick produces my favorite sound that humans can make: an involuntary primal grunt, emanating from somewhere deep in the gut, like pain and hunger at the same time. When he’s fucking a negboy, Brian pulls out every few minutes to slather more Tina-laced lube on his dick, leaving that hungry hole empty and gaping and slick with toxic precum while the boy whimpers a little louder and reaches back to spread his hole a little wider. With every dose of chems – with every shard of Tina smeared into that twitching fuckhole—the boy’s hunger keeps building, his fears and shames falling away as he gives in to a desperate, almost delirious craving. He starts mumbling incoherently, bits of pigtalk interspersed with sounds that aren’t quite words, but not quite moans either—the primal ravings of a bitch in heat. Before long, he’ll be making sharp backward hip-thrusts, impaling his chemmed-up jockhole at an increasingly rapid clip—smack, slap, slosh—as the skin on his bubble butt grows red from the pounding. If he’s like most boys, he doesn’t stop to ask questions when I put the Tina bong in front of him. By that point, he’s already tweaking on the chems in his butt, so he doesn’t put up a fight. He just wordlessly wraps his mouth around the glass stem, looking up at me with those pitch-black pupils as the bong chamber turns solid white and he eagerly fills his lungs with smoke. With every cloud billowing out of his mouth, he arches his back a little more sharply to elevate his fuckhole a little further toward the ceiling. There’s no question now: his ass is ours. In less than an hour, we’ve managed to transform a nice, upstanding kid into a helpless faggot with a Tina-fueled hunger for dick. I make sure to teach him the basic skills: how to take a nice deep hit, hold his breath for a few moments, and wrap his mouth around my cock before exhaling a thick cloud down the length of my shaft. (“Good boy,” I always say, which he usually answers with a muffled moan.) And while Brian’s cock keeps plunging its full length into that raw cumhole, I look down on our sweet, naïve, fucked-up negboy with a crooked smile of sadistic pride. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to Jace. * * * After getting dressed, I headed back to the pool party. Jace followed just a few steps behind like some kind of forlorn pup. When we rejoined the group near the pool, I gave Brian a little wink. He walked over to Jace, chatted briefly with him, and led him back inside. They were gone for about five minutes. When they returned, Jace looked a little more flushed than before, and Brian was grinning the cockiest of grins. “I took him to the bathroom,” he whispered in my ear. “Then I worked a nice big shard of T up inside his butt with my dick. Had to keep my hand over his mouth to keep that bitch from sobbing with pure joy.” “You breed him?” “Not yet. Gotta keep his cunt on edge, you know?” “Good thinking, babe. Now it's my turn.” I turned toward Jace, flashing him a crooked grin before walking back into the house. He followed me to the bathroom. I locked the door behind us. Almost by instinct, he simply turned around, pulled down his swimsuit, and leaned over the toilet to expose his hole. I placed my palm over his mouth and shoved my cock inside him in a single rough thrust. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes and his hole spasmed in pain, but he nodded encouragement. I began pounding his twitching cunt with my raw dick. “Brian and I are heading back home in 5 minutes,” I whispered in his ear. “Cancel your plans. Be at our door in half an hour. Got that, pig?” He nodded again. “Good. Because I know you’re hungry for seed.” I felt a cold shudder run through his body. Goosebumps formed on his back. And then I pulled out, giving his ass a hard smack. “See you soon, faggot.” * * * Almost exactly 30 minutes later, I found Jace standing anxiously at our front door. He looked directly into my eyes and managed a single word: “Please.” I nodded and gestured him inside. Five minutes later, my dick was back inside his raw fuckhole. Brian placed the glass pipe against Jace’s lips and lit the chamber. “I’ll tell you when to inhale,” he said. “You ever play with Tina?” Jace shook his head no. I grunted in appreciation—as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing hotter than a chempig initiation—and my cock twitched as I delivered a little bump of precum into that boy's newly partied-up butt. Meanwhile, with my cock still lodged deep inside him, I grabbed my phone to call Tristan, our dealer. (I'd been sending him updates throughout the day, so he knew what we'd been up to.) Tristan and I never bothered with formalities. "Please tell me that boy came back," he said when he picked up the phone. "Please tell me you're bringing that hungry hole to me." "Oh, he’s fuckin' ready, dude. In fact, he just blew a giant cloud on Brian's cock. Want him?” "Yes. In fact, I've set aside a very nice reward for you guys. A finder's fee, you might say." “Fuck yeah, bro. We can head that way in a few. He doesn’t have any loads in him yet, so you can be the first.” "Sweet! Get here fast, fucker." And with that, Tristan hung up. I pulled my dick from Jace’s hole, eliciting a truly pathetic whimper. “Don’t you worry, pig,” I said to him. “We’re taking you to meet our friend Tristan. He’s very eager to make a little money off this chemmed-up musclebutt. You ready to be a whore, boy?” “Yes, sir.” “OK, but let's be totally clear about one thing: I didn’t say slut. What did I say?” “You said whore.” “That’s right, boy. I said whore. And by that I mean a literal whore—a trashy fuckin’ pig who eagerly spreads his hole for any dude with a fistful of cash. Got that?” He moaned and reached back to expose his butt, now leaking a steady stream of lube and precum. “That's what I like to see, boy. Now get your fuckin' clothes on.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  48. I'm a bottom and now knowing what I know I just started meds. My viral load is 500,000 and my CD4 count is 242. The goal for guys who are on meds that don't want to transmit the virus is to get the viral load to be undetectable and raise their CD4. But if a top was to fuck me now the top is at risk of contracting the virus from me since my viral load is high.
    1 point
  49. Drugged and Pozzed (Pt 2) With that said he shouted out 'Take my poz seed boy, welcome to the family.' POZ SEED! Does that mean what I think it does? The world seem to be spinning around me. This all felt so strange, yet very, very good! All of a sudden I felt another stick in my arm, another warm feeling and a stronger couch then before and I was flying and all of a sudden didn't care. I wanted more. Adam then stepped up between my legs and pushed a few fingers (that's putting in mildly) in my ass. It felt like he was trying to get his fist in me. He was really trying to stretch open my ass. It felt like he was ripping me open some and massaging in Jake's seed. He pulled his fingers out and stroked his dick a few times to get it hard again. Then he shoved his cock in my hole and began to fuck me like Jake just did. As Adam fucked me, Jake walked over and kissed me deep and passionately. He looked into my eyes and said, 'I knew the moment I saw you that you would make a good addition to our family.' With that said he presented his cock to me and I took it in my mouth. I was feeling so good and very horny. As Adam was fucking me, Will walked in and over to me to watch. He said 'You're putting on a good show. I bet we'll have a few guys asking if they can seed you before the weekend is over.' I let Jake's cock drop from my mouth so I could ask 'The weekend?' Will looked down at me and said, 'Yes, the weekend. You are here until Monday. Then you can decide if you wish to return home or stay with us.' With that Will kissed me deep and long. His tongue probed into my mouth and as mine probed into his he bit it to the point it bled a little. Will then looked at Jake and said 'That should help.' Jake's cock slid back into my mouth as Adam began to really slam fuck me. I could barely hear him talk to Will when will walked up behind him and started to play with his nipples. He then reached between them and the expression on Adam's face changed. I then heard Adam say 'Yea Will that's what I need fuck me as I fuck my seed into this boy's cunt.' Will was just standing there as Adam seem to be fucking me as he fucked himself on Will's dick. Adams breathing changed and I new he was about to cum. Jake let me head go so I could watch as Adam screamed out, 'Here comes my seed boy, take my load.' Adam finished up and moved away. Will then grabbed a large dildo that had to be a foot long and wider then a beer can. He took that dildo and slowly slid it in my ass. While he did he asked, 'Was the boy given a K?' Jake replied, 'Hell yes, I know you like to use that horse cock and there's no way his virgin ass would take it without one.' As Will slid the dildo in my ass I resumed sucking Jake's cock. The dildo seemed to slide in easily until it was about half way in. It his something deep in me and was not moving as easily as it was before. Slowly will twisted the dildo back and forth and applied a little pressure then it slid passed what ever was impeding it. It slid all the way in to the base. Jake looked down at me and said, 'Congratulations! That's 13” of dildo in your ass. That will work our see in deep.' Will said, 'There's no escaping the bug now. You should get the fuck flu in a couple of weeks.' As that dildo sat in my ass Jake began to cum in my mouth. He looked down at me as he did and told me 'Don't swallow that just yet. We want you to swish it around your mouth, enjoy the flavor and get used to the taste.' I did as I was told and it did taste good, but stung a bit when it hit the cut Will had made in my tongue when he bit me. As I swallowed the dildo was pulled out. I felt so open down there and was wondering if I'd ever be able to close my ass again. Will looked at me and began to massage my ass and as he did I felt it relax and close a little, but not before Will slid his cock inside me. Will told Jake and Adam to check the computer if there have been any requests made yet. Now it was just Will and myself. Will looked down at me and said 'It's just you and me now. You will be mine alone until I have given you a few loads of my seed.' With that said he leaned down and kissed me like before without the biting of my tongue. This was so surreal. I was feeling so damn good and wanted more of what I was getting. Will was fucking me so vigorously that when he pulled back he pulled all the way out. I could tell he was tearing me up some down there. He looked into my eyes and simply said, 'Here's my first load' as he continued to fuck me without stopping or slowing down. This went on for a long time before we were interrupted by Jake. Will pumped in 4 loads when we were stopped by Jake's announcement, 'We have several offers including one from John.' Will looked over to Jake and said 'John's in town?' Then he looked at me and said, 'Boy, you're in for a treat with John.' Will told Jake to 'Invite John over and a few others to DP the boy with.' Will looked back at me with an evil grin and yelled out, 'He'll need another slam before the fun starts.
    1 point
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