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  1. Part 2: Hey, wanna get aids? I've had a hard time trying to explain this next part. It's all kinda messed up in my head, still. It's so irrational. But, I'll try to make it make some sense. I took up Sean on his invitation to his place. Honestly, I almost turned around a few times. I was kinda shocked that I ended up there. We made some small talk, and Sean offered me a drink. That helped calm me down some. And then he just told me I should go to his bedroom and undress and lie down on my stomach. I don't know why, but it all seemed so normal. I couldn't get his warning out of my head .. he was going to give me aids. Yet, somehow I walked back to his bedroom and was surprised that I already had a hard-on. As I lied down on his bed, the satin sheets felt amazing against my cock. For a moment, I worried I might get pre-cum on his sheets then kinda laughed to myself that I would worry about such a thing in this situation. I didn't hear him come in. I just felt a hand on the back of my thigh. When I turned my head to get a look, there was his body looking even better than his pictures. His cock seemed even bigger somehow as it bent upward. It was shiny and you could say radiant. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, and I quickly found his dick probing around my hole. I felt unexpectedly wet. Then, I realized he must have already lubed himself while I waited for him. He leaned into my ear and asked, "Why are you here?" And for some reason, I drew a blank. I didn't know what to say right away. He was prodding around my hole, and it was very distracting and arousing. And, then, I remembered why. I softly answered, "I wanna get aids." Say it again, he said and then licked the inside of my ear. "I wanna get aids" I said a little louder. That's when I felt him start to make entry. I'm a decent bottom, but he felt much thicker than I imagined. It burned for a moment, then he pulled out, and gently pushed in the tip, this time having acquired more lube. My mind raced. What was I doing?! When he spoke, I felt more at ease, oddly enough. "You're gonne get aids," he said as he dipped his thick head deeper into me. I gasped for breath. The shock of my willingness and the quick entry both startled me. I squirmed a little bit as my ass was slowly stretched and I felt his length pry into me. "Say it," Sean prompted me. I didn't hesitate this time and managed to say more loudly, "I wanna get aids." He retracted his cock a bit, and slid it in a bit deeper. "Say it again," he said. The feeling was indescribable. I was terrified and turned on at the same time. I never felt so conflicted, but never so horny either. This time, I blurted it out "I wanna get aids!" Another tongue into my ear. His tongue violated my ear just as aggressively as his cock was violating my ass. I didn't need his prompt this time. "I wanna get aids!" I announced even louder to hear it over the slurping noise in my ear. Suddenly, his gentle thrusting picked up into a steady fucking. And it felt wonderful! And .. just full. I was full of cock! When I didn't think I could feel any better, he whispered into my ear, "I'm giving you aids." The feeling was too intense. I had to close my eyes. I almost thought I would shoot cum out my eyes if I didn't. I never been more turned on. "Oh Shit!" I started yelling when he picked up his pace. I was starting to lose control. My sanity disappeared altogether. All I knew how was that I wanted Sean to give me aids. And I couldn't stop asking for it. I don't know how many times I begged for it. "I want aids!! Give me aids!!!!" At this point, it all seemed perfectly normal. He was fucking me furiously. That's not the right word. He wasn't just fucking me, he was violently attacking my hole faster and harder than I had ever felt. He was grunting as he continue to pound me and assured me "yeah .. you're getting my fucking aids in you. You love my aids cock fucking your hole don't you?" he asked at some point. I remember screaming, "fuck yes! fuck yes! give me aids! please give me aids !!!" And then I felt it. The pumping, the balls deep thrusts that hit places inside me I never know I had. "Here it comes!" he exclaimed. And then I felt the wetness, the spasms of his cock inside me. I involuntarily started to cum into the satin sheets beneath me too. As I began to orgasm, a flash of reality hit me. Mid-orgasm, I realized "I'm getting aids ..." I felt a wave of panic overcome me. He kept pounding me deeply and my ass felt squishy. I don't know how it happened, but the terror I felt was folded into my orgasm and I ended up howling "Fuck yes! want aids!!!" And then I must have cum buckets. The satin sheets underneath me felt entirely drenched. I still felt Sean inside me with occasional pumping sensations. And I didn't want him to pull out. To this day, I still don't know why I did that.
    9 points
  2. A stressful week usually meant one thing for Brian: a huge cock up his ass to calm things down. As he made his way home from work, he stopped at the local bar for a few drinks before heading down the sleazy part of Smith Street where the famous Club 80 was located. Club 80 was the sex club that changed many a man's life, changing bi-curious straight guys into gay men, and negative men into positive. Tonight would be no different. Outside the street bustled with people enjoying Friday night, and as it was midnight, people were starting to head home as the bars and restaurants closed-up. It was a full moon: the sky was painted with stars and the light summer breeze rushed through Brian’s hair as he adjusted his cap to hide his identity. Quickly entering the Club, Brian paid the entrance fee and the clerk behind the counter handed him a packet of condom and lube. Brian walked quickly past the lounge area and made his way to the corridors where all the action occurred. The club consist of separate rooms, glory holes and dark mazes (where anything could happen). A man caught Brian’s attention and, without hesitation, Brian pursued the man, eventually ending up in the dark maze area where he continued to follow the man into the shadows, where a strong hand caught him, and began to caress him from behind. “I’ve been noticing you for quite awhile now, boy,” murmured the man in a deep, soothing voice, which reminded Brian of the Sirens luring the sailor at sea. The man moved his hands slowly down and grabbed Brians’ seven inch, fully erect cock, while the man's other hand pressed a small brown bottle under Brian’s nose. Unknowingly in the dark, Brian took a deep breath. The man pushed Brian into a half-bend, and, without any introduction or lube, a finger was pressing inside his ass followed by something hard. It was a cock. A huge, juicy, eight inch cock was trying to break into his ass. As the man initiated the action, Brian fumbled with the condom he was still clutching, but the rush of the poppers got to him, and he dropped the packet as the man pulled Brian’s hips backwards and entered him. Slowly. One inch at a time. Balls deep. Raw. The sound of the club’s music thudded loudly throughout the venue, but neither it nor the darkness, nor the thin walls could mask the sound of men fucking. “This can’t be happening”, thought Brian amidst the fucking. Brian hadn’t been fucked bareback before and he hadn't planned to starting that night. He tried to pull away but the man pulled him closer and again passed the bottle under Brian's nose, commanding "Breathe." Brian complied. The rush raced through his body, and his ass relaxed, welcoming the man's cock. “Going somewhere?” asked the man as he pulled Brian yet closer. Using one hand to grab’s Brian’s hips and cock and the other hand to bend Brian still lower, Brian was essentially locked into place and couldn’t escape. The man thrust into Brian's ass a few more times, and then stood still as he unloaded his toxic stream of hot cum into Brian’s ass. “Hope you like the gift” and with that, the man buckled-up and left into the darkness, leaving Brian with streams of cum leaking from his ass. Confused and tired from the fucking, he dressed and left the club and, a few months later, after successive tests at the clinic, confirmed his status change to HIV positive.
    6 points
  3. Stealth Breeding. These are Matt’s favourite two words as he logs onto Grindr for the third time today to hunt for unsuspected victims. Matt, with his boyish next door look, his hazel brown eyes and his blond curls, huge pecs and rip abs -the perfect trap for innocent young boys. It has been a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sunshine rays break through the velvet curtains and bounce off his smooth shaven skin as he lays in his bed naked and fully erect. He has been chatting to a 19 year old boy named Lucas for awhile now, and in just 30 minutes, he would have that tight ass around his thick 7 inch cock. He has been saving this toxic 5 day load for this special occasion. Matt takes out a needle from his bedside table and starts to prick a condom packaging while he eagerly waits for the doorbell. Lucas arrives on schedule and less than 30 seconds of closing the door, Matt pushes him down on his knees and forces him to engulf his cock down his throat. He then proceeds to facefuck him, the saliva dribbling down Lucas’s face as he struggles to adjust to the girth. After a few minutes, they both proceed to the bedroom. Matt likes to tease his victims so he gets Lucas to lay on his back and begins to lay on top of him and begins the passionate kiss. Occasionally, he would tease Lucas by rubbing his cock up and down Lucas’s ass, playing with his nipples. Boys love this. “This feels so good” moaned Lucas, in and out of the kiss. “Yeah?”, replied Matt. “It’s going to get a whole lot better” Matt grabs the condom sitting on the shelf and lubes his cock which was already dripping precum. In one fluid motion, he pushes his cock into Lucas’s ass. Holding the condom in place, Matt breaks the tip of the tampered condom and the head of his cock pops right through. Every successive thrust opens the tip a little bit more until only half the condom covers his cock. About half an hour in, Matt leans over and nibbles on the boy’s ear and whispers softly: “Where do you want the cum?” “Inside me” “Are you sure” “Yes” “I can’t hear you” “YES” yelled Lucas and with that, Matt pushes in ball’s deep and a wave of pleasure washes over Lucas as stream after stream of toxic cum lines his guts. He pulls out and to Lucas’s surprised, notice that the condom was broken. He puts on a worried look. “Don’t worry about it buddy, I’m clean” “Are you sure?” “I’m positive” Unknowingly to Lucas, positive in this sense means having an ass full of highly potent swimmers inside you.
    6 points
  4. The following is complete fiction, it has no firm basis and is just an idea i had whilst thinking of times gone by and lost chances. I apologize if it is rather long. I'm not a word smith. I just write it as it comes out. August 2001. Here I was in Manchester. I had just left home and knew no one. Truth be told I had run away from home. Coming out to my parents had been a bad idea. Mum had taken it badly and I ended up bruised and battered, so one day I just packed my things and left. On arrival in Manchester I a place in a student house and enrolled myself at a local college to do some crappy catering course. I certainly had no real firm idea of what I was going to do with my life, but decided to give it a whirl. After a few days I plucked up enough courage to try out the gay scene. I had never been into a gay pub, and in fact didn't even know any other gay men. I was still a virgin, (if you don't count waking off to porn!). The first couple of bars I visited, Via Fossa, and a bit further down, Manto's, seemed okay. I had a drink in each and was somewhat enjoying my new-found freedom, so I decided to visit a few more bars. As I made the rounds I passed an alley in which I saw a bar called Company Bar. Now remember folks. At the time of this incident I was 18, and knew nothing about gay pubs, which I knew only through what I had seen on Queer As Folk. The name sounded friendly enough so I decided to give it a try. At this stage I was a bit tipsy as I had never really had much to drink before. There was no doorman, only a long flight of stairs down into the basement where, apparently, the bar was located. I gingerly made my way down the staircase, trying all the time not to trip. When I stepped through the door, I stopped dead. I couldn't believe my eyes. This bar was very unlike the other two bars I had visited. The crowd was so much older and more, well, manly looking. They were wearing strange clothing I hadn't seen before, clothing made from rubber and leather. I was particularly astonished by a patron who was wearing a pair of what appeared to be leather coverings on his jeans which left the back and front exposed. (Late I learned the leather garment he was wearing were called chaps). Not wanting to look a total fool, I decided to get a drink, consume it, and split, so I made my way to the rather small bar, squeezing in between two guys, one, an older man who was dressed in leather, and the other somewhat younger, (in the range of 30 - 35, or so), who sported a shaved head and bleacher jeans. "Beer please!" I nervously squeaked at the barman when he finally noticed me. "ID?" he rumbled back. I presented my drivers licence. Glancing at it, he handed it back and nodded at someone behind me. I paid for my drink and decided to stand on the far side away from the bar with my back to the wall. God, was I nervous! Up until this point I had always sorta fantasised about getting it on with slim, trim and cute guys who were my own age, but one guy was staring at me non-stop, and I found myself thinking he was oddly interesting. He was somewhere between 45 and 50 years old, had dark brown hair going grey at the sides, a full beard, was wearing a leather biker jacket, boots, and the aforementioned chaps. Even as he sipped his beer he never took his eyes off me. I could tell I was blushing as I was terribly nervous, but all the beers I had consumed got the better of me: I needed to piss, and quickly, so I located the toilets and made a quick dash inside. Standing at the trough I pulled-out my dick and let it flow, my eyes closed in the pleasure of a desperately needed piss. Damn, did it feel good. I was, however, so buzzed I didn't hear the door open, and not until I heard the sound of another stream of piss splashing into the trough did I realize someone had entered the restroom and was standing along side me. Upon taking a quick look I discovered the leather guy was also pissing, Naturally I couldn't help but sneak a peek at his dick; even soft he was showing a seven inch cock. Mine, in contrast, outwardly small, even though I knew that at full mast it was a respectable seven and a half inches. I also noticed his cock was considerably thicker than mine. Startled, I looked-up and realized he was smiling directly at me, almost wiling me to admire his cock. "Hey boy, like what you see?" His voice was just as you would expect: deep and rumbling. Something inside me lit up. I didn't know what was happening to me, but this guy really hit a button somewhere. "Yeah, I suppose," I stammered. My nervousness seemed to please him more. "My name's Mike. Can I buy you a drink?" he again rumbled. Slowly, somewhat distractedly, I nodded 'yes' as I stared into his deep eyes. I was hooked. With that he put his dick away and zipped up. I snapped out of my trance and did the same, following Mike out of the toilets and back into the bar. Soon we were sat together on high stools near the back chatting. Within five minutes he had managed to get out of me my life history. I didn't learn what he did, but he seemed to have me in the palm of his hand, an apt phrase as to what was about to follow. Once the beers had been drunk I offered to buy him another, but he declined as he said he had to be off home. He could probably see my disappointed expression a mile away. "Tell you what boy. Why don't you come with me so we can continue chatting," he asked. At this point I would likely have agreed to anything. Something that night had changed. I had never before seen a gay guy like Mike. So powerful, so manly. Still, I I did hesitate for a second or so, that was until he leaned quickly forward and kissed me hard, before whispering into my ear "I know you want this, boy. I saw you when you came in. It was as if you had walked into a toy shop at Christmas. I know you're nervous, baby, but we're gonna have fun." By now I was completely lost. He took me into his arms and guided me through the bar towards the door. I could smell his body odor: not deodorant or cologne. Just honest manly smells. My dick was rock hard in an instant, creating a substantial bulge in my crotch. Mike noticed the condition of my cock and gave it a quick squeeze. Shivers raced up and down my spine. "Okay," I replied, as, with he led me through the exit, his arm over my shoulder, and somehow we managed the staircase into the cold night air. Whereupon Mike hailed a passing black cab. Once we were en route to Mike's place, he put his arm around me, protectively, perhaps, and at no point did I feel threatened or unsafe. In fact I felt happier than I had in quite a while! Soon we were at Mike's place, which was a nice loft apartment. As he hung-up our coats, he offered me a drink from his fridge and told me to make myself at home. I sat on the sofa as Mike brought out the beers, which he placed on the coffee table. Then he took off his t-shirt, exposing his broad, very hairy chest. I had never before seen so much hair on a man's chest, and Mike registered my amazement, and apparently enjoyed my reaction, because he slowly he bent down, lifted me up off the sofa, pulled me in for a deep long kiss, his tongue assaulted my mouth. I was powerless to refuse him, and immediately found myself responding with enthusiasm, running my hands over his back and powerful arms. He also spent time exploring my body, pulling off my t-shirt and admiring my pale skinned hairless chest. The next thing I knew he was pulling my mouth down towards his chest saying "Suck on my nipples, boy." I could do little but comply. What I was doing seemed to be right as he began growling and moaning, soon he ordered me to chew them as well, and this was also apparently done to his satisfaction because he groaned even more loudly. After about five minutes of this he pulled my face up, placed a hand on each side of my head, and looking deep into my eyes asked "You're hot boy. In fact you're the hottest boy I've had in months. I want to make your first time special, so you'll never forget, but you gotta know once we're in the bedroom I'm in charge. You've gotta do as I say, right?" I was stunned by this, but managed to stammer out "Yes, sir." I couldn't think of a more complete reply. "I didn't quite hear that, BOY!" he said again, this time his face looked darker. "Yes sir," I replied more clearly. "That's better." And with that he turned me around and guided me to the bedroom. What the fuck was happening I asked myself. I had never even thought of this kind of shit before. Was it the beer? Was it my nerves? What? As soon as we got into the bedroom he turned me around and barked the order "Strip." I immediately removed my trainers, jeans, boxers and socks and stood before him, my dick once again rock hard. WTF? I stood there at the foot of his bed, awaiting his inspection and further inspections. Nodding his approval, he ordered me to turn around. Upon doing so, Mike inspected my back and commented "Nice boy, but I wanna see your hole. Pull your ass cheeks apart." I did as instructed, somewhat embarrassed, but also turned on by this big dominant man, a real man, who was inspecting me, checking me over, me, a thin pale twink fresh from the sticks. "Hmmm. I think we are gonna gonna have some fun, boy. Turn around." When I complied, I could see Mike was thinking about something, and sure enough, he slowly approached me and looked me straight in the eyes and said "Usually when I pick up boys like you, they appear to be up for some fun, at least when we're standing at the bar, only to develop cold feet when we get here. Which means I have to remind them of what we're here for, but you're different. Yeah, I can tell you're nervous, but you're not fighting back at all." He looked on at me with the gleam of lust in his gaze. I returned his look, even if the experience was new to me. Stepping back, he slowly undid his belt, pulled off his boots and dropped his chaps and jeans, his hardening cock coming into full view for the first time. My eyes were riveted: it looked wonderful. Involuntarily I licked my lips in anticipation. I had never sucked a cock in my life and most definitely wanted his. His voice brought me back to reality: "All in good time, boy." With that he moved quickly forward, pushed me back onto the bed and was on top of me in an instant, his hands exploring my body, his mouth on mine Then he moved down and started sucking my nipples, one after the other. It felt like electric bolts were shooting through my body. And, the pleasure shifted to my cock when, in a flash, he took my dick head in his mouth. I nearly jumped right out of the bed as he started to work my dick in his mouth. It was incredible. A tingle told me my cum wasn't far off. As an experienced cock sucker, Mike knew as much, and stopped blowing me, but rather pinched the base of my dick, commenting "Not yet, boy. You've had your fun. Now it's my turn." With this, he rolled off of me, and roughly forced me to suck on his nipples again, virtually chewing on them the way he liked. This time, however, he pushed my head lower towards his crotch. Unbidden I kissed and sucked my way down his broad hairy chest and torso until I was faced with his now hard dick. It must of been at least ten inches in length. "Cover your teeth with your lips, boy, and do what I did," Mike directed as he forced my head down onto his cock. I began slowly, and then began working away at the head. The noises Mike made told me he was enjoying my attention, but all too soon i felt his hands forcing my head lower, forcing me to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, so much, in fact, that I thought i would choke, but then, to my astonishment, I realized I had taken his entire length into my throat, and his cock head was lodged deep in my gullet. Somehow I had learned to breath, notwithstanding the tube of flesh that was obstructing my throat. "Good boy," he remarked, as Mike then proceeded to fuck my throat, quite roughly, truth be told, all the time telling me what a good boy I was, and that I was a natural cock sucker. His praise encouraged me even more, so I used my imagination to maximize his pleasure. And, as Mike wouldn't allow me to play with myself, my balls were definitely frantic, and my cock was drooling. After about ten minutes he pulled me off of his cock. Although I may very well have looked like a mess, Mike didn't hesitate to again kiss me long and deep. "I wanna fuck you, boy. I wanna shoot my cum in your ass." I had all the safe sex lectures at school, but at this point I didn't care. I wanted Mike and his cum. "Please, that's exactly what I was hoping for," I replied. Mike positioned me so I was now on my stomach, and he dove into my ass, rimming me without the slightest hesitation, pleasuring me for some fifteen minutes. Then he slowly worked one, then two, then three fingers into my hole, stretching my ass lips even as he continued tongue-fucking me. "I'd say you're ready now, boy. Lay on your back. Take a couple hits of these poppers," he directed, encouraging me to take more and more until my head was spinning and my heart beat raced. When I wondered where this was going, I then felt a sharp pain in my arse, pain that intensified as his cock head forced its way in. I screamed in agony but he pinned me down, held me there, with only his cock head in my hole, saying "You're gonna take it all boy. You're gonna take my dick all the way. You need this as much as I. My cock is gonna change your life forever." With that admonition he again ordered me to take additional hits of the poppers. Again my head spun and heart raced, but my ass muscles also seemed to loosen and his cock slid into me, slowly, steadily, inch by inch, working its way down until his balls were resting on my ass. I had never felt so full before, almost, but not quite as if I needed the loo! Then he started to work his cock in and out of my ass. The sensation at first was agony but soon changed to that of pleasure. His rhythm intensified until he was virtually slamming my butt. My dick was still rock hard but kept twitching every time he nudged my prostate. I knew I was not far from cumming. I told him as much, and he replied "I'm close too, boy," his pace now frantic, and as he pushed himself over the top, he shouted "TAKE MY POZ CUM. BOY!" He roared and convulsed as he came, his load blowing deep into my ass. The sensation and excitement pushed me over the top, and I also came, blowing my cum all over his torso. I was still high from the fuck and trying to take it all in, but I wasn't so out of it that I hadn't registered his exclamation. Looking at his eyes, which were dull with exhaustion, I managed to stutter "Y-y-y-your positive?" "Yes, boy I am. And my positive load is now swimming around in your gut. You should be proud. I've been saving that one for days!" As the high of his orgasm subsided, he saw my face and his expression softened. He slowly withdrew his cock from my ass as I lay in his bed, terrified, excited and gratified. Mike collapsed beside me and pulled me into his embrace, explaining "It's okay, boy. You're gonna be fine. You're not like those other trashy twinks I've fucked and kicked-out - just for the pleasure of taking them down a few notches. I fucked you to set you free. I want you here with me forever, boy." I slowly looked up at him, tears in my eyes. He'd just infected me with HIV, but then he'd been so tender afterwards. Looking into his eyes I saw only genuine affection. My last resolve gave way and I buried my face against his chest and said "I want you too, Daddy." That night he fucked two more loads into my ass. The next day we talked it all through. As soon as I got my diagnosis he'd make sure I got the best care. Then we went to my crummy student house, collected my things and moved them into his. We've been together now for 14 years, and Mike has introduced me to new sexual experiences, the like of which I never thought possible. And, as I've kept my looks, we now go out to work the bars together. You see, Mike likes nothing more than watching me breed some cute twink's ass on the webcam as I fuck him in our bed.
    5 points
  5. The front may be OK if it shows off a big cock or package but the backside is a total turn-off, unless you have a hard, firm muscle butt. Nothing sadder than a guy with a sagging butt who thinks thongs make them look sexy. Just my opinion.
    4 points
  6. Part 2 My Son layed there on the dirty couch, breathing deep, in shock from his daddy raping his little cunt, piss and cum leaking out and down his balls. "Get in the bathroom and drain yourself!" I commanded, kicking him off the couch. He scrambled off the couch and down the tall to the toilet, wiping off his tear stained cheeks. "AND NO CRYING! Jesus Christ, I'm not going to tolerate your sissy emo shit!" I hollard after him. "And hurry your ass back in here! Daddy's not through busting your pussy yet!" He moved quickly from the bathroom back to the couch and sat down, cowering a bit. It was good he was afraid of me. It would be easier to control him. I handed him a fresh pipe and lit it, watching him inhale the thick white smoke. This time I hit it as well, passing it back and forth between us. When it was gone, I took the baggie and put some crytals on the back of my hand and snorted them, enjoying the burn in the back of my throat. Standing up to turn on the camera, I pushed him back on the couch. "Show me your pussy boy!" I instructed my new whore. He obediently grabbed his ankles, showing me the still red and oozing hole. I enjoyed seeing my son spreading for daddy. Taking the baggie I licked my fingers and stuck it in, coating it with powder, and rammed my fingers in his red gash. He moaned as his hole started to burn, the need to be fucked taking over his being. I finger fucked him, making sure to rub his anal ring, grinding the crystals into his tissue. His hole started sucking my finger as he started to spin more. I moved between his thighs, throwing his ankles over my shoulders. Looking down, I stared into eyes that looked just like mine and said, "Tell daddy what you want. Tell daddy you want his cock in your pussy. Beg me to fuck you." "Please daddy," he panted, breathing shallow, "please fuck me. Please give me your cock." I rammed my cock into his cunt while I slapped his face hard, eliciting a loud wail from him. "Take it bitch! Take Daddy's fuck!" I yelled while I slapped him over and over. Fresh tears streamed down his face as I beat him. His pain only turned me on more. I grabbed his ankles and pushed all my weight down on him, burying my cock as deep as I could. Fresh redness covered my cock as I plunged it in and out of his gripping hole. That too just spurred me on more, and I rode him as hard as I could while I spit on his face. " Tell me son!" I demanded, "Tell me what you want! Tell me what you are! Tell me who owns your cunt!" "You do Daddy!" He blurted out. "I do what?" "You own my cunt Daddy! Oh God! Fuck me Daddy! FUCK ME!" "What are you son?" "I'm your whore, Daddy." "Louder!" "I'm Your Whore Daddy!" "LOUDER!" I demanded, slapping him and spitting in his face. "I'M YOUR WHORE DADDY! I'M YOUR WHORE! Oh God, FUCK ME!!!" Fuck him I did! Mercilessly for at least 30 minutes, never letting up, pounding his boycunt as hard as I could. Finally I blew a second load in his cunt bellowing "Take it whore! Take your Daddy's cum again! This is what you were made for! To take real mens seed deep in you!" I collapsed on him, our sweating bodies breathing deep and hard. I lay there on top of him, my mind spinning, knowing I had claimed him as my property. I pulled out my son and stood up, spitting on him one last time. "Go get in the shower slut. We have to go see my dealer and your going to earn me some more T." I watched him stumble down the hallway, cum and blood running down his thighs. I just laughed knowing what he was in for shortly.
    4 points
  7. I had been waiting patiently for my sons 18th birthday. It was finally almost here. Two more days. Two more days till he would finally be of some use to me. Until now the pathetic little emo brat had been nothing but a burden. But in two days he would finally start fufilling some purpose and no longer be a total waste of his daddy's cum. Granted, I had only had to look after him for the last two years, but it was a hassell. I knocked his mother up when were 17. I tried to make her get an abortion, but her parents wouldn't let her. Some religious bullshit reason. When I was 18, I was sent to prison for 15 years for armed robbery trying to get money to take care of the "accident". So yea I blamed him for being incarerated. Prison changes you. I entered as a teenage punk and left a hardened ex-con. The first five years I was a prison bitch, owned by the toughest fucker in the joint. He claimed me the second day I was in there, raping me in the showers. For five years I gave up my pussy to him and anyone he sold me to. Then he got shanked in the yard. Another guy tried to claim me, but I was older, wiser, and stronger. I fought for myself this time, and earned some respect. Soon I had my own prison pussy, a scrawny little bitch. I owned him until I was released. When I got out, I was able to find a shitty job and managed to find a dump of a trailer to live in. That's when the bitch showed up on my steps with our kid and his suitcase. She just dumped him with me and took off with some bikers. I could have just kicked him out on the street, but he was my blood. And like I said, prison changes you. I had developed a taste of hot boy ass, and the power of owning it. So I took him in knowing he'd be legal in two years. Now the wait was almost over. The cumstain had no idea what his future was going to hold for him. I had been planning and preparing for this day. I had saved up and bought a state of the art digital camera, knowing it was an investment for what I was going to make off the boy. The morning of his birthday, he came out to the living room to find me sitting in my chair, smoking, wearing just a pair of dirty boxerbreifs, my chest and arms of prison tatoos on full display. He started to get some cereal in the kitchen, but I called him over. "Its your birthday son," I started. "I have a little present for you." I handed him a glass pipe with some crystals in it. Now, I know he's done drugs. I've smelled pot and alcohol on him many times. But I don't know what else he's done. I knew he knew what I had just handed him. "Go ahead son, you're a man now. Join Daddy in a smoke." He was a little hesitant, but I pushed it up to his lips and lit a lighter, melting the crystals. He took a big bit, coughing out a large white cloud. "Go ahead, take another one son." I encouraged him. He took another big hit, not coughing so much. I kept encouraging him to take more, and the dumb bitch didn't even realize I wasn't hitting it. After his 6th big hit, the pipe was empty and he flopped back on the couch. I knew he was flying, and I knew it was time for his real present. He wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes, so it was really easy to rip his jeans and underwear off of him. "What the fuck Dad?" he started, but a couple hard slaps across his face silenced him. "Shut the fuck up boy!" I ordered him. "The free ride is over. From now on you're going to earn your existence!" His skinny,pale body was no match for my pumped up muscles. I had had him naked and on his stomach before he knew what hit him. Ripping off my shorts I lined up my hard 8 inch cock up to his hole, and spit a couple loogies on my dick for lube. Holding his shoulders down I forced my cock in his virgin hole as hard as I could. He howled as I breached his ass ring, pushing my mushroom head into him and continuing till I was buried to my balls. I felt a warm wetness surround my cock as his cherry was ripped apart. He thrashed and cried beneath me begging for me to stop. I just started fucking him hard and deep, loving the red that covered my dick everytime I pulled out. God damn it was nice to have some hot boy ass again! I was going to make him a great whore. I pulled all the way out, looking at his busted open pussy, red oozing out of it, and rammed back in to the hilt, causing more howling from the cunt. I just kept on pounding his new pussy over and over. Eventually he quieted down and actually started moaning, and soon was pushing his ass back on me. "That's right boy. Ride your daddy's cock. Feel good boy? That's the cock that made your worthless life bitch. But now you have a purpose! You're going to be my whore and make daddy lots of money!" He just moaned beneath me as I talked dirty to him. "That's right bitch, moan for me. I know your faggot ass loves it. This is why you were born! Now take my cum. Take your daddy's cum in your whore cunt!" I pumped my son full of my cum as his pussy milked me dry, sucking my sperm deep in his guts. When I finished breeding his new cunt, I unloaded with a torrent of piss, making him my urinal. "Don't worry about school, I said, pulling out of him as his ravaged hole leaked piss and cum, "you won't be going there anymore. You'll be too busy working for me!" I turned off the camera knowing I had something totally hot to sell on the internet.
    3 points
  8. This story is mostly true. Some made up parts to fill in blurry moments of my memory! *** My name is Luke, i'm 18 & before i went on holiday i was a virgin. Late starter maybe; It's just i had the whole idea of 'the one' in my head. Yes i'd had boyfriends, done the usual - kiss blowjob etc but so far the only thing inside my ass was a small pink dildo given to me by my friend Kyle as a jokey gift. That and my finger the odd time when super horned & wanking. Kyle was who i was going on holiday with, gay too but i have known him so long he's more like a brother to me. A brother i can still look out and see why other guys think hes fucking hot. 5'11, muscular, tanned with a light fuzz on his manly chest. Short but messily styled blonde hair & green eyes. We may have got on like brothers but we couldn't look more different. I am only around 5'7. Skinny yet toned a bit, nothing like Kyle's body. & no hair apart from my legs slightly & my head. The long floppy brown hair on my head & 'big brown eyes' are what my mum said make me look younger than my 18 years. Something that always annoys me. And something that seems to attract mostly older sleazy guys. Hence why i'd still not gone all the way with a guy. Kyle had wanted to go on holiday for so long. He had went on about getting away from his parents, having fun & doing what he wanted. This was his idea so i left the planning to him. Gran Canaria, he excitedly explained to me, is great for gay guys to party and do whatever. Definitely more his type of place by sounds but still sunny & i sure wasn't one to turn down a party! It was only the second day of the holiday and already - thanks to Kyle's social skills - we had made friends with a gay couple from England in the hotel & were all planning our first 'mad night out'. The drinks were flowing and for once it seemed i was having a better time than Kyle who was complaining of feeling unwell. Another few rounds & Kyle decided to go back to the hotel whilst i partied on with our new friends. We moved from club to club & as i drank more i wondered off into a crowded dancefloor. Realising i could see no one i recognised i was about to make a move to the door when a figure stepped out in front of me. I looked up in my drunkness & with smoke and flashing lights i could make out a tall, broad muscular, older spanish guy. He had small tight shorts on & no top, showing off his hairy chest. He handed me a drink & before i could explain to him about my friends had dragged me back into the crowd on the dancefloor. We danced as i knocked the drink back. It wasn't the nicest drink,a salty tasting cocktail of god knows what but that didn't stop me accepting a second. The lights seemed to get brighter & flashier and the music duller yet bassier. I could feel it boom through my body as i started slouching into the rockhard chest of my spanish dance partner. Woah i must have been drinking faster than i thought, suddenly i was feeling very drunk. The guy held me up against his body, leant down and whispered in my ear "you're ready baby". I could feel his rough stubble on my cheek & smell the strong cigar smoke on his breath. He pushed me along outside, still stumbling, down some dark back alleys. I don't know how long we had walked before but as we approached a building seemingly sitting alone with no windows in sight & a large metal door i remember thinking i was in trouble. I wanted to speak out, i wanted to shout but i couldn't even get a single syllable out of my drunken mouth. Inside was dark, very dark. There was loud music and again that smell of cigar smoke. Much stronger this time though. I wanted to run, scream, hit out yet at the same time i wanted to lie down. Sleep off this horrible uncontrolable drunk feeling. The man pulled my shirt off over my head and unbuttoned my jeans as he whispered in broken english about me being 'a good boy' and how much he couldn't wait for me to 'have his babies'. By now, swaying in and out of a conscious and semi conscious state, he lifted me onto a strange black swing thing and tied my arms out either side of my body. My legs were upwards, also to be tied apart but not until he had stripped me totally naked. My hairless ass on show for him to do as he pleased and my arms tied down to stop me escaping. My head thumping with the music and still dipping in and out of my surroundings and sleep i felt him push a finger into my tight hole. Unlubed and without warning - it hurt. It hurt a lot yet i was still unable to get much more than a dim mumbled groan out of my mouth. He pushed in further and wriggled his finger around. His nail nipping and scratching at my fleshy insides. I was just about getting used to this when he stopped. He was rummaging about in something i could barely make it and then again his finger was roughly poked up into my ass. This time it burnt with pain. A feeling like no other. My own fingers didn't feel like this.. Not even my pink dildo burnt like this. Slowly this numbed off as he continued his finger fucking of my ass. Still feeling like he was scraping at the insides, i started enjoying it slightly. Just as i was relaxing the tiniest bit i heard a voice from behind me. Then another from the left. And another. I tried to focus my eyes on my surroundings and for the first time through the hazy lights and thick smoke i could see a large circle of guys. Guys of all shapes and sizes. And through the music i could hear the odd word like "whore" "poz" "pig" .... I listened to them and tried focusing harder to make them out more clearly as my ass continued to be fingered. The burning sensation would come back every so often but before long i was enjoying it. Enjoying all of it. Instead of looking around in fear i was looking around at each guy and thinking of them fucking me. The finger was no longer enough. I wanted cock. Now. Fuck waiting for 'the one'. I wanted all of them. Now. The guy fingering my ass seemed to sense this as finally he manouvered and i could feel the head of his cock against my tight hole. My hole that was begging for a cock. I knew from the tip of his cockhead at my ass he was much bigger than my dildo. Much much bigger. He pushed harder and i could feel his rock hard cock head stretch my puckered pink hole. Again pain. This time pleasureable pain. I let out a moan and as i did so another guy took my open mouth as a chance to push my head back and force his thick heavy cock to the back of my throat. He pushed in as did the cock in my ass. I felt as though it would rip me open. Loud moans gagged by the sweaty, salty tasting fat cock in my throat. Slowly both guys worked into a rhythm fucking me from both ends. Widening my ass and nudging the back of my throat making me gag on my own spit and slimy vomity saliva juices. Harder and faster they thrusted until i had my first ever taste of cum. I had never let boyfriends cum in my mouth and now here i was, a mouth full of a spanish stranger's spunk. It was horrible and i started to gag and spit it out but as i did the guy fucking me leant down towards me, blew heavy smoke into my face & mouth and kissed me. He continued fucking me whilst forcing smoke and the cum down my throat worh his tongue. He picked up his rhythm and minutes later was unloading what felt like bucket loads of cum inside me. He pulled out and immediately i felt empty. Empty and in need of more cock. He started fingering the leaking spunk into my ass with his sharp nailled fingers before leaning into my ear and whispering something about "toxic loads". I wasn't really listening, i just wanted more cock in me. Luckily i didn't have long to wait as another guy came out of the darkness and in one move shoved his entire shaft into my cumfilled hole and began fucking me. Guy after guy fucked me with the only breaks coming when i was fed a salty 'water' or when i was finger fucked with that burning sensation following. I don't know how many guys dumped loads in me. A few ti
    3 points
  9. Background: I am a happily married whore who is addicted to cock. I am 27 and fit. Hairy otter bod. While my husband goes to work, I get fucked by random guys that I meet online usually on Grindr or Scruff or most commonly A4A. I have been pretty careful to make sure that I always get fucked with a wrapper on so far. I'm writing now because a "friend" of mine who I have not had inside me for over three years because he is in a monogamous relationship himself (with another top) just texted me saying it was his birthday and he was coming over to my house to come rape me raw and drop a load inside me. It's his birthday! How can I say no? I'm lying here lubed up. He will be here in another 20 minutes. .. Oh my God! I was waiting for him naked with the door unlocked. He came inside and saw me standing there waitin for him. the first thing he did was to slap me for not being on all fours. He pulled me by the hair and took me to the bathroom and asked me to get my husband's pjs. I brought them and he made me sit in the bath tub with his clothes and relieved himself on us. He said this is how I would know who owned me and who was in charge. Then he took me to the bedroom. Asked me which side my husband slept and then just pushed me down and spit on my ass. And shoved his raw cock in. I screamed and he slapped me. And then just kept going even while I was sobbing. A few minutes later it started to hurt real good. He fucked me hard for a good twenty minutes before he flipped me over and entered me again. He made me look at him and tell him I was his bitch. Then he made his armpit available to me and as soon as I took a whiff of the ripe man scent my ass got a mind of its own. I loosened up and he kept pumping my ass. he told me i was as sexy pussy boy and he was gonna mark me as his. Brand me. He took out his phone and started to take pictures of me as he was fucking me and made video clips as well. He saw my pictures with my husband on the walls and that got him really hard. He pulled out and lay down and ordered me to ride him. Then he made me call my Husband at work and talk to him for five minutes and tell him I loved him while he was fucking me. After I was done, He called his Boyfriend and told him the same. I could feel him pulsating inside me as he was talking to his boyfriend. And I rode him like there was no tomorrow. 45 minutes later, He made me flip over and took me from behind. I was definitely surprised at how long he could last. He kept fucking me and told me he was gonna put a baby inside me. Finally when he was close he flipped me over and wanted me to see him as he came inside me and made me his. i looked at him and begged fr his seed. A few minutes of begging and he finally came inside me and kept fucking me hard. 10 minutes after he had come there was no sign of him getting soft. He tole me he wanted me make sure his seed was deep inside my guts and didnt leak out. Then he told me I was allowed to cum. He jerked me off as he fucked me and i came like a rocket. I shot past my face and head and kept shooting volleys after volleys of worthless spooge. As i came my ass Tightened around him and that made him cum inside me once again. once he was dont nutting inside me he rolled onto the bed and cuddled with his dic still inside me. As I felt him pulsating inside me among all of his seed, I wished him a Happy Birthday.
    3 points
  10. Here's an idea for a story I've been thinking about for a while. While it might not be original, here we go. Couple of months back I was at a Sauna in Leeds, UK. It was Bear night, and in the course of the evening I had a few hot encounters, but at one point, whilst wandering aimlessly about, I saw a group of guys standing opposite the door to a booth, so, naturally being curious, I took a look. Inside was some twink, probably about 19, wearing a jock, laying in a sling, trying to get guys to fuck him, his main focus being a cute black guy. Sadly the twink's attitude was putting everyone off, including the black guy, who walked-off looking somewhat pissed. Well, me being me, I decided I had to fuck him. I don't usually do twinks, as I tend to prefer bears and cubs, but I knew I had to have him. When I entered the booth I saw the twink's name was tattooed across the lower half of his back, but I was really mostly focused on the fact that he kid could position his legs terribly far up in the stirrups. Without a word, I started off by feeling his hole. I sensed he was uncertain as to whether or not he wanted to play with me, so I probably wasn't his type. At 31, with a few extra pounds, I wasn't all that surprised, but when I dropped my towel his expression changed. Now, I'm not all that big, as my cock is only seven and a half inches, but what I lack in length I make up for in width. In addition, and the Kamagra I had had a few hours earlier left my cock harder than usual. "So, you wanna get fucked boy?" I asked him in a low voice. "Yeah, please," he virtually squealed in reply. Fuck, this was gonna be fun! So I began by using the lube I was carrying in prepping his ass and lubing my cock, slipping in a finger or two deeply inside his hole, enjoying the sight of him squirming. I wanted to make sure he was desperate when I finally made the move to fuck him, and sure enough, after a few minutes of attention the kid's erection told me he was really horned, so I lined-up my dick with his hole and pushed into him. Damn, his ass was like silk! I don't think he realised I wasn't wearing a condom, although I saw he had several packets available, along with a lube sachet. Well, once I was in I did my party trick: I held my dick inside his ass and twitched myself. He let out a low moan and closed his eyes in pleasure. Then I started to fuck him, hard and fast, definitely not gently, no pretense of love, just raw animal passion. From the sounds he continually emitted I could tell he was enjoying himself, so I picked up the pace. His face went bright red in excitement and he began wanking himself, very quickly blowing his thick load all over his stomach and chest. I think he expected me to stop, but no, once I start I never stop until I've cum. He tried to protest but I just kept fucking hard as his face went even redder with excitement. After about 30 seconds I shot my load, blowing my cum deep into his ass. As soon as my last jet of cum had shot into his hole, I withdrew, and when he saw my cock he clearly knew I hadn't been wearing a condom, and that my load was now lodged in his body. I grabbed my towel and, as I was about to walk out the door, I turned back to him and remarked "That's how a real man fucks," and left him there. After I showered I went for another prowl, but didn't see the twink anywhere and the crowds were thinning out so he had probably left. What I hadn't told him, of course, was that I had recently been diagnosed poz, so my viral load was sure to be quite high. I wonder if he thought of getting the morning after pill or if in a couple of weeks he would feel a bit ill. Well, it was fun to see the little fuck hammered, and I truly enjoyed every minute of it. I think I could find myself developing a taste for twinks with attitude.
    3 points
  11. Oh my God! I was waiting for him naked with the door unlocked. He came inside and saw me standing there waitin for him. the first thing he did was to slap me for not being on all fours. He pulled me by the hair and took me to the bathroom and asked me to get my husband's pjs. I brought them and he made me sit in the bath tub with his clothes and relieved himself on us. He said this is how I would know who owned me and who was in charge. Then he took me to the bedroom. Asked me which side my husband slept and then just pushed me down and spit on my ass. And shoved his raw cock in. I screamed and he slapped me. And then just kept going even while I was sobbing. A few minutes later it started to hurt real good. He fucked me hard for a good twenty minutes before he flipped me over and entered me again. He made me look at him and tell him I was his bitch. Then he made his armpit available to me and as soon as I took a whiff of the ripe man scent my ass got a mind of its own. I loosened up and he kept pumping my ass. he told me i was as sexy pussy boy and he was gonna mark me as his. Brand me. He took out his phone and started to take pictures of me as he was fucking me and made video clips as well. He saw my pictures with my husband on the walls and that got him really hard. He pulled out and lay down and ordered me to ride him. Then he made me call my Husband at work and talk to him for five minutes and tell him I loved him while he was fucking me. After I was done, He called his Boyfriend and told him the same. I could feel him pulsating inside me as he was talking to his boyfriend. And I rode him like there was no tomorrow. 45 minutes later, He made me flip over and took me from behind. I was definitely surprised at how long he could last. He kept fucking me and told me he was gonna put a baby inside me. Finally when he was close he flipped me over and wanted me to see him as he came inside me and made me his. i looked at him and begged fr his seed. A few minutes of begging and he finally came inside me and kept fucking me hard. 10 minutes after he had come there was no sign of him getting soft. He tole me he wanted me make sure his seed was deep inside my guts and didnt leak out. Then he told me I was allowed to cum. He jerked me off as he fucked me and i came like a rocket. I shot past my face and head and kept shooting volleys after volleys of worthless spooge. As i came my ass Tightened around him and that made him cum inside me once again. once he was dont nutting inside me he rolled onto the bed and cuddled with his dic still inside me. As I felt him pulsating inside me among all of his seed, I wished him a Happy Birthday. ^ by the way is 100% true and is not fiction.
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  12. I prefer the bottom strapped down and gagged when he's on a fuck bench.
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  13. All I'd be saying would be, "Mmmppphhh! MMMPPPHHH!!!" as I got spit-roasted by anybody and everybody there. Oh, and I'd be giving two handjobs at a time too.
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  14. There was no question I was a slut when I really lost my virginity. But until that night I always got fucked with a condom, no if, ands, or buts about it. I was dancing at a club with friends when I noticed this guy staring at me. He was tall, lean, and blonde. We couldn’t stop staring at each other, and before I knew it he had pulled me from the guy I had been dancing with and we were grinding on each other to the music. Needless to say we ended up back at my place. As soon as he closed the front door we ripped each other’s clothes off, grabbing and sucking as much skin as we could. Ending up on my bed I went crazy when he started fingering my hole. In anticipation I reached into my drawer to grab lube and a condom. “I just need the lube,” he said. That freaked me out. “I only get fucked with a condom,” I said pushing him off. “No glove, no love.” We were both rock hard, so I wasn’t surprised when he took the condom and put it on. He slowly pushed into me, filling me up with what I loved most in the world. Cock. We kissed as he thrust into me, going faster with each pump. Before I realized what was happening he pulled out, flipped me onto my stomach, and rammed back into me. The only thing I loved more than cock was being dominated, so at this point I was in heaven. He kept pulling all the way out and shoving his big dick back in, until suddenly the fuck was just better. I started moaning louder than I ever had before, feeling more sensation than I swore I usually did. Something in me changed then. I became more aggressive, thrusting back, needing to feel his dick rubbing against my hole. We must’ve cum together because we both started howling at the same time. For some reason the inside of my ass felt hot. It was such a turn on! “Thanks for the fuck. Gotta go,” he said pulling out. Before I knew it he was gathering clothes and bolting out my room. I tried following him to the door, wanting to ask if we could hook up again. How could I not after the best fuck of my life? But I got to the living room in time to see the front door slam shut. Sad I’d never get to feel that dick in me again I rubbed my sore ass trying to soothe it. That’s when I felt something wet against my crack. I dug in, trying to figure out what it was when it dawned on me. Taking a look at my finger my biggest fear was confirmed. The jerk had cum in my ass! To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. I noticed the used condom on the floor, and it was empty. I looked at my finger slick with cum when an odd thought came to me. I wanted to lick it. So I did, and I couldn’t believe how good it tasted. I dug my finger into my ass again, feeling just how squishy it really was. Pulling it out I knew I was being dumb, but for some reason I couldn’t help myself. I needed to taste my stealther’s cum leaking out of my ass! After a minute of dipping and licking, I realized exactly what I was doing. Horrified I ran to the shower and scrubbed myself all over, taking extra care to clean my ass. The next day I started taking PrEP to try to mitigate the risk of getting HIV. For a week I was a mess until I got tested, racked with guilt and terror. Terror that I had savored eating cum from a stranger out of my ass and terror that I had been infected with an STD. My tests came back clean, but I knew it would be months until I really knew if I was still NEG. I stayed celibate for a few weeks trying to be extra cautious. But with how much I loved sex I couldn’t resisted a good fucking for too long, so I was extra careful to make sure all my partners were clean and played safe. Unfortunately something was lacking. The first few times I just couldn’t cum. The friction I had always enjoyed while my ass was getting plowed just wasn’t enough anymore. By my fifth hook up I tried something I had been reluctant to do but was sure would work. I imagined myself getting bred, and sure enough I came buckets. After that encounter I was freaked again because I admitted something to myself I hadn’t wanted to. Being fucked raw was soooo much better than being fucked with a condom. It was no contest. But it was also dangerous. I went online looking up the dangers of fucking without condoms to remind myself why I had to forget about the best fuck of my life. That led to me finding the site that would change my worldview forever. Breeding Zone. At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. People got off on chasing HIV? How could people actually want to be POZ? And stealthing. That was just fucked up. I knew from experience people did that and I was pissed people found it hot. I wasn’t amused when I noticed my own dick was hard reading stories about it. Before long I was obsessed. This whole time I kept hooking up, still vigilant about condoms. But every time I read posts or stories from Breeding Zone, the more frustrated I became. I did not want to use condoms anymore. They sucked. All they did was keep me from feeling the euphoria I had felt when I was stealthed. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I did something I thought I’d never do. I made a profile on a site all about bareback hook-ups, BBRT. I was nervous making my profile. Taking a picture of my exposed ass was awkward, but also the most erotic thing I had ever done. My profile said: New to bareback. Trying to see if I really want it. It wasn’t long before I got responses. Some of the guys were really hot! Unfortunately they were also POZ. I still wasn’t ready to risk getting HIV, so I only responded to guys who were NEG. That first time was like an awakening. I went over to his place, still not sure about what I was doing. I brought condoms over, both out of habit but also hoping that maybe I could talk him into using one. When I got there I couldn’t believe how ripped he was. As soon as we were naked I was worshipping every inch of him, paying extra attention to his dripping dick. I started having doubts about the encounter when he put me against a counter so my ass was facing him. Then he rimmed me, dipping a finger in from time to time opening my hole up, making me forget the hesitation that had been building. But when he pressed his dick to my pulsing hole the need to tell him to stop, put on a condom, came over me. Then he pushed in, and I was officially a bareback bitch. He fucked me hard, making me moan louder than I had since the night I was introduced to the joys of getting bred. “Yea! Come on, harder!” I shouted. “Bred my ass!” “Yea bitch! I’m gonna fill your fucking cunt full of jizz! You want that? Don’t you faggot?” No one had ever spoken to me like that during sex, and to my surprise I loved it. “Hell yea! Cum in my ass!” I couldn’t believe I was begging for his load. Only months before I had been all about safe sex, and here I was screaming for him to breed me. I swore to myself I would never ask for a condom again. I was now a condom free zone, and I couldn’t have been happier. He filled me three times that night, and the next night I was getting loaded by another guy. I changed my profile to make what I wanted clear: My hole is meant to be loaded! Fill me with cum. NEG only. After a few weeks I realized something. I had become twice the slut I was before. While I had been fucked two, maybe three times a week before, I was now getting bred at least four or five nights a week. It wasn’t long before I’d hook up with several guys a night. One thing I was still careful about though was making sure the guys I hooked up with were NEG. Of course with how many hot POZ guys there were on BBRT, the temptation to break my rule was ever present. One night a guy messaged me who had the most beautiful body and dick I had ever seen. I knew I needed to have him fuck me, but before I could tell him to come over I noticed something. He was POZ. True, he was undetectable, but he was still POZ. I started messaging him back, telling him we wouldn’t be able to meet, when I remembered something I had read on Breeding Zone. Guys who were undetectable weren’t nearly as contagious as guys with high viral loads. The truth was guys who claimed to be NEG could be riskier cause if they didn’t realize they were infected their viral loads could be really high. That thought played through my mind as I debated over what my answer should be. Finally I decided. Fuck it. He was worth the risk. So that night I had my first POZ load. Once again I changed my profile: Breed me! There’s nothing I love more than sucking on a hot dick before its shoved up my ass to fill me with hot jizz! NEG preferred. Undetectable guys cool too. With the pool of guys open to me wider, I was soon getting fucked everyday. I started trying new things too. I was hooking up with one guy when he had to stop for a minute to take a piss. I said it without thinking. “Wanna piss in my mouth?” I blushed harder than I ever had before. I was about to say never mind when he grabbed my head, shoved his dick in my mouth and let loose. Gulping his piss down I thought it would never end, and it wasn’t long before I hoped it never did. Not long after discovering a love for piss I discovered another favorite pastime. Glory hole breeding. I had gone to a sex shop looking for some new toys when I realized there were video booths in the back. Curious I tried one out, turned on by the fact that I was watching porn and jacking off in what was essentially a public place. Soon I noticed a hole. Looking at it I wondered what it was for when a huge dick pushed through. I couldn’t believe it. I had found a glory hole! The need to go down on my knees and suck that dick was overwhelming. But I knew better than to hook up with someone whose face I hadn’t even seen. At least I thought I did until I found myself bobbing up and down on it, getting off on the fact that it was the most anonymous sex I had ever had. I whined when the guy pulled away, his dick going back to the other side. I started to get up to leave when I heard him. “Turn around. I want to fuck you.” At first I was alarmed. What kind of guy did he think I was? But my pants were already down and I was horny. For a moment I hesitated. I didn’t even know what this guy’s status was. With how much dick I was getting some were bound to be POZ with high viral loads just accounting for liars, but this was random sex on a whole different level. Bending down to pull up my pants I froze when he stuck his dick through again. That did it. Quickly I stepped out of my pants, turned around, grabbed his lubed up dick and pressed it to my now always lubed hole. Pushing onto him I felt like the biggest slut in the world. I loved it! Matching each thrust I focused on the feeling of his raw dick, basking in the euphoria it always gave me. When he came I came harder than I had ever done so before. It occurred to me my orgasms become stronger each time I did something more taboo. That realization was the nail in the coffin for my transition. Within a week I started to frequent bathhouses, getting as many loads as I could. I put out notices on BBRT and Craig’s List to make sure I’d get as much anonymous dick as possible. Between work and breeding sessions I barely slept. Status no longer became a concern of mine. All that mattered was that a guy had a dick and bred my hole. My BBRT profile now read: I take all cummers! No load refused! Bred me! Piss in me! Share me with your friends and strangers!!!!! Like I said status no longer mattered to me. Before long though POZ guys started to become an obession. One reason was because despite my year of high risk fucking I was still NEG. All the sluttiest guys I had come to know and hang out with were all POZ. I wondered how come I wasn’t too. Whenever I’d meet another NEG slut I’d be amazed I had found someone else like me. Then he’d convert. One night a hot, regular fuck buddy who was also POZ was ramming me deep when he became verbal. “You like that POZ dick, don’t ya you NEG bitch!” I had encountered POZ talk from time to time, but usually it did nothing for me. That night was different. “Fuck yea! POZ me up! Gimme dirty seed. I want to have your POZ babies!!!!” Once again I came harder than I ever had before. POZ talk became a huge turn on for me, and before I knew it I was getting fucked exclusively by POZ guys. The idea of converting was so hot it was all I started to think about. I started begging guys to POZ me, and without realizing it, I had become a chaser. One night I even went to the baths, paid for a room and put a notice on a board saying : NEG Cumdump. All loads welcome but POZ preferred. Help a chaser reach his dreams! My profile on BBRT changed again too, letting the world know exactly what I needed and wanted: Cumdump for POZ loads. NEG whore looking to convert. Bred me with toxic jizz, blindfold me, and let strangers use my hole! Just make sure they’re POZ and with HIGH VIRAL LOADS! I consider my POZ birthday to be the day I was video tapped in a gangbang with all POZ tops. I was in a sling with a mirror above me. I had requested it so I could see every second of my pozzing before I got to watch it on tape. I also wanted to stare at the message I had written on my chest in permanent marker that I planned to have tattooed: POZ PUBLIC CUMDUMP. At least twenty POZ tops were there, each brushing my hole with a toothbrush before they fucked me hard, leaving me their dirty deposit. Throughout the gangbang I thought about my decent and how far I had come. Once I was a normal guy, horny guy, who always practiced safe sex. Now I letting a group of POZ men, most of whom I had never met before being placed in the sling, abuse and rape my hole. As load after load of POZ jizz filled and overflowed out of me, I could only thing of one thing. I was home.
    2 points
  15. Background: I am a happily married whore who is addicted to cock. I am 27 and fit. Hairy otter bod. While my husband goes to work, I get fucked by random guys that I meet online usually on Grindr or Scruff or most commonly A4A. I have been pretty careful to make sure that I always get fucked with a wrapper on so far. I'm writing now because a "friend" of mine who I have not had inside me for over three years because he is in a monogamous relationship himself (with another top) just texted me saying it was his birthday and he was coming over to my house to come rape me raw and drop a load inside me. It's his birthday! How can I say no? I'm lying here lubed up. He will be here in another 20 minutes. ..
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  16. My first time was Christmas break of my freshman year of college. I found my high school coach online. I had spent much too much time looking at him shirtless to not recognize him Spent a weekend at his house. He was the first guy to fuck me, and I took it bare because I trusted him (haha). Spent the weekend exploring different things, but mostly getting fucked. He was the only guy to bareback me until my first serious relationship.
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  17. Yes he should. Its also very rude to behave as he did. Other guys want their turn too. On the other hand, It bugs me when tops just stand around groping each other when there is a guy ass up. Step up men. Or step out.
    2 points
  18. Part V. It was our first night as go-go boys, but we’d both been doing more fucking than we’d been dancing, well, being bred more than anything. My boy had taken five loads from Dylan, Bobby, and Alex, all of whom were POZ. And I’d taken five from Dylan, Bobby, Alex, and Johnny. We hadn’t asked about Johnny’s cum, since it seemed a moot point now. Johnny handed my boy his leather jockstrap, and me my gold shorts, and smacked us on our rumps. ‘Go get those dollars boy. The only smell I like more than cum is desperation!’ We hopped into our underwear, and went out to work the room. Dylan came up to me, and started introducing me to some of his clients. I lost track of my boy for a bit, but then saw Bobby working the room with him. There must have been over two hundred guys there, and many of them had money in their hands. They stroked my ass as they stuck bills into my waistband, some even playing with my hole. I was shivering a bit from nervousness, and from the chill in the room. Most of these guys were fully clothed, but I was barefoot and nearly naked. Each time a strange man’s hand cupped my ass cheeks or stroked my chest, I shook all over. That clearly turned some of these guys on. I felt so vulnerable, but so sexy. As Dylan kept introducing ‘his new boy’ around to guys, Johnny would talk to whomever we’d just been speaking to. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex doing the same behind Bobby and my boy. I saw Johnny with a stack of bills in his grubby hands and realized that he was negotiating prices for the rest of our night. I shuddered at how seedy and dangerous this situation had become. This was clearly not standing on a table flirting with guys, with was raw fucking in public with really risky guys. Maybe I was paranoid, but it seemed like the younger hotter guys were interested in handing money to Alex to be with my boy, and the older heavier guys wanted time with me. After twenty minutes or so, Dylan and Bobby took the stage, now in matching silver sequined g-strings, alongside two guys in their late 20s, who seemed to be a little worse for wear. Johnny told me that they had started three years ago, and seemed to be lasting longer than most of his dancers. I couldn’t see my boy or Alex anywhere. Johnny ushered me backstage and shoved me into a private booth. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘I’ve got some customers who have paid good money for a few minutes alone with you. I’ll be right outside if there’s trouble. You just give them what they want, and we won’t have any problems.’ He turned around and pulled a curtain closed. He hadn’t told me how much money I’d be making, or how many guys there were, or what kind of tricks I’d be turning. I didn’t have to wait long before I found out. The first guy, a heavyset trucker, came in with a can of beer in his hand. He guzzled it down, and then unzipped his fly. I knelt before him and he whipped out his dick, soft, and wrinkled. I opened my mouth for him and he shoved his cock in. I started to work my lips up and down the shaft and he grunted, ‘No. I ain’t here to cum…’ I then felt a torrent of acrid piss flowing into my mouth. I knew I would need to swallow or it would spill everywhere. He kept pissing and I kept gulping. He pulled out, shook it a few times, zipped up, and walked out. What the fuck had just happened? I heard Johnny say, ‘NEXT!’ and seconds later, the curtain parted and two business guys came in, both in their 60s, both with round bellies falling over their slacks. They took off each other’s suit jackets and folded them gingerly over the back of the booth. One untied his tie and put it over the other guy’s eyes like a blindfold, and used the other tie to bind his friend’s hands together. ‘Breed him,’ the other guy said to me. I nodded, and jerked my cock to get it hard. No condoms in sight, and I was about to raw fuck this business guy. The guy pulled his friend’s slacks down and then his boxers, spreading his cheeks wide, then spitting into his hole. ‘Fuck him!’ I nodded and slid right in with some difficulty. This guy was pretty dry, surely no lube or seed in his hole. ‘He’s really dry.’ I said. ‘Then lube him up.’ I knelt down to eat this business guy’s ass, and the other dude shook his head no, pointing to my ass. I let him scoop some of the seed leaking out of my hole, and work it into the guy’s butthole. That juice and jizz mixture was enough to slide in easily. I eased my cock into the man and he pushed back on it to meet my thrusts. The other guy kept his clothes on, but I could see his cock was hard, and a wet spot of precum was forming on his slacks. I buried myself in the guy’s ass and let my load go. The guy underneath me kept saying, ‘Oh fuck. Oh fuck…’ over and over again as he pulled up his trousers and rushed out of the booth. The other guy smiled at me as he pulled on his jacket, saying, ‘Thanks for breeding my partner, man.’ He shoved a fifty-dollar bill into my hand and left. I shoved it under the booth cushion as Johnny said, ‘NEXT!’ again. Two guys walked in, maybe in their 40s, and they seemed more nervous than me. The both pulled down their pants and sat down. ‘We want lap dances, and we might want to fuck you a little too…,’ one of the men said. They both looked like college athletes who were still sexy but a little softer than they used to be. They were both hard, so I eased down on the one closest to me, sliding my cummy ass all over his crotch, and then moved onto the next guy. The other guy had been wanking while I teased his friend, and he held his cock straight up. I knew he wanted to get the tip into me. My hole was still pretty stretched-out so it caught his glans easily and I squirmed around on it. I lowered myself down a few inches as the guy started thrusting his hips up and down. I raised up and lowered myself onto his buddy, and the other guy was so turned on that, after a few thrusts, I found myself taking another load from a stranger. ‘Fuck!,” his friend shouted, ‘So hot seeing you take his POZ load!’ I just grinned, not knowing what else to do. I pulled off and lowered onto the other cock that I was there to service. The guy pumped me a few times before breeding me as he shouted, ‘Take that dirty cum!’ I sat on his cock until it softened and plopped out of me. The two guys left, and Johnny popped his head in. He tossed a jockstrap at me, smiled, and told me to follow him. I hopped into the jock, tucking the money under the cushion into the elastic, feeling several fresh loads ooze out of my ass and down my thighs. Conclusion to follow with Part VI... P.S. If you like, please comment. Your comments make me hard and pre-cummy...
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  19. Yesterday at the fitness club. This young twink was looking at me in the locker room He was thin and very well hung. As I left he followed me and asked if I was interested in fooling around. He had a van in the lot. We climbed in and it was dark and private. He quickly pulled down my shorts.he pull d his down and his massive cock fell out. He said he had a girl friend but was horny now. With one move he spit and shoved his bare dick in my ass. He pounded for a few minutes and the he said he was going to cum. He asked if it was okay if he came in my ass. Before I could answer he moaned and flooded my ass with his cum. He pumped three times and his cum was dripping out. He said thanks I got out and he drove off
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  20. Hey guys. Long time lurker; first time poster. I never really thought I'd have a story to post here.. I woke up horny this morning. It was just one of those days, you know? I was constantly checking my hookup apps on my phone while doing typical Saturday stuff. I wasn't really planning on getting any action, but it was still fun flirting with the cute guys in the area. I'm a slender white kid who just turned 20, with well-kept light brown hair, and deep blue eyes. Not to mention a respectable 7.5" endowment. I didn't have any shortage of guys who would play the flirting game with me. Eventually, though, I had a 27 year old dude send me a quick series of messages that managed to amuse me, intrigue me, and turn me on. "Hi!" "Omigosh, you're so hot.." "Can I suck you, please?" "Seriously, I'll pay you.." Flattered, and feeling a bit bad for the smaller, feminine guy of slight frame that I saw in his pictures, I responded that I was interested. I figured that he just hadn't gotten any in awhile, and just needed a bit of dick to take the edge off his hunger. Besides, he wasn't too bad looking, and I like femmes pretty well. Not seriously entertaining the thought of taking his money, I accepted his initial offer ($50) without argument. We kept on talking, and made our arrangements. He asked me to meet him at his apartment in the next town over an hour later, to which I agreed. I got showered, combed my hair out, put on a tight fitting shirt, shorts, and Steve Madden's over my ankle socks, and got in my car to drive over. While on the road, I made a note to remember to bring a condom inside when I got there. I had plans to "save myself" for when I wanted to mount that special boy, but better safe than sorry, right? I got there in about 15 minutes or so, and parked my car. While walking to his apartment's entrance, I called up as he had asked, and he said he would be right down. I waited patiently, shooting the shit with a Domino's delivery guy who was also waiting to be let in. Within a few minutes, the dude came down, and it was one of those "aw fuck, he posted his flattering pictures" moments. The thing about times like those is you have to make a judgement call real quick. Do you want to go through the awkward moment of calling it off, and making some kind of excuse? Are you horny enough that it's not too big a deal? Are you disappointed, but don't want to have come all that way for nothing? I went with the latter option, and greeted the guy while trying to mask a bit of disappointment. We headed back to the elevators, and up to his room, introducing ourselves in person for the first time. He had both of his roommates out for the evening, so we had the place to ourselves. He offered me water, asked if the temperature was fine, and asked if I wanted to watch anything on the TV in his room (including porn). He seemed a bit nervous, but was obviously trying to be a good host, which I appreciated. We watched one of the world cup games in his room for a bit, with him at his desk and me lounging on his bed. We talked about the area, weather, general small stuff. Then we turned to talk of cocks, guys, etc. We discussed sexual positions as well. He said that he was pretty much a bottom, but didn't expect he could take a cock like mine. Nodding, I said I was inexperienced, but knew I'd end up topping. He nodded, too. He admitted to being very horny, and I hadn't gotten off all day, so we were both ready to begin. I kicked off my shoes, while he slipped off his flip flops. I undid my shorts, and slid off my socks while he dropped his shorts. I quickly rolled over then, to put my keys, phone, and condom on his side table. With me lying on the bed, he grabbed the bottom hems of my shorts and pulled them off my shaved-smooth legs. He began to heft and feel my sizable package through my boxer briefs then, while I slid my t-shirt off over my head. He quickly rolled over to my side for a moment then, and shimmied out of his boxers, then taking his tank top off, throwing them both off the side of the bed. He then went to straddle my legs, and peeled my tight underwear back, allowing my seven inches to spring free, then flop against my stomach. Fixated on my sizable length, he quickly pulled my underwear down to my ankles and off my feet. With both of us naked on his bed, then, I began to appreciate the size difference between us. I weighed a good 150lbs, while this guy might be 100 sopping wet. I stood at 5'11", and he must be around 10 inches below that. Finally, while my turgid member had several inches in length, I'd be surprised if his was more than 5". At the base of his bed, he slightly spread my legs then, so that he could crawl between them and begin to lap on my cock a bit. It had been a good while since I'd gotten a BJ, and I lightly gasped at the sweet sensations. As he began to engulf more of my cock in his mouth, I began to get more into it. I lightly caressed and rubbed his sides and shoulders, physically encouraging his efforts. He moved further down my dick then, and moved his body further between my smooth thighs to give himself leverage. Enjoying the sensual body-to-body contact, I brought my legs in around his, enjoying feeling my calves on his, my feet on his. With the setting sun shining through the window onto his bed and our intertwined naked bodies, I had the brief thought of "thank goodness I'm gay." He came up for air after a solid effort with my member, and we engaged in lighter foreplay. He tweaked my nipples, and rubbed my pecs, while I ran my hands up and down his back. We both brought our faces closer then, and shared a very wet kiss. I noticed when we pulled away, that he had moved his hands to my thighs, and was pushing them apart quite firmly. I could now feel the tip of his cock prodding at my crack as well. Before I could continue to process this he brought his mouth back down over my cock, resuming his efforts. He bobbed up and down more fervently now, running his tongue quickly up and down my shaft. I let out light moans of appreciation for his surprising expertise, spreading my thighs ever further to grant him better access. He interpreted this differently, however, and while continuing to suck me, brought one hand down below my balls to tease the smooth entrance to my now-exposed hole. Somewhat uneasy now, but still enjoying the oral attentions, I allowed him to continue. I quickly began to enjoy it, to be honest, and gently bucked my hips against his hand. He shifted his body then, and began giving me a handjob, while he sat upright between my wide open legs. He stopped teasing my hole with his hand then, and instead used it to gently rub his cock head up and down my crack. He continued that way for awhile, and he smirked at me as I continued to gently buck my hips, now against the probing head of his cock. The developments of my situation were certainly not lost on me. I hadn't expected this smaller, stereotypically sissy fellow to make a play like this. He had desperately wanted to suck my dick, even offering money to do so, and even said he was a bottom. Pretty much. What confused me more was that I was enjoying his attentions. Wasn't I supposed to be a top? Something he said interrupted my train of thought. "Huh?" I asked, not hearing what he said. "I asked if you wanted me to fuck you." He stated confidently, still smirking, still pumping my cock and probing my hole, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Please." I simply stated, and I knew I said it with a note of pleading in my voice and a blush on my cheeks. Without another word, he climbed from between my legs to his night stand, looking for his lube in the drawer there. Thoughts drifted through my head of "this is your virginity," and "really? him?" But I knew what I wanted, and I wasn't turning back. I also noticed he hadn't retrieved a condom from his drawer, and while glancing over at mine resting on top of the table, I somehow didn't think to ask him to wear mine. He returned between my legs then, purposefully spreading my thighs once more. I timidly watched as he squirted some lube into his hand, which he rubbed up and down my crack, and around my hole. While I gasped at the cool feeling of the foreign fluid, he squirted a bit more into his hand, which he rubbed up and down his modest length. He then used his hand to guide his cock to my tight, virgin pucker, and looked me in the eyes, that mischievous look still present. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He shoved. After a few seconds of firm pressure, his head gained entry, soon followed by the firm few inches of his shaft, until he had wholly penetrated me. My face flushed at the new sensations, and I gasped lightly as I felt his member begin to gently pulse within me. I could feel him so well. The tip of his cock on my inner walls, his balls resting against my crack, his stomach and mine sandwiching my now-neglected cock between them, my arms gently dangling from around his neck, and our legs still intertwined. "You okay?" He asked, looking down into my eyes. "Uh-huh." I affirmed, looking meekly up into his. He began to smirk again then, and resumed bucking his hips once more, now his length pumping in and out of me. He was good, and he lasted a good while. Time and again he managed to make me gently coo with pleasure as his cock reached my sweet spot. I gently bucked my hips in time with his movements, coming to enjoy my more abstract role. I rubbed his shoulders encouragingly, and wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing them in in-time with his thrusts. As he pumped away, I began to ponder my budding role as a bottom. I thought of the defeated Kings of old, sodomized in front of their former subjects, so as to make women of them. I thought of the Greek and Roman youths pursued by the aristocracy, and young British sailors, subjected to the attentions of the senior Seamen. As he continued to buck and thrust, and I let light moans of approval escape my lips, I decided that I was quite happy to be among history's ranks of penetrated men. Soon enough, his breaths became more heavy, and he began to pump in and out of my ass quicker and quicker. Suddenly, he seized up, and gave out a low moan. I could feel his cum slowly dripping out between his softening cock and the edge of my hole. He rolled off to the side of me then, and gave me a calm, confident look. "I came inside you." He stated with purpose. "I know." I nodded once more. We lazed around naked on his bed for awhile longer, engaging in a bit of pillow talk. His lust sated, he talked about his job, asked about my job, what I was going to school for, other such things. I was happy to contribute to the conversation, but gave a light frown while glancing down at my fading erection, which had never been allowed to climax. He invited me out to dinner, but having already eaten I politely declined. As we both stood up to get dressed, he opened his wallet, and with a grin tossed $55 to my side of the bed. I sheepishly returned his grin, and his money. Surprised, he accepted it back, but asked why I didn't take it. I shrugged, and explained I was just into the fantasy of it. He seemed to nod with understanding as he saw me out the door, wishing me a "Happy Pride" as he saw me off. I walked back to my car, then. A noticeable twinge felt between my legs as I walked.
    2 points
  21. Zach I’ve been feeling crappy off and on for the past year, I may even be the source of an epidemic in my small town. I graduated last May from high school and will soon be heading off to college, where I will no doubt, begin a new round of infections. I’m 19 now and I’m a total slut, pig, whore whatever you choose to call me, oh and I have a taste for daddies I think my obsession with older guys started when I was doing competitive swimming as a youth, the coach would play us video tapes of athletes like Marc Spitz and Greg Louganis to train us and to give us inspiration in our swimming and diving, I was glad the warm up pants were a bit baggy as I always ended up with a raging hard on. I also guess that is when I internally started realizing and accepting I was gay although I kept it to myself. Now I have always been athletic although I really don’t like sports all that much other than swimming, wrestling and weight lifting. I have kept myself in shape and have proven to be outdoorsy, hiking, camping, and generally being at home in the outdoors, doing activities. I remember back when I was in my mid tens going camping with the family, including my Uncle and his boyfriend and I overheard my uncle talking “so when do you think he’ll come out?” they were talking about me of course. Now my family is pretty liberal and being gay isn’t a big problem with them, but I still stayed in the closet till just before my eighteenth birthday, when I finally decided it was time. Their reaction was “so, this is a revelation” coming out to my parents was easy. Coming out to my best friend since fourth grade was more difficult for me at least, his reaction was “so I’m straight but this doesn’t change anything, our bromance can continue the way it always has” he said with a wink and a smile. On my eighteenth birthday we were buzzed from some really good bud and I leaned over and planted a wet one on his lips, he returned the kiss and we soon were into a hot make out session for about 5 minutes before he pulled away “ok, that never happened, it was the weed, and it won’t happen again” I was a bit crushed but I knew what he was implying, I headed home to my surprise birthday party and pretended I was surprised, I got some cool birthday presents, but the one that piqued my interest the most was getting my own tablet, no more having to share with my sister and brother. As the festivities wound down I retired to my room and proceeded to set up the tablet complete with hidden profile, password protected of course. After getting things set up I connected to the internet and googled “raunchy Gay Sex” picking a site I began watching hardcore porn, the first one showed a guy surrounded by several other men taking a cock in his ass while the other men jerked, pissed and feed him their cocks. I was excited and intrigued, that was how I wanted sex. I spent a good portion of my free time jerking to different videos over the next week, after school I would rush to my room and lock the door, pull out my tablet and put on dirty movies. About three weeks later mom was reminding me not to plan anything for the following weekend as my Uncle was getting married to his partner. I was hoping that being a gay wedding there might be some hot gay guys who might fulfill my fantasies. The day of the Wedding came, and I adorned a black tee shirt and a blue and white striped dress shirt to wear over it unbuttoned so I would look cool. My family and I arrived early and there were a small amount of people mingling and then I spotted him, a handsome daddy bear about early 40’s apparently helping out with the preparations, was taking pictures for my mom so I tried not to be too conspicuous about cruising the guy, but I stayed within eyesight of the daddy. As more guest arrived it became a little harder to cruise him but easier since I was able to get more picture, which allowed me to get closer to him until we were standing next to each other, we exchanged polite small talk, enough to find out he was indeed helping the wedding coordinator and was a friend of my uncle. I noticed he visited the bathroom frequently and I began developing a plan to get him alone and in a compromising position. I handed my mom the camera and headed to the small bathroom, locked the door and pulled up Facebook on my phone, I clicked on my Uncles partner’s page and scanned through is friends to see if the hot daddy was listed, there he was, my heart was pumping and I was hoping he was interested in younger guys. The ceremony was short and sweet, even though I was on the opposite side of the room I kept the daddy in my sights. There was a short break while photos were taken, papers signed and such then the grooms were ushered in to start the buffet line. Soon the whole party was focused on food and drink, lucky for me my family choose a table where I could see him clearly, I went for seconds, and then back for more, after all I’m a growing youth. The second time I came back for more I noticed he got up from his table , but didn’t grab his plate to refill it so I slipped into the bathroom, and stood behind the partition that separated the sink from the toilet. I wait and hoped he would come in, I heard someone push open the door, I peeked as they were latching it, and it was him, he stepped to the sink and quickly washed his hands, as he dried them I stepped out and pressed myself into him, our lips met and he was soon returning the kiss. He protested a bit saying that there was our friends just on the other side of the door, and that he really had to pee. This was my chance I sat down on the toilet and took his semi hard cock into my mouth, I was living out my kinky fantasy, he asked me if I was sure, I nodded and his stream began to flow into my mouth, it was acrid and sweet at the same time. My cock began to get rock hard as he finished pissing in my mouth, I undid my pants and fished it out stroking it as I started giving him my first real blowjob, I had practiced on vegetables and hot dogs and such but this was the first real cock sliding down my throat, I gagged a little and when I had him all slobbered up I quickly stood up and turned around, directing that throbbing piece of meat at my unlubed and virgin hole. I pushed back and the head breached my opening, fireworks of pain shot through me, he grabbed my hips and held me still. At first I thought he was going to pull out, but then I felt his cock twitch the slid another inch in the back out then in again a little deeper, the pain began to turn to pure pleasure as he did this one more time then slammed his cock into my grasping hole. He began fucking me in earnest and had to put a hand over my mouth to help keep me quiet. He pumped me hard I could feel myself getting wetter then I realized his precum was flowing into me, then he grunted and flooded my gut with his seed. His slow gyrations stated up again and he started a new round of thrust hitting my prostate repeatedly causing me to shoot my load onto the toilet seat cover which then puddled into small lakes of semen. He pulled out with a plop and I bent over and slurped the puddles of cum up, presenting my ass to him which he then feltched eating some of his cum from my hole, I turned around and took his slimy cock into my mouth and cleaned off the mess my ass had left there. I stood and kissed him, taking in the taste of my ass while sharing the cum and juices which were still lingering in my mouth. I slipped him my name, number and e-mail and hid behind the partition again as he slipped out the door. I exited a few moments later, returning to my family with a full gut of cum, stopping at the buffet on the way to grab a slider to hide the scent of the sex on my breath. We exchanged glances back and forth but no one was the wiser of our tryst. I left shortly after the cake cutting with my family, riding in the car I could feel cum slowly oozing into my underwear, I was hoping it wouldn’t make a spot in my jeans. Upon arriving home I rushed ahead of my family upstairs and into my room stopping in the bathroom for a quick evaluation of my rear, my shorts were sticky with cum and ass juices along with spots of blood. As I got to my room, without running into either sibling I locked the door and pulled out a small plug I had purchased a few days before, running it up and down my crack to lube it with cum that had escaped then shoved it into my hole, my sphincter gripped the invader by the indent in the shaft, thus sealing my hole from further leakage, I threw on a clean pair of underwear and a pair of basketball shorts and headed downstairs. After watching television with the family for a couple hours I headed back to my room and pulling my used pair of boxers to my face took in the scent of daddies cum and jerked off, falling asleep shortly after blasting out my load. A few days later I was hanging with a buddy at school, and my best friend came by and greeted us both, and the three of us began walking towards the gym and locker-room, they were both on sports teams so I walked them to practice. As they changed into their uniforms I noticed that there was a new assistant coach wandering through the locker-room. I inquired and they told me he was the new assistant coach just out of college. He smiled at us as he passed by, I smiled back and excused myself from my friends, I followed him back to his small office “Err um coach I was just curious if you might have some time to talk” “Sure, what sport you interested in” As he turned around I grabbed my crotch and winked, the hot coach stammered then walked over and closed and locked the door. Coach began rubbing my crotch as I leaned in and began kissing him, I soon had the hot young coach on his back and was pounding his hole with my 7.5 inch stud pounder, I was soon filling him with my 18yo teen boy cum. After having sex with the hot young coach, his boss looked mighty hot, although he was a little more work to get him into my pants and me his. About a month after the wedding I came down with a flu which kept me out of school for almost a week. As sick as I was I still wanted our weekly meetings with each coach flip fucking with the older one and pounding away at the younger one’s sweet mancunt. Three weeks later we were in the final games leading into the playoffs and several players were getting sick with the flu, the coach had been ill a couple weeks after me and so it went the epidemic started and I decided I should lay low for a bit, especially after going over to the next town where nobody knew me and purchased a home HIV test kit. After using it to test myself I put the numbers together I had been infected at the wedding, I in turn infected both coaches who were fooling around with several of the players, who were also banging their girlfriends and boyfriends. I also infected my best friend when we were buzzed one night I talked him into fucking me then I fucked him in return all before I tested. So now my little home town has had an outbreak of HIV and health officials are baffled since no one is talking about who they fucked or let fuck them
    2 points
  22. I waited at the end of the street to be picked up by Hugo.. I thought about it when the text came.. And continued thinking about it the whole day. My body was crying out for me to go back to him. The cocks? The cum? The drugs? I don't know. I just knew i HAD to give into my cravings and do it. The car pulled up and i jumped in. Without saying a word, Hugo sped us off into the darkness. I was too afraid to speak. What would i say? I was immediately regretting this. I shouldn't have came. Too late now. We drove to a house in the mountains and Hugo told me to get out. I contemplated making a dash for it but in a strange country, at night, high into a mountainess forrest i knew i couldn't. Inside the first room had sofas in the middle & not much else. Hugo told me to sit & wait and he would get us a drink. He came back with a drink already poured. I didn't ask what it was, he still didn't seem in a talky mood. I drank it nervously looking around. When i had finished Hugo stood up in front of me. He pulled me up off the sofa with one hard yank of my arm and ushered me into another room. My eyes tried to see through the darkness. There was a bed in the middle of the floor and from what i could tell not much else. He pushed me onto the bed and started ripping at my clothes. I was instantly turned on. He tied my arms above my head and my legs stretched out to each corner of the bed. Naked & spreadeagled in the dark room i was there for him to do whatever he wanted. The lights flicked on & my eyes blinked in the brightness. The room was covered in mirrors. Even the ceiling. I looked at myself spread out and hard on the bed. Then i saw a table beside me. It was covered in an array of dildos and buttplugs of all shapes and sizes. There was metal contraptions and things id never seen before. I watched Hugo as he came back into the room. His back turned to me, i could see him in the mirrors. He was fiddling with syringes. My eyes scanned over his tattooed body. Mostly black outlines i could not fully make out but on his back there was a large biohazzard sign in red. My cock twitched looking at it. I knew it was wrong but i loved it. He came over and the familiar feeling of my arm being tied tightly came. I watched as he plunged a needle into me. Cloudy then red then into my arm the liquid went. My cock was rock hard now. I lay for a while watching Hugo eye up the instruments on the table. He reached for something metal and came towards me. He pushed into my mouth and fiddled around. My mouth was now stretched open. Wide. As wide as my mouth would allow. It was painful and i had to get my breathing back to normal as my mouth wasnt much use anymore. Hugo stipped off his boxers and got on top of me; his pierced cock right in front of my face. He wasn't hard but already his cock was fatter and longer than mine was when fully erect. The thick silver metal ring pierced through the end of it clinked against the metal surrounding my mouth as he set the head of his cock on my tongue. My instinct to suck it was kicking in but the metal made sure that wasn't possible. By now i was getting really fucking horny. I knew the needles contents had kicked in. Rushing around the blood in my body. "Thirsty?" laughed Hugo. He started pissing into my open mouth. I could feel it splashing heavily on the back of my throat, filling my mouth up fast. I choked, struggling to breathe. The salty taste making me gag. I had to swallow it to try and breathe properly as Hugo continued hosing warm, salty piss down my throat. I felt it gurgling down the back of my throat. A never ending stream. Finally i could feel him easing off. He laughed again and got off the bed, releasing my mouth from the metal. The hardness of my cock was long gone now and as horned as i was i was remaining small & soft as Hugo started lubing up my hole.
    2 points
  23. More guys came forward. Maybe the same guys i'm not sure. The fucking continued. Cock after cock was thrusted back into my begging hole. Crusty cum covered cocks fucked the back of my throat. Guys and cocks of all shapes & sizes. Fat. Thin. Veiny. Pierced. Some cocks covered in cuts and graze like gashes but still my mouth greedily ate them up and my hole begged for their juices.. The fucking stopped & a guy i was sure i had not seen before stepped over. He stood over me & introduced himself as "Hugo". He was big. Tall & broad. Massive chest covered in a dark rug of hair. His skin was dark & covered in tattoos. Even his massive pierced cock was tattooed. He scared me & excited me all at once. I had to have Hugo's cock in me. Hugo called another guy over who he ordered to take his sock off. Hugo forcibly shoved the sock into my mouth and taped it in place. Looking at his cock i assumed i'd need my screams of pain to be muffled. And this just worked to turn me on even more. Hugo moved to my ass and put his finger in my used hole. One finger. Then two. Before long four of his fingers were violently scraped and twisting in my hole as the sock done it's job in gagging me. This hurt more than before and then bam.. He squeezed his thumb in. His hand was in my previously tight virgin hole. My ring stretched so tightly around his clenched fist. He pushed further and it felt as though i was literally ripping in two. He kept pushing his arm in. Further & further until it felt like his fist was in the middle of my entire body. In one quick movement his arm was pulled from inside me. The pain was unbearable. As was the feeling of complete emptiness. Before i could catch my breath he punched his whole arm straight back into me. He was definitely going too deep. This was going to kill me, i was sure of it. My whole body was stretched around his thick, muscular tattooed arm as he continued to punch in and out. Wrecking my hole with every punch. As he went on the pain began slightly subsiding to a pleasurable feeling. Still super painful but somehow in a good way. A few more violent punches in and swift hard pulling out i was in heaven. Hugo stopped and stood up, lining his heavy duty pierced cock to the opening of my now gaping savaged hole. I was so looking forward to having his cock in me more than any other. He leant down and pulled off the tape & sock. Grabbing my face he forced my mouth open before spitting into the back of my throat. His hand moved from my cheeks and into my mouth. I greedily licked off all the juices from my own ass on his cigar stained fingers. As i did he rammed his cock deep into me. As open as my ass must have been, the massive piercing on the head of his thick meaty cock was agony. It ripped all the way along the inside of my ass. I was definitely in shreds down there now. Instead of worrying i continued sucking his dirty fingers. Hugo stopped and pulled his cock almost entirely out. Then i felt something different. I was filling up with a stinging, warmness. Hugo laughed as it dawned on me that he was pissing in me. A random spanish stranger was pissing in my wrecked, swollen, bloody hole whilst i sucked my own ass juices off his fingers & i didn't care. I loved it. I fucking loved it.
    2 points
  24. A few times i felt as though i was being wakened from a deep sleep by a cock thrusting into me. I couldn't have been sleeping though. Surely not with all this going on. Time went on. Minutes? Hours? Days? I didn't know. Everything seemed lighter though. Morning? Or were my eyes becoming accustomed to the dark? Slowly i was regaining my own mind. Realising were i was, what was happening. Before this i was a virgin afraid to let a guy cum in my mouth now here i was letting random strangers fuck load after load into my hole. I guess the guy over me sensed this. Maybe from my tensed up body or the look of shock & fear in my eyes. Before i could even open my mouth to protest he clasped his hand over it & leant down to beside my head. "Don't to worry boy. You a good boy. You love it. And we only starting. Anyway no one can hear you here". He laughed as i tried to struggle and shout. As he stood up he gestured for the other guys to hold me down. I was surrounded by guys holding me tightly. The more i cried & shouted & pleaded the more they laughed & cheered. The first guy came back and tied my arm. Tighter & tighter until it felt as though it would cut my arm off. Then i caught glimpse of a syringe. Filled with a cloudly liquid. I tried struggling. I tried screaming but the needle was plunged in. A cheer from the guys and they all let go. The tie was released and i lay there free. A strange feeling washed over me. Sonething ive never felt before. A warmth. A feeling of being in another world. Then i coughed. Coughed. & coughed. After i stopped protesting. I stopped struggling and inside it was like a switch had been flicked back to whore mode. I wanted cock in me again. All the cocks. Again. Now.
    2 points
  25. I have attended my share of weddings in my 48 years: family, friends and the occasional plus one of someone I was dating to an obscure relative or friend I really didn’t know. With the recent decision of the SCOTUS, I have now attended three gay weddings in the last year. Weddings are what they are: a couple saying words of commitment then the party is on. The wedding this past Saturday was no different. What was different was I was helping my fiancé, who was serving as the wedding coordinator, just to make sure the events went off without a hitch. We arrived early to help get things set up and arraigned various aspects that would lend to a smoother progression of events throughout the evening. We finished preparations early and even went for a sandwich at the corner deli, upon returning to the venue and devouring our lunch, other pieces began to arrive, chairs, flowers, band etc. Then the guest began to trickle in. Most were your typical friends and family of the grooms, and to be honest, most didn't catch my eye until, that is, a cute young man walked in with his mom, dad and sister. I wasn’t sure who he was but it was obvious by the people he was mingling with he was related to one of the grooms. He stood just under 6’ and had the typical haircut that so many young men wear today, short on the sides and longer on top, combed over to one side and spiked in the front. He was adorable. It was about thirty minutes to the beginning of the ceremony and after circulating a bit taking care of last minute details I realized the young man seemed to be watching me. I was flattered. I am a 6’ tall, and weigh in somewhere just shy of 200 pounds. Most of me is muscle, and I'm generally well-proportioned, although due to the combination of meds I do have a disproportionate ring of fat around my waist, which gives me a slight belly. Although I consider myself reasonably attractive, most young men wouldn’t give me the time of day. Anyhow, with a couple of discrete questions, I learned the young guy's name was Zach, that had turned 18 just a few weeks earlier, and that he was a nephew of one of the grooms. The boy kept checking me out and I had to stifle my inclination to ask him "Who's your daddy?" Clearly a good call considering where we were, and that he was there with his family. The ceremony wrapped up and the happy couple began to circulate after signing the required legal documents, and after some time, they finally made it to the buffet line and heavy appetizers began to be consumed. I waited until most of the guests had had a chance to begin eating before making a plate for myself then sitting down to eat. I had noticed that Zach had positioned himself so he could watch me eat from his position at his table. I consumed my portion and noticed he had gone back for seconds, so I got up and went back to the buffet to find him chowing down on a couple sliders. “Hey, how’s it going?” he asked between bites. “Going smoothly. Having a good time?” “Yeah, but I could be having more fun, if you know what I mean.” He seemed to blush a bit with his boldness. I just smiled and took my food back to my table, noticing, however, that Zach was still watching me, almost stalking me. Frankly, the kid's attentions were leaving me with a hard-on. After I was finished eating, I noticed went to the restroom to wash up, noticing Zach had disappeared. I figured he had found someone else who was more receptive to his invitation. I entered the small, single occupant restroom, I turned and locked the door, and stepped-up to the sink to wash up only to find Zach standing in front of me. He had hidden behind the short wall that separated the sink from the toilet and been waiting for me to enter. “So, does Daddy want to have some fun?” “Ummm, Zach, there’s a whole room of people out there.” “So there is just us in here.” He began to grope my hardening cock within my pants, as his lips brushed mine, returned the kiss and slide around the boy to the sink, to wash my hands of the food particles. Washing my hands only made me have to pee. “Zach I have to piss if you don’t mind.” He suddenly plopped onto the toilet seat and quickly unzipped my pants and my semi hard cock was in his mouth. “You sure about this?" I asked. He nodded, and with a little concentration I let the stream begin to flow. He tightened his lips around my shaft and gulped down every drop. When he felt the stream end he began to work his mouth up and down the now hardening shaft until I was fully erect and oozing dirty precum down his throat. He worked my shaft as I began to moan, trying to be quiet so as not to alert the other guests. Somehow, meanwhile, Zach had undone his belt and pants and was stroking his impressive member, and when my cock was wet and slimy from his oral attention, he suddenly stood up and turned around, pinning me against the wall then guided my erect rod into his hole, backing-up slowly onto my shaft. Soon he had fully impaled himself on my tool. Then he began to pleasure himself (and, admittedly me), by bracing himself on the toilet tank and gyrating on my throbbing member. I worked myself it in and out of his tight hole noticing some red on my shaft. I figured that, with only spit for lube, Zach had ripped his hole. But even so, he hid his discomfort and urged me on. I began pounding into the willing boy and had to put a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet, his hole massaging my shaft as I repeatedly slid in and out. I wasn’t going to last long and felt my cream boiling up from my balls, as my shaft swelled up and became just a little harder. I made a final thrust into his hole, my cock throbbing as I filled Zach with my toxic seed, blast after blast coating his internal walls. As the flow of seed began to dwindle I resumed my pounding and worked the cream into his intestinal walls. As his ass began to spasm, he shot ropes of cum onto the toilet seat cover, and my second load shot into his ass, filling him with more toxic jism. I pulled out, and he immediately spun around and cleaned off the ass juice, blood, and semen from my deflating tool, he also proudly made it a point to show me his wreaked hole. Before we dressed, he licked his cream from the seat cover, and I leaned over and licked the cum from his hole, tasting his sweet teen ass. He wiped his hole then pulled up and adjusted his pants, as I was doing the same to mine. When he kissed me in thanks, there was the taste of his cream on his lips, and I shared with him some of his ass juices. Then we fixed our clothing, and washed-up a bit. Just before we left the restroom Zach slipped me a card on which he had provided his name, number, and e-mail. As I exited, he slid behind the partition, discretely joining the party a few minutes later. As he and his family were leaving, after the cake cutting he whispered “Thanks for taking my cherry. Hope to hear from you, Daddy.” If he only knew what I had left behind in his rectum.
    1 point
  26. I learned my lesson about engaging in fantasy play with someone you don't really know. Boy did I learn it-- the hard way! Lke most slutty bottoms, I always had a rape fantasy. The details often varied but it always involved me not really seeing the guy's face ever and being "force fucked." Well, I started chatting with a Dom Top on gay.com (back in the day) and confessed this fantasy in one of our conversations. "I can make this happen," he told me. Instantly I boned up, but was also very nervous. I was still a semi-novice bottom at this point and not the full-fledged cum whore I am today. After much more conversation, he convinced me to come over that Saturday evening. I showed up at the door at the appointed time, even 'though I strongly debated chickening-out. Of course. Now I sorta wish I had, but hindsight is always 20/20. I knocked and heard him say "Come in." The motel room was dark, except for the glow of the ember on his cigarette. "You know what to do." I did know because we discussed how things would begin. I was to strip down to my underwear, and put on the hood that would be waiting on the bed. This way I wouldn't see any faces. I did as I was told and sat on the bare mattress. "Good. Now, are you sure you want to be raped tonight boy?" he asked. "I think so, sir." "I'll take the boner in your underwear as a 'yes'. Okay, so this is going to be intense so I'm giving you a "safe word" to use if you feel things are too much beyond what you can handle. The word is 'firetruck'. Got it?" "Yes sir. Firetruck." "Good boy. Now we're going to begin. Roll over on your stomach and lay on the bed." I did as I was told and waited. I heard him rummaging around in a bag and then come back to the bed. I then felt him start to fasten leather cuffs to my wrists. "Um... What's happening? I don't remember any talk about bondage," I asked. "You want a rape scene, boy. For that you need to be restrained. Feeling helpless. Otherwise it's just another fuck." His explanation sounded logical so I went with it. The next thing I knew he was clipping my wrists to restraints at either side of the top of the mattress. He similarly bound my ankles, so after about five minutes I found myself hooded and tied spread eagle on a bare motel mattress. Then he made a call. "Yeah, the stupid fucker actually showed up... Yup, he's all tied up 'n' ready for it. Oh, you're gonna like it. Sweet bubble butt to plow. Oh yeah, bring him too, but he has to go last. I don't want him wrecking that cunt too much before I get in there. Okay. See you soon." Then he hung-up. The room was silent. "Um... We didn't talk about their being others involved either," I said, feeling a bit of panic start to creep up inside. "If you're gonna get raped, might as well be gang raped" he nonchalantly remarked. More silence. My anxiety slowly built-up. All I could hear were the slow drags off of his cigarette and then the noisy exhalation of the smoke. Then he got up and went to the bathroom sink and filled a glass. He came back to the bed and put the glass to my lips. "Here, drink this. You're gonna need it." "What is it?" I asked nervously. "Just water... With a little GHB to relax you." "Firetruck! I don't want to do any drugs." "Suit yourself, but when the boys get here, you are really gonna wish you had listened to me. Besides, I'm not trying to knock you out. What would be the fun in raping you then? It's just enough so you can pretend that you had no control over taking three cocks in your ass." I thought about it a bit-- in for a penny, right? So I tipped my head back and opened my mouth. He fed me the water and I lay my head back down on the mattress. It wasn't long before I could feel the effect of the drug - I felt foggy and lethargic. It was also about that time I heard a car pull up outside. Before I knew it, all three men were in the room. I heard a couple beers crack open. They surrounded the bed and one of them smacked my ass. Hard. "HooWee! You weren't kiddin' about this boy's ass!" Who ever he was, he sounded like a redneck. "Can't wait to fuck it!" "Well, you can have first dibs, cuz you know I like sloppy seconds," said the top who had set-up everything. The third man in a very deep and sinister voice said, "I'm so gonna tear this boy up." He sounded like he might be black. "By the way," the first man said, "His safe word is 'firetruck'." and they all started laughing. Then I heard clothes start to hit the floor. The bed moved under me as I felt someone climb on. My rape scene was going to start very soon and I already felt like things were out of control, but the GHB had done the trick and I felt helpless to resist. The second guy remarked "Fuck I can't wait to bust my nut in this boy hole" and with that he spit violently on my asscrack a couple times, pushing one of his rough fingers into me, working some of the spit inside. He spat a couple more times on my crack, and I felt his cock humping my crack and getting spit slicked, and then positioned his cock head position at my hole. I still had enough of my faculties to mumble out, "Wait...what about a condom?" The cock at my hole paused, and the guy who arranged the rape scene leaned close by my ear. "Now, what kind of a rape would it be if we bothered with condoms?" "You guy's neg?" I asked, on the verge of freaking out. "Don't worry. John here is negative and needs to stay that way for his wife n kids. Now shut the fuck up!" With that John brutally shoved inside my hole. Even drugged up, it hurt. I was only getting fucked with a bit of spit for lube, and John wasn't small. My asshole was burning and he was just jack rabbiting away like a typical married guy. "Fuck yeah, this bitch is TIGHT!" John exclaimed with a hard slap on my ass. "And he ain't gonna get all knocked up like my stupid cunt wife!" "Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that," said the deep sinister voice. All the men in the room laughed at that, and John said, "Oh yeah, I forgot you tend to knock bitches up, Big John." "Firetruck," I mumbled. John kept on fucking me. I said "Firetruck" a bit louder this time and this brought a fresh round of laughter. "I think this cunt just asked for my load, huh guys?" John said. And suddenly he was grunting loudly and I knew he was cumming up my ass. He finished quickly and then pulled himself out of my hole. "Damn that was fine! Now bitch needs to clean my dick for me." I felt him switch around the bed to be beside my head. I kept my mouth closed tightly, but then was slapped hard across the face, stunning me. "You do as your told, boy!" the lead guy said. "And if you even THINK about trying to bite his cock, we will beat you so bad you will wish you'd never been born." I nodded, and with my cheek on fire I opened my mouth and accepted John's cock so I could suck him clean. While sucking, I felt another guy assume the position behind me. John pulled out of my mouth, and before the next cock assault could begin I said, "Firetruck!" From behind me, the lead guy said, "By now you must realize that that isn't gonna work." "But you said....." The leader laughed. "You stupid faggot! That was just so that you wouldn't put up much of a fight! What the fuck fun would it be to rape boy ass if the boy got to stop the scene? No, you wanted a rape fantasy. We're giving you rape reality." I remember thats when I started crying, which didn't deter the scene in the least as the second guy unceremoniously started fucking me. His cock was bigger than the first, but at least there was some slick wetness in my ass from John. He didn't fuck as harshly either. He lay his full weight on top of me while he slowly worked in and out of my ass. I could smell his cigarette breath as he grunted with each thrust. I started to beg him to just hurry up and finish but he just laughed. "Oh no, boy. I like to take my time. I want you to remember this fuck-- my weight on top of you. How my uncut cock feels sliding in and out of your hole. And how it feels when I dump my swimmers inside you." It felt like he fucked me for a long time, but eventually he said, "You ready for my load, boy? And just so you know, I ain't never been AIDS tested. But I mostly fuck stupid neg cunts like you so you probably ain't got nothin' to worry about." "Firetruck," I whispered. And with that I felt his cock throb inside me and knew his load was now mixing with John's. He lay on top of me for a couple minutes more, and then let his dick slide out of me slowly. "You're turn, Big John," he said. "Now clean my dick, cocksucker!". I did as I was told while feeling Big John get up behind me. "I'm gonna be nice to your pretty faggot ass and use some lube. Feels better for my dick anyhow." With that I could hear him slathering lube on his cock. He positioned himself at my hole and slowly worked his big cock head inside me. Initially I thought Big John might be a gentle fuck, but then he violently shoved all the way into my ass. I screamed in pain. Even with the lube and the drugs, it felt as if I was being sodomized by a baseball bat. I was gasping for breath, my guts and ass wracked with pain, but Big John didn't move an inch, he just kept me pinned to the mattress. Then I felt his lips by my ear. "I just want you to know, that while these other dudes are probably neg, I'm not," he whispered. "I popped Poz in prison a few years back. Yeah, a bitch I was seeing accused me of rape, even though she had been beggin' for this big dick - 'til I gave it to her too hard. Cunt had me thrown in the pen. Guess I tore up the wrong holes while inside. So now that I'm out, and already done the time, I figure I should actually do the crime." I started full-on bawling at this point, because I knew there was no way to stop what was about to happen. Big John started raping my hole, and I have never prayed so hard for unconsciousness in my life. He fucked hard an with his entire cock-- pulling all the way out and shoving all the way back in. And he was so massive that each thrust felt like he was punching through my intestines with a broom handle. My tears were soaking the mattress as snot ran out my nose and down my face, but he just kept fucking while John #1 shouted encouragement. I honestly have no idea how long it lasted, and after awhile I actually just became sort of numb to it and it was like I wasn't even in my body any more. Finally Big John said, "Aww shit, I'm gettin close!" and John #1 said, "Fuck yeah! Breed this stupid faggot's ass!" "Yeah faggot! Take my toxic DNA!" With that Big John blew his Poz fuck juice into my guts, mixing his load with the other two in me. I doubt he ever heard me say "firetruck." "So fuckin hot! I'm gonna shoot another load on this cunt just watching" said John, whereupon I felt warm jets of spunk hit my face and neck. Big John stayed inside me for a long time. Then he announced, "I gotta piss. Think I'm gonna use this faggot ass as my piss bucket." With that he proceeded to release a strong stream urine up my guts. I was completely numb when he finally got done defiling me and pulled out. I vaguely remember being fed another glass of water-- which was evidently again drugged. Within minutes I blissfully lost consciousness. When I awoke, it was nearly dawn. I was alone in the room, restraints and hood gone, naked on a bare, now piss/jizz/blood stained motel mattress with a splitting headache and a raw asshole. All my stuff was exactly where I had left it. I dressed and gingerly made my way to my car and back home. I looked online for my rapist, but his profile had already been deleted. I cried some more- mostly over my stupidity. I asked to be raped, and got exactly what I asked for - and it definitely wasn't fantasy material. And then all I could do was wait to see if I ended-up 'pregnant'.
    1 point
  27. The two most powerful pheromones for cock lovers are pit and piss aroma. When you take either, or both, deep into your lungs, does it turn your hole into an aching, greedy pussy/cunt ready to ride any and all cock?
    1 point
  28. I woke up horny and decided to see who was on scruff. No more than two minutes after logging on I had a woof. I woofed back and he sent he a message and I pic. It was a nice hard cock and the message said "Woke up like this. Get your ass over here. I need to unload." I told him give me 30 minutes and I'd be on the way. I didn't expect a hook up so quickly, so I took some time to clean out. I'm also very tight so I lubed myself, inserted a butt plug for the ride, put on my jock strap and headed out the door. I sent him a message en route saying I had washed and plugged, and asking if he wanted me to leave the plug in. "Hell yes," he replied, "I loved driving with the button plug in." I was really horned up when I got there. I went to the door and we immediately went to the bedroom. He stripped as did I. His cock was already hard (and big). I walked over to him and he forced me to my knees. I sucked his cock and found it a perfect fit for my throat. Soon I had him full deep-throated and he started fucking my mouth. At this point I knew my ass was in for a treat. He held me until I started gagging and then pulled me off his cock and told me to get on the bed. I jumped up and went doggy. He tossed me a bottle of poppers and started playing with my plug. He slid it in and out as I was taking some deep popper hits. I told him I needed his cock so he pulled the plug out and immediately slid in his cock. He was bigger than the plug and he filled my ass just right. He grabbed my hips and started gently fucking me. I hit the poppers again and started fucking back on him. He got to a good speed and was fucking me harder and harder. I felt like I was going to cum when he said "Flip on your side." We managed to flip without dislodging his cock, and he positioned my leg and pounded me. That was all I could take and he fucked the cum right out of me. The wet spot on my jock told him I had cum, and he remarked with a snicker "I love making sluts cum with no hands. Now get on your back." He flipped me again and put my legs on his shoulders. He was fucking me deep and hard and reached in my jock where he scooped up some of my cum and lubed himself, fucking me for several minutes. Then he gave me another hit of poppers. I started grinding on his cock and he said "I can't hold back. Where do you want my cum?" "Deep inside me," I replied. That's all he needed to hear. He went balls deep and I could feel his cock spasm with every pump as he blew his load in my hole. When he pulled out I felt a little cum run down my hole. I lay there for a minute to catch my breath. Then I dressed, thanked him, and went on my way with a huge load deep inside my ass.
    1 point
  29. What are your opinions on these. I've previously not really been much for them, but recently i've seen some that really show exactly what a guy is packing. It might be more the exhibitionist in me...plus the slutty bottom that wants to see exactly how big the cock is that will be up me soon.
    1 point
  30. that hot story just blew my mind!! Shot a fuckin huge load on that one....love to trade places with that dude under Sean.
    1 point
  31. Fuck I wish someone had done this for me I'm like a rock atm
    1 point
  32. I wish a guy like that would send me a message and tell me he wants to infect me. I would be there in a hurry to see what it is like.
    1 point
  33. what about burping and pig noises oink nothing like being in the darkroom of the piss club hooking up with some guy snogging burping pit sniffing precum licking arse rimming burping from the beer piss flowing down your legs while twisting each others tits
    1 point
  34. Well my first time getting fucked was when I was 17 and I met a guy who was also 17 online who lived not too far away. We chatted for a few weeks before 1 day his family went out for the day and I was free so I went over. I showered again, mainly just to calm my nerves before heading to his room where I sat with towel wrapped around me and he was dressed in shorts and t-shirt sitting beside me on his bed as we started to watch some online porn videos before starting to grope each other and quickly getting naked as I dropped to my knees to take my first hard cock in my mouth, after a few minutes we moved to the bed where he put me on my back and got between my legs before getting out a pack of doms and getting one out and putting it on, the odd thing was that neither of us had actually fucked a guy before (he had sucked a cock and I had fucked some pussy) so we really had no need for doms but we did, before he pushed my knees to my chest and gave me my first experience of a cock in my ass. I don't remember it lasting too long but we did organise to do it again in2 days time when he would be home alone again and that was the time I first took a raw cock.....and became addicted!! The next time we were getting into it again and this time he rolled me on to my front and got me on my hands and knees at which point he found the thing I love as much as a load of cum being blown on my hole then fucked in my hole and that was the feeling of a wet tongue on my hole, tongue fucking me, devouring my hole, it made me horny like I had never been, the house could have been on fire and I wouldn't have noticed...after 10mins of that (or at least thats what I remember it was but it could have been between 2mins and 30mins in reality) he pushed me hard down so i was laying completely flat face down on the bed my legs spread so he was on his knees between them as he slid his body up the back of mine licking my neck and ears as he rubbed his cock against my wet hole, until then I had never even considered fucking raw but all I could think of was how much I wanted his cock to just slide inside me right then and I may have tried to make that happen as I was grinding my ass back against his cock as it slid up and down between my cheeks teasing my hole then as the grinding got more aggressive as we got hornier we both moved enough to allow the head of his cock to position itself at my hole as he stopped to slide back forward again and i know that I could have moved quickly to prevent it but I willing allowed and probably helped too allow his cock to push inside me raw, as his cock started to push against my hole he pulled back from his hard thrusting movement thankfully, as the head of his cock slid inside me and we both let out a loud audiable groan of pleasure as he stopped, waiting for my reaction which was to push back against him feeling his cock slowly slide balls deep inside me raw, we were both instantly hooked from then as he started to fuck me but didnt last long before advising he was about to cum and I pushed back hard on his cock taking it as deep as I could squeezing my hole hard on it as he unleashed the first ever load of cum to be blown in my ass (the 1st of 5 that day). We would get together at every possible opportunity we could over the next 6 months before I went travelling overseas and just before I got back he went for a 12month overseas university exchange thing. We did happen to find each other again about 5 years later and he invited me over to his apartment and spent the first hour or so trading stories of our various bb experiences before he gave me a load then took 1 from me before sending me off with another load before getting dressed and heading off. Only 1 of the lifts was working at the time and he was on level 15 of his building so I had a bit of a wait before finally getting in the lift which stopped at most floors on the way down and quickly filled up, while I stood in the back corner feeling like a dirty cum slut getting increasingly turned on as his cum started to run down between my cheeks and then the back inside of my legs and as I was wearing a pair of shorts I had a clearly visible wet trail starting to trickle down while no one in the lift had any idea, fucking loved it and have been addicted to that feeling ever since, I LOVE the feel of cum oozing back out of my cum filled hole down my legs after a good fuck session as I make my way home!!
    1 point
  35. Definitely a hot start and way to leave us hanging wanting more too.
    1 point
  36. I just spent 10 hours getting fucked raw. I still had a marriage on Saturday: On Sunday my wife kicks me out. By Friday, I have my bleeding ass parked against a gloryhole taking any and all loads. It's a quick descent. This is day six. I'll get to the beginning of the story eventually, but I want to tell you what happened to me today! So he gives me a choice. I can have a regular job working in the backroom as a host—with free room board, ample Tina, and an endless supply of cocks, or I can stay chained down here and occasionally get a small plate of food. No Tina, no cock, no contact. I accepted the host job. In fact, I was feeling ready to start right away. Anything to get out of this sling. My wrists and ankles were killing me from hanging there for the last two days and I couldn't wait to stand and stretch. My ass was sore too—it needed a break. He didn't release me right away. Instead, he reached into his pouch and withdrew a loaded syringe. The menacing smile he flashed as he jammed it into my ass was genuine. The fluid was warm and burned my already raw ass as he shot me up. He waited for me to start coughing before taking his leather shorts down and brutally stabbing me with his massive cock. My hole was hungry and lusting, but was not ready for such a raw thrust! I felt my ass rip. Then wetness. I saw blood on stranger's dick as he forcefully crammed his cock in my ass, then withdrew it completely. He stabbed my suprised anus again, and then withdew again. Over and over and over... I could see his abdomen and legs were covered with blood and fear gripped me. He was HIV positive and my ass was bleeding. I tried screaming for him to stop. I didn't want to die! The only sounds that made it past the ball gag were muffled "mmmphfff...MMMMMphffff!" I was powerless to stop him from raping me. Gradually, as the effect of his spiked enema wore on, my pain and fear melted away and was replaced by raw lust. I suddenly became excited by having this Poz stranger fucking me. It was becoming pleasureable and I was in the throes of novice accomplishment: I was taking everything he was giving me! As he brutally slammed his hard meatstick in me, my ass started loosening, eventually relenting altogether. Once my hungry sphincter finally surrendered, I would will it to open wide in anticipation of each thrust, and then as he'd slide out, I would clench as tight as my bloody abused anus would allow. I felt such an agony of craving each time he withdrew, that I knew there would be no turning back. The sheer carnal craving was too intense--drug lust, pure and simple. It briefly occured to me that might feel remorse and self loathing later, but I could always tell myself this was forced. Except it by now it wasn't. I wanted to be held there and fucked silly by this Boss. The idea that he was raping me was seductive and kinky enough for my now-perverted lust. I would have willingly allowed this man to continue pummeling me just as surely as I was chained already. I want nothing but raw fuck. The thought of him shooting a load deep in me began to arouse my twisted deviant side. Fuck HIV! I'm never going to want stop experiencing this kind of pleasure. Truth is, I would beg to be raped and fucked raw by this man--and any other, for that matter—as long as I could have some of that magic formula shot into my ass. I was excited in to a frenzy of animal desire. Knowing that all the wetness that was lubricating my ass was blood only made me hotter. Abruptly he withdrew completely and pulled away. No! Keep fucking me! "Mmmgggghh! Mmmmmggghhh!" "Shut up. You'll get my load. This is just the first part of the interview." There was his menacing smile again. He uncuffed me and led me back upstairs to a room with a bunch of stalls without doors. In each stall was a manhole size opening in the back wall, and a bench/chair apparatus that had me facing away from the hole with my ass up in the air. I recognized these four holes from my first night here—except I was on the other side. (There were four cum-dripping, used-up, disgustingly loose asses getting worked by random customers—not many of those customers were too healthy looking.) He chained my hands to the bench, cinched a belt around my waist so I couldn't move my hips more than a few inches. Below me was a large bedpan partially filled with cum. He pointed to the dish, "If you cum, make sure goes in the bowl... We collect all the cream from the employees." I tried imagining to what kinky use he could possibly be putting all that man-milk. Declaring me hired, the Boss unbuttoned the straps on my gag. He threw it on the cum-crusted floor and stuck his cock in my mouth, making me lick the shit off it. I was buzzing too hard to care so I worked his dick until it was clean; indeed, anything taboo was now my most earnest desire! After he throat fucked me for a couple minutes, he walked out of the room. My heart sank. I was consumed by desire to have cock in me, whether it be my warm wet mouth, or my slippery bleeding ass. My disappointment was relieved when he returned bearing several of the bedpans from the other stalls. He dumped the contents into a decorative ceramic bowl. "See this?" he poured the last bedpan in the bowl—there had to be a half gallon of cum in the bowl. He put the bedpans back in their original stall and returned. He reached in the bowl and grabbed a cupped hand full of the cum-lube and slathered my ass making sure to jam it inside my anus and rub it around. He winked: "We use employee cum for lube." then he walked to the other side of the wall. He was going to put this oversized glory hole to use. There was no warning: He slipped his cock into my cum and blood lubed ass. I was pleased that it was much more accepting of forced entry this time. He thrust and slammed with brute force; and as his pace quickened. Soon I could sense he was ready to cum. I spread my legs as far I could and relaxed my hole as much as it would while he continued to pump away. There was a stutter and a hitch, a quick groan and then I felt my rectum fill with hot fluid. I could feel each toxic spurt and imagined the viruses in his hot cum to seeking all the torn tissue in my asshole. That single thought sent me into climax so hard that I squirted shot after shot of my own cum into the pan below me. I was still catching my breath when suddenly there was another cock. I couldn't turn to see who was on the other side of the wall, but it was someone different. His cock was smaller, but he fucked like a jackrabbit. A few minutes of quick thrusting and I felt him seize and convulse. My ass was filled with warm liquid. He withdrew and I felt warm liquid leaking from my ass. I scarcely had time to finish shooting my next load into the bedpan before I felt a gruff hand slather more of the cum-lube in my ass. Then the raping began in earnest. I welcomed it. With each cock my ass took and each load it accepted, I began to relax and find a rhythm. After this man, there was another. And then another. And another... I lost count at twenty-two. I didn't so much lose count as I did blank out. The steady rhythm kept me convulsing in orgasm after orgasm, long after the last drop of cum was emptied out of my balls. My piggy-fuck trance was broken briefly when there was an afternoon lull. My ass was squirming for a customer to fill it; and by evening, the shop was busy and I was getting at least seven or eight hard fucks an hour. I eventually lost count of the loads I took, but almost of ose customers came in me. My bedpan was nearly a half pint full from the number of times I came.... I'm already twinging from self-loathing, but I'm addicted and know that I am now well past any point of return. Except for the few dirty and scabby dicks I had to take, I could learn to like this job. (To be continued...)
    1 point
  37. A guy getting 271 loads in 3.5 days http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=zjAR7-G206-
    1 point
  38. Wow!! This guy writes the best stuff on here and you are yelling at him???
    1 point
  39. I may not agree either, however, wherever your stories are posted they are some of the best here. Keep the chapters cumming.
    1 point
  40. Pretty limiting rule. Really stifles content
    1 point
  41. Thank you quietreader. I agree with you. Someone moved my story here after months and months where I originally posted it. I don't think it will be well received in this location.
    1 point
  42. Only in New York This guy gave me the address of an orgy and told me to show up at 2 am. I would have never made the cut had I gone through their invite on CG: too old, not enough abs, not to mention that I committed the “crime punishable by death” of having less than an 8 inch. New York is the toughest place in the world for gay muscle strict tops who need tones of money every day, so they work nonstop and end up with soft dicks by the age of 30 from all the drugs to keep up and the daily Viagra. Door was opened as my friend promised. There were some 25 gods, all high, barely moving, lots of big non-erecting dicks. Mine was up and because nothing had happened for hours, I got some attention. Next thing I knew, a strict top (saw his profile on bbrt) dragged me to the bathroom and closed the door, guess he needed his reputation intact. I did all the “ego ass licking” this guy thought was his God-given-right and ended up seeding him. Then something weird happened, he turned all lovy and appreciative. Half an hour later my dick was up again and I fucked this guy`s clone, another huge dick strict top bodybuilder. I ended up lying in bed with these two giants cuddling me, like some Alpha wolf. I felt so huge that I was ready to punch the first guy that looked at me funny on my way back to the hotel. The only one who did ran to the other side before I had time. Fuck! So to any of you out there who have made it by pure sex alone, no Tina (or any other in-drug) or Poppers or Viagra, it will pay off, but of course, only in New York. Anyone else into conquering strict tops! Steve
    1 point
  43. My take is that everyone think they deserve a 10, even though they are barely a 5, and will rather die waiting for one than to have sex with another 5. I`ve been cruising and fucking for over 35 years and things have changed. It used to be that a hot guy was enough, now the hot guy has to be the absolute hottest god with at least an 8 because anything below is a waste of time I see this when I cruise for an orgy or a 3way with guys I just met (during my travels). These guys maybe hot, but nothing like the bodybuilder-dropdead-gorgeous-type that stops traffic. but when we cruise on bbrt or sruff, none of the available guys in the area are good enough. True story, two weeks ago (and this happens all the time). In my hotel room in Miami with this other guy (somewhat hot guy around 45 yrs.). I get this guy (exactly like the photo, I got if from bareback station on FB, not the actual guy but he could be his fuckin twin) hit me on scruff. Around 25 yrs old, bb and ready to come to our room in 20 minutes. The asshole I was with actually asked the guy “dick size?”, because somehow a "10/10 muscle and willing stud" was still not enough for him. I kicked the asshole out and had the 10/10 come, and he was like the pic. All this to say that sex is dead in major cities because everyone think they are worth so much better than what the other guys have to offer. Fuck I miss the early 80s Steve
    1 point
  44. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=f1TSN-G397-&cl=1#.VWiOqW5yfEc muscular beefy and hairy, dick in his ass and eats cum,and you see his face it doesn't get any better
    1 point
  45. His finger pushed into my ass just as he had done a few nights before. He reached over and grabbed a fat black dildo off the table. I knew i'd had his fist in me but the sheer size of this still made my eyes widen in shock. He rubbed the giant dildo along my hole, pushing in slightly harder with each passing stroke. I took a deep breath as he pushed it in. I knew this would hurt but my ass was craving it now. It burnt as he grunted pushing against any resistance from my hole. He threw a small towel over my face.. It stank of chemicals. With every breath i took i felt hornier & hornier. I couldn't see anymore but i didn't care. Hugo pushed & pushed until i could feel the monster cock fill my insides up. He reached up and pulled the towel off me. In the mirrores ceiling i could see my small ass had totally swallowed up the dildo. A massive black disc hanging out from the bottom of my body. Feeling it inside me made part of me feel like i could vomit and another part in heaven. Hugo tapped the bottom of it, nudging it into my insides a few times before slowly pulling it out. My ass gaped open all greasy and slimy looking as Hugo put his fingers in. He pushed around and grabbed my asscheek from the inside. Then he put the fingers from his other hand in and grabbed the other cheek. He was pulling my ass wider open. Pain again. I was beginning to love pain. I squeezed my ass out as told as Hugo sucked around my hole. I moaned in ecstacy. He stopped and shoved a smaller dildo into my wide ass. Followed by another. I lay looking at myself.. My hole stretched around 2 dildos.. as Hugo got up and walked out. A few minutes passed before a man entered the room. Not Hugo. Someone else. A wirey thin man. He was quite old too though maybe how thin he was made him look older. He got onto the bed,straddling me like Hugo had. Pulling down his red boxer briefs, his hard cock sprung out. I recoiled my head back as far as my neck would allow. His cock was horrid. Grazed, seeping sores covering the raw skin. He grabbed the back of my head forcing the cock to my lips. "Suck my diseased gonno dick boy" he snarled at me. I didn't want to. I was horny but i didn't want to. He continued pushing it at my lips. I closed my eyes, opened my mouth and let him push his shaft to the back of my throat. With every thrust i could feel the lumps; it even tasted horrible but i kept going. The whore inside me was fully out now. Ass crammed with dildos whilst sucking a disease ridden dick. I closed my eyes & knew i belonged here. The man got off me and went down to stand between my open legs. He pulled the dildos out & pushed his cock inside me. Even my opened ass could feel the bumps as he pushed in & out. Before long he dumped his load into my ass & promptly left. Hugo arrived back in, my eyes transfixed on the shiny metal ring on his cock. He came over and told me to drink up as he poured liquid into my mouth, thankfully not piss this time. Next he blindfolded me and i could hear him leave the room.
    1 point
  46. 8. Jason Nathan rolled off of me, landing on the bed beside me. My cock was still throbbing, and it took all of my will power to keep from reaching down and stroking it. "You'll be climbing the wall tomorrow morning," Nathan said, taking my cock into his hand. "I know," I replied him. As I shifted towards him, I was suddenly acutely aware of how well fucked I had just gotten. I hoped that none of his poz sperm was leaking out of me. Nathan also moved closer to me and his hairy chest rubbed against my skin. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close in his post-orgasmic sleepiness. "It's nice to have you so close to me," I said. "Agreed. And even nicer for me to know my sperm is inside of you." He nibbled my neck. "Your ass ok?" "It was getting pretty hot and raw towards the end there, but yeah, I'll be fine," I answered, adding "but for now no more fucking. At least for a few more hours," I said. Taking a deep yawn, Nathan remarked "Hope I can restrain myself - besides I need you in fighting shape for tomorrow afternoon." "Why? What's happening?" "Just wait. You'll see," Nathan said. "I think you'll remember it for a long time." I closed my eyes, listening to Nathan's steady breathing, feeling his body pressed up against mine. As Nathan's breaths grew further and further apart, I knew he had fallen asleep. Even with my throbbing cock, I didn't last much longer, and we were both soon fast asleep. When I woke up, it was dark out. Nathan was still lying next to me, his arms still around me, still holding me tightly. "Nathan?" I whispered, wondering if he would wake. He stirred slightly, and then groggily asked, "What?" even as he pulled me closer to him. "What time is it?" he asked, as he realized we had both fallen asleep. "7:00," I said, glancing at the clock. "Do you need to be anywhere?" he asked. He was waking up, still shaking the sleep-fog from his mind and remembering what had happened, where we were. "No, not until tomorrow morning," I replied. "Good. I like you next to me," he commented, then asking "You hungry?" "Yeah, I am." He ran a hand down my smooth stomach, reaching my shaft. I was still hard. "I know what I want to eat," he said, "but I think I have to wait for that." His hand on my cock sent shivers down my body. His touch was electric, and I was excited to be able to slide into his warm mouth. Imagining his lips wrapped around my manhood was almost enough to push me over the edge right, just from his slight touch and my hyper-active imagination. "Why wait?" I asked. "Well, first, you have a porn to shoot tomorrow. You need to save your jizz for the lucky bottoms." Just to tease me, he stroked my balls, heavy with accumulated cream. "And second, remember, I want you charged up and potent when you breed me." He was right about both of those things. I had reached the point where I needed to conserve my sperm. Thomas was going to want more than just one load from me in the morning. As much as I wanted to feed Nathan, I needed to save them. Besides, I really wanted the first load I gave him to be just as deadly as the ones he had been giving me. "When's the shoot tomorrow? And where?" "I need to check. It's usually around 10:00, and we meet at Thomas's place." Reluctantly, I untangled myself from Nathan, turned on a light, and found my clothes. I pulled on my shorts. I left my jock strap on Nathan's floor. I pulled out my phone, and saw a text message from Thomas. "9:00am," I said, reading the text. "And a place I don't recognize. Nearby though." Nathan got and put on a pair of shorts. He padded out towards the kitchen. "I'll make us something to eat," he said, as he walked out of the bedroom. I quickly replied to Thomas, confirming the time and place and joined Nathan in the kitchen. "When are you going to be done filming?" Nathan asked. "We'll be done by 1:00," I said, watching Nathan as he prepared our meal. "Good. I've planned a unique afternoon for you. That should work fine." "What are we doing?" "You'll see," Nathan said, not giving me the slightest hint of what he had set up. The rest of the evening was uneventful. We ate dinner, and then we ended up watching some TV before going to bed. In bed, we were again naked with Nathan holding me close. As we slowly fell asleep, his finger found my hole. "Sore?" he asked. "A little." He pushed his finger inside my hole. I knew he could still feel some of the sperm. His finger didn't hurt as much as I feared it would. "Better give you a night off. You've had a busy day today." He stroked my back a bit as we fell asleep, next to his warm body. I slept soundly, not stirring until he woke me up in the morning. "It's about 8:00. You need to do anything? When do you need to leave?" Nathan asked. He had been up for a while, and was wearing a tank top and running shorts. A thin sheen of sweat was visible on his body. I guessed he had gone for a morning run. "It's probably a twenty minutes walk from here," I said. I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. Nathan was in the kitchen, reading a book when I got done. "Come back here when you're done, okay?" "Of course," I replied. While I was filled with curiosity about what he had planned, I knew he wouldn't give me any solid answers so I gave him a kiss, enjoying the sensation of his rough beard against my lips and his tongue filling my mouth. I headed towards the unknown address Thomas had given me. I found it not too far from Nathan's house. It was in a small industrial district, filled with garages, machine shops, and industrial supply houses. It ended up being a slightly run-down garage. As I walked in, I noticed the layers of grease and dust. I wondered how long the garage had been there, and how Thomas had found it. In addition to Thomas, there was Darren, one of Thomas's usual camera guys, and Jon, a guy Thomas had talked about several times. I had never had the chance to work with him before, but I had seen some scenes and knew he was almost always a top on camera. He was a little out of place, wearing a suit and tie. There were also two guys I didn't recognize. One of the guys was wearing a pair of overalls. It was obvious that he had nothing else on under it. The other one was wearing a grease-coated work suit, the front unzipped almost low enough to see his pubic hair. Between Jon, and what the two new guys were wearing, it was clear that the two of them were the designated bottoms for the scene. "Good to see you, Jason," Thomas said. He introduced me to the two bottoms for the scene, Antonio and Cal. Both of them were fairly young, maybe late teens or very early twenties, with dark hair, and fresh faces. Antonio was about my height, wearing the work suit, while Cal was a few inches taller than me, in the overalls. As I looked around the crowded garage, I saw that there was a silver Porsche sitting there. It seemed a bit out of place for the garage. Thomas had told me that Jon drove one, so I guessed that it was his car. The set-up for the scene began to make some sense. "Here's a pair of overalls for you," Thomas said, handing me the clothes. "Just these," he said, "No need for underwear, of course." I stripped down, as everyone watched me. I noticed that Darren had flicked on the video camera to capture a bit of the backstage action. I was on edge, and just pulling off my jock strap got my cock hard. "Wait a second," Thomas said, and smeared some grease on my face and on my chest. The perfunctory make-up complete, I pulled on the overalls, feeling the rough fabric rub against my cock. "What's the set-up here?" I asked, as Darren did some last adjustments of lights. "Cal and Antonio are your employees. They'll start out working on the car, but eventually start playing around." They smiled at each other, as Thomas continued. "You'll walk in on them, and get involved, probably fucking them each in turn." "And Jon?" "He's the owner of the car. Once you have one of them bent over the back of his car, he'll walk in. He's wondering why his car isn't done yet. Both of you will take a boy and teach them a lesson about hard work." "I'll take Antonio," I announced. There was something about the smaller boy that made me want to fuck him hard. "Fine for me," Jon said. "I'm always happy to breed Cal." Cal smiled when Jon said that, and it was clear there was more going on there than just a quick scene in a porn flick. "Rubbers?" I asked. I was pretty sure this was a bareback scene but hadn't been told explicitly. "Where do I cum?" "In me, not on me," Antonio said, laughing. "And I'm not going to make the famous Derek James wear a rubber." He used my porn name, not my real name, Jason Spencer. "Right on," I said. "Are we waiting for anyone else?" I asked. "Just for Phil," Thomas said, referring to one of the other camera guys. "He said he would be a little late." Darren set down the first camera, and started to get the other one ready. While we were standing around, Antonio walked up to me and started to kiss me. His hand went down to my crotch and unzipped the overalls. Before I realized what was happening, he had pulled my cock out and was playing with it. "Whoa," I said. "Feels good, but I'm on edge right now." "Well, I hope you don't cum too quickly, once you're fucking me," he responded. "I'll do my best, Antonio, but we may have to go twice," I answered. "I'm good with that." As we were playing around, Cal had wandered back to Jon, and the two of them had started to play as well. Cal was kneeling down in front of Jon, with Jon's cock deep in his throat. Thomas had grabbed the first video camera, and was taping the boy swallowing Jon's cock. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Cal going all the way down on Jon's shaft, his face buried in Jon's dark grey wool pants. "Like getting head?" Antonio asked me, pulling my attention back to the sexy boy next to me. "Love it," I answered. He fell to his knees, and took my cock into his mouth. Automatically, my hand went for the back of his head, holding him in place as I started to force my penis into his mouth. Just I was starting to get into the blow job, Phil walked into the garage. Hearing the door open, Antonio jumped up, seemingly embarrassed to be caught on his knees. I noticed that Cal was still giving head to Jon and didn't miss a stroke. "Ready guys?" Thomas asked, as Darren, Phil, and Thomas swapped around cameras and lights. "Yeah," replied Antonio. It took Cal a while longer to pull off of Jon's cock and stand up. He also nodded in agreement. "Let's get started then." He put a few bottles of lube on a tool chest near the car, as well as a bottle of poppers. Cal and Antonio took their places in the garage, Antonio leaning over the open hood of the Porsche, looking at the engine. One of his hands was already down his work suit, playing with his cock. As the cameras began to record, Cal entered the garage, walking right up to Antonio's firm ass. "What's taking you so long?" Cal asked Antonio. "Haven't you figured out the problem yet?" "Not yet," Antonio answered, standing up and turning around to face Cal. His work suit was opened even lower than earlier and the tip of his cock just peeked out. "I think it's the pushrod, but I can't tell for sure." Cal reached into Antonio's work suit, grabbing his cock. "You spending too much time thinking about your push rod, huh?" He fondled the boy's balls. "You need to be working on the car and not on your dick." Antonio automatically spread his legs, giving Cal even more access to his body. With his free hand, Cal undid the shoulder straps on his overalls, letting the front bib fall down. "And, if you're going to play with any cock, it needs to be my cock, boy." Cal leaned up against the car's body, and pushed Antonio down to his knees. "Suck it, boy," he said. Antonio pulled down Cal's overalls just enough for Cal's cock sprung free. Enthusiastically Antonio took Cal's cock into his mouth, slurping on the head. Cal's left hand went to the back of Antonio's head and forced Antonio further down Cal's cock. Cal's right hand went to play with Cal's nipples. Antonio quickly got the length of Cal's cock into his mouth, expertly deep throating the long cock. Every once in a while, Cal would let Antonio pull off and catch his breath, giving Jon and myself a chance to see exactly how much of Cal's shaft he was swallowing. Throughout this, Antonio was staring up at Cal clearly enraptured to be on his knees and worshipping the young stud's dick. After a few minutes of the two boys sucking, Thomas motioned for me to enter the scene. "God dammit, men," I said, entering and interrupting their blow job. "I'm not paying you to suck each other off." Antonio hurriedly pulled off of Cal. He had a guilty look on his face so believable that for a moment, I actually thought I had interrupted him surreptitiously pleasuring his co-worker. Cal, on the other hand, barely moved. "Don't be so uptight, man" he said. "It's just a blow job." "Well, if anyone is getting sucked off, it's gonna be me," I countered, unhooking the shoulder straps of my overalls and leaned against the car right next to Cal. Antonio immediately turned his attention to me, pulling down the front of my overalls and wrapping his mouth around my cock. I understood why Cal had that look of bliss on his face. Antonio was an expert cocksucker, his mouth warm and velvety. He worked his tongue over my cock head, quickly getting me hard as a rock. "Right on boss," Cal said to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "You need to be a little less uptight. Stop riding our asses so hard." "Oh, I'll see about riding your ass. I think I'm going to be riding it harder than ever." Cal turned and started to kiss me. I returned the kiss, letting my hand slide down his back and feeling his ass. Antonio reached up and grabbed my free hand, guiding it to the back of his head. I grabbed on and pulled his head all the way down my shaft. He offered up no resistance to my penetration, just the warm wetness of his mouth and throat around my cock. "Yeah, that boy definitely needs his ass ridden hard. I've been trying to get him to work, but all he wants to do is suck cock," Cal said. Antonio pulled off my cock, and returned his attention back to Cal's shaft. With a free hand, Antonio stroked my cock, making sure it never got soft. I watched Antonio carefully working over Cal's dick. His single-minded devotion to and obvious love of cocksucking was intensely arousing. I wanted to know what it would feel like when I had him bent over the car and I was shoving my cock into his tender young hole. Antonio switched between my cock and Cal's several times, always making sure our shafts were always wet and slippery, while he jerking off the man he wasn't servicing. I turned to Cal, "You think that mouth is big enough for the both of us?" "Let's find out," he responded. At that moment Antonio was working on my cock so I shifted slightly, which forced Antonio to move closer to Cal. Cal pushed his cock into the boy's mouth. I felt his cock press up against mine as it slid in. We tried to get both of our hard tools into the boy, but unfortunately Antonio couldn't open his mouth up wide enough to get more than the cock heads and an inch or two of both shafts in his mouth. "Damn, it was hot to see his mouth filled with cock," I announced. As Cal pulled his cock out of Antonio's mouth, I put my arm around his shoulder and pushed Cal down to his knees as well. "Now, let's see who's the better cocksucker. It's your turn to suck me off," I ordered. Cal and Antonio immediately went to work, both of their mouths and tongues working over my shaft. "Fucking hot," I said, watching the two boys fight over the chance to suck my cock. Darren and Phil moved in, getting close ups of the two boys sucking me off, and my face, as I felt my cock getting harder by the second. I was dripping pre-cum into these boy's mouths, and getting perilously close to shooting. The boys lapped it up, then swapped the pre-cum while kissing each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Thomas smiling. He was very happy with how the scene was progressing. But I would have to move on to fucking pretty soon, otherwise I was going to shoot my first load into a lucky boy's mouth. I grabbed Antonio, and pulled him up off his knees. I ripped off his work suit, leaving it around his ankles. I wrestled him to the rear of the Carrera, bending him over the rear spoiler. I grabbed the bottle of lube, and poured barely enough on his exposed ass. Not waiting for any reaction from him, I stuck a finger in his tight hole, teasing him and getting him ready for my cock. He gasped, unprepared, as my finger went all the way to the base. "Don't want me to ride your ass?" I asked. "Then stop fucking around when you're on my clock." I worked my finger in and out, then added another finger even before he was completely loosened up. Cal got up off his knees and stood next to Antonio, spreading his ass cheeks for me. On the other side of me, Phil was getting close-ups of my fingers sliding in and out of Antonio's hole. "You gonna fuck him, Boss?" Cal asked. "Fuck yeah," I said. "And don't think you're not gonna be next, jerk-off." I added a third finger to Antonio's hole, getting another gasp from him. "My cock's even bigger, boy," I said. "You better get used to it." I poured a little more lube on his hole, and let some drip on to my cock. "Nail him, boss," Cal said. "Get that raw cock up his hole. You know he wants it bad." I pulled my fingers out, and put my cock up against Antonio's hole. I could tell his ass was closing up already: he was still young and tight. Before it was too late, I shoved my cockhead into it. Antonio gasped again. I took pity on the boy and gave him a few moments to get used to my tool in his ass. Cal grabbed a bottle of poppers hidden in the tool chest and held it under Antonio's nose. As he did a huff, I could feel him relax which let my cock in a even further. When Cal pulled the bottle of poppers away from Antonio's nose, I stopped holding back. I put my entire weight into a thrust and slid all the way into Antonio's ass. It seemed almost impossible that his small, compact frame had the room to accommodate my cock. But with only a few grunts and moans from the boy, the entire length of my dick disappeared into his eager hole. "Fucking tight hole," I said. "Going to need to loosen you up a bit." "Please man, go slowly," Antonio said. "You're fucking huge." I ignored Antonio's request. I had been on edge since last night. Now that I was inside a hot, raw ass, I had no intention of slowing down. Besides, this scene demanded an aggressive, punitive fuck, and I wanted it to be realistic. "Go ahead, he needs it hard," Cal said, encouraging my attack on Antonio's ass. "He's been goofing off all morning. You're the only one who can to teach him a lesson. Especially with that fat tool of yours" He handed me the bottle of poppers, and I did a quick hit. I knew too long a hit would take me right to orgasm, and I wanted this fuck to last a while. I pulled all the way out, then slammed my cock hard back into Antonio. He grunted, but made no effort to avoid the slam fuck. The second time I did it, he even pushed back against my cock. His hole was hot and tight with just barely enough lube for me to slide in and out. It had to be right at the edge of pain for Antonio, but he took the fuck like he knew he deserved it. I had to struggle not to shoot. I slowed down, and stopped pounding his ass quite as forcefully. As I slowed down my thrusts, Cal leaned over and started to nibble on one of my nipples. That morning, they seemed to be wired directly to my cock, and the attention only made my cock grow even harder. I tried to get used to it, but after a few moments, I had to pull Cal off, just to keep from cumming. "Don't want to shoot yet," I said, by way of explanation. Hearing me, "Please man, sperm in my hole," Antonio begged. "Give him a good hard fucking first," Cal said. "Make him shoot his load first." Right as Cal said that, Jon walked into the garage. He had heard what Cal said. "Fuck man. If he's gonna mess up my car by shooting all over it, I want to get to fuck his hole as well." I was too engrossed in nailing Antonio to follow closely, but Cal turned to face Jon. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him toss his suit jacket into the open door of the car, loosen his tie, and unbutton his shirt. "You can have my hole, Sir," Cal said to Jon. "That's for sure. You need to get me hard, boy," he said to Cal. Jon leaned up against the back of the car right next to me and Antonio. As he said it, he unzipped his pants and pushed Cal back to his knees. Cal reached in, and quickly pulled out Jon's firm cock. He took the head into his mouth, and was soon impaled on the long shaft. "Now I know why it's taken you fuck-ups so long to fix my car," Jon said to me. "All you do is fuck around," he laughed. With Cal sucking him off, Jon quickly got hard. I could tell that Jon and Cal had played at least a bit around outside of this scene, because Cal knew exactly how to please Jon. I was a little jealous of their obvious closeness and easy intimacy. Still, I would get to see Nathan later that day. He would breed me just like Jon was going to breed Cal. And he knew exactly how to work me over. "You want my cock up your hole, boy?" Jon asked Cal. "Want my hot fucking load up your raw boy hole?" Cal nodded his head as best he could while Jon's cock was in it. Jon pulled off his shirt and tie, and undid his belt, letting his pants fall down. He had an intricate tattoo on his side, a red biohazard symbol with detailed tribal patterns radiating from it up and down his torso and thigh. "Fucking hot tattoo, man," I said to Jon, briefly breaking out of the scene. "You like it, Derek?" Jon asked, carefully using my screen name. "Oh yeah," I said. "So hot. I'd love one like that." "Well, you know you have to earn it, don't you?" he asked. "Yeah, I know. I'm working on it." "Very hot," he said, before turning his attention back to Cal. "Bend over boy," he said, "Time for you to get charged up." Cal stood up, and bent over the back of the car, right next to Antonio. "Hope he's gentler than Derek," Antonio grunted to Cal, and then the two bottoms started to make out. Jon found the bottle of lube, and poured some on his cock, rubbing it along the length of his shaft. He poured some on Cal's hole. He was far more generous than I had been with Antonio. He quickly rubbed it into the boy's hole. "We both deserve it," Cal said to Antonio. "You know we've been fucking around too much." He looked over his shoulder at Jon and said, "Please man. Give it to me. Fuck me hard and shoot your hot load in my hole." "Of course, boy. I'm going to pound you good and pump a big load up there." He lined his cock up with Cal's hole, and slid it in. "Oh fuck, your raw hole feels damn good," he said, as his balls started to slap against Cal's ass. "Fucking sweet ass, my boy." He started nailing Cal hard, enough to rock the car up and down. Watching Jon attack Cal, I stopped trying to hold back on Antonio's butt, and resumed my hard fucking. "I'm going to shoot in your hole," I said, feeling how close I was getting to cumming. Darren quickly shuffled to my side, ready to get the money shot. Jon put his arm around my waist, and I returned the gesture. The two of us fucked in synchrony, shoving our cocks deep into our respective bottoms, then pulling out. "Give me a second, and I'll shoot with you," he said. Hearing him, Phil moved in as well, preparing for Jon's cum shot. "Fucking hot, these two boys taking our bare cocks," I said. "Gotta teach them a lesson." "Damn straight," Jon said. "Getting their boy holes filled with a real man's sperm." We were pounding Cal and Antonio's asses hard, and they were grunting with each stroke. They were begging for us to cum quickly, but I was still enjoying the feeling of being inside a fresh young hole, totally raw. It was an intimacy that I had always enjoyed as a top. But now that I had offered my hole up to Nathan raw, I was finding new depths and connections with Antonio that I hadn't previously known when I was just a total top. I knew how it felt for him, how badly he wanted to have my cock inside of him, and the hunger he was feeling for my semen. "Can't hold off much longer," I said. I needed release, and Antonio's tight hole was exactly what I needed to get off. My only regret was that I wasn't poz like Jon or Nathan. I wanted to give Antonio a part of myself. I wanted to mark him permanently. "Me either," Jon said, slamming his cock deep into Cal's hole. The two boys were grabbing onto the spoiler of the car, doing their best to take our simultaneous thrusts. "Gonna take my hot cum, boy?" Jon asked Cal. He put a definite emphasis on "hot," and I knew exactly what he was talking about. As would anyone watching the video. "Please Sir, give it to me," Cal said, "You know I need it." He leaned over and started to make out with Antonio. "We're both gonna get fucking bred," he said to the other boy. "Deep and hard." Hearing that sent me over the edge. I pulled out and a spurt of thick spunk landed all over Antonio's ass. Before the second spurt, I shoved my cock back in his hole, making sure that I pushed as much of the first spurt as I could. "Breed him," Jon said, egging me on. "Fill the boy up with what he needs." I watched him take another stroke into Cal, then also pull out and spurt on Cal's smooth-shaven ass. Like me, the second spurt was reserved for an internal cum shot. He had clearly working with Thomas before, and knew how he liked his cum shots. We were happy to oblige, doing it like he wanted us to. At least my orgasms went on for a long time. I was able to pull out one more time, covering Antonio's hole a second time with my white cream. "Fuck, I needed this," I said, not caring about the scene any more. All I was interested in was getting my sperm out of my balls and into Antonio's hole. Jon seemed to be just as worked up as me, pulling his thick cock out of Cal's hole a few times. His potent sperm landed all over Cal's hole, then got pressed back in by Jon's hard cock. It was clear he was enjoying getting his DNA all over and into Cal's unprotected hole. Even after Antonio had milked out the last of the cum from my balls, my cock remained hard. I pumped his hole as long as I could, trying to smear the sperm all over his tender skin. I wished I was poz; I wanted to mark him with a virus so badly Jon stopped me mid-stroke, saying "Try Cal's hole. I bet you'll like it." He had pulled out, and Cal was still bent over, his ass open and ready. I pulled out of Antonio as quickly as I could, and took Jon's place behind Cal. I was still hard, and it was easy to slide into the boy's wet hole. Jon had swapped places with me, and had bent Antonio over as he was pressing his cock into the boy's hole. "Take it, Antonio," Jon whispered into his ear. "You know Nick wants you to get bred every chance you have." Both of the boys were now eagerly pressing back against us, each excited to have a new cock in his hole. Cal's hole was warm and tight, lubricated by Jon's sperm. I always loved getting sloppy seconds, feeling a load already up there. Cal was no exception, especially since I was right next to the guy who had filled Cal up. It was a good way for two tops to share a connection. I think Jon was aware of that connection as well, as his cock swam in my sperm. He turned to me, and started to kiss. "Fucking hot, my cock in your sperm, sharing our bottoms." We made out for a bit, our strokes into the bottoms synchronized. Finally, Jon's erection began to fade, and he pulled out. Shortly after, I pulled out as well, although I was still a bit hard. "Clean us off, boys," Jon said, pulling both Antonio and Cal off the back of the car. They immediately got on their knees, and start to lick off the accumulated jizz and ass juices from our cocks. Each of them took turns on our tools, sucking first me, then going to Jon's cock and vice versa. Finally, our cocks were clean, and our balls were drained of sperm. Jon looked at the boys. "And I'm gonna fuck each you every day my car is in the shop. So you better get it fixed." I gave Jon one last kiss as Thomas motioned for a cut. Darren and Phil turned off the lights, and Antonio and Cal finally got to stand up. Thomas tossed us towels to clean up the sweat and lube. "Nice job guys," Thomas said. "Good scene there. I know I'm hard here." Darren and Phil nodded in agreement. I looked at the clock on the wall; it was already nearly eleven. I had enjoyed myself so much in the scene it had felt like it had only been a few minutes. I had told Nathan I would get back by one, so I had enough time for another quick scene if Thomas wanted. Otherwise, I could run by my place before going back to Nathan's. "I think that's it guys. That was all I needed you for, and we have to get out of here shortly, before the real workers show up," Thomas said. Jon had already pulled up his pants, and was starting to put his clothes back on. Likewise, Antonio and Cal were by the toolboxes, pulling out their street clothes from backpacks. I followed their lead and started to change back into my street clothes. Once changed, we exchanged quick good-byes. Antonio headed out, before I could say anything more to him. Darren asked me to help bundle up some cables. While I was wrestling with the cables, Jon came up to me. "If you need any help getting that tattoo, let me know," he said, and evil grin on his face. "I'd love to help you out. Thomas knows how to get a hold of me." I was momentarily speechless. "Thanks," I stammered, not sure what else to say. "No problem. Pleasure would be all mine." The garage door opened, then he got into the Porsche. Cal got in on the passenger's side, and the tires squealed as they pulled out. I was left alone with the crew, and continued to help Darren and Phil pack things up. Just as I was ready to head out, Thomas motioned for me to join him. I walked over to the corner, where he was organizing the tapes from the day's filming. "What's up?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. "You know I don't care. But I couldn't help over hear you and Jon. Are you poz? Or neg?" "Well, I don't know, to be honest." I paused. "It's hard to know." "Yeah?" he asked. "What's happening?" "Well, I've been bottoming a bit," I said. "Nathan Telemann?" "Yeah. How did you know?" He started to say something. "Oh, the pictures." "Yeah," he said. "And you've been going bareback, I know." "I have been." "Well, here's the deal," Thomas said. "I've been thinking about a little side project I think you'd be good for. I've been calling it 'High Risk Films.'" The name alone made my cock twitch. "I've just found the perfect bottom for it: he wants his first bareback experience to be on camera." "Yeah?" I asked. I was intrigued. "He's mentioned you specifically. It would be nice if you could make his dreams come true. But, he wants all the guys to be negative; I think they should be positive." He put a few tapes in his bag. "It's probably not going to happen for a few more weeks. I'd like you and Nathan to join in. I think Jon and Cal will be there as well." "I'd be game," I said. "Of course, I'm gonna need proof of your status. But you have time to take care of that." He had an evil smile on his face. "I'll let you know," I said. It was an interesting offer. To actually tape a pozzing session seemed unspeakably dirty, but also cock-throbbingly hot. And for it to be stealthed as well; well, as dark and twisted as that was, my cock was still dripping at the thought of it. As I headed out the door towards my apartment, I had to discreetly adjust myself. I didn't want to be obviously sporting wood. Having Nathan seed me and breed my hole had totally changed my outlook on sex. There was now a deeper meaning to intercourse: I could become a part of another person, and they could become a permanent part of me. Fluid exchange, once a nice end to sex, was now increasingly critical to me, the entire goal of fucking At home, I started to clean up. Despite having just shot a big load, I was still horny. I was always horny, but I was also thinking about Nathan. I wondered what he had set up for me. I thought there would be other men fucking me this afternoon. I really hoped there would be other men filling my raw hole with their poz cum. I knew nothing about what exactly Nathan had planned. I was also thinking about Thomas's offer. I wanted to know what it felt like to have a loaded gun between my legs. I wanted to fire it off into a willing bottom, make him permanently mine. But, I wasn't there yet. And this afternoon, this evening, that might be the moment when I would grow into a real man, finally able to change a boy's life forever. As the water ran over me in the shower, I even wondered what it would be like to fuck an unsuspecting bottom. Would he know that I was shooting poz cum into him? Or would it just feel like any other fuck? Nathan had been different. I had known. And it had felt very special to me. But it was hard to tell if that was because it was Nathan, or because it was toxic cum. If I continued down my current path, I would be in a position to learn soon enough. Even though my cock was quivering with excitement, I suddenly was scared. I had been letting Nathan fuck me raw. I had been begging him to do it, but it was always in the heat of the moment. I had to acknowledge my attraction to Nathan. I hadn't really thought what would happen next, how he would change me forever. And what would happen to the two of us afterwards? Would he abandon me once his mission was complete? Or would there be a future for me with him. As I dried off, I tried to put those thoughts out of my head. I knew once I was back around Nathan, all I would be thinking about was how hot he was, how much I needed his cock inside of me, and how much I wanted him to breed me. I got dressed, pulling on a jock strap, a pair of shorts and a tank top, and headed over to Nathan's house.
    1 point
  47. I got mine 2 wks ago. My first load in me cause I usually top. But met this hot guy off CL , he couldn't host se we used the mens bathroom at my clubhouse. He didn't rim me, just spit finger me and pushed inside. I got used to it since I'm VERY tight and he pumped away and asked if I wanted his load I said fuck yeah I want your load. Give it to me and he did. Now I'm cum crazy, always home alone and really wanna host orgies or gangbangs but no such luck in michigan. Can't wait to get loaded and load guys back in nyc
    1 point
  48. At home. I made one of my regular cumdumps come over tonight and I shot 4 loads in his ass. Boring, I know, but if you want to shoot multiple loads it's easier when you dont have to worry about being interrupted. I think I'm going to go give him #5...
    1 point
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