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  1. Becoming a Bug Chaser Note: This is pure fantasy and never happened. Maybe someday though. As I waited in the doggy style position on my bed with my ass presented towards the door I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I was supposed to be a good boy. I never did anything wrong. And most importantly, I always played safe. Why was I being so reckless? The door opened and I shivered. This was it. I heard the door shut, then came the creaking of my floor board. Before long there was a metal clang, and then finally the sound I had been dreading most. The snap of my bare ass getting smacked. "Fuck!" I screamed as the man hit me with his bare hand. "Yea the little slut likes getting his ass smacked doesn't he?" I heard a deep voice say. "Yes Sir," I screamed even though I hated it. "Please hit me again!" The man smacked me again before pulling my cheeks apart and diving his tongue into my hole. I had already loosened it with a dildo so I was able to feel his tongue actually slide inside. The man pulled away and dug his fingers into my cheeks. "Tell me what you want boy," he said. For a moment I hesitated, but then I decided to cross the line I could never go back from. "I want your poz cum up my neg pussy Sir!" I hadn't actually been sure I'd be able to say it out loud in person, so when I did I was ecstatic. I broke into a wide grin, some of the tension melting away from me. "Yea. That's pretty stupid boy," the man said before taking a quick lick of my hole, nipping it with his teeth, and inserting a finger while scratching the insides. "Why would you want toxic, dirty, virulent poz loads when you're neg? Up till now you've never let a dick touch your hole without a condom, right boy?" I took a breath, let it out, and then started reciting what I had been practicing all day in anticipation for this moment. "Because I want to be a bug chaser Sir! I want to be a cumdump for strangers and refuse no loads while looking for poz ones! I hate condoms! And I don't want to use them ever again! Please breed me! Give me your AIDS Sir! Knock me up! Corrupt me ! Convert me from a condom only, stand-up member of society into a sick, twisted, perverted, disgusting bug chasing cumdump who lets anyone fuck him!" I couldn't believe I was saying all this. It wasn't a fantasy anymore. It was real. I was getting bred for the first time by a stranger. Not just that, I had purposely looked for a poz guy with a high viral load who loved gifting bug chasers. The it hit me. I really was a officially a bug chaser. My grin didn't leave for the rest of the day. "Yea you nasty pig," the man said lining his dick with my hole. "You filthy bug chaser," I heard him spit, and then his cock started sliding into me. "You want my load, huh? You want my AIDS babies?" "Yes!" I screamed, pushing my ass into his pubes so his raw, poz dick went deeper. "I'm a sick, disgusting, twisted bug chaser! I want poz loads from strangers! Destroy my neg pussy!" "You got it boy." He started fucking me relentlessly. It felt like an hour but was probably more like fifteen minutes. The most intense fifteen minutes of my life. The man fucked me nonstop, only sliding his bare cock out for a few seconds here and there, each time sticking his fingers into my hole and scratching around. It was so painful, but I was euphoric the entire time. I was being the whore I'd always dreamed of being. Every time he'd call me a faggot, cumdump, slut, bug chaser, damaged goods, or no longer neg, I felt a sense of fulfillment I had never felt before his raw dick slid into my now condom free, neg but soon to be poz hole. And then it happened. He started speeding up, digging his fingers into my shoulders so hard I was sure he had broken the skin. "Here it comes bitch!" the man screamed. "This is it! I"m converting you! Your neg ass is getting bred for the first time with my potent poz cum! Your life is over! I felt him shoot into me, its heat melting into my body creating a craving for cum I had never known was possible. My life flashed before me: -The first time I was fucked with a condom -The guy I kicked out who tried to stealth me even though discovering that made me harder than I had ever been. -The guys I turned down online because they were poz or wouldn't play safe. -The first time I found Breeding zone, found a story about bug chasing, and shot the biggest load of my life. -Admitting to myself I wanted to be a cumdump for strangers, especially those who were poz. -The first time I talked with a guy online about wanting to take poz loads up my ass. -And finally, an hour ago when I set up this meeting with a stranger to fuck me bareback for the first time and fill me with his highly virulent poz load. The man fell on top of me, trapping me beneath him. As I lay there panting, taking in what had just happened, I started to feel guilty. I felt around to my battered hole that was still stuffed with the man's dick, needing to confirm that the intense breeding had really happened. Flinching as my fingers made contact with my hole I felt a cool, sticky goo that I smothered my fingers in. Bringing them back to my face I saw my fingers covered in pink tinged cum. I was horrified and disgusted with myself that I had willingly done something so perverse. But when I stuffed my fingers in my mouth, licked them, swallowed, and then went back for seconds, I knew the man was right about my life being over. At least my life as a responsible boy who didn't make stupid decisions, chose his sex partners selectively, and always used condoms. From that day on I'd be a whore, a cum dump, and a bug chaser.
    6 points
  2. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
    5 points
  3. I couldn't tell what I should do. I knew I could never fuck bareback again. It was dangerous. It was wrong. People would judge me and think I was a whore and I'd never get a boyfriend if people knew because they would talk about me barebacking with guys. So, I was a "good boy." I tried hard not to hook up because I was picky, but also because I didn't want people to think any of that stuff. I didn't mess around with anyone for a few weeks. I still went out with my friends and got drunk and danced, but I was a "good boy." One night I was out dancing and I met this hot guy. Shorter than me, tight body. Probably 5'8" and just ripped - Ripped Boy. I was into him and we danced and drank and he wanted to hook up, but his friend was from out of town and single and he didn't want to hook up if his friend didn't. I thought, he is such a nice guy. I said, "Give me a second." I grabbed this cute guy and pulled him into our dancing group. I kissed him and asked his name, turns out he's a Navy Boy. I told him our dilemma and he agrees to go dance with the friend and they hit it off. Next thing I know, Navy Boy is back over to me and says, "I just felt that guy's cock and it's huge. I bottomed last night and I'm still sore. I'm not sure I should go home with him." I am so accommodating and sweet and really want to get fucked by the Ripped Boy that I say, "It's no big deal. Let's all go to Ripped Boy's place and hang out and see what happens." Navy Boy agrees. As we leave the bar I see Navy Guy is really sexy and that Ripped Boy's friend is attractive but not in Navy Boy's league. I was nervous that they wouldn't hook up and Ripped Boy and I would then not hook up. LOL. We all pile in Ripped Boy's car and his friend and Navy Boy are in the backseat. I see the friend open Navy Boy's zipper as they make out. Ripped Boy stops to get gas, Navy Boy runs inside for cigarettes and the friend says we should get condoms. Ripped Boy agrees and then Navy Boy comes back with some beer and cigarettes and Ripped Boy says let's get some booze too. So we all get in the car and hit this late night store and I run in and get some vodka. Back out and in the car. Now the Navy Boy has his shirt off in the back seat and Ripped Boy says, "You got my friend a total hottie. Thanks." Off to the house. We get inside and Ripped Boy and I go to the kitchen, make out, he plays with my ass as I make the drinks. Spilling some when he plays with my crack through my jeans. We get back to the living room and Navy Boy is in his briefs making out hard with the friend. Ripped Boy says, "No fair. You should get naked too." He grabs at my jeans as I hand the guys their drinks and put ours down. I let him undo my jeans and I am in my boxers and I take off my t shirt. I straddle Ripped Boy's lap just like Navy Boy was to his friend and make out with him. It's getting really hot and I am hard as fuck. Navy Boy and I kiss some too. Navy Boy asks loudly, "Hey, you're a bottom right?" I said yes. Ripped boy slips his hands into my boxers and rubs my asshole some. Navy Boy has finished his drink and into the kitchen we go so I can make him another one. He slips my boxers down and rubs his cock on my ass. He says, "You have a hot ass. Can I fuck you?" I said, "Sure, but I'm with Ripped Boy tonight." Navy Boy grabs some salad oil off the kitchen counter and rubs some on my crack and hole. He fingers me and says, "Please." At this point the other guys come in and the friend says, "I bet we all fuck College Boy (me) tonight." Ripped Boy walks over to me and takes the salad oil and says "Does this feel good?" I laughed and said, "Sorta." He kisses me and lubes up Navy Boys cock with the salad oil and says, "Fuck College Boy." I spread my legs and kiss Ripped Boy, not thinking of anything but how turned on I was. Next thing I know, Navy Boy's cock is slipping inside me. I moaned and then the friend kisses me and Navy Boy is resting his cock in my ass. I'm making out with Ripped Boy and the friend as Navy Boy starts to go to town on my ass. Navy Boy and the friend start kissing and the friend takes off his clothes and Ripped Boy bends me over more to suck his cock. I'm sucking his cock and Ripped Boy says to his friend, "I told you we didn't need them." I have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sucking cock and getting fucked. I'm in heaven. After a few minutes, Navy Boy tightens up and says, "I'm gonna cum." Now I realize, Navy Boy who got his ass wrecked last night by some random dude is in me bareback. I can't do anything much because he started cumming in my ass as I am still sucking cock and realizing we never used a condom. I take his load and then Navy Boy pulls out and he and the friend grab their drinks and head back to the living room. Ripped Boy is fingering my ass now as we share a drink. I am so shocked that I just let another random guy bareback me. I turned to Ripped Boy and say, "OMG! That was so slutty. I didn't know we weren't using a condom." Ripped Boy takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. He sits me on his bed and I can feel Navy Boy's cum in my ass. He climbs on top of me and we are making out so hard. My cock is so hard because I had a load in my ass and was with this hot guy. He spreads my legs and says ur ass is still so slick from the oil and Navy Boy's cum. Blushing I say, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Ripped Boy turns me over and rubs his cock on my ass crack. He says, "Do you need more lube?" I said, "No. I think I'm good." He slicks his cock up with the oil on my ass and slides his bare cock in me. I said, "Fuck that's hot." He said, "My cock in you feels really good." He fucked me good for about 10-15 minutes. Then he said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. I want your load." I took his load and he slipped out of my ass. He slapped my ass and said, "You are a hot fuck." Ripped Boy and I made out some more and fell asleep. I woke up with him fucking me early in the morning. After a while on my side, I turned on my back and spread my legs for him. I noticed his friend watching us from the doorway and stroking his cock. Ripped Boy came in my ass again and fell asleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and I came out and saw the friend on the couch in the living room stroking his cock. I asked where Navy Boy was and he said, "He went back home." I said, "Navy Boy was hot." He thanked me for hooking them up and said I was hot too. I walked over to the couch as we talked. He had a 9" cock. I said, "You have a big cock man." He said, "Too bad Navy Boy didn't want to get fucked. You looked like you like getting fucked by Navy Boy and Ripped Boy." I blushed and said, "I did." I asked me if there was lube in the bathroom and I said yes and went to get it for him. I came back and squirted some on his cock and rubbed it all over his cock. He pulled me on top of him and we kissed and I straddled him. He said, "You like cock don't you? Why don't you sit on mine." I got shy and said, "We don't have a condom." He said, "You haven't used one yet tonight." He was right. I was a cum dump for two guys already that night. I gave in and he pushed his cock against my hole as I leaned back down on it. He said, "Ride my raw cock bitch." I did. I rode him and made out with him until he was close and he said, "Take my load slut." I sat down on his cock and felt him explode in me. He just kept coming. I was so turned on I came on his chest. He loved it. I eased off him and cum for three different guys slipped out of my ass and down my thighs. I was so turned on and so scared of what I had just done. Not just one guy, I had let three different guys bareback my ass in one night and I had taken their cum. I went back to bed with Ripped Boy and fell back asleep. We got up and he drove me back to my apartment. I found out on the ride that he had a boyfriend. I was kind of shocked and said, "But you just fucked me bareback and came in my ass twice. How can you have a boyfriend?" He said that I was so hot he had to have me. I blushed and we exchanged numbers and he said, "Can I see you again when my boyfriend is out of town?" I said, "Yes." I got out of the car and he called out, "College Boy, come back." I walked back the few steps and he kissed me hard and asked if I'd let his friend fuck me too. I said yes. He said, "You're so hot," and he drove away. I went upstairs to my apartment and said I swore I'd never see him again because he was a cheater. I also swore that I'd be better about using condoms. I had to be, right? No guy wants to be boyfriends with a slut, right? I said, never again to both barebacking and seeing Ripped Boy. I did see Ripped Boy again a few times, but I made him wear condoms. He said he understood. We stopped fucking when his boyfriend figured out he was fucking me. I might have kept my promise about making Ripped Boy use condoms, but I did get barebacked again. But, that is another story.
    5 points
  4. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
    4 points
  5. it'd say most of them genuinely want to stay neg and don't want to consider the possible consequences/deal with reality. The dumb thing is how little those guys usually know. Like how unlikely they are to be pozzed by an undetectable guy, or how infections a "neg" guy is who just hasn't tested since becoming poz. Or how they could just get on Prep and enjoy all that hot cock, including the poz ones! really such a waste. If you're going to play bare, you should do research about the risks and reality, and then take realistic steps to stay neg (if that is your choice) or at least be prepared and realistic with the possible consequences. The "i'm neg and only play bare with neg" is a dangerous delusion in my opinion.
    4 points
  6. the same reason bareback, cheating, and sex with poz guys....it's all forbidden/taboo/wrong...and so right! something wonderful slutty/perverted/hot about backing up to a glory hole and not knowing who is fucking you. I love it and totally get why it's hot.
    4 points
  7. Continue of Part 1: Once safe in the car, I tried to calm him down through the space in the window- "Dude I was just sending a text while watching u walk off from that scene! You need to relax, bro- need a smoke?" I could see the wheels turning in his brain. His eyes were a warm brown and u could see the attempts of a chin strap starting to form on his face. He was torn by want and image- a true struggle for such a young man. In the end, image won out; "whatever, fag." As he walked back to where his board layed on the ground i couldn't help but admire how the sweat and sun highlit the muscles of his tapered back to his pantline. Once his board was retrieved he disapeared into the crowd and I went back to watching the young meat on display. I was watching one boy intently. Blonde hair, with a waiflike build that if not for the tattoo on his back i would have worried we was too young; but the looped tribal ink told me he was open for business. I loaded a bowl of herb i had prepared laced with Tina and was about to take a hit when there was a knock on the driver's window. I nearly jumped out of my skin but was relieved to see it was the guy with anger issues with a look of shame on his face. "Hey dude," he said through the crack in the window; "I'm sorry about earlier... If you're still offering I'd love a smoke." Outwardly and inwardly I smiled- he's mine. With my head I motioned him towards the passenger side while I took my hit. I unlocked the door and blew my smoke towards the ceiling while he climbed in. I rested the pipe on my thigh, right near my crotch as he got comfortable in the seat next to me. Out of my periphs I saw him watching the pipe in my hand. "I'm Chuck," I said as i brought the pipe up to take another hit. "Jordan," he answered as I lit the crystallized herb. "How old are ya, bro" I struggled from coughing to keep the smoke in. "20" LIAR! "I'll have to check your ID, dude, nothing personal just want to make sure you aren't a teen." He shifted in the seat to pull out a purple duct tape wallet from which he pulled an eastcoast ID. The picture was pretty dark, and it was hard to tell for sure if the kid in the picture was the same sitting next to me. I suspected a fake. Indeed first name Jordan, but the year didn't match. I again asked, "how old are you?" He sighed as he admitted to being 18, but in 2 months he would be 19. According to the ID this was true, if it was a fake he remembered the details well enough... either way, at this point I didn't much care. I handed him the pipe and watched him take that first hit of what he thought was just green. He closed his eyes an leaned his head back as the smoke started to flow into his blood. His Adam's apple stuck out like a shelf. He smoked to hand it back to me but I told him to take a few. As he sat back, relaxing and feeling the tina begin to work with the herb I asked him what was going on- who was the 'cunt' he was so pissed off over. After a couple of hits he looked at me with a tear in his eyes as he said that his girlfriend back home had gotten bored after only a week of him being away and had hooked up with two of his friends. I struggled not to laugh as I said, "You've been here a week, so how many times have you hooked up?" He turned bright pink and tried to deny it but i simply put my hand on his arm and looked him right in the eye- dude to dude. "Well," he began; "my second night here i let a dude blow me cause i was super horny and he was bitching about missing his bf back home... but that isn't cheating, and letting 2 dudes breed you is!" He pressed to justify how he wasn't wrong but she was. "I agree!" I assured him as he took another hit. He again leaned back to feel his hit, his hand with the pipe falling to his lap. Using the slightest pit of pressure, I rubbed the back of my hand against his crotch as I took the pipe from his hands. The feeling of my hand against his junk made him jump but relaxed hen he realized I was reaching for the pipe. I took my hit as he continued about how unfair pussy can be. "Well, Jordan, that was the end of the green. I have booze and something stronger at my place if you need." He couldn't resist. I slowly drove back to my second apartment- my place is grand and lush- but I never bring my hookups there. Since I could afford it, I also rented out this piece of shit apartment in a building that was probably going to be condemned in the coming years. This is where I bring my hookups. Can't rob me if you don't know were I live.... Once inside he jumped on the old ratty sofa I got at a thrift store and took a deep sigh as he let it all hang out. I asked if he wanted a drink. I brought him the beer he ordered as i went into the bedroom to get the supplies. More to come if there is interest....
    3 points
  8. There used to be two bathhouses in the place I live. One was known for the older crowd (and still exists), the other was visited by younger guys (but burned down). I usually went to the sauna were there were a lot of daddies, but I wanted to see what the other bathhouse was like too. I went to the bathhouse after work and arrived pretty late. There were a lot of twenty- thirtysomethings there. Really not my type. I did see one older guy with white hair and potbelly. He was cruising on the second floor. I first tried the facilities, the pool (always feels nice to swom naked) the steamcabin where there wasn't a lot of action unlike the other bathhouse and the whirlpool. In the whirlpool this 35 year old guy kept brushing up my leg. He obvioulsy liked me. I wasn't too sure about him. I let the guy fondle me a bit, and he kept asking me things like if I go to this place a lot. After the bubbles went away in the whirlpool I went upstairs, hoping to lose the guy. I saw the older guy groping some dudes, but they all kept rejecting him. I almost felt sorry for him. When I walked by he grabbed my crotch too. I stood still and let him feel me up a bit. "Let's go into a private room" he whispered in my ear. I obliged and walked into a cabin. The man looked happy and why shouldn't he. He finally found a young boy that wants to be intimate with him. "You look gorgeous, what's your name?" he asked. I told him my name and then he asked me age. At the time I was 24. Being the shy guy I didn't ask his name (wasn't interested in it anyway) or his age. Most men lie about it anyway, they always say there are younger, not realizing I get turned on more by old fuckers than young ones. If he told me he was 40 I would've been dissapointed while would he have said he was 60 I'd be superhorny (exaggerated example of course). When he knew my age he began grinning even more.He looked like he hit jackpot. Of course he also asked what I liked and wanted to do. I choke on this question. I would love to say I want to suck his old cock and get my ass rimmed so he can root my young ass better. But I'm too shy to say stuff like that. So I didn't say anything at all, I just mumbled a bit. When he asked a second time I softly said "everything I guess". The old man looked at me with a smile "you're so pretty" he said. Yeah that's another thing I don't like, guys who act like they are in love with you. I'm not looking for a lover, I'm looking for anonymous sex. "You're a bit shy aren't you?" I nodded. "I won't do anything you don't want to do" he assured me "I don't have a lot of sex these days" he admitted "I hope I can please you". He began sucking my pencil dick and after a while he asked if I wanted to suck his cock. Of course I wanted to do that and put my lips on his hard cock. It didn't take long before he began encouraging me, moaning that I did a good job, how this wasn't my first blowjob and that he enjoyed it because he did't have a mouth on his cock for so long. It almost made me feel special, sucking on a cock long abandoned by others. "Stand up" he told me. When I stood up he looked at me again, admiring my body once more "turn around and show me your cute ass". As soon as my back was turned to him he grabbed my ass. Squeezing my not so full asscheeks. He took a step forward so our bodies were pressed against each other and he was humping my ass. "You have such a great body, I want to enjoy it but also make it feel good for you. Please go on all fours so I can lick your ass." Oh yes, I definitly would like that. When I was on hands an knees I pushed my ass up in the air, give him nice acces to my boicunt. "What a nice pussy" he said when I showed him my hole, and then he stuck his tongue there. His stubble felt great on my ass. I began to ponder how naughty it was, being naked in a booth with cumstains on the wall, having a guy who is older than my father licking my ass. And boy did he lick. He slobbered all over my ass. He was like a starving animal feasting on my asshole. Suddenly he stopped, placed his dick against my hole and pushed right in. It hurt and I groaned. "Relax, relax, just wait and it will feel nice" he assured me. At one hand I did like it his cock was already buried in my ass (saves the hassle of doing it slowly which I find less comfortable), however I wasn't too pleased he didn't use a condom. "We should do it safe" I whimpered. He looked at me with a friendly smile "Oh you're so sweet" he said "I know we should do it safe but I don't have any condoms. I haven't fucked a boy like you for quite some time, please let me fuck you". I looked at him. I always figured only those dominating bald leather gays were the ones to look out for. Not this old guy who probably hasn't fucked someone (without paying) for quite some time. Besides I didn't bring any condoms myself and his cock began feeling nice in my hole. When he noticed I didn't try to argue he began fucking me. "I want to fuck you so bad" he said "I haven't cum in some days and I want you to have it". My cock became rockhard when he said that. It's so horny when someone wants to breed you. Being barebacked I decided to lose my shame and encouraged him "Yes fuck me daddy" I blurted out. He enjoyed that "yes son tell me how much you like it" he said moaning. "Fuck my pussy with your old cock, make me pregnant" I said without shame while vigoursly jerking my own cock That really did it for him, he gave one big thrust so his fuckmeat was as deep as possible in my bowels. Then he unloaded. My first breeding. I felt his tick slimy cum in my ass. At that point I shot my own load on my towel. As soon as I came I wanted his cock out of my ass. I stood up, so his cock slipped out of my ass. I wanted to check my ass with my fingers, it felt really slippery and wanted to make sure I wasn't bleeding or something, but the man grabbed my hand. He asked me to stay, but I thanked him for the session and quickly left the booth. When I walked downstairs I felt the cum trickling down my leg. It was the most intense and most intimate fuck I ever had and I didn't even know who that guy was. I bumped into the whirlpool dude. "So there you are" he said. I wasn't in the mood for him. He looked at the old man who walked behind me. He grabbed my arm and said into my ear "Whatever you do don't go with that guy. He's known as an unhealty man, rumors are he´s poz. He's always harassing guys with lies and wanting unprotected sex. I hate to see you fall into his hands". I turned white and my heart began to beat faster. I excused myself to go into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and began pushing his cum out of my ass. When I looked in the bowl I saw a pinkish mixture of body fluids. Fuck.
    2 points
  9. Been waffling on posting this, but I figure what the hell. I'm the bottom: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ts1EI-G899-#.VTXLOyFVhBc Bare cock in deep Was at a gay resort and a guy asked if he could watch his husband fuck me. This is part of the result.
    2 points
  10. Craig and I had been friends since high school, class of 1980. We discovered gay sex our first year in college and quickly discovered our roles. From the start, I was strictly a top, whereas Craig was versatile. Since high school I gained just a little weight, upgrading from 170 to 200. I had also grown a good beard. I liked to masturbate a lot so I had also taken to keeping my nails bitten to the nubs. My cut dick was somewhere between seven and eight inches, with corresponding thickness. I liked to fuck tight asses as well as face-fuck the cocksuckers. I had tried using condoms but just couldn't get the feeling I needed in order to get my rocks off. Over the decade Craig went from about 200 to almost 300 pounds. He had a small, cut dick which measured about five inches, but he also got super hard, so he really enjoyed breaking anal cherries, as well as getting sucked off. I was pretty much an exclusive barebacker, and in fact, the only time I nutted wearing a condom was when I fucked one asshole using Bengay for lube, which, I found caused his ass to flex around my dick while I fucked him as he tried to escape the abject pain. Looking back it may have been one of the fucks I most enjoyed, maybe ranking with my all-time favorite fuck, which was the time I took Craig's anal cherry. Back in 1990 I was working in a small factory, but Craig, who I still occasionally fucked, had taken vocational courses in college and then went to trade school, and several jobs later was working in a junkyard. I was pozzed about this time when, having gone on a month-long vacation, during which time I went to visit family out west, and ended-up at a bar which led to my attending a sex party. When I awoke the next morning I had a hangover and a sore ass. I remembered someone handing me a beer, which I had only partially consumed, but honestly I don't remember much more of that night. Even so, life went on for a few weeks until I found myself feeling as if I had lost a fight with a gorilla. I went to see my doctor who ran a few tests, and eventually told me I was poz. I called Craig, who I hadn't seen, and, of course, with whom I hadn't fucked since the week before going on vacation and told him the bad news. "Looks like our sex life is over unless you want to get pozzed." "Things will be okay," he replied, and suggested I take things easy. I also called my boss who seemed understanding, probably because he himself was bi. I spent the next two months recovering from the fuck flu, and eventually, after a long hiatus, I finally felt like masturbating. It had been perhaps two months since I had last cum, and I readily shot my first poz load off into a bathroom sink. It felt good to get my rocks off, and I found myself thinking of the first blow job I had ever received, which, as it was, had been given by Craig, who had also been my first piece of ass. I found myself remembering the pleasure I experienced when my dick broke his anal cherry, even as he writhed in pain. Fair was fair, however: he had fucked me first so he had been obligated to let me fuck him. A couple of weeks later I persuaded him to let me fuck him again and that time he came from getting fucked, so he was hooked. Our sex life became a rich mixture of getting my rocks off in his ass and mouth, me jacking him off and us putting our meat and cum to others. After I fully recovered from the fuck flu, I returned to work, and I could see I had been missed. Although my boss had hired a couple of temp guys, none of them could match my performance. A couple of weeks later Craig and I got together, and he confided he longed to fool around with me. Sure enough, he ended-up giving me a blow job, and I jacked him off. It felt good to use his talented mouth, get my rocks off in it and feel him swallow my cum with my cock in his mouth. I was on the crude drug cocktails and pondered if, by blowing me, Craig would likely end-up converting, especially since back in the mid-80s Craig had told me that if he ever got pozzed he'd want me to do it. I should explain that back then Craig and I were more or less monogamous. My dick was usually the only one up his ass, save for the dicks of a couple of friends of mine when we were still college where Craig occasionally played around with other guys, usually sucking them off, and I occasionally fucked other guys or had them suck me off. Craig and I also occasionally had oral sex, and I tried once or twice fucking him with a condom, but that didn't work for either of us. After I converted I looked into the dangers of each type of sex, top vs. bottom, oral vs. anal, and that the safest sex with a poz man of all was getting jacked off by one who kept his nails bitten or clipped to the nubs which prevented accidental cuts to the dick. As for penetration, getting sucked off by a poz cocksucker was safest and the most dangerous was getting fucked in the ass by a poz man. So when Craig and I resumed having sex after I converted, initially we had more oral sex and one time, after he had swallowed my poz cum and kissed my poz dick, we had a short discussion and decided that it was time for me to inject my HIV-laden cum into him up his fat ass. My dick hardened as we discussed how I'd take care of him when he caught the HIV flu and he assured me his medical coverage would pay for his treatments as mine was doing. The next afternoon he told me he had chosen to go on vacation in a month or so, which means if things worked out correctly, he would be hit with the fuck flu about the time he was scheduled to be off work. With that, we both stripped, hugged and french kissed, then he spat in my hand and I jacked him off. He shot-off his last load of neg cum in my hand. He sucked my dick to full hardness, left it wet with his spit and lay on his stomach on the bed while I smeared his cum onto my dick. My dick was rock hard and throbbing as I mounted my buddy and lined-up my shot. I put my weapon to his hole and drove it home with a quick thrust to instantly hilt it up his ass as he squealed in pain. My dick felt really nice in his snug hole. I flexed it and felt my masculine power as it expanded in him. He felt it too. He hadn't been fucked since the day before I started my vacation so his hole was tight and very easily abraded by my dick, which encouraged the opening of more fissures to facilitate passage of my toxic virus into his body. I began fucking him, and felt a sense of power over him, somewhat similar to how conquering I felt when I broke his cherry. Now I was breaking his HIV cherry and enjoying his hole which had tightened over the several weeks since I had last fucked him. This time, as I made it a point to pull out almost all the way, and to slam myself home as roughly as possible, just to make sure I tore-up his insides before my pre-cum began to provide too much lube. He felt the pain and asked what I was doing. "I'm preparing your ass to take my virus easier," I replied and rammed it home a few more times. I knew it hurt him but putting pain to holes provided more pleasure to my prick and usually resulted in better feeling more intense orgasms when I ejaculated. I pulled my dick out of him to check for blood and found some along with the usual other stuff from fucking ass. I rammed it back into him with a snap of my hips and fucked him, piston-thrusting in, intensely enjoying fucking him and thinking how great I would feel when I pumped my dirty cum into him and how my prick would pulse with pleasure with each spurt of my HIV-laden cum into him and how he horrible he'd feel three weeks later when he suffered the flu. I was so turned on I fucked him faster, harder, grinning in anticipation of my soon to come ultimate good feeling. I began breathing hard and working up a sweat as I fucked him good while he lay patiently under me accepting my self-serving thrusts in him. I knew he had trepidation about getting pozzed but then again he knew he'd get pozzed sooner or later and by someone else had I not fucked him soon enough. My thrusts became jerky as I got closer and I slowed my thrusts just a little, knowing that a slower speed near orgasm would result in a longer, better feeling orgasm, ejaculating more cum into him which would slightly increase my chances of infecting him. I had had mixed feelings about infecting my long time friend with such a life altering virus but as we'd discussed before, it would be better if I infected him instead of some Joe Blow. I varied my speed, got close and fucked him good, and then my dick exploded in one of my all-time best-feeling orgasms. I enjoyed the knowledge that my mighty meat was pumping spurt after spurt of HIV-laden cum into his ass, my virus-laden sperm forcing its way into his ravaged anal walls. After my initial eight or nine powerful spurts I repeatedly rammed it home to keep up that good feeling in my penis and to pump as much of my dirty virus into him as possible. I felt on top of the world conquering my friend a second and even more significant time. My hips took over thrusting my meat in him for another minute or two before i felt completely satiated. I rested on his back with my dick buried in his fat ass, feeling manly powerful like the studly mountain man who had conquered the fat asshole in the movie Deliverance. I had read the book as well as seen the movie and each time got a precum-slimey boner. Now thinking of the mountain stud having the virus and pumping it into the fat ass turned me on even more. I thrust every few seconds in Craig's ass while laying on his back and he massaged my still mostly hard dick with his ass muscles. "How's your ass?" I asked him. "Not too bad. About like the second time you fucked me. Oh, and I came," he replied. "Good. I'm going to leave it in and fuck you again when I reload," I told him. He felt a bit of pain but he agreed and I took a nap laying on his back, my dick still inside his ass. I also figured he might cum from getting fucked again. About forty five minutes later I awoke and felt my dick was still semi hard in his hole so I began taking short strokes in him while thinking of how he would suffer from the flu and my dick hardened in less than a minute. I began fucking him and enjoying how my hard stiff penis was forcing my virus from my first load into his bloodstream with each thrust in him. I had ass twice in a row before withdrawing many times as well a having someone suck me off for my second load and sometimes got the blowjob first and then fucked the guy's ass for my second piece. I sawed away in his ass and enjoyed the fuck, my first load of cum also providing additional lube but not too much, just what I needed to pleasure my penis and still further abrade his inner rectal tissues. It took about five minutes longer than my first fuck to nut in him. It was a great fuck with my dick feeling just as good pumping my second load up his ass as it had with my first. Again I brutally thrust and slammed it home while enjoying how great I felt pumping more virus up his ass and into his body. I also corkscrewed my hips and pinned him with my prick. Spent, I lay on his back and asked him if he had cum again. He said he hadn't but it felt good even with the pain from being fucked brutally. My dick, lodged in his hot ass, was in seventh heaven, and I found it quite comfortable to rest on his back, somewhat similar to laying on my good air mattress, so I remained in that position, on Craig's back, for another hour before my dick completely deflated and came out of his ass. I dismounted and lay beside him. He got up and sucked my dick clean, doing a thorough job in swallowing all his and my fluids. Then he lovingly kissed both my cock and each of my balls. Over the next several days I fucked him daily, and occasionally I let him blow me. Sure enough, right on time Craig came down with the fuck flu. Of course I honored my promise to care for him until he recovered, checking in on him before and after work. I showed him my hard dick a few times but he wasn't bitter. He knew the consequences of letting a man infect him and reasoned that it was better I had converted him than an otherwise unknown guy. In addition, we both knew how much I enjoyed injecting my diseased cum up his ass. He started feeling better after nearly another month and returned to work. He slowly built his strength back up and diligently took his drug cocktail just as I had been doing. He began losing weight, maybe a pound a month. He had lamented his decade-long weight gain and I had told him that catching the AIDS would result in weight loss. Craig and I fucked a poz guy or let one suck us off once in a while but Craig was still my main piece of ass and I was his stud. We continued our sex as we had before the pozzing. We also discussed various punks and assholes we could enjoy pozzing. Craig was curious about how good pozzing an asshole would feel compared to fucking someone of the same status. He did enjoy better orgasms when he broke ass cherries, feeling his manly power when the virgin hole suffered from the pain he put to him with his small but mighty prick, much the way I had felt when I broke his HIV cherry.
    2 points
  11. Another hot story from the old bugshare site for my bareback blog readers. I am going out town this weekend to visit family so no sex for me. I'll more than make up for it when I return. Have a great weekend, fuckers! http://fuckworker.blogspot.com/2012/04/neg2poz-converting-25yo-nerd.html ............................ The young man emailed me, saying he wanted to explore Gay Sex. I met him at the motel parking lot; and as soon as I saw him, I wanted him. He was cute, divorced, 25, 5’9", 150, brown hair, and wore wire rim glasses that made him look, well, bookish. We got a room, and I suggested he take a shower. He came out with a little white towel wrapped around his waist. I asked him if he had sucked Cock before. No, but a guy had sucked him just last week. My Shaft twitched as I studied his sweet Ass. I yanked off his towel. His Cock was 6 inches, hard, and oozing. I sucked him, licked his Balls, got him squirming, ran my hands up his smooth thighs, and shoved my finger in his Butt. When I connected with his Prostate, he moaned, “Oh, my God!” His Pole throbbed, his Butthole tightened; and I thought he was gonna amputate my digit when he shot in my mouth. I didn’t swallow his all his Cum, but used it to lubricate his Hole. I placed a pillow beneath his Ass. “What are ya gonna do?” As if he had not an inkling. “Time to get fucked, Bud. I need it bad; and you do, too. You just don’t know it yet.” “Go easy, Man! This’ll be my first.” I told him not to worry. It might hurt a bit, but he’d Cum to love it. I pressed my Tool against his Hole. So tight! I tried again. I balled his briefs and shoved them in his mouth. My Rod popped in. He closed his eyes, as tears streaked down his cheeks. I told him I couldn’t, wouldn’t stop . I saw blood on my Dick. My Cock throbbed in his Ass. I pushed in all the way, paused, pulled out the briefs, leaned forward, and kissed him. I decided it was time to plow him. By then he was really getting into it. “Fuck me! “Yeah, man. I wanna knock you up." I pistoned my Cock in deeper and blasted a huge Wad of Poison Jism up his tight Ass. I pulled out and saw this gaping Hole. I placed my finger up his Cunt and felt my Noxious Seed swimming in his guts. I told him to squeeze his Ass Muscles a bit, and a juicy mixture of Blood and Cum and Shit oozed out. I got so aroused that I screwed him three times more before he left. Before the month was over he’d converted.
    2 points
  12. Part 2: No matter how turned on the contract made me, I couldn't quite bring myself to sign it right away. That nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I don't really want to be pozzed, I reminded myself. And then I found myself imagining Eric's cock entering me. His big cock. His big poz cock. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the thought, I kept ending up jacking off as I re-read the "terms" of the contract. I couldn't help but to fixate on my requirement to declare "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." And I couldn't help but to say that to myself every time I came since reading the contract. And how did Eric know I would be receptive to such twisted language? That question was answered when another envelope appeared under my door a couple of days after the contract. The letter inside it was short and to the point. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to look at your laptop's history when we hung out last week. You visit some interesting sites. ;-) I'm still awaiting your signature. Don't let this offer expire. I felt ashamed for a moment. But that quickly passed as I realized that he was obviously okay with dozens of visits to BBRT, and A4A and this site. I tried to remember if I even visited any forums besides this bugchasing forum. Oh gosh, I don't think I did. Well, he knows how to entice me, I realized. And then it occurred to me that he's not just trying to tell me what I want to hear. He wants to poz me! Why else would he pressure me. Eric wants to get off on pozzing my ass with his big cock! And within a couple of seconds, I went from shame to insatiably rock hard. I went straight to my desk, and pulled out the contract from the drawer. I jacked my cock furiously as I re-read the terms; and the second letter. His dark desire to control me was intoxicating. Holy shit, he wants to fuck me to death! He wants to murder me with his big cock! "I want HIV-cum fucked into me!" I nearly shouted as I shot my load.
    2 points
  13. Put an ad on craigslist as an ass up face down anon bottom. One guy who responded was mid-20s, white, tall, muscular construction worker with a huge dick. He is a construction worker who was looking to blow a load since he got off early. He came over and I looked out the window as he came up to my building. The dude was driving a beat up truck and was covered in tattoos. I assumed the position and got ass up face down in the living room. He came up the stairs, spit on my hole, got his dick hard and just pounded until he bred me. He smelled RIPE after working all morning. Fucking loved it
    2 points
  14. So this 19 year old hits me up on Scruff this morning. Says that he is into Daddies and that he only fucks raw. We meet up and flip fuck. He tells me that he was a bugchaser, and that he has been POZ for four years (do the math). I find that to be super hot that he got pozzed as young as he did. I am happy to have his toxic load in me and proud to have mine in him.
    2 points
  15. Another Real Experience - A Surprise Cloudy St. Patrick’s Day A quick one about a quick one two days ago. It’s been a really stressful couple of weeks work-wise and my patience was wearing incredibly thin on Tuesday. Despite being in communications hell, at least several commission checks finally came in so money was one thing NOT causing stress. I was done with work by noon and was to meet family and friends in the city at 8PM for St Pats celebrations. I really wanted to kick back with some clouds but (typical for the last few weeks) my guy was out and his contact was out-of-town. My favorite local FB who’s always up for sharing (’cause I split the costs) if he has and I don’t bemoaned not having and told me to let HIM know if I found any. Another bud who is also able to assist in most instances turned out to be on vacation. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. On pure chance, I called two buds of mine - a couple I’ve mentioned here before in a post about a FF party in Brooklyn they hosted that I wrote about. I hadn’t seen them since the holidays and finally having some extra dough and extra time thought I’d see what was up with them. Turns out they were home, and told me to stop by (which is funny ‘cause its about an hour drive). Amazingly, no traffic - everyone must have been over on Fifth Avenue at the parade and not the West Side Highway - so I was there by 2:30. Thinking I was just “borrowing a cup of sugar” I was even more pleased when they asked if I had any time to have some fun… I told them I needed to be back in Manhattan by 8 but was all their’s until 7ish. That worked for them as they each wanted some playtime but also each had some things to do around their place so they decided to each have a one-on-one with me giving the other time to do chores. I was led down to the playroom and did a quick cleanup and made some clouds before getting down to it with Mick first. He’s that perfect Daddy-type (like I’m not? j/k) nice hairy broad chest, ‘stache, great legs and hairy butt and a very thick cock. We got ourselves spun and traded blow jobs and rim jobs - I love rimming that hairy hole of his! Then we went over to the sling and traded fucks back and forth. Both of us being “recovering tops” (I was one of the first to top him a few years ago…) it takes both of us a little work to loosen up, but we did and threw each other two satisfying fucks a piece. Then it was Don’s turn. He’s way kinkier than Mick. I put some of my leather gear on from my travel bag (it’s always in my car for just these kinds of surprise session) while he sent himself into the stratosphere and I pumped my level up a bit. After some mutual oral action on the play sofa and the mats on the floor, I got him spread-eagled and restrained from the rafters. I clipped his nips, the insides of his thighs and the undersides of his arms and pits with clothespins, got a parachute around his balls (and he has a LONG sac I’m so envious of) weighted it and worked him over on cam with a leather flogger. Stopping now and then to adjust or move the clips and to puff up and shotgun him, we worked him into a good frenzy. Getting unclipped and down from his restraints I pushed him over to the sling, got his legs up and restrained and headed to work on his shaved hole. First a nice long tongue fuck, then some cock work and finally onto my hands. Nice, slow, sensuous and drawn out, I opened him up with fingers one, two, four - then alternating hands until he blossomed open and in went my left hand past the wrist. I’m double jointed, so even though I have medium large hands, they “fold” well and sometimes I have an easier time getting in guys then men with hands smaller than mine. Being double jointed (and still having a good amount of my flexibility from my days as a dancer) I can do something that drives Don and some of my other FF buds nuts. Since I was using my left hand, I turned it clockwise as far as it would go… then, I slowly rotate it back… 180 degrees… 270 degrees… 360 degrees… at just past 360 degrees, I get up off the stool and continuing to turn my wrist in the same direction I step over my left arm with my right leg (my butt brushed his low hangers briefly doing this) then bring my left leg over while still turning my wrist and get another full 360 degree turn of my wrist by the time I’m done - a 720 degree slow turn all in the same direction that most of my fisting buddies who’ve experienced it absolutely love. Don was in seventh heaven… and after a few huffs of Max Impact we went for my right hand in with my left and slowly but surely got both in. After grooving on that flex for a while it was time for me to get cleaned up and go meet my family for beers and corned beef and several bands, wondering if any of them had any clue I still had my metal cockring and harness on under my clothes along with a very happy but spent cock and lubed by satisfied hole…
    1 point
  16. Hi, I'm Tommy and I just turned 22 and I'm tired of waiting. I just graduated from a local religious college and today moved into my first apartment and finally I'm away from everyone and can stop hiding. I scream out the window, "I'm gay" and fall back into the room laughing. Ever since I was 12 I knew I was queer but had to hide it. I've watched men look at me for years and I knew they wanted to touch me and I wanted them to touch me too. Now I'm 5'10" 165 hard muscles and I want to be a pussyboy. In my fantasy I let them do more than just touch me and I let them do everything they wanted. I've dreamed about being kidnapped since I started college but finally tonight it will happen. Well I won't actually be kidnapped as me and George agreed already. He'll be picking me up in ten minutes and I thought I'd post this now. I will get into his car and he will give me pills to take which will quickly make me fall asleep. Then he will take me to his house and fill me with more drugs as I get used. We met a few months ago for coffee because he wanted to make sure I was serious. We agreed that aside from any permanent damage he could do anything he wanted except scat which turns me off. I agreed he could tattoo and pierce me but only in the ass and genital area. George is just over six feet tall and is 50 years old and has salt and pepper hair all over. He told me his eight and half fat inches will make me scream and I asked if he could record it. He likes leather and told me I would get geared up too. He took two weeks vacation from work and I had a month which would give me two weeks to recover physically but I hope not mentally. I know I was born to be a whore and I owe the world the last few years so I hope to catch up soon. I have to run as he said I better be ready and I don't want to upset him. I asked him to post every few days for me so watch for the posts. I hope the neighbors see me waiting because George told me to wear a jockstrap and short gym shorts and nothing else.
    1 point
  17. NOTE: I know that for many guys anon sex is not their thing so this thread may not resonate with guys who are repulsed by or dislike anonymous sex. I've tried loving sex, with both men and women. I've tried a lot of anonymous sex and it is definitely the only type of sex I now like. I'm not interested in having sex with anyone unless it's anonymous in saunas, sex clubs, darkrooms, gloryholes. I like "loving relationships" but where sex is not part of the equation. I have a gloryhole in my apartment that I haven't used lately but I did for many years. The sex in the gloryhole was amazing. There was one guy who I saw for many years and we never met face to face. I would suck him, he would then fuck me, breed my hole and then leave. We never saw each other. Always a hot experience. The same at the sauna, the best sex is in a darkroom or on a sling in dark corner. Anonymous breeding are so fucking hot, the best. Being on all fours in my room at the sauna, and having someone walk in and from behind, fuck me, breed my hole and leave. Without saying a word unless it's slutty talk. My question is why is it anon sex so fucking hot and we never seem to get tired of it? Sometimes therapists say that is "fear of intimacy" but I don't buy that because I love intimacy but without sex.
    1 point
  18. How it started It started innocently enough. Well, a recon date to meet for fisting may not be everyone's idea of innocence, but it was really a quite not-very-kinky date. I was 39, quite normal guy called Simon. Out of the closet at work, but not out as a guy that liked to get fist deep into his ass quite regularly. Anyway, the guy seemed very nice: A couple years older than me, recently out of a relationship and keen on trying out fisting. He had only tried it once before, but was determined to try it again. He was a safe sex guy only which I also insisted on. I hadn't really been bare backed since years and recently tested this was how I preferred it. After a quite lengthy period of chatting, we agreed to meet at my place. I cleaned out well and was ready when he entered. He introduced himself as David. He had a great smile and soon also introduced me to a nice 15 cm uncut cock. David urged me to suck him. He made me suck it deep and holding the back of my head ensuring I understood my task was to please him. I did my best and loved feeling his nice cock deep in my mouth. I was rock hard. After a while he seemed satisfied and withdrew. While I recovered he wrapped up and proceeded to fuck me. First he wanted me on my back, looking me deep in the eyes while adding just a bit of lube before entering me. It hurt but soon I enjoyed it. He increased the speed and turned me around. Twisting my nipples while fucking me, he ensured I was very horny and wanted him deeper. It wasn't a merciless fuck, but very determined. He was pounding me intense and hard and was clearly more focused on his own pleasure than mine. Well, suited me well, I took a sniff of my poppers and wanked slowly. He withdrew, grabbed a black glove and fist lube and I lay down on my back with poppers within reach. The first time with a new guy I am always anxious. How is he? Soon I felt his first finger in my hole, and he soon stretched open with two and three finger. I relaxed and knew I could take more with a little help of poppers. He added another finger, and soon tried to push he entire fist. It felt huge, but I loved the feeling and soon he was inside me. And my anxiousness was replaced by pleasure. I knew this one was a good fister. Sure, he was as determined as a fister as a fucker, but he had a certain way of doing it that I immediately loved. I got super horny and as always I my inner slut is released as soon as I got a fist inside me. I really only wanting to feel it deep, feel the fist fuck me and to cum. David didn't allow me to shoot, and after a while he took out his hand and kissed me. Suddenly he showed tenderness that I knew was sincere and from then one I not only liked, but also trusted him. The reason for withdrawing was that he wanted to fuck me again. David made sure I was kneeling doggy in front of him and fucked me again. Can you feel my dick he teased? I ensured him I could. He smacked my buttocks a couple of times and I felt him increase his phase. Hard and deep he fucked me and soon I knew he was close and he came with a small cry that soon changed to a big smile. He turned me around again, handed me the poppers and I felt his fist against my hole. Soon I was urging him to fist me harder as I wanked myself to a big and intense orgasm. We were both happy. Over the next weeks we chatted more, but never managed to meet up and one day his Recon profile was gone. I was disappointed, but what could I do? It was never less a nice memory. Two years later Two years later I suddenly got a message on Recon from David again. Back after another relationship and breakup, he was ready for new adventures. We started to chat regularly again. His profile was still safe sex only, but now noted that he was chems friendly. I had never tried chems and told him that I was not interested. He said he thought I would enjoy it, but that it as of course up to me. We discovered was that we both really liked cuddling. That surprised him. He had thought I was a just sex only guy, preferring only rather rough fist dates. It proved difficult to find time to meet, but eventually we had a new date. Pretty much like the first one, I was once again enjoying sucking his nice cock before he fucked me just as rough as I like it and fisted me with determination and surprising skill. I teased him he was a natural talent as he claimed he hadn't fisted anyone since he first met me. After we had both shot our loads, we chatted, cuddled and had a nice time. From then on we started to chat online even more often. He called me his little slut and told me how much he loved to fuck and fist me. Like me he was very much the boy next door guy, but revealed his interest in leather. He was very happy then I told him that although not much into the leather scene I still owned leather boots and pants. Having sex with me in that outfit was definitely something he wanted. David told me he wanted to try out new things with me and again said we should try chems together. It made me horny to ask him to specify his fantasies. He told me he would love to try to pee in my ass or on my face, cum on my face and bareback me. I made me extremely horny to hear all of this. I said I would like to try most things, but no bare backing. Condoms only when fucking and no cum even in my mouth. However, I started to wonder how it would be to be fucked and fisted while on chems. I read some stories on breedingzone about guy being chemmed up and I realised it was a big turn on to imagine myself as slightly dizzy fucktoy. A chemmed up date I finally agreed to try e with him on our next date. He was very careful to underline this was up to me, and that he didn't want to force me. Anyway, I decided, I am more than 40 now and I should try it at least once. We agreed to meet on evening. As usual I cleaned out thoroughly and on his request I dressed up in my leather stuff and was ready when he knocked on my door. He kissed me passionately before handing me the e and some water and I swallow dutifully. He took one himself. Continuing to kiss me, he lifted my black t-shirt, found my nipples and pulled them just as I like it. I was instantly horny and soon I also felt a sudden rush. I understood the e was hitting. I loved the feeling immediately. We kissed while he was feeling my hard dick through the leather pants. My head was spinning for horniness and soon all I wanted was to suck him and make him happy. I urged him to give me his cock. He pushed me down on my knees, opened his jeans and pushed my head against his underwear. They had a slight smell of piss that made me even hornier. He continued to pull my nipples and I released his cock. I took his 15 cm in my mouth. I couldn't get it deep enough and he said I was a good slut. After a while he lead me to my bed, pushed me down with my ass pointing towards him and gave me some spanks. David opened my leather pants, and pushed them down and exposed my ass. He spanked it again and wanked himself back to a full erection. Putting on a condom and lubing my hole with an experienced move, he didn’t take the time to open me with a finger. He simply pushed in. Not extremely brutal, but not very concerned about me either. I cried out, more of surprise than pain although it was a bit painful. I was still a bit dizzy from the e and enjoyed the feeling of him entering me, fucking me and controlling me and using me. “I will take care of you” he said. “I love you. Just relax”. I did. After being satisfied by his initial fuck, he turned to fisting. He opened me quite gently while I added poppers to my chemmed-up state to ensure I could take his fist. David pushed in, I screamed in pain and pleasure and he said: just scream out, it turns me on. It wasn't a cruel statement, just an observation. He continued to fist me, kissing me, spanking me and then fucking me again. I was in heaven. “Do you still feel the e?” he asked. I realized it had subdued and I said "not so much". “Take some water and I will give you one more” he said. He did, and after a while I felt the intense feeling returning. He sensed I was ready for more and he fisted me again, soon punching me. Alternating between his left and right arm, my hole was punched again and again. It was so intense and so good. I didn't have the usual urge to shoot a load, it was more that I just wanted it to continue. He took some breaks and we cuddled, before he fisted me more. My as was more open than ever before and it felt amazing. We cuddled and I was in a very dreamy state. We were spooning up and I felt his hardening cock against my back. I played with it until it was again fully erect. The condom had fallen off when he had been soft so he was not wrapped up. Suddenly I felt him pushing himself against my open hole. I was still dizzy and not able to resist. He pushed in and said "can you feel my cock? I am barebacking you baby. Doesn’t it feel great? Don't you love it slut?" And I realised I really enjoyed it. Not only did it feel much closer and intimate but it was also the feeling of doing something very naughty. He started to fuck me more intensely and soon I knew he would shoot. I didn't try to avoid it. I just enjoyed feeling him shooting his load in my ass. It was so great and we kissed and cuddled as his cock softened. Still being very horny, I felt his cock slip out and suddenly I just knew I had to suck him. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth again, it tasted lube, assjuice and cum and I sucked it while wanking myself. I shot a big load and was totally exhausted, but very happy. I felt his cum dribble out of my ass and I smiled at him while fingering myself and licking his cum of my fingers. I knew I would be willing to far with this guy.
    1 point
  19. I was just got dropped off, returning home from the most amazing partied up conversion fuckfest with my new Daddy. I was alone and finally decided to take the plunge and get gifted. I had seen this stud on A4A plenty of times, and had chatted a couple of times, but never went anywhere. Then I found him on BBRT (YES!!) and knew, right then, he was a DL gifter. So, I hit him up on A4A, and asked him to party up my hot hole and have some fun all night long. He drove to my place, picked me up, and we returned to his place. I sat there and got high with him and then he started slowly getting the fun started. So I asked him point blank "Are you clean?" "Of course," he replied. I called him out on it. "I bet you're poz, and you don't care who gets it. 'Cause barebackers will eventually get it anyway. And it probably turns you on even more knowing that you gifted them." He thought I was getting mad and that the fun was over, but then I smiled at him and told him "I want to know the very moment that you convert my horny neg hole, and poz me with your Dark Gift, and mark me forever. I Want you in my DNA, Daddy." With that I kissed him deeply. Six hours, and five loads later, I write this, with Daddy's seed still swimming inside my ass. I'm about to brush the inside of my ass with toothbrush. Fingers crossed! Love my daddy forever. His boy forever.
    1 point
  20. For me, it isn't the taboo part or feeling slutty that is the best. Rather, I like that it strips everything right down to the most basic animalistic urge. It is all about getting off, like a dog or rabbit in heat who just has that primal urge to spread its seed. All I am thinking about is squirting my load into a hole. There is no more pure feeling of lust and horniness and testosterone than when I am at a bathhouse in a dark corner, stroking my engorged cock (as two or three or four other guys are doing the same thing standing in the heat right next to me), waiting my turn to jam my dick into a bottom who is bent over and taking all our cum. That feeling when I first slide in and I feel the warmth of the bottom's hole and the wetness of other guys' cum in his ass is indescribable. After I pump a few thrusts and then squirt deep, adding my cum to the mix, I pull out and I am completely and overwhelmingly sated. To get that kind of build up and ultimate release, I don't want to know ANYTHING about any of the other guys in that dark corner or about the bottom with an ass full of our cum. I just want to know that he is a hole that will willingly accept my hard cock and any other presented to him. It's solely about an animalistic, primal need to fuck and breed -- male sex in its purest, rawest form. I've also had romantic sex as part of a relationship, and it is great. But anonymous sex takes the sex part and distills it down to its purest form -- and every so often, there is NOTHING better!
    1 point
  21. I just blew a load to my own story. Good to see that it's trending right now after all this time.
    1 point
  22. I really was a "good boy" for the rest of college. I dated a few guys and slept around some, but I always used condoms. Even when I was back home and hooked up with my neighbor, Aaron, a few times we always used condoms. He was becoming a great top. I guess he much have been fucking around a lot because he made me want it every time I saw him. I went to law school after that and my whole first year was hellish with studying, etc. After my first set of finals, I went out and partied hard for two days - even missed my plane home for Christmas. LOL. When I came back for second semester, I was back on track and starting to look for 1st year summer internships. I was dating a dude at this point, but we never saw each other and weren't exclusive. He asked to fuck me bareback a bunch of times, but I always played safe. I honestly think he was into me, but I was too busy to spend much time with him and we broke it off. Over the summer, I got a summer internship at a decent sized firm and was working long, but not crushing hours and I was able to go out with some friends I'd made by hooking up and a running club and at law school. I think I also starting chatting on AOL with guys at this point, but I couldn't bring myself to just hook up with a guy I just met online. One of those times online though, I met an awesome, funny, smart guy. His name was Will. We agreed to go running one weekend. I met him and we ran. He was cute, had a great body, was my height at 6'2", was thin with a six pack from running and I was betting a hot cock. We laughed and talked as we ran. We had a great time. I agreed to meet him and his friends out later that night for a pre-party at his place and then go out to the clubs. He called me later and asked if I wanted to get dinner too. I was so excited and said yes. We shared a small dinner and then went around the corner to his friend's place. He and his boyfriend and a couple of other guys were there. He chatted and drank beers and vodka - Will and I on vodka. We stayed there for a while and then went out to the clubs. I hadn't been to a few of them and we danced and had so much fun. Will grinded on me some (not a great dancer for sure) and we made out a lot. At about 2am we left the club and went back to Will's place. We kinda talked about it and I had said yes to staying over earlier in the night. He had also said he was versatile and I said I was too, but mostly a bottom. He said, "You're ass is so hot. I bet guys always want to fuck you. I know I do." And we laughed. We got back to his place - a studio in the gay neighborhood - and we started to make out even before his door was opened. We got inside and made out a ton. The room was literally - a bed and a desk. No chairs or sofa. I did a little strip tease of him and slipped off my underwear showing him my ass. He rubbed my ass and immediately started rimming me. His tongue was so good in my ass. I was so hot for Will. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted the night to never end. Mostly, I wanted his tongue to stay in my ass forever. After a few minutes, he asked me to suck his cock and he got naked. I went to town on his hot cock. It had to be 8 or 8.5" cut. It was a perfect cock. Not to thick, but just enough to totally stretch my mouth and kinda veiny. I wanted him to like my blow job. I wanted that so much that I was so good at sucking his cock that he was going crazy. He said after a few minutes that he was going to cum. I did something I'd never done before. I didn't stop sucking him and let him cum in my mouth and I swallowed his load. He said that was so hot and that he never cums from head, but I was too good. He asked how he tasted and I said good. He said something silly about making his cum sweeter by drinking orange juice and eating bananas so guys would like the taste. We laughed and cuddled on his bed. He played with my ass some more and he gave me a good blow job, but pulled off when he could tell I was getting closer. He did this a few times, which was "edging" me and I didn't know that's what he was doing at the time. I was so hard and he was getting hard again. We made out so long that the sun was coming up. I'm not sure when it happened, but we grabbed some lube and lubed up our cocks and he fingered my ass some with it. We kept lubing our cocks to "edge" and make it hotter as we made out. Eventually I was straddling him and he was rock hard. He was lying flat on his back and his cock was rubbing against my ass as we made out. I said, "Do you want to fuck me?" He said yes and I grabbed the lube an rubbed it on his cock and my ass. He was looking up at me and I could tell he was about to tell me the condoms were in the drawer. At that moment, I did the sluttiest thing I'd ever done. I wanted Will to like me and want me so badly. I wanted that cock. I was so fucking turned on by him. I just sat on his cock. I winced at first, but I slipped his whole raw cock in my ass. He moaned and I moaned and I adjusted to his size and started to ride him. He started fucking up into me and say what a hot piece of ass I was. I was loving it. I had just put a bareback cock in my ass myself. It's not that I wasn't thinking at the time, I was thinking. I was thinking I wanted him to fuck me bareback. I wanted to feel what I'd felt with those other random guys. But, Will was special. I had just met the man of my dreams and I wanted him to bareback me. It was so fucking hot to have him inside me bareback. I rode him and he bucked up into me. After a while, he said he was getting close and I didn't stop riding him. I wanted him to cum inside me. I wanted Will's load. He said it again and I just kept going. I leaned down and kissed him as I still rode his bare cock. He then grabbed my waist and grunted so loudly and I felt his warn cum shooting inside my ass. I didn't stop riding him and I started jerking my cock until I came maybe a minute later. We made out and talked about how hot that was. He said it was the first time he'd ever topped bareback. I asked if he liked it and he said fuck yes. I said I liked it too. He and I made out and fell asleep. We woke up in the afternoon and took a shower. We agreed to meet for dinner at his place and to watch Sex and the City. I made sure to look really sexy when I went over to Will's later that night. We ordered food and made out some. I sucked his cock and swallowed his load again. Just then, the delivery guy showed up. I laughed so hard as he tried to get dressed and pay the dude. It was so funny. He put the food in his tiny kitchen, came back in and no joke, we got in a tickle fight. Next thing I know my tight jeans were coming off and I had't worn underwear because I needed to do laundry. He grabbed the lube that was still on the floor next to the bed from earlier and lubed up his cock and said, "Let's fuck." This time it felt a bit odd that he didn't ask me about a condom because he seemed like it always used them. But, all I wanted was his cock inside me and I spread my legs and he slid his cock in me slowly. I was still in my tshirt and I pulled that off as he bottomed out his cock inside me. He asked if I was ready, I said yes, fuck me. And he started to slide in and out and then long dick me and then pulled out and popped back in a few times. He slam fucked my ass for a while and I just started cumming as he fucked me. He noticed and sped up some and didn't even ask or say anything but came inside me and collapsed on me. We kissed. I had just taken a second load from Will. I wanted all his loads. I was falling for him hard. He was my perfect guy. We watched Sex in the City that night and fucked again. I rode him again that night and let him cum inside me again. Will and I went out for a few really happy months. I was always running over to his place to get his raw cock in me. I topped him a few times, but he was almost always unloading in my ass. I think I took 200 loads from him in the 6 months we dated. (Ah, youth!) Then, one day I found out he was also fucking around with his neighbor, a really bitchy asshole named Jimmy. I was so mad because I had been let into the building by a person who'd seen me there a lot. I went upstairs and realized that there were noises coming from his apartment. He was moaning and saying "keep fucking me. Don't stop." Then I heard Jimmy clearly say, "Do you want my load?" My Will, the guy I was falling in love with said, "Cum in my ass." I waited for that to stop and I was devastated. My guy was cheating on me. I knocked on the door and Will answered and saw me. He was so shocked and I started to cry. Jimmy laughed at me and Will, thank god, threw him out. We argued and fought and I pushed him and cried a lot. I couldn't believe my perfect man who I had chosen to take bareback one the first date and every fuck after and taken over 200 loads from was cheating on me. He said he cared for me a lot, but we weren't monogamous and he didn't want to be. I was so hurt. After about an hour, he held me and kissed me and wiped my tears away. I let him hold me and I leaned against him. He kissed my head and I kissed his chest. He was still only in his briefs. He rubbed my back and I kissed his chest more. I knew what I was going to do. I had to show him I was a better fuck than Jimmy. I saw him getting hard and I slipped off the bed, took off my shirts, slipped his cock out of his briefs and started sucking his cock. I gave him a great blow job. We both had a ton of mixed emotions. He couldn't concentrate on me giving him head, so he pulled me up and we kissed and made out and he took off my pants and boxers and gave me a blow job. I moaned and let him work. Then, I went down on my knees again off the bed with him on the edge of the bed and sucked him some more. I could smell the cum in him and the sex he'd just had. I saw the lube on the floor and opened it and spread it on my ass. I turned around and lowered my ass onto his cheating bare cock and rode him. After a while, he flipped my over and I was bent over the bed and he started fucking me hard. He knew I liked him buried deep in me and doing short strokes to hit my prostate. That's what he did. Soon I was cumming. He didn't stop like he usually did after I came. Instead he kept fucking me which kind of hurt at first, but I got used to it. Then he said, "Take my cum." He grunted so load and I felt him unload in my ass. I was so sad and so horny and exhausted. Will and I never made it past that last fuck. We slept together that night but I couldn't sleep. My ideal guy was cheating on me and my ass, even bareback, wasn't enough. I was devastated. I was a 6'2", blonde hair, blue eyed, really attractive guy with a toned body and a good career ahead of me that was letting a guy cum in my ass at least 5 times a week and he still didn't want me. I didn't know what to do......(until next time.)
    1 point
  23. Loaded up by a neighbour while both of our boyfriends were out at work. He's about 30, ex-military, and has a nice 7 incher. He didn't last too long, but he did leave a nice load.
    1 point
  24. It took us a couple of months to find a young man over eighteen who still had his anal cherry. The bars, baths, sex clubs, smut shops, dirty movie theaters, etc. were obviously poor places to find total virgins. I had a friend at work who said his "faggot nephew" had just turned eighteen. He never liked his nephew but not because he was gay. He liked our idea of giving him to Craig to pozz his double-virgin ass. He even said he'd have some friends help Craig get his piece of him, mainly to hold him down in case he tried to throw Craig off and evade his diseased dick. The guy had the typical long hair, even longer than Craig's. He seemed nice enough and was naive enough to know little about HIV/AIDS. He did indicate he's prefer a guy more like himself to break his anal cherry but his uncle had better plans in order to punish him. The fuck took place in a basement sex room. A rubber-sheet-covered mattress on the floor with chains bolted to the floor by each corner was the main venue. A fuck-horse stood by one wall. The man in charge asked Craig what position he preferred and Craig said he'd like the punk on his stomach, legs spread and a pillow under his crotch. The punk was brought in and told to strip in front of a handsome guy his age. This gave him the idea that the young guy would likely take his cherry. Once he'd stripped he smiled at the guy who told him to lay on the bed. He obeyed and we held his arms and legs to put leather cuffs on them and secured them to the chains at each corner. He seemed to suddenly realize his predicament. Craig then knelt in front of his face and fondled his dick. "This is your real stud. You should be glad he's small, it'll be a little less painful when he fucks you than if I fucked you. Be glad it's only him and not all of us." I informed him while showing him my much bigger dick. The punk was outraged but was as helpless as a new punk in prison about to get turned-out by a team of horny jockers. Craig greased up his weapon, stood up, stepped to the foot of the mattress, knelt and positioned himself between the punk's legs. He then got on all fours, one hand on the punk's back, the other holding his dick which he rubbed on the asshole who tried to shake and move but he was also strapped to the bed as well as secured by his wrists and ankles. Craig put his dickhead to the asshole and forced his way in as the punk screamed in abject pain. He pulled out a bit, rammed it in further, pulled back an inch again and rammed it home as the punk screamed so loud we thought anyone in the next house over which was a good 1/10th mile away could hear him although the basement and ceiling overhead provided excellent muffling. Fortunately someone grabbed Craig's undershorts, wadded them up and forced them into the punk's mouth to gag him. Craig grinned as we cheered him on. The punk was sobbing, his cherry broken and filled with pain and meat. Craig fucked that asshole good, enjoying the tightness around his small but mighty meat. Every man in the room sported wood and one man and a little bottom got together with the bottom bending-over while the man stood tall and proud fucking him. Both admired Craig as he heroically fucked his virgin conquest who was now resigned to taking it. Craig then pulled out and the punk looked like he thought it was over. We saw a little blood on Craig's dick. You're doing good stud." I said. Craig thanked me, stuck his dick right back up the asshole who winced and sobbed anew as the stud resumed fucking him. Craig said he felt good in that tight virgin ass as he fucked him. The look of joy on his face turned us on as he fucked with gay abandon. He didnt need to cut up the asshole's insides with a fingernail nor pound him into the bed as he had the previous asshole he pozzed. His dick had done a great job all by itself splitting the virgin anal walls as it barreled its way up the hole, his first few thrusts doing all the damage necessary to allow easy passage of his virus into the bloodstream. The stud began breathing heavy and just started working up a little sweat when he said he was getting close. He poured it on fucking faster and harder, grinning as he neared his orgasm. His precum had already put a good amount of virus into the hole. He raised his head and then hilted himself, then pulled almost out and slammed it home, again and again as the punk shook from each manly thrust of our hero's hips driving his dick into the cunt ass pumping in more toxic virus with each stroke. "Man that feels so GOOD!" Craig announced as he finished ejaculating in the punk's hole. He thrust a few more times and lay his weight on the punk's back. The punk could barely take the man's weight but the man liked resting and lazily thrusting from time to time to force his poz sperms through the asshole's anal walls into his bloodstream. I had shown Craig how to maximize the chances of infecting assholes by fucking him several times the way I had when I pozzed him, having learned from other gift givers who told me the best ways to facilitate passage of virus into the chaser's system. A few minutes later our hero pulled out, stood up and put a foot on the pink's back as we all cheered him and I held up his hand like a fight referee holding up the winning boxer's gloved hand. "The winner, Craig!" I announced and hugged and kissed him amid more cheers. I also announced the loser's name. Craig thrust his still semi-hard dick for all to admire as it peeked out from under his beer gut. It had some cum and trace of blood on it, the signs of successfully pozzing the punk who lay defeated under the stud's thick wide foot. I was proud of my buddy and his conquest and turned on that everyone present hailed him as a hero for conquering the loser under his foot. Craig stepped down from the mattress and some little guy knelt and sucked his dick clean and kissed it and his balls. The punk was released. Once the gag came out he cussed a blue streak and tried to free himself from the men holding him so he could take a swing at someone. The leather cuffs were removed as two men restrained him. The punk looked defeated, the fight just about gone. The punk got dressed and one man said he'd take him home. The man gave us his number and said he was going to keep an eye on him. The man would also keep in touch with the punk's uncle. We were kept up to date and informed of his health. He caught the AIDS flu and was bedridden. The man who took him in didnt put his dick to him nor let anyone else get so much as a blowjob while waiting for the flu to kick in. he was sick for about a month. A month later the man taking care of him was ready to kick him out. He was taken in by a few of his uncle's friends and stayed at each place for a month or two. He eventually wore out his welcome at all of them and ended up on the street whoring for a living until he was no longer presentable. About a decade and a half later someone said he was found dead in an alley, most likely of the disease. During that interim Craig and I had fucked quite a few guys including bareback pozzing almost one a year and breaking two or three more total cherries.
    1 point
  25. Back when I was negative I always carried condoms and would require a top to use one to fuck me. But I also set myself up to get barebacked without admitting it to myself. I'd go into a booth in a bookstore arcade with my hole already lubed and when I squatted to suck the top's cock, I'd lower my jeans. I loved it when they'd bend forward and feel my lubed hole. It was an invitation for them to fuck me, and more than a few took me up on it. I remember how exciting it was when a top would suddenly pull me up, turn me around and shove his erection into my prepared cumhole. My natural submissiveness would take over and I'd take their load without objection. I got ten times more pleasure out of getting it raw and getting bred than if they'd used a condom. I remember the first time I put my bare, pre-lubed hole up to a gloryhole. I was sucking the cock of a really good-looking man, and I desperately wanted his cum. He pulled his cock out of the hole and I looked through. He was putting his cock away, apparently he just wanted a little fluffing. In desperation I whipped around and pushed my bare butt up to the gloryhole. That did the trick. He pushed his cock into me and thrust twice, then grunted as he pumped me full of the load I wanted so badly. I told myself I wouldn't do that again. But I did.
    1 point
  26. headed out To steamworks on Friday for NKP's F*CK party. was a little disappointed, as not much kink going on, but that didn't stop the fun. Got a room and stripped down, then put on a singlet with the ass open. walked around for a it and got my ass fondled, noted on chalkboard Room 312 Cumdump/urinal then returned to room and presented ass up with dildo and lube available alongside, about five minutes later feel my ass being rubbed then the dildo being inserted, looked in mirror to find a tweaking Latin guy loosening me up with dildo while fondling my cock through the flimsy material of the singlet, i turned around and started sucking his fat cock, judged it to be about 6" soft it grew to almost 8. he turned me back around and pulled out the dildo then slid his cock in me all the way to the balls, he was much thicker than the dildo and it hurt so damn good. he started rocking back and forth slowly then stopped and held in me, i thought WTF then felt a warm wet sensation in my hole as he filled me with his chem piss, he then started fucking me again faster and harder, then stops again and pulls out, asks if i have a condom, "no" oh well he shoves it back in and shoots his load deep in me then continues to fuck me then fills me with more piss, more fucking more cum. i was surprised when i kissed him Thank you that my hole wasn't leaking more, but i seemed to be absorbing his piss and cum into my rectal walls. walked around some more, spotted a friend but he was occupied continued strutting around in my singlet found my friend getting plowed on fuck bench, watched as a black guy was pounding in and out of his hole, a crowd was forming and i soon found myself pressed up against a hot young guy, started rubbing his chest, he reached back and started fondling my cock which soon became hard as i slowly started stroking his cock as well, he slid my cock out the leg opening of the singlet and soon had me knocking at his backdoor, i was dripping my precum on his hole and rubbing the head on his hole when he pushed back some and my cock popped into his cummy hole. i asked him how many guys had dumped in him and he indicated just two i worked my cock back and forth inside him as someone was rubbing and fingering my hole soon a cock slipped up inside me as some older guy kneeled down in front of my boy and began blowing him, about five minutes later he began to shudder as his jizz hit the back of the throat of the old guy in front of him, his ass squeezing my cock as i was pumping into him "oh baby take my POZ Seed" I whispered in his ear, he just moaned and turned his head and kissed me as i shot volley after volley of my charged spunk into his hole, the guy fucking me then shot his seed deep in me. the black guy had finished charging up my friends hole and had taken his place as my friend disappeared into the darkness. I whispered into my young latin boys ear "if you need more come to 312" then moved off into a glory hole cubicle. as i was looking to take another load a hot hole appeared at the GH off to my left and i stuck my finger in the hoe feeling it freshly seeded i dropped down and rimmed the freshly fucked hole and lapped out as much cum as i could, then realized it was my friends ass i was rimming. i stood up but my cock was not recovered yet so left the cubicle to return to my room, leaving the door open and laying back on the bed to relax and recover. soon a asian guy came and needed my oral talents as he then blew down my throat, after he left my Latin boy stopped by, closed the door and we made out for awhile before he had me fuck him again, as i was giving him my second load of the night i asked him how old he was and he replied he had just turned 18 two days prior, and i asked him about taking my toxic seed. and he told me his friend had brought him here as a birthday present and told him to have fun. After his friend took his virginity and dropped a load in his ass, he told him that his ass was meant for fucking and he should take all loads no matter what, especially since most POZ guys were Undetectable and it would be fun playing Roulette. I laughed at him and told him playing Roulette was over since he now had my highly toxic load in his ass twice, he left a free boy to take any and all loads the rest of the night. i went back to cruising the halls and presenting my ass for loads alternating between the two activities for the rest of the night. ended up taking two more loads, one from a older white guys and another from a Black guy with a massive cock Saturday night/sunday morning rested up from previous nights debauchery then was playing on my phone apps and a FB who i hadn't seen in a while messaged me asking if he could come over and cuddle. i said sure and we ended up cuddling for a bit while talking then i described the previous night to him getting him all turned on and he had me put the singlet on before he breed me with his hot 21 year old spunk , we cuddled a while longer before he had to go home. My partner came home and he was really horny so let him breed me as well before settling down to a casual night at home
    1 point
  27. Fuck yeah man, get nasTy with this young stud! Pop his cherry nice and bare, BIG TIME!
    1 point
    1 point
  29. I used to fuck around with my male cousins when we were in our teens. it ended because I moved away when I graduated from High school so we were never in the same city again, except for the occasional holiday. by then, they were "straight", and had written off what we did as teen experimenting. one of them later killed himself, recently I have been wondering if it was because he was afraid of his real sexuality and his parents expectations on him to be straight.
    1 point
  30. Newish to LA - looking for a serious guy that wants to break me in and then whore me out - turn me into a cumdump. sub in bed. looking for a FWB type of thing. wild to mild. ideally blindfolded/hooded tied in a sling being whored out to all your friends. or a long weekend in Palm Springs. 28, 5'10, 165, 6.5c, vers,bttm smooth kinky. into latex, leather, lycra guys in tights. open minded.
    1 point
  31. Lucky you I work in construction n he sounds like the type of Stud that I get breeded by a lot sum days I feel like I spend half me day @ work with a big cock poundin me cum n piss hungry hole but I sure aint complainin most the studs I work with know I luv cock n they know that if they want to dump a load me hole is allways loaded n ready (_0_)
    1 point
  32. Moroccan dad made up some excuse to his wife and came over again. Gave me two loads but his dick is a bit too wide for me. Ended up bleeding a bit but it wasn't too bad Kept his loads inside me for as long as I could.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass. Tommy was lucky that he was slammed, rimmed and bumped because I didn't stop pushing my cock into him until I was in all the way. The boy was lost in everything he was feeling and I let him enjoy it for a couple of minutes then I told him it was time to really break his cherry and I started pounding his hole hard and fast. His cock had shriveled up and I told him to look and see how his cock knew that it no longer mattered and it went to sleep. Oscar stroked Tommy's face and told him that many men liked to punish a whore boy's hole and he would soon get use to and maybe crave it. I told him that he should get use to being bred to because a good whore boy never asks a top to put on a condom and takes every load without question. Often a man will be quick to cum in you and toss you away but others will want to do other stuff so you will never be bored I told him. Oscar started to push his monster cock into Tommy's mouth so I just fucked and when I felt my seed boiling I told Tommy he was about to get his first load. Oscar stepped back to watch and I was happy to look into Tommy's eyes as I filled him with my seed. Tommy's eyes nearly rolled back as he took his first breeding and his cock got hard again and when I saw it twitch I thought the bitch was gonna cum but he didn't however he'd need to learn how if he ever wants to cum. When I pulled out of his ass it looked a mess with cum, ass juice and blood so Oscar called Bobby over to lick it clean as I walked around and showed Tommy the same was on my cock and he was going to lick it clean. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them.
    1 point
  35. Tommy slam was only .15 because I wanted him to remember getting his cherry destroyed and later I could slam him out of his mind. Once he got control of his breathing I removed his arms from the restraints he reached for his cock but I grabbed his hands. "Tommy tell us are you ready to be a whore?" "Oh, George please do it make me a whore. I want you.." "Tommy, boy, it doesn't matter what a whore wants. It only matters that a whore does what he is told. Do you understand?" "Yes, I'm sorry, George, what do you want?" Oscar handed me the poppers and I held them to Tommy's nostril as I held the other and told him to inhale. Three times I had him hit the poppers then I told him to lick is finger and get it into his ass. I told Tommy to keep fingering his hole as I introduce everyone to him. Knowing I couldn't give him two straight weeks of abuse alone I invited many friends and after this weekend we will visit many other people. I choose tonight's visitors based on various fetishes or types of sex I wanted Tommy to be exposed to so that two weeks from now we would have made up for lost time. The last person I introduced to him was another twink whoreboy, Bobby, and then I told Tommy to stop fingering himself and then I told Bobby to rim Tommy. Tommy again reached for his cock so I restrained his arms again and told him he was never again going to touch himself but would learn to cum from being used. Tommy was moaning like a whore from the rim job so I pulled his head aside and shoved my cock in. For a virgin boy he wasn't a half bad cocksucker but I wasn't planning on dumping my first load there and told Bobby it was time to bump Tommy. Bobby had an evil grin as he bumped Tommy and I think Bobby was enjoying corrupting another boy. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass.
    1 point
  36. I pulled up in front of Tommy's apartment and he jumped right in and as I sped away I handed him the knockout pills and without a word being said he took them. When I first started chatting with Tommy I never expected this but believe me that when a twink jock cherry boy tells me I can do whatever I want then I'm going to fulfill my fantasies too. I told him to remove his shorts and throw them out the window and I was amazed he did it without hesitation proving he was ready. When we met previously he told me he was a virgin but did jerk off however couldn't find privacy often and hadn't cum in nearly a month. I told him if he wanted me to make him a whore he couldn't jerk off again until we got together. Now without his shorts i could see the front of his jockstrap was soaked which told me he obeyed but I asked him when he last came and he said a few weeks before we met. I told him he was as good boy and to close his eyes and and to go to sleep and he soon passed out. Watching him sleep so innocently made my cock drip knowing what we were so going to do to him. Two hours later we pulled off the highway and another half hour later we arrived at my friend Tom's farmhouse. The guys heard me pull up and soon a dozen studs were on the porch watching me and Tom carry our guest into the house. The party had started earlier and they already had a couple of whore boys to play with but everyone held back waiting for me and Tommy to arrive. The pills should wear off soon and we put Tommy in a sling while we waited. Once we saw his start to come around I put a rubber strap on his arm and found a vein as he opened his eyes. He started to look around the room and I let him see and hear what was happening to the other boys and to know it would happen to him soon too. Oscar was a pimp we knew that liked dealing with white twink boys and loved breaking them in with his black ten inch cock that looked more like a fucking rolling pin it was so thick and straight. He stood next to me and when Tommy turned towards me he gasped when he saw Oscar's tool. "Tommy are you ready to become the whore that you know you are?" I asked him. "Are you ready for me and my friends, like Oscar here, to use you like a ragdoll?" Tommy clearly was nervous and didn't answer right away so I told him to wait a minute before answering as I pushed the needle in his arm and drew back turning the contents red and then pushed it all into his vein. One of the other guys wiped the injection site and even put a bandaid on him as I removed the strap and told Tommy what to expect.
    1 point
  37. Who else likes double penetration? For me, it s a really hot concept, looks hot in porn, can be hot at first in reality, but not a situation that can last for very long. I love feeling the second top finally pushing in, that feeling of fullness. And if I can get both tops to cum inside me in that position, then it's fucking incredible. But usually, the position and fucking motion can be too hard to maintain for very long. What does everyone else think?
    1 point
  38. :)It is one of my fantasies is double. Have had both of my biggest dildoes in me at once so am sure I could take two nice cocks, plus was fisted and he had his cock in at the same time before too. Want two cocks in me badly and both cumming and filling my hole good.
    1 point
  39. DP has been a fantasy of mine for quite a while. I know I can take it since I've had someone slide his cock in while fisting me.
    1 point
  40. I love a verbal top especially while giving head! It's just makes me feel more slutty and submissive.
    1 point
  41. I've bottom'd and top'd in a DP. It can be a little awkward to get in at first but it's definitely hot once it all works out!
    1 point
  42. i LOVE to double fuck. The best double dick bottom I ever met could take two huge cocks in an position-- but his fuckhole was still nice and tight for one cock alone. I fucked him with my thick nine inches and the other guy was even bigger- had to be at least ten inches and very thick, both of us rock hard. Most guys who want two rods can't take it-- it gets uncomfortable trying to push into a hole that's already full up. Once I was at a fuck party and this total cumwhore i fucked a few times wanted double dicks-- he sat on my cock and the other top got down and sucked my cock and ate the bottoms shaved hole while we fucked-- AMAZING. Then he pushed his own thick cock in and fucked until he came all over my cock inside the slut's ass. It was great! But it takes a seriously skilled bottom to take two and make it feel good for the tops. And what the other posters say is true-- works better with big, long cocks-- a short cock will pop out when the bottom's hole starts to get stretched open. Much hotter when both cocks can thrust in and out so you can feel the other shaft rubbing against yours in the bottom's cumhole.
    1 point
  43. have only had it done once, but would love to have it done again....incredible experience.
    1 point
  44. LUV DP! Have been able to ride two hung men (8.5 & 9") for over half an hour until they both unloaded inside me --it's incredibly erotic... but it's too uncomfortable and awkward with average length cocks (unfortunately)
    1 point
  45. I have this fantasy too. I would love to have some hot muscle stud drug me and fuck me repeatedly. Maybe even have a few others come over and do the same. See how many loads my ass can hold.
    1 point
  46. True story, huh? Makes me wonder if I should give that stuff a try.
    1 point
  47. I luv sucking dick! Especially if the person is very verbal and gets into like I do. Also luv swallowing the creamy reward too ;-)
    1 point
  48. Anything over the 12 minute mark, yes. I do get bored. However, since I've already started sucking on their cock, I want their load in my mouth. I remember it took an hour for this nervous kid to cum in my mouth. I'm definitely persistent in that area.
    1 point
  49. It's very hot, especially when you consider it takes a couple of tops of a certain size to make it work...really love having two men in my ass at once. Unfortunately it's been a while since I've managed this...in the past it's never really been planned out, just kind of happened.
    1 point
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