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  1. GRADUATION NIGHT PART 2 NOTE: If you haven’t already done so, I would recommend reading “Graduation Night” first, so that you will better know the people involved. Thank you, I hope you enjoy As we were being carried away I looked over Jordan’s shoulder to see a young well-built man climbing on to the picnic table where Emily was lying recovering from her deflowering by Aaron and her first orgasm. The man shoved his penis into her semen filled vagina. A line seemed to be forming of naked men waiting their turn. I could hear Emily’s screams of pain and ecstasy and cries of “Fuck Her, Knock her up!!” as we entered the house. We were brought into the house and taken to a large bathroom. James turned on the shower and we all got in. When I stood I could feel more of Jordan’s semen leaking out of my hole and I could see it running down my leg. Paul still seemed slightly in a daze after his virginity had been taken. James held him up and Jordan and I washed his body. There were still streaks of his own cum in his hair and dried patches of blood and James’s cum on his ass and legs. He looked younger and more innocent standing there naked than I had ever seen. Jordan came up from behind him and started kissing him. Paul laid back in his arms and moaned softly. James pushed me up against the wall of the shower and kissed me forcefully. I reached up and wrapped my fingers in his dreadlocks. His body felt wonderful against mine and I felt that incredibly long penis pressed against my stomach. “Let’s get some rest” Jordan said and we all dried off. As we walked out of the bathroom we passed a large sliding glass door. I could look out and see Emily lying on the ground with another man taking her from behind while Aaron held her. I could hear her screams of pleasure through the window. Aaron told me later that at least twenty men had pumped their seed into her that night. We were led to a bedroom with a huge king sized bed. Paul and I were next to each other in the middle with Jordan next Paul and James next to me. They wrapped their arms around us and we fell asleep. I woke up and saw it was morning. I was wrapped in James’ arms and I could see Jordan holding Paul. James began to kiss my neck and I could feel his semi hard penis pressed against my ass and up on my back. Feeling it against made me wonder how he ever drilled it into Paul’s smaller body and how it would feel inside of me. Paul opened his eyes and seemed confused on his whereabouts. Jordan pulled him closer and he seemed to relax. “We want to breed you again,” Jordan whispered. My heart started beating rapidly and I looked at Paul. The frightened look returned to his face. I reached over and grabbed his arm and said “I’m here, don’t be afraid”. James pulled me back to him and began kissing me, his tongue went deep in my mouth and I moaned with anticipation. I don’t know if Paul answered but I began to hear him whimper softly. Suddenly we heard the doorbell ring. Both James and Jordan looked at each other with a puzzled look. “Who the fuck could that be”, James mumbled. We could hear someone walking down the hallway towards the door and I assumed it was Aaron. He opened the door and spoke to someone. I could clearly hear the person say “I’m looking for my brother and his friends, they didn’t come home last night and their parents are worried”. My heart seemed to stop! I recognized the person voice at the door, “It’s my brother Elijah” I blurted out. Elijah was 20 years old. He was probably the most handsome of my brothers, standing about 6 feet 3 inches and weighing about 180 pounds. His brown hair was neatly trimmed and his blue eyes were piercing. Elijah had “turned his life over to God” when he was younger. Now he was a student at the nearby seminary studying to become a pastor. Elijah lived a very religious life and didn’t have many friends and to my knowledge never even dated. I couldn’t believe it when I heard Aaron tell him we were here in the house and he invited Elijah to come in. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and suddenly the door opened and in walked Elijah with Aaron. Time seemed to stand still. “What in God’s name are you doing Caleb!!” Elijah screamed. His shock was clear on his face. There in front of him lay his little brother totally naked in the arms of a “god like” black man with a penis that was hardening by the second. Paul was lying there as well and he screamed…”Run Elijah!” It was too late. Aaron gave Elijah a shove into the room and onto the bed and pulled the door shut behind him. “Fresh meat boys” he said while taking off his own clothes. Elijah tried to regain his footing but James let go of me and pinned him down on his back. “Let me go!! What are doing??” Elijah pleaded angrily . Aaron was moving quickly and he stripped off the sandals Elijah was wearing and then practically ripped his shorts and underwear from his body. Elijah tried to force James off of him but it was hopeless. Jordan leaned down and told Elijah to calm down and enjoy the experience. Aaron grabbed Elijah’s legs, spread them apart. “Wow, sweet asses must run in the family” Aaron said as he buried his tongue into his exposed hole. Elijah gasped and screamed “Stop, please dear God, stop it!” Jordan ordered Paul to rip off Elijah’s shirt and he obeyed. Now everyone in the room was naked and I realized I was getting hard. Jordan began to suck on Elijah’s neck and nipples as Aaron continued to work over his ass. James leaned over and began sucking on the opposite side of Elijah’s body. He began struggling less. His eyes were wide open with fear. Jordan reached over and pulled Paul over. He laid Paul across Elijah’s chest to help hold him down, but also to let him start working over Paul’s tiny hole to get him ready for what was coming. Elijah was crying now and every few seconds would plead to be let go, but no one was paying attention. Paul was moaning as Jordan first sucked on Elijah’s body then rammed his long tongue into Paul’s hole. I was sitting there just watching and began to feel like the odd man out. Aaron grabbed me by my hair and kissed me forcefully shoving his tongue, fresh out of Elijah’s ass, into my mouth. Aaron then grabbed my head and shoved it next to Elijah’s soft penis…”Get him hard!” he ordered. I took his penis into my mouth and began to suck and lick it. “No Caleb, don’t do that, I’m your brother”, he cried. I kept sucking and licking and it began to harden and I heard Elijah moan for the first time. “That’s a good boy, relax and enjoy this moment,” Jordan said softly to Elijah. “Soon you will feel the warmth of our poison seed inside that beautiful body and you will be ours.” Jordan pressed his lips up against Elijah’s mouth and he resisted, but with me sucking his penis, Aaron tonging his ass and James sucking on his neck and nipples, Elijah’s mouth began to open and allow Jordan’s tongue to enter. He moaned again, this time louder. The sound of my brother moaning while being kissed seemed to get everyone’s attention. Jordan, James and Aaron were all hard as rocks and pre cum was leaking from all three. I really wanted James to take me. The length of his penis excited me and I wanted to feel it inside of me if it could fit. I thought Aaron was about to take my brother’s virginity, but Jordan had other ideas. “I know you want him Aaron but I want to rip this virgin hole open first”, Jordan said. Elijah looked at the giant penis that stuck out from between Jordan’s legs. His eyes opened wide and he began to cry and beg “Please let me go, I’m not gay, this is wrong, I’m a minister and this is not what is right, I don’t want to be infected…please dear God make them let me go.” Aaron looked disappointed but Jordan pointed to Paul and said “Take the little one and rip him up inside, give him a fucking he’ll never forget.” We were being paired up and Elijah was shaking and sobbing with fear. Aaron leapt across the bodies on the bed and grabbed Paul by the hair. Paul let out a yelp and Aaron shoved Paul’s mouth up against his penis. Paul opened his mouth and Aaron shoved it in hard and deep, he gagged and Aaron pulled back and pushed in again. Aaron grabbed Paull’s hair with both hands forcefully pummeled Paul’s mouth. James grabbed me and pushed me on my back and pinned me with his beautiful body. The entire length of his penis was trapped between us. I grabbed his neck and pulled him to my face and we kissed passionately. He reached over to his left where Elijah lay with Jordan sucking on his neck so hard a bruise was forming. James slid a finger into Elijah’s saliva coated hole. Elijah screamed “It hurts!! Stop Please!!” James’s laughed and said “Wow, he is super tight. You never get that monster in this one.” “It’ll open or rip, one of the two, “Jordan chuckled. The intensity of the sex was increasing by the second. Paul’s mouth was being ravaged by Aaron’s penis and Jordan had Elijah flipped on his stomach as he lubricated his tiny hole with his tongue. James had slid his head down between my legs and was plunging his tongue in and out of me. I was laying with my face just inches from Elijah’s. Tears were flowing from his beautiful blue eyes. He reached out for me and grabbed my arm. “What’s going to happen to me Caleb, what is he going to do to me” he said softly. “He’s going to breed you Elijah, it’s going to hurt at first but you will end up loving the feeling of him inside of you and the feeling of his warm semen filling you up,” I said trying to reassure him. I looked over at him. His long smooth body was flat on the bed. He was a beautiful young man. He held my hand as Jordan began to shove one, then two fingers inside him. Elijah winced then let out a long moan and he squeezed my hand harder. Jordan’s gigantic penis with the metal ring through its huge head was now fully hard. It looked even bigger then when he had taken me. I couldn’t believe it had once been inside me. I heard a scream from the other part of our bed. It was Paul. Aaron had flipped Paul on his back, spread his legs apart and rammed his penis all the way in without any lube or saliva. Paul was digging his hands into the mattress and his toes were curled nearly into a ball as Aaron pulled out and rammed the full length back in again. “OH MY GOD!!” Paul screamed each time he was entered. Only Aaron’s pre cum and the blood inside of Paul’s hole provided the lubrication. Elijah grabbed my arm hard. His eyes were full of fear as he watched Paul’s small body surrender to the onslaught. “Is that what’s going to happen to me?” he asked. I told him Jordan would be gentle, not knowing if it was the truth or not. Aaron pulled out of Paul, grabbed him by the hair and roughly pushed him face down with his head on Elijah’s chest. Aaron spit on his penis and rammed it back in. After one or two screams from Paul, the change began. The screams became moans. Instead of resisting Paul was trying to take in as much of Aaron’s penis as he could. He raised his head up and wrapped his arms around Elijah to brace himself against Aaron’s forceful slams. Paul’s was gone now, all he wanted was more of Aaron’s penis. The slap of Aaron’s balls against Paul’s ass and the passionate moaning of both of them filled the room. Aaron began to growl. It was time to impregnate Paul with his poison semen. Paul’s eyes rolled back into his head. BREED ME!! BREED ME! He screamed. James pushed my head towards Paul’s penis. He told me to take it in my mouth and when Paul shot his load to hold it in my mouth and not swallow it. “TAKE MY CUM YOU LITTLE BITCH” Aaron screamed and his body convulsed violently as he shot deep inside Paul. “OH GOD FILL ME PLEASE!!” Paul’s penis was so hard. I took it in my mouth and felt the first shot of Paul’s orgasm hit the back of my throat. It was followed by two more pulses of semen and both he and Aaron collapsed on top of Elijah. My mouth was full of Paul’s warm load and some dripped out of my mouth onto Elijah’s face. “Use that cum to lube me up to fuck your brother,” Jordan told me. I willingly let the semen run out of my mouth on to Jordan’s hard penis which was pulsing and ready to plunge into my brothers virgin body. “Now lick Aaron’s cum out of Paul’s ass and use it to lube your brother’s cunt”, Jordan ordered. I leaned over to Paul’s ass. His hole was still wide open from the pounding it had taken. Aaron’s cum was leaking from it mixed with Paul’s blood. I lapped up as much as I could and moved between Elijah’s long legs. James pulled Elijah’s legs back and I deposited the cum and blood onto Elijah’s quivering hole. I lubed it the best I could and Elijah moaned in both disgust and pleasure. Jordan moved in and I took one last look at his tiny opening. In moments I knew it would never be the same again. Elijah’s entire body shook as Paul and Aaron each took a leg and spread him open. I kept myself positioned so I could see both the penetration which was about to occur but also watch my beautiful brother’s face as he became impaled and impregnated. “Please, please don’t hurt me”, Elijah pleaded. Jordan’s monstrous but beautiful penis approached its target. It glistened with the Paul’s semen and the huge ring at its tip had a long string of Jordan’s pre cum hanging from it. Jordan pressed the ring against Elijah’s hole and I remember feeling that same thing when Jordan ripped me open. I grabbed Elijah’s hand and squeezed. “It’ll be okay”, I assured him. I lied. Jordan began pushing forward and Elijah’s hole tried to keep the giant intruder out. Elijah was breathing fast as his ass began to surrender. I could see the hole expanding as the ring sank slowly inside of him. Elijah screamed. Jordan pushed forward and I could actually hear a tearing sound as the head continued to expand the once tiny hole. His body went rigid and his scream was deafening. Elijah’s hands dug into the bed and his back arched. Jordan pushed forward and I heard more tearing and then a pop as Elijah’s ass gave in to the oversized head of Jordan’s beautiful penis. The entry continued as the rock hard penis began to follow the head into Elijah’s lean body. Elijah’s screams of “No!” “No!” “No!” filled the room. “Spread his legs”, Jordan commanded. Paul and Aaron, who was hard again watching the sight of Elijah’s deflowering, pulled Elijah’s legs apart and Jordan rammed himself all the way in. His balls rested on Elijah’s ass. The screaming stopped. Elijah’s head was snapped back, his beautiful blue eyes wide open and his mouth was open as if to scream but nothing would come out. I knew what he was feeling and I nearly had an orgasm just watching. Jordan slowly began to pull back out of Elijah’s hole and as he did red fluid oozed out of Elijah staining the sheet. From the amount, I suspected Jordan had torn him up badly inside. Like Paul and I had been, my brother was now totally vulnerable to the poison Jordan was about to pound into him. As he pulled back Elijah groaned deeply. When only the tip was left inside Jordan slammed back into Elijah. This time the scream came out and he pleaded for Jordan to stop. “You’ve got the tightest hole I’ve ever had”, Jordan said. For some reason I felt jealousy that mine hadn’t been his tightest. Jordan wrapped his muscled arms around Elijah’s body and pulled him tightly against him. Paul and Aaron let go of his legs which remained stiff sticking straight up into the air. Then Jordan began to slowly begin a rhythm of pushing in and pulling out. Elijah screamed over and over and thrashed back in forth trying to free himself from Jordan’s relentless assault. There was a loud slap as Jordan’s scrotum would hit Elijah’s ass. It seemed to take longer than normal but slowly Elijah’s legs relaxed and wrapped around Jordan’s glistening back. His hands, which had been clutching the sheets, moved to Jordan’s body and began to rub the flexing muscles. “You are starting to enjoy this aren’t you baby”, Jordan whispered. Elijah moaned out a “Yeahhh”. Jordan leaned forward and kissed Elijah. His mouth opened willingly this time and he grabbed Jordan tightly. The pounding he was giving Elijah was unbelievable. Elijah was now totally Jordan’s. “YES!!” “YES!!” “YES!!” was all Elijah could say each time Jordan’s penis hit bottom. His blue eyes were wide open and glistened. “OH God this is the sweetest ass I’ve ever bred”, Jordan moaned. “Do you want my poison cum in you?” Jordan screamed. “Please Please Please shoot it in me”. Jordan grabbed Elijah as tight as he could. He arched his back and seemed to growl. “Oh Shit!! I’m going to cum so fucking hard!! “YOU”RE GETTING SO BIG!!” Elijah screamed. Jordan’s entire body began to convulse as he emptied himself deep inside of Elijah’s torn open ass. “FUCK” “FUCK” was all he could say as he continued to spray his poison semen inside. “Oh God it feels so good. I can feel you filling me. It’s so warm!!” Elijah cried out and his penis erupted shooting semen up on to his own face and mouth. I greedily bent over and licked it off and my brother and I began to kiss. “It felt so good Caleb”, Elijah said to me as he tried to regain his composure. Jordan pulled his beautiful penis out of Elijah. It was dripping with semen and blood. He climbed up toward us and Elijah and I gently licked it clean. Now it was my turn I hoped. “I’ve never had the chance to fuck two brothers at once, so I guess this is my chance”, James said. I was stunned by that. I thought the pounding Elijah had taken was enough for one day. Elijah was still breathing hard and look shocked by what James said. I really wasn’t sure what he had in mind. James ordered me to stand up and I did. Then he grabbed Elijah and flipped him on his stomach. He then dragged him to the edge of the bed so his long legs were resting on the ground and his upper body was flat on the bed. It was then that I got my first look at Elijah’s ravaged hole. It was still partially open and you could see Jordan’s thick poison semen mixed with blood oozing out and running down his leg. Elijah’s hole was twitching as it struggled to the return to the size it had once been before the monstrous penis split it open. James shoved a pillow under Elijah’s stomach to help raise his ass. James then told me to lie face down on top of Elijah so that I straddled him and my ass was directly above his ass. I looked at James and he was totally engorged. His penis had to be 15 inches long and although not as thick as Jordan’s it still was extremely large. I shivered thinking about how he would try to shove it all the way into my body. I could feel Elijah’s rapid breathing underneath me. His body was warm and damp from the sexual workout it had just received. He felt good and I could feel my penis harden up against his lower back. I looked over at Aaron who was rock hard again and Paul who was trying to lick and suck Jordan’s now limp penis back to life. James walked up behind us and aimed himself at Elijah’s oozing hole. He had no lube or saliva on it. I realized he just planned to use Jordan’s semen as the lubrication. He began to push in and I felt Elijah’s body stiffen. “Oh God!! Oh God!! Oh God!!” was all he could say. James pushed in until his scrotum met Elijah’s ass. Elijah moaned and turned his head to me. “He’s so deep Caleb, it feels like he’s in my stomach”. I grabbed Elijah’s face and kissed him. As James began to pull out and push in our kiss became more frantic and passionate. I could hear the wet sounds of their two bodies coming together. Elijah’s moans filled the room and I could see Jordan was now hard again and using Paul’s mouth. I was shaking in anticipation waiting to feel James inside of me. I could feel him shift his position and Elijah moaned as James pulled his penis out. I felt pressure on my hole and waited for the feeling I craved. James was not taking it slowly. With one motion he drove his cum and blood covered shaft into me. It seemed to keep getting deeper and deeper. The pain was so intense I bit down on Elijah’s neck and he let out a scream. “He fucking drew blood’, Aaron said. I couldn’t have ever anticipated the feeling inside of me. He was so deep I though he would push through my body into my brother underneath me. He pulled almost all the way out and pushed hard back in again. “Elijah!! He’s so deep inside of me!!” I screamed. I wrapped my arms around my brother’s body to try and keep from being pushed off by James’s intense thrusts. Elijah grabbed my hands and turned and kissed me. Suddenly James grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back curving my spine almost into a “C”. He began to batter me like a wild man. This time it was me trying to scream and nothing would come out. “Jesus Christ James, don’t kill him”, Jordan yelled. The battering continued. Jordan then stepped in and told James to stop. “Let’s fuck them all together.” James pulled me off Elijah and flipped me on my back on the bed. Aaron turned Elijah over so he was on his back right next to me. “Goddamn I’ve wanted to fuck this beautiful piece of meat since he walked in the door,” Aaron said. Then Jordan picked up little Paul who looked like a child in his huge arms and threw him on his back on the other side of me on the bed. We were lying together on the bed with our bodies touching each other. Aaron was going to breed Elijah, James was ready to finish what he’d started with me and Paul, with the smallest body in the room was about to experience the biggest penis in the room. I lay there thinking how less than 24 hours ago Paul and I had been young nerdy virgins about to graduate and Elijah had been a minister in training. Now each of us had been ravaged by beautiful black men who had filled our torn asses with HIV infected semen which was probably already working into our bodies. I looked at innocent Paul, who yesterday would blush at the word sex, about to receive his third penis and third dose of the poison. I thought how we each feared the pain but now loved the feeling of a man inside of us. I looked at Paul and Elijah and saw that we were all hard and pre cum hung from my penis. Our legs were spread and actually intertwined. “Breeding time boys” Jordan growled. They entered us all at the same time. Aaron entered Elijah slowly and I heard a long moan of ecstasy come from both of them. James pushed back into me and again it seemed like it took forever for him to hit bottom. “Fuck your ass is sweet” James whispered to me and he kissed me. The soft moaning was suddenly overshadowed by the blood curdling scream from Paul as the monster ripped into him. I could hear sounds of what I thought were tearing flesh. He buried it all inside of Paul and Paul went limp. I reached over and grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine back. As Jordan pulled back for the second attack I grabbed Paul’s head and pulled him to me so we could kiss. Our kiss was cut short as the two beautiful black men we had only met hours ago began to pound their manhood into our young bodies. Aaron and Elijah were locked in an extremely passionate experience. They kissed and rubbed each other’s bodies as Aarons beautiful lean black body pushed into Elijah’s perfectly muscular ass. It was breathtaking to watch them together. Jordan and James were nearly synchronized as they tore into our two bodies. I could feel every inch of his penis so deep in me and could feel my penis getting so hard. I wanted him to explode in me and coat my insides with his fluids. Paul was beginning to moan in pleasure more than pain. Jordan was pounding him without mercy and Paul was taking every inch. The bed vibrated as the intensity of the sex increased by the second. As Aaron pushed into my brother, Elijah leaned over and took my penis into his mouth. ”Oh my god, that feels incredible Elijah!!” I moaned. Jordan suddenly grabbed Paul’s body and lifted him up. He pushed Paul up against the wall and thrust back and forth into Paul’s ass as fast as he could. Paul’s head and back were bouncing off the wall as Jordan slammed into him, “Breed me please Jordan, give me your poison!!” Paul pleaded. We all stopped to watch the incredible scene happening before us. We could clearly see Paul’s hole stretched wide around Jordan’s penis and saw him pull almost all the way out before impaling Paul again. Jordan was making strange sounds almost like a dog as he prepared to finish off Paul. Jordan screamed “Fuck Yes!!” and slammed as hard as he could “He’s cumming in me!! It’s so warm!” Paul moaned. We could see Jordan’s scrotum pulse as volley after volley of his seed shot into Paul. Paul was stretched so tightly the semen oozed out around Jordan’s penis. Paul frantically grabbed his own penis and it shot up into the air and on to the floor. They laid down back on the bed and Jordan pulled out of Paul. A large amount of blood mixed with semen rushed out and created a pool on the sheet. James had started back on me. Elijah continued to suck my penis as James picked up the tempo. Both Elijah and I were moaning. Aaron was grabbing the cheeks of Elijah’s beautiful ass as he slid in and out. I didn’t want the moment to stop. Both James and Aaron were getting close. Their breathing was fast and I realized that my brother and I could both be bred at the exact same moment. James was so hard and so deep. The penis exploring the deepest parts of me felt like nothing I had ever experienced. “Are you ready for my poison?” James screamed. “OH GOD YES!!” I screamed. James’ eruption was unbelievable. His rock hard penis throbbed and throbbed again. It felt like a hose shooting in me. “IT’S SO GOOD!” I yelled and I shot my semen into Elijah’s mouth and down his throat. With my penis still emptying into his mouth Elijah tried to scream as Aaron dug his finger nails into Elijah’s ass cheeks, drawing blood, and then emptied himself deep inside of my moaning brother. As Aaron filled Elijah his penis twitched and he shot a thick stream of semen hitting his own mouth and face. Aaron and James pulled out of our bodies leaving two more pools of blood and semen on the sheets. We all were exhausted and fell asleep in a tangle on the bed. My face was lying in Jordan’s semen and Paul’s blood, but I was too tired to care. We slept for quite a while. When I woke up Jordan, James and Aaron were not in bed. I could hear them talking and could smell food. I looked at the three of us lying on the bed. We all had dried semen and blood on our asses and on our legs. We had dried semen on our faces and in our hair. Paul had bruises on his back from when Jordan had battered him up against the wall. Elijah looked the worst. He had a large bruise on his neck and right nipple where he had been sucked, there were teeth marks and dried blood on his neck where I had bit him and deep rips and dried blood on his ass from Aaron’s fingernails when he gripped him during his orgasm. We got up together and walked to the bathroom. We showered together and helped each other remove the remnants of the morning orgy of sex. After drying off, Paul and I found our clothes that we had changed out of the night before. We slipped on underwear and jeans and walked to the kitchen. Elijah had put on his shorts and sandals. His shirt had been ripped off his body earlier so he was shirtless. When we got to the kitchen we were greeted by James and Jordan as well as two other men. They were friends of James and we were introduced. There was Sam, a very attractive white man, about 30 years old. Sam was a former professional basketball player. He stood about six feet nine inches tall and weighed about 230 pounds. He had blond neatly trimmed hair, blue eyes and his very fit body appeared nicely tan. The other man was David. He appeared to be of mixed race both black and Asian. He who was about 25 years old and was an Olympic class swimmer. His hair was cut close to his head and he appeared to be about six feet two inches tall and about 190 pounds. He was shirtless and was already in a tight fitting swimsuit with a huge bulge in front. His body was flawless and I think my heart skipped a beat when he shook my hand. James offered to make eggs, bacon and toast for us and we agreed. While he was cooking Paul and I stepped outside to try and find our bathing suits. As we walked to the pool we passed the picnic table where it all began the evening before. The blanket was still on the table and you could plainly see the dried fluids that marked the spots where our virginity ended. I could still feel that first moment when Jordan entered me and picture the look on Paul’s face when James came inside of him. You could also see the spot where Emily’s vagina was filled by Aaron and so many other men. Emily’s bathing suit laid on the ground but there was no sign of her. We recovered our suits and walked back to the house. I knew I was hungry and the eggs would be good. When we walked into the kitchen we were greeted with an amazing site. Sam stood naked in front of us, he was a muscular god. Elijah lay face down in a plate of uneaten eggs on the table, his shorts around his ankles. Sam already had about half of a 13 inch extremely thick penis embedded inside Elijah who was moaning and twisting lying in the plate of hot food. “Fuck the shit out of him Sam! He loves cock”, Jordan said and laughed. Sam slammed into Elijah who screamed “Oh God, you’re tearing me in half!!” I could see a biohazard symbol on Sam’s lower back. David’s bulge was now pushing out of the top of his swimsuit. I looked for a tattoo but there was none. Jordan saw me looking and laughed “Don’t worry baby he’s positive too. In fact I knocked him up on this very floor not long ago, didn’t I David” He smiled and said “Fuck yeah, Jordan was the first man to fuck me and it was incredible, but you guys already know that don’t you?” David dropped his swimsuit and a beautiful ten inch penis with a ring in the tip, just like Jordan’s, sprang out. I knew then that we were what was for breakfast as Jordan and James shoved Paul and me face first into our plates of food and ripped off our pants. With Elijah’s loud moans in the background, I looked over at Paul as David approached him from behind. I closed my eyes and waited my turn.
    8 points
  2. I was blessed with good genetics. My father was German and my mother was Polish. I came out with blond hair, deep blue eyes, round face with a strong jaw, my mothers cheekbones, my Dad's small nose and his tendency to a solid tight build with a minimum of effort, and apparently, the German tendency towards having a big dick, or maybe that's from my mother's side of the family, I don't know. My only regret is I'm not real tall, clocking in at a smidge over 5'8", but it serves me pretty good. And at 140 pounds I have a tight body. Guys seem to dig me, which is great. All throughout high school I kept trying to get with girls and kept getting shot down because I wasn't 'tall, dark, and handsome. It did a number on my self-esteem for a few years until I discovered guys in Grade 11. I was 18, perpetually horny, not getting any, and this guy hit on me at a rave. and I went for it. The sex, as I look back, probably wasn't all that great but for me it was life-changing. I ditched the bitches and made the switch, as some might say. I say I found myself that night. Now I'm making up for lost time and hit a rave just about every weekend. I can always find a hot guy to go home with at the parties. The local rave moves around every weekend and you have to be connected to get the location. I made sure to give the right guys my ass to ensure being connected enough to get the location. The events of this particular weekend would change my life forever. So, anyway I am at this weeks events, it's Saturday night and I'm just having a great time . I'm a little high (not that I do junk or anything, I might drop some E now and then, maybe smoke a joint and always tossed back a few drinks). I spot this cute guy, about my age, kind of short like me. He's got his shirt off and -- damn -- he's got a tight body on him. Real nice. Short hair not a buzz cut and long sideburns. He's got a couple tattoos, one along the inside of his right forearm but I can't see what it is, a small tat over his left nipple and one between his shoulder blades. Trust me, asking a dude about his tattoos is always a good opening line so I went over to him and asked him about his tats. He showed them to me. Pretty hot, I told him. He broke into this wide grin, his dark eyes lit up, and he asked me if I meant the tattoo or him. I said both. He asked me if I wanted to dance and I said sure. We're getting pretty sexy up there, with him gyrating up against me and rubbing his crotch up against my butt and his hands are all over me. We pulled each other in close and kissed hard, and pretty soon his tongue is dueling with mine. He's got me pushed up against this wall with his tongue all the way down my throat and his hand over my jeans massaging my growing cock. He was wearing these white beach pants with a tie waist and I had the tie undone and my hand wrapped around his dick down inside them. Things were heating up between us and a few guys were watching us. This weeks rave was being held in an old warehouse. They had used this warehouse before so I knew the layout. I grabbed his hand, led him back in behind the DJ and down a set of stairs. I had his shirt off and those beach pants sliding down over his ass in no time and I'm pressed up against him, necking. I ditched my shirt and pulled down his beach pants. He kicked off his flip-flops and stepped out of the beach pants so he was totally naked. Fucking hot little stud muffin, too. Damn! I got down on my knees and started sucking his cock as he leaned up against the wall. He starts talking real dirty which got me pretty worked up and I was already worked up. He pulled me to my feet and helped me out of my jeans. Now he was on his knees sucking my cock down in front of me as I braced my hands up against the wall. He sure seemed to love sucking dick, almost as much as me. So there we are, bare-assed naked, in the back stair area as I could feel his legs tremble from the strain of squatting but he didn't stop or get up, he just reached back and braced a hand against the wall behind him and kept right on sucking. He then stood up and leaning forward whispered in my ear that he was going to fuck me. I nodded agreeing that I wanted him to fuck me too. I turned around and leaned forward, bracing my hands up against the way and stuck my ass out. This stud wasted no time in eating my hole. He had me moaning like a bitch in heat that hadn't been fucked in years. He stood up, slapped my ass and rubbed his cock along my ass crack. I was caught up in the heat of the moment it never dawned on me if he put a rubber on. He grabbed my hips and began to slowly slid his raw cock inside my ass. Man oh man, feeling his dick pop through was great. I love getting fucked anyway, big time, but this was such a rush fucking right there in the warehouse where the rave was taking place, basically, down a short set of stairs from the DJ,, and knowing there was a club full of maybe a thousand people just about 10 feet away. I just felt a rush shoot all through me as soon as his cock slid into my ass and I shoved my ass back against him. This hottie knew how to fuck a guy too. He'd fuck into me real slow, teasing me, then pulling out a bit, then ease back in until I was grunting and grinding my ass back, begging for a real fuck from him. I could tell he was loving it. Then he'd pull out completely then pop back in a few times. By then my ass ring was starving for some hard friction. Finally, he grabs my hips and rams into me. Even over the loud music thumping just the stairs people must have heard me yell out Come on, fuck me harder. The dude is fucking the shit out of me by now and I'm totally off in the zone. We must have fucked for a good half hour back there, easy. I shot off up against the wall and he pounded harder and harder into me as he let me know he was seeding my ass (I never processed those words until later). He screamed out as he came, never slowing down he pace. He leaned in and kissed the back of my neck as he told me what a hot ass I had and that he was going to cum again. I was totally caught up in the heat of the moment. I didn't really know he never put a condom on and at that moment I didn't care. All I cared about was that I wanted every inch of his dick in side me . He tightened his grip on my hips as he plowed into my ass. It was at that moment that he leaned in again, kissed the back of my neck and whispered how hot it was to breed me with his poz load. It registered, I had let a total stranger fuck me and breed my ass with poz cum. At first I was terrified at the implications, but as he continued to fuck me like no man had ever before I didn't care. It was done and over with, nothing I can do about it now. And for some strange reason as I thought that my cock got so hard it hurt. I hope he can take a pounding from me some day.
    4 points
  3. OMG What Did I Do? Part IX I was finally getting that close up look at this guys huge cock. It was in my face and then I had the head of it in my mouth before I knew what I was doing. He was sucking my cock and ramming my big dildo in and out of my ass. He was pounding my hole hard and fast with that dildo and had me just floating away with the fantastic feelings he was causing. I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth but it was just so huge I could barely get a couple of inches past the head of it in me. I could feel myself getting harder and harder and was very close to cumming, when he all at once stopped sucking and grabbed the base of my cock with his free hand hard. It completely stopped the sensation and he just held on tight for a bit. I groaned around his cock and he then told me he didn't want me to cum yet, just keep edging a while and then make it a really good orgasm for me. I just wriggled around as he had not quit ramming my hole with his other hand with the dildo. I was going into overdrive more wanting to get off but loving the sensation also. After a few minutes, he started to lick my cock up and down. Then he eased it into his mouth a little at a time. He was driving me wild and I was sucking his cock and then would take it out of my mouth and lick all of it I could get to. This huge cock was magnificent. I had never seen nor felt anything like it before and was doing my best to just worship it. As I got it back in my mouth he suddenly pushed it in hard and basically gagged me hard. I was gasping but he was on top of me and I could do nothing and then he let up and I was able to get a gasp of air and then he did it again. He kept this up, alternating between almost choking my air off completely and then letting me have just a gasp of air. I was loving his attention to my cock and ass but was getting so little air I was getting a little dizzy from it. Then just when I didn't think I could take it much more he pulled his cock out of my mouth and at the same time pulled the dildo out of my ass. I arched my back involuntarily from the sensation of being empty and not wanting to be. As he tossed the dildo aside he then let go of my cock with his mouth, grabbed my legs and lifted them up and pulled my ass up from the blanket and then his mouth was clamped to my hole and his tongue went to work. He use his tongue to rub around and around my open hole and then would drive it into me. I was almost able to dump him off of me when he did that from jerking my entire body as he caused such a wild sensation of pleasure. Lucky for us both he was bigger than me and was able to hang on and kept on rimming me driving his tongue as deep as he could push it into me. As he did this he eased up off of me then and turned around and without getting his mouth off of my hole put my legs up over his shoulders and was then looking up at me. He lifted my ass up just enough that as I lifted my head up to look down there I was looking him right in the eyes as he kept rimming me. He was really driving me more and more crazy and then one of his hands took ahold of my cock and started to pump it. I don't think I had ever been this wild before and was basically driving my ass and cock at him for more. Then he broke off rimming me and his lips started up across my balls, stopping to suck each of them into his hot mouth for a bit. Then higher and took just the head of my cock into his heated mouth as he continued to pump my cock with his hand. Then he started kissing his way up my stomach to my chest and then back and forth kissing and nipping at my nipples for a while. I was getting close to cumming again as these sensations were just too much for me to handle. Then, as his kisses came up across my throat and then to my mouth I felt his cock hit my ass. I froze up some then. Wait, was I wanting to go all the way like this. The only cock that had been in me for a long time was my boyfriend's. Did I want to completely cheat on him. I was way over the line now, but this was too much, wasn't it? He must have felt me tense up though as his hand stroked me faster then and his tongue went deep into my mouth then in a very hot passionate kiss. He just rubbed his cock around my crack a little as I relaxed some thinking that was all he was going to do. His hand on my cock felt so good stroking away. I know I had never felt this much pleasure before and I could think of nothing else but my approaching orgasm. He broke the kiss off and looked me in the eyes as he told me I was fantastic and he loved the feelings of my body against his. His almost hypnotic voice had me just falling deeper and deeper into his eyes. I could tell I was about to cum when, again, he quit stroking my cock and grabbed the base of it hard. Again I groaned my frustration but he quickly started to stroke me again. My groan turned into moan of pleasure then and I felt a new pressure also. It then came to me that he had started pushing his cock into my hole. The head was already in. I had never felt so full and his cock just kept slipping further and further into my hot open ass. My eyes got very big but he just kept looking into them deeply and his voice kept telling me to relax and enjoy. I could not move. After, what seemed like an eternity, his cock stopped moving into me. I was finally able to move a little and reached down and felt my ass and his huge cock was buried completely in my hole. I could not believe it. That huge monster cock completely in me. I almost freaked out then, but his mouth came down on mine again and his tongue went deep into mine. He then started to pull back out with his cock until just the head of it was all that was left in me. He then pushed back in slowly and in and out like that oh so easy and slow. I was just moaning continually now from the intense feelings. I could feel that cock stretching me like nothing before had including my large dildo. It was more fantastic than anything ever before. In about 10 minutes of this he started to pick up the pace, faster and faster and harder and harder. He was driving every inch of his cock into me as deeply as he could. He pushed my legs up higher and higher until I was on my shoulders and my hole pointing straight up. He was pile driving my ass fast, hard and deep as it could go. My own cock was pointing straight into my face and only about 3 inches above it. He kept it going for a good 15 minutes more and then I could tell a difference in his breathing and knew he was getting close. My own cock was throbbing from his pummeling of my protate. I knew I was close to cumming again too. Then he leaned down a little and told me he was cumming and my own cock exploded right into my own mouth. As I felt his huge cum filling me up he then grinned and told me it was great to be able to fill my hole with his very high viral load of cum.
    4 points
  4. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
    2 points
  5. I really love to gag people with my dick and making them choke, red face, tears etc.. but there aren't many guys in my area who like it.. they think of it as being sick.. what do you think? do you like getting gagged by a dick?
    2 points
  6. Yes you should go, what better is there to do on any day let alone Friday then fucking a stranger or 4? You better hope they all bareback you. No pulling out is a rule I insist they follow. Really try to feel what being a carefree cum dump is all about. Its more addicting than heroin.
    2 points
  7. portuguesecum: Love this one!! http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Z1bBu-G401- Part II http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=olnfs-G601-
    2 points
  8. This chapter is about my next boyfriend G. He is another amazing guy and once again my love of cock ended the relationship. Okay, to be fair, it was our mutual love of cock that ended the relationship. There's other stuff that happened, other guys that fucked be bareback, a lot of random sex during this time period; but I think this was my next step in my transformation into a cumdump. The timeline here gets muddy because I've already told stories that cross the timeline, so I hope you'll stay with me. As you know, I am an attorney. I work for a decently large firm with an international client base. This was about 3.5 years into working for the firm, so I was either on partner track or not by this point. I think I was because I was the 3rd attorney assigned to a case for a major client - partner, senior associate and me. It involved a decent amount of travel for depositions, client statements, etc. It was a total time suck. I was easily working 100 hours a week in order to bill out at 75-80 hours a week which means both weekend days as well as long weekdays. Granted, it's a U.S. law firm, not some jewel mine in West Africa - massages, free meals, gym, etc. It's at this time that I met G (manhunt, while working from home). Oh my fucking lord, he is gorgeous. People still refer to him as "that model you dated," even though he was a teacher. I was totally amazed at how into me he was. We met for drinks one night and drinks turned into dinner which turned into more drinks and dessert at another place and a hot makeout session in the car. He wanted to fuck me that night, but I refused. I was still thinking that guys don't want to date other guys who are too easy. But, I wanted to fuck so badly. That date turned into a second date and mind-blowing sex. I would tell you all about how I seduced him into fucking me bareback or how he seduced me into it; but it's what we wanted from the first time our clothes came off. We fucked 3-4 times every time we saw each other (no exaggeration). He almost always fucked me and came inside me. I was in total lust for G. He did ask me to fuck him a few times and I did. The first time he had the nerve to ask for a condom and I was like, "really?" He relented of course because it was a stupid request since he'd cum in me at least 30 times by that point. Then disaster struck. He called me one day and said he thought he had gonorrhea and said we should both get tested. I pretended to be surprised because I didn't want this to fuck things up with G. My doctor had told me the day before and I was literally, at that moment, freaking out about how to tell him that he should get tested when he called me. Later that week, we saw each other again and I thought he was going to break up with me. Instead, he was all over me the moment I got to his apartment. We fucked 3 times, as usual, in that 14-15 hour period. The next morning after round 3 I said we needed to talk about sex and the diagnosis. We hadn't talked about monogamy and I said it was time. I said we didn't need to stop fucking other people, we just needed to stop fucking them bareback. He agreed. I was really happy. And then disaster stuck again. The senior associate on the case was diagnosed with a rare blood/bone marrow disease, which I still never understood because my work load immediately doubled if not tripled. It was about time for summer interns to start, and I was worried about partner track, so I didn't immediate ask them to assign another senior associate to the case. Instead, we got another me (associate) and then a summer intern. But, my workload increased like crazy. I was sleeping in a hotel down the street from the office a few days a week. Travel also increased. This meant I couldn't see G as much and fuck did I want to see him. G and I started to see each other only on Fridays or Saturdays if we could. He understood and supported the partner track goal and we also still fucked like rabbits. One week we missed seeing each other and I had to travel the next week. I made up my mind to have sex on the road that week because I was now getting it all the time and totally needed to get fucked or I'd go crazy. I got online and found a dude to come fuck me. He was attractive and I was ready for it. I asked him to bring a condom and lube because I had made up my mind to do this while in the cab from the airport. Instead of going to the drugstore I got on Grindr while I was in the cab and had made arrangements by the time I'd gotten to the hotel. He got there and I had just finished showering. His picture must've been a bit old because he had a bit of a belly, but I was horny and didn't care. I wanted his cock inside me. We got naked and he sucked my cock and ate my ass and I was eventually begging him to fuck me. He lined his cock up to my hole and I was like, wait.....condom. He said he forgot to bring one and I said, then no fucking. I had promised. It was my fucking idea. I was not going to do this to G. I said, "Let's just do other stuff." He said sure and we sucked and he ate my ass some more and I ate his ass. His cock was nice, like 7" and perfectly shaped. He asked if I had any lube (forgot that too I guess). Genius idea - hotel lotion. I grabbed the lotion and hopped back into bed and we made out with me on my back legs spread and bent at the knee and him in between my legs and he put the lotion on both our cocks and we stroked and made out. Eventually my legs were on his shoulders and he was rubbing his cock on my ass again. I knew I was going to give up my ass this time if he pushed. He did. He slipped inside me this time and I didn't say stop. In fact, I moaned like a whore because it felt so good. He said he wouldn't last long and I said just fuck me. He told me when he was getting close and I said nothing. He came inside me and I blew all over myself. I had just cheated again - this time after it was my idea and had done it bareback, also violating my idea. The guy left and I felt kinda bad, but not too bad. Each other night that week, another guy came over and fucked me. Only one used a condom. That's 4 guys and 3 loads in my ass. I always told the guys safe sex only and then always gave in if they wanted it raw. I got back to G that weekend and we fucked like bunnies again. I said nothing to him, especially after I entered his bedroom and saw the lube/condoms/coke box out and open. I knew he'd fucked around too that week, but he said "Don't worry babe. I was safe." and he put the box away keeping the lube out. That night/morning I had to ride his cock 5 times. I was a cumslut for him and I loved it. When I was out of town the next week, I took the "safe sex only" out of all my profiles. I asked to get fucked bareback by every guy that hit me up and I got bred twice that week. The next week was the same. I even convinced a safe sex top to bareback me even though he was young and freaked out by the idea. He still shot his load in my ass though. This went on for a few months, but I didn't always have time to hookup so I wasn't always getting fucked on the road. Every weekend I couldn't get home from the airport soon enough to see G. I was falling for him and I knew it. He never took no for an answer and neither did I when it came to sex. If one of us wanted it, the other gave in no matter what was going on - the sushi delivery guy showing up while I was "load begging" was awesome. LOL One weekend, I was home but G was busy with his family. I was really horny, so I hopped online just to chat and jerk off. Instead I ended up talking to this average looking Latino guy who was into hot roleplaying. He asked if I could do anything what would it be. I said, "I want to pretend to be a safe sex only bottom. I want the top to convince me to let him in bareback. I want the top to make me admit I love bareback sex, that I only get fucked bareback, and then beg for his load in my ass." He said that was really hot. Then I said it - "Come over now and let's play." He came over and I was in my shorts and a tank. He immediately felt me up, but I said "roleplay" and we did. He talked to me about sex and slipped his fingers up my shorts. I pulled out his cock and sucked it. It was a nice fat cock. I loved feeling his cock stretch my mouth. I let him face fuck me for a while. He got me up and told me to strip. I did and he turned me around and rubbed his cock on my ass. I bent over and spread my ass for him. I asked if he brought condoms and he put them on the couch. I loved feeling his cock on me. He took me to the bedroom leaving the condoms on the couch. He bent me over the bed and ate my ass. He tongue fucked and fingered me. He said I had a sweet ass and was going to love fucking me. I asked if I had lube and I pointed to the dresser. He lubed his fingers and pressed them inside my ass. He lubed his cock and rubbed it on my ass. He said how tight my ass felt. He pushed at my hole with his cock and slipped his head in my ass. I moaned but said, "condom?" He said, "Let me just feel your ass like this for a bit. You moaned so it must feel good right?" I said, "Yes, but we should play safe." He just pushed in a bit more. I moaned again and bit my lip. I said, "We really should get the condoms." He said, "But I'd have to leave your ass. Let me just fuck you bareback for a while." I said, "Ok. As long as you promise to get a condom in a few minutes." He slid his whole cock inside my ass and said how good I felt. He started fucking me slowly and I was really loving his fat cock in my ass. I started moaning a lot. He said, "You like my dick in you huh?" I agreed. He fucked me some more and said, "Tell me how much you like it." I told him it felt amazing. He kept fucking me and said, "Feels good bareback doesn't it." I said yes. He said, "You don't want me to get a condom do you?" I said, "Just keep fucking me." He said, "You love getting fucked bareback don't you slut?" I said "Yes, I loved your bare cock in me." He then said, "You always bareback don't you? You were just trying to play safe because you just met me right?" He buried his cock in me as he said that. I said, "Yes. Guys always bareback me. No one knows, but I love getting fucked bareback." He asked me why I liked getting barebacked. I said it feels a lot better. He started fucking me harder. He said, "What else?" I was moaning and grabbing his fleshy ass. He said it again, "What else?" I said, "I like it when guys shoot their cum inside me." I actually felt his cock get harder inside me as I said it. He said, "Yeah you want my load slut?" I begged him for it. He slammed his cock in me and shot his load in my ass. I was so turned on that I came less than a minute later jerking off. It was so hot. He got dressed and left. I never saw him again. But, I did see those condoms still unopened on the couch. Fuck that was hot. It was a few weeks later that G and I broke up. He wasn't ready for the relationship with me. We'd been together for 6 months and the chemistry was awesome, but he could tell something was off. I had cheated on him bareback at least 2 dozen times and didn't feel guilty at all. Wow, I felt totally free from all that guilt I had from cheating on Michael. It was really freeing. I was sad that G and I broke up, but I was riding a cock in my hotel room down the street from work that night at 1am and begging for that guy's load, so I guess I didn't feel too bad. P.S. - I made partner
    2 points
  9. I totally love those kind of brutal skull fucks, both as the top and as the bottom. And I agree with all the posts above that it's hard to find guys who are into it as well. Can't really understand why most tops wouldn't fuck a throat as hard as they would an ass....??
    2 points
  10. OMG What Did I Do? Part IX con't. As he told me that my cock continued to spurt with the hardest cum of my life. As I was coming down from the orgasm I was totally freaking out. What did he say, did he mean it? He just grinned and told me it was definitely true and he had an HIV viral load of close to 1,000,000 and he didn't think he had ever cum that much before, so I was very full of his cum. I just stared at him and could only think------OMG What Did I Do?
    2 points
  11. I've been on PrEP about 2 years now and last night I just crossed the 200 loads mark since going on PrEP (in my ass - I don't count oral loads). 102 of those loads were just this year, so things are picking up. At the rate I'm going I'll get another 200 before the year is out. I'm pretty confident I'd be poz by now if it weren't for PrEP, but just last week I tested neg at my 3 month checkup, so PrEP really does work. I still fantasize about being pozzed, but life is just easier when you're neg. And (clearly) it's not stopping me from being a big 'ol cumdump slut!
    2 points
  12. Yup, been on PrEP myself for a little over a year and becoming even more of a slut with each passing day. Has PrEP made me a slut? No, I was already one...in training...but it certainly relieved a lot of anxieties. Recently began going to sex parties and made my first visit to Cum Union this past weekend. Had a great time taking cock. Luv the feel of a a man's sperm leaking out of my well bred hole. Mmmmmm.....
    2 points
  13. I'm mostly a top but last night I was so stressed with work that I went to the "blue store" on 6th just north of 23rd in Midtown and got head around 6pm.... at 7 I still needed more so I went back and fucked a hole.... at 8:45 I finally did it and let all my stress roll off me... This guy was sucking me and then pushed my cock back through the hole and motioned me down for a quick chat. "You're cock is to big. I top you." "sure whatever" and I line up my tight hole and he slammed it in. Doesn't last more that 3 minutes but OMG that is what I fucking needed. He breeds me and I take two other loads within 10 minutes. Cum is dripping down my legs as I pull up my pants and each time I am hoping " God what if this is the one that converts me;that would be so hot." So I went 3 times yesterday, came 5 and took my first 3 raw loads at GH. SO HOT IM HOOKED If I get the bug I get the bug...
    2 points
  14. I had always been freaked out about HIV and hence never really hooked up with POZ guys. Over the years of fooling around with guys, dating, making friends, etc. I came to realize how bullshit that point of view was. I fucked around with a few poz guys, but I always made them wrap it up. I still hadn't barebacked with any poz guys that I knew of and I knew that not all the guys I had let bareback me could be neg, but it was still a choice I was making not to bareback with poz guys. One night, I was online chatting with Chris and this Asian guy messaged me on manhunt. His profile said poz and undetectable and he was hot to come over and suck my cock. I put him off a few times. Then Chris was telling me about the threesome he'd had with this couple and I was rock hard. The Asian guy tried again and I gave him my address. I was like, what did I just do? But, I went in and took a shower so I'd be all clean and I cleaned out just in case something happened, but I doubted it would go that far. As you know by now, I had no condoms in the apartment and that was another reason I thought we wouldn't fuck. He was poz and I don't let poz guys fuck me bareback. After I got out of the shower and changed into my running shorts and a tank top, he was at my door. I let him in and he was aggressively kissing me right away and telling me how hot I was. He grabbed my ass and slid his hand down my shorts and grabbed it. He said, "Your profile says you're versatile, but with that ass I bet you're mostly a bottom." I laughed and said yes and we went to the couch and made out. He had me naked quick and was sucking my cock and fuck it felt good. I was close and I think he could tell because he stopped and offered me his cock to suck. After a few minutes he said he was close, but said he wanted to eat my ass for a while. We went to my bedroom and he ate my ass as I sucked his cock. He fingered me too. He also sucked my dick. I was really horny. I asked if he wanted to rub his cock on my ass. He said sure and I laid on my stomach and handed him some lube to put on my ass. He squirted some on my ass and fingered it into me. I spread my legs as he fingered me. Once he had three fingers in my ass I was moaning like a bitch. That's when he started rubbing his cock on my ass and kissing my neck. He said, "Don't worry. I won't fuck you. I'm poz and you're not." I moaned and kissed him as he continued to rub his cock over my hole. I started to push my ass back some and he put his legs in between mine and spread my legs wider. Involuntarily, I pushed back as he was rubbing his cock head over my hole and his cock slipped inside me. He pulled out and said he was sorry. I said, "Don't be sorry your cock feels good." He asked if he could fuck me and I said yes. I could tell he was thinking about asking for a condom, so I reached back and lined his bare poz cock up against my hole and pushed back. He moaned and said I was a hot white slut. He fucked me for a while and then pulled out and came on my ass. He said, "Fucking your white slutty ass bareback was really hot. I told you I'm a responsible guy which is why I pulled out." I said, "Thank you. Your bare cock felt good in my ass." We kissed, we exchanged numbers and he got dressed and left. About two weeks later, he texted me and asked if I wanted to get my cock sucked. I said yes. He came over and this time we never made it to the bedroom. He fucked me on the couch before he pulled out and came on my chest. He sucked me off, got dressed and left. He texted often after that calling me a white slut. I loved that he called me that because it was true. He came over and fucked me a few times after that and always pulled out and came on my ass or chest. One time I swallowed his load. That was really hot. He wasn't really a fuck buddy in my mind, just a sexy guy who fucked me when he wanted. He hit me up one day when it was really fucking hot out. I was sweating just sitting in my apartment and he asked if he could come over because he was shopping down the street. I said sure and got ready as quick as I could, but I was still in the shower when he got there. I answered the door in a towel and we got in the shower together. He sucked me off in the shower and swallowed my load. Afterward, I was kinda sad he hadn't fucked me, but we sat on the couch and watched tv. I was in my favorite shorts and he was in his boxer briefs. We were both sweating in less than 15 minutes. He leaned over and kissed me and told me to suck his cock. I leaned over and sucked his cock and got him hard and wet. I knew he was going to fuck me this time. He pushed me back on the couch, pulled off my shorts and shoved his wet cock in my ass. I yelped and he waited for me to adjust as he called me his pretty white slut. I was so turned on by the name calling and his bare poz cock in my ass, that I was rock hard and ready to get fucked quickly. I was stroking my cock and he started punch fucking my ass -pulling all the way out and pushing the whole length of his 6"cock back inside me. Fuck it was hot and then he started fucking me faster. Fuck it felt good. He started jerking me off as he fucked me and i spread my legs wider and grabbed his ass. I rubbed my finger on his asshole as he fucked me. He was moaning and so was I, this was our hottest fuck yet. I put my finger in his ass some and he started to buck back on it taking more of it in his ass. I was finger fucking him as he fucked me (awkward position, but hot) and he said he was close. I didn't let him pull out and he exploded inside my ass. I had just taken my first load of poz cum knowingly. I came all over the couch, my chest, him, everywhere. He asked if I was ok with what happened and I said fuck yes. Over the next few months, he fucked me a few more times and never pulled out again to cum. He always shot his loads in my ass and by the end I was begging for his loads, just like with most of the other guys I was letting bareback my ass. We faded after awhile, but it was always hot sex. Now all my rules were gone. I was letting every guy I met for sex bareback me. I was loving it. There are 2-3 more chapters of my transformation into a total cumdumpster.
    2 points
  15. Part 4: No Fun and Games The waiting was almost over. It seemed like an eternity. I had a nine-day poz load saved up for me, ready to be injected into me by a gorgeous hung top. I barely slept the past couple of nights. I did manage to force myself to only jack off twice before we met up. I thought it would feel strange. But, it all felt so natural somehow. I'll admit I had a hard-on for a half-hour before I went into his apartment and that may have helped some. And I pre-lubed my hole as he requested with LOTS of lube. I knew he was big, but still not sure how huge. So there I was, eye to eye .. or rather eye to cock with Eric's dick. It was both long and thick even as it hung semi-hard in front of me. "Look up," Eric instructed me as I slowly sucked and savored his cock. I nearly forgot that I would be recorded. My cock twitched at the thought of being able to look back and relive this night. "Tell me what you signed up for," he prompted me. In my excitement, I kinda forgot the exact line I was supposed to say but I made the point well enough, "I want you to fuck me with your big poz cock. I'm a whore for it. I need you to shoot poz cum into my hole." I sounded like I was outside of myself as I heard myself say that. But, I also felt an urgency I could never fully describe. I went back to inhaling his cock as it tightened and grew inside my mouth. It wasn't just a big cock. It was a beautiful cock. I couldn't help but to slober all over it. I heard him give me my final warning, as he called it. "I want to make sure you understand that this fuck will probably convert you. My cum is very toxic and you will likely end up pozzed when I'm done using your ass." I was a little scared, honesty, but too turned on then to pay attention. I simply looked up at the camera and then into his eyes and said, "Use my ass. I want your poz load inside me. It's yours." Before I knew it, he practically threw me onto the couch and I felt him take my waist. I gasped for breath when I felt him push it in. Was he ramming it into me?!? It didn't feel like it could fit. "Take my poz cock," he said quietl Somehow, I felt a bit more relaxed, even though my hole was on fire being stretched in every direction. "That's it ... " he assured me, "I'm sliding my big poz dick into you now." I wanted to verbalize my acceptance. But, the pain prevented me from speaking. Only short intense breaths came out as my ass slowly got used to his big member inside me. I thought I was going to black out. I've never had my hole stretched like that before. And never felt a cock as deep inside of me. The pain started to pass; and suddenly a pleasure I never experienced in sex took over me. His cock was touching places inside me I never felt before. And he slowly started to push in and out, making small gains forward into me with each push. I was brought back to reality when he said, "You're getting fucked by a poz cock." Those words echoed inside of me. I was not capable of speaking as the pleasure grew and the pain diminished. "I love it" was the first phrase I could utter.Although, love felt like too weak of a word to describe how I felt. "Fuck poz cum into me!" I blurted almost in song-like fashion. Eric picked up his pace, then leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "do you think this is a game?" his voice transitioned from soothing to nearly-evil, "I'm not playing games here. I'm gonna fucking poz your twink ass," he said evenly. He then quickened his pace and my ass felt a new pain, but the pleasure still over-rode the new painful sensation. "Poz my ass!" I encouraged him. I noticed a loud slapping noise, and then associated it with his balls slamming against my taint. "Oh, you're enjoying this huh?" he said, his tone still cool, "This fuck might kill you, and you are loving it." I was no longer in my right mind. Everything Eric said sounded so wrong, but felt so right. I eagerly agreed, "I want it! I want your very detectable load!" I blurted back. "I'm fucking you to death with each thrust," Eric said in a decidedly louder voice. My orgasm was approaching. How could such awful words arouse me so? He then punctuated his verbal point with an ever deeper and harder jab that I didn't expect. Once I recovered from the unusual sensation, I still felt compelled to urge him on. "Yes!" I shouted, "murder me with your cock! Fuck me to death!" I nearly screamed out. My cock was involuntary twitching as he pummeled my ass. We felt in perfect sync, "Get ready for my death seed," Eric instructed me, "oh and one more thing. I have AIDS now!" For some reason, it took me a few moments to realize what he said. And I remembered the first time I imagined him fucking me. As my orgasm neared, I shouted the line I had practiced so many times "I want to have HIV cum fucked into me!" A few more poundings, and then he corrected me, "It's not HIV, it's AIDS!" I felt my ass get even tighter, and then the pumping of his dick. "Take my AIDS cum!" he announced as I felt him unload deep inside me. At the first hint of wetness, I shot my load onto the sofa cushions in front of me. "Oh wait, we forgot all about this," Eric said as I slowly caught my breath. Open your mouth. I did as instructed. He placed an empty bottle of HIV meds into my mouth and I wrapped my lips around them. "There ya go," he said. "Remember, they are probably useless to you too."
    2 points
  16. What I really like about bathhouses is that even if you’re not messing around with someone, you still get to enjoy the facilities. Just relaxing and walking around naked. No sense of urgency. Of course when I go to a sauna I want to have some action. Not that I ever take initiative. I’m too shy for that, too passive. The downside of visiting the same place frequently is that you begin to notice the regulars. And they notice you. There was this burly man with very long nipples who was always prowling for me. I let him suck me sometimes and I did my best to service his huge shaft with my mouth, but I never went all the way with him. First of all his dick was just too big for my taste, it would tear my little asshole. Second is that he always tried to fuck me without a condom. I didn’t like that at all. We played this cat and mouse game for several years (I didn’t visit the bathhouse regularly, sometimes I was in this particular mood to go three weeks in a row, sometimes I didn’t go there for six months). I already experienced that I got really horny if someone tried to bareback me. You know how it goes 'just the tip, just for a little while'. I usually let them bareback me for a few pumps before cumming and ending the sex because I already shot my wad out of excitement. It disappointed many. After an absence of a few months I noticed they had rebuild the area where the private rooms where. It was more maze-like with a few pitch black corners and a handful of lockable rooms containing one or more glory holes. In addition, there was still a big mattress for those who like to play in public. An old guy sat there and when I walked by he grabbed my ass. I stopped so he could squeeze it a bit more, but he quickly went for my small cock. He wanted me to take off my towel so he could play with it some more. I was reluctant to do so in the dark area, it was a bit too inviting. However it also was a huge thrill to stand there naked so I took of my towel so he had better access to my cock. I made an attempt to play with his cock, but he didn’t want that and I doubt if he could get it hard enough. I decided to let the old geezer suck me a little bit more before moving on. I noticed someone was approaching us and I was shocked to see my prowler. He stood behind my back, grabbing my ass with both hands. He said “Being nude in this place is an invitation you know.” He took of his own towel and draped it around his shoulder. With one hand he held my waist and with the other he was guiding his fuckmeat between my ass. “I don’t want to get fucked” I said softly. “Yes you do” he corrected me, “I’ve heard about you, fucking tease. Taking dick and quitting when you cum.” That’s because they didn’t use condoms” I explained. His hard cock was gliding over my bunghole, looking for an entry. Prowler spat on his hand and coated my crack with saliva. He spat once more to lube his shitstabber. And then he rammed his dick with one thrust in my ass. It hurt and felt like something tore. Then he spoke to me: "You're not going to elude me this time boy. I've waited years to fuck your ass and I'm going to do it whether you like it or not. It's no use asking for condoms because I don't have any and you don't either. It makes me sick that you're showing your cunt to everyone, leading men on you want to be dicked and then asking for rubbers you don't even bring yourself. I know exactly your kind, you condom asking faggot. Yeah, always wanting to play safe but here I am raping that filthy hole of yours with my raw dick. And you don’t even mind I’m raping you, do you bitch? It’s not rape if you like it and I know you like it. Yeah I know you do. I’m going to make sure you never want to use condoms again. I’m going to set you free motherfucker. I’m going to spill my charged seed in your hole. I’m not going to stop dumping my toxic load in your cunt until you get sick. You’ll get the flu, the fucking fuck flu and after that you’ll take any cock and any load. You don’t even have to tell me when you are liberated, I will know it when I see you. When you stop looking so afraid of all those hard throbbing cumfilled cocks here, when you don’t try to cling on your towel in the darkroom. It will be obvious when you don’t want, or should I say NEED, those fucking rubbers anymore. I’ve seen your kind before, and I’ve knocked up your kind before. Sometimes it just takes one good fuck. I’ve seen boys like you changing from hesitant safesex bottoms to no holds barred bareback pigs. Lying on their belly in the rooms with open doors or on the big fuck mattress, uninhibited in showing what whores they are. Waiting for men to plow their asses. No need for condoms, only for cock and cum." "When I’m done with you you’ll want to sit on every hard dick you see. Then you’ll be the one raping men. Just sitting on some hard dick without asking. Then you’ll be the one people whisper about 'hey look that's the bottom who sits on raw dicks without asking, spreading the bug around’. You’ll be the pariah people warn about. Don’t worry though. Lots of men still want to use your hole, like I’m doing now. But unlike now men don’t want to be the first to fuck you. No they rather wait for someone else to be the first, so they can fuck your sloppy cumfilled hole. There’s nothing nicer than to enter a warm cum oozing cunt.”“Notice the men waiting behind me? See them stroking their cocks? They all want your used-to-be-teasing ass. They are waiting until I coat your ass with my diseased cum, so they can slide their own venomous dicks in. Be welcomed by someone else’s spooge, knowing your hole is a good host for their dirty cocks. I’ll be nice to you and don’t encourage them, but I won’t stop them either. You have to do that yourself. If you don’t want any more charged dicks in your shitter you have to say it yourself.” “I’m going to pick up the pace now, so I can stab your gut better, making it tender for my noxious cum. I want to drain my balls in your ass, let my little bugs find a new home in your bowels, so they can make an unholy alliance with your blood. Take it faggot, take it, ughnnn ughnnn. I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Can you feel it? God, feels like a nice thick high viral load. Let me massage it in a bit, yeah sliding trough my own dirty cum. Better buy some handkerchiefs, you’re going to be so ill next week. Where are you going boy? Hey wait up, there are more men who want to breed you! You better not be going to the toilet! I didn't go to the toilet but quickly walked downstairs to the showers. My asshole burned and felt slippery. I was bred. My heart pounded in my chest. I alway imaged after being bred the cum would leak out of my ass, but there maybe was just a little drop, where was the rest? I soothed my ravaged hole with water. I kept thinking: I was bred. I wasn't sure if I was raped, I could've stopped him couldn't I? I could've screamed? If it was rape, why was I jacking off so frantically, thinking how nasty and hot is was to be fucked like that? I was thinking it was the most intense fuck I ever had and had a wonderful orgasm with a copious amount of cum. And then I left. EPILOGUE After my ‘rape’ I avoided that particular bathhouse. I never got sick, so I was lucky not to be infected, although I did have a small tear in my rectum. My sexual escapades with men declined after that. I maybe once or twice sucked some cocks in a bookstore, but I never wanted to be fucked again, even though I still fantasized about it. Eventually I got a nice girlfriend and after a year we both got tested so we wouldn't have to use protection anymore. Turns out not everybody gets the fuck flu. Almost three years after my conversion fuck I returned to the bathhouse. My prowler was there too, when he saw me again he greeted me “Welcome back slut, welcome back.”
    2 points
  17. Thinking of the guy with the PIG tattoo. We'd first made contact in a chat room, where there he was, Mr 'no face-pic' and I was convincing him to come out to the club and see if he liked it. I even offered to let him try some of my gear. Yeah, he freaked slightly when he saw my biohazard as I filled his mouth. It's natural. He turned eventually, after the gift had set him free. Good to see him out in a rubber jock and vest now. Looks like he's got himself some waders too. The knee-pads and chain with padlock around his neck was a nice touch that made my heart swell and my cock hard. Looks like he's got around to updating his online profile too, with some very hot pics and his 'new pozpig' byline.
    2 points
  18. I couldn't tell what I should do. I knew I could never fuck bareback again. It was dangerous. It was wrong. People would judge me and think I was a whore and I'd never get a boyfriend if people knew because they would talk about me barebacking with guys. So, I was a "good boy." I tried hard not to hook up because I was picky, but also because I didn't want people to think any of that stuff. I didn't mess around with anyone for a few weeks. I still went out with my friends and got drunk and danced, but I was a "good boy." One night I was out dancing and I met this hot guy. Shorter than me, tight body. Probably 5'8" and just ripped - Ripped Boy. I was into him and we danced and drank and he wanted to hook up, but his friend was from out of town and single and he didn't want to hook up if his friend didn't. I thought, he is such a nice guy. I said, "Give me a second." I grabbed this cute guy and pulled him into our dancing group. I kissed him and asked his name, turns out he's a Navy Boy. I told him our dilemma and he agrees to go dance with the friend and they hit it off. Next thing I know, Navy Boy is back over to me and says, "I just felt that guy's cock and it's huge. I bottomed last night and I'm still sore. I'm not sure I should go home with him." I am so accommodating and sweet and really want to get fucked by the Ripped Boy that I say, "It's no big deal. Let's all go to Ripped Boy's place and hang out and see what happens." Navy Boy agrees. As we leave the bar I see Navy Guy is really sexy and that Ripped Boy's friend is attractive but not in Navy Boy's league. I was nervous that they wouldn't hook up and Ripped Boy and I would then not hook up. LOL. We all pile in Ripped Boy's car and his friend and Navy Boy are in the backseat. I see the friend open Navy Boy's zipper as they make out. Ripped Boy stops to get gas, Navy Boy runs inside for cigarettes and the friend says we should get condoms. Ripped Boy agrees and then Navy Boy comes back with some beer and cigarettes and Ripped Boy says let's get some booze too. So we all get in the car and hit this late night store and I run in and get some vodka. Back out and in the car. Now the Navy Boy has his shirt off in the back seat and Ripped Boy says, "You got my friend a total hottie. Thanks." Off to the house. We get inside and Ripped Boy and I go to the kitchen, make out, he plays with my ass as I make the drinks. Spilling some when he plays with my crack through my jeans. We get back to the living room and Navy Boy is in his briefs making out hard with the friend. Ripped Boy says, "No fair. You should get naked too." He grabs at my jeans as I hand the guys their drinks and put ours down. I let him undo my jeans and I am in my boxers and I take off my t shirt. I straddle Ripped Boy's lap just like Navy Boy was to his friend and make out with him. It's getting really hot and I am hard as fuck. Navy Boy and I kiss some too. Navy Boy asks loudly, "Hey, you're a bottom right?" I said yes. Ripped boy slips his hands into my boxers and rubs my asshole some. Navy Boy has finished his drink and into the kitchen we go so I can make him another one. He slips my boxers down and rubs his cock on my ass. He says, "You have a hot ass. Can I fuck you?" I said, "Sure, but I'm with Ripped Boy tonight." Navy Boy grabs some salad oil off the kitchen counter and rubs some on my crack and hole. He fingers me and says, "Please." At this point the other guys come in and the friend says, "I bet we all fuck College Boy (me) tonight." Ripped Boy walks over to me and takes the salad oil and says "Does this feel good?" I laughed and said, "Sorta." He kisses me and lubes up Navy Boys cock with the salad oil and says, "Fuck College Boy." I spread my legs and kiss Ripped Boy, not thinking of anything but how turned on I was. Next thing I know, Navy Boy's cock is slipping inside me. I moaned and then the friend kisses me and Navy Boy is resting his cock in my ass. I'm making out with Ripped Boy and the friend as Navy Boy starts to go to town on my ass. Navy Boy and the friend start kissing and the friend takes off his clothes and Ripped Boy bends me over more to suck his cock. I'm sucking his cock and Ripped Boy says to his friend, "I told you we didn't need them." I have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sucking cock and getting fucked. I'm in heaven. After a few minutes, Navy Boy tightens up and says, "I'm gonna cum." Now I realize, Navy Boy who got his ass wrecked last night by some random dude is in me bareback. I can't do anything much because he started cumming in my ass as I am still sucking cock and realizing we never used a condom. I take his load and then Navy Boy pulls out and he and the friend grab their drinks and head back to the living room. Ripped Boy is fingering my ass now as we share a drink. I am so shocked that I just let another random guy bareback me. I turned to Ripped Boy and say, "OMG! That was so slutty. I didn't know we weren't using a condom." Ripped Boy takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. He sits me on his bed and I can feel Navy Boy's cum in my ass. He climbs on top of me and we are making out so hard. My cock is so hard because I had a load in my ass and was with this hot guy. He spreads my legs and says ur ass is still so slick from the oil and Navy Boy's cum. Blushing I say, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Ripped Boy turns me over and rubs his cock on my ass crack. He says, "Do you need more lube?" I said, "No. I think I'm good." He slicks his cock up with the oil on my ass and slides his bare cock in me. I said, "Fuck that's hot." He said, "My cock in you feels really good." He fucked me good for about 10-15 minutes. Then he said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. I want your load." I took his load and he slipped out of my ass. He slapped my ass and said, "You are a hot fuck." Ripped Boy and I made out some more and fell asleep. I woke up with him fucking me early in the morning. After a while on my side, I turned on my back and spread my legs for him. I noticed his friend watching us from the doorway and stroking his cock. Ripped Boy came in my ass again and fell asleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and I came out and saw the friend on the couch in the living room stroking his cock. I asked where Navy Boy was and he said, "He went back home." I said, "Navy Boy was hot." He thanked me for hooking them up and said I was hot too. I walked over to the couch as we talked. He had a 9" cock. I said, "You have a big cock man." He said, "Too bad Navy Boy didn't want to get fucked. You looked like you like getting fucked by Navy Boy and Ripped Boy." I blushed and said, "I did." I asked me if there was lube in the bathroom and I said yes and went to get it for him. I came back and squirted some on his cock and rubbed it all over his cock. He pulled me on top of him and we kissed and I straddled him. He said, "You like cock don't you? Why don't you sit on mine." I got shy and said, "We don't have a condom." He said, "You haven't used one yet tonight." He was right. I was a cum dump for two guys already that night. I gave in and he pushed his cock against my hole as I leaned back down on it. He said, "Ride my raw cock bitch." I did. I rode him and made out with him until he was close and he said, "Take my load slut." I sat down on his cock and felt him explode in me. He just kept coming. I was so turned on I came on his chest. He loved it. I eased off him and cum for three different guys slipped out of my ass and down my thighs. I was so turned on and so scared of what I had just done. Not just one guy, I had let three different guys bareback my ass in one night and I had taken their cum. I went back to bed with Ripped Boy and fell back asleep. We got up and he drove me back to my apartment. I found out on the ride that he had a boyfriend. I was kind of shocked and said, "But you just fucked me bareback and came in my ass twice. How can you have a boyfriend?" He said that I was so hot he had to have me. I blushed and we exchanged numbers and he said, "Can I see you again when my boyfriend is out of town?" I said, "Yes." I got out of the car and he called out, "College Boy, come back." I walked back the few steps and he kissed me hard and asked if I'd let his friend fuck me too. I said yes. He said, "You're so hot," and he drove away. I went upstairs to my apartment and said I swore I'd never see him again because he was a cheater. I also swore that I'd be better about using condoms. I had to be, right? No guy wants to be boyfriends with a slut, right? I said, never again to both barebacking and seeing Ripped Boy. I did see Ripped Boy again a few times, but I made him wear condoms. He said he understood. We stopped fucking when his boyfriend figured out he was fucking me. I might have kept my promise about making Ripped Boy use condoms, but I did get barebacked again. But, that is another story.
    2 points
  19. Part 2 I looked around and realized we were attracting quite a crowd. Probably 20 people, both guys and girls had gathered, many with cell phones recording what was about to happen. Many of the people I saw there were from school and church and now I was lying naked in front of them with my best friend next to me being seduced by two powerful men. Jordan came close to us and whispered “Don’t be afraid baby you will enjoy what’s about to happen and it will change you forever”. James came up to the table and told us that we had the two sweetest asses he’d ever seen and it would be a pleasure to have the chance to 'breed' us. Paul, who looked very frightened asked timidly what 'breeding' meant. Jordan chuckled and said “We are going to fuck you baby and both of us are going to fill your sweet virgin asses with our hot cum.” I heard Paul whimper “Oh dear god no” as he reached out and grabbed my arm. I was not expecting to hear Jordan's explanation, and I, like Paul, was frightened. James flipped Paul on to his stomach and Jordan did the same to me, remarking “Goddamn those asses are perfect. Time to open them up.” I felt Jordan’s hands on each cheek of my ass pulling the crack open. I felt something warm and wet and realized he had just spat on my hole. I looked over to see James bury his face in Paul’s ass. Paul threw his head back and moaned. The next think I felt was Jordan’s tongue lapping at my hole. Then suddenly the tongue penetrated the rim. The feeling was exquisite and I involuntarily pushed back to feel more. Jordan started to laugh and said “You're going to be hot little slut, baby.” Suddenly I felt Paul grab my hand and whimper “Oh my god.” James had stopped tonguing his hole and was now burying a finger into him. He pushed in a second and said “Fuck he is tight! It’s going to be fun tearing him open.” Paul arched his back and moaned and squeezed my hand tightly. Jordan’s tongue was now replaced by two fingers in my hole and I let out a long moan as he shoved them into me and worked them around. I turned my head towards the crowd that had gathered and saw Emily standing there next to Aaron who was rock hard with his own huge penis and rubbing her shoulders. Jordan saw me looking at her and he shoved his fingers deeper into me with one hand and pulled me back up towards him with the other and began kissing me passionately. I could feel the metal ring and his massive penis pushed against my back and I realized everyone could see how hard my penis was. I moaned loudly and uncontrollably. “Time to breed this one” I heard James say as he turned Paul on his back. He pulled Paul’s small body up to his and kissed him. Paul at first resisted but slowly his mouth opened and he willingly allowed James’s tongue, which moments ago had explored his ass, to enter his mouth and play with his tongue. Paul wrapped his arms around James’s beautiful body and I watched Paul’s penis harden too. James laid Paul back down and then pulled him so his ass was at the edge of the table. James took a step back and I could now see his rock hard penis. I gasped as did many in the crowd. It had looked long before but now fully engorged it seemed to have grown even longer. He turned to Aaron and asked for lube. Aaron handed him a container and he handed it to me. “Get my cock ready to fuck your friend” he said to me. I squirted some of the liquid on his penis and rubbed it up and down the shaft. “Get it all covered because this is all going in his body” James said. I got a closer look at the tattoo on his navel and finally recognized it. The tattoo was the symbol for 'biohazard', a symbol I had seen in the chemistry lab at school. I thought it was a bit strange thing to sport such a tattoo, but then looking back I was so naive. James’s penis was just throbbing as I put more liquid on it. There was some fluid oozing from the tip that Jordan told me was called 'pre cum'. Jordan pushed my head down by Paul’s ass and told me to lick it to get it wet. I put my tongue in and heard Paul moan. I pulled my head back as James positioned his penis up against Paul’s tiny hole. There was no way that massive body part could fit into that tiny area. Jordan leaned down next to me and whispered, "Watch how his hole will accept his cock. Your ass will shortly accept mine." Only inches away, I watched the huge tip begin pushing against the hole. James pushed and pushed some more and nothing happened. Suddenly, he pushed harder and the head disappeared inside Paul. I felt Paul’s body stiffen and he screamed “Oh my god! Oh my god! Please, no!” James pulled back slightly then forward and another two inches went in and Paul screamed again. He pulled back almost all the way out and pushed forward again. There was about four inches still not inside of Paul. “Take it out! Take it out! It hurts so badly” Paul cried as he tried to squirm away from the onslaught. Jordan pulled me up and remarked "You need to hold your friend in place so James can fuck the rest of his cock into him. It’s going to hurt him for a while but once James gets him open he will love it.” I climbed up and took Paul in my arms. He was crying. “Please Caleb stop him, he’s so deep in me, I can’t take any more!” he begged. I lied to Paul and told him it was only a little more to go. I held Paul tight as James pulled his penis almost all the way out. He slid back in again but still had over two inches to go. This time James pulled all the way out and spit on the head of his penis, and turning to Jordan remarked "It's time to open that second ring.” Jordan smiled and James pushed into Paul forcefully and did not stop until his scrotum was pressing against Paul’s ass. Paul’s entire body stiffened, his head snapped back with his mouth open to scream but nothing was coming out and his legs shot straight up with his toes curled like fists. J ames pulled back and pushed in again and again. He grabbed Paul by the ankles and spread him wide open. Slowly James picked up the pace. His long penis pulling nearly out before taking the long trip back deep into Paul’s small body. Paul’s head snapped from side to side with each stoke, his hands digging into the blanket covering the table and his eyes wide open and full of fear. "You're going too deep! You're gonna kill him” I yelled. James’s just smiled and continued the pounding. Suddenly, Paul looked back up at me and his eyes appeared to roll up in their sockets. His body relaxed and his legs tried to wrap around James’s massive body. The contrast of Paul’s thin pale white body being pummeled by the massive dark muscled body of James was stunning. Screams of pain were being replaced by moans of ecstasy with each trust of the long black penis he was impaled on. I looked around the yard to see the crowd had grown. Jordan pulled me over towards him and I looked at his massive cock with the metal ring. There was a long string of precum dripping from it. I suddenly realized that in a matter of minutes it would be inside of me and I would be experiencing the agony and the ecstasy that Paul was now feeling. I heard a scream from the crowd and looked over to realize that Linda had returned to find us and was witnessing her boyfriend being ravaged by a man. Paul saw Linda too but turned back to James and reached up and wrapped his fingers in James’s dreadlocks and pulled him forward and they locked in a deep kiss. James looked into Paul’s eyes and said “Are you ready for me to breed you, do you want me to fill your body with my hot cum and knock you up?” As James picked up the pace Paul screamed “Please breed me, I want to feel your cum inside me.” Suddenly Jordan grabbed me and pushed my head down by Paul’s ass ordering “Watch your friend get filled, kid. Your turn is next.” I could feel Jordan’s tongue back on my ass and I moaned again, even as I saw James’s cock was pounding harder now and I could hear Paul keep screaming “Oh god yes!” James began to moan loudly. He arched his back and every muscle on his beautiful glistening body seemed to tighten as he pushed every inch of his penis deep up into Paul. James’s scrotum began to pulse as he exploded inside of Paul, who exclaimed "I can feel you! I can feel you filling me!” At the same moment Paul's hard penis erupted in three shots of semen which shot involuntarily across his chest, face and into his hair. James collapsed onto Paul’s small body and laid there for a minute. He kissed Paul and slowly began pulling out of him. As he pulled out a large amount of semen came with it. The semen was tinged in red, which I knew must be Paul’s blood coming from the rips inside him caused by the pounding he had just received. James climbed up next to Paul’s head and fed him his now softening penis and Paul willingly licked off the cum, blood and whatever remained of his once virgin ass. Jordan’s fingers were now back in me and he kissed me softly. “I’m a lot bigger than James, so this is going to really hurt at first and tear you up inside. Do you want me to be the first to breed you?” he whispered to me. I looked in his eyes and looked down at the gigantic penis between his legs and answered “Hell, yeah. I want you inside of me.” I was flipped on my back and Jordan grabbed me by the ankles. My heart was pounding as I looked around me. James was holding Paul in his arms as they prepared to watch me lose my virginity. The crowd around the table of spectators had to be more than thirty. Cellphone cameras were everywhere. Emily stood there with Aaron who was holding her from behind as she watched her boyfriend give himself to this gorgeous black man. Aaron approached and applied some lube to the head and metal ring on Jordan’s penis saying "Fuck his brains out, Uncle Jordan.” Jordan’s penis pressed against my hole and I could feel the coldness of the ring. Jordan leaned forward and kissed me and said “Give me your ass baby.” I could feel my hole resisting the pressure and then suddenly it felt a flash of burning hot pain. My hole was opening and the pain was blinding. Jordan kept pushing slowly ever deeper. “Please take it out” I begged but the pressure continued. “Oh god James, this one is so tight. You can feel his little hole slowly stretch and open.” Suddenly I felt a painful popping followed by the sensation of being completely filled. His penis head and ring had won the battle. He was in. He continued to push and I tried to squirm away from the huge monster that was invading my body. “Don’t run baby, let me in.” He pulled back a little and pushed in again and I could feel him slowly moving deeper inch by inch. My body was tense and he grabbed my nipples and twisted and I screamed and he pushed in more. “Fuck I need somebody to hold his legs apart so I can spread his ass and get it all in,” Jordan commented. James laughed and said “You’ve never gotten all that thing into anybody.” “I’m getting it all inside this little slut,” Jordan grunted as he pressed ever deeper. The pain was so intense that I just closed my eyes and pleaded with him not to tear me in half. I suddenly felt activity around me and realized there were new hands griping my legs and spreading me wide open. It was Aaron who was holding my right leg and then glanced to my left and, to my amazement, Emily was holding the left. Aaron’s hard penis was inches from my lips. Emily smiled and pushed my head toward the shaft and Aaron moaned as it slid into my mouth. As Aaron slid into my throat he leaned over and kissed Emily. With my legs split wide open, Jordan spit on the part of his penis still not in me and then he grabbed my ass cheeks pulled them apart and lunged forward. His penis pushed through what felt like another opening inside of me. I screamed but it was muffled by Aaron’s penis deep in my throat. I felt Jordan’s balls slap against my ass. He pulled all the way out and straight back in. His ring dragged across something inside me which sent waves of pleasure through my body. The pain was horrible but the ecstasy was mind blowing. “You’ve got him now Uncle Jordan” Aaron gleefully remarked. Jordan pulled all the way out again and slammed back in as Aaron pulled his penis out of my mouth. I moaned “Oh my god, it’s so big!!” I could feel him filling places in my body I didn’t know existed. “Holy shit you got it all in his tiny little ass” James laughed, adding “that’s got to fucking hurt.” Aaron told Emily to take her hand and place it at the bottom of my abdomen right below by navel. She did and Jordan pulled back and drove himself deep twice. Emily looked stunned and turned to me and said “Oh dear Jesus Caleb, I can feel him inside of you.” After a few more slams deep into me Jordan pulled his penis out. I felt so empty without his body inside of mine. He rolled me over and told me to get up on my knees. I knelt with my ass up in the air facing him. Aaron stood up in front of me and pulled Emily to her feet. He kissed her passionately and untied her swimsuit which fell to the table. I was seeing Emily naked for the first time and she was beautiful, but I knew I wanted Jordan back in my ass. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me and I wanted to feel the cum from his body shooting into mine and experience the same ecstasy Paul had just experienced. Looking back at him, I saw his totally engorged penis and generous traces of blood on the metal ring - my blood. I bent down keeping my ass up and rested my head on the table. I was breathing heavily anticipating the pain that was about to return. He grabbed me by my shaggy hair and pulled it back so I was looking at Emily. “Tell her what you are feeling” he said and he pushed the head inside me. I screamed “Oh my god it burns like fire.” He pulled out and pushed back in slowly “I can feel every inch, I feel the ring moving in me. I don’t want it to ever stop!” I could feel those beautiful muscled thighs slam up against me and I reached back to feel his muscles tensing as he began to pound me hard. I was falling forward so he grabbed my hair with one hand and put the other around my throat and started to jack hammer me. All I could do was moan and scream as wave after wave of pain and pleasure swept through me. Emily grabbed Aaron’s penis and directed into my open mouth again. It tasted so good and I sucked and licked it. Aaron began to pound my mouth and throat while Jordan hammered me from behind. I reached up to touch the smooth contours of Aaron’s beautiful body and reached around to grab his firm ass and pull him deeper into my throat. Aaron looked into my upturned eyes and said “I’m going to fuck your girlfriend before this night is over. “ Emily was moaning and I realized Aaron had shoved several fingers into her vagina. Aaron was breathing hard and grabbed my head with both hands, I could feel the wetness from Emily’s vagina on his fingers and I felt his penis growing harder in my mouth. “Fuck!! I’m cumming” he yelled and exploded. Jet after jet of hot semen shot into my mouth and throat. It was so salty and I swallowed as fast as I could. He pulled his softening penis out of my mouth and put his arm around Emily saying “Get me hard bitch so I can fuck you.” Emily knelt down and started sucking his penis. With that Jordan pulled out and flipped me back on my back. “It’s breeding time." This time he pulled his body up on top of mine. The warmth and wetness of his skin and muscles felt incredible pressed against my body. His penis was pressing up against my tingling hole. He looked in my eyes and said “I’m going to fuck you now and breed you baby. I want you to know my cum is poison to you. All three of us have HIV and your friend Paul was probably infected when James fucked him. Now I’m going to infect you, are you ready?” I was stunned by what he had just told me but my desire for him was overwhelming. I looked over at Paul and James and saw that they were both hard and kissing intensely. I glanced at Emily who was sucking and licking Aaron’s penis which was again hardening. I turned to Jordan and answered softly "Please do whatever you want to me. I need you to breed me.” Jordan kissed me as he slid his penis slowly back into me. I could feel every pulsing vein in it as slid inch by inch deep into my body. When is balls touched my ass I involuntarily exclaimed "Oh, dear god!” I wrapped my arms tightly around his back and he slid his strong arms around my small body and pulled me tightly to him. We kissed and then it began. He gradually picked up the tempo. His balls slapped hard against me. The pain I had felt before was gone. Only wave after wave of pleasure each time the penis made its trip back and forth. Something strange started happening inside of me, feelings I had never imagined grew stronger. My penis was so hard it felt like it would rip open. We both were in total ecstasy and we were moaning and screaming uncontrollably. Everyone watching the scene were mesmerized by the passion we were experiencing. I wanted it to go on forever. I could feel his muscles rippling as I watched his perfect firm ass going up and down as he ravaged me. “It’s time baby! Time to make you mine!” Jordan grunted as his penis seemed to expand and become even harder. “Oh God!! You’re so big!!” I yelled. Jordan pushed in me as deep as he could and I knew what was about to happen. He arched his back. His eyes were rolling back in his head. I felt a slight throb from his scrotum which was pressed against my ass. Then his whole penis throbbed and throbbed again. I could feel hot jets of cum coating me inside. He pulled back slightly and throbbed again. The warmth and the throbbing in that spot put me over the edge. I could feel my own cum rushing toward my penis. I reached for it but Jordan was on top of me with my penis trapped between our bodies. I erupted with shot after shot of semen. “Fuck yeah,” Jordan commented, adding “My baby just blew his last negative load." Jordan slowly withdrew his penis from my ravaged ass. I could feel the still warm cum leaking from my open hole. His penis was dripping with red tinged cum. He dragged his penis through the puddle of my cum pooled on my stomach, and climbing up to my head and told me to lick him clean. I opened my mouth and cleaned off the remains of his cum, my blood, my cum and the remnants of my once virgin hole. As I lay dazed I could hear and feel activity next to me and heard a female scream. I turned to see Emily lying next to me as Aaron drove his penis into her virgin vagina. His body was so perfect and I was jealous, not that she was giving herself to him first, but because I wanted his beautiful body on top of and inside me. Kissing her to try and keep her from screaming Aaron pounded her mercilessly. When she started to moan with pleasure he knew he had her. She looked at him and began pleading “Please don’t cum in me! I don’t want to be pregnant, I don’t want AIDS!” Aaron was not stopping and even picked up his tempo as he replied “Here’s my seed, bitch!” Aaron began moaning and I knew the flood of cum like he had just fed me was about to blow into Emily, and sure enough, Aaron grunted “I’m cumming!” As he did so, Emily’s body convulsed in total orgasm as Aaron’s sperm shot into her womb. Afterwards Aaron pulled out and, having crawled over to me, he fed me his penis to tongue-clean. I complied without hesitation. Jordan and James then picked Paul and me, and carrying us in their arms, carried us back towards the house. "What are we going to do?" I asked, my head resting against Jordan’s chest. "We're gonna clean you up, get some sleep and then we have more plans for you both tomorrow."
    2 points
  20. I love to call a bottoms hole a cunt. I'm not as much of a fan of pussy which doesn't really off the tongue in an aggressive way if you ask me. The word I run into more trouble with is faggot. I love to call a guy faggot when I fuck him as a sign of aggression and to reinforce submission. But I still find understandably this upsets some guys. I hate to talk about it before hand tho and will often just say it in the moment and hope the guy takes it well and responds
    2 points
  21. It's hard to believe that it is now 2015 and it has been two years since I moved to Amsterdam to live with Will after knowing him for only six weeks. We live in an apartment bang in the Centrum part of the city, just five minutes walk from the leather bars. I am now 20, he is 38 and I remember the night we met and the next few weeks like it was only yesterday. A few days after turning 18, I had an argument with my girl friend and we split up. I'd always known I liked men, so plucked up the courage to go to a gay bar. (As it turns out it's a well known bar for men into raunchy scenes, but I didn't know that at the time.) I stood outside for what seemed like hours, trying to get the courage to go in, but in reality it was only about 30 minutes. In that time, I counted 14 men who went in to the bar. After going through the doors, I quickly scanned the room and went straight to the bar. I felt like all the eyes were on me as I ordered a coke. I stood shaking on the inside and drank the coke in about 60 seconds. I had just finished the coke when someone behind me asked if I wanted another. I turned to decline the offer, but a stud of man was behind me and without knowing I would, I ended up saying “Yes, thanks.” He asked if it was my first time as I looked very nervous. I replied that it was my first time so he suggested that we go to the corner with our drinks and chat where I would feel more comfortable. He introduced himself as 'Will'. "Hi, Will. I'm Jake," I replied. Will explained that he was from Holland staying in a friend's house whilst doing some work. I could hardly look at Will because he was so stunning and had an aura of masculine sexuality. He was tall, dark, handsome and he had what looked like a rock hard body. I am, 5' 5", have a 27 inch waist, and have short dark blonde hair. In contrast to my slight build, I thought Will to be a man's man, and I was in heat. I noticed Will checking over my body and he turned the conversation to sex. He asked if I'd had sex with a man. "No, I haven't. I've just broken up with my girlfriend," I replied. "I'd love to have fun with you, and I know you won't be disappointed," was Will's reply. I hesitated replying and the next thing I knew, Will grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch. I nearly shot there and then as I could feel a massive long hard cock. It felt like it must be at least nine inches. I looked at Will looking for words, but he knew just what to say: "I can see you like what I have for you." With that my hesitation disappeared in a second. "You wanna drop by my place for some fun?" Will asked. Naturally I agreed. During the cab ride back to Will's place, he had his hand on my leg and kept mine on his crotch and we were both boned the entire ride. When we got to his place he made drinks for us and he put on a porn DVD, which depicted two guys, one, the bottom, who was about my age, as he was getting fucked bareback by an older guy. The top eventually shot all over the bottom's ass before sliding back in. "We'll be more comfortable if we strip," Will suggested. I was trembling so bad I could hardly get my pants off, but not to worry. Will helped me. My cock was rock solid and popped against my belly as he pulled down my boxers. I knew Will was big, but when he pulled down his pants, I was stunned by how big he was. His cock was not only long but so thick. He was also uncut, had pulsing fat veins running down his entire cock shaft and he had massive low hanging balls. (I later found out his cock measured ten inches when hard, and about seven inches thick.) He smiled broadly, and suggested I have a feel. It was absolutely amazing, especially because there was a constant drool of pre cum hanging from the head. Will told me to sit on the edge of the bed so my face was level with his cock. He then put his hand behind my head and gently pulled me towards his cock, telling me to kiss it. I didn't need any more urging. Then he said for me to lick the head and taste the pre cum. Although I was still trembling, maybe even more than earlier, I did so and tasted him for the first time. Will bent over and kissed me, our lips covered in his pre cum. It was salty and so exciting to taste. "You like the taste?" he asked. "Yeah, it's great," I replied. "Good, you'll soon enjoy my pre cum lubing-up your ass," Will remarked. "No way, Will. Not only is that risky, but you are way too big.” Will just smiled, saying "That's not a problem." After a short time, Will sucked my cock gently as he knew how close I was to cumming and he didn't want me to do so. He turned me around and looked at my ass. He said it was one of the best he'd seen in ages. Will kissed my ass hole and shoved his tongue in. I never knew that could have felt so good and I groaned so loud and unexpectedly. Will had us all over the bed in various positions from kissing to sucking each other's cocks, but even I could see that he had more interest in my ass. It all worked to relax me and I noticed I was no longer trembling. Before long Will had me on my back, my legs over his shoulders, whilst he leaned over to kiss me. His body was so big compared to mine and it made me feel so safe under him. With his hand, Will rubbed some of his pre cum on my ass hole, fingering some into my ass. The sensation was amazing. Still I repeated myself "I really don't think I can handle your big dick, and in any event, certainly not without a condom." "That's okay. We don't have to fuck, but I just wanna slide my cock up and down your ass crack," Will commented, adding "I'm good at getting ass to relax, if only 'cause I've fucked hundreds, if not thousands of guys. So you know, practice makes perfect." He had me sniff what he later called poppers and it got me buzzing. As he kissed me, I could feel his cock slide between my cheeks. After each slide, he stopped for a few seconds when he pushed his dick head against my ass hole. He would gently push until I groaned in pleasure, then he'd pull back and recommence sliding against my ass. He kept kissing me telling me how good his cock felt against my ass. His cock was dripping huge amounts of pre cum. Each time he pushed his cock head against my ass hole, he left it there a bit longer. Although I was groaning, I told him I didn't want to be fucked. "Don't worry," Will said, "...you don't have to take me." After maybe five minutes, Will slowly pushed more firmly and I felt my ass opening. His huge cock head was half in. "I'll just leave it there for a few minutes before I pull out," Will commented, adding "You don't have to take any more. But I can feel my pre cum lubing-up your ass." He had me sniff more poppers and as he kissed me deep, I could feel him push further into my ass. I groaned again which seemed to encourage him more because he kept telling me how good I was doing and how hot my ass felt. All of a sudden, his head popped passed the first ring and it hurt like fuck. I asked him to stop and he said he'd hold it there for a bit until I got used to it. Will had me sniff more poppers and the pain did stop. He kept telling me again and again how good I was doing and I how my ass was making his cock pulse more pre cum into my ass. I was getting to like the idea of thinking his dick was part inside me and that he liked me so much to fuck me, Slowly he slid further in. No joking, it felt like an arm inside me. All the time I knew I should ask him to stop but I was liking it too much. Every few seconds Will slid further and further into me and every inch made me feel more and more pleased that he liked me so much to do this. Eventually, I felt I could not take any more and when I reached back I could still feel several inches of his cock on the outside. Will was whispering how good his cock felt inside me and how he was going to make love to me and cum in me. He slowly started pulling back until his dick head nearly popped out. He then pushed back in. This went on for sometime, but each time he picked up the pace. He was kissing and telling me he could feel his pre cum leaking into me, making it easier to slide. Will asked if I wanted him to stop. By that time I was enjoying it so much I said no way and and that I wanted him to fuck me. He said he was going to cum in me and all I could say was “yessssssssss shoot in me”. That got him going and he started fucking me even harder. He started breathing real fast and all of a sudden yelled as he was shooting. I felt his cock pulse six times as his ropes of cum shot deep in my ass. He lay on top of me, cock still inside. I realised then from the cum on my stomach, that I had shot when he did and I was amazed that the fucking was so wild, I didn't even realise. When his cock softened, it slowly slipped out and I felt empty without him. Will told me to lie on my stomach so his cum stayed put inside me. He said it was rude not to keep a guy's cum in my ass after he had fucked it there. He got up and had me lick and kiss his cock which by then had gone to its normal seven flaccid inches. I could taste my own ass on his cock and drops of cum still leaking from his cock. It was so hot. Will fucked me all night and shot in me another two times. Next morning my ass was sore and the bed was covered in dry cum that had dripped out my ass. Before we got up Will fucked me again, giving me his fourth load. We swapped numbers and I visited his place the next two nights when he again fucked his loads into me. On the third night I turned up, there were two guys who, Will explained, were waiting to meet me. It turned out they weren't actually Will's friends, but were fellow barebackers who he had met on line. Of course they liked to top ass. So all three of them raw fucked me, but that's a story for next time.
    1 point
  22. Skate Park Pick Up - part 1 I love going to one of the local skate parks not far from a big name university on the Cali coastline. I don't skate- I spectate. During the hott summers most of the boys end up shirtless working their bodies into a sweat on the ramps and bowls. With their baggy pants that sag well passed their boxerclad butts, they all try to work themselves into sunkissed, toned Adonises wile trying to 'outman' the next. It's like watching a documentary on the posturing practices of hormonal apes- well, i guess it's the same thing,.. Either way, when I have a free afternoon, its nice to blow a couple of clouds before going to watch as young college meat (sometimes some of the local high schoolers show up but they are few and far between and easy to discern from the college boys) glisten on display in the hott Cali sun. I even sometimes take pictures (discretely!) -- or even video -- with my phone if a boy(s) is exceptional, which often happens... A Note About Me: I am in my early 30's (but could pass for mid 20's) and am a highly paid advertising/sales exec for a company you have heard of, which gives me a fair amount of spendable money and time. I have my vices for young meat and good party supplies- both of which have led to several great interactions with the local student population. College boys are so willing to trust and open up to me for some reason, and I'm not complaining. Most of them just see a friendly guy in me willing to provide. I have many stories about my own conquests of young flesh and many that other hunters like myself have told me over the years... This, 'Part 1' is the story of Jordan- one stupid, hurt soul who's life I forever changed--- It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in August. I knew the freshman were starting to fill the city in droves, bringing waves upon waves of fresh, horny meat from all over the country. Any hunter like myself knows this is the best time to pick off the easy prey- first time from home with the smallest feeling of freedom and rebellion against their former lives. I had smoked a small bowl heavily laced with T before going to the skate park that day, and was decisively horny and hunting. Upon my arrival it seemed like the usual lazy day with really nothing more than the promise of some good shirtless pics to show for my efforts. After an hour or so there was suddenly some commotion on one side of the park. One kid was literally baseballing a parking pole with his board screaming, "Fucking Bitch! Fucking Bitch! Who needs her sorry cunt?! I'll get plenty of pussy out here and then she'll see who the real COCK is!" He was a stunning piece of young man. The taut muscles of his arms and back flexed and glistened with sweat as he swung his wood against the pole ( ) He was maybe 5'8" 120lbs of lean boy, with long dark hair which covered most of his face. His skin was so white that it could almost glow in the dark. He had no piercings or tattoos which made me unsure of his age, but his rage certainly showed he was man enough to be prey. He continued to beat his board against the steel pole (making quite the scene) while a couple of other guys tried to calm him down, but this kid was not having it. He lashed out at them, telling everyone within eyesight to 'Fuck Off', throwing his board into the air and walking off towards to busstop. Anticipating a fight or something from when the commotion started, I had already turned my phone onto video and was recording as he made his way to the street. Suddenly, he spotted me- "Dude, are you recording me?!" I quickly turned my phone off and got into my car as he approached me shouting "Dude, What the Fuck?!" I tried to assure him that I had not been recording him but was watching him as I was simply texting. .... If there is interest in the story: A lot more to cum....
    1 point
  23. My boyfriend and I are very loving, but our sex life has gotten somewhat stale. We both just work too many long hours and that kills things especially when our schedules don't overlap very much. We still fuck, and when we do it is very good as he has an amazing cock. At about seven inches it's not all that long, but it's very, very thick, almost as if a beer can was sliding in my ass, and when he's going at it, he readily hits those spots that drive me wild. However, even if I love him very deeply, we just don't fuck as often as we did in the past, sometimes with a long time between sessions. As my ass needs much more attention than he is able to provide, I have several dildos and vibrators to help me out when we aren't fucking but they're definitely not as good as the real thing, so I went on-line and signed up for several sites, if only to look at some fresh cock that I could pretend were in my ass, instead of the dildo which I was actually using. The visual stimulation worked well, really getting me going, so I also signed up with several sites which over IM, just so I could cam and talk to other guys. Sometimes I would get to see the guys jacking themselves, while they got to see me ramming my ass with my dildo, ramming it in and out of my hole, all the while leading the guy du jour on by telling him how great his cock feels in my hole. It might not have been perfect, but the arrangement kept me sane, if only as I absolutely loved seeing the variety of cocks out in the market. Not to mention some of the fantasies in which we indulged were also rather good. Occasionally our sex play would get very wild and sometimes pretty vanilla but always good enough to get me through to the next time with my boyfriend and then our sex would soar. After about a year of this arrangement I found myself on-line, looking to find some cyber gratification as, once again, my boyfriend and I hadn't had sex in a month or so. When on-line I connected with a guy I hadn't seen before. His profile definitely caught my eye, he was 30, 6', 170, brown hair and blue eyes, and listed his cock as eleven inches, thick and cut. His advertisement also said he was Top only. He hadn't uploaded any photographs of his cock, but there were several of his torso, and it looked like a ripped god. Well muscled and a pic of his ass which was very nicely rounded. His face picture was also enticing. I felt I had to see this cock somehow and hit on him for an IM webcam session. At first there was no answer, even though it showed him online, but just as I was getting ready to check for someone else he answered back. A couple of click later our cams were synced and ready. I was already nude but was somewhat disappointed that he seemed to be fully clothed. He opened the conversation first by asking to see my ass and when I showed I to him, I got a nice whistle and he said that is sure looked great to him. He went on to tell me that it looked like I could handle him ok and he would love to be the one in me all the time. I asked to see his cock, but he kind of sidestepped it by continuing to talk about my ass. He was kind of turning me on with his talk so I grabbed a dildo and started to run it around my hole and then got my lube and started lubing my hole and the dildo. Then he started telling me what to do. Had me fingering my hole first and then two and then three fingers in me and ramming them in and out of my ass and he wanted me to do it hard. It felt good and I was really getting into him telling me what to do. His voice was very compelling. Then he had me inserting the dildo a little at a time. Then he asked me if I had a bigger one. I told him I did and he wanted me to get it. I wasted no time getting it for sure. Seldom used this one because of its size but he wanted it and I obeyed for some reason. I started to get more lube and he told me to not use anymore, as he wanted to see if I could take it without anymore. I was a little apprehensive but did it anyway. I started to rub it around and around my hole but he told me to get on with it and start getting it in. I complied quickly and soon had about half of it in me. He got a little impatient and growled at me to ram that fucker in. I did it too. Damn it hurt but felt so good at the same time. My dildo was about as big around as my boy but about as long as the one this guy had posted, so it was much more than my usual. I held still for a bit but he again growled to get busy and ram than thing now. I jumped but could not help but do what he wanted. I started to pull it out and then back in and he said not near fast nor hard enough go to it. I started going faster and faster and harder and harder. It hurt but soon the rubbing against my prostate was fantastic and I wanted more and hard as I could ram it in me. About 15 minutes later and I was groaning back at him that I was cumming and without touching my own cock it started to spurt and spurt and spurt. More cum than I think I had ever had come out of me before. As I was starting to settle down, I noticed that he had seemed to be jacking and his camera was now showing a huge puddle of cum on his table. I thought I had cum a lot but he had shot about five times as much as had I, and had definately shot more than my boyfriend's normal load. I hadn't, however, gotten even a glimpse of his huge cock. I asked to see it but he had signed off before I sent clicked 'send'. WOW What an experience! It had been much, much hotter than I had expected.
    1 point
  24. I had been talking to a guy online for about two months before this point. Let's call him Tom. Tom had a profile on BBRT NKP and here on breeding zone. I had been wanting to experiment with chemsex for about 6 months before I left for the states, I had been watching some videos to see what the deal was. I believe it was this site that introduced me to the concept, before hand I had no idea about meth use in the gay community(or a subsection of the gay community) but I had it in my head that if I was to try it, it should be in America(where I could get away with it). Plus it seemed to be more available over in the states. What I was looking for was tough, a top who was willing to introduce someone to Tina for the first time who also was hiv negative. This may not seem like much. But first of all nobody seemed to even respond to me on NKP(maybe they were too high) I was beginning to this it was an online ghost town, or that perhaps my account was broken. After searching for some time, I found two profiles that matched the requirements, a neg Top, who can administer. I messaged both guys. One replied "Any pics?" I sent him some pics of me, including a face pic. "Hmmm any more pics?" He wasn't sure. A little disappointing. The next guy I message replies "I would love to meet". However plans changed and we didn't get to meet for quite some time(scheduling conflicts). This was a good thing in some respect. We managed to talk a little more and I felt comfortable this was an honest and open guy, he was in his 40's and seemed mature, extremely attractive, and sexually right up my street. He asked for porn vids that I found hot so he had an idea of what I was into. He liked these very much. We eventually arranged to meet a little over one week before I was set to leave. He was situated up the top of Manhattan and told me to meet him around 9pm. I took the train up, then hopped a cab to his place. A nice apartment complex. I don't remember feeling nervous. Strange really, I felt more nervous walking into a gay bar, or sucking off my first New Yorker, but this, what would be the most extreme thing I was about to partake in, and I felt eerily calm. I also remember thinking very calmly "I could die here" just before I pressed the buzzer. He unlocks the door from his room upstairs, I'm not told what room number or floor he is on, but the second I step in I get a text. "Be right down, have to get something from the basement" I wait in the foyer. Probably a good time to mention my previous experience with drugs. Tried ecstasy a handful of times, first two times were great, the rest sucked. Cocaine 3 times previously, got absolutely nothing from it(became quiet and fidgety) and weed on a handful of occasions. In no way was I a drug user, never partied and played, with the exception of weed with two guys in NYC. So why I was actually doing this I have no idea. But I'm hoping it's good. Tom comes down to meet me, and we both head to the laundry room where he empties the machine. He seems rushed, I spend my time examining him as he does his laundry. His head is shaved(bald), he has a grey goatee, very handsome masculine look, dressed in a tank top and sweatpants, he's in good shape. He really is a perfect match. Perfect Daddy. I wonder if he's high already, but I think he isn't How will he be with me, what will I do when I'm high? "Positive thoughts" I keep telling myself in my head. Positive thoughts. We enter his apartment, it's nice, big, he leads me to the bedroom. A large bed is covered with rubber sheets, to the left of the bed on the floor is a large duffel bag, filled with all kinds of sex toys. To the right is a computer and desk, on the desk lay some syringes. Now my heart starts to race a little. "Do you want to have a look through the toys?" "Sure". He shows me his collection, rubber cock and ball rings, rubber anal inserts, large buttplugs(one shaped like a sperm), sounds kit(makes me wince), rope, cuffs, things that I couldn't even identify. "That's an impressive collection" I say, wide-eyed. "Yeah. So I'm thinking we get you in a harness" He instructs me to take my clothes off. Then he puts the harness on me and tightens it. I feel infinitely sexier. I've never worn a harness before or since, but it felt great. He began to explain the benefits of said harness. "So when I'm fucking you I can just grab it like this, and pull you towards me" he says as he demonstrate by grabbing the shoulder straps and pulling me towards him, this makes me horny. "Hmm, a rubber jockstrap." He then takes a jockstrap from his bag, again, I've never worn one before this. It fits well and covers up that dick of mine. I'm slowly being transformed into his toy, there is only one thing left. He talks me through the whole experience, what it will feel like, how he preps the meth by pouring hot water until the crystals have fully dissolved, etc etc. He then shows me about 4 or 5 videos of slamming, and explains what the person might be feeling. "Ok so are you ready?" "Have you ever done this with someone for the first time?" "No, never introduced anyone" I sit on the cold rubber bed, he props two pillows behind my back. "Hmm, hang on." He goes to the bag, and takes out two of those, I actually don't know what they are called. Like small leather hoods that go over your hands. and leather cuffs. He loosely ties me to the bed. ​"It'll be interesting to have you tied up for your first slam" My heart starts to pound faster, the nerves are coming in hard and fast. Should I look at the needle going in? Maybe not. Everything will be fine. He holds the needle up to the bedside lamp. "They're full dissolved, see? Let's see how hard it is to find a vein." He runs his finger over the inside of my elbow, a vein comes up immediately. He then puts on the tourniquet and waits a few seconds. Wipes my arm with a pad and sticks the needle into my vein. He pulls back I look, see red inside the needle, then look away. "Ok. Now tell me if you feel any burning or stinging in your arm." I look again, he slowly pushes the plunger until the meth is inside me. He then snaps off the tourniquet and looks at me. I feel nothing. He gives me a look as if to ask how I feel. "Nothing?" I say, smiling nervously. He looks in disbelief. "Nothing?" "Nope" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I don't feel anything" "Hmm, that's crazy. Maybe I didn't give you enough" He turns around to look at the syringes on his desk. I let out a nervous laugh. "Maybe if I moved around a little" I say as I bend my arm up and down(as much as it will go with the restraint) Then I feel a sudden tingle in my legs, reminiscent of the first time I tried E(which I was the last to come up on then too), then BAM! This indescribable rush goes through me, my breathing becomes heavy and I blow out a long shaky "woah" I look at Tom, he seems excited. "OK....nowitsworking" I say in a short burst. I start to feel myself and wish these restraints vanished. I start to feel as if I could make them disappear if I really wanted to. Tom sees me squirming in ecstasy on the bed. "Now I know it's working." He then turns around and straps up his arm and gets ready to slam himself. I writhe around feeling everything with my body, everything tingles in such an amazing way. This is too good for words. I'm loving this, nothing has happened yet and I'm loving it already, I think of a thousand scenarios of what will happen throughout the night in the space of a second or two. My mind is well and truly fucked! It's very hard to focus on anything, everything has a shudder effect. I hear Tom exhaling heavily I look over and he's whipping of the strap from around his arm. "Fuck" "Fuck" I say almost at the same time. He seems very controlled, I don't know how he does it. "Do you have sensitive nipples?" "Not really" I answer. "You will". He then straps two sucking cups to my nipples and pumps them until they stick. "Thank you so much for this" I gush, I feel forever in his debt. I become overtly grateful and complimentary, he smiles knowing it's the drugs doing their work. He also becomes very talkative, he asks me about the first time I had sex. He raps my legs around his waist and I start to grind against him as I describe my first time. "Tonight will be a night of firsts" He tells me in that calm and hushed voice. For some reason we both feel the need to half whisper to each other. "Ok let's get these off" He removes my restraints as I thank him again for being so generous to have me over and get me high. He thanks me for coming. "God if we met earlier? I'd send you home stupid". After some talking, he takes my head and buries it into his armpit. I lap away at it as he moans. He takes the suction cups from my nipples and twists them as I start to suck on his. I still don't feel sensation in my nipples, however the rush from the meth was too much to notice if I did. This was perhaps the most sexually confident I had ever felt, I had to constantly remind myself, this is actually happening. I move down to work his cock. He tells me to suck it hard, so I do,gripping with my like and sucking down on his soft veiny dick to the balls, he grabs both balls and pushes them against my mouth "open" I try to accommodate for both cock and balls but it proves too hard, even though his cock is only semi erect, his balls are far too big. I settle for one ball and a dick in the back of my throat, my mouth is stuffed. He likes the feeling as I gag and retch. Eyes water, stomach knots, body squirms. Next I take both his balls in my mouth which is another mouth-filling task, his dick lays on my face with his wet helmet resting on my right eye. I feel like a good little slut. He tells me to smell his dick, which smells of precum. After sucking his dick some more it becomes hard enough to fuck with. He puts a rubber cock ring and ball separator on himself and tells me lie back. I put my legs in the air and present my hole for fucking. "No." he says. "Put your feet here" he motions to his chest. I place both feet on his chest and he slides his cock into my ass. At first my hole rejects him, pushing him out when he gets into a rhythm. It's the Tina, it has made my ass tighten up. However, I have an idea. I get up and take out a bottle of poppers out of my bag and lay back on the bed. "Maybe if you choke me" I suggest. He places his open palm against my neck, just under my Adam's apple, then moves up and down to find the strongest pulse. I take a huff of my poppers and raise one hand in the air(this is a safety technique I use at first with some guys, when the hand drops, I'm out and they should let go. Any longer and it could become quite dangerous). He presses down, not too hard, but enough to make my feet tingle. Everything goes tunnel vision. I'm back in Ireland doing something menial or talking to a friend or something. All of a sudden a man's face appears from nowhere, then a room behind him, where am I? Confusion. I feel a heavy tingling and something moving in and out of my hole. It has a similar feeling to pins-and-needles. Then I remember where I really am, in an apartment in New York, high on meth, being fucked unconscious by a complete stranger who could have killed me with little effort. The rush of realization is incredible. My breathing becomes heavy "Wow! Oh my God" He leads in to make out with me, his dick is now in my ass without me pushing it out. "Did you have a little dream, baby?" "Yeah, how long was I out" "Only about 5 seconds, don't worry." He fucks me harder and although his cock isn't rock hard it feels incredible. I could feel the rubber of the cock ring against my hole. I wanted everything he had inside me. "I think I can get my balls in you" he lets out in a grunt as he thrusts back and forth. "Yeah?" I ask with some scepticism, the drugs have taken away any pain the fucking may have caused, but it in no way made my ass wider, in fact it had a tightening effect on my hole. This problem was solved with a little force, or a nice choke-out. "Yeah, I think so. Hang on." He rolls me back so my ass is in the air, he then stands over me and squats down. I feel him pushing against my hole and decide to push out, hoping it will let him in. This works and he pushes his balls inside me. He pulls them out "Oh fuck" he lets out in pleasure. He pushes just his balls into my hole a few more times, dipping them in and out until it becomes easy. He then pushes his sloppy cock into my widened hole, followed by both balls. Everything is inside me. It has to be the best feeling I've ever had during sex, it's incredibly hard to describe that pleasure, knowing you're connected to another man by both his cock and balls, they fit tightly into your hole. You are being completely used as a place for him to rest his dick and balls. The feeling of his pelvis pushing against your ass, knowing there is nothing further that can go in, he is as deep in you as he can possibly go. Amazing! I feel with my hands to ensure everything is in. I rub his taint while he grinds against me. He stops moving, but I continue to grind in a circular motion, churning my insides with his balls and dick. "Hold still" he tells me, he looks focussed and stares into the distance. "You feel that?" "Nope" "I'm pissing inside you" "Oh fuck!" I concentrate on the feeling, a tingling in my lower back, I'm being used as this guy's urinal. "Ugh, it's hard to piss in this position". He only pees a little in me before slowly pulling his balls and cock out of my piss-filled whole, he keeps me propped up with one hand. "Don't move boy. Fuck yeah" he spits in my gaping hole. Then reaches into his bag of toys for a large butt-plug. He spits on it, and pushes it against my ass lips, it's not going in as easy as it should. He calmly instructs me to breath in and out, eventually the rubber plug slides right in, filling my ass completely. After about 30 minutes of playing, I go to the toilet to take out the plug and push out the piss. I feel very wobbly on my feet but very happy also. I notice that when the plug comes out there is no more piss up my ass. I feel around to check. Either my ass has absorbed the little piss there was, or it's gone a lot deeper than I can reach. The next few hours become a blur. I get slammed again which is so much stronger than the first, I cough and it hits me like a euphoria freight train. This turns Tom on greatly. We make out more, fuck, suck toys and attempted fisting. He could slide four fingers but not past the knuckle. I found it extremely hard to concentrate on what was going on, everything spun and shuttered, I felt fantastic, almost a state of frenzy. When Tom is on top of me he sweats so much it dribbles down onto my face and chest, almost like a tap. Our sweat has a distinct smell, a chemical smell because of the meth. He takes me to the shower to cool off. I check the time and hours have gone by. It's about 10.00am the next day. "My boyfriend will be home soon" What? Oh no, "is this going to get awkward?" I think. I say nothing. "It's ok though, we could always go to the bathhouse" First time for everything. I let him know I'm up for this adventure and he tells me to get dressed and meet him at the nearby subway, while he cleans up and gets dressed. I walk to the nearest subway, it's a hot day out and people are up walking to work. I'm very aware of my movements, not to act like a tweaker. He eventually meets me and we head towards the bathhouse. It's not long until we are there. I'm becoming paranoid that people will know I'm high. Tom seems fine. We get our locker key and head to our room. After stripping, I head to the locker with our clothes. To large black men check me out in my jockstrap(given to me by Tom) the place seems pretty empty, which doesn't surprise me given the time. I put away my stuff and head back to our booth/room. I'm tingling all over and moving faster than usual. I get in and Tom lunges at me, jamming his tongue down my throat and shoving his fingers up my hole. I turn to liquid in his arms, the feeling is very hot. He has a small bag of toys with him. He takes out a large metal buttplug. It's very wide, "Guess where this is going" he says as he slaps it against the palm of his hand. "No way" "Get on all fours" I climb onto the bed on all fours. He squirts some lube onto the top of the plug, then pushes against my ass. I feel there is know way this will fit. I try to push out to open my ass up. "Breath, relax." He instructs. It's hard to do so, even though there is no pain at this point(from the drugs) I'm still nervous of damaging my ass. I breath in and out. Then take a big hit of poppers and repeat. I feel it enter my hole, it begins to hurt. "Damn, is this nearly in" I think to myself, then my ass retracts. "It's in" he tells me, before leaning in to gently kiss my ass cheek and tell me "good boy". He slaps the base of the plug and every time he does is sends an extremely pleasurable shiver up through my insides. He lays me back on the bed and spreads his ass cheeks. "Stick out your tongue" I do, then he sits down hard on my mouth. I work my tongue slowly up and down he asshole, trying hard to push my tongue deep. He lets out a series of moans and groans to indicate he loves the sensation. He then grabs the back of my head and really pushes me into his hole. He wants me to go deeper and I can feel his hole pushing out against as my tongue slides deeper. My tongue is stretched out to the point of pain, but knowing the pleasure it gives him causes me to endure it. This goes on for a few minutes(with a few air breaks) before he lifts his hot ass from my face. He hands me down a rubber butt plug. "I want you to put this up my ass" "Can you pass me the lube?" "No just use spit" He opens my mouth and slides the plug all the way down to the end, I gag, he pushes further, fucking my throat with the plug. This gets him off. He sits on the end of the plug and forces it down my throat with his ass. I'm now being smothered and choked. I cough up some spit. and he takes the plug out and turns it around, facing his hole. I take it off of him and push. It takes some force and I worry about hurting him, but he seems to be fine. It eventually goes up his hole. I smack the end of it as he done with my and he groans in ecstasy. We make out for a while with plugs up our asses, I then go to give him a blowjob. After some time sucking his semi-flaccid cock I feel it's time to take the plug out. I leave our room to walk to the toilets. I get a few propositions on the way, but ignore them in a chemmed out haze. I enter one of the cubicles and try to push out the plug. This is more difficult and painful than getting it in. I finally manage to pull the metal plug from my insides and the thing is hot. Really hot. Hard to hold. I have to run it under a cold tap before I can carry it back to the room. By the time I get back he has jerked his cock hard. And places me on all fours before fucking me for quite some time. "Shit I've got to go to work soon" I wonder how he can even think of working, as my mind is so confused and fried from the meth, I could barely see straight. I guess this guy is well used to this kind of activity. This worries me slightly. Maybe all isnt as it seems with him. He edges himself with my ass a number of times but is too uptight to cum. "Wanna meet me later on, say 7pm?" "Ok". We both head to the showers. As we wash up he tells me "I think I have to piss" "Can I drink it" "Sure, get down there." I get down on my knees and open up. He shoots hard, like a fire-hose down my throat. It tastes extremely strong but I swallow every drop. As we walk back to our room to get dressed it hits me hard. It had totally slipped my mind that his piss was filled with strong chems, and it sent me flying high. "You feel it?" He asks me in a hushed tone. It really tickles him that I'm high as a kite in public. We get dressed and leave the bathhouse. I get home(somehow) and try to get some sleep. This is impossible. I am shaking like a leaf and sweating buckets. I go to the bathroom to have a cold shower. I look in the mirror. My face frightens me, it looks so different to what I usually see. There is a deadness in my eyes. I try not to focus on it, and shower and change. By the time this is done it's almost time to head out the door again. I get to Tom's apartment again, his eyes are red. He looks like he's just shot up. "Hey baby, come in" I come in and undress. "Ready for another slam?"
    1 point
  25. I'm seriously thinking of having a PA on my dick.. So I uploaded a photo of my dick and I would like to know your opinion about having it pierced. I would also like to hear if you would like my dick in your ass/mouth
    1 point
  26. A Word of Warning A word of warning to you bottoms. Don't let a guy fuck you raw and then cum in your ass. The feeling of a guy's cock spasming in your ass, that cum filling up the area around his shaft and making a warm glove that massages his cock as he shoots his load deep, is an intense orgasm that he will want to repeat. And once you've experienced that stiff cock pulsing and the hot cum shooting into you, you will want to feel it over and over again. When he pulls out, you're gonna want to suck his cock clean, tasting that great cum as well as your clean ass juices, and you're gonna want to suck him up stiff again, so that as soon as possible, you can have that rod inside you again. And when he slides home on that carpet of warm cum, and you feel how great it is to have a guy fuck you in cum, you're not gonna want him to stop. You're gonna do everything in your power to keep that cock in your ass. You'll end up with your heels in his ass forcing him to fuck you deep and hard. And if he gets worn out and says he can't fuck you any longer, you're gonna go looking for more. If you're at a party, you're gonna lay there in the sling with cum dripping out of your ass and down your ass crack, and holler for another top to take his place as quickly as possible. Raw anal sex is addictive. Once you've had a man shoot his load in you, you will do anything you can to get him to do it again and again, or to find as many tops as you can to load you up, till the cum runs down your legs. So don't get started on this unless you think you can have sex as often as possible, because that's what you will constantly want. ........... A word of warning to you tops. Don't let a guy talk you into shooting your load into his ass. The feel of your cum around your shaft as you fuck is very erotic and stimulating. It is an orgasm you won't forget. After you shoot you'll keep fucking as long as you can, to get the feel of that cum all over your cockshaft, till the cum forms a white ring around the base of your shaft. After you go soft, you'll pull out and ask him to suck you up stiff again. And then you'll want to fuck him again. And when you slide home on that carpet of warm cum and experience how great it feels to fuck an ass that's been lubricated with your own seed, you'll want to do it over and over again. That warm ass will feel like a mouth sucking you till you want to spurt your cum. It's very addictive. After you seed him as much as you can, and he's laying there in a pool of your jizz, you'll go off looking for another willing bottom to take your loads. This becomes an endless search for raw bottoms to fuck. You will go to a party and go from ass to ass, planting your seed and feeling how great it is to fuck a guy in another man's cum. You'll try to find the man that has the most loads in him, so you can plant another on top. When you slide into an ass and feel the cum ooze out on your balls, and you can both hear and feel it squishing on your cock, you will want to pound your load into him even more. The feel of cum on your cock will turn you into a fuckin' machine. So don't get started on this, unless you want to have raw sex as often as possible and with as many men as possible. Raw anal sex is the most addictive type of sex. Once you start, you can't stop. You'll want to fuck all the time. Jerry Prince RawTopDad@AOL.com October, 1999
    1 point
  27. I've done the anon bb thing before both in my own city visiting out of towners as well as while I'm traveling fucking guys in my own or nearby hotels. Always a thrill for me when they are already loaded up when I arrive.
    1 point
  28. Cut my fuck vid down to about 7 1/2 mins. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=var4J-G500-
    1 point
  29. Met this guy here in Phoenix. There is rough, and then there is this guy. I'm cool with a guy roughing you up a bit, but they have to be real with it, and by that I mean it has to be natural and part of their personality...like the alpha male and they know it. Not cocky, but not just a guy acting as a top either, but a guy who is the MAN in the situation, and you're just there to do whatever the fuck he wants. European, spoke spanish a LOT, which turned me on. The spit was flying, not just to lube up his cock, but on my face, in my mouth. He smacked me around a lot. I know a lot of guys wouldn't get off on it, but I LOVED it. Hard slaps to my face and head. I was worried when I left that there would be his palm print on my face, but it was just red. Fucked me down hard. He's a top FF, but I told him in advance that I couldn't take his hands, but he still worked 4 in there to the knuckles and then started twisting. Thank god for poppers and Max Impact.
    1 point
  30. When I top my favourite is definitely when I cum. When I bottom I actually like the guiding of the cock to my hole a lot more.
    1 point
  31. When it comes to breeding ass I am having a week to remember!!! Last night I hooked up with a hot married bottom pig from Texas! Met him on CL and he told me he had 3 loads in his hole already. Gave me his hotel infor and off I went. When I arrived I was greeted by a muscular man in a jock with the hottest hairy chest in the world. The second the door closed behind me he was on his knees going at my cock. I was hard in no time. He looked up at me and said he needed me to breed him like the slut he was. I stripped down, went over to the bed and he got on all fours. I lubed my cock up and slid right into his sloppy hole. I pumped his furry ass hard and deep. The whole time I was getting turned on looking at his weeding ring grabbing the sheets. He moaned like a fucking bitch in heat! telling me to breed his married hole and to to lube his ass up for the next top that was coming over. After 30 minutes of pumping I unloaded a huge thick load of seed seed into his hole! Afterwards, he got on his knees and cleaned my cock off! I got dressed and headed out. As I was exiting his room the next lucky top was just about to knock at the door. Damn I love cum hungry married fuckers!!
    1 point
  32. I sure hope you are chastising the gay guys cheating on their boyfriends and husbands the same way. There shouldn't be a double standard just because I'm married to a woman and not a man.
    1 point
  33. I pull out if I know it ahead of time. As in, "fuck me bareback but don't cum in me". Most bottoms want my load in them anyway so I am rarely ever asked.
    1 point
  34. By now, the "No guys with BFs rule" had been obliterated. The next thing to go was condoms with hookups. This shouldn't be a surprise to y'all seeing how the story has progressed to this point, but to me it was a change. I had tried hard for years to be a "safe sex only" guy and I had been mildly successful given all the sex I was having; but I loved getting a load shot in my ass and it was becoming easier to just not ask for a condom. I guess y'all would call me a "closet barebacker." Not many of my friends knew unless they fucked me and I would still have condoms by my bed and still ask if a guy was "safe sex only" online. This began to change once I started to talk to a guy online who lived in the far suburbs. His name is Chris. I only ever met him twice. Once on a date which didn't go well and once at a club when he was making out with a friend of mine. Chris and I chatted online every time we'd be online. I asked him about his dates/tricks and he'd ask me. One night, as we were chatting he said something like, "and it was so sweet when I came in his ass" in reference to an 18 year old trick he'd just fucked the night before. I was shocked, or pretended to be, that he'd barebacked with a trick. He replied that he barebacked every guy he fucked. He said he hadn't used a condom in years and every guy, even the "safe sex only" guys, let him bareback them. I was immediately turned on and my dick started to get hard. That night I hooked up with a guy and let him bareback me. It was so awesome. I told Chris what I had done and he asked how the sex had been and I told him it felt amazing. He said that most bottoms want to get fucked bareback because it feels better but they won't ask for it raw because of diseases or fear that they'll be thought of as a slut. I said that was how it was for me. He told me to relax. We chatted like my hesitation and he told me about his conquests for months. I'd get hard as fucking imagining him fucking all those guys and how they all let him fuck them bareback. One Saturday morning, we were online early and he was telling me about his last hookup. I was also chatting with another guy who wasn't far from me. The guy I was chatting with was 22 and didn't have "safe sex only" in his profile. Chris was turning me on with his hookup story and I asked the guy I was chatting with if he "liked to fuck safe or bb?" It's a question I'd never asked before online, but I did because I really wanted to get fucked bareback that morning. The guy I was chatting with said replied that he, "preferred to fuck bare" and I said I did too. I gave him my address and he came over. 10 minutes later I was on my back and his bare cock was sliding in my ass. He fucked me hard and quick and asked if I wanted his load. I said yes and he shot it in my ass. After he left, I messaged Chris about what I'd done. He said I was a good slut. I laughed. As my online hookups progressed, I asked every guy the "safe or bb" question and most would say "bare" or "done both" or "depends." If a guy said "safe," I almost never met up with him. At this point, the condoms got put in a drawer and the lube stayed out. If a top wanted a condom, I still had them but I had to get one for him out of my dresser. I think the final straw for me with barebacking tricks was a dude visiting from Minneapolis. He was dirty hot and had a big dick. We met on manhunt and his profile was clear, he liked fucking guys bareback. We chatted for awhile and I was starting to think he was a "fake or flake" and then he said he wanted to come over. I gave him my address, cleaned out, and was waiting wearing only my running shorts when he got there. We chatted in my living room and he ran his hand up my running shorts and played with my asshole. I moaned and kissed him hard. He slipped my shorts off. I was naked and opened his jeans and sucked his cock. It had to be 8.5" cut. I sucked his cock and played with his balls. He took off his shirt and I helped him out of his pants while I was sucking his cock. We went to the bedroom and I laid back on my bed and he ate my ass. He tongue fucked and finger fucked me for awhile. Then, this guy who'd been really explicit about fucking me bareback, asked for a condom. I was shocked. I said, "You don't need to use one." He said, "I know, but can I have one." I got up and opened my drawer and handed him a condom. I grabbed the lube and put some on my ass and cock. He opened the condom as I was lubing his cock too. When I leaned back he said, "I'll use this if you want me to." I said, "You don't need to use a condom. I want you to fuck me bareback." He smiled at me and slid his bare cock in my ass. I moaned into it and bit down on my lip as his cock pushed inside me. Minneapolis Boy stretched me good and fucked the hell out of me. He made me beg for his load in my ass. I begged for it loudly. He shot inside me and I shot on my stomach. Minneapolis Boy and I fucked for his whole trip (3 days). I even called in sick one day so we could fuck more. He always made me ask for it bareback and he always made me beg for his load. I did both every time. He also told me I should throw away my condoms because I wasn't going to use them anymore. I threw them away. That was the end of my using condoms. Now almost everyone was going to get my ass bareback. I had only one rule left, poz guys had to wear a condom. More to come....
    1 point
  35. Guys who dont know they are infected don't have med resistant strains, are therefore they will be stopped readily by PrEP. I should look it up, but seems med-resistant strains are not virulent. Add the two, and the case of being infected by someone who's carrying Truvada-resistant HIV sounds very implausible. The biggest problem by far with PrEP is starting it while having just serocoverted. This could very well be the case recently hitting the news; guy didn't get RNA tests on baseline and could have been infected. Antibody test went negative for a while while he was a few months on PrEP and eventually he developed resistance to the drug... If you go on PrEP demand RNA tests, a couple or three weeks apart, while you are starting. You do want a solid negative baseline. This one has been talked about before. The big thing for us to notice here, is that these people were straight, and likely women. For women TDF concentrations in the vaginal area are orders of magnitude less than in rectum, therefore more prone to seroconversions. Also It can't be established how well adherent the people who serocoverted were. They were definitely taking it sometimes but there could have been gaps, we don't know.
    1 point
  36. My blood went cold when I heard the door click shut. I was alone, gagged and tied helpless. If my B/F meant what he had said, I was going to be alone and used as a cumdump. I was terrified. I was suddenly alone and finding myself wondering what I had wished myself into. My blood went cold as I heard the door lock beep then click. I heard someone moving around then felt him climbing on the bed. I was invaded with no warning or tact. This cock was in my ass and fucking furiously. There was no real pain once he plunged into me since I was still had the previous guy's cum as lube. He kept up a steady pumping then stumbled in his rhythm, then grunted as he thrust himself against me. I was sure I was getting more cum inside me. I moaned and tried to resist/thank him. I wasn't sure what I felt other than fear. It took less than a minute from the time I felt him pulling out till I heard the door closing click. I was beside myself again. I enjoyed the fuck and, secretly, the idea that some stranger had just cum in me, but was scared of the very idea at the same time. The door beeped and clicked again and a cock was in my ass and probing me in less than a minute. I was trying to relax to the invasion when I heard the door again. I tensed and he squirted his jizz into me. It took less than a minute and I had another strange cock in me, fucking furiously then unloading in me and a quiet rustle as he got out. The worst part for me was the quiet time and wondering between the guys. There was about ten or so before I finally resigned myself to accepting that I was really here as a random anonymous cumdump until I was found by the management. I still don't know what time it was but I got tensed up again as I heard the door beep and click. I was ready for another pump and dump as well as ready for it to all be over. This wasn't a minute pump and dump. This time the largest cock I had ever felt slid slowly into me and kept filling me until I finally felt his pelvis against my ass. I was breathing deeply, trying to keep calm as he started slowly thrusting and filling me. He grunted deeply and stopped fucking then started a slow building as he started fucking again. The grunting and stopping happened twice again, then he left. My balls were dripping something thick and warm after I heard the door click shut. It was quiet for an undetermined time which gave me time to realize how much my knees were hurting. I had never been in this one position that long. I actually fell asleep before coming awake as I felt someone climbing on the bed. His fingers slipping into my ass then slapping it were what finally woke me up to be ready for the head of his cock sliding into my ass. I was fully awake when he was full stroking me and clinched my ass with both hands and my feeling him against my ass then feeling his cock pulsing. It was quiet enough again for me to fall asleep. I woke up to hands on my ass and feeling a cock slipping into me again. By this time, there was no pain, just the feeling of a cock slipping in and out. Just about the time I was completely awake I heard him breathing hard and felt him speeding up his thrusting. Something was nagging me just below feeling the enjoyment of being fucked. Just as he collapsed on my back I realized it was my B/F fucking me. He straighted up off of me, cock still inside me and told me he was about to flip a coin to decide if he was going to go through with the entire weekend or not. He told me that he had already checked the camera and the data card was full. I was hoping to tell him if he wanted to watch, I would take on all cummers if he wanted to watch me for the rest of the weekend. I found myself ready to do exactly that, strapped down or not. It all comes down to his coin toss. Not like I had a choice at that point.
    1 point
  37. I'm getting hard thinking I'm raping a straight guy.. beating him at first and then fucking his tight hole with no lube at all to be sure he's in great pain... then cumming in his ass and leaving him naked somewhere alone
    1 point
  38. Let's write the rest of the story for him, using our experience and imagination... As the moderator said, let the pozzing begin!
    1 point
  39. 2 It had been an eventful few months. Once I was Mr Safe, and terrified of even looking at a bare cock. Now, somehow, like a reprogramming or brainwash, I was adapting to my new life. Thoughts got sleazier - it's amazing how many guys seem to know I'd converted. Leading me to believe there may be some app somewhere keeping guys abreast of these developments. Slipping a rubber jock under my work clothes was a given now, as you never know when you'll encounter a brother. Also, the amount of guys wanting to get knocked up is astounding. I felt horny when studs I'd fancied before were willing to beg me for my load - I never knew such a world would be like this. And despite my earlier fears, I was beginning to love it. I was going out more. It was on one of the Reunion nights where I bumped into 'Surfsuit' again. We spoke and hugged and caught up with stuff. He introduced me to a friend of his. After the introductions, I liked what I saw. Nice early 50s in shape guy in a rubber wrestling singlet and waders. Surfsuit turned and said "This pig has been out of the circuit and undetectable a long time, however he's spent the last few years being behaved with his partner. Unfortunately his partner and him drifted apart and now he is here. Meet Lee - he is ready to be detectable again. Aren't you Lee?" as he put his arm around him like some best mate or relation. "Yes, mate. Time for me to re-engage with the brothers", said Lee. This kind of chat was normal now. Like he was starting a job or a school. "I think you and I have a duty to welcome him back, no?" said Surfsuit. I nodded as I felt my cock stir. I, a protege, being asked to infect by my, essentially, Bugdad. I was getting horny thinking about it. As we moved all a little bit closer to each other, I could feel Lee almost go into heat. We made our way into the back area. I smiled in recognition to a fellow patron who I'd bred up a month ago, noticing him happily take whatever was given to him, with his freshly tattooed 'PIG' on his belly. Surfsuit, Lee and I found a quiet spot and began to make out. Lee was soon hungrily unzipping our crotches as Surfsuit and I snogged. Like some sick lovers ready to take a hitcher in, revelling in what was to happen. As Lee worked on Surfsuit's cock, I moved around to his hole and fingered it "Mmmm, really a bit tight there again" I thought. Apparently Lee hadn't had a cock up him in years, and so this was going to be interesting. And hot. I spat on his hole and started to work myself in as Lee hoofed on the amyl. Re-infecting was a new turn on that I'd not bargained for, but there was no way my load was going anywhere else than Lee's hole. And he wanted it too. I could hear Surfsuit muttering encouragement to us. He was telling Lee that he was doing what was right. He'll always be a brother, but now it was time to reawaken that sleeper cell. It didn't take me long to edge myself ready to cum, by this time Lee had latched onto Surfsuit's cock and was sucking on it like his life depended on it - which in some way, it was. Just as I came, Surfsuit shot into Lee's mouth and said "Let the Brotherhood reclaim you, brother". Fuck. It was horny, I'll admit. Lee, fucked by amyl and with toxic cum sliding from both holes, looked up and said "Thank you" as he turn and started to clean my cock with his mouth. It was another couple of months before Lee was seen out and about again. We'd kept in touch, and I'd watched him become reinvigorated. He took to cumdump duties like a pro, and his biohazard tat looked fucking hot under his see-through rubber, although the lucky would only see that when he unzipped his black vest. Usually while they were down on his cock, tasting it for the first time. I watched Lee perform with a guy while I sat with a cigar. The guy trying to struggle as Lee forced his newly detectable seed into him, turning the dude into an incubator and a future brother. It's the joy of Brotherhood. It's what we do.
    1 point
  40. points made guys...now lets get back to writing or reading or jacking or whatever may be fun... I do understand how anxious it can be to wait for the next post or chapter or edition to cum out and create fresh new eruptions in our hard as rock cocks... and unfortunately our frustrations are heightened by the many examples of the unfinished stories that haven't been updated in years even... butt guys, even though these writers may not be on their knees writing theses things up, they are still servicing us ...and for a lot less than the corner hustler charges... they are taking us to xxxciting places in our minds- touching a nerve that goes all the way down to our dicks... and for this I think most of us are xxxtremely grateful, thankful, and appreciative and would love to get on our knees and service you... and it takes a lot of time and effort and thought and jacking to create these stories, to post them, to proof them hopefully and then to repeat the process over again for each update...and for this-- Thank You-- and we'll take what you give us (butt please keep in mind I am a top) \ +69
    1 point
  41. I've had a busy 6 months since I last posted on here. I haven't been counting but I've probably taken about 40+ cum loads up my hole. I'm not fussy as long as I get the cum, guys from 18 to 55. In fact the 55 year old guy had the biggest cock I've ever taken and he fucked me so hard I was 'off' for days. He dumped 3 loads in me in about 2.5 hours. It was bliss. He made me push it all out and we both admired his handiwork. There was a lot!! I went to a local gangbang and ended up being the only bottom with 6 loads. I've dumped in only 2 guys. A 17 year old twink and a 28 year old cum slut. I had 4 loads of random cum inside me when I came in the 28 yr old cum slut, he didn't even know. Haha. I've always been more bottom than top. And still neg although not actively chasing but there you go.
    1 point
  42. I was back at school and dated some and fucked some, but I was focused on graduating and getting a job. I didn't meet the right guy, but I did have a lot of safe sex. I also graduated and got the job I wanted. About six months into working, I got sick and needed to stay home. I had nothing to do but sleep and jerk off. I chatted a lot with guys online and this one college kid, Adam, was so great. He was tall, thin, toned and a total top. He was attractive, but not gorgeous and had a great 7"cock. He offered to come over and cook me dinner. After two days of being cooped up in the house, I agreed to let Adam come over. He did. He made me chicken and potatoes - the first real food I had in days and we hung out. We sat on my couch and cuddled some and watched tv. I'm not sure what we watched because he kissed me soon into it. I held back because I was sick, he said, "Don't worry about it, you seem like your getting better already and if I get it then I'll be ok in a few days." So, I'm on my back and he's pulling off my shirt and pajama pants (still in my small briefs). He made out like this on the couch, my legs bend at the knees and his body between them kissing me. He still had his jeans on but I could feel that cock. I had a coughing fit at one point and he asked if I wanted a massage. Adam was taking a massage class and said he was good. We went to my bedroom and I laid down on the bed. He slipped off his jeans. He was wearing boxers. Adam asked if I had lotion and I did (not professional), but he said it was fine. He started rubbing the lotion in and it felt great. He actually focused on relaxing me and the massage. His cock was semi hard, but not raging. After about 30 minutes, we started making out again and he played with my ass and I played with his cock. Adam said roll back over and I did. I took my briefs off at this point. He massaged my ass cheeks and hole for a few minutes and then slipped off his boxers. He rubbed more lotion on my ass and let his cock ride in my crack as he kissed me and we made out from behind. He asked if I wanted him to fuck me. I said sure and pointed to the table where the lotion and condoms were. The condoms were right there. He grabbed some lotion and kept working it in my ass on and it. It felt really good. He started to poke his cock at my hole and I thought he was only playing seeing as he had to see the condoms. He kissed me hard and the tip of his cock poked inside. I wasn't prepared entirely and I yelped. He calmed me down and eased his cock in me some more. Once his cock was mostly in my ass, he kissed me again and I said, "Are you in me bareback?" He said, "Yes. Does it feel good?" I said yes and he started fucking me. The whole time we fucked, I was not really clearly thinking because I was on dayquil and other stuff. I was thinking about how good it felt and his motions were fucking my cock into the bed and I was getting ready to cum. He kept fucking me and I said I was going to cum and Adam said he was ready too. SO, I came onto my sheets. Then a few more strokes and Adam came in my ass. He never asked, but just did it. After we showered, I said, "Was that safe? Are you negative" etc? I was worried because I had just let a hookup fuck me raw and cum in me. I had promised myself that I wouldn't do that again and I just had. But he was sweet and we said good night and he left. He and I spoke a few times that week and I decided to go over to his place on the other side of town the next Wednesday to see him, have dinner, stay over, etc. During the week I had asked him a few times about condom use and he promised to have some for when we fucked. I was freaked out a bit. I got there and Adam's place was a total college kid apartment with two roommates, dirty, stuff everywhere, etc. I was like, oh my, it's college days again. No matter, I was 25 and he was 21. The roommates weren't there when I got there. We went out and grabbed groceries and wine. Came back to his place and decided to fuck first and then cook. So we went into his room and got naked, more foreplay this time of oral and rimming. He then picked up a condom and said, "Do you want me to use this?" I said, "No, you've already cum in me once. It feels better without it anyway." So he fucked me bareback and came inside me. We showered. He fucked me in the shower and came in me again. Then we cooked dinner and hung out. His roommates came home and we all hung out for a while. That night he bred me two more times and made me ask for his load the last time. I slept over and then drove home. My neighbors, a cute couple, saw me arrive in the morning in the same clothes I wore the night before. They smiled and said, hope he was fun. We laughed. I liked Adam, but we just fizzled out after that. I had let him bareback me and taken 5 loads off him. It was really hot when I told him I would go bareback while he was holding the condom. It turned me on thinking about it. I guess getting barebacked wasn't terrible. I just couldn't do it with everybody and no one could know I got fucked bareback because they would judge me. I started thinking, I hope these guys don't tell everyone that they fucked me raw. It made me nervous. But, if I could just not get barebacked that often, it would be ok.
    1 point
  43. OMG What Did I Do? Part II A couple of days went by since my session with the guy with the big cock. I was still turned on terribly by his gruff voice and the thought of an 11" cock like my dildo. That had been one of my most intense climaxes ever. My boyfriend was home for the evening and after supper I basically raped him. LOL Told him I had missed his cock so much and had to have it. We barely made it to the bed and got our clothes off when I had his cock buried in my throat sucking for all I was worth. I needed that cock hard and in me badly. In a short time it was nice and hard and let it go and laid down on my back. My boy tipped me almost upside down and rammed his cock home in my hole. The only lube, my saliva from sucking him. I let out a scream of pain as I had thought he was going to get some lube first. He held still for all of, maybe, 2 or 3 seconds and then started to pound my hole good. I love being upended like that. Basically being pile driven and my own cock just a couple of inches from my lips. He felt like he was trying to drive me through the mattress to the floor. Harder and faster and as deep as he could go. He kept it up and kept it up, driving me wild. Then after a good 20 minutes I felt my own cock start to tingle and I opened my mouth and caught my own load as I erupted. It was fantastic and then with my ass quivering my boy yelled here it comes and he let loose his cum deep in me and ground it into me making my cock keep spurting more also. It took us another good 5 minutes to finally start to settle down. What a fantastic fuck. It then dawned on me that right at the end I had thought of an 11" cock spurting into me just as my boyfriend was doing it. Fucking hot for sure and my own cock did another couple of twitches from that thought. We laid there in each others arms for quite a while after that and then my boy's cock started getting hard again, so we did it again. It was another intense fuck and we both were about as drained as you can get by the time we finished this time. We then laid in each other's arms and called it a night.
    1 point
  44. Jake poured a small capful of g into some soda, and handed it to me as he pulled out the points. "Hold your nose and shot this boy" I said to Tanner, lifting his moist lips off my dick. Tanner knocked the shot back and immediately sucked his gums as the flavour registered in the back of his head. I quickly guided him back to my dick as he flushed red and started to sweat a little as the g worked into his system. Jake left the toys for a moment, got behind Tanner in the chair, hoisted the boy's ass onto his lap and stuck his tongue up the boy's freshly seeded hole. Tanner moaned around my dick as Jake gave him his first, out-and-in rim job...hitting all of the boys anal buttons. It turned me on knowing Jake and Tanner were tasting me at the same time, I felt my cock start to grow again, snaking its way down Tanner's receiving gullet. To his credit, the boy never lost suction even whilst his face was buried in my crotch. Jake was list in the jock's ass, he'd come up for air every once in a while, spread the boy's cheeks further apart before diving back in, licking, kissing, and slurping on the perfectly corrupted, cherry-ripe hole. Whole minutes passed in this perfect daisy chain, each worshipping the other. All the while Tanner moaning, experiencing the pleasure of being rimmed out. Eventually, Jake came up, smiled, and indicated that we should switch. I was only too happy, the boy was close to milking another load out of me and I was close to letting him have it. We spun the boy around and Jake planted his lips on Tanner's, passing him a mouthful of my cum, sucked out his ass. Tanner looked momentarily surprised but, his cock got rock hard... "Taste it...Taste the seed that bred you" Jake said.... "Good bro!...now swallow..." Tanner did as he was told as I gently started fingering his hairless little cunt. Jake made a "syringe" action with his hand behind Tanner's head as he deep kissed him again...time for the real party to start. I got the tourniquet and points "On the chair kid" I commanded, slapping Tanner's ass hard. Jake switched out and grabbed a ball clench from our 'bag of tricks" "Dont want any accidental spillages" he grinned. Tanner looked so fucking gorgeous in the chair, like some kind of blonde God...cut glass body heaving under taught, Sun kissed skin, rivulets of sweat creeping down the crevices of his muscle. "Boy" I said "Anyone ever told you, you are perfect?" He smirked, a little slowly from the drugs I ruffled his blonde hair, bringing my hulking frame close to his, pressing my hairy chest against his hairless frame, kissing him deeply and passionately. Tasting my cum and feeling his heat. I broke the kiss, and began to whisper in his ear. "Tanner, I'm going to fuck you again..." His pecs shivered "Jake's gonna fuck you. We're gonna break you in right, get you used to cock, craving it...by the end of the night it's all you're gonna think about...that tight little jock pussy is gonna bleed with cum..." Jake began kissing Tanner's drug sensitive thighs and he moaned. "And...you're gonna love it" I continued licking his ear. "O... ok..." He breathed I smiled "First, cuz you deserve it...I'm gonna give you a shot of something, help you relax baby boy, help you on your way to realising what you were built for...what you were bred to be" "A ..." I bit his ear "Jock boy cum dump" He moaned and I tweaked one of his pink nipples. "That a consent boy" Jake bit the boy's thighs leaving an angry love bite "Yes!" He sighed "Please" "Jake's gonna clamp your boy balls, stop you from cumming till you're a man...no one wants your neg boy jock juice...ok" Jake began screwing the device on the boy and he winced as I strapped up his arm. "Ok boy..." I said...finding a pulsing vein "Here we go" Jake finished screwing the ball clamp as I shot the boy up. There was a moment of silence, I took off the tourniquet and... "F...fuck...chggghgg". The boy went into coughing overdrive as I soothed him, rubbed his back. "Ride it pup, ride it out...we'll see you on the other side." Tanner was still coughing as Jake prepped his own slam. He winked at me as he found base and let go...Jake starting coughing as Tanner came out of his fit.... "Holy fucking hell" he whispered "Holy fucking hell" His eyes were solid black and he smiled wildly as he caught sight of my semi hanging between my legs. "Want it?" I said "Fuck yes!" He cried, licking his lips.... Jake rose up between Tanner's legs. "Daddy'll be back in a minute" he said, passing me a newly packed pipe and engulfing Tanner's growing, useless cock in his mouth. Getting him hard and horny. He'd not cum with the clamp affixed. "Very good boys" I said, sitting in the opposite chair, stroking my semi and lighting up....Jake knew slamming got me off but smoking got me hard...the little fucker.
    1 point
  45. Will def need to give club shoot a go! Is there a changing area? Anyone up for kit fun in London then send me a mesg!
    1 point
  46. I prefer masculine cumdumps with insatiable cunts.
    1 point
  47. Frankly, I don't really see what the big fuss is when it comes to other STDs (well maybe not hepatitis), because things like clamydia or gonorrhea are treatable / curable. You just have to abstain from sex for a short while and and follow doctors orders. There's nothing dirty or shameful about it. I once talked to a young barebacker, who basically told me "Well, I will get HIV and I'm fine with that, but I'm really afraid of syphillis." What the fuck? I've had syphillis. It's a short pain in the ass (literally, as you get antibiotic injections in the ass), but then it's gone. Just go see a doctor and deal with it. Nothing to worry about too much.
    1 point
  48. I was beside myself. I know I had admitted such a fantasy. I never once suspected my B/F would or could even try to set it up. The first guy had dumped his load inside me bare by 10 strokes which disappointed me. The next situation was entirely different. When my B/F told me that there was three guys on their way up, I thought he was fucking with my head. An hour or so later I knew better. Those three guys apparently arrived separately but once in the room, my B/F knew what HE wanted. I got tag-teamed I guess was the term. Once I heard them enter the room and him greeting them, I struggled to no result. I felt the bed then the next cock against, then into my anus. He was gentle for the first minute then got serious for the next three minutes then slowed. I thought he had cum but couldn’t tell. He climbed off and one of the others quickly took his place. I was trying to relax to the fucking which I was actually wanting and loving the feeling, but was trying to struggle due to some strange feeling of being raped. Apparently the second guy got some real excitement out of my struggles and unloaded inside me after about five minutes. He slammed his cock deep inside me and held it there for a solid minute or so. I was watching the bedside clock. He mumbled something about loving my ass and hoped I enjoyed getting his cum. I don’t know if it was the first guy next or the third guy but I felt no pain whatsoever as the next cock slid into me and started stroking. By then I had finally begun to relax to the situation. I knew I was going to get fucked and bred by people I didn’t know or would even see because of my B/F and I had absolutely no choice in the matter. I measured my own breathing finally, accepted and began to enjoy the feel of a strange cock sliding in and out of my ass for the first time that evening. I felt him slowly ramp up his stroking and ask my B/F if he could really cum in me. “Load him up!” was the reply. He kept stroking but at a slower pace. When he stopped, he waited then pulled out slowly. By now I was ready for any number of cocks. “Breed me! Fuck Me!” I would have screamed, but the penis gag prevented that. I should have been alarmed when I felt something warm spreading slowly down my scrotum. I knew that was his load oozing out. How many more was I going to get was my next silent question. Then, suddenly, my previous question was answered. That last guy was the first guy. The third guy surprised me by being large enough that I felt his entry despite my feeling of having been fucked sloppy. The third guy was significantly larger than the first two or my B/F. His entry should have or probably would have hurt if he had been the first one. As it was, it was uncomfortable for about the first ten or so strokes. After that I almost felt orgasmic and nearly did when he leaned close after about 10 minutes and told me he was going to cum in my ass then laughed while doing it and telling me that I couldn’t do anything about it. The warm feeling spreads down my scrotum again after feeling him climb off the bed. I figured my ass wouldn’t be much good for anyone else for the rest of the planned ordeal. I felt someone climb on the bed and start feeling my legs up and down. I hadn’t paid much attention so I assumed it was the next guy. As I felt the male figure starting to lay on top of me I heard my B/F whispering in my ear, telling me that he’s horny as hell from watching me getting fucked. I felt him enter me. I was hoping he was about to give me his cum which he did. He kissed my neck and got off of me and the bed. I managed to turn my head to see him pick his phone up. He tapped the screen several times then started telling me that he has to go home but he hoped I would have a good time. He said he was posting the entry code to the room in the ad and he would be back late Sunday evening or early Monday.
    1 point
  49. After I got another load from Brad, we were soaking wet and funky. Justin suggested we go get showered off, which was exactly what we needed. Although I was holding on two the three poz loads that had just been pumped into me, and I wasn't going to lose them. A good shower was exactly what the three of us needed after such a ground-breaking afternoon. We dried off and went to get new towels, throwing them in the bin and then asking for new towels. Brad got one for himself and one for Justin. When I asked for mine, Brad told the attendant that I didn't need one, and he steered me back upstairs towards the room. I asked, "What's going on?" Brad replied "Since you broke your poz cherry today, we should see if you can get some more charged loads up your hole - and we can't advertise it if you're wearing a towel." At this remark all three of us started to sprout wood. This was definitely going to be interesting. We went up to the second floor where Brad and Justin walked me around the hallways. As we passed the water fountain I paused to get a quick drink. Three guys were standing in the immediate vicinity. Justin separated my ass-cheeks inviting the guys to "Get a look at this, guys. Freshly bred butt-hole," finishing-up with a sharp slap to my ass. I was, of course, startled as hell, and in the process began to loose some of the cum I had been consciously holding back. 'Fuck', I thought, 'here I am with cum running down my legs'. Two of the guys just smiled and walked on, but the third, a guy in his 30's started stroking his cock under his towel. Brad completed the invitation saying "If you want a piece of that, stop by Room 213 and ask for Rik!" I was being pimped out by the two guys that bred me! How humiliating ... but also kinda hot! We were all still sprouting wood, so we were all getting off on this. And I still had nothing covering me. Brad said, "Come on, let's walk around." The three of us went to the multi-level video room next. Once our eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, there were around six guys watching the porn. But my two pimps were going to change their focus. Justin looked at Brad and said, "I think we need to show our slut off!" Brad smiled and said, "Great idea." "What do you guys have in mind?" I asked. Justin stepped up to me and gave me a big, French kiss saying "Let's have some fun!" With that he led me to one of the risers and had me get on my hands and knees, so my asshole was at a perfect level for his cock. Justin didn't ask Brad at this point, he just worked his pierced cock up my hole again - in front of the other guys. Brad was working his cock under his towel, enjoying Justin's perverted exhibitionism. Justin, meanwhile, was slowly fucking my ass. Clearly he wasn't looking to get off, but publicize ownership of my fuckhole - if only for the afternoon. A couple guys moved closer towards us to get a better view, which was, of course, exactly what Justin was planning. In a completely audible voice he remarked "Brad, this slut still feels good after we pozzed his hole. Stick your cock up his ass and feel for yourself." As he withdrew he asked me "Hey, Rik, how’s your hole now?" But before I could think of a clever reply Justin had fully withdrawn, stepped away, and, giving me a sharp slap, held my cheeks apart as Brad stepped forward, draped his towel over my head, and slid his poz cock up my ass. "Yeah, you'll like this freshly pozzed hole," Justin grunted. Brad fucked away for several minutes, and while so doing, Justin asked "Doesn't he feel good?" (I can only assume Justin was playing poz whore master for the audience.) "Yeah, I should have pozzed him back when I converted. This slut would have loved it," Brad commented. Crap! Did Brad really mean that? I started out that morning with my boyfriend and his friend, and now I'm their freshly pozzed towel rack and cumdump. If this wasn't humiliating enough, I started feeling several hands feeling my body. Looking down, I could see five pair of feet around me. Guys were feeling my chest, cock, ass and Brad's cock as it slowly worked my hole. I heard Brad ask "You want to fuck my slut? You've gotta big dick. He'll love it." Brad pulled out and I felt two fingers slide into my asshole. I certainly didn't know whose fingers they were - I was not in a position to explore who-was-who. Nor, to be honest, did I want or care to find out. I watched Brad's feet step away as another guy got into position. I waited to feel a new cock ... and then saw a condom wrapper fall to the floor. Justin intervened saying "Dude, this slut is deathly allergic to condoms. He can only be fucked bare." I kinda laughed at Justin's quick thinking. Nicely played, Justin. I saw the guy step back, remarking "I only fuck with condoms ... sorry." Brad replied "No problem," and with that the guy walked away. Another guy said, "I'll fuck your slut!" Brad said, "Have at it!" The new guy threw his towel over my head as well and got in position behind my hole. Justin said, "We're looking for charged loads for our slut here, you got one?" The new guy said, "Yeah, I've been poz for a while, and I'm happy to share my strain with your slut!" Brad said, "Excellent, give him your load!" The new guy slammed his cock inside my ass and I just about lost my breath. Holy shit he was big! The new guy commented "Damn, his hole is full of cum. I love messy sluts!" And with that by way of introduction he fucked my ass, surrounded by a whole group of guys, giving the impression I was the last available piece of ass on the planet. I couldn't see much of anything, especially since now a couple of smelly towels were draped over my head, but suddenly Brad slid beneath the towels, wiggling close so he could kiss me while I was getting fucked. Then I felt his legs stretch out next to my right torso. He let out a soft moan of pleasure. "Are you getting fucked?" I asked. "Yeah, Justin still hasn't had a chance to breed me with his toxic cum yet and I want it really bad. Do you feel like a bugchasing cum dump whore now?" I managed to say "Fuck yeah, and oh God, I love you!" Then he pulled my head down and started making out with me again. We were both getting bred by poz guys, and I had no idea how toxic the fuck was going to be - and didn't care. "I'm gonna cum now!" announced the guy fucking my ass. I didn't know what he looked like, and was fairly sure he hadn't actually gotten any sight of me, but it didn't matter: at that very moment he was sperming my asshole. "Fuck, you just get bred!" was his parting comment as he slowly withdrew from my ass, giving me an appreciative tap on the ass. At this point poz cum was running out of my gaping asshole and various guys in the video room were sliding their fingers in and out of my battered hole. It didn't matter how much is in my bank account or what kind of car I drove. To the men I was a piece of meat, just for their pleasure. I could tell that Justin's fuck strokes were getting harder, as Brad's body was bouncing back and forth from the fucking. Justin was going to cum soon, and Brad was going to share the virus strain that had just gone into my body. I was stroking Brad's nipples, and telling him how hot he must look getting fucked in the middle of all these guys. Justin started grunting and breathing hard and then announced "I'm cumming up your ass, dude! Here it comes!" Brad's eyes rolled in the back of his head in ecstasy. Justin was totally turned on by finally getting the sex that his neg boyfriend wasn't giving him, and he got to breed his first neg hole and the poz hole of his support group buddy. And for Brad and me, well, we had taken poz loads side-by-side from two different poz guys. And we couldn't have been happier.
    1 point
  50. It seems like the sleazier the situation, the more you guys are okay with your holes being called "cunt" or "pussy." And, as a number of you pointed out, if a top has his raw dick in your ass, he can call it whatever he wants. Haha. Yeah, "cunt" and "pussy" for some reason seem raunchier and dirtier which to me make them more fun and more of a turn on.
    1 point
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