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  1. This happened about a month ago, I am a freshman in college and I have heard of a few cruising spots on campus which really piqued my interest. One of them was in the Student Union bathrooms in the basement area and the other was actually the showers beside the area called the ‘Chill Spot’ that a lot of students hung out at. So one Friday afternoon, I decided to head to the basement bathrooms first, after my lecture around 4pm. I was really nervous since it was my first time cruising, but also I was excited. I sported a half-hard cock most of the day. I prepped beforehand just in case I was gonna be fucking, and wore a jockstrap underneath my sweatpants. I took the elevator down to the basement which really had a few empty classrooms, a lecture hall and the bathrooms at the end of the hall. there was basically no one there from what it could tell except for a few girls in one of the rooms talking and studying. I entered the mens washroom, and went into the middle stall. I sat down on the toilet and just went on my phone for a bit seeing if anything would happen. For a while nothing happened, until the guy in the stall to the right of me knelt down and presented his cock underneath the dividing wall into my stall. I could not believe it, it was a nice 8 inch throbbing white dick with a really cool biohazard+ tattoo just above his shaved cock. I slowly got on my knees and started stroking it slowly, gradually speeding up my pace. the guy started humping my fist which really turned me on and I heard him whisper “suck my dick”. Without thinking I wrapped my lips around his cock and started sucking his thick cock like I had been deprived of cock for months. He started moaning really quietly which got me so horny. I sucked and licked his big balls, while going back and licking his thick shaft and head. He was leaking a lot of precum and it was making a small puddle on the cold bathroom floor. I couldn't believe I was sucking a stranger's cock in my college's bathroom. Anyway I continued sucking his dick until i heard him whisper lemme fuck your ass you slut, and in the heat of the moment I whispered back, “yes daddy”. I turned around and dropped my sweatpants off. I squatted down and stuck my big ass underneath the divider. I felt his hands squeeze my ass. He whispered “goddamn baby you have such a nice ass” and slid a finger into my tight hole. I wasn't expecting that and I let out a soft moan, breaking the silence in the quiet washroom. I really hoped no one else would come in while this guy was about to fuck my ass. He started fingering me faster before I whispered “I want your cock in me daddy”. Without any hesitation I heard him spit on his throbbing cock and then I felt his head right at my wet boy hole.Ii heard him say “you want this poz dick in you?”. I wasn’t sure i heard him right, but before I could reply he slid his thick tainted cock into my ass, and I let out a moan that echoed in the washroom. He started fucking my ass with long strokes while I was on my hands and knees telling him to go faster. Within 5 minutes I couldn't take it anymore and started cumming all over the bathroom floor, and that made him shoot his cum in my ass. I quickly got up, put my pants on and left the bathroom in a haze of shame and feeling like the biggest slut on campus. I sat in my dorm room an hour later looking up what ‘poz” meant and doing image searches on bio-hazard tattoos. I slid in my butt plug to keep his load in me and jerked off twice to some really hot verbal poz videos while planning my next cruising trip on campus.
    20 points
  2. Chapter 14- Prom, Part 1 Brian had just sat down to the dinner table. He was excited that his dad had grilled up steaks, a sign that summer was almost here. It only took a couple minutes for his heart to start racing and his palms to get sweaty. “So, Bri, have you got a prom date yet?” his dad asked, likely not expecting his son to say yes. Brian could almost feel the blood rush to his cheeks as the embarrassment of the question, and the fear of what came next, turned his pale face red. But he knew it was time. “Uh, yeah, I do” he replied, staring down at the plate of steak, not making eye contact with his parents or younger brother. “Oh, who? Do we know her?” his Dad replied in an excited tone. Brian sat there for a moment, probably a tad longer than was comfortable for anyone at the table. His parents could probably see his heart trying to jump out of his chest. His voice cracked as he began to respond. “Um, yeah, you know him. I’m going with Jake.” There was an ever so brief moment of silence around the table. Brian brought his eyes up with fear to gauge their reactions. He saw what looked like a mildly amused look on his dad’s face, which he didn’t know what to make of. Then Brian got even more confused as his dad broke out in laughter; a kind of congratulatory laughter one might here after winning a game. He looked to his mom, who had a big smirk on her face, and then saw his dad get up, walk around the table, and motioned for Brian to get up to give him a hug. Brian could almost feel the tears welling in his eyes. “We were beginning to worry we had raised two straight kids!” his dad to him during the big hug. “What?” Brian replied, with a little laugh as he was realizing these were reactions were positive and genuine. His father let go of the hug, stepped back, but kept his hands on Brian’s shoulders in that fatherly way that meant something profound was about to be said. “This is going to sound weird Brian, but your mother and I have joked for a while that a goal of ours, as parents, was to have a gay kid. I’m not saying that’s anything we, or you, can control, but we wanted you both to be who you are, and we always hoped that, if one of you was gay, or bi, or trans, or whatever, you’d feel comfortable telling us and living your true self.” “Yes, and Max, you’ll note I called this a couple weeks ago” Brian’s mother chirped up. “What!?” Brian said as he turned sharply to look at his mom. “You and Jake. I called it. To your father, just a couple weeks ago” she said with a jokingly smug tone. “I could tell there was a spark there.” Brian rounded the table as his mom stood up and gave him another hug. “So you guys are cool with it, I guess?” he said. “Cool with it!? We’re thrilled for you!” she replied. “So are you guys, you know, dating or anything?” his dad asked. “Yeah, I guess we are” Brian responded, his face getting red with classic teenage/parent embarrassment again. “Awesome, nice job! He’s quite a catch!” his dad joked, and Brian thought this couldn’t get any weirded. Then he remembered there was one other person in the room; Timmy, his brother. He hadn’t said anything yet, so Brian looked to him for a response. “Whoop-di-do, big deal.” Timmy said flatly, with a tone that implied he wasn’t thrilled. Then he started giggling as well, not able to hold his poker face any longer. “I’m more surprised you got a prom date than that it’s a guy” he said mischievously. Brian made his way around the table and forced his brother to get up and give him a rare hug, if only to make 100% sure he wasn’t actually upset. And that’s when his brother said maybe the nicest thing he’s ever said to him “I’m proud of you.” “What!?” his dad exclaimed, “My kids are being nice to each other!? Damn, we are good parents” and he held his hand up for a high five with their mom. Brian thought his dad may have never been a bigger dork than he was being right now, but right now, he was totally fine with that. They sat back down and dug into their steaks as Brian’s mom and dad began to pester him about what he was going to wear to prom. —————————————— Later that night, Brian was about to get in bed when he got a text from Jake- “I’m outside. Can you come out.” Brian hopped up and looked out his window to see Jake’s car parked on the side of his street. He knew something was up, so he proceeded to head out to Jake’s car without even realizing all he was wearing was his blue plaid boxers and a white t-shirt. He hopped in the passenger side of Jake’s car, and saw immediately in his boyfriend’s face that he had been crying. “Jake! What’s wrong!?” “I told my dad.” Brian knew what this meant- it didn’t go well. “He told me being a fag would ruin the rest of my life, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. He said he wanted what’s best for me. Can you fucking believe that!? What’s fucking best for me. Goddamn fucking prick!” Jake took a deep breath, clearly trying to not completely lose it, but his voice cracked as he told Brian “He said there was no way he was going to let me go to prom with a boy.” Brian realized how hurt Jake was feeling in the moment, and he didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t sure if telling him that his dad could suck it would make him feel better, whether he should tell him he was sorry and try to comfort him, or if he should tell him that it didn’t matter and they’d still go together. He was also afraid in that moment that Jake might actually want to listen to his father. So, he did all he could think to do- he propped himself up in the seat, leaned over, and pulled Jake in a warm, quiet embrace. Jake lost it, and began crying into Brian’s shoulder. “You’re barely wearing any clothes” Jake said after a moment, letting a small laugh escape through the tears as he said it. “It seemed like an emergency; I wanted to get out here as fast as I could” Brian replied. “You… are amazing.” “Far from it.” Jake pulled back and took Brian’s hand in his. “You know what I was thinking about in between when you told me and when I got in you’re Jeep. Like, obviously, I wanted you back. You know why I did it though? Because I made a guess that you telling me about all of that wasn’t so much you confessing about cheating as it was you trying to protect me.” Jake stared deep into Brian’s eyes, which seemed to glimmer even in the faint light of the street lamp. “I’m pretty sure I’m right, and that’s why I went out to find you. And tonight, again, you didn’t even put fucking shoes on! I don’t know what I did to deserve you. Brian looked like he was about to cry now; happy tears of course. He said back “You forgave me. You’re amazing too.” Brian leaned in and gave Jake a long, passionate kiss. Jake squeezed Brian’s hand tight as they connected, not out of teenage sexual drive, out of deep care for one another. “I’m just so sorry I won’t be able to go to prom with you. I mean, I won’t be able to get a tux. I don’t even know if I can afford a ticket on my own, they are fucking expensive” Jake said quietly, remembering why he was sitting outside Brian’s house. “Bullshit!” Brian responded instantly. “I don’t care if you wear shorts and a t shirt or your fucking wrestling uniform. Well, that would be kinda hot” Brian chuckled. “But I don’t care. We can go together in Sox shirts if that what it takes. We’ll figure out the ticket. But I AM going to prom with you.” A big smile appeared on Jake’s face. He had thought everything had been fucked up, but Brian wasn’t going to let that happen. “Do you want to come inside?” “Are your parents awake?” “My dad probably is.” “Aren’t they going to be concerned when you walk into the house in your boxers with a boy?” “I already told them, just tonight. They didn’t care. Actually, they were pretty stoked. It was weird.” Brian said joyfully. “Really!? That’s cool!” “Come inside, I insist. I doubt you want to go home right now.” Jake turned off the engine and follow Brian into the house. Brian’s dad was indeed awake; he had been watching TV when Brian went outside, and had already gotten up when he heard the door open and shut, but had been trying not to stare out at the car, as he thought the two were just messing around, so he went back to his TV. Brian pulled Jake along by his hand, into their living room. “Dad, um, this is Jake.” Brian said, blushing red again. Both he and Jake were. “Oh, hi Jake! Nice to meet you! I’m Max.” Brian’s dad said, hopping up off the couch with the pride of a dad whose son just hit a home run. “Hi, nice to meet you” Jake replied meekly. “I wasn’t expecting you to bring him inside, I thought you had snuck out for a make out sesh or something.” Max said, trying to be funny. “Also, Bri, you have like no clothes on. Why aren’t you two out in the car, you know, having fun or whatever?” They both got even redder, but let out their held breath when Max laughed and said “I’m sorry, I’m really not as funny as I think I am. Didn’t mean to turn into Mr. Awkward.” “It’s okay dad, I know this is kinda strange. Jake told his dad about us and… it didn’t go well.” “I’m really sorry to hear that Jake. Are you okay?” “I think I will be sir, but not sure I really am right now to be honest.” Jake replied matter-of-factly. “I don’t blame you.” Max said back. “Obviously Brian told you that he already told us, just tonight actually. We couldn’t be prouder of him. Of both of you. It takes a lot of courage to do what you both did today, and you’re experiencing why right now. I wish it didn’t have to be this way for you Jake…” Max walked up to his son’s boyfriend and put his hand on his shoulder, as he had done with Brian earlier in the night “… but I’m sure Brian will be there for you, and if there’s anything you ever need, his mom and I will be too.” “Thank you” Jake sniffled “I… I don’t know how this is going to go down, but it’s nice to know that Brian has such cool parents.” “Ha, he called me cool Brian. How about that!” Max joked. Brian just shook his head at his dad. “His dad told him he couldn’t go to prom with me, but we’re going to go anyways.” Brian said after a moment. “You bet your ass you are!” Max replied. The three guys stayed up talking for a while. Max asked Jake about wrestling and his interests. They talked about next year at BU. The boys even told him how they came together at the orientation day. Eventually, Max was heading off to bed when Brian asked: “Umm, dad, is it okay if Jake stays the night…” turning to Jake “I mean, if he doesn’t want to go home?” Max laughed. “Yes, absolutely. You can make up the couch for him, or, you know, I’m sure there’s room in your bed” he said with a playful wink. “Dad!!” Brian whined in embarrassment. “What!? Sorry, awkward, I’m going now. Jake, it was very nice to meet you. Goodnight boys.” Brian and Jake stayed up a while longer, but Jake decided it would be best to go home. He didn’t want to compound his dad’s anger at all by not being there in the morning. After a brief but passionate makeout session in Brian’s bed, Jake headed out. He left more sure than ever he was not going to let his dad fuck up his and Brian’s plans for prom, or their relationship. —————————————— Finally, the night of prom had finally come. The boys had decided to keep their respective dates a secret until the big night. They figured they could just come out to everyone, and confirm their relationship, in one fell swoop at prom, and not to have to keep coming out over and over again. The black Uber Brian’s dad had gotten for them pulled up to the venue, and before getting out, Brian turned to his boyfriend, who looked amazing in the blue three-piece tux and silver ties they were both wearing. Brian’s mom had heard Jake might not be able to afford one, and she was not about to let her oldest son and his boyfriend look anything short of dapper for the big night, so she insisted on getting them for both of the boys. Brian squeezed Jake’s hand tight. “Are you ready for this?” Jake paused a moment, soaking in the look of his skinny twink boyfriend, who happened to almost look even sexier in a tux, before simply saying “Yes” and kissing Brian in the back seat. The Uber drive sniffled a bit, and Jake quickly said “Oh, sorry”. The driver replied, in a tone of voice that immediately let the boys know he was probably gay “Don’t worry, you boys have fun.” He was clearly a bit choked up at realizing they were coming out together at prom. The two of them had gotten there a bit late, by design. It’s not that they wanted to make a particularly flashy entrance, but they figured it would be more obvious if they walked in together, then having to answer why they matched all night. They got out of the car and walked in towards the event venue, hand in hand. There were only a few kids still outside, but the sight of the star wrestler and the shy nerd holding hands on their way in the door stopped most of them in their tracks. Outside too was their physics teacher, who had a giant, beaming smile on her face. As Brian and Jake approached and handed her their tickets, she said to them “Is this new, or have I had my head up my ass all year?” The candor from a teacher made them both chuckle, but Ms. Ferrara was always pretty cool, and Jake assured her that “no, it’s pretty new.” She laughed and told them to have fun, and they walked inside together, still holding hands. As the entered the ballroom, the place was filled with energy. Everyone was running around, greeting friends, paying attention to their dates. They weren’t even really noticed. They made their way to their table, where they sat with Brian’s friends. As the found their seats, Brian’s friend Rachel turned away from her date to say hi. “Hey Bri…” she stopped short, looking them both up and down and seeing the still clenched hands. “… Holy crap, are you two here together!?” Brian’s face turned as red as a stoplight, but it was also sporting a big smile. “Hey Rachel. Uh, yes, we are.” Rachel’s eyes got wide and a giant smile formed across her face. “And… are you… you know… dating?” “Yup!” “You mother fucker!” Rachel punched Brian in the arm as if she was his sister. “How did I not know about this!?” Brian looked at Jake and, taking in his hot jock boyfriend looking amazing in his tux, didn’t take this gaze off of him as he replied “It’s new.” Jake and Brian had both been super nervous about telling their friends. Brian, for the most part, figured his nerdy, progressive friends wouldn’t care, but even that knowledge didn’t assuage his fear. But, he was right. As the two sat down, dinner was just being brought out, and they became the focal point of the table. All of Brian’s friends couldn’t wait to ask them how this had happened, how long they had been together, etc. Brian was ecstatic that his friends were so on board; but there was still the rest of the school to worry about. Before the boys’ table had been served, Jake’s wrestling friend Nolan walked by and noticed Jake sitting with a rather strange group of people. He walked up behind Jake, tapped him on the shoulder and said hello. He knelt down and talked to Jake sideways, clearly signalling this was a conversation he wasn’t intending anyone else to hear. The rest of the table had moved on to talking about the venue and the food, and a big debate was unfolding over whether the ballroom was decorated well, so most people didn’t notice what was happening. “Hey man, you here stag? You know there’s an extra seat at our table because Julius didn’t bring a date either, so you don’t have to sit here” Nolan said quietly. “I’m good man, I’ll talk to you later okay?” Jake responded, also quietly, but in a definitive tone that got Nolan to go away without any further questions. Brian, however, did notice this. He looked warily at Jake, hoping he was okay. Nolan hadn’t noticed what was happening, but had just assumed Jake didn’t belong at the table. Jake took Brian’s hand under the table and just whispered ever so softly “I’m very good here.” Eventually dinner had been served and eaten, and it was time to get the dancing started. Some kids jumped up immediately at the beginning of the first song, but nobody at Brian’s table was really the type to even go to a school dance, let alone dance at one, so they kept chatting for a bit. The third song, however, turned out to be the first slow one- Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. “Good song” Brian blurted out, just as Jake said “Oh, I like this song.” They two looked at each other. Jake stood and held his hand out to Brian and repeated back his question from earlier, “You ready?” Rachel clapped in excitement as Brian stood up and they headed to the dance floor. Both of the boys could feel the other shaking as they stepped on to the dance floor, but their nerves quickly melted away as they embraced each other and began to dance together for the first time, in front of their entire class.
    16 points
  3. Sorry that took so long everyone; I've had a lot going on in life, but Brian's story is definitely not done. I'll try to get part 2 to you much faster than part 1, especially since part 1 is so... wholesome, haha.
    10 points
  4. By a little after 1am, I was pretty sure I had taken all the loads I was going to get. This is that… big-city-small-town-feel that people remark on about San Francisco. The party really does end quite early. At 11 people start to really show up. There’s a whirlwind of activity for the next hour or so, and then next thing you know, your moans are the only things echoing in the room. There’s no longer a line of random cock looking to push into you. The only guys left are the ones laid back in a seemingly permanent rest break, or the ones determined to sample everything before leaving, like trying to get your money’s worth at a buffet. I was one of the latter. It was a Cumunion night, and on Black Friday, so I was trying to make sure I got all the out-of-towner dick. Catalyst had all but demolished their “dark room” to open up a new play space in the back. And I was on my umpteenth round to check it out. Hoping that somehow in the past 5 minutes, someone had started doing something. To my surprise, that’s exactly what happened. Walking down the hallway I saw a bottom bent over the fuck bench being vigorously fucked by Stranger (you’ll see why he’s called that later). And another pair fucking right next to them. The foursome clearly vibing to each others’ deviousness. Gays… we really do come out of the woodwork don’t we? I approached and walked to one side of Stranger, admiring the view. Not overly built, but definitely not lean, just tight—you know? You could see it in the way his pectorals contracted, seemingly causing his chest to almost concave, with the ardor of his fucking. He looked young, though with the hat and bandana obscuring most of his face, I couldn’t have been sure. Damn COVID. He gave me a nod and ‘hey’. A good sign. I stroked his chest, feeling the taut muscles for myself. Definitely hard all over. He soon pulled out of the moaning bottom and before anyone else could get to it, I bent over and stuck his dick in my mouth. Luckily the bottom in this case was quickly penetrated by the top from the pair next to us, and wouldn’t have minded that I took over the ass-to-mouth. “Yeah, taste it,” Stranger said. Another point. Verbal is always good. Whatever was coating his dick was sweet and making me want it. “Fuck me?” I asked him. He turned me over onto the small remaining part of the fuck bench not occupied by the other bottom, who was now moaning in earnest again. I didn’t think I would need the poppers, but I was quite wrong. His dick was rock hard, completely inflexible, forcing my body to accommodate around it. And he didn’t fuck. He rutted. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and I felt the entirety of his chest on my back. This was the kind of fuck where the top is literally trying to meld the two of you together. I love this kind of fuck, but combined with the hardness of his dick, doggy wasn’t the best position for me. I’ll never know why I didn’t just motion him over to the empty sling, but I didn’t, and instead, after too short a time I dipped to take another look around the space. Heading back into the main playroom yet again, I bumped into him by the water cooler, bandana and inner mask off, hydrating. I could confirm he was young. And cute. He looked like a Broadway actor, whose name eludes me even now, about to audition for some innocent-student type of role. “Gotta hydrate,” he said, nodding at me again. I concurred and drank a few cups with him. We made some small talk. And look, I get that during COVID times, trying to make a move like this on someone who specifically came into the club with a mask and bandana might have been a little improper. Sorry. I reason to myself that I leaned in relatively slowly, giving him ample time to back away or to cover back up. But he didn’t, and we kissed. I tasted chems. Ah, so not that innocent. Good. Before long we found ourselves back in the play area where we first met. Now, even later in the night (earlier in the morning?), there was just one other man besides the two of us, diligently sucking his cock as he perched on the edge of the sling. “I don’t get why you’re just sucking one cock,” Stranger murmured softly (I don’t think the man blowing him heard). “We need to spread it more,” he said again, in a voice just as demure. My ears perked. “There aren’t that many more people here,” I said sadly. “Won’t there be like a rush of people? When the bars close at 2?” he asked. There usually surprisingly isn’t. But I realized that’s why he was still there. He wasn’t going to be satisfied until he had his dick coated by the juices of every asshole there. And fuck, I’ll tell you. When I put that together, it was like discovering porn online for the first time. You find one website, and it’s good, sure, but more importantly, you realize immediately the potential that is there. That you’re at the tip of the proverbial iceberg and it’s a steep slide down. This guy, who I swear is still in his 20s, was a motherfucking sleazeball. And that’s a ball sport I do know how to play. “You want to fuck me on my back? I’ll be able to take it easier,” I told him earnestly. “Yeah, I’ll probably hit your prostate better, too,” he agreed. Moments later we were upstairs. Again, the space was largely vacant, another couple lounged at a bed across from us, but that was it. I hit the poppers. He slid into me. I was right about the angles working out better, he railed into me but this time it was spot on. “You like that cummy hole?” I grunted to him. “Fuck yeah, how many loads did you get?” “At least 4.” We made out. At this point his mask and bandana were completely tugged down. I was a bad influence, but still just warming up. “Took a lot more dick though, was in the dark area just taking it, trying to get every guy here in my hole,” I told him disjointedly through the pounding. “Hot yeah, how long have you been here?” “Since 10:30, that’s a lot of guys, at least 20,” I said with a devilish grin. “Oh fuck yessss,” he hissed. “Yeah you love that, all those random cocks in those random holes before mine, and now they’re all on your dick,” I told him. He vehemently agreed, “the more stranger danger the better.” There are a few sentences from fuck buds that will forever be recorded in my mind, and that is one of them. What a perfect encapsulation of how innocent he looked and sleazy he was! “Yeah we gotta dip into every hole and take every dick,” I moaned at him. “Fuck!” he hissed, leaning all the way over and making out furiously with me. I pulled his ass cheeks in and whispered in his ear, “just marinade in it. Just keep your cock in those juices.” He groaned and ground into me, trying to heed my words and push whatever was inside of me into his dick hole. By the time we were ready for a break ourselves, a few new guys had filtered in. Perhaps coming from the bars? Hotties all of them. They came as a group and started playing standing at the foot of the bed. “I really want to eat that hole,” Stranger commented, stroking his dick lazily. One of the newcomers was being blown had his ass facing us. “Fuck yeah, do it and then share the juices with me,” I told him. Stranger rimmed him for awhile, he must’ve been pretty good, because the other was soon arching and reaching behind him, trying to pull in Stranger’s face even deeper. The blowjob guy moved on and the guy immediately turned around, now feeding Stranger his dick. Watching was getting me incredibly hot and horny. I sat myself up and moved to the edge of the bed. Stranger was doing a good job deep throating, evidenced by the man’s groans. I waited until he pulled off the dick completely. The entire shaft glistened and at the head there were two solid strands of throat slime. That was my cue. Immediately I leaned forward and wrapped my tongue around the head, then giving it a swift suck and taking it all the way in. Stranger cheered me on and moved around back, preparing to fuck the man that I was now deep throating, eager to get whatever was in Stranger’s throat deeper into mine. The coating he’d left on this dick was positively viscous. I loved that. I wanted to bottle it up and use it as lube. The pounding Stranger was giving the guy started to intensify and I wanted to see how the guy was taking it. I nibbled my way up his front and started making out with him. I wish there were enough people still around so someone could be fucking me as well. That is always a hot scene that I love, as a bottom or a top, having another buddy going through the same thing right in front of you for mutual encouragement. Watching them was so hot, I took out the poppers again, also offering it to the guy in front of me. He eagerly accepted. Fuck yes, love popper pigs! Stranger was kissing his back as he fucked, while I was making out with this man, the two of us on our popper highs, feeling up each others’ bodies. I love how time slows when you’re so high. I don’t know how long we spend in that pattern, but I didn’t forget my Stranger. I took a break from kissing the bottom and reached behind him, pulling Stranger’s face into mine and whispering to him, “fuck yeah give him all that juice from my ass.” Stranger gave me a lopsided smile and pounded even harder as the man’s moans grew in intensity. I alternated between making out with Stranger and whispering filth into his ear. If the bottom heard us, he was equally turned on, or simply ignored it. Give him that dirty dick… Spread it to him and his buddies… Share that DNA… “Now stick it in me!” I said, after a few more moments of watching them, falling back onto the bed. Stranger hurriedly pulled out of the bottom and then moved over, shoving it into me so quick I barely had a chance to take a hit from the little brown bottle! “Fuck yeah you sleazy pig, gimme his ass juices,” I moaned. “Never wipe,” Stranger agreed. “No, never, just go from one ass to another to another to another,” I said, pulling on my dick furiously as my vision began to blur. I love this moment in the high, accentuated as it always is by the dim red lights of the clubs. The moment when you lose perception and detail of the other person’s face, and it’s anyone, it’s everyone who’s fucking you. It’s what you want, after all. The anonymity. The filth. The perversion. Take it, take it, take it, that part of you chants as the black hole in the center of your vision expands. “I want it, man,” I cried out, “give me what you got.” “Yeah,” Stranger huffed, “gonna make sure you get it, gonna fill you up.” “Fuck yes,” I groaned, “add to the mess inside me, the slop that’s covering your dick, all those stranger’s loads and spit and ass slime.” “Fuck!” I saw, or more likely imagined in my popper high, Stranger’s eyes roll up as he furiously gave me those last thrusts. With the whites of his eyes I imagined he looked like a demon, pouring his essence into me, corrupting my soul even more. That sent me over the edge as well and I shot, hitting Stranger in the mouth and then my own, the strength of my orgasm fueled by our depravity. “Stay in me,” I whispered, “just let it marinade…” We both trailed off in our bliss. Stranger dripped sweat on me as I pressed his body to mine. I for sure wanted to get his number. He said he lived in the city, and I knew there was so much I hadn’t explore with him yet. I didn’t even offer him poppers. Our verbal never went into hardcore poz talk, chems, or even an exploration of what was fantasy vs. reality for either of us. Unfortunately, as fast as we gays come, we go. It seemed like I’d only blinked and Stranger was gone. I did a round of the place and couldn’t find him. By then there were literally less than a handful of guys still there, mostly lounging, and staff had already started making the rounds. I headed over to the locker room to get dressed. In the spirit of the holiday I felt grateful. A one-time fuck can be just as beautiful; it’s a snapshot that can’t be marred by miscommunications, inconsistencies, or expectations. Holding his cum in with the rest that night, I drifted to sleep thinking about stranger danger and sleazy sex.
    9 points
  5. BRADEN GOES TO THE PARTY WITH RYAN: As we entered a series of warehouses and walked into a large, dimly lit room, the music blasting and bass deeply pumping, I smelled the sweat and testosterone from hundreds of guys. The room was hot. I looked around and most guys were shirtless. It was a warehouse kind of place, lights flashing, a large bar on the left, a dance floor in the middle toward the right and a series of hallways that led off from there, presumably to a bathroom or two and some other smaller rooms. The music was fucking awesome! I looked over at my brother. He took my hand and pulled me through the crowd to the bar. Two shots and two beers appeared. I grinned at my big brother as we toasted the whiskey and then chased it with beer. I watched my brother down the entire beer in one gulp and tried to follow him. I spilled a little but kept gulping. He laughed at me and ordered us another beer each. Ryan – I fuckin’ love gulping beer here, bro. Gets u nice and buzzed, and tanked up, too. I looked at him and just grinned, nodding. He was crazy. But crazy in a way I loved. As I looked around, my eyes adjusting to how dim the room was, I noticed a huge range of guys. Every color, shape, and size. Young fit guys, older bears, twinks, jocks, daddies, cubs, and even trolls lurking around. I felt a certain attraction to all of them. Ryan – Like what you see, bro? Me – Yeah, Ry. I fucking love this place! Ryan – Figured! You eager slut! OK. Time for your first test. Ryan grabs my hand and pulls me with him through the crowd. Guys weren’t shy about feeling me up. Grabbing my ass. Even slapping it a bit as we pass. We go down a hallway, turn and into what turned into another room. The music is loud, I can smell smoke from cigarettes and weed, and it is really dark. We go down a hallway that winds around a bit. Then enter a small room. I see a hot young twink on his knees sucking a guy off and an older daddy kneeling in front of a hole in the wall, licking at a throbbing hard cock. Ryan pushes me toward a corner with a hole in each wall. He looks me in the eyes and nods. I nod back at him. Then I drop to my knees and move my mouth close to the hole. I can barely see anything but some commotion. Then a cock slides through. I have no idea whose it is or what he looks like. But the dick is almost totally hard, cut, about eight inches, and leaking precum. It’s red and chafed, probably belonging to some old white guy. I look up at my brother as I open my mouth and go down on it. I moan to myself as I wrap my lips around this dick and suck down as far as I can. My forehead hits the wall and I feel him press harder into my throat. It tastes so fucking good. I worship it. Sucking on it. I feel its slick sides and a couple bumps along the shaft. I suck down harder, really working this dick. I want to show my brother what an expert cocksucker I am. I know he loves seeing me do this! I feel my brother’s hand sliding down the back of my shorts, his finger probing my hole. Mmmmmmmm it feels amazing. His fingers are wet. My ass is still wet from his load, but I can feel he is making sure…opening me up a bit more. Ryan pulls my head off the cock and kisses me. Ryan – Good job Braden, you look so damn hot sucking dick through a glory hole! Me – Thank you, Ry! I look around and there is a small group of guys crowding around, watching. All of them rubbing their bulge, and a couple pulling their cocks out. Ryan pulls me up to my feet. Ryan – OK bro, I know you’re loving this. But time to show me what a nasty dirty cock slut you really are! I undo my shorts and kick them off onto the dirty floor. Bulging in my jock, I keep starring right into Ryan’s eyes. I reach behind me and grab the hard dick I was just sucking. Stroking it. I line it up to my ass as Ryan pushes poppers under my nose. Ryan – Fuck yeah, Braden. Ohhh fuck yah, you’re gonna do it, aren’t you!? Me – Mmmmmm yeah, Ryan, you like seeing me this way? You want to see me let a stranger fuck me bareback through a glory hole, giving him my innocent 18-year-old ass to use? Ryan – You’re not innocent, Braden! Don’t lie to me, bitch! Ryan slaps me across the face. It stings. But I hold still and moan just a bit, smiling. Ryan – Tell me what you really are….tell me, bitch! Ryan spits in my face. I moan, feeling the tip of the cock press on my smooth hole. Me – Mmmmm fuck yeah bro, I’m a dirty cum dump cock slut that lives for this. All I want is to get used by men and make them feel good. I live for cock! I press back on the dick. Letting it pop into me, sliding past my ring and into my wet hole. I groan real loud and my mouth opens wide. Ryan – Ohhhh fuck yeah, Braden. Fucking take it! Ohhhh yeah faggot, show me how much you love taking random, anonymous, bare cock! I push my ass back hard against the wall, the random cock sinking deep into me as I feel him start to fuck me through the hole. I moan out, groaning as I give my smooth teen ass up to this random fucker through the wall. Ryan – How’s that cock feel, bro? You fucking LOVE it, don’t you!? Me – I do, I fucking love everything about it. I want him to get off using me. Proving that I’m a cumdump faggot. I’ll do whatever he needs to get off! Ryan – You love everything about a man’s cock, don’t you? Me – Oh yes! Ryan – Love everything that it can give you? Me – Oh yes, everything! Ryan – You really are a slutty swimmer boi! Ryan stands up in front of me. Pulls out his cock and holds it at my face. Without warning, a hard yellow stream of hot piss shoots out and hits me right in the face! I hear some of the guys around us cheer. I open my mouth as I feel the stream of piss spray my face and start to run down my chest, soaking my shirt. I keep pressing hard on the wall while the cock fucks me. I milk his shaft as he pounds in and out of me. I really want to make him cum! A guy steps up behind my brother, grabbing his hips. I look at them both, grinning and moaning. I see Ryan nod as he puts his hands on the wall next to me. This older Latin guy lines his cock up to Ryan’s hole and starts to push in. It’s huge. At least nine inches. I moan as I watch him push all of it into my brother. Me – Fuck yeah, Ryan! I love what a slut you are! Take that cock bro! Ryan moans out, looking right at me as we both get deep dicked by some random fuckers in a dark corner of an underground club. The guy in me starts speeding up… Mmmm fuck yes! Ryan – Yeah bro, work your ass on that dick. Take his load! Me – Mmm oh fuck yeah, fucking breed me! CUM IN MY ASS! I moan out and clamp down on the dick that is pumping in and out of me! Guys around me are groaning and telling me to take the load. I hear the guy fucking Ryan bark at him while slamming in and out of his ass, “Yeah faggot, you want my dirty load, fucking bitch?” Ryan – Fuck yes, pump your dirty cum into my cunt, please, sir! Hearing Ryan beg turns me on so much. I parrot him. Me – Oh fuck yeah, pump my cum dump cunt full of your dirty cum, you nasty fuck! I want it in me! I look at Ryan and we both smile, groaning, moaning, and breathing fast. Ryan – Yeah bro, fucking take it! Both of the cocks fucking us seem to drive in hard at once. My brother and I moan together as we feel them throbbing inside us, spewing cum into our eager, hungry cum dump holes. I feel absolutely perfect. Happy. Thrilled. Eager for this. Slowly the cock in my ass pulls out from my ass. I see the guy who just bred my brother smile at me as he walks away. I look at my brother. Both of us are grinning ear to ear. I kiss him and we hug. Then I turn and look at the small group of guys who are jerking their cocks from the show we just put on. Ryan – I’m so proud of you Braden! Was that the first time you got fucked raw through a glory hole? I look at him and shake my head. Ryan –It shows, Braden. You look like a whore! Me – Thanks, Ryan. You too. I smile lovingly at my brother as I turn around and feel the strong rough hands from some masculine guy grab my hips, lining his hard dripping cock up to my freshly bred boi hole. I bite my lower lip and moan as he pushes into me. My brother nods at me. Ryan – Yeah Braden, fucking take that dick!
    7 points
  6. This is based on a true story and it happened just about 4 years ago. I had been fairly new to the scene had probably fooled around with about 6 guys mostly giving and receiving oral and had been fucked once. I was on this hookup site and had been talking with this guy for a couple days trying to get a feel for him as he was for me. He asked me what I was into and what I wasn't. I told him that I was fairly new to the scene and had probably fooled around with about a half of a dozen men mostly giving and receiving oral and had been fucked once. Some of the things I would like to try is some ass play more on receiving and maybe some toys but til I have more experience getting fucked. He told me that he was versatile(more a versatile bottom) and how he likes to get fucked and have toys used on him(he had sent me some pictures of the toys he had) and that he had a lot of toys and most of them were very big and thick. He also said that he had a playroom that had a sling,a fuck bench and some other things. He asked if I ever PNP. I asked him what did he mean(never heard or did T) he said some guy like to PNP with T because they are more wild and like feeling that warm rushing feeling. I said I don't think that I could do anything like that(for personal reasons.) He seemed ok with it. We decided to meet up that following weekend at his place. He had informed me that he had a couple roommates but that they probably would be out for the night. I had gotten there on a Friday night around 8 and we started talking. His name was Chris he was about 5'10 160 lbs with short brown hair and eyes and he had a goatee and about 55 years old. He was in good shape and from what I could make out from the sweat pants he had on he was more than average size(and cut.) While talking he asked if I wanted anything to drink so I said sure he went to the cabinet and grabbed 2 glasses as he did I noticed him looking in the glasses( figured he was making sure that they were clean,come to find out the glass he gave me had G in it.) He handed me my glass and I took a big gulp as I was thirsty. We talked some more I had finished the glass he gave me and I had asked if I could use the bathroom and he pointed me towards the bathroom when I had come back out the glass was full again and he said grab your drink and let me show you the playroom. As we were walking to the playroom I was taking sips from the glass and I started to feel funny(but in a good way) I felt a little light headed and really horny but I didn't think it was from the drink he gave me because I had watched him pour the juice in it. And he seemed perfectly normal so it couldn't be the juice. When we got to the playroom I was starting to feel really hot and asked if it was ok to take my shirt off he looked at me and asked if I was feeling ok and I said yeah I just started to feel really hot and he said ok as he was showing me around the room I couldn't help looking back to the sling(it was a nice size one and it had straps on all 4 chains that held the sling up that was hanging in the middle of the room and the fuck bench looked very comfortable as the padding on it was thick( just by feeling it) he noticed that I kept looking over at the sling and he said you like that. For the first time I went to say yes but it sounded like I started to slur my words and I was feeling really light headed and more horny than I had ever felt. He said you sure your ok you don't look good. I said I just feel a little light head and he said why don't you get in the sling here I will help you. As he helped me into the sling and I laid back he took my left wrist and put in the strap that was behind me and tightened it up and did the same to the right wrist but I didn't notice it at first as I was still feeling light headed and I wasn't really paying attention to him until he started to remove my pants as I went to stop him that's when I realized that he had strapped my wrist up and he continued to remove my pants and boxers off then he took my left leg and pulled it back til he thought it was in the right place and then did the same to my right leg as he put the straps on my ankles. After he was done I could feel that my ass was slightly lifted up and off the sling. I asked him what is he doing and he said that he had plans for me and that he wasn't a versatile bottom and that he likes to make guys think that he is and once he gets guys here he likes to get them high(he had told me the reason I feel the way I do is because he had put some G in my drink) and likes to have other guys come and use the guy he invited over. He said when he saw and read my profile that he waited to message me til he was sure that he could get a few guys he knew would be interested in using me. Then he said he had placed something on another site he belonged to and said that he would be hosting a new guy who wants to be used and that he likes big cocks and toys. He said that he was surprised by all the guys who were interested and most suggested that it would be even hotter that if the guy was feeling wild and piggy as he walked over to the table and opened up a black bag that was on the table and pulled out a bag that had something that was clear and crystal like and crushed it up and then he pulled out a needle and put some of that clear crystal like substance in the needle and then he put some water in it. After he shook it up for a minute or 2 and then he grabbed what I knew was a tourniquet and put it around my arm and tightened it up and just before he put the needle in my vein he said this should be good to start with as I noticed that he had about a .4 and once he saw the blood he said away we go as I watched him push the plunger down and just before he finished pushing what was in the needle I started to cough and this feeling I never experienced before started to take over my body. I felt this warm rushing feeling run threw my entire body and it felt like my asshole was on fire I literally could feel it pulsing and throbbing. He pulled the needle out and said how you feeling as he stood where my ass was and said you must be feeling good as I felt him start to rub my pulsing and throbbing hole and I couldn't stop him if I wanted to as my wrist were still strapped up. Then he went to his bag again and pulled out another needle but this one didn't have a needle on it and he filled it half way what I thought was water(but it was more G) then he put a little bit of lube on and in my hole as he stuck the needleless needle in my hole and I could feel my hole start to burn a little bit and he said it will only last a minute or 2 but It will make me feel really good I had already started to feel good from the slam he gave me but once that g started to kick in my only thought was to have my hole played with or fucked really good. He said that his friends will be here soon and that he had to go get ready as well then he walked behind me and put a blindfold on me and then he unstrapped one of my wrist and said you will need this it's a bottle of poppers. I was thinking why would I need poppers he said that he will be back soon. I heard him moving around and then I felt something wet in around my hole and whatever it was he made sure that there was plenty and then I heard the door open but right before he shut the door I heard this noise and felt something pushing against my hole as he said enjoy it and shut the door I couldn't believe he had not just left me like this and to top it all off he had lied to me and now I am so high and horny and I can't get away. Even though he unstrapped one of my wrist I couldn't reach my other wrist or my ankles to unstrapped them. And then whatever was pushed up against my hole had slowly starting to open and stretch my hole I took a hit from the poppers and I could feel my muscles in my hole start to relax and then whatever was going in my hole drew back. I put the poppers on my chest and took the blindfold off and when I looked down between my legs that were still pulled back I saw this big and thick dildo(one that I definitely was not use to playing with) and it was attached to a fucking machine and it started to push back in my hole as I started to moan then I heard the motor start to get a little louder as the machine seemed to go a little faster. This continued for about 15-20 minutes and I was so high and horny and the dildo was now going faster and deeper that unconsciously I started to move my hips back and forth meeting each fasting thrust and then my hips started to move up and down as well as back and forth, I never felt my hole being opened and stretched like that I was so into getting fucked by this big and thick dildo that was not only opening and stretching my hole up but now it's going in and out of my hole that I didn't even hear Chris come back into the room til he started talking and when I looked I saw him standing behind the fucking machine looking at my hole getting fucked fast and deep he said well it looks like your ready for the real thing as he stopped the machine moved it away and walked to the table opened the baggie up and pulled something out of it walked back to me and started to push 2 fingers in my hole and I felt some burning as his fingers slid out then he said my 3 friends should be here soon and they want you primed up and ready to get your holes used More to come soon
    6 points
  7. Several more regulars came in and soon the TV room and sauna were full of naked men,mostly older and sleazy as it was daytime. I was just sweeping the floor in reception when the bell went and Peter was there with his mother. "Hello." Said Bill. "Peter's mum right? I'm Bill. Everything ok?" She laughed and I blushed as she saw me naked sweeping the floor. I don't know why as she'd seen it all before. "Just come to see where Peter works" . At that moment, an old guy with a pot belly and rampant erection came down the stairs. He stopped and looked shocked as he saw her. "Don't mind me, matey" She laughed. "You've got a nice cock on you." He smiled back and came to lean on the counter. His cock was drooling precum and there was a big biohazrd tattoo above his pubes. "Well, go and get ready, Peter" Said Bill, indicating the backroom. "How are you, Timmy?" She said. "Getting plenty? I just grinned weakly and heard Bill laugh. I also noticed the bulge in his shorts and guessed he had plans. Peter appeared now entirely nude, his face red with embarassment. The old guy licked his lips and his cock twitched with excitement. Peter's mum caught his arm, turned him around and made him show off his plump, smooth backside. "Pass that lube on the counter, Bill." She said. Bill raised an eyebrow but passed her the tube. We all watched as she squeezed a dollop on to her finger, then smeared it gently into his pink arsehole. "There." she said. " Now why don't you give this nice gentlemen what he wants..."
    5 points
  8. Do you all want a part 2 and more?
    4 points
  9. So I've taken a few loads before, all from guys I knew. Today I took my first stranger load. We started out safe but his dick did not like the condom. I was really horny and I needed to get fucked. So I slid the condom off and he fucked the ever loving fuck out of me.. I wanted him to pull out because I'm a pussy, he didn't listen and I'm happy he didn't. It was so fucking hot 🔥.
    4 points
  10. Caitlin left the two lovebirds to their post-orgasm afterglow to refil her popcorn and fetch a lighter for her pipe. she smiled at her handiwork, watching Lucys snatch drool a hearty ribbon of Dylans potent teen seed made her mouth water. she only wished the little minx were a built a little more durably, as the G and the orgasm seemed to be putting her fast asleep. "dont..." Caitlin hushed, settling in next to Dylan just as he began to pull his underwear back on. "please? you have such a nice cock. Just relax with me." Caitlin began loading the pipe as Dylan seemed to fixate on the movie. "you can look at me. I know you want to." caitlin purred as she spread her legs and eased back, giving the boy a view of her supple curves, full breasts and wet pouty pussy shimmering with his load. "nice huh? yeah I know what guys like..." Caitlin trailed off as she sucked a pure white cloud of tina. She may not have known what every guy liked, but she knew what it took to get them to consent and obey. Dylan was better than most guys, obediently pumping his fuck juice into whatever he was told, including her own hairless slit. She kept herself waxed flawlessly to avoid obstructing the view and to ensure her prey had every chance to drink in the marvelous cunt they surrendered their load to. she wanted boys like Dylan to remember those plump, inviting lips as they effortlessly gobbled up their cocks. she wanted to see them panting and defeated, staring at their own load as it pooled at the edge of her labia while she idly massaged their slippery offering against her clit, eliciting a nice slow orgasm. Mostly, she just wanted to see them associate every inch of her raw wet pussy with the best feeling of their life. "is that...weed?" Dylan asked sheepishly. "nope...tina..." Caitlin watched the boy gaze in wonder as she enrobed Lucy in a thick white cloud. "and i want you to try a little bit..." caitlin smiled, pushing the pipe to the boys lips. "please? just a little. just for me? I know youre going to just love it." Dylan shyed away as she rolled over, her legs straddling his knee, and came face to face with him. "its okay baby boy." she soothed, as she continued guiding the pipe to his lips. "now close those lips and suck nice and deep...." Caitlin waited patiently as she ran her fingers through the teens hair until she heard the drag from the pipe. "gooood boooooy. keep going, big deep breath. youre doing wonderful i promise" she continued her slow heavy petting, pulling the pipe from his pouty pink lips as she smiled at the sputtering young man. "hold it in baby boy..." Caitlin pushed her finger against his lips and grinned as he struggled. "thats it...thats the way...hold it..." she playfully watched as Dylan finally relented and coughed a large white cloud. "theres a good boy, niiiice pretty white clouds...how do you feel?" Dylans red eyes glazed over as he looked about the room in silence, his once soft prick now throbbing to life. Caitlin grinned, "see how good that makes you feel?" she began pushing the pipe back into Dylans face as he openly accepted it. "again baby boy, come on, nice deep breath...." over and over Caitlin repeated the ritual with Dylan as his once bright eyes turned to a long dull stare and he arrived where she wanted him, stoned and obedient thick and throbbing as his teen meat oozed fuck juice from its pulsating pink head. "you know what will make it feel even better?" caitlin whispered as she cupped the spun teens sweaty balls. "stroke yourself..." Dylan gazed down at his cock as he watched Catlins manicured fingers roll his cum filled balls gently around. "do it dylan...i know you want to...just grab your cock and stroke for me..." Dylan sighed and palmed his semihard cock. clumsily at first, Dylan slowly worked into a rhythm as caitlin softly encouraged him and before he knew it, he was pumping his prick in full strokes as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. "relax for mommy, spread those legs and stroke that nice big cock..." Caitlin hushed as she pulled her phone out and quietly began recording the boy from head to toe, his alabaster abs flexed in time with the boys rhythmic pumping. his low hanging nuts thumped melodically against him, keeping a steady tempo as his thick prize teen dong remained on full display, its greasy head dancing in and out of the boys fist. "here baby, why dont you take another nice big puff for me? make it feel good...." Dylan accepted the pipe from her hand as he put it to his lips and obeyed without missing a beat. the hiss of the pipe filled the room as the slap of the teens dribbling cockhead gave way to the occasional panting groan. caitlin simply continued filming and calmly encouraging the boys lewd display. "such a good little piggy. listen to that nice big cock. you need to keep stroking. make it feel good..." The boys stamina was a sight to behold and as his balls drew tight, caitlin set the phone aside and leaned in, placing her hand on his to slow his frantic pace. "is it time to cum?" caitlins lips grazed Dylans as she stared deeply into his eyes and watched him nod. "of course it is baby...lets drain those big boy balls in a nice wet pussy..." Caitlin pulled the teens slimy hand from his manhood protestingly and pulled him to his knees. "come on...shes nice and wet..." she motioned, pulling lucys legs apart invitingly, exposing her glistening cum oozing sex. Dylan crawled forward as caitlin wrapped her fist posessively around his balls, guiding him against her. The young boy slowed long enough to mutter a protest about a condom, which caught Caitlyn by surprise. Dylan was flying so high she didnt think there could be anything but cock on his mind. "okay baby boy ill go look for a condom." she smiled softly as she began stroking the base of his shaft. she had no plans to let Dylan pump his nuts into a rubber tonight, not when Lucys unprotected sex was so submissive and fertile. "its just...well...look at that nice big cock.." Caitlin watched as dylan stared entranced at his own member, bobbing gently in Caitlins expert hand as she quietly coaxed the precum out of his plump cockhead. "you two are so pretty when you fuck...when youre inside..." she whispered softly into Dylans ear, "the way her pretty little lips grip around it..." Caitlin watched as the boy panted in her fist. "will you put it inside her one more time? just for me? just so i can see it? i promise just one little stroke, then you can pull it right back out..." Caitlin waited patiently and with a nod, Dylan proceeded to obediently ease himself back into the unconscious girls pussy. "keep pushing baby, all the way inside..." caitlin encouraged as Dylan came to rest the entire length of his cock in the girl, his plump nuts gently resting against her tight hairless ass. "very good, see how pretty you two are?" Caitlin eagerly watched the boys eyes light up as his cockhead met the irresistable, seductive kiss of Lucys teenage cervix. caitlyn sucked one last billowing cloud from the pipe as she confidently pushed her lips to dylans, exhaling into him knowing the boy was powerless to pull out at this point. "good boy, now...im sure theres a condom in my purse somewhere...let me go look..." Caitlin wandered across the room to fetch her purse
    4 points
  11. As a married guy I don’t get to take many trips on my own, but every now and then I have to go away for work or family. My most recent trip was for work, to Portland, OR. Workdays were short so I had lots of time to explore. I like the city of Portland, but since I was alone, I was thinking I might want to check-out this gay sex club I saw on the web. I don’t know what came over me, as I not usually this brazen. But I was really horny, and the idea of this place really turned me on. Besides, there’s no harm in just going in, watching what’s happening, and jacking off. The club was easy to find and get to – making myself go in…not so much. As a married man, it’s just not something one does. But my hardening dick said otherwise. I told myself, a step at a time. I opened the door, and the music came pumping out and a strange smell…it all lured me in. When I got to the counter, the guy there asked me if I wanted a locker or a room. I was confused at first. Then I thought, in case I needed a safe place to hide, I’d better get a room. After checking-in and getting my towel, I sat in my room a while wondering what I was doing there and what I expected to get out of coming. But I was there so I should join the party and check the place out. When it comes to gay sex, I’m only turned-on by the totality of raw, bareback fucking. So, I’m just here to stand on the sidelines and watch. Being a weeknight, I’m thinking it might not be too busy anyway. So, I finally take off my clothes, wrap the towel around my waist, and step outside my door. The music is pumping, and I did hear some very distinctive “sex” noises. I take a quick walk around, to get the lay of the land. There are spaces with no one, but others (like the steam room), that seem to have a good number of guys. Upstairs, in the cage room is where I see my first “action”. A middle-aged guy, kind of rough and sexy looking is getting his dick sucked by an older guy. The rough guy noticed me and made direct eye contact. I felt conspicuous just standing here so I beat feet and left. Guess I was more nervous than I thought. I told myself I’ll never see any action if I run away from it. Some time goes by, and I’ve seen some blow jobs at the glory holes, fucking in the video room (with a rubber – buzz kill). But now that the place was getting busier, and after hitting my brown bottle, I got less shy. And the place seemed a bit darker. So, as I made my way back to the lounge/cage area there were two guys in the lower section. And from the sound of things, I was sure they were fucking. There was this area behind a half-wall and rail where I could spy on the action. Sure enough, they were fucking hot and heavy. From this angle I couldn’t see the dick going in the ass, but soon enough, they changed positions and I saw the Top reinsert his RAW cock back in that hole. “Fucking A.” I thought. Finally, some real, gay sex. I was rubbing my bone under my towel when across the room I see this guy watching me. He couldn’t see the action, only me. “SHIT!” It’s the Rough Top I saw getting the BJ. Again, I got nervous and dashed away just as I heard the Top saying he was going to breed that bottom. DAMN! I missed it. Since they were nearby, I checked-out the glory holes. Always some raw cock sucking there. As luck would have it, I walked by and heard some “familiar” sounds coming from inside one of the cubes. I looked thru the glory hole itself and sure enough, someone was getting nailed. Could see if it was raw, but WTF, someone was getting fucked. I was on a less traveled section of the area, so I just leaned on the panel and watched thru the hole. The Top was getting close, and I almost lost it when he said, “You want my seed?” And the bottom said, “Fuck yeah.” I was about to cum with him when I felt uncomfortable. I looked over my shoulder and there he was, about 20 feet away. Mr. Rough. I could see he had his dick out from under his towel and was stroking it. It was about 8.5 inches, tapered head and shaft that got thicker at the base. And it had a slight upward curve. I stopped watching the scene below me and turned to check him out. He was far enough away that I didn’t feel the need to flee. He'd had an average body with some hair, and was about six feet in height. He was sexy and each time I'd seen him, he was watching me and not the other action. I then noticed I was still stroking my dick under my towel. I look-up again and he was gone. I thought it was odd, but I turned just in time to see the Top in the GH cube inject the bottom with his sperm. This whole time I didn’t touch anyone else. I just watched from a distance and stroke my dripping dick. Now I figured it was time to check-out the slings. I walked down a hallway and stopped at the corner of the wall going from the hall into the room. It was dark there and no one could see me - it was perfect. There is this young stud in the sling, legs up the chain and strapped in place. He was rubbing his dick while the top was on his knees licking and tongue fucking that hot bottom. The top was stroking his cock with warm oil. I could see clearly the oil bottle, so I knew they weren't going to be using a rubber. The site of this and the idea of some bare fucking got me really turned on. I started stroking my leaking boner under my towel. Soon thereafter the top stood-up and started rubbing his bare, oiled dick head over the moaning bottom's wet hole. "Can I just slip the head in a bit? I want to feel how good your hole is." "Okay." The bottom answered. With that the top pushed his head in and danced it around in that bottom's hot hole. Without another word, his whole dick slid into the bottom all the way to his balls. "OH, FUCK YEAH! That feels good," the bottom mutters. "I knew you'd like it," the top replies, adding "I'm going to fuck you good, then give you my hot load in your cunt. You want that don’t you, boy?" "Yes Sir," the boy answered. Oh my God! My dick is so hard and it's dripping a full stream of pre-cum down my shaft. I soooo wish I was that bottom boy. And, before I could complete that thought, I hear it whispered in my ear. "I know you're standing here wishing you were in that sling.” You think I would have jumped from being startled...but the voice was so sexy...and right, I just stood there, totally turned-on, and excited. Without notice, I feel a tongue licking the back of my ear and down my neck. I stopped breathing. “Here! Feel this." His hand grabbed my right wrist and pulled it back. I feel it contact a firm, solid cock. My hand wraps around it and I know in a moment it's the man that had been watching me. FUCK! I start to shake and panic. "SHHHH...just be calm, I know what you want, and I want to give it to you." He's now pulling me tightly into him. I'm pressed against his warm, bare chest. I feel his fur. My hand is still wrapped around that amazing cock. He whispers to me to slowly stroke it. I'm thinking to myself, "I'm not supposed to be with anyone here. I shouldn't be doing this." But I can't stop. His dick feels so damn good. Plus, it is my favorite type and shape. I then feel his left arm wrap around me. "I want to make you feel better than you ever have. I want to really fuck you like you've never been fucked. Will you let me do that?" "I shouldn't," I tell him. "I'm supposed to just stay alone, not be with anyone." I say. "Who says?" he replies. "No one...I mean, me. I know it's best if I don't get involved with anyone." “Well, too late now. You've got me too hot and hard, I can't just walk-away. Besides, you know what you want, and I know what you want. Now tell me boy, what is it you REALLY want?" "I can't say," I mumble. "Yes, you can, and you will say it. But first, let me make it easier." With that he drops my towel to the floor and holds a bottle of poppers under my nose. “Take a deep breathe through your nose and hole it, then let it out real slow.” I do so, and in moments my head is spinning. Fuck! I’m flying and feeling real horny. "Bend over a bit. You’re going to like this. I just want to feel your hole with my finger." I'm reluctant, so he pushes me a bit. I bend over and he instructs, "Now, spread your cheeks for me." I can’t help myself; I’m so horny I obey. I feel an oily finger push into my hole. He pushes it rather fast and deep. I pull away a bit because it stings a little because my ring is so tight, almost virgin. He rubs his finger around a bit, and I pull away his finger slips out as he comments "You have a hot, tight little pussy there boy. When were you last fucked?" "I don't remember. I mean, never…it's been a while." "Well, I think you're really going to like this fuck. Have you got a room?" Without waiting for an answer, he pushes me down the hall urging "Let's go." I lead him to the room where, once inside, all I want is to be fucked...actually fucked, not just pretend. I know this is not right. I can’t do this. Then this hot man looks me in the eyes and says, “Feeling really horny, aren't you? You ready for some real cock?" I can't answer but I was thinking to myself 'Fuck YES! I want HIS cock, but I'm not supposed to. "Come-on boy. Take another hit, on both sides this time, then get on your knees, on the bed, and show me that pussy. That hot, tight pussy. I want to fuck you." I inhale deeply in both nostrils and hold the hit as long as I can. Once I let it out, without thinking I get on my knees - I so want to be fucked. I want this man's dick so bad I can't think of anything else. He puts some oil over his head and shaft and starts rubbing that amazing head over my hole. FUCK! I want him in there, and as if reading my mind, he casually remarks "I'm going to push my dick head in you." "You got a rubber on?" I ask. "What do you think?" he asks. With that his head is in my hole. "FUCK MAN! You gotta put on a rubber!" "That's not what you want now is it?" He's fucking right. I’m so high from the poppers all I want is his bare cock. I want him to fuck me like men are supposed to fuck. I want his seed, I gotta have his cum in me. Without thinking anymore, my ass takes over. I push back and am met by his forward thrust. We both simultaneously exclaim "Fuck yeah!" as his unprotected shaft goes deep into my hole. It hits some resistance. "You feel that boy? You feel what's stopping me?" "Yeah, kinda. What is it?" "It's your second ring. Ever been fucked past your second ring?" "Don't think so, sir. Didn't even know I had one." "Oh, you do. But I guess you’re a virgin there, too. Guess I get to take that cherry. It's even tighter than your first one. You have to try hard to relax…better hit the bottle again…here goes. Oh fuck, here I go. What the hell am I doing? I'm getting something I’ve wanted for a long time. And before I know it, he shoves. His dick head is the perfect shape, and he pops past my second ring without pain, with help from the poppers I imagine. Involuntarily I exclaim "OH MAN! That's fuckin' awesome. I love the feeling." "Yeah, it's pretty damn good at my end too." “You're so fucking hot and tight I don't know how much longer I can hold-off." The poppers have me so high and horny I just say, "Don't hold it, man. I’m so fucking horny...I need your load in me. Shoot it man, inject me with that juice you know I need." I can't fucking help myself anymore. A complete stranger is barebacking me, and I want his sperm so bad. "Oh, you fucking hot bitch! I'm going to fucking seed you deep. I'm going to give you a load where no man has ever left one before." "Fuck yeah man, seed my cunt deep. Own it, make it yours. You've known all along what I wanted - what I needed." With that he dives deep; holds it; and I can feel his dick surge and pump. He's fucking shooting his hot seed in me. I'm in fucking heaven! I'm feeling every moment. He's jabbing my cunt and spitting his seed as he grunts "OH FUCK YOU, you hot bitch. I knew you'd be a hot fuck." He's now slowly pumping my ass as I stroke my dick, within seconds I announce. "Oh, fuck man, keep pumping me. I'm gonna cum. Oh, fuck yeah, here it cums! Fuck the cum out of me! Fuck your cum deeper in me." With that, my dick blasts my pent-up load all over the bed and shortly we fall to the mattress, Mr. Rough resting on my back. "Fucking amazing, boy. But then I knew your pussy would drain my balls." "I never thought I'd do something like that. I'm glad I did. You were the best fuck I ever had, just as you said. Thanks!"
    3 points
  12. Came across this story I wrote about... gosh, 12 years back now? Based on a true story, some details may have been embellished. I'll let you decide which details those are. ----- Who You Are In The Dark: A Bookstore Encounter I used to make an occasional trip to the adult bookstore in the town I went to high school in, even after I had moved away from the town to a different city about two hours south. Located just off of I-80, as well as being next to a truck stop AND strip club, there was an interesting mix of clientele. The store itself was well-lit and friendly (so far as these places go), and the front clerks were always business when you bought your entry to the back arcade. The arcade itself was pretty standard. A big rectangle, with about a dozen rooms off the hallway, each large enough for a comfortable two, and more if you were so inclined. All manner of movies would be playing – straight, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, there was literally something for nearly every taste. And just off the viewing rooms was a large, open rec room (for lack of a better term.) A pool table, several arcade games, vending machines, a big-screen TV – just a nice place to take a breather between hookups. There was a definite 'no sex' policy in the rec area, and it was the only place in the back that had a camera. It was in this room that I found myself on one of my visits. It was spring, and even a weekend, but there were not many visitors to the store that night. I had made a few rounds of the rooms, without much success in finding any interesting or interested parties. I took a break from the dark rooms to get a soda and shoot a few solo games of pool. There was one other man in the rec room, a gentleman who was probably in his late 30s or early 40s. At this time, I was around 22 or 23, so this was an 'older' guy to me. He was fairly handsome, well-dressed and with hit of gray at his temples and in his goatee. He was a bit on the husky side, but I've always had a soft spot for that type. I recall that the TV was playing a James Bond marathon, and I would stop playing every few minutes to watch the screen. I was never a Bond fan but, hey, TV. At one point, the other guy saw me watching and asked who my favorite Bond was. "Honestly, I was never a Bond guy," I answered. "Never really got into the movies." "You're missing out," he said. "Brosnan is my favorite. Handsome guy." "I'll drink to that," I said, and took a sip from my Diet Coke. "Had any luck?" he asked, nodding his head toward the back rooms. "Nah. It's kind of dead tonight. Weird for a weekend." "Yeah. I gave up after awhile, settled down to watch some TV, see if anyone else showed up." "I hear ya. I'm shooting pool by myself. That should tell you how slow it is." He stood up from the couch. "Thought I might take another stroll around the booths, see what's good. You should come," he offered. Without waiting for a response, he walked back into the dark hallways. I finished off my soda, abandoned my pool 'game', and followed a few moments later. He had already vanished into the hallway, but it wouldn't be hard to find him. It was a rectangle. I took a slow stroll around, looking into the booths. A few others had wandered in while we had been in the rec room, but I was looking for someone specific at this point. I found him in one of the corner booths, watching the end of a male-male fuck scene, sitting and rubbing his crotch through his slacks. "Mind if I join you?" I asked, poking my head into the room. "I'd be offended if you didn't," he answered, and patted the empty spot next to him. I joined him in the booth and closed the door behind me. I sat next to him and it didn't take long before he grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss. This close, I could smell his cologne and taste the faint hint of tobacco on his breath. It wasn't the reek of a heavy smoker, just the tang of nicotine. I noticed the wedding ring on his hand for the first time, which turned me on even more. My cock was quickly hardening in my pants, and by the sudden way he gripped it through my shorts, he noticed. He pulled his mouth from mine, grabbed my hand and placed it squarely on his crotch. He resumed kissing me, our hands massaging each others hardness. We made out for quite awhile, and eventually I found myself pulling back a little to take off my shirt. He followed suit, and I appreciated the view as he revealed a fair but solid belly and a not-quite-firm chest, covered with just a light dusting of black hair. My own stomach and chest were fairly firm, the result of a post high-school dedication to losing weight and exercising, but covered with just about the same amount of hair as his. He stood me up and pressed me against the wall, his bare torso pressing against mine. "You're hot," he said, and dropped to his knees. He unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to my ankles. I was commando, and my hard dick sprung gratefully free immediately. "Damn," he groaned, and swallowed my 6 ½ inches with gusto. He sucked with the ferocity of a man in need, occasionally moving to lick and suck my balls into his mouth, rolling them around with his tongue. I grabbed the back of his head at one point and began fucking my cock into his mouth. "You like my dick?" I asked, a little more aggressively than I usually am. "Does your wife know you like sucking cock?" He mumbled something around my rod, and continued to suck as I force-fed it to him. I didn't want to cum yet, so after a few minutes of this, I relented and pulled back. "Not yet, man. I want to enjoy this. It's your turn," I said, and pulled him to his feet. I slid down the wall until I was on my knees and at eye level with the clear bulge in his slacks. I fumbled with his belt for a moment, but managed to undo it and unfasten his pants. They slid down his solid thighs, and left me facing his white briefs. I could see the outline of his cock, and it was even more impressive than it had felt under my hand before. I pulled his briefs down, and his own cock stood at attention. It was about 8 inches, and pretty thick. I could fit my hand around it, but only just. The slit was leaking precum, and I took a slow lick to taste his juices, pulling my head back enough that he could see the line of his fluid stretching from his cock to my tongue. "Fuck," he said, and pushed his dick toward me. "Suck it. Suck it for me." I obliged, and went to work on his dick. Slowly at first, as it was a bit bigger than anything I'd taken at that point. Slowly, I managed to work my way about two-thirds of the way down the shaft. He started thrusting his cock into my mouth, gently at first, but with increasing speed. At some point, he managed to force it all the way in, and I found my nose buried in his pubic hair. "Oh my God, you suck better than my wife," he moaned, and continued fucking my mouth. My gag reflex kicked in and I started choking on his dick. This just turned him on more, and he grabbed the back of my head, shoving the full length of his rod into my throat. "Fucking choke on that dick," he ordered. "Choke on it like a bitch." I obliged, without much choice. My throat convulsed around his member, and he let out a long string of swears that made me think he was cumming already. He finally let go of my head and pulled his dick from my mouth. I looked up at him with watery eyes. "Good?" I asked, my voice rough from the throat-fucking I had just taken. "Really good," he affirmed. "Lay down on your back.. I want to lay on top of you for awhile." I slid out of my shorts completely and spread my clothes on the floor, giving me some semblance of comfort. I laid back and watched him finish disrobing, sliding his pants off. He did just as he had said, and laid his bare flesh against mine, and we resumed our passionate make-out session from before. All at once, the room went completely dark. We paused for a moment, and realized that the movie had ended and the TV had shut itself off to conserve power. Strange, since these things were usually on a loop, or the clerk would have noticed the end of the movie and started it up again. We lay there in almost complete darkness, the only light being the dim hallway bulbs shining in from under the door. I felt him now, rather than seeing him, and enjoyed the sensation of this stranger laying atop me, the smell of him becoming a little stronger as my senses compensated for the darkness. We soon began making out again, and his tongue explored my mouth. I answered in kind, and we continued kissing for quite awhile. I could feel more precum from his dick leaking onto my thigh, and spread my legs a little wider. His dick slipped between my legs and probed gently against my hole as we tasted one another. This went on for awhile, the precum from his dick making my hole slick and his cock head pressing gently at my opening. Suddenly, he stopped. "I don't have a condom," he whispered into my ear, sounding disappointed. "Oh," I answered. "Okay." That was all I said, neither giving permission nor denial to continue. I felt his tongue in my mouth again, and the hardness of his dick pressing into me. The heat we were generating in the room started taking its toll, making both our bodies slippery. After several minutes of this, I felt his dick pressing firmly against my ass, and the head of his cock penetrating into me. I gasped with pleasure, and a little discomfort, as his thickness popped into me with only sweat and precum for lube. "I don't have a condom," he repeated, and continued pushing his length into me. "I'm in you bareback." "Feels good," I gasped. He moaned softly and bit my collarbone as he bottomed out, his balls coming to full rest against my ass cheeks. "You're tighter than my wife. Wet, too," he said, and began sliding out of me, and it felt like he nearly pulled out entirely before thrusting back in. "I'm not wearing a condom," he kept repeating, as though I had somehow forgotten that I was in pitch darkness with a married man's raw dick in my ass. "I know," I said. "But I'm not stopping you." That seemed to be all the permission he needed to begin fucking me in earnest, his thrusts picking up speed as my insides stretched to accommodate his cock. A few times, he pulled completely out and I felt empty for the briefest moment before he shoved himself fully into me. He fucked expertly, even in the dark, and began nibbling on my earlobe. I gasped in pleasure and found myself digging fingernails into his back, not even realizing my hands had wrapped around him. "Make love to me," I whispered into the dark. "Oh god, yes. You're so much better than my wife. Her pussy has never been this tight and wet." We fucked like this for what felt like an hour, in complete darkness, our moans and grunts occasionally punctuated by my whispered begging for his dick and his gasping replies, telling me how good my hole felt on his cock, how I was a hotter fuck than his wife. I started to feel the sweat from his face dripping onto me, some of it landing on my lips or in my mouth, the salty taste turning me on even more. "Do you want me to pull out or stay inside?" he finally asked. I was feeling so good at this point, I missed his meaning. "Stay inside," I answered. "Keep going." It was when his tempo started to increase and a guttural string of swears came from him that I realized what he had actually meant. "Oh my God," I asked. "Are you going to cum inside me?" "Fuck yes, I'm going to cum inside you. I'm going to get you pregnant. I'm going to knock you up, and you're going to take it," he said firmly. He thrust his cock fully into me and let out a fairly loud, "OH FUCK!" and I knew he was shooting. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he repeated, and I felt his seed filling me, the warmth and wetness spreading through my insides. "I'm cumming inside you. I'm cumming so hard," he panted. As I finally felt his orgasm start to subside, he began fucking his load into me, his rod plowing my cum-slicked hole. Eventually, he relented, and I felt his cock withdrawing from my ass. The head of his dick pulled out with an audibly wet 'pop'. We lay there in darkness and silence for a few minutes, the heat of our sex slowly dissipating. Finally, I felt him stirring. "I shouldn't have done that. I didn't have a rubber. I shouldn't have fucked you bare. I'm sorry, man. I just got caught up in the moment and.. I mean, I don't have anything, but I just.. I'm sorry and.." "Dude. Chill," I said, reaching out a hand in the darkness to caress his cheek. "It's cool. I pretty obviously wanted it, too. I didn't stop you." "You sure it's okay? I mean.. I've never done that." "It's fine," I assured him. "Though I may actually manage to get knocked up with as much as you shot." He laughed a little, his nervousness slowly waning. "Yeah, I did shoot a lot. I meant what I said. You really are a better fuck than my wife. She won't even let me say things like 'fuck' or 'pussy' when we're having sex." "Ouch," I answered. "For what it's worth, I'm okay with everything that was said and done here." "Hot," he said, and I felt him lean down to press his tongue into my mouth. "I should go, though. This really was amazing. Do you come here much?" "Every other month or so, usually make an overnight weekend trip." "Well... I won't make it awkward, but I do hope I see you here again." "Me, too," I said, and meant it. I felt his weight leave me. There was an awkward silence for a moment, until he laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I just realized it's completely dark in here and I have no idea where my clothes are." We laughed together for a few minutes and fumbled around in the dark, eventually finding his clothes. He dressed in the darkness and left, giving me one more hungry kiss before he departed. I stood there for a moment, naked, with the door to the hallway open, cum running down the inside of my leg. I finally dressed and headed out. I was halfway home before I realized I hadn't even cum. "Totally worth it," I thought.
    3 points
  13. Happy to answer although I don't know why I'm the authority on this. 🙂 I mean I guess I see a spectrum here. From most "innocent" to most "guilty" (put your own labels on the end of the spectrum, I don't care about the names): I'm a 17-year-old farm boy from Iowa and I never heard of STIs. I know nothing, so I am not culpable, because I'm clueless. I test every 3 months and I do my level best to affirmatively disclose whenever I know something. I think I'm "clean..." and I get tested whenever the doc tells me to. I'm following all medical advice but I'm not really being aggressive or diligent in my test strategy. I don't have anything to disclose. I "don't ask / don't tell" about this because the risk is oh-so-horrifying. I'll hope 'n' pray. (I see as this like driving a car with the hood up and just hoping I don't hit someone.) I "don't ask / don't tell" about this because I have pretty good hunches I'm carrying bugs. [your scenario, maybe?] (I see this as more like driving knowing I'm drunk -- and dangerous.) I knew I had a bug, and I purposely injected it into somebody else who presumably would really have liked to have known. [my former friend] Sure, we all have to accept risk, and when we've got our asses up for loads, we're running a risk. But do we have to be completely reckless about it? Don't we also: 1) have to be honest about facts that most people would like to know? 2) need to disclose if we have herpes, HIV, syph, or anything else that people need to know to make an informed choice? 3) have to take care of our brothers out there in this gay world? What was so infuriating about my former friend is he got it bad -- he had green jizz coming out -- and he knowingly fucked a guy specifically to spread it. I said, "You got to tell him what you did. Who knows how many more cases he will spread to the next guy, and then from him to the next guy, and so on, till somebody figures it out? You have potentially caused so much untold misery, when we could all just be fucking happily, even if that means you need to get out of the pool till you're cured." His response was like some of the assholes on this board: "Whatever he got, that's on him, and he should have asked, and he should know better." I just don't think that's ethical. And honestly I don't understand those on here who think it is up for debate. P.S. I'm almost completely of the mind now that there's no special "bathhouse rule" either. I used to go along with those who say, "Any raw player in a bathhouse must know the risks and therefore is accepting any possible outcome." Not sure I buy that any more. And yeah, if that means you can't top a guy wordlessly in the dark . . . I'm starting to think that's just too bad. Deal with it. Be a man and disclose.
    3 points
  14. I love this anon breeding: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a9edddddb6f9
    3 points
  15. Join the club, I blocked Kimberley months ago. I'm only reading all this mess out of horror. I think we have proof that, yup, people exist who do shitty things. I dumped a friend this summer who intentionally spread an STI. No idea how much misery that man caused. But when he bragged about it, I said, I don't need this in my life.
    3 points
  16. That was my favorite pastime in college.. unloading my toxic load understall into anon butts
    3 points
  17. Selfish, You know I need to put you on block. You are such a selfish person who is let loose in the community spreading knowingly your STIs. It not about Judging its about being socially Responsible with good morals, obviously you dont have these.
    3 points
  18. It's also blissful for the top. When we watch our limb(s) disappear inside a hole, it becomes quite entrancing. First the fingers, then the knuckles, then the whole hand, followed by the forearm, and then the elbow until one is shoulder-deep in some pig's rectum. And he has the nerve to beg for more?! So we go to doubles. Might not get as deep. Probably not because the bottom has to accomodate the extra width, and most (if not all) human bodies simply can't do shoulder-deep double fistings. We're just not built like that, plus it's a physical strain for the top who has ZERO wiggle room in there, and every inch of available space is demanding more of the inner walls of another body. But we feel it too. The tightness, the sensations, the thought that one is doing something really fucking disgusting and getting off on it. It's incredible. And addicting.
    3 points
  19. Well that's a pain! You will have to give the matter some serious thought. There might be better alternatives. You need to consider how you are going to structure your event. You said 'hot tops' so can I assume you are going to screen the men you invite to breed you? That will take more work and depending on how you find these tops some major coordination. Do you want them one at a time or can it be a gangbang sort of situation? You also said anonymous so I have to wonder what your definition of anonymous is if you are already taking the time to screen the tops. If you are going truly anonymous no need to screen tops just strap on that blindfold and get your hole plugged. The problem is for good turn out you need to post on as many sites as possible but managing those posts is a pain when you want to be ass up taking loads since most sites won't allow you to publish an address. You can't be on your phone messaging potential tops and taking anonymous loads at the same time. Get my drift? Setting up things in advance with tops might be possible but you have to factor in that a large percentage will probably flake. Sometimes you can get creative with your posts as far as time, address and room number but don't count on it. I tried that and my post got flagged and removed so I lost a lot of potential loads by not realizing I no longer had an ad running. The best thing to do is to get a buddy to whore you out. He can be answering responses to your ads and directing tops to your room while you are on all four getting spit roasted. Don't take anything to your room you worry might get stolen. Bring extra poppers and lube, that stuff has a tendency to disappear and you don't want to be left with a bunch of tops waiting their turn and no accessories to help you out. If your luck holds you won't need the lube after the first fuck as all the loads you take will keep you slick and ready for more fucking. I tend to need poppers as the night goes on and my ass tires out. My point being make sure you have what you need for the duration of your pump and dump. Lots of water, breath mints, cum rags for the tops who need a quick wipe and then can motor off. I assume I don't need to say this but pay special attention to your clean-out prep. Start a few days ahead, moderate your diet for starters. There are lots of different tricks depending on how your body works. Just don't fuck up cleaning out your hole, start early, be thorough and be ready to take loads. It is a total boner killer when the bottom has to take a break to clean out and there is a room full of tops waiting to get some ass. Odds are one of those guys is versatile and he will happily take your place while you are wrestling with a shower hose. Don't let things get out of control. I like a drink when I am getting gangbanged. I don't do drugs but don't particularly care if others do but beware. Sex, drugs, and alcohol can be volatile elements when combined. Guys are jerks, especially horny ones. It could be something as simple as playing music too loud. You don't notice because you are in cum dump heaven as some big balled bastard is banging your hole just right but the neighbors have called the lobby to complain. Or maybe the booze is flowing and two tops start arguing and then suddenly the argument gets out of hand. Whatever might happen try to be aware and don't let insensitive tops ruin your carefully planned evening. That is all I have for now. I am sorry I am not close because I would be your pal and help you get all the hot tops I could to fill your hole with anonymous cum. Its really fun so I hope you carry through with your plan and find a way to fulfill your cum dump fantasy. It is worth the effort and will give you masterbatory memories for years to come. Good luck, I will be glad to answer more questions if you have them and if you do go through with it be sure to let us the fuck know what happened. With pics if possible or video. An invite would be nice too.....I know, greedy, greedy. Have fun!
    3 points
  20. Great recitation of a hotttt hookup. This is why I don't bother much with online cruising. I much prefer the darkroom at my fav fuckjoint - where most of the "cruising" is done in Braille. Hands come out of the dark to feel up a hard Cock. Mouths materialize out of the dark to suck Cocks. Most of the Holes are lined up on a fuckbench, either taking Sperm up their gut or waiting for the next one. Who am I in the dark? I'm the guy celebrating my calling - my debauchery - tasting every Spermy Hole that isn't occupied, shoving my Cock to every Hole waiting for loads. It's absolutely magnificent, and the thrill has never dulled. Sometimes I suck a Cock, sometimes a mouth sucks mine. Sometimes I suck off a Cock while I'm rutting in Holes. Occasionally, a hard raw Cock Breeds in my Hole. All in the sweet, beckoning delicious darkness. I seldom see more than what I'm there for, and I couldn't care less. The darkness allows my mind to remove all hints of looks, body-shapes, all the extraneous things that make every one of us in there "less-than-ideal" in some way. We can't judge what we can't see. Nothing but a bunch of sex-focused men doing what they must do. I have matured. I am not the same guy I was 20 years ago. I have realized that - in the darkrooms - I become what I know myself to be: a total Pig, celebrating my Lusts with my Brothers. But, I do pump my Sperm up Holes !!! It's gotta go where it does the next guy some good. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
    3 points
  21. Some bttms have all the fun... 🐷🐷🐷😈😈😈 [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/25053/tattoo-pozzing/
    2 points
  22. The difference is that with HIV (ie "don't ask, don't tell") there is a course of action one can take (PrEP) that prevents infection if one is exposed by someone who is infected. There is no such preventative medication one can take for gonorrhea, or syphilis, or any number of other STI's, hence partners are much more reliant on people being forthcoming about known risks. And that's the important part: we're talking about KNOWN risks - people who KNOW they have an STI, have had it diagnosed, and who continue to have sex without disclosing that information. Some people seem to find nothing wrong with that course of action. They are assholes.
    2 points
  23. Don’t ever regret having a loose, sloppy fuckhole faggots and cumdumps. lt is your badge of honour and shows that you have been fulfilling your duty to taking big cocks, objects and fists. Plus when you get looser, you get easier to use. Easier to fuck, without taking time for you to adjust. Just slam it in, fuck, and dump and go. Easier to ram whatever I want up your ass including horse cock dildos and my arm. Plus since you are all such worthless disposable trash, when you get too loose to fuck we can just throw you out with the rest of the used trash.
    2 points
  24. Totally agree that sex clubs and bathhouses are the best place for me to exercise my total pig nature. Favorite thing to do is find a middle booth with glory holes, put my towel over the door to be sure they know I'm there and then back up my pre-lubed cunt to to one of the glory holes, while putting my hand on the other. That way I'm positioned to take cock in both holes or whichever comes first. There is absolutely nothing like the anonymity of a total strangers cock sliding into one of the gloryholes slots and using me. The surprise as the cock is revealed, thin, fat, short stubby, torpedo, mushroom, hung, cut. I don't discriminate. Then the pulsing moment. I always wait a while till the top leaves his booth, cause I really don't want to spoil the mystery and see who just deposited their load.
    2 points
  25. One guy - 3 loads! I received a message to say, ‘cunt available?’ from a guy who has used me a few times. My no load refused policy means I said yes and he replied he’d be here in 20 minutes. Sure enough I was ass up hooded and ready to be bred as requested. I like that this guy knows how to use his seed and uses my cunt to play in when he needs to get off. I know I’m just one cunt he drops his anon seed into and that makes it hot as fuck. He regularly uses cumdumps to unload intoa d never asks my cunts status. I hadn’t seen him for a while so one of the local whores must be getting it. However this was now my turn so I was willing to be used as his cumslut. He arrived and was slapping his semi against my plugged hole straight away. That didn’t last long and as he was soon stuffing his dick into me. I had forgotten this guy doesn’t even wait until he’s hard. He manhandled his 8inches into me, balls deep and I could feel his raw dick growing. He used the resistance of my cunt to get him solid with some hard thrusts. He placed one foot on the bed and fucked me from every angle. I could hardly contain the occasional grunt as he pounded me Good n proper. He loves the pull out and pound straight back in move, every time harder and Harder. Fucking non stop for almost 15 minutes takes some doing but he did just that. Eventually he increased the pace and when he was ready he simply released and unloaded deep inside me. His throbbing dick was balls deep as he remained still but pumped his hot cum load inside my cunt. Squeezing every drop of his cum into my hungry used hole. After he had made sure he’d bred me deep I expected him to slowly pul out, but oh no he wasn’t done. His now semi dick was covered in his cum lube and that seemed to turn him on even more. The horny fukka was now enjoying his own sloppy seconds. Like a total CUMPIG I had been fucked and bred and was ready to be used more. His dick was rock solid again as he watched his cum cream in my cunt. Once again I was subjected to the full force of his dick pounding me until once again he bred me for a second time. This time it was hard forceful thrusts that pounded his seed into my hungry cunt! He finished breeding me with his second load and this time he pulled out. I stayed silent on all fours and felt his cum dripping from my hole. I could hear him getting dressed. I waited patiently. He was ready to leave but the sight of a cummy hole was too much. He pulled his dick out of his joggers and wiped the head over my hole pushing the cum back in with every stroke. Unbelievably his dick was semi again as he played with his cum. He pushed his dick in to tease me. His semi slid into the gape he’d left and he sighed loudly. Surely not? Parked deep in my cummy cunt he just stood there pulsing his dick. I Couldn’t believe he hadn’t finished in me but his dick was on a mission and he stArted a hard manic fucking. In and out he thrust his cum wand into my cummy cunt. He had hard fucked his cum into me, my jock was soaked in his dripping seed and he gave me his nutt once more to make a hat trick! This time he pumped his load the pulled out. He wrote LOADED on one cheek and BREED THE SLUT HERE on the other cheek. A fucking hot encounter with an anon stranger.
    2 points
  26. Started here when i was about 7 years old Having sexual fun with mom and dad Did everything together and most of the time in the house we were nude , going into the shower or the hot tub/ jacuzzi together , slept with them usually in the weekends Sex was in our place exact the same as eating or drinking Seen my first porn movies and magazines around 11 , Gay Bi and hetro sex parents were bisexual and had loads of friends coming over in the weekends Around 16 years others were going out we were watching sex movies and have parties at the house Did going on with it untill i was i think 27 and i did love every moment of it It was never a [banned word] at our place and i cant understand why some people makes issues of it or criminalizing it on the schools It was the most wonderful time of my life
    2 points
  27. Hehehe, thanks! I'm a skilled fister, and men love my hands inside them. I WILL PROLAPSE YOU. lol
    2 points
  28. The thought of you accomplishing this inside this pig's hole has my cock leaking toxic pre-nut and my hole twitching. I know what my wet dream will be about tonight.
    2 points
  29. I get bred alot still, but primarily at sex clubs and bathhouses where I can just be a total anon hole and also where there are some guys who I know from prior visits who are into me. I also have about 5 regulars who can host often. And the occasional Grindr or Scruff hook up, but as I get older people on the apps are getting very picky and it bores the fuck out of me. I'd much rather just go to the spa where I know there are at least half a dozen guys who will breed me than spend hours chatting on an app to maybe get one load if I'm lucky and don't get ghosted.
    2 points
  30. In college I met this little drag queen, petite, nelly, lively and out spoken. He was a fun good looking guy but not exactly my type. Of course if there is any chance of getting some cock I am all in plus he was an aggressive little fucker. He had my pants off in no time. When he got naked….whoa! Gorgeous nine inch boner. It looked fuckin’ huge on his small frame. I wanted him to climb on top of me and go to town. He talked about getting a sex change because he liked doing drag. I forbid him to cut off his beautiful dick. It would have been a crime. If you are reading this Heath get in touch. We have some catching up to do. 😜🍆
    2 points
  31. I’ve been married (to a woman) for over 30 and I’ve cheated every day of the marriage. With men and women. She was always faithful until I finally convinced her to let me share her with other men. I’ve been sharing her now for about 15 years. But I still cheat on her with other men. All these years and she has no clue that I’m bi.
    2 points
  32. Part 4: Returning More Favours After my cock, excited beyond anything I’d ever felt before, fired my load deep into Brent’s spasming hole as he came right with me, we both passed out. That whole Saturday was the most exciting day I’d ever experienced but it was also exhausting! Somewhere during the night, I woke up to a rather full sensation in my lower regions, and a hairy, brawny arm wrapped around my chest. That sneak, Brent, had wormed his way back into my ass while I was asleep on my side and was busily pumping his way up to another orgasm. My god, I thought, doesn’t this stud ever stop or even slow down a bit? I responded as best I could in my half-asleep state, and I managed to start working him a bit with my muscles, which brought him to the finish line. As another dose of sperm pumped inside me, I was already falling asleep again, but I did register the squeeze of the arm and the whispered “Thank you” just before I went right under. Turnabout is fair play. I woke up first in the morning and found Brent lying asleep on his face next to me. Those bulging, furry butt muscles were just too tempting to ignore. I knew it for me, and I knew it for my dick because it woke up and went from nowhere to full erection very quickly. But I didn’t feel the need to fuck Brent again – at least, not right away. I was hungry, and the answer was staring me right in the face. Rolling over, I got on all fours between his legs and started licking at those cakes, and the crack between them. Gradually, I worked my way deeper and deeper into that incredible ass, lapping at the hole and tasting the cum that oozed out of him. Evidently, in spite of all our sexual antics the day before, I’d managed to produce a more-than-respectable load when he asked me to treat him to his first-ever assfuck. But hey, a man’s gotta look out for his friends and do whatever he can to help them, right? As I was busily enjoying this first course, Brent slowly woke up. I swear, I could hear the smile in his voice when he muttered, sleepily, “Don’t stop, Pete, that feels so good.” I redoubled my efforts, plunging my tongue into his hole and prying open his no-longer-virgin ass. As my tongue wormed its way inside him, he moaned aloud and reached back to grasp my head and jam me further inside his crack. After a few more minutes of butt munching, I rolled Brent over onto his back. Then I climbed over him, turned to face his feet, and lifted his legs up, pushing my head back into his welcoming ass. As I did, I slowly eased my own butt down towards his face, and he took the hint with no prompting. The moans in his room got louder and louder as we drove each other crazy with our ass eating. I could feel drips of pre-cum from Brent’s cock smearing onto my neck and chin, and I knew mine was leaking too. We kept tonguing and piercing each other’s holes for a while, in no hurry to do anything else, and then the door opened and Kyle walked in. Naked as the day he was born, Kyle was definitely a sight for sore eyes. So were the two big steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. His cock was growing even with no hands to help it wake up. “I was going to ask if you fellows wanted breakfast, but I see you got there ahead of me.” Brent and I laughed, as we untangled ourselves long enough to grab the coffee and start warming up our insides while we joked about the wild time we’d been having. Finally, Brent called the business meeting to order. “Okay, guys, I know we’d all love to spend all day romping again, but we need to clean everything up and get this house and yard back in order. My family are coming back into town in two days, and I don’t think they’d be amused at the mess we’ve made of this place.” The rest of that Sunday passed in a whirlwind of cleaning, pitching, scrubbing, washing, and garbage collecting. We picked up pop cans, beer cans, pizza boxes, takeout bags, and more – but no used condoms (surprise, surprise!). And airing everything out. Brent’s bedroom did reek of man sweat and cum, for some strange reason, and so did Kyle’s room where there had been some more antics going on the previous night, after we’d eaten dinner and before the three younger guys left. By about five o’clock, we had everything back in good order. All three of us packed up our bags to head back to the campus and our respective apartments there. But the fun and games kept right on rolling, throughout the remainder of the summer and the whole of the next school year. Twosome and threesome (and foursome and moresome) sleepovers became the rule, rather than the exception, and could happen any time those pesky things called “roommates” were out for the night. I’m sure our respective roommates all knew what was going on, but there was no point getting them upset with how easy it was for us to get laid while so many of those poor straight guys struggled in vain to keep up with us! My ass was now thoroughly accustomed to being fucked, having been reamed out by Doug once, Sven twice, and Brent – well, I lost count of how many times Brent and I did each other. But there were other favours to be returned too. It seemed only fair that, having enjoyed bottoming so much, we should at least introduce Kyle and Tyler to the joys of topping. That was another memorable night of multiple orgasms and ended with a couple of positions I’d never experienced before. First was a four-man fuck train, with me at the front, then Tyler fucking me, Kyle fucking Tyler, and Brent bringing up the rear, lodged firmly inside Kyle’s rear. We were lying on the floor in a row on our sides, and the noise of moaning and grunting would have done justice to a particularly sleazy porn flick. I remember thinking it would be awesome if we all came at the same time, but that wasn’t quite how it worked out. Tyler was so excited by all the stimulation he was getting that he shot inside me within about two minutes. But he kept right on going, partly because his cock wasn’t folding on him at all, and partly because there was no way Kyle was letting go of him. After that, I think Kyle came next inside Tyler, then I blew my rocks off, and Brent fired the last shot of that train ride. Or at least, it would have been the last shot if Tyler hadn’t yelled at Kyle to “keep going, I’m almost ready to shoot again.” Kyle bravely kept pumping, and a minute later Tyler propelled another load into my ass. After a break for drinks and getting our breath back, Tyler told us he wanted to try something else he’d never done before. He proceeded to direct us, just as if he was a film director. He had Brent and me lie down on the floor on our backs, feet to feet, and then interlock our legs and slide together until our balls and dicks were touching. At first, I didn’t know what he had in mind, but Kyle figured it out when he saw Tyler squirting a generous dose of lube into his hand and applying it to his butthole. “Dude, you’re not really, are you?” “Stick around and find out.” With that, he crouched over us, grabbed both our hard dicks with one hand, and proceeded to wiggle around and push and turn until he got both those big hard tools inside him at once. I think my jaw was hanging open at the sight of this slim young man with his narrow hips and tight ass forcing so much man meat up inside his butt at one time. Tyler moaned, “I fucking love taking two at once.” That’s when I realized that the horny young slut had done all of this before, probably more than once. Once he was firmly seated on our cocks, he began to move up and down. The first few times, he lost one pole or the other, but eventually he got into a rhythm that let him keep both of us right where he wanted us. After a few minutes, Brent started to thrust up into Tyler, and with that I began to move too. We synchronized automatically so that I pulled down as Brent shoved up, and vice versa. Kyle stepped in front of Tyler and fed his cock into Tyler’s mouth, and although Tyler’s eyes were glazing over with the powerhouse sensation of being double-fucked, he managed to start sucking on Kyle at the same time. And it was Kyle who came first, pumping his sperm into Tyler’s gaping mouth. It didn’t take much longer before I felt mine rising up my shaft. And Brent muttered that he was just about to come too. Both of us speeded up, and this time it worked. Inside Tyler’s overstretched hole, I could actually feel Brent’s cock flexing against my quivering tool, as both of us pumped our seed out into Tyler at the same time. And just as we came, Tyler moaned and shot his load off into space without even having touched his cock. I think everyone went home aching after that party. Before we really had time to notice, we realized that the end of the semester was coming up – and for Kyle, Brent, and myself it was the end of our college career and our water polo career. It was no surprise that Brent ended his career with a year as the team captain, with Kyle and I serving as co-assistant captains. (I remember the coach had given a little wink while formally announcing those positions at the start of the season). It was also the end of our long-running sexual shenanigans, as Brent was going off to a far-distant larger school for his med schooling, while Kyle was moving to the west coast to live the life, and I was going back home to take up a position in the business office of city hall. Doug, Tyler, and Sven all moved up into starter positions on the water polo team. We had one last wild weekend with all six of us to say goodbye, and then we were off and on our various ways into “real life” – whatever that might hold for us. We’d long since become good friends as well as fuck buddies, so you can be sure we all kept in touch with each other. We also scheduled occasional visits to each other’s locations, but those often involved as much talk and reminiscence as they brought on any more hot and heavy bedroom fun. I sort of expected one or more of our original three to settle down first, perhaps Brent because of his intense workload. But he continued to work hard and play hard. To my surprise, and probably to everyone else’s surprise as well, it was dear, slim, slutty Tyler who settled down before any of the rest of us, forming an exclusive relationship only a year or two after leaving school with a guy who was about 8 or 9 years older than him, although otherwise cut from the same hairy, muscular cookie cutter as Brent, Kyle, and myself – but with blond hair. Sven and Doug hooked up by the time they left school and stayed together for quite a few years. I suspected Brent might be getting serious about one of his med school classmates, but he always dismissed it as “just fuck buddies.” And life rolled on. I had some casual liaisons, but nothing serious or lasting. Twice a week, I drove into the nearest big city for the regular practices, and occasional games, with a gay water polo team. That certainly helped me to keep in fighting trim, as did my other periodic visits to a masters’ swim club. All the while, I was moving up the ladder at work. When the Chief Administrative Officer got recruited to a larger centre, I applied for the position and got it, in spite of still being only 30. It was a great, albeit challenging, job and I enjoyed it immensely from the get-go. Work was such a challenge, in fact, that I felt I could quite easily go on as I was, doing without a partner of my own. Then, right around the seventh anniversary of my graduation from university, my past reached out to bite my ass – literally – and turn my life into a rather different path than I had been envisaging.
    2 points
  33. As for motels in the U.S., consider Motel 6, Travelodge, and Super 8. Anywhere frequented by prostitutes, hustlers, dealers, or homeless is a safe bet. Look for $40-$80/night ideally with doors that face the parking lot. You can claim that you’re a sensitive sleeper and request a room in the back of the property away from families. Consider taking a play buddy with you. He can act as lookout, doorman, fluffier, pimp, and Internet secretary. He can also keep you company during lulls, kick out troublemakers, and lick your hole clean between tops. He can hide out discretely in the closet or bathroom, watch from the other bed, or head out and conveniently return after your next trick arrives to “accidentally” walk in on you and your trick. Pre-lube using a lube squirter, oral syringe/doser, or lube bottle with twist top. Periodically add more if need be. Have supplies on hand to clean out again in case of emergencies. Learn to recognize the warning signs of curious but too scared to participate; flakes; guys too far gone with their drug of choice; and aggressive/pushy guys. Politely shut them down online and don’t give them your address or room number. Try your best to determine your ground rules & limits beforehand. Are you taking all cummers or filtering ones you find attractive? Are guys allowed to bring buddies? Will you allow recording with cell phones or cameras? What sex acts and scenes are out of bounds? Are guys allowed to linger afterwards, or is it strictly cum & go? Are guys allowed to bring party favors, vapes, edibles, etc.? Does HIV/COVID status matter? (WARNING: You can’t safely control this factor as people lie and/or don’t get tested.) Read stories on here to get ideas and build fantasies. relax and enjoy!
    2 points
  34. part 5 Mark's date, Milton, sat quietly sipping a sparkling water. How do I describe Milton? Hmmm. If Wonder Bread could walk and talk that would be Milty. A plainer more milk toast of a man there never lived. But the wallflower had a secret, a secret that Uncle Ruben had discovered and passed on to me. The little man sat blinking and staring at me waiting for a command. "Are you ready for your surprise Milton?" Milton stood and wrung his hands. "Yes please, I am very curious." I motioned for him to follow me leading the way to Mark. Mark lay quiet but alert. Milton gasped when he caught site of my beautiful boyfriend. Have I mentioned that before? If so I doubt I did Mark justice because he is truly the most gorgeous man I have ever personally encountered. It's hard to describe perfection, his sublime symmetry, the square jaw, flawless golden skin that practically glows, the long curving line of thigh muscle....I could go on and on. Mark shivered when I placed a hand on his chest tracing a line down to the cock I had spent so many nights worshipping. I couldn't stop. I caressed his legs, his arms, the stubble beginning to roughen his cheeks. I had loved his beauty and he had used it to snare, trap and betray me. I had to make sure he would never be able to do that to me again or anybody else for that matter. I beckoned to Roger and he quickly stepped forward to hand me the metal device procured earlier that day. I introduced Mark to Milton which was merely greeted with a sneer and condescending silence. "I think you had better pay attention Mark." Roger produced a key and handed it over. "Because your life is about to take a drastic turn thanks to our new friend here." I pointed at Milton with the key and then used it to unlock the chastity cage. " "Milton has a little quirk, a kind of paraphilia if you will that has been the source of some trouble for him." I returned my caresses to Marks flaccid cock still enjoying its heft even after all that had gone on between us. "It's called odaxelagnia. Do you know what that is Mark?" He refused to answer staring at nothing as though I was not there. "Odaxelagnia is sexual arousal through biting....or being bitten, but Milton here is definitely of the former." I felt Mark stiffen at the revelation but still he remained silent. I began to insert his penis into the chastity cage. "Not necessarily a problem but our Milton tends to get somewhat carried away. He's excitable, it has led to some unfortunate.... mishaps." I closed the cage and locked it. "It's the nibbley parts," I tweaked and pinched the appropriate areas as I listed them, "ear lobes, nostrils, lips, genitals, you know, the dangly bits that he has a habit of biting a little too hard." I returned for a final inspection of the perfect body I would never see again. "People don't care to have their parts and pieces chewed off. It has led to some prosecutions, jail time to be exact. Our friend Milty here was hard to track down being on the lamb so to speak. His probation officer would very much like to know where he is right now." Milton was beside himself staring at Mark, his tiny hands jerking back forth as he ached to touch the radiant skin that was so close. I couldn't blame him. I still could not keep my hands off Mark as I tortured his mind with what was about to happen to him. I grabbed Mark's face and made him look at me. "I am giving you to Milton for the evening Mark just like you gave me to all those men." I held up the key. "Except this, he can't have this. For now." I draped the key with its leather thong around my neck. I glanced at the fidgeting Milton and saw the hopeful longing look in his hungry eyes and nodded. His hand trembled as he placed a palm over Mark's sculpted chest. The fevered touch pushed Mark over the brink. He began to beg, to plead, to tell me how much he loved me, how sorry he was. I let the pathetic words wash over me, I let them cleanse me of any leftover feelings. I turned my back on him and quickly walked away not wanting to witness any more of the Mark and Milton show. Mark's harangue ended abruptly as I heard Milton take a deep sniff savoring his victim's scent before the main entertainment ensued. Roger closed the door on the scene and led me towards the bed. He had set up two more wide screen televisions so we could watch the action with Sam and Junior. The room was crowded with men waiting their turn with the father son duo. Although some were too impatient and began buggering each other in a frenzy of sexual fervor. Sam was dead eyed as man after man mounted and bred his hairy ass. I watched in fascination as a particularly well-endowed fellow jabbed his cock balls deep into the captive. Sam jerked, his jaw clenched but he refused to scream as the man proceeded to mercilessly pound and breed him. I could not tear my eyes from the screens. I stood limp and compliant as Roger undressed me and then pushed me down on the bed. His mouth on my already hard and throbbing cock was heaven. The big man stepped away from Sam and a torrent of cum gushed from Sam's red and gaping hole. I only had quick glimpse before another man sheathed his meat in the bound bottom. Roger spit out my cock and moved up to kiss me. He rubbed his ass crack along my shaft, teasing the tip with his hole. I moaned in delight as his ass lips parted to receive my cockhead. I tried to buck my hips to be completely inside, he pulled away. The mischievous smile on his face telling me to relax and let him take control. I let go melting into the sheets so Roger could have his way. I switched my gaze to Junior and was surprised at the expression on his face. It was part shock, part confusion. Occasionally his eyelids would flutter and a look of euphoria would flicker across his countenance. I think Junior might have been discovering he had a prostate. Roger was easing my cock into his ass so slowly it took all my will power to remain still. When he bottomed out I let out a long breath. His hole was so slick I knew it was not store bought lube. He saw my questioning look and admitted he spent some time with Sam and Junior helping out the men who could not wait to get their cocks in the father or son. "How many?" I asked. Giggling he whispered,"five." I was not surprised. "Slut," I growled at him and we both laughed. Roger leaned forward for a kiss and at the same time removed a small bundle from under the pillow. "I have a treat for us." Unrolling the coth he brandished a syringe and proceeded to administer the drug. Half for me, the remaining for him. I watched him depress the plunger and was amazed at how fast it worked. Suddenly I could feel every nerve in my body. I floated, my cock thundered in Roger's grasping hole, my balls throbbed with semen needing to find its release. Roger's eyes were closed, his body thrummed with energy and he began to fuck himself on my erection. I felt like a god and Roger was worshipping at my cock alter, paying homage to his need for seed. I returned my attention to the televisions. It took me a moment to realize who I was seeing. It was Shadow Man, his bio tat clearly visible as he moved about half dressed. Shadow Man circled the slings taking in the scene. Sam was ignorant of him at first as his attention was being taken by the man trying to fist him. It wasn't going well. But then Sam and Shadow Man's eyes met. He moved towards Junior and Sam began to yell and jerk at his bonds. It only excited the mob of horny men. Shadow Man approached Junior and the men parted like the throng before the Mask of the Red Death. "Stay away from him you bastard," I heard Sam splutter but I could not take my eyes from the deaths head grimace of Shadow Man as his gaze claimed the image of the bound man before him. I have never seen a man so hungry for flesh, not even Milton and his need to taste Mark. Shadow Man would devour Junior in a way only he could, from the inside out. Sam wouldn't give up and a sharp slap ended his tirade. A glance showed him red faced and groggy from the violence. A tall giddy man loomed over him ready and eager to repeat the action should it prove necessary. Another man, balls deep in Sam's well used hole, had paused his fucking but quickly resumed his thrusting, the excitement of the moment spurring him on to greater exertions. Shadow Man removed his remaining clothing, he was a skin covered skeleton whose fat cock was a marked contrast to the man's thin frame. His manhood raged and pulsed with tainted blood. He stood in awe of the creature he was about to make his own. Pearls of pre-cum pumped out of his piss slit only to drool and then fall in long glistening strings to the filthy floor. Shadow Man was in no hurry. It was clear he meant to savor the moment, how often do you get to breed a straight married man and his faggot father. Sam lay silent slightly drooling on himself his cheeks damp with tears as they streamed from his face. His dead eyed stare watching as his only son was about to join a breed of brotherhood for which many men have not the courage. Junior had no choice in the manner. Shadow Man was his world at the moment and nothing would come between the man and his conquest. A cheer of chaotic moans rippled through the room when Shadow Man thrust himself into Junior. He shuddered with extasy as he ground his pelvis into Junior and their nut sacks clapped together in a leathery thump. Shadow Man threw his head back and howled, the men howled back. Roger's eyes flew open at the clamor and his smile widened when he saw the action on the screen. I lay content, my arms behind my head as Roger rode my cock. In the throes of the drugs coursing through our veins I knew our coupling that night would be long and pleasurable. The key to Mark's chastity cage remained hanging from my neck and it bounced ever so slightly while Roger, my hero, my lover, continued to buck and grind his cummy ass on my hard-on. The key would stay in my possession for now, perhaps later I would hand it over to Milton depending on what I might witness. My eyes devoured the transcending drama on the screens and my body succumbed to the motions of Roger's manipulations but my ears sought out the sounds in the next room. The silence behind the door lasted longer than I expected but when the screaming started it did not stop for a long, long time. THE END.....or is it?
    2 points
  35. Sorry for the long delay guys - here is the next chapter from the little bro: We lay there in a pile on the bed for a while as I slowly come down from the sex high of taking my brother’s load for the first time. I’m covered in cum and we’re all sweaty. I notice Marc stand up and my brother and I lock eyes for a few seconds before he slowly pulls his raw dick from my ass. I feel empty but very fulfilled…purely happy. Marc is dressed and Ryan throws on his shorts to walk out with his friend. I just lay there running my hands in the cum on my abs. Ryan walks back into his bedroom and sits on the bed. I sit up and look at him. We suddenly burst out in laughter. Both of us falling back on the bed, laughing so hard. Giggling. Smiling ear to ear. I look at Ryan, “so that was fun!” Ryan – fuck yeah bro, I mean. Damn. I guess we don’t need to keep secrets from each other anymore! I nod. Smiling. “Do you hook up with Marc a lot?” Ryan – Now and then. We met at a party a few months ago and he travels a lot for work. So he happens to be here now. Me – Nice bro. Wish I had been at that party! I sit up, looking at my brother’s hot chest and abs, his cock still semi hard in his loose shorts. Me – Why did he have to run so quickly? He always run after he cums? I was hoping he would have another go. Ryan – Awe, bro. You fucking slut. Did you want his load too? I grin, nodding. Ryan – Fuck Braden, you really are a slut. You would have let him cum in your ass just like that? Some guy you don’t know? Me – Do you have a problem with that, bro? Ryan – Fuck no. I thought you were hot as fuck taking his cock. I really want to see you get fucked again! Me – I bet you do – I saw how you looked at me when he started fucking me. Do you let random guys you don’t know fuck you bareback, Ryan? Ryan laughs a bit, “It is fun, isn’t it Braden?” I just nod. “It’s actually one of my favorite things…makes me so fucking horny!” Ryan – Good. That’s really good. I wanna see just what kind of wild gay slut you are, bro! Let me own your ass, bro! Me – Fuck yeah bro. I’ll do anything you want so long as I can get your cock inside me again! Ryan – Damn Braden. I’ve wanted to fuck your tight smooth swimmer ass for so long! Years I’ve been lusting after you…too bad I didn’t get to pop your cherry! But I’ll make up for it, I promise. Just two rules, OK? Me – What are they? Ryan – Always and only take a dick bareback, OK? No condoms. Me – duh! What’s the other rule? Ryan – You take any cock I tell you to. When you’re out on your own, you can do whatever you want. But when we’re playing together, if I tell you to let someone fuck your ass or mouth, you do it. Deal? I look right into my brother’s eyes, a little bit hard to believe just how wild and kinky I think he is now! I slowly nod. Me – Deal. I promise, Ryan. Ryan leans over and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him and open my mouth, responding to his body. Kissing harder. His hands running over my body. Ryan slowly breaks the kiss and let’s out a big sigh. Ryan – Fucking hell bro, you are so hot! No wonder you’ve had a lot of experience already! So there is a party tonight. Marc was telling me about it. You up for going? Me – Fuck yeah bro! Is it…um… Ryan – Gay? Oh yeah, very gay. I’ll get to see you having some fun, too. Long as you remember our deal. I intently look at Ryan. Grinning and nodding. Ryan – Go get dressed. Don’t bother showering. Put on something really sexy. I kiss my brother again. Then eagerly get up and walk into my room, naked. I have no idea what to expect but if what we just did is any indication, I’m sure it is going to be wild. My brother walks into my room and tosses something onto the bed… Ryan – Wear whatever you want, but start this this. Be quick, bro. We should leave soon! I pick up a black and yellow mesh jock strap from Breedwell and matching harness and collar. I smirk to myself, wondering what my brother really has planned for tonight. I’m sure he was planning to go to this party. I wonder if he’s been before? I know my big bro is a total slut now, but I really didn’t think he was as wild as I am. As I put on the jock, collar and harness, they all fit perfectly. I slip on a pair of skintight jean shorts and a crop top mesh shirt. I walk over to my brother’s room and stand in the doorway. I look at him up and down, wearing tight ripped up jeans and a tight tank top. I lick my lips as he runs his finger down my chest and grabs my shorts, pulling me hard and pressing our bulges together. He kisses me again and I nearly melt. I’m so fucking excited for what is to come!
    2 points
  36. Sorry, long post but 100% true. Following up from just a few posts up. I had originally planned to leave paphos on Friday, but me meet earlier in the week had given me a reason to stick about. Grindr had been quiet and mostly full of blank profiles, I did meet a guy for a blow and go but it was nothing worth adding a post in here for. Anyway Friday evening arrives and the guy from mid week messages me (dave) , his mate (Peter) who he had previously mentioned was in the area now and they were both at his having a couple of drinks. His messages were a lot more direct then last time, more commanding almost. He told me they were both horny and wanted to share a cum dump, he said he had told his mate how I'd struggled to take his cock and they laughed, apparently Peter was much more well hung and was looking forward to puncturing my ass with his cock. I was a little apprehensive and kept the conversation at small talk, not quite committing to a time, I had a couple of drinks too and read a few posts on here (there's bit been many new posts so I picked a random part of this topic and read through) eventually between the stories and the vodka I decided to commit to going, I did mention that this time I was expecting lube and after a sarcastic reply dave agreed. Pretty soon I'm back at the apartment, only 3 days ago I was here alone with dave and he called me names as he emptied his balls up me, when I knocked the door it was in fact Peter who answered, it immediately struck me how big Peter was, easily over 6ft, but arms and shoulders, in the UK we call it Rugby player build, he invited me in and offered me a drink. I opted for my usual vodka and Coke and dave went off to make one. Peter looked me up and down before saying "dave says you're good at sucking cock" I was caught off guard by this almost immediate move to sexual talk and alkyi could reply was "I try". "why don't you try with this then" he said pulling down his trousers, his cock sprung forward and it was huge, probably the same length as daves, around 8', but so much thicker, I also noted it had a strange bend to the side, was completely shaved and had a big mushroom head on it. I stood quietly fir a few seconds before he repeated his comment that I try with his dick and with that he pushed me down to my knees. I gingerly started to lick and suck him, trying to get his length into my mouth, in all honesty I struggled, thy girth was just too much and I ended up trying to kiss the side of it rather than suck him. Dave walked in with the drinks and saw what was happening, commenting that it didn't take Peter long to get my mouth round his cock. Peter commented back that my mouth wasn't actually big enough to go around it and dave came in for a closer look, he undressed himself and pointed his slightly thinner dick into my face saying this could be my warm up, I moved between the 2 guys doing my best to please them both with my mouth, again I struggled with Peters Huge cock but dave was making good use of my throat, sliding his length down far enough to make be choke, gag and spit saliva everywhere. The 2 guys insisted I get naked and I continued to suck dave while Peter went to admire my ass. "when did you fuck him?" he asks dave, "it was 3 days ago" came the reply, I stopped sucking to confirm that I had not been fucked since and Peter released a little moan of what I assume meant he was happy with what he heard. Peter squeezed out some lube on my ass and slid a big finger straight up inside me, "and you used no condoms?" he asked his mate. "nope, shot my load right up him" again Peter seemed pleased and I felt him squeeze a second finger into me, Iet out a moan of discomfort and he laughed saying that I need to get a grip and that his dick is much more than 2 fingers. I comment that it's fine and that I enjoy the discomfort a little bit, "good for you" Peter says "but I don't care, I was told you're a cum dump and I'm here to dump my cum" I nod in agreement still playing with daves shaft. "I'm gonna have to fuck you now" Peter announces, getting behind me and putting more lube in my ass. Now for some reason I had assumed that dave would fuck me first, a lot if stories on here a seem to suggest the biggest guy goes last but it seems this wasn't the case here. Dave sat up and held my shoulders, at this point I'm on all fours in front of the sofa, dave sat in front of me almost hugging me, Peter behind me stroking his cock which seems even thicker now. "hold him tight" Peter says, dave tightening his grip on me, I reach for my poppers and take a huge hit, feeling the bare mushroom head of Peter touching my ass hole, it feels cold, slippery and a bit sticky, lots of lube has been smeared over my hole and Peter leans forward, his cock fails to push past my little sphincter, and he repositions to try again, I try my hardest to relax and let him in but it's just not going, maybe dave should fuck me I suggest, dave looks at Peter and Peter says no, he tells dave to hold me tight, dave pushes my head down into his cock and holds me by the neck and shoulders, Peter now pushes forward with a whole new level of pressure, forcing my ass to open and take his cock, he shoves at least half way in a single thrust, moving back and forth a couple of times before giving a huge violent push, I literally cry out as guys full length disappears up my ass, I hear him comment his tight I feel, he again tells dave to hold me down and then begins to thrust, the feeling is unimaginable, it hurts, this huge shaft is literally ripping me apart and each time he forces his way in the full weight of his muscular body crashes into me pushing me forward bouncing me off the sofa. What happens now is about ten minutes of relentless full length thrusting into my guts. I try to suck dave but in all honesty I'm just holding on for dear life as this huge cock uses me, they talk about me as I struggle to stay in position, dave encouraging his mate to make the best use of me, Peter congratulating dave on finding such a tight hole to use, dave laughs saying he's looking forward to using my soon to be sloppy loose hole. In all the action I had actually forgotten that dave would be fucking me too, I'm starting to wonder if I'm out of my depth here, but it's too late, the pain in my ass has gone now, all I feel is the intense weight of Peter smashing into me over and over. Dave gets up and walks off leaving me holding onto the sofa and accepting my fucking from Peter, a quick glance at the clock tells me he's been pounding me for a little over fifteen minutes now. Peter leans in and growls into my ear that he's going to cum soon, "where do you want it slut" he asks, "you're the boss" I reply "cum wherever you like" good boy he says, telling me he was going to be breeding my ass regardless of what I had said, he just wanted to know if I was fully accepting of my cum dump role. His breath is getting quicker now and he starts to moan, I feel him push in deep one more time and let out a loud moan, I feel his cock twitching inside me and a warm sloppy feeling inside me, this guy has just emptied a huge load of cum up me and as soon as he's finished unloading he pulls out. "don't fucking move" he says before calling dave in, "here ya go mate, stretched and sloppy" dave quickly comes up behind me and pushes straight into my ass, after Peters much thicker cock and all the lube and spunk daves cock slips all the way inside me straight away. He moans with pleasure and his thrusts are erratic and shallow, he's definitely not the same stud that Peter was, but is much more vocal "mmmm you dirty bitch, you have my mates spunk up you and I'm going to add mine soon, do you like guys using you like a slut?" I moan a positive response and he continues with the dirty talk, I catch a glimpse of Peter watching, his cock still semi erect as he watches his mate pump my ass. Go on Peter says, fill him up, I wanna go out soon let's get rid of him, dave quickens up his pace and tells be to get ready, he's going to add a second load to my ass, before I can reply he begins to shoot, thats 2 loads up my ass in under ten minutes, he pumps all his cum in me then pulls his cock out, it makes a wet sounding "plop" noise as a trail of cum leaks out with his cock. They both laugh. Peter comes over with my clothes, "here you are pal" were off to the bar now so you gotta go, I put my clothes on in the living room alone and am just about to leave when Peter comes back, he's written his number on a bit if paper and says he travels all over Cyprus, "text me" he says "and I'll make sure to be in the same area as you again, you can be my regular bareback toy if you like" I put the paper in my pocket and Peter walks me to the door. As I'm walking away back to my hotel I check my phone, I arrived there about 45 mins ago, and in that time my ass has been completely destroyed and filled twice. There's a couple of messages on grindr but I think I've had enough for tonight, I am looking forward to seeing Peter again though. Holiday in Cyprus anyone?
    2 points
  37. My last load happened three days ago on the overnight ferry from Germany to Sweden. An Iranian caught sight of me sitting by myself, we started talking, I am quite skinny and not very tall and when we were outside I started freezing. He found a corner in the dark, lifted my sweater and started kissing and pinching my nipples (in the old they were stiff). we wnt down to my room, he was sharing with two others, and there he made me stand on all four on the bed, he licked me, fingered me and without any warning or any lube but his spit - he pushed his cock to the bottom. When I started screaming, he pressed my head down into the pillow, took my hand s on my back and started fucking. He said this is what you wanted, and he as right, but the pain was almost unbearable. when He came inside me, he stayed hard, turned me around without slipping out of me and said now it would be better - because of the cum. He was right, he was a great kisser too. and his cock pumped me full of cum once more. he left me his phone number, said he had a friend who liked to join in, and asked if I would be ready for two cock in my asscunt. then he just left. I am
    2 points
  38. I just took 3 ays to get out of town and headed to ST Louis. rented a hotel room and took a big long cock who shot his load in my ass and left me dripping with white cum leaking out of my hole was so hot. they got dress and went to the bathouse to take more loads. so much fun
    2 points
  39. incest is what really made me a next level cocksucker. having a live-in cock to suck on a regular basis meant I was sucking cock several times a day, virtually every day between my older brother and cousin and a couple of their buddies. by the time I started sucking off my younger brother it was nothing for me to swallow over ten loads on any given day and I actually had a bit of a reputation as a cocksucker at school and in the neighbourhood. but guys didn't just know I was an easy cocksucker, I already had a rep as being a talented cocksucker who could deepthroat. all that incestuous cocksucking set me up to be ready to be trained as a pussyboy and a cumdumpster by my gay uncle when I was in high school after he found out a couple of his buddies had fucked me in their parked cars. that was when I truly became the bareback gangbang cumdumpster/whore/t-girl fuckslut I was born to be. As many of you know I have also sucked my fathers cock MANY times and even taken it up my ass a few times but that was just a fuckslut being used as a fuckslut. its the early incest that turned me into the faggotwhore I am.
    2 points
  40. I love a PA in my ass or mouth especially with a POZ Man. The bigger the better. If it scrapes it is doing its job, as for chipping teeth I don't have any.
    2 points
  41. She threw me towel and I wiped up the spunk as grandad washed his cock in the sink. The next day I went to the sauna as usual. It was quiet at first so after I stripped naked Bill got me to clean out the shower which smelled of piss and mould. When I'd finished, Bill was in the TV room talking to Arthur. As I came in I heard Arthur saying "...don't know where I picked it up, Bill. Fucked a few dirty arseholes recently. Stings a bit, but that just makes it more fun doan it?" I saw Arthur was naked and wanking his cock. The tip was leaking some pus and the shaft was red and angry. "Oh, it's you Timmy." Said Bill. He beckoned me over and Arthur caught my wrist in his boney hand. "You finished the shower, then?" Arthur pulled me to my knees on the couch and Bill pulled a tube of lube from his shorts. "Yyy,,yes. " I said as Bill rubbed cold lube into my arsehole. Arthur got heavily to his feet and I felt him get behind me. "Good." Said Bill. "I'll have another job afterwards." WIth that I felt Arthur's diseased cock sliding into me. "So have you been to the clinic?" Bill said as Arthur began to fuck me. "Nah.." He said " Can't be bothered. oooff that's good. Hang on, I'm gonna cum." With that, I felt his cock throb and throb and knew he was spurting dirty spunk into me. "Right," said Bill as Arthur's cock slid out of my hole. " That's the doorbell. Looks like you've got some more work to do!"
    1 point
  42. My 30 yo vers Vietnamese pigson came over after work yesterday to play with me. This time, besides 69ing and rimming/sucking cock, I entered his hole first to fuck him for a while. He fucked my hole after. But yesterday, he came in me on my tummy. A big 2-day load from this sweet pigson! He kissed me after felching my hole. He went back to suck my cock. I blasted in his mouth. It all happened pretty fast. And you know what happens after sex: you get SO hungry for solid food! OINK!
    1 point
  43. Great story! First time I ever took BBC I was in one of the worst areas of Wash. DC at a bookstore (adult). I didn’t realize where I was as I was passing through and horned. Everybody in there was African-American to my naive surprise. Anyway, there was a dark room with a sort of maze to it, barely any lights. I Walked back and soon discovered I was the only white guy. My ass being grabbed and felt in the dark. I found a bench and sat down, then one guy approached me with his cock out and pushed it into my face…so naturally I blew him and things went up from there. I counted 4 BBCs in my ass, maybe some were repeats, some made me perform ass to mouth…all in the dark. Not every guy in there had me that night, but the ones who did bred me anonymously and made me feel it. To this day, 18 years later, I get a thrill from BBC like no other. My guard goes down the moment I meet a date. Such a thrill.
    1 point
  44. I would think the title would have been a dead giveaway to the type of story to expect. Personally, I'm not a fan of the stories where pigs just beg to be chemmed and fucked because there's really no plot or suspense to it. I don't support non-consensual activities IRL either, but this is fantasy, and fantasy should push the boundaries of what we can get away with in reality. Personally, I hope we get more of this story. I skip past many stories that don't excite me without commenting. To each their own, but this story seems pretty in line with what I've come to expect from this forum. Keep it coming!!
    1 point
  45. I totally identified with you in this story. I've had so many married men cum inside me in a bookstore arcade. Most don't compare me to their wives, but they don't have to. I know I'm better. I'm certainly more willing. And the capper was your realization that you hadn't cum yet. I was always satisfied to have a man's sperm inside me. At least until I got home and had a chance to squirt it out and lick it up. Then I'd jerk off.
    1 point
  46. I love having a loose sloppy fuckhole. it really shows the guys who use me that I am a dirty, slutty, overfucked whore. I want men to know I am a faggot who has been used by a lot of men and taken a lot of big dicks up my ass. I want them to wonder how many huge cocks, fists, forearms, dildos and other objects have been shoved up my ass. when a total stranger fucks me up the ass I want him to know he is fucking a trashy whore. I don't just want my fuckhole to feel like a pussy, I want it to feel like a loose pussy and for it to stay gaped out, drooling cum between breeders. I love it when I'm laying blindfolded in a public sling between fucks and everyone can see how much cum is dripping from my trashed hole. specially when I hear guys talk about how loose it looks. I love when men with really big cocks are surprised how easily it slides up my ass. I love it when guys with thin cocks tell me or other men watching that they can barely feel my loose hole . I have even been told my cumfilled hole feels like a warm bowl of jello. its not enough for men to know I'm a faggot and a cumthirsty fem cumdumpster. I want them to know I am a cheap overused whore. my loose sloppy fuckhole is a badge of dishonour.
    1 point
  47. To me. Incest is great. Dads with sons all their life, and same with daughters. Family love is something to enjoy and share. I know because i have had family sex all my childhood. Loved it then and look back on it now with excitment. Society is not the feelings of all. Its a collective of ideas that are forced upon us. There should never be any issues with nudity or sex with anyone at any age. Except if forced. Forced is bad in all cases. Maybe one day society will mature and accept sex as a good thing for all. No matter their age or family connection.
    1 point
  48. Don't know about anyone else; but I've always wanted to have a father-son duo (of consenting age, of course) use me for their pleasure.
    1 point
  49. Tanner was moaning as he sat, impaled on Jake's still rock hard cock, riding it and tweaking his own nipples, lost in the feeling of being fucked like a boyfriend. His ring was red raw but, everytime he ground down, a small deposit of cum would leak out around the edges, massaged into the battered edges of his hole. "Fuck...Jake..." He kept saying as I passed Jake a repacked pipe. "Shotgun" I ordered. Jake grinned as he started to meet Tanner's thrusts. "Hold still Tanner" he said "let me just pulse a bit in your hole" Tanner looked fucking gorgeous, prone on Jake's cock as Jake began lighting up the bowl. Tanned was a still mass of rippling muscle, glistening with sweat and dripping with cum. I walked up to them as Jake grabbed Tanner, pulled him to his tina full mouth and exhaled a thick cloud of corruption into our prize, pushing his tongue into his mouth at the same time. The cloud fizzled and dissolved around them, I leant down to where Jake's cock vanished up Tanner and, as I heard them light up again gently licked around Tanner's perfectly stretched hole. It tasted like Jake, a taste I could still remember, and salty sweet jock sweat with a hint of musk. Fucking wonderful. I heard Tanner moan as my tongue massaged the tiny crevices of his outer ring. I felt Jake's cock swell and a little more cum leak out and straight onto my tongue. "Again boys" I said. I wanted Tanner more fucked up, more cock hungry...he'd thank me for that later. As they happily hit the pipe again, I shoved my tongue up alongside Jake's shaft, swirling as best I could into Tanner's hole, tasting our hot like fuck toy and his spunk soaked cunt. Tanned groaned thickly into another deep kiss "Poppers" I commanded, I heard the bottle unscrew, stood up, grabbed my thick shaft and poised it at the entrance to Tanner's chute. They each took three big hits. I counted to three, watched Tanner's whole tan body relax and pushed into him. He grabbed at Jake's pecs as I forced my head into his sphincter. His hole was still wonderfully tight and I literally popped in...but, as soon as my head vanished, Tanner's ass sucked my entire 10 inches into him till I was hilt deep again. "Yesssssss" Tanner screamed "Fuck me, please!" Jake winked at me from over Tanner's shoulder, big black eyes, fucking gorgeous face. He pulled Tanned back down meeting him in a rough kiss, exposing his hole for a real double fucking. He was made to take cock, a hole that tight, that soft and warm was built to get pregnant. I grabbed my phone, hit record on the video function and started deep shafting the little jock. Thrusting him violently into the back of the chair as I reamed his gaping little pussy. I felt Tanner reach behind me as I continued my onslaught, he grabbed my ass cheeks to steady himself on the two dicks fucking him. "Uh....Uh....Uh" he groaned religiously as a river of cum ran out of his hole, coating our crotches. "Oh...my....fucking...Christ" Tanner bellowed, his heavy ball sack churning for release against the clamp, keeping his precious neg boy cum where it belonged, in his tight, taught little body. Jake grabbed the boy's ass, pulled the cheeks wide as I made sure to film the hard-core dicking up close. "Take a few photos from your angle" I said to Jake who eagerly snapped a few pics, directing Tanner to flex even as we ruined his no longer virgin hole. Jake put the camera phone down, grunted as Tanner squeezed that velvet chute of his and cried, almost in pain "I'm cumming!!!!" I felt Jake tense up, felt the blood surge into his penis as it convulsed another hot load into Tanner's shuddering ass walls. I felt the hot cum soak Tanner's cunt, lube my penetration of his little jock butt as I forced it into his insides, massaging it into him as I upped my tempo. Jake kept his still hard dick up the boy as I felt my load boiling in my balls. A few well placed, piercing shoves and I began to leak. I felt my cock expand, the veins pulse. "Here...it...comes..boy" I yelled "Another hot load for you" I fucked him deep, felt his rippling muscle tighten against my assault, gripped his shoulders, shoved deep and unloaded a fuck load of my potent spunk into the boy. "I can feel it....feel both of you...." He tensed up, as my dick hit his prostate. "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...." He cried, orgasming without cumming again. "You perfect fucking boy" I sighed. "No cumming, remember" "I...Ugh...remember daddy" he said, coming off his anti orgasm. I pulled out of his gaping hole, laid next to Jake as Tanner climbed off his dick. "Hungry boy" I ordered Tanner looked confused till I gently pulled his neck to my cum soaked crotch and held him there till he tentatively flicked out his tongue tasting the seed that now owned him. "Mmmm...it's...still warm" he cooed, licking along my gym soaked shaft. "Me next" Jake said, helping feed the boy some left over cum from my crotch...sighing as the boy sucked on his fingers like the jizz hungry whore we'd turned him into. Now to send Bruno some pics and vids...
    1 point
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