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  1. This part is true how I got the most amazing gift ever Hey my name is Travis and here is my story It is estimated that I got it in ‘99-2000. I did not find out until July 2010 and I had been sick for several months with various things and finally got tested. When I say that it’s estimated, it is because when I was hospitalized for a couple weeks, the infectious disease doctor said that I must have had it for at least a decade and she hadn’t seen anyone as sick as me from AIDS in a long time. Also, the timing reference matches up bc I came out/started going to gay bars in sept/Oct ‘99. The first night I went to a gay bar I also went to a bathhouse. I would frequent both multiple nights per week for several years and I would let anyone cum in me. I didn’t know the term bug chaser back then but I would seek out the daddies with the wasting look bc I found them hot. Remember back then there was no prep and it was a very different time. Guys still were going through it with hiv and also there were a lot more daddies who took it we’re still taking roids as a sort of treatment If I had to narrow it down to “who” it would be at least a few hundred men any of which could have pozzed me. And I love that I’m such a slut from the minute I came out that I have no idea, to be honest. Only reason I’d ever want to know who would be to jerk off to it and if they are still living, thank them and have sex with them again But sometimes (I didn’t have the balls I do now back then lol) I’d get the courage at sex parties (I liked to show off even then) to beg daddies for their AIDS while they fucked me I’m sure I’ve passed it along. Not intentionally. I like the guys who make it clear they want it. But back then no prep and having it unknowingly for certain for so long, there’s no way I didn’t. I felt like “well, no surprise” when my doctor told me but I felt like I had to shed a tear or two bc I would’ve looked weird if I didn’t. If that makes sense but deep inside I couldn't be happier.
    10 points
  2. Part 36: (A Medical Procedure) I slicked the dildo up with a fair amount of lube, watching as Doctor Wade pumped Peter’s cock, causing the sick man’s body to shiver. “Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Flanagan?” Doctor Wade asked, his thumb running over the glands in a circular motion. “Please be honest. It’s important to be honest with your doctor.” “Yes, doctor,” Peter moaned, his hands reaching up and pinching his nipples, fingers moving through his sweat-drenched chest hair. “I believe my patient is in need of a special procedure,” Doctor Wade said, his hand moving down to the base and squeezing. His other hand cradled his balls, moving them in his palm. “Yes, I believe you may have a powerful buildup of potent, toxic cum trapped in your manly balls. I’m afraid we just can’t have this if you’re to get better.” “What can you do, doctor?” Peter asked. “I think my assistant,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me, “can assist us in extracting the precious cum we’ve all been waiting for.” “I’m ready,” I said, winking at him. “Shall we begin?” I crawled onto the bed and moved with Doctor Wade, him lifting one leg while I lifted the other. “Are you ready, Mr. Flanagan?” “Yes, doctor,” Peter said, looking at both of us with an expression that proved how much he wanted this transformation. He finally achieved what he had wanted for so long. Not only was he now poz, but he was starting out on a new journey, discovering what he wanted. I could see in his eyes the images of all the men he wanted to fuck, all the men he wanted to be fucked by, and all the men swimming in the sea of poz cum he would now drown the world in. I knew I would be one of those men, and I was thankful. I moved the dildo to his hole, a hole I was familiar with, a hole I loved fucking, and pressed gently, watching as the blue head slid inside him, opening him up. “Fuck,” Peter moaned, his hands running over his body, his mouth open in a silent cry as he welcomed this new object into his body. “More,” he finally said, his ass grinding against the dildo. “Fill me. Fill me. Fuck me. FUCK ME!” “If that’s what the patient needs,” I said, pushing the dildo further into his hole, the base reaching his hairy hole and causing his back to arch. His pelvis started thrusting into the air, fucking Doctor Wade’s hand. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his hands grabbing the sheets, his dick kicking in Doctor Wade’s grasp, pre-cum dripping out in a flood. “I think the patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade said, smiling at me. “We should take a sample to study.” He leaned forward and licked up Peter’s shaft, collecting the pre-cum on his tongue. “What a delicious sample.” He let go of Peter’s cock, his hand covered, and moved it to me. “Taste.” I opened my mouth and he slowly stuck his finger into my mouth, running it over my tongue. I could taste Peter along with Doctor Wade. My cock was throbbing, unable to believe the scene I found myself in. “It’s incredible.” “It’s all yours,” Peter said. “I’m all yours.” “Make sure you’re really grinding the head against the prostate,” Doctor Wade told me, squeezing out more of Peter’s pre-cum on his hand, using it to slick up his dick. “You do leak a lot of cum.” He moved his cum-covered hand to his naked body and rubbed it over his own chest, covering him with Peter’s essence. “We need to make sure we can extract that cum as soon as possible and as many times as possible.” “Absolutely.” I tilted the dildo, knowing where Peter’s prostate was having fucked against it so many times before. Just as with Dom, I knew Peter’s body well, and I knew how to control his body and fill every part of him with waves of pleasure. I slowly pulled the dildo out, watching it slide out of his hole, the hairs surrounding his hole clinging to the dildo, his legs shaking from the pressure I provided. “You like that?” “I fucking love it,” Peter said, his chest heaving, sweat pouring from his body. I leaned forward and kissed the leg I held, holding it close to my face, watching as I caused his body to writhe. “This is what you’ve wanted?” Doctor Wade asked. “This is what you needed?” “It’s… everything,” Peter said. “I can feel it,” he moaned. “I can feel it. I can feel the poz cum. It’s filling me.” “We need to get it out of you,” Doctor Wade told him, jerking his cock faster, Peter’s balls bouncing, slowly pulling into his body. “If you want to feel better, if you want to be a true poz man, you need to blow your first poz load.” “Yes,” he said, looking at us both. “Please. It’s all I want. It’s what I need.” I jerked the dildo into his ass, moving it against Peter’s prostate, milking him. Pre-cum continued leaking out of his cock, dripping over Doctor Wade’s hand and Peter’s balls, creating more lube for the dildo, pushing poz pre-cum into his body. “You’re filling your own body with poz cum,” I said, manipulating the dildo to send chills throughout his body. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his body shaking, our grip on his legs tightening. “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming!” “Do it,” Doctor Wade shouted, his grip tightening, his pumping faster, centralized on the head which was a dark purple. “Blow you first poz load you fucking slut.” “FUCK!” Peter’s body lifted off the bed as cum shot out of his dick, sprayed high in the air, splattering over his poz body, mixing into his sweat and hair. “Fuck,” Doctor Wade shouted, watching with wide eyes as Peter continued to cum, pooling over Peter’s stomach, covering Doctor Wade’s hand. A few shots splattered his body, Doctor Wade looking at me with wonder. “He’s incredible.” “He’s a god,” I told him, leaning forward and taking Peter’s dick in my mouth, tasting the cum I’d loved before, knowing it was now toxic. It was still flowing out of him, filling my mouth. “How’s it taste?” Doctor Wade asked. “Potent,” I said, licking my lips. “Very potent.” Doctor Wade smiled and leaned forward, grabbing my chin and bringing his lips to mine. We kissed, Peter’s poz cum moving between us as we tasted each other and the sweet nectar. “I’d forgotten how incredibly hot you are,” Doctor Wade told me, grinning as I leaned forward, following after his lips. “You too,” I said. I pulled the dildo out of Peter’s hole, admiring the ass juice covering the blue silicone. Doctor Wade took the dildo out of my hand and admired it. “Mr. Flanagan, you were a good boy today. Your doctor is proud. How about a lollipop?” Peter’s hand reached out and took the dildo, his orgasm and poz-confused brain unaware of what he was holding when he brought it to his mouth and licked the blue shaft. “That’s a good patient,” Doctor Wade said. “That buildup of poz cum won’t bother you anymore.” “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I told him, reaching over and grabbing Peter’s already hardening cock. “I think the patient could go again.” “Then we should get to work,” Doctor Wade said. “This time, let’s take a more ‘invasive’ angle to the treatment.” Doctor Wade climbed off the bed, and I followed, Peter still admiring the dildo. “Pull his ass to the edge of the bed.” I did as he said, Peter moaning as he filled his mouth with the dildo. “Are you ready for another procedure?” Doctor Wade asked Peter. Peter nodded, smiling. “Please, sir.” “Then let’s get started,” Doctor Wade said, reaching down and scooping up the large puddle of cum collected on Peter’s stomach. “A doctor must be properly prepped.” He smeared the cum over his own ass, pushing deep into his hole, making sure his hungry ass was ready. “I believe you have a history of fucking this patient’s brains out.” I smiled, nodding. “Then let’s see how long it takes you to fuck his cum deep into my guts.” Doctor Wade crawled onto the bed and mounted Peter who was attempting to deepthroat the dildo. “Now, Mr. Flanagan, I believe a healthy dosage of sodomy should do the trick.” He grabbed Peter’s hard cock and slipped it between his cum-covered ass cheeks. “And I think a nice injection should help your body as it transforms.” He looked back at me and winked, Peter’s cock disappearing as it entered Doctor Wade’s hole. Peter moaned around the dildo as he entered Doctor Wade’s body. I collected some of the cum which had splattered on Peter’s legs and balls and slicked up my cock, There was still residual lube from the dildo and the cum which had dripped down to his ass, making his hole ready for the fucking. “Are you ready?” I asked, lining my cock up with Peter’s hole, my head pressing into his puckered opening. “Ready to begin,” Doctor Wade said. I forced myself into Peter’s hole, finding him to be prepped and ready for me. While my cock was bigger than the dildo, I still found no resistance, his body loose and open. “Fuck,” Peter and I shouted at the same time, my hands reaching forward and grabbing Doctor Wade’s shoulders, forcing him all the way down onto Peter’s cock. “Fuck,” they both shouted, Peter now thrown into a wave of confusion as his hole was filled, his prostate was hit, and his cock was enveloped in a warm embrace that welcomed him. “The patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade moaned, bouncing on Peter’s cock, his own hands playing with his nipples while Peter continued to suck on the dildo while his free hand pumped Doctor Wade’s stiff cock. “He’s doing very well.” I gripped tight on Doctor Wade’s shoulders, Peter’s legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me deeper into his body. Fuck, I had missed this hole. Fuck, I had missed Doctor Wade. Maybe Peter had the right idea. Maybe leaving all the secrecy behind so he could go out and live without fear of being discovered was the right way to go. It sure as fuck felt right as I fucked his ass, my mind spinning with the possibilities. “I can feel it,” Doctor Wade said, a hand resting on his stomach. “I can feel you filling me with pre-cum. I can feel it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, it’s incredible.” “Don’t stop,” Peter told us, his conversion unleashing the pervert slut within him rather than weakening his strength. “Fuck me. Fucking take my hole.” “We already have,” I told him, my fingers digging into Doctor Wade’s shoulders, my knuckles white as I fucked harder, my own orgasm on the horizon. These two men were incredible, their bodies pouring sweat as they gave into their animalistic passions, seeking out the only thing they knew would make them feel satisfied: poz cum. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I said, slamming into Peter’s ass harder, breathing in the stench of sex. “Oh, fuck. Fuck.” “Do it,” Doctor Wade said, his head jostled around as he rode toward his own orgasm. “Complete the injection.” “FUCK!” I shouted, slamming one last time into Peter’s hole, grinding against his prostate and starting the chain reaction. As I came, shooting my toxic cum into Peter’s guts, Peter’s toxic cock shot out his second load of poz cum deep into Doctor Wade’s hole, filling him full. As Peter’s toxic cum shot out of Doctor Wade’s packed hole, hitting his prostate, Doctor Wade’s cock erupted in Peter’s grasp, shooting cum all over Peter’s face and the blue dildo in his mouth. “Fuck me!” Doctor Wade cried, his body shaking, Peter’s body struggling under his weight. Doctor Wade held his place over Peter’s body for a moment before Peter’s legs bucked him forward out of my grip. I tried to hold on, but my fingers lost their grip, creating scratches down Doctor Wade’s back. “Oh shit!” Doctor Wade fell forward onto Peter, their sweaty, cum-covered bodies writing together in the heat they created. “What the fuck was that?” “I’m sorry,” I said, eyeing the cuts down his muscled back. “Don’t be sorry,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me. “That was incredible.” He looked down at Peter who was still filling the doctor’s hole with cum, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the intensified orgasm coursing throughout his body. “You’re amazing.” He leaned forward, pushing the blue dildo out of the way, and kissed Peter, Doctor Wade’s own cum covering their faces. I scooped up some of Peter’s cum which was dripping out of Doctor Wade’s hole and drank it down, savoring the flavor which I knew to be male lust. “Looks like I missed a good time,” Dom said, entering the room. “It was nothing,” I told him, smiling, cum covering my face. “It was just a simple medical procedure.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I couldn't help myself with the medical lingo and scenario. I love medical porn, and I couldn't resist.
    8 points
  3. Last night. Went over to Ramrod, it was deader than the proverbial doornail. No fucking = very few guys there. Drove over to Slammer, got the last legit parking place. I think I got it because I always grease the palms of the guards. Two bucks every time can go a long way. I couldn't even get into the darkroom at first, but guys were fucking each other everywhere - in the hallways, the booths, the elevated gh galleries were jammed, with more guys waiting to get a chance to get their skulls Bred. The orgy room was an absolute pigpen .... all the snowbirds have long flown the coop, leaving only the dedicated, completely devoted local pigs to run amok. The Holes were in total "competition" mode, the orgy room was so jammed I had to wait a while just to wiggle my way in there. Bottoms feeling my Cock, backing up on it while I was trying to move around a bit ... men grunting and groaning in a slow chorus of Lustful depravity ... it was mag-fukkin-nificent. Finally found a place to sit on one of the benches, enjoy the scenes of debauchery. There was a nice-looking guy directly in front of me, bent over with a hard raw Cock up his gut, and it wasn't his first of the evening. We got into a fun little chat while he was taking loads - he said he wanted mine to be next - I told him to put his mouth on it - told him how beautiful he is with a hard Cock in his mouth and Hole, taking loads. He'd pull off and tell me how much he loved hard raw Cock, I told him how much I adore cumdumps ... how beautiful he looked with raw Cock in both his holes ... made it fun waiting my turn. He was so straightforward, matter-of-fact about telling me how much he loved hard raw Cock, taking loads - sucking them off - just as it should be. There was some kind of altercation on the other side of the room - employees with flashlights looking for a pair of glasses, which they finally found. I'm guessing one guy thought he got robbed of a Cock/load, and got pissed off. When the guy fucking him finally Bred his Hole, he turned around and I got down and ate that full, wet Hole. There must have been 6,8 loads off different Cocks up there ... it was just a perfectly-Bred Hole. Stood up and shoved it in, displacing quite a bit of Sperm, and noticed he was already sucking off another Cock in front of him. I didn't want to hurry at all - this Hole was really special - so had to pull out and eat his wet Hole again for a while. When the Cock he was sucking off shot it's load, he just turned around and kissed me - the sperm in his mouth, running down his chin - it was simply fantastic. Gave him my load in just a few more thrusts, and he thanked me while bending over for another Cock. He was so straightforward about his addiction to Cock, Sperm - so proud of his hunger - eager to share his Lusts - openly talking about what so many men try to disguise. This guy is what I call a real, born-to-it cumdump ... aka relationship material.
    7 points
  4. Part 6 I pulled my fingers out of his hole and aligned my dick to where his puckered opening appeared to be reaching out toward me. I pushed my cock into his hole, his spit from sucking my dick giving just enough lubrication to help me inside but not enough to make it a smooth process. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, his hands grasping his legs tighter. “It fucking hurts. It hurts.” “It will,” I told him, pushing more of my cock into his body. I could feel his hole welcoming my cock, sucking me in, begging for me to change this man’s body from the worthless piece of shit that it was into the poz predator that it needed to be, owned by a new will. “It won’t last long. Just breathe through it. Let me in.” Mr. Fey closed his eyes and breathed, his chest heaving with every inch that entered. The body he once considered strong and powerful was proving itself weak against the invasion of a younger man’s cock. “Please,” he begged, looking up at me, his eyes tearful, his face flushed. “Please, stop. I can’t. I can’t take it.” “You can,” I told him, pushing harder, forcing my cock into his body, giving him what he didn’t know he wanted. What he needed. “Let me in.” “Please.” “Let me in.” “I can’t.” “You can,” I told him, leaning forward over his body, staring deep into his eyes, seeing both the fear and the lust battling for dominance. “Do you want this?” He waited a moment, a single tear falling down the side of his face. “Yes,” he whispered. “Then take it all,” I said, ramming my entire cock into his ass. “FUCK!” he cried, his body shaking, back lifting off the bed, eyes closed tight as his face registered the incredible pain I inflicted. Air caught in his chest, his body frozen for a moment as the initial connection was made. I could feel his heartbeat, the rhythm pulsing against my cock, playing out of sync to my own. I waited a moment, knowing this was crucial, allowing his body to feel me, to know me, to understand that I was in charge of what was about to happen. His body relaxed, his hole opening more to my girth. I watched as his eyes slowly opened, revealing what I already knew to be Mr. Fey’s destiny: the perverted monster had overcome his fear, leaving him as open prey. “That’s it,” I said, pulling out until only the head of my cock remained. “Accept my cock. Accept the pleasure.” I pushed back inside, taking extra care to press against his prostate, causing his body to shudder. “Yes,” he moaned, looking up at me with a new desire. “Please, fuck me. Fuck me hard.” “As you wish,” I said. I started slow, but my pace quickened. Soon, I was fucking his ass as if he had taken a hundred dicks up his hole every day. He was made to take cock, and his body was learning this truth. With each thrust, I could feel his heartbeat’s rhythm growing closer to mine, closer to Hunter’s. I knew Hunter could feel what I felt, could see what I saw as I stared down at this man whom I had once looked up to as a mentor but was now a whore to fuck and claim. “Fuck,” he said, looking down at his hard cock which leaked incredible amounts of cum, covering his stomach. “What’s happening?” “I’m fucking the cum right out of you,” I said, for once, telling him the truth. I was fucking the cum right out of him. Any negative cum stored up in his balls was being forced out of his body, making room for the poz cum which would change— and claim— his life. “Don’t stop,” he moaned, his hand grabbing his cock, helping squeeze out the cum which carried his DNA. He smeared it over his body, mixing it into his chest hair. The sight disgusted me, seeing this man revel in unworthy cum. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Keep going. Keep going.” “What do you want?” I asked, fucking his ass harder, watching the cum shooting out over his heaving body. I looked at his balls, knowing that they were almost ready to transform, to become what they had always been destined to be. “I want you to fuck me,” he said. “No,” I said, moving my attention back to his eyes where the wild beast was writhing in the pleasure. “What is it that you want from me?” He stared at me, eyes fixed. I could feel our heartbeats pounding, growing closer to the pounding of my cock into his virgin ass. His hand moved over his cum-covered body, his palm held up for him to see for the last time the cum which would have carried on his family line, the cum which had defined his identity. In that instant, I saw a change, and I knew he understood. “Your cum,” he said. I pounded hard into his ass and felt his heartbeat sync with my own, locking him into the transformation as the last drop of his neg cum left his body, leaving him an empty vessel to claim. He belonged to Hunter. Through me, Mr. Fey’s life would be claimed, all the years he would have lived stolen and given to our Master. I looked up into the mirror and saw Hunter staring back at me, his own body reflected and fucking Mr. Fey into a life of poz fucking. “Who do you belong to?” I shouted, our heartbeat almost audible in the room. “Our Master,” Mr. Fey gasped, the name a sound of praise from his lips. Everything he knew, everything he had lived for, his job, his wife, his hopes and dreams, all disappeared, replaced forever by his new objective in life. “Who does your dick belong to?” “Our Master.” “And whose toxic cum is churning now inside your balls?” “Our Master’s cum.” “And whose life am I extracting in place of gifting you with our Master’s cum?” Mr. Fey’s eyes, filled with the monster of lust and perversion, stared into my own, into the eyes of our Master. “My life,” he said. “Then give it to him,” I said, forcing my dick inside his body and injecting him with the poz cum of our Master. Mr. Fey’s eyes widened for a brief moment, the man he had been, the loving husband and dutiful teacher, shining through for a single moment before disappearing forever. His body shuddered, his hole gripping my cock, milking me of the cum we both craved. I looked into the mirror and saw Hunter’s face, his eyes meeting mine and pulling me into his mind. I could see Mr. Fey and the life he had lived. I could see all the choices which had brought him to me that night. I could see the life he could have lived should he had resisted me and returned home to his loving wife. I could see him loving his wife, fucking his wife, being the husband he had promised. I could see his wife telling him that he was going to be a father. I could see him holding his son for the first time. I could see the three sons which would have come after, all growing up to be strong men like him. I could see him growing old, retiring from his job, and living out his remaining days knowing that he had been a good man, a good husband, and a good father. I stared into the eyes of that older man and watched as they went cold, filling instead with regret and pain. All the things he had ever wanted in his life were taken from him, leaving him instead in a bed in a motel room, far from his wife, his ass filled with the poz cock of a former student. His hopes of a family were wasted on his stomach and chest, drying and dying, mixing with the sweat of a night of careless, cheating sex. I watched as black ink appeared on his chest, his own biohazard symbol appearing beneath the smeared remains of his DNA. I understood. Mr. Fey had made a choice, giving up his wife and the chance to father sons for a single chance of fucking, proving what was truly important to him. Now, if he was ever in doubt, all he had to do was look at what was tattooed over his heart to know what he desired the most. “Well done,” I heard Hunter say, and I could, for a moment, feel his cock inside me, once again filling me with his gift. “You have brought me a worthy tool.” The motel room vanished, only Mr. Fey remaining. I watched as his body was covered with tattoos, every inch of skin inked, creating a map of his descent into sinful lust. He would spend his life moving from town to town, searching out leather bars and anywhere he could squeeze his large frame into a suit of rubber. The once clean-cut man would take on a new identity, that of a skinhead forever seeking out young men like Austen, like the students he once taught. He would fill his lungs with smoke, tempting men with his lighter and the promise of a cigarette. They were moths to the flame, and he would ensure that they would get burned. The image blurred, and I found myself back in the motel room, staring at myself in the mirror. It was done. I pulled out of Mr. Fey’s body, watching as his balls moved within his scrotum, changing before my eyes, transforming into the mirror images of the balls which had given him a new, toxic life. Now, if he fucked his wife, she would give him sons he could not claim as his own, Hunter’s blood running through their veins and carrying on his legacy. Not that he’d want to fuck her, I thought. Not now. Hunter had plans for Mr. Fey, though the possibility of using this man as a way to breed offspring was something not to be dismissed. I collected my things, leaving Mr. Fey to transform into the man Hunter desired, stripping away the good man he had once been. I walked to the front desk and found the same man still inside. “What can I help you with?” he asked. I put my hand out. “Give me back thirty and I’ll give you thirty minutes that’ll change your life forever.” The man smiled. Got him. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not sure if I'll continue with Austen, return to Hunter, go with Mr. Fey, or bring in some other man sucking the lives of innocent men away. We'll see.
    7 points
  5. Part 4 “Austen?” Mr. Fey said, backing up into the booth, clearly fearful of the position in which he found himself. “What… what are you…” “What am I doing here?” I finished for him. “I think you know.” I reached out a hand and cupped his crotch, feeling the inferior cock and balls beneath. There were small splatterings of cum around the zipper, and I hated having to touch cum that was, at that point, unchanged. “I was doing you.” “Stop,” he pressed, pushing my hand away. “You can’t do that.” “Why not?” I asked. “I just took your cock down my throat.” “Austen, no.” “And I swallowed your cum. I can still taste your DNA.” And it made me sick. “Stop talking like that,” he growled, grabbing my shoulders. Though his cock was lacking, his body made up for it. He was tall and broad-shouldered. His hands were large and strong. If Hunter had not already claimed me, this man could have taken me as his own without much of a fight. “I think you like it when I talk to you like that,” I said. I never would have talked to someone like this before Hunter. It was as if his words were filtering through me, his mind poisoning what was once pure in me. “Isn’t that why you’re here?” My hand returned to his crotch, feeling a bulge forming again. “I think it gets you hard when you hear me talk like that.” He pressed himself up against the wall, trying to look everywhere but at me. I leaned in and kissed his neck, feeling his warmth and tasting his sweat as his nerves fired off. I’d had a thing for Mr. Fey in high school. He was the perfect specimen… or he had been before Hunter. Now, he was insignificant… though he would surely make the perfect bait once he was converted, his balls churning out the toxic cum Hunter bestowed upon us. “You’re such a big man,” I said, my warm breath brushing over his neck. “Did you play football in college?” “I, uhm…” he cleared his throat, his Adam’s apple brushing against my cheek. “Yes. I did.” “And did you ever stay behind in the locker room after practice or a game?” I pressed my crotch against his, feeling his cock throb against mine. “Your body all sweaty. Your muscles heated. Your testosterone flooding every cell.” “Please,” he sighed, his voice strained as he tried to control himself. It was a losing battle. “Did you get a teammate to pull out your cock and suck you dry?” My hand ran down his chest, feeling his pounding heartbeat. “Or, was it your coach who took you?” “I… I never…” “There’s something hot about an older man overstepping and taking a younger man as his own, isn’t there?” I stared into his eyes, seeing the fear mixed with his urge to strip himself naked and fulfill every one of his fantasies. “Knowing him as someone else, as a player or a student, and then knowing him as a lover.” “I… can’t…” “But you can,” I said, our bodies pressed together. His cock had grown to its pathetic length, mine eclipsing his easily. Our hearts were beating quickly, though we were not yet syncing. “No one will ever have to know,” I told him. “I’ll never tell. I’ll go back to school after summer ends. You’ll go back to teaching young minds like mine. Who would know?” I could see in his eyes he was thinking it over. He knew me, and from the bulge in his pants, he wanted me. He also knew that he’d never have to see me again once the summer ended. I was his perfect option, his perfect fantasy. He looked deeper into my eyes, and in that moment, I wasn’t myself. I could feel Hunter looking at Mr. Fey through me, his lust for this man creating a fire inside me. “Alright,” Mr. Fey said. I had him. We left the booth and made our way through the store, the guy behind the counter winking at me as I left. Maybe I would bring him to Hunter’s side… one day. “Where should we go?” I asked him, following him to his car. “Your place?” “I can’t,” he said, his right hand moving to touch the wedding ring on his left hand. Fuck, married men are so easily broken and so easily scared. He had no idea how scared he should have been, unaware that his choice to give in to me was ruining forever the promise on his ring finger. “I know a place,” I said. “I don’t know.” “Don’t worry,” I told him. “No one will find out.” I got into his car and directed him to a small motel I knew was on the outside of town. A friend of mine used to buy weed from a guy here years ago, and, from what he told me, hardly anyone spent time here unless they were dealing or fucking. “I can’t pay for a room,” Mr. Fey said, pulling into the abandoned parking lot. “All I have is my card, and it’ll show up for my wife to see.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, reaching over and rubbing my hand along his crotch, feeling how hard his cock was over the fear of being discovered by his wife. “I’ve got it.” I got out of the car and walked to the main office, turning back once to stare into the worried eyes of my old teacher. Sure, I knew he could have changed his mind and driven away, leaving me stranded, but I knew his lust for me was killing the anxiety which was screaming for him to run. For a second I remembered my own moment when I had felt the same. I remembered standing in that club, looking up into the gorgeous face of Hunter, and knowing that I could turn and run instead of pursuing someone who I could sense was dangerous. I should have known something more had been at play, but my desire for Hunter to fuck me worked hard to rewrite the fear in my brain, silencing all voices screaming for me to save myself. I knew the same thing would be overtaking Mr. Fey, his desire to fuck a former student and to cheat on his wife silencing the voice telling him to drive off. I’d have him in the end, and Hunter would have his body and life, just as he had mine. “One room,” I told the man at the front desk. He looked at me and then out the window to where Mr. Fey was still sitting in the car. “Fifty dollars,” he said. “Less if you give me a chance at your ass.” I pulled out my wallet and handed him fifty. “Let’s see how long he and I go. I might just be coming back for some of my cash back and for some of whatever you’ve got hard for me.” I took the keycard and left, knowing that I had seduced the man just as easily as Hunter had done me. Even easier, I thought. Maybe I’ll be serving my Master even more tonight than I had originally planned. The thought got me hard. “Are you ready?” I asked, tapping the card against the car’s window. Mr. Fey stared up at me, his strong hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. This was the moment, the moment of truth. Unfortunately for Mr. Fey, the choice had already been made, and it wasn’t in his favor. The car’s engine turned off and Mr. Fey exited his car, following me to the room. “Make yourself comfortable,” I said, taking my pants off. Mr. Fey closed the door and quickly locked it, slowly turning to look at me. I could tell that his eyes were searching me, examining my body. Normally, I would remove my shirt and show him my hairy chest, proving how masculine I was and how much testosterone coursed through my body, but I couldn’t. Not yet. He’d see my tattoo, the tattoo Hunter had given me, the tattoo my mind was trained to ignore. He couldn’t see it or the entire night would be ruined. Instead, I allowed my growing bulge to stick out and tempt the man who had once seen me as nothing more than a student in need of his teaching. Maybe… “Well,” I said, walking to him, a hand on my bulge, massaging my cock to its full size. “Aren’t you going to come inside?” “I am inside,” he said. “Not yet you’re not,” I told him. I reached out and grabbed his arms, pulling him toward the bed. “Come on, Mr. Fey. I told you, your wife won’t ever find out about any of this. Once you leave tonight, you won’t ever have to see or hear from me ever again.” I sat him down on the bed’s edge, my hand reaching up to caress his face. He tried to look anywhere but into my face, but a strong magnetism coursed through me, ensnaring him. His eyes looked into mine, and the fear which still haunted him started to fade, revealing the buried sexual beast hiding inside him, trying to escape. There you are, I thought, smiling. I leaned forward and kissed him, tasting him, wishing it was Hunter instead of this worthless excuse for a man. I could feel him fighting, but soon I felt his hands reaching up to my face, holding me steady as he kissed me deeper, his tongue filling my mouth. The floodgates had opened. He was mine.
    7 points
  6. It was fucking awesome! This kind of event pushes all my buttons, and it didn’t disappoint on any front. I’m hard-wired as a total bottom, so obviously went as a mare. Got there about 75 minutes before the door opened, in order to get a good spot once inside. I was 10th in the queue, one of the fortunate few in the shade, as it was a scorchingly hot day. I reckon by the time the doors opened there were about 80 mares waiting in the blistering sunshine- it’s very possible the heat put a few mares off. This was my second time, so I knew the drill: get undressed and ‘stamped’ as quickly as possible, so you can reserve your space. I was one of the dozen or so mares on the big fuck bed in the middle: prime position as far as I was concerned. The first hour or so is quite fun, just mares at this point, talking, smoking, drinking- all pretty excited about what’s to come. Then about 15/20 minutes before the stallions arrive, it’s hoods on (everyone was wearing red) and into position. Then the music changes to a heavy, thumping style, and that’s the signal that the stallions have arrived. At that point the feeling of anticipation is absolutely electrifying. As you can’t see anything at all, the only indication you get that the action has started is when you hear the first mare starting to moan. Then you start hearing others closer to you getting fucked- and naturally you get anxious that no-one is going to pick you. But that anxiety evaporates the moment you feel that first cockhead pressing against your hole… and from then on it’s pretty much non-stop action for the next 2 to 3 hours. I reckon in total I got somewhere between 50 and 70 fucks. No idea how many of those translated into loads, but a fair few. Your hands are not tied, which means you can reach round to feel how wet you are, but even that’s not a great indication, as guys fuck the come out of you as fast as they fuck it into you. I don’t know how many tops were there, but judging from the sound of the rutting going on all around me and throughout the club, there were enough! For me, the whole experience is completely mind-blowing. Being used simply as a piece of flesh for men to get off in may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but I find it deeply fulfilling on an almost spiritual level. Your whole world is reduced to your arse and a seemingly endless succession of cock, probing your inner self and dumping DNA there, somehow connecting you to the wider world in general. It’s a wonderful thing! Anyway, that’s just my take on Horsefair- it would be interesting to hear from any other guys who were there last night…
    6 points
  7. On the 1st day of college, I, Brock Grant bumped into this goddess named Maria. We challenged each other and became each other’s rock throughout college. Things were great until graduation night when she introduced me to meth. It didn’t take long for me to become addicted. Maria had enough and broke up with me. I checked myself into rehab and by the time I got out, I realized that I was gay. I began dating Charlie and things were amazing for the first 9 months, I came to the realization that I needed to be pozzed. Believe it or not, Charlie was supportive of it and he recommended that we have an open relationship. I started sleeping around with new partners each week. However, I was unlucky and never got the bug. I don’t know how, but I was convinced to go on PrEP. Actually, once Charlie got infected, he asked me to go on PrEP. I finally convinced myself I wasn’t ready to get HIV. It was the best of both worlds as I enjoyed the sex, and I was still protected. I started using meth again and I was lucky that I wasn’t addicted. I was able to use it only twice a month. 2 years later, I find out that Charlie hasn’t been taking his meds and that he has 6 months left to live. Once he passed away, I decided I was done with meth, and it was my turn to become poz. I began sporadically taking PrEP as I made it look like I was taking it every day. In reality, I was only taking it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I was stupid enough to post messages on social media saying that I was ready for the bug. I made it my mission to find men who were HIV +. Yet, I was still negative as it turns out that all the guys were undetectable. I truly had no clue what detectable or what undetectable meant. I only found out what that meant when I asked someone how a slut like me was still negative. Suddenly, I started dating Chad who was detectable. For some weird reason, he would only sleep with me if I agreed to use condom every time that I had sex. I must have really loved him and myself because for the next 2 years, I always used a condom. That is until I became smart or reckless again…..
    4 points
  8. Not for me, I was doing it raw before prep and it just gives that extra level of HIV protection. If you're already thinking you're going to forget, either set a daily alarm reminder, or if you don't care just don't take it at all. Not sure if you pay for PrEP in NZ, but in the UK it's free through most NHS GUM clinics, and I don't like the idea of someone getting free medication and then not using it when it could go to someone who does want/need it and will take it correctly
    4 points
  9. I’ve never had one up my ass. But as a top, who has worn one several times, it could be quite painful. And the mesh irritates and times even cuts into my cock. Of course, that’s half of the equation. Getting my fluids, not only sperm, but also my blood, up an ass that’s been roughed up by a cruel condom.
    4 points
  10. I run my own business, we do office fit outs and reconfigurations, based in the city. For a years more I've had a personal assistant as the majority of the work I do is coordinating contractors, workmen and supply logistics, so having someone to help me keep my diary straight and things organised is just a no brainer. Until now I've always kept my sex life separated as being a Gay man in his late 40s and dealing with construction people, it was just always easier for them to not question sexuality etc. But then my PA Amy resigned to move to another city with her fiance and I found myself interviewing replacement candidates. There was a short list of three, two older women, very experienced and one young guy, with great qualifications but his experience was not directly in assistant work, though his skills were transferable. I'll be honest, he wasn't in the running, but wanted to meet him as I liked his resume and I was dirty minded and curious. After the first two had not really impressed me, I was beginning to think the search would be a bust when young James met me at reception. I was pleasantly surprised when the well dressed 21 year old shook my hand and smiled his blue eyes at me, my cock twitched and I smiled back, checking him out as inconspicuously as possible. I'm 6'2" 47 hairy and burly with a rugby build, he was 5'8" 21 lean with a more nerdy look, a great bubble but and signs of being a little hairy himself... Just perfect. Nasty thoughts ran through my head as I ushered him to my office, closing the door and locking it so as not to be disturbed, but I put them aside, let's give this kid a chance. As I asked him all the normal interview questions and noticed he was very nervous, I did my best to be friendly and put him at ease, but not let my dick make decisions, something I strongly believe is dangerous in business. So briefed him on the company history, the role and why it was vacant, then what I was looking for from an assistent, and asked him why he thought I should hire him over someone with more direct experience. James explained that he was a born organiser, his father had been in construction and that since he'd passed away he had wanted to find a way to follow in his dad's footsteps, even though he wasn't great at building things himself. He talked about how he'd done similar things around logistics in his last job and how he often found himself managing his mums diary as she was a busy single mum these days. He then dropped that he was single, so it ment he didn't have any other obligations right now and could focus on the job at hand. I joined that I war single too which war great for work but getting a little lonely as I was getting older. He smiled at my weak joke that prompted him to reassure me I want that old. With that I got up to get a glass of water from my cooler and asked if he wanted one, and that was my first clear hint... I caught him checking out my ample package. I pack 9 thick inches and big balls and always be sure to wear just the right jeans that show off my buldge, so it pumped my ego a little and quickly lead to some more dirty thoughts... So when it took him his water I intentionally came too close and caught him once again glance down. Then I headed back to my desk sat down and back, being sure he could get a view and decided, fuck it, I was alone in the office today, I'm horny as hell and I'm gonna see if I can break my rule... A secret fantasy id had for a long time. So I started with a simple question, what does he do for fun, he answered clubbing with friends, gaming and into sci Fi, like trek... I laughed and said I loved trek too, but wasn't much for Clubbing these days, preferring usually to sit at home have a smoke and relax. He asked what I smoked and I decided to take a risk... Asking if I could trust him with the truth. He eagerly reassured me, so I unlocked and reached into my side drawer pulling out my glass pipe, already loaded with Tina, and asked if he'd tried it before? When he said no, I asked if he was open to it and he said yeah maybe, then asked what it was like, side effects etc, I told him it was really just great for relaxing, and focusing, abs that it was pretty mild with come down that is really managed. He seemed curious, so I then mentioned that it was also really great for enhancing sex with the right partner, and since it was Friday, id let my team go home early, intending to puff up and see where the night and weekend took me. I asked if he had plans and when he said know I asked if he minded if I took a hit and said he was welcome to join me. I could see he was interested but nervous, so I just hit up the pipe, took a big breath and blew out a big cloud in front of him. "wow" I heard him utter as I saw his eyes check my package between watching the smoke. As the clouds started to rush through my veins I got a little bolder, stood up and moved to lean against the edges of my desk right in front of him, and this time I said, "go on give it a try, I'll shotgun it to you and you can stop if you don't like it". He bowed to the period pressure and seconds later I was up close blowing clouds into his mouth as he sucked them back, near the end i intentionally let our lips touch, then moved back. Once he had exhaled I quickly asked if he was ok and liked it? He was affirmative so I gave him too more shotguns each time kissing just a little more as I did it, he didn't resist and started to respond kissing back. Now was the time to up the stakes, so I moved back to my chair and asked if he would like to take one directly from the pipe... And smiled when he glanced at my package again on the word pipe. He said yes so I told him it would be easier if he came and sat on my knee while I drove it for him and encouraged him, it didn't take much and this young boy was sit on my knee, in close, my package now pressed gently against his upper thigh, I drove the pipe, then leaned in so he could shot gun it back to me. This time as we did I allowed the exchange to become a more passionate and clear kiss. When he sat back, with the courage of the puff in my system I told him he was a very good looking young man, that I was gay I loved being a daddy to a younger guy, and I asked him if he likes guys too? He confirmed yes, previous trepidation gone due to the substance in his lungs and my admission, he also said he thought I was a real hunk that he was hoping I might be a top. With that it was all on, more puff, more making out and our hands exploring each other's bodies, soon my hand was massaging his ass and he was rubbing my package. I then told him I was a trekkie too and asked if he would like to see my tattoo on the topic, slowly removing my shirt to show my com badge tattoo, he ran his hand through my chest hair as he admired said he loved the concept. After another puff I decided to tell all to him, that I was a dom daddy top who dreamt of having a boy to own of my own. That I had fantasies that that boy would also be my PA, a total bottom and love my cock and my cum. I told him I preferred it bareback, and loved seeding and breeding a hot boy. He was shy, but expressed he liked the idea but was really only looking for a hook up, safe sex and felt he'd love to have sex but wasn't inclined to continue with the job application. I was disappointed, but horny at least is get this young boys hot ass... And who knows where that night go...
    3 points
  11. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    3 points
  12. It may be part of the deal but that doesn’t mean not checking with a previous partner or not letting them know. If you catch something it’s good to check with previous partners to let them know so they can get checked if they want. In this case the poster could say they’ve recently been tested and that they are fine but “thanks for letting me know”.
    3 points
  13. Our first trip to NYC. We'd pretty much done everything! Every day we'd walked at least 10 miles, taken in a few shows and lots of bars. It had been such a perfect trip. Today was the last full day, with the plan being breakfast in the hotel then The Highline, lunch with a few drinks then see where the afternoon takes us. I'm John and my boyfriend is Dale. We've been together for almost 7 years. Life is stressful but it's great to spend these moments together. That morning we were about to head to breakfast but Dale wasn't feeling well. Typically he was complaining of feeling hot, run down and achy. I brought him up some breakfast from the buffet and reluctantly agreed to head out for the day without him. The Highline was beautiful! Great views, lovely nature and the stories of gay cruising I had no idea about!! I was disappointed that Dale missed out on it so instead of getting a late lunch I decided to head back to the hotel to see how he was doing. What was strange as I got out of the elevator and turned on to our corridor I could swear a guy was leaving our room! Feeling mistaken I headed forward and clicked my keycard. When I opened the door i was shocked. Dale was laid face down on the bed in just a jockstrap, the curtains were closed so only a crack of light illuminated the room. He was snoring loudly! Getting closer and feeling anxious the next thing I noticed was marker pen on his ass. On the left cheek was "Loads IIIII I" Then on the right cheek was "POZ IIII" I felt sick to my stomach. Had he really cried off on our last day to be a slut?? Our sex life was healthy but I had no idea he'd bottom for random guys... especially POZ guys!! Just then I became aware of a noise from our bathroom. The lightswitch clicked and an older guy, mid 50s, stepped out "That's one hot ass man. Hope you enjoy fucking my load in to him. Enjoy bud!", as he handed me his towel and walked out of our room. I felt sick to the core. He'd promised me his promiscuous days were over. Spending the day getting fucked by guys... and POZ guys too was just something I couldn't cope with. Dale was still snoring. I just packed up my stuff and headed to the airport. I've not heard from him since and doubt I ever will.
    3 points
  14. I’d at least have given him a load first.. nice loose sloppy holes full of poz spunk aren’t that easy to cum by..
    3 points
  15. Yeah in my skinny pig 🐷 jeans
    3 points
  16. Based on your story , I don’t think that you had gonorroe.
    3 points
  17. Back in Berlin when I was slowly drifting from safe sex to raw only, I met a guy on gayromeo. In his profile it said that he doesn't do anything anal, but he loved to fuck and breed throats. At that time, it was exactly what I was looking for. Don't get me wrong, I loved to get fucked too but at the time I was too afraid to do it bare. But for some strange reason I thought it was ok to get my throat fucked and to swallow cum. We were chatting back and forth. He only wanted to fuck my mouth and throat and he said he would only face fuck me if I turn up as slutty as possible at his apartment. The only thing I was allowed to wear were some flimsy shorts and shoes. Definitely no shirt. The date was on a Sunday afternoon so I would have to walk the streets almost naked in broad daylight! I parked my car and I had to walk at least two blocks only wearing this mini shorts. I have to admit that I sniffed some poppers before I got out of the car. On my way some guys and girls passed me and turned their heads. I was so horny that I did not care what the people thought of me. It actually turned me on even more walking the streets like the true slut I am. I arrived at the apartment building and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later I heard a buzzer and opened the door. I climbed up the stairs with my dick dangling from the right leg of my mini shorts. But I was so horny that I didn't care even if someone saw me like this. I stood in front of a door that was ajar. I knocked at the door and then started stroking my dick. I heard a voice saying come in! With my left hand I pushed the door open but kept stroking my cock with my right hand. I saw a tall somewhat muscular guy with trimmed chest hair standing in the hallway naked with a fully erect fuck tool. I walked into the apartment still stroking my dick. He looked at me and said, "Perfect! A real slut!" I just grinned and couldn't wait to feel his throbbing member in my mouth. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall. Facing the wall, I heard that he picked up something that made a metal clinging noise. He grabbed my left wrist, pulled it behind my back and put a handcuff on, then he did the same with my right hand. I was in sub heaven! He ordered me to turn around and get on my knees. His drooling dick was right in front of my face. He made me sniff poppers and told me to spread my legs. I was dizzy and my throbbing cock was sticking out of the leg of my shorts spilling pre cum on my flexed thigh. I started sucking his dick and enjoyed the wonderful taste of his pre cum. He grunted and said in a deep voice that he would give me his cum if I was a good cock sucker. So, I sucked him eagerly for maybe 10 minutes with my hands tied behind my back. He moaned and grunted. He called me a cock sucking whore. A sleazy cum dump boy and that he would give me his DNA. I could only moan, and I heard him sniffing poppers. He grabbed my head with both hands and pressed it against the wall behind me. With no warning he shoved his rock-hard dick merciless all the way into my throat. I caught and struggled to breath, but he didn't care. He fucked my throat and his balls full of cum slapped against my chin. The guy nailed my head with his dick against the wall. He kept his dick all the way down my throat, and I could only breath thru my nose. I had tears in my eyes, and I was drooling saliva and fuck-juices that ran down my naked chest. He opened the poppers again and held it under my left nostril while pressing the right one closed with his finger. He switched sides and kept me inhaling poppers for almost a minute. I was delirious and lost all will to resist him fucking my throat like a pussy. He said that he got me where he wanted me, and he continued to aggressively pump his fuck tool in and out of my throat. I felt the head of his cock giving my throat a rough massage and I imagined how my throat bulged each time he slammed it inside me. He let go of my head and put his hands against the wall. Here it comes you little bitch whore I heard him grunting. He pressed his hips firmly against my head and I felt his dick throbbing and pulsing in my throat as he sprayed his hot cum into my body. Yeah! That's a good boy! Take it all! He grunted. His dick was so deep in my throat that his fuck-juice was flowing directly into my stomach. I gagged and luckily, I could taste some of his hot seed in my mouth. His hard shaft kept pulsing as he drained is balls completely. He started pulling his dick slowly out of my mouth and more and more of that cum-saliva mix was running down my chin dripping on my naked chest. The sight of his glistering cock dangling in front of my face took me over the edge. I shot my load all over my left thigh. Good boy! You sure know how to give head! The guy said. He told me to get up and took off the handcuffs. Without further ado he opened the door and pushed me out into the staircase. So, I was standing there almost naked just wearing a flimsy short shorts with my dick still sticking out. And I would have to walk back to my car like this. I took a deep breath and tried to put my slowly softening dick back into the shorts. As I walked down the stairs, I could feel my warm cum running down my leg. The sun was still shining when I walked back to my car. This time the streets were empty, and I did not encounter anybody. I unlocked the car and got in. I looked at my cum covered leg and when I looked in the mirror, I saw my bare chest still completely covered in that fuck-juice mix and I was actually a little disappointed that nobody saw me in that fucked-up and sleazy state I was in.
    3 points
  18. I appreciate you bro. I ran into something like this last time I was at the bathhouse. I walked up to a dude and asked if he wanted to fuck. He said no and I kept moving. I figured I wasn’t what he was looking for. About 30 sec later he gets up and is like fuck I’ll breed you. Was one of the best fucks I had that night. He seemed real into it and thanked me for my hole after. Not sure why he initially said no. I probably wasn’t his usual type but we both ended up having a good time.
    3 points
  19. One on one, I won't hook up with guys who insist on using a condom. First, if he's fucking the condom he's not fucking me, the condom is fucking me and that doesn't work for me. Second, If they use a condom they aren't a breeder and they aren't for me. In a bathhouse where I'm ass up and taking anyone who needs a compliant ass to fuck, I still make my preference for bare cock known. At my last bathhouse visit, I was ass up on the edge of the bed in my room taking dick and seed for 8 hours and lost count at 16 men having fucked me. One young athletic guy with long dark hair tied up in a top-knot came in and was waiting in line stroking his promising looking dick and watching the guy currently pounding into my ass. When that guy came inside me, Mr Top-knot put a condom on his long dick and, knowing that I was acting as a public utility for horny men, I swallowed my instinctive refusal and presented my ass willingly. He was an awesome fucker and he long-dicked me with his hands on my hips controlling me the whole time and made me moan so well he drew a crowd to my door. It was so intense, I felt that strong pull in my gut to have his seed inside me and I caught his eyes in the mirror and said that I wished he was bare in me. I could tell he had no intention of taking off the condom, but telling him seemed to make him harder and fuck my ass more aggressively than before. The way he was fucking, I could tell he wanted to cum inside me. The shorter Asian man standing in line behind him couldn't stop watching. After another few minutes of progressively harder fucking he pulled back on my hips hard jamming his cock in as deep as it could go and I felt him throbbing his cum into the condom, but not into me. I felt that unpleasant pang of pleasing a man enough for him to cum, but not getting his seed inside me. When he finished and pulled out, I watched him as he carefully removed the condom. I asked him politely if I could have it, and he nodded, gave it to me and left. I turned to the Asian man who was next, handed him the condom and said "Use this as lube" and assumed the position again. I got his cum inside me, even if it was someone else who fucked it in. Some guys insist on condoms, but I decline hooking up with them one on one. In group or other public sex environments where I'll be bred by many men I'm still clear about wanting them to breed, but know I'm there to take care of every man who needs to fuck, even with a condom.
    3 points
  20. A slut is a sex-positive playful man of any age!
    3 points
  21. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    2 points
  22. Well...I always thought that my need of cheating BB with strangers is purely consequence of being in relationship with vanilla guy and having no time for adventures or even no alone time. I kind of thought that my bb anon adventures are just kind of escape of those no-alone-time years with my bf. It turned out that I was mistaken. I AM JUST A SLUT! PART ONE After almost 20 yrs together and kind of stucking on place in recent years, my BF decided to take on a limited-time job offer on another continent, which is supposed to last up to a year. When he left, I was in a sort of hermit mood for almost 2 months. This ensured me that my bb adventures were just a form of escape from my bf in times where he was around me ALL THE F*CKING TIME. I was not in mood for sex entire 2 months, I even did not wank as often as I normally do. All I was doing was just enjoying my free time with simple pleasures like reading, meditating, creating something artsy and such. I even ended up thinking that maybe my anon bb adventures are all gone forever... And then it came. One day I was travelling from work by packed public transport. I just jumped in to very crowded wagon and found my 10 square centimeters to stand on in such crowd. I was not paying attention to what specific persons are standing around me and just kept on hanging to the ceiling handle in order to not to fall into crowd while we go some curve or so...as such crowd would stomp me to death 😄 After few minutes of the ride, I suddenly turned left and there, immediately next to me , what this tall sexy guy who I chatted with on Grindr some time ago. Back then he was in relationship with someone and not a cheater, so we just had some friendly recurring chat over like year or so. Only very recently when we were checking up on each other on Grindr he mentioned that he is not in relationship anymore, but still I found him too vanilla to ever be interested in a slutty guy like me, so we just kept on having friendly chat from time to time and never met. Now he was standing right next to me, reading in his phone. If there wasn't such crowd, maybe I would gather the courage to speak to him, but I just got scared upon seeing him. He looked so much better than on pics. I was one stop ahead of my stop, and out of nervosity I had to jump off and walk the rest of the way home. When I came home, I checked on Grindr and did not see his profile active anywhere around. I forgot about it and kept on with my daily routine. When night came, I started to feel little horny after those 2 months of hermit life. Around 9PM or so, I checked on Grindr again and there he was - his profile showed him less than 500 meters away. For a moment, I become hesitant and little frightened again upon hovering my finger above Message icon. For a brief moment I had courage to message him, but in less than a second this little fright came in. I was just staring at his profile, with my finger still hovering above the Message icon, with kind of blank thoughts. Did not know what to do. Suddenly my phone vibrated and new message appeared on Grindr. I went to check it and - the message was from this guy. From our online conversations I knew him as a mild guy coming from very religious family, who only came out couple years ago and his BF was hist first guy. Bear in mind that we're both 38 and live in generally tolerating country. Suddenly, this conservative guy started sending me really naughty messages which would implicate sex encounter even If you read them backwards...they were very hot and naughty. I had no other chance than to invite him to my place and he immediately agreed to come in 30 mins. I ran to the shower. While I was douching myself, I again had little second thoughts...what slightly bothered me was that he is really conservative kind of guy, more into sex within relationship than wild raunchy sex or random hookups. So I was at first thinking that maybe the sex will not be wild enough for me...but suddenly, one tought pierced my mind...as a conservative religious guy, there is some possibility that condoms are against his religion. But I did not really think about it more, my mind just switched to another things. Some time later, just about I did a final touch - applied some nice parfum - I received a text that he's here. I let him in. Immediately I felt attracted to him...it was different than earlier in the public transport. He was hot there as well, but now there was a sort of daze in his eyes...it got me hooked in no time. Just about upon entering my apartment, we started kissing. It didn't last long for both of us to be naked and that was when another shock came. All the time within our online comms, we didn't ever really touch the intimate topics, and never shared our dick sizes. The moments has come for a really nice surprise. He had a nice think cut dick around 22 cm. I just let him sit on the sofa and kneeled to attend to his beautiful cock. I played with his cockhead. I spent lots of time sucking on his balls. I deepthroated him as much as possible and really was enjoying his huge dick. While I was there, he leaned forward to start playing with my pussy. That caused his dick to slide deep into my throat. I had it all the way and I loved it...not to mention being more aroused by having my pussy teased. The sucking lasted for around 15 minutes before my knees started hurting little bit, which forced me to stand up for a moment. I did not really expect what happened next. Just when I stood up, the guy took my hand and pulled me to his arms. I had no idea how he managed to pull me down and turn me around in just one swift move, really a mystery. I just know that one moment I was stading and three seconds later his bare huge dick was already halfway in my pussy. My random thought of religious people not using condoms what right in his case 😄 No more than two other seconds later, I already felt his balls. He was in all the way and the ride was just starting. At that point I was wondering how could I consider this guy such mild. He literally raped me there. He had no mercy. He was a tough fucker just as I love. In following 10 minutes I felt heavenly having my pussy plowed by this huge meat. Unfortunately, he was so horny that he could not last longer. After these 10 minutes of incredible ride, I suddenly felt his ultra-hard cock getting even little harder and started to feel his body shaking. After one heavy grunt, I felt huge streaks of cum inside me and my insides were quickly becoming warm and wet. He stayed in me couple more minutes while we hugged and kissed each other, and then slowly pulled out. A huge stream of cum shot of my ass at that point. His load must have been massive. There was huge puddle of cum under me. I felt great about it. He took a shower and abruptly left, though. I guess he just let himself relax and go for what he craves for, but as a still kind of newbie, he got overwhelmed by the experience and had to escape to let it settle in his mind. Anyway, I enjoyed it and spent the next hour or so fingering my wet ass and riding my dildo...licking all the cum which is on it when I pull the dildo out. When I woke up the next day, I was feeling good. I did not feel the slightest guilt or so about the experience this this guy, but on the other hand, I felt like I am back in my reclusive mood and will go on with it. I considered this to be just one-off bb hook-up. It was a weekend day and the time was not pushing me to do anything important, so I just chilled, spent some times excercising outdoors and had some good meal during the day. At around 8PM that day, I still believed that I will maybe watch some show or movie, or maybe read some (non-porn) stuff on the internet and then will go to bed early. Gosh how I was wrong...how very, very wrong I was. TO BE CONTINUED.
    2 points
  23. Last Thursday its been unbelievably hot for the last week , so hot that I cancelled all not emergency work (I'm a locksmith) With a clear day I went to one of the few remaining crusing grounds about 3/4 hour from where I live - Ive been going there for years and it seldom disappoints. Its by a major arterial road which is busy 24/7 , you never know who your going to meet , businessmen , van / lorry drivers , workmen , they all stop by. I arrived at lunch , as it was very hot in addition to the above list you get a few sunbathers and trolly dollies as their are 2 airports close by. I tend to follow a route , bushes close to the car park first (most gays like me are lazy and go nearest to the carpark) - no real action - a couple of guys wanking - but I'm here to fuck. I was pleased to see as usual lots of lube sachets and virtually no signs of condoms or wrappers - a sure sign of BB activity. I did a couple of loops around the long grass and some guys showing ass , but no contact. Back to the bushes , and bingo. I arrived to see a group of guys clustered , a hot bottom leaning against a tree with his fit late 20's ass sticking out all pert beautifully cased by a pink and black thong just below his cheeks (not a girly one but quite a masculine one) ,and a tight grey top and very dark sunglasses. There was a huge tall Jamaican guy with a softening massive cock getting dressed (he has been ball naked) and a guy rubbing his cock against the bottoms cheeks , but not penetrating him. The bottom was looking decidedly bored , the guy rubbing him self against him soon nutted against his cheeks and stumbled off a fast pace pulling up his shorts as he went. As usual there were lots to guys stood around watching and wanking , however nature (and this bottom ) hates a vacuums so I moved in ,stood behind him and swiftly and in 1 stroke was in him up to my nuts. He was as loose and wet as fuck (I'm guessing I had the jamaican and a couple of others to thank for that) Some fucks take a while , however as he was so wet and loose I just hammered him. Pushing him on to the tree and hands pulling his hips back on to me to get the maximum penetration. I hadn't cum for a few days so put several spurts deep in him, as I pulled out my cook was fully coated he was that full. I left the meat for another tops pleasure.
    2 points
  24. As an addendum: I went to the PIG party immediately after and more of less repeated the whole thing again, minus the hood! Reckon by the end of the night my fuck tally was well into 3 digits, which for this slut is a record in any one 24 hour period… Folsom Berlin is just great!
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
    2 points
  27. Part 5 I broke the kiss and grabbed his shirt, undoing the buttons. Overcome by his lust, he stood up and started to undo his pants, kicking his shoes off. It took little time for his clothing to join my pants on the floor, his naked body exposed to me. I felt a shift in my mind, a presence that filled me with a surge of orgasmic power. Somehow, I knew Hunter was with me, seeing Mr. Fey through my eyes, examining the prey I had caught. My cock ached as it tried to spring free, blood pumping out of anticipation, and I knew Hunter was pleased. Mr. Fey took care of himself. He was muscular, clearly working out when he could, but I could tell his regime was far from what it had been when he had played football in college. With the muscle there was also a thin layer of fat, creating a strong body. A thin layer of hair covered his chest, though it was far less than my own. His married cock was fully hard, wishing to be impressive, but it looked pathetic compared to my own and the cock which had blessed me. “Impressive,” I lied, kneeling down and gripping his balls. I moved them in my palm, knowing what was about to happen to them. “Does your wife blow you?” “No,” he moaned, looking down at me with anticipation. “Not anymore.” “Too bad,” I said. “Could she ever do this?” I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock down in one go. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, grabbing my shoulder to balance himself, my tongue running along the underside. Twice that night I had been forced to taste the cock of this inferior man, but I knew it would all be worth it once he was claimed. I pulled myself off him, leaving his cock slicked up with my spit. I pulled off my jockstrap, allowing my own cock to break free. Mr. Fey looked down, his eyes wide as he took me in. “Fuck,” he said, falling to his knees, his eyes still glued to my cock. “You’re huge.” “Guess I’m just lucky,” I said. I grabbed the base and squeezed, a drop of my poz pre-cum leaking out and hanging from the head. “Wanna taste?” “Uhm,” he said, our eyes meeting again, the lust for me still present, though still mixed with his fear. “I’ve never… I’ve never sucked a cock before.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, my hand moving to his face again, at first caressing his cheek before moving to the back of his head to guide him closer. “Just try it once. Just try to even take the tip.” That’s all it’ll take. He opened his mouth, his tongue moving out, reaching for the drop of toxic pre-cum that would start his journey into depravity. I felt a warmth envelop my cockhead as Mr. Fey suckled at the tip, tasting the very pre-cum he would soon be producing in his balls. As if a switch went off in his head, he moved forward, taking more of my cock into his mouth. “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing perfectly well that the taste of the pre-cum was ensnaring him, acting like a drug, making him an addict instantly. Though he’d never sucked a cock before, his brain was rewiring itself, his ability to suck a cock of any size now second nature. Scratch that, first nature. I looked down at Mr. Fey who worked my cock, his mouth skilled in extracting more of Hunter’s pre-gift. His eyes looked up at me, and I could see the fear diminishing, dying away as we started to take over his body. “Since I already got you off,” I told him, relishing the pleasure he was bringing me, “it seems only fair that it’s my turn. Don’t you think?” My cock slipped from his mouth as he said, “Yes. Whatever you want.” His mouth reached for my cock again, but I stopped him, tilting his chin up. “I blew you,” I told him, my bare foot tapping the head of the cock I had sucked off not even an hour ago. “But I think it would be better if I was to fuck you instead.” “Fu… fuck me?” Mr. Fey managed, some of the fear returning to his eyes. “I… I haven’t been—” “You haven’t been fucked,” I finished, already knowing this about the closeted man. “But you want to get fucked, don’t you?” He nodded. “Then why not now?” I asked. “Why not get fucked the very same night you sucked your first cock?” I watched as he thought this over, his mind working out what to do. “You’ve already come so far,” I said. “Why not go just a bit farther?” The potency of the pre-cum was already working its way through his body, breaking down his defenses. What this man would normally have refused to do in the past, like be fucked by a student and cheat on his wife, would become a desire he couldn’t refuse. “You don’t have to worry,” I told him, turning on the compassion, helping him believe that I was someone who truly cared. “I won’t ever tell your wife or anyone. It’ll be our little secret. No strings attached. I’ll be gentle, and if you don’t like it, we can stop. You can even fuck me instead. What do you say?” He stared up at me, the fear in his eyes growing stronger for a moment before fading to the background again, replaced now by the same lust which had brought him here, closer to breaking free. “Alright,” he said. “Fuck me.” “With pleasure.” I pulled him to his feet, kissed him again, charging his lust for me, for what he knew was dangerous and wrong, and pushed him back onto the bed, noticing my reflection in the mirror hanging over the bed. I smiled, seeing myself for the first time for what I was: a predator. I pulled off my shirt, revealing my strong, hairy chest, knowing that my tattoo was out of sight, keeping Mr. Fey unaware. I started to flex, showing him my muscles, proving he wasn’t the only strong man in the room. “Fuck me,” he said, his hands reaching out to my chest, his fingers running through the hair and feeling strength beneath. His fingers found my nipples and squeezed them, extracting a moan from me. “You like what you see?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, a genuine smile filling his face. “I’m not the same kid you used to teach, am I?” I said, climbing onto the bed and grabbing his legs, running my hands along his warm skin, pulling them up and over my shoulders. “Most definitely not,” he said, smiling. “You’re a fucking gorgeous man.” “So are you,” I lied again. Lifting his legs up, I grasped his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing the hole about to be claimed. I lunged forward and started to eat his hole, opening him up to what would surely bring about considerable pain and pleasure. “What are… what are you…” Mr. Fey tried to speak, but his breath was heavy, pleasure filling his body as my tongue entered him, tasting his virgin hole. “I’ve got to get you ready for me,” I told him, spitting into my hand and rubbing it over this hole. I slid one of my fingers into my mouth, wetting it, and slowly inserted it into his ass. “Fuck,” he choked, grabbing his legs and pulling them back, welcoming me into his body. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I lied, massaging his hole, opening him up to what would transform his body into a servant to my Master. “I’ve got to get you opened up for my cock.” Mr. Fey looked down through his legs, spotting my hard cock. His eyes grew wide, as if he hadn’t just had the same cock inside his mouth, dumping toxic pre-cum into his body, already starting to rewire his brain. “Will it fit?” “Only if I open you up first. That’s why I’m getting your hole ready,” I said, a second and a third finger already inside his body. The pre-cum was doing its work, changing his body to accept his fate. His mind didn’t know, but his body was already accepting its new allegiance, knowing Mr. Fey was no longer in command. I played with his hole as I played with his mind, bringing the trapped perverted monster inside him closer to the surface. “Please,” he moaned, his hole squeezing my four fingers, “just fuck me. Fuck my virgin hole.” “You’ve got it,” I said.
    2 points
  28. Anon is pretty much the only way that I take loads. I am blindfolded either at someone's place or in a hotel/motel room. Darkroom sex is my favorite.
    2 points
  29. sorry if I don't react/reply to public posts these days, on Internet I'm mostly in reader mode lately. I'll do my best to get back on track soon.
    2 points
  30. No condoms and that's simple. The couple of times I was fucked with the top wearing a condom it was the worst sex ever. The first time the feeling and sensation wasn't there for me. It was just rubber being shoved up my ass. The 2nd time I don't know what the guy was doing but it was starting to hurt even though he was putting lube on the condom, my guess he was he brought cheap lube with him. In the end I told him you want to keep fucking me take that condom off. He didn't want to do that, so he came and sat in front of me while I lay on my stomach, he spread his legs and I sucked him off. While I was sucking him off my next top arrived he stripped spat on my hole and pushed his cock inside me. I moaned in pleasure with the 2nd tops cock in my mouth, the 2nd top asked the guy who was fucking me "you not using a condom" and he replied "fuck no". After the 2nd top blew his load down my throat he got dressed and as he was leaving the guy fucking blew balls deep inside me. I asked the 3rd top to stay and fuck another load in to me as I was unsatisfied with the 2nd and he happily did so.
    2 points
  31. And here in west Michigan, I still am, occasionally, at both the bookstore and bathhouse. Always by men who are my age or older, who just don't know any other way and have no idea there are better options now.
    2 points
  32. Part 30 We both lay there panting, covered in sweat. I could feel Jeremy's hardness buried deep inside me where he'd rammed it before breeding me. I squeezed my ass muscles around my son's thickness, eliciting a soft, sensuous moan from between his parted lips. Running my hands across his sweaty torso I played with his pointed nips and felt him squirm beneath me and flex his raw meat in my sloppy hole. He might not have had the finesse and experience in fucking but this was by far the hottest fuck of all the ones I'd had today. Because it was my own son's cock that had fucked me and bred me. My body and brain were shuddering in dirty dark delight as I relished what had just happened. Then I heard Jeremy's voice, a soft but urgent whisper. “Dad, you gotta get off my dick now. Please. I feel like I'm about to piss like a fucking horse!” My eyes lit up hearing that and I knew exactly what he was feeling – and I knew exactly what I wanted from him at that moment. I looked at Drew who recognized the look on my face and he chuckled. “Piss in your dad's ass, Jer,” he told my son. “Trust me, he wants it. He loves chem piss in his ass!” “For fucking real?!!” he exclaimed. In answer I clenched my hole around his cock again, hoping he'd understand my silent response. Apparently he did. “So fucking nasty!” he groaned, then, “here it comes dad. Pissing in your hot cum-filled hole! Ah yeahhhhh!! Fuuuuccckkkkk!!!” I instantly felt the warmth of his urine entering my ass, mixing with all the cum and piss already there. I was about to scream in per*erse pleasure when suddenly Ryan was shoving his thick cock in my mouth stifling my groans so all Jeremy could hear was my muffled moans. “Fill him up, Jer,” I heard Drew encouraging him. “Mix your piss with your cum and make your dad even higher and hornier before he fucks you!” As Jeremy continued emptying his bladder in my ass, without warning I felt Ryan's cock jerk in my mouth once then felt the heat of his piss filling my mouth, covering my tongue then sliding down my throat! Though I'd had piss shot in my ass earlier at the park I hadn't had any in my mouth. But rather than feeling any disgust at all I began gulping down his warm tangy chem-filled piss like it was something I did all the time. Ryan pulled his dick from between my lips giving me a twis*ed grin as I became aware that Jeremy had finished peeing in my fuck hole. “So, so fucking hot, Dad!” he whispered. I had to agree. Placing my hands on Jeremy's shoulders I slowly raised myself off of his beautiful dick. It was still hard and covered in cum, piss and ass juices. Throwing a devilish grin at the three studs surrounding the bed I lowered my head and took Jeremy's cock deep inside my mouth. He bucked upward, shoving his shaft even deeper into my throat. “Oh fuck yeah dad!! Oh gawwwdddd!! Yeah, dad! Clean my dick for me. Get everything you can off of it! Oh fuck yesssss!!!” I slurped noisily and greedily on my boy's wet tool until I was satisfied I hadn't missed a drop of anything. Once again I heard Drew's voice, taking charge and ready to move things to the next stage. “Fucking your dad's ass was great wasn't it guy?” he asked my son while he once again made eye contact with me. “It was fucking incredible!” Jeremy answered hotly. “So,” Drew continued, “are you ready for your dad to fuck you now and give you his cum? The cum that made you?” I was biting my hand to keep quiet as Drew's nasty words made all of us in the room moan. “Oh yes!” Jeremy cried out loudly. “Please, dad. Please fuck me and cum in me! Please!!!” Giving me a dark lust-filled look Drew ran a hand across Jeremy's naked flesh. “That's what he wanted to hear. So let's do it.” He paused, then stroking Jeremy's cock told him to stay where he was, laying on his back, telling him his dad was going to get between his legs and fuck him in that position. Motioning me forward on the bed I nudged Jeremy's legs open wider and positioned myself, letting the slick head of my bare cock gently touch my son's twitching wet twice-fucked hole, causing my whole body to shudder. I knew I was not going to fuck him long before cumming in him. I was just too excited to last more than a few strokes. Then Ryan was speaking, talking to Jeremy. “That's your dad's cockhead on your asslips, bro. Can you feel it?” In a trembling voice filled with need Jeremy answered and said, “Oh hell yeah! It feels good. Can't wait to have it pushing inside me!” Looking at me and licking his lips Ryan told Jeremy, “Yeah, bro. You're gonna love it. He fucked me earlier today and shot a huge fucking load in me! He's gonna give you a big one too”. Moaning, Jeremy squirmed beneath me trying to get me to penetrate him. I was more than ready, but I knew I would wait for Drew to tell me when. I looked up at him and silently mouthed “Please!”. “In just a minute, Jer” he said softly while nodding at Kevin. “First though, how about we give you and your dad both a slam then have him fuck you?” I looked at Drew wide-eyed. I hadn't expected this but if it meant getting inside my boy's ass then I was willing. (to be continued)
    2 points
  33. It feels good to be a slut
    2 points
  34. While getting fucked from behind by a faceless cock in touche, in my ear he asked "you want this dirty load?" I only pushed back faster as a response.
    2 points
  35. I think it probably depends on who’s doing the labelling and/or the situation. As far as I’m concerned people can self identify as anything they want for whatever reason they see fit. On the other hand if someone is using it as a derogatory term it more often than not means they’re envious of your sex life which actually makes them look a bit sad and you a hot fuck! Of course another use would be sex talk but that’s just a bit of fun
    2 points
  36. It’s a mindset, open to interpretation. For some just thinking of sex is sluttish behavior which will lead to one rutting like animals. Or the aforementioned having multiple partners.
    2 points
  37. Great question. I think it's subjective based on the individual. I've heard people claim that more than two lovers in a year makes someone a slut, which is ridiculous and prudish in my opinion. I've also heard people say they're in a drought because they only got fucked by 4 different guys in a week. To me, it boils down to mindset. If someone considers themselves slutty because they sleep with one guy a week, or a different guy every month, who am I to tell them otherwise? If someone calls themselves chaste because they only take unlimited loads in their ass for 5 hours a day and not a minute more, who am I to tell them they're wrong? Different strokes for different folks.
    2 points
  38. This is mine. A lot of people like it and my boyfriend loves it
    2 points
  39. So on Thanksgiving I had said goodbye to my son Kyle and his boyfriend Mario. Mario had whispered into my ear that’s a load he dropped in my ass first thing this morning could be toxic. The plan was for them to come back at Christmas break and that time hopefully Kyle woul be knocked up and then the two of them could make sure that I got the Christmas gift I wanted. I went back inside and stretched out on my bed again. Just remembering Mario fucking ass and driving a huge load up into me was enough to make me get hard again. I could see Mario in my mind. His smooth perfect skin, his beautiful nickel sized nips, and the biohazard tat on his pec. That gorgeous cock with its dark brown hood made my mouth water all over again. Shorts off I reached down and fingered my wet hole. Was slick with Mario’s seed. I put two fingers up in myself and started rubbing his cum into my ass walls. I moaned as my hole stretched out to accommodate another finger. I just kept working that, sloppy whore with three fingers. Then I slipped in another. I was jamming in my four fingers hard and deep. My cock was getting harder by the second I’m dripping pre-come. I could just imagineMario’s cock still in me. Slipping out almost all the way and slamming back up into me. I could feel his hands on my hips and his lips sucking the sides of my neck. Without even thinking about it I shove my hand even deeper into my hole. No matter how deep my hand went I still felt Mario’s, inside of me. I moaned out loud and brought my legs up. As soon as my legs were up my whole hand slipped up into my ass. In my mind Mario was coming into meAgain and again and again. Pulse after pulse of toxic seed firing into my unprotected hole. I twisted my hand inside my ass and said out loud,” fuck you give me aids. Fucking give me aids. Fill me with that toxic dna. I fucking want aids babies turning my body into its host.” my cock started spasming and come shot out of it hitting me in the face and covering my chest with his sweet stickiness. And moaned and arched my back and as I did so my hand slipped out of my ass. I instinctively dragged that hand through all the cum on my chest and began to lick it off. The taste of my own semen was perfect. I slowly came down off the orgasm. I was getting drowsy and continued to suck and lick on my cummy fingers. I fell asleep again with my fingers in my mouth and then dreamed of fucking my son Kyle again. And in my dreams my younger son watched us stroking his own cock. In my dream my younger son said, “I want to be next dad. Please let me be next. I’ll do anything if you and Kyle will fuck me and make me part of your is aids family.” My younger son started coming just as I was coming into Kyle again. Kyle was cumming in the dream. All three of us, me and my two sons, we’re filling my dream time with a river of semen. I was startled out of the dream by my phone ringing.
    2 points
  40. So many hot things I’ve heard over the years. In a pitch black dark room by some random guy fucking me from behind: “I can feel there’s cum in your ass already. You want this load too don’t you? Yeah, cum always needs to be shot in an ass…” At a sauna by a super hot muscular guy as he saw me: “HE’S MINE!”, and then he pushed his two friends away clearly marking that he was going to use me. In a booth in a sex club with a really weird guy. He fucked me with a condom and came in just a few seconds. Pulled out, took it off, still hard put on another condom and fucked me again, coming in just a few seconds. Pulled out again, said he wanted to fuck me more but had no more condoms, I just pushed myself onto his bare cock and started fucking myself onto him. He came in me after like 10 seconds, and started crying, but kept fucking and came four more times, crying all the time. I was trying really hard not to burst out laughing 😂 In a booth at a sauna, while sucking him hard to get him to fuck me: “I see a condom in the trash. Use the cum in it to lube yourself up for me…”, of course I did! And a bit darker, chatted with a guy in Berlin, said he wanted to fuck me in a nearby park. Never talked about barebacking or statuses, although my profile said “Neg”. This was long before prep. We met, and he was balls deep in me bareback within 30 seconds. Really intense guy, fucking me hard and quick, and I was just trying to hold on to a tree to not fall over. He pushed me up against the tree and said: “You stupid fucking f*ggot, you should be more careful… I’m pumping you full of poz cum, enjoy your conversion…”. I couldn’t get away, and when he was done he pushed me over into the dirt and ran off… I was of course hard as hell. I didn’t convert.
    2 points
  41. You can tell me all about it in private when you're riding my cock, son.
    2 points
  42. Since you said dick here's mine.
    2 points
  43. I left the porno store. Four more loads up my ass. 3 down my throat. I would have taken more but the the store had to close at midnight. So I was on my way home my ass leaking come from stranger's cocks. All evening I was so focused on giving my body over to other men. Just giving up my body to anyone without discrimination. As I was driving home I took stock of where I was in my life. Ever since that kid had dropped his poz nut in my ass 3 years ago, I have been moving towards getting myself knocked up with HIV. Everything had just kind of falling into place. my wife, who had been sick for several years, had begun to deteriorate about a year ago. She was now in hospice full-time. My younger son had moved in with his grandparents. This was good for him. He had a hard time being in the house with his mother so sick. That left me and my older son, Sean, who was getting ready for college, in the house alone. Sean was 18 and the school athlete. He was a little short. 5‘7“, toned, smooth, and had a nice fat 7 inch cock. I have seen him naked many times through the years. Sometimes at home and sometimes at the gym. Even at church camp. I always admired his beauty. He had the nicest bubble but I had ever seen. I even found myself at times getting aroused looking at him we’re thinking about his body. Because of my wife's illness I was on sabbatical from the church. I didn't even have to check in. I just stayed away. That's why I had so much time to fuck around at the park and in the porno store. I took loans at the corner store at least four days a week. Tonight I have thrown away my prep. In another month I'd be susceptible to the virus. The thought of being converted kept my cock hard all the way home. Every cock that went in my ass that night I imagined was swimming with the virus. I pulled into the garage. My son's car was already parked there. It wasn't that late, just before 1 at night. He was sometimes out with his friends till 2 or 3 in the morning. I made my way in the house still dressed in the clothes I had picked up from the bushes at the park. I thought for a brief moment about the kid who had left his clothes outside the bathroom. Thought about him getting railed by that old poz breeder. It must have been a really hot scene. I pictured the kid on his knees sucking that fat cock with the spiked ball hanging off the end of it. I imagined him savoring the viral pre-come dripping from that cock. I knew the breeder would piss on him it’s been around and rough fuck his little boy hole. Fill the kid with his toxic gift. I boned up thinking about it. I realized in all my playing around at night I have never calm. I was still horny as fuck. I needed more Hass and cock and sperm. I made my way into the house and down the back hallway. I passed my son's room. His door was partially opened. I stopped and looked in. He was lying on his stomach on the bed apparently asleep. He had a beautiful body. The light from outside gave enough light to the room for me to see the outline of his naked form. His beautiful bubble but glistening in the moonlight. My hard cock throbs looking at him. I craved his ass. I wanted to plunge my cock into that ass that I had made and fill it with my seed. I wanted to fuck my own son. I wanted to creep in to the room. Wanted to lay my body over his. Even if I had to force him, I wanted to breed him deep and raw. But I was ready for that I didn’t think. But I knew what I would be thinking about as I jerked off in the shower. I started to walk away from his room when I noticed a pile of clothes at the end of his bed. It was time to do laundry so I step quietly into the room and reached down and picked up the pile of clothes.As I picked up the clothes from the floor it hit me. These were my clothes. These were my clothes that I threw into the bushes at the park just a few hours ago. The kid in the restroom getting railed by the gifter with the big spiked to PA was my son. Was my 18-year-old son. And I stood there realizing I was wearing his clothes. My ass full of strangers’ cum. My cock rock hard and dripping from thinking about fucking my son. I heard a rustling on the bed and my son flipped over. Still half asleep he stretched, his cock standing straight out from his body. Something came over me, possessed me. And I tossed the clothes I was holding into his face as he was waking up, “ Recognize these clothes? Recognize these clothes that you wore home?“ I sneered and stepped up next to the bed. “ Do you recognize these clothes I’m wearing? The clothes you threw in the bushes on your way into that shit hole toilet to get railed by a evil pervert with AIDS?“ Sean’s eyes grew big. Fear rose in his face. The stink of it rose from his body. He was awake now, wide awake. “ Looks like my oldest son is a bugchasing faggot“ I said, grabbing a single ankle, jerking him to the edge of the bed and rolling up on top of him so that he was pinned underneath me. I was not in control anymore of my lust.
    2 points
  44. I lost count of the loads I took in the next couple of hours. Poppered up and hazy, I seem to adapt into this new existence as a raw pig. Although the crowd were thinning out, I called out to see if anyone was around, as I was still strapped into the sling. We’ve all had our fun, I thought, as I debated phoning in sick the next morning, or how many hours time it would be. Then I could make out movement from the corner of my eye as a shadow appeared at the door. “Oh hey, could you untie me please? Everyone seems to have fucked off home” Out of the shadows came the receptionist. All six foot of him, with a muscular swimmer’s build, but this time naked bar a clear yellow rubber jock with a black biohazard symbol on the front which contained what looked like a heavy ring at the end of his cock. “Yeah mate, I will do eventually. Once I’ve bred that hole first.” It seemed, well, a reasonable request for freedom at this point. I’m sure something inside of me had been unlocked this evening, and the sight of him had my cock stirring to attention. “It’s Dan, right? Glen and Steve told me you finally had a vacancy, and so I thought I’d have a go” Fuck, he did look beautiful. Standing there in that jock, talking to me like I was a piece of meat. I found myself wanting to taste that biohazard symbol with my tongue, slowly making out the shape of it, as if to write it into my mind. “uh, sure, well go ahead. I guess one last random fuck won’t do me any harm”. Compared to the harm that’s already been committed to me, I weighed up this screwed sense of new principles. “The name’s Mike incidentally and I don’t think you quite understand mate. Usually I’ll turn away most horny drunks that rock up to the sauna in need of a late night snack, but I let you in. I took a shine to you.” Suddenly I felt a little scared. As scared as anyone who was strapped into a sling in a sauna complex where they’d been bred by numerous strangers. “I only gift men who deserve it. Those with… potential.” Everything about this evening had gone from weird to completely fucked up. “Potential?” I asked, worried. “Oh yeah. I’ve been looking for a bugson for a while now, and having watched you adapt to being a raw whore has been very interesting. Seeing as you’re still there, boy, let this bugdaddy mark you as his.” My cock hardened further. What was I hearing? It sounded twisted, wrong and… horny as fuck. “I see you like that boy, now tell bugdaddy to incubate you and claim you as his son” Oh, what the hell. “Please, bugdaddy. Claim this boy as yours. Please…”
    2 points
  45. AIDS pig off meds with high viral count. Into bareback toxic pig play with other perverted poz pigs
    1 point
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