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  1. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
    9 points
  2. Part 2: No matter how turned on the contract made me, I couldn't quite bring myself to sign it right away. That nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I don't really want to be pozzed, I reminded myself. And then I found myself imagining Eric's cock entering me. His big cock. His big poz cock. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the thought, I kept ending up jacking off as I re-read the "terms" of the contract. I couldn't help but to fixate on my requirement to declare "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." And I couldn't help but to say that to myself every time I came since reading the contract. And how did Eric know I would be receptive to such twisted language? That question was answered when another envelope appeared under my door a couple of days after the contract. The letter inside it was short and to the point. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to look at your laptop's history when we hung out last week. You visit some interesting sites. ;-) I'm still awaiting your signature. Don't let this offer expire. I felt ashamed for a moment. But that quickly passed as I realized that he was obviously okay with dozens of visits to BBRT, and A4A and this site. I tried to remember if I even visited any forums besides this bugchasing forum. Oh gosh, I don't think I did. Well, he knows how to entice me, I realized. And then it occurred to me that he's not just trying to tell me what I want to hear. He wants to poz me! Why else would he pressure me. Eric wants to get off on pozzing my ass with his big cock! And within a couple of seconds, I went from shame to insatiably rock hard. I went straight to my desk, and pulled out the contract from the drawer. I jacked my cock furiously as I re-read the terms; and the second letter. His dark desire to control me was intoxicating. Holy shit, he wants to fuck me to death! He wants to murder me with his big cock! "I want HIV-cum fucked into me!" I nearly shouted as I shot my load.
    8 points
  3. Becoming a Bug Chaser Note: This is pure fantasy and never happened. Maybe someday though. As I waited in the doggy style position on my bed with my ass presented towards the door I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I was supposed to be a good boy. I never did anything wrong. And most importantly, I always played safe. Why was I being so reckless? The door opened and I shivered. This was it. I heard the door shut, then came the creaking of my floor board. Before long there was a metal clang, and then finally the sound I had been dreading most. The snap of my bare ass getting smacked. "Fuck!" I screamed as the man hit me with his bare hand. "Yea the little slut likes getting his ass smacked doesn't he?" I heard a deep voice say. "Yes Sir," I screamed even though I hated it. "Please hit me again!" The man smacked me again before pulling my cheeks apart and diving his tongue into my hole. I had already loosened it with a dildo so I was able to feel his tongue actually slide inside. The man pulled away and dug his fingers into my cheeks. "Tell me what you want boy," he said. For a moment I hesitated, but then I decided to cross the line I could never go back from. "I want your poz cum up my neg pussy Sir!" I hadn't actually been sure I'd be able to say it out loud in person, so when I did I was ecstatic. I broke into a wide grin, some of the tension melting away from me. "Yea. That's pretty stupid boy," the man said before taking a quick lick of my hole, nipping it with his teeth, and inserting a finger while scratching the insides. "Why would you want toxic, dirty, virulent poz loads when you're neg? Up till now you've never let a dick touch your hole without a condom, right boy?" I took a breath, let it out, and then started reciting what I had been practicing all day in anticipation for this moment. "Because I want to be a bug chaser Sir! I want to be a cumdump for strangers and refuse no loads while looking for poz ones! I hate condoms! And I don't want to use them ever again! Please breed me! Give me your AIDS Sir! Knock me up! Corrupt me ! Convert me from a condom only, stand-up member of society into a sick, twisted, perverted, disgusting bug chasing cumdump who lets anyone fuck him!" I couldn't believe I was saying all this. It wasn't a fantasy anymore. It was real. I was getting bred for the first time by a stranger. Not just that, I had purposely looked for a poz guy with a high viral load who loved gifting bug chasers. The it hit me. I really was a officially a bug chaser. My grin didn't leave for the rest of the day. "Yea you nasty pig," the man said lining his dick with my hole. "You filthy bug chaser," I heard him spit, and then his cock started sliding into me. "You want my load, huh? You want my AIDS babies?" "Yes!" I screamed, pushing my ass into his pubes so his raw, poz dick went deeper. "I'm a sick, disgusting, twisted bug chaser! I want poz loads from strangers! Destroy my neg pussy!" "You got it boy." He started fucking me relentlessly. It felt like an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes. The most intense fifteen minutes of my life. The man fucked me nonstop, only sliding his bare cock out for a few seconds here and there, each time sticking his fingers into my hole and scratching around. It was so painful, but I was euphoric the entire time. I was being the whore I'd always dreamed of being. Every time he'd call me a faggot, cumdump, slut, bug chaser, damaged goods, or no longer neg, I felt a sense of fulfillment I had never felt before his raw dick slid into my now condom free, neg but soon to be poz hole. And then it happened. He started speeding up, digging his fingers into my shoulders so hard I was sure he had broken the skin. "Here it comes bitch!" the man screamed. "This is it! I"m converting you! Your neg ass is getting bred for the first time with my potent poz cum! Your life is over! I felt him shoot into me, its heat melting into my body creating a craving for cum I had never known was possible. My life flashed before me: -The first time I was fucked with a condom -The guy I kicked out who tried to stealth me even though discovering that made me harder than I had ever been. -The guys I turned down online because they were poz or wouldn't play safe. -The first time I found Breeding zone, found a story about bug chasing, and shot the biggest load of my life. -Admitting to myself I wanted to be a cumdump for strangers, especially those who were poz. -The first time I talked with a guy online about wanting to take poz loads up my ass. -And finally, an hour ago when I set up this meeting with a stranger to fuck me bareback for the first time and fill me with his highly virulent poz load. The man fell on top of me, trapping me beneath him. As I lay there panting, taking in what had just happened, I started to feel guilty. I felt around to my battered hole that was still stuffed with the man's dick, needing to confirm that the intense breeding had really happened. Flinching as my fingers made contact with my hole I felt a cool, sticky goo that I smothered my fingers in. Bringing them back to my face I saw my fingers covered in pink tinged cum. I was horrified and disgusted with myself that I had willingly done something so perverse. But when I stuffed my fingers in my mouth, licked them, swallowed, and then went back for seconds, I knew the man was right about my life being over. At least my life as a responsible boy who didn't make stupid decisions, chose his sex partners selectively, and always used condoms. From that day on I'd be a whore, a cum dump, and a bug chaser.
    7 points
  4. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
    4 points
  5. I'd taken to jogging after work only recently. Despite what usually happens in college, I'd lived a relatively healthy lifestyle. I played basketball, did a bit of swimming and didn't really party too much like a lot of my friends did. My main vice was that I guess I used my allure as a sportsman to sleep with plenty of girls. Now those days were well behind me I was doing my best to get back to a shape where I'd get some attention again. I got home and quickly ate some of the leftovers in the fridge and got into my running gear. I'd gotten bored running the same way each night so I thought I'd try another park in town. I wasn't sure whether the leftovers had been left for too long or I'd started running too quickly afterwards but it didn't take too long before I needed to start looking for a toilet block. Eventually I found one in a tucked away corner of the park. It wasn't in the best condition and the area looked a bit sketchy but I wasn't really in a position to try anywhere else. The immense sense of relief as I sat in the cubicle changed when I heard a heap of male voices entering the block. Perhaps it was a tour group or a sports team or something on a bus trip home? I heard them greeting and introducing each other, what were they doing? Shortly after, I heard muttering of "Get those clothes off", the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin, the gate being slammed shut and locked and my blood froze. A gay orgy was about to happen! How was I going to get out of this? I sat there scared out of my wits as voices came closer to my cubicle, and then I heard one of them. "Shit, there's someone in here!" "Fuck," I thought to myself. "Looks like we've got someone crashing our party. It's OK, you can come out. We won't bite....hard" I wiped my ass, pulled my shorts up, took a deep breath and left the cubicle. All I could see were naked male bodies, something like 10-15 of them, all over each other and all different ages & races. "God, what a fucking hottie. And a great new addition to the group." one of the guys said as he looked across at me. "Sorry guys, you don't understand. I'm straight....I'm here by accident." "Nobody's here at this time of night by accident." said one of the guys as he walked over towards me, naked and hard. I gulped nervously. "Looks like we've got a swallower!" he said to the others. Some looked over at me while the rest were more than happy keeping each other amused. A couple of the other guys stood up and walked over. "Everyone in here has to join the party" "But I don't want to..." "Like he said," said the other guy. "You don't have a choice" and they each grabbed one of my arms and pushed me to my knees. "Open your mouth" ordered the first guy that saw me. "No way!" I replied before getting a slap across the face. "You'll do exactly what we say if you want to get out of here in one piece." My wallet was removed from my shorts. "And if you tell anyone, we'll make your life hell" In a complete state of shock I opened my mouth and almost immediately the main guy's cock hit the back of my throat. I could barely breathe as I was choking on his cock and his groin pressed against my face. I had no chance to protect myself as both my arms were held. 'He's a natural," I heard him say as the other two laughed. I felt strong hands at my legs, lifting me up so that I was horizontal with the ground. When I tried to kick out, the guy facefucking me pushed hard into me, "What did I tell you about funny business?" I felt my shorts being taken off. "What a great ass he's got too" I heard one say. "I can't wait to get a piece of it." I'd never been so scared as I felt hands pawing at my ass. "You guys are so good, the four of you are like a fuckbench" and I was being held in midair, spreadeagled. The unmistakenly behind me and between my legs. "Looks like a great virgin pussy" and I felt the cold shock of lube on my ass. The only hope I had was that he had a condom on. As if reading my thoughts, the guy facefucking me said "And we only play raw too." I squirmed in the four guys' arms and was reprimanded once more. "Just ride it out bitch til we've had our fun." I felt a cockhead pressing against my ass and before I knew it, he was buried deep inside me. I gasped in shock which allowed the guy in front to push his cock further down my throat and I choked a bit. "I love it when a guy gags" That in turn must've put pressure on my ass muscles as the guy fucking me shot his load inside me within seconds. "God Bill, cumming too early again. Get him to clean it off while I get a piece of that" said the guy facefucking me. Bill pulled out and they swapped over. The guy that'd taken my throat was now about to take my ass. As Bill pulled out I felt cum dribble out of my ass and onto the floor. I felt someone positioning themselves beneath me, a skinny ill-looking guy who wouldn't have been much more than 20. "Can't let all of that beautiful cum go to waste" he said. "You're such a slut Chris", the guy ploughing my ass said. "haha, true Bruce. But unwilling sluts are so much more fun." and then he started to work my cock. Despite my best efforts and the shock I was feeling, Chris was so good my cock grew quickly in his mouth. It must've turned a lot of the guys on as I could feel cum splattering onto my back. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening. I was going through the horror of being gang raped yet also receiving the best blowjob I'd ever had. It didn't take long before I was cumming deep down Chris' throat and Bruce shot inside me shortly after. I'd taken two loads inside me and no idea how many had been shot over me. I had a sense there was plenty more to come. My hopes were raised when I was placed on the ground but they were dashed quickly when wrist ties were placed on me and I was dragged to one of the cubicles. As I looked down at myself I was shocked but not totally surprised given the treatment I'd received to see a little bit of blood running down my leg. Same for all virgins I guess. My arms were tied to the cistern and a leg tied to each side of the stall with my ass facing the door, open for all to take advantage of. I honestly lost count of the number of guys that took my ass while I was in that position. I'd become pretty deadened to the whole experience. I'd feel a pair of my hands at my hips, a cock slipping inside and they'd pound away inside me until I felt them shoot. I didn't want to turn around but I could tell from the sounds that guys were having their cocks sucked so they were ready to go once it was their turn. I'd effectively become a cumdump. I guess this had gone on for an hour or two before they decided they wanted me in a new position. I'd given up fighting by this stage and so offered little resistance when they pushed me onto the dirty floor on my back and tied my arms and legs wide in an extreme X position. Most of the time I was tagteamed while I was in that position, one guy fucking my ass and the other my throat. I took load after load down my throat, in my ass and on my body as some of the guys jerked off or pissed on me as they watched. Banging on the locked door woke me from my trance. "Big Jake must be here" one of the guys said. It didn't worry me too much, I'd been through so much already, what else could be done to me? And then I saw Big Jake. Jake was a massive black guy, easily 6ft7 and probably 300 pounds, all muscle. He took his shirt off but all I could see was the rapidly growing monster cock in his shorts, it had to be 13 inches. "Is this a new guy?" he asked. "Nah, some guy who pretended to be just passing" Bruce replied. "Has he been inducted?" "Should be, but you'll make sure of it." Bruce then turned to me. "From memory we're all poz, but Big Jake has the most toxic seed of all of us. If you weren't poz before you DEFINITELY will be once he's through with you." He lay on top of me and his massive, rock hard cock probed my hole and, given the battering it had taken through the night, he entered me pretty easily despite his incredible size. I could feel his cock pounding my prostate and I found myself grunting in time. "God I love straight pussy," Jake whispered in my ear. "And it's even better when I'm pozzing it." As I felt his cock thickening inside me I came heavily, my whole body shuddering underneath him. His load shortly joined the numerous ones I'd taken through the night and with that I finally passed out. I came to about four hours later, being shaken by a groundsman from the park. "Come on faggot, you've had your sleep. Time to go home." "I'm not a faggot..." "That's not what your chest says. Now get up, put your clothes on and go home." I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Someone had written "POZ FAG" on my chest in permanent marker. I pulled my top back on, gingerly pulled my shorts over my aching and filled ass and made my way home, my life changed permanently.
    3 points
  6. Continue of Part 1: Once safe in the car, I tried to calm him down through the space in the window- "Dude I was just sending a text while watching u walk off from that scene! You need to relax, bro- need a smoke?" I could see the wheels turning in his brain. His eyes were a warm brown and u could see the attempts of a chin strap starting to form on his face. He was torn by want and image- a true struggle for such a young man. In the end, image won out; "whatever, fag." As he walked back to where his board layed on the ground i couldn't help but admire how the sweat and sun highlit the muscles of his tapered back to his pantline. Once his board was retrieved he disapeared into the crowd and I went back to watching the young meat on display. I was watching one boy intently. Blonde hair, with a waiflike build that if not for the tattoo on his back i would have worried we was too young; but the looped tribal ink told me he was open for business. I loaded a bowl of herb i had prepared laced with Tina and was about to take a hit when there was a knock on the driver's window. I nearly jumped out of my skin but was relieved to see it was the guy with anger issues with a look of shame on his face. "Hey dude," he said through the crack in the window; "I'm sorry about earlier... If you're still offering I'd love a smoke." Outwardly and inwardly I smiled- he's mine. With my head I motioned him towards the passenger side while I took my hit. I unlocked the door and blew my smoke towards the ceiling while he climbed in. I rested the pipe on my thigh, right near my crotch as he got comfortable in the seat next to me. Out of my periphs I saw him watching the pipe in my hand. "I'm Chuck," I said as i brought the pipe up to take another hit. "Jordan," he answered as I lit the crystallized herb. "How old are ya, bro" I struggled from coughing to keep the smoke in. "20" LIAR! "I'll have to check your ID, dude, nothing personal just want to make sure you aren't a teen." He shifted in the seat to pull out a purple duct tape wallet from which he pulled an eastcoast ID. The picture was pretty dark, and it was hard to tell for sure if the kid in the picture was the same sitting next to me. I suspected a fake. Indeed first name Jordan, but the year didn't match. I again asked, "how old are you?" He sighed as he admitted to being 18, but in 2 months he would be 19. According to the ID this was true, if it was a fake he remembered the details well enough... either way, at this point I didn't much care. I handed him the pipe and watched him take that first hit of what he thought was just green. He closed his eyes an leaned his head back as the smoke started to flow into his blood. His Adam's apple stuck out like a shelf. He smoked to hand it back to me but I told him to take a few. As he sat back, relaxing and feeling the tina begin to work with the herb I asked him what was going on- who was the 'cunt' he was so pissed off over. After a couple of hits he looked at me with a tear in his eyes as he said that his girlfriend back home had gotten bored after only a week of him being away and had hooked up with two of his friends. I struggled not to laugh as I said, "You've been here a week, so how many times have you hooked up?" He turned bright pink and tried to deny it but i simply put my hand on his arm and looked him right in the eye- dude to dude. "Well," he began; "my second night here i let a dude blow me cause i was super horny and he was bitching about missing his bf back home... but that isn't cheating, and letting 2 dudes breed you is!" He pressed to justify how he wasn't wrong but she was. "I agree!" I assured him as he took another hit. He again leaned back to feel his hit, his hand with the pipe falling to his lap. Using the slightest pit of pressure, I rubbed the back of my hand against his crotch as I took the pipe from his hands. The feeling of my hand against his junk made him jump but relaxed hen he realized I was reaching for the pipe. I took my hit as he continued about how unfair pussy can be. "Well, Jordan, that was the end of the green. I have booze and something stronger at my place if you need." He couldn't resist. I slowly drove back to my second apartment- my place is grand and lush- but I never bring my hookups there. Since I could afford it, I also rented out this piece of shit apartment in a building that was probably going to be condemned in the coming years. This is where I bring my hookups. Can't rob me if you don't know were I live.... Once inside he jumped on the old ratty sofa I got at a thrift store and took a deep sigh as he let it all hang out. I asked if he wanted a drink. I brought him the beer he ordered as i went into the bedroom to get the supplies. More to come if there is interest....
    3 points
  7. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    3 points
  8. I went to a pretty big bareback sex party this winter. It was in 2-bedroom hotel suite, and at its full capacity, there were easily 50-60 guys in the place. Picture a living room full of bags and clothes, piles of fresh towels for the tops, and moaning coming from each corner of the room. I was one of the 'designated' bottoms - getting there early, helping set up and I could spend the night there. Not much sleep of course. Party started at 8 PM. At 3 AM I was still getting pounded as the place started to empty out. There were some slower moments throughout the night, but for the most part, it was non-stop fucking. It was still the sluttiest, most thrilling experience I had so far. If things go well, your hole is not sore, it's just really open, wet and sloppy - exactly how most tops liked it. I didn't count how many loads, but I remember at least twenty or so guys/faces fucking me. If the tops are taking turns and fucking hard, you lose track of time easily after 10 minutes. It's a very deep and raw feeling - almost animalistic. Hard to explain fully. Whoever is fucking you also doesn't matter anymore. You just feel the cocks, one after the other. Some guys told me that's why they like blindfolds - something I might try next time. You feel degraded, slutty, objectified and you accept that you're basically just two holes on all fours for the night. I've been telling a lot of guys, tops and bottoms, that being a bareback cum dump bottom is like climbing a sexual Everest. I think it's one of the most masculine / raw / sexual thing you can experience, despite whatever names some guys might call you (slut or boy).
    2 points
  9. I LOVED being whored out by my brother when I was 13, 14 and 15! I counted on him to get as many guys as possible to breed my hungry hole!
    2 points
  10. this is the story of how i became a bottom bitch for the city's best BBC escort PART 1 His name was Tom. We met right after he moved here, he wasn't in the trade at the time. young, actually; he was 19 and I was 23. I was a tall, thin, hung, vers guy at the time. 6'4" 190, with a very thick 8" uncut cock that got a lot of attention. Of course, I suspected his black dick was even bigger. Our first few meetings were just awkward casual stuff, making out here and there, nothing serious. That changed though, one night, when he invited me over to his new apartment. I didn't really know what to expect, but given how hot he was, I was never going to turn him down. Black guys in my town were very rare, and he was 6'1", 200lb, built and packing a 9" uncut thick piece I'd only begun to play with. I knew I wanted him, I just didn't know how badly. At any rate, he told me to head to his place that night, and I obeyed. When I got there, he was chilling on his couch, smoking a joint and watching some bareback porn. I immediately noticed the glass pipe and a small bag of crystal on his table; i'd done the stuff only once before, and I ended up getting raped all night by a guy I'd never seen again - but it was one of the best nights of my life, all the same. I sat down next to him. "You smoke t?" he asked, caressing my thigh. "Done it before, never smoked it though." "You'll like it." he said, as he reached for the pipe and lit it. He took a huge toke, winked at me, and tugged at my shirt. I exhaled as I fell into him, and we kissed gently as he blew the smoke back into my lungs. "See? Have some more." He passed me the pipe, and torched the chamber for me, as I sucked it back, several times more. I sat back, as he did the same. All of a sudden, my body was buzzing; my ass was tingling; my cock shriveled into my balls. As he finished toking, I took off my shirt. "That's better. Make yourself comfortable." He put down the pipe on the table, and sat back down on the couch. All of a sudden, I noticed that his cock was hanging out of the top of his sweatpants, half hard and drooling from the tip. I couldn't stop staring at it. I was transfixed - it was so big, so beautiful, a real man's dick, and I wanted it. Bad. "You like that big black dick, don't you? Why don't you show me how much you like it?" He grabbed my wrist, and drew my hand right onto his dribbling, half-hard member. I grabbed on like my life depended on it and started stroking it. "Show me how much you like that dick, boy." I fell off the couch to my knees, and started sucking on his dick. I couldn't wait to see it erect, it was already huge in my hand, i knew it would be choking my throat in no time. "Yeah, suck that dick, show me how bad you want it." His dick was still semi-hard so I could take it to his balls, but with every stroke it was stiffening, and hitting the back of my throat. "Look at me while you suck my dick." I realized I'd basically tuned out, eyes closed. I looked up. His eyes were locked on mine. It was a completely different person than I'd known before we smoked up. He stroked through my hair, and then grabbed it firmly. "Look at me while you suck my dick," he told me, staring right at me. "I promise," I babbled between strokes, unable to resist. I kept going down on him, eyes locked on his - and his cock just kept getting bigger, and bigger - i couldn't take it anymore. "Good boy. I love watching those sweet white lips on my nigger meat." He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me. "Those lips on my cock head, that's what really gets me off. It's so sensitive - I want you to work that head for me, okay babe?" I nodded, and he pushed me right back down into his crotch. As I engulfed his cockhead with my lips, he kept stroking through my hair and staring right into my eyes. With every moan his cock got harder and harder, until it was an enormous 9" wrist-thick piece of big black meat. "Look how hard you got me, boy. What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" He pulled me up by my hair again, and reached around to finger my hole. I moaned. "What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" he repeated. "I want you..." I whispered. My grip tightened around his now rock-hard, 9x7 uncut member. "WHAT?" "I want you." I said, a little louder. "You want me to WHAT, boy?" "I want you to fuck me." "You want me to fuck this little white hole do you?" he asked as his finger slipped inside me, and I groaned. "Yeah, it looks like you want some nigger meat in this white boy hole of yours." A second finger pushed its way in. "You want me to fuck this white boy pussy?" His fingers were pushing deeper and deeper, and I was losing control. "Tell me." He pulled out completely. "What do you want?" "I want you tu fuck my white boy pussy." I said, surprising even myself. He rubbed the fingers he'd pulled out of my ass against my lips. "Get on the bed and spread your legs, I want to eat that hole before I fuck it." He slapped my ass and pushed me off the couch in the diretion of the bedroom. Obviously, I didn't need any further encouragement - all I could think about was his throbbling, droooling, massive cock. I basically leapt onto the bed into the doggy position, legs spread wide. "That is a nice ass you have there, boy. Now you hold still." He grabbed my ass cheeks and groped them, then spread them, and started licking my hole. I lost my mind immediately; the combination of the foreplay and the tina send me completely over the edge. The more he ate my hole the more I needed him, as his tongue drove deeper and deeper into me. It was the most overwhelming rimming I'd ever received. It didn't last long, as he could clearly sense how hungry I was. "That is some nice white boy butt you have there, boy," he whispered in my ear, as he slipped his thumb back into my asshole. "Are you going to let me fuck it?" "Yes, please, please fuck my white boy hole!" I nearly shouted, as his thumb rubbed against my prostate, and my shrunken cock dribbled precum. He added another two fingers to his assault of my ass, pushing deeper, making me moan louder and louder. Then, with three fingers up my ass, he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me back towards him, sitting me up on the bed. "I will. First, smoke a little more, okay?" He wiggled his fingers inside of me as he stared into my eyes. Then with his spare hand he picked up the pipe from the bedside and passed it to me along with a lighter. "I want to see you take three big tokes, and then I'll fuck this white boy pussy." He thumbed my prostate again and I groaned. I held the pipe as he lit the torch. One. Two. Three. He stared at me through every one, massaging my ass with his fingers. There was no escape. With every breath I was losing control more and more. "Good boy. Hold still, I need some too..." he pulled his hand out of my ass, and the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming. "Oh no please don't-" I squealed. "You want to get fucked, don't you? Now shut up and spread your hole again while I get ready to fuck you." He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up and kissed me, and then threw me back down onto the bed. "On your knees again, I want to see that hole," he demanded, as he lit the freshly-loaded pipe. I got back up into the doggy position, with my legs spread again. Now that my ass was lubed and fingered it was cold as hell, as well as tingling with hunger to be filled. I was intensely embarassed by my cold, wet rosebud being exposed to the world but knew I had no choice whatsoever. I heard him put the pipe down on the table, and then heard a slapping noise, which was him fastening a cockring to his giant 9" cock and big black balls. "Does that white hole want to get fucked?" he asked. I moaned. "You want some nigger meat in that white boy hole don't you?" I moaned again. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want it in you." "I want you to fuck my boy hole," I whimpered, and his hands slid along my hips. His cock slipped through my asscrack, and then rubbed back and forth against my hole. "Tell me you want this nigger meat in your white boy hole," he said, breathing on my neck, his massive, throbbing cockhead pressing, ever so gently but firmly, against my asshole, threatening to enter, but not quite. "Beg for this nigger meat, or you're not getting fucked tonight." "Please, please, fuck my white boy hole, fuck it with your nigger meat, I need your nigger meat in me please, please, pleasssseeee..." I didn't have to fake my petulant tone as the threat of not getting fucked at all, with my ass already wet with anticipation, my whole body shaking with desire, had sent me into complete overdrive. Amd as I kept shouting please, please, please, he thrusted his whole nine inches balls deep into me in one swift, brutal stroke. I froze in ecstasy, as he nibbled my neck as his balls slapped against mine. "Oh am I ever going to fuck this hole of urs. Why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet little pussy, boy." He pulled his dick out to the tip and thrust it right back to the balls. "You white boys have the nicest pussy, and it loves getting fucked by nigger meat don't it?" He continued thrusting into me, over and over. I couldn't even speak, the pleasure was overwhelming. He drove his cock to the hilt, and grabbed my wrist. "Why are you jerking yourself?" his deep voice whispered into my ear again. I didn't even realise I had been furiously masturbating my limp dick since he'd begun fucking me. "That little boy dick isn't going to get hard tonight. You're a white boy pussy, that dick ain't good for nothing. Do you want to get fucked or not?" "Yes, yes, I want you to fuck me, please...." "Good boy," he grabbed both of my wrists and shoved me down onto my stomach, and started thrusting his cock into my ass over and over. "A pussy boy like you doesn't touch his dick. Not if he wants to get fucked. All you need to worry about is how you're going to take this nigger meat, understand? My cock is the only one you're going to think about." I swear i could feel his dick harden even more and push deeper and deeper into my ass. "Tell me, pussy boy, that you won't touch yourself again." "I'm your pussy boy and I won't touch myself again I just want you to fuck me with your nigger meat please please keep fucking me with your nigger meat that's all I want..." He moaned, and shoved me down and doubled his pace of thrusting. "Good. If you need something to do with those soft white boy hands of yours, play with my nipples or my balls, keep your back arched... or smoke some more tina like the slut you are." he suddenly lifted me up and thrust the pipe into my face. "Breathe in, slut." He pushed his dick in to the balls again, and I could feel it throb it was so hard - was he ever getting off on this. So was I. I sucked in deeply. "See? No need to fight it, you have such a hot ass, it deserves dick in it." He took the pipe from me and inhaled a few times himself; each time I could feel his dick harden and heat up, like a threat, or a promise. He dropped the pipe over the bed and grabbed me tightly again. "I thought your white boy ass was going to turn out to be a bit of a slut, but I had no idea what a pussy little bitch you'd turn out to be," he roared at me, as he drilled my ass from behind over and over. He pulled out suddenly to fip me onto my back, and I instincively pulled my legs into my air and he slid his massive cock right back into my ass and continued fucking me. "Turns out you're a born pussy boy, aren't you. Look at this little pussy dick." On my back, there was no hiding my normally 8" dick shriveled to the size of a peanut. He stroked it idly, as if it were funny to him. "This is the last time I ever touch your dick, bitch. Understand? I don't ever want to see it again. All I want is this sweet white boy hole wrapped around my nigger meat. Deal?" He gripped my tiny, soft dick tighter, and picked up the pace of his fucking. "Deal!!" I moaned. "So you're not going to tuch your little boy dick ever again around me? Because you want this nigger meat in your pussy so bad?" "Yes I promise I'll never touch it again I just want you to fuck my white boy pussy!" as this spurted out of my mouth to my own surprise, he grabbed both of my legs and shoved me flat into the bed to fuck me even deeper. "Oh boy, you really are a bitch aren't you. This white ass is just desperate for big black cock. Why didn't you tell me you were such a slut?" He suddenly pulled out of me, and flipped me back onto my knees, and thrust three fingers deep into my hole. "Hahaha, look at you, you're not even going to budge as long as I'm in that pathetic little pussy of yours." He kept fingering my hole and it was true; I couldn't move, it was too fantastic. "You're completely addicted to nigger meat, and I'm going to show you what that means. You're mine now, boy, and I am not letting you go. This pussy is too sweet." I moaned and moaned as he continued fingering my ass. Little did I know what his other hand was up to. "Hold still." His hand withdrew, and I groaned - "HOLD STILL I SAID!" and I didn't dare budge. "A slut hole like this deserves a treat," he whispered. I could feel his cockhead return to my hole, rubbing against it again, this time with a warm tingling sensation. And with one fluid motion he was buried in my ass again, but this time with it came an enormous burning and then an overwhelming pleasure. He'd covered his massive erection in meth and was pounding it into my asshole - and now he was in complete control. Before I could even adjust to the overwhelming sensations he resumed fucking me silly. "What a slutty white boy you are, letting ur ass get booty bumped by nigger meat, what were you thinking? " he boomed, hammering my ass over and over, grabbing my hips tightly, pushing deeper and deeper into my ass than ever before, the meth setting it all on fire with need. "You can't say no to big black dick like this, can you? This pussy is all mine now." "ohhhhhhhhhh" I whimpered, the only word I could muster through the sensory overload. His cock driving the booty bump back and forth into my ass was only making him stiffer and stiffer, and I could barely understand anything beyond the massive black cock that was filling my insides with pleasure. "I'm going to fuck this sweet white boy pussy of yours all night long." He pulled his cock out to the head, and slapped each of my cheeks, and then thrust it back in to the balls. "But you want me to fuck you all night long, don't you boy?" "....yesssss....." I moaned, struggling not to black out. "Yeah? You want your white boy hole bred by this nigger meat don't you? Your boy pussy likes being filled up doesn't it?" My tiny boy cock was frantically spurting precum as he told me exactly what I already knew. There was nothing I wanted more than this god of a man to keep fucking me. "And you're not going to touch that little white boy dick either, are you?" He laughed, and flicked my soft dick with his finger. He pulled his dick out entirely and slapped me across the face to get a response. I nodded frantically and licked hungrily at his nipples. "Yes, I just want to be your boy pussy, I want you to fuck me all night, I want you to breed my hole, please keep fucking me, please, please, please!!" As I submitted completely he rammed his rock-hard cock back into me, drilling me over and over as I screamed nonsense, as his dick kept stroking me deeper and deeper. "GOOD BOY." He locked eyes with me again, and continued fucking me with long, steady strokes from head to balls of his fat 9" cock. "I am going to breed this hole. Repeatedly. As long as you keep being such a well behaved little bitch, you are going to get this dick in you. And that's what you need isn't it?" He pulled out his dick to spit on my hole, and started circling his cockhead around it. "You're addicted to nigger meat now aren't you." "YES YES I'M ADDICTED I NEED IT IN ME PLEASE PUT IT BACK KEEP FUCKING ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME ALL NIGHT LONG AND BREED MY WHITE HOLE OVER AND OVER" I was thrashing around, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. He grabbed me by the throat and drew me to him. His eyes locked onto mine again, dead serious. His cockhead slipped into my hole, just barely. "This is what you are now. A pussy full of nigger meat. What a lucky boy you are. Lots of bitches want this cock, but I picked your pussy to fill up tonight. " I just nodded, as his steel-hard cock slipped back into me. He smiled, and began fucking me relentlessly. "Let's see how many loads I can leave in this hole for you... here comes number one!" He kept fucking me harder and harder. He started groping me frantically, as his cock swelled within me. He lifted me up entirely, and threw me on top of him, and began slamming my ass from below. I started cumming from him fucking me, my tiny boy dick spurting jizz onto his chest. He grinned, slammed his big black cock as deep as it'd go in me, and shot his massive load deep into my guts. I crumpled on top of him, and he kissed me on my neck. "Stay here with me, boy, and I will keep that pussy feeling good." I did. We fucked for another eight hours. He had three more major orgasms, but who knows how many loads he left in my ass. He fucked a few loads out of me as well, without touching my cock of course. We finished well after dawn. When he finally let me go home, he left me with instructions. Keep all his cum in my ass as long as possible, When I came back, I had to wear a jockstrap to hide my cock if I ever wanted to get fucked again. I had to stop shaving my ass crack, as he liked it hairy. And I had to show up spotlessly clean and ready to fuck all night long next time he asked, because once he started in on my ass he couldn't stop. And obviously, I had to smoke tina with him. I agreed to everything instantly. The next time couldn't come soon enough.
    1 point
  11. Brad is totally my type: tall, lean, and having a basketball player's build, has reddish-brown hair and the most sexy light brown eyes. He's 6' 6", 190 pounds and 26 years old. He is simply one of the sexiest guys I've ever known, he has a gorgeous eight inch cock and a great set of balls. I was very happy with him, and had been with him for six months when he found out that he was poz. I was negative, and during those six months when we had sex, Brad had never cum in me ... although I asked for him to. I thought it was quirky at first that he wouldn't shoot inside me, but just let it go, although I knew ex had done IV drugs and they had plenty of bareback sex.) When he told me he was poz, he said he would understand if I broke it off with him, feeling I deserved a less-challenging relationship. I wouldn't hear of it. Three months later we moved in together into a West Hollywood apartment and had sex all the time - always bareback. Brad's doctor suggested he attend a gay men's poz support group where he could talk about being poz with guys who could understand. That's where he met Justin, who was also in a poz-neg relationship. Justin and I are surprisingly similar in build, 6 foot tall, 185 pounds, 28 years old and light brown hair. They both had the same HIV doctor and had met once before in the doctor's office, although just in passing. Since the beach is a long drive, Brad and I regularly went to a bathhouse, North Hollywood Spa that has an outdoor sun deck. We'd lay out to get some sun and then go inside to have some fun, always together. It worked for us in our new relationship, so why not? Being around other hot naked guys just got us even more horny for each other. Shortly after Brad joined the poz support group, we ran into Justin on Santa Monica Blvd, and he told me he thought it was cool that I was OK with Brad being poz ... and that his neg partner wouldn't touch him at all because of it. I said "You're a hottie! I can't imagine any man not wanting to be naked with you!" OK, so sometimes my 'edit mode' doesn't work well, and I guess the cat was out of the bag. Justin was hot and now he and Brad knew I thought as much. Justin wanted to know how Brad fucked my neg ass without him pozzing me, so Brad explained he would pull out of my ass right when he was starting to cum and then shoot on my abs. That way we were able to avoid condoms and also avoid having me seroconvert. Then Brad apparently had a brain storm 'cause he said "Rob and I are going to lay out naked at the tubs on Saturday," adding "would you like to join us?" Justin was up for it as his boyfriend was out of town for work, so we arranged for Justin to meet at our place and then we'd head out together. Justin had never been to a bathhouse before, so we got him checked in and inside. I got a big room for us to throw our stuff into, with the thought we'd strip down and then head to the sun deck. That's when Brad and I first saw Justin's cock. Holy Fuck, it was huge and he was sporting a Prince Albert. His nipples were also pierced, which I also found hot. I definitely wanted his cock in a big way. While I knew the poz support group’s rules said Brad and Justin were not supposed to play around with each other, I had the distinct feeling that rule would be broken before we went home that day. Brad and I chose to lay naked, and Justin wore a Speedo as he wanted a tan line. Brad and Justin lay next to each other, and my lounge chair was in front of their's, which, as long as I was on my stomach, made it really convenient for me to stare at Justin's basket. The Speedo barely contained his pierced poz cock. I wanted it. So did Brad. I had a spritz bottle, so after a little bit, I misted water on me to cool off. I then to be a dickhead, adjusted the stream to a jet and squirted Brad directly in the balls. That got his attention! His cock started getting hard, so I continued doing it. Justin laughed at what I was doing, so I squirted his Speedo as well, then worked the stream up to his nips. My cock was hard. Brad's cock was hard, and Justin's cock was filling out his Speedo even more. "Let's take a break inside and cool off," I suggested, wanting to be naked with these two studs. The three of us showered off downstairs and then headed to the room, "Just for a couple minutes." But no sooner had the door behind us, than we lost our towels, and we were three guys in heat, making out and feeling each other up, our cocks drooling precum like crazy. We were horny and needed to get off. In no time, the three of us were on the bed and ravaging each other. I was on my back with Brad sucking my cock, while Justin sucked Brad's cock. It wasn't too long before it was time to switch-up. "I gotta get a taste of my first pierced cock," Brad said. I said "Don't get him off, because I want some too." Justin wasn't used to three-ways, and this was his first since he converted to being poz, and he certainly wasn't used to a neg guy being so hot for his poz cock. Brad switched places and laid on his back and Justin crawled up to straddle Brad and fed him his cock. This was a great opportunity for me to get Brad's cock up my hole and to feel up Justin while he got his cock sucked by Brad. Justin blocked Brad's view, so Brad was surprised when I lubed up his bare cock and lowered myself onto him. I moaned at how hot Brad's cock felt up my ass ... and what a hot view I had of Justin's butt and hot body. He turned around to see what I was up to behind him, and was surprised I was taking Brad's cock right there. It was erotic as hell to watch Brad suck on another poz cock, and I certainly enjoyed having his cock up my ass. Unfortunately, Brad's gag reflex had a problem with the ring in Justin's cock, so he had to back off it and just suck on the tip. Seeing what was going on, I said, "Let's switch positions ... I'll be able to take his big dick with no problem." Brad and Justin just looked at me and laughed as Brad remarked "My boyfriend the slut! Give the man what he wants." Justin took Brad's place on his back, I bent over to suck Justin's cock and Brad fucked me doggy style. Everyone was happy until Brad pulled out saying, "I'm getting too close. I don't want to cum yet." Justin said, "Yeah, I want to have a turn with Rob too." I moved off his cock and stood next to Justin who then reached over to my loose lubed butt and gave it a grab. I turned a little to give him easier access to my hole and he slid a finger up inside me. Brad and Justin got a little quiet and for a couple moments Brad and Justin looked at each other's eyes, and gave each other a slight nod. Brad said, "Yeah, Justin ... it's Rob's turn." Brad slid back on the bed to give us some space and watched while Justin worked my already-lubed hole with one finger, and then two fingers, and as he did so, Justin turned to Brad saying "Rob's ass feels amazing. No wonder you told me you love fucking him." Brad said, "Go ahead and give him a couple more fingers, he loosens right up." At that point I was bent over the bed just enjoying the amazing treatment Justin was giving my asshole. I was totally relaxed having him do what he wanted and Brad was playing with his cock watching Justin. Justin slid his four fingers out of my ass and slid his pierced poz cock inside me. Wow, he felt great. I love my boyfriend's eight inch cock but Justin's seven inch, fat cock was a whole different kind of great. "Yeah, fuck me," I urged Justin. Brad meanwhile was jacking his cock, taking in the scene, his cock rock hard. Clearly he was totally into watching me be get plowed by his poz friend. Justin bent over and whispered in my ear, "You get off on my hot poz cock, don't you?" Brad didn't notice Justin's question, but it had me rock hard. I didn't say anything at first, so Justin asked more loudly "You want that, huh?" Brad looked up at both of us and smiled when I answered "Yeah, fuck me ... give it to me! But first let me change positions!" We all started laughing and they both made room for me to get on my back with my legs in the air. Justin said, "Let me take a couple minutes ... Brad, you get back inside him." Justin pulled out of me and noticed a little redness on his cock. He realized his Prince Albert piercing was rubbing my asshole raw from the friction. We looked at each other and he was about to say something about it. I gazed into his eyes and slowly shook my head and whispered, "Don't say anything." Once his cock was inside me, Brad said, "Oh yeah, Rob has such a hot hole. God I love fucking his ass." "Yeah, I want this ... fuck me, Brad," I urged. As Brad fucked me, Justin kissed me, quietly saying "Rob, I'm going to help you get what you want." Brad looked at Justin saying "We're probably okay fucking him, since we're both undetectable." A strange look crossed Justin's face, which led Brad to ask "What's that look for?" In a slightly dull tone Justin answered "My doctor didn't like my blood panels, so he took me off my HIV meds two weeks ago. I thought I told you." Justin continued, "But don't worry about me. Fuck Rob's hot hole and shoot inside him!" There wasn't much room behind Brad and the wall, and Justin had a plan. He got off the bed and stood next to Brad, lightly tweaking his nipples. That drove Brad crazy and filled him with lust. Justin then moved behind Brad as he was fucking me and tweaked his nipples. Brad muttered "Oh, fuck, I'm getting close!" I grabbed Brad’s hips to pull his cock into my ass, and Justin lodged himself against the wall so that Brad couldn’t back away as Brad yelled, "Shit! I'm cumming ... fuck, I'm shooting." I was also shooting, but unlike Brad's load, my cum load blew all over my chest. It was likely the biggest load I've ever had. Fuck that was hot. After all this time with Brad, I finally got him to cum inside me - and I wanted it really bad. Poz cum just made it hotter. Brad's cum had nowhere to go, but inside my ravaged hole. And he was freaking out softly saying, almost to himself, "Oh my god, I came in you! Fuck! I don't want to poz you." "Hang on, honey, it'll be okay. A lot of guys don't get pozzed the first time they're bred! Come here...." Brad's cock was still in my hole and I pulled him towards me and kissed him many times, murmuring "Don't worry." He moved off me and laid down on the bed and Justin was there with a slight smirk. We both knew what he did for me, and I was grateful. "Can I get a hand here?" Justin asked. In the excitement, Brad and I hadn't helped Justin get off, and his cock needed to blow a load. "Yeah, I think I can help you out," I replied, turning to Brad and asking "Okay with you? I think it's Justin's turn." Brad looked at both of us and slowly nodded yes. I pulled Justin down to make out with him, and I could feel his poz cock grazing my thighs and balls. I reached down and aimed his cock inside my hole, easing his pierced poz cock inside me, my boyfriend's poz load the only lube. I announced with genuine excitement "Fuck, this is amazingly hot." Justin grinned as he slid in and out of my wrecked hole and asked "You really like this. Fuck, man, I never thought I'd ever get inside your hole." "Hell, yeah, man, this is amazing." In a slightly louder tone Justin asked "You want me to cum in you?" Mischievously I replied "Ask Brad if you can." Justin replied in a voice loud enough for the guys in the adjoining rooms could hear "It's not Brad's hole I'm breeding. Do you want my poz cum?" There was only one possible reply for me: "Fuck yeah, dude. Shoot your hot poz load into my ass!” Just then every muscle in Justin's body tensed up as a prelude to his hot load. He pounded my hole even harder, as if to force his virus into my body. Justin yelled, "You're such a cum slut, take my poz load." I could feel his cock unloading in my guts. The spasms triggered another orgasm for me. I was in heaven, as was Justin who collapsed on top of me, with his cock still lodged inside my hole. We hugged and kissed. Brad looked a little shell-shocked at what just took place. We all stretched out on the bed and wrapped our arms around each other just to hold on. I wasn't sure what was going through Brad's head, so when everyone caught their breath, I said, "That was amazing. I've wanted that for a long time. Thank you." Brad looked at me with a puzzled look. He said, "I had no idea ... you never talked to me about it or asked me for it." I asked, "Would you have bred me if I asked you to?" Just then, I felt Brad's cock start to get hard against my thigh. Brad said, "Justin and I hoped you would be okay with us just fucking you, but now, you'll have a lot more of our cum from now on." The three of us smiled, relieved about how the afternoon turned out. Brad got off the bed, his big poz hard on, pointing in my direction. I got up on all fours, and pointed my ass in his direction and my mouth on Justin's cock. Justin's cock was slightly funky, but I didn't care. It was my turn, and I got what I wanted.
    1 point
  12. 2012-05-23 I had not planned on spending more that 20 or thirty minutes here, I thought to myself. Get in, get the stuff (with a little bartering), and get out. Now I was staring up at the ceiling into the mirror that my host (and meth dealer) Gary had so wisely placed above the leather sling I now found myself fastened into. The leather hood I was wearing let me see, breathe and gave others access to my mouth. The black leather is supple, and I saw myself in the mirror, the rainbow studded leather collar, harness and matching jock on my 155 lb frame; I liked what I saw, how my legs and arms were spread and tied to the sling's chains - immobile and subject to whatever would happen. I thought back to what I had met Gary three months ago, and I don't know why I was surprised this was happening to me; in the first twenty minutes after meeting him, it was obvious that he was twisted (in the good kind of way). A friend of mine, Steve, introduced me to Gary because I was having so much trouble finding a reliable source for tina. We drove to Gary's house one Friday afternoon so Steve could vouch for me when we started dealing. The first sight I had of Gary was a memorable one. He came to his front screen door dressed in his harness and chaps. He swaggered a bit, looking oh so hot as his black leather chaps framed his thick, half erect cock as it was swinging back and forth. His cock was decorated nicely with a thick shiny silver cock ring and an impressively large PA. He met my eyes and we had one of those moments when you know you're going to end up fucking. Still, I tried to keep it business, allowing Steve to do all the talking. Gary invited us downstairs to his "office" to complete our business. The "office" was a large basement room with a padded floor, a leather sling a bed, - all made more inviting by the dim red track lights which covered the whole room. He sat at a table, arranging things for the deal. I told him what I wanted and he weighed it out for me, bagged it, and then asked me if I was a cop. I laughed, and said "Hell no." He smiled at me, then said "A cop wouldn't suck my cock would he?" "No I guess, not" I laughed. He remained serious and said "Want to convince me?" Gary was sitting on a chair stoking his hardening prong as he spoke to me. I didn't know if he was really was serious or not, but I figured what the hell, and knelt between his legs and took his big tool in my mouth. The PA was clicking a little on my teeth, but I kept going. Gary was encouraging me and Steve just watched. Gary whispered in my ear that he'd give me some bonus product if I finished him off, and I eagerly agreed, and began to worship his beautiful tool, which now stood full mast at 8" long and slightly less thick than a beer can. I wasn't going anywhere. Eventually I finished him off, got the product from him and Steve and I left that day as I was the attraction at a gang bang at a local hotel (another story). A week later, I called up Gary and told him I'd like to stop by, but I'd be alone this time. He said "Sure, I'll see you when you get here." I arrived at his place 30 minutes later, and he came to the door looking much the same as last time, which made me hot for him to use that big cock of his on me again. We went down to the office again, and proceeded with the deal. Once Gary had it all weighed out, he started to hand it to me, but stopped short. "How'd you like to prove you're not a cop again?" "Absolutely" I said, kneeling down and engulfing him as he chuckled "Fucking tina whore." That turned me on incredibly - being a tweaking bottom slut with my dealer's big 8" cock in my mouth. I heard the sound of a torch being lit, and he nudged my cheek to give me a hit off his bong. Just the first thick hit of tina smoke was enough to put me at his mercy, but we kept smoking and recycling the hits to each other until we were flying pretty high. He offered me a glass of punch, saying "Drink this, it's G. You'll like it." I eagerly did whatever he told me to, drinking the G down quickly and then going back to work on his cock. His wonderfully thick dick responded quickly and he was hard as a rock in no time - no tina dick for Gary. "You like to get fucked, isn't right Jim?" he asked. "Fuck yes" I said. "I'd love it if you fucked me - I've been thinking about that for a week now." He ordered me on the bed, all fours style, and after lubing my hole with some elbow grease, slid that marvelous tool into my ass-pussy to the hilt in one motion. "Fuck yeah!" we both erupted at once. We fucked for at least an hour and a half, with Gary depositing two loads in my ass before I steadied myself to leave. "There's a little extra in the bag" he said. "See you next week, I suppose." "Great" I answered and with a little wobbliness, walked to my car. The deals with Gary had been going according to that general theme for these last three months. It even developed into a little role playing scene, like I was giving him sex for meth. I was paying, of course, but the scene of him using me as a cum dump as a payment for meth turned us both on immensely. The sex was always white hot - in our little scene he saw that I liked being called degrading names and made to feel that I was completely his to use as he wanted. He so naturally assumed the Dominant role and I the submissive one, that I truly wouldn't call it role playing. It was the first three months of one of the hottest affairs I've ever had. So here I am today, looking up at leathered and bound self, unable to get out of the sling, close my legs or keep anything from entering my mouth. I was a little uneasy, this kind of thing being new to me, but horny beyond description, my ass was tingling from the little bit of tina we'd smoked, and I wanted Gary to fill it as soon as possible. But Gary had left the room after tying me into the sling, he put a poppers soaked cotton ball in the little pouch of the hood as well; my head was swimming and I began to realize Gary had been gone nearly half an hour. I chuckled a little - why was I surprised at being on the altar here in this scarlet tinted dungeon shrine to gay piggish sex? A total slut, tied spread eagle in a sling, unable to move or even scratch my balls, smelling nothing but the amyl, and hearing nothing but fuck-me fuck-me fuck-me techno music in the room. It was all making me hornier by the second! Hell, I realized I wasn't surprised at where I was at all, but realized I loved being here - here, like this - it's just what I am. I am, and always have been a submissive bottom for tops to use and subjugate. I took my first cock at a very young age, and loved it. I just naturally love it when men use me. I love to party, take cocks bareback, get fisted, drink cum and piss and of course, am HIV+ - your typical pussy white bottom. So I was eager when I heard footsteps on the stairs finally, and I began to get excited, thinking about nothing but how I was going to give my hole and mouth completely to worship Gary's big cock. I detected more than one set of footsteps coming down the stairs. Since I had no view of the stairs, I had to wait until whoever they were came around to the foot of the sling to see them. Gary stood, his ringed and PA'ed cock protruding from his crotch, the look of it teasing my itchy hole by its absence. Two men had arrived with him. One was black and was older, maybe late forties, a big thick cock like Gary's (no PA), and moderately hairy, but naked except for his black boots red and black leather bands around his biceps, pierced nipples and lots of tats, 6'4" 230, shaved head, goatee with braids, (with an huge earring that made me think of Mr Clean); his dark brown eyes were piercing directly into mine - he smiled the smile of a conqueror. Gary later addressed him as Stick, and further identified him as his supplier from Dallas. I licked my lips as I stared back. The other man was Black-Mexican, late 30's or early 40's, 6'4, maybe 200 lbs, wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses a baseball cap and a leather harness around his incredible cock (thicker than Gary's - later I'd find out it was 10" with an 8" circumference). Gary spoke first saying "This is my cunt", clearly referring to me. "He thinks he likes to get high on tina and have his sloppy slut hole and mouth used. You'll enjoy him, but first we need to teach him how to really do tina. Here cunt, drink this" handing me the usual G-laced cola. I drank it down without hesitation. With that, Mr Clean produced several orange tipped syringes full of fluid. He was an intimidating looking man, but he softened his expression and assured me as he began to swab my arm - he had a smooth voice, saying "Just stay still. You'll feel a coughing sensation, it's normal, you'll love it - wait for the ride, ok cunt?" "Yes sir," I answered. With a firm grip he steadied my right arm, fixed a tourniquet on it and uncovered the needle. He was confident and smooth, hitting a vein and drawing blood back into the syringe with one motion, then pushing the liquid into my bloodstream steadily until the rig was empty, and just as quickly slapped a bandaid over the spot as he withdrew the needle. It was my first slam ever. I can't find the words to describe what I felt like that first time; after the cough, my ears began ringing and a rush of pleasure and what I can only say is the emotional state of extreme horniness overwhelmed me; I couldn't focus my eyes, my asshole actually started to burn intensely - not with pain, but pure lust. All I wanted was cock - in my mouth, in my pussy, and over and over again. I guess the Mex-Black guy (his name was Pedro) and Gary slammed at the same time I did; as soon as Stick was finished he slammed himself. I was awash in such an intense wave of carnal desire, so willing to give myself for the pleasure of these men that I could not imagine what I would not do to please them, or to satisfy what was now a raging overpowering piggyness. I began chanting "Fuck me, please sir fuck me" over and over again. Gary stuck his cock into my mouth from above, oozing more pre-cum than I've ever seen someone put out. I greedily took his cock in my mouth, but he pushed in all the way down my throat, smiling evilly at me as he said "You're going to be my good little junkie cunt and satisfy my friends, right?" "MMMHHHMMM" was all I could utter. Gary took his cock out so I could breathe - I gagged a little but begged for more. I was flying and my hole was hungry to get fucked. Stick stood rubbing his cock on my hole's opening, jamming wads of lube up my chute and smearing lube all over my hole and butt. He said nothing to me, just looked me in the eye as he slammed his big cock into my pussy ass. Oh God, it felt so good, his thick hard cock, hot inside me and sawing in and out of my bottom faster and faster. He paused a few times, but said nothing to me. I was still swallowing Gary's cock. He held his cock in me for a few seconds then pulled it out, leaving my hole open. I began to moan and wiggle by ass in an attempt to beg for him to put it back in again. Instead, Pedro with his 10x8 monster moved in and began to fuck me silly. He got very verbal, especially about my being a shameless junkie puta for black cock and little fag who was a cum dump for real men. He slapped my ass several times, ordering me to show him how much I love his big black prick as he held still and I slid my pussy up and down his pole as the sling's pendulum motion impaled me on his beautiful cock over and over. Gary and Pedro skewered me for sometime - I have no idea how long - until Gary began to quicken his pace and shot the first load of the evening onto my belly, some of which Pedro raked immediately into my cunt. Gary fed me the rest, and kept fucking my mouth as I sucked his cock clean and swallowed his cum. "Yeah," Pedro taunted me - "fucking cum drinking pussy. You little bitch, you want some more? I'm breeding you right.....now!" And Pedro pounded my ass with violent, quick and full strokes of his 10" of manhood, shooting all of his huge load inside me, continuing to thrust as his jizz made my sloppy ass squish with every stroke. As Pedro pulled out, he moved to my mouth and had me clean his cock as Stick took his place in my ass with his big cock. He was harder than Pedro and fucked slower, using full measured thrusts as he gazed into my eyes. "You like what's happening to you, cunt?" I moaned in affirmation. Stick continued saying "Yeah, I love fucking a real true bottom like you. You love getting fucked don't you." "MMMHHHMMM," I moaned again. Once Pedro's cock was clean, he and Gary smoked a joint as Stick took his time with my ass. "Your hole feels so wide open and ready for stretching. Gary said you'd be a complete pig for getting your ass opened up. I like fucking pussies like you. It turns me on to own a pussy like you and see you take cock like a bitch. Everyone thinks you're a man but you're really a horny little fag who loves to get his ass fucked and be a real man's little bitch." I stared at him hungrily. His dirty, humiliating talk was making me into more and more of the bitch he was calling me. "I get off using a shameless junkie bottom pig like you. You don't care what we do as long as we fuck you right, cunt" he slammed his big cock in my hole. I thrusted back, moaning, "Yes, Sir, I'm your cunt." "You have a nice cunt, so hungry." Stick whispered. "Gary says you whore to get tina, is that right?" he asked. "I like playing like I do," I answered, "it's hot to imagine begging my dealer to put my cunt for sale so I can get high." "I'll bet you would whore for tina if you had the chance, cunt like you would do anything to get a cock in his pussy, right?" "Yes Sir, I suppose so, I've always thought that it is hot to get paid when a guy fucks me." "So you have been paid by guys who fucked you? That's so fucking raunchy, cunt, and I love it! You're really just a cheap fucking whore, aren't you?" "Yes, Sir. I was filled with cock and being told what a whore I was." "Awesome! You cunt, I'm going to show you what a real fucking is. You ready to whore for me tonight for real?" "Fuck yeah" I said, grinding my cunt on his cock. "I have two guys who are going to pay $20 to fuck your mouth and pussy - they think you're neg and that you are getting pozzed this weekend. I think there will be at least five more tonight too. I keep all the money and pay you in tina. What do you say to that?" "I don't think I've ever been so hot to get fucked in my whole life, Sir." "OK, cool cunt, now shut the fuck up for the rest of the evening - I mean it. You're just my hole to pimp out." I nodded. Stick fucked me hard and fast, and gave me his load, filling my hole as he looked down on me with a nasty smile. His cock stayed hard and I was gyrating on it as Gary and Pedro came over after finishing their joint. They asked Stick if he told me about his plan to pimp me out. "Look at the way he's pumping on my dick, he's so hot and ready to be my cheap little whore" Stick said. Gary untied me from the sling and allowed me to get on the bed. Pedro had sat down and I mounted his cock facing away from him, taking Stick's cock into my mouth. Pedro took my legs and spread them, and Gary slipped his fat cock into my cunt next to Pedro's. As Stick fed my mouth with his cock, there was the sound of a doorbell. Gary bellowed, "Come on in, down in the basement." Soon two tall lanky twenty-something guys witnessed the three of them stuffing me with cock. "Look at that whore we're going to fuck, looks like he loves cock" one said, and they both began to strip. "Who's Stick? It was Twenty for both of us, right?" someone asked, to which Stick replied "I'm Stick, and yes, it's $20 for each of you. Okay guys, let's let these two studs have the cunt, since they're paying for it" whereupon Gary and Pedro disengaged themselves from the mattress. "He wants both our poz loads, right?" one of the new guys asked. "Yeah, fuck yeah, the cunt's yours to use. Breed his cunt all you want" said Stick. I was moaning in anticipation. The darker of the two young guys took his shorts off, letting his nice thick dick go free. I immediately sucked it into my mouth. I was on all fours on the bed, and the other kid started rubbing my hole with lube. "How many loads so far, fag?" "Three" Stick answered for me. "Cunt doesn't use his mouth for talking." The guy at my pussy shoved his bare cock into me as he slapped my ass. "You like my hard cock, you pussy ass faggot?" I clenched my hole around his cock as I took the other kid's cock down my throat held it there and gently bobbed on it. We fucked like that for 20 or 30 minutes, as Gary, Stick and Pedro just watched, occasionally commenting on what a good little prostitute I was - God, I was in heaven. Soon, the guy in my ass nutted loudly taunting me to take his buggy jizz and triumphantly announcing to me that he was converting my sorry ass. He pulled out and switched with the other kid, and soon, he also sprayed a load in my cunt as I cleaned his buddy's cock with my mouth. He slowly pulled out and spread my pussy open to get a look at my loaded ass. "You're going tot get bred a lot more before you're through, cunt. How does it feel to be a cheap ten dollar whore?" I responded by enthusiastically cleaning his cock off. "Fucking fag - you're a hot little cunt, crazy for cock and cum, huh?" I smiled. After the two kids left, Stick came over to me. "It will be about 90 minutes before the next guests arrive. I noticed you don't have any ink. I think you should get a whore tag above your cunt. You can talk, cunt." "I've thought about it, Sir. Seems hot" I answered. "I have my rig in the car, I won't make you, but I think you'd look fucking hot with a nice little whore tag over your cunt" he took me by surprise with that. In a moment I made the decision. "I would love for you to give me a whore tag, Sir." I didn't believe I was saying yes. Stick retrieved his tattoo rig and set up, as I was sucking Pedro again. He showed me a pattern for a red bio-hazard sign over a red and black pinstripe. "Perfect," I agreed. Stick knew what he was doing, and it took about an hour. It was somewhat painful. After he finished, he took a pic of for me. It was like the pattern, eight inches wide and three inches tall, centered over my butt crack. God, I thought it looks hot, right above my cunt, giving the tops something to read as they fucked me. I noticed a detail Stick had added: in the loops of the pinstripe he inserted the letters, Slut Pig, but you had to look close to notice them. He put some ointment on it, as I sucked on Pedro again. I could hear him dialing his phone. "Ok, cunt. Let's get you ready for this group. There are five guys coming over to breed you." Stick tied me up on all fours on the bed. I could move my arms a bit and I could see who would be fucking me in the mirror in front of me. "I'm going to video this and get it on ICU, cool Stick?" Gary said"Hell yeah," Stick said. Ten minutes later six not five guys came down the stairs: five white, one black. Gary escorted them over to Stick, who took their $20 bills as they eyed my upturned cunt, ready to be used. The black guy introduced himself as Darnell. He was 6' 200 and has as thick a cock as I have ever seen. He was first up, but came over to my head, and fed me his cock. "Yeah, take my dick you slut" he ordered me. I was able to take him all, and sucked him for all I was worth, as one of the white guys began unceremoniously fucking my ass with quick violent thrusts. He came quickly, and started watching me suck Darnell. I think he got off more on insulting me for being such whore, than fucking me. Another white man's cock replaced him, bigger this time. He blew quickly too. Three more of the nice looking white guys followed, all loading my cunt with their poz cum. Darnell finally started to fuck me, saying he wasn't gay and not poz, but loved fucking white ass faggots. "You suck dick like a real pro, cunt," he taunted me. "A hell of a lot better than my girlfriend." He was close, as he continued to racially degrade me and ram my ass with his big tool. He'd stop, and make me clench and beg for his cock as I wriggled my ass around his massive log. As he bred me, he bent down and whispered in my ear "I would like to know who you are, man. I'd like to get a lot more of this. Here's my cell number, shoving a paper in my mouth, I'm Darnell, see you later faggot." The six guys left as quickly as they came, and I was left there, all tied-up. Gary came over and put a huge plug in my ass, and untied me. "Ready for another slam, cunt? I think you've earned it." I nodded and started sucking his cock. "Okay, get in the sling, and put your legs up." I complied, whereupon Pedro unceremoniously began shoving wads of crisco into my cunt. I could tell he was going to fist me by how his hands moved, and I huffed on the poppers three or four times, very deeply. He easily plunged his forearm into me half way to his elbow. "Okay, Stick, hit the cunt now" he said, as he slowly twisted his arm in my pussy. Stick found my vein again, and pushed what was .4 gram of meth into my arm. "You'll suck anything after this, won't you?" He leered pervertedly at me as the rush hit me. It was overwhelming, and a little scary, but it evened out quickly. There was nothing in my head except how I could get fucked and used by these three hot twisted Dominant fuckers. I reached down and pulled apart my ass cheeks for Pedro, and he slowly slid his arm to the elbow. "Fucking hot little twisted tweaker you are, cunt. You are a sight to see! Look at what a nasty fucking fag you are - higher that a kite on meth, eleven loads in your cunt, and a big black arm shoved up your pussy hole to the elbow. You really are a total fag aren't you? Ever thought you'd be this much of a shameless slut? God, look at you! Were you ever a man, you little cunt?" The taunting was driving me nuts for more. Stick knew just what to say to push me further. He rudely pinched my tit as he shoved his considerable cock into my mouth and down my throat. I took all I could of his cock and looked up into the mirror, what a fucking sight! Pedro into his elbow and Stick down my throat. Gary had gone upstairs and walked down two blocks to the leather bar - that's what Stick said. Stick got a text from him, and he told me Gary was coming down the stairs soon with three young thuggy looking black guys he met outside the bar. They were selling crack outside the bar, and he told them about this cunt he was using at his place and that I whored for chems, so they eagerly came along. As they arrived downstairs, I thought they looked really sleazy. They stripped naked and stood watching Pedro as he kept fisting my ass to the elbow. They started doing some crack as they watched, offering some to me. I declined, saying "No thanks, man. I'm a tina bitch." From their faces, I know they had never seen anything like what Pedro was doing. One of them, (the thinnest) asked if he could try fisting me too. Pedro slowly pulled out and showed them how - lubing them up as he did. Stick turned on the ICU cam and the first of the black thugs shoved thin his arm into me all the way to the elbow. Pedro said that he should try a second hand, but the thug hesitated. Pedro guided him as to how to insert his second hand. Still he hesitated, but Pedro reassured him "It'll be hot, man. This cunt wants it and can take it, believe me! Just look at how he's moving his ass around - he's totally rutting his sluthole on your arm aching to get more of you into his hole." He slowly slipped his second hand in next to his arm, following Pedro's advice as he was turning and twisting his arms in me slowly. He reached a place of resistance and I huffed on poppers four or five times. I exhaled and he finally broke through with both hands into me. I screamed and pumped my ass more, and he slowly advanced into my bowels, finally getting three quarters of both forearms into me, as Pedro poured on the j-lube. He stayed inside me deep like that for 10 or 15 minutes. Stick moved the cam to catch it all, and Gary fed me poppers and his dick as the thug boy filled my cunt with his slender forearms. The thug stud looked down at his cock, and said he was oozing cum and needed to fuck my ass. Pedro helped him as he slid his arms out of my sloppy, gaping hole. The young stud stood and rammed his meat into me and piston fucked me, taking only forty or fifty strokes to dump his wad in my loose pussy. As he was fucking me, I took one of his thug buddies in my mouth as he hit his crack pipe. The third thug was tweaking my tits and sharing the pipe with his friend, ready to replace the first young stud after he came in my ass. This third kid had a big cock, somewhat like Pedro's. He thrusted his rock hard monster cock easily into me. "God damn, this cunt is so fucking used and sloppy - he's fucking worthless!" he sneered. With that I clenched my sphincter on his thick black cock, almost pulling him into me as I did. "Oh damn," he said, "fuck yeah, bitch, you is a for real whore for black cock, huh bitch?" He fucked me rapidly and rhythmically for 20 or 30 minutes. His buddy took a black magic marker he saw nearby and scrawled "Black Cock Fag" on my stomach. As he wrote, the thug fucking me began to slap my ass. Stick came over and began to speak sternly to me. "Look at that cock in your cunt! Tell me what you are, you whore." I was breathless as I was getting vigorously fucked by hot hung thug boy. I didn't know what to say. Stick slapped my ass hard and said to me, "Say that you're a toxic whore and sleazy white slut for black cock." I said "I'm a sleazy-poz-whore-white-faggot-slut-for-black-cock, Sir." Tell everyone how you let anyone dump his cum in your cunt just so you can ride a needle full of tina." I said, "Yes, Sir. That's right. I'm nothing but a shameless tina whore. I love to suck cock, get fucked and have my cunt loaded up just so I can ride a needle full of tina." Stick grabbed my face and commanded me "Okay cunt, tell us all you're a cheap whore for your meth dealer who pimps you out for ten bucks a fuck." I replied verbatim. "Louder" he barked as he slapped my ass good and hard. I shouted, "My meth dealer whores me out for ten bucks a fuck. And he keeps the money." "And you love it, too, don't you? cunt" Gary asked as he twisted and pinched my tits. The thugs loaded my cunt good before they left, saying they had to get back to making cash. All three paid Stick $20 on the way out. Stick loomed over me and showed me the $200 or so that I had earned for him that night. Stick and Gary fucked me one more time, two last loads to make sweet sixteen for the night.
    1 point
  13. There was no question I was a slut when I really lost my virginity. But until that night I always got fucked with a condom, no if, ands, or buts about it. I was dancing at a club with friends when I noticed this guy staring at me. He was tall, lean, and blonde. We couldn’t stop staring at each other, and before I knew it he had pulled me from the guy I had been dancing with and we were grinding on each other to the music. Needless to say we ended up back at my place. As soon as he closed the front door we ripped each other’s clothes off, grabbing and sucking as much skin as we could. Ending up on my bed I went crazy when he started fingering my hole. In anticipation I reached into my drawer to grab lube and a condom. “I just need the lube,” he said. That freaked me out. “I only get fucked with a condom,” I said pushing him off. “No glove, no love.” We were both rock hard, so I wasn’t surprised when he took the condom and put it on. He slowly pushed into me, filling me up with what I loved most in the world. Cock. We kissed as he thrust into me, going faster with each pump. Before I realized what was happening he pulled out, flipped me onto my stomach, and rammed back into me. The only thing I loved more than cock was being dominated, so at this point I was in heaven. He kept pulling all the way out and shoving his big dick back in, until suddenly the fuck was just better. I started moaning louder than I ever had before, feeling more sensation than I swore I usually did. Something in me changed then. I became more aggressive, thrusting back, needing to feel his dick rubbing against my hole. We must’ve cum together because we both started howling at the same time. For some reason the inside of my ass felt hot. It was such a turn on! “Thanks for the fuck. Gotta go,” he said pulling out. Before I knew it he was gathering clothes and bolting out my room. I tried following him to the door, wanting to ask if we could hook up again. How could I not after the best fuck of my life? But I got to the living room in time to see the front door slam shut. Sad I’d never get to feel that dick in me again I rubbed my sore ass trying to soothe it. That’s when I felt something wet against my crack. I dug in, trying to figure out what it was when it dawned on me. Taking a look at my finger my biggest fear was confirmed. The jerk had cum in my ass! To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. I noticed the used condom on the floor, and it was empty. I looked at my finger slick with cum when an odd thought came to me. I wanted to lick it. So I did, and I couldn’t believe how good it tasted. I dug my finger into my ass again, feeling just how squishy it really was. Pulling it out I knew I was being dumb, but for some reason I couldn’t help myself. I needed to taste my stealther’s cum leaking out of my ass! After a minute of dipping and licking, I realized exactly what I was doing. Horrified I ran to the shower and scrubbed myself all over, taking extra care to clean my ass. The next day I started taking PrEP to try to mitigate the risk of getting HIV. For a week I was a mess until I got tested, racked with guilt and terror. Terror that I had savored eating cum from a stranger out of my ass and terror that I had been infected with an STD. My tests came back clean, but I knew it would be months until I really knew if I was still NEG. I stayed celibate for a few weeks trying to be extra cautious. But with how much I loved sex I couldn’t resisted a good fucking for too long, so I was extra careful to make sure all my partners were clean and played safe. Unfortunately something was lacking. The first few times I just couldn’t cum. The friction I had always enjoyed while my ass was getting plowed just wasn’t enough anymore. By my fifth hook up I tried something I had been reluctant to do but was sure would work. I imagined myself getting bred, and sure enough I came buckets. After that encounter I was freaked again because I admitted something to myself I hadn’t wanted to. Being fucked raw was soooo much better than being fucked with a condom. It was no contest. But it was also dangerous. I went online looking up the dangers of fucking without condoms to remind myself why I had to forget about the best fuck of my life. That led to me finding the site that would change my worldview forever. Breeding Zone. At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. People got off on chasing HIV? How could people actually want to be POZ? And stealthing. That was just fucked up. I knew from experience people did that and I was pissed people found it hot. I wasn’t amused when I noticed my own dick was hard reading stories about it. Before long I was obsessed. This whole time I kept hooking up, still vigilant about condoms. But every time I read posts or stories from Breeding Zone, the more frustrated I became. I did not want to use condoms anymore. They sucked. All they did was keep me from feeling the euphoria I had felt when I was stealthed. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I did something I thought I’d never do. I made a profile on a site all about bareback hook-ups, BBRT. I was nervous making my profile. Taking a picture of my exposed ass was awkward, but also the most erotic thing I had ever done. My profile said: New to bareback. Trying to see if I really want it. It wasn’t long before I got responses. Some of the guys were really hot! Unfortunately they were also POZ. I still wasn’t ready to risk getting HIV, so I only responded to guys who were NEG. That first time was like an awakening. I went over to his place, still not sure about what I was doing. I brought condoms over, both out of habit but also hoping that maybe I could talk him into using one. When I got there I couldn’t believe how ripped he was. As soon as we were naked I was worshipping every inch of him, paying extra attention to his dripping dick. I started having doubts about the encounter when he put me against a counter so my ass was facing him. Then he rimmed me, dipping a finger in from time to time opening my hole up, making me forget the hesitation that had been building. But when he pressed his dick to my pulsing hole the need to tell him to stop, put on a condom, came over me. Then he pushed in, and I was officially a bareback bitch. He fucked me hard, making me moan louder than I had since the night I was introduced to the joys of getting bred. “Yea! Come on, harder!” I shouted. “Bred my ass!” “Yea bitch! I’m gonna fill your fucking cunt full of jizz! You want that? Don’t you faggot?” No one had ever spoken to me like that during sex, and to my surprise I loved it. “Hell yea! Cum in my ass!” I couldn’t believe I was begging for his load. Only months before I had been all about safe sex, and here I was screaming for him to breed me. I swore to myself I would never ask for a condom again. I was now a condom free zone, and I couldn’t have been happier. He filled me three times that night, and the next night I was getting loaded by another guy. I changed my profile to make what I wanted clear: My hole is meant to be loaded! Fill me with cum. NEG only. After a few weeks I realized something. I had become twice the slut I was before. While I had been fucked two, maybe three times a week before, I was now getting bred at least four or five nights a week. It wasn’t long before I’d hook up with several guys a night. One thing I was still careful about though was making sure the guys I hooked up with were NEG. Of course with how many hot POZ guys there were on BBRT, the temptation to break my rule was ever present. One night a guy messaged me who had the most beautiful body and dick I had ever seen. I knew I needed to have him fuck me, but before I could tell him to come over I noticed something. He was POZ. True, he was undetectable, but he was still POZ. I started messaging him back, telling him we wouldn’t be able to meet, when I remembered something I had read on Breeding Zone. Guys who were undetectable weren’t nearly as contagious as guys with high viral loads. The truth was guys who claimed to be NEG could be riskier cause if they didn’t realize they were infected their viral loads could be really high. That thought played through my mind as I debated over what my answer should be. Finally I decided. Fuck it. He was worth the risk. So that night I had my first POZ load. Once again I changed my profile: Breed me! There’s nothing I love more than sucking on a hot dick before its shoved up my ass to fill me with hot jizz! NEG preferred. Undetectable guys cool too. With the pool of guys open to me wider, I was soon getting fucked everyday. I started trying new things too. I was hooking up with one guy when he had to stop for a minute to take a piss. I said it without thinking. “Wanna piss in my mouth?” I blushed harder than I ever had before. I was about to say never mind when he grabbed my head, shoved his dick in my mouth and let loose. Gulping his piss down I thought it would never end, and it wasn’t long before I hoped it never did. Not long after discovering a love for piss I discovered another favorite pastime. Glory hole breeding. I had gone to a sex shop looking for some new toys when I realized there were video booths in the back. Curious I tried one out, turned on by the fact that I was watching porn and jacking off in what was essentially a public place. Soon I noticed a hole. Looking at it I wondered what it was for when a huge dick pushed through. I couldn’t believe it. I had found a glory hole! The need to go down on my knees and suck that dick was overwhelming. But I knew better than to hook up with someone whose face I hadn’t even seen. At least I thought I did until I found myself bobbing up and down on it, getting off on the fact that it was the most anonymous sex I had ever had. I whined when the guy pulled away, his dick going back to the other side. I started to get up to leave when I heard him. “Turn around. I want to fuck you.” At first I was alarmed. What kind of guy did he think I was? But my pants were already down and I was horny. For a moment I hesitated. I didn’t even know what this guy’s status was. With how much dick I was getting some were bound to be POZ with high viral loads just accounting for liars, but this was random sex on a whole different level. Bending down to pull up my pants I froze when he stuck his dick through again. That did it. Quickly I stepped out of my pants, turned around, grabbed his lubed up dick and pressed it to my now always lubed hole. Pushing onto him I felt like the biggest slut in the world. I loved it! Matching each thrust I focused on the feeling of his raw dick, basking in the euphoria it always gave me. When he came I came harder than I had ever done so before. It occurred to me my orgasms become stronger each time I did something more taboo. That realization was the nail in the coffin for my transition. Within a week I started to frequent bathhouses, getting as many loads as I could. I put out notices on BBRT and Craig’s List to make sure I’d get as much anonymous dick as possible. Between work and breeding sessions I barely slept. Status no longer became a concern of mine. All that mattered was that a guy had a dick and bred my hole. My BBRT profile now read: I take all cummers! No load refused! Bred me! Piss in me! Share me with your friends and strangers!!!!! Like I said status no longer mattered to me. Before long though POZ guys started to become an obession. One reason was because despite my year of high risk fucking I was still NEG. All the sluttiest guys I had come to know and hang out with were all POZ. I wondered how come I wasn’t too. Whenever I’d meet another NEG slut I’d be amazed I had found someone else like me. Then he’d convert. One night a hot, regular fuck buddy who was also POZ was ramming me deep when he became verbal. “You like that POZ dick, don’t ya you NEG bitch!” I had encountered POZ talk from time to time, but usually it did nothing for me. That night was different. “Fuck yea! POZ me up! Gimme dirty seed. I want to have your POZ babies!!!!” Once again I came harder than I ever had before. POZ talk became a huge turn on for me, and before I knew it I was getting fucked exclusively by POZ guys. The idea of converting was so hot it was all I started to think about. I started begging guys to POZ me, and without realizing it, I had become a chaser. One night I even went to the baths, paid for a room and put a notice on a board saying : NEG Cumdump. All loads welcome but POZ preferred. Help a chaser reach his dreams! My profile on BBRT changed again too, letting the world know exactly what I needed and wanted: Cumdump for POZ loads. NEG whore looking to convert. Bred me with toxic jizz, blindfold me, and let strangers use my hole! Just make sure they’re POZ and with HIGH VIRAL LOADS! I consider my POZ birthday to be the day I was video tapped in a gangbang with all POZ tops. I was in a sling with a mirror above me. I had requested it so I could see every second of my pozzing before I got to watch it on tape. I also wanted to stare at the message I had written on my chest in permanent marker that I planned to have tattooed: POZ PUBLIC CUMDUMP. At least twenty POZ tops were there, each brushing my hole with a toothbrush before they fucked me hard, leaving me their dirty deposit. Throughout the gangbang I thought about my decent and how far I had come. Once I was a normal guy, horny guy, who always practiced safe sex. Now I letting a group of POZ men, most of whom I had never met before being placed in the sling, abuse and rape my hole. As load after load of POZ jizz filled and overflowed out of me, I could only thing of one thing. I was home.
    1 point
  14. Been lurking here for a long time. I finally got the courage to take that next step. Im gonna change a couple of details so that this is fictional now. The truth is much stranger than fiction, sometimes. I had a crush on my neighbor, Eric for months. And I was so sad when I found out from another friend that he was poz. Somehow, he seemed even more attractive since he was "off limits." I would never have thought I might pursue a poz guy. I guess you could say that I kinda got obsessed with him. I'd see him in the community pool. I'd see him go out for a run. I couldn't help but to notice that huge bulge and that tight body. Well, let's move things along. Eric was in his third year of law school. I was going to school part time and working part-time. I started saying hi to him as he would set out for his run. Before I knew it, we were chatting all the time. And I was probably obvious that I liked him; and I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wanted me too. Fast forward a few more months; and we are best of friends and the sexual tension is building. I fantasize about him throughout the day. I cum thinking about him before bed every night; and jack off to him in the morning. I want him. Then, I found this web site when I was searching about sex options with a poz guy. And maybe that didn't help .. or did it? One night, we are drinking and talking and I finally got the courage to tell him I wanted him to fuck me. His response wasn't at all what I expected. In short, he told me that he would prepare a contract for me to sign to make sure that I would not hold him responsible if I got pozzed. That same night, he told me that his health insurance had lapsed because he was too old to be on his parents policy. And because of a paperwork screw up, he has 90 days without coverage. In other words .. not on meds right now. And likely "very detectable" as he put it. Damn .. I was upset but also turned on. I just sorta assumed he would be undetectable. A few days later, I found the contract under my apartment door in a simple brown envelope. I opened it up and saw one of those plastic "sign here" things pointing to the signature line. As I read it, my nervousness unexpectedly began to turn from fear into anticipation. Here's how it read: I, _______________________, affirm to be of sound mind and judgement and do solemnly swear that I will not hold Eric X (last name removed for privacy), hereafter known as "the top", responsible civilly or criminally for the contraction of HIV, or any other disease or ailments that result from my consensual sex with said person. I understand that the top is currently un-medicated and has a high viral load; and that my consensual unprotected anal sex may result in the contraction of HIV. I further agree that the following activities are permissible, as described in the following vernacular language to clarify the terms of this contract: I may get fucked in the ass by the top's big cock. I will let the top shoot poz cum deep inside me. I will not ask the top to stop once my ass is penetrated with his big dick. The top can pound my ass as deep and hard as he desires. I will not try to pull away or prevent his poz cum from filling my ass. I further agree to hold an empty bottle of HIV medication in my mouth as a reminder that an un-medicated poz load will be fucked into my ass. I can not release the bottle of medication from my mouth until the top instructs me to do so. After the top cums in my ass, the bottle of said meds will be placed in my asshole to prevent poz cum from leaking out. Furthermore, the top has my explicit permission to electronically record the aforementioned sexual activities and use for his own purposes. Prior to sexual activities, I will declare, on video, that "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." I concede that the sexual activities described above may result in personal serious illness or possibly death. By signing below, I am literally signing my life away. I fully consent to being fucked to death by big poz cock. I trembled as I read the contract. And as I read through the contract the second time, my cock became as hard as it ever had. Should I sign the contract?
    1 point
  15. NOTE: I know that for many guys anon sex is not their thing so this thread may not resonate with guys who are repulsed by or dislike anonymous sex. I've tried loving sex, with both men and women. I've tried a lot of anonymous sex and it is definitely the only type of sex I now like. I'm not interested in having sex with anyone unless it's anonymous in saunas, sex clubs, darkrooms, gloryholes. I like "loving relationships" but where sex is not part of the equation. I have a gloryhole in my apartment that I haven't used lately but I did for many years. The sex in the gloryhole was amazing. There was one guy who I saw for many years and we never met face to face. I would suck him, he would then fuck me, breed my hole and then leave. We never saw each other. Always a hot experience. The same at the sauna, the best sex is in a darkroom or on a sling in dark corner. Anonymous breeding are so fucking hot, the best. Being on all fours in my room at the sauna, and having someone walk in and from behind, fuck me, breed my hole and leave. Without saying a word unless it's slutty talk. My question is why is it anon sex so fucking hot and we never seem to get tired of it? Sometimes therapists say that is "fear of intimacy" but I don't buy that because I love intimacy but without sex.
    1 point
  16. I had just moved into my new apartment after relocating for my job to Florida. Luckily my company paid for the move and all I had to do was supervise the movers bringing my stuff off the truck. While the move in was occurring one of the neighbors on my floor came over to introduce himself. My neighbor Chuck was white, 28 years old, about 5’ 8”, and about 150 pounds, but had a great soccer player's build. To describe myself, well, I’m white, 32 years old, 6’ 4”, 275 pounds, with a thick, six inch uncut cock. At the time I was between girlfriends, but had always been curious about having sex with a guy. Chuck introduced himself and within a few minutes we were becoming fast friends. Knowing I had just moved in, he offered for me to come over to his place to watch the NFL on Sunday as he had DIRECTV and he knew I hadn’t had a chance to get my television setup. He said he would have a few other guys over to watch on Sunday and it would be a good chance to welcome me to the neighborhood and make some new friends. Knowing all I had were boxes to unpack I took him up on the offer. On Sunday I walked over to Chuck’s place, arriving just before the first game started. Chuck introduced me to three others guys from the neighborhood, including Billy and Jose who, Chuck said, were dating each other, and Sam, a 6’ 6”, 225 pound African-American who looked like he could play wide receiver for the Dolphins. Billy was about 5' 9”, 200 pounds, with a belly, and Jose was Cuban, about 6’ 1”, 230 pounds. Chuck also mentioned another of his friends, Tommy, would arrive later, after he got off work. Billy and Jose were seated on a love seat to my left, while on the sofa I was seated to the left of Chuck and Sam. As we settled in to watch the game, a Floridian a thunderstorm rolled in and with DirecTV that meant within a few minutes all the satellite dish was showing was static. Chuck suggested we watch a dvd until the storm passed. Billy chimed-in, saying watching movies was Chuck’s favorite pass time, and that he had a great selection of movies for us to watch. I asked Chuck what movie he was going to choose, and he replied "Don't worry, it’s a favorite of all the guys here." Once the movie started, I realized it wasn't a standard action flick, but instead was a hardcore gay porn. After a couple of minutes, during which I don't think I closed my mouth even once, Chuck asked if I minded the movie selection. Without wanting to offend my new neighbors, I said "It's all good" and went back to watching the movie. As the scene changed in the movie, I noticed Billy and Jose had begun to make out on the love seat and Jose’s 8” cock is being fondled by Billy. When I look over to my right, I saw Chuck and Sam were also making out, and that the action in the room seemed to be mimicking what is on the television. After a couple of minutes Chuck broke away from Sam and apologized that Tommy wasn't there, as he didn’t want me to feel left out. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well," Chuck answered, "all of my friends are either bi or gay, and on Sundays we get together to fuck-around while watching football," adding "The way you checked me out when we first met told me that you'd fit right in." "I've never been with a guy" I replied. "No time like the present," Chuck replied, as he pulled me over into a deep kiss. Initially I was hesitant but as he continued to kiss me, I could feel my cock harden and then I started to kiss back. Chuck pulled me to the center of the sofa and while he was on my right Sam moved over to my left and he started to undo my belt. Chuck and I broke our kiss and immediately Sam picked-up kissing me where Chuck had left off. As Sam and I frenched each other, Chuck worked to get my shoes and pants off and all I was left wearing below my waist was my thong. Inspecting the precum that was leaking through my thong, Chuck commented to the other guys that I would fit in well with the group. I broke my kiss with Sam to check myself out, realizing at that moment that everyone (except me) was completely naked, and that Billy was sucking on Jose’s cock like it was a pacifier. As Chuck pulled-off my thong, and Sam slid my shirt off of my chest, the three of us sort of tumbled onto the floor. At this point my head was spinning from the scene in which I was involved. Sam and I resumed kissing, and Chuck vigorously began to suck on my cock. I had never had anyone work my cock with such skill before, and as Chuck continued to suck on me, Sam broke-off the kiss, asking if I want to taste his dark meat. I was staring a nine inch slab of uncut cock and blurted out "I’ve never sucked a cock before." Sam smiled, saying "Well, then this is a good time for your first time, as well as the last of others." I didn’t realize at the time quite what he meant, but I would learn soon enough. About then I noticed a tattoo on Sam’s chest that looks like a biohazard symbol, but I didn't think much about it as I was distracted by Sam's incredible cock, which I began to work on, trying to do the same things that Chuck was doing to me. As I worked on Sam’s cock, I got my first taste of pre-cum and realized how much I like the taste and texture, which, of course, encouraged me to continue work on him. Chuck meanwhile had stopped sucking on my cock, and had re-positioned me on my knees, and he began to lube-up my ass, whispering in my ear how tight I was, how much fun he would have taking my anal cherry. Chuck worked my hole with his fingers, his nails scratching me a bit at a really uncomfortable level. After a few minutes, Chuck stopped fingering me, saying "It's time for you to take my cock!" Next I knew, his seven inch pole was pistoning in and out of my hole. I can't even say I realized he was barebacking me - the pain (and, truth to be told, the taste of the cum Sam blew into my mouth) completely distracted me. No sooner had Sam cum in my mouth, Billy presented his cock for me to service, and I hungrily started sucking on him. I might note, about this point I noticed both Billy and Jose had tattoos quite similar to that which Sam sported. In any event, Chuck didn’t last long and, as soon as Chuck shot his first load into my ass, Jose took his place in fucking me. Sam was stroking himself in the loveseat watching the action, saying "I'm gonna give you a fucking you'll never forget." Jose pounded me long and hard with his meat and before I knew it I had my second load in my ass. Sam didn’t waste any time in impaling me on his cock. I think he fucked me for a good twenty minutes before he finally shot his load into my hole. At this point I had three loads in my ass and two in my mouth and I was leaking cum all over. Chuck then came over to me and suggested we go into the bedroom as Tommy was waiting for me. When I got to the bedroom I saw Tommy for the first time and while he was only 5’11” he must have had a steel pipe for a cock. It was 12” and it was thicker than anything I had ever seen. Tommy saw the cum leaking out of me and said that I was ready for his cock. He pushed me onto the bed face down and began to line up his cock to my now gaping hole. I could feel the first two inches slowly enter me and before I could say anything, he pushed down as hard as he could to push the rest into me. I screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he continued to fuck my ass for what must have been 40 minutes. When he pulled out he said that he has seeded me three times and his seed was unmedicated, and had never failed to take. In the afterglow of being fucked by four different guys, I asked Tommy what he meant. He replied "Don’t you realize all the guys here are poz?" I was in shock at the realization, but then the meaning of the tattoos that all four guys were sporting meant. Tommy then remarked "If you want to top your first guy and give him your last negative load of cum, Billy is ready for you." At this point, being in a complete daze, and still thinking with my hard cock, I walked-over to Billy’s cum-filled hole and without ado, began to fuck him. With the mixture of cum in his hole and the sheer excitement of everything running through my mind, I lasted less than five minutes before blowing my load in his hole. Chuck then took me aside, saying "See you next weekend." To be continued ....
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  17. still my uncle whore me out...somtimes he call a hooker and he start to fuck her while i've been watched i love it
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  18. Fuck, Jake. I would NOT want you to cum in me and be quiet about it. I want to know and feel your seed inject deeply into me. Grunt, howl, and tell me how fucking good it feels to fuck and seed my ass. That's what we bottoms live for.
    1 point
  19. Took a good size load from a BBC bent over the toilet in an empty poolhouse bathroom. At 6'3" 250#, he towered over me as I sucked his cock until its full-grown size. I then puut my hands on the wall while kneeling on the toilet lid. He fucked me expertly with his 21 year old cock. Having done my job I pulled up my shorts and went home with a sloppy hole and a huge smile on my face. He went home with a smile almost as big as his cock and assured me he would be calling again when he needed to empty his balls.
    1 point
  20. It had been five or six months since I'd pumped my pozz jizz up Craig's ass. I was fucking him regularly and my orgasms seemed better than when we were both neg, mainly because my dick seemed to "remember" the fantastic feeling when I pumped my life-changing spunk up his ass. I was also enjoying the great blowjobs he gave me and how he kissed my dick and balls after swallowing my cum and drinking my piss and especially when he sucked my dick clean and kissed it and my balls thanking me for the fuck I put to his ass. He was also getting his rocks off, either by me jacking him off to use his cum for lube to fuck him or by fucking and getting sucked by a couple of poz guys, one of whom I had pozzed. I had just finished fucking him one afternoon and was laying on his back with my dick still up his ass enjoying the afterfuck, "Another nice piece of ass." I said and thrust in him. He told me he had cummed and then said, "I need to pozz a neg. I want to see how much better my dick feels shooting my dirty load in one. I heard some other guys say that pumping their pozz jizz up a neg ass and infecting him is a huge turnon." "That's true. And I'd sure love to see you enjoy pozzing one." I replied and thrust in him again. He then said he would love to pop a total cherry asshole or fist someone to cut the asshole's rectum up inside with his thick nails and then fuck and infect him. He also wanted to see me pozz another asshole too. I thrust again and told him how sexy he was and how glad we stayed friends since high school and became lovers. He replied much the same. He had fallen in love with me soon after I had broken his mouth and ass cherries and then more in love after recovering from the flu I'd given him by shooting my infected cum in him. A few minutes later I pulled out of his ass, dismounted and stood by the bed so he could get up and suck my dick clean. He did so and I then urinated while he drank it. Once the last of my piss joined what he'd sucked off of my dick and swallowed he sucked off of it and kissed it and my balls. "Let's look for a piece of ass for you" I said after he hugged me. We got dressed, had a snack and headed out to one of the bars where chasers cruised. There were no total virgins but one twink who said he was 21 said he was still neg. I asked him how tight he was and when he was last fucked. He said he was decently tight and had been fucked a couple of nights before, with a condom on the man's dick. I asked him about his last HIV test. He said he never was tested. Craig and I both wanted to be sure he was neg so Craig could truly experience the thrill of pozzing him. We "interviewed" a few others who said they were chasers. We also needed to weed-out the infected ones who said they were chasers. I had run across some punks who had been freshly pozzed and either hadnt had the flu or had "completely" recovered from it and appeared neg. Over the next week we checked out more chasers and picked three who we'd have tested. One by one we took them to the clinic for testing. One was poz and the other two tested neg. The problem was that once a stud ejaculated in an ass it took over a week for any markers to show up in the chaser's blood. We settled on a homeless twenty-two year old who agreed to get tested, stay a couple of weeks, get tested again and get fucked. Either Craig or I would be keeping an eye on him 24/7 to make sure he didnt cheat on us. We allowed the punk to masturbate, fuck a masturbation cunt and dildo himself since his 'first cherry' was already history. We headed to the clinic for the testing. Once the results came back as neg we moved the punk in and got him some new clothes from a discount store and gave him room and board. In addition to one of us with him at home he was always accompanied by one of us when leaving the apartment including going to a restroom and anywhere else. The two weeks seemed to drag and we had to put up with his somewhat mild drug habit but at least he was only popping and inhaling but not shooting anything so there was no contaminated needles to worry about. It was finally time to test him again. The punk tested neg so it was time for my asshole buddy to have his fun pozzing him. Once we got home we all stripped as Craig grinned. All our dicks started hardening and the punk knelt and kissed and then sucked on Craig's dick. A few seconds later the man's dick was rock-hard. "On your stomach on that bed." I said, gesturing to the rubber sheet covered mattress on the floor. The chaser lay on the bed and Craig knelt, shoved his unlubed finger up his ass and thrust and twisted as the punk endured the pain. Craig pulled out his finger and smiled to see an adequate amount of blood on it. He told the punk to suck it clean. The punk made a disgusted face but opened his mouth, let Craig put his finger in, sealed his lips around it and sucked it clean. Craig's dick was still rock hard so he added just a little bit of grease on his dick, just enough for his own comfort and to facilitate easier penetration, spat on the punk's hole, mounted him and put his dick to the hole. He the let his weight drive it home as the punk yelped and shook from the pain as the man drove it all the way home and pinned him to the bed. He lay on the punk's back a minute and then began a series of brutal fat-shaking thrusts to further rip-up his rectum inside. His fat rippled with each snap of his hips as the punk begged him to take it easy. Our hero ignored the bitching and fucked the way he wanted. Craig held the punk's upper arms and threatened to drive his thick dirty nails into his skin if he didnt shut up. The punk, beside himself with the pain the stud was enjoying putting to him, quieted down and sobbed and suffered, knowing his fate. Craig worked up a sweat pistoning his dick in the now ravaged hole. He began breathing hard but didnt let up. I was proud of my buddy as I admired him working to pass my virus on to that punk. My own dick was hard, throbbing and oozing precum as Craig's potent penis pumped pain into the punk. Craig fucked that punk for a good ten minutes, let is hips go wild and then grunted and grinned wide as he hilted himself and pumped his deadly virus-laden spunk into the punk, his penis pulsing with pleasure with each spurt he shot into him. He then resumed his manly thrusts pumping more virus into the sore asshole who now sobbed feeling sorry for himself trapped under the big fat sex-hero and pinned by his mighty prick. Each additional thrust forced more deadly virus through the ripped and fissured anal walls into the punk's bloodstream, the stud's virus on its one-way mission to wreck the punk's health and lead to his eventual death because he would later take too many drug holidays. The punk was feeling miserable under the big fat stud, his hole feeling almost as bad as when he first got his cherry popped by a man who was wearing a condom. Craig was in hog heaven enjoying how great he and his dick felt after injecting the asshole with his dangerous jizz. Craig thrust and slammed several more brutal hip-snapping fat-shaking thrusts into the sore hole, rested and withdrew slowly in order to keep as much cum inside it as possible. Craig dismounted and stood up. I had to tell the punk to get his lazy ass up and suck his hero-stud's dick clean. He cussed us out and Craig grabbed his arm, yanked him up and threatened to punch his face if he didnt obey. The punk, afraid, obeyed and sucked my buddy's dirty cock clean and kissed it as ordered. The punk then massaged his arm which was bleeding slightly from Craig's nails when he'd yanked him up. The punk then cussed us out and threatened us but I told him that he would be a Bubba's bitch in jail if we told the police that he had let men fuck him. Back then the laws of the state there prohibited a man from sucking cocks or allowing anyone to fuck him but there were no laws prohibiting a man from penetrating the partner of his choice. The rape laws back then only applied to men raping women or someone having any kind of sex with minors and animals. Effeminacy was considered as soliciting to suck cock or take it up the ass. Drag queens and effeminate men were often picked up for soliciting to get penetrated. The punk wasnt a fem-queen but compared to us men he could be perceived as effeminate by the police. Geeks and nerds were considered masculine compared to many young guys on that era. He clammed-up. We told him we'd take care of him through his flu if he caught it. That meant another two months but he would partially pay his way by being Craig's and my bitch until he was too sick with the flu to put out. I let Craig have the punk's ass but I did let him suck my cock a few times. I also got him to rim us a few times. Craig would suck my cock while the punk rimmed my sweaty ass when I got off work. The punk caught the flu just about on schedule and suffered. Craig was ecstatic that he had caused it by fucking him. Pleasure for the penis = pain to the punk. The punk was bitchy going through the flu and we ended up kicking him out once he felt better and I'd finally had my piece of his ass. During the two and a half months we dealt with the punk we were looking for a full anal virgin for Craig to break. Fucking the punk had fed Craig's ego but he still wanted to rip and infect a full virgin who was both neg and never had anything but maybe a finger up his ass. I myself wanted to poz a total virgin but I wanted Craig to have first go at one and I'd fuck the next one we'd find.
    1 point
  21. OMG What Did I Do? Part V I could hardly wait for my boyfriend to get home. That message just got me hotter than hell for some reason, thinking about a guy with a huge cock and he knows us apparently but not anyone we know. For some reason I was now almost panting for some sex. My hole just kept tingling from the thought of someone may have been watching us and thinking we were a very hot couple. Not any time too soon, my boyfriend arrived home and I met him at the door naked and tearing his clothes off. Drug him into the bedroom and on top of me. My mouth dropped onto his cock and sucked like I was sucking for my life and soon had him hard and dripping precum galore. He was busy, too, eating my hole and dipping his tongue in and driving me crazier. Then he pulled away grabbed me and threw me on my back, lifted my legs into the air and rammed his cock in me with only his and my spit on his cock and my hole for lube. I groaned with the pain at first but it did not take long before his thrusts had me in pure heaven. He pounded my hole like there was no tomorrow and then I felt it, his cock expanded and then he growled and rammed his cock as deep as he could and was cumming a river in me. WOW We laid there then as he lowered my legs down and we laid in each others arms for a good hour afterwards. Then we finally got enough energy to get up to go eat supper. During supper I started to open up a little to my boy about my fantasies. I told him I had been looking online at some sites and getting off with my dildoes as we hadn't been doing much, sex wise anyway. I told him I felt guilty doing it but it seemed like it was helping us. I asked if he cared and he told me that it seemed to be working well. He laughed then and said a little fantasy never hurt anybody and to be honest he had thought of a couple of hot guys he had seen when fucking me and loved it that way too. We laughed then, but I could not tell him about this new guy I had seen as I was thinking my thoughts about that and the fact the guy seemed to have spied on us sometime or other was over the line a little. But it was nice to know my boyfriend had a good imagination also. We watched TV naked in bed after supper wrapped in each other's arms till we fell asleep. After our talk the next two or three days went by quickly although our schedules prevented us from seeing much of each other again, until bedtime and sleep came easy then from a lot of work. I was pretty satisfied for the time being. Being the little cum slut I was, though, it did not last and I found myself, on the 4th day after our talk, turning the computer on and looking to see who was on that I could have a hot talk with and pound my insatiable hole with a dildo with. A couple of sites had, basically, nothing on and turned to my main one then to see what could happen. There were two or three messages there from guys I had played with before but they were not quite what I wanted and then saw a message from THE guy. I opened it and he was writing me to tell me how nice the trails were at the park the last couple of days. He went on to say that he thought sure he would see me walking or maybe sitting around trying to get a look at his cock. He had included a pic this time, but it was just the tip of his cock with a large drop of precum oozing out of the hole in it. It really did look huge, but again he was not online. I just stared at the tip of his cock and without even hardly knowing what I was doing my hand had grasped my dildo and was lining it up with my hole as I looked. I came out of it a little as it dawned on me that I had my dildo halfway in me already while thinking about a huge 11" cock in me. WOW I was almost ready to cum just thinking about it. I decided that I just had to see that for real and then I could forget about it finally. I made plans to take the next day off of work and head for the park and find a place to hide so I could watch the main trail and get a look at him if he came by. I prepared a snack to take along as I decided I was going to be there all day if it took that long. I also packed my largest dildo and lube as I just knew if I did get to see him I would have to ram it in me to get off for sure. I called work the next morning as soon as my boy left and told them I was not feeling all that good but put me down for PTO instead of sick leave as I was sure I would be back the next day and I wasn't going to the doctor. With my hard work they didn't bat an eye but just said to hurry back in. I then dressed in a tshirt and shorts with a jockstrap and headed for the park.
    1 point
  22. just back home from NYC Took 7 poz loads there this week. Four of them in a row at Paddles at the Jacks of Color Party. One HUGE cock that wrecked my hole then left me leaking. The other three were random hookups
    1 point
  23. i wanna this kind of seen to be happen to me
    1 point
  24. Well last night was a bit embarrassing. I was super horny (come to think of it, I always am) and decided I needed to play. So I messaged a fb that lives about 2 hours away, and he agreed to drive down to hookup (apparently I'm the only guy so far that can take him balls deep). He finally gets here at about 11 PM and he's quick to start things. We started making out even before my front door was closed. I led him to my room ... once in he pushed me on the bed face down and tore off my mesh shorts,leaving me only in a jock. He says, "Damn" and starts rimming me with his long tongue. I'm moaning like a slut, begging him to keep going and eventually, for him to fuck me. His dick should be classified as a weapon ... just under 10" and exceptionally thick (I can barely get it in my mouth, and I can open real wide xD). He spits on my hole, and thankfully he lubed his dick. He takes his time sliding in,but I know what's coming. I hit poppers hard ... he's now halfway in, and he then slams the rest of his dick in my ass. I tried rolling away, but he grabbed my hips and simply fucked me rough and fast. I then ... fell asleep. I woke up a few seconds before he came, and he said I was out like a rock for about 15-20 minutes ... and he kept fucking me. He was pissed, so when he came he pulled all the way out, then slammed balls deep to unload. Omg I love his dick ... gets even more monstrously thick, and I feel each spurt/spasm. I tried again to get him off of me, but he grabbed my arms and used a belt I have to tie them to my headboard. He then laid on top of me and resumed raping my ass. Mmm hell yeah. I wound up with 5 loads in my ass before he pulled out and had me suck his dick clean. He then slid under me and sucked my dick until I shot quite a massive load shown his throat. He choked but I couldn't care less ... I slammed hard on his face and put as much weight as could on it until he swallowed it all. We wound up cuddling until we both fell asleep. Odd.
    1 point
  25. If i found out a guy had secretly filmed me and put it online, it would turn me on more than anything. Like yeah im afraid of who will see it but once its done its done then its just kinda hot. especially if it was multiple guys. Does anyone know of good hidden cam vids? like good stuff not just lame fucking, like exposing sluts hidden cams lol or dom tops
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  26. It's been a week since I had a load. Today, I made up for it. Been chatting with a guy on Grindr and he wanted to bring a friend and come dump a couple loads in me. I waited with the door unlocked, ass up, in my nasty pig jock and blindfolded. After the first guy dropped a load in me, his friend lined his 8.5inch thick cock against my hole and alowly slid in. As he slowly got his entire cock in my tight ass, lubed from the first guys load, he whispered in my ear, "you want this poz load in your neg ass?" I almost came right then. He had me begging for it at the end. Immediately went on Bbrts and got 3 more guys to come over and add their loads. Was so fucking hot. Now, the first guy wants to come back and breed me on my apartment balcony. It has been a great day!
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  27. Part 4. The Real Men They were all in military fatigues. I counted five men in total, each one bigger and taller than the last. The final two actually had to duck when entering the room to avoid hitting their heads. After letting them in, my brother walked back to the bed and yanked Antoine off. "You say you wanna get fucked by men," he sneered. "Then what the fuck are you doing with little boycunts like this?" Jack pointed to the 5 enormous black men standing behind him. "See these giant motherfuckers here?" he said. "Now these are what I call "real men"; they're the biggest, meanest motherfucking drill instructors the Marine Corps has ever seen. For as long as I've known them, they've been culling the herd by turning out weak whiteboy recruits and pimping them out to ex-con gangbangers who wanna relive the thrill of raping skinheads in prison." "And if they can do that to Marine recruits," he continued, "just imagine what they can do to you." Jack turned to the smallest one in the group. "You take first round, bro," he said, "you know the drill." The man nodded and took off his fatigues. Even as the smallest in the group, this guy was still huge--probably 6'5" or so and over 250 pounds. He was also one of the hairiest black men I'd ever seen. A jet-black thicket of hair covered every inch of his body except his head, which he had shaved bald. His cock matched the rest of his body--huge, hairy, and uncut. The Marine walked over, and without a word, forced my mouth open and shoved in the head of his hardening cock. Even half-hard, his cock was too thick for my mouth. When he tried to push it in more, I felt a searing pain in the corners of my mouth as the skin began to tear. I grunted out in pain, and I heard Jack say, "Hey buddy, why don't we give his mouth a rest? He's drugged up and feeling no pain right now, but his face did get a pretty nasty beatdown earlier." My Marine fucker just shrugged and moved to the foot of the bed. He rummaged through his fatigues, pulled out a dirty rag, sprayed something into the rag, and threw it at my face. "If you know what's good for you," was all he said. The rag was disgusting, covered with reddish-brown stains, presumably from the torn, leaking asses of virgin USMC recruits. There was also an elastic band attached to either side of the rag, like you see on masks, so it was easy to figure out what I was supposed to do. I took a deep breath and put the rag on like a mask. The smell was awful at first, but after a few seconds I began to feel a warm, tingling sensation that started spreading and relaxing every part of my body, including my boy pussy. Without meaning to, I let out a soft moan of pleasure. One of the Marines laughed and said, "oh yeah, baby, this little boycunt's ready now." Two mitt-like hands grabbed my feet and yanked them up, exposing my asshole. I then felt something impossibly thick and blunt brush up against my asshole. Even after two days of being gangbanged by Antoine and his crew, I knew that I wasn't ready for this monster trying to push its way into my pussy, but the pressure against my anus kept growing and growing until my boyhole finally gave in. It was the most excruciating, white-hot pain I'd ever felt in my life. I tried to run away, but between the nylon restraints, the paralyzing spray, and the fucker's vice-like grip on my feet, all I could do was scream into the rag like a helpless little girl as he shoved the entire length of his horsecock up my ass, shredding his way through my insides until I felt his balls resting against my boycunt. The other Marines seemed to get excited by the sound of my screams, and began hooting and hollering "oorah!" Spurred on by the others, my fucker immediately began pounding into my hole like a jackhammer, not giving me any time to get used to his cock. Over the next 5 minutes, the Marine kept on increasing the speed and force of his strokes, eventually building up to an unbelievably frenzied pace that simply destroyed my boycunt. These Marines seemed to enjoy keeping me in a constant state of agony, and hearing my screams get louder and louder. But then, just as suddenly as it had started, the violent fucking went away. I remember hearing a noise (like a bell ringing) followed by one of the Marines shouting something, at which point the pummeling just stopped, the Marine pulled out his cock, and let go of my feet. With the rag still over my face, I couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but after the first Marine moved aside, I felt another Marine quickly taking his place between my legs. "Ready?"asked the new Marine as he grabbed my feet and pulled me back up to position. "Wait, wait, please" I whimpered, "wait; can't we just take a break for 5 minutes, please?" At that, all of the Marines started laughing. "Yo Jack," I heard one of the Marines say to my brother, "didn't you tell your little bro how this works?" I heard another Marine say, "It's a competition, you dirty bimbo. You don't get a break until one of us comes." I still didn't understand what they were saying. Confused, and desperate to delay the next assault on my pussy for as long as possible, I asked, "what do you mean? What kind of competition?" "We're being timed, you stupid slut," said the first Marine, still out of breath. "We each take turns fucking you for 5 minutes," he continued, "and the first one to cum inside your nasty little ass wins." It took a second or two to sink in. "So... you're going to keep fucking me like this until someone comes inside me in less than 5 minutes?" I asked. "That's right," said the Marine on deck, "and we'll keep fucking you like this, for however long it takes, until you understand that for a boypussy like you, the only thing that matters is serving the real men of the world, offering your cunt to any man who wants it, and giving pleasure to any man who claims you." "Now shut the fuck up, little boy" he continued, "and enjoy the next 5 minutes." To be continued.
    1 point
  28. Fellow fur here. Looking to give and receive loads in my area. :3
    1 point
  29. looks like bareback is a thing of the past at helix. only the boycrush and staxus bonus materal have bareback content and its streaming only. think its time to cancel membership
    1 point
  30. Marcus: 2031 I awoke just past 10:00, stretched and felt the drying cum at my anal opening. Flexing my ring a little, moisture seeped out, creamy cum which seeped onto my fingers. I lifted the digits to my lips and sucked the goo from them, checking my phone, and lap tablet. Damion had sent his apologies, stating he been (literally) tied-up by a hot 18 year old who wanted his poisoned load for himself. Damion also asked if he could cum over around noon to complete his promise, and even offered to bring the 18 year old and his buddy, a 19 year old virgin, for me to corrupt. I sauntered into the shower and rinsed the sex left on my body from my activities the day before. Slipping on a skimpy jock and tank top, and pulling on a tight pair of jeans, I decided I was the picture of seduction. Walking out of my apartment, I headed for the café on the corner, where, seated in my favorite seat that overlooked the street and all the hot guys who populated the neighborhood, I ordered up my favorite coffee beverage and sat back once again reflecting on the events which lead me to my current position. 2011 The face of AIDS had changed over the years. In the late 70’s and early 80’s it was just the gay cancer. Somehow guys were coming down with it, wasting away and finally dying. Then scientists put a name on it, and had discovered what was causing the syndrome, HIV, and also devised a test for the anti-bodies. Guys still died from the virus but we now knew how to prevent future spread, but scientist and the medical community did not take into account man's need to breed. As much as the medical community promoted safe sex and the use of a condom, we continued to fuck raw and recruit new raw fuckers into our ranks. In the late 80’s new drugs were prescribed that help control the virus and extended the lives of its victims, but the early drugs sometimes caused more damage than did the virus. In the early 90’s new cocktails were devised which helped make it possible to keep the virus in check, and we began fucking like there was no tomorrow. After all, if we got infected we could take pills and still live a normal life. We had known Jack since our high school days when we would sneak off and go to CumUnion parties at the Steamworks. At the beginning it was just blow jobs and Jack pulling out and shooting all over our faces, but then one night he an evil grin crossed his face and before I knew it, Jack was fucking Robert. “So, stud, where you want this load tonight? 'Cause I’m thinking of breeding you good” “Fill me up, Buddy, give me your dirty poz cum.” Jack shot his load into Robert that night, then into me, then Robert again, and continued to do so at all of our meetings with him at the bath house. About a month later Robert called and said he was feeling like shit, so I arranged for Robert to receive more cum injections from Jack, and the other guys at the Steamworks. We were both guessing that all the loads up to Jack's were not much more than undetectable blanks, but that Jack had finally pulled the trigger. Jack had pozzed me and Robert with his deadly seed, a seed which defied medication and would within six or seven years find us facing the Grim Reaper. We found ourselves in the hands of hospice workers to sooth our last remaining days on earth. Robert claimed several dozen willing victims who he had seroconverted with our strain, sentencing them to death just like us, and I doubled that number by going on breeding sprees, hosting conversion parties and breeding any young lad who desired my poison. Our initial health must have been much better than Jack’s as neither of us showed any outward signs of the virus, other than being more prone to colds and the occasional flu. 2017 Robert and I sat around a bonfire while out camping, both shirtless and just wearing basketball shorts, shorty socks and trainers. We were looking through the latest batch of photos I had uploaded onto my tablet. Many were from our high school days and the intervening eight years. We laughed at some of the photos. We looked so young back then, although, truth be told, neither of us of had changed all that much, except the baby fat had disappeared from our faces. We probably looked to be in better shape than we were when we were graduated. We were much more lean, and, oh, Robert had a KS lesion on his side. Neither of us had gone on meds, figuring that with our strain it wouldn’t make much difference in the progression of the disease. To his credit, Jack had directed us to his Infectious disease doctor, Dr. Dave, who had the reputation of being experienced as in treating HIV, and as being sexually utterly twisted and kinky. He respected our decision to forego medication, and even directed some chasers our way. Dr. Dave volunteered at the local STD clinic, and also maintained his own practice. He was in his early thirties, which made it easy for him to blend in with his clients. We laughed and swapped stories of our conquests. Then Robert blurted out “I did it with Dr. Dave. I let him fuck me, and afterwards I planted my toxic load in his ass.” I laughed, adding “It wouldn't be the first time for him. I've seeded his ass multiple times.” We both laughed and soon were embracing and fondling each other, our lips finding flesh to suck and lick, hands stroking each other’s ridged members. But for our trainers, we were naked, in a sixty-nine position, slurping on each other's cock, drooling pre-cum into each other's mouth. It didn’t take long before my hard penis was shoved up Robert's sloppy hole, pumping in and out, feeling the remains of the last load he taken from some college kid on the way up to the campsite. I started pounding harder and faster, which made my balls tingle. After about 15 minutes I looked up from the task at hand, and, as my sweat dripped onto Robert’s chest, I saw a kid about 18 or 19 or so, stroking his large cock watching me fuck my buddy. He was quite tall, about six feet, dark hair and gleaming eyes, a chiseled body and a nine inch hard cock. “You want to see me load my buddy up with my load? You wanna see me knock him up?" I asked. “No, sir. I want you to fuck me and knock me up with your DNA.” I pulled out of Robert, my cock dripping with his ass juices and pre-cum, and motioned the boy to join us. Guiding his hard cock into Robert’s gaping hole, I then mounted the boy using Robert's ass juice and my pre-cum for lube. The boy was tight, and I know I ripped him open as I pressed my cock in, if only 'cause he screamed with pain. I held still, then felt him starting to pump into Rob, slowly moving his cock in and out of that hot hole, the boy's ass let go of the vice grip it had on my organ and as he gyrated into Rob. My cock began to explore the innards of the kid. I slowly withdrew my cock half way and plunged it back in to the hilt. I could feel my pre-cum lubing his insides as my shaft ripped new passages into the boy, I felt his ass spasming and knew he was about to blow his load into Robert's sloppy hole. With that I came in the boy, unloading my toxic seed into his rectum “Oh yeah, take my death seed into your boy pussy.” “Oh my god. You’re poz? Fuck, yeah, give me more.” Robert and I took turns breeding the boy. His hole became quite distended with all the fucking and fisting we did to him. We took him into our tent and put him between us and took turns fucking and cuddling the boy. In the morning we cleaned up our new slave boy, asking his name for the first time “Damion,” he replied. 2031 My boy arrived with a cute 18 and 19 year old in tow, I gestured for them to sit, we had a quick lunch then headed back to my apartment to play with each other.
    1 point
  31. i used to be collared and had a fuck machine going into me all night while i was in a sling. the best thing about it is it keeps going even after you fall asleep
    1 point
  32. After about two minutes Paul heard the door open and close, followed by footsteps down the hall. A deep voice ordered "Slut, keep your head buried in that pillow." Paul did as he told. Seconds later he felt the rub of a clothed crotch pressing against his ass. He could also feel the large bulge pressing to be released inside. The sound of a zipper being unzipped followed, and then the sensation of something pressing against his hole. The sound of spitting followed, as well as the warmth of saliva which coated his hole. Then came one hot thrust of pain as the cock which had been pressed against his hole plunged balls deep inside his hole. "Yeah, you dirty fuck whore. Take my fat cock in your ass/" Vigorous fucking commenced immediately. There was no time for Paul to adjust. The top was pounding him like a jack hammer, stretching his hole unmercifully. In extreme pain, Paul moaned loudly. "Fuck yeah, whore, take my fucking cock!" As quickly as it started the fucking stopped, although the fat cock was still buried in his hole. The next thing Paul heard was the sound of a photo being taken, followed by the sound of key presses on a smartphone. Paul smiled with pleasure at the thought of seeing the photographs of his violated ass. The top recommenced fucking Paul, but this time his thrusts were somewhat slower, with the top's cock cock sliding all the way in and then withdrawing. After a few minutes of this activity the top completely withdrew and grunted "Stay there whore. I need to get naked to fuck you better." With this remark Paul realised the top was (apparently) still dressed, having only opened his fly to free-up his cock for the assault on his ass. The sound of clothing being dropped onto the floor was interrupted by the sound of a message being received on the top's phone. As he slid back into Paul's ass, the top replied to the message, and then tossed his phone on the bed. By chance the phone fell next to Paul's head. The top, meanwhile, continued his slow thrusts into Paul's ass. After about five minutes of this treatment Paul was in heaven. The fat cock was touching every pleasure zone in his ass, and sensing as much, the top grunted "Dirty little whore. Taking my raw cock in your hole. Fuckin' love it, don't you, slut?" Then, as Paul uttered a muffled yes, he heard someone open the front door .
    1 point
  33. PFG? I can respond with a big fat FUCK YEAH! When it comes to dirty Poz Talk turning me on! It seems to go right into your brain and fucking stroke your deck. Right now 'bently67' "The Tatoo Artist" ! Has me most horned up for it's filthy hot Poz Talk. Serious twisted and amazing fucking going on there. ​Really I think there needs to be a Fucking Glossary for anyone out there wanting to write down a Poz Fuck Fantasy. No one should call a cock just 'cock' or cum just 'cum' when you can call it: Poz Pecker Poison Pecker Demon Dick Death Dick AIDS Cock POZ Cock. And cum? How about Death Seed Demon Seed Sarah Palin Seed Poz cum Deadly DNA Or shoot, just using words like "Toxic" "Poison" "Venom" "Disease"all fucking hot Love really loaded talking like: "Going to fucking CHARGE YOU UP!" or "My Dick is a fucking loaded Poz Gun up your ass! going fucking shoot my Death Bullets up your hole!" or the fucking good "Take my Toxic Death cum! Converting your fucking NEG hole with my charged Poz death seed!!!" Would love to find someone I could chat like that with any fucking time.
    1 point
  34. Read this story countless times already and still has me hard, wet and begging to be used by the Coach.
    1 point
  35. Part Five; That night as I laid awake in my bed looking at the piece of paper with the number on it and the thought of ME being the guest of honor; what the hell did he mean and what the hell am I getting myself into now? The next morning when I woke up I spent the day with my family as they asked why I had been spending so much time at the park; of course the normal excuse of nothing to do but hike in the woods till they got home. At approximately I finally made the call to the number; still not knowing if they would make good on their promise of showing up at my house and telling my parents what I had been doing or them finding photos of me being a the park faggot bitch. After 3 rings a voice answered and asked who it was; I said I was told to call for a party tonight. The voice on the other end yelled out to someone that it is your white faggot bitch on the phone, a minute later another man got on the phone and asked if I was ready for another good time? I asked what the good time meant; the male stated just be in front of your house to be picked up in an hour, short and t-shirt, no underwear, but before I could ask why in front of my house, he hung up! I ran upstairs to get showered and dressed and outside before they got there. I was standing in front of the house hoping that my parents didn’t come out. An hour to the second almost a black panel van pulled up driven by a black man; the side doors open and two more black guys were in the back and told me to get the fuck in! I jumped in the back where they told me to strip, I asked why, and that the doors were still open; NOW BITCH, STRIP!! I never got naked so fast from them yelling afraid that my parents where sure to have heard them. They then threw my clothes on the street, closed the door and sped off honking the horn; I guess the let all the white folks know that they had one of their white boys, and he was naked!!! As we drove down the street, they fitted my with a leather collar with a lock and two hooks for a leash, then both my wrist and ankles had the same type of leather restraints put on and locked in place. The black guys were drinking and smoking pot and as I asked for something; they gave me a bottle of water. Water; WTF was this, I was surely going to need something more that fucking water. One of the black guys slapped my upside my head and told me to drink it. I was almost done when we pulled up somewhere and stopped, my head started to feel really funny and I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was trying to catch my bearings of where the hell I was at, I could hear voices all around laughing. My body hurt like hell and felt like someone had beat the hell out of me. The black guy from the park was standing next to me and stated that I was coming too, I was offered a drink of water and as I reached for it, I found that I was bent over a wooden padded type bench, unable to move my legs that were now stretched open and tied from my ankle restraints along with my neck and my hands that had some room to move. What did you do to me? We had you tagged for us! What; what do you mean tagged? My now dominate black male told one of the guys to bring him the mirror. He held up a mirror so I could see the small of my back above my ass. He stated that they took me to a tattoo parlor and had me tagged! On looking in the mirror I saw a black spade with an arrow pointing down to my ass; with the words “black cocks go here”. Oh my god why? That black male stated, you are bitch now; you serve us only, you gona be are whore!! Then the black man moved the mirror to both my arms; both had tattoos, one side had white fag for black cock, the other had a heart with I above the heart and cock below. You will now address me as Master or sir; do you understand? How am I going home after this I asked; YOU DON”T BITCH, YOU STAY HERE NOW, YOU WORK FOR US, ME!!! And he then hit me so hard upside my head, I saw stars. Now call me MASTER bitch!! I bowed my head and replied “yes master”. LOUDER BITCH; YES MASTER. You ever forget it again I will kill you; understand? Yes Master!! Good; now I have another surprise for you before we get started. “Fix the bitch up first” the guys grabbed my arm and out came the strap and the syringe with the drugs, after they hit me with them, I was again in heaven and just wanted cock in me. The guys all undressed and started to shove their cocks in me at both ends, making me tell them what I wanted. I was so High, I had no idea how loud I was begging to be fucked, that I was a cum dump for black men, that I just wanted to feel their seed flooding my mouth and ass. My master then asked me to tell them how I became a whore for black cock, how I fell in love with cock and cum; as they took turns using my holes. My Master then grabbed my hair after my rendition of my sexual encounters in the park and had me look at the tv screen, I almost got sick right there; on the screen were both my parents, my 17 yr old sister and my 13 yr old brother watching and listening to me. I could see 4-5 black guy in the background making them watch and listen to me being used and my tales of male sex. My parents had the look of shock; but looking at my brother and sister, they seemed more intrigued that shocked, could they be enjoying this? My master must have sensed the same thing. “Tie the parents up, take the other two to their rooms and see if what we see is true; if so, bring them here after you give them both some fixes!! After the screen went dark, I was taken off the bench and taken out to the van and strapped down on the bed with my ass hanging off the end and my mouth at a perfect height for sucking cocks. They then drove me to a part of town that they just open the doors for my use for the customers on the street. What is going on with my Brother and sister back home I wonder?
    1 point
  36. Chapter VIII Well, another morning and ready to get to work soon. Standing in bathroom of my motel room and staring in the mirror. It has now been about 36 hours since I had had my first m2m sex. I had been totally straight and now, wow, first gay sex, and then found out he was HIV+ and had let him cum in me not only that time but some more times. Then the next day meeting a friend of his and letting them both have sex with me and cum in me multiple times each and both were poz. What the hell was I thinking and doing? So conflicted now. Pick up a hitcher and now standing here trying to get my mind to work and figure out what to do now. I knew what I had to do. As I was turning to leave the bathroom and head to work, Steve, the hitcher, was coming in. He had gotten up to tell me good luck at work. I could not help but look down as he was naked, as we had all fell asleep that way last night. His absolutely beautiful cock was swinging between his legs as he moved. 12" and almost as big around as my wrist, wow, what it could do in my hole and I felt the familiar tingle there and my own cock twitch. Damn, stop, no time for that. I told him I still had time and was going to call a doctor today and see about getting something called PEP, I had read about. I told him I just could not get my head around becoming poz. He told me he understood and told me about a doctor here in this town to go see who dealt with HIV at a clinic. He then grabbed me and before I knew what he was going to do planted a big kiss on me and with his cock pressed against me I couldn't resist and kissed back. As I headed out the door he yelled he would be waiting when I got back. Work went much smoother this time and I called the clinic and was surprised as they said if I could get away they could see me that afternoon late. This also put my mind more at ease and made the day go faster. Then I begged off early again to head to the clinic. I got to the clinic and the nurse/receptionist gave me the usual forms to be filled out. He told me they were pretty slow today so it would not be long to wait at all. I had a seat but it was only for about a minute when the nurse called me to the front desk. He told me I had put down I was married on the form but was there to see about HIV? I told him I had gotten kind of dumb and picked up a hitcher and before I knew what I was doing had had sex with him and had never been with a guy before. I then told him that he then told me he had HIV and that is the reason I was there. He asked why I had done it and I told him I still had no idea and that before I knew it I had let him have sex with me several times, even knowing about it. He kind of grinned at that and told me he knew what I was saying. I kind of let that pass. He then asked if I had noticed any bleeding from my hole and I told him I had. He then said the doctor will probably want to do a rectal exam also and maybe even with a scope to look inside also. I went to sit down but again just a very short time and I was being called to go to the back to an exam room. The nurse/receptionist showed me back. I remarked he seemed to do a lot and he told me he was the only nurse and receptionist they had. He took me into a room and did the usual, bp, temp and so forth. He then told me I might as well disrobe and handed me a gown to put on. He then started typing some things into a computer as I took off my clothes. I caught him kind of eyeing me as I got naked but didn't pay much attention to that. Then as I got the robe on and he was done typing he stood up and told me the doctor would be there shortly. I couldn't help myself and glanced down at the front of his scrubs and noticed a definite tenting to them. He went out and I had to smile knowing he had gotten hard watching me get undressed. They both returned shortly. The doctor asked me a few cursory questions. Noted that I had a little time left but I would definitely need to start PEP quickly to have the best effect. He told me he had better check for tears, especially after I had described the cocks sizes that I had let do me. He was kind of shocked I had let not only my hitcher do me but then and turned around the next night and let his friend in on it too. He had me lay down on my back and the nurse helped get these things set up and my legs into them. I asked what kind of thing they were and the nurse told me they were commonly referred to as stirrups and normally used to examine women. I could see that. The doctor then took a quick look at my hole using a magnifying glass and told me he could see a couple of small tears but nothing bad. He then told me he was going to do a scope check and he would be back in a bit with it and went out. The nurse then told me he would get me prepped for the doctor. He would probably be gone a bit as another patient had come in and he would stop and look in on them real quick before returning. He then got between my legs and started to wash the area with some warm soapy water. It felt so good as my hole was still terribly tender from being used so much the last two nights. He then told me he was going to appy some lube for the scope to enter easier. He started to apply the lube around my hole and then inserted his finger to lube the inside of my hole. I couldn't help it from what had happened the last couple of nights and my cock started up and the tingle of pleasure caused me to moan. The nurse then looked me in the eye and straightened up. He kept his finger in me and I felt it rotate around my hole and he told me he needed to loosend it up some for the scope. I couldn't control the tremor that went through me from the pleasure and then he drove another finger into me and I almost came up off of the table with the intense feeling that caused me. I then felt another finger and then noticed the nurse smiling as he revolved his fingers back and forth in me. His other hand seemed to be busy also and then I felt what I was sure was his hard cock at my hole as his fingers came out. I couldn't move as the surprise of the moment caught me completely unready for that. His cock kept going in further and further and then I felt his balls hit my ass as he was all in me. I started to ask what the hell he was doing and he all at once pulled his top off and started to fuck my hole hard. I looked at his chest and was shocked to see a biohazard symbol tattooed around one nipple. As I looked up at his face he grinned and told me that yes he was poz and since I already had it in me to go ahead and enjoy another load. I could not move. He then told me we didn't have much time and he needed to cum fast. He then started to pound my hole really hard and fast. It was only a matter of about 3 or 4 minutes and he told me here it comes and he planted his cock as deep as he could and I could feel it twitch as he unloaded his toxic cum in me and my own cock exploded my load all over my stomach at the same time. As he grabbed the warm soapy water and was washing my up again the only thing I could think of was I am such a damn slut. Letting another stranger use my hole. How could I ever refuse a cock if I couldn't even refuse one while waiting to be examed. He got me cleaned up quick and then applied some more lube and was just finishing when the doctor came back in. He got his scope ready and soon had it in me and looking over my insides and the feeling of that scope in my just used hole didn't help what I was feeling any either. He commented to me that he thought I had told him my last load had been last night. I kind of hemmed and hawed a little but told him that was right. He told me it sure looked more like some fresh cum in me but he could be mistaken. The nurse standing behind him was grinning ear to ear and I had all I could do then to keep from laughing. The doctor told me he saw nothing unusual in there though. He had drawn some blood earlier too and told me to wait he would have some the results for that in a bit and then we would get me started on meds. He then went to check. I got the robe off and started to dress and the nurse was telling me he was glad I hadn't said anything. He told he was sorry but just could not resist as my ass had looked too tempting and my story of already taking several poz loads had just got him too excited. I told him not to worry as it had felt great to me too. The doctor came back in in about 15 or 20 minutes later and told me my blood work came back pretty normal. It was too early for anything to show up anyway. He then explained the PEP to me and told me how much to take and how long and so forth. He then told me I would probably need another exam in about a month and then probably again in about 3 months to make sure. He told me he liked things started at certain times and I was to start the meds the next morning without fail. I told him I definitely would. He also told me I probably should not have sex with those guys again to make sure also. I told him I wouldn't. I really wasn't so sure of that though and was just hoping. I left then and on the way out the nurse was waiting at the outer door and as I stopped to say goodbye he grabbed me and planted a kiss on me. It caught me by surprise but I didn't resist and he told me after to come back sometime soon and see him.
    1 point
  37. Chapter V I had to open my mouth very wide to get the head of Steve's cock in my mouth. I could taste his precum and it was a lot of it. I couldn't believe someone had that much and I slowly sucked on his head. His hand on the back of my head didn't push me down but just gently held me there. He was whispering to me and telling me how good that felt. I had no idea what to do really but just kind of sucked and licked his cock head. I was thinking, what the hell am I doing and why and I had no idea but could not seem to stop myself? There was little taste but what there was wasn't too bad and I kind of was getting turned on as he moaned softly. I kept it up for a bit and it must have been a good 5 minutes or more and then I felt his hand on the back of my head gently pushing down and I tried to open my mouth even further to take his huge pole in me. Soon I felt it hit into my throat and I started to gag and he let up on my head and eased out just a bit until I could breathe better and then back in gently. He kept it up and eventually I could tell he was going down into my throat a ways, still not all of his 12" but I would guess that I was taking a good 9" or maybe a little more in. He then started to help me as he started to raise up off of the bed and fucking my mouth. I could hardly believe that he was still producing so much precum but I was beginning to love the taste and his cock in my mouth felt wonderful. As I was sucking him I felt his hands start to pull me around on the bed till he could reach my cock. As he took ahold of me it dawned on me that I was hard as a rock again. Usually took me a lot longer to get up after cumming like I had when he had sucked me. He started to stroke my cock nice and easy and slow as I continued to suck him. He then pushed on me some and the next thing I knew I was on my side and then on my back and his cock was still in my mouth. Steve then all at once pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to wait a minute as he wanted to get something out of his pack. He grabbed it real quick, opened it and reached in and it looked like he got a tube of something out of it. He turned back and was already squeezing some of it onto his cock and told me I was going to love this. I asked what that was and he told me it was flavored lube. I had heard of that but never tried any and as he got it rubbed all over his cock he climbed on top of me and leaned over to put some on my cock also. As he did that I for once was not looking at his cock and he was sitting on his ass so I was looking at his back and noticed he had a tramp stamp tat, but only got a glimpse of it as he again raised up and lowered his cock towards my mouth. The tat had seemed to be some sort of almost circular figure but kind of openings around it too, just too quick for me to see it good. As his cock came down I opened my mouth and guided it in myself this time and started to suck him again. He was right, too, as the flavor turned out to be one of my favorite things, Strawberry. I really went to town sucking then and felt his mouth envelope my cock too. I was almost in heaven with the feelings and the flavors and I thought this is great, crazy but great. As we were both sucking, every once in a while he would stop and lift up and reach down and rub a little more of the lube on his cock for me and then would dribble it on my cock and I could feel it running down my cock and balls and into the crac of my ass. About the fourth time he did that I felt his hands on my ass and they were massaging my cheeks again and then one hand ran up and down the crack and around in a circle of my hole again. The tickle about drove me wild again. All at once he went deep on my cock with his mouth and as he did I felt a finger push against my hole and with all the lube it started to enter and I lifted right up off of the bed and was moaning around his cock at the pleasure. I then felt his finger come back out and he grabbed my legs with both hands and raised them way up as far as he could and then I felt his mouth come off of my cock and his tongue licked down the underside of it and then he was licking and sucking my balls for a little bit. Steve then went down lower and all at once I felt his tongue licking around my hole and again the feeling made me lift right off of the bed. He kept licking around my hole for a bit and then I felt him dribble more lube on my hole and his tongue was on my hole and pushing to get in. I about went crazy from it and lifted my ass trying to get more and more and I could feel his tongue enter a little bit. He kept that up for a while driving me wilder and wilder and then I felt his hand again come there also. As he kept licking my hole I felt his finger there again and this time it slipped right in. He kept licking and then I felt more lube being applied and his finger going in slow circles as he seemed to be trying to make my hole open more or something. Pretty soon if felt like another finger was in me too and the feelings were getting more and more intense. I was loving this and wanted to keep on going. His cock was magnificent in my mouth and I sucked him as good as I could. Soon it felt like he had more than two fingers in me and he was hitting something in my hole again that was driving me even more wild than before and then he quit licking me and looked over his shoulder at me and asked how I liked that, I stopped sucking him long enough to mumble around his cock that it felt great and he told me he now had all 4 of his fingers in my hole and my eyes had to pop out of my head almost when he said that. I didn't know a hole could open that far before and let his cock out of my mouth long enough to tell him that. He kind of laughed and said it could take more than that. WIthout taking his fingers out he then turned around on the bed and was between my legs then facing me and started to suck me more as he pushed my legs even higher up raising my ass off of the bed completely and I craned my neck to see . He was looking me right in the eyes and smiling around my cock in his mouth. He then let loose and keeping his fingers in my hole and turning and twisting them and driving them in and out too and sometimes I could feel his fingernails scrape some but it was so much pleasure they didn't matter. Steve then leaned more and started to kiss my cock and then up across my stomach and then to my chest, licking and sucking and kissing. As he got to my chest he detoured a little and sucked on a nipple and then across to the other one, never taking his eyes off of mine while doing it. Up he came until his head was right above mine and he was smiling and looking me right in the eyes and I felt his huge cock against my ass and next to his fingers still in my hole. He then asked me if I wanted the best thing yet or not. I could not think of a thing better than what I was feeling right then and I told him I was ready if he could do something that was better but couldn't think of anything better. He really grinned then and all at once he pulled his fingers out of my ass and I felt the huge head of his cock push in. I almost jumped out of my skin. I asked him what the hell are you doing and he told me he was doing just what he had said and I should take it and enjoy. I was pretty much upside down almost and pinned down and could really not do much anyway. I was wondering again what the hell am I doing? He held still for a bit letting my hole get used to the head of his cock in me and then started to push forward and I could feel his cock entering me little by little. I told him it was hurting some and he said that it would go away soon. He kept up the pressure and then lifted his body up some and I looked down to see that at least 3/4ths of his cock was in me now. I was shocked and had no idea I could take that much in me. His cock was so big I could feel it entering and it was hitting that spot continually now that his fingers had been hitting and the pleasure was starting to kick in again. I was squirming now and he told me he knew I would love that and started to pull back and then in again slow and easy rubbing my spot in and out and my own cock was tingling and nobody touching it. He kept up the slow rhythm for a while and then started to get a little faster and harder and soon he raised up again and as I looked down there I could see as well as feel his entire 12" of cock were entering me and I could feel his balls slap my ass on the instroke. He had been right, the pleasure was now far more than it had been before. I was now moaning and almost begging for more. As he quickened his pace some more he began to talk to me. He was telling me how great my nolonger virgin ass felt. It gripped him tight and he love the feeling and it was making him want to pound my hole faster and harder. He was also saying things I had no idea of like, going to seed your hole, going to mix our DNA, going to pour my babie in you and they will grow more in you, you are joining the club now, going to poz that hole good. I had no idea what he was talking about but it felt so good I didn't want to ever stop. He pounded my hole and got faster and harder and I don't know how but seemed to get deeper too. It felt better than anything I had ever felt before and I hoped it would go on forever. After what had to be a good half hour he really got to pounding my hole even harder and looked me in the eye again and asked me if I was ready for his cum in me as he was ready to cum and he told me when he did I would love it too. I told him to fill me up if it feels so good. He then rammed me and almost doubled me up with about a dozen more really hard thrusts and then groaned and told me here it is, take my poz cum. His cock was so big and buried so deep in my hole I felt every vibration of it and then felt the heat of his cum as it entered me and he kept cumming and cumming and grinding into me. After what seemed like several minutes he finally quit cumming and collapsed on me. His cock seemed to stay up quite a bit and then I noticed that my own cock had cum also and I hadn't touched it and his orgasm had pretty much overcome mine so I just now felt how good my own cock felt too. Steve's cock finally went down enough to fall out of my hole and he held me tight and kissed my neck and kind of rolled off of me. He was whispering to me how good that had been and hoped his seed took. Had no idea what he was talking about but I was too wrapped up in the afterglow of great sex to think about it. He kind of rolled onto his stomach then and laid there with his head turned to me looking at me and smiling. I returned the look and smile also. I then told him I had to get up and go pee. He just told me to hurry back. I went to the bathroom and as I started to pee, I could feel something running down my legs. I reached between my legs and got some of it on my fingers and then looked to see it. It appeared to be his cum running out of my ass, and a lot of it, and then I looked closer as there was definitely streaks of red in it. I thought to myself what the hell did his huge cock tear me open somehow. I got done and went back to him and asked him to take a look at my ass. He asked what was wrong and I told him it looked like some blood leaking out of my hole. He looked and said it looked like blood to him but not to worry. I asked why and he said he probably scratched me with his fingernails but that was what he had wanted to do. I asked what the hell for and he told me it made it better for his babies to get into my system. I told him I didn't understand that at all and then he said to look at his back. I then got a good look at his tat and noticed it did look like something I had seen before but couldn't place it. I told him it was a nice tat but so what. He then told me that was a biohazard tat and he was positive. I then told him oh ok now I remember and I am positive that is what it is too. He laughed and told me he knew what it was, but what he meant was that he is positive, HIV positive. My mouth dropped open and had to have hit the floor. I stammered, what the hell have you done to me? He then told me he has scratched me inside on purpose and had fucked me as hard as he could to make sure of more possible tears inside of me so the virus would be sure to get into my blood fast. I could only sit and stare and wonder again, what the hell was I doing? Just a few short hours ago I had been totally straight, married and never fooled around and then had picked up a hitchhiker and now had had gay sex with him and then found out he was hiv positive and he had cut me up inside my ass and it was most likely in my blood already. It dawned on me that he was talking again and telling me how hot I had been and didn't I love the feelings? Wasn't it the best sex I had ever had? As he was talking I also noticed he was stroking his huge cock and it was almost all the way up again. I found I could not take my eyes off of it as it grew to its full length and hardness again. I could only think omg it is magnificent and reached for it again. Before the night was done he had fucked me three more times and had cum in me 4 times more and I had loved every minute of it. I was to be there for two weeks of work and invited him to stay the whole time before taking off to hitchhike again.
    1 point
  38. Your profile picture turns me on. Being fucked by an alien or even a guy in a spandex suit is hot. Would love to see a video like that.
    1 point
  39. Part 3: Three Generations I remember the first time I met Ricky. I was only a few months into eighteen and overwhelmed with the freedom of being able to drive and it didn’t take long before I started meeting guys on bbrt and A4A. Having lost my virginity not too long ago and greatly inexperienced, I was at first reluctant to meet many men online. I guess I was a good high school boy. I did, however, exclusively fuck raw. I knew of the dangers, which were beaten into me in sex ed, but from the moment I touched my first cock, I knew. Was I scared of getting HIV and diseases? Of course, but over time I realized what I loved so much about bareback sex and getting creamed: my hole was made to pleasure a man’s dick, and soon my hole became my identity. When a guy knocks me up, I feel alive, the same way being in love makes other people feel alive. In that moment, he was fucking my hole, which gave him pleasure he couldn’t get from his hand, boyfriend, wife, whatever. When a guy seeds me, he marks me – it’s only natural. The more cum I received in my cunt, the more I became addicted to sex. I soon realized the intimacy I felt when creamed wasn’t because of the connection it consummated between me and the horny guy who’s getting his rocks off. It’s the connection between man and hole. It wasn’t long before I discovered the bathhouses. I would always get fucked there for two hours or so but run out of stamina. It was then when I met Ricky in the steam room, and he knew I had potential from the moment he laid eyes on me. He promised me if I went home with him and a few of his buddies, he’d show me a more fun time than I would even have at the baths. There was no talk or debate over who would take my ass next. I was free for the taking, and everyone knew they would get their turn sooner or later, even seconds if they paid Ricky another five bucks. A skinny old man, must’ve been around 60 years old, lined up to my ass. He might have been a stud at some point, but he certainly was no longer. He had what could have been a handsome face, but with his thinning gray hair, heavy mustache, light beard, and rotting teeth, you could tell crystal meth and AIDS had gotten the better of him. Maybe I’d turn out like him someday, or maybe I’ll be dead first. With the way Ricky was making me work overtime, I’d be lucky to have a decade left. “Tom here is one of my most loyal customers,” Ricky said. “I give him a special member’s discount. Since Tom is a big crystal supplier, he gets you for free. Whenever he wants.” “Mmf,” I moaned in acknowledgement as the gray daddy was still fucking my throat. I couldn’t even see Ricky with his hairy balls suffocating me and blocking my view. My jaw was already in pain from sucking the daddy’s dick. A well of saliva gathered in the back of my throat. I was unable to swallow with daddy’s fat dick penetrating my throat three thrusts a second. While daddy fucked my face as it hung lifelessly off the side of the sling, Ricky knelt next to me and whispered, “Oh, and he’s got a viral load like you’ve never imagined. You know why I’m gonna let this old perv knock up your pretty twink pussy?” “Mmmmf.” “Because I own that pussy. And I own you, the useless piece of flesh attached to it. With this, you’ll understand... that I can do anything to you.” More laughter and cheers at Ricky’s declaration of ownership. Tom smelled like a mixture of piss, ball sweat, weed, and cheap cigarettes. He smelled like a homeless man who hasn’t showered in days. I heard him unzip his baggy denim shorts, which dropped to the ground, and the tip of his dick tickled my ass, now heavily lubed with cum cocktail. “Mmmm, so smooth,” he said. His voice was soft, creepy, wanting, horny... the kind of voice you’d expect a dirty old man who feels you up in a bathhouse would have. He moved his coarse hands over my feet and down to my smooth, flexed calves. His dick entered. His head wasn’t as thick as Jeremy’s, but it was so warm. My ass now had a light burn from Jeremy’s abuse, but it was loosened and easily swallowed Tom’s dick. And my meth high rocked me once more as I felt the indescribable pleasure strike through my body. My eyes rolled back into their sockets and I teared up. It was my body’s only way to react to the sheer pleasure as Tom’s dick kept sliding into me slowly. It didn’t seem to end. His dick wasn’t thick, but it made up for it in length. It must’ve been at least 9 inches. The head of his dick must have passed the end of my rectum and gone into my intestinal tract, because it felt like his dick was bisecting my body. He hit a spot that hurt, and it kept going even further. It went so deep it felt like it was hitting my heart. I wanted desperately to see the dick go inside me, but the grey daddy’s dick was still in my mouth. At this point, I knew why Ricky didn’t let me eat after lunch; I would’ve thrown it all up by now with the way these men were using my holes as if I didn’t have feeling in my body. I had gagged so much, thick wads of spit erupted from my mouth onto my face every time even a pocket of air appeared between my mouth and daddy’s dick. His balls were covered in my spit too, as they would drip down onto my nose as he plowed my upside-down face. When he pulled his dick out to allow me a few quick breaths, I could feel it hot and sticky on my face. Tom started to thrust. “Unh, haven’t cum in six days boy, I’m gonna make you overflow with my seed.” My head was spinning. My body was on fire, my heart racing from the high. When I closed my eyes, I felt like I was on a rollercoaster, all the time with big cock filling me from both ends. I could feel my whole body. Every part of me tried to open wider to take more. My feet flexed, unable to cope with the pleasure of the warm, sticky manhood violating my flesh. My legs tried to spread wider open, my arms reached out and I felt dick. However, I was too high and wired to even focus on jacking them off. With the way my body was rocking and how I was trying to desperately breathe, suck dick, relax my jaw, and focus on the cock bruising my insides, I couldn’t even begin to do anything else. Tom’s pace quickened, and he moaned as I moaned. The sling was swinging back and forth. Whenever my pussy pulled away from one cock, the other cock would hit my throat, and I would gag. Whenever the cock in my mouth pulled out just to the head, I got half a breath, and got impaled on the python fucking my ass. Gramps, the patriarch, fucks the pussy, impregnating the sacred hole where the sperm nests and his virus and perv DNA can grow inside of me, feed off of me, and be loved and nurtured by me. Meanwhile, Dad, the discipliner, takes the helm and fucks my mouth to make sure his boy is filled to the brim with dick. Slosh, slosh, slosh, goes my ass as Gramps’ balls smack my ass. “Grrarg, uurg, mmmf!” I gag as Dad’s dick mercilessly plows my numb face. On one side, cum squeezes out of my ass and trickles down my crack as Tom’s manhood churns the butter. On the other, the spit flies out of my mouth as the grey daddy digs for oil. In between is me, too high to even remember how I got there, how I ended up between these two pieces of meat that my whole existence revolved around. “Cream that slut boy with your dirty old spunk! I bet it’s thick, creamy, and yellow like spoiled milk!” cheered Jeremy, the bald man in the polo who fucked me first. The other men, always spurred on by his words of encouragement, cheered Tom on too. Their voices pulled me out of my abyss of cock hunger and I remembered where I was. I remembered there were 11 unserviced cocks in the room sand that I was nowhere even close to being done. I remembered I meant nothing to these two men who fed their cocks to me and, due to my complete inebriation, meant the world to me. I didn’t know how long they’d been fucking me (ten minutes? an hour?) but Jeremy put me back in my place. These men would cum inside me, wipe their dicks off with my body, and go back to their lives, whatever that might be. Ricky would probably go back to his drug dump of an apartment and smoke more T and Tom would probably sneak into bed with his wife, and they wouldn’t spare me a second thought until the next time they wanted to fuck me again. “Yeah, FUCK that ass! Come on!” “Give that cumrag his death sentence! That’s his master’s wish!” “Degrade him!” “FUCK HIM!” “Man, hope he’s not all loose and shit once it’s my turn!” “Oh man, Rick. Sure he’s not for sale?” “Has he passed out already?” “Who cares? Keep fucking him!” “SHRED THAT CUNT! YEAH, MAN!” “Wow, that’s hot! CREAM THAT SLUT!” “Yeah, right in that dirty, cum-filled pussy!” “I think our toy has deserved a little booty bump after this tag team, dontcha think?” My heart jittered with excitement. Even though all Jeremy did was remind me I was trash, I had to thank him. Reminded of my purpose, I was suddenly filled with motivation and tightened me ass and my wrapped my lips tight around daddy’s shaft. “Ohhhh!!!” Daddy pulled out and spewed two thick shots of cum on my face, mixing with my spit to create a thick white mask that almost completely covered my face. It got into my eyes, which stung like a bitch. Just now I realized my eyes were bulging open the entire time. I reminded myself I was going to get even higher, and soon I’ll be too fucked up to even feel pain. Two cold hands on my chest. Those rough hands belonged to Tom. I looked into him, his black, dilated eyes looking back into mine. With that, he roared like he was going into battle. I normally don’t feel a guy shoot in me, but I felt something go deeper inside me than I had felt in ages. Tom’s AIDS stick fucked my stomach and trembled violently for a full twenty seconds. I felt not one, not two, but six powerful, thick, squirts of that toxic spoiled milk shoot far past his nine inches and strike a part of me so deep it definitely had reached far beyond my ass canal. It instantly gave me a cramp. “OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! FUUUUCK!!” Tom moaned, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. “FUCK YEAH” “FUCK, THAT WAS HOT!” “HOLY SHIT!” “POZ THAT WHORE!” “WOOOO!!!!” A chorus of cheers burst among the men. I knew I wouldn’t have to get tested. I had just got bred with a full carton of the most potent, thick, creamy, and dirty cum of my life. Continued in Part 4
    1 point
  40. Seeding my son After about ten minutes of enjoying Tom's mouth pleasuring my cock, I pushed him down on the bed and spread his legs, dove-in and began to eat his young neg pussy, getting it wet for its first poz breeding. Tom moaned and squirmed as my tongue worked to get inside his hole, slowly opening it up for the later invasion by my cock. As his bud begins to open to my tongue, I start rubbing my thumb along the edge and slowly inserting it. Soon, I can get both thumbs in and spread out his hole. My first two fingers begin to slide in, and soon they are doing what comes natural to them. My nails begin to dig into his lining, making small tears for my bug to get into his system with. "Please, Dad," begged Tom, "get that poz cock in my cunt and give me your bug. Make me poz with the same cum that made me!" I looked into his eyes and saw the desire, the want, the need in there. Still I asked "Are you sure you want this?" "Yes, Dad, breed me with your poz cum!" I leaned down and kissed him as my cock found his hole and began to slide into his neg cunt. Soon I felt my balls hit his ass, and knew I was going to blast his hole with my poz seed even if he asked me to pull out now. I slowly began to slide my cock in and out of his cunt, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in. Tom moaned in pleasure as my cock pounded his hole, tearing it up more as I broke through his second ring and really started to pound him into the mattress. Since I knew he was going to be taking loads all night from Dave and me, I let my first batch of Swimmers build quicker than I normally would, so soon I felt the tingle in my balls that signaled my poz cum would soon be impregnating my son. "Last chance, son," I cautioned. "Give it to me, Dad. Plant your seed in me." "All right, here you go!" And with that I shoved all nine inches into him and let go. It was a good sized load, and Dave would soon be using it to fuck his own loads into my son to make him our son. I stayed inside till I knew all my seed was now in his ass, then I slowly withdrew. Dave was standing beside me, and as soon as I was out, he climbed onto the bed and lined-up his cock. I lay down beside Tom and we kissed as Dave's eight inch plus cut cock slid into Tom's cunt, remarking "That load feels so good in there. Your cunt will be well on its way to being infected soon," as he pounded Tom into the mattress. Tom, meanwhile, moaned in pleasure around my kiss. When Dave took-over kissing Tom, I got off the bed to retrieve a few things to help Tom's conversion. When I got back from the bathroom, Tom was writhing under Dave. I knew from watching Dave breed other boys, that he was getting close to adding his poison seed with mine in my son. As I climbed back onto the bed, I grabbed the plug from the nightstand, and just as I began to give Tom another kiss, Dave groaned "Take my dirty seed, son!" Dave stayed in Tom until his entire load was planted deep inside. While he slowly pulled out, he kissed Tom. Once his cock slipped out of Tom's cunt, I pulled my surprise from behind my back: a new hard bristle toothbrush. Tom smiled at me when he saw it, and grabbed his ankles, giving me full access to his now opened and well bred cunt. I slid the brush into him and began to vigorously brush his innards to help his lining become even more receptive to allowing the virus into his system. While brushing his hole, my cock sprang back to life. Once I was sure that the brushing had done its part of the job, I pulled the brush out, and sure enough, the bristles were a nice shade of dark pink. I showed it to Tom as I lined my hard cock up with his cunt again and sank into it. This fuck, I took my time with and varied my technique as I gave him pleasure as well as continuing to work that deadly seed into his ass lining. Tom's cock had stayed rock hard the entire time we had been fucking him, which was close to an hour now, and Tom's breathing began to change, and I realized that he was getting close to shooting his possibly last neg load. Dave noticed it too, and leaned down and took Tom's cock into his mouth. As Dave went down to Tom's balls, Tom grabbed the back of his head and kept him there as he groaned, shooting his load into Dave's mouth. The sensation of my son's ass clenching around my cock as he shot into my boyfriend's mouth caused me to go over the edge, and a few strokes later I growled too and shot my second life-changing load into his cunt. Dave rolled off, and, for the second time that afternoon, I slowly pulled out of Tom's cunt, which was most definitely destroyed. Reaching over, I grabbed the plug and slid it in, remarking "That will keep those loads in there until we can recharge and add some more." Tom leaned-up and kissed first me, and then Dave, thanking us by saying "I hope your gift takes soon. This has been exactly what I wanted." "Well, if I know our seed, in about two weeks you will be sick as a dog." We all spent the rest of that weekend fucking my son, and we all knew that when he left to go back to school on Monday morning that he was well on his way to being infected. The next few weeks Tom spent every moment he could with one or the both of us getting fucked and brushed and every other trick we could come up with to ensure that he would come down with our bug, and sure enough, a few weeks after our initial meet-up, Tom came over and felt sick from the fuck flu. Dave and I spent the weekend taking care of him and giving him more of our toxic cum. A few weeks after he was better, I sent him to the free clinic where he learned he was now carrying our strain in his system. We all went out to celebrate, and it was then that Tom told us that now that he was confirmed poz, that he wanted to spread it to the guys on his wrestling team. Dave and I offered to help if any of the guys would be up to it. He smiled at us, and said he knew a couple of guys that would like to be fucked by some hot daddies.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I'm a furry and I take all loads / breed any asses that need to be bred ;-)
    1 point
  43. LOVE verbal and ass, cunt, cumhole, it all works...moaning grunting....make fucking noise and let a man know you're liking it!!!
    1 point
  44. Real tops, real men, breed the hole, they don't pull out. Shoot inside, it's what a bottom really wants and needs, even if he doesn't know it yet.
    1 point
  45. I went over to this one guys house for a bj and he ended up fucking my ass. He was only in me for less than a minute and I got off. I pulled out of him before he could shoot his load in me and i asked if he wanted help getting off. He said I just did...in your ass. He didn't make a sound so I didn't know. I was trying to be careful at the time but it really turned me on that he didn't give me the choice. He marked his territory that night.
    1 point
  46. I make it quite clear before I hook up with a new guy that I dont use condoms and I dont pull out. If they agree then thats what they know Im gonna do when we meet.
    1 point
  47. Good for you! Becoming a cum dump who accepts any load is an honor, and you're going to love it the more you do it. It gets even better after you've caught the bug. I love being a poz whore.
    1 point
  48. I have only one rule / request: the top goes in bare and leaves his load in me.
    1 point
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