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  1. Part 1 Senator Davis lived next door to me. Or should I say the militant, racist, homophobic, Evangelical, far-right wing, ex-Marine, piece of shit senator Davis lived next door to me. He was a fairly high ranking member of the Republican party, and seemed to be moving further on up. And for 15 years, I've had to live next door to him. For 15 years I've had to put up with his glares and sneers and very obvious disdain of me. And I admit, in a weird way I kind of liked it. I liked that just my mere existence managed to rile him up. I mean, if he hated fags and Jews THAT much then he could move. But fuck him! I was here first! And I'll be damned if I was going to be the one chased out! After all, this had been my family home for three generations. As an only child, and the last in the line, it had naturally gone to me. So I claimed my territorial rights. He had, though, built a huge fence between our properties. Higher than the one that had previously existed. But that was fine with me, it just provided that much more privacy for not only my huge pool parties, (aka orgies) but also one of my hobbies, shooting porn. I had many hobbies, shooting porn was just one of them. I had been left a lot of family money, which I had wisely invested, (thank you Microsoft and Apple!) so I had never actually worked a real job a single day of my 50 years. And I looked pretty damn good for my age. Well, I could afford to. The best trainers and the best surgeons made me look easily 15 years younger than I was, despite the fact that I was poz. That, and I kept a youthful lifestyle. Youthful in the sense that I had always surrounded myself with beautiful young men. Money attracts that. I had learned early on that romantic relationships were just not for me. I would eventually get bored of whoever I was with, especially after they turned 22. So I kept it to houseboys, slaves, tricks, and the occasional whore. And I treated them very well. The houseboys at least, not so much the slaves, but then, that's why they were slaves. I always made sure the houseboys got a good education, so when I kicked them to the curb, they could at least support themselves. The slaves, I simply passed them along when I grew weary of them. I know lots of different people. If the Major only knew EVERYTHING that went on in my house his head would have exploded years ago. Ah yes, the Major. That's what I called the senator, because, well, that's what his son Chad calls him. Major, or Sir. I never once heard the kid call him dad. And I had observed their interactions for years. Every morning the Major and Chad would raise their American flag in their front yard and salut it before taking their morning run. Every evening Chad would play taps on a bugel as his father lowered and folded the flag. Oh Chad. Now, there was one of the finest young specimens I had ever laid eyes on. He was either the epitome of the perfect California boy, (even though we didn't live in California) or the ideal Hitler youth. Given that his dad is probably a Nazi, I'd go with the second analogy. He was probably 6'2" or 3, (certainly taller than his father) with golden blond hair that was shaved to stubble on the back and sides, but left a little longer on top with bangs that hung a little down his forehead over dazzling blue eyes that sparkled even brighter against his sun bronzed skin. His cute pug nose sat above a pair of thick, pink luscious lips. And his body was a work of art. Lean but solid muscle. He was a champion swimmer, having taken state in three different strokes, and he always kept it shaved totally smooth. How do I know this? Because years ago I had security cameras installed and one of them discreetly overlooked the Major's pool. Now, I'm not a total sicko, but I will admit I started spying on him with my laptop when he was 16. Many hours I spent watching as his dad made him swim laps over and over as he blew his whistle and screamed constantly at the kid, usually berating him. It wasn't till he was 18 that I REALLY starting taking a serious interest in the kid. I would zoom the camera in on his speedo covered body, admiring his firm pecs and tight stomach that had that perfect, amazing V that separated his abs from his hips and disappeared into his suit, practically pointing the way to what I'm sure had to be a gorgeous cock. I would salivate as he climbed out of the pool, wet, with his speedo's displaying a good sized bulge as the fabric strained against it. Of course, I eventually got to find out for sure about his cock as one day he had a young lady over. They frolicked together in the pool for a while, kissing, fondling each other before eventually climbing out and onto a pool chair. She laid down and it was at the perfect angle for me to see everything. She removed her top while he pulled down her bottoms. The he stripped out of his speedo and his glorious young cock sprung right up to attention. It was beautiful, I'm guessing about 9 inches, like my own, but not as fat. His was long and slender and curved into his belly. The girl giggled as he climbed between her legs, and like a typical teen boy, he just slid himself right into her. He wasted no time pumping his hips back and forth and I admired how his strong, white buttocks that contrasted so sharply against his bronzed skin clenched together each time he thrust into her. He fucked her hard and fast, as inexperienced boys do, and was soon throwing his head back with his mouth open as he filled the girl with his hot, young spunk. I emptied my own throbbing cock into the sucking mouth of my current houseboy as I imagined it was Chad between my legs, swallowing my load. It's funny how life can twist and turn. It was only one month later that I was sitting home alone one rainy night. Alone because my last houseboy had just had his 22nd birthday, so after a 15 man gangbang, he was gone. I was currently in between slaves, which was frankly an unusual position for me to be in. The doorbell rang, bringing me out of my daze of staring into the fire. I set my scotch down and answered it to see a soaking wet Chad standing before me. "I'm sorry to bother you Mr. Blum." An obviously drunk and very distraught Chad slurred at me. "But I'm kinda in a jam." "Well get in out of the rain!" I ordered him as I grabbed his elbow and he stumbled inside. "Get out of those wet clothes and I'll get you something dry to wear." I left him as he was peeling off his wet t-shirt. I returned with a robe, a nice thick terry cloth one. I was surprised to see that he was totally naked when I returned. He was obviously not shy. He had neatly folded his wet clothes and left them sitting by the door. I handed him the robe and grabbed his wet clothes. "I'll put these in the dryer. Go a head and have a seat by the fire. It'll warm you up." I returned to find him sitting on the floor in front of the fire, his knees pulled up to his chest and looking miserable. I poured a couple of fresh scotches and sat on the sofa. I patted the seat and said, "Come here Chad. Tell me what's going on." He sat next to me and I handed him a scotch. He sipped it while he looked anxious and upset. It took a while but finally he started talking. "The Major and I had it out tonight." He started, nervously. "I finally snapped, I couldn't take it anymore." I could sense the fear and anger in his eyes as he spoke. "Nothing is ever good enough for him. He wants me to attend Annapolis then go into the Marines like him. I have a 4.2 gpa, but it's not enough for him. 'You have to better chad.'" He said in a mocking voice. "'You have to try harder. Study more. Be faster, be stronger. Don't be a pussy, Chad! Be a fucking man, Chad!'" His voice was raising as he got angrier and angrier. Then he just exploded. "I HATE HIM!" He started shouting as he pounded his fist into one of my pillows over and over. "I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!" Then he broke down crying, great heaving sobs. I reached out and pulled him into me and he cried into my chest. "So what happened tonight to set you off?" I asked, after he had calmed down. "He was yelling at me, like usual, and I just kind of snapped." He said sniffing as he wiped away tears. He had gone from an angry young man to a sad little boy as he cuddled into my chest. "I told him fuck Annapolis, I didn't want to go there and I don't want to be a Marine. Then he grabbed the strap and came at me. I swung and nailed him in the head. He fell to the ground and I panicked. I grabbed a bottle from the liquor cabinet and took off. I was so freaked out that I left without even my wallet or keys. I had no money and no where to go, so I walked around in the rain and drank the bottle. Then I saw your light was still on so I thought maybe......I mean, my dad hates you, but I always thought you were nice, so I took a chance and rang your bell." "Well I'm glad you did Chad." I said as I softly stroked his head. "You shouldn't be out on a night like this with no where to go. So, you mentioned a strap. Has he used it on you before?" Chad just slowly nodded his head. "Often?" I continued. Again he nodded his head. I could feel my blood start to boil. "Did he do anything else to you?" "He would lock me in my room, sometimes without dinner if I didn't perform well enough on a test or a meet." "Anything else?" I asked. "He was constantly yelling at me. Telling me I was worthless, stupid, a waste of his sperm." This really got me angry. It's one thing to have a slave and abuse him, that's what they want after all, but what this kid went through, nobody should ever have to. Especially not a kid as good as Chad. "You wanna know something else?" He asked softly. "What's that?" "He's never hugged me. Ever. He says real men don't hug, only sissies. And real men don't show emotions." I held him tighter as he said this to me. "That's bullshit." I said. "Your dad is a class A piece of shit. Everyone needs hugs. Even real men." As I said this he started crying again. I held him tight until he stopped crying again. Then I let him go and reached for a little wooden box. "I have something I think you could use right now." I said as I opened the box and pulled out a joint. "You ever get high?" I asked him. "Oh God no, Sir. The Major would fucking KILL me." "Well, I think it's about time then. Fuck your dad. I think you should start doing things for you and not for him. This shit will make you feel real good. And I think you need to feel good right now." "Yes Sir, if you think so. I've always been curious." "Then it's settled." I said as I lit the lighter. "And none of this Sir shit. Call me Abe." "Yes Sir. I mean Abe. Sorry." "That's better." I said as I toked on the joint. Then I handed it to Chad. He took a big hit and immediately started a huge coughing fit. I just laughed. "Cough to get off." I said. "The first couple hits are the worst. Then you'll get the hang of it." By his 4th hit, he was barely coughing at all. Soon the joint was gone. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Good." He said giggling. Ah, I miss those days when getting stoned would give me the giggles. "Well I'm gonna make you feel real good." I said as I walked over to the credenza and pulled out a bong. After a few tips on it, Chad was flying high, is eyes red as red could be. He was laying back on the sofa and his robe had come open and his legs were spread. I don't even think he realized it, but I had a great view of his flat, smooth pecks and an even better view of his sweet, 18 year old cock sitting on top of a big pair of balls full of teenage spunk, all surrounded by his bushy blond pubes. My mouth watered. "Hey Abe," Chad began. "Can I tell you a secret?" "Of course, you can tell me anything." "Well, um, I'm pretty sure I'm gay." You could have blown me over right then and there. I was floored. "Well, what makes you think you're gay?" "When I look at guys, especially in the locker room, I get funny feelings. Feelings like I want to be with them, kiss them, touch them, especially their cocks." "But you've been with girls right?" I asked, knowing full well he had. "Maybe your bi?" "Yea, a few. But only cause I thought I was supposed to. But when I was fucking them, I was thinking about guys. So I don't think I'm bi." "But you've never been with a guy?" "No, never. But when I jerk off, I like to play with my butt. I put things up there. Carrots, cucumbers, hair brush handles, whatever I can find. It feels real good and I imagine it's one of the hot jocks from school fucking me." He giggled some more as his cock started to harden. "And can I tell you something else?" "Of course." "The main reason I came over here tonight is because I hoped you would be my first." My mouth went dry upon hearing this. I couldn't believe this hot fucking kid that I had been fantasizing about was asking me to fuck him. "Are you sure Chad? That's really want you want?" "Yes." He whispered. "Please Sir. I want it so bad. I want to throw it in the Major's face that his precious son is a faggot who takes it up the ass. Will you please take my virginity?" My head was swimming from what I was hearing. "Of course dear boy." I finally managed to say. "If that's what you really want, I'd be happy to." A big grin spread across his face as I stood up and took his hand, leading him into the bedroom. As soon as we got on the bed he grabbed me and started kissing me passionately. I grabbed the lube and started fingering his ass, stretching his boy hole in preparation of my fat 9". He must have played with his hole a lot because in no time I easily had three fingers sliding in and out of him while he moaned like a whore. I finally pulled off of him and sat up as he layed there panting like a bitch in heat. "So now I have something I have to tell you. I only fuck raw. No rubbers, ever. And I'm hiv+." He looked at me in silence for a moment. "You don't look sick." He finally said. "I thought aids made you look sick." "I don't have aids." I corrected him. "I have hiv. I've had it for 20 years. It's a totally manageable condition these days. Like diabetes. I take meds and I'm healthy." "That's so hot!" He said after a moment. "I want hiv. That would destroy the Major to know he has a faggot son who takes cock up the ass and is hiv+. Give it to me Sir. Please!" He begged. My dick throbbed as I listened to him beg. And I didn't even correct him for calling me Sir. I liked it in this context. "All right boy, if that's what you want." "I do Sir! I want it! I want to make the Major suffer!" "You know boy, you don't always catch it the first time. I may have to fuck your ass for weeks before you catch it. Or maybe I'll share your hot ass with my friends, and they can help infect you." "Yes Sir, whatever it takes! Just give it to me!" With that I lubed up my cock and lined it up against his hole. With a little push, my mushroom head popped past the kids sphincter. He cried out but I couldn't tell if it was in agony of ecstasy, so I just held it there for a moment. "Here," I said, placing a brown bottle under his nose. "Breath this in, it will help relax you. Deep breaths, and hold it until I tell you to release it." He did as he was told and soon had taken 6 large hits. "That's a good boy." I praised him. "You're doing so well." I could tell the poppers were doing their job as his face flushed a deep red and his eyes went out of focus. His hole heated up and loosened and I knew he was ready for it. Slid my entire length into him in one slow push, relishing the feeling of stretching his insides for the first time in his young life. He just groaned as my pubes rubbed against his anal ring. Then he let out a big sigh and grinned. This future poz kid was a natural born bottom. I placed his knees over my shoulders and held his thighs as I started fucking him. He just grunted and moaned as my cock worked it's magic on his prostate. I looked down on his beautiful face as little smiles accompanied his grunts. He was truly loving his first poz fuck. This kid was so hot I was already going to shoot my wad. I couldn't help it. "Are you ready?" I asked him. "Are you ready for your first load of poz cum in your bitch boy hole? Are you ready to take your first step in becoming a pozzed up whore?" "Do it!" He panted. "Give me your poz load! Make me a pozzed up whore! Fuck you Major! Look at your son now! Look at your faggot poz cock taking whore of a son now!" Just hearing him say that sent me over the edge. I grabbed his long thin cock and started jerking it. "Here it comes slut! Here comes your first poz load in your faggot whore pussy!" With that, I buried myself in him and let loose with my dirty cum. He let out a cry and his boy cock started spewing a huge load. His first two shots landed on his face, the rest coating his smooth, bronzed chest. The whiteness of his jizz contrasted nicely with his deep tan. He truly looked like a well fucked cum slut. As I scooped up his cum from his body and fed it to him, I said, "Oh boy, do I have some plans for you, you little poz cum slut." He just smiled at me. "I can't wait Sir."
    20 points
  2. Part 14 I was sitting at the table the next morning as mom was finishing up breakfast. I watched her wondering if she had any clue about my dad fucking another woman. As I was pondering this, my dad walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a big smootch on the cheek. "Morning dear." He said as he patted her on the butt. "Morning hun." She replied, patting him on his cheek. My parents have always been affectionate to each other and seemed to have a strong marriage, so it confused me even more that my dad was cheating on her. But then like Colt pointed out, who the hell was I to judge? After all, I could still feel a slight ache in my ass from Colt fucking me. "Well look what our son has on his neck, Doris." Laughed my dad. "Get lucky this weekend sport? That's my boy!" I was mortified because I had completely forgotten about the massive hickey Colt had left on my neck. My hand went up to instinctively cover it. "Now Bill, you know I don't approve of that." Said my mom. "I think it's trashy." "Oh come on." My dad replied. "Boys will be boys." "Besides," continued my mom, "with as much time as he spends with Colt, I don't even see where he has time for girls." "Maybe they found a slutty cheerleader and double teamed her." Joked my dad. "Stop it right now!" My mom demanded. "I will not stand for this kind of talk! And you're embarrassing the boy. Look, he's blushing." "Oh come on. He knows I'm just joking, don't you son?" It was true. I was blushing. But not just from the conversation. The sex talk made me think about eating my dad's cum last night, and I was getting hard. "It's ok mom." I said as I wolfed down my food. "Dad's just teasing me. But I gotta shower before I'm late." I said as I jumped up from the table. I ran upstairs and turned the shower on before checking myself in the mirror. Damn, Colt had left a huge deep purple hickey. I thought about trying to cover it up with some of mom's makeup, but realized it would be a futile effort. I would just have to deal with it. I quickly showered and headed out the door. I saw Colt almost immediately at school. He was wearing one of his thermal tops that he wore when we went hunting. I have to admit, I loved seeing him in it. The white fabric clinged to his body and accentuated every one of his muscles. "Guess I'll have to wear these for a few days." He laughed. "Well, that's what you get for being such a nasty slut!" I whispered to him. "Yea, I guess so. See ya later." He waved as he ran off to first period. The rest of the week flew by with Colt and I hooking up as much as we could. We just couldn't get enough of each other. We even managed to find an unused supply closet where could fuck each other during school. And I'll tell ya, there is nothing quite like the feeling of sitting by Colt in Trig with a freshly fucked hole full of his cum. And we both had started wearing butt plugs to keep in each other's loads during class. I would casually gyrate my ass on my seat and feel it pushing against my prostate causing my dick to leak. Life was good. Friday night found us heading back into the city for one of Colt's shows. Unbeknownst to me, it was about to become my official debut. He had snuck our football gear into a duffle bag in the back of the truck. I didn't question what was in it as I assumed it was the sex toys we had purchased. We casually hit the pipe back and forth as we traveled down the highway and were already nicely spun when we arrived at Dante's and Carlos'. "I gotta surprise for you." Colt said as he tossed the bag on the bed. "Tonight, you're going to star in your first movie." "What the fuck Colt!" I asked, shocked. "I don't know man. I don't think I can do that." "Come on baby." He said, pulling me into him and kissing me, using his seductive, persuasive voice that he knew could get me to do anything he wanted. "Do it for me. Do it for your big daddy. It'll be so hot." "But what if someone finds out?" I asked with genuine concern. "No one will find out baby." He purred. "I promise. Do you think I would have done everything I have if I was worried about someone finding out? Now here, hit this." He said as he handed me the pipe. As I hit it, he unbuckled my pants and pushed them down. "Colt, I......." My voice trailed off as I was getting lost in the T and Colt's power over me. "Shhhhhh baby." He hushed me as he pulled my shirt over my head. In no time flat he had me completely naked. "Now baby, let's get you dressed up. My mind was in a fog of drugs and lust as Colt put on my football gear. The full uniform. Pads, cleats, jock, pants, helmet, the works. Then I sat on the bed as I watched Colt strip and gear up. "You guys ready?" Asked Carlos. "Yea, were ready." Answered Colt. "Then let's begin." Said Dante. "Oh man this is going to be hot!" Carlos started filming as I watched Colt tie off my arm, swab me, and stick the needle in. After he pushed the plunger and I layed back coughing, he did the same to himself. Then he slowly removed my helmet, then his own. He stared deeply into my eyes as he leaned in and started kissing me, tenderly. We made out for a few minutes before he slowly pushed me back and unlaced my pants. Fishing my hard cock out of my jockstrap, he began slowly sucking my cock. He licked it all over before eventually deep troating it. I groaned as he worked his magic on me. After sucking me for a while, Colt stood up and untied his pants, pulling out his big cock. "Let's see what kind of mouth you got, faggot." He growled as he grabbed the back of my head pulling me into him. I instinctively opened my mouth and took him in. "Oh yeah." He moaned. "Suck my cock you cocksucking fag." He ordered me. I lost myself in the moment and really went to town on his dick. "Oh yeah, straight football boy." Colt laughed. "You ain't no straight boy. Straight boys don't suck cock like that. You're a fucking queer!" "Yes sir." I mumbled with his cock stuffed in my mouth. "Say it fag. Say your a cocksucking faggot queer!" He ordered me. Pulling me off of his cock by my hair, he shouted at me. "SAY IT!" "Yes Sir!" I panted. "I'm a cocksucking faggot queer!" "That's right you are!" He said as he spit on my face. Then he grabbed the back of my head again and rammed his huge dick all the way down my throat, holding me tight against his pubes until I ran out of air and started flailing my arms. Then he pulled out and I gasped for air as I spit up phlegm and it ran down my chin. He grabbed my hair and started to throat fuck me. And it wasn't a gentle throat fuck either, he was brutally slamming into me over and over as I choked and gagged. Eventually, he pulled himself from my throat, picked me up and threw me face down on the bed. He pulled my pants down to my ankles and smacked my bare ass a few times. "Let's see if your faggot pussy is as good as your cocksucking mouth!" He barked as he mounted me. He wrapped one of his python biceps around my neck, choking me. Then, with only spit covering his cock, he rammed it into me in one hard thrust. "Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggg!" I screamed as my eyes filled with tears. Even though I had taken his cock many times, this was different. This was straight up rape. Dante handed Colt a popper soaked rag which he held over my nose and mouth. Soon the chemicals started doing their job and my hole loosened up a bit. But that didn't slow Colt down at all. He fucked me as hard as he could as tears flowed from my eyes. "Say you like big cock up your faggot hole, bitch. Say you love having your pussy ass queer hole raped like a little bitch. SAY IT YOU STUPID CUNT!" He shouted. "Yes Sir." I sputtered through my tears as he continued to choke me. "I love having cock up my queer hole! I love having my pussy faggot hole raped by your big cock!" "Beg me to rape you harder, faggot! DO IT! Beg for my cum in your worthless cunt!" "Please Sir!" I begged through my tears and pain. "Please rape my worthless cunt harder! Cum in my ass Sir! Cum in my worthless faggot ass!" I don't know how it was possible, but Colt managed to rape me even harder! He pounded me over and over while I continued to sob. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Colt began to huff and puff before announcing, "I'm cumming bitch! I'm cumming in your faggot queer ass!" With that he buried himself in me and held still. I could feel his cock swell and throb as he pumped his cum deep inside me. And to my shock and surprise, my own cock that only until now I realized had been hard the whole time, started shooting off, soaking my jock and the bed beneath me. Colt collapsed on my back as the last of his load slowly dribbled out of his cock and into my brutalized hole. He rolled off me, with a satisfied grin on his face. "Well, let's not let the bitch get comfortable, get up here Carlos!" He instructed the Mexican. "Let's get this cunt naked!" They stripped me of my uniform and laughed when they discovered I had shot my load from my raping. And the next thing I knew, Carlos had me on my hands and knees and he was ramming his fat Mexican cock into me. I started to moan as his was fuck wasn't as brutal as Colt's and was much more pleasurable. Colt just smiled as he patted me on the head like a dog. "That's a good boy." He praised me. "That's a good little faggot slut." I felt a deep sense of pride that I was making Colt happy. After Carlos had added his load into me, Dante moved in. I watched as he coated his dick in a coating of crystals. I anticipated the oncoming feeling of the burn with a mixture of fear and longing. My pussy was aching, but I somehow wanted it to ache more. And I wasn't disappointed. Dante sunk his big black snake into me and I hissed and moaned as my body shook from the intense burn. I instantly wrapped my arms and legs around Dante and started begging him to fuck me. "Fuck me stud! Fuck my slutty faggot pussy!" I begged him. "Give it to me. I'm a faggot bitch hole to use and fuck! Oh God, FUCK ME!" Dante started fucking me deep and hard, and I just begged for more. "I'm tired of listening to this faggots mouth." I heard Colt say as he climbed by my head. He grabbed my hair and pulled my hair back, causing my mouth to fall open. He had a straight shot right down my throat, and he took full advantage of it, burying his bone all the way down my gullet. He wrapped his hands around my throat so he could feel his big cock stretch my throat out and stroke his cock at the same time. After Dante shot his load deep inside me to join the other two, Colt returned to my ass, giving me another brutal fuck. By the end of the night I had taken 6 loads in my hungry pussy. The final shot for the camera was a close up of my red, ravaged hole as I pushed my rosebud out and it dripped cum. We decided to spend the night at Dante's and Carlos' that night in the spare room. We were still wired and horny as Colt climbed between my legs. "I got one more in me baby. Come on, let daddy in." I didn't even try to refuse as I spread my legs. This time, Colt was gentle and loving and he made love to me. "I'm so proud of you baby." He moaned into my ear as he sawed in and out of my pussy. "You did so good tonight. You made daddy very happy. Daddy loves his slutty little meth whore. I love you so much." "I love you too daddy. I always want to please you. I always want to make you happy." "You do baby, you do." He moaned as he started cumming in me. Of course, my own cock shot off at the same time.
    17 points
  3. I entered their room, I've never been inside. it felt like a club, LED lights around the ceiling and corners, a nice big TV, and a huge bed. Stephen was in bed alright, slowly stroking, a porn compilation was playing on the huge television. I walked up to the edge of the bed and without looking at me Stephen pointed down to his cock. I climbed onto the bed and crawled to him replacing his hand with my mouth on his cock, my ass facing their bathroom. Stephens hand wrapped around the back of my head and he guided me up and down, moaning. I heard the bathroom door open and Cory dove into my ass with his tongue, it felt amazing. I wanted Cory to stick his cock in my ass already, but I knew Stephen would be going first. I was right. Stephen pulled my head off his cock and up to him, "Ride me". As I climbed onto him he reached over, pumped lube into his hand, then onto his cock and reached under my balls and shoved 1 finger into my ass, moving it around. I placed his cock at the entrance and slowly sat down, it would go in a bit, and my ass would start to reject it, so I'd start over. All of a sudden a wash cloth was placed over my face, I gasped, getting a huge whiff of some odd chemical, I immediately got dizzy. "Fuck is this chloroform?" I thought to myself. My ass loosened and his cock sunk deep into my ass, my mouth opened, and I took even more of the chemical into my lungs. I didn't pass out, instead my head was swirling and throbbing. I heard Stephen say, "Ride it bitch, make me cum." I slowly worked his cock as I've seen countless girls do in porn. I felt Corey's hand wrap around my cock from behind, his dick was in between my ass cheeks. This was the most pleasure I've experienced when it comes to sex. Corey's hand is no pussy but the combination of all of this was driving me wild. "Do you want to cum?" Stephen asked, taking over for Corey. I nodded. He slapped my cock, reached up and grabbed my throat pulling me down to him. "Do you want to cum?" he asked again. "Yes Sir" "Good straight boy, or are you our secret little faggot" I nodded again, my head throbbing. "Say it!" "I'm your secret little faggot" "Corey didn't hear you" As I went to say it louder the rag was placed over my mouth again, there was a different smell, a familiar one. My head swirled some more. "Earn it, if you want to cum" Stephen said letting go of my throat. I rode his cock as best I could, it never slipped out and he started meeting my movement, I lost track of Corey. "That's it, that's it." he said through gritted teeth. His hands grabbed my ass and shoved me down onto his cock as deep as it goes as he moaned and lurched, I couldn't feel the cum but I could feel the base of his cock tensing up. Stephen reached up and grabbed my throat again pulling me down to him, bringing me in for a kiss. Our tongues danced and traded saliva as he moaned. I felt what assumed to be Corey's cock at the entrance to my ass. He pressed it in, Stephens cock was still in there. I gasped into Stephens mouth, his cock popped out, and Corey took over really pounding my ass. His hands gripped onto my hips and he kept a steady pace. It wasn't long until he filled my ass with his cum as well. Stephen ended the kiss pulled me past next to his head. "We're thirsty, go pick us up something." he said into my ear. A large plug was being pressed into my ass. "Our cum stays in you." Corey finished getting the plug in and slapped my ass. "Light blue Gatorade please, lemon lime for yourself". He gave me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I changed in front of them in a cum drunk poppered up daze. I grabbed my keys, phone and mask from the front room and headed to 7-11. I picked up the Gatorades and 1 for Katie as well. As I was purchasing them, and hand pinched my ass. I jumped slightly and turned around. Standing right behind me was Thomas. "FUCK" I thought. Thomas laughed and was holding an unsuspecting twink in his arm, they were buying condoms and beer, but I could smell the alcohol through my mask. "Join us tonight, your ass felt amazing" He said reaching out for me. "No thanks," I said dodging his hand. This poor kid isn't going to be fucked using those condoms tonight. Thomas laughed and as he slapped my ass I felt his hand hit the plug. And from his reaction, he knew what he hit. "Damn, come on you slut, I'm more fun than that plug." I grabbed the bag of drinks and snacks and bolted out of the 7-11 to Thomas laughing and a few others checking me out. I rushed home, gave the drinks to Stephen and Corey, changed and went to bed after drinking a whole water bottle and half the Gatorade. The plug stayed at their request.
    9 points
  4. I was so horny today that I had to stop by the bookstore. Just my fucking luck the place is dead. I needed to cum so I paid the attendant and went in the back. I got in my booth and just as I yanked out my cock the attendant comes in and starts sucking my cock. Hell I didn't complain. His mouth felt wonderful. He had me slide my ass to the edge of the bench and as he continued sucking my cock he slid a finger up my ass. That was to much and I shot my load deep down his throat. After I finished cumming he withdrew his finger and undid his pants. His cock was hard and leaking and I engulfed it in my mouth. His cock was 7 inches but not thick so it fit perfectly in my mouth. After several minutes he said he wanted to fuck me. I knew I should have asked for a condom but the whore in me just said ok as I turned around and presented my ass to him. He used his spit on my ass and with my saliva coating his cock he shoved his cock up my ass. He was what I needed right then. He grabbed my hips and fucked me hard. Just the way I love it. Within a couple of minutes he was ready to cum and I told him to fill me up. He laughed and called me a pig and filled my ass with his cum. I felt each wave of cum on my ass and I had another orgasm without touching myself. After he finished he pulled his cock from my ass and told me to stay put. He got in front of me and told me to clean his cock for him. I obeyed. As I cleaned his cock he stroked my head and said welcome to the club. He saw the confusion in my eyes and laughed. His cock got hard again and he said he had shot his poz babies in my ass. Instead of being pissed i stopped sucking his cock and begged him to fuck me again. And he did eagerly. He rammed his cock back in my ass and within minutes I had another poz load from him. After he came he told me to stay still. He zipped his pants back up and went to the sales floor. He had returned with a butt plug and inserted it in my ass. He then asked for my number and said he would message me when I could remove the butt plug. He told me I could get dressed and to await his message. So I'm now sitting at home still waiting.
    6 points
  5. I went over to the couch and managed to pick Katie up and take her to her bedroom. She flopped down on the bed and sighed. I got changed into something more comfortable, just a tank top and shorts, when I closed the drawer the container of poppers rolled out from under another pair of shorts. My cock twitched, betraying me, I put the tiny bottle in my pocket. As I exited the room I set up her umbrella against her door so if she opens it, I'll hear it and have enough warning. I enter the living space to find Cory and Stephen on the couch kissing and playing with each other. Stephen called me over. "Hmm, you need a better outfit, Cory," he said patting him on the ass "go give him something to wear." Cory smiled and got up and pulled me to the bedroom. "Have you ever worn a jock strap?" he said opening a drawer. "No is that those ass-less things?" "Yes, Damn you straight boys are boring nowadays. Here." he handed me a tiny piece of fabric. "lets see it". I slowly dropped my shorts and stepped into the jock, pulling it up all the way. It felt super strange, very exposed. "Really? Nasty pig?" I said finally reading the words on the strap. "I saw you that night, you're a nasty pig, just in training. Put this tank top on." I put the tight tank top on, grabbed my shorts and walked out to Stephen with Cory behind me. "Atta girl, I just let Danny into the building, you should let him in." As he finished that sentence the door opened and there stood Danny smiling. "Oh what a great surprise!" he said walking up to me, inspecting and circling me. His hand rested on the waistband and traveled along the rim to my back, he dropped his hand and gave my ass a squeeze. "On your knees bitch, I haven't cum yet today I'm over due." I got on my knees in front of him, I could see a bulge in his shorts. "He is not a big guy, there's no way his cock is this big" I thought to myself. "Come on sweetie, bring out your treat" I reached up and tucked my fingers under the waistband of his shorts and pulled down, He cock sprang free from his underwear underneath and gently slapped my cheek. My mouth opened a bit in surprise. And then I realized I must have looked like one of those countless porns with "cock reactions" from the girls. "Go slow first, kiss all over my cock." I did as I was told, kissing the base, the underside, the sides and of course the head. His hand started to gently caress my head, running through my hair. "Lets go to the couch." Danny said stepping over to the couch and sitting next to Stephen. Stephen patted the couch next to him and I got on my knees facing him and Danny, reaching over Stephen to take Danny's massive cock into my mouth. Stephens hand rubbed my lower back, my ass and my legs. Danny's cock tasted freshly washed and was really putting a strain on my mouth and jaw, I'm barely in it. Danny's hands helped guide my head up and down his shaft. I did my best to take him as deep as I could, but I couldn't help but gag. He was gentle about it, when I would gag he would let up and slow down. He seemed to get close and he stopped me, "He needs some loving too." I felt a mouth press against my exposed asshole and a hand fished my cock out of the jock strap. then Stephens hand grabbed my hand, I was jacking Stephen off with my free hand, as I started to go down on Danny again trying my best to make him cum. Cory was jerking my cock while eating my ass, I had never felt a sensation like it before, his tongue working in and out, all around my puckered hole. Danny got worked quickly, moaned and grabbed my head again forcing my head down as he came into my mouth. Stream after stream coating my mouth, they were right, it was sweet. Stephen extended his legs and sighed, his foot kicking my shorts and I heard the bottle of poppers leave the pocket and roll across the floor, and everything stopped, I gulped. "You dirty slut, when were you planning on taking those?" Stephen said. "Right now" Danny said. "Go get it on your hands and knees" he said playfully slapping my face. I stepped down to the floor and crawled across the room to grab the poppers. I turned around and all three guys had their cocks in their hands gently stroking and watching me. "Go ahead". I shook the bottle, took a hit and was starting to feel really good. "Go to the bathroom and get in the tub you nasty pig" Danny said. Stephen and Cory both acted excited, "ooooo" and they got up and went to their bedroom as I got up and went to the bathroom, Danny following me with a hand on my ass. As we entered the bathroom Danny practically slammed the door, he pinned me against it and said "Have you ever kissed a guy?" I shook my head no. "You kiss me like I'm your girlfriend and I might let you leave this bathroom dry." I leaned down to meet his lips and quickly his tongue entered my mouth, we kissed for quite a while and other than the bit of scruff I'm not used to, it was pretty hot. My cock was pressing against the jock strap. Danny stopped the kiss, reached for my hand where the poppers were and lifted it up. "take 2 hits, 1 in each nostril. Then tell me you what you think I brought you in here for" I took the two hits as told and I could feel my inhibitions leave me. "You were going to piss on me?" I asked. "Do you want me to piss on you?" "I want you to do what you want," came out of my mouth. "what the fuck" I thought. "In the tub piggy" he said giving my ass a big slap. I opened the curtain and climbed in the tub getting on my knees. "You don't have to drink it all but you do need to try 1 mouthful." he said. I stared up at him and saw him relax as he let out a sigh. a stream of off clear piss trickled to my knees, up to my thighs, getting more powerful as he went up my body to my face, I opened my mouth and let it fill up. I tried to swallow but it was tough, as I struggled to figure it out. He let the stream wet my hair and continue to coat my body. *Clunk* I came to my senses. The umbrella I set up in Katies room had fell over. She's awake. There was a knock at the door. Danny called out, "1 second sweatheart". He motioned to open my mouth again, his stream filling my mouth. I swallowed it, he handed me the poppers and said "2 more hits". "Fuck" I thought, "what is he going to do!" he flushed the toilet clocked the curtain and opened the door. "Hey sweetie here you go." and I heard Katie enter the bathroom, sit and use the toilet. I was terrified, sitting in the tub less that 3 feet away, in a jock strap, covered in piss. I lifted the bottle to my nose and took a slow and deep hit of the poppers. Katie sniffled, finished, got up and left the bathroom, I heard her go back to her room and shut the door. I relaxed in the tub. I can't believe I didn't get caught. The door opened again and I practically jumped. "Oh. My. God." I heard Stephen say, "I can't believe you didn't get caught." "I know me too" I said about to get up. "Ah ah ah, stay there, we have to go you nasty little piggy" Both Cory and Stephen were standing there, semi soft cocks in hand pointed at me. The streams started to flow in the same way Danny's started, on my knees, all the way up to my face. "Did you drink Danny down?" Cory asked. I nodded. "Then open up" Stephen said. My mouth quickly filled with their piss and spilled all over me. they were done faster than Danny. "Danny wanted to fuck your ass but wanted to know if you ever tested POZ." "I tested negative last week." "Oh fuck" Cory said. "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked. "Yes," Stephen said, "Unless Thomas finds out, then he won't rest until he converts you" "Let's hope he never finds out then" I said standing up. "We're happy you're neg...for now. We have a lot of friends that want a piece of your ass." Cory said. "Yeah it will be a lot easier to share you" Stephen said. "That's funny guys, we'll see." "Rinse off and join us tonight. We get a piece first"
    5 points
  6. As I finished shooting my load inside of Javier's hungry hole, I slid my cock out and it was covered in cum and blood...I went over to the side of the bed and Javier gladly took my cock and started cleaning it with his cock..DAMN that felt good ...he not only has a good ass for cock but he knows how to suck cock....Javier reached down and started stroking his cock, but Rick pulled his hand away and said NO you need to shoot your last neg loads in my boys ass. Javier looked up and said sure, hey Jack why dont you get bend over the bed might be easier for me to ride your ass...So i gladly bent over the bed as he started to slide his hard cock into my hungry hole...Took him a bit but then he started riding my ass and it felt good, didnt take him long to cum. We took a break and had something to drink and relax a bit before we started another road of breeding sessions...While Javier was in the bathroom cleaning up I asked Rick what did he think. Rick smiled and said this is alot of fun...I think Javier will be happy with both our poz loads....We spent the rest of the weekend filling up Javier as much as possible and making sure his ass was torn up a bit so our virus can get in and take over.
    4 points
  7. "Fuck Yeah! Hold that pose." He said, then grabbed his phone and took a few pictures. "I'm sending these to my buds," he said as he tapped away on his phone. Then turned to me, as I lay there with my hole beginning to leak his cum. I finally looked down at his dick and I couldn't believe that huge log had been inside me. It was thicker than a beer can and I'm pretty sure that the 9 inches were an underestimation. The head was huge, angry, and red, with a pearl of bright white cum hanging from the piss slit. My eyes widened and he laughed. "Yeah, it's tough for me to find bottoms that can or even want to take me sometimes, it's why I prefer the anonymous scene ha ha." "Holy shit! I'm glad I'm stoned and buzzed because otherwise there's no way I'd have taken you." I said. "Then I'm going to take advantage." He said; scooting forward and slapping that huge cockhead on my hole. "Look into my eyes," he said and I looked up at him. I found his smile comforting and he continued, "You already took it, that ass is already mine. But you set up tonight for a reason, you don't just want to get fucked. You NEED to get fucked. And you NEED to get pozzed so that's what I'm here to give you. Now take a deep sniff of poppers, hold your breath, and let it out when I tell you." I looked into his eyes, took a deep sniff in each nostril, and held my breath. After about 5 seconds, he said, "Let it out." I began to exhale when he slammed his whole length into me. I'm pretty sure he must have torn me up a little but the poppers helped and I felt instantly full but also so euphoric that I moaned out loud. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down on top of me. I noticed that his pecs were pierced with small barbells and I began to nibble on his right nipple. "Oh fuck, baby. That's my kryptonite!" He said chuckling. Meanwhile, I could feel him begin to piston in and out. His thick shaft feeling like it was dragging my guts out on his out strokes but massaging my insides and pounding into my prostate on the in strokes. I squeezed my ass muscles, this time deliberately milking his dick. Knowing that I was no longer the nervous negative cuck that I was before he walked in the door. Now, I was a potential positive cumdump, finally taking that step that I'd feared for years. Realizing now that I had nothing to fear all along except this! Me, on my back with a handsome stranger smiling as he plowed away at my ass while his precious cum changed my DNA to match his! "Please cum inside me again." I said out loud. "I want your cum inside me. I want your babies in me. Please." I pleaded. "Oh fuck, you're still so fucking tight. I'm getting close again. Chew on my nipples baby, bite those fuckers!" I chewed and bit his nipple, using my tongue and front teeth to twist the barbell back and forth. He started huffing, puffing, and sucking his breath in hard through his teeth. "Ahhh, yeah, baby. Fuck, I'm getting close. Your ass is working hard for my load. But I want you to look into my eyes again and ask for it." "Yes please. Give me your load, your poz cum. Shoot it inside me and poz me please." I begged as I looked into his eyes and tweaked his nipples with my fingers. He got this intense look in his eyes and roared as his dick began to spasm and contract and I felt that tell tale warmth deep inside me that let me know he was breeding me again. "Fuuuuuuuck yeah! Pozzing your hot hole!" He said, as he collapsed on top of me. Soon after, he raised himself on his arms and said. "I want your number, I'm going to keep fucking you and I'm gonna make sure your ass is always full of cum." He pulled out of me, grabbed his phone and said, "Well, looks like your ass has about 30 minutes to rest. I see you got some weed, let's smoke. I have a feeling you're gonna need to be relaxed ha ha." It sounded playfully ominous but that's kind of what his appeal was to me; this intense manner of friendliness and control at the same time. Plus he was a stud, about 6'1", 185 lbs of muscle, and a handsome face with a thick hole wrecker that I was beginning to get addicted to. We stepped out to the balcony, smoked a joint while we waited for his friends and got to know each other a little better. "I'm horny all the time," He told me, "And jacking off doesn't cut it anymore. I need to fuck and breed, and I'm looking for a regular cumdump if you're interested. Besides, you got a one in fifty chance that you got pozzed tonight so I'm gonna keep breeding you til it takes." "Really? One in fifty?" I asked, suddenly feeling disappointed. "That's what they say, but that just means we gotta get at least fifty loads in you" he said with a wicked grin as he grabbed my ass and stuck his middle finger in me. He started digging at my insides and it kind of stung a little. He pulled out his finger, now covered in a pinkish layer of cum and winked at me. "Just tipping the odds in your favor." He said with a smile as his phone beeped.
    4 points
  8. Hump Day It was nice seeing the city start to come back to life. I didn't even mind having to wait in line at the grocery store since the baggy sweats were gone and the guys of boystown were showing flesh again. Monday kind of sucked with the announcement that we'd be starting to go back to the office two days a week. I knew it was going to happen eventually and realized that two days a week really wouldn't slow down my adventures. I needed a couple days of rest to let my balls recover. I daydreamed a bit, thinking of all the guys I'd fucked over lockdown which, of course made my cock stiffen again. I tapped out a couple messages after my next zoom meeting and it didn't take long to set something up. The tap at the door around 10:30 PM was a welcome sound. I checked the peephole to make sure I didn't open the door naked on the wrong person. "Hello... sir" Dragonboy's cousin said tentatively followed by a huge grin on his face. He had been trying to learn more English but was still a little unsure of himself. "Hello. Come in" I replied. He was still in his work scrubs, not having stopped at home to clean up which appealed to me on two levels - he was just as eager to fuck as me and he was a little ripe from a day's work. There was a waft of sweat, pheromones and a few more scents as he walked past me into my condo. "I hope you ok with me... coming here from work. No shower" he asked, pulling the top over his head. "It's good. I like it that way" I replied, taking the top from his hand and wadding it up before I held it to my nose and inhaled deeply. I tossed it toward the door and looked back at him with a smile on my face. The cousin chuckled and pushed the bottoms of his scrubs off too and stood there in a red jockstrap. It surprised me since I didn't think of him as an athletic guy. He was more the bikini brief kind of guy in my mind. He recognized my look and said "My cousin said these made it easy for men to..." I wasn't sure if he couldn't remember the English word "fuck" or just didn't want to say it. My cock was already getting hard, just seeing him standing there almost naked, ready to get recharged with more of my seed. I could have just pushed him against the wall and fucked him right away, but he took the initiative and dropped to his knees and began to suck my cock. The first few bobs on my cock were slow and got me fully hard, helped by his moaning around my dick. Quickly, he got more aggressive and began fucking his face on my shaft. It felt good plowing into his throat but it seemed that his intention was to get my cock ready for his ass as quickly as possible. I kinda wondered if he wasn't doing a lot of quickies at the hospital where he worked. With my hands on each side of his head I followed him for a few more strokes until he went all the way down again. I held him there, his face pressed hard into my pubes and my cock firmly lodged into his throat. I didn't count like I did with most of my cocksuckers, I just waited to feel him struggle. It took a several more seconds than I expected, but when I let him go he gasped for air and looked up at me smiling, with spit dripping off his chin. A lot of spit was dripping off my cock too and with a nod he stood up and I led him to the low shelves in front of the windows. He braced himself and spread his legs like the experienced bottom that he was. My fingers traced along his crack and when I pressed deeper I found a very wet hole. He giggled, knowing that I was a little surprised at him showing up pre-loaded. "A doctor at my work... very horny" he explained. I laughed as I started to drag my stiff cock between his ass cheeks, adding the doctor's cum to the cousin's spit. "Does he know you are toxic?" I asked, pressing the head of my cock to his hole and sliding in easily. There still seemed to be a lot of cum inside his fuck chute and I wondered how he got home without losing most of it. I was three quarters of the way in and could feel the slickness as he gripped my shaft. "I do not think so. I suck him with my clothes on then he make me bend over a desk and then pulls my bottom down just enough to insert himself in me" the cousin replied. I grabbed each of his shoulders while I was pulling back which let me brace properly for the drilling I was about to give him. Once Dragonboy and I had found out what a well used bottom he was, he no longer pretended to be inexperienced. All of our fucks after that were so much better and uninhibited. I wasn't sure what he would grunt out when I would thrust in especially hard, but it was never "No." At one point, I picked him up and laid him on his back, resting on the top of the shelves. My cock slammed in as I stared at him, his mouth going from an O as he gasped for breath to a big smile. He seemed to be as happy as I had ever seen him. I pounded him like this for several more minutes and then picked him up. His arms were wrapped around my neck and his legs around my body as he bounced on cock, moaning in my ear. When my breathing began to get labored, he whispered in my ear "give me more of your poison." Taking a few steps back, I leaned against the end of the couch. He began to ride feverishly, slamming down on my hips as my cock plunged deep inside him, his inner ring no longer showing any resistance. I noticed his cock was rock hard and poking out the top of the pouch. I pulled the strap under his balls and watched his cock bounce along as he rode me. Another few minutes and my balls were pulled up tight and ready to empty their load into his guts. He pushed down and gripped my cock as tight as he could and that drove me over the edge. My cock pulsed inside him, spraying my viral cream deep inside his body. After the third or fourth spurt, I felt his cock shooting his own load between us. I chuckled before saying "You shouldn't waste any of that cum, it needs to get planted inside a hungry hole." He giggled again and said "I did this morning with one of my work mates." "So, you've been sharing your bug. Have you given it to anyone yet? Gotten them sick?" I asked while he stood there, impaled on my slowly softening cock. He looked down at me and grinned. "Three by myself and one with my cousin. The one my cousin calls the runner was first" he said, beaming. I reached over and rubbed my thumb over the end of his cock, scooping up a drop of his tainted seed before licking it up. "Good. You like to share your gift. But... I thought your cousin was just a bottom" I said. The cousin nodded back with an even bigger grin. "He only fuck since he got sick. I do not know how many he has, but I hope we share another guy. It was fun" he said. My own face had a grin on it, knowing that Dragonboy was sharing the bug he worked so hard to get. The cousin leaned forward and my cock popped free. He scurried over to his clothes and pulled out a small plug and pushed it into his ass, before coming back to me. I gave him a slow, deep kiss before slapping his bare ass. "Thanks" I said as he headed back to his clothes by the door. He was dressed in only seconds and he smiled back at me. "Thank you. My... pussy? is always open for you" the cousin said before opening the door and heading down the hall. I was sure Dragonboy would be able to smell the cum on his cousin's body but wondered if he knew most of it was mine. -- Tuesday was one of those slow paced days with nothing crazy going on at work. I felt good having emptied my balls the night before and I didn't even feel the need to cruise any of the apps or sites all day. Wednesday was a different beast. It was non-stop phone calls and video conferences until mid afternoon. I finally finished dealing with the boatload of work email at five and spent the next few hours trying to get some of my regular work done. There was something gnawing at my brain most of the evening that I had something else I needed to do. It was almost 9pm when I closed the laptop and my mind shifted out of work mode. RJ had mentioned a DJ over at the bathhouse and I knew it would be steamy inside even with a smaller crowd. A shower before going over would probably be a waste of time and besides, I kinda wanted to be sweaty even before I arrived. I did change out of my video conference clothes and into something more appropriate. A jock, jogging shorts and a tank felt right. Grabbing some poppers and lube, I headed out, figuring I'd get a short run in and stop at the bath house after. "Just goin' for a run, Gordon" I said to the doorman before I stepped outside into the warm, muggy night. I took the long way over to the bathhouse, jogging at a mild pace but still working up a nice sweat. I guessed at the time but turned at the next corner and found my way over to my destination. There was only a small group waiting in line and I looked to see if RJ was one of them. The three guys in front of me seemed to be together and one by one they would look back at me and check me out not showing any expression whether they liked what they saw. "Probably too old for them" I laughed to myself. Looking down the street behind me, I saw RJ run around some guys who were clearly headed for the line. "Glad you could make it" he said a little breathlessly. "Yeah, I went for a short run and thought I'd stop by to see if this DJ is as good as you said. You should run more often... it builds up your stamina" I replied with a sly grin. We made our way inside a few minutes later and I dropped my clothes in the locker and joined RJ on the dance floor. We both looked around as the music thumped along seeing what other horned up guys were out. It was a decent size crowd and pleasantly diverse. Lots of different shapes, sizes and colors filled the ever changing crowd. After fifteen minutes of dancing and checking out the scenery, I nudged RJ and pointed towards the stairs. We made our way off the dance floor and headed up the stairs along with a few other people. Walking down the main hallway on the second floor I asked RJ "No room tonight?" and he laughed. "Never used the one I got last time... gonna save the money tonight" he replied, leaning in close. I grabbed the back of his head, raised my arm and pushed his face into my pit while pressing him against the wall. I could feel him breathe the smell in while his tongue lapped at my sweaty armpit. I knew from past experience that a sweaty pit was just as good as poppers for him and after a minute or two pushed him over to my other pit. He gave the new one just as much attention as the first before slowly sinking down on to his knees. His tongue flicked over my nip and abs as he went down and began slurping on my mostly hard cock that was poking out of the towel. The towel was soon slung over my shoulder, giving him better access. I let him nurse my dick fully hard as guys walked passed us in the hallway. Some would make a comment but all kept walking. They would look into the playroom nearby and kept going. That usually meant nothing was happening there so I grabbed RJ by the arm and tugged him to his feet. Dragging him into the room, I saw it was completely empty which I didn't think ever happened. Giving him a gentle push, RJ moved over to the sling and stood there, the canvas seat resting against the back of his thighs. I pressed my hand to his chest and he laid back, adjusting himself and then raising his legs. Putting his feet in the loops, I draped my towel over the bars and moved between his legs. My cock was pointed right at it's next target and with a tug on his legs my partially covered head was pressed to his hole. "You need this again?" I asked, letting my pre coat the pucker. "Yeah... Nothin like feeling that big poz dick wrecking my guts. My ass was sore 'til Monday from our last fuck" he replied with a grin. I gave him a little push away and then tugged back, poking my cock inside. He let out a growl as I held him still, letting him get used to the invasion. I heard a few guys whispering to each other behind me but about the only word I could make out was "poz." I pushed RJ away, my cock popping free of his tight hole and then tugged harder, driving about a third of my bare cock into his ass. One of the guys that was behind me came around and held out a condom packet. It was one of the guys before me in the line outside. "Here... you should be using one of these" he said, staring at me. "Nah, we're good. We always fuck raw" I replied, thrusting my hips into RJ and beginning to fuck him. The condom nazi shook his head and marched off muttering "assholes." Another guy from behind me came around the side and I prepared for another shaming for barebacking at the bathhouse. "Nevermind him, he's pissed since his boyfriend got pozzed here a few years ago. I only fuck bare too... nothing better" he said, stroking his cock as I plowed into RJ. I breathed a sigh of relief and thought "couldn't have been me - I was undetectable a couple years ago." My strokes built up speed, pounding into RJ's cunt and hearing the chains jangle. RJ started to get vocal, begging for me to fuck him harder. I laughed since I was already hammering him pretty hard. Grabbing his legs, I held him still and then let my hips drill into his looser hole. The guy that was watching us cried out "Oh FUCK!" and I watched ropes of his jizz shoot across and land on RJ's abs and chest. Once his balls were empty, he disappeared into the darkness, his spot taken by two latino guys. They stood off to the side, gently stroking while they watched me fuck. My pace slowed as I started to fight off the impending orgasm. I glanced over and the two guys looked pretty ripped with some thick dicks in their hands. One was my height and the other a few inches shorter. Both had quite a lot of ink on their bodies but all I saw for jewelry was a single stud in their ears. One had a little chin patch of fur and the other a trimmed chinstrap beard with no 'stache. Other than that, they could have been brothers. I turned my attention back to RJ and began to fuck hard again, using the sling to my advantage. I was pushing him off my dick and then planting my cock back in balls deep. I was getting encouragement from both RJ and the guys watching as the pressure built in my balls. Leaning forward, I grasped RJ's shoulders and drove my cock in one more time, growling as my cock expanded and then began to spew its toxic load inside my buddy's gut. After the first few shots, I felt RJ's hole clamp down and more of his jizz spray over my chest. He moaned loudly as we both shook from our orgasms. "Breed him good, dude" one of the onlookers said as I leaned back with RJ's cum dripping down my chest. I began a slow thrust with my hips, churning up the cum in his ass until my cock got too soft. I stepped back, my cock pulling free of RJ's now puffy hole. The taller of the two guys asked "Mind if I use that pussy?" "I don't... but you gotta ask him" I replied, backing up more as the guy approached. RJ nodded yes and I grabbed my towel, wiping my cock off. I could see the guy better now and noticed the bulging veins on his arms and legs along with a prominent biohazard tattoo between his shoulder blades. With RJ being Mr. PrEP, he had nothing to worry about but it was always hot watching a guy take a toxic load or three. I stood next to his buddy and watched as the guy began to fuck RJ, waiting a few minutes before heading out to see what other guys were around.
    3 points
  9. As I got outside and reached into my pocket to grab my keys the note that Javier handed me fell to the ground. I picked it up and opened it up to read it. It stated.. He wrote down his phone number and Jack, I would love to take your poz load and join you.. I folded up the note put it back in my pocket and started up my car. I got home and Rick was in his home office finishing up the work day. He was on a conference call so I waited until he was done. Once he was done I went into the office and hugged him as he sat in his chair... He swung around and asked how are you feeling baby? I said im good, kind of mixed emotions. He looked at me and grabbed me by the waist and said it will all be fine, and with that he started to unbuckle my belt and drop my pants. He could see that my cock was getting hard talking about being poz so he took care of it as he started to gently suck on it and then picked up the pace as I was about to cum. Wow i shot a full load of my new poz seed in his hungry mouth, he got up out of the chair and kissed me so I could taste my poz seed in his kiss. I said Yea, it will all be good. After we got cleaned up I told him about the lab tech guy Javier and the note he gave me as I left the Dr's office. Rick asked me what do you think we should do? I said well I think we should gift him what he's been chasing for...Rick smiled and said good answer boy...Now is the time to do it before you start your meds, I sent Javier a text message and said he's got two poz cock's that will gladly gift him his wish. After a few minutes later I got a text back with a smily emoji and the words YEA. I replied back lets look at this weekend any plans? Javier replied back and said only plans i have is a weekend of poz breeding with you guys.
    3 points
  10. Hands down, Max Konnor. The look, the body, the dicc, what more can I say? His Twitter is way better than his real porn scenes. He reminds me of Bobby Blake back in the day.
    3 points
  11. This topic is one of my favorite things as a total cumslut bottom. I absolutely love posting for open door walk ins on Grindr, Scruff and BBRT and then taking load after load till my cunt is spilling over. There are a couple of BBRT regulars in Los Angeles who will ONLY breed me if I have at least 4 or 5 loads in me. One in particular likes to make videos of me pushing out cum while his cock churns the froth and makes slop sounds. I also love doing this at Bathhouses and Cumunion. Was just at Flex yesterday (thank God they've finally got the AC working, lol) and must have taken at least 8 loads, ass up in my room. By the fourth load, I was brimming and the sloshing pig sound could be heard in the hallway.
    3 points
  12. "Hey Stephen how are you doing?" I say walking into my girlfriends apartment. We're pretty new but with her crazy work schedule and the uncertainty of traffic her roommates were ok with her giving me a key so I could hang out and wait for her. "I'm good, a light day at the office and an exciting weekend planned ahead", he smiled as he changed the channel and dipped his hand into a bowl of snacks. "Oh? What's going on this weekend?" I asked as I entered my girlfriends room to drop my weekend bag off. "Cory's birthday party is this weekend!" "OH that's right! Shoot I wonder if Katie remembered." "You're cute", he laughed, "you guys don't need to get him anything, though it wouldn't hurt if you'd treat this more like home and walk around shirtless once in a while." "Funny, though I'm sure Katie wouldn't mind either." I said brushing it off. "You guys should just hang out tomorrow, drinks, music, games. The usual, but with more people." "Sounds fun, but I don't know Katie's schedule. But I'm sure we'll join." I went into the room and laid down on the bed. I spend the weekends here, there's always an event of some kind. I don't mind, and their friends are fun. Flirting never hurt and Katie thinks it's funny. The events never lead to anything much, just lots of drinking and on the rare occasion a guy will join the couple, Stephen and Cory, in their bedroom next door. I've never done anything with a guy, the idea of it is rather odd to me, and as much fun as they sound like they have beyond the wall, it's not my cup of tea. Katie came home late, like usual and we spent the evening after dinner watching Netflix and sex to tire us out before passing out in bed. She gets really wet and to avoid making a mess we have a collection of towels to lay down, and we mix things up with a bag of toys we keep under the bed, a few vibrators, a dildo etc. The next morning the party started early, Cory and Stephen were in the kitchen mixing mimosas and made Katie and I one. We joined them and wished Cory a happy birthday as we started the music and let the drinks flow. With a lack of breakfast I was starting to feel the booze, and Katie fearing she would be called into work kept handing her drinks to me. Guy after guy trickled into the party, bringing more booze, food, and energy. I was really feeling the drinks and could barely keep their names straight. Katie ran off on her phone. "There she goes" I thought. She came up and apologized for having to go into work and told me to have fun, and told Stephen to "protect me". They laughed it off and she ran out the door. The day went on and I was a bit more than tipsy, I went to the fridge to grab a water bottle and there were a new collection of little bottles on the door. I picked one up "Jungle Juice Platinum" it read. A guy walked up behind me and pinched my ass. "Starting early today huh?" he said reaching around to my cock and the other grabbing the bottle. I stuck my ass out to avoid his hand on my dick and my ass came into contact with his groin. "Oh! Uh I don't know what this stuff is and uh no thanks haha" I said turning and backing up. "You've never done poppers?! he exclaimed. Stephen heard that and "came to the rescue". He took the guy by the shoulders and walked him out of the kitchen and came back. "Hey sorry about that we can get a little frisky when alcohol is involved. I see you found some fun stuff there." "Uh yeah I guess what is it?" I asked still holding the little bottle. "They're called poppers, they just kind of make you enjoy sex more. Take it! give it a shot, might spice things up." I grabbed a water bottle and the "poppers" as he said and went to the bedroom, placing the poppers on the night stand for tonight. I looked up how to take them and it seemed simple enough, it also said "relaxes soft tissues, as in the muscles surrounding the anus". "Huh.. that's why they must like it then," I thought. I started watching porn on my phone and got curious, the girls seem to enjoy anal sex, and of course the gay guys like it. I wonder what it feels like, I reached under the bed and grabbed the toys. I got on my hands and knees and lubed up the toy, with the phone resting against the pillow, I slowly pressed the small toy into my ass. It felt very weird, and my body pushed it right back out. "Oh yeah, the poppers should make this better". I opened the bottle and as instructed put it under my nose to inhale. It made me cough, but almost immediately I was light headed. I pushed the toy in and it started to feel good. I think I can handle the bigger one. I reached into the bag and got the bigger dildo, it's just slightly bigger than myself so about 7 inches but thicker. with a bit of lube my ass took the entire toy. I was shocked. It felt good, but hard and a bit rough. I took a hit of more poppers and let it rest inside me. "This is much better than the bathroom!" I hear from behind me. "Holy shit!" I flipped over on my back, the toy shooting out of my ass and landing at the foot of a tall tattooed clean cut guy. "No, no, you're clearly enjoying it. Continue." he said handing me the toy. "Flip back around" My eyes darted to the door, it was shut and locked. "Continue..." he repeated, "let me help". He grabbed my legs and turned me over, grabbed my ass and pulled me up onto all fours. He took the toy, spit on it and pushed it in and out of me. It felt amazing, I reached out for the poppers and he laughed, "oh you really want to have fun, take 1 hit per nostril you slut." "Oh fuck" I said out loud, I had never been treated this way with girls and it was really dirty. I took the hits of poppers and as I did he took the toy out and put a bigger one in, AMAZING. It felt so good, it was getting so deep. He grabbed my wrists and put them on my lower back, and that's when I felt it. His hips rammed against my ass, his balls knocking into mine. He moaned and quickened his pace. I had never felt anything like it, my head was spinning, my cock was soft but I was hornier than ever. He took the poppers and poured some on my underwear and shoved it in my mouth. My head was throbbing, ass was throbbing, cock was throbbing. He ripped the underwear out of my mouth and pulled my hair. "Where am I going to cum bitch." "I don't care" I managed to say in my haze. "That's a good slut" he said as he thrust hard into my ass and yelled as he released into me. He put his shirt back on and there was a knocking on the door. FUCK FUCK FUCK! I immediately came to my senses. He just let the whole party know what was going on in here. I scrabbled and tried to put clothes on but he opened the door. The whole party was trying to look in the door. Poppers and toys all over the bed, and his cock still dripping cum. He grabbed his shorts and walked out, "great party Cory, he's all yours boys," he said as he left the party. They all stood there, half of them mouths agape. Stephen pushed through the crowd, and shut the door. "You ok?" he asked sitting next to me on the bed. "Yeah, just worried about what Katie will say" "We can keep it a secret if you want, from her." he said as he rubbed my back. "Yes please." "Looks like you enjoyed it" he said wrapping his hand around my hard dick. "I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I ever imagined, but what does that mean now" "It doesn't have to mean anything, you clearly love women. you just happen to have fun with cocks. Word will spread through our group of friends, Thomas brags about all the guys he converts. "Converts? from straight to gay?" "Haha no, you're cute. He's Poz, although it looks like he might have succeeded in that too. It's not for sure, but you better go to the doctor to be safe. We'll be having a lot more fun."
    2 points
  13. Liz the engaged sweetheart stood in the kitchen of their new apartment. Justin her fiancé was moving boxes with one of his college friends they called moose. Moose or Marc stood 6’8 and he had a thick chest and arms and she figured that was why they called him Moose. Justin’s two other friends had to run, so it was just the three of them, Moose, Justin and Liz who had to finish moving unpacking the boxes. Once finished they decided to take a break and dip in the pool. Moose quickly pulled off his shirt and dropped his shorts and dove in the pool. Justin was in the bedroom getting his suit and Liz was left watching this very large man naked swimming and then he got out a minute and she looked him up and down and all his rippling muscled and a huge penis hanging between his legs, and it dawned on her that that may be how he got his nickname, but she was afraid to ask Justin. Just hopped in the pool where Moose had jumped in a minute earlier and I excused myself to put my suit on and came back to the pool to find Justin and Marc wrestling and Liz found it hugely erotic to watch this big guy naked wrestling with her fiancé. Liz slipped into the water and Justin got out to grab some drinks for everyone. Moose swam over next to Liz and Liz could feel her body tingle as this big man was next to her and Moose leaned in, and he told her Justin was a lucky guy as he kissed her cheek. Liz put her hand out and rested it on just torso as Marc pulled away from her cheek, she left her hand there until Justin entered with the drinks and she reached out to grab hers from him. They drink and swim and eventually ended up on some pool chairs listening to music. Justin fell dozed off having pulled an over night shift and moving all day. Four beers in and was out, Marc was in his town that barely covered up his hot body and Liz slipped away to get changed and Moose found his way into her and Justin’s room and asked if he could take a shower. She told him sure, and he dropped his towel in the bedroom and walked straight for the bathroom and turned the water on and got in the shower but left the shower curtain open and Liz could not help but walk over and watch him lather up his body and how the water ran off his muscled body and his dick grew as he worked it to the biggest club she had ever seen. His penis was a long as his forearm and thick. Marc seemed to like showing off and after five minutes or so Liz pulled herself away and went back out to the pool, but she could not stop thinking about Moose. Liz tried to wake up Justin, but he was out cold and in walked Moose naked and his penis still hard and asked if she could help him find something to ware. Liz did not think anything of Justin’s would fit him, but she tried to find something, she held up a shirt and as she did Moose leaned down and kissed her on the lips and Liz knew she should pull back but kissed him back. Soon they were making out and Liz was soon naked, Moose had undressed her. He lifted her and placed her on the bed and spread her legs as he went down on her and gave her the best Falcao of her life. Moaning loudly, she was certain she would wake up Justin, but she could not help it. Moose had made her cum three times when he pulled off and kissed up to her breast and sucked and fondled them and then began to make out with Liz again as his thick penis spread her lips and began to press inside her. Liz wanted it but it hurt as his thick dick stretched her and slowly made its was inside her. Moose seemed to know when to break off the kiss and put his hand over her mouth to make sure Justin could not hear her. Moose know about halfway inside immature cunts would beg him to stop and tell him he was hurting them, and some would scream so he made sure none of that happened. Well, if it happened, he and no one else could hear it, he held his hand over her mouth for around eight minutes till her body began to give in and he could tell she was finally loving him inside her and pulled off and kissed her and fucked her for another ten minutes till he came inside her. It was now, she realized why they called him Moose, he sounded like one when he came, and she could feel his dick pulsing inside her as he filled her up with his cum. He waited three or four minutes making sure he was done Cumming and pulled out of her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He got dressed and told her he would be back tomorrow to help them finish getting set up. Liz, tried to wake Justin and finally got him to their bed and curled up with him but the entire time all she could think about was Marc. In the morning she was sore and cum was leaking out of her as she sat on the toilet and tried to piss before taking a shower and heading to work.
    2 points
  14. My last load story was a guy I met in Philly this past weekend and he poured 100 of his saved loads in me. 💦🤤
    2 points
  15. Bishop Angus - bonus points for giving and taking raw cock.
    2 points
  16. Hey guys.... I am back obviously. I posted this story already in The Hunt, but then I thought maybe it deserves title for itself. So, I hope you like the story... and I mean it.... 'Like' the story at the bottom, it's easier to continue the story line. The Hunt – A New Destination (Part 1) I helped Jason to his feet. He was shaking but kept on smiling at me. I ran my hand down his spine and after reaching his smooth butt I entered his hole with my fingers. He wasn’t exactly tight at this moment and I poked another finger deep into his opening. Slowly I withdrew them and led them to his mouth. “Lick them. Lap away the cum,” I instructed as I pushed my fingers into his mouth. For a second he seemed to be appalled, but then he looked into my eyes and he opened his mouth willingly sucking my fingers clean. I left the stall and Jason followed me back to the bar. Steven was still sitting there and watching the other cute guys talking to each other or french kissing openly. “Ah, finally back? From what I heard, you had a ball," he remarked, giving Jason an encouraging smile "Take a seat," I told Jason as I shoved him towards the floor. He looked confused but I kicked him in front of my seat and told him to rest his back against the bar and to face my crotch. “Give me a good massage, while I enjoy the evening with my pal,” I said. Jason didn’t hesitate and started kneading my jeans bulge. I spread my legs to give him a better opportunity to massage my poisonous spike. Steven was looking down at Jason and wished his would get the same treatment so I looked down to my puppy and ordered "Shift a little bit towards Steve's crotch." Jason looked at me but didn’t move his cunt closer to this good friend of mine and so I kicked him a bit to his side with my boots and told him to move his body more aggressively. He yelped a bit but understood the hint and so he was sitting merely between me and my mate massaging both of our crotches as Steven and I chatted. We were both getting hard again and I could read Steven’s mind, so I nodded at Jason, asking “You like the aftermath?” “Sure. I love how this insatiable slut works with his hands, although it would be hot if he would suck us here…. at the bar. No one is taking notice anyway, since we are at a dead end of the bar,” Steven remarked in an almost a chatty tone. “Yeah. Good idea. Jason, why don’t you suck on Steven’s cock again? Look how you made him hard with only with the magic of your hands,” I chuckled. Jason nodded and slithered right in front of Steven’s bulge and opened the buttons fast. I saw a slimy trail, leading to Jason’s new squatting position. He was still leaking toxic cum from his abused ass. I enjoyed watching Jason getting skull fucked while we were talking about the good old times. We ordered another round of drinks, but only for the two of us, of course. Jason certainly didn't mind as he was busy giving a blow job anyway, sucking Steven like a pro, manually jacking him off while his mouth engulfed first the head of his cock and swallowed the whole dick. He made cute choking sounds but no one was paying attention to the three of us. I opened my jeans again and pulled myself out, grunting "Here, Jason, give my cock a massage with your right hand while you blow Steven." Jason immediately complied, stroking my dick to full hardness, without pausing in sucking Steven’s cock, who commented “You were right. He truly is something special,” giving me an approving smile "Yeah, he truly is,” I replied and looked at Jason, who was sucking non-stop. Steven, meanwhile, appeared to be getting close to blowing his load as he had taken hold of Jason's head, and was now thrusting upwards into his mouth, his own eyes looking dazed and his breath ragged. “Let him finish the job. He is eager to learn. Right?,” I asked Jason who smiled at me, his mouth full of Steven's dick. I thought he looked absolutely adorable. Steven managed a laugh, with which I joined wholeheartedly as Jason worked his magic, intent of drawing Steven's load out of his balls. All the way he didn't neglect to stroke my dick, even if he was concentrated on giving a great blow job to Steven. He clearly knew his duty to satisfy me. Steven and I attempted a couple more comments, but I could tell his mind was elsewhere, particularly when Steven’s face finally froze, his mouth gaped wide in pleasure, and his eyes closed. Within seconds Jason began moaning, and simultaneously gulping Steven's seed. “Not a drop. Don’t waste any of my precious cum. Swallow it all,” Steven panted. "Clean off Steven's cock," I instructed Jason, "make sure you clean his head thoroughly. I want it every drop of cum cleaned off." Steven relaxed visibly as he praised Jason, saying “Good job, boy…. good job.“ Now, although Steven had emptied his balls into Jason’s gullet, he was still hard, mostly because Jason continued stroking his dick. “Sorry guys, that was great, but I really need to take a piss now,” and with that Steven reached to close his jeans. “Why don’t you take your piss here?” I asked. "What?" "We got Jason here. I am sure he wouldn’t mind being our toilet. Would you?” and with that the ball was in Jason’s court. Jason initially looked utterly shocked. I knew he had never before tasted piss, and that doing so wasn't high on his list. Steven gazed at me and I looked at Jason. “Listen punk,” I advised, “When I tell you to drink our piss, then your response should be to ask which hose you should emptly first. Now, get your fucking lips on my buddy's cock and start drinking." With that I gave him a punch to the chest which earned a yelp. "Oh, and don't spill any," I added. “Hey don’t worry pup...,” Steven began. Jason's face lit up, seeing a possible ray of hope that he would get out of a difficult position, but not so, as Steven continued "...I'll piss slowly so you'll be able to swallow it down without spilling choking. Just make sure to seal your lips around my cockhead and concentrate in swallowing, mouthful after mouthful." With that, Steven grinned and taking a good grip on Jason’s hair, pulled his face towards his crotch. In the next minute or so, Steven maintained an even conversation with me, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have known he was pissing into Jason, if the little one wasn't occasionally moaning and gulping down Steven's piss. In the meanwhile I quickly buttoned-up myself, and shifted my chair, taking care to shield the scene from prying eyes. I wanted to give my friend some privacy while he was emptying his piss slowly into Jason’s belly, and I had the feeling we might well be kicked out of the bar if management knew we were using Jason as a human toilet - in public, no less. From time to time Jason withdrew his mouth from the cock, but never lost a drop. He just needed time to breathe and to wipe away the tears from his face. Steven generously allowed him several seconds each time Jason gestured for a respite, but Steven never the less still had to piss, so it was perhaps as much as seven minutes before Jason swallowed the last of Steven's piss. I'd like to think Jason had swallowed at least a liter of dark, aromatic piss. “Now it is my turn. Shield me,” I asked of Steven. We switched places. Now I was in the seat of power over the young guy. “Without hands…. see?” I asked, crossing my arms behind my head, enjoying the action. Jason sighed sadly but wasn’t complaining anymore. He reopened my jeans again and got a grip of my still hard cock. His mouth engulfed my cock head and I almost started immediately to splash out my stinking piss into his unwilling mouth. I shot my piss into Jason's gullet, in waves of high speed. Jason still made the gulping sounds, but he didn’t moan desperately anymore. It occurred to me he was a quick learner and I resolved to help him learn his lessons, step by step. By the time I was finished, Steven was completely aroused by Jason’s humiliation, and the proof of the arousal was seen in the large bulge in his leather jeans. I looked at Steven and gestured to Jason, suggesting "Why not take him into the stalls - if you need to release another shot into this slut.” “No,” Jason squeaked, daring to disagree with my suggestion. “What?” It was almost like I wasn’t hearing right. “What’s the matter with you now, you dirty poz slut? I think you really want to make me mad, you cock ditch.” “No…. it is just” Jason signaled me to come closer and so I did. “It is because I don’t want to endanger him.” he said softly. “He said he was safe and since I accepted poz cum today I am scared I could infect you or Steven. But for that, I would gladly accept him.” he added and tried to sound enthusiastically. Steven and I laughed out loud. “Silly cumdump.” I explained lovingly. “That isn't possible. Don't you know, that only cunts get infected? Studs like Steven and me are not capable of catching the bug – that’s a fact!” Obviously I was lying to Jason. “Really?” Jason asked us quizzically. “Yeah,” Steven chimed in, groping his bulge, and hauling Jason to his feet. He clearly wanted to shoot another poz load desperately into Jason's hole. “Yeah,” I insisted, suggesting "I think we should encourage Jason to accept any stud without the fear of converting him." “So let’s go…. let’s go!” Steven urged. “Poz him up good,” I whispered to my mate and I told him he should repeat the trick with the used condoms again. "Well, anyway, I'm out of lube," Steven replied quietly, a grin crossing his face as he directed Jason into the stalls again. When he was out of hearing range, Steven announced to the bar, "Guys, there's another fuck event in the stalls for a newly bred poz cunt." The other twinks assembled gasped in astonishment as seven or so studs left their seats or tables to follow the doomed guy into the darkroom area, seeing a prime opportunity to shoot more of their toxic loads into the handsome young guy. This was just the beginning for Jason’s new destination.
    2 points
  17. I would watch some really raunchy gangbang content, like Dogfart, seeing all those massive dongs giving her DP or making her airtight, and thinking: 1) how good it must feel to be able to satisfy three studs at the same time, and 2) how intense it must feel to have three diesel dongs inside me simultaneously pounding away. The notion of being turned into a living sex doll, the reason for existing in those moments only to be an orifice to fuck, suck, and take nut from dudes that I probably don’t even know by name, is such a turn on. I would be slightly jealous that females have an extra hole to fuck… …that is until I discovered double anal got DP’d for the first time 😜
    2 points
  18. As a member of the fisting Community, I will say the number one rule for Maximum Impact! "RESPECT THE MAX!" I'm not gonna say not to use it because with anything like poppers, weed, alcohol and etc it can be abused or bite you if used incorrectly. We are all men here and it's up to you to know what is best for you..If it's your first time then use it with a trusted friend that will show you how. Use it lightly and maybe just one time since it's your first time. You can be cautious and still have fun just respect it.. I will only say that my experience with it has been a nice experience but, I was taught to respect it while using it. I never overuse it. In a fisting session I might use it three times but, I use it, maybe once an hour and correctly..for fucking either topping or being a bottom maybe twice. Put it this way if I used it twice and want it a third time then it's time to respect it, put the cap on it, stop and say thank you for the brief rush and adding to my feeling of being fisted and/or fucking. Back on the shelf it's placed. Be cautious with it and enjoy it. Above all.... "RESPECT THE MAX!"
    2 points
  19. not really sure but an astronomical amount. I have actually kept a basic count a few times and I take over 2000 loads a year. the bathhouse gangbangs and Thailand club loads really boost my totals. in the summer I often take over a hundred loads in a week.
    2 points
  20. That's a good idea. I'll see what I can do.
    2 points
  21. Liz kept drifting off thinking about the most amazing sex she had ever had and wondering what Marc was doing and what would happen when he came by tonight. Liz was wet and most all day and on edge hoping Marc wanted more but feeling guilty everything Justin text her something sweet or that he loved her. She replied as usual and told him she loved him and how happy she was to be living with him. Throughout the day Liz found herself watching this tall janitor that she had never really given much attention to, he was decent looking and always polite, but she suddenly wondered what he looked like naked. Could he be like Moose? She could not even remember this janitors name as she watched him work and he smiled at her every time he caught her looking at him. He stopped by her office before she left for the day to ask if she had any work for him and she told him none she could think of. He handed her a piece of paperwork and told her that if she ever needed anything she could text him directly. Chaz 819-555-1212. Text me. Liz put the number in her phone under work numbers and tossed the paper since she did not want Justin to ask her about it, she vowed to herself to only use it for work and her mind kept going back to Moose. Liz rushed back to her place and Justin was home and they kissed and make out before Moose arrived. It was less then twenty minutes and in came Moose with another bud Ryan. Ryan was pretty like a model and good looking but not manly like Moose, Justin and Chaz. I really wanted everyone to leave or pass out except Moose. The night went on and soon Ryan and Moose left, and I was disappointed. I told my boyfriend that I had a headache, but I was disappointed that Moose did not want to play again. For the next three nights Moose came over and left and said nothing must Liz, when he left on Thursday night, she text Chaz and told him she needed him to help her re-arrange her office after work if he was available. He did not respond until the morning and the text read, “about time you asked me for help.” She had no idea what that meant but knew she would soon find out. The Friday went long, she kept thinking about Moose and his hot body and huge dick. The place started to clear out around four and soon Liz was alone int he office and she text Chaz. He texts her back and told her to come to the storage room. She walked down to the storage room and found Chaz shirtless. He had tats on his left side on his ribs, across his pecs and over his shoulder. Liz commented on what an amazing tat he had, while she was looking at his lean muscular body. He thanked her and asked her if she wanted to touch it, it seemed corny, and Liz thought to herself that he must use this line a lot, but she said she did and she placed her hand on his torso and then traced up his rib cage and to his pec and across his nipple and that made him jump. He asked her if she wanted to see other tat and she nodded yes, he unbuttoned his pants and slide them down enough to show a serpent from just about his penis around to his buttocks. He kept his pants up enough not to show the head of the serpent or his penis and said feel this one. Liz reached out and rubbed his Serpent and she saw his pants move but his hand did not and the more she rubbed the more his pants tented, and Chaz finally dropped his pants, and the serpent head was on the tip of his penis, and she jacked his dick and then got on her knees and began to suck his huge dick as she jacked it. Chaz moaned and let her service him for five minutes before pulling her up and undressing her after locking the door and leading her to a mattress just around the corner where he picked her up and lifted her up and placed her on his shoulders while he began to eat her out and began to moan and shake and soon came for the first time of the night. Once she had cum the first time, he placed her on center of the bed legs spread and kissed her body as he rubbed his huge serpent on her clit and then pressed his dick inside her. Liz felt amazing, his penis was longer but not as thick as Moose and his hands were all over her body while he drilled her and after twenty minutes, they both came together. Liz expected him to finish like Moose and eventually pull out and be finished but he continued to fuck her and make out with her, and she soon came again and shot a second load inside her soon after. He proceeded to make love to her for two hours and telling her how much he wanted her since he started, and she tasted even better then he imagined. She told him she had to get back to her boyfriend and how much she enjoyed being with him and the told her he would help her on Wednesday evening move her office again. She said she would have to check, and he told her he would be waiting for her on Wednesday. OMG, she thought, I know I want to be with him again, but I cannot let anyone know here that I am cheating on my fiancé. She left and almost completely forgot about Moose. She drove home with cum deep in her from Chaz and when she arrived Justin was there with Moose. Liz felt good knowing she had Chaz now that Moose had fucked, breed and ignored her and she tried to not want him anymore but the more they drank the more she wanted him. While they were drinking Justin got a text from his mother that she needed him to come home tomorrow, Saturday and stay over to take care of his dad. He was being released from the hospital and Justin’s younger brother was away visiting a college. Justin was always a mom’s boy and he told her he would be home early tomorrow and stay till Monday morning. Moose left and Justin and Liz made out and had sex before Justin fell asleep. Liz could not help but wish Moose or Chaz were there to finish her off, she was having a hard time Cumming anymore when Justin made love to her. She had to fake it the last two times. She was up and away, and a text came in she did not recognize. It read, party at my place tomorrow. Hope you can attend; I need to get inside you again. Liz was paralyzed and did not want to answer it until she knew who it was, she rushed to get Justin’s phone and used his thumb to open the lock and found Moose’s number and Bingo the text was from Moose. She texts back, sure what time and where? 4 PM, be ready to stay all night. Liz lit up and knew she had wanted to fall asleep in Mosses arms ever she he first took her. Liz got all her errands completed so she could be to his place at four and had her bag packed. She was wet and horny and knew she needed Moose inside her. She arrived at four and there were three other cars in the driveway, and she was disappointed. She thought it would just be her and Moose. She knocked and Moose came to the door and leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Wow, she thought, this is what I wanted. He led her into the living room where he introduced her to his brother Dino and two of his brothers’ friends - Scott and Ricardo. Ricardo looked to be early 20’s dark eyes and a muscled body 5’11 or so and Scott was 5’10 white and attractive blonde lean like a runner and Moose’s brother was a young version of him. He was even better looking. Liz told everyone it was nice to meet them and leaned into Moose. Dino went to grab Liz a drink, Dino made it strong so she could catch up. Soon Dino said they wanted to run a contest. Liz would be the judge and we needed to find out who was the best kisser of the four of them. Liz looked at Moose and he said it would be fun, he would start, and he leaned over and kissed her and make out with her for a minute. Then Dino took his turn and Rick and finally Scott. Dino told her there would be four rounds and she had to take a big dink after each round, but she also had to eliminate someone. The first round proceeded, and she loved all the attention, and she took a big dink and eliminated Scott. Then round two went and she eliminated Ricardo and it was down to Dino and Mouse and she picked Dino. Dino pranced around and showed off, then announced next contest. Whose cock taste the best. Before Liz could say anything or object, they all dropped their shorts. They lined up and Moose encouraged her to take her time and suck and lick each one for a minute. Moose and Dino had huge dicks long and thick. Scott's was long but medium thickness and Ricardo had a super thick uncut dick. Dark brown and thicker than a beer can. Liz began with Scott, his dick was clean and his pre-cum stated sweet, she had never tasted cum that was sweet. She moved to Ricardo and his dick was hard to suck but she did the best she could and worked his uncut dick and then to Dino and finally Mouse. If she was being honest, she would have picked Ricardo to lose the first round, but she picked Dino fearing he would end up with two wins and he was already full of himself, so she picked him and then took a big drink. Dino moves to behind Liz and as she began to suck Moose on the second round, he had slipped her panties aside and began to eat her pussy. Liz tried not to cum, but Dino had a long hard tongue and before she knew it, she had cum hard while sucking Moose. When she finished Scott moved over and fucked her mouth and then Ricardo did the same. She eliminated Ricardo and then took a huge drink and Dino let Ricardo take his place and eat out Liz’s pussy and she again came while she was sucking Scott this time and then Dino and after shaking and sucking while she moaned on Scott’s dick, she picked Scott as the winner. They all took a break, and the guys took a piss and they all got refills as Dino passed them around. He fist bumped Scott each with a win and announced the next game. Who can hold out the longest was the name of the contest? Each guy would sit down, and Liz would ride their cocks for one minute. The one who can hold out the longest without Cumming wins. Liz knew she should not do it, but she was so hot and horned up she could not say no. She started with Scott and rode him as he moaned and then Dino and Mouse and finally Ricardo and her moaning got louder with each. On the four pass Scott came inside Liz ending his chances and on the fifth round Dino blows his load inside Liz and Ricardo blow on round seven and Mouse drills one home five minutes later with Liz Cumming each round on one of the guy’s dicks.
    2 points
  22. Both Rick and I were looking forward to the weekend and our planned conversion party for Javier....Friday morning I got a text message from Javier asking me what time he should arrive. I asked Rick and we agreed upon 7pm. So I told Javier come at 7pm and if he has a jockstrap to wear it..I think guys in jockstraps are hot...I sent over the address and said see you at 7pm...That day at work went pretty fast and around 2pm I got a message from the pharmacy that my meds were ready and i could come pick them up. I figured I would pick them up on my way home from work but wont start them until next week....I need to share my toxic seed with Javier this weekend so he can make the journey. I got home around 5:30 but Rick wasnt home yet so I started to pick some stuff up as we had a guest coming over tonight and didnt want the place to look like a dump. As I was cleaning up the living room, Rick came in the door and said hey Baby i'm home. I turned off the vacumn and he came over and gave me a kiss. He asked me you ready to gift your first chaser...I said Yea i am....Rick went into the room and took off the comforter and sheets and put on the play sheets so we wouldnt mess up the good beeding. When he was out he bought some poppers and lube and put them by the bedside stand....I went into the office and found some long streaming porn to airplay into the bedroom TV. As I was dong that Rick came in and said wait I have a better idea. He took the keyboard and went into our storage drive and found some pozzing video's and looped them. I said I think we have everything ready I am going to go take a shower, Rick said ill join you. So we went in together and showered but agreed no sex as we needed to save our seed for Javier. After our shower we got dressed I put on my running shorts with no underwear and a tank top on. Rick had the same. A little after 7pm the door bell rang and I went to answer the door and Javier was standing in our door way stark naked in a jockstrap carrying a bag with his clothes. I hurried him in. He said you told me to wear my jockstrap so I figured its best to show up at your door in just my jockstrap. Thank goodness we live on a quiet street, im sure the old lady across the way saw Javier showing off his little butt....With that it didnt take too much time getting us all excited, while i was kissing Javier Rick was up behind him fingering his little butt and biting his earlobs. I pulled away and said let's go into the bedroom.....As we got into the bedroom we pushed Javier to his knees so he was in front of our cock's, we looked down at him and said take care of our poz cocks. While he was pulling our running shorts down and taking care of our cock's, Rick and I started kissing and getting really turned on with Javier's soft lips on our hard toxic cocks. I looked down at Javier and said you like that toxic cock Slut? he looked up at me and said Yes Sir and went back to taking my cock all the way into his hungry mouth. This guy knows how to take care of a cock, hes a good obedient cocksucker...After a while of kissing he stood up and started kissing us as we reached around and grabbed each cheek. I will admit he has a night little butt and I cant wait to shoot my poz seed inside of him... We made our way to the bed and Rick laid on his back while Javier went down on him and started sucking his cock. I moved towards Javier's ass and started eating out his little latin butt. He was tight as I would try to stick in a finger or two....I need to loosen up this guys tight little hole so i continued eating and fingering his hole. I wasnt careful and meant to scratch the inside with my fingernail.....After a bit Javier stopped sucking and said hey i have a toothbrush in my bag go grab that and use that on my fuckhole. I went over and found his bag and looked through it to find the toothbrush, wow this kid was ready he had a butt plug in there as well...I guess thats after we give him a few loads to make sure they stay inside of him....I found the toothbrush and went back to his hole i put some spit on my finger and then slowly inserted the toothbrush in and rotating it as it pushed it in and out. I did this for a few minutes and pulled it out, the bristles were red with blood....I looked over at Rick and I said Daddy, I think this boy's pussy is ready for your poz seed. So we switched positions, I put my cock back in Javier's mouth as Rick went to Javier's ass to start fucking. He put a little bit of lube on the outside of the hole and then pushed his cock in, Javier squirmed and squealed as he took Rick's uncut tool in his hungry fuck hole.
    2 points
  23. There’s a new guy at work, works in a different department in the building next to where I work. I see him from time to time and we’re always catching each other checking us out. We held gazes at each other to the point that the girl in the cubicle next to mine’s has noticed. But every time I approach, it’s all small talk and he quietly backs off. I’m persistent, though, as he’s very fuckable and has an adorable smile. He’s a real lanky, 6 ft something, light skinned black guy, late 20s, buzz cut, cute face in a Trevor Noah kind of way. Anyway, we bump into each other in a meeting and we get to talking afterwards, decide to meet up for drinks at a bistro near his place the next evening. Meet him there and we click, social lubrication helps a lot. He mentions that COVID put a crimp on his sex life, especially since he moved here mid-pandemic and hasn’t gotten laid since arriving. I tell him that I maybe able to help him with that. He grins and we walk back to his place. As soon as we step in the door, I undo his pants and yank in down. His semi hard cock leaps out of his boxer briefs and is already drooling precum. I squat down and push him against the wall while I get to work with my mouth, throat, and hands. After several minutes, we make our way to the bedroom and get naked. We get into 69 position and he tongues my hole and fingers it while I continue to deprive myself of air by gagging on his dick. I start to straddle him and ask if he has lube handy. He tells me that he does, but is afraid to fuck because he doesn’t have any condoms. I reply with that I’m cool going raw but he insists that he doesn’t wanna hit it bare. I shrug and tell him ok, and proceed to kinda ignore his dick, concentrating more on his balls and taint. I can tell he’s getting a lil frustrated and says, “Ahhhhh fuck it.” He pushes me on my stomach and mutters a half hearted “You’re clean, right?” but before I could even answer, I hear him rifle through this nightstand. He puts the nozzle of the lube bottle on my hole and gives it a few pumps. I massage it in me as he lubes his dick. He places his dick at the entrance of my boi-pussy and leans into it. I hear him gasp as he sinks in balls deep in less than a second, probably surprised at how it took little effort to get in me. He had some very decent meat on him, at least 8 inches, since he bottomed out in me with a couple of inches to spare. He starts pounding me hard, hitting the inside of my guts. I wanted to try and get him into the groove and slip into my s-curve but before I knew it, he blew his load deep in me. He slowed his pace but I swear it took him a full minute to unload his balls. He nut felt hot in my guts. He pushed his now semihard cock fully into me and collapsed. I think he past out for a bit and I just savored the feeling of his dick me me. I then start to feel him kissing and licking my neck and the pulse in his cock start to make him erect again. He got on his knees and grabbed me by my hips and pulled my ass up to his crotch. I kept my head down but arched my back. Again he fucked me hard and fast, his dick bottoming out with each thrust. We change positions, me on my back, and resume fucking. I grab the back of both my knees and pull it into my shoulders. Now he finally had the angle to slip into me balls deep. The new found sensation to go so deep drove him wild. Within a few minutes, he busted his second load in me. The look on his face was priceless: eyes rolled back until only the whites showed, mouth agape, uttering grunts and single syllable curse words. After a few moments, he unknotted his dick from me and fell on his back onto the bed. His breathing was hard and he glistened in sweat. I roll over, grab his still erect cock by the base, and proceed to give him an achingly slow blow job. He tries to push me off, probably because his dick is hypersensitive, but I lock my lips and stroke my tongue along the glans of his cock head. His body jerked and convulsed as I got his dick deeper down my throat as I played with and squeezed his balls. Within a minute, I was able to coax one last load out of him. I felt his cock spasm in my mouth but not much came out, a lot less than the cum that was leaking out of my hole and down my insides of my thighs. I knew he was fully spent and Incompletely drained his balls. He now comes by my office a lot more. He’ll even grab my ass or give me a kiss when (I hope) no one is looking. We’re supposed to hook up again this up coming weekend. Wondering if this is gonna be a regular thing.
    2 points
  24. So I was at a my converted work trailer, turned into a apartment in a industrial park. One of my bulls was working the weekend shift and needed some relief. After he done, I unlocked my door and told him to come in and my ass was up. He just fucked me for hours, 5 hours in total. He shot three loads deep in me. Gave my a slap on my ass, put his dick in my mouth and said " told you I was horny whore".
    2 points
  25. Hey I know you're busy, but I wish you'd write another story like this one. I've cum to this one so many times on repeat
    2 points
  26. Part 13 We skipped school on Monday. Obviously neither of us were in any shape to go. We had parked our trucks in different places away from our houses so we could spend the day undisturbed at my house. We'd sneak out later and get our trucks and go home again. Our parents would be none the wiser. As we layed together in my bed, snuggling, my hands freely explored Colt's welted body. I knew it was causing him some discomfort, especially the soles of his feet when he walked. "Is it really still uncomfortable for you?" I asked him as I rubbed his welted chest, feeling the heat that was still coming off of it. "Mostly only when you rub it." He answered me grinning. "Oh man, I'm sorry!" I said as I pulled my hand away. "Don't be." He replied as he grabbed my wrist and put it back on his chest. "I like it. The pain makes me think about you, and how much you enjoyed watching me suffer, and how happy it made me to please you." "You fucking pervert." I whispered as I kissed him deeply. "Uh-huh." He said into my mouth as he enthusiastically nodded his head. Then he took my hand and placed it on the one thing I loved on this Earth more than Colt himself. His big, hard, throbbing cock. I wrapped my hand around it as I worked my way down his chest. I stroked him as my tongue bathed his welts with my saliva. I let out a soft groan as I licked him, seeing visions of his bull like body being beat and marked. Eventually my mouth reached his his dick and I swallowed his monster in one, slow movement. He groaned his approval. "Oh yeah baby, that's it. Suck your brothers big dick. That's a good little bitch. Make your brother feel good. Oh yeah......." I hit the poppers he held under my nose as I deep throated him over and over, loving the sensation of his fat cock stretching out my throat. I had it buried in me fully and Colt was holding me tight into his crotch when we heard it. The back door opening and slamming shut. In our surprise, Colt released my head and I pulled off sputtering. "Oh shit!" I coughed, spit running out of my mouth. "Someone's home!" Colt just covered my mouth with his big ole paw. "Shhhhhh!" They don't know we're here!" He admonished me. I just looked at him with panicked eyes. Although, I'm not sure why I was panicking. My parents respected the sanctity of my bedroom. I'm sure we were safe. Then I heard my dad's voice. "Get over here you little slut!" I heard him bellow as I heard a female voice giggle. "That's right, big daddy." I heard a woman say. "I'm your horny little slut! And I need my big daddy's cock in my hungry pussy." "Shit!" I whispered, pulling Colt's hand from my mouth. "That's not my mom!" I could feel my eyes start to fill with tears. Colt just chuckled a bit. I stood up, feeling the anger welling inside me. "It's not funny Colt. He's fucking cheating on my mom!" Quick as a flash Colt grabbed me and threw me on my back on the bed, smothering my body with his and covering my mouth. "Now you just shut the fuck up and listen to me!" He loudly whispered into my ear. "So your dad's fucking another chick. BIG DEAL. You're a dirty cock sucking meth whore who loves cock and cum up his ass! We all have our secrets! Now keep quiet before he comes in here and busts us both!" I pondered this for a moment knowing Colt was right, as he always was. I pulled his hand from my mouth. "You're right." I conceded. "You're always right. I'm sorry." "I'm sorry what, bitch?" He asked, staring straight into my soul. "I'm sorry, Sir." I replied, knowing what he wanted to hear. "That's better baby." He said, as he ground his hard-on into me. I could hear them in his private den, which happened to be right next to my room. They were laughing and giggling, then I heard a loud slap followed by a louder squeel. "You like that you little slut?" I heard my dad shout followed by more slaps and squeels. "Does daddy's nasty little slut like getting spanked? Is daddy's slut a bad little girl?" "Oh yes daddy!" I heard the girl whine. "Spank my bad little ass before you give me your big dick!" This was followed by a barrage of spanks and squeels. I looked at Colt's face and his eyes were closed with a look of pure ecstasy and he was softly groaning as he ground his hard cock even harder into me. Without even looking, he grabbed the lube from out of the night table and lubed up his cock. "Are you ready for daddy's cock, slut?" I heard my dad growel. "You want daddy's big cock in your tight, wet pussy?" "Yes daddy!" She whined. "Give it too me!" This was followed by a long, loud squeel as my old man sunk his cock into her. "Spread your legs bitch!" I heard Colt groan into my ear. "Come on, spread your legs for daddy you little slut. Let daddy into your tight wet pussy." As if in a trance, I spread my legs wide, giving Colt full access to my hole. He placed his mighty cockhead right at my entrance and pushed himself into me. I had to bite into his shoulder to stop from crying out loud as he stretched my poor, battered hole. "That's a goooood little slut." He cooed into my ear. "Take your daddy's big cock you little bitch." Colt began to fuck me and it took everything I had not to cry out in pain and pleasure. I could hear my dad in the next room as he pounded his bitch while Colt pounded HIS bitch. The woman continued to squeel each time my old man pounded it into her. Soon, Colt was matching their rhythm perfectly and I was letting out little squeels to exactly match my dad's bitches squeels. "Take your daddy's cock you fucking slut!" I heard my dad shout. "Take my big daddy cock in your sweet tight pussy!" "Yes daddy! Fuck me daddy!" I heard the woman scream. "Fuck my little pussy hard daddy!" "Take your daddy's cock you fucking slut!" Colt repeated into my ear. "Take my big daddy cock in your sweet tight pussy!" "Oh God daddy. Fuck me daddy. Fuck your little bitches tight pussy hard!" I moaned into Colt's ear, losing all my senses into the heat of the moment. As soon as I called Colt daddy he lost all control and started slamming into me. He growled as he bit into my neck and sucked hard, fucking me with an animalistic fury. At this point, whatever was happening in the other room was lost to us. "Fuck me daddy!" I softly cried into his ear. "Fuck my pussy daddy! Fuck your little slut with that big daddy cock. Give it to me!" I whined. "Yes that's right!" Grunted Colt. "Takes daddy's cock you slut! Your daddy's slutty little pussy. You love daddy's cock buried in you don't you bitch? You love being daddy's little whore! Taking my big daddy cock deep inside you, you fucking cunt!" "I love your cock daddy!" I panted. "Fuck me harder daddy! FUCK ME!" Colt and I clung to each other as he pounded me with his daddy dick. We were grunting and sweating like pigs before I became aware of my real dad again in the next room when he started shouting, "I'm gonna cum slut! I'm gonna flood your cunt with my big daddy load. Are you ready whore?" "Yes daddy!" She squeeled. "Give me your load daddy. Fucking cum in me!" I didn't even wait for Colt's next response. I instantly started begging. "Cum in me daddy! I want your load in my pussy. Give me your big daddy load in my tight pussy!" Colt went stiff as he buried himself in me and I could hear my dad roar as he unloaded himself into his bitch as Colt pumped me full of his big daddy sperm. My own cock shot off between us as the three of us came simultaneously. "Oooooohhhhh fuuuuuuck." Colt groaned as he throbbed deep inside me. "Take daddies cum you fucking slut!" He panted as he collapsed on me. We layed there, not moving a muscle as we listened to my dad and his bitch clean up and get out of there. When they finally left, Colt rolled off of me. "Well." He said, laughing. "THAT was unexpected." "Yea you fuck face!" I teasingly said, lightly slapping him. "You could have gotten us caught!" "Well now," he mocked me, "you and your slutty little hole didn't seem to be to opposed to daddy's big ole dick now were you?" "Fuck you, 'daddy'." I said, laughing at him. "Hang on." He said, jumping out of bed. "I wanna check something." I watched his white muscle ass as he left the room. He returned a few seconds later dangling a used condom that was filled with a copious load. "Looks like your old man ain't quite so stupid. At least he's not gonna knock up some dumb cunt." He ran it over his nose. "Mmmm. Smells like fresh pussy." "Gross." I said, laughing lightly. "That was just on my dad's cock." "I know bitch." He said as he jumped on the bed and straddled my chest. I just layed there, immobile as I watched him seductively rub the condom up his chest to his face. He tilted his head back, and I watched in silence as he carefully poured the contents into his mouth. I stared at him as I watched my father's cum drip into his open mouth until the condom was empty. Then, without ever removing his eyes from mine, he bent down and placed his lips against mine. He wormed his tongue between my lips and I instinctively opened my mouth. My father's cum poured from his mouth and into mine. But instead of being disgusted, I was turned on by this perverse act and my dick got hard again. Colt just spread my legs apart with his knees, and slid his rock hard cock back inside me. I moaned into his mouth as we shared my dad's cum between us and he started fucking me again. Eventually, there was no more cum to share. He pulled his mouth off of mine and whispered into my ear. "One day slut, it will be your real daddy dumping his cum into your hungry pussy." "Yes daddy." I simply replied as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, ready for another pounding. "That's my piggy." He groaned. "That's my good little slutty meth whore piggy." I just sighed as he said those things to me.
    2 points
  27. Yup, it happened once to be at a rest stop. Was in the woods sucking a nice cock, he shot a huge load in my mouth holding his cock still. His cock filled my mouth and I think the cum had no where else to go,so out my nose. It was everywhere. He then thanked me and told me he just got out of jail after 30 days. That happened about 30 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday
    2 points
  28. PART 2 SLAP SLAP SLAP! "AAAH YES!" The professor came in Nate, cum filling his hole. As the professor swished his cock out, Nate's hole felt differenr. It felt empty. Nate felt the cum seeping out of his hole he felt satisfied for the first time in a while. He grinned widely as his lovers, if you could call them that. John stood over him his big lean frame towering over Nate. Johns soft cock, long and thick waved over Nate's sweaty white face. Nate reached Up to suck it when he was quickly slapped. "No slut. Not now. Now is time to clean you up. Show us your bathroom." Nate slowly started to rise. But his thick tree trunk legs were weak and he felt thick creamy liquid leak out of his hole onto his leg, then finally to the floor. The professor quickly grabbed him,"not so fast. Where is the bathroom boy?" Nates mind whirled, he had been fucked. By his professor and a stranger! Holy fuck! He would lose his family and friends, everyone he knew. Despite his rising anxiety he pointed to the bathroom door. John and Connor slapped Nate's ass and told him to move. He limped across the floor to the dingy small bathroom. John opened the cabinet and found a razor. "Hurrry boy, shower off, dont want to have cum stuck on your furry leg." Nate stepped in the shower. Nate wasnt hairy, it was mostly peach fuzz, while he was a bulk of a man, Nate didnt have a clearly defined stomach or ass. Nate had dreamed of shaving all of it off. But what would his family think.The hot water cleaning off the cum. He felt the professors strong hands knead Nate's back. He heard and opening of his shampoo bottle and he felt the professor wash him clean. Nate still felt empty, needing more cock. Then the shower turned off. Johns voice boomed through the bathroom. "Okay nate. Timr to make you a pretty slut." Nate twinged at this. He already thought that he a was attractive sure he was no supermodel but he was an atteactive man. Nate turned around to see John, fully clothed and a razor and can of shaving cream in his hand. "Do what I say or I will leak the videos to all of your family and friends." Nate was confused. How? When? John then held up his phone to see himself moaning as the professor fucked him. Nate's blood ran cold. "Yessir. Please sir delete the video. " John smiled. "Yeah. I will but its shaving time. I hate it when sluts think they can look like whatever they want to. Bitch youe ass needs to be smooth. Now your Professor here loves to take care of his bitchboys. I dont. But I leave you two to shave yourself down. The professor will bring you to me later. You are offically mine." He passed the razor to the professor and kissed Nate. John then left the apartement. Nate shuddered. What had he done? He had just turned his life over to some stranger? Then he felt a soft kiss on his shoulder that reassured him. The professor. Damn what was Nate going to do. The professor seemed to read Nate's mind. "Finals were last week. You will be fine. You just have my final on Monday right?" Nate nodded and weakly walked to the bed and stared at the ceiling as the professor started to put shaving cream all over Nate's chest. The professor lifted Nate's arms and shaved the hairy pits Nate used to be so proud of. The professor carefully shaved off all the hair of Nate's arms, neck and chest on the front aide. Kissing the smooth skin. "Hmmm nate you are going to be one popular slut. So good and obedient" nate smiled at the praise. Then the professor slowly shaved nate's pubes and caressed his hairy balls. Nate's cock shot straight up and he felt the cold metal of the razor gently shave away the hair. Nate noe knew his fate. He was no longer a man. Just a mancunt. To be used for his masters' wishes. As the professor finished shaving the legs he gestured for Nate to flip over, which he did with a "yessir."nates cock was still hard and his hole itched as the professor finished shaveing him. The professor then stuck his face in Nate's ass. His tounge penetrating the abused wall of the anus. Nate loved the pleasure it sent through his system. He felt empty again as the professor lifted his face off and then yelped in pain as the professor entered his now smooth ass. Nate moaned as his prostate once again was set on fire. Precum leaked from nates cock. Slam slam slam. Nate pushed back as the cock brushed against his prostate. Nate started to cum again, for the third time in an hour, without even touching his cock. The professor moaned as his hoke tightened again. This caused his own cock to swell and flood the walls of nate. Nate moaned eternally grateful for this new caling in life to serve men. With a slap, the professor told nate to get dressed. They had errands to run.
    2 points
  29. I prefer Maximum Impact to poppers as poppers can fuck up my sinuses.....a guy I played with sprayed it on the pouch of his jock....still wearing it and shoving it into my mouth
    2 points
  30. Eric — On the H.S. Swim Team, somewhat of a Wuss Tim — His Rebellious Pal on the Baseball Team Steve — Gay with an Affinity for Violence It started as a prank. Tim and Eric were high school buds, just turned 18, who pulled progressively ludicrous pranks on one another. First Eric taped a "Hit Me" sign on Timmy's back, who was slapped silly by his classmates. So Tim mixed red dye in Eric’s shampoo. His blonde hair turned orange in the gym shower. They all got a chuckle out of that. Tim thought it would be cool to advertise his buddy on a gay chat room. The ad read "I wanna be used as a Boy Slut! Cum Fuck Me! I need it bad!" He included Eric’s stats, email address and cell number. Eric spent the next couple days replying to emails and phone calls, explaining he wasn't gay. He was pissed, and vowed to get even with Tim for all the trouble. One Friday he hid his friend's clothes and car keys during baseball practice and Tim had to walk three miles home in uniform. To top it off, it rained. After that, they mutually agreed to forgo further pranks. Better to stop before irreparable hard feelings came between them. They went out on a double date a few nights later. They were two of the hottest guys in school and never lacked for company. Eric was a swimmer—blonde, blue-eyed, slim, and muscled. Tim played baseball and had a killer butt—brown hair, green eyes and a great bod. That Friday they were somewhat tired, so instead of trying to get laid, they decided to get wasted. They dropped the girls off at their houses and went to Eric's. His parents were away. A friend at the local gas station scored them some beers. A hour later, they were sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Eric's cell rang. "Yeah?" he answered. "Is this the Boyslut? I’m willing to fulfill your needs." "Crap! Listen, you stupid faggot, it was all a prank, so go fuck off!" "Just watch your language, Junior. Don't fuck with me." "Go screw yourself!" Eric hung up and turned off the phone. Tim giggled. "Geez, Tim, that was rotten of you. I’ll have to change my number." "Yeah, that was stupid. No more pranks, OK?" The boys were well on their way to getting soused, when the door bell rang. Wobbling to the door, Eric opened it. A mustached dude, in leather jacket, jeans, and cap stood on the porch. "Can I help you?" "This Eric Lawson's house?" "Yeah." "You Eric?" "Yeah." The intruder backhanded Eric and sent him sprawling to the floor. Before Eric could stand up, the stranger pulled him to his feet. "Listen, Punk, I’m the one ya called a ‘Stupid Fag’." "Bu... bu... but. how did you find me?" The man twisted his arm and Eric shrieked in pain. "Unimportant. I want an apology." The man, Steve, smelled beer on Eric’s breath and realized the young jock was close to drunk. He pushed Eric to his knees, but then heard footsteps. He pulled out his gun. Tim ran in to see what the commotion was. He saw Eric kneeling on the floor, a big guy with a gun standing over him. "Who are you?" asked a frightened Tim. " You got it wrong, kid. Who are you?" "I'm Tim." "Eric's brother?" "No. A friend." Steve realized Tim was also drunk and figured they were home alone. This was better than he’d expected. He worked construction, and had the build to prove it—tall and strong—mid 30’s. He was gay, but in the closet to all of his friends. He used the internet to hook up and frequented local gay haunts. And, Steve was the type of guy for whom, if he didn’t find a willing mouth, an unwilling one would do as well. The first had been a hitchhiker. Steve had been horny as hell after spending hours in the park alone. He saw the young guy jogging toward him, thumb in the air. A quick look at his legs and butt made him swerve off the road. Once the jogger was in the car, Steve made his move, but was promptly rejected, so Steve turned down a deserted road, punched the half-nude jogger into submission, and raped his ass. He spent a couple of sleepless nights worrying about the cops, but finally concluded the breeder had been too humiliated to report anything. He wondered if the guy were still neg since Steve had been diagnosed POZ a year earlier. The second time was equally unplanned. He’d been drinking at a gay bar when a Pretty Boy, a twink, came into the bar. The uppity twink eyed the other patrons as if none of them deserved to breath. Truth was, no one there could hold a candle to the twink, who nevertheless should have been more polite. Steve was mellowed out that night, so he ignored the twink until the later made the mistake of approaching Steve. The arrogant SOB eyed him disdainfully then walked away. Naturally that pissed-off Steve, so when the twink left the bar, Steve followed him. When the twink opened the door to his apartment, Steve overpowered him. Punching and slapping Mr. High-Falutin’, he dragged him to the bedroom, ripped off his clothes, and gagged him. The twink was probably was usually a top - his ass was extremely tight. Steve licked the twink's tears from his cheeks and whispered in his ear that he was too hot for his own good. Steve spermed AIDS jizz up the twink's ass and went into his kitchen to get a drink, while the twink sobbed on the bed. Still horny, Steve fucked the twink a second time. The blood on his dick told him the twink had gotten what he deserved. Taking the twink's briefs as a souvenir, Steve dressed and left. He still beat off in them from time to time. Steve mulled over what to do with these two queers. His day had been a bad one. He’d screwed up at work and was almost fired. When he got to his car, his tire was flat. He’d looked over the boards he’d always used. Though it had been published a week before, Eric’s (or rather Tim’s) ad excited him The author described himself as 18, 5'10”, blonde hair, blue eyes, swimmer’s build, and anxious to get laid. But Eric had been extremely rude. Steve was sensitive about being called a “Fag” so he decided to scare the shit out of the Punk. He would pistol-whip the cunt, then head-out to his favorite cruising spot. Using a “Find Anyone, Anywhere” service he subscribed to, he got Eric’s address and headed out. When he found the two teens alone and drunk, he realized how blessed he was. Since they were drinking openly, he figured the parents wouldn't be home that night. Tim conjectured Steve was a thief. Eric, for his part, was sobbing on his knees. He was a jock and popular, but kind of a wuss. Between sobs Eric blubbered, "He's the guy I hung up on and called—a name." “Listen, Mister, I’m the one who wrote that ad.” “Yer the queer? You ain’t got blonde hair.” “We’re not queer. We’re both straight. We were out on a date—with girls—tonight. It was just a joke. A trick I played on my buddy.” "Don’t matter none. Yer boyfriend here called me a ‘Fag.’ An’ I want an apology.” Turning to Eric, Steve said "Now kiss my ass, you fuckin’ fairy!" "Leave him alone!" Tim lunged at Steve. He figured that, with Eric’s help, they could subdue the dude before he fired, but Steve caught him squarely on the jaw. Tim went down. Eric screamed! Steve fired at a crystal vase, shattering it into a thousand pieces. Eric fell silent as he realized the gun might next discharge at him. "Don’t make me shoot ya!" Eric was crying openly and knelt over his friend. "Is he dead?" "I hardly think so." "Please, sir. I’m sorry. Don't hurt us anymore." "Sorry don’t cut it, sonny. Ya gotta pay." "My money’s in my room." "I’m not into thievin’." "What do you want?" "I wanted you to apologize, but I've changed my mind. I want you to suck me off." “I think I’ll just apologize." “Too late. Hit your knees, cocksucker.” "I can’t suck you! We told you. We’re not fags!" "Either that or the crisco-treatment.” Realizing his prerogatives were limited, and anxious not to aggravate the seemingly unstable intruder any further, a resigned Eric quickly decided it was better to give a blow-job than it was to run the risk of being shot, so he nodded his assent. "First we gotta do somethin’ ‘bout that friend a yers. Don't want him interferin’ none." Eric led Steve to the garage where they found some ropes. They went back to the dining room where Tim lay moaning. He had Eric bind Tim's wrists and swab his bleeding lips. Now—take off his jeans and sneakers." "Why?" "So he don’t fuckin' run out on us, you stupid fuck!" Eric removed Tim's jeans. A delighted Steve smiled to the see Tim's muscled legs and tightly packed-Speedo (a vestige of the double-date that night). Steve was having second thoughts about letting the boys off quite so easily. An’ the Speedo." Remembering the vase, Eric pulled off Tim’s Speedo, exposing his buddy's shriveled dick and balls. Obeying Steve's unspoken order, Eric planted the Speedo squarely in Steve’s outstretched hand. The man’s cock twitched as he stuffed them in his pocket. He knew he’d be jerking off in them. "Now strip for me." Eric gulped, unbuckling his belt. He slid down his jeans. He was wearing the same bikini briefs he had put on for the double-date. Steve whistled. Eric blushed. He finished taking off his jeans and sneakers, hoping against hope that there would be no further order. Not so. "Hand me the bikinis, dick-wad." Grudgingly Eric handed them to Stevie, who held them over his nose and inhaled deeply of teen sweat and musk. "Cum over here." A petrified Eric stepped next to Steve who pinched the Eric's pink nips. Eric tried to suppress a moan, but his cock began to twitch. Steve held the gun in one hand, and, with the other, fondled Eric's body. Almost on autopilot his fingers crept up the crevice of the Eric’s ass, nudging the teenager's hairless pucker. Eric trembled while the man held him tight and licked his neck; but when he tried to pull away, he felt the cold gun barrel in his ass crack. "I don’t want to hurt you, Baby," Steve whispered almost apologetically as he tongue-fucked Eric's ear. Eric let out a involuntary moan as waves of arousal and repulsion coursed through his groin. Steve was wholly turned on by the squirming kid. Steve passionately he kissed Eric, who, totally off guard, did not resist. Steve’s tongue freely roamed the Eric's mouth, inhaling the stale stench of beer. Contemptuously he pushed Eric to his knees and pulled him to his crotch. "Unzip my pants. Take out my cock." Reluctantly Eric unbuckled the man's belt. Stevie took off his jacket and tossed it on the carpet, while the Eric fumbled with his zipper. Steve wasn’t wearing any underwear, and the man's erect cock sprang out, striking Eric in the face. Intrigued, the young man scrutinized the large rod. Feeling nauseous, he was revolted, yet curious. He had never personally considered sucking cock, but now that his choices were limited, he wondered briefly what the bitches felt, and why they were so reticent to suck. He didn't have much time to contemplate the matter because the order came in quick sequence "Suck It!" The command echoed through his brain. Was he really going to do this? The room spun until Steve struck his lips with his big shaft again and roused him from his reverie. Teary-eyed, Eric implored the man. "Mister, I’ve never…." "Lick it all over." Reluctantly Eric took the large pole in his mouth. How hot it felt! Much hotter than his own! It was weird sucking another man's dick; but he told himself it was just the same as his own. He licked the head, precum covered his tongue. He wanted to gag, but he had to admit it tasted sweet and none too bad. He gulped and swallowed. On the floor, Tim was coming round. His jaw ached, and his lips hurt like hell. It took him a while to get his bearings. He wondered if the big man were gone. The house was quiet—except for a slurping sound. He tried to touch his lips but found he was bound. H e made out two fuzzy images. Focusing, he was stunned to see his best friend sucking on stranger’s cock. In addition, Eric was naked and aroused. "That's it, boy, Suck it good!" Steve had a dilemma—whether shoot down the kid’s throat or go for the gold. "Eric?" Steve’s cock slipped out of his mouth as Eric turned to observe his injured pal. Steve grabbed his hair and pulled him back. "Suck it, pretty boy. I’ll tell ya when to stop" and to Tim Steve said "Glad ya decided to join us, Beautiful. Thought you were out for good." "Why are you making him do that?" "I’m not makin’ him do anything. Look at him—lappin’ up my cream like he’s done it all his life—or wanted to. Don’t ya get it, Pal? Yer friend’s a fag!" Eric tried to pull off, but Steve grabbed his head and fucked his mouth. "I’ll tell ya when to stop, cunt face.” Tim hissed “You’ll pay for this, you S.O.B.! The cops are gonna bust your ass." Steve was not at a loss for words: "Yeah, but be sure to tell ‘em ‘bout the ad an’ how ya played along. You won’t have to tell yer friends at school a thing. You know the rumor mill. An’ goodness, what will yer parents think? That they raised two fags? I’m sure everyone will understand.” The two teenagers looked at the Steve apprehensively. "Eric, baby—time to suck your bud." "WHAT?!" both friends exclaimed. Steve picked up the gun again. Obediently Eric knelt between Tim's legs, licked Tim's shriveled dick. Tim may have grimaced and grunted, but a mouth-is-a-mouth, and soon his cock stood up. " From now on, you two faggots’ll be sixty-nine-in’ day and night! I know." "Fuck you to hell" was Tim's reply, but his cock did not soften, even when Steve said "Come to think of it, I'd rather fuck Eric here. Such a sweet ass! Now Eric-boy, blow Timmy like ya mean it. Show him ya love him.” Hoping to buy time, Eric bobbed up and down inexpertly on Tim's cock, only to realize that Steve was kneeling behind him, had pulled his cheeks apart, and was appraising his hole. Although Eric couldn't know it, the hole was pink, tight and hairless. "Boy, I think I’m gonna give your pucker what it deserves." "Don't hurt me, sir!" Steve slapped Eric on the butt. "Never say no to me, Boy. I’m gonna fuck that ass of yours—or fist ya. Got any crisco? No? Well, in that case, fistin’ might sting a bit. But you can handle my fist. I can tell." Eric knew there was no way out, so he started sucking as he supposed a real faggot might—anything to appease the intruder. Tim felt his balls shrivel, as pre-cum boiled from his dickhead. Eric felt betrayed that his pal was getting off, but Tim’s arousal only inspired Steve more. Steve began kissing and biting Eric's Mancunt. The Kid squirmed, and Stevie knew he was turned on. Encouraged, he worked his tongue up Eric’s Manhole. In response the Teen sucked Timmy harder. Steve added a finger to the mix. "Damn, you taste good, Shithead! Problem is, yer just too tight! I’m gonna have ta stretch you out a bit.” Steve spat on his Shaft and Eric’s Cunt. He knew that wasn’t lube enough, and he wished he had the Poppers in the car. Undeterred, he pushed on in. Actually Steve had a secondary agenda. He’d become convinced, given the ease with which Eric had acceded to his demands, that the Boy was Gay, and was determined to bring his inclinations to the fore. Eric, for his part, clenched his tight Pussy, but his resistance was no match for Steve’s strength and prowess. He screamed when the Steve’s Dickhead popped in. It felt like one of Timmy’s ball bats up his Ass. Steve quickly muffled the Boy’s screams with his big fist, and, pulling the debauched Youth to him, plowed on in. Tim saw the pain on Eric's face—eyes bugging out, cheeks blushed and flushed, as tears meandered down the crevices of his contorted face. Steve impaled him all way. The debased Youth lay on top of Timmy, their genitals in touch. The Boys, soaked with sweat and tears, were pummeled savagely by the undulating Faggot. Tim kept telling Eric it was OK, who, beside himself with pain, sought ANY distraction, and was face to face with Timmy. So he kissed Timmy’s blood-caked lips—anything to alleviate the soreness in his Rectum! For his part Timmy knew was that he mustn’t reject his Pal—not in that crisis! Wantonly Steve pulled out of Eric’s grievously abraded Flesh and plowed back in. His onslaught mashed their Dicks together; and, despite themselves, they grew erect. The grunts of the three males filled the room. Eric's Prostrate was stimulated by Stevie. The Youngster’s Cock, in turn, was flush against Timmy’s. Eric couldn't hold back any longer and shot on their flat stomachs. Tim felt the stickiness, and wondered if Eric were Queer indeed. It seemed that Eric had too readily acceded to Steve’s demands. They’d always been inseparable—had played ball and learned to swim together. While Tim couldn’t condone Eric’s inclination, he couldn’t blame him either. He’d always figured Gays were born, not made. If Eric was Queer, it wasn’t his fault; and he couldn’t reject him—not after all those years. Steve fucked the Boy till his Dick spasmed in the bloody Hole. As he climaxed, he grunted out loud. Steve had been POZ so long, and barebacked so routinely, it never occurred to him that he might infect the Youth. Regardless, bareback was the only way to go, and condoms were the last thing on his mind. All he knew was that he had to breed that Virgin Hole. If Eric got POZZED, it was the luck of the draw. Sated, he withdrew. Eric sighed in relief, but that didn't last long. Steve ordered Eric to fuck himself on Timmy’s Cock. Eric had totally succumbed and knelt over his Bud. Tim moaned as he felt his Manhood enveloped by the tight, moist bloody Hole. "Like what Eric’s doin’ to ya, Timmy boy? You kin have him anytime, ya know. Bet he feels a hole lot better than any Girly Pussy." Eric rode his Pal for less than a minute when Tim's grunts told him his Bud was cumming. Steve made Eric get off, to garner a look at Tim's belly and Cock, which were covered with a mixture of blood, Ass Slime, and Cream. "Now, Eric, lick your Bud's Dick clean. His stomach, too!" Eric did as he was told, rationalizing that it was only a harmless blend of body fluids and white-yellow Spooge. The latter he quickly discounted, admitting it didn’t taste that bad—just kind of bland and bitter. What he didn’t know was that the Bug was already coursing through his Bloodstream. He later rationalized that was what turned him Queer. You know—POZ already—so who gives a hoot? But had he known what he learned later, he would have concluded that Sodomy was just Icing on the Cake of Sex. Meanwhile, Stevie ogled Eric’s Puffy Red Asslips and admired his handiwork. "OK, TIMMY, YOUR TURN." "What! Me? No Way!” “Eric, sit on Timmy’s face! I want him to suck all them Juices outta you!" "You’re a sick Fucking Bastard! I won’t do it!" Steve began squeezing Timmy's Nuts. Tim screamed and kicked. “S’OK, cause Eric’s gonna end up yer Lover, anyway. Now—start felchin’!” "No!" "I’ll stuff those Fuckin’ Nuts right down your miserable Faggot throat if you don’t do it.” “ERIC, I SAID SIT ON HIS FACE!" Anxious to spare his Buddy further pain, Eric knelt over Timmy, his Butt inches from his mouth, and slowly lowered his Ass to his Pal’s torn lips. Tim, whose Balls throbbed in agony, began to munch on Eric’s Cunt. "That’s better. I want you to eat out all the Jizm outta that Sweet Boy Pussy. Half of it’s yers, ya know. You love yer little Boyfriend, don’tcha? So lick his Mancunt and make him feel a little better after the shellackin’ we just gave him." Steve grew horny watching the two Jocks get it off. He pulled the Boys apart and used another rope to tie Tim's ankles, passing it behind his neck. His legs were spread, and his knees pressed to his chest, his Straight Virgin Hole defenselessly exposed. Apprehensively Tim watched Stevie’s every move, anticipating he was gonna get fucked too. "Sorry, Sonny, but I can’t put up with your shenanigans no longer. Now yer outnumbered 2-to-1. You can either cum along or go along. Bet yer a better fuck than Eric, anyway.” Steve thought that Tim’s rebellious hairy Hole was the Sweetest Pussy he’d ever seen. He leaked POZ Jizm like a faucet, That go-round he did consider the impact of a bareback fuck on Timmy’s health, but the Bug was a minor price to pay for what was at stake—his sexual gratification and the Boys’ relationship. Enthusiastically he licked Tim’s Cunt, nibbling on the tender Ass Lips, shoving his tongue in far as it would go. Tim squirmed and sobbed, as waves of forbidden Man Lust coursed through his bod. Not wanting the Youth to feel too good, Steve finger-fucked him deep and dry with a sadistic pleasure. He was tempted to drive his whole fist in, but wanted something left for Eric. Regardless, this was gonna be one of his best Fucks ever! Through glazed eyes Tim saw Steve pull off his socks, then felt a tickle as Stevie licked his feet. Fleetingly he thought how weird, till Steve shoved one sock down his throat. The Man knelt before Tim’s upturned Ass. Without even Spit (the little Fucker had it cuming), he rammed his whole Shaft up Rebel Boy’s Ass. If Timmy were not gagged, the whole block would have heard of his trauma; but, as it was, only Steve and Eric divined his fate. His face went white, then red, then purple, as the Big Man ripped his Ass. "Yeah, Kid. I’m takin’ your Virginity. I'm gonna Cum inside ya, Boy—impregnate you; an’ ain’t nothin’ you can do about it.” He forced his bloody lips apart and spat in his mouth. He definitely wanted to POZ the Boy—teach the little Whore a lesson. Eric had been too easy, and that had kinda disappointed Steve. But Rebel Boy was a dream cum true. He knew the two would become Lovers. A few nights of barebacking and Timmy would be bred, if Stevie hadn’t done the job himself. He humped the Virgin Boy with savage abandon, waves of heinous pleasure emanating from the cruel Shaft embedded up the Bloody Ass. Thanks to Eric earlier, Steve felt he could go on forever. Tim’s mind was whirling. His lacerated Asshole bled profusely, lubing the Killer Stanchion so it could titillate his Prostrate. The previously defiant Timmy grew erect as a triumphant Stevie massaged the newly engorged Member. He had the unrepentant Youth exactly where he wanted him—responding to his Faggot Overtures. Indeed, the Boy was overcum by the intoxicating Man Lust known only to Queers and Faggots. He began to gyrate hysterically in sync with Stevie’s thrusts—until, at last, unable to repress his new found proclivity, he climaxed on his abdomen. His contractions, coupled with the involuntary clenching of his Shithole, sent Stevie over the edge. He collapsed on the Youth as NEG Boy Slime united them. Intending to administer as much hedonistic pain as possible, he sunk his teeth deeply into Timmy’s neck, while simultaneously douching his decimated Rectum with POZ Spooge. Tim felt the Diabolic Potion infiltrate his Anus as crimson teeth marks blossomed on his neck. Steve looked at Eric, who was erect in front of him. "Wanna do somethin’ nice for Timmy, Eric?" Steve untied Timmy whom he was certain would cause him no further grief, then pushed Eric down, positioning his still erect Tool at the entrance to his Bud’s ravaged Hole. "Fuck your Boyfriend. Show him your Love." Eric looked pathetically at Steve, who guided his the Youngster’s dripping Shaft to Timmy’s violated Pussy. Like it was second nature to him, Eric impaled his Boyfriend with a violent plunge. He moaned with pleasure while Timmy wept. No longer giving a shit what Timmy felt, Eric pillared his lifelong Friend relentlessly, relishing in his entombment in the Youth’s torn Cavity. Stevie pulled the bloodied sock from Timmy's mouth. The sex-crazed Youth bit Timmy’s lips causing them to bleed again. Steve had never been so turned on in all his life. To his perverted way of thinking, he’d created two new Faggots where there had previously been none. But he’d forgotten something. He wasn’t done. His Rod grew turgid. Kneeling over Eric, he impaled the debauched Eric once again, forcing him into Timmy deeper. Eric spasmed his adulterated Seed in Timmy, and fell on top of him, as Steve put the finishing touches on the deed. Facilitated by some fancy footwork, he surprised the Boys by spooging down Eric’s thirsty throat, flooding it with Poison Jizm, and forced the Teen to pass the Gift to Timmy’s bleeding lips. By then neither Youth required much persuasion. Mission accomplished, Steve reapprised the Boys of how they’d be ridiculed if they exposed their secret. Glancing about the room for the missing bullet casing, and finding none, he urged the Jocks to think up a good one about the vase. Back home, he jacked off twice that night into Eric’s briefs and Timmy’s Speedos. He was happy and content—for the time being.
    1 point
  31. I do this too. 😈 or when you suck someone off save their cum. I do that with my Gloryhole.
    1 point
  32. Louie, this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. I can't wait for more.
    1 point
  33. I generally find that guys split into two groups. Those that are never comfortable with their desires (of whatever type) and act under the shadow of shame. They literally hate themselves after they've succumbed and protest loudly that they are not sluts. Most memorably for me in a gay bar in Oxford years ago when waiting for a drink from the bar man, a guy literally stage whispered to his companion, "he's a right slut, always up the A40 doing anyone". I thought that was hysterical as he was right, but I turned him down as he was a right prissy queen! The second type of guy is completely comfortable with his sexuality and therefore quite comfortable in his own skin. The type that comes up in a bar that opens up a conversation with, "not sure you remember me from the dark room in Birmingham", or will nod everytime we pass and chat over a beer. I was fucking one such guy, in a sunny riverside crusing area, and this bloke called over that we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for barebacking. We stopped, looked at each other, laughed, and carried on. The other one carried on wanking watching us which speaks volumes I reckon. You can't blame that guy really as the heteronormative, Judeo Christian world view is hard to break out of
    1 point
  34. very good justaholeff
    1 point
  35. So I got bored and just wanted to give head. I went to the bathhouse, got into the glory hole. I hit the jackpot. Three 8 inchers, and two 6 inch thick dick. I swallowed every load.
    1 point
  36. Chapter 13 I looked at the board next to Duke. There were well over 30 tallys. Someone had taken him out of the sling and taken his penis cage off. He was literally on all 4 hours with one cock in his mouth and another up his ass. He seemed like he was in heaven. I got a little closer so I could see his hole. He definitely was dripping cum everywhere from it and his once tight hole was no more. I figured I should egg on Duke's fun and shouted, "Do we think he's ready for some DP yet?" the crowd shouted, "yes". I figured if he could start working 3 cocks at a time it would allow him to rest sooner. I was so impressed with how he was letting guys just do whatever they wanted to him. He had a bunch of hickies, someone wrote the word 'faggot' on his forehead in marker, and his nipple rings were definitely irritating his nipples you could see how sore and tender they appeared. One thing I didn't notice was anyone feeding him some piss and I was needing to go. I went up to him and told the guy excuse me but I needed his mouth for a moment. The guy stepped aside. Duke put my cock in his mouth just like old times and I looked down and told him to drink every drop. Then I let my stream go. He drank every drop like a pro. "Hey guys, he's a little dehydrated I think. Don't forget to fill his stomach with your piss too." I looked back over to my son.... He was only at about 15 loads. I saw my owner taking him down off the sling and leading him to the rear entrance. I was confused and went to follow. My owner stepped in front of me. "Don't worry about him right now. He wasn't drawing nearly the crowd I had hoped because he's still learning his role. So I made a deal with a couple of guys for him." "What deal did you make?" "Well they are going to introduce him to Tina and then he and his group of buddies are going to gang bang him." "no, that's not right. I never signed up for drugs. That's not right." "Yeah, it is right. They paid me $500 to be able to take him to their van for 90 minutes. Plus they are supplying the T. Just think how much of a whore he will become if he gets hooked on that. He doesn't seem as into this as Duke for there. This is exactly what is needed." I knew arguing would be worthless so instead, "So I am getting half that money right?" "Hell Ill give you 80% and you decide how you want to share it with these boys and yourself. We have made over $5000 on them already tonight and it's only been 4 hours." I looked around there were easily 20 or so guys still in the room waiting for some fun. I hoped Duke would be able to keep it up. This would be hard even for more. "wow, we have made a lot. Do you think they would find if I go sneak a peek of them using Austin?" "Probably not, they may even want you to add another load to his pathetic hole." On that note I headed for the side door.
    1 point
  37. This is not quite the same situation but fairly recently I contacted a guy on Fabguys who said he was looking for bareback. We exchanged a couple of messages and I told him my status. He shot back with “I don’t fuck with poz guys - UD or not - ever!” It was so stark and brutal and my first instinct was to tell him to fuck off and block. Instead, I politely replied that if he only plays bareback, he may shag someone not as upfront as I am - if he hasn’t already done do - and may possibly have reason to reconsider his attitude in the future. And then I blocked.
    1 point
  38. Met up with a guy last night. He had sent me a pic of a very nice 8" cock. Could tell he was skinny and inked from the pic, not my usual type, but a load is a load. no question about status. Went to his place, had agreed on a dark room breeding. Got to his apartment, door was ajar, and I already knew to go down the hall and into the room on the left. The place was a bit sketchy looking. When I entered the room he told me to strip and get on the bed that was right in front of me. I had my poppers and got into the bed in all fours. He came up behind me and lubed up my hole and his cock. Told me to hit my poppers, as I did a few hits his cock was pushing into my hole. I moaned like a cheap whore as he bottomed out. I didn't get a chance to get used to his cock before he started fucking me. Within 5 minutes of hard pounding he groaned and shot his load deep in my ass. I figured that was going to be it when he started to pull out, but he then pushed back in and started fucking me some more. He lasted about 10 minutes for the second breeding before he groaned again and shot load number 2 in my hole. No sooner than he finished cunning in me he to!d me he was going to give me one more load before he was done using my ass. He started fucking me again like a man in a mission and shot his third load in my ass. He pulled out and I could feel the cum dripping out of my hole. I got dressed and left with three loads deep in my ass. By the time I got home, I had a big wet spot on the seat of my shorts...oink!
    1 point
  39. As the day went by I soon found that the party started to move indoors and to the pool house. So i started wandering through looking at the action. My cock was pointing north so that was a good sign hehe....I went into the pool house and this guy was getting banged by this built blackguy who was fucking him hard ramming his cock into this kids hungry ass...Soon one of the guys i was talking to earlier came up and we started chatting.. He asked me If i have ever done a sling before. I blushed and said no im kind of vanilla never tried this...He grabbed my ass and said I think you should, you might like that. About that time Rick came in and kissed me and said hey stud you having fun. I smiled at him and said yea I am. The guy next to me spoke up and said I think he wants to be in the sling. In fact he called out to Johnny the black bodybuilder and said hey can you take a break we have a new guy here that wants to try out the sling. The two guys finished up and got off the sling, in fact the bottom grabbed a towel and cleaned it off. He came up to me and said be prepared for a wild time. Rick helped me up into the sling and secured my ankles to the strap. He looked down at me and said comfy? Believe it or not i was pretty comfy, with that he started to slide his lubed up cock into my hole and started pushing the sling away from his cock and the pulling it back. I was in complete heaven. Soon some other guys came up to join us and I soon had two guys on each side offering their cock for me to suck. I didnt want to let them down so i would suck one and then swap to the other. After a bit Rick started to grunt and grown and soon he shot his load inside of me. OMG that was the most incredible fuck i have ever had. I started to get out and the guy on the left said Whoa there stud where are you going? it's our turn and with that he slid his cock in and started fucking me. This guy was thicker in girth then Rick so it took em time to open up and accept his cock...I was back to getting fucked and another guy took his place with his cock in my mouth... I ended up staying in that sling for the next 4 hours and i kind of lost track of how many guys breed me and gave me their load. But it felt great Ive never experienced that before. The last guy to fuck me that night was Rick and he shot another load inside my cummy guts. After he shot his load he helped me up and out of the sling, grabbed my ass and said I think you had fun today. I smiled at him and said I did daddy... Most of the guys had already left the party there were only about 4 guys left including the host and his partner....As we got dressed the host came up to me, grabbed my ass and said welcome to the club.. We got home I was exhausted I crashed out on the couch and about an hour later Rick came and helped me into bed. Come on boy you have a busy week ahead of you..Your Dr's appointment is this Tuesday isnt it? I said Oh yea I almost forgot...I made an appointment a couple of weeks ago with my primary care physician to see about getting my HIV test.. i go to a gay doctor so there are quite a bit of family members there if you know what i mean.....As I waited in the lobby they nurse called out my name and i followed her into the exam room. The nurse began to check my vitals which were all good. She said wait her and the Doc will be in soon. After a few minutes the Dr came in, I am glad im not doing my physical because it would be hard to hide the hard cock this guy gives me.. We talked for a few and I told him about my symptoms a few weeks ago and he said it could be but the best way is to do some blood work. He left the room to go get his lab tech to come in and draw my blood. I hate needles but I just try to look away and not think about it...After about 10 minutes this young guy comes in and said hey im here to do your blood work. He had me extend my arm as he put on the tourniquet and started to insert the needle to draw my blood...Ouch as I felt the needle go in....The kid looked at me and smiled come on stud you can take it...Wow he must be gay too, thats great he has a gay staff as well...The lab tech finished up my blood work and put a band aide on the spot where he drew my blood and said we should have the results back in a week.
    1 point
  40. I've noticed that a hole loaded with cum is something that even many total bottoms feel like fucking and breeding.
    1 point
  41. Part 5: Sir called out, “Okay guys, let’s go.” I was again lifted and dropped down on the dildo and Houston’s cock several times. Houston only stared at me and smirked as his still hard cock continued to be fucked by my cunt and the rubber cock. I heard Sir, the next time I was balls deep, tell Jose, “Spin him.” Jose took my shoulders while Houston took my hips. Without the dicks being removed, they proceeded to turn me 180 degrees so I was facing out the back of the van. There were six men, in various ages/sizes/cleanliness, etc. I knew what was cumming. I thought I did at least. Each guy, in turn, entered the van and rammed their dick down my throat. Each man, with not a clean crotch among them, skull fucked me until they came. Except they didn’t cum in me or on me. Instead, Sir handed the first guy a small jar and simply ordered, “Load in the jar.” The first three men took turns skull fucking me and pulling out to shoot their loads in the jar. When they left, I noticed that the line was now several men longer. I couldn’t see the end of the line, but could see several cocks being jerked off. The next guy in line stood outside the van, watching me and jerking his dick with a grin on his face. I recognized him as another of the former inmates. “Beg me faggot,” he snidely leered at me. “Please Mr. Masetes, fuck my throat.” Before he moved, Sir asked him, “Did you do what I ordered?” Gabe responded, “Yes, Sir, I’m not stupid enough to disobey you.” Sir, ignoring this, ordered, “Strip, and show him.” Not resistant to the order, Gabe proceeded to take his shirt and pants off, standing naked outside the van. I couldn’t help but admire his lean, Mexican body and his abs, which while not a ripped six pack, were clearly visible. Moving downward to look more closely at his cock, I froze at his waistline. Between his waistline and the base of his cock was a tattoo that I recognized from stories, pictures and videos. It was a bio-hazard symbol with the words “Toxic” and “Loads” on each side of it. The meth coursing through me and still controlling my brain made me beg, “Please, give me your toxic load.” He smiled as he stepped into the van. As I tried to reach out to get to his tattoo, he slapped me away and said, “Earn it.” With that, he turned around, grabbed handles on each side, bent over and shoved his ass out, toward me. I heard Houston say, “Fuck Gabe, you nasty.” Then he ordered me to spread the ass open. I reached forward and did so. If I was shocked by the first tattoo, this one, I should say, these were even more so. Surrounding his hole was another biohazard tattoo. Tattooed vertically down the inside of each cheek were the words “Cum” and “Whore,” with arrows pointing to his hole. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot,” slipped from my mouth before I could stop myself. As soon as the last word was finished, the ass was slammed backward and the hole smashed right onto my open mouth. As shocked as I was, I knew what I was supposed to do, and drove my tongue from my mouth and right into his hole. His hole opened up easily to my tongue and I heard him moan and tell me, “Eat my hole. Empty it for me.” Somewhere at the back of my mind, I registered this comment and thought, to my utter disgust that he was going to make me eat shit. Before I could respond, I felt a warm liquid on my tongue and knew; there was cum in his ass. This sent me over the edge, knowing that this hot Mexican macho guy, was like me: a cum dump. I reached up and spread his cheeks; he began to tell me to stop. It was him who stopped as he felt my face and tongue push even deeper. I felt Houston reach up and push my head forward sat the same time i heard Sir tell Gabe, “Feed him.” In the next second, I felt Gabe loosen his hole and cum started flowing out. This was clearly several loads as the flow was heavy. I devoured it as if it was the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted. Houston urged, “Swallow those loads you sick faggot fuck.” I heard Gabe moaning as he finished emptying the loads from his ass. He pulled away and stood back up. I heard him ask Sir, “Can I do it now?” Sir responded, “Not yet, I have an extra reward for you; but you’ll need to wait a few minutes.” Gabe’s voice was a mix of sadness and excitement when he responded, “Yes, Sir.” He hopped out of the van and the next guy hopped in. For about the next twenty minutes, I was skull-fucked by the remaining guys in line, each shooting loads into the jar, which was, at the end, almost full. The last two men were directed to piss down my throat after the last guy came. They took turns pissing down my throat, ordering me not to drop any. This piss was different from any other; it was much stronger and acrid. I wanted to throw up, but resisted, knowing the danger I’d be in. As the second guy began pissing, I felt it. Another rush, head spinning, and craving; I was drinking chem piss and became much more eager. When the last guy finished and hopped out, Gabe hopped back in, still naked and hard. With no warning, I felt Houston’s arms around me as he held me tight. I saw a needle in agaves hand and begged him to slam me again, already knowing I was a slamwhore. When he moved toward me and grabbed my arm, I felt Houston’s hand grabbed me and squeeze hard in the middle of my upper arm. Gabe flicked the crook of my arm a couple of times to pop a vein up. It was only then that I saw the needle. This one did not have a clear liquid in it. The liquid was red. I looked from it alto Gabe’s face and shook my head, starting to beg him not to do it. “Shut up faggot.” He pulled the cap off and after swabbing the area with an alcohol wipe, he placed the tip of the needle at my vein. “Watch faggot. Watch as I give you my toxic blood. You know you want this.” Through the tears, and the realization that everything that had happened before, all the raw loads, there was now no avoiding my fate. I looked him in the face before turning to look at my arm. As soon as I turned, the needle was slid in. I watched as he pulled back the plunger and the liquid became even more red. As he made to push the plunger in, the word, “No,” slipped from my mouth. He began to say something but stopped as my hand reached up to physically stop him. I hesitated before I said simply, “Let me do it.” Sir, who I noticed for the first time, was pointing his phone right at me and said, “Do it.” Gabe moved his hand and I took a hold of the plunger. Seeing my hand twitch a little, Gabe put his hand on mine to steady me. I watched as the plunger pushed to scarlet liquid in my arm. This was clearly a bigger slam as I was feeling it with half the meth still in the needle. I finished the push and Gabe quickly covered the injection site with cotton and removed the needle. I raised my arm and the impact was intense. There were five coughs, heavy ear ringing and for a moment I was afraid I was going to die. When that passed and I screamed to be fucked, I heard Sir from somewhere say, “Do it.” I felt Houston pull me back so that my back was against his muscular torso. Feeling his pecs and nips,along with his ripped abs pressing into me only intensified the effects. Gabe pushed my legs up just far enough for Houston to grab them and pull them backwards, as far and wide as they’d go. This new series of movements created an intense stretching of my hole as Houston’s cock and the dildo moved along with my body. I watched as Gabe got between my legs, took cum from the jar to lube the stretched ring of my cunt and then his dick. I knew what was cumming and was terrified. “Oh fuck, give me that third cock. Rape me hard. WRECK ME.” With that Gabe placed his cock head at my hole and pushed. My hole wouldn’t open, there was too much in me. Knowing what would push him to what I needed, I looked him in the eyes and insulted him. “You fucking faggot, you can’t even get that cock of yours in me? You really are a bottom bitch like me.” This did it. After slapping me as hard as he could, punching me in the balls and spitting on face, he slammed hard into me. My hole gave way as he rammed in balls deep. I had three dicks in me. “C’mon Gabe, give it to me. Rape me.” For the next two minutes, I was raped and knew I’d never be the same, physically or mentally. When I knew he was getting close I begged him, “Please give me your toxic cum. Make me toxic. Knock your bitch up.” This made him pound me harder until he blew a huge load in me, telling me he was destroying my life with his load, calling me his AIDS brother and whore. After he finished cumming, and catching his breath, he groaned, “You are so fucking nasty. But I’m not done with you. Houston, you ready for lift off?” Houston only responded, “Fuck yeah.” With that, Gabe reached down, wrapped me in his arms and counted to 3. On 3, he fell backwards, pulling me with him. As this happened, Houston lifted up off his back. All three cocks, all still hard, moved with me and my hole stretched even more. I felt movement as Houston adjusted himself and then began pounding me, matching the techniques Gabe. I whimpered in pain before begging to get raped. Houston didn’t last long until he shot his second load deep in my wrecked cunt. It took several minutes for the three cocks to be removed. The dildo was the last to slide out and as it did, I fell onto my side, knowing I had just been completely anally destroyed. I looked at the two cocks and dildo that had just been in me, seeing cum and lube on all three. I moved toward Houston first and cleaned him off then did the same for Gabe, even kissing and licking the cum from his tattoo. After they were done, Sir ordered me to get on my hands and knees, facing the dildo with my ass up. It took me a long time, to do, but eventually I did. I heard each of the four men make comments about my hole, saying it was no longer recognizable as an asshole. That it was more wrecked then a cunt after a gangbang and that I could now take anything they wanted to shove in me. Sir asked me, “You still want more don’t you?” I responded, “No Sir. It doesn’t matter what I want. Do you want to do more to me Sir?” He laughed and said, “I have one last thing. You remember all those loads those guys shot in the jar?” I nodded and he asked, “Why do you think I did that?” I couldn’t fathom any special reason. Then it hit me. The last fantasy I had told him. “They’re poison loads Sir. They are dirty and toxic loads.” Sir said, “That’s right boy, that’s what you wanted isn’t it? Tell me what you wrote.” “I told you that I wanted to take a bunch of loads that had the most bugs in it. Don’t care what toes, what strains. But I wanted each one to have some disease that would infect me.” Sir responded, “You’re going to get what you want, and more. Those 26 loads are filled with toxic, high viral AIDS loads. At least three of the loads are over a million count. There’s also every possible STI in there, some that are already med resistant. And they are all going into that dirty faggot cunt.” I was on the hook, “Please Sir, put those nasty loads in my cunt. Infect me please.” Jose moved in front of me and placed his phone in front of me with video recording. I was told to get down all the way, and to arch my back so that my hole was high enough to swallow it all. A huge funnel, with a large exit hole was jammed into me. I felt it scratching against the walls of my cunt as it was pushed deep. Then I felt it. I watched as Sir poured the cum into the funnel and then felt the cum slide into my hole. It took a minute, but soon almost all the cum was in me. I’d never felt this full. I begged for the last of the cum, but only could watch as the funnel was pulled out, with Sir making sure that it was empty before pulling out. He set the jar on my ass and I could only beg for the last inch of the cum. Sir stayed motionless for a couple, enjoying my begging and pleading. When he picked up the jar, I almost squealed with delight. I didn’t expect what was coming next. Sir asked me, “Do you remember what I said to you when I was fucking you in the stall?” I had to focus, which was extremely difficult, to remember everything he said. I had a strong response to one thing in particular. “I wouldn’t open my inner hole for you and you said you would get in there.” Sir said, “Close enough. Well now is the time where your ass pays the piper. I’m getting in that hole.” I watched as Sir poured the remainder of the cum on his hand, palm and back and then wipe it around. He folded his hand into the duck shape and push into my hole. I felt his fingers, his hand, and his wrist slide into me with no resistance. I heard the sound of all the cum in my ass as he entered the cum tunnel. He did not stop. He continued to push his arm into me, meeting no resistance. I then felt his fingers and his hand start entering that once tight second hole. I heard gasps from the other guys as the entire arm slid into my ass, Sir’s wrist nearly at the point of passing all the way through the inner hole. He proceeded over the next five minutes to pull out and push back in, not being able to adjust enough to get himself all the way in that hole. He slowly pulled his arm al the way out and wiped his arm off and pushed the cum in me. “Houston, show me your arm.” I felt movement behind me and saw Houston’s body appear behind me. It was covered in a thick coat of grease and he said, “this is gonna be good.” As Sir directed him, Houston put his hand to my hole and I could tell that it was bigger than Sir. It slid through my hole and was immediately sucked in, past the wrist and up his arm. He quickly reached the inner hole and stopped. He took a picture, tossed his phone in front of me and I was shocked. As deep as he was in me, he still had about 6” to 7” to go. The phone was removed. Sir said, “Do it,” and I prepared to have the rest of Houston’s arm pushed in, his hand passing through the inner hole. Instead, there was no movement. Sir repeated, in a more demanding voice, “Do it faggot, take his arm.” I knew what this meant I immediately pulled forward a couple of inches, and then pushed backward. I refused to stop and felt Houston’s big hand slide all the way through, wrist and all. I pushed until my hole was planted on the crook of his arm. Taking a few seconds to catch my breath, I started to pull off and push back, increasing the depth I pulled off and the intensity I pushed back with. I quickly felt the inner hole lose al resistance as I slammed myself up and down Houston’s arm. I felt my prostate getting assaulted, and angled it so that it was beaten on every motion. I whimpered, “Cum Sir?” He said, “Not this time faggot. Not yet.” I moaned but continued to fuck myself on Houston’s arm. I knew I needed one last thing. “Sir, can I have one more thing done?” Sir said, “As long as you don’t cum.” I asked Houston, while I was fully planted on him, “Mr. Houston, when I pull off the next time, all the way off, will you put your hand into a fist? Then ram it all the way in, no stopping?” Houston, for the first time possibly, was unsure and said, “Fuck faggot. That’s gonna hurt. You sure? Sir? “ In unison, Sir and I said, “Do it.” Houston said, “Fuck it. Let’s go faggot.” I took a breath and began pulling off his arm. He laughed and said, “Let’s get this going,” and proceeded to pull his arm all the way out. I groaned in pain, not expecting this. Within a second, not giving me a chance to change my mind, Houston placed his clenched fist at my cunt and slammed his arm all the way up me. The pain was intense as he passed the first ridge and continued up. He hit the inner ring and there was resistance. He continued to push, but couldn’t get through. “C’mon faggot, you want this, give it up to mt black fist.” He tried pushing more, but nothing moved. “Gabe get up front and hold him in place.” Gabe moved in front of me and lifted me up to scoot under me. His hands went to my shoulders and pushed me back onto Houston’s arm. “Perfect. Last chance faggot.” He pushed again and, even with me not being able to move away, he couldn’t get through. He yanked his arm all the way out. I heard rustling behind me and him say this should do it. I felt the largest shard I’d been given set down ass. Another picture, and the size of the shard was immense. 1” long, 1/4 inch thick. The shard was quickly picked up and jammed deep in me by Houston. He shoved it to the inner hole and held it there the pain was intense as the huge rock dissolved with a major burn and a reaction similar to my first slams He decided when it was about a quarter left to melt, “Ready or not, I’m going through.” Without pulling out, I felt him move his fingers into a fist. He pulled out out about 6” and told Gabe, “Hold him tight.” This time he did not try to push his way through the ring. Instead, he slammed his arm in, fist first, back into my hole. He punched the ring, immediately pulled back and repeated it. I was so fucking high that I couldn’t register the pain that was occurring in my cunt, What I could register was the intense pleasure I was feeling of having my inner hole punched over and over again. The pleasure was so intense, that after four or five punches, I had to join in. With a slight movement the first time, I pushed back to meet Houston’s fist. Houston felt this and urged me, “Fuck yeah faggot, ride my arm. Rape that inner hole yourself, get my fucking fist in there.” As he punched again, I pushed back harder. We did this in unison six more times, me getting tougher each time. On the seventh, it happened. As he punched forward and I slammed backwards, my hole broke and his fist pushed through. We were both lost in the feeling; him feeling his fist push through and his wrist being tightly grabbed by the hole. I was broken more as I lost sense of being, the endorphins overloading me. He recovered faster and resumed his punching. I felt him pull his fist out and immediately push back in, keeping my inner hole from shutting back down and finally beating it into full submission. This went on for five minutes. I was slumped down, but felt every punch. Finally, he said he was exhausted and pulled his arm out. With his arm and fist exiting my hole, my rectum followed into a major rosebud. I collapsed onto my side, had just enough energy to reach back and feel the rosebud before passing out.
    1 point
  42. Part 3 Nate got up from the bed. The professor was quickly getting dressed. Nate walked over to his dressed and pulled out his holy white Mormon underwear. How could he wear it now. It wasnt him anymore. SMACK! Nate yelped as his ass was slapped hard by the professor. "Who gave you permission to pick out your outfit, slut?" The professor grunted Nate stared in shock. The professor continued. "You no longer have control of your body. You agreed. Master John left me in charge. Find me your shortest shorts and smallest t shirt. And hurry." Nate hurried and grabbed his 4 inch running shorts from when he did track back in high school, and an old cut off t shirt from track as well. He brought them to the professor for insoection. "Would this work?" The professor grunted. "It'll have to do. We are going shopping anyways. Put them on. We leave in 2 minutes." Nate quickly dressed. The shirt barely covered his pecs and the shorts were a size too small, his butt was on display for all to see. Nate heard the professor chuckle. " yeah, this will do slut. This will do very well, a little too long for John's taste but very acceptable lets go." Nate went to reach for his phone and wallet when he got a slap on the ass again. "No. Come." Nate quickly put on a pair of tennis shoes and followed. He felt exposed in the early summer light. He no longer had the protection of the Holy underwear to ward off unwanted advances. He followed the professor to his car in the street and saw 5 men staring at him all smiling. Nate wasnt attracted to any of them but felt very self aware. The professor guided nate into the car and started to drive. They drove for about an hour in silence. Nate got the impression if he spoje he would get punished again, and while he found out he loved spankings he didnt want to get hard. They pulled up to a sketchy strip mall and he saw it. "AL'S GAY SEX SHOP" Nates blood went cold. Surprisingly John's truck was parked out front. Next to the sex shop was a spots clothing store. Nate had never heard of the name and didnt really care. He was shaking with anxiety again. What was happening.... What had he done? The professor ordered nate out of the care abd Nate complied. John smiled. "There he is. My smooth bitch boy. Thanks professor you may go." John walked up and grabbed nate by his shorts as the professir left. "Hmmm. Good boy." John grabbed nate by his neck and kissed him. His other hand roaming the newly shaved body he lifted up the shorts about two inches and turned nate around. "Hmm. Thats about right." John's hand went up the shorts and rubbed Nate's whole. Nate gave a high pitch moan. John gave a deep chuckle. "They are going to have so much fun with you. There are only 2 rules for you slut. 1. You cant say no to anyone sexually for the next 72 hours. That also includes school on Monday. Your last day. And 2. No condoms. You are a cumpig. Break either rule and everyone you love will know how much of a whore you really are." With a swift spank John lead nate into the clothing store. Nate nodded in agreement. "Of course sir." They walked into the clothing store. There must of been 20 men there and they were all staring at Nate. Nate looked for women but couldnt see any. Nate thought that was very strange. A 6'3 jacked latino wearing a muscle shirt and sweat pants. His 8 inch schlong waving as he walked up to john and nate. His Carmel skin enhanced his muscles, making Nate hard. Reminding him of the fellow missionaries he wish he had sex with. He presentsd himself in a thick Mexican accent, "Hi, my name is Rogelio. How can I help you today?" John answered, "i need to dress my slut." Nate's jaw dropped. Rogelio smiled. "Of course. What are you looking for?" Before nate could answer John smacked his thigh. "I need 7 pairs of 3 inch shorts, 7 muscle shirts and 4 crop tops if you have them." Rogelio grinned, "of course. Do you wabt a dressing room?" Nate's mind screamed yes! But john reflected for a moment. "No. I want to get the store discount today." Rogelio smiled, "I will give you 50 percent for public.viewing and 80 percent off if I get to have sex with him." John grinned "lets do 80 percent." Nate nearly fainted in horror as Rogelio grabbed nate's shorts and lead him to the center of the store. "Undress, puto." Nate did as he was told. The other men in the store gave Wolf whistles, loud compliments, and walked towards nate. Nate loved the attention he felt as he was naked, he was free. But his nerves made him soft. But before too long Rogelio reappeared with pastel colored shorts. They were all shorter than Nates shorts. He quickly put on a bright blue pastel. Rogelio whistled, "you pick them good John. Hmm. I may give what you want for free if i can keep him for the night." John chuckled. "I got some more training to do. Maybe next week." Next week? Nate thought he would be done Monday. His graduation was nexg week. Rogelio gave nate a small pink crop too to wear and it was so snug bate saw his nipple through his shirt. "Thats it. It all fits. Now i want my prize." Rogelio grinned at john. john nodded. "Ok, slut. Undress me." Rogelio stepped up on the stand and nate kneeled before him. Nate untied his shoes and took them off quickly as well as tve socks. Nate got hard as he ubdressed Rogelio which impressed the group watching as he felt a soft smack on his ass and john yelling at someone to wait his turn. Nate reached and pulled down the sweat pants, Rogelio's hard dick slapped Nates face causeing nate to smile. John and Rogelio shared a smile knowing, Nate was never going back in the closet again. Nate started to lick Rogelio's cock when he got a smack on his face. Nate looked sorrowfully up. Rogelio replied to the sad looking cockslut. " I said undress me. Bitch." Nate quickly obeyed pulling the sweatpants off of Rogelio and for good measure kissed his feet. Which tasted really good, like vanilla. Nate shook his head and stood up. Taking off the muscle shirt exposing the Mexican sex god in all of his glory. Rogelio smiled, and kissed nate deeply. Rogelio guided nate off the stand and over to the cash register desk. He motioned for nate to sit on the desk, which nate did like a good little pussyboy. Rogelio whispered in Nate's ear. "I have HIV. Does the bother you?" Nate said, "no sir". But it shook him to his core. Nate was a virgin 24 hours ago. He was now going to have HIV. Nate then smiled. He was free. He could do anything. Nate smiled as Rogelio told Nate to lay back and slipped him out of his new short shorts. ______________________________________________ Part 4 coming later tomorrow. Rogelio poz breeds Nate.
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  43. A good buddy of mine (he’s an oral versatile guy) living on the West side of LA near the UCLA University campus. He loves oral and sucking cock. It’s his favorite and he doesn’t much get fucked by anonymous men. He lives in a small apartment building and during COVID when all the glory holes closed this past year he built his own glory hole. It’s really nice. It’s full height almost to the ceiling, fits fully wall-to-wall inside his apartment entry way, nice oval hole he cut in it and padded around the edges, metal handholds so the top guys can put their arms up and hold on as they push their cocks through the hole. It’s really nice. He and I talk all the time and he was telling me how so many of the young guys he wants to suck off also want to fuck and breed ass too and when he tells them it’s “oral-only” they stop chatting and many ghost or block him. So he asks me if I’d consider being the bottom CumDump at his glory hole…like “YES” I say!!!! But when he started saying to guys that there were going to be two of us; one to suck and another for the top to fuck, same thing happened, guys ghosted and started wanting pictures and all sorts of info. So Friday afternoon he invited me over to play his glory hole. He put out his profile on his multiple apps and told guys his GH was open for anonymous blow jobs and breeding of his hole if they wanted to fuck. He didn’t tell them it was my ass they’d be fucking. I got to his apartment. He handed me a gray t-shirt just like he was wearing and told me to put it on. The plan was that he would suck the top and if the top wanted to fuck, my friend would just move to the left and I’d move over and spread my ass cheeks to take the hard cock. The top, if he looked would only see my ass and Gray t-shirt, they’d never know there were two of us behind the GH. So my friend is advertising “private, discreet, anonymous Glory Hole, oral and raw breeding; easy parking.” On a side note I’d like to believe tops came to get off because they thought my friend was the best oral, but in LA, “easy parking” is a big advantage!!! First guy shows up about 4 P.M. the light in the entry way is very low and the light in the hallway on our side of the GH is dark. The first guy is buzzed through the gate. My friend and I wait on our side of the GH. We’ve both removed our shorts as my friend jerks on his cock as he sucks and I’m ready to take a cock if called upon to do so. We have our gray t-shirts on. My friend is on his knees on a foam pad right in front of the GH, I’m sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, arms around my knees, ass pre-lubed and waiting. We’re both quiet, the door opens, closes. I hear the guy’s shorts come off, then his cock comes through the hole; he’s 28yo, asian, very fit, cock totally shaved, uncut, beautiful balls and a surprisingly long thin, flaccid cock, long foreskin covering his cock. My friend looks at me and smiles. He begins to suck; almost immediately I can see the guy’s cock get hard. He’s hanging on to the hand holds and leaning on the GH as we can see it move. My buddy is an amazing expert cock sucker as I watch him work. I time it as he sucks, waiting for my cue to step in and get fucked. I so want that beautiful young cock. We’re 7 minutes in and we can here the guy breathing hard, then we hear, “I’m close! I’m going to cum! I’m going cum!” Seconds later I can see my buddy swallowing. Then the cock slowly pulls out of his mouth and disappears onto the other side of the hole. My buddy turns to me and opens his mouth; it’s full of white cum. He swallows and smiles at me. Then we hear the guy say, “thank you.” And he exits the apartment. I just say to my friend, “that was amazing.” We turn to his laptop as he scans his messages. The next guy is waiting for the address. He sends it. 20 minutes later the next guy is buzzed up. 32yo, “straight,” white, very athletic on his profile, supposedly a big cut cock. The apartment door opens. We are in the same positions. We hear a belt buckle, we hear shoes coming off, he’s wearing jeans and we hear the pants coming all the way off. Then his cock comes through the glory hole, already partially engorged, arching forward, he’s excited. Beautiful. My friend gently lifts the guy’s cock into his open mouth and begins his work. I’m in awe how good he is and how much effort he puts into it. About 5 minutes into the sucking my friend pulls off and goes back on it so I can see the hard length of this cock; 7.5” or just under 8”, moderate thickness. Soon the guy pulls his cock back through the hole, leans down and asks my buddy, “can I fuck u?” My buddy says sure and reaches through to take the guys cock. The hard comes back through the hole and he sucks it to get it really wet. I stand up, step over to the GH. My friend slides over to the side. I take hold of the cock and guide it inside my hole. The guy slides in fully. On the the other side of the GH he’s saying, “oh God that feels good!” He fucks slowly. I’m standing, bent over, my ass is pushed up against the hole. Soon we can hear him panting and he’s fucking hard, the wood GH wall is moving and make cracking sounds as he’s putting his weight into the fucking. In a minute or two he’s gasping and grunting as he unloads he’s cum in me saying, “fuck, fuck, fuck!!!” Then he’s done. He stays in me. My friend motions for me to slide off the cock. As I do, my buddy takes hold of the cock and puts it back in his mouth. I’m standing off to the side, cum leaking from me. Soon the cock pulls back through the hole. We hear him slowly dressing. He says, “thanks guy,” very quietly as he leaves. Are GH guys always so polite I ask my friend? Soon my friend gets a message from the last guy, “that was amazing, luv your ass. Can I come by again sometime?” Soon the third guy buzzes. My buddy and I are in position, the door opens and closes. Shoes and shorts come off. Another beautiful uncut cock comes through the hole. The guy is, 24yo, white, uncut, moderate sized cock. His cock comes through the hole totally flaccid. My buddy caresses it, sucks it. Soon this hard young cock standing at attention is ready for me. I stand, move to the hole, and guide it inside me. He pounds away as my buddy on his knees watches me getting pounded, both of us smiling. Soon, the guy speeds up his thrusts, he breathing hard, then he’s breeding me. Damn that was hot! Over the next 3 hours we took care of 11 more cocks and I got 8 loads in my ass. Not one guy was aware there were two of us!
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  44. This is what got me started. Watching straight porn, I would always seem to find myself identifying with the woman. I would be wondering what the woman was feeling as that cock was pushing inside her, what it felt like to have it pistoning in and out of her. What it felt like to gag on a fat cock head like she was as he pushed it in while gripping her head. And what got me into bareback: what she felt when warm cum was running down her skin, the slutty feel of having it come out your openings. All of that drove me into my first gay encounter, and I haven't looked back since, in fact I look forward to more and more "gay bucket list" scenario encounters. Of course I've graduated to gay porn, but straight porn was a great gateway!
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  45. Part 2 The rest of the week was a blur for me. I was having an out of body moment and only snapped out of it whenever I was interrupted. My dad’s were picking up on it. Dinner time was awkward. I wouldn’t look them straight in the eye. What surprised me was the way they acted. They were normal. They were their loving selves. I didn’t get it. Daddy John literally raped Daddy Steve and Daddy Steve did not seem to care. I must have been distracted at footy because coach Davis kept giving me a verbal and asking where my head was at and my friends even said I seem distant. One Evening Daddy John pulled me aside before we left to go to football practice and asked me if I was ok. My grades had slipped and he was worried that they were not giving him enough study time or maybe too pressure. I told him I was fine and I’ll pick up my game. He gave me a big huge. He pressed me hard into him. His big massive arms cradled my back which pressed my face into his masculine chest and I could feel his bulge press against my own chest. I kept thinking that his massive cock was only a few inches away from my face and imagined what it would be like to have it in my mouth… Or my arse… The thought shocked me for a moment, but then I felt myself harden. Daddy John must have noticed and pulled back slightly to look down at me. He then said ‘I love you Son. You are my boy.’ And pulled me back in. My hard on pressed against his upper shin. We were about to leave when he stopped to tell me something ‘Oh. By the way. Steve and I are heading out tonight to celebrate his 53rd birthday.’ ‘I know dad.’ ‘You do?’ ‘You go out for his birthday every year. I know the routine.’ I amused as we kept on walking to the entrance. To the right is a side stair case leading to the lower level of the house. To the side at the bottom is another door leading to a room I am not allowed to go in. Daddy Steve walked out as we walked past the stair case. He said ‘Head to training?’ ‘We sure are, dad.’ I said as Daddy John opened the front door. ‘Happy birthday by the way. Have a fun night tonight. I’ll stay at Mitch’s place tonight.’ ‘Thanks Son. Tonight is going to be a blow out.’ I knew full well that they were going to have sex. I felt myself get hard again at the notion of it. But for the last few weeks I have snuck to the their bedroom to listen in on them fucking and Daddy John still had no remorse over Daddy Steve. He really violates him and Daddy Steve just excepts it, regardless of how much it hurts him. So something is different here. Something was up. I needed to know. So I planned to not go to Mitch’s and follow my dads. The time come and I made some bullshit story to my mates dad that I had to head home and pick up some school work I forgot. He was close to Daddy John’s age, little over weight, dad bod. I saw him in his jocks once when I walked past the bathroom and he was quite a hairy guy. He thought it was a little late to head over. It seemed to me that he was trying to stop me. His tone and the types of reason to make me stay just did not add up. Did he know something? He eventually said he would head over and get my school work. Frustrating for me. I had to go to plan B. I snuck out the window. It was 10pm. I got to my house. I saw Mitch’s dad arrive and a total strange opened the door for him. Strange. Who the fuck was that, and how did he know Mitch’s dad. I waited a moment to make my move then snuck through the front door. What I was presented with caught me by complete surprise. My dad’s house was full of men. Men of all different shapes, sizes and age. None however, seem to be younger than 40. They were at different levels of undress. And there were stiff dicks everywhere. I was lucky that no one had seen me. I looked down the stair case to the side of the entrance and saw a few men walking in through the door at the bottom. I saw an opportunity to sneak in and took it. I went through the door which open to yet another stair case followed by a long tunnel. It was dark. There was a shimmer of red light. I went down. The tunnel seemed long, but it could have been the dim lighting that made it feel that way. I reach the far entrance to the tunnel and what I saw completely warped my mind! The room look looked like a dungeon. There were varies fuck benches and slings. A leather couch, cross bar, mirrors on most of the walls and ceiling. The room was quite large and it easily had close to 60 or 70 guys in there. All naked, all playing with their cocks, all watching what was happening in the middle. Daddy Steve was strapped to a wooden bench face down getting railed by a stranger, while Daddy John was standing by Daddy Steve head watching the stranger fuck him. ‘I’M GONNA CUM!’ The stranger yelled and picked up his thrusts, driving deeper in Daddy Steve’s ass. ‘TAKE MY TOXIC LOAD, YOU FUCKING PIG!’ The stranger seemed to be cumming for a while, then he finally pulled out. I heard a plop from where I was standing. Very quick, another stranger replaced the previous stranger and just started jack hammering his cock into Daddy Steve’s cum filled hole. Daddy Steve moaned in pain through what looked like a red gag ball. I could not believe what I was seeing. My cock stiffened in my jocks from the site. I was scared, horrified and yet aroused by it. Under the bench there was some sort of cow tit milker attached my Daddy Steve’s 10 inch cock. It was a clear cylinder with a chrome base. I could see Daddy Steve’s nob poke through a larger cylinder attachment at the end which had a tube running down into a chrome tank. I could see that Daddy Steve had blown a load in it from the cum gathered at the entrance to the tube. ‘Hear comes another dirty load, you fucking slut.’ And the new stranger pumped his load into Daddy Steve. I nearly came in my jocks. Daddy Steve just got bred by two strangers, no tell how many other men have done the same, and Daddy John has just stood there and watched. The stranger pulled out and I could see his cock and pubs slick with cum. There was heaps. It glistened in the red lighting. Daddy John was wearing tight denim jeans and black boots. He had gauntlets with pointy studs on his forearms and a leather harness strapped around his muscly hairy chest. He look like one of those leather men from the Tom of Finland images. He leant over Daddy Steve and pull his muscly ass cheeks apart and examined his hole. ‘Not enough cum. NEXT’ He said with malice. Then another strange lined up. Daddy John move close to Daddy Steve’s ear, ‘Pig faggot, you are going to like this stranger. 10 inch cock, old, withered man, easily in his late 70’s. Yellow decaying teeth. And fuck… He smells like he hasn’t showered in a week. He looks like he is carrying a high viral load.’ Just as he said those few words, the old man shoved his 10 inch cock balls deep into Daddy Steve’s wrecked hole. It must have been too much for Daddy Steve. Next thing I heard was Daddy Steve moaning in pain while his cock ejaculated another load of cum into the cylinder. Daddy John noticed. ‘I thought you might have liked that, you fucking whore.’ He amused followed with a burly chuckle, then turned to the old man with his cock in Daddy Steve ‘Fuck that dirty poz infected slut. Charge him up and give the worthless whore your DNA.’ With that, the old man fucked him furiously. My cock couldn’t take it much longer, so I pulled it out and started playing with it. The old man did not last long. ‘Argh!... FUCK! Here comes my POZ load faggot. TAKE. IT!’ and he pushed back in deep and unloaded. It was getting way too much and I found myself pulling my cock really hard. It was then that I saw Mitch’s dad line up behind Daddy Steve. He had a curved 8 inch cock and he forced it into Daddy Steve’s gaping hole. I could not believe what I was seeing. He fucked really fast. Quick hammering. He seemed like he was in a hurry. And then grabbed Daddy Steve’s hips and slammed in hard and moaned out loud. I was on the verge of cumming, it was then that another 6 more guys walked past me from the tunnel. They were old guys in their 70’s and they saw me pulling my cock. ‘What we have here.’ One of the old men said while playing with his long dick. ‘Looks like young fresh meat.’ Another said, licking his crusty lips. ‘A shame you are not strapped to that bench. I wouldn’t mind a bit of boy pussy.’ Said another. For a moment I froze not knowing what to do. Then I quickly took off struggling to pull my pants up as I ran. I stumbled up the two sets of stair cases, passing even more naked men. I even felt a cock brush me as I went by. I managed to get to the entrance and get out. I got to the road and stopped to catch my breath. Flashes of what I had just saw kept flashing in my mind. To be continued
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  46. Part 6 The rest of the week was pretty much the same. Colt and I couldn't get enough of each other. We were fucking like animals everyday after school as well as finding more secret places at school for a daily blowjob. Sometimes Colt sucked me off, sometimes I sucked him off. And I have to admit, I liked sucking him off because I loved having the taste of his cum in my mouth as we sat in Trig. On Thursday, when we were behind the bleachers and he was on his knees sucking me and jerking himself, I told him to cum in his hand. When he did, I licked it all off. He loved that I loved the taste of his cum so much. On Friday, Colt told me he had to run an errand after school and that he'd pick me up at 6:00 for a surprise. Knowing him, it could have been anything, but as long as it involved sex with him, I was up for anything. That evening found us in his truck driving into Ft. Worth. Colt drove an 88 Ford F-250, black, and jacked up with monster tires. A perfect beast of a truck for a perfect beast of a man. He was looking his hottest that night with his black cowboy hat and sleeveless checkered shirt, his big ole belt buckle proudly sitting above his crotch in the tightest jeans he owned. I was snuggled up against him like his bitch, with his arm draped around me, lightly stroking my nip. He hadn't told me where we were going, but then, I didn't really care as long as I was with him. "So, don't you want to know where we're going?" He finally asked me. "I guess." I answered. "It's showtime. Gotta do a cam show." "Well Colt, I don't know about that." I said, sitting up a bit. "See, that's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to be a pussy. Look, I'm not asking you to do anything, I just want you to be there. You know I love you." He said as he stroked my cheek. "I wanna share everything with you and not feel like we have secrets. Besides, you've already seen my shows, and you sure seemed to like them." He had me there. "Yea, you're right I suppose, as always." I laughed. "So, what kind of show is it tonight?" "A gangbang. Dante said he's got 15 guys lined up for tonight." My dick stirred in my pants as I pictured Colt taking 15 cocks up that perfect ass of his. Damn, I was turning into quite the [banned word]. Eventually we pulled up to a nice house, one of those Victorian ones in the older part of town. Carlos answered the door and let us in. The parlor and dining room were full of men already. All kinds, mostly older, a few younger ones, with all different body types. I recognized Ron and Billy and they gave me a little wave as I followed Carlos and Colt up the stairs. We entered a bedroom where everything was already set up, including a bag of powder, a pipe, some syringes and brown bottles on the night stand. "Here, drink this." Said Dante as he handed Colt a bottle of Gatorade. "The show starts in 20 minutes." Colt chugged the bottle down. "This your friend you were telling me about?" He said looking me up and down. "Yea, this is Austin. He's gonna chill and watch the show." "He's tasty." Dante said as if I wasn't even there. "Let me know if you ever want to make some money kid. I can make you a star like Colt." I blushed. "I don't think so. I'm just here for moral support." "Morals?" Carlos laughed. "You're boyfriend ain't got no morals. That's why he's so popular. He's a pig and he's fuckin hot as shit." "Oh you sweet talker." Purred Colt as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, kissing me deeply. "Mmmmm, you two look good together." Said Dante. "Seriously kid, think about it. It's good money!" I just kinda laughed as Colt pulled me onto the bed, sitting me next to him. He lit up a pipe and took a big hit before shotgunning it into me. I could see Dante rubbing his crotch out of the corner of my eye as Colt's tongue explored my mouth. My cock was rock hard in my jeans. After a few more shotguns Colt stood up. "Go sit over there." Colt directed me, pointing towards a chair in the corner. As I walked away he slapped me on my ass. "I love ya bitch." I just smiled and sat down, ready to enjoy the show. "All right stud, it's showtime." Announced Dante. "We got about 60 people watching, so let's give em what they paid for!" Colt's eyes just lit up as he started giving the camera his best slutty face. God he was such a whore, I thought as I rubbed my hard cock. "Hey guys." He began, looking right into the camera. "You ready to watch my teenage jock pussy get gangbanged?" He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his big flat pecs and washboard abs. He held up a pipe and took a big hit, slowly exhaling a big white cloud as he removed his shirt. He took another big hit and exhaled as he rubbed his chest and stomach. "Is the what you like, fuckers? You like watching me get fucked up before I get raped? You like it when I'm a high, slutty pig?" He took another hit, exhaling as he unbuckled his belt and popped his fly buttons, the thick white cloud washing over his naked torso. "Well I've taken a nice big hit of G, and I'm feeling good and slutty, like the cumdump I am." Colt smiled as he leaned down and pulled off one of his boots. With half closed eyes he brought the boot up to his face and licked it seductively as he groaned. "Mmmmm, I love the taste of a leather boot." I just sat there, mesmerized by Colt's performance as he slathered the boot with his tongue. It took me a moment before I realized Carlos was tapping on my shoulder, holding out a pipe. I smiled as I took it and inhaled a big hit just as Colt was taking another one. He brought his second boot up to his face and licked it as he slowly exhaled the cloud out of his nose. Then he stood up and teasingly pulled down his jeans, exposing a tight, yellow jockstrap. The pouch bulged with an odd shape. Colt just smiled into the camera as he pulled the pouch aside, revealing that his cock was locked in a cage. The huge monster was visibly straining in it's confines. "You like that guy's?" Colt cooed into the camera. "Tonight it's about this faggot jocks pussy, and nothing else!" He said as he turned around and bent over, spreading his cheeks and showing the camera his hot fuckhole. He turned his head to the camera and said, "I'm Colton Sawyer Cooper, I'm an 18 year old high school jock, and I'm ready to get gang fucked!" He sat back on the bed and pulled his jeans off his legs and his socks, and sat back in all his jock strapped glory as Carlos proceeded to tie off his bicep. Then Colt stuck out his tongue and groaned as Carlos slowly dragged the rig across it. Then he looked at Carlos with pure lust and said, "Yea, give it to me. Fuckin slam my faggot jock ass!" Carlos pushed the plunger on what looked like a big slam, and Colt's eyes and mouth flew wide open after the band was released, and he started panting like a bitch in heat as the bedroom door opened and the men poured in. Most of them wore some kind of mask and they varied from basic eye masks to full hoods. 5 of them wore none at all, including Ron and Billy. All of them were hard and stroking their cocks. Colt rolled on his back and spread his legs wide, showing the men his hungry hole. The men made all kinds of comments. "Fuck yea, look at that whore." "What a slut!" "He can't wait for cock in his hole!" "Fucking jock pig!" "Stupid fuckin cumdump!" "God yes!" Colt begged. "Fuck me like the whore I am!" The men just laughed as they surrounded the bed. The first guy climbed on the bed. He was apparently middle aged with a furry beer belly and an average sized cock. He slapped Colt hard across the ass. "Get on your hands and knees cunt!" He ordered Colt. Colt scrambled into position. I have to say, I loved seeing Colt in this position. It showed off his body so well from his big strong arms and broad, bull like shoulders to his flat stomach and small waist, culminating in his big, round white muscle ass sticking proudly out, awaiting its destiny. The man spit on Colt's hole a couple of times before spitting on his cock. He grabbed Colt's curly hair and twisted his face toward the camera. "What's your name again cunt?" He demanded. Colt looked into the camera with his glassy, lust filled eyes as another man held a brown bottle under his nose. Colt took two long huffs before he replied. "Colton Sawyer Cooper, Sir." Colt huffed more on the bottle as the man asked, "What high school do you go to bitch?" I was a little shocked when Colt answered, "Cleburn High, Sir." But I guess at this point the viewers pretty much knew everything about him. Colt huffed more as his face turned bright red and his eyes crossed a bit. "And what do you want slut?" Demanded the man. "Cocks, Sir!" Replied Colt as he huffed more, his head now being held up by the man gripping his hair. "Cocks in my hole, cum in my pussy!" "Anyone's cock? Any total stranger's cock, no matter what they look like?" "Yes Sir. Please Sir!" Begged Colt. "And why is that?" Growled the man. "Because I'm a pussy jock cumdump!!" Colt shouted. "That's right bitch!" Hissed the man as he yanked Colt's head back and simultaneously slammed his cock balls deep into the waiting hole before him. Colt let out a howl as his hole was ripped open with nothing more than spit. This gave the man who was holding the poppers a chance to ram his longer than average cock right down Colt's throat. Colt was obviously not prepared for that as he coughed and gagged. The man fucking him slammed Colt's head up and down on the cock like a rag doll as he power fucked Colt's ass, not giving either hole a chance to get warmed up, they were both just brutally battered. I hit the pipe again as I watched the man I loved more than anything get brutally raped in real life right in front of me. And my dick was hard as steel. The man fucking him didn't take long before he buried himself in Colt's hole and pumped a load of cum deep into him. As soon as he pulled out, the guy that had been fucking Colt's throat moved to his ass and rammed his cock into the hilt while the first guy moved to Colt's head and stuck his slimy cock into Colt's mouth and he cleaned it off like the hungry pig he was. It went like this for the first 4 men. The 5th man was a big bear of a man, with a huge cock to match. His large barrel of a body was covered in grey hair and tattoos. He rolled Colt onto his back and spread his legs apart. Dante got a close up of Colt's already gaping hole as cum dribbled out of it. Another man held Colt's head in his lap as he fed him more poppers. The tattooed man smiled down as the whore beneath him. "You want this cock boy?" He asked, showing a blurry eyed Colt his fat 10 incher. "Oh god, yes Sir!" Colt slurred. "Fuck me, PLEASE!" He begged like a wanton slut. The man stuck his fingers in Colt's mouth, pulling his jaw down, making his mouth wide open. He then proceeded to hock a loogie right onto Colt's tongue, followed by two big spits right into his mouth. He pushed Colt's mouth closed and rammed his fat cock into the waiting hole as Colt groaned and swallowed his piss and snot. The man held onto Colt's massive thighs as he plow drived his cock in and out of Colt for a good 10 minutes before he too was adding his seed into the mixture within Colt's guts. After he pulled out and another anonymous man enter Colt, he moved to Colt's head so the slut could clean off the slimy cum and ass covered cock. When he was clean, he slapped Colt hard across the face. "Open wide pig!" He ordered my man. Colt obeyed and within moments, the tattooed man was pissing into his wide open hole. The guy fucking him started pounding him harder as Colt valiantly tried to swallow all the piss, but it nevertheless poured out of his mouth and sloshed over his face and into his hair. The various men around him laughed at him and called him more degrading names. "Look at that nasty little piss pig!" "Yea he's not only a cumdump, but a toilet too!" "What a pathetic jock bitch!" "Someone else piss in that disgusting whore's mouth!" Another man stepped up and started pissing into Colt's mouth and all over his face as the guy fucking him dumped another load into his increasingly sloppy cunt. I sat there, glued to the scene playing out before me, my pants and shorts around my ankles, stroking my throbbing cock. I had obviously watched Colt be a submissive slut in his videos, but sitting here, watching it happen live was so much nastier and hotter. I watched as 4 more men fucked Colt's slutty hole and more used his mouth as a urinal, making the bed around his head a wet sloppy mess that his face was continually shoved into as he was fucked on his stomach. Finally, I could take no more and decided I needed in on the action. But I didn't want to show my face. I motioned Carlos over and told him I wanted a mask. "Hot damn!" He said as he fetched me a leather executioners hood. Perfect, I thought, as I was feeling very dominant and that fit perfectly. I put it on and walked naked to the bed as the last fucker was cumming in Colt. I grabbed his piss soaked hair and pulled his face into mine, staring right into his glassy eyes. "Guess who bitch?" I snarled. "It's your Master." Colt's fucked up eyes looked into mine and he smiled as he whispered, "Master." "That's right bitch." I said, really getting into the dominant role. "You've been putting on a good show for the audience like the good teenage jock faggot slut you are, but it's time to up the ante and really show them what your cumhole can take!" Colt just smiled. "Yes Master, please use me for your pleasure!" "Oh I will, whore. Don't you worry about that!" I said as I motioned for Ron and Billy to come over. "Your nasty slut hole is about to get double fucked!" I knew those two big cocks were going to split Colt wide open, and my heart pounded at the thought of it. I had Ron lay down on the bed and made Colt lie on his back on top of him. Then I grabbed a baggie of T and used some of the cum leaking out of Colt's blossoming rosebud to coat their cocks till they were nice and slick, then covered them with crystal. I could see Colt visibly shake in anticipation of what he knew was about to happen. I ripped his jockstrap off of him and soaked the pouch in poppers before I placed it over his nose. Then I sat my hole right on Colt's mouth and hooked my elbows around his knees, spreading him wide open. Billy placed Ron's cockhead against Colt's puffy, red hole, and Ron rammed it in. Colt shook and whimpered as his inflamed ass tissues started to burn. The he really screamed as Billy plunged his T covered cock in next, ripping Colt's hole wide open, however, his screams were muffled by my asshole covering his mouth and the only air he could get was through his popper covered nose. Eventually his body went kind of limp, but his tongue and mouth ate my hole with gusto as the boys pounded their two cocks into him. "Yea, fuck that slut!" I egged them on. "Show that whore what his hole was made for! It's nothing but a faggot jock cum receptrical!" Ron bucked his hips beneath us as Billy pulled out his cock all the way before slamming it back in while Colt moaned like a bitch and devoured my hole. I could see that Billy's cock had some red streaks on it, and I smiled knowing how busted Colt's ass was. Eventually, both boys shot their loads into my whore and pulled, leaving an angry gaping oozing red hole in their wake. I motioned for the last 2 guys to come over, both again with big cocks, bigger than the last two. This time I had Colt lay face down on the bottom guy as the big cock slid into his cum pudding hole like it was nothing. Then the other guy lined up his cock and stabbed it into Colt. Colt let out a loud groan and I grabbed his head, turning it to face the camera. "Look at your audience!" I ordered him, as I got even further into this dominant role. "Let them see your whore face as the big, bad high school football player gets his slutty faggot pussy used for what it was made for!" I fed Colt some fresh poppers as he just kinda babbled gibberish. I forced my hard cock into his throat and held him there as I pinched and pulled his nipples.Eventually, I started pissing, pulling back so only the head of my cock was in his mouth. "That's right bitch! Drink your Master's piss, and don't spill a drop, or else!" Like a good piss pig, Colt gulped down every drop as two more loads flooded his hole. They were the last two. Colt had taken 15 loads. But there was still more. I took the camera and handed it to one of the guys as Carlos and Dante climbed on the bed. This time they both laid on their backs and scooted their asses together. Dante's massive black cock and Carlos's fat Mexican pipe combined to make one, immense ass breaking cock. I measured and both my hands barely fit around it. "I think our whore could use a little booster first." Said the tattooed man as he picked up a rig. "I agree." I said, as I moved behind Colt and slid my arms under his pits, locking my hands behind his neck. The tattooed man tied off his arm and had the needle stuck in before Colt could even realize what was happening to him. Then the plunger went down, the band came off, and Colt was off and coughing. "Come on," I told Ron and Billy," grab his legs, you," I said to the tattooed guy, "We'll grab his arms. Let's lift him up." Now Colt was a big, heavy muscle boy, but the four of us were strong and we lifted him up and positioned his leaking rosebud right on the tip of Dante's longer cock. "Ok, on the count of three, drop him!" I instructed. "One." I said as another guy covered Colt's nose and mouth with fresh poppers in his jock. We held him there for a few moments as Colt breathed fast and deep from the slam. "Two...." "Three!" We all let go as Colt's heavy body dropped straight down onto the massive cock pole waiting for him. Even as fucked up as he was, Colt let out a scream as his hole was stretched wider than it ever had been. I held onto him enough so that he wouldn't topple over. "Come on guys, let's help this bitch get REALLY fucked!" I told the men. Ron and Billy each grabbed an ankle, spreading them wide apart, giving a full view of the insanely huge double cock as it ruined Colt's pussy. The tattooed guy and I each lifted Colt under his arms, and soon we were lifting and lowering Colt on the huge double cock, making sure his flaming hole rubbed into their pubes with each stroke. Soon, we were lifting him up and off the cocks, letting the camera get a good view of his distended ass lips before we dropped him back down, full force. Colt's head just flopped around, like his metal encased cock, as he was reduced to a mere thing. He wasn't even just a faggot jock pussy, he had become nothing more than literally a gaping, oozing hole. He grunted like a pig each time he was dropped onto their pubes as what was left of his hole became hamburger. And my cock throbbed harder than it ever had. Thank goodness it didn't take Dante and Carlos too long before they were shooting their loads into the fuck toy being forcibly bounced on their cocks. Colt flopped back onto the bed as the huge double cock slipped out of him. As high as he was, he was too fucked out to even move. But I hadn't cum yet. I lifted his legs to show the audience his bright red rosebud. Then, without even giving him a chance to breath, I started pushing my fist into him. Unsurprisingly I met zero resistance as his hole practically sucked my hand in. I marveled at the wet, gooey mush I felt in his guts. In no time I was halfway up my forearm as the tattooed man fed him more poppers. Colt gasped and groaned as I pushed my fingers deeper into him, past his second sphincter. My dick leaked like crazy as more of my arm dissapeared into him. Colt's eyes just rolled back in his head as he panted and whined as I made a fist inside of him and started pushing in and out. With each push I went a little deeper as the the tattooed guy worked Colt's titties. Before I knew it, I was elbow deep in that sluts wrecked cunt. And the next thing I knew, Colt was shaking and crying out like a girl as a huge load of watery cum flowed out of his caged cock. This was too much for me, and I pulled back my arm till only my fist remained in him. Then I shoved my throbbing cock into him. I wrapped my hand around my dick as they were both buried inside Colt, and jerked myself off inside my best friend, the love of my life as he continued to jerk and whine like a bitch. I shot my load into his mushy guts as I dumped what felt like a gallon of sperm. After I pulled out of Colt, and collapsed on the bed next to him, I watched as Carlos approached with a huge buttplug. It slipped easily into Colt. Then Carlos grabbed Colt and jerked him off the bed. He held Colt's arm behind his back as he pushed the exhausted teen out the bedroom door and down the stairs. He opened the front door and pushed Colt out, making him fall onto the grass. "Now beat it Punta!" He said as he spit on Colt. "Get your whore ass out of here until the next time." He said as he slammed the door. I watched through the window as a naked Colt scrambled to his truck and crawled in the cab. "Just a little extra fun for the audience." He laughed as Dante filmed it. Back upstairs in the room, as I got dressed and gathered Colt's clothes, Dante handed me $3500. "Three grand is for him." He said. "He totally earned it tonight. We're gonna make a fortune off this tape. Although, I don't know how we're going to top that. $500 is for you." "Thanks man. Can I buy some of that shit from you?" "Here." Said dante as he handed me a fat baggie, 3 loaded points and couple of pipes. "Consider this a bonus. Your slut was more than worth it tonight." "Thanks." I said, as I exchanged numbers with Dante as well as Ron, Billy, and the tattooed man whose name was Hank. "Here, you can keep this hood too." Added Carlos as he tossed it to me. "It looks hot on you." "And here's the whores cage keys." Said Dante as he handed them to me. "I think that whores weekend is far from over." I said with an evil smile as I took possession of the keys.
    1 point
  47. Part 2: Becoming pregnant fuck meat I walked out into the hall and back up to the hotel bar. I look around. My friends had gone. The bar almost empty, just the barman cleaning up. He looked at me and smirked "I think your friends let honey" he said in a very camp voice and looked me up and down like he was undressing me. Behind me my skinhead appeared. He put his arms around me "c'mon up to my room and I'll call you a cab, you look wasted". I didnt resist, eveything was spinning. Before I knew it I was in his room, sitting on the edge of his hotel bed. He stood in front of me. "Well, whilst we wait for a cab you may as well finish sucking my cock". He pulled down his jeans and his hardening cock sprang out. I was immediately transfixed and began sucking on it like it was the most natural thing to do in the world. I was deep throating it like a pro, like I'd seen in the porn movies. I licked his balls and sucked them into my mouth. I was in heaven. He pulled my T-Shirt off, and pushed me back onto the bed. Then he pulled off my boots and jeans. Within seconds I was naked on my back. I have to go I said, I'm wasted... "Relax" he told me "I have you a little something to help you get into it, being your first time I thought you needed some help" "What do you mean, you gave me something..." I slurred "Just a little something I pushed up your cunt with my tongue" I started sucking my cock. I started moaning. I was in heaven. He replaced his mouth with his hand and moved to licking my arse. I was in heaven, moaning like a total slut. He began fingering me and working my cock at the same time, I'd never felt anything like it. Then he stopped and moved up my body, my legs pinned over his shoulders. He kissed me deeply, his tongue forcing it's way into my mouth. "are you ready, you are going to get fucked tonight, you know that dont you?" "Yes, sir, but please not without a condom..." "It's OK' he said "Dont worry, you are going to get barebacked at some point, it may as well be tonight, You want to lose your virginity properly dont you?" God yes, I moaned and uttered the words every bottom knows so well "Please fuck me, fuck me hard, cum in me, I want you to cum inside me" He pushed his cock into me. I dont even remember it hurting. All I remember is the fucking - him fucking me hard and me taking it like I was born to be bitch. On my back with a man inside me. I was groaning and taking on the role of a slut in ways I didnt think I was possible of - begging him to fuck me harder, to use my cunt. Hurt me, rape me, everything I could think of. My entire world was now about his amazing dick in my arse and for the first time I felt complete, loved and wanted. "I'm getting close" he said "Maybe if you are lucky we'll get you pregnant first time" That sounded kinky, being a girl I thought, pretending I could pregnant. My femboy side had awakened and I loved the idea of being the girl with a cunt. "Yes, please, cum in me, make me pregnant. Give me your babies, I want you to be my daddy, cum in me daddy please cum in me" And then he did it - he pushed down hard and pumped his load into me. Thats all I remember from that night, I must have passed out. I woke up the next morning, still in his bed, naked...
    1 point
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