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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2016 in Posts

  1. THE NEWEST STAFF MEMBER Part 1: MeaTing the appliCUNTS “NEXT!” Riley called at full volume into the large gymnasium/impromptu waiting room, before glancing up and realizing there was only one kid still waiting to interview for the sales position. “Oh sorry kid…didn’t see you there…you know this position is for 18 or older, right?” “Yessir,” responded the lad who Riley guessed to be 15 at the oldest, based on his height, smooth skin, round cheeks and the layer of baby fat still clinging to his trim frame. Sensing the older man’s disbelief, the boy produced his Velcro wallet by tugging on the chain connecting it to his neon green belt, which contained a driver’s license that showed him to be 18 only two weeks before. “See dude…I mean, sir. Just turned 18 on the 23rd of last month.” “I see that,” Riley said, still examining the ID. The edge of the window containing the laminated sheet conveniently covered the expiration date, making the man smirk to himself. He remembered using the same trick when using his cousin’s expired ID to get into clubs in college. Still the boy was able to answer all the trick questions Riley could come up with (what is your sign? Isn’t your house right down the street from ______? I guess that means you graduated in _____?), so he let it drop and turned his attention to the kid’s application as he turned to head back into the office. “I don’t wanna waste your time young man,” Riley said to the boy, offering him a seat across the small desk from where he’d set up his laptop. “We’re looking for someone with some sales experience, and the only work you’ve done is mowing lawns and walking dogs.” “If you give me a chance Mr. um” The boy paused, realizing he’d forgotten to catch Riley’s name when he announced it to the group earlier that morning. “Marx. Riley Marx.” The older man reminded him, smirking again at the inexperience the teen showed. “Seriously?” The boy’s face widened with a smile, making him seem even younger. “Riley is my name too!” “Is that so?” Marx returned the smile as he glanced down at the application the teen filled out and turned into him. “This says your name is Robert Dawson.” “Uh, yeah.” The boy’s voice cracked as his mind sped to find an explanation. “that’s, you know, my, um, legal name. Everyone just, um, CALLS me Riley, cause, um, my Dad’s name is Robert too and that way we don’t get mixed up.” It was more likely that this young man really was named Riley and the ID and name belonged to a similar looking older brother or perhaps even a family friend, but Riley Marx decided he would let it slide since the boy seemed so relieved that he was not asking any follow up questions. Instead he sat back and listened to the determined teen insist that, given the chance, he’d prove himself to be a hard worker, quick learner and dedicated employee. He told a sad tale of his acceptance into a program at the nearby community college, but being unable to afford it as the 5th of 7 kids. It was tempting to hire the boy, but Marx knew better than to give in to such fancies when corporate sent him to handle the hiring of a new sales force at jobfairs like this one. They cared very little about sweet stories and high hopes in comparison to high volume sales and technical know-how. Heartbroken, the boy stood and shook the hand of the 43 year old interviewer and walked slowly towards the door, nodding along as he heard the same reasons he’d heard at every interview he’d been to since dropping out of school and getting his GED. As he was about to step back into the gym, now eerily quiet and lonely with no one left waiting, he stopped and turned to make one last plea. “Please sir, I gotta get some money and move out on my own. I can’t take another day sleeping in a room with my 3 brothers, sharing one bathroom between the 9 of us,” the younger Riley begged, his eyes welling up with tears. The older Riley was still ready to stand firm until the boy uttered the three most perfect words: “I’ll do anything.” “I can’t hire you for the company,” Riley Marx repeated, causing the boy to look down and sigh, but his gaze shot up as the man continued. “But, if you’re willing, I’ve been looking for someone to work for me as a pool cleaner, grounds keeper and general go-fer at my house. I can’t pay much, but you could stay in the basement while you’re working for me, and there should be plenty of spare time for you to find another part-time job and perhaps even start school again.” “I’LL TAKE IT! ” The boy shouted, lunging back into the room and thrusting his hand into the older man’s palm. “Thanks so much dude, this is awesome-“ “Not so fast!” The man said, stopping the pumping hand grasping his own, and pulling the teen in slightly. “If I’m gonna put my ass on the line for you, there will be no more of this Dude stuff. It will be Sir or Mr. Marx, and I will call you Riley or kid, got it?” “Yes Ri- I mean Yes sir, Mr. Marx.” The teen was a quick study. “Good, and one more thing,” Mr Marx lowered his voice and pulled the teen even closer, until his sandy brown mop of hair was so near to Mr. Marx’ nose that he could smell the cheap shampoo and sweet scent of hair gel, making his dick begin to harden inside his designer briefs. “I can’t have my neighbors thinking I hired some random kid off the streets or wake up to your parents banging on my door, demanding I return their little boy, so as far as your family is concerned, you tell them you’ve got a job working as a camp counselor and won’t be able to call or text or anything except occasionally email. If anyone near my house asks, you’re my nephew, and you’re living with me until you find a job, understood kid?” “Yes sir, Mr Marx. Thank you sir!” They shared a momentary “bro-hug” (one arm pat on the back while shaking the other arm) and the teen dashed off with instructions to check his email when he got home, where he would find Mr. Marx address and the time and day that weekend he was to arrive. Now that the kid was gone, Marx wasted no time in opening his laptop, freeing his hard cock from his khakis and briefs and setting to work to find the boy on social media. With the help of the 20 year old female profile, (Tricia) he’d created to aid in such searches, he quickly landed on the home page, blog and profile of one Riley Dawson. Jerking furiously, he scrolled through album after album of pictures from school dances, summer parties, family vacations, until he found some pictures from a friend’s slumber party with a lock on them. Two lines of flirting with the boy who’d posted them and a friend request from Tricia was all it took to get the password and Marx had to slow his stroking to stop from cumming right then and there. From start to finish, the photos showed the kid and a few buddies performing a strip show for some girls, each lad eventually ending up in nothing but a sock pulled on over his semi-hard teen tent pole. Some of the teens were better hung or more ripped, but none of them had the cute, innocent, cherubic look that Riley Dawson had. Plus, the kid was nearly hairless from head to toe, except for a light dusting under each arm, a slight trail from his belly button to his “sock” and some peach fuzz on his calves, forearms and buns. The most promising pictures appeared once the boys were back in their boxers though. A set showing the underage party goers enjoying a bottle of jack daniels, jello shots and a very large bong with a huge bowl filled to the brim with green, sticky-looking weed. The last photo in the collection featured the kid, bong in one hand, plastic cup filled with jack and coke in the other, as he exhaled a mighty cloud of smoke towards the camera. Jumping up with his pants around his ankles and dashing as best he could to the door, Marx locked it and shut the blinds over the window looking out from the rec center office onto the empty gym. He could hear the sounds of kids playing ball in the next gym over and occasionally their coach’s whistle, but he risked the possibility of being found in favor of smoking while jerking to the photos of his new guest. Whipping out his glass bubble, he sparked the torch and melted the crystal puddle inside it. His hand left his throbbing 9 inch prime cut of meat long enough to take a massive hit from the pipe, before setting it aside and continuing his work. He imagined how easy it was going to be to convince the kid to try smoking tina, and with a small dose of g to ease the road, how much fun they’d have once he had the kid, nude, lubed and stuffed full of his massive member. Closing his eyes and seeing the teen’s smile, he heard the boy’s voice repeat over and over “I’ll do anything” and could see his face change into a gasp of ecstasy as his imaginary penis covered them both in boycum, while his sweet virgin hole took every inch of Marx meat until he was swallowed entirely by boybuns. Fountains of sperm erupted from the perverted drug-dealing middle-aged man’s cock at that moment. The desk, keyboard, screen, cheap carpet, squeaky old rolling chair, his shirt, pants, briefs, tie and even the calendar pinned up behind him all received a healthy shot of seamen across them, soaking in where they could, and otherwise drying until sticky and crusty white. When the last spasm shook his body, Mr. Marx collected himself, emailed the photos to a couple of friends and packed up his belongings. The idea of cleaning his fluids from the office furniture or at least wiping off the boys basketball calendar crossed his mind, but he decided to leave things as they were, since no one would be back to this office for a few hours anyway, and by then the stains would be mistaken for spilled soda or sunscreen. “Shit,” Mr. Marx stopped just outside the door to the exit, and turned instead to the locker room, since he could see the splash of cum across his oxford, tie and pants now that he was under the fluorescent lights of the gym once more. Standing at the sink, he dabbed the spots with cold water, and while he saved the shirt and khakis, he knew there was no chance for the tie. Untying it and pulling it from round his neck, he rolled it up and tucked it in his pocket, deciding to save it anyway, his mind filling with naughty thoughts of how many ways he could use it to restrain his new teenage boytoy. His cock was hard again, so he turned around and walked back towards the stalls, only stopping when he heard a soft moan coming from a changing booth at the far end of the lockerroom. Glancing down to where it originated, he had a hard time seeing since the lights were out at that end and the sun had set enough to only give a soft glow through the frosted glass bricks that lined the top of the stalls. Still, he couldn’t miss the unmistakable sound of a lighter clicking and a boy coughing while an older voice whispered “that’s good boy. Take another hit then get back to sucking my cock.” Sneaking closer, careful to be as quiet as possible, Mr. Marx smiled as the occupants came into view. The older voice belonged to the Basketball coach and Mr. Marx longtime friend who allowed him to use the gym for interviews. The young coughs belonged to a teen from the team, who was so busy puffing at the pipe and thrusting his hard cock against the coach’s, that he never saw the two old pervs share a smile and the coach signal for Mr. Marx to come join them. The boy choked and coughed on his huge cloud, but the coach wasted no time before shoving the young college bound ball player’s head towards his hefty 8 inch uncut black meat. With his mouth impaled on the black battering ram, no one heard his muffled scream as Mr. Marx unleashed his dripping dick and speared it up the boy’s hole. Crying and struggling, the boy was no match for the two older, more experienced men, who had raped barely legal lads like him for nearly twenty years together. It wasn’t until he was so defeated that he went limp that his arms were allowed to fall from where the coach had twisted them behind his back. Knees buckling, he only whimpered as they twirled him onto his back on the changing booth floor and continued tag teaming his hole while feeding him hit after hit off the pipe. Soon he had two sizeable cumloads inside him, and his own boyjizz splattered all over his smooth tan abs, team jersey, and smeared across his coffee colored lips and burgeoning black moustache. “Thanks for letting me get in on that,” Marx said as the men watched the teen limp to his beaten-up old sedan and speed off towards home. Experience told him not to worry about the young man possibly reporting him for rape. To young latin studs like him, masculinity was everything, and if it got out that he’d taken the sperm of a black stallion and some white business man, he’d be dead to his family, and never be able to find a woman who would marry him. “I’ll text you this weekend, Coach, once my new pool boy moves in and you can return the favor after I break in his virgin ass.” “Sounds good Mr. Marx,” The muscular black 47 year old replied as they parted ways in the parking lot. “Been awhile since we shared a virgin, you gonna invite all the guys?” “Maybe,” Marx replied, feeling his dick throb again. “we’ll see if I think he can survive a gang bang like that…” End of part 1
    4 points
  2. Part 5 After his first night and well into the next day of partying, Clay didn't get high again for at least another month. Not a whole lot had happened with Pete, (as the guy couldn't get hard) and while he enjoyed the high, he was reminded not to let Tina run his life. Maybe it was just a one time thing he told himself… Cut to a month later, Clay had found himself thinking about trying again almost every day. And one night, as he was up far too late, the opportunity presented itself. He met a guy off craigslist who was about three blocks away from him. He was 45 years old, dirty blonde hair, 5'10", fit, hairy, and had an 8 inch dick that needed some immediate attention. "Looking for a boy To geT TwisTed wiTh. Have favs here, hosTing". Clay felt his stomach flip has he read this post, and sent an email to the Man with his stats and a couple pics. Within minutes came a response "Hot! Get cleaned up and Come on over" and included a few photos and his address. Clay looked at the photos and saw the man in a leather harness, and chaps, and a hot fucking smirk on his face. The other photo was a picture of his hard cock in his hand. Clay needed no more words and jumped in the shower to get ready. He was nervous yet again. When he reached the apartment on 48th st. the Man buzzed him right in and said "the last door at the end of the hall just come on in" Clay walked down the dark first floor corridor where the Man had left the door ajar. He found himself shaking again as he slowly pushed the door open. He walked into a dark studio apartment. Small office to his left, and to his right, a red light illuminating a bed with black sheets. He looked around seeing nobody there. "Hello?" said Clay. "Be there in a minute dude, just taking a piss" a voice responded from a closed door just beyond the bed. Clay set down his bag and took a seat on the bed waiting for the Man to emerge. He looked around and noticed lots of porn DVDs on the desk near the foot of the bed and a lube next to a bottle of poppers on the night stand. It was dark but everything glowed a sexy dark red under the lightbulb in the lamp on the desk. This had Clay feeling dirty… It excited him. He then heard a flush and the bathroom door opened and out walked a sexy motherfucker. Ripped jeans and no shirt with a hairy torso and 2 days of stubble on his face. He sized up Clay, grinned, and said "hey boy, I'm Dave". Clay smiled and introduced himself as well, again surprised he used his real name. "you're fucking hot Clay, you been partying tonight?" Clay shook his head no and fought the urge to explain he'd only done it once before and it wasn't as hot as he'd hoped. Dave said " well then I'm way ahead of you, so let's get you partied up so you can take care of my cock" he went over to the desk and pulled out what looked kind of like a water bong. He showed Clay how to use it and explained that it made for bigger clouds and a stronger high. He instructed Clay to put his mouth around the pipe and to begin sucking as smoke escaped from the hole on top. Clay watched the smoke build up as the water bubbled and when he couldn't inhale anymore, he let out the biggest plume of smoke he had ever seen. Clay said "wow" and Dave said "don't stop boy, we need to fuck you up". Clay took a second hit and as he blew out another huge cloud, he felt the high hit him fast! "Holy fuck "he exclaimed. This was way better than the first time. His breath felt shallow, and his whole body felt like it was pulsing with electricity. He took a third hit and Dave eyed him intensely with the same kind of smart he had in his photo. "How do you feel boy?" " horny as hell" said Clay, "can I blow you?" He asked, his mouth watering, he was hungry for dick. " Not until you've smoked some more T boy". Clay took another hit, and again another. Finally he said "I've got to get out of these clothes, i'm so hot. " Dave smiled and said "good boy. I'll tell you what, you get out of those clothes and then you're going to take another big hit, hold it in, get on your knees, and see how far you can get my cock down your throat before you blow it out " Clay quickly stripped down and threw his clothes to the side. When he looked back at Dave, he saw a thick meaty 8 inch dick sticking out of the fly of his jeansWhen he looked back at Dave, he saw a thick meaty 8 inch dick sticking out of the fly of his jeans. Clay was transfixed and the Man in front of him called him back to attention. "Hey fucker, you gonna suck on this pipe or what?" Clay muttered a quick sorry and slowly inhaled from the bubbler again. When he had as much as he could take, he got on his knees, looked up at Dave who nodded in agreement, and proceed to get that big piece of meat all the way down his throat as he felt the smoke escape in big clouds into Dave's crotch. "Fuuuuuuuuck", said Dave as he felt the young warm throat wrap around his 8 inches. Clay held his head there as long as he could before coming up for air. He looked up at Dave who stared back in silence before saying "ok kid, you are mine for the night. I am gonna get you so tweaked out and we are gonna get twisted." And he spat in Clay's face. "Take another hit fucker." Clay nodded. It occurred to him that he was no longer nervous, he was too high to be nervous. He was aware that he had never felt this good before, and had a feeling that he was going to get to really explore his pig side tonight. Dave lean down and let the pipe for him again, Clay sucked and when he was ready, wrapped his lips around that huge cock and exhaled a long stream of white chemicals. The next thing he knew, he was sucking Dave off. Slow deep strokes. All the way down in all the way up, paying special attention to suck on the giant mushroom head in his mouth. He then filled Dave start to thrust his hips forward and back. Clay held his head still with his mouth open so that Dave could fuck his face as he pleased. "Look up at me boy, I want you to see me get high while I fuck your throat. The lighter hissed, the bubbler bubbled, and the hot Man above him sucked on the pipe. He put the lighter down, and grabbed the back of Clays head, and as he slowly pushed his dick down Clay's throat, he blew the gigantic cloud of Tina into his face. This was the hottest thing Clay had ever seen in his life. Watching a hot masculine Man get high as his dick was getting serviced made Clay whimper with his mouth full. His eyes were hungry and his mouth was soaked with saliva and the delicious taste of Dave's precum. "Oh, did you like that boy"? Clay hungrily shook his head yes and Dave pulled his dick out a few inches, spit on it, pushed it back in and said "let's do it again". Clay whimpered again as he felt Dave pump his hips some more. He watched in awe as he watched the Man take big hit after big hit, blowing each one in his face from above. Spitting, rubbing his head, and eventually full on skull fucking him, the head of his cock pushing past his tonsils and coating them with precum. The feeling of partied up dick fucking his face had Clay feeling ready to try anything. This was better than anything he'd felt before. This is who he truly was, a young party pig ready to be trained. His dick was hard and a pool of precum was forming on the floor. Dave took notice, stopped pumping, and said "I want you lick all that precum up, nothing gets wasted here. When it's all clean you are gonna lie on the bed, on your back with your legs pulled back so you show your hole off to me. I'm going to slip in the something else, so I want you to wait for me. " Clay nodded, Dave pulled his dick all the way out leaving Clay feeling empty. Dave spat again into Clay's face and disappeared into the bathroom. Clay lapped up the pool of precum on the floor until he was sure it was clean. He stood up and went over to the bed and assumed the position. He waited in silence, ready and willing for whatever came next...
    4 points
  3. I went camping last weekend and fucked a really hot twentysomething guy named Nick in the woods. He had groped me earlier and said that he wanted to get fucked by a lot of guys that night, so when I saw him take off up the trail with another dude, I followed. I watched the other guy (a pretty hot but druggy twink) fuck him for a bit, then went up to them and fed the cumdump my cock while he got railed. We moved from the picnic table to the sling (it's a gay campground with a play area in the woods), and I watched and stroked Nick's body while the twink rode him hard. Nick was stroking his own dick, a beercan-fat fuckstick that was at least 8" long, and I bent over and got a taste of it while he got pounded. Another bearish guy came up on Nick's other side, and when the twink begged off, saying he was too wasted to cum, the bear took his place. I stuck my own cock in Nick's mouth and kept rubbing his gorgeous body while the bear fucked him. Then the bear asked if I wanted a turn I wasted no time sliding deep into Nick's ass, and it was awesome. It takes me a long time to cum though, so after about 10 minutes or more of riding his hole I asked if he wanted a little break and helped him out of the sling. We chatted for a bit, and then two other guys took him away to their cabin while I went back to the dance hall to refresh my drink. A little later, I went back up the trail and found Nick again. I held his fat dick while he pissed like a racehorse, and then I bent him over and took his ass again. I love fucking a guy who's standing up, but bent over a table or bracing against a wall, and that's just how I took Nick, riding his well-used but tight hole for the second time until I went over the edge and blasted a huge load deep inside him. We said our goodbyes and I left him there, probably still looking for more loads.
    3 points
  4. Losing my virginity twice in the same day. Part1: This is actually a true story but of course I’ve changed the locations. So a little about me and how I lost my virginity twice the summer before my 10th grade of HS. I’m 5’9, about 160lbs, toned body…not muscled up, just wanted to keep everything tight – light brown hair that tends to go sandy blonde in the summer. Well growing up in the deep South, sex was not a topic brought up in most families except for “don’t do it before you get married or you will go straight to hell!” comments or talking about the local tramp that got knocked up by the local drunk. Us guys are always pushed to start dating certain girls from certain families. Well earlier on, I realized that I had to work extra hard to be interested in girls. I always thought I was just a “late bloomer” – hell, my older brother Ray was co-captain of the high school football team, one of the best baseball players and was always getting some early on. He dated and messed around all through jr high & high school. He was constantly having teammates over to swim in our pool, so I got to hang with most the guys. Ray and I were close. We were brothers but we were also best friends – very rarely did we ever fight or get mad at each other. We’ve spent a lot of time together this summer, bc he will be a senior this next year and has received a baseball scholarship to the major university another state. As soon as he graduates, he will be moving there to get settled in, so we’ve been making the best of our time together. They use to pick on me a little asking me if and when I had fucked my girl…and I always, just did the typical “shrug it off” moves and changed the subject. I remember starting to notice the guys more as we got older. I would look at their chests…some were hairy – some were smooth…some had tiny nipples, some were a little thicker. I also would notice how differently their chest sizes were and how their abs were different. When I started looking at their abs I would notice how some had those v-lines that would disappear behind their swim trunks. Something in me, starting to stir…I would try to put it out of my head Every time I was with my girlfriend and we were making, I would start thinking of those v-lines and my 7in cut dick started getting hard of course my gf Abby always thought it was her. I had to put these thoughts out of my head – I’m not gay…and being gay sure as hell wasn’t an option. My family and friends would kill me. Well one weekend the parents were going out of town and left my brother Ray in charge…fat chance. Our parents told us we could only have certain people over but no more. No girls could be at the house past 7pm. With us having the biggest pool in our neighborhood, everyone came to our house. Anyway my brother could have his 2 bestfriends Luke and Mickey over to stay and I could have my bestfriend Will over stay. Saturday, several more friends came over that afternoon, including my gf Abby. The guys were giving me hard time about not getting with her and still being a virgin. Well Mickey, who was a little more countrified. He had a big ol’ bumpkin head – sorta stocky, very hairy all over. He was always pulling at his junk which was about 7 inches uncut and showing us his hairy ass. Anyway, he was standing next to me really giving me hard time asking if I just had a small dick that was scared of pussy…he said “I hope you aint no fag – I’d hate kill one of lil’ brothers. (Mickey and luke always considered me their kid brother also). My brother was like “dude, what’s the deal – when are you gunna hit it, I know your dick works and it’s not small. (we shared a bathroom and I thought I had shut the door and caught me as I was shooting my load into the garbage can.) He, mickey and several of the other guys were laughing…so apparently he had told them he had caught me. Ray and I were close and he could tell I was starting to get upset but more embarrassed …and was like dude, it’s cool…we all jackoff – hell Mickey here does about 10 times a day….they all started busted out laughing…it was very evident that I was still upset and embarrassed. While all this was going on, I had noticed that Luke was getting out of the pool while telling the guys to leave me alone. As like Ray, I’ve known Luke my entire life. For years, I actually thought he was my brother since he and ray were always inseparable but never knew why he had to go to the house next door to sleep. The 3 of us always hung out, played sports, games…etc. He was tall, blonde hair, bright green eyes, very pretty lips, no hair anywhere that I could see – he had one of those vlines on his very sculpted body. I had seen his dick before in the showers and soft I looked like a monster. Luke, knowing me so well – he knew I was upset. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and was like guys…cut it out..he will get his when he is ready. He made a comment to one of the baseball players and making fun of him saying that I didn’t want to be like him and shoot my load all over the girl before I even got it in..and then he made a couple other comments that slipped my attention. Something was starting to happen. I could hear that Luke was talking and I could that the other guys were talking but it sounded like the teacher from Charlie brown. All I could focus on was these 2 strong arms wrapped around me… I was starting to get hot…that sun must be glaring on us…but it’s cloudy….I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear and the side of my face as he is talking to the other guys….. I could feel rise and fall of his chest that touching my back – skin to skin. He was wet from being in the pool, it was cool –yet, felt great against my skin. But what really had me thrown off was that I was paying attention to how he felt up against my ass. I was starting to have all these crazy feelings…it’s not like I haven’t felt his groin up against my ass before, hell I’ve even sat in his lap before in the jeep headed to the lake…but this time it was different to me for some reason – although Luke’s swimtrunks were sorta thin and you could always see the outline of his dick swinging – I swear I felt it bounce a little against my ass a couple times…then I felt a rush of panic come over me – I felt my dick getting harder in my shorts…right there in front of brother and all his friends….what the hell is happening to me…… To be continued……..(Let me know what yall think)
    2 points
  5. this is my first story, i hope you enjoy it ! :-) I´ve always been interested in bare fucks and taking loads, especially poz loads, but was afraid of getting knocked-up, So I only rarely allowed any guys to cum in my ass. One my ass, sure, but seldom in my ass. Then one day I saw a post on Craigslist about a party which was scheduled for a bathhouse in my home town, and which was described as a fuck party for negative and poz guys, no condoms were allowed, and everyone had to be fucked and fuck the other. Attendees were specifically not allowed to refuse anyone's load. I was definitely interested in the party, but was also afraid of taking poz loads, but after couple hours of jerking myself, I found myself registering for the party A few days later the party took place and I headed over to the bathhouse to have some hot fun but in my head was still concerned that I would be pozzed. Still I entered the bathhouse, paid the admission fee, undressed, and stored my clothing in the locker, then going to the bar to get a drink and, I hoped, to have a look at the guys who were attending the party. after finishing my drink i started walking around to have a look for all the hot action going on and i didnt have to walk for long before i met a hot bottom that wanted to get fucked so we entered a cabinet and i placed my load in his ass the entire evening some guys wanted to fuck me but i never wanted because of the fear and because of that i just placed loads and fucked guys.. at 1am i was tired so i searched for a place to rest a bit and i also slept for around a hour but when i woke up there where couple guys around me that said that it would be time for me to take some loads. my breath stopped and my blood got cold, what did that mean for me? they took me and leaded my to a room with so many guys in it i couldnt count them all they said that heard that i refused all loads but that that was against the party rules and that it was time now for me to accept the rules they pushed me on all fours and someone placed is hard dick into my mouth that i couldnt breath anymore while another guy started liking my ass after a few minutes i had sucked may dicks and some shot their hot load into my mouth and the ofter guys started pushing my down und their dick into my ass, without condom and shot their load into my ass i was very afraid all the time but i was also horny as fuck because of the situation and the forced loads in my ass The action lasted for at least a hour and I can't say how many loads I took, but the number was huge and when everyone put a load into my ass they left my alone there and it took my ten minutes to get up and dressed. i drove home and jerked off immediately About a month late I came down very sick, and upon being tested, learned I had converted. I had truly been pozzed at the party.
    2 points
  6. Ok so this is a little fucked up and it started off as a tiny popper wank fantasy but has grown and grown until its close to reality. I'm 30 years old, and have been with men over last 10 years - on and off. I love fucking and enjoy sucking and swallowing. I have never done bareback or had a load in my ass, but love how dirty the whole pozzing and chemsez scene is, and often read pozzing stories and watched pozzing videos while using poppers. Now, I should explain I'm bi, and recently married to a lovely women. My marriage, however, opened a HUGE can of worms when, filling out the marriage application and going through the supporting documents, such as my birth birth certificate, I learned the man I've known my whole life as my father actually isn't. Well, when I got over the initial shock, I spoke with my mom to find-out to get the background. She explained that my biological father had been an abusive man, and that she left him when I was very young. Armed with the information my mom provided I did my own digging and uncovered information that my mother and father divorced because my biological father was (like me), bisexual and had been caught several times having sex with younger men whilst his wife, (my mother) was at work. Now, I've long had a thing for older, daddy types, particularly when thinking about fucking, and this was likely the basis for the first seed which sprouted in my brain, which was that I met-up with my biological father, and he fucked me, without (at least initially) knowing I was his son, but not to worry, even when he did learn, he didn't pause, but rather fucked me regardless. Eventually the fantasy evolved into an arrangement where he wouldn't himself fuck me, but instead got his gay friends around to take turns abusing my ass. The fantasy was a hugely exciting, dirty turn-on, and I enjoyed many a wank session (enhanced with poppers), which evolved directly from the fantasy. Then one night, when definitely drunk, I messaged him on Facebook under a false name and started a conversation with him. It didn't take long for the chat to turn dirty, and he even sent me a few cock pics. He has an amazing thick cock, not massively long but really thick, and as he is now 59, I was utterly fuckin' wild at the prospect of playing with him. But that was when the bombshell landed: he informed me he was poz, and more to the point he has a group of seven poz tops who liked to breed at pozzing parties for cum tributes. The filth he spewed out was such a turn on. I was raw from wanking over it his description. We talked about the prospects of me making the trip down to his place for a weekend, and, after I had gotten enough meth into my system, my spending two full days betting bred. What the fuck do I do?
    2 points
  7. I think we worry about lables way too much, gay, straight, bi, who cares. If you enjoy it with your mate, and you do, just enjoy it for what it is while you can and don't put pressure on yourself to pidgeon hole your activities. It may be just as simple as a connection between you both that wouldn't work with another guy. Just keep us informed of your activities, we all love to hear about it :-).
    2 points
  8. WARNING: Some straight sex in this part. If you don't like that, skip this part of the story. Part 3: Holy shit…my dick got hard by watching my neighbor, my brother’s best friend, my brother readjust himself….what is happing to me….I can’t be gay! Abby walked over and asked me what I said bc she couldn’t hear….(oh hell, I’m starting to say it out loud) Oh nothing, babe….she then noticed that I was hard…and asked I was ready for their next step. I glanced back down at Luke….his hands were back behind his head again not moving……(did he move or did I just imagine that – refocus) . Abby had started kissing me again while stroking my dick….then I noticed she had was rolling a condom on my dick. I guess, Ray’s girlfriend knew where they were….she pulled me over to the couch and laid down. I looked at her as she was naked. She is so beautiful…her pubes, nicely trimmed…were darker than mine…(I wonder if Luke’s is blonde or if he has any)(FUCK – what the hell I’m not gay – stop thinking about him) (I’m about to fuck her and prove I’m straight…) I lean in kissing her and she grabs my dick and starts putting it inside her. …I exhale as she gasps….remember, we are both virgins and I have a hard 7 inch moderately thick dick….I was scared I was hurting her, but I was more scared of being gay…..I was trying to wiggle it in as slowly as possible. I do really care for Abby & I didn’t want to hurt her….after applying more lube and taking a little extra time…I had done it! I have officially lost my virginity! ( I am a man, I am straight, I am not gay…I was just horny) while I’m sliding into her slowly, in my head I’m just repeating in my head that I’m straight, this is right…this is the way it’s supposed to be) - it was then that I and abby released that I was losing my hard on. I was starting to panic….i don’t think I came again…Abby could see the panic on my face. So she suggested that we change positions. And let her ride me. By the time I had pulled out and gotten repositioned I had gone soft. I was scared. What happened? Again, she saw the look of confusion and disappointment and don’t worry….babe, don’t worry – this happens…I told her, I’ve never gone this soft after being so hard and not Cumming, She asked if I had ever had a condom on for a time period? I thought about it and said…actually no… I thought about the first time I ever dealt with one. I had been in Ray’s room doing something and came across one. So I opened and was looking at it and playing with it. Of course being a little younger, the idea of sex got me hard….so I decided I would try to put one on…you know, just in case I got lucky sometime. Well striped down and was sitting on the end of the bed when Ray walked and I freaked. He started laughing and told me not to cum on his stuff. He then saw the open condom and he asked me if I had put it on yet? I said no, I was about to try. He was telling me about how to pinch the tip to get a little extra room but he saw that I was confused…so he said here…let me show you and wen to put it on my dick. Of course I was like hell no…so he said he would show me on his own dick. He popped in a dvd then all of sudden porn came on – my dicked jumped. Well he stripped, I blushed and he said – look, we are brothers – we both have one – no big deal….so I watched as he got hard….it put mine to shame. He sat there stroking his at least 9in cut dick with his huge hairless balls underneath. He got another rubber and put one on. The entire time this was happening, I was hard & didn’t really pay attention until he pointed it out. So gave a fresh rubber and I started putting it on…well I was having a little trouble – so he was like let me show you again…so he pulled my arm and the rubber and placed it at the tip of my dick and then said, you will then just wrap your other and around and roll it to your pubes and he demonstrated across my head…after that, I finished rolling it on. “you good? You got it?” yup I do! - well you’re still hard and might as well not completely waste these rubbers…here.. He put a little lube in his hand and grabbed my dick and did a couple strokes…that was the strangest feeling I’ve ever had. Well it didn’t take long for me to blow my wad into the condom….Ray was still stroking his when he asked me to wrap my hand around his balls and give a slight tug. So I did and it wasn’t long till he filled up the end of his rubber with the most cum I’ve ever seen. I grabbed my clothes and was headed to my room and he said, anytime you want to jackoff together, just come on over. I’ve got a good stash of porn. Anyway, When abby asked if I had used a rubbers before….I said no, but told her I had put one on years ago, but not sense then. She said I probably wasn’t use to them that she heard her brother say that his dick wouldn’t stay hard with them so he and his girlfriend never used them. I knew Ray hardly ever used them…I think he has had the same stash for years. So Abby suggested that I try entering her without one but just make sure I pulled out if I felt like I was going to get close. So I walked back over to the counter and got a little lube and started to put some on my dick…there was a response. I then looked out the window, and there he was…still laying there. Abby told me that taking it off worked…I was refocused and realized my dick was rock hard! Abby grabbed my hand to pull me back to the couch…I glanced back and saw Luke’s head move up as if he was staring up at us…maybe he was just shifting his head on the pillow or something. But I asked Abby if we could try something, might be a little fun. I told her let me sit in front of this window in this chair and you could get on top then lower yourself at your speed. Abby looked down at everybody to see if anyone could see…nobody was looking at the house. Pretty mush all the guys were in the pool with a couple girls. Then a couple were in chairs, but figured they were asleep. She was nervous but she decided to try it. I sat down with a clear eye shot to the pool below and then Abby starting working her way down my hard dick. Oh the sensations were great. I really am a man, I’m sitting here fucking this girl with no rubber on. Just skin to skin – pure. Although we had connected, I just wasn’t satisfied. I started looking around and then saw Luke’s hand move to his glasses to lower them a little. I wasn’t sure if he was looking at us or someone else. I saw him get up and move out of my vision. Where had he gone? I could tell that Abby was done with this position which was good bc I did want to last longer but felt my balls start to tighten up. So I was like hang on…lets try something else. I told her I had seen this position in one of rays movies and said that the girl really liked it. When I stood up I saw that Luke had moved further back and away from everyone else, again he was now laying more upright but noticed he had a towel over his legs…Abby broke my thought and ask how I wanted to do the next move. I told her to stand over the back of the chair which was behind the bar, she did. I walked up behind her and she freaked thinking I was going to fuck her in the ass….I was like hell no…that is gay shit. I was gunna stick my dick in her puss from behind. So she repositioned herself over the chair and helped guide my uncovered raw dick back into her. She reminded me to pull out. So here I am starting to stroke in her and I look at her smooth back going down to her ass…it was very beautiful – couldn’t really tell it was a female until she made a sound. I glanced down for a moment it looked like Luke was doing something under the towel. Maybe he was just readjusting himself, but it seemed more than that. I all of sudden wondered – what if he was staring at me and was jacking off….that did it…that one thought made my ball shrink up and shot my load….then I panicked bc I realized that I was still in Abby – we both freaked. She started screaming at me telling me I should have pulled out – I tried to tell her it was an accident and that it just happened so fast. I told her – wait here, I’m gunna go get ray – he will know what to do. I threw my shorts on and ran downstairs yelling for Ray….I told him COME HERE NOW…he jumped up and was like what the fuck - what happened…I told him & he started laughing and then I punched him and told this is not funny, I can’t get a girl pregnant yet…mom would kill me…I started sobbing….Ray took me and held me for a second…Ry, it will be okay – this has happened to many times and he would take care of this. So he went and got his girl, apparently he told her bc when they came back, she oh hun, it’s fine – this happened to me last week with Mickey. Ray shot up, Mickey, really? Damn. Anyway, the three of us went upstairs and ray’s girl told abby what to do. I was still crying and Ray told me they were gunna go get the morning after pill for her and then take her back to his girls house – then he punched my arm and said, he was gunna go get some after they got finished with abby. Well Abby collected her things, she didn’t speak to me as we all walked down the stairs…I told ray I was so sorry..he grabbed me and gave me a tight hug, then gave me kiss a little off to the side of my mouth and told me he would take care of it…try and relax – Mickey and Luke will be here…just don’t let Mickey fuck the dog when he was drunk….they all left. Ray must have told mickey bc he came up to me and was little bro, it’s all good…..happens to me all the time. I tell them ho’s opps the rubber broke or opps I forgot to pull out….it’s all good lil bro. I put on a brave face in front of everyone. They all decided to go up to the game room for the rest of the afternoon as they waited for pizza that was ordered. I walked out and sat on the side of the pool. I was still panicking in my head. I can’t be a dad yet…I’m not out of school yet…plus I’m confused with other things. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Luke. I sorta freaked – here I am stressing about knocking up my girlfriend and the fact that I’m having bad thoughts about…with him. I started crying again. Luke sat down beside me and told me that Ray had called him and told him that everything would be fine – but he was going to stay the night over at his girls house. For him, to keep an eye on me and make sure that everyone was out of the house soon…..and also to make sure that Mickey didn’t fuck the dog. Luke gladly excepted saying he would take good care of me…. To be continued……Sorry it’s so long, but I’m trying to get the struggle that some of go through on these journeys
    2 points
  9. WARNING: Some straight sex in this part. If you don't like that, skip this part of the story. thanks for the encouragement. I know it's a little long...but I hope yall still like this. ________________________________________________________________________ Part 2: I didn’t know what was happening to me. Here I was standing in front of my older brother and all his high school friends in and around the pool and my dick is starting to get hard. What the hell, why am I paying more attention to Luke, my brother’s bestfriend and a guy I considered a brother also. Ive seen him naked a million times, we’ve rough housed around my entire life, he lives right next door – so we always see each other… he is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around me like he has done before – our bodies were touching. His bare, wet, sculpted chest was touching my bare skinned back. I could feel the water running down my naked back and his naked chest all the way to tops of our swim trunks we were wearing as his crotch was pressed up against my high ass. Why am I paying so much attention to this, why am I all of a sudden getting these weird feelings…why did it feel like his dick just bounced a couple times into my butt cheeks. Whatever it was, set off something in me. I started to panic when I realized that my dick was getting hard in my shorts and then came back to life as Mickey yelled.. “hey luke, you pinch’n Ryan’s little tits…he’s starting to get some wood” I was in panic mode as started to cover myself and try to figure out what to say..wait, did Luke’s dick just up against my ass again? I felt Luke’s grip around my body tighten and told the guys…”turn around and yall will see why Ryan is getting hard”…that’s when I focused on the end of the pool and saw that Ray’s girl of the month was rubbing tanning lotion on Abby, my girlfriend. Then the guys, led by Mickey was like ahhhhh yeah, lil’ bro gunna get him some tonight! Oh yeah. You know, typical hs locker talk…ray was like “why don’t you and Abby go up to the game room and hang out….in the bottom drawer of the green cabinets toward the back are some condoms…make sure you use them.” Then Ray shouted to Abby saying that I wanted to show her our new pool table…” of course Abby was game..she knew where this might lead – she had told me she was ready since she was a year older than me. All of sudden I felt cold and realized that Luke had stopped holding me but I could still feel our bodies slightly touching as he stood behind me. As Abby walked around the pool and all they guys with shit-eat’n grins on their faces, my dick had gone back to normal…thank goodness….As Abby got to me…she grabbed my hand and said lets go…as I turned around I looked up and met Luke’s gaze into my eyes like a million times before, but there was something different this time as he smiled at me. As I moved passed him, I felt a graze against my dick but this time it felt like it was almost on purpose – but it couldn’t be. Luke was straight, had a girlfriend and me and ray had walked in on them having sex before…no, he’s not gay. But I turned my head back to him and noticed he did another grin and winked at me…. So me and Abby get up to the game room and we start messing around and while we were kissing she was massaging my dick….”did Luke really touch my dick on purpose?” “what was with that smile and wink?” “he looks really good…..” my attention was broken again as Abby snapped me back into focus…along the major discomfort I was feeling….”You must really like that & me…you are super hard” – I realized that my dick was hard and confined in my shorts…What was going on with me….I’m sitting here kissing my girlfriend while she is rubbing my crotch and all I’m thinking about is Luke and how he felt so strong as he was holding me and the wetness from the pool running between….focus ryan abby said. I am ready to do this with you and by the looks of it, so are you, abby said. My sister told me that since we are both still virgins, that I should give you a blowjob first bc you would probably last longer on your second ejaculation. I was nervous but said okay….we both got undressed and laid on the floor kissing. She started licking the sides and stroking it…of course it was hard, I’m a teen. Wind blows against it, I’m hard….but all I could think was I was about to lose my virginity with my gf while my brother and all his friends were downstairs…with Luke….damn, my dick jumped and I realized that Abby had swallowed my dick and thinking of Luke my dick thicken causing her to gag a little. As I focused on her it just wasn’t as hard as it been earlier. She noticed and asked if she was doing something wrong. I told her it felt great, I was just a little uncomfortable on the floor like this…so we moved to the big chair in the corner. Here I was able to sit and lay back and let my full balls hang over the side of the leather chair. As she scooped up my balls and started licking and sucking on them and swallowing my dick, I leaned back and closed my eyes and tried to focus on the sensation but all I could focus on was Luke. I was picturing his tall, sculpted body….how the water dripped from his blonde hair down the side of his chiseled face to his thick neck…what is going on, I thought…am I gay…I can’t be – it’s not right…those shorts really are fitted on him…it really showed his dick swinging today. Omg – what is going on…I’m straight – ive got a girlfriend, I’ve got to get married and have kids….my family will kill me. But I just really am having all these crazy thoughts about Luke. Luke with those beautiful green eyes, those full lips…I just love how his nipples are tiny…but they are hard, I could feel them in my back as he was holding…..oh his arms felt warm and strong…..it was cool how for a moment it felt like our breathing had matched up as his naked torso was pressed up to my naked back….his torso…so tight and tan…that six pack that is really starting show…that scar on his right side from when Ray flipped them on the bike years ago….but that scar is right above where his v-line starts going down to his shorts that were pressed up against my ass…was that his dick that bounced…oh I can just imagine what it looks like hard…thick and veiny just sticking a mile out in front of him….ohhh damn, I’m must be getting cold I’m start to get chills and shake…but I wonder if his skin rolls back over the head so it looks like he is cut like me or if it just hangs….i wonder what it would be like to hold something that big or even taste it….OMG I can’t breathe oh this pressure….what is going on. I refocus and realized that I’m shooting cum all over the place. Abby was trying her best to swallow, but that was a lot of cum. I can’t believe that I thought about Luke the entire time she was sucking me. I was so wrapped up in thinking about him that I didn’t focus on Abby giving me my first blowjob. As I’m sitting there trying to catch my breath, My mind is going 90 to nothing…what is wrong with me. Maybe I’m just so horny that I’m thinking about everybody. I can’t be gay…I’m just horny like Ray and Mickey said. Refocus….Abby is cleaning up a little, I walk over to the bar counter to get us a couple paper towels…I give some to abby then I go back and I tear one off and wipe the cum off my stomach, dick and balls…then tear off another to wipe the sweat off my face…that’s when I look out of the window and see Luke laying there probably asleep on the chair in his shorts and sunglasses with the water glistening on his body now that the sun had come out….God his body is beautiful..i felt my dick bounce….what is going on with me…this can’t be happening…I lean down to the counter to gain some composure then I glanced back out the window and down at Luke….his hand was rubbing across his chest slowly….my dick bounced again…he then started to move his hand slowly back and forth down his rippled stomach…omg my dick was starting to rise….what is going on….wait, is he going further….he rubbed all the way down to the top of his shorts and just pulled the band down a little as he worked his hand down the side of his shorts…….i’m thinking, he has to be sleeping – he can’t be awake and doing that…I then noticed that my dick is bouncing against the cabinet door….lukes hand was moving so slowly up the side of his shorts…then he adjusted his dick….my dick went solid I and I had to step back. Holy shit…my dick got hard by watching my neighbor, my brother’s best friend, my brother readjust himself…. To be continued….. (let me know what yall think)
    2 points
  10. Cumunion Chicago is the hottest scene I have been to. It's a three hour drive for me, but every time I have gone, it's just wild fucking everywhere. I assume it's all bareback. Bottoms will get a room and leave the door open and one top after another goes in and fucks them. May or may not cum. If they leave the door open people gather and watch. you will have more luck if you go early and get a room, but there are the gloryhole booths and the three mattresses as well. Some guys fuck in the hall. Oh, don't forget the fuck bench. Don't be a wall flower, and don't be shy. If you want cock go get it!
    2 points
  11. Thanks for the encouragement guys! Writing part two today and tomorrow!
    2 points
  12. TLDR version: Yes! You have been given a lot of good advice in this thread. What I will say reflects things others have said but not all together. I have only recently started barebacking, but the decision was at least partially related to monster cocks. I have rarely been fucked by less than 7.5 inches. I really like the feel of a long stroke and you just can't get that with short cocks. Of course I also like to be stretched so thick is great too. What is a monster cock? I would probably say anything bigger than about 9 inches long and very thick. It is not a coincidence that my first bareback experiences were with thick cocks between 9.5 and 10.5 inches. They just wanted to bareback me and I was not going to say anything to jeopardize getting those dicks in my ass. Relaxation is key. If you are not relaxed you will tense up and it will hurt. Even doing it right, a really big cock can hurt at first, but there is no reason for the pain to last more than a minute. So the elements to allow you to relax: Douche! I can't emphasize this enough. In order to relax while having a cock shoved 10 inches up your ass, you need to be confident that it is not going to run into any nasty surprises in your hole. This was huge for me, even if I thought i was just going to be sucking cock, making sure I was cleaned out just in case. I also like to take an immodium a few hours in advance. Lube is key. I like silicone, but as others posted, if you are barebacking, no reason to avoid oilbased lube. I hate water based lube and how sticky and dry it gets. I pre-lube my hole and stretch it out with a couple of fingers. Patience. I have topped too, and I fuck women, so I am not talking about walking on eggshells for an hour. But if your top can avoid trying to kill you with his dick in the first minute or so the rest can be no big deal. A couple of weeks ago I got fucked by a tweaker with one of the thickest cocks I have seen in my life (remember above where I said all restraint goes out the window when I am offered a huge dick? I normally don't fuck tweakers, but...) He was brutal when he got going, but he had the good sense to take about a minute or two, just pushing the head part way in then pulling out and rubbing it on my hole. By the time he actually entered me I was wide open. Position. I don't know if there is a single right answer for this as I have heard different things from different people. I find it easiest taking the big dick while on all fours. I find it hard when standing up, unless I am already opened up from a previous fucking. One of the things that really opened my mind (and ass) about barebacking was how much easier it was than rubbered fucking. The lack of rubber friction really helps. I really love uncut cocks too, and the combination of a naturally wet slipperey head and the sliding action of the foreskin make getting fucked by an intact cock easier too. I haven't seen anyone mention this, but usually by the time you get to the extremes of cock size, they are not as rock hard as regular cocks. The only cocks that ever hurt me were average to moderate length and actually were thinner than average. But they were rock hard (and wearing rubbers). Lots of good advice in this thread. Take it and you will be fine. Take that monster cock. And if you aren't going to take it, pass it on to me.
    2 points
  13. As the lanky teen with the cute smile shuffled past me carrying the stack of filing boxes, I kept staring at his lean body while I walked, until almost falling over a stack of shipping crates. Stopping just short of the pile, I turned and watched him disappear out the back door with them. My cock jumped in my khakis as I wondered who the new blood was. "Excuse me sir," a deep voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and press myself against the wall as he passed me again with another stack. It puzzled me how he had managed to unload the boxes and get back inside and pass me in only a few seconds, until the back door opened and he walked back in, followed by...himself? 'Twins!' I realized as the two teen boys wiped sweat from their brows and passed me going the opposite direction to get another load. "Who are they?" I asked a co-worker as we pretended not to watch the fit teens take load after load of old tax paperwork out to the truck to be hauled away and shredded. "Marvin's grandsons," Jessica replied, covertly watching them in the reflection on her computer monitor. "He got the bossman to agree to let them come in a few days a week and intern in the accounts department with him until they go back to school in August. Their names are Mac and Mal or something like that, and they play basketball for their high school team and need some more academic stuff for their resumes if they want to get into a good school or some shit like that." Eyeing them less discretely than my co-worker, I caught a glimpse of one boy's ripped abs when he lifted his shirt to wipe his face off, and oogled the other brother's butt when he bent to get the last box, making his pants ride down exposing his hairless creamy ass cheeks and crack. Fantasies of a basketball boy sandwich with me in the middle were floating around my head, causing my hard on to leak into my briefs. I was so lost in my imaginary world that I didn't realize they had caught me watching them and were coming over to say hello, until they were suddenly at my desk. "Hey I'm Mark," the one in the blue bball shorts and black tee said, before pointing to the brother in white plaid shorts and a green tee and adding, "and this is my bro, Mike. You must be Peter. My granddad said you were the computer genius around these parts." I nodded and tried not to check out their bulging boy packages while they asked me some technical questions. Answering as quickly as I could, I hoped they didn't notice my voice cracking or how desperate I was to keep my lap concealed under the keyboard drawer on my desk. Finally they seemed happy with the facts I'd provided and made some joke about me seeing them around, maybe twice. I laughed a little too hard but they just smiled and returned to the re-org work they'd been busy with before they came over. Once the coast was clear I ducked into the bathroom and jerked a huge load all over the sink and mirror, with visions of these teen gods doing the same. -- The rest of the week went by uneventfully, with me spending twice as much time in the bathroom as any of the other employees, spanking my meat to images of the twins I'd managed to find on their facebook pages. As it turned out, they were all too happy to friend the just-out-of-college, tech-savvy young computer tech when I sent the request, and that made me happy once I found out they were aspiring models and had dozen, perhaps hundreds of photos of the two of them in tuxedos, work-out gear, shirtless and even in matching red speedos. My sixth sense had been right, their dicks were well above average, at least according to the photos where they could be seen through the speedo fabric. When Friday arrived I was ready to get the hell out of there and go find some young buff bball boy to substitute for the hot new interns, and I even decided to take it further than usual, texting my guy and setting it up so I could drop by and pick up some tina on my way to the club. When I got to his place I was eager to get back out and find some ass to pound, but my dealer convinced me to stop in and smoke with him first, even offering to load the first bowl himself. Never one to turn down free drugs, I agreed and plopped down on the couch next to him and told him about the hot new guys at my work. "That's awesome bro!" he coughed as he said it, obviously turned on at the idea of twinteens as well. "Wish I could see them. Where do you work so I can sneak past one night at closing and check them out?" Uncomfortable with the idea of my dealer knowing where I made a living, I offered instead to show him a photo of the twins, but I made sure it was only a shirtless pic since I felt kinda possessive about their asses and dicks after a week of coveting them. "DAMN MAN, I know this dude!" My dealer yelled, causing me to cough as I smoked. "I know one of them anyway. This kid stops by once in awhile to buy some shit for him and his girl. Always thought he was hot, but now that there's two of him, I want him twice as bad!" "What's the name of the kid who buys from you?" I demanded. "Dunno. I always call him doc cause he only gave me his initials when we met: M.D." He said, swiping through more of my photos. Could have been Mike or Mark from the initials, but I was desperate for more info that might lead me to discover which one did drugs, so that I might blackmail him into doing me too. "In fact, doc said he'd be stopping by around 8 if you want to stick around and see him." As intriguing as the prospect of him coming in and my catching him in the act of buying might be, I knew I had a lot more to lose in this situation than he did, so I made sure my guy wasn't going to snitch on me and got out of the house by 7:45. Inside my car I began to pull away but stopped myself at the end of the block. I needed to be sure my dealer was telling the truth, so I pulled around the block, and parked under a tree a few houses down, with a perfect view of the front door. By 8:10 I was ready to call it quits when a familiar grey sedan turned the corner and pulled up in front of the house. It idled for a moment before the engine cut out and the driver's door opened. My breath caught in my throat as all 6'6" of boyish ball player stood up out of the car and began walking up the path. With no idea which guy of the two I was seeing, all I could do was fondle myself and picture one of them sucking smoke from a pipe while I pounded my 8 and a half inch dick deep into his athletic ass. Minutes passed before he returned to the car and I used my phone to snap a few photos of the boy so I had a record of what he was wearing as he slid behind the wheel and drove off. Turning around and heading home, I signed onto facebook as soon as I reached my garage and tried messaging both boys to see which one was out in the car and which one was being good and staying away from drugs. Neither one responded and both had similar statuses, reading 'out with the crew tonight, c u at the spot' and 'cruisin with da buds 2nite.' After 20 minutes it became clear that the twins were too busy with their friends to check my message on fb, so I got on my phone and used a hookup app to find some sexy bottom bitch who wasn't too far from me.it took about the amount of time for me to shower and change my sheets before the guy appeared on my front stoop. 6'2", almost as blonde as the bball twins, with a more classically handsome face, more muscle mass and hard inside his shorts, I pulled him inside and had my cock inside him as soon as I could get his shorts off. Disappointed that he wasn't one of the boys, I took comfort in his perfect body and well-trained sexual prowess, fucking him 4 times over the next few hours, with a few periodic breaks for some bowls to be smoked and a shower after round 3. When he left around 4am, I was still hyped up on tina and in no mood to quit partying, so I picked up my phone and started cruising again when it buzzed, alerting me to a new fb message. It was Mark, who I'd discovered was the quieter of the twins, seeming happy to let his 'big' bro (older by 6 minutes according to Mike) take the lead in most situations. 'Hey dude, where u at 2nite?' Mark's reply read. Assuming it had been posted a lot earlier, I almost ignored it until I saw the time stamp and realized he'd only written it an hour ago, around 3:20. 'My place,' I typed in, debating whether to embellish my evening to make myself seem cooler or just include some details of what I had been up to and possible cross a line that I shouldn't. Unable to decide, I kept it vague, ending the reply with 'buzzed from a crazy night.' Unsure if he would respond or if he was awake still, I almost giggled when my phone alerted me that he responded only a minute later. 'Nice! me2. Went out w/ friendz and got hi' it read. Without knowing what he was high on, I still admired his bravery admitting that he was on something, since I not only knew his grandfather but also had the ability to get him fired from his internship. The same thought must have hit him when another message quickly followed:'u cool? pls don't tell.' Laughing, I decided to ease his stress level and responded: 'no worries bro, im no snitch. been known to try stuff when I was young 2. could get wild sometimes.' 'i knew u were cool...and ur not old enuf 2 say 'when I was young.' When was that? last week?' his response made me laugh. Guess my vague answer didn't put him off the scent like I thought. When I didn't answer his last question he added another: 'what did u get in2 when u smoked?' Again I paused before responding and wondered what I should say. If he was the brother I'd seen at my guy's place earlier, this might be my chance to have him join me for some bowls and eventually lure him into letting me suck him or watch him with his girl. If this was the other brother, I could be revealing hard drug use to a teenager who might be stupid enough to tell someone at the office or he might hate the fact his brother does drugs like that and decide to get me in trouble with my boss or even with the cops as some bizarre lesson. 'u first' I typed into the messenger and waited for his response. I'd already told him I wouldn't snitch, so I hoped he would confess to me, but I wasn't too surprised when all he said in return was 'all sorts of things :)' 'Same here' was my reply. After that we chatted inanely for awhile, finally reaching a point where we'd run out of things to share, and a long silence occurred. Taking to my hookup app, I almost didn't notice the notification in the corner when, about 20 minutes later, he sent another message reading 'every1 here is 2 hi, no fun :(' Seeing the opportunity to find out which one I'd seen before, I asked him who he was with, since my dealer said his customer always bought for himself and his girlfriend. If he said his girl, it could be either of them, but if he was with friends, chances are it was Mike I'd seen before. Totally catching me off gaurd, Mark responded 'my bro and sum buds.' Shit! If they were together, I had no way of knowing which one I saw earlier. Then it his me, if they were together, they were probably both smoking the tina! Typing quickly, I asked him if he'd taken any photos of his antics from earlier. When he said yeah and asked why, I asked him to send me a pic of his buds and his bro, making up some excuse about possibly knowing some of the guys he hangs with and wanting to see a pic to be sure. He was quiet enough that I figured he was probably thinking it was a bad idea, so I decided to sweeten the pot adding 'u send me a pic of ur friends tonight, and I'll send u a pic of my friend 2nite.' 'ok! u send first' came back quickly. Mark must have deduced from our conversation, specifically some remarks I made about 'needing 2 shower' and 'wandering round my place in da buff,' that I had been screwing earlier in the evening. Unable to convince myself to be sane and say no, I found a picture I'd taken of the bottom face down with his thong-clad ass in the air, and cropped it so all you could see what his lower back and ass. Somewhat sure that it looked round enough to be a girl's butt, I sent him the photo and prayed he wouldn't figure out who he was seeing. Almost immediately a response came back with only one word in all caps: 'HOT!' Bells sounded alerting me that I had a picture message, and my hands shook as I opened the file entitled 'less exciting photo than 1 u sent me.' As it loaded, I began to make out some boyish faces, and surprisingly, some girls as well. It hadn't occurred to me that some of Mark's buds might be girls, but at least I could be semi-confident that none of them were his girlfriend from the label he'd given. His brother was standing behind a girl in the photo and hugging her to his chest blocking the outfit he was wearing, defeating my plan to find out if he was the guy I'd seen at the house. Undaunted I asked for another pic and Mark eagerly responded that he'd be happy to...as long as I understood it was quid pro quo. Digging through my new pics, I found one of the blonde bottom mouthing my junk through my briefs and cropped and edited it until only his mouth and nose could be seen drooling on my cotton-encased hard-on. zooming in as close as possible to see if I could make out any blonde stubble on his chin, I felt secure that Mark would be fooled again and sent the photo. This response took longer and I began to worry that I might have shown too much when my phone ding-a-ling-ed again and another message came through entitled 'couple hours later.' In this message, Mark had included a few photos of his buddies and brother stripped down to their boxers or panties respectively and taking shots in a hot tub on the same porch where the last one was taken. I scrolled through all of them and was disappointed that there was no way to tell which guy was which in the photos (even though all the ripped teen torsos and see-through undies did have me stroking pretty seriously). 'want more?' I wrote, while simultaneously searching my phone to see if any of the rest of mine could be re-done to hide the sex of my partner. I was considering sending one where I had my cock head forcing its way into the sweet smooth asshole of the boy, when Mark told me that he was all out of photos, but really wanted to see more of me and the 'bitch I'd fucked yesterday.' Crest fallen, I went to correct him on the date and discovered it was almost 8am and the boy had arrived at my place nearly 11 hours before and a whole day earlier. making some excuse about needing sleep, I ended the chat session and jerked off to a photo of Mike and Mark standing up in the hot tub, boxer-briefs clinging to their long, flaccid dicks and fuzzy thighs, giving enough definition to show me that they were both cut. My load was gigantic. -- Saturday I spent doing chores and hooking up with a guy from my gym after my work out. As I bred him in a shower stall that afternoon, some young guy was unabashedly watching us and pounding away at his average size uncut dick. Closing my eyes I imagined the hole on my cock belonged to Mike and his brother was the guy enjoying the show. Gym guy commented as we got dressed that his ass hadn't been fucked that well in years, and the voyeur snuck me his number on the back of a gym brochure before an older man, probably his father, yelled for him to stop fucking around and get changed so they could leave. Through out the day and the following night, I exchanged texts with Mark and strung him along just enough with vague details about my hookup in the afternoon to get him to continue to hound me for more information and unwilling reveal more about how far he'd gone and what he had planned. From what I gathered, he lost his virginity to a girl from his swim team when he was a freshman in high school while her best friend took his brother's v-card. After that he'd had one steady girlfriend for awhile who put out regularly but she moved away. My cock spewed more semen as he told me how he and his bro shared a girl down the block for awhile until she figured out they were both fucking her and ended it by kicking Mike in the junk and telling him to "share that with your brother too!" The LOL in my response was honest, but didn't include the CUM the story made me shoot. Finally I got around to asking if he had a girlfriend, to which he replied 'no.' Part of me was glad he wasn't with some girl but the other part knew that meant it must have been his brother I'd seen at the dealer's house the night before. Still I figured he might have enjoyed some of the goodies, so I decided to press on with our friendship. I went to bed early that night (early being around 11pm), and dreamt of Mark in bed with me, sucking my cock, then turning into Mike (don't ask how I knew the difference) and taking his turn on my dick. For some reason I felt guilty when Mike was doing it, but when I went to push him off, he turned back into Mark and finished the job. I awoke the next morning at 7 with cum in my tighty whiteys and a lot of questions in my mind. As I took my morning piss, I was happy to find messages from Mark and Mike, who had apparently been brought up to speed on my conversation with his brother. Each had sent me questions about my own sexual experiences, and after I'd failed to respond for a few hours, it turned into more of a drunken contest to see who could send me more explicit descriptions of things they'd done attached to photos of the girls from the stories (all pg-13 rated or under) until around 2 am when Mike stopped texting and both of them went quiet. Then at 5:13am, a message from Mark had arrived saying 'wana knw wut I wan2 try?' followed by 'beign w/ a guy.' Sitting stunned I moved forward in the conversation as Mark slowly admitted to wondering what dudes felt like and asking if I'd ever done anything with a guy. The last text was from mere minutes before I'd woken up and all it said was 'Mikw nad I messd round ocne.' Translating from the language of drunk I almost had a stroke realizing it said Mike and I messed around once. Hands shaking, I typed back carefully 'oh yeah, what did u guys do?' The minutes seemed like hours and I'd almost given up hope that he was awake and still drunk enough to tell me, when the bells went off. 'jus jerkd each ohter offf and stuf.' was his response. My heart jumped while I asked what stuff meant. His shyness returned with 'u know, stuff. nothnig gay.' Not wanting to push my luck, I left it up to my imagination and began stroking to their hot tub pic when another bell went off and he asked me again if I'd ever done anything with a guy. Horny as fuck and thinking I might still be asleep, I responded with the same shot of the bottom in the thong that I'd sent the day before, followed by another shot of the same guy on his back, with his cock clearly visible through the thong, and finally one more photo of me and the thong-wearing bottom in the mirror opposite my bed, his legs over my shoulders, my cock in his ass, and his head thrown back in pleasure. Once I was sure my face couldn't be seen in the picture, I hit send and waited. 5 minutes passed, then 10, then 20, 25, 30, 40. My mind was spinning as I wondered if I was about to get fired for sending fuckpix to the teen grandson of the head of accounting, but a bell went off instead. Opening the text on my phone, I scrolled through five pictures. One: a blurry pic of Mark in a bathroom mirror, holding his phone and wearing a black polo and baggy jeans, sagging enough to reveal the waist band of a pair of red and black undies. Two: another slightly less blurry pic of Mark in the mirror, now shirtless, flexing his chest and arms. Three: Mark holding his phone in front of him and taking a downward shot, this time with his pants out of the photo, and a hand shoved down his undies. four: Mirror again, undies pulled down to midthigh, facing away and flexing his back muscles, while clenching his butt enough to make the white buns taut and round. Five: A shot straight down his torso with his big, hard cock pointing out and up in his left hand, with a drop of precum peaking out of the head. After I finished looking at them, I got another text asking me simply 'what do u thnik?' 'U got me hard man.' I responded, stroking slowly hoping I might get more photos if I didn't cum at that very moment. 'Prove it.' came his response, and without a second thought, I walked into the bathroom, dropped my undies to the floor and took a shot of my impressive pecs, abs, dick, balls and thighs in the mirror. Pressing send so fast I couldn't be sure my face was entirely hidden, I decided I didn't care as long as it meant the possibility of more pics of Mark today, tomorrow or somewhere down the road. Instead I received a message that demanded another photo of my hard cock(or drunkenly written: my hard cokc). Snapping a few photos of my left hand stroking it while my right hand conveniently aimed the camera so my head was concealed, I sent a group all at once. The next text was short and to the point: 'make it come.' Unable to deny the quiet teen,I threw one foot up on the toilet next to me, switched over to video mode on my camera and began stroking for all I was worth. Seconds later a huge load rained from my thick, red, angry mushroom head, smearing streaks down the mirror as it sprung forth. As I lowered myself to the floor and caught my breath, I paused to wonder if I was better to deny the view of this explicit video from the inexperienced eyes on the opposite end of the conversation. The pervert who lusted over his co-worker's grandsons won out in the end though, and I ended up sending the video with a subject that referred to both the video's contents and my intentions for the boy: 'i'm coming for you.' -- Pulling into the work parking lot the next morning, I was a little unhappy to see the grey sedan already parked by the employee entrance. Most of the company wouldn't be in until after 9, so I'd hoped my 8:15 arrival would allow me the chance to watch out the window and see which of the twins drove the grey sedan. Most likely it was a shared vehicle or they at least carpooled for work purposes, so the entire idea was probably moot. Still, I had an uncommon obsession with needing to know which boy was the druggie if only one was into that stuff. After I thought I'd deduced it was Mike since Mark had no girlfriend, I saw Mike's relationship status on facebook was set to 'single' for months now, so it was a toss up who my dealer had been selling to, or if he was even being told the truth in the first place. Most likely whoever 'Doc' was, he made up the girlfriend after my dealer made eyes at the boy, figuring it would keep the gay drug dealer from making a move. Lost in thought over the entire scenario, I almost ran smack into one of the boys as I rounded the corner to go into my desk area. Apologizing and wondering if this was the boy who sent me his naked photos, he told me it was no sweat, and asked if I hadn't responded Saturday night because I was too busy getting more of the same from the night before. Revealing himself as Mike by being unaware of the nude picture exchange, I just smiled and told him I had fun and moved past him and got to work. Keeping an eye out for Mark, I began to get more and more nervous that I'd gone too far when 9 turned into 9:30 and the whole office was at work with still no sign of the quieter twin. Finally the boys' grandfather called down into the filing basement for Mark to "stop dilly dallying and get up here." Mark appeared soon after, scanning the office with his eyes until they came to rest on me, at which point they darted away, and so did he. Obviously I wasn't the only one who was nervous about what had gone down, so I decided to text Mark and let him know it was cool. me(9:48a): sorry if i freaked u out yesterday morning. we cool? Mark(9:56a):yeah me(10:04a): u ok? Mark (10:21a): yeah, cant talk now With his curt tone and short answers I figured Mark was now a lost cause. Just another sexy text memory to get me off when I'm alone and high, I guess. When he texted me at lunch and apologized for his abrupt response earlier, I was so happy to hear from him that I almost stopped him in the hall as he passed me. The embarrassed look on his face and inability to look me in the eye kept me from acknowledging him, even when his brother started up a conversation that afternoon, with him only a few feet away. We chatted about our crazy weekends in hushed tones and I enjoyed seeing Mark's brow form a dewy layer when I told him how many sexts I'd received the last few days. Mike practically demanded that I show him some, but somehow his forceful tone did nothing but make me want to say no. Still I considered showing him one from gymguy describing my amazing fuck skills, just to see if I could give Mark a heart attack and pretend it was one from him. Knowing better, I told both boys to get back to work and reminded them that it wouldn't be professional to share that stuff at work. Mark let out a sigh of relief as they walked away, and I sent him a text promising to keep his secret before returning to my own, rather large stack of work. Over the next few days I barely saw Mark and Mike, but began texting with them more and more. With Mike it was always puns about the positions and lude acts accountants did with the files, usually culminating in him sending me a selfie where he had some paper in his fly or was humping a filing cabinet. Mark's texts were more lowkey, often poking fun at the shitty work he was doing or how many of the older executives were practically illiterate when it came to tasks like opening their email or sending a text message. Eventually they started referencing the sex stuff we'd discussed the weekend prior, never going far enough for him to admit to seeing me cum on video though. By Thursday the three of us were eating lunch together and stealing moments in the halls to exchange good natured barbs, so I figured I had worked my way back into Mark's good graces. It was time to mention the sexting and see if he would freak again. me: thanks 4 the coke at lunch, ill get u next time mark: no sweat. better you drink a soda than thirst for the cum of sumyungguy! me: lol that thirst is never satisfied *slurp* mark: gross dude me: you didn't think it was gross sunday morning me:? mark: about sunday...I was really fucking drunk and high and didn't know what the fuck I was saying. I never should have hit that bowl, that stuff was way too strong for me, and I feel really awful for texting u all that gross shit. me: it wasn't gross man. I enjoyed it, which u could probably tell. But if u wanna drop it, its cool. Just wondering what u were smoking that got u so fckd up? mark: something stronger than the shit I usually smoke. It was awesome but I lost control. I decided to test the waters and see if I could get him to admit what it was with a little admission of my own. me: yeah tina does that to me sometimes too. me: :/ me:? Mark: I don't know, I've never smoked tina. Just weed. Fuck. I'd admitted my worst habit and now the hot dude who works with me had me jerking on video AND admitting to drug use in text form. I was screwed for sure...until... Mark: Mike does tina sometimes. He even fucked his ex on it in front of me once. got me to film a little. (pic attached) The photo attachment included three shots. One: Mike taking a hit off a bubble. Two: Mike fingering a naked girl while she hit the same bubble. Three: Mike getting head from the girl while he hit the bubble. Me:shit dude thats hot! u shoulda joined them. Mark: Ew dude, thats my bro! Anyway I don't do hard drugs like that. Mike likes it tho. Said it made him hornier than fuck. Me: I can tell Mark:...Whats it like? Me: exactly like mike said, plus a hundred times better. Mark: cool Me: u never been tempted to try it. Mark: not really. seems like a waste unless u know ur gonna get some. Me: yeah, ur right. u should try it sometime tho. Mark: maybe. my ex will be in town this weekend, but ill probably just fuck her sober me:cool, back to work, ttyl Mark: ttyl man I snuck into the bathroom and barely had my cock out of my pants before I shot all over the tile floor and my pants and shoes. I didn't even get the door locked but luckily I was one of the last people in the building. Sneaking out the side door I ran to my car and drove home to jerk off again to the hot photos of the teen smoking and getting sucked. -- coming up: Friday
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  14. Let me start by saying that this isn't fiction but a true story! About 6 months ago i was on my profile page just looking around, when a message came in from a very cute looking 18y/o twink. He wrote that he was looking for someone experienced to finally fuck him. He told me that at earlier dates with guys his own age it they stopt trying after a few attempts, I explained to him how i would have opened his ass. His excitement grew more and more the longer we talked. after a few hours he asked me if he could come by. I said 'Yes', but explained him that i like to play on chems and that i play bare. It became very quiet at the other side, but after nearly a minute he said 'No problem'. i was glad because i already had a date planned with a 21 y/o kinky twink that wanted to try fisting, but he never showed up and his phone was switched off. Within 20 minutes the young twink arrived and i open the door in gear with my hard cock sticking out. He looked surprised maybe a little anxious, but i saw that he made up his mind. He gathered his courage and came inside. 'Clothes off!' i ordered. He replied with 'can't we talk first'. 'Yes, but only when we are on the same level... i'm nude so...' i said. He started to take off his clothes. A very hot body emerged and looking at his semi-hard dick i had to conclude that his was a bit bigger than mine. We started talking but after a while i noticed that his left eye wandered off. He tried watching the porn that i put on just before he arrived. I could see the immediate effect because his dick started growing. i ask if he knew how big it was but he answer that he never measured it. 'i be write back with a tape-measurer and something to drink for us both' i said. When i came back i asked if i could measure his dick, he nodded. He came less than halve a centimeter short to reach 23cm (about 9 inches). We can have lots off fun with that monster i laughed. He picked up his glass to drink. So i gave him 2 pills; one ecstasy-pill and an erection-pill. 'I don't want to do chems' he told me. I said to him that i was very disappointed because i explicitly told him. 'I know, but i'm scared' he answered. He continued: 'Swallowing pills, mixing chems with your drink or putting a needle in your arm. It just makes me freeze up. If i didn't know i was taking or getting then it would love to do it, but there's no way i wouldn't know'. I nodded and told him it was okay, but in my mind i already had a plan to get him high without noticing the administering. He leaned and kissed me and then he went lower and start sucking my cock. i pushed his head down and rammed my cock deeper, he started to choke. He came up for air, ao i give him a few tips to counter the gag reflex. A few extra breathes and he want down again. With every time i pushed my cock deep in hist throat he became more relaxed and i could feel his throat accepting the brutal skull fucking. His cock was rock hard so i pushed him on his back and started licking his cock. When his dick was dripping with my spit and his precum i grab his cock and with one move i let myself slide upon his dick. He asked if i had used a condom. 'What do you feel?' i answered. 'Just close your eyes and compare this feeling to all the times you fucked with a condom. Feel the wetness, feel the heat. Flesh stroking flesh'. He closed his eyes and i saw his face change. He was loving it and he started to moan. After a while he opened his eyes and pushed me off him. He grabbed my legs put them on his shoulder. He rammed his dick in my ass an started drilling my ass. The full length disappeared with every thrust in my ass. He pounded me for at least 15 minutes none-stop. Sweat was running from his face. I was flying high on the way he was ravaging my asshole. OMG where did this kid learn this?! 'i'm close, i'm summing' he said. He tried to pull out but i grab his hips and pulled them in close. 'I want you to flood my ass with your cum' i moaned. He didn't have time to respond because at that moment his dick shot thick warm streams of jizz deep in my ass. I could feel how his seed was flowing inside of me, filling me. We stayed locked for a while then he pulled his cock out and saw his seed oozing out my ass. 'I have never came like this before. i have the idea that i'm completely drained' he said with a big smile. 'Do you want a short break before i fuck and breed your ass?'. He nodded first and then he started to stutter 'you may fuck me without, but you have to promise that you take it out before you come'. He was relieved when I told him that i wouldn't do anything he didn't want me to do. But I knew that it wouldn't be long before he is begging me to shoot my hot load deep in his ass and knowing that my 'special' dna is merging with his. [To be continued]
    1 point
  15. Moderator's Note: Not really porn but it seems to fit better here than anywhere else. Anyone know the name of this film and where it can be found?? [think before following links] http://www.xvideos.com/video16802245/chaser
    1 point
  16. CHAPTER 1 My wife had the great idea to go to a resort with her brother and his wife for a week over summer. We'd been happily married for 3 years & unhappily married for another year or so. She'd decided that a week away might spice things up. How that was meant to happen with her brother & his wife there was beyond me. Mike & myself were lounging by the pool while the girls were off doing some shopping. "Fuck man, I thought this was meant to help our relationship, she's nearly spent more time with your wife than me!" Mike said. "Tell me about it man, I've been so fucking horny and she's been nowhere to be found. She was talking about getting knocked up this trip and I've barely seen her.....Sorry man, I shouldn't be talking about fucking your sister" "Ha ha, it's cool. She used to tell me about all of the stuff she used to get up to so there's not too many surprises" "She didn't say anything about me did she?" "Just about how great your body is man, and I can tell seeing you in those speedos, she wasn't lying!" It must've been the alcohol talking as he started adjusting his cock as he said it, and I couldn't help but glance. "Shit, you've got me covered in the body department man" I replied. "and from the looks of things, in cock size too!" "Did you wanna check each other out?"Mike asked with a glint in his eye. "I dunno man, what about the girls? What about your sister?" "Well I sure as hell won't tel her so our secret's safe with me" "Alright then" I agreed and we walked off to my room. As I led the way I was thankful I was holding my towel and clothes in front of my growing cock. It felt like Mike was checking my ass out which I found exciting for some strange reason. I unlocked the door, we went into the room and I put my clothes and towel in the laundry basket. When I turned around I was shocked to see that Mike had already taken his speedos off and was already completely naked! His cock looked so massive even though he wasn't close to hard. "Damn man, how big is that?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off it. "Once it's fully hard? About 9 or 10 inches" as he started stroking his thickening cock. Even though I'd never felt anything like this before I couldn't help but think how sexy he looked. "Lemme see yours man" My 6-7 inch cock looked tiny compared to his monster as I removed my speedos. "Hey, that's nothing to be ashamed of" he said as he walked towards me. "Just might need a little more encouragement" He grabbed my cock and it felt like an electric shock going through my body. "See it's responding already" As he'd made the first move I felt a little more comfortable reaching out and touching his. My hand wrapped round his long shaft. Mike started slowly jerking my cock and following his lead, I began to do the same. "Dam, you're so good at this Mike" I whispered. I looked up and our faces were so close together, I could feel his warm breath in my mouth. His tongue flicked out & without even thinking I sucked it into my mouth. Once again I reeled back in shock. "Oh god, sorry Mike. I don't know what came over me!" He laughed it off, "Hey no harm done man. I fit didn't feel so good I'd have been a lot more offended" "You liked it?" I asked with a combination of nerves and shock. "Fuck yeah, I'd like to do it properly if you were keen" He suggested with a grin as he moved closer to me. His hot breath on me caused me to lose control again and I brought my lips to his and we started to make out. I'd never even thought about being with a guy and here I was, kissing my wife's brother as though we'd been lovers for years! Our hands sought each others' cocks once more, not nervously this time but with animal lust. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so turned on and going from the fee of Mike's cock, he was starting to feel the same! "Damn my sister's lucky, you're a hell of a kisser" Mike smiled to me as we made out, "You're much better at it than she is" I replied. My free hand roamed down his chest as we kissed and I stroked his cock. He felt so fucking good I wanted to kiss every square inch of him. I broke off our kiss and I started kissing his hairy chest, sucking and biting on his nipples as Mike groaned his approval. Before I knew it I'd reached his abs and I could feel his cock on the underside of my chin as I knelt in front of him. I looked up at him questioningly, "I'm not gonna say anything if you don't man but fuck if you want this half as much as I do go for it!" Mike said as if he read my mind. END OF CHAPTER 1
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  17. This is a true story of my favorite fuck. It started over twenty years ago before the internet for hook ups. I was on a phone line and started chatting with a top who asked me if I was into watersports. I was 20 he was 40ish. I hadn't done watersports but I was hot for this guy so I tried it. About 30 minuets later he was at my door. MD was about 5'10 very attractive with a dominant approach. He put me on my knees on my bed, stood over me, put his cock in my mouth and said, 'drink or the piss is all over your bed.' He let go full flow and I drank it down as fast as I could not missing much. I surprised him and me. He smiled and that was all I needed for approval, I was his. He stayed for hours, late into the night. I was surprised how long I was able to go and never lose interest. He kept me on his cock at all time. I nursed on it, hard or soft. His cock became everything to me, it was true worship. When I did a good job MD would kiss me. His kiss is no ordinary kiss, it is the kiss of an alpha, a man of confidence. First is always spit, then he forces his tongue into my mouth fucking it, raping it. I'm not allowed to put my tongue in his mouth, he won't have it. I tried once and he bit it hard, drawing blood. When he felt pleasure he was very vocal. I asked him to be more quiet because my neighbors can hear everything . . he just smiled and told me to get on his cock. The next day, my neighbor complained about the noise, I was humiliated. After this first night I was hooked on MD. He was all I wanted. As the years went on I'd see him whenever I could, cheating on boyfriends and traveling by train or bus to his home. I asked him if he drank or did drugs and he said no and said he was neg. I wasn't interested in chems then, they weren't for me. I was so hungry for his piss and cum. I felt it make me healthier, stronger. It wasn't until years later I realized I could go for such long session because MD was feeding chem piss. I was getting high and didn't even know it! I worshiped him many times over the years. My favorite place was sitting in a pool of cold piss in front of his toilet nursing his cock, getting skull fucked, drinking gallons of piss (chem piss), being drenched and wearing his scent. Everything about him made me feel weak, he was strong and took what he wanted. It was strange, I felt lust and love for MD. He taught me much when I was younger. How to drink heavy piss, rim for hours (I love kissing his hole), take spit and clean his nose with my tongue. He gave me many STI's which I ended up passing to boyfriends. When I look back, I think he enjoyed infecting me with his bugs. For a long time, there was this sore on the bottom of the head of his cock. It hid in the fold. I wanted to service so bad, I always over looked it. He gave me syph, gono, Hep A . . all of which I unknowingly passed on. We didn't fuck often. Looking back, I wish we fucked more. His cock is perfect for fucking. The head is smaller than the shaft. When fucking he can enter easily with his head, then make his sub feel his power as he shoves the huge girth of his shaft into his pig. I know he likes his subs to feel pain from his cock. He makes them suffer for the privilege. He also did this one thing with his foot that I know understand better. While his cock is worshiped, he pushes his big toe into your hole letting his nail scratch it up. As the years went on, MD brought out the chems and introduced them to me. He fucked me and my boyfriend up a couple times on T . . . made us fly and service Him for hours. It's been years since I've seen him. I still beat off a couple times a week thinking about him. Looking back, I can see he is a master stealth chemmer/breeder. There were two things I never got to do with him that I often fantasize about. I wish I could have serviced his cock while he took a dump and then wiped his beautiful hole for him. Not being into scat, I wish I could have been pushed there by him. He also never hurt my hole with that cock. I wish I could be under him looking him in the eyes while he enters my hole too fast. His smile would be payment enough for the pain.
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  18. Austin Hi, my name is Austin. I’ve just had a life changing experience I'd like to share with you. First, a little about me. I’m 19 years old, stand about five feet, five inches, and weigh 135 pounds. Although I don’t work out, I guess you would say I’m in shape as I have a trim build with a flat stomach. I’m told that I have a cute face with light brown hair and dark blue eyes. I’m currently attending a community college in my town and work at a regional chain coffee shop as much as I can to pay for things. I met my girlfriend Racheal through her twin brother Jacob who works with me at the coffee shop. Jacob is 20 years old, and stands about six feet tall and is very thin, his hair is dark brown and shaggy. He's good-looking, but not what most people would describe as handsome or cute. We are good friends despite the fact that Jacob 'found the Lord' last year and has become highly religious, sometimes to the point of irritation, but we work through it. His sister Rachael is extremely pretty and outgoing. When Jacob introduced us one day we hit it off very well. We are dating pretty seriously and have even talked about marriage one day, but the bad news from my perspective is that she has also 'found the Lord', so any pre-marital sex is not in the cards for us. So I was a virgin. Jacob and Rachael come from a very conservative and wealthy family. Their parents are very active in the community and have political influence. I found out through Jacob that they had a 'black sheep' brother about whom no one really spoke. I did learn, however, that his name was Alex and that he was 30 years old. Alex had been in and out of trouble as a juvenile and then got involved with drugs when he was 20 years old. Alex had robbed a store at gunpoint trying to get money for his drug habit. Despite his father’s best efforts, Alex was convicted and sent to prison. Making matters more complicated, Alex had contracted HIV while experimenting with drugs. Most people never expected him to survive his prison sentence. As Thanksgiving approached word came that Alex was going to be released. Alex asked his parents if he could come home and live until he could find work and an apartment. Although reluctant, his parents agreed. So Alex came home and moved in on the Monday before Thanksgiving, but he was accompanied by a surprise: he brought home a man he met in prison who had been released only days before Alex. Apparently they had become friends in prison and now were going to try and find a place to live together. Despite the surprise, the parents agreed to let him stay, provided he was out by January. Rachael had invited me to Thanksgiving dinner with her family, so that would be my first opportunity to meet her brother and his friend. When I arrived that day, Rachael, Jacob and their father Josiah were in the family room watching football on TV. A few minutes later Alex and his friend Devon entered. What I saw was stunning. Alex was about six feet two inches tall and probably weighed 230 pounds. He obviously used his time in prison to work out. His body rippled with muscles and he wore a tight white 'wife beater' tee shirt and basketball shorts which stretched to fit his body. His face reminded me of New England football quarterback Tom Brady. With his shoulder length brown hair and piercing blue eyes he was stunningly handsome. Alex’s friend was a black man named Devon. Devon towered over everyone at about six feet, seven inches, and weighed about 225 pounds. He was not as muscular as Alex but his body was perfect. His hair was closely cut and his face was model worthy. He was putting on his shirt as he walked in and his perfect eight pack abs were impressive. He too wore basketball shorts which snugly fit his body. When Rachel left the room to help prepare dinner, Alex and Devon sat on the couch on either side of me. Jacob and his father sat in the recliners watching the game. Both Alex and Devon engaged me in conversation and were very interesting. They talked about how they got to know each other in prison. Devon confessed he too was HIV positive and they met during counseling and treatment sessions they attended. They tried to engage Jacob but he was his usual quiet self. I enjoyed the conversation but I felt so small between these two men. I couldn’t help but be jealous of how beautiful they both were. When their father left the room, both men started quizzing us on our sexual activities. I confessed I was still a virgin and both guys laughed and rubbed my head and said I needed to change that. Jacob was very embarrassed to talk about the sex but he admitted he too was a virgin and he didn’t even masturbate because it “offended God”. Both guys chuckled and rolled their eyes. We all were called to the table and enjoyed a huge feast. As usual, I stuffed myself and knew that a nap when be the next thing on the agenda. Jacob and I crashed on the reclining chairs and their father fell asleep on the couch. Rachael and her mother left for a walk to the park and said they would be back in a couple of hours. Alex and Devon went to the bedroom for what I assumed was a nap. About ten minutes later, Alex came out and asked me if I would help him set something up in the bedroom. "Sure," I replied, and followed him into the room. When I walked in I was surprised to see at least three video cameras around the room along with three fairly large video monitors. From what I could see the screen showed that the cameras were pointed at various areas on the bed. When I entered, Devon, who was wearing only his shorts, closed the door and I heard him lock it behind me. I was a little confused and nervous and I asked Alex what he needed help with? “We make amateur movies for sale on line and we’d like you to be the star”, he said with a huge grin on his handsome face. At that moment Devon pressed up against me and grabbed my waist. He slowly slid his hands up my body taking my shirt with them. He tossed my shirt to the floor and I could feel his chest pressing against my naked back. I felt his hands reach around me and unfasten my belt and unbutton my jeans and they fell to my ankles. I wanted to tell them to stop but I felt powerless. Unfortunately, I guess I was unaware what was about to happen to me As Devon was slowly undressing me, Alex stood and watched. I could see on a monitor that he had trained a camera on me and I saw and felt Devon’s hands come around and begin caressing my chest, then they slid down into my underwear, slowly pulling them down. His hands touched my penis and I gasped. The contrast of his dark muscular hands against my pale white body was hypnotizing. As he pulled me closer I realized he was no longer wearing shorts. As my underwear slipped to my thighs I could feel and see his muscular legs pressed up to mine. I could feel what I only describe as a thick rubber pipe lying perfectly in the crack of my exposed ass. It wasn’t hard yet but it was starting to thicken and push against me. Now Alex slowly dropped his shorts and stood totally naked in front of me. God his body was perfect! He was well muscled and smooth except for a small line of hair running from his navel to above his penis. His thick penis hung down. He was uncircumcised. It was the first penis I had ever seen like that. He was starting to get hard and as he approached me his penis pushed up between our two bodies. I could see us in the monitor as he reached behind me and grabbed both sides of my ass and Devon pushed up more firmly behind me. I was so small between them. My head was spinning with what I was feeling. Four big hands caressed my body. Alex leaned forward and looked me in the eyes and then his lips were on mine. I resisted at first but Devon buried his mouth in my neck and sucked deeply as his hands wrapped around my slowly hardening penis. I let out a moan and opened my mouth to let Alex’s tongue in. Alex would switch from kissing me to kissing Devon and I could feel that both of their penises were now hard. I was in their spell and laid back into Devon’s arms. Both of them wrapped their arms around me and lifted me like a rag doll to the bed and laid me on my back. As Alex adjusted all of the cameras, Devon crawled up on top of me and began kissing me passionately. I involuntarily wrapped my arms around his gorgeous body and pulled him tighter against me. He slowly kissed his way down my chest, stomach and briefly took my penis into his mouth and I moaned “Oh God!” Devon grabbed both my legs and pushed them back, lifting my ass slightly off the bed. I looked over at a monitor which clearly showed my hole totally exposed. Devon leaned forward and I could see him and feel him spit into my ass. The next think I felt was one of the best feelings I’d ever had, at least until that moment. Devon’s tongue began to play with my hole. When he stuck his tongue inside it and I was in heaven, moaning loudly and leaking semen out of my penis. I had closed my eyes in total ecstasy until I felt something wet and warm brush against my face. I opened my eyes to see Alex kneeling over me and his huge penis inches from my lips. He grabbed me by the head and slowly pushed the head against my lips. As Devon worked his tongue deeper into me I opened my mouth and tasted my first penis. It was warm and salty and extremely wide and long. I suddenly was embarrassed by the size of my penis which wasn’t even half his length. He slowly and gently eased his penis deeper and deeper into the mouth and I sucked and licked as much as I could before my gag relax kicked in and he would pull back and start again. With his penis in my mouth Alex leaned forward, grabbed my legs and pulled them further back. Devon looked at Alex and said almost begging, “Can I fuck his cherry hole first, he’s got the most beautiful little ass I’ve seen and I want to breed it so bad?” Suddenly I realized he was going to have unprotected sex with me and he was HIV positive. I was frightened and started to struggle against Alex’s hold he had on my legs. “I think our little twink just realized he is going to get fucked in the ass” Alex laughed. Alex leaned forward again and his penis slid deeper into my mouth and he began to kiss Devon. “His ass is all yours, give him a nice virgin fucking and fill him good.” I tried struggling more but Alex had me tight. Alex pulled out of my mouth and inched forward straddling my chest. I looked to my left and saw the video showing my tiny hole glistening from Devon’s saliva. The head of Devon’s huge penis was inches away from it. “Please don’t!! I don’t want to be infected”, I begged. “If you don’t struggle, maybe I’ll pull out and cum on your face, instead of inside you” Devon said. I looked over at the other monitors, one showed my face, the other showed Alex from the front sitting on my chest pulling by legs back and my ass up to expose it more for Devon. Alex leaned forward and spit on Devon’s penis and then on my hole. Devon worked the saliva over his penis, which now looked well over a foot long. I watched the video totally mesmerized as Devon’s penis pushed up against the small opening in my body. His penis seemed to throb and a string of semen hung from the tip. I knew in my mind that his fluids were poisonous but I just watched and waited. The head pushed against the hole. It looked to be three or four times bigger than the opening it was trying to enter. As he Devon pushed I felt an intense burning feeling as I began to split open. The head was not being stopped and the pain was excruciating. I screamed and Alex slapped his hand over my mouth for fear of alerting Jacob and his father. I could see my hole expanding around his invading penis and I could see a trickle of blood run down my ass as I ripped open. Tears ran from my eyes as I screamed my muffled pleas to stop into Alex’s hand. As much as it hurt I couldn’t take my eyes of the monitor and watched the head slowly push onward. ”Holy fuck he’s tight”, Devon moaned. Alex slid his hands to my ass and pulled the cheeks apart. Then suddenly, with a loud popping sound, the head was totally inside of me and more blood ran down my ass on to the bed cover. I nearly passed out from the pain. Devon paused as my hole tried to adjust to the massive invader. The pain I felt at that moment was nothing compared to what happened next. Alex shifted himself so he was behind me and he held me in his muscular arms. He kissed me gently on the neck and then softly whispered in my ear. “I’m going to hold you Austin because this is really going to very painful. Devon is going to bury his whole cock in you and not stop till his balls are on your ass.” I looked at the monitor and could see about 10 inches of glistening penis ready to follow the head of into me. I begged Alex to let me go and stated to sob. “Don’t worry baby, after a few strokes your pain will turn to pleasure and you’ll beg to be fucked,” he said softly. Alex and Devon both leaned toward me and kissed me and then kissed each other. “Fuck and breed him Devon,” were the frightening words I heard next. Devon pushed gradually forward. It felt like my insides were being split in half. I screamed into the palm of Alex’s hand which covered my mouth. He pushed forward and I could feel Alex’s other hand caress my nipples and penis, trying to relax me. Suddenly, Devon stopped, “Oh fuck, this is what I’ve been looking for,” he said. He grabbed me by my hips and snapped me toward him as he lunged forward. He seemed to enter another part of my body I didn’t realize existed. I stiffened in absolute agony and screamed. My legs were straight in the air and my toes seemed to curl involuntarily. I could feel his huge scrotum resting against my ass. I looked at the monitor and realized every inch of his enormous penis was now inside of my body. My little hole was no longer little and it stretched and ripped to accept the HIV positive penis ready to fill me with poison. Devon leaned forward and kissed me and as he did his penis seemed to push even further into my small body. His body covered mine and felt so warm and powerful. The pain had slightly subsided but then He slowly began to pull his penis back out. It felt like he was pulling my insides out of my body. I softly begged him to stop and he did just before his penis head came out. Alex grabbed a video camera and moved around to get a close up shot of my filled hole. I looked at the monitor as Alex showed my stretched open ass and I could see a dark red trickle of blood running out of my ass down onto the white sheet where a large stain was developing. Devon grabbed my head and passionately kissed me working his tongue into my mouth. As he did he slammed every inch of his rock hard penis back into me. My head snapped back and I moaned loudly and cried “Oh my god!” “Oh my god” “You’re killing me!!” Devon began to get into a rhythm and as he did my pain started to subside and a new feeling began. Devon’s penis began hitting something inside of me that sent waves a pleasure through my body. The pain was being replaced by ecstasy and I started moaning. “You’re mine now baby,” Devon growled and his pounding intensified. I could hear the loud smacking sound as his penis hit deep into me and his scrotum flattened against my ass. Devon was moaning now too and my head was spinning. I looked around the room and saw different views of my virginity being taken away. Suddenly, Alex hovered over me and the camera was aimed at my face. “You are liking this, aren’t you bitch?” Alex asked from behind the camera. I could only moan and cry “God yes!!” Devon was like a wild man. He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me up and jackhammered his penis into me. Any thoughts he had of having his orgasm on my face were long forgotten by him in his passion. He pulled entirely out of me several times and like a guided missile plunged back on the target and deeper into my body. It felt like he was getting bigger and harder. I looked away from the monitors and into Devon’s face. Our bodies were covered in sweat. My penis was rock hard and I could feel my own orgasm building deep in me. Alex was masturbating his huge penis as he attempted to record us from various angles. The room was filled with our moaning, the sound of our bodies smacking together and Alex saying “This is fucking hot!! We are going to make a fortune selling this.” Devon’s eyes seemed to roll back in his head. He leaned forward and moaning and nearly screaming. Suddenly he bit down on my neck and made a high pitched wailing sound and it happened. The first pulse from his penis felt incredibly warm. He bit down on hard my neck again actually breaking the skin and drawing blood. I grabbed his beautiful ass and pulled him deeper inside of me. His muscular black body seemed to ripple with intensity and his penis continued to pump warm streams of poison semen as deep as he could go into my body. I could feel every shot coating my insides with more semen than imagine could come out of one person. My penis suddenly erupted and Alex leaned forward catching most of it in his mouth. He then leaned up and kissed me as my own semen was swirled with his tongue back into my mouth. Devon was laying on me breathing so hard and I could feel his heart pounding against my body. Slowly he began to pull out and Alex zoomed the camera in on my ass. What I saw was unbelievable. My hole appeared to be three or four times bigger than before and as he pulled out large amounts of his semen and my blood oozed out of me. I knew it was poisonous and the pummeling I had just received had created the perfect bloody environment for the infection to take hold. As he pulled out he kissed me and whispered “Clean me Austin”. I willingly licked and sucked his penis clean trying to get his semen mixed in my mouth with my semen that Alex had deposited there. Devon rolled off the bed and Alex hopped into his place. “My turn”, he said with a big smile on his face. I wasn’t sure how I could take such a pounding again. Alex’s penis wasn’t as long as Devon, but it was so much thicker and he was so muscular. I knew the sex act would be more intense. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Austin are you in there?” It was Rachael!! I froze in fear. My girlfriend was outside the door and I was feet away, naked on a bed with a man’s semen running out of me and my neck bleeding from bite marks inflicted during passionate sex. Then I heard Jacob say, “What are you guys doing?” They were both there and I couldn’t speak or move. Alex and Devon looked at each other. Instead of fear they both smiled. Alex got up and unlocked the door. I couldn’t believe it!! Devon shouted, “Come on in, we need your help with something.” I saw the handle turn and the door opened……
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  19. I'm so fucking horny right now, I wish I was Mike and under Chris ... another chapter soon.
    1 point
  20. As of now, you're likely bisexual, at least in bed. But that doesn't make you any less of a person or man than before. You like what you like. If you enjoy multiple men breeding you, then so be it. No need to label yourself any which way. If you find a man who fucks so great and you find yourself in love with him, and him you, then you can just go where that leads. Until then, it's just sex!
    1 point
  21. Lots of good advice in here. Don't beat yourself up over it or get your head twisted or try to pigeon hole it. Getting your ass fucked feels great, it doesn't necessarily make you gay in my view. Plenty of non-gay guys love the feeling of getting fucked by toys or women with strap ons etc. The male g-spot is in the ass - a lot of guys couldn't care what's attached to the end of the phallic object they're getting fucked with as long as it feels good to them. To me, finding men attractive is what makes you gay (or bi), not solely enjoying taking things in your ass because that can be a by-product of any sexual encounter, regardless of the orientation of the participants. If if you are attracted to him, and you are gay, or bi, or whatever.... So what. Go with it, enjoy it and have fun!
    1 point
  22. yeah, you can fuck a thousand pussies and you are never called a cocksman, but you blow one dick and you are thought of a cock sucker life. i am convinced that most humans have a range of sexual desires. Because of the fucked up concepts that are beat into our heads from the moment we are born, many are to uptight to act on anything that is outside the "limits" that a polite society suggests for them. Having the balls to be sexually liberated, regardless of the potential label is a big deal. Allowing yourself to enjoy the sensations of whatever sex you think will be fulfilling is, for me, an key part of living an authentic life. I have fucked some pussy in my life....but not a lot, it just never did anything for me. But, a couple of those times were pretty good experiences---since my partner was an intriguing person. And, based on my own story played out over nearly 4 decades of sexual activity, being a queer is really not a bad gig. Relax, enjoy the sex and you will figure it out. So what if it is just filler until you find a willing cunt. At least you will have an understanding of something that lots of uptight righteous pricks never figure out...that by itself makes getting your ass reamed a worthwhile adventure.
    1 point
  23. Cu is perfect in SF and elsewhere. Dudes lined up, bent over farting loads
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  24. Chapter 4: I woke up in bed the next morning with Mike wrapped around me, fast asleep, his mouth and face on my shoulder. Looking at the clock it’s obvious we’ve slept most of the morning away … and part of me still can’t believe I let a guy who I know is HIV+ cum inside me. I felt creeped out, a little scared and horny all that the same time; my cock is hard as a rock. I reached down to feel my dick, when I feel Mike’s hand on it too, he’s awake now and just looking at me … without even speaking we start making out. Breaking the kiss, “Let’s go get a shower babe”, Mike says, I nod. Mike gets up and I watch his cute ass make its way to the shower, “Let me get the water warm”, and I start it up getting it nice and ready for us. I close the door and press Mike against the wall making out with him as the water beats down on us, “Ahhhh … damn gotta piss”, I keep kissing him, “Go ahead”. He looks and me and we both grin and then I feel his warm morning piss come shooting out of his cock and hit our bodies as we continue to kiss. I try to focus, and then it happens, now I’m soaking both of us with my morning piss, too. I piss in the shower all the time but this is the first time with someone. I like it. Mike finishes his piss, and then mine finally trickles off, I’m hard as rock. “Does that thing ever go down?”, I ask grabbing hold of his cock, "HA! You should know it's hard 90% of the time, just the way you like it – horny fucker." "Hey, tell me, how long have you and Chris been fucking"? I ask as he stands behind me and begins washing my back with soap. "Well, we’re not fucking, he’s fucking and breeding me; I think it’s been a couple of months now." I was enjoying his touches, “How long has he been poz?”, then I caught myself, “I’m sorry … that’s probably none of my business”. "No, it’s alright … it’s alright, I asked him that once too, he said he tested poz last year … probably been about a year now", he didn’t seem too surprised by question. “Cool … “, and my voice trails off, I want to ask Mike if he’s afraid of getting it. We stayed silent as Mike worked my back and my sides, touching and feeling my body more than actually washing it. Mike's hand slid down my chest, over my abs, and down to my hard dick. He grabbed it with his fist and stroked a few times. I turned my head, and our mouths meet. Another hot kiss, deep and forceful as the water from the shower continued engulfing us. I can feel his raw dick wedged in between my tight ass cheeks as he’s slowly grinding his hips into me. I bent forward slightly, my right hand holding the back of Mike's head, as our kiss lingers. With my left hand behind me, I move his hard fat cock between my cheeks. His cock moves right to my fuck hole, and immediately the mushroom shaped head of his cock is pressing against the entrance. No matter how many times we fuck I love how his cock always feels teasing my ass. My hole is still wet from earlier and Mike makes one thrust of his hips and his cock is quickly submerged in my ass. We both moan … deeply … as his cock fills the cavity of my fuck hole. He holds on to me as his hips began to thrust against my ass, shoving his cock deeper into me. “Fuck yea … love that ass, and it’s still wet from all that cum earlier, too”, all I could do is moan. Between words our tongues are intently exploring and caressing each other as our kiss hasn’t subsided in the least. Actually as his cock begins fucking me our kiss intensifies in a way that makes me ask, “Why aren’t we always fucking here in the shower?”. My hand pulls his head closer, our lips are so tight against each other, it almost hurts. “Did you like his cock?”, he asks, I nod, and moan a “Yes” into his mouth, not wanting to really break the kiss. “And his cum?”, he persists, I moan another “Yes … yes” into his mouth. Mike moans as he sucks on my tongue. The thought of Chris fucking two loads of poz cum into me goes through my mind, and I feel weird about it, but my cock is telling me I loved it as its getting tighter in Mike's grip while he slowly strokes it. All this in my head while his own fat cock pumps my ass. My balls are tight against the base of my dick. I can feel them working hard to produce the spunk that’s about to flow down this shower drain. Our breathing, as if in unison, is labored, our mouths full of each other’s tongues, and I feel like Mike is trying to fuck whatever remains of Chris’ cum deeper into my body. He continues with the powerful thrust of his hips, gliding his cock effortlessly in and out of my fuck hole, as we are pelted with warm water by the shower head above us. I can always tell when Mike’s getting close to shooting his load as soon as it begins, his cock gets harder and fuller inside me. My ass muscles are tightening around the girth of Mike's raw dick as it begins to swell and fill me with cum. Mike's grip on my cock tightens as he thrust his ass forward sending his cock deeper inside me, while his balls bound up underneath his hard-on and produce the sperm I want and crave so much. “Ahhhhhhh… ahhhhhhh… fuccccck… fuckkkkkkkkk … “, he blurts out, and after a few small quick thrusts of his hips I know my ass is now full with another load of Mike’s hot, white spunk. As he comes down from his orgasm, he quickly begins stroking my cock again, bringing me to my own intense explosion, one...two, three, four, and “ahhhhhhhhh … ahhhhhh” ... five shots of my sperm hit the shower wall and several small shots go right down the drain before I can finally catch my breath. We stay like that a minute before his cock slides out of me and I turn around kissing him again, I think, “I’m starting to fall for this guy”. We smile at each other and it just bubbles out of me, “Do you think you’re poz now Mike?”. This definitely catches him by surprise, but I can see him digest it and his face returns to normal, “I don’t know … does it matter?” Balls in my court now, I wasn’t expecting that, I gulp, “Uhmmm … no, no … doesn’t matter doesn’t change how I fee’” and I cut myself off, realizing I just outed my feelings for Mike. He grins, “Good … let’s get out of here and get dried off”.
    1 point
  25. Cumunions like other events are what you make of them. You can't just stand and watch. You have to be direct and get what you want. Took about 4 loads at my last Cumunion.
    1 point
  26. Just made a post a few days ago about my first cumunion this week. Hot fucking experience, and I'll be back next month. I checked out your profile and sounds like you're relatively new to bb. If you're not already fully transitioned to a total barebacker, cumunion will immerse you completely. It's in a sex club here in Atlanta, and there were some containers on the wall that may or may not have had any condoms in them. Never looked and never saw anyone go near that box. I'm not good with headcounts but easily 100 -200 guys there. No idea how many breedings must have taken place, Pretty much a full night of "Dont ask, don't tell" you can read the details in my post, but I got bred once and flip fucked with another hot guy. Wish I was a multi-cummer and would have kept playing, but he was hot and asked me to breed him so I did and then was done. If you are 25 and hot and at least semi-vers, you are gonna get molested and be in high demand....hope you go and report back!!! Wish I hadn't been a pussy and waited so long to go!!
    1 point
  27. Have been to Steamworks...but never a Cumunion event there. I have been to several Cumunions at the P-House in Augusta. P-House is a male only, semi-nude "resort" (old hotel). Pool, sauna, maze, and play area called the PIG PEN are part of the club and usually it is a good place to fuck on any visit. Cumunion there has been a bit spotty. Twice, there were not a lot of guys and twice it was a serious fuck event. No doubt, I have seen a good number of biohazzard tats on the guys tearing up my ass. Lots of slings and benches mean lots of play with the right guy. But the bottom to top ratio is, like always showing a lot of bottoms without cocks in them at times. I find it helps to be a bit more aggressive to stand out from the crowd. Although it is unlike that Cumunion was the site of my pozzing, that was likely that I had already been knocked up when attending the events were I got the most cock. Go, Get Naked, Be Friendly and FUCK a lot. You will enjoyment. Do not expect or ask for condom use...they are around...but mostly for show. If you are a bottom, claim a swing, spread you legs and let you hole become filled with lots of cock and lots of cum.
    1 point
  28. Part 4 At work I generally come across as serious and measured and I am viewed by most people as very professional and as someone who makes sound decisions. They have no idea I get off on taking risks and that on quite a few occasions now I have dropped my pants and fucked bareback at work. For me, that is a major part of the turn on. The next opportunity to have sex at work came along when one of my team managers went on maternity leave and I had to recruit a replacement for nine months. The guy we appointed was called Gary - he was mid 30s, quite well built and quite a strong personality. He settled in quite well but I actually found him quite challenging to manage. He made no secret of the fact he was gay and one night on a management team night out when he had had a few drinks he let slip his username on a well known cruising website. I looked it up of course and found that he had quite an interesting profile. The profile said he was a bottom and liked to be fucked. He had put "usually" for safe sex but his profile contained a couple of video clips of him being fucked bareback and even one with him pushing a load out of his arse. A few months later I ran Gary home after another management team night out. Once again he had had quite a bit to drink and on the drive home his conversation became more and more suggestive and I realised he was coming on to me. I tried to steer the conversation onto more neutral topics but his conversation became more and more explicit and when we parked up outside his house he asked me if I wanted to come in. I was very tempted - having seen his profile I knew that if I went in with him there was every chance I would get to fuck him and I hadn't shot a load for several days. He was an attractive guy - although he always said he had a fat arse (which was true) - it was an arse I would really like to have fucked. However, I knew it would not be a good idea to fuck someone that I managed - especially as I was finding him quite challenging and even more so as I knew he was not the most discreet person in the world when he had had a few drinks. So I tactfully explained that I didn't think it was a good idea as we worked together and assured him it was not that I didn't want to. He seemed to be ok with this and I watched him climb drunkenly out the car and make his way over to his house, his shirt hanging out his trousers. I knew I had done the right thing but I was fucking horny - so I took a detour and drove up to Hampstead Heath and before long I was fucking a young lad in a hoodie who was bent over the fuck tree. After that Gary and I seemed to get on better - he never referred to what had happened that night and the rest of his time working for me passed quite quickly. When he came to the end of his contract we went out for drinks. Once again Gary had quite a bit to drink and once again I drove him home. He was silent for a while and then he asked me if I remembered the last time I had driven him home. I said yes and he asked if I had been honest when I said the only reason I wouldn't have sex with him was because we worked together. I said yes. He said he had thought maybe I was just saying that because I didn't find him attractive. For someone who was usually very confident he seemed genuinely concerned so I assured him (quite truthfully) that I thought he was a very attractive guy and the only reason I didn't have sex with him was because we worked together. We had parked up in the garage area near his house now and he looked at me. "We don't work together any more" he said and before I could reply he added, with his usual directness, "And I'd really love you to fuck me." I didn't resist when he pulled me towards him and soon we were kissing and feeling each other up. He unzipped my trousers and put his hand into my pants, feeling my hard cock. I suggested we should go indoors and Gary shook his head. I had never been quite sure whether or not Gary had a partner - he had never really said - and I wondered if that was why he didn't want to go inside. We were in the car parking area which was some distance from the houses and hidden by a row of garages so I didn't resist when he indicated to me to hitch up and I let him pull my trousers and pants down. I was well turned on and soon Gary was down sucking my cock right there in the car. He sucked me for a while and then told me to follow him. He led the way to the end of the garage block and went behind the last garage. We were completely hidden from sight now and soon he was back down sucking my cock. I let him suck me for a while and then I pulled him up and kissed him again. Soon he was bent over sucking me again and I had my hand down the back of his pants, fingering his hole and he was groaning. He stood up "Fuck me!" he said. Gary reached into his pocket and brought out a small sachet of lube which he passed to me. He then pulled his trousers and pants down and bent over, leaning against the garage wall. I fingered some lube into his arse and put some on my cock. Then I stood behind him, pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my cock up his arse. He groaned as I began to fuck him, his pants at his knees and his trousers at this ankles. I enjoyed every minute of the fuck and so did he. He was holding onto the wall of the garage with his right hand and wanking with his left, moaning softly "fuck me, fuck me..." I told him I was about to cum and he told me to go for it. I banged him hard and fast and before long I was shooting my load right up Gary's arse. When I pulled out his arse, Gary bent over and sucked my cock, Then he stood up and, after a few strokes of his cock, shot his cum all down the garage wall. A little later, I was in my car, watching once again as Gary made his way drunkenly towards his house, his shirt hanging out his trousers. The only difference was this time he had my load up his arse. The next experience I had was when I attended a day conference in a central London hotel. The conference was boring to say the least and I decided to skip the last session and go cruising at the Vault. Before I left I went to the toilet and one of the other guys on the course was in there taking a piss, We had spoken at one of group sessions and agreed that the conference was not very good. As we both took a piss, he told me he had decided to give the last session a miss and I said I had too. As he chatted to me I caught him looking at my cock and so I looked at his and before long we were cruising each other. There was no one about and soon we were in one of the cubicles and I was sitting on the toilet and he was standing in front of me. I unzipped his trousers and pulled them down along with his pants. He had a really nice cock and I wasted no time in taking it into my mouth. I sucked him for a while and he groaned. I kept sucking him and after a while he pulled his cock out my mouth and motioned to me to stand up. He pulled me towards him and kissed me. He motioned to me to turn round and when I did, he unzipped me and pulled my trousers and pants down, and bent me over the toilet. He pulled my cheeks apart and spat on my arse hole a couple of times. He fingered me and then began to rub his cock over my arse hole. I was horny to be fucked but I decided to have a bit of fun with him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I want to fuck you," he breathed, pushing his cock against my hole. I asked if he had a condom and he said no. I told him I never fuck without one and he said "Go on, you know you want to" I shook my head but he kept pushing his cock against my arse and soon the head of his cock was up my hole. "No" I moaned. I know how much of a turn on it is for a guy when he thinks he's getting to fuck bareback with someone who usually always plays safe so I moaned "I've never fucked without a condom" and added for good measure "I've got a partner...." "So have I" he breathed. He was right up me by now and starting to fuck. I didn't resist and soon he was fucking me hard and fast. As I had thought, the fact that he thought he was fucking someone who had a partner and who never normally fucks without a condom really turned him on and he gave me one of the best fucks I've had in a long time. I could tell he was close to coming but he didn't say anything. He just kept fucking me and then suddenly he groaned and pushed right up me and I knew I was getting his load. When he pulled out I said "We shouldn't have done that." and tried hard to look guilty. He just laughed, smacked me on the arse and puled his pants up. He was out of there in seconds, leaving me with my pants down and a big load up my arse. He probably still thinks he got to fuck a safe only guy with a partner..... I had another horny experience about a year ago one night when I couldn't sleep. I was bored and horny and went online. I got messaged about 4am by a mid 20s Eastern European guy. His pictures were hot but his profile said always for safe sex. He asked about condoms and I said I didn't really enjoy using them. We chatted for a while and he decided he didn't want to do it bare so we left it. About 20 minutes later he messaged me again and asked if I was still up for fucking him. I asked if he would go bareback and there was silence for a minute or two. Then he messaged back "ok" He turned up a short time later - very fit lad. He told me he worked as a server in one of the restaurants at the airport. He didn't have much time so he sucked me for while then bent over the settee, his trousers and pants at his knees, and I slid my cock up his hairy arse. I fucked him bareback and soon I was close to coming. I thought he might ask me to pull out but he didn't say anything and I shot my load right up him. He pulled up his pants and went off to work. I loved the thought that he would be serving breakfasts to customers with my cum up his arse. I hadn't cum for a few days so he probably had quite a big load up there. A few months after that I was working late in the office one night with two other managers - one of my team managers Andy and a female manager from another part of the company, Ruth. (I've changed their names for obvious reasons). I knew the two of them got on well, having worked together before - but I didn't realise quite how well! I left the office about 6.30 and when I got to my car I realised that I had forgotten to send an email. I debated whether or not to go back in and log on and decided in the end I would. I went back in and at first there was no sigh of Andy or Ruth. Then I noticed a light on in one of the meeting rooms. The door was shut but the blinds were half open and I as I went to look through I heard a groan. The first thing I saw through the blinds was Andy's arse. His trousers and pants were down at his ankles and he was fucking Ruth who was lying on the desk, her legs in the air. I enjoyed watching Andy fuck. I had always thought he had a fit arse and now I was getting to see it in all its glory. As I watched, Andy put his knee up on the desk and began to fuck harder and for a moment I got a great view of his arse crack and even a brief glimpse of his arsehole before he moved back into his former position. I know, of course, that straight guys drop their pants at work too, but I had no idea there was anything between them - both are married - one with young children and one with teenagers. I could tell that they were both getting close to cumming and thought I had better make a discreet exit before they realised I was there. The next day I had to do Andrew's annual performance appraisal and I found it quite hard not to focus on his extremely fit arse. He still has no idea I've seen him with his pants down. My most recent experience was a few months ago when I was up in the West Midlands for work. I was due to speak in front of about 200 people at a Leadership Conference and, though I had prepared well and didn't feel particularly nervous, I woke up really early in the morning and just could not get back to sleep. As I often do when I cant sleep, I went online. Nothing doing for a while and then I got messaged by a mid 40s black guy. He wanted to fuck me and wanted to do it bareback. I said fine. He asked if he could cum in my arse and I said yes. He then said is there anything I want to ask him and I said no. I gave him directions and about half an hour later he was in my hotel room and I was sucking his big cock. He had made it clear he just wanted to use me and I was well up for that. He made me suck his cock and then lick his arse and then he told me to get up on the bed and give him my arse. He had told me to be lubed and ready and ready for him and I was. He didn't mess about - he just pushed it up me and began to fuck. I hadn't been fucked in a while, and certainly not by a cock as big as this one. He fucked me hard and fast and after a while he told me he was going to cum. I nodded and he began to fuck me even harder. He pushed hard up my arse a few times and I knew he was giving me his load. When he had finished cumming he pulled out and moved round, pushing his cock towards my mouth. I took his cock, which had just been up my arse, into my mouth and sucked it clean. He was still hard and, when I had sucked him for a while he indicted to me to get back up on the bed. I knelt up on the bed again and he pushed his cock back up me and began to fuck again. He didn't last so long this time before he shot another load up my arse. I had guessed what he had meant when he asked if I wanted to ask him anything - and I thought of that as he pumped me full of cum for the second time - but somehow it just turned me on even more. I showered and got ready for work and just an hour and a half later I was standing up in front of 200 people, delivering what I was told was a very professional and polished presentation. No one was any the wiser that the whole time I was up on stage I had two loads of cum in my arse
    1 point
  29. Predators and prey (Part 7) Michael was on his back. He stared at the ceiling breathing heavily. Slowly he turned to his left side and closed his eyes. His whole body ached, but the pain in his ass was unbearable. His “first time” had developed into a brutal gangbang. But it was him, who stared at the bulges of some guys and caused them to get horny for his ass. It was him, who answered softly ‘Yes’ when the question came up, if he would like to take some dicks up his ass. And it was him, who followed a stranger to this shack in the middle of the night. But he never thought of getting hurt so bad. His ass was bleeding, he could feel that, and his blood mixed with the semen of half a dozen guys already. He didn’t know, how many of them still lured into the darkness, for the chance to be his next fucker. A hand touched his shoulder soothingly and a voice whispered in his ear ‘Hey Buddy, are you okay’? Michael moaned simply. “Hey, I am talking to you. Are you still with us?” the voice asked again. “Yes…” Michael panted. “Good - you are awake” the voice almost sounded cheerfully. The hand on his shoulder pressed him towards the mattress. “Get down on your belly and relax” he got instructed. “My ass is hurting so much…” Michael moaned. “I know baby… it is supposed to hurt” the guy answered. He felt his legs being pushed apart by the male who knelt behind him and talked to him for a while now. “Spread your legs a bit wider. Give me better access to your slimy cunt” Michael couldn’t see the guy opening his jeans, but he understood that the next guy was ready to mount him. His ordeal was not over. “Ooooooh” he groaned. “Yeah I know boy. Just a second….. I am going to give you my junk” the guy replied, as if Mike’s groaning was an encouragement. Michael was too weak to fight back and so he felt his ass open up for yet another thick cock. His ass muscles, which tried desperately to close for the last couple of minutes were forced to swallow yet another brick again. “Calm down and enjoy my dick you, whore. You don’t have to do a thing, just stay on your belly and keep those legs spread, I will do the rest you, ok bitch?” the guy asked, but didn’t actually care about an answer. Michael felt his guts being ripped apart again. It seemed like his fucker was trying to hammer another hole into his body. “Do you like my cock? Hm… answer me bitch, do you like my big fat poz-stick?” the voice asked again and again. Mike grunted - not being able to form a clear thought. Instead he tried to open his asshole for the aggressive intruder. The guy used his full body weight on the boy’s skinny frame. Sometimes he supported himself on his arms to thrust more powerful blows into the abused and bleeding boysnatch. Then another time he almost crushed Michael under his weigh. “Feel me, bitch….. drain my nuts with your tight ass” the big dicked hunk shouted. While banging the 18 year olds ass brutally, a melody started to play. The stallion was looking around but didn’t seem to slow down in his fucking movements. “Who`s fucking mobile is it…. ?” he yelled. There was no response. Mike’s clothes were still scattered around on the dirty mattress and out of the corner of his eye the banger saw the visual signs of an incoming call. The ringtone was a recording, Michael did at his church, while singing one of his favorite songs. “The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want He maketh me to lie down in green pastures He leadeth me, beside the still waters….” … and then again with the choir…. “My LORD is my shepherd I shall not want He maketh me to lie down in green pastures He leadeth me, beside the still waters….” “Still waters…. “ The hunk fished the mobile phone out of Mike’s pocket and saw the incoming call flashing on the screen. He hissed at one of the waiting guys to hold the mobile in front of the twink’s face. “But don’t let him touch it” he made sure the other guy understood, who read the name on the screen and laughed out loudly. The guy in Michael’s ass sped up. “I think this one’s for you” he signaled the second guy to flash the screen to Michael’s face and he looked in disbelief. ‘Mom’ was written on the screen and a picture of his smiling mother was looking at him. Michael reached his hands towards the ringing phone, but it was still ouf of touch for him. “Where are you….” he shouted at Mike and continued to fuck him violently.. Mike didn’t know what to answer. “Where does she think you are?” the question was specified. “…. friends house….” “Friends name!” the fucker demanded. “….. never *urgs* mentioned a *ufff* name….” Michael replied while being fucked harder than before. “…. Oh Fuck…..” the pummeling guy yelled and then pulled his club out of the adolescent’s ass. “…. Give me the god damn phone and make sure our guest won’t spoil the show” he instructed some onlookers. Michael’s shirt got used a second time tonight and was stuffed into his mouth. Breathing became difficult but he tried to stay calm. The guy who stuffed his mouth knelt with his full weigh on his back to keep him down, but he was to weak anyways. The first guy answered the phone quite breathlessly (no wonder) and in a sleepy tone “Hello….?” He slowly stroked his dick while looking down at Michael. A woman’s voice could be heard on the other side of the line and she seemed to be quite upset or extremely worried. “No, this is the Bartholomew residence…. yes of course Michael is here” he mocked the preys name pointing at him. “No – he is at our house. He and my son Matthew are in the same science class. They had to work on some papers. I thought he asked for your allowance to stay overnight…..” he rolled his eyes. “Yes…. No…. he forgot the phone in the living room. He is upstairs sleeping. I came down myself, because I heard the ringing… a beautiful tune, that’s what my wife also said” he kept on stroking his hard tool knowing he was about to destroy this guys ass as soon as he would end this call. “No, you don’t have to worry. I will tell Michael in the morning to give you call, as soon as he is awake and able to speak.” The guy was leering at Michael, whose legs were still spread widely. Without a warning he kicked the boy into his nuts….. just so. *Bang* Michael made noises like a hurt animal. “Oh no…. I just hit my little toe at the dining table…. walking around in the darkness….. Yes, the same to you. Have a good night and God Bless you too…..” he quit the call and handed the mobile to the second pal. “Keep it, we might use it later on” he winked at him. Dropping to his knees he didn’t need to search long for the bloody entrance. It was easy to sink into Mike’s ass. As soon as he lowered himself completely into this toyboy he fucked Michael like a sledge hammer. He ripped the shirt out of Mike’s mouth and with enough oxygen he was able to response in a proper powerfucking way. He continued grunting, moaning and whining, which was music to the ears for the bunch of guys, who were still waiting for their turn. “Here I cum…. take my load you bitch; you’re a poz cumdump. You are such a sleazy fuck…. you enjoy being our project, huh? The fucker unloaded his personal virus collection into Michael’s mildly resisting body. But who would judge them, because in the end it was him, who stared at the bulges of some guys and caused them to get horny for his ass. It was him, who answered softly ‘Yes’ when the question came up, if he would like to take some dicks up his ass. And it was him, who followed a stranger to this shack in the middle of the night. The fucker couldn’t help but to give the boy another kick into his nuts and while Michael wailed in his distress he buttoned himself up and made room for the next guy who seemed to be a tough one. He was a leather daddy and obviously a motor cyclist, since he carried his helmet around. He had a pair und handcuffs at the ready. ‘Sex had to hurt’, he remembered the words well and so he tried not to worry about the pain…. but he was sure, a couple of more hard fucks and he would be dead. Or at least wishing he was....
    1 point
  30. Fuckin' hot as always, chempig...
    1 point
  31. Yes, I feel terrible for making some of you wait so long. I hope you can forgive me. Still, Better late than never. I actually already have most of the next part written, so I can guarantee I won't make you wait long for the conclusion. And again, sorry for the long wait. Part XI Before I met Drew, he had been a lover. He would give his partners wave after wave of ecstasy, driving them crazy with lust. He had amazing stamina, and both would climax together over and over until his lover would collapse from sheer exhaustion. He had confessed to me that his favorite part of sex was when he had completely drained his partner and they would surrender their bodies to him as he continued to make love. It was his reputation that had drawn my attention to him in the first place, and I knew from experience that he deserved it completely. Like all alpha predators, Drew lived for sex. Once I had made him mine, I had taken that relentless drive and turned him into a machine. Now, Drew didn't make love, he used his partners over and over for his own pleasure, and for mine. The more painful he made it for my broken cum whores, the harder he came. It was always a sight to see Drew working over my latest conquests for the first time. He would fold and twist their bodies into unnatural positions, pounding them like a piston with his rock hard cock. Their limbs would go weak with agony and flop around as their ruined holes were battered and churned wider and deeper than they had ever been. Watching Drew on my bed was like watching a starving predator feed on his still struggling prey. My biker stud still had his wrists bound behind his back, and they lay against the mattress underneath him as he tried to weakly pull his hands apart to protect himself from Drew. But his hours suspended in my basement by his arms and legs made every move send a wave of fire down his nerves, preventing him from using his full strength. Even if his hands were free, Drew could easily have overpowered him. But instead of having to hold down my biker's arms as he pounded his hole, Drew's hands roamed over his sweaty body like a butcher inspecting a slab of fresh meat. Drew pulled and twisted every inch of his exposed body, seeing what would cause the most pain. I loved seeing my new toy's powerful legs bent backwards above his body, putting all of his Drew's and his own weight his upper back and neck. His feet dangled in the air above Drew's shoulders, limp and swaying every time Drew thrust down deep into his ruined hole. The only part of my cumslut's body Drew neglected was his painfully engorged cock. Even through all the agony radiating across his body, the massive shaft pummeling his prostate continued to send jolt after jolt of pleasure into his broken mind, and fresh precum began to drip out of his shaft and coat his rippled abs. Without pause, Drew slammed his steel-hard cock into the ruined hole over and over. Completely broken, the ring of my biker's cunt fluttered across every ridge and vein of Drew's shaft, vibrating like a violin string as the relentless drilling went on and on. Each time his wet cock sluiced out of that hole our venom laced cum would cling to his pole, only to be driving back down onto his glazed ring with a wet slap as Drew's shaft and balls rammed deep. With each hard thrust, a pathetic whine was forced out of my cumslut's lungs, as the pain combined with the force of Drew's lunge into his folded body was like a punch to his diaphragm. His world had become a cloud of agony and pleasure, and his tortured body was limp from all the suffering he continued to endure. The only thing he could focus on through it all was the deep blue eyes boring down into him. While he was incapable of even forming thoughts or words from the dehydration and the brutal assault on his senses, the animal part of his former apex predator's brain was being relentlessly rewired thrust by thrust. Deep down it knew that it was permanently broken, and that it would never be able to return to what it once was. That even long after this nightmare was over, every time he would even think about dominating another, the first memory would be of this night. It knew that it had to surrender and accept what it had become in order to survive. Over and over his prostate was battered by Drew's massive cock, never failing to crash against it even as Drew drove himself deeper and wider into the broken hole. With each thrust, more precum would dribble down the biker's abs and pecs, until a rivulet of slime had slide down and formed a puddle in the hollow of his neck. He felt his battered and drained balls begin to helplessly contract as yet another involuntary orgasm was being forced from him. He didn't fight the rising wave of blissful pleasure as it mixed with and then overwhelmed all the pain. With a weak cry his untouched cock throbbed, and jet after jet of ruined seed splashed down across his neck and face, falling into his open mouth and eyes. But even as he came, Drew continued his assault, never once missing a pummeling stroke. Even after the biker's orgasm had peaked, more and more cum was squeezed out of his prostate, forcing yet more weakening spurts out of his cock. His head began to thrash from side to side, as Drew turned what had been his ultimate pleasure into yet another tool to break down his prey. Ignoring the pozslut's wordless cries for mercy, Drew's eyes drank in the feast of before him and felt his own orgasm boil past the point of control. His own tortured and neglected balls, still full with a month's worth of built of poisoned seed that had fermented for weeks, again began to blast deep into the violated hole. I felt my own cock throb with precum and return to full mast as I could almost feel the heat radiating from his cum, full of my venom, being shot like a red hot bullet into my broken biker's body, searing and blistering it's way into his blood and soul. And through it all, Drew's endless thrusts continued. Drew continued on and on as I watched his work like a relentless machine, twisting and contorting my poz cumslut's limp body like a rag doll into new and more painful positions, helpless to resist. His hand would constantly roam with minds of their own, constantly probing and pulling across the biker's tortured limbs and torso as he searched for new ways to flood his shattered brain with new pain. And through it all, his cock would slam again and again into his loose hole, forcing orgasm after orgasm out of my broken toy as his sweat dripped down onto him. I watched enthralled for what felt like hours, as Drew let out a month of pent up denial and lust, until both of them simply had no more cum to give. By now, my poz cumslut was limp face-down on the bed, his body bouncing up and down against the sheets as Drew continued to slide his monstrous dick in and out of the now destroyed hole. I knew that he was completely drained by now, but that while he had no more venom to give, I still had not ordered him to stop. I watched Drew with pride, his sweating body now heaving for air after the endless exertion, knowing that he would would not stop until I gave him permission, even if he had to keep going until he passed out himself. I waiting until I could tell that he was nearing even his own limit, my lust for Drew building as I watched my best creation show his loyalty and perfection. Finally, I said “That's enough for tonight Drew,” and he fell forward exhausted and draped himself across the slab of meat below him, still buried inside him to the hilt as they both gasped for breath. I watched them with a smile, thinking that if you took a picture of this moment, you would only see two totally drained lover's embracing, and never know the truth.
    1 point
  32. This happened yesterday. I'm on the USC campus for a work conference, visiting from out of state. I chatted with this guy on Growlr and his profile said he was bisexual and cheating on his wife. right there in the profile, he admitted he was cheating. He was a top. When we started chatting, he told me he liked my ass and really wanted to fuck me...but he only fucked with condoms. I knew I wanted his load and I decided to seduce him. Neither of us could get free for two days, so during the hours he kept the app on his phone (he deleted Growlr before he went home each night), we talked dirty. I talked to him about the importance of seed, how I rarely took it inside me, how it *meant* something to carry a man's DNA, the very essence of a man until it got absorbed into the pink flesh. He loved it. I told him stories of seducing my massage therapist until he fucked his cum into me hard. I told him how I was with a top once who once said--while fucking me doggy style--"I'm taking off the condom now." he loved it. I talked about "seed loyalty," how a bottom feels intensely toward the top who gifted him with the juice of life, how bottoms were pussies meant to absorb this juice and the juice is meant to flow into pussies, male or female. He got off on it and kept telling me how he'd never heard this talk before, how he never NEVER considered the concept of "seed loyalty" and it was driving him nuts. I wasn't lying...I don't fuck around with hundreds of guys...I am surprisingly slutty for me--I let about 6 guys a year cum inside me. Okay, maybe 10. I realize some bottom guys go for 18 loads a night and that's awesome...but not my style. It is a big deal for me to take a guy's load. We don't have to be married or even see each other again, but I want there to be a connection during the breeding. I am his. I have seed loyalty to this man, even if he forgets about me two weeks later. After getting him worked up, I took Uber to his house, which I was surprised to find in South Central. I've never been to LA and here I was headed to this really run-down neighborhood and a bearded Hispanic man in a wifebeater met me at his chain link fence. We smoked pot. We got naked. He whipped out a condom. Dang. We fucked for a while and he was way into my beefy ass. He ate it. He sucked those lips. he kept touching my ass with his fingers lightly and saying, "Damn...damn..." He was into my thick daddy ass. After a while of fucking, I begged him to rub his precum-covered cock all over my pink hole. He pulled off the condom so he could accommodate me... Rubbed his dick against me... I moaned... He said quietly, "That was the last condom I have." I sensed this was a delicate moment and I wasn't sure whether to tell him to go for it or let him decide in this moment... I wanted to say, "Fuck me, raw." But I had been talking dirty about getting bred and honoring his seed-of-life, and for the past fifteen minutes it made him fuck harder and deeper...he knew what I wanted. I was kneeling on the couch and so instead of answering, I just pushed my ass out and moaned. He entered me. He fucked me. As soon as he was inside me, I started talking dirty about his raw cock, and how good it felt, how his precum was truly slicking up my insides so that when he blew his load, his sperm would swim deeper in my slicked-up colon. The more I talked about his seed in me, the harder he got. After a few more minutes of fucking, he started swearing in Spanish, and he blew his load. He came hard. I wouldn't let his cock out of me...I milked it, held onto it as he tried to pull out. Eventually he pulled out and looked at me like he could not believe what happened. He told me he was married less than a year and while he cheated a few times, never raw. I tried to talk dirty about how good it felt to be knocked up and now I had "seed loyalty" to him--for the rest of my life, I would jack off thinking about my south central LA Chicano who bred my thick white ass. He was a little dazed and in shock over what he had done, so I called an Uber. He waited with me outside while the car came. I asked him why he decided to fuck me raw. He shrugged and said, "I was out of condoms." That wasn't exactly true. I had intended to respect his wishes to play safe, so I had brought condoms with me. While we fucked, they were sitting in my jeans pockets two feet away. But I never told him that. I held his semen inside me for hours.
    1 point
  33. No in fact the uglier the fatter the smellier the man whose cock I'm sucking the more I get turned on. I think most bottoms like me get off on the feeling of shame embarrassment and the humiliation of being used like a dirty little slut. Especially when you get caught in public sucking some dirty smelly fat ugly old man's cock. I got caught by a group of truckers sucking this old man's dirty cock while he was sitting on a park bench. I tried to pretend I was tieing his shoe laces but one of them laughed and said are you going to carry on sucking his cock after you've tied his laces. I was shaking so much but the thought of a gang of men watching me sucking cock turned me on so much I started sucking his dirty old cock while they laughed at me. They called me a dirty little faggot that likes sucking old men off. I had to pull my jeans down and take my little cock out and play with it. This was an invitation to them because the next I knew they grabbed hold of me while one of them tried to push his big fat cock in my virgin hole. I said no please I don't want to be fucked I only like sucking cock. Well your going to have to learn to like it because we're all going to be fucking your arse. I struggled to get free but they were to strong. He kept pushing his cock against my hole and it wouldn't fit. He said I think he needs to be loosened up a bit before I can fuck him. Then some fat trucker said let me try. At first he couldn't get it in and said god he's fucking tight. One of them said hurry up just force it in don't worry it might hurt him at first but he will soon get used to it. Then I felt like I was being torn apart and started crying and begging him to stop. But they laughed and said look at the little faggot he's crying but he is still playing with himself. I didn't realise that I was still playing with myself and had started sucking the old man's cock again. I think he likes being fucked like a bitch look at him pushing his arse back wanting more cock. Lol do you like being fucked in the arse faggot? I was so turned on I took the cock out of my mouth and turned round and looked at the group of men behind me and said oh god yes I want all of you to fuck me. Well that night I got fucked non stop by all of them.
    1 point
  34. The older I get, the longer my list of fetishes gets. I have few limits and am willing to experiment with almost anything (other than pain, drugs, or needles/blood). Top fetishes on my list are: Anon Hookups: Meeting strangers in a random location such as a hotel room or cruising grounds for some hot raw fucking. Bareback Sex: The only way I get fucked or fuck. Cum: Swallowing, taking it deep in my ass, or shooting mine into a willing mouth/ass are a necessary part of any sexual encounter. Exhibitionism: Letting others watch me be a total cumwhore in a darkroom, at the bookstore, or bathhouse. I get off on showing others how much I enjoy being a dirty slut. Feet: Nice feet on a man always get me hot. I'll worship yours and/or you can lick/suck mine while you fuck me. Jeans: Getting fucked while wearing jeans and/or being fucked by a man in jeans. Also love playing in wet jeans (water or piss). Leather: Love to get used by a leather top (anything from a harness to full leather gear). Rimming/Felching: Love getting my tongue deep inside a man's hole. Even better after it's been filled with cum or piss. Slings: Is there anything better than getting fucked in a sling? Snowballing: It's so fucking hot to kiss a man when one or both of us has a mouthful of cum. Watersports: Love to get pissed on (fully clothed), piss my pants, drink piss, or take it up the ass.
    1 point
  35. In the car, Matt's head continued to spin. The rush, whether from the T or knowingly taking raw loads, consumed him. He was so desperately horny, despite the blow job Trent had given him and the fucking he had just received. His cock, feeling the effects of the Tina was only a quarter as hard as it normally would have been, despite Matt feeling the horniest, the sexiest, and the most exhilarated he had ever felt. Of course, his rational mind kept nagging at his thoughts even with all the T and G clouding his judgement. He knew he shouldn't be doing this. He had let a stranger fuck him raw and cum in him, only to discover that Trent was poz. "He intentionally misled me! Oh fuck, OH FUCK! I'm going to be poz! I'm going to get sick! Really sick, oh shit. He lied to me! Fuck him, sick fuck. What if his strain is a deadly one? What if it is resistant to the meds? Oh fuck, oh fuck. Oh, god damn, I'll have to tell my parents! Fuck! It's their insurance! Shit... they'll see the drugs, they'll figure it out. How do I explain this? Oh shit," Matt thought, his mind racing. Yet despite all of these thoughts, he was horny, willing to take more dick at a moments notice, from anyone. He felt so sexy, sitting in the passenger seat, wearing his tank and shorts, jockstrap on, Trent's poz load leaking out of his ass, seeping into his shorts and creating a wet spot. Trent could see the gears in Matt's head turning. He knew this car ride would give him some time to reflect, to process all that had happened. Trent was fairly impressed with Matt's calmness. He had pozzed a few others before he had been diagnosed. He reached out to warn them, most were regular fuck buddies, some were rando's, a few he never even knew the names of and had no way of reaching. Their reactions were pretty mixed. Some freaked, blaming him. A few took it in stride. One even laughed and said it was about time. At first, Trent felt conflicted. He felt bad for exposing these people to a dangerous disease. But after a while, remembering those fuck sessions, the raw uninhibited sex, started making Trent hard. The thought that he was unintentionally infecting them with his DNA, his special bug, his toxic death babies sent him over the edge. He always came so hard remembering that. Soon Trent's fantasies starting taking hold. He imagined himself intentionally pozzing other guys, secretly or with their consent. The thought of it got him so boned. It wasn't long until he was on grindr, scruff, bbrt, and other sites, a predator looking for his prey. It didn't take long, with his profile still saying "neg + prep," to find some boys willing to take his raw cock. Some were on prep, some weren't. Either way, they didn't know they were taking toxic loads. It was then that he knew he wanted to be a gift giver, spreading his seed around as far as possible, giving his bug the ability to propagate. And of course, it wasn't long until he met other poz gifters like himself. He quickly got introduced into the community. He was one of the youngest in the Houston area, and he quickly became a popular fuck buddy for many of the more experienced poz guys. And of course, it wasn't long until he was introduced to tina, the favorite drug of the poz gifted community. Trent looked over a Matt again, his latest victim and a rare find. There weren't many current high school students cruising online, and even fewer willing to take raw cock. Most of his prey were at least in their early twenties, most out of college already. He knew Matt would be real popular with his friends. He had already sent out a group text to his friends with a picture of Matt, telling them he was taking his boy to the Warehouse, a favorite bathhouse of his that had a laissez faire attitude towards drug use in private rooms. Not many would turn down the invite. Being there for the corruption of someone was always hot, especially if the boy hadn't even graduate from high school. No doubt some guys would get off knowing that their toxic loads would be leaking out of his hole, into his underwear or bed sheets, for his mom to wash later. Trent looked over at Matt, deciding he had enough time to think. "Look fag, I'm guessing you're freaking out a little." "Umm.. yeah, a bit," Matt replied, his heart racing. "Well, you're definitely going to convert. That slam with my blood guarantees it. Remember boy, you asked for it." "Yes sir" "You're going to come down with a flu in a few weeks. It's the fuck flu, and it'll meaning my bug is finally mixed into your DNA. You'll be poz for life. Pregnant with my toxic babies. In a couple of months, you'll go to the doctor. You might tell yourself that you might not have it, that maybe you're one of the lucky immune ones or a long term non-progressor. But you won't be. Your test will come back positive. You'll space out in the office. The doctor will tell you that it's, 'a serious but treatable condition' and that, 'you can have a normal life.' You'll nod and agree without hearing a word. You will schedule a follow up appoint, they'll want to get you started on a drug regimen. You'll go back... or you won't. You may be a model patient, taking your pills everyday, at the same time, having an undetectable viral load. Or you might be non-compliant, skipping days, my bug evolving resistance when drug levels in your blood wane. Maybe you'll have some extremely virulent load that'll make you waste away before your very eyes. I don't know. But when you are walking out of that doctor's appointment, I want you to think of me and my bug, and how way changed your entire fucking life." Matt, slacked jawed, didn't know what to say... but his cock was rock solid. Trent's hand went down to his shorts, pulling out his toxic cock. Trent, looking over at Matt, said, "Now worship this cock. I want you to thank it and kiss it, show it your gratitude. Thank it for the privilege of taking my dirty load, thank it for giving you my bug, and for making you sick. Thank it for initiating you into the bareback brotherhood." Matt dazed, drugged up, and intolerable horny, immediately lowered his head to Trent's cock, thanking it, kissing it, and gently sucking on the head. One toxic drop of precum leaked out, and Matt licked it up greedily. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He just lustily consumed toxic, HIV+ cum like a man in the desert guzzling water. But his cock was rock hard, and his hole was twitching, desperate for more cock. Matt realized that is what the Tina did. It shut of control off his mind and allowed his cock and hole to take command. Anything that made his cock hard or his hole full was now his one and only concern. He would let a dozen AIDS ravaged, thick cocked strangers fuck him in front of his parents, siblings, teammates, and grandparents if it was the only way to get more cock. He simply didn't care about anything else. Trent pulled off the main road, on to a slow street. They were nearly at the Warehouse, and he wanted to get Matt nice and horny. "Take off your tank and your shorts. You can leave the jock and shoes on," Trent commanded. Matt, while confused, but into the domination, began removing his tank. "Faster faggot," Trent snapped, slapping Matt on the back side of his head. Matt's cock jumped at the smack, and he hurried up, kicking off his shorts as he removed his tank. "Clothes," Trent said, holding out his open hand. Matt obeyed, handing Trent his clothes. Rolling down the window with one hand, Trent threw the clothes out in the middle of the street when they were parked at a red light. Matt, looking alarmed asked, "...but how do I..." Trent, stepping on the gas, repling "It's okay faggot. You don't needed those anyways. The most clothing you'll ever need is a jockstrap and some shoes." Trent put his hand down on Matt's semi hard bulge, giving it a few gentle squeezes, rewarding his boy for obeying without complaint. Matt, inhibitions lowered, enjoyed the attention even as cars and trucks drove past, giving most of them an unobstructed view of his nearly naked body. They eventually pulled into a parking lot, which wound around a fairly large, mostly windowless brick building. They pulled into the back, near a corner far away from the building. To the back was an open field and to the right was a lumberyard, with no one to see Matt in the dark of the night. However, on the other side was a wide street and an office building, with several of the windows still lit and a side walk with some foot traffic on it. Trent opened his car door, causing the interior lights to come on, fully exposing Matt to anyone who would have seen him. "Stay," Trent commanded him like he would have a dog, getting out of the car and opening the back passenger door. Rumbling around in his bag he pulled out the bottle of G Matt had seen at the apartment and a stack of plastic cups. He took a cup, carefully measuring out a pour of G. He handed a cup to Matt and told him to swallow. Matt downed the cup, tasting the salty aftertaste. Trent grabbed his bag, commanded Matt to, "get out the fucking car," and shut the door. Matt dutifully obeyed, nearly falling over as he stood up. Trent walked over to him, helping the stabilize an increasingly drugged up Matt. They walked through the parking lot, Matt only in his jock, dry cum shining on his upper inner thigh. Matt looked over to see people on the side walk, a few people possibly turning their heads and catching a glimpse of this drugged-up and loaded twinkish high school student. Trent held the door open for Matt, who stumbled in. As Trent talked to the desk manager, Matt made eye contact with a black guy on the other side of the room. He was wearing a polo and jeans, but Matt could see he was absolutely massive, with biceps the size of his head and a heaving chest. Without even realizing it, Matt was touching himself through his jockstrap in the middle of the lobby, exposed as the cock-hungry cum slut he was. Matt followed Trent like an obedient dog as they navigated through the bathhouse. Catching the site of random guys, Matt's cock began to swell. His whole perception was warped by the amphetamines racing through his blood. He thought back on this morning, when he would have been shocked at the thought of taking known poz loads in his hole. Yet, now he was ready to take toxic loads from anonymous strangers. He wanted their death seed in his hole, mixing with Trent's, making a beautiful cocktail of HIV+ jizz. They arrived at the door of a small room Trent had rented for their own private use. Setting down his bag, he told Matt to lay down on the bench. "Matt," he began, "are you ready for another slam?" "Yes, I want it." Trent gave him a slap to the side of his head, striking his ear. Gently grabbing Matt by his throat he said, "From now on, you'll refer to me as sir. You are my faggot, I created you and I own you know. Is that understood?" "Yes sir," Matt responded, his swelling cock revealing just how much he enjoyed the abuse. Trent took Matt's arm, tying it off, making Matt's veins pop out. Trent took a moment to admire his creation, the boy he had impregnated with his DNA. He looked so sexy, on his back, in his jockstrap, already begging for his next slam like an addict. Trent could tell he was going to become addicted, that he was going to need T in his life from now on. He could see how much ecstasy Matt was in; he knew that after this weekend Matt's normal life would seem too dull. That from now on, Matt was going to consider slamming and bareback sex the pinnacle of enjoyment. Tina would sink her claws into him. He'd crave it, slam, and then crave raw cock. And raw cock would make him crave tina. An enticing circle that would define him from now on. And there he was, this beautiful soccer stud, in a jockstrap, his short dark blond hair, with his loving family and his schoolmates and teammates at home, begging for another hit of meth and craving raw cock from any stranger. He wanted men older than his father fucking their toxic loads into his boyhole, even thanking them for it. Trent, having tied himself off, stuck the point in his arm, drawing out a scarlet plume of his blood before removing the needle from his arm. He then carefully took it, finding one of Matt's veins, and sticking it in. Pulling back on the plunger, looking for the color to darken before slowly pushing the meth-blood hybrid into his boy's arm. Even in the darkened room, Trent could see Matt's pupils dilated, could see his tina-filled cock become a bit softer. He reached down, grabbed the waist band of Matt's jock, removing it so he could see his limp little boy cock. "Go on Matt, get yourself hard" Trent told him, knowing he wouldn't be able to do much with it. It was perfect, his fag was becoming the hole-centered cumslut he was meant to be. Trent grabbed a gel cocking from his bag, giving it to Matt to put on. Trent knew it wouldn't do much to keep Matt hard, but he thought the aesthetic was hot none the less. Matt continued to tug on his limp little boy cock as he saw another man walk in. Matt could see he had a thick muscular chest and a shaved head. He looked older, Matt guessed that he was in his fifties and he was a complete fucking god. Matt knew he wanted his daddy dick in his newly broken in fucked. He dropped his towel, just as Trent turned around saying, "Hey Dan. You're the first to arrive." "Fuck you weren't lying T. He is one hot fag. You seriously pozzed and slammed this kid?" Dan asked. "Yep," Trent smirked holding up the point he had just used on Matt, "and I made sure my DNA got into his blood with this, his second slam of the night with my blood mixed in." "Fuck, I'm jealous," Dan said, "I've been wanting to add an 18 year old to my collection." "So have I. You need to do a better job of keeping up," Trent joked. He and Dan met a few months ago at a gifting party in Dallas. They were both from the Houston area and both enjoyed converting neg guys into poz brothers. They had a friendly little rivalry seeing who had impregnated the most "sons" with their toxic babies. Dan was further ahead, but Trent had been catching up. And they loved sharing their prizes with one another, showing off and initiating them into the poz community. Matt, still feeling the rush, barely heard them over his racing head, the heat emanating from his body, and the music coming in from the hallway where men continued to pass by. All Matt focused on was Dan's pierced cock, his pierced nipples, and the biohazard tat directly above his thick cock. "You want the honor of fucking him first?" Trent asked, knowing his seed was already well on its way to being planted in Matt's DNA. Grabbing Matt's foot, he moved him around like an object, sticking a shard of T up his ass, knowing it would make his hole loose and cut into the sides at the same time, providing easier massage for Dan and his toxic jizz. Dan replied by flipping Matt onto his stomach and then lifting up his waist to get him into position, moving him around like a rag doll. Matt was already moaning like a bitch in heat just in the anticipation of taking Dan's cock up his hole. Dan press his cock up on Matt's hole. "Beg for my poz cock, boy." "Please sir, give me your cock." "You want this toxic load faggot?" Dany replied. This sent Matt into over drive. "Yes sir, please sir, I want you toxic load. I want your AIDs, please daddy." Happy with that, Dan slammed into Matt, watching the mix of pain and pleasure on his innocent looking face. He knew he was going to be relentless and he knew this boy would love it. "Damn," Dan thought, "T was lucky to find this fag." Dan's mind raced, thinking of the plans he knew Trent would have in store for his freshly pozzed, tina addicted high school fuck hole. Meanwhile, Matt's thought were totally replaced by the pain and pleasure emanating from his hole. It felt so good to have Dan's toxic cock in his hole, stretching it out, making him fly. It felt so good Matt was slipping out of thought and of mind, his reality becoming ever more dream-like. Slipping in and out, his reality narrowing down to his hole. He heard the distant sound of Trent laughing and a muffled "...little to much G..." before quickly, quietly slipping into blackness.
    1 point
  36. Matt walked in the door and made eye contact with Trent. "Hey, I'm Matt" "Damn Matt, you look even hotter than in your pictures." Matt blushed, trying not to show how much he liked the compliment. "Yeah, you're hot too. Nice apartment." Trent smirked. This kid was perfect. He could tell he had limited experience. Trent would enjoy corrupting his mind. "Let's get a drink and chat." Trent grabbed a couple of cokes... and his bottle of G. He sat down on the couch next to Matt. Trent said, "You want to try this? It's called G. It'll help loosen you up, get you ready. Is this your first time getting fucked bareback?" "Sure, sounds good. It's just like a shot, of like liquor?" Matt asked. "Yeah" "Yeah, this is my first time getting fucked bareback, but I've fucked one guy without a condom once it broke," Matt replied. "Nice, you'll love it. Bareback is the only way I fuck anymore," Trent added. "Yeah, thank god for prep," Matt laughed. Trent just chuckled. He started drinking his G-spiked drink and Matt followed suit. Matt, slightly nervous, chugged the rest of his drink fast, consuming the copious amounts of G that Trent had added to it. They chatted for a bit, ESPN on in the background. Trent asked Matt about school and where he wanted to go to college next year and Matt asked Trent about his work. Before he knew it Matt's head was spinning and he was feeling relaxed. "How is the G treating you?" Trent asked, his hand on Matt's thigh, fingers already within the leg holes of his shorts, fingers rubbing on Matt's thigh. "I feel good, man" and he was. He noticed Trent's hand on his leg and felt himself getting hard in his jock. Trent leaned in, kissing Matt. Matt kissed back, feeling good and relaxed and horny. Matt noticed Trent had put some porn on the television, but he wasn't sure when. Damn, he thought, "I'm a little out of it." But that thought was quickly forgotten, feeling Trent's hands groping his body, hand moving up on his thigh, feeling the bulge of Matt's jock. Matt catching glimpses of the porn on screen of two daddies fucking a young looking twink boy bareback. One even had the biohazard tattoo that Matt knew meant he has HIV+. Weirdly he felt his dick jumping thinking of that, the G dampening his inhibitions. "Fuck that's hot," Matt said aloud. Trent replied, "Let me show you this vid, it's so hot." Trent went back to kissing Matt, lifting off Matt's tank, which slipped right off. Then he removed his own shirt. Matt, half distracted by Trent, half by the TV, mind fogged up from G. Matt caught a glimpse of the TV. Saw two hot guys, clean cut studs in there twenties. He was one had a tie around his arm, and the camera focused in. Matt saw a needle go into his arm, a flash of red appeared, and then he saw the plunger go down. He half noticed Trent pulling down he shorts as he focused on the television, watching the guy who just had the needle in arm coughing and looking wide-eyed. "Fuck that looked hot," Matt thought, wondering what was in the syringe. "You think that's hot?" Trent asked. "I.. uhh yeah, what did they shoot up?" "Crystal. It's pretty hardcore, but I've heard that the sex if fucking amazing. Especially when they slam it right into their veins." Trent replied. "You ever try it?" Matt asked. "I few times, it was pretty okay." Trent said, knowing it was crucial that he remained low key about it. It was important Matt not build tina up. The more relaxed the atmosphere was, the easier Matt would be to corrupt. Trent, down on his knees, pulled Matt's cock out of the side of his jock. Matt's eyes went to the back of his head as an expert cocksucker worked on his dick. His eye were still fixed on the screening, watching the guy who had had the needle in his writher around in pleasure, looking blanked out. Before he knew it, Matt was ready to bust in Trent's mouth. He was going to warn him before he came, but it happened to fast. But Trent swallowed his entire load, without missing a beat. "Damn he thought, this kid has good tasting cum." Matt, his cock now hypersensitive, tensed up as Trent continued sucking his cock. Trent let up, and collapsed back onto the couch. Trent touch Matt's cock back into his jock, thinking about how sexy this kid looked in his blue and white stripped jockstrap. Trent decided it was about time to breakout his gear. He grabbed his equipment from his bedroom and brought it back to the couch, setting his bag down on the coffee table. Matt watched in silence as Trent took out some gear. Matt's head was still swimming from the G, making him feel numb and relaxed as well as horny. He couldn't stop thinking about playing with his hole. Matt stuck a finger in his mouth before stroking his hole with it, slowly working it in. Trent saw this out of the corner of his eye, smiling to himself, knowing the G was working beautiful. Trent pulled out a sharp from a little baggy, crumbling it up into smaller pieces as he loaded it into the bowl. Matt asked, "What it that?" "It's T. It's even better than G. It'll get you really horny and ready to fuck. It's what those guys injected in the video. Smoking it is a bit less hardcore." Trent was loving easing Matt into this. He picked up a lighter, flicked it on, and watched the crystal turn into clouds. Taking a big hit, Trent felt the hot smoke fill his lungs before blowing a thick cloud. "Fuck that's good," Trent said, enticing Matt. Trent leaned over to Matt, helping him him with the pipe and lighter. "Alright, inhale when when I say, once it heats up." Matt was nervous but pumped to try T for the first time, the G lowering any hesitation he might have otherwise had. On Trent signal he inhaled a big cloud. "Now exhale" Trent told him. "How does that feel?" Matt responded, "It feels pretty good." Matt felt a little rush, his heart beating faster, a bit of a head rush.Trent coached Matt into taking hit after hit. Afterward, Matt was feeling amazing, his heart racing, feeling this mix of pure excitement and unadulterated ecstasy, almost feeling proud and invincible. Matt wasn't sure how long he was out of it, before snapping back to attention. Looking a Trent "How do you feel?" Trent asked. "Fucking amazing man, one thousand fucking percent," Matt replied, "and so horny. But my dick is kind of soft" "Oh yeah, sometimes that happens with tina. Good thing you're the one getting fucked tonight." Trent knew he was hooked. He grabbed another shard from his bag and started working it into Matt's hole. Matt barely noticed the slight burn as he worked it in, knowing this would get the boy begging to get fucked. "You ready to get fucked, fag?" Being called a fag got Matt even more turned on. "Yes sir." Trent lubed up Matt's hole and his cock. Trent took off his pants to reveal his 8 inch cock. "Fuck," Matt thought. His cock looked even bigger now. He reached over and grabbed the poppers he had in the pockets, huffing deep preparing for Trent's cock. He could feel the head against his hole, popping in, making Matt moan like a bitch. Trent pushed Matt legs up against his chest, giving him better access to Matt's hole. He was one-third in already. Matt was taking it pretty well, huffing on a bottle of poppers every couple of seconds. His dick kept going in, further and further, finally bottoming out. "How does it feel to have raw cock up your virgin boy hole?" "Ohhhh, ffuucckk.." Matt moaned, so turned on by taking raw cock just like the thousands of porn sluts he had jerked off to in the past. "It feels so good sir." "Fuck yeah boy," Trent said, thinking how this boy was a natural sub faggot, "bet you'll only take raw cock from now on." "Oh, yes sir," and he meant it to. This was way better than any fucking he had done before. Of course, Matt knew the drugs were probably helping too. Trent pulled all the way out, seeing the gaping hole he had left behind, lubed already dripping down from his it. He slammed back into Matt hearing him gasp, his limp cock hidden in his jock pouch. Trent loved seeing a boy focused only on his hole, cock out of sight and out of mind. Unlike Matt, Trent was rock hard thanks to some viagra and his cocking on. Matt had notice the cocking earlier, and fuck did it make him desperate for Trent's cock. Matt head spinning from the drugs, poppers and the hard fuck he was receiving. He handed the poppers to Trent to put on the table behind him. Trent twisted around slightly, and Matt glimpsed a bit of a back tattoo. It was a biohazard symbol. With the T clouding his thinking, Matt didn't understand what it was for. He knew that a lot of poz guys had that tattoo but he knew Trent was on prep and neg. "Hey Trent, why do you have biohazard tat? Guys will think you're poz" Matt half chuckled. Trent leaned in, grabbing hold of trent ankles and pressing them above his head, plunging his cock back in. As he was trusting, he said, "My tat?" "Yeah, won't people thinking you're poz?" Trent continued fucking Matt, speeding up his thrusting. "I got it..." Trent was panting, "when... I..." Trent's breath was ragged, his body getting tenser "discovered...." Trent started moaning, almost gasping, "that... I... was...OOOO.. fuck... that i was poz" Trent let out, as cum erupted from his cock and into Matt's guts. Trent could see the warning lights in Matt head as his eyes went wide. "Your profile says you are neg!" "I never updated it, but I stopped taking it. Too many side effects for me. I got pozzed up a few months after that I think. Plus I think you wanted a poz load." He reached down and felt Matt's cock through his jockstrap, which was rock hard, the head popping out through the side, leaking pre. "Fuck," Matt thought, "he's right." "I bet this is the hottest sex you've ever had boy. Clearly you like taking poz loads or your cock wouldn't be rock fucking hard," Trent said. "Now look, you're free. Free from fear, able to take any load from any cock. Be the hot cumdump faggot you were meant to be." Matt's head was spinning. He knew Trent was right. But images kept flashing through his mind, of him, his teammates, other people from school, his parents, knowing that he was marked now. Part of a brotherhood of barebackers, proud poz men. He had seen the sites, images on tumblr, of proud poz men. Deep downing knowing this was what he wanted the entire time but just couldn't admit to himself. Beyond all that though, he knew right know that he had to have more cock. "Now," Trent sat down next to Matt, cum leaking out of his hole, "what do you say?" "I want more cock sir." "You perfect fucking faggot. And what about my poz load?" "Thank you for pozzing me sir; I'm a dirty cumdump who deserves to be pozzed up." "Yes you are boy, and your night is not even close to over. I'm taking you to get way more loads. After all, we need to make sure my DNA gets into your blood." Trent went into his bag. Matt saw him take out a syringe. It was a prepared point. Matt knew it was going to go in his arm, so he was a little surprised when he saw Trent put it in his arm, and pull the plunger. But then, Trent removed the point from his arm. "Now boy, this will guarantee that you get my bug in your blood. It's a mix of crystal meth and my blood. You can't have one with out the other. And I want you to beg for it." Matt wanted that point in his arm so bad. "Please sir, give me your toxic blood. Get my addicted to T." Trent found a vein, pulled back on the plunger, saw the red vial get a shade darker and then pushed down on the plunger. He saw Matt's pupils dilate, heard his breathing go ragged. Practically seeing the rush. He pulled Matt's arm up, and told Matt to cough. Matt was flying, freaked out, feeling amazing, the thought of Trent's toxic blood in his getting him hard. After letting Matt settle down, Trent told him to get dressed. "Let's go faggot. Time for you to take more AIDS cock." Trent pulled Matt to him, kissed him deeply, grabbed his gear bag, and lead Matt to out of his apartment, closing the door behind him. Then, he lead Matt to his car.
    1 point
  37. Just got back from the local nude beach. Fucked a hot muscle boy and gave him a few day old load. then later got fucked by a young slim guy with an 8 inch cock. his load is still in me. Both times, not a word said about status.
    1 point
  38. OK, so it wasn't "porn" but I found that short excerpt REALLY HOT... sometimes things are more intense when you can't "see" everything (at least for me) .... will have to track down the whole movie (even if it is short)
    1 point
  39. I'm a PrEP pusher. Take the pill because you want to, or wait until you have to. I'd rather have the choice.
    1 point
  40. Famous twitter bareback blogger @cuntarmo is your own NYC local cumdump Fit masculine BB CUMDUMP bottom servicing all guys who just need a hot and easy HOLE to bust their nut in. Easy, free, reliable local cumwhore servicing multiple guys per day. INFO Anon setup. Usually hooded, face down, ass up. NSA pump n dump Private discreet apt. In and out setup Dark room and porn playing per request Poppers, lube, cleaning supplies, and bathroom provided. Easy discreet buzzer access No loads refused in this hole Available most days/times Usually host on West 14th but can travel nearby Short notice or appointments are ok One time or repeats are welcome All loads go into my ass No fisting Ideal for DL, discreet, partnered, married, bi and all other. Send cock pics and/or stats No face pics or other info needed CONTACT THE CUMDUMP: Names: cuntarmo, cumdumpnyc, cunt, cumhole, dump Txt discreet line 914-222-3867 (914-222-DUMP) Email: anonbttm28@yahoo.com kik: cuntarmo twitter: @cuntarmo TESTIMONIAL from RawTop http://rawtop.com/sex/2015-07/finally-fucked-one-of-the-biggest-cumdumps-in-nyc-cuntarmo
    1 point
  41. Some people are just wired to want to be a cumdump and dream of it all the time.. There is no rule saying you actually have to be one to enjoy the site. From what i have seen, this site is 1/3 fun reading and sharing stories, 1/3 support group, and 1/3 information resource center. Its usually the start of a journey though.
    1 point
  42. Part 2 Please be aware, this story contains drug use, bareback sex and questionable morals. So keep reading if you like perverted stuff like me. If you were wondering, I hadn’t included any of the sex stuff when I told this story to Mac. Most of the stuff before I began teaching I skimmed over all together, because it wasn’t until I was teaching full time that I realized I didn’t really want to open a gym anymore anyway. Sure, now I had a steady job that paid REALLY well, but I also had the opportunity to work with great kids who wanted to be great wrestlers, and none of the hassle of owning my own business and paying off a bank. The only downside to my job was the actual Job. I was a remedial English teacher who hated teaching remedial English. Most of the time I was in the classroom was spent counting the minutes until I could be back in the gym coaching. Once wrestling season was over, I would get so depressed about my job that I started drinking and sneaking into the city to go to gay clubs and meet men to fuck. It was one such trip into town that I met Darius, a big muscular black guy who was not my type at all, but that didn’t stop him. After many rejections, Darius started introducing me to friends of his that were just what I liked: Tall, trim or muscular young men with masculine demeanors, bubble butts and cute boyish smiles. Since I was unable to take men back to my place, (after all it was nearly an hour away) and most of the boys Darius introduced me to were in the closet or living at home, the only option was heading back to Darius’ house and fucking around there. Once or twice I said no, but usually I was drunk, horny and hungry to fuck and ended up pounding some sweet 20ish ass on Darius’ guest bed while he watched and jerked off. No one has ever called me an idiot and I knew almost immediately that Darius was a drug dealer and these boys were customers who he’d get high in exchange for seducing me. When I let it slip to him that I knew what was going on, he got much more open about smoking and snorting stuff right in front of me. I’d always been a good boy when it came to drugs, but it did make me wonder every time I watched some guy sniff a bump of coke or take a hit from a crystal pipe, and suddenly he was desperate to be fucked or begging to suck Dick. I’d decided I’d stop going back to Darius place at the beginning of summer vacation, gathering all my courage to say no if he asked me to meet another boy that weekend. Arriving at the club, I was certain in my ability to walk away until I saw who walked in with Darius. Blinking to clear my vision and make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, I looked again and my jaw fell open. If this was a hallucination, it was the most bizarre hallucination I’d ever heard of. The boy at the side of my drug dealing pseudo friend was none other than one of my former wrestling students. The same wrestling student who’s father was coach of the team when I started. Tim was his name, and I hadn’t seen him since the end of last year when he finished his junior year and left to attend a school here in Denver where his Dad’s business had transferred him. Only standing about 5’9”, Tim looked tiny next to Darius’ 6’1” form. What his baggy t-shirt and sagging jeans didn’t reveal was his ripped muscular body that he’d used to make his way to the top of the pack in his weight pack. Even when paired with kids who were 3, 4, or even 5 inches taller than he was, Tim could wrestle them to the floor with his powerful core muscles and quick, strong legs. Part of me felt sick that Tim was now following a drug dealer around a gay club, obviously high on something, but another part of me was drawn to the pair of men. I told myself I would just go over to make sure Tim was okay, but I knew as I got closer there was something else I wanted to know. “Shit!” Tim tripped over the stool next to him when he saw me standing next to them and turned to book it. Unable to catch himself, I reached out and grabbed his hand before he reached the floor, and pulled him upright again, not letting go in case he decided to run again. “How did you know I was here coach? Please don’t tell my dad, he’ll kill me.” “’Coach’ had no idea you was here Timmy boy,” Darius jumped in, emphasizing my title so I knew he was now aware of what I did. “Your pal ‘coach’ comes here all the time to pound butt just like the rest of us, Right ‘coach?’” I didn’t answer but my silence spoke volumes. Tim’s eyes got even bigger as he began insisting there was no way I’m gay, that I was the straightest guy he’d ever met, etc. Looking up at his wide eyes, his pupils were so big they looked like black pools with just a tiny bit of blue around the edge. My heart sank as I confirmed that Tim was there so Darius would get him high, but as much as I wanted to insist he go home, I couldn’t get the words out. I just stood there, gripping Tim’s fore arm until I realized Darius was suggesting we head back to his place to hang out and catch up. “No, I think I should drive Tim to his house and have a talk with his Dad.” I didn’t believe the words even as I said them, and as Tim begged me not to, I saw Darius smirk and wink at me just when Tim cried out “don’t tell my dad, I’ll do anything.” At Darius apartment, I kept repeating the mantra in my head “you’re only here to keep an eye on Tim, you’re only here to keep an eye on Tim, you’re only here…” I lost my train of thought as Tim began describing his glory days wrestling, and pulled off his shirt and jeans in order to demonstrate. I’d never considered messing around with a student before, but technically Tim wasn’t my student, he hadn’t been one for over a year, and now he was not even in high school. Yea they were all excuses for what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t stop my cock from getting hard watching Tim act out the match where he medaled at his last meet. It took every last ounce of control I had to stay on the couch where I was watching, instead of jumping up, ripping the white boxer briefs and wife beater from the teen’s muscular body, and raping him over and over without even a thought about whether Darius or Tim might tell anyone. The only thing stopping me was one tiny voice saying “he’s one of your students.” As if he could hear the voice, Darius leaned in to me and spoke quietly so only I could hear him. “Why don’t you take a hit off this pipe and let go for once?” Looking down he was holding a glass bubble pipe in front of me with a lighter. Closing my eyes, I shook my head no and dug my fingers into the arm of the couch to keep from screaming. “That’s cool, You don’t need to try it for it to have an effect on you. Watch this, Hey Timmy, wanna hit?” My eyes popped open as Tim paused his story and looked over at me like he needed to know what to do. I should have said no, made him get dressed and driven him home, but I was silent. “’s cool T-boy, I told coach you’ve already smoked a couple bowls tonight, he don’t judge,” Darius lied to Tim when he said he’d already told me, but I figured as much and I certainly knew now. Once again Tim looked at me and smiled, unsure if he should. I opened my mouth to tell him he was just a kid and not to do it. “You’re a man now Tim, do what you want,” My ears heard my voice saying it, but I didn’t honestly believe it until Tim smiled, stood up, walked over and took the pipe from Darius. Pulling his undershirt up from the bottom, he used it to wipe the sweat from his neck and face before peeling it further until it went over his head. Standing with his crotch right in front of my face, Tim lit the torch and started melting the crystals in the light blue glass pipe. As if it was happening in slow motion, he put his lips to the pipe and started inhaling the curling white wisps of smoke. My body burned hotter as his chest expanded, pushing out his muscular pecks, framed by the shirt that was now only attached around his shoulders. Ashamed, my focus lowered, making me notice the trail of downy fuzz leading from just below his sternum. The hair thickened, darkening and moving out slightly as it spread down between his expanded ab muscles, suddenly spreading sideways just as it disappeared under the waist band of his fruit of the look boxer briefs. He must have had no more room inside to continue inhaling, causing him to cough. Each spasm of his cough meant tightening his six pack as his lungs were forcing out and releasing the cloud of Tina into the room. “Light it for yo’ coach Timmy, he wants to try suckin da pipe too,” Darius smirked at me, knowing I was losing my resolve and wouldn’t be able to say no much longer. I’d surprise him, I decided, turning to Tim to tell my former student I wasn’t into drugs. “You’ve never tried it?” Tim sank to his knees on the floor in front of me, leaning in with the pipe in his hands. “No and I don’t-“ I managed to get out that much before Tim smiled and cut me off. “Let me show you Coach,” he insisted, starting the torch again and moving to melt the crystals. “I want to teach you something after all you’ve taught me.” Possessed by the words of this handsome, eager young man, I nodded yes and let him explain how to melt the crystals, rotate the bowl, and wait for the smoke to billow. Hypnotized, I could only go along with it when he told me to lean forward and inhale. As soon as my lips met the pipe, I felt the smoke filling my mouth, throat and lungs, but my eyes couldn’t stop looking at the sweaty, nearly naked boy who was feeding me the first hit of drugs I’d ever had. Surprisingly it was much cleaner than hitting a marijuana pipe or a cigar, I wasn’t even sure I was getting any until I exhaled and a huge blast of white filled the air between Tim and I. “Wow, it’s huge Coach,” Tim’s voice made my cock ache and my head spin. We passed the pipe between the three of us, with Darius insisting Tim sit between me and him. The couch was small enough that we had no other choice but to be in contact with each other the entire time. I tried not to look when Darius would slide his hands over Tim’s bare tight or squeeze the boy bulge, and it almost drove me insane watching Tim from the corner of my eye when he’d assumed I was too focused on taking a hit to notice him tweak Darius’ nipple or stroke the obvious snake running down his thigh. “damn it’s hot as balls in her bro.” Darius stood up and peeled away his sweat soaked white tee and tight black jeans so all he had on was a pair of orange briefs tenting obscenely. “You should strip down and get cool bro.” “nah man, thanks.” I was embarrassed by the fact that standing up would have revealed how hard I was, but more than that, I knew I had worn only a jockstrap under my pants that night, and the pouch was nothing more than some see-through mesh. “your funeral dude,” Darius turned his attention to Tim, taking his barely covered Dick in his hand and waving it at the teen. “I gotta piss and grab us a couple coronas, but when I get back, it gonna be time for yo’ ass to pay me back fo’ smokin’ you out.” “Dream on Darius! No way am I gonna let you fuck my virgin pass with that thing,” Tim called after the dealer as he rounded the corner and walked down the hall into the bathroom. “Sorry Coach.” “For what?” was he sorry because he wasn’t going to let me take his virginity? Did he think he could stop me if I did what I knew I had to do? Was he apologizing because he knew it was gonna be his fault? “You know, I said…fuck.” Tim lowered his voice when he repeated his four-letter faux pas. Feeling it bubble up from my stomach, I couldn’t stop it as it worked up my throat and into my mouth, bursting out of me. Yep I lost control and laughed as hard as I could ever remember crying. “what? What are you laughing at? What?!?!” “You… you’re apolo… you’re apologizing for saying fuck,” I laughed hard again, but got control and took a couple deep breaths. “You’re apologizing for a bad word coming out of your mouth when I just watched you engage in underage drinking at a club, get half naked at a strange dude’s apartment, smoke meth in your underwear, and grope a big black cock in exchange for drugs. I think we’re past needing to apologize for swearing.” We both laughed hard for a few minutes until we actually laughed hard enough that we both slid off the couch onto the floor. Without thinking, I stood up to get back on the couch and I heard Tim stop laughing and mutter something like ‘whoa.’ Looking down I stopped laughing too when I realized what made him stop. I was standing over his head and my crotch was so pushed out that the waist band of my shorts had pulled away from my abs, leaving a space where Tim could see all the way up my shorts’ leg and out the space at my waist. Whether or not there was enough light shining through for him to actually make out my cock, I couldn’t tell. It really didn’t matter though since the shape of my head was clearly visible against the outside of the shorts’ material. Uncomfortable with the silence, I sat back down and tried to turn on the TV with the remotes on the table next to me. After a few failed times I gave up, tossed them into the arm chair across the room and reached instead for the pipe. Lighting the torch, I took a big hit and exhaled just as Tim got up and was once again standing with his crotch in front of my face, only now it was beginning to grow hard. “Can I take a hit coach?” I looked up and met his eyes and held out the pipe. He took a big hit and handed it back to me. I started to hit it again as Tim slid a hand into his undies and masturbated his teen cock. “You must be dying from the heat coach, you can get comfortable if you want, it’s just us guys here, just like in the locker room. Nothing wrong with just letting it all hang out.” With that, Tim pulled his hand free, placed his fingers on either side of his waist and shoved his boxer briefs down to his feet. As he returned to standing up straight, I coughed and sputtered out smoke at the sight of his hard, cut 6 inch boycock. A drop of precut was hanging at the tip, and I wanted so badly to lean forward and lick it off, but I was too busy turning crimson and choking on smoke. Tim grabbed the pipe from my hands and sat down next to me, patting my back. When I finally stopped coughing and felt like I might not die after all, I looked over at Tim who was taking a hit himself. Rising to my feet, I started by unbuttoning my shirt until it hung open over my abs and massive pectoral muscles. Next I kicked off my shoes, and toed off my socks. Tim reached forward to touch my chest as I went to unbutton my shorts, but I grabbed his hand and slowly forced it down by his side, reminding him that we were just a couple of guys letting it hang out. Picking up the pipe, I told him to light the torch under it while my free hand undid my button and opened my fly. Spreading my legs so the shorts would stay on, I took the lighter and rook a hit from the pipe. When there was finally no more room in my body for even a hint of smoke, I exhaled. Just as the giant cloud reach Tim’s face, I relaxed my legs and butt enough that my shorts lost their grip and slid to my feet. When the smoke cleared my hard Dick was jutting straight out in my jockstrap about and inch from Tim’s face. “Holy shit coach,” Tim whispered. “it’s… it’s … it’s fucking huge.” “I’m gonna keep hitting this but when I finish this bowl, I won’t be responsible for what happens.” My voice had become unrecognizable to my ears, as if the Tina was talking instead. Deep and harsh, the words were made even more terrifying by the fact that I was unable to stop the monster that was planning to turn them from a threat into reality. “It’s all your fault Tim, Remember that.”
    1 point
  43. Friday was hard to get through, knowing what I had planned. Using my tech savvy Thursday night (and the list of passwords for the company email accounts) I was able to figure out Mark's facebook password and find out that the girl who he referenced the day before was an ex of his named Shannon who was coming into town that afternoon and planned to meet him at a party across town, clear on the other end of the city where some former high school basketball star was having a huge blow out guaranteed to end with Shannon letting Mark fuck her. Thinking as quickly as I could, I spoofed a facebook profile of one of Shannon's hot friends from her school. With a little poking and prodding I managed to get Shannon to admit to her "friend" that she was way more into Mike than Mark and was only going to let Mark fuck her as a back-up if Mike wasn't interested. Emailing from Mike's account at work, I sent her a message that I (aka mike) wanted to see her and had been into her for years. Before I went to bed that night, I got Shannon to tell Mark that she was more into his brother, and was going to hook up with him instead. This was where the plan got tricky. Calling upon the spoofed profile I'd used with Shannon, I messaged Mark as if I was Shannon's friend Maggie, and told him I was coming with her for her visit but had decided not to go to the party, and hoped he would meet me to hang out one on one. Giving him a fake phone number that could receive calls and texts from an app on my phone, I told him to text me (Maggie) if he wanted to do something more fun than just go to a party. Around 10, when he finally checked his phone, he seemed confused by the random facebook message but texted the number and asked what "Maggie" had in mind. Maggie: I dunno. Shannon said u and ur bro were into partyin, that true? Mark: Yeah but I think Shannon's planning on hooking up with Mike at the party, and u said u didn't want to go Maggie: lol not that kinda partying. I meant parTying. i.e. tina Mark: not really my thing Maggie: too bad, it turns me on like mad! (attached photo of faceless topless teen tits) Mark: fucking nice! I'm still up for hanging out! Maggie: Nah, I wana find some tina and a guy to fuck me while we smoke (attached photo of faceless naked teen tits and finger in pussy) Mark: come on, I promise u a good time (attached pic of Mark's hard cock laying against his abs) Maggie: I want that in my cunt so bad Marky, but I need to party while I can, b4 going back home. think ur bro can handle both Shannon and I? I knew this might set Mark off, since he'd lost some girls to his suave brother in the past, but it had to be done to push him towards what I had in mind. I switched out of the app at that point and turned to my own texts and sent him one from my normal number. Me: hey Mark, u still gonna get some from your ex tonight? Mark: Doubt it, turns out she is more into Mike. But her hot friend is coming 2 town and might be down. (attached two pix sent to him by "Maggie") Me: nice, u should do her friend royally so she goes back and tells your ex how amazing you were. Mark: Fucking right! Just not sure I wanna do what she wants. Me: fuck it man, whatever it is, do it! She is fucking hot enough to be worth anything bro! Mark: ur right man, ttyl Turning on the app, I waited for him to respond but got nothing. Impatient, I sent a text that I knew would push him over the edge. Maggie: can u give me Mike's # so I can get him to fuck me? Mark: don't need his #. I'll get some and we can fuck at the party 2night. Maggie: Awesome, but can we do it somewhere else? I don't want Shannon to know I smoke tina. Mark: I dunno where? Maggie: My hotel? near Colfax and downing. (and conveniently only blocks from my condo). Mark: cool. what time? Maggie: Text me when u have the tina and I'll send u my room number. The rest of the day was torture, waiting for 5 o'clock to come, but finally it arrived and I texted my dealer, asking if 'doc' had set up a time to come get stuff too. My guy said yes and told me he'd be there at 8 sharp. I agreed to be there by 7:45, lying in wait. -- Showered, shaved and spotless, I was seated on my dealer's couch, smoking a bowl when a knock came at his door at 8 pm that night. This time I wasn't going anywhere. Mark came in wearing a crisp looking button-down black shirt tucked into a pair of well-fitted black pinstripe slacks, with a leather belt, jacket and combat boots to complete the look. Upon seeing me, he almost bolted, but my dealer had shut the door behind him, and it was too late. Acting as if I was just as surprised to see him, I even called him Mike at first, and waited for him to correct me...which he didn't. Panic set in as I realized that Mark might have sent his brother to get the supplies and this might be the wrong brother. If Mike was here, then Mark might be at home waiting for a text or out in the car, oblivious to what was going on. Excusing myself to the bathroom, I booted up the app and typed in a text from Maggie and set it to send on a 2 minute delay. Back in the living room, 'Doc' was now seated on the couch, so I joined him and told my dealer how we worked together, and he nodded as if he had no idea while weighing out the sack of favors. Feeling the phone in my pocket buzz to inform me that "Maggie" had sent her message, I was relieved when Mark's phone went off right next to me. This was the boy I'd been perving on, he was just playing it cool with the dealer so the guy wouldn't figure it out. Scratching my nose, my dealer recognized the signal I'd given him before Mark arrived, and made an excuse about needing to run upstairs for more baggies, leaving Mark and I alone in the living room. "So you're not Mike are you?" I asked, whispering to Mark as if I was keeping his secret. "How did you kn---no. It's me, Mark." he said, nervous as a cat in dog kennel. "Shannon's friend Maggie said she wanted to party with me, so I decided it was time to try it out." "That's cool man," my hand clasped onto his knee and squeezed, keeping it friendly but introducing some physical contact between us. "You going to pick her up and take her someplace where the two of you can party?" "Can't," Mark said, constantly looking between me and the doorway in case the dealer came back. "Mike took the car to a party down in the boonies, so I'm gonna walk over to her hotel on Colfax and downing after I finish up here." "Want me to give you a ride? I live only a few blocks from there anyway so I'm headed that direction." Mark eagerly agreed and went to text "Maggie" just as the dealer returned with the bags and finished with the sale. Mark's bag was loaded especially heavy, but I'd paid extra to make it that way. Thanking him for the goods, we went to my car, and Mark got in the passenger's side while I walked around the back and read what he'd texted. Mark: hey babe, got goodies. headed ur way. Maggie: Not ready yet. Can u hang out close for few mins? Mark: Not really. being dropped off by friend. Maggie: hang w/ ur friend until Shannon and the other girls go2 the party pls. Ill txt when u can cum fuck me. Climbing in the car I could tell Mark was unhappy with something, at which point he showed me the text Maggie just sent. Graciously I offered to let him come over to my place and chill until she was ready, to which he reluctantly agreed, emphasizing the fact he'd only be able to hang for a few minutes. On the ride over, I asked him how he was going to partake in the party favors, which got me nothing but a quizzical look. Explaining that most people preferred to smoke or shoot up with tina, I asked how he planned on doing it, and he admitted he hadn't thought about it. As we parked in my garage, I told him I had a pipe inside and would show him what to do with it. Crossing through the mud room and into my condo, I could see Mark was impressed with my place. I lived on the northern half of a duplex which had a garage and mudroom on the lowest level, leading up to the kitchen, living room, study and dining room on the main level, before going up again to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the top floor. Showing him into the study, I told him to go ahead and take off his jacket and boots since my a/c was on the fritz and it only got as cold as 76 in here. In actuality, I set the thermostat to 76 before I left, and locked it off so it couldn't be reset without the key. Being the good brother, he did as I asked and sat down on the plush couch in his shirt, slacks and clean white socks. Moving to the cabinets on the opposite wall, I opened a sliding door to reveal a large flatscreen tv with a frozen image of a hot young girl getting felt up by two men in their early twenties. "You can unpause it if you want," I said, retrieving a box from the shelf next to the tv and sitting on the cushion next to his. "while I show you how to load a pipe with this." "Thanks man," Mark said, starting up the gangbang porn I had in the Blu-ray, ready to go. "I'm such a retard. I can't believe I didn't think about how we were gonna smoke this. No wonder this chick wants to bang my brother and not me." "If she wants him more, she's a fucking idiot," my response was quiet so he had to move closer to hear me. Watching me load the tina into the bowl with a small straw, he seemed mesmerized as I complimented him. "You're way funnier than your brother, and it looked to me like your dick is bigger too. You just need to learn a few things about how to party before you dive in." Blushing, Mark nodded and watched as I explained what I just did. Pulling out a lighter from the box, I showed him how to heat the bottom of the bowl without burning the crystals, until finally they'd melted enough for the smoke to begin to swirl. Motioning for him to take a hit, he declined. "I'm gonna wait until I'm with Maggie so we can enjoy it together." He said, forcing me to take the first hit or risk losing the smoke. He watched intently while I took a huge inhale, and proceeded to release a thick white cloud of smoke into the air. All I could think to do was play on his lack of experience. "Suit yourself," pausing to take another hit and blow it out, I made sure to seem as casual as could be before setting the pipe on a cool, damp towel I'd prepared and hearing it sizzle. "but don't be surprised if she can tell you're a tina virgin. It never hits as easy as it looks the first time." "Really?" Mark was beginning to sweat in the warm room with his long sleeve shirt on, not to mention his fear. "Well, if you are sure I won't get too high before I meet her...okay, show me what to do." I handed him the pipe and explained once more how to properly melt and hit the tina, watching as he failed to go slow enough to get any smoke to rise. Looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes, I took pity on the poor sap and lit the pipe for him. "Wait for my signal to inhale," I said while slowing turning the pipe over the lighter until the wisps turned into curls of smoke. "now inhale and don't stop until you can't inhale anymore. Good job, keep going! Good, good, okay now exhale!" Coughing only once while a gigantic cloud unlike any I'd seen before escaped from his lips and mouth, I could tell he was excited and horrified all at once. "Again!" I said, lifting the pipe to his lips before he could argue, and reheating the pre-melted crystals for another giant hit. "This time shot gun your hit into my mouth." Doing as he was told, Mark took hit after hit, exhaling each time into my open mouth, less than an inch from his. Switching back to taking turns on the pipe, we continued to shot gun with Mark never questioning the fact that we were practically on top of each other to do so. Once the bowl was finished I could see how fucking high Mark really was, his pupils dialated to giant black pools with green and brown around the edge, his body stiff and alert, and his mouth open slightly, waiting for another hit to come. "How do you feel?" I asked, unbuttoning my own shirt so it was open all the way and untucked. "Fucking awesome man! This stuff is amazing! I feel like I'm on fire!" Mark was definitely as high as possible. Somehow my plan to make him need to get high in order to get laid, then get him to my house to try it out had worked. Time for phase 3. "That might be because it is so hot, feel free to get comfortable while I grab us some drinks." Standing, I kicked off my shoes and toed off my socks, leaving me in just my open shirt, board shorts and white briefs. Once I reached the kitchen, I felt my phone buzz and checked to see if Mark was texting Maggie as I figured he might. Sure enough, he was asking how soon he could come over, explaining that he was ready to get high and fuck her all night long. Maggie: sounds awesome stud, roommies leaving 4 party @ 10, then u can cum party w/ me. u ok 2 hang w/ ur friend till then? Mark: think so. u mind if I start smoking b4 I get there? Maggie: sure sexy, prefer it that way, but thot u weren't in2 smoking tina? Mark: I'm full of surprises (attached photo of Mark in the study with his pants open revealing his cock hard in a pair of white briefs like mine) Maggie: cant wait, cu soon I returned to the study with drinks in hand, a rum and coke for me, and a rum and coke with a dash of ghb for Mark. Not enough to knock him out, but enough to get him drunk from one or two drinks, instead of the 6-8 it would normally take a teen of his size and metabolism. Maybe he was feeling modest, or just unsure of the etiquette, but he'd refastened his pants and his shirt was only unbuttoned down to mid chest, with the sleeves rolled up. He had a real sweat going now, as did I, so I decided to kick things off by ditching my shirt and dropping my shorts so I was in nothing but my briefs as I joined him on the couch. "Damn man, you're ripped! I mean I know I've seen photos before," he said, blushing slightly and downing half his drink. "But you're fucking shredded man! Much more than you can tell in some crappy selfie." "Thanks man, but you got me all self conscious now," I faked modesty and put my shirt over my briefs, doing very little to hide my growing cock. "it's not fair for you to check me out without showing something too. Quid pro quo remember?" Mark laughed, finished his drink and stood up. Stripping away his shirt first, then his shorts, he was soon left in only his briefs and white socks, striking a pose or two to make me giggle. As he sat down he swayed slightly, and I realized the g was taking effect. Asking if there was anything wrong, he shook his head no, and turned his attention back to the porn while fishing something from his pockets and asking "can we load another bowl?" Smiling, I took his bag of tina from his hand and loaded another fat bowl into the glass bubble pipe, offering him the first hit this time. Salivating like a dog for his bone, Mark took the bowl and slowly lit it how I taught him. After taking a long drag from the pipe, he turned to shot gun to me, but apparently forgot to keep a little space between us, pressing his mouth into mine and exhaling before slowing letting his tongue lick my lips. Eyes popping open, he snapped backwards and began apologizing like he had severed my hand or beaten my puppy to death, but I just laughed and told him it was cool. The next few hits we didn't shot gun, instead smoking and watching the porn which had evolved into 5 guys taking turns on the hot teen girl. Checking the clock I saw that it was only 9:20, so I decided to refresh our drinks and see if Mark was getting antsy. Sneaking my phone along with me into the kitchen took some Houdini-ing but soon I was carefully measuring out another small dose of g into Mark's second rum and coke, while making myself a coke on the rocks. Downing a Viagra, I checked my phone and realized Mark wasn't texting Maggie while I was out of the room. Horny to see what he had in mind for her, I called out to him. "So you text that girl and let her know you're getting ready to pound her pussy?" I asked, stopping to readjust my cock in my undies and stroke it a little. "Just did," he lied. "She says it will be awhile longer, is it cool if I hang here till then?" "No problem." My smile was big enough that a sober man might have realized it was hiding something when I returned to the study, but Mark was high and drugged and absent-mindedly stroking his soft shrunken cock through his briefs when I sat beside him. "It's fucking weird dude," he said, peeling the elastic waist band away from his slim, smooth 8-pac to reveal his tina dick. "I'm hornier than I've ever been in my whole life, but my cock won't get hard." "That's normal dude," I said, reaching over and giving his soft dick a squeeze and a stroke, with no objections from him. "Tina can make some dudes dicks go soft, and other times it makes you harder than steel, see?" Pulling down my own briefs to my knees, my hard 8.5 inch dick sprang back against my hairy 6 pac with a 'thwack!' Hypnotized by my hard on, Mark couldn't help but reach over and squeeze and stroke me a few times before a moan escaped my lips and the spell was broken. Blushing and stammering, he turned back to the tv and gulped from his new drink. We continued to drink, smoke and stroke to the porno, me stiff and him soft, until the video started to include shots of the men stroking and sucking one another. Looking over I noticed Mark's glass was empty, he was taking another big hit from the pipe and his eyes were darting from the porn to my raging man meat. Putting my arm around him and pulling him to me, he shot gunned into my mouth and let me pull him closer for a real kiss. Now I'm no shrimp at 6'1" but his basketball body was long enough that I'd never be able to kiss him and feel his ass at the same time if he weren't so loopy that he bent like gumby as I pushed him back on the sofa. Turning his head to the porn I asked him if he liked what he saw, and he nodded yes. Before it dawned on him what that meant, I worked my way up his body and placed my erect dick at his lips. His eyes looked up at me with fear and desire, but I knew desire would win when I reached behind me, between his legs and ran my fingers over his asshole. Moaning, his mouth opened and I slid my cock inside it, feeding him 3, then 4, then 5, 6, almost 7 inches of my cock before he began to choke. Not wanting to go to fast, I only used those 7 inches for awhile while I teased his asshole and fed him my precum. "How does that feel Mark?" I said, pulling my cock away long enough for him to answer. "Good but I'm not-" leaning down, I stopped him from telling me 'I'm not gay' by kissing him hard, while maneuvering his hips so he began to flip on his stomach. "What was that mark?" kissing down his back until I reached his ass crack, I dove in with my tongue. "I'm not....uunnnnnggghhh." my tongue pressed fully against his sweet tight ass. Pleased to discover there was no dirtiness inside him, I wondered if his brother warned him to wash out before partying. Eating his ass at full speed and with lots of gusto, he writhed in pleasure beneath me, unaware that I was soaking my fingers in lube laced with tina at the same time. Kissing back up his spine, I worked a finger inside him before he cried out from the pain of penetration. "It burns! Take it out Peter!" "Sorry Mark, it'll be over in a second," speaking of second, I added a second finger and used my muscular frame to keep my drugged prey from bucking me off. When he calmed down some more, finger number three joined in, eliciting one final cry and them just whimpers and moans. "There now, the booty bump should be taking effect any second and we can get started." Sure enough, a minute or so later, Mark's breathing got heavier and he started bucking his hips back to meet my hand. As I pulled out of him, he whispered "don't" and tried to clamp his virgin ass around my fingers to keep them inside. That was my cue to give him the real thing. Turning him onto his back, I pulled his hips to the edge of the couch and knelt between his thighs on the floor, Placing his long, muscular legs over my shoulders, I looked down at the semi-delirious, semi-conscious, semi-erect teen and moved my crotch forward until I felt my thick penis penetrate his unfucked hole. Suddenly his eyes came into focus and he threw his arms up to push me off as I rammed home all 8.5 inches of circumsized 24 yr old man meat, until my pubes came to rest against his sphincter. Try as he might, my buff frame was too much for his skinny, sinewy, strong form. Maybe he'd have had a chance with less/no drugs in his system, but his altered state made him the perfect toy for my hungry hard on. Besides, his cock was only hard once I was balls deep in him, so it couldn't have been all bad. Over the next ten minutes I fucked him slow, then fast, soft, then hard, shallow then deep, until his hands stopped trying to push me away and began pulling me in to go faster, harder and deeper. Seeing the last ounce of reticence turn into desperation for more dick was all it took for me to lose it. "I'm going to cum inside you unless you tell me to stop," my hips picked up speed as I leaned in and informed him of what I had planned. His only answer came in the form of his hand taking up his cock and jerking himself off as fast as he could. Eyes locked, I saw them widen as he got close, and I nodded to show him I was getting there too. Suddenly he gasped as a huge volley of cum rocketed up and splashed against my fuzzy pecs. Catching me off guard, I looked down and caught the next one across my cheek, nose and mouth. Tasting and smelling hot, fresh boy cum sent me over the edge. My back curled and stiffened as I lost control, pistoning deeper than I had yet, and depositing shot after shot of searing hot seamen into the furthest reaches of his no-longer-virgin asshole. His load soaked us both from neck to navel while his butt swallowed each drop I could give it. Panting, I collapsed against his heaving chest and kissed him hard while we recovered. Seeing the post-coital guilt setting in, I quickly retrieved the pipe from the table beside us and forced him to take a few hits, curbing his moral dilemma long enough for my cock to reharden. As round number two began, I could tell he wasn't ready. The truth of the matter was, I didn't care. Until I figured out a way to fuck Mike's ass too, his brother would be fulfilling the needs of two desires. No two ways about it.
    1 point
  44. I was 14 when my step cousin introduced his 9 inch arab fuck prick to my little virgin hole. I thought I would die, but after a while I got used to it, and since that time I'm addicted to take big cocks. I don't remember any cock which was too big or too painful, and I saw and experienced quite some examples which had insane sizes and shapes.
    1 point
  45. I have no problem taking monster cocks in my hole. In fact the bigger the cock the more comfortable the fuck. Small cock are painful. You just need to open your hole up mentally. Your hole can handle it. It's your mind that needs to open up. Once it does you'll never go back to small cocks.
    1 point
  46. Better late than never. Since so many people offered advise when I asked the question, I think I owe it to the forum members to tell how it went. I did travel to meet the guy who claimed had a monster 12 inch cock. Yes, he was very good looking and really did have a monster cock just as he had said in his CL ad, very long and very thick. Meeting him was really hot, he first gave me a massage and got me very excited before he tried to penetrate me. When he did penetrate me, he came in slowly but still it was painful. I thought he was tearing me up and was sure he had entered me completely, just to find out he was just half way there. Eventually I took the whole thing and he started fucking me slow but deep. It was absolutely wonderful, but the feeling was so strong, I could only take it for about 10 minutes. We waited a little, allowing me to relax and then we tried again. Still painful but even more pleasurable. Finally he did cum deep inside me. I was happy and proud I had taken the test and passed. I went back home feeling my ass like his cock was still inside me. It was a nice feeling. The thing is, the following morning, my ass hurt badly, like a bee had stung it. It was hard to go to the bathroom for the next three days as the sting of pain was always there. Finally, I got back to normal. Will I try it again? You bet!!! Now I know what to expect and will be ready for it.
    1 point
  47. Nothing better than a long, extra thick cock stretching me to my limits while I have my favorite bottle of poppers. I vividly remember the largest cock I have taken, he was easily 11" and very thick. When he first entered me I felt pain like never before, I begged him to pull out but he didn't, he just pulled back and slammed it in harder. He wound up breeding me 3 times that night (we were at a sex club) and I instantly became addicted to big cocks!
    1 point
  48. You do have to learn to relax. Make sure you use a lot of lube and take it slow until you are comfortable. My buddy is pretty experienced so he didn't have much problem taking me (I'm about 8' with average girth), but even he would have trouble after awhile because of how I fuck. Like wolf said, it's all about technique. I fuck like a piston and make no bones about it. Girls I've been with have complained about me hitting their cervix because I like to go deep and hard and fast. It's really a combination of good core muscles, good hip movement, and Vicodin which makes it harder for you to finish. Once you've had your hole wrecked once you'll realize it's totally worth it.
    1 point
  49. As a bottom I cum quickly and prematurely nearly all the time. But it's my problem. If I can't contol myself and then dislike being fucked then tough. I have to grin and bear it and take what's given to me as that is my job, no matter how much it might hurt and ashamed I might feel post-orgasm.
    1 point
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